way [the route] from the earliest of times; and their beliefs and reign of Oranmiyan. It was during this great era that
their inventions came with them."2 Yoruba people re-established Ile-Ife as the sacred-spiritual
Archaeologists, according to M. Omoleya, inform us capital and Oyo as the governmental seat.
that the Nigerian region was inhabited more than forty
thousand years ago, or as far back as 65,000 B. C. This civi- 3
lization has been deemed, in part, the Nok culture. The Nok The Enslavement Period
culture was visited by the "Yoruba group," between 2000 and Onwubiko's research indicates that "the wars of expansion
500 B .c . The group was led, according to Yoruba historical (amongst the Yoruba) during the sixteenth and seventeenth
accounts, by King Oduduwa, who settled somewhat centuries were not fought to procure slaves for export to the
peacefully in the already established Ile-Ife-the sacred city of the coast but for local service on Yoruba farms. It was not until the
indigenous people. This time period is known as the Bronze Age, eighteenth century that wars to provide slaves for sale to
indicating that the civilization of both groups were at relatively Europeans became important. ,6
high levels. Enslavement from European hands began in the 15th and
Olumide J. Lucus proclaims, "The Yoruba, during 16th centuries. Around 1530 A.D., the Portuguese began to
antiquity, lived in ancient Egypt before migrating to the transport Africans from the West Coast to Spanish mines and
Atlantic coast. He uses as demonstration the similarity or plantations in the New World. Later, other European nations
identity of languages, religious beliefs, customs and names of became involved. France, England, Holland, and Spain were
persons, places and things."' The key point, or focus, in respect to all very active in the brutal manipulation and deception that
Yoruba religious evolution, is that the Egyptian order, coupled somehow became known as the "slave trade."
with the earlier peoples, produced the more defined statement of Islamic jihads (holy wars), incited by Arabic religious
what makes Yoruba. fervor, also swept through Africa clear to the western
In the History of West Africa A .D . 1000-1800, coastal regions. This era lasted from about A.D. 641 through
Onwubiko states that, "According to tradition, Oduduwa, the the 19th century. The trans-Saharan slave trade flourished. The
chief ancestor and first king of the Yoruba settled at Ile-Ife. Yoruba Nation, now devastated and depleted of its most
From this point his descendants became the kings and queens of natural resource-people-eventually collapsed.
Yoruba cities and territories."5 The greatest of Oduduwa's It is important to note that the greatest percentage of
descendants was Oranmiyan who became the Alafin or Africans enslaved for New World labor came from the
ruler of the Oyo state somewhere around 1400 A.D . Oran- Yoruba nation. It is also important to note that a large per-
miyan's armies marched across the Southern Sudan and centage of those enslaved were war-political prisoners of
penetrated deep into the great tropical forest conquering elite classes of soldiers and warrior-priests. As a result, the
New World became inundated with a people knowledgeable
2 of their culture and who were initiated members of its
The Lost Cities of Africa, p. 60.
Michael Omoleya, Certificate History of Nigeria (London & Lagos: Longman
Group, 1986), p. 15. History of West Africa, p. 136.
Cheik Anta Dio, Precolonial Black Africa (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, co-
published with Lawrence Hill, 1992), p. 216. 5Onwubiko, KBC, History of
West Africa A.D. 1000-1800 (Onitsha, Nigeria:
Africana-FEP Publisher, 1967), pp. 134-135.
and laying the foundations of the Yoruba Empire. Cen-
turies of spectacular glory and achievement followed the