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1. Uy v. Gonzales, A.C. No. 5280 P100,000.00, Philippine Currency, situated at Brgy. Gonzales,
Umingan, Pangasinan, from FERMIN C. GONZALES, as
evidenced by a Deed of Sale executed by the latter in favor of the
former . . .; that in the said date, William S. Uy received the
[A.C. No. 5280. March 30, 2004.] Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-33122, covering the said land;
That instead of registering said Deed of Sale and Transfer
WILLIAM S. UY, complainant, vs. ATTY. FERMIN L. Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-33122, in the Register of Deeds for
GONZALES, respondent. the purpose of transferring the same in his name, William S. Uy
executed a Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer of the aforesaid land
in favor of his children, namely, Michael Angelo T. Uy and Cristina
Earl T. Uy, wherein William S. Uy made it appear that his said
RESOLUTION children are of legal age, and residents of Brgy. Gonzales,
Umingan, Pangasinan, when in fact and in truth, they are minors
and residents of Metro Manila, to qualify them as
farmers/beneficiaries, thus placing the said property within the
coverage of the Land Reform Program; EcHIDT
That the above-named accused, conspiring together and helping
William S. Uy filed before this Court an administrative case against Atty. Fermin L. one another procured the falsified documents which they used as
Gonzales for violation of the confidentiality of their lawyer-client relationship. The supporting papers so that they can secure from the Office of the
complainant alleges: Register of Deeds of Tayug, Pangasinan, TCT No. T-5165
(Certificate of Land Ownership Award No. 004 32930) in favor of
Sometime in April 1999, he engaged the services of respondent lawyer to prepare and his above-named children. Some of these Falsified documents are
file a petition for the issuance of a new certificate of title. After confiding with respondent purported Affidavit of Seller/Transferor and Affidavit of Non-
the circumstances surrounding the lost title and discussing the fees and costs, Tenancy, both dated August 20, 1996, without the signature of
respondent prepared, finalized and submitted to him a petition to be filed before the affiant, Fermin C. Gonzales, and that on that said date, Fermin C.
Regional Trial Court of Tayug, Pangasinan. When the petition was about to be filed, Gonzales was already dead . . .;
respondent went to his (complainant's) office at Virra Mall, Greenhills and demanded a
certain amount from him other than what they had previously agreed upon. Respondent That on December 17, 1998, William S. Uy with deceit and evident
left his office after reasoning with him. Expecting that said petition would be filed, he intent to defraud undersigned, still accepted the amount of
was shocked to find out later that instead of filing the petition for the issuance of a new P340,000.00, from Atty. Fermin L. Gonzales, P300,000.00, in PNB
certificate of title, respondent filed a letter-complaint dated July 26, 1999 against him Check No. 0000606, and P40,000.00, in cash, as full payment of
with the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Tayug, Pangasinan for "Falsification of the redemption of TCT No. 33122 . . . knowing fully well that at that
Public Documents." 1 The letter-complaint contained facts and circumstances time the said TCT cannot be redeemed anymore because the
pertaining to the transfer certificate of title that was the subject matter of the petition same was already transferred in the name of his children;
which respondent was supposed to have filed. Portions of said letter-complaint read:
That William S. Uy has appropriated the amount covered by the
The undersigned complainant accuses WILLIAM S. UY, of legal aforesaid check, as evidenced by the said check which was
age, Filipino, married and a resident of 132-A Gilmore Street encashed by him . . .;
corner 9th Street, New Manila, Quezon City, Michael Angelo T.
UY, CRISTINA EARL T. UY, minors and residents of the aforesaid That inspite of repeated demands, both oral and in writing, William
address, Luviminda G. Tomagos, of legal age, married, Filipino S. Uy refused and continue to refuse to deliver to him a TCT in the
and a resident of Carmay East, Rosales, Pangasinan, and F. name of the undersigned or to return and repay the said
Madayag, with office address at A12, 2/F Vira Mall Shopping P340,000.00, to the damage and prejudice of the undersigned. 2
Complex, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, for ESTAFA THRU
With the execution of the letter-complaint, respondent violated his oath as a lawyer
and grossly disregarded his duty to preserve the secrets of his client. Respondent
unceremoniously turned against him just because he refused to grant respondent's
That on March 15, 1996, William S. Uy acquired by purchase a request for additional compensation. Respondent's act tarnished his reputation
parcel of land consisting of 4.001 ha. for the amount of and social standing. 3
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In compliance with this Court's Resolution dated July 31, 2000, 4 respondent filed his On June 2, 2003, Commissioner Villanueva-Maala submitted her report and
Comment narrating his version, as follows: recommendation, portions of which read as follows:
On December 17, 1998, he offered to redeem from complainant a 4.9 hectare-property The facts and evidence presented show that when respondent
situated in Brgy. Gonzales, Umingan, Pangasinan covered by TCT No. T-33122 which agreed to handle the filing of the Verified Petition for the loss of
the latter acquired by purchase from his (respondent's) son, the late Fermin C. TCT No. T-5165, complainant had confided to respondent the fact
Gonzales, Jr.. On the same date, he paid complainant P340,000.00 and demanded the of the loss and the circumstances attendant thereto. When
delivery of TCT No. T-33122 as well as the execution of the Deed of Redemption. Upon respondent filed the Letter-Complaint to the Office of the Special
request, he gave complainant additional time to locate said title or until after Christmas Prosecutor in Tayug, Pangasinan, he violated Canon 21 of the
to deliver the same and execute the Deed of Redemption. After the said period, he went Code of Professional Responsibility which expressly provides that
to complainant's office and demanded the delivery of the title and the execution of the "A lawyer shall preserve the confidences and secrets of his client
Deed of Redemption. Instead, complainant gave him photocopies of TCT No. T-33122 even after the attorney-client relation is terminated." Respondent
and TCT No. T-5165. Complainant explained that he had already transferred the title cannot argue that there was no lawyer-client relationship between
of the property, covered by TCT No. T-5165 to his children Michael and Cristina Uy and them when he filed the Letter-Complaint on 26 July 1999
that TCT No. T-5165 was misplaced and cannot be located despite efforts to locate it. considering that as early as 14 April 1999, or three (3) months
Wanting to protect his interest over the property coupled with his desire to get hold of after, respondent had already terminated complainant's perceived
TCT No. T-5165 the earliest possible time, he offered his assistance pro bono to lawyer-client relationship between them. The duty to maintain
prepare a petition for lost title provided that all necessary expenses incident thereto inviolate the client's confidences and secrets is not temporary but
including expenses for transportation and others, estimated at P20,000.00, will be permanent. It is in effect perpetual for "it outlasts the lawyer's
shouldered by complainant. To these, complainant agreed. employment" (Canon 37, Code of Professional Responsibility)
which means even after the relationship has been terminated, the
On April 9, 1999, he submitted to complainant a draft of the petition for the lost title duty to preserve the client's confidences and secrets remains
ready for signing and notarization. On April 14, 1999, he went to complainant's office effective. Likewise Rule 21.02, Canon 21 of the Rules of
informing him that the petition is ready for filing and needs funds for expenses. Professional Responsibility provides that "A lawyer shall not, to the
Complainant who was with a client asked him to wait at the anteroom where he waited disadvantage of his client, use information acquired in the course
for almost two hours until he found out that complainant had already left without leaving of employment, nor shall he use the same to his own advantage
any instructions nor funds for the filing of the petition. Complainant's conduct infuriated or that of a third person, unless the client with the full knowledge
him which prompted him to give a handwritten letter telling complainant that he is of the circumstances consents thereto." TSEHcA
withdrawing the petition he prepared and that complainant should get another lawyer
to file the petition.
Respondent maintains that the lawyer-client relationship between him and complainant On 29 April 2003, the Commission received a letter dated 24 April
was terminated when he gave the handwritten letter to complainant; that there 2003 from Atty. Augusto M. Macam, who claims to represent
was no longer any professional relationship between the two of them when he filed the complainant, William S. Uy, alleging that complainant is no longer
letter-complaint for falsification of public document; that the facts and allegations interested in pursuing this case and requested that the same be
contained in the letter-complaint for falsification were culled from public documents dismissed. The aforesaid letter hardly deserves consideration as
procured from the Office of the Register of Deeds in Tayug, Pangasinan. 5 proceedings of this nature cannot be "interrupted by reason of
desistance, settlement, compromise, restitution, withdrawal of the
In a Resolution dated October 18, 2000, the Court referred the case to the Integrated charges, or failure of the complainant to prosecute the same.
Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and recommendation. 6 (Section 5, Rule 139-B, Rules of Court). Moreover, in Boliver
vs.Simbol, 16 SCRA 623, the Court ruled that "any person may
Commissioner Rebecca Villanueva-Maala ordered both parties to appear on April 2,
bring to this Court's attention the misconduct of any lawyer, and
2003 before the IBP. 7 On said date, complainant did not appear despite due notice.
action will usually be taken regardless of the interest or lack of
There was no showing that respondent received the notice for that day's hearing and
interest of the complainant, if the facts proven so warrant."
so the hearing was reset to May 28, 2003. 8
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, we find respondent Atty. Fermin
On April 29, 2003, Commissioner Villanueva-Maala received a letter from one Atty.
