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History of The Yoruba People

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History of the Yoruba people

3 Modern history

The documented history of the Yoruba people begins

with the Oyo Empire, which became dominant in the
early 17th century. Older traditions of the formerly dominant Ife kingdom are sparse and unreliable.

Before Oyo

The peoples who lived in Yorubaland, at least by the seventh century BC, were not initially known as the Yoruba,
although they shared a common ethnicity and language
group. The historical Yoruba develop in situ, out of earlier (Mesolithic) Volta-Niger populations, by the 1st millennium B.C.E.
Archaeologically, the settlement at Ife can be dated to the
4th century BC, with urban structures appearing in the
12th century (the urban phase of Ife before the rise of
Oyo, ca. 1100-1600, is sometimes described as a golden
age of Ife).

Oyo Empire

Ife was surpassed by the Oyo Empire as the dominant

Yoruba military and political power between 1600 CE Map of Yoruba people, West Africa (Nigeria), 1898
and 1800 CE. The nearby kingdom of Benin was also a
powerful force between 1300 and 1850 CE.
The Yoruba eventually established a federation of citystates under the political ascendancy of the city state of
Most of the city states were controlled by Obas, elected
priestly monarchs, and councils made up of Oloyes, Oyo, located on the Northern fringes of Yorubaland in the
savanna plains between the forests of present Southwest
recognised leaders of royal, noble and, often, even common descent, who joined them in ruling over the king- Nigeria and the Niger River.
Following a Jihad led by Uthman Dan Fodio and a rapid
consolidation of the Hausa city states of contemporary
northern Nigeria, the Fulani Sokoto Caliphate invaded
and annexed the buer Nupe Kingdom. It then began to
advance southwards into y lands. Shortly afterwards,
its armies overran the Yoruba military capital of Ilorin,
and then sacked and destroyed y-Ile, the royal seat of
In all cases, however, Yoruba monarchs were subject to the y Empire.
the continuing approval of their constituents as a mat- Following this, y-Ile was abandoned, and the y reter of policy, and could be easily compelled to abdi- treated south to the present city of Oyo (formerly known
cate for demonstrating dictatorial tendencies or incom- as Ago d'Oyo, or Oyo Atiba) in a forested region
petence. The order to vacate the throne was usually com- where the cavalry of the Sokoto Caliphate was less eecmunicated through an aroko or symbolic message, which tive. Further attempts by the Sokoto Caliphate to expand
usually took the form of parrots' eggs delivered in a cov- southwards were checked by the Yoruba who had rallied
ered calabash bowl by the senators.
in defence under the military leadership of the ascendant
doms through a series of guilds and cults. Dierent states
saw diering ratios of power between the kingship and
the chiefs council. Some, such as Oyo, had powerful,
autocratic monarchs with almost total control, while in
others such as the Ijebu city-states, the senatorial councils were supreme and the ba served as something of a


Ibadan clan, which rose from the old Oyo Empire, and
of the Ijebu city-states. However, the Oyo hegemony
had been dealt a mortal blow. The other Yoruba citystates broke free of Oyo dominance, and subsequently
became embroiled in a series of internecine conicts that
soon metamorphosed into a full scale civil war. These
events weakened the southern Yorubas in their resistance
to British colonial and military invasions. Maria Lugones observes that among the Yoruba people there was
no concept of gender and no gender system at all before colonialism. She argues that colonial powers used
a gender system as a tool for domination and fundamentally changing social relations among the indigenous.[1]
In 1960, greater Yorubaland was subsumed into the Federal Republic of Nigeria.[2] The historical records of the
Yoruba, which became more accessible in the nineteenth
century with the more permanent arrival of the Europeans, tell of heavy Jihad raids by the mounted Fulani
warriors of the north as well as of endemic intercity warfare amongst the Yoruba themselves. Archaeological evidence of the greatness of their ancient civilization in the
form of, amongst other things, impressive architectural
achievements like Sungbos Eredo that are centuries old,
nevertheless abound.[3]


[1] Lugones, Mara (Winter 2008). Heterosexualism and the

Colonial/Modern Gender System. Hypatia. 22 (1): 196
198. doi:10.1353/hyp.2006.0067.
[2] Gat, Azar. War in human civilization Oxford University
Press, 2006, pg 275.
[3] Gat, Azar. War in human civilization Oxford University
Press, 2006, pg 275.

Adebayo Kayode After Oduduwa"???
Akintoye, Stephen Adebanji: A History of the
Yoruba People, Dakar, 2010.
Idowu, Bolaji E. : Olodumare: God in Yoruba
Belief Wazobia, New York, NY 1994 ISBN 1886832-00-5.
Idowu, Bolaji: Olodumare: God in Yoruba Belief,
London 1962.
Johnson, Samuel: History of the Yorubas, London
Lucas, Jonathan Olumide The Religion of the
Yorubas, Lagos 1948.

Lange, Dierk: The dying and the rising God in the

New Year Festival of Ife, in: Lange, Ancient Kingdoms of West Africa, Dettelbach 2004, pp. 343
--: Origin of the Yoruba and the 'Lost Tribes of
Israel'", Anthropos, 106 (2011), 579-596.
Law, Robin: The Oyo Empire, c. 1600 c. 1836,
Oxford 1977.
Smith, Robert: Kingdoms of the Yoruba, 1st ed.
1969, 3rd ed. London 1988.

Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



History of the Yoruba people Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Yoruba_people?oldid=724511928 Contributors: SimonP, Dbachmann, Wtshymanski, Woohookitty, Toussaint, Grafen, Peter Isotalo, Hmains, Kxra, SQGibbon, Optakeover, Doug Weller,
North Shoreman, Domusaurea, Belovedfreak, Gallador, Dierk Lange~enwiki, Idioma-bot, QuackGuru, WereSpielChequers, ClueBot,
EoGuy, Zykasaa, Addbot, Yobot, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, M2545, Benue, A412, Tom.Reding, Trappist the monk, DixonDBot,
BCtl, Abu Shawka, ClueBot NG, Chuppakabra76, Otelemuyen, ScottSteiner, PhnomPencil, MusikAnimal, Kayspecial, A. O. Saula, Waqob,
Infosources17, Lemnaminor, TuxLibNit and Anonymous: 45



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