Labsheet 1: Problem 1: Subtractor Design
Labsheet 1: Problem 1: Subtractor Design
Labsheet 1: Problem 1: Subtractor Design
Verify that your design works correctly by using the “force” and “run” commands in the
transcript window to provide inputs and observe outputs on the waveform window.
Problem 2: Synthesizing and implementing the subtractor on the FPGA
Create a new project in Xilinx ISE. Use the code for the 4-bit subtractor that you wrote in
Problem 1. Synthesize and implement the design on the Spartan3E FPGA . Use the following
pin assignments for creating the UCF file:
A Switches[7->4]
B Switches[3->0]
Bin BTN0
Diff LED[3->0]
Bout LED4
Download the design onto the board and make sure it works as expected
Problem 3: ALU Design
Design an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) that implements 8 functions as described in Table
1. Table 1 also illustrates the encoding of the control input. The 4-bit ALU has the following
A: 4-bit input
B: 4-bit input
Cin: 1-bit input
Output: 4-bit output
Cout: 1-bit output
Control: 3-bit control input
If the LOAD = ENABLE = 1, the data input D is loaded into the counter.
If LOAD = 0 and ENABLE = UP = 1, the counter is incremented.
If LOAD = 0, ENABLE = 1, and UP = 0, the counter is decremented.
If ENABLE = 1 and UP = 1, the carry output (CO) = 1 when the counter’s value is 9.
If ENABLE = 1 and UP = 0, the carry output (CO) = 1 when the counter’s value is 0.
a. Write a Verilog description of the counter. You may implement your design in any style you
wish. It will be easier to use a behavioral description. Use the following simulation for your
1. Load counter with 6
2. Increment counter four times. You should get 9 and then 0.
3. Decrement counter once. You should get 9.
4. Clear the counter.
b. Write a Verilog description of a decimal counter that uses two of the above counters to form
a two-decade decimal up/down counter that counts up from 00 to 99 or down from 99 to 00. In
other words, instantiate two single digit counters in a top module (the two-digit counter). You
may need some extra logic in the top module too other than these instantiations. The top module
will have these inputs and outputs: CLR, CLK, ENABLE, LOAD, UP, D1, D2, Q1, D2, CO.
Use the following simulation for your waveforms:
1. Load counter with 97
2. Increment counter five times.
3. Do nothing for 2 clock periods
4. Decrement counter four times.
5. Clear the counter.
Assignment Problem 2: Synthesizing and implementing the BCD counter on the FPGA
Use the code for the single digit BCD counter that you wrote in Problem 2a. Before you
synthesize it and implement it on the board, you will have to modify your code a little bit. This
is because the CLK signal available on the board is a high frequency signal (50 MHz). If you
use this high frequency for your circuit, you will not be able to give proper inputs or see proper
outputs to your design.
So, you need to add a clock divider to your Verilog description. Create two more entities in
your design. Call one as top and another as divider. Make connections as shown in the
following figure.
Synthesize the top module (which includes the divider and the 1-digit bcd counter) and use the
following pin assignments. Download the design onto the board and make sure it works as
D SW[3:0]