Fast and Robust Quantum Control PDF
Fast and Robust Quantum Control PDF
Fast and Robust Quantum Control PDF
Hao Zhang, Xue-Ke Song, Qing Ai, Haibo Wang, Guo-Jian Yang, and Fu-Guo Deng∗
Department of Physics, Applied Optics Beijing Area Major Laboratory,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
(Dated: September 5, 2018)
Adiabatic quantum control is a very important approach for quantum physics and quantum in-
formation processing. It holds the advantage with robustness to experimental imperfections but
accumulates more decoherence due to the long evolution time. Here, we propose a universal proto-
col for fast and robust quantum control in multimode interactions of a quantum system by using
shortcuts to adiabaticity. The results show this protocol can speed up the evolution of a multimode
arXiv:1809.00102v1 [quant-ph] 1 Sep 2018
quantum system effectively, and it can also keep the robustness very good while adiabatic quan-
tum control processes cannot. We apply this protocol for the quantum state transfer in quantum
information processing in the photon-phonon interactions in an optomechanical system, showing
a perfect result. These good features make this protocol have the capability of improving effec-
tively the feasibility of the practical applications of multimode interactions in quantum information
processing in experiment.
0.5 0.5 0.5 g2
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
t t t
(d) (e) (f)
1 1 1
0.5 0.5 0.5 p2
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
t t t
(g) (h) (i)
1 1 1
0.5 0.5 0.5 p2
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
t t t
(a) (b)
FIG. 2: Simulation of two quantum control approaches for the quantum state transfer in multimode interactions. The initial
state is prepared in mode a1 with the Fock state |1i. All the labels for curves with different colors are given in the last figures
of every row. p1 , p2 and p3 are the populations for the modes a1 , a2 and a3 , respectively. (a)-(c) are the variation of coupling
strengths. (d)-(f) are the corresponding adiabatic quantum control processes. (g)-(i) are the corresponding fast and robust
quantum control processes. The parameter changes as follow: (a) ν = 0.5 MHz; (b) ν = 1 MHz; (c) ν = 2 MHz.
(a) (b) where âi (â†i ) (i = 1, 2) and b̂(b̂† ) are the annihilation (cre-
w1 w2 ation) operators for the i-th cavity mode with frequency
wm1 wop wm 2
ωi and the mechanical mode, respectively. ωm is the me-
wm chanical frequency. ∆i = ωdi − ωi and Gi = G0i ni
are the laser detuning and the effective linear coupling
strength, respectively. G0i and ni are the single-photon
FIG. 3: (a) Practical schematic diagram for photon-phonon- optomechanical coupling rate and the intracavity photon
photon interactions induced by the optomechanical system number induced by the driving field with the frequency
composed of two cavities and a membrane. The two cavity ωdi , respectively. We consider the case that both cavity
walls and the middle membrane are fixed, but the membrane
modes are driven near the red sidebands. In the inter-
can vibrate. (b) Schematic diagram for phonon-phonon-
phonon interactions. Two cavity walls are fixed on cantilevers.
action picture, the Hamiltonian of the system becomes
(under the rotating-wave approximation)
Ĥ3 = δi â†i âi + Gi (â†i b̂m + b̂†m âi ), (8)
interactions, i.e., the photon-phonon-photon interaction
shown in Fig. 3(a) and the phonon-photon-phonon inter- where δi = −∆i − ωm . The Heisenberg equation of the
action shown in Fig. 3(b). Here, we consider Fig. 3(a) in system can be derived with
which an optomechanical system composed of two cavity
modes coupled to each other via the mechanical mode. id~vop (t)/dt = Mop (t)~vop (t), (9)
Two optical cavities connect to each other via a middle
membrane. After the standard linearization procedure, where the vector operator ~vop (t) = [â1 (t), b̂m (t), â2 (t)]T ,
the Hamiltonian of the system is given by (h̄ = 1) [38, 39] and the matrix Mop (t) is the same as Eq.(3) with the
condition δi = 0. There exists an optomechanical dark
Xh i mode [37] and it is used to make the adiabatic control
Ĥ2 = ωm b̂† b̂ + −∆i â†i âi + Gi (â†i + âi )(b̂ + b̂† ) , (7) with quantum information processing between two opti-
i=1,2 cal modes.