L. Gonzales to have violated the Code of Professional
Augusto M. Macam dated April 24, 2003, stating that his client, William S. Uy, had lost
Responsibility and it is hereby recommended that he be
interest in pursuing the complaint he filed against Atty. Gonzales and requesting that
SUSPENDED for a period of SIX (6) MONTHS from receipt hereof,
the case against Atty. Gonzales be dismissed. 9
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from the practice of his profession as a lawyer and member of the be wanting in moral character, in honesty, probity and good demeanor or unworthy to
Bar. 10 continue as an officer of the court, 14 complainant failed to prove any of the
circumstances enumerated above that would warrant the disbarment or suspension of
On June 21, 2003, the Board of Governors of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines herein respondent.
issued Resolution No. XV-2003-365, thus:
Notwithstanding respondent's own perception on the matter, a scrutiny of the records
RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby ADOPTED reveals that the relationship between complainant and respondent stemmed from a
and APPROVED, the Report and Recommendation of the personal transaction or dealings between them rather than the practice of law by
Investigating Commissioner of the above-entitled case, herein respondent. Respondent dealt with complainant only because he redeemed a property
made part of this Resolution/Decision as Annex "A"; and finding which complainant had earlier purchased from his (complainant's) son. It is not refuted
the recommendation fully supported by the evidence on record and that respondent paid complainant P340,000.00 and gave him ample time to produce its
applicable laws and rules, and considering that respondent title and execute the Deed of Redemption. However, despite the period given to him,
violated Rule 21.02, Canon 21 of the Canons of Professional complainant failed to fulfill his end of the bargain because of the alleged loss of the title
Responsibility, Atty. Fermin L. Gonzales is hereby SUSPENDED which he had admitted to respondent as having prematurely transferred to his children,
from the practice of law for six (6) months. 11 thus prompting respondent to offer his assistance so as to secure the issuance of a
new title to the property, in lieu of the lost one, with complainant assuming the expenses
Preliminarily, we agree with Commissioner Villanueva-Maala that the manifestation of
complainant Uy expressing his desire to dismiss the administrative complaint he filed
against respondent, has no persuasive bearing in the present case. As a rule, an attorney-client relationship is said to exist when a lawyer voluntarily
permits or acquiesces with the consultation of a person, who in respect to a business
Sec. 5, Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court states that:
or trouble of any kind, consults a lawyer with a view of obtaining professional advice or
xxx xxx xxx assistance. It is not essential that the client should have employed the attorney on any
previous occasion or that any retainer should have been paid, promised or charged for,
No investigation shall be interrupted or terminated by reason of the neither is it material that the attorney consulted did not afterward undertake the case
desistance, settlement, compromise, restitution, withdrawal of the about which the consultation was had, for as long as the advice and assistance of the
charges, or failure of the complainant to prosecute the same. attorney is sought and received, in matters pertinent to his profession. 15
This is because: Considering the attendant peculiar circumstances, said rule cannot apply to the present
case. Evidently, the facts alleged in the complaint for "Estafa Through Falsification of
A proceeding for suspension or disbarment is not in any sense a Public Documents" filed by respondent against complainant were obtained by
civil action where the complainant is a plaintiff and the respondent respondent due to his personal dealings with complainant. Respondent volunteered his
lawyer is a defendant. Disciplinary proceedings involve no private service to hasten the issuance of the certificate of title of the land he has redeemed
interest and afford no redress for private grievance. They are from complainant. Respondent's immediate objective was to secure the title of the
undertaken and prosecuted solely for the public welfare. They are property that complainant had earlier bought from his son. Clearly, there
undertaken for the purpose of preserving courts of justice from the was noattorney-client relationship between respondent and complainant. The
official ministration of persons unfit to practice in them. The preparation and the proposed filing of the petition was only incidental to their personal
attorney is called to answer to the court for his conduct as an officer transaction. AScHCD
of the court. The complainant or the person who called the
attention of the court to the attorney's alleged misconduct is Canon 21 of the Code of Professional Responsibility reads:
in no sense a party, and has generally no interest in the outcome
except as all good citizens may have in the proper administration Canon 21 — A LAWYER SHALL PRESERVE THE CONFIDENCE
of justice. Hence, if the evidence on record warrants, the AND SECRETS OF HIS CLIENT EVEN AFTER THE ATTORNEY-
respondent may be suspended or disbarred despite the desistance CLIENT RELATION IS TERMINATED.
of complainant or his withdrawal of the charges. 12
Rule 21.01 — A lawyer shall not reveal the confidences or secrets
Now to the merits of the complaint against the respondent. of his client except:
Practice of law embraces any activity, in or out of court, which requires the application a) When authorized by the client after acquainting him of
of law, as well as legal principles, practice or procedure and calls for legal knowledge, the consequences of the disclosure;
training and experience. 13 While it is true that a lawyer may be disbarred or suspended
b) When required bylaw;
for any misconduct, whether in his professional or private capacity, which shows him to
PALE Chap 4
c) When necessary to collect his fees or to defend Roco Bunag Kapunan & Migallos for Raul S. Roco.
himself, his employees or associates or by judicial action.
Mario E. Ongkiko for Presidential Commission on Good Government.
The alleged "secrets" of complainant were not specified by him in his affidavit-
complaint. Whatever facts alleged by respondent against complainant were not
obtained by respondent in his professional capacity but as a redemptioner of a property SYLLABUS
originally owned by his deceased son and therefore, when respondent filed the
complaint for estafa against herein complainant, which necessarily involved alleging
facts that would constitute estafa, respondent was not, in any way, violating Canon 21. 1. LEGAL ETHICS; LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP; BOUNDED BY RULES,
There is no way we can equate the filing of the affidavit-complaint against herein ETHICAL CONDUCT AND DUTIES; RATIONALE. — In the creation of lawyer-client
complainant to a misconduct that is wanting in moral character, in honesty, probity and relationship, there are rules, ethical conduct and duties that breathe life into it, among
good demeanor or that renders him unworthy to continue as an officer of the court. To those, the fiduciary duty to his client which is of a very delicate, exacting and
hold otherwise would be precluding any lawyer from instituting a case against anyone confidential character, requiring a very high degree of fidelity and good faith, that is
to protect his personal or proprietary interests. required by reason of necessity and public interest based on the hypothesis that
abstinence from seeking legal advice in a good cause is an evil which is fatal to the
WHEREFORE, Resolution No. XV-2003-365 dated June 21, 2003 of the Integrated Bar administration of justice. It is also the strict sense of fidelity of a lawyer to his client that
of the Philippines is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the administrative case filed distinguishes him from any other professional in society. This conception is entrenched
against Atty. Fermin L. Gonzales, docketed as A.C. No. 5280, is DISMISSED for lack and embodies centuries of established and stable tradition. Considerations favoring
of merit. confidentiality in lawyer-client relationships are many and serve several constitutional
and policy concerns. In the constitutional sphere, the privilege gives flesh to one of the
most sacrosanct rights available to the accused, the right to counsel. If a client were
||| (Uy v. Gonzales, A.C. No. 5280, [March 30, 2004]) made to choose between legal representation without effective communication and
disclosure and legal representation with all his secrets revealed then he might be
compelled, in some instances, to either opt to stay away from the judicial system or to
lose the right to counsel. If the price of disclosure is too high, or if it amounts to self
2. Regala v. Sandinganbayan, G.R. No. 105938. September 20, 1996
incrimination, then the flow of information would be curtailed thereby rendering the right
practically nugatory. The threat this represents against another sacrosanct individual
right, the right to be presumed innocent is at once self-evident. Encouraging full
[G.R. No. 105938. September 20, 1996.]
disclosure to a lawyer by one seeking legal services opens the door to a whole
spectrum of legal options which would otherwise be circumscribed by limited
TEODORO R. REGALA, EDGARDO J. ANGARA, AVELINO V. information engendered by a fear of disclosure. An effective lawyer-client relationship
CRUZ, JOSE C. CONCEPCION, ROGELIO A. VINLUAN, is largely between lawyer and client which in turn requires a situation which encourages
VICTOR P. LAZATIN, and EDUARDO U. a dynamic and fruitful exchange and flow of information. It necessarily follows that in
ESCUETA, petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE order to attain effective representation, the lawyer must invoke the privilege not as a
SANDIGANBAYAN, First Division, REPUBLIC OF THE matter of option but as a matter of duty and professional responsibility.
IDENTITY OF HIS CLIENT; RATIONALE. — As a matter of public policy, a client's
ROCO, respondents.
identity should not be shrouded in mystery. Under this premise, the general rule in our
jurisdiction as well as in the United States is that a lawyer may not invoke the privilege
and refuse to divulge the name or identity of his client. The reasons advanced for the
[G.R. No. 108113. September 20, 1996.] general rule are well established. First, the court has a right to know that the client
whose privileged information is sought to be protected is flesh and blood. Second, the
privilege begins to exist only after the attorney-client relationship has been established.
The attorney-client privilege does not attach until there is a client. Third, the privilege
generally pertains to the subject matter of the relationship. Finally, due process
considerations require that the opposing party should, as a general rule, know his
adversary. "A party suing or sued is entitled to know who his opponent is. He cannot
Manuel G. Abello for petitioners. be obliged to grope in the dark against unknown forces.
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The general rule is, however, qualified by some important exception. 1) Client identity
is privileged where a strong probability exists that revealing the client's name would 1. LEGAL ETHICS; LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP; NATURE OF THE RULE OF
implicate that client in the very activity for which he sought the lawyer's advice. 2) CONFIDENTIALITY. — The rule of confidentiality under the lawyer-client relationship
Where disclosure would open the client to civil liability, his identity is privileged. 3) is not a cause to exclude a party. It is merely a ground for disqualification of a
Where the government's lawyers have no case against an attorney's client unless, by witness (Sec. 24, Rule 130, Rules of Court) and may only be invoked at the appropriate
revealing the client's name, the said name would furnish the only link that would form time, i.e., when a lawyer is under compulsion to answer as witness, as when, having
the chain of testimony necessary to convict an individual of a crime, the client's name taken the witness stand, he is questioned as to such confidential communication or
is privileged. Apart from these principal exceptions, there exist other situations which advice, or is being otherwise judicially coerced to produce, through subpoenae duces
could qualify as exceptions to the general rule. For example, the content of any client tecum or otherwise, letters or other documents containing the same privileged matter.
communication to a lawyer lies within the privilege if it is relevant to the subject matter
of the legal problem on which the client seeks legal assistance. Moreover, where
the nature of the attorney-client relationship has been previously disclosed and it is the SCOPE OF THE PHILIPPINE RULE. — Hypothetically admitting the allegations in the
identity which is intended to be confidential, the identity of the client has been held to
complaint in Civil Case No. 0033, I find myself unable to agree with the majority opinion
be privileged, since such revelation would otherwise result in disclosure and the entire
that the petitioners are immune from suit or that they have to be excluded as
transaction. Summarizing these exceptions, information relating to the identity of a
defendants, or that they cannot be compelled to reveal or disclose the identity of their
client may fall within the ambit of the privilege when the client's name itself has an
principals, all because of the sacred lawyer-client privilege. This privilege is well put in
independent significance, such that disclosure would then reveal client confidences.
