Electrical Engineering PDF
Electrical Engineering PDF
Electrical Engineering PDF
B. Tech. Programme
Code Description
01-30 Theory Courses
31-40 Professional Elective – I
41-50 Professional Elective – II
51-70 Practical Courses
81-90 Open Elective
91-99 Project
UNIT 1: Network Analysis & Classifications- Steady-state analysis of AC circuits: Sinusoidal and phasor representation of
Voltage & current, single phase ac circuit behavior of R, L and C. Combination of R, L and C in series and parallel resonance.
Three Phase AC circuits: Line and phase voltage/current relationship for star & delta connections. 5(L)
UNIT 2: Network classification & Introduction to continuous time signals and systems: Unit Step, ramp and impulse signals,
Example of each signal, Differential Equation formulation of linear time invariant continuous system, Responses for unit step, ramp,
square pulse and impulse function. 6(L)
UNIT 3: Review of Laplace Transform- Initial value and Final Value Theorem, Properties and solution of differential equation
using LT, Time domain analysis of LTI network using Laplace transform, Waveform Synthesis, LT of Complex waveforms,
Concept of Transform Impedance, Voltage ratio, Transfer function, Relation between impulse response and system function. 5(L)
UNIT 4: Networks Theorems- Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorem, Maximum power transfer Theorem, Superposition, Telligen’s,
Milliman’s. 8(L)
UNIT 5: Concepts of Poles and Zeros- Relation between locations of Poles, time response and stability, frequency response and
bode plots, interrelation between frequency response and time response, convolution integral. 6(L)
UNIT 6: Two Port networks-Two port network parameters (z, y, T, T , h, g), Symmetrical & Reciprocal networks, Inter-
conversion of two port network parameters, Interconnection of two port networks, Ladder networks, T-M transformation, Image &
characteristic impedance. Network functions: Driving point and Transfer functions. 5(L)
UNIT 7: Positive Real function- Definition and properties and testing, Synthesis of LC, RL & RC circuits using Cauer and Foster
s first and second form. 5(L)
E.W.Golding & F.C.Widdis, “Electrical measurement & measuring instruments” A.H.Wheeler &Co.Pvt Ltd. India.
A.D.Helfrick & W.D.Cooper, “Electronic Instruments & Measurement Technique” Prentice Hall of India.
David A. Bell, “Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement” Prentice Hall of India.
M.B.Stout, “Basic Electrical measurement” Prentice Hall of India.
H.S.Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation” Tata McGrall Hill.
Experiment 11: Use MATLAB to draw the root locus for the unity feedback system with the following open loop transfer
Determine k for ξ=0.5using root locus. At this value of k, obtain the closed loop transfer function using function
‘feedback()’. Obtain the step response of closed loop system and verify the value of ξ using measurement of peak overshoot.
Also obtain the impulse and ramp response of the closed loop system.
Commands: rlocus, feedback, step, impulse, lsim.
Experiment 12: Represent the following system in the state space form using MATLAB ‘ss’ function.
a) Find out the time response for unit step input for initial condition of x1(0)=-1, x2(0)=2.
b) Test for controllability and observability.
c) Test the stability from eigenvalue of A-matrix.
Commands: ss, step, ctrb, obsrb, eig.
Experiment 1: Determination of positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a three phase transformer.
Experiment 2: Determination of ABCD parameters of a transmission line model.
Experiment 3: To calculate the voltage regulation of a transmission line.
Experiment 4: Calculate the string efficiency of a suspension type insulator with and without guard ring.
Experiment 5: To determine the dielectric strength of transformer oil.
Experiment 6: To study the flow of active and reactive power using an inter-connector.
Experiment 7: To study the effect of load power factor on power system stability.
Experiment 8: Determination of R, L and C parameters of a transmission line model and observing the Ferranti effect.
a) Find the Transfer function of the system
b) Check the controllability, Observablity and stability of the system.