Coupling G i (MHz)
0.8 0.04
p2 0.02
0.6 p3
phonon 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.04 0.03
/G im
0.2 0.02
0 5
0 0 0.01
0 10 20 0 5 10 15 20 20 40 60 80
t( s) t( s) (MHz)
FIG. 4: Simulation of the quantum state transfer by using our fast and robust quantum control in optomechanical interactions.
(a) The shape of new coupling strengths with the parameters ν = 2 MHz and δ = 40 MHz. (b) The process of the population
transfer by using the coupling in (a). P1 , P2 and P3 are the populations for the optical modes 1, 2 and the mechanical mode,
respectively. The population of the phonon is amplified in the insert. (c) Variation of the maximal average phonon number with
detuning. The insert is the variation of the maximal average phonon number vs the rate between detuning and the maximal
coupling strength.
To realize a fast and robust quantum control for above The photon in cavity 1 is transferred to cavity 2 by us-
process, we usually need seek a direct coupling between ing our protocol with a higher fidelity, shown in Fig. 4(b).
two optical modes based on Eq.(5). Here, it is hard to The phonon number is suppressed in the whole process
construct a direct coupling and we replace it with an ef- and the maximum value is about 0.02 due to the large
fective two-mode interaction. We set the large detuning detuning interaction. From Fig. 4(c), one can see that
condition with δi ≫ Gi in Eq.(8) and the large energy the maximal average phonon number is inversely propor-
offsets suppress the transitions between the optical mode tional to the rate between the detuning and the maximal
and the mechanical mode [47, 48]. Hence, one can adi- coupling strength.
abatically eliminate the mechanical mode b̂ and obtain
the effective beam-splitter-like Hamiltonian 1
Ĥ4 = (δi + Ωi )â†i âi + Ω(â†1 â2 + â†2 â1 ), (10) 0.995
When the dissipation of the mechanical oscillator and 0.5
the decay of the cavity is taken into account, the dynam-
ics of the quantum system described by the Lindblad
form master equation is expressed by
dρ̂ 0
= i[ρ̂, Ĥs (t)]+ κ1 L̂[â1 ]ρ̂+ κ2 L̂[â2 ]ρ̂+ γm D̂[b̂m ]ρ̂, (13)
dt 0 5 10 15
t( s)
where ρ̂ and Ĥs (t) are the density matrix and the Hamil-
tonian of the multimode interactions, respectively. κ1 (b) 1
and κ2 represent the decay rates of the cavities 1 and =15kHz
2, respectively. γm is the mechanical damping rate. =25kHz
L̂[Â]ρ̂ = (2Âρ̂† − † Âρ̂ − ρ̂† Â)/2. D̂[Â]ρ̂ = (nth + =35kHz
1)(2Âρ̂† − † Âρ̂ − ρ̂† Â)/2 + nth (2† ρ̂ − † ρ̂ − 0.5
ρ̂† )/2, where nth is the thermal phonon number of
the environment. Here, we choose the Hamiltonian Ĥ3
to calculate the master equation. We choose the param-
eters γm = 500 Hz and nth = 100 and change the decay
κ = κ1 = κ2 . We calculate the fidelity with the formula 0 1 2 3 4 5
F = h01|trm [ρ̂(t)]|01i. Here |01i represents the state t( s)
which there are zero and one photon in the cavities 1 and
2, respectively. trm [ρ̂(t)] is the reduced density matrix by
tracing the mechanical oscillator degree of freedom. The FIG. 6: Fidelity of the TQD process in the present of different
fidelities are plotted in Fig. 6(a) and (b) for the adiabatic dissipations κ in optomechanical interactions. (a) Fidelities
and fast protocols, respectively. The fidelities of the fast for the adiabatic quantum control. Here, we choose ν = 0.5
MHz. (b) Fidelities for the fast quantum control process.
protocol are higher than the adiabatic protocol. As the
Parameters are chosen as γm = 500 Hz and nth = 100.
process is accelerated, the total evolution time is shorter.