Rule 130 of the Rules of Court. The majority seeks to expand the scope of the Philippine
4. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BILL OF RIGHTS; EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE rule on the lawyer-client privilege by copious citations of American jurisprudence which
CONSTRUED. — The equal protection clause is a guarantee which provides a wall of includes in the privilege the identity of the client under the exceptional situations
protection against uneven application of statutes and regulations. In the broader sense, narrated therein. From the plethora of cases cited, two facts stand out in bold relief.
the guarantee operates against uneven application of legal norms so that all persons Firstly, the issue of privilege contested therein arose in grand jury proceedings on
under similar circumstances would be accorded the same treatment. (Gumabon different States, which are primarily proceedings before the filing of the case in court,
v. Director of Prisons, 37 SCRA 420 [1971]). Those who fall within a particular class and we are not even told what evidentiary rules apply in the said hearings. In the
ought to be treated alike not only as to privileges granted but also as to the liabilities present case, the privilege is invoked in the court where it was already filed. Secondly,
imposed. . . . What is required under this Constitutional guarantee is the uniform and more important, in the cases cited by the majority, the lawyers concerned were
operation of legal norms so that all persons under similar circumstances would be merely advocating the cause of their clients but were not indicted for the charges
accorded the same treatment both in the privileges conferred and the liabilities against their said clients. Here, the counsel themselves are co-defendants duly charged
imposed. As was noted in a recent decision: 'Favoritism and undue preference cannot in court as co-conspirators in the offenses charged. The cases cited by the majority
be allowed. For the principle is that equal protection and security shall be given to every evidently do not apply to them.
person under circumstances, which if not identical are analogous. If law be looked upon
in terms of burden or charges, those that fall within a class should be treated in the
same fashion, whatever restrictions cast on some in the group equally binding the rest. 3. ID.; ID.; MAY NOT BE INVOKED AS A SHIELD FOR THE COMMISSION OF
CRIME. — I wish to repeat and underscore the fact that the lawyer-client privilege is
VITUG, J., separate opinion:
not a shield for the commission of a crime or against the prosecution of the lawyer
LEGAL ETHICS; LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP; COVERED BY THE therefor. We do not even have to go beyond our shores for an authority that the lawyer-
PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIALITY. — The legal profession, despite all the client privilege cannot be invoked to prevent the disclosure of a client's identity where
unrestrained calumny hurled against it, is still the noblest of professions. It exists upon the lawyer and the client are conspirators in the commission of a crime or a fraud. Under
the thesis that, in an orderly society that is opposed to all forms of anarchy, it so our jurisdiction, lawyers are mandated not to counsel or abet activities aimed at
occupies, as it should, an exalted position in the proper dispensation of justice. In time, defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system (Rule 1.02, Canon 1,
principles have evolved that would help ensure its effective ministation. The protection Code of Professional Responsibility) and to employ only fair and honest means to attain
of confidentiality of the lawyer-client relationship is one, and it has since been an the lawful objectives of his client (Rule 19.01, Canon 19, Id). And under the Canons of
accepted firmament in the profession. It allows the lawyer and the client to Professional Ethics, a lawyer must steadfastly bear in mind that his great trust is to be
institutionalize a unique relationship based on full trust and confidence essential in a performed within and not without the bounds of the law (Canon 15, Id.), that he
justice system that works on the basis of substantive and procedural due process. To advances the honor of his profession and the best interest of his client when he renders
be sure, the rule is not without its pitfalls, and demands against it may be strong, but service or gives advice tending to impress upon the client and his undertaking exact
these problems are, in the ultimate analysis, no more than mere tests of vigor that have compliance with the strictest principles of moral law (Canon 32, Id.). These canons strip
made and will make that rule endure.
PALE Chap 4
a lawyer of the lawyer-client privilege whenever he conspires with the client in the privilege. When these facts can be presented only by revealing the very information
commission of a crime or a fraud. sought to be protected by the privilege, the procedure is for the lawyer to move for an
inspection of the evidence in an in camera hearing. The hearing can even be in camera
PUNO, J., dissenting opinion: and ex-parte. Thus, it has been held that "a well-recognized means for an attorney to
demonstrate the existence of an exception to the general rule, while simultaneously
preserving confidentiality of the identity of his client, is to move the court for an in
SHIELD TO COMMIT CRIME OR FRAUD. — The attorney-client privilege can never
camera ex-parte hearing. Without the proofs adduced in these in camera hearings, the
be used as a shield to commit a crime or a fraud. Communications to an attorney having
Court has no factual basis to determine whether petitioners fall within any of the
for their object the commission of a crime ". . . partake the nature of a conspiracy, and
exceptions to the general rule.
it is not only lawful to divulge such communications, but under certain circumstances it
might become the duty of the attorney to do so. The interests of public justice require
that no such shield from merited exposure shall be interposed to protect a person who
takes counsel how he can safely commit a crime. The relation of attorney and client
cannot exist for the purpose of counsel in concocting crimes." (125 American Law DECISION
Reports Annotated 516–519 citing People v. Van Alstine, 57 Mich 69, 23 NW 594)
IDENTITY AS A GENERAL RULE; EXCEPTIONS. — As a general rule, the attorney- KAPUNAN, J p:
client privilege does not include the right of non-disclosure of client identity. The general
rule, however, admits of well-etched exceptions which the Sandiganbayan failed to These cases touch the very cornerstone of every State's judicial system, upon which
recognize. The general rule and its exceptions are accurately summarized in In re the workings of the contentious and adversarial system in the Philippine legal process
Grand Jury Investigation. The Circuits have embraced various "exceptions" to the are based — the sanctity of fiduciary duty in the client-lawyer relationship. The fiduciary
general rule that the identity of a client is not within the protective ambit of an attorney- duty of a counsel and advocate is also what makes the law profession a unique position
client privilege. All such exceptions appear to be firmly grounded in the Ninth Circuit's of trust and confidence, which distinguishes it from any other calling. In this instance,
seminal decision in Baird v. Koerner, 279 F. 2d 633 (8th Cir. 1960). 'The name of the we have norecourse but to uphold and strengthen the mantle of protection accorded to
client will be considered privileged matter where the circumstances of the case are such the confidentiality that proceeds from the performance of the lawyer's duty to his client.
that the name of the client is material only for the purpose of showing an
acknowledgment of guilt on the part of such client of the very offenses on account of The facts of the case are undisputed.
which the attorney was employed.' 'A significant exception to this principle of non-
confidentiality holds that such information may be privileged when the person invoking The matters raised herein are an offshoot of the institution of the Complaint on July 31,
the privilege is able to show that a strong possibility exists that disclosure of the 1987 before the Sandiganbayan by the Republic of the Philippines, through the
information would implicate the client in the very matter for which legal advice was Presidential Commission on Good Government against Eduardo M. Cojuangco, Jr., as
sought in the first case.' Another exception to the general rule that the identity of a client one of the principal defendants, for the recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth, which
is not privileged arises where disclosure of the identity would be tantamount to includes shares of stocks in the named corporations in PCGG Case No. 33 (Civil
disclosing an otherwise protected confidential communication. To the general rule is an Case No. 0033), entitled "Republic of the Philippines versus Eduardo Cojuangco, et
exception, firmly embedded as the rule itself. The privilege may be recognized where al." 1
so much of the actual communication has already been disclosed that identification of Among the defendants named in the case are herein petitioners Teodoro Regala,
the client amounts to disclosure of a confidential communication. The privilege may be Edgardo J. Angara, Avelino V. Cruz, Jose C. Concepcion, Rogelio A. Vinluan, Victor P.
recognized where so much of the actual communication has already been disclosed Lazatin, Eduardo U. Escueta and Paraja G. Hayudini, and herein private respondent
[not necessarily by the attorney but by independent sources as well] that identification Raul S. Roco, who all were then partners of the law firm Angara, Abello, Concepcion,
of the client [or of fees paid] amounts to disclosure of a confidential Regala and Cruz Law Offices (hereinafter referred to as the ACCRA Law Firm). ACCRA
communication. Another exception, articulated in the Fifth Circuit's en banc decision Law Firm performed legal services for its clients, which included, among others, the
of In re Grand Jury Proceedings (Pavlick), 680 F, 2D 1026 5th Cir. 1982 (en banc), is organization and acquisition of business associations and/or organizations, with the
recognized when disclosure of the identity of the client would provide the "last link" of correlative and incidental services where its members acted as incorporators, or simply,
evidence. as stockholders. More specifically, in the performance of these services, the members
3. ID.; ID.; PERSON CLAIMING THE PRIVILEGE OR ITS EXCEPTIONS HAS THE of the law firm delivered to its client documents which substantiate the client's equity
OBLIGATION TO PRESENT THE UNDERLYING FACTS DEMONSTRATING THE holdings, i.e., stock certificates endorsed in blank representing the shares registered in
EXISTENCE OF THE PRIVILEGE. — The person claiming the privilege or its exception the client's name, and a blank deed of trust or assignment covering said shares. In the
has the obligation to present the underlying facts demonstrating the existence of the course of their dealings with their clients, the members of the law firm acquire
information relative to the assets of clients as well as their personal and business
PALE Chap 4
circumstances. As members of the ACCRA Law Firm, petitioners and private Eduardo U. Escueta, became holders of shares of stock
respondent Raul Roco admit that they assisted in the organization and acquisition of in the corporations listed under their respective names in
the companies included in Civil Case No. 0033, and in keeping with the office practice, Annex 'A' of the expanded Amended Complaint as
ACCRA lawyers acted as nominees-stockholders of the said corporations involved in incorporating or acquiring stockholders only and, as such,
sequestration proceedings. 2 they do not claim any proprietary interest in the said
shares of stock.