Experiment 3: Consider the following MIMO transfer function matrix:
a) Discretize the system for T=0.5 sec. and represent the system in discrete-time state space form.
b) Design a state feedback controller which will place the close loop poles at -1/2±j/4, 1/2±j/4, 1/2 and -1/2.
Experiment 5: Consider the coupled mass system shown below under the influence of applied force u(t). The system has
equation of motion
If we assume the measurable outputs are the displacements d & y the state and output equations are:
a)Controllability and 0bservability properties of the given system.
b)Unit step, impulse & ramp response of the system.
c)Plot the response for the initial conditions given by - X0=[1 1 1 1]’.
d)Find the characteristic equation of the system and its roots.
e)Convert this system to the unity feedback system and find its response to unit step input also comment
on its stability.
f) For the above system find all the forms of the state space representation.
Experiment 7: Consider the linearised model of twin rotor MIMO system given:
a) Controllability and 0bservability properties of the given system.
b) Unit step, impulse & ramp response of the system.
c) Plot the response for the initial conditions given by - X0=[1 1 1 1]’.
d) Find the characteristic equation of the system and its roots.
e) Convert this system to the unity feedback system and find its response to unit step input also comment on its
f) For the above system find all the forms of the state space representation.
Experiment 8: Consider dynamics the following state-space representation of the linearized longitudinal aircraft
UNIT 1: Instrumentation Systems: Role of instrumentation; Elements of instrumentation system; Use of monitored
information; Classification of data acquisition systems; Standards of instrumentation; Calibration; Recent developments.4(L)
UNIT 2: Transducer Instrumentation: Sensors and transducers; Primary sensing elements; Electrical Transducers-
characteristics, classification, desirable properties. 3(L)
UNIT 3: Passive transducers: Resistive, inductive, capacitive, frequency generating or modulating type; opto-electronic
transducers; ultrasonic transducers; Hall-effect transducers- types, principle, modeling, analysis, industrial applications. 6(L)
UNIT 4: Active and digital transducers: Thermo-electric type, piezoelectric type, electromagnetic type; photo-
electric type; digital transducers- types, principle, modeling, analysis, industrial applications. Applications with
transducers for common industrial variables- temperature, pressure, flow, level, weight/ load/force, position, speed,
acceleration, vibration. 7(L)
UNIT 5: Electronic Instrumentation: Analog Signal Conditioning and signal conversion- Transducer bridges- for
resistive, reactive transducers; Amplifiers- instrumentation amplifiers, special purpose amplifiers; V/I and I/V signal
converters; Precision rectifiers and applications; Active filters- low-pass first, second order types, features and design;
Linearization of transducer characteristics for common transducers. 10(L)
UNIT 6: Data converters and digital signal conditioning- Sampling and Hold operations; Digital to analog
convertors (DACs)-R/2R , Binary weighted, BCD to analog types; Analog to digital convertors (ADCs)- classifications;
Capacitor charging type- VFC, PWM type, dual slope integrator types; Discrete voltage comparison type- counter ramp,
successive approx, flash types, Properties and specifications. 6(L)
UNIT 7: Telemetry and Networked Systems: Types of data telemetry systems- land line, wireless, analog and digital,
current, voltage, position, frequency telemetry; Network requirements; Communication interface- types of buses, IEEE 1451
standards; Data acquisition systems- configurations, comparative; Sensor networks and smart transducers. 4(L)
Text/ Reference Books:
Patranabis,D. – Principles of industrial instrumentation (TMH)
Seippel,R.G. – Transducers, sensors and detectors (Reston pub )
Rangan, Sarma, Mani – Instrumentation systems and devices (TMH)
Hoeschele - Analog-to-Digital and digital –to-analog converters ( MGH )
Shiengold- Transducer interfacing handbook ( Analog devices )
Roychaudhary,D. and S.Jain – Linear integrated circuits ( Wiley eastern )