No. 11474026, No. 11654003, No. 11505007, and No.
To conclude, we have proposed a universal protocol to
realize a fast and robust quantum control for multimode
interactions in a quantum system by using STA. We also APPENDIX: TRANSITIONLESS QUANTUM
have applied this protocol in a practical photon-phonon- DRIVING ALGORITHM FOR MULTIMODE
photon interaction model for the quantum state transfer INTERACTIONS
in quantum information processing. Our protocol has the
following remarkable advantages. First, compared with Let us consider a quantum system with an arbitrary
the adiabatic protocol, it is faster as it can improve the time-dependent Hamiltonian Ĥ0 (t). The dynamical pro-
speed of a multimode interaction, which reduces more cess is described by
decoherence in the whole evolution process of the quan-
tum system. Second, under the fast process, there is Ĥ0 (t)|n(t)i = En (t)|n(t)i, (14)
no undesired transition between eigenmodes. Third, it is
also robust to some practical experimental imperfections. where |n(t)i and En (t) are the instantaneous eigenstate
These good features can effectively improve the feasibil- and the eigenenergies of Ĥ0 (t), respectively. According to
ity of practical applications of multimode interactions in the adiabatic approximation [3], the dynamical evolution
quantum information processing in experiment. of states driven by Ĥ0 (t) could be expressed as
Z t Z t
|ψn (t)i= exp −i dt′ En (t′ )− dt′ hn(t′ )|ṅ(t′ )i |n(t)i,
We thank Jing Qiu and Xiao-Dong Bai for useful dis-
cussion. This work was supported by the National Natu- where |ψn (t)i is the state of system at time t. Now,
ral Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11674033, we seek a new Hamiltonian Ĥ(t) based on the reverse
engineering approach to satisfy the Schrödinger equation be eliminated by Ĥcd (t). One can find infinitely many
Hamiltonians Ĥ(t) which differ from each other only by
i|ψ̇n (t)i = Ĥ(t)|ψn (t)i. (16) a phase. We disregard the phase factors [6, 23] and give
the simplest Hamiltonian derived with [10]
Any time-dependent unitary operator Û (t) is also given
by X
Ĥ(t) = i |ṅihn|. (21)
˙ n
iÛ (t) = Ĥ(t)Û (t), (17)
Here Ĥ is the couterdiabatic term and purely non-
diagonal in the basis {|ni}.
˙ In a three-mode quantum system, we should calculate
Ĥ(t) = iÛ (t)Û † (t). (18)
a new matrix M ′ (t) which determines the evolution of
In order to guarantee no transitions between the eigen- Heisenberg equations with no undesired transition. First,
states of Ĥ0 (t) for any time, the time-dependent unitary we assume the time-dependent evolution operator for
operator Û (t) should have the form M ′ (t) which is given by
Z t Z t ˙
iÛ H (t) = M ′ (t)ÛH (t).
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ (22)
Û (t) = exp −i dt En (t ) − dt hn(t )|ṅ(t )i
n 0 0
One can solve the M ′ (t) matrix via the equation given
⊗|n(t)ihn(0)|. (19) by
According to Eq. (18), the new Hamiltonian is given by
∂ †
M ′ (t) = i ÛH (t) ÛH (t)
X X ∂t
Ĥ(t) = |niEn hn| + i (|ṅihn| − hn|ṅi|nihn|)
X ∂ψn (t)
n n
= i | ihψn (t)|, (23)
= Ĥ0 (t) + Ĥcd (t), (20) n
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