On August 20, 1991, respondent Presidential Commission on Good government
(hereinafter referred to as respondent PCGG) filed a "Motion to Admit Third Amended 4.5. Defendant ACCRA-lawyer Avelino V. Cruz was one
Complaint" and "Third Amended Complaint" which excluded private respondent Raul of the incorporators in 1976 of Mermaid Marketing
S. Roco from the complaint in PCGG Case No. 33 as party-defendant. 3 Respondent Corporation, which was organized for legitimate business
PCGG based its exclusion of private respondent Roco as party-defendant on his purposes not related to the allegations of the expanded
undertaking that he will reveal the identity of the principal/s for whom he acted as Amended Complaint. However, he has long ago
nominee/stockholder in the companies involved in PCGG Case No. 33. 4 transferred any material interest therein and therefore
denies that the 'shares' appearing in his name in Annex
Petitioners were included in the Third Amended Complaint on the strength of the 'A' of the expanded Amended Complaint are his assets. 6
following allegations:
Petitioner Paraja Hayudini, who had separated from ACCRA law firm, filed a separate
14. Defendants Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr., Edgardo J. Angara, Jose answer denying the allegations in the complaint implicating him in the alleged ill-gotten
C. Concepcion, Teodoro Regala, Avelino V. Cruz, Rogelio A. wealth. 7
Vinluan, Eduardo U. Escueta, Paraja G. Hayudini and Raul Roco
of the Angara Concepcion Cruz Regala and Abello law offices Petitioners ACCRA lawyers subsequently filed their "COMMENT AND/OR
(ACCRA) plotted, devised, schemed, conspired and confederated OPPOSITION" dated October 8, 1991 with Counter-Motion that respondent PCGG
with each other in setting up, through the use of the coconut levy similarly grant the same treatment to them (exclusion as parties-defendants) as
funds, the financial and corporate framework and structures that accorded private respondent Roco. 8 The Counter-Motion for dropping petitioners from
led to the establishment of UCPB, UNICOM, COCOLIFE, the complaint was duly set for hearing on October 18, 1991 in accordance with the
COCOMARK, CIC, and more than twenty other coconut levy requirements of Rule 15 of the Rules of Court.
funded corporations, including the acquisition of San Miguel
Corporation shares and its institutionalization through presidential In its "Comment," respondent PCGG set the following conditions precedent for the
directives of the coconut monopoly. Through insidious means and exclusion of petitioners, namely: (a) the disclosure of the identity of its clients; (b)
machinations, ACCRA, being the wholly-owned investment arm, submission of documents substantiating the lawyer-client relationship; and (c) the
ACCRA Investments Corporation, became the holder of submission of the deeds of assignments petitioners executed in favor of its clients
approximately fifteen million shares representing roughly 3.3% of covering their respective shareholdings. 9
the total outstanding capital stock of UCPB as of 31 March 1987. Consequently, respondent PCGG presented supposed proof to substantiate
This ranks ACCRA Investments Corporation number 44 among
compliance by private respondent Roco of the conditions precedent to warrant the
the top 100 biggest stockholders of UCPB which has
latter's exclusion as party-defendant in PCGG Case No. 33, to wit: (a) Letter to
approximately 1,400,000 shareholders. On the other hand,
respondent PCGG of the counsel of respondent Roco dated May 24, 1989 reiterating
corporate books show the name Edgardo J. Angara as holding
a previous request for reinvestigation by the PCGG in PCGG Case No. 33; (b) Affidavit
approximately 3,744 shares as of February, 1984. 5
dated March 8, 1989 executed by private respondent Roco as Attachment to the letter
aforestated in (a); and (c) Letter of the Roco, Bunag, and Kapunan Law Offices dated
September 21, 1988 to the respondent PCGG in behalf of private respondent Roco
In their answer to the Expanded Amended Complaint, petitioners ACCRA lawyers originally requesting the reinvestigation and/or re-examination of the evidence of the
alleged that: PCGG against Roco in its Complaint in PCGG Case No. 33. 10
4.4. Defendants-ACCRA lawyers' participation in the acts with It is noteworthy that during said proceedings, private respondent Roco did not refute
which their co-defendants are charged, was in furtherance of petitioners' contention that he did actually not reveal the identity of the client involved
legitimate lawyering. in PCGG Case No. 33, nor had he undertaken to reveal the identity of the client for
whom he acted as nominee-stockholder. 11
4.4.1. In the course of rendering professional and legal
services to clients, defendants-ACCRA lawyers, Jose C.
Concepcion, Teodoro D. Regala, Rogelio A. Vinluan and
PALE Chap 4
On March 18, 1992, respondent Sandiganbayan promulgated the Resolution, herein The Honorable Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion in
questioned, denying the exclusion of petitioners in PCGG Case No. 33, for their refusal subjecting petitioners ACCRA lawyers who undisputably acted as
to comply with the conditions required by respondent PCGG. It held: lawyers in serving as nominee-stockholders, to the strict
application of the law of agency.
xxx xxx xxx
ACCRA lawyers may take the heroic stance of not revealing the
identity of the client for whom they have acted, i.e. their principal, The Honorable Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of
and that will be their choice. But until they do identify their clients, discretion in not considering petitioners ACCRA lawyers and Mr.
considerations of whether or not the privilege claimed by the Roco as similarly situated and, therefore, deserving of equal
ACCRA lawyers exists cannot even begin to be debated. The treatment.
ACCRA lawyers cannot excuse themselves from the
consequences of their acts until they have begun to establish the 1. There is absolutely no evidence that Mr. Roco had
basis for recognizing the privilege; the existence and identity of the revealed, or had undertaken to reveal, the
client. identities of the client(s) for whom he acted as
This is what appears to be the cause for which they have been
impleaded by the PCGG as defendants herein. 2. Even assuming that Mr. Roco had revealed, or had
undertaken to reveal, the identities of the
5. The PCGG is satisfied that defendant Roco has demonstrated client(s), the disclosure does not constitute a
his agency and that Roco has apparently identified his principal, substantial distinction as would make the
which revelation could show the lack of cause against him. This in classification reasonable under the equal
turn has allowed the PCGG to exercise its power both under the protection clause.
rules of Agency and under Section 5 of E.O. No. 14-A in relation
to the Supreme Court's ruling in Republic v. Sandiganbayan (173 3. Respondent Sandiganbayan sanctioned favoritism
SCRA 72). and undue preference in favor of Mr. Roco in
violation of the equal protection clause.
The PCGG has apparently offered to the ACCRA lawyers the
same conditions availed of by Roco; full disclosure in exchange for III
exclusion from these proceedings (par. 7, PCGG's COMMENT
The Honorable Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of
dated November 4, 1991). The ACCRA lawyers have preferred not
discretion in not holding that, under the facts of this case, the
to make the disclosures required by the PCGG.
attorney-client privilege prohibits petitioners ACCRA lawyers from
The ACCRA lawyers cannot, therefore, begrudge the PCGG for revealing the identity of their client(s) and the other information
keeping them as party defendants. In the same vein, they cannot requested by the PCGG.
compel the PCGG to be accorded the same treatment accorded to
1. Under the peculiar facts of this case, the attorney-client
privilege includes the identity of the client(s).
Neither can this Court.
2. The factual disclosures required by the PCGG are not
WHEREFORE, the Counter Motion dated October 8, 1991 filed by limited to the identity of petitioners ACCRA
the ACCRA lawyers and joined in by Atty. Paraja G. Hayudini for lawyers' alleged client(s) but extend to other
the same treatment by the PCGG as accorded to Raul S. Roco is privileged matters.
DENIED for lack of merit. 12
ACCRA lawyers moved for a reconsideration of the above resolution but the same was The Honorable Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of
denied by the respondent Sandiganbayan. Hence, the ACCRA lawyers filed the petition
discretion in not requiring that the dropping of party-defendants by
for certiorari, docketed as G.R. No. 105938, invoking the following grounds:
the PCGG must be based on reasonable and just grounds and with
I due consideration to the constitutional right of petitioners ACCRA
lawyers to the equal protection of the law.