UNIT 1: DC-DC converters & power supplies-Review of assumed knowledge and switching devices; Review of steady-
state characteristics of DC-DC converter circuits. SEPIC and Cuk converters; PSIM models. 4(L)
Analysis of non-ideal switches and circuit elements in DC-DC converters, efficiency calculation, voltage transfer
characteristics with continuous and discontinuous inductor current. PSIM models 4(L)
Representation of dynamics of buck, boost and forward converters; state-space averaging, PWM controller; control loop
design, voltage control, current mode control; Limiting of inrush current; Inductor and capacitor components. 4(L)
Isolated DC-DC Converters: Full-Bridge and Half-Bridge Isolated Buck Converters, Forward Converter, Push-Pull Isolated
Buck Converter, Flyback Converter, Boost-Derived Isolated Converters, Isolated Versions of the SEPIC and the Cuk
Converter 4(L)
UNIT 2: DC-AC Inverters-Review of assumed knowledge on DC-AC inverter circuits; advanced modulation techniques,
SVM; Compensation for dead time and device voltage drops. PSIM Models; Current source inverters, multi-level and Z-
source inverters. Rectifier/inverter with bi-directional power flow. 6(L)
UNIT 3: Resonant converters-Hard switched and Soft Switched Converter: Zero-current switched (ZCS) DC-DC
converter, Zero-voltage switched (ZVS) DC-DC converter, Load Resonant Converters, Series,Parallel and Hybrid Loaded
Converters, Series-resonant converter/inverter, Parallel-resonant converter/inverter, Series-parallel resonant converter,
Resonant DC-link inverter/converter. Resonant Switch Converter, DC-DC resonant link inverters, hybrid resonant link
inverters, Quasi resonant link converters, switched mode rectifiers, synchronous link converters 6(L)
UNIT 4: Modern Rectifiers-Power and Harmonics in Nonsinusoidal Systems, Pulse-Width Modulated Rectfiers, Modeling,
analysis, and control of low-harmonic rectifiers, Boost, flyback, and other topologies for controlling the input current
waveform of an ac-dc rectifier, Average-current, peak-current-mode, critical conduction mode, and nonlinear carrier control
techniques, Determination of rms currents, and comparison of performances of popular topologies, System considerations.
Modelling losses. Simulation. 6(L)
UNIT 5: Converter dynamics and control-Advanced control techniques, Small signal modeling, Advanced converter
transfer functions 2(L)
UNIT 6: Research studies, literature review and discussions in emerging power electronics topics such as-Solar Power
Conversion Systems, Wind Power Conversion, Battery Charging, Power Factor Correction, Multilevel converters and Matrix
converter. 4(L)
FACTS (EE-1845)
UNIT 1 FACTS controllers: Introduction to Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), challenges and needs, Power
Flow in AC transmission line, Power flow control, Description and definition of FACTS controllers 6(L)
UNIT 2 Power Electronic Controllers: Power Electronics Devices, ratings and control characteristics, Diodes, Thyristors,
GTOs and IGBTs in FACTS, Static power converter structures, Thyristor circuits, Voltage-sourced and current-sourced
converters, Converter output and harmonic control, six-pulse and multi-pulse converters, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation,
Multi-level converters 7(L)
UNIT 3 Shunt Compensation: Static VAR compensator (SVC), Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR), Thyristor switched
capacitor (TSC), TSC-TCR, FC-TCR, Static synchronous shunt compensator (STATCOM), Operation and control,
Configurations and applications, Mid-point compensation 7(L)
UNIT 4 Series Compensation: Ideal series compensation, Sub-synchronous resonance (SSR), GTO capacitor series
compensation (GCSC), Thyristor switched series capacitor (TSSC), voltage and impedance control mode, Thyristor
controlled series compensator (TCSC), Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), Operation and control,
Configurations and applications 8(L)
UNIT 5 Combination of Shunt series Compensation: Unified power flow controller (UPFC), Power flow studies,
operational constraints, Interline power flow controller (IPFC), Configurations and applications 7(L)
UNIT 6 Other FACTS Controllers: Thyristor controlled phase angle regulator (TCPAR), Thyristor Controlled Braking
Resistors (TCBR) etc. 5(L)