PALE Chap 4
Petitioner Paraja G. Hayudini, likewise, filed his own motion for reconsideration of the In a closely related case, Civil Case No. 0110 of the Sandiganbayan, Third Division,
March 18, 1991 resolution which was denied by respondent Sandiganbayan. Thus, he entitled "Primavera Farms, Inc., et al. vs. Presidential Commission on Good
filed a separate petition for certiorari, docketed as G.R. No. 108113, assailing Government" respondent PCGG, through counsel Mario Ongkiko, manifested at the
respondent Sandiganbayan's resolution on essentially the same grounds averred by hearing on December 5, 1991 that the PCGG wanted to establish through the ACCRA
petitioners in G.R. No. 105938. that their "so called client is Mr. Eduardo Cojuangco"; that "it was Mr. Eduardo
Cojuangco who furnished all the monies to those subscription payments in corporations
Petitioners contend that the exclusion of respondent Roco as party-defendant in PCGG included in Annex "A" of the Third Amended Complaint; that the ACCRA lawyers
Case No. 33 grants him a favorable treatment, on the pretext of his alleged undertaking executed deeds of trust and deeds of assignment, some in the name of particular
to divulge the identity of his client, giving him an advantage over them who are in the persons, some in blank.
same footing as partners in the ACCRA law firm. Petitioners further argue that even
granting that such an undertaking has been assumed by private respondent Roco, they We quote Atty. Ongkiko:
are prohibited from revealing the identity of their principal under their sworn mandate
and fiduciary duty as lawyers to uphold at all times the confidentiality of information ATTY. ONGKIKO:
obtained during such lawyer-client relationship. cdasia
With the permission of this Hon. Court. I propose to establish
Respondent PCGG, through its counsel, refutes petitioners' contention, alleging that through these ACCRA lawyers that, one, their so-called client is
the revelation of the identity of the client is not within the ambit of the lawyer-client Mr. Eduardo Cojuangco. Second, it was Mr. Eduardo Cojuangco
confidentiality privilege, nor are the documents it required (deeds of assignment) who furnished all the monies to these subscription payments of
protected, because they are evidence of nominee status. 13 these corporations who are now the petitioners in this case. Third,
that these lawyers executed deeds of trust, some in the name of a
In his comment, respondent Roco asseverates that respondent PCGG acted correctly particular person, some in blank. Now, these blank deeds are
in excluding him as party-defendant because he "(Roco) has not filed an important to our claim that some of the shares are actually being
Answer. PCGG had therefore the right to dismiss Civil Case No. 0033 as to Roco held by the nominees for the late President Marcos. Fourth, they
'without an order of court by filing a notice of dismissal,'" 14 and he has undertaken to also executed deeds of assignment and some of these
identify his principal. 15 assignments have also blank assignees. Again, this is important to
our claim that some of the shares are for Mr. Cojuangco and some
Petitioners' contentions are impressed with merit. are for Mr. Marcos. Fifth, that most of these corporations are really
just paper corporations. Why do we say that? One: There
are no really fixed sets of officers, no fixed sets of directors at the
It is quite apparent that petitioners were impleaded by the PCGG as co-defendants to time of incorporation and even up to 1986, which is the crucial
force them to disclose the identity of their clients. Clearly, respondent PCGG is not after year. And not only that, they have no permits from the municipal
petitioners but the "bigger fish" as they say in street parlance. This ploy is quite clear authorities in Makati. Next, actually all their addresses now are
from the PCGG's willingness to cut a deal with petitioners — the names of their clients care of Villareal Law Office. They really have no address on
in exchange for exclusion from the complaint. The statement of the Sandiganbayan in records. These are some of the principal things that we would ask
its questioned resolution dated March 18, 1992 is explicit: of these nominees stockholders, as they called themselves. 16
ACCRA lawyers may take the heroic stance of not revealing the It would seem that petitioners are merely standing in for their clients as defendants in
identity of the client for whom they have acted, i.e., their principal, the complaint. Petitioners are being prosecuted solely on the basis of activities and
and that will be their choice. But until they do identify their clients, services performed in the course of their duties as lawyers. Quite obviously, petitioners'
considerations of whether or not the privilege claimed by the inclusion as co-defendants in the complaint is merely being used as leverage to compel
ACCRA lawyers exists cannot even begin to be debated. The them to name their clients and consequently to enable the PCGG to nail these clients.
ACCRA lawyers cannot excuse themselves from the Such being the case, respondent PCGG has no valid cause of action as against
consequences of their acts until they have begun to establish the petitioners and should exclude them from the Third Amended Complaint.
basis for recognizing the privilege; the existence and identity of the
client. II
The nature of lawyer-client relationship is premised on the Roman Law concepts
of locatio conductio operarum (contract of lease of services) where one person lets his
This is what appears to be the cause for which they have been services and another hires them without reference to the object of which the services
impleaded by the PCGG as defendants herein. (Italics ours) are to be performed, wherein lawyers' services may be compensated by honorarium or
for hire, 17 and mandato (contract of agency) wherein a friend on whom reliance could
PALE Chap 4
be placed makes a contract in his name, but gives up all that he gained by the contract concerning any fact the knowledge of which has been acquired in
to the person who requested him. 18 But the lawyer-client relationship is more than that such capacity. 29
of the principal-agent and lessor-lessee.
Further, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court states:
In modern day perception of the lawyer-client relationship, an attorney is more than a
mere agent or servant, because he possesses special powers of trust and confidence Sec. 20. It is the duty of an attorney:
reposed on him by his client. 19 A lawyer is also as independent as the judge of the
(e) to maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to
court, thus his powers are entirely different from and superior to those of an ordinary
himself, to preserve the secrets of his client, and to
agent. 20 Moreover, an attorney also occupies what may be considered as a "quasi-
accept no compensation in connection with his client's business
judicial office" since he is in fact an officer of the Court 21 and exercises his judgment
except from him or with his knowledge and approval.
in the choice of courses of action to be taken favorable to his client.
This duty is explicitly mandated in Canon 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
Thus, in the creation of lawyer-client relationship, there are rules, ethical conduct and
which provides that:
duties that breathe life into it, among those, the fiduciary duty to his client which is of a
very delicate, exacting and confidential character, requiring a very high degree of fidelity Canon 17. A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he
and good faith, 22 that is required by reason of necessity and public interest 23 based shall be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him.
on the hypothesis that abstinence from seeking legal advice in a good cause is an evil
which is fatal to the administration of justice. 24 Canon 15 of the Canons of Professional Ethics also demands a lawyer's fidelity to
It is also the strict sense of fidelity of a lawyer to his client that distinguishes him from
any other professional in society. This conception is entrenched and embodies The lawyer owes "entire devotion to the interest of the client, warm
centuries of established and stable tradition. 25 In Stockton v. Ford, 26 the U.S. zeal in the maintenance and defense of his rights and the exertion
Supreme Court held: of his utmost learning and ability," to the end that nothing be taken
or be withheld from him, save by the rules of law, legally
There are few of the business relations of life involving a higher applied. No fear of judicial disfavor or public popularity should
trust and confidence than that of attorney and client, or generally restrain him from the full discharge of his duty. In the judicial forum
speaking, one more honorably and faithfully discharged; few more the client is entitled to the benefit of any and every remedy and
anxiously guarded by the law, or governed by the sterner principles defense that is authorized by the law of the land, and he may
of morality and justice; and it is the duty of the court to administer expect his lawyer to assert every such remedy or defense. But it is
them in a corresponding spirit, and to be watchful and industrious, steadfastly to be borne in mind that the great trust of the lawyer is
to see that confidence thus reposed shall not be used to the to be performed within and not without the bounds of the law. The
detriment or prejudice of the rights of the party bestowing it. 27 office of attorney does not permit, much less does it demand of
him for any client, violation of law or any manner of fraud or
In our jurisdiction, this privilege takes off from the old Code of Civil Procedure enacted
chicanery. He must obey his own conscience and not that of his
by the Philippine Commission on August 7, 1901. Section 383 of the Code specifically
"forbids counsel, without authority of his client to reveal any communication made by
the client to him or his advice given thereon in the course of professional Considerations favoring confidentiality in lawyer-client relationships are many and
employment." 28 Passed on into various provisions of the Rules of Court, the attorney- serve several constitutional and policy concerns. In the constitutional sphere, the
client privilege, as currently worded provides: privilege gives flesh to one of the most sacrosanct rights available to the accused, the
right to counsel. If a client were made to choose between legal representation without
Sec. 24. Disqualification by reason of privileged communication.
effective communication and disclosure and legal representation with all his secrets
— The following persons cannot testify as to matters learned in
revealed then he might be compelled, in some instances, to either opt to stay away
confidence in the following cases:
from the judicial system or to lose the right to counsel. If the price of disclosure is too
xxx xxx xxx high, or if it amounts to self incrimination, then the flow of information would be curtailed
thereby rendering the right practically nugatory. The threat this represents against
An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, be examined another sacrosanct individual right, the right to be presumed innocent is at once self-
as to any communication made by the client to him, or his advice evident.
given thereon in the course of, or with a view to, professional
employment, can an attorney's secretary, stenographer, or clerk Encouraging full disclosure to a lawyer by one seeking legal services opens the door
be examined, without the consent of the client and his employer, to a whole spectrum of legal options which would otherwise be circumscribed by limited
information engendered by a fear of disclosure. An effective lawyer-client relationship
PALE Chap 4
is largely dependent upon the degree of confidence which exists between lawyer and U.S. v. Hodge and Zweig, 35 involved the same exception, i.e. that client identity is
client which in turn requires a situation which encourages a dynamic and fruitful privileged in those instances where a strong probability exists that the disclosure of the
exchange and flow of information. It necessarily follows that in order to attain effective client's identity would implicate the client in the very criminal activity for which the
representation, the lawyer must invoke the privilege not as a matter of option but as a lawyer's legal advice was obtained.
matter of duty and professional responsibility.
The Hodge case involved federal grand jury proceedings inquiring into the activities of
The question now arises whether or not this duty may be asserted in refusing to the "Sandino Gang," a gang involved in the illegal importation of drugs in the United
disclose the name of petitioners' client(s) in the case at bar. Under the facts and States. The respondents, law partners, represented key witnesses and suspects
circumstances obtaining in the instant case, the answer must be in the affirmative. including the leader of the gang, Joe Sandino.
As a matter of public policy, a client's identity should not be shrouded in In connection with a tax investigation in November of 1973, the IRS issued summons
mystery. 30 Under this premise, the general rule in our jurisdiction as well as in the to Hodge and Zweig, requiring them to produce documents and information regarding
United States is that a lawyer may not invoke the privilege and refuse to divulge the payment received by Sandino on behalf of any other person, and vice versa. The
name or identity of his client. 31 lawyers refused to divulge the names. The Ninth Circuit of the United States Court of
Appeals, upholding non-disclosure under the facts and circumstances of the case, held:
A client's identity and the nature of that client's fee arrangements
The reasons advanced for the general rule are well established. may be privileged where the person invoking the privilege can
show that a strong probability exists that disclosure of such
First, the court has a right to know that the client whose privileged information is sought
information would implicate that client in the very criminal activity
to be protected is flesh and blood.
for which legal advice was sought Baird v. Koerner, 279 F.2d at
Second, the privilege begins to exist only after the attorney-client relationship has been 680. While in Baird Owe enunciated this rule as a matter of
established. The attorney-client privilege does not attach until there is a client California law, the rule also reflects federal law. Appellants
contend that the Baird exception applies to this case.
Third, the privilege generally pertains to the subject matter of the relationship.
The Baird exception is entirely consonant with the principal policy
Finally, due process considerations require that the opposing party should, as a general behind the attorney-client privilege. "In order to promote freedom
rule, know his adversary. "A party suing or sued is entitled to know who his opponent of consultation of legal advisors by clients, the apprehension of
is." 32 He cannot be obliged to grope in the dark against unknown forces. 33 compelled disclosure from the legal advisors must be removed;
hence, the law must prohibit such disclosure except on the client's
Notwithstanding these considerations, the general rule is however qualified by some consent." 8 J. Wigmore, supra Sec. 2291, at 545. In furtherance of
important exceptions. this policy, the client's identity and the nature of his fee
1) Client identity is privileged where a strong probability exists that revealing the client's arrangements are, in exceptional cases, protected as confidential
name would implicate that client in the very activity for which he sought the lawyer's communications. 36
advice. 2) Where disclosure would open the client to civil liability, his identity is privileged. For
In Ex-Parte Enzor, 34 a state supreme court reversed a lower court order requiring a instance, the peculiar facts and circumstances of Neugass v.Terminal Cab
lawyer to divulge the name of her client on the ground that the subject matter of the Corporation, 37 prompted the New York Supreme Court to allow a lawyer's claim to the
relationship was so closely related to the issue of the client's identity that the privilege effect that he could not reveal the name of his client because this would expose the
actually attached to both. In Enzor, the unidentified client, an election official, informed latter to civil litigation. llcd
his attorney in confidence that he had been offered a bribe to violate election laws or In the said case, Neugass, the plaintiff, suffered injury when the taxicab she was riding,
that he had accepted a bribe to that end. In her testimony, the attorney revealed that owned by respondent corporation, collided with a second taxicab, whose owner was
she had advised her client to count the votes correctly, but averred that she could not unknown. Plaintiff brought action both against defendant corporation and the owner of
remember whether her client had been, in fact, bribed. The lawyer was cited for the second cab, identified in the information only as John Doe. It turned out that when
contempt for her refusal to reveal his client's identity before a grand jury. Reversing the the attorney of defendant corporation appeared on preliminary examination, the fact
lower court's contempt orders, the state supreme court held that under the was somehow revealed that the lawyer came to know the name of the owner of the
circumstances of the case, and under the exceptions described above, even the name second cab when a man, a client of the insurance company, prior to the institution of
of the client was privileged. legal action, came to him and reported that he was involved in a car accident. It was
apparent under the circumstances that the man was the owner of the second cab. The
PALE Chap 4
state supreme court held that the reports were clearly made to the lawyer in his 3) Where the government's lawyers have no case against an attorney's client unless,
professional capacity. The court said: by revealing the client's name, the said name would furnish the only link that would form
the chain of testimony necessary to convict an individual of a crime, the client's name
That his employment came about through the fact that the is privileged.
insurance company had hired him to defend its policyholders
seems immaterial. The attorney in such cases is clearly the In Baird vs. Korner, 42 a lawyer was consulted by the accountants and the lawyer of
attorney for the policyholder when the policyholder goes to him to certain undisclosed taxpayers regarding steps to be taken to place the undisclosed
report an occurrence contemplating that it would be used in an taxpayers in a favorable position in case criminal charges were brought against them
action or claim against him. 38 by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
xxx xxx xxx. It appeared that the taxpayer's returns of previous years were probably incorrect and
the taxes understated. The clients themselves were unsure about whether or not they
All communications made by a client to his counsel, for the violated tax laws and sought advice from Baird on the hypothetical possibility that they
purpose of professional advice or assistance, are privileged, had. No investigation was then being undertaken by the IRS of the taxpayers.
whether they relate to a suit pending or contemplated, or to any Subsequently, the attorney of the taxpayers delivered to Baird the sum of $12,706.85,
other matter proper for such advice or aid; . . . And whenever the which had been previously assessed as the tax due, and another amount of money
communication made, relates to a matter so connected with the representing his fee for the advice given. Baird then sent a check for $12,706.85 to the
employment as attorney or counsel as to afford presumption that IRS in Baltimore, Maryland, with a note explaining the payment, but without naming his
it was the ground of the address by the client, then it is privileged clients. The IRS demanded that Baird identify the lawyers, accountants, and other
from disclosure. . . . clients involved. Baird refused on the ground that he did not know their names, and
declined to name the attorney and accountants because this constituted privileged
It appears . . . that the name and address of the owner of the
second cab came to the attorney in this case as a confidential communication. A petition was filed for the enforcement of the IRS summons. For
Baird's repeated refusal to name his clients he was found guilty of civil contempt. The
communication. His client is not seeking to use the courts, and his
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that, a lawyer could not be forced to reveal the
address cannot be disclosed on that theory, nor is the present
names of clients who employed him to pay sums of money to the government
action pending against him as service of the summons on him has
voluntarily in settlement of undetermined income taxes, unsued on, and
not been effected. The objections on which the court reserved
with no government audit or investigation into that client's income tax liability pending.
decision are sustained. 39
The court emphasized the exception that a client's name is privileged when so much
In the case of Matter of Shawmut Mining Company, 40 the lawyer involved was has been revealed concerning the legal services rendered that the disclosure of the
required by a lower court to disclose whether he represented certain clients in a certain client's identity exposes him to possible investigation and sanction by government
transaction. The purpose of the court's request was to determine whether the unnamed agencies. The Court held:
persons as interested parties were connected with the purchase of properties involved
in the action. The lawyer refused and brought the question to the State Supreme Court.
Upholding the lawyer's refusal to divulge the names of his clients the court held: The facts of the instant case bring it squarely within that exception
to the general rule. Here money was received by the government,
If it can compel the witness to state, as directed by the order
paid by persons who thereby admitted they had not paid a
appealed from, that he represented certain persons in the
sufficient amount in income taxes some one or more years in the
purchase or sale of these mines, it has made progress in
past. The names of the clients are useful to the government for but
establishing by such evidence their version of the litigation. As
one purpose — to ascertain which taxpayers think they were
already suggested, such testimony by the witness would compel
delinquent, so that it may check the records for that one year or
him to disclose not only that he was attorney for certain people,
several years. The voluntary nature of the payment indicates a
but that, as the result of communications made to him in the course
belief by the taxpayers that more taxes or interest or penalties are
of such employment as such attorney, he knew that they were
due than the sum previously paid, if any. It indicates a feeling of
interested in certain transactions. We feel sure that under such
guilt for nonpayment of taxes, though whether it is criminal guilt is
conditions no case has ever gone to the length of compelling an
undisclosed. But it may well be the link that could form the chain
attorney, at the instance of a hostile litigant, to disclose not only his
of testimony necessary to convict an individual of a federal crime.
retainer, but the nature of the transactions to which it related, when
Certainly the payment and the feeling of guilt are the reasons the
such information could be made the basis of a suit against his
attorney here involved was employed — to advise his clients what,
client. 41
under the circumstances, should be done. 43
PALE Chap 4
Apart from these principal exceptions, there exist other situations which could qualify An important distinction must be made between a case where a client takes on the
as exceptions to the general rule. services of an attorney, for illicit purposes, seeking advice about how to go around the
law for the purpose of committing illegal activities and a case where a client thinks he
For example, the content of any client communication to a lawyer lies within the might have previously committed something illegal and consults his attorney about it.
privilege if it is relevant to the subject matter of the legal problem on which the client The first case clearly does not fall within the privilege because the same cannot be
seeks legal assistance. 44 Moreover, where the nature of the attorney-client invoked for purposes illegal. The second case falls within the exception because
relationship has been previously disclosed and it is the identity which is intended to be whether or not the act for which the client sought advice turns out to be illegal, his name
confidential, the identity of the client has been held to be privileged, since such cannot be used or disclosed if the disclosure leads to evidence, not yet in the hands of
revelation would otherwise result in disclosure of the entire transaction. 45 the prosecution, which might lead to possible action against him.
Summarizing these exceptions, information relating to the identity of a client may fall These cases may be readily distinguished, because the privilege cannot be invoked or
within the ambit of the privilege when the client's name itself has an independent used as a shield for an illegal act, as in the first example; while the prosecution may not
significance, such that disclosure would then reveal client confidences. 46 have a case against the client in the second example and cannot use the attorney client
relationship to build up a case against the latter. The reason for the first rule is that it is
The circumstances involving the engagement of lawyers in the case at bench,
not within the professional character of a lawyer to give advice on the commission of a
therefore, clearly reveal that the instant case falls under at least two exceptions to the
crime. 48 The reason for the second has been stated in the cases above discussed
general rule. First, disclosure of the alleged client's name would lead to establish said
and are founded on the same policy grounds for which the attorney-client privilege, in
client's connection with the very fact in issue of the case, which is privileged information,
general, exists.
because the privilege, as stated earlier, protects the subject matter or the substance
(without which there would be no attorney-client relationship). In Matter of Shawmut Mining Co., supra, the appellate court therein stated that "under
such conditions no case has ever yet gone to the length of compelling an attorney, at
The link between the alleged criminal offense and the legal advice or legal service
sought was duly established in the case at bar, by no less than the PCGG itself. The the instance of a hostile litigant, to disclose not only his retainer, but the nature of the
transactions to which it related, when such information could be made the basis of a
key lies in the three specific conditions laid down by the PCGG which constitutes
suit against his client." 49 "Communications made to an attorney in the course of any
petitioners' ticket to non-prosecution should they accede thereto:
personal employment, relating to the subject thereof, and which may be supposed to
(a) the disclosure of the identity of its clients; be drawn out in consequence of the relation in which the parties stand to each other,
are under the seal of confidence and entitled to protection as privileged
(b) submission of documents substantiating the lawyer-client communications." 50 Where the communicated information, which clearly falls within
relationship; and the privilege, would suggest possible criminal activity but there would be not much in
the information known to the prosecution which would sustain a charge except that
(c) the submission of the deeds of assignment petitioners revealing the name of the client would open up other privileged information which would
executed in favor of their clients covering their respective substantiate the prosecution's suspicions, then the client's identity is so inextricably
shareholdings. linked to the subject matter itself that it falls within the protection. The Bairdexception,
From these conditions, particularly the third, we can readily deduce that the clients applicable to the instant case, is consonant with the principal policy behind the privilege,
indeed consulted the petitioners, in their capacity as lawyers, regarding the financial i.e., that for the purpose of promoting freedom of consultation of legal advisors by
and corporate structure, framework and set-up of the corporations in question. In turn, clients, apprehension of compelled disclosure from attorneys must be eliminated. This
petitioners gave their professional advice in the form of, among others, the exception has likewise been sustained in In re Grand Jury
aforementioned deeds of assignment covering their client's shareholdings. Proceedings 51 and Tillotson v. Boughner. 52 What these cases unanimously seek to
avoid is the exploitation of the general rule in what may amount to a fishing expedition
There is no question that the preparation of the aforestated documents was part and by the prosecution.
parcel of petitioners' legal service to their clients. More important, it constituted an
integral part of their duties as lawyers. Petitioners, therefore, have a legitimate fear that There are, after all, alternative sources of information available to the prosecutor which
identifying their clients would implicate them in the very activity for which legal advice do not depend on utilizing a defendant's counsel as a convenient and readily available
had been sought, i.e., the alleged accumulation of ill-gotten wealth in the source of information in the building of a case against the latter. Compelling disclosure
aforementioned corporations. of the client's name in circumstances such as the one which exists in the case at bench
amounts to sanctioning fishing expeditions by lazy prosecutors and litigants which we
Furthermore, under the third main exception, revelation of the client's name would cannot and will not countenance. When the nature of the transaction would be revealed
obviously provide the necessary link for the prosecution to build its case, where none by disclosure of an attorney's retainer, such retainer is obviously protected by the
otherwise exists. It is the link, in the words of Baird, "that would inevitably form the chain privilege. 53 It follows that petitioner attorneys in the instant case owe their client(s) a
of testimony necessary to convict the (client) of a . . . crime." 47
PALE Chap 4
duty and an obligation not to disclose the latter's identity which in turn requires them to moral discipline." The Court, no less, is not prepared to accept respondents' position
invoke the privilege. without denigrating the noble profession that is lawyering, so extolled by Justice Holmes
in this wise:
In fine, the crux of petitioner's objections ultimately hinges on their expectation that if
the prosecution has a case against their clients, the latter's case should be built upon Every calling is great when greatly pursued. But what other gives
evidence painstakingly gathered by them from their own sources and not from such scope to realize the spontaneous energy of one's soul? In
compelled testimony requiring them to reveal the name of their clients, information what other does one plunge so deep in the stream of life — so
which unavoidably reveals much about the nature of the transaction which may or may share its passions its battles, its despair, its triumphs, both as
not be illegal. The logical nexus between name and nature of transaction is so intimate witness and actor? . . . But that is not all. What a subject is this in
in this case that it would be difficult to simply dissociate one from the other. In this which we are united — this abstraction called the Law, wherein as
sense, the name is as much "communication" as information revealed directly about in a magic mirror, we see reflected, not only in our lives, but the
the transaction in question itself, a communication which is clearly and distinctly lives of all men that have been. When I think on this majestic theme
privileged. A lawyer cannot reveal such communication without exposing himself to by eyes dazzle. If we are to speak of the law as our mistress, we
charges of violating a principle which forms the bulwark of the entire attorney-client who are here know that she is a mistress only to be won with
relationship. sustained and lonely passion — only to be won by straining all the
faculties by which man is likened to God.
The uberrimei fidei relationship between a lawyer and his client therefore imposes a
strict liability for negligence on the former. The ethical duties owing to the client, We have no choice but to uphold petitioners' right not to reveal the identity of their
including confidentiality, loyalty, competence, diligence as well as the responsibility to clients under pain of the breach of fiduciary duty owing to their clients, because the
keep clients informed and protect their rights to make decisions have been zealously facts of the instant case clearly fall within recognized exceptions to the rule that the
sustained. In Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and McCloy v. Boon, 54 the US Second District client's name is not privileged information.
Court rejected the plea of the petitioner law firm that it breached its fiduciary duty to its
client by helping the latter's former agent in closing a deal for the agent's benefit only If we were to sustain respondent PCGG that the lawyer-client confidential privilege
after its client hesitated in proceeding with the transaction, thus causing no harm to its under the circumstances obtaining here does not cover the identity of the client, then it
client. The Court instead ruled that breaches of a fiduciary relationship in any context would expose the lawyers themselves to possible litigation by their clients in view of the
comprise a special breed of cases that often loosen normally stringent requirements of strict fiduciary responsibility imposed on them in the exercise of their duties. LLphil
causation and damages, and found in favor of the client.
The complaint in Civil Case No. 0033 alleged that the defendants therein, including
herein petitioners and Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr. conspired with each other in setting up
through the use of coconut levy funds the financial and corporate framework and
To the same effect is the ruling in Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart, and Shipley structures that led to the establishment of UCPB, UNICOM and others and that through
P.A. v. Scheller 55 requiring strict obligation of lawyers vis-a-vis clients. In this case, a insidious means and machinations, ACCRA, using its wholly-owned investment arm,
contingent fee lawyer was fired shortly before the end of completion of his work, and ACCRA Investments Corporation, became the holder of approximately fifteen million
sought payment quantum meruit of work done. The court, however, found that the shares representing roughly 3.3% of the total capital stock of UCPB as of 31 March
lawyer was fired for cause after he sought to pressure his client into signing a new fee 1987. The PCGG wanted to establish through the ACCRA lawyers that Mr. Cojuangco
agreement while settlement negotiations were at a critical stage. While the client found is their client and it was Cojuangco who furnished all the monies to the subscription
a new lawyer during the interregnum, events forced the client to settle for less than payment; hence, petitioners acted as dummies, nominees and/or agents by allowing
what was originally offered. Reiterating the principle of fiduciary duty of lawyers to themselves, among others, to be used as instrument in accumulating ill-gotten wealth
clients in Meinhard v. Salmon 56 famously attributed to Justice Benjamin Cardozo that through government concessions, etc., which acts constitute gross abuse of official
"Not honesty alone, but the punctilio of an honor the most sensitive, is then the standard position and authority, flagrant breach of public trust, unjust enrichment, violation of the
of behavior," the US Court found that the lawyer involved was fired for cause, thus Constitution and laws of the Republic of the Philippines.
deserved no attorney's fees at all.
By compelling petitioners, not only to reveal the identity of their clients, but worse, to
The utmost zeal given by Courts to the protection of the lawyer-client confidentiality submit to the PCGG documents substantiating the client-lawyer relationship, as well as
privilege and lawyer's loyalty to his client is evident in the duration of the protection, deeds of assignment petitioners executed in favor of its clients covering their respective
which exists not only during the relationship, but extends even after the termination of shareholdings, the PCGG would exact from petitioners a link, "that would inevitably
the relationship. 57 form the chain of testimony necessary to convict the (client) of a crime."
Such are the unrelenting duties required of lawyers vis-a-vis their clients because the III
law, which the lawyers are sworn to uphold, in the words of Oliver Wendell
Holmes, 58 ". . . is an exacting goddess, demanding of her votaries in intellectual and
PALE Chap 4
In response to petitioners' last assignment of error, respondents allege that the private a recent decision: 'Favoritism and undue preference cannot be allowed. For the
respondent was dropped as party defendant not only because of his admission that he principle is that equal protection and security shall be given to every person under
acted merely as a nominee but also because of his undertaking to testify to such facts circumstances, which if not identical are analogous. If law be looked upon in terms of
and circumstances "as the interest of truth may require, which includes . . . the identity burden or charges, those that fall within a class should be treated in the same fashion,
of the principal." 59 whatever restrictions cast on some in the group equally binding the rest. 63
First, as to the bare statement that private respondent merely acted as a lawyer and We find that the condition precedent required by the respondent PCGG of the
nominee, a statement made in his out-of-court settlement with the PCGG, it is sufficient petitioners for their exclusion as parties-defendants in PCGG Case No. 33 violates the
to state that petitioners have likewise made the same claim not merely out-of-court but lawyer-client confidentiality privilege. The condition also constitutes a transgression by
also in their Answer to plaintiff's Expanded Amended Complaint, signed by counsel, respondents Sandiganbayan and PCGG of the equal protection clause of the
claiming that their acts were made in furtherance of "legitimate lawyering." 60 Being Constitution. 64 it is grossly unfair to exempt one similarly situated litigant from
"similarly situated" in this regard, public respondents must show that there exist other prosecution without allowing the same exemption to the others. Moreover, the PCGG's
conditions and circumstances which would warrant their treating the private respondent demand not only touches upon the question of the identity of their clients but also on
differently from petitioners in the case at bench in order to evade a violation of the equal documents related to the suspected transactions, not only in violation of the attorney-
protection clause of the Constitution. client privilege but also of the constitutional right against self-incrimination. Whichever
way one looks at it, this is a fishing expedition, a free ride at the expense of such rights.
To this end, public respondents contend that the primary consideration behind their
decision to sustain the PCGG's dropping of private respondent as a defendant was his An argument is advanced that the invocation by petitioners of the privilege of attorney-
promise to disclose the identities of the clients in question. However, respondents failed client confidentiality at this stage of the proceedings is premature and that they should
to show — and absolutely nothing exists in the records of the case at bar — that private wait until they are called to testify and examine as witnesses as to matters learned in
respondent actually revealed the identity of his client(s) to the PCGG. Since the confidence before they can raise their objections. But petitioners are not mere
undertaking happens to be the leitmotif of the entire arrangement between Mr. Roco witnesses. They are co-principals in the case for recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth.
and the PCGG, an undertaking which is so material as to have justified PCGG's special They have made their position clear from the very beginning that they are not willing to
treatment exempting the private respondent from prosecution, respondent testify and they cannot be compelled to testify in view of their constitutional right against
Sandiganbayan should have required proof of the undertaking more substantial than a self-incrimination and of their fundamental legal right to maintain inviolate the privilege
"bare assertion" that private respondent did indeed comply with the undertaking. of attorney-client confidentiality.
Instead, as manifested by the PCGG, only three documents were submitted for the
purpose, two of which were mere requests for re-investigation and one simply disclosed
certain clients which petitioners (ACCRA lawyers) were themselves willing to reveal. It is clear then that the case against petitioners should never be allowed to take its full
These were clients to whom both petitioners and private respondent rendered legal
course in the Sandiganbayan. Petitioners should not be made to suffer the effects of
services while all of them were partners at ACCRA, and were not the clients which the
further litigation when it is obvious that their inclusion in the complaint arose from a
PCGG wanted disclosed for the alleged questioned transactions. 61
privileged attorney-client relationship and as a means of coercing them to disclose the
To justify the dropping of the private respondent from the case or the filing of the suit in identities of their clients. To allow the case to continue with respect to them when this
the respondent court without him, therefore, the PCGG should conclusively show that Court could nip the problem in the bud at this early opportunity would be to sanction an
Mr. Roco was treated as a species apart from the rest of the ACCRA lawyers on the unjust situation which we should not here countenance. The case hangs as a real and
basis of a classification which made substantial distinctions based on real palpable threat, a proverbial Sword of Damocles over petitioners' heads. It should not
differences. No such substantial distinctions exist from the records of the case at be allowed to continue a day longer.
bench, in violation of the equal protection clause.
While we are aware of respondent PCGG's legal mandate to recover ill-gotten wealth,
The equal protection clause is a guarantee which provides a wall of protection against we will not sanction acts which violate the equal protection guarantee and the right
uneven application of statutes and regulations. In the broader sense, the guarantee against self-incrimination and subvert the lawyer-client confidentiality privilege. LibLex
operates against uneven application of legal norms so that all persons under similar
WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the Resolutions of respondent
circumstances would be accorded the same treatment. 62 Those who fall within a
Sandiganbayan (First Division) promulgated on March 18, 1992 and May 21, 1992 are
particular class ought to be treated alike not only as to privileges granted but also as to
hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. Respondent Sandiganbayan is further ordered to
the liabilities imposed.
execute petitioners Teodoro D. Regala, Edgardo J. Angara, Avelino V. Cruz, Jose C.
. . . What is required under this constitutional guarantee is the uniform operation of legal Conception, Victor P. Lazatin, Eduardo U. Escueta and Paraja G. Hayudini as parties-
norms so that all persons under similar circumstances would be accorded the same defendants in SB Civil Case No. 0033 entitled "Republic of the Philippines v. Eduardo
treatment both in the privileges conferred and the liabilities imposed. As was noted in Cojuangco, Jr., et al."
PALE Chap 4
SO ORDERED. Atty. Sabitsana administratively liable for representing conflicting interests. The IBP
Commissioner opined: AaHcIT
||| (Regala v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 105938, 108113, [September 20, 1996], 330
PHIL 678-755) In Bautista vs. Barrios, it was held that a lawyer may not handle a
case to nullify a contract which he prepared and thereby take up
3. Aninon v. Sabitsana, 669 SCRA 46 inconsistent positions. Granting that Zenaida L. Cañete,
respondent's present client in Civil Case No. B-1060 did not initially
learn about the sale executed by Bontes in favor of complainant
thru the confidences and information divulged by complainant to
[A.C. No. 5098. April 11, 2012.] respondent in the course of the preparation of the said deed of
sale, respondent nonetheless has a duty to decline his current
employment as counsel of Zenaida Cañete in view of the rule
JOSEFINA M. ANIÑON, complainant, vs. ATTY. prohibiting representation of conflicting interests.
In re De la Rosa clearly suggests that a lawyer may not represent
conflicting interests in the absence of the written consent of all
parties concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts. In the
DECISION present case, no such written consent was secured by respondent
before accepting employment as Mrs. Cañete's counsel-of-record.
xxx xxx xxx
Complainant and respondent's present client, being contending
We resolve this disbarment complaint against Atty. Clemencio Sabitsana, Jr. who is claimants to the same property, the conflict of interest is obviously
charged of: (1) violating the lawyer's duty to preserve confidential information received present. There is said to be inconsistency of interest when on
from his client; 1 and (2) violating the prohibition on representing conflicting interests. 2 behalf of one client, it is the attorney's duty to contend for that
which his duty to another client requires him to oppose. In brief, if
In her complaint, Josefina M. Aniñon (complainant) related that she previously he argues for one client this argument will be opposed by him when
engaged the legal services of Atty. Sabitsana in the preparation and execution in her he argues for the other client. Such is the case with which we are
favor of a Deed of Sale over a parcel of land owned by her late common-law husband, now confronted, respondent being asked by one client to nullify
Brigido Caneja, Jr. Atty. Sabitsana allegedly violated her confidence when he what he had formerly notarized as a true and valid sale between
subsequently filed a civil case against her for the annulment of the Deed of Sale in Bontes and the complainant. (footnotes omitted) 3
behalf of Zenaida L. Cañete, the legal wife of Brigido Caneja, Jr. The complainant
accused Atty. Sabitsana of using the confidential information he obtained from her in The IBP Commissioner recommended that Atty. Sabitsana be suspended from the
filing the civil case. practice of law for a period of one (1) year. 4
Atty. Sabitsana admitted having advised the complainant in the preparation and The Findings of the IBP Board of Governors
execution of the Deed of Sale. However, he denied having received any confidential In a resolution dated February 27, 2004, the IBP Board of Governors resolved to adopt
information. Atty. Sabitsana asserted that the present disbarment complaint was and approve the Report and Recommendation of the IBP Commissioner after finding it
instigated by one Atty. Gabino Velasquez, Jr., the notary of the disbarment complaint to be fully supported by the evidence on record, the applicable laws and rules. 5 The
who lost a court case against him (Atty. Sabitsana) and had instigated the complaint IBP Board of Governors agreed with the IBP Commissioner's recommended penalty.
for this reason.
Atty. Sabitsana moved to reconsider the above resolution, but the IBP Board of
The Findings of the IBP Investigating Commissioner Governors denied his motion in a resolution dated July 30, 2004.
In our Resolution dated November 22, 1999, we referred the disbarment complaint to
The Issue
the Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for
investigation, report and recommendation. In his Report and Recommendation dated The issue in this case is whether Atty. Sabitsana is guilty of misconduct for representing
November 28, 2003, IBP Commissioner Pedro A. Magpayo Jr. found conflicting interests. ECTAHc
The Court's Ruling
PALE Chap 4
After a careful study of the records, we agree with the findings and One, his legal services were initially engaged by the complainant to protect her interest
recommendations of the IBP Commissioner and the IBP Board of Governors. over a certain property. The records show that upon the legal advice of Atty. Sabitsana,
the Deed of Sale over the property was prepared and executed in the complainant's
The relationship between a lawyer and his/her client should ideally be imbued with the favor.
highest level of trust and confidence. This is the standard of confidentiality that must
prevail to promote a full disclosure of the client's most confidential information to his/her Two, Atty. Sabitsana met with Zenaida Cañete to discuss the latter's legal interest over
lawyer for an unhampered exchange of information between them. Needless to state, the property subject of the Deed of Sale. At that point, Atty. Sabitsana already had
a client can only entrust confidential information to his/her lawyer based on an knowledge that Zenaida Cañete's interest clashed with the complainant's interests.
expectation from the lawyer of utmost secrecy and discretion; the lawyer, for his part,
is duty-bound to observe candor, fairness and loyalty in all dealings and transactions Three, despite the knowledge of the clashing interests between his two clients,
with the client. 6 Part of the lawyer's duty in this regard is to avoid representing Atty. Sabitsana accepted the engagement from Zenaida Cañete.
conflicting interests, a matter covered by Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of
Four, Atty. Sabitsana's actual knowledge of the conflicting interests between his two
Professional Responsibility quoted below:
clients was demonstrated by his own actions: first, he filed a case against the
Rule 15.03. A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests complainant in behalf of Zenaida Cañete; second, he impleaded the complainant as
except by written consent of all concerned given after a full the defendant in the case; and third, the case he filed was for the annulment of the
disclosure of the facts. Deed of Sale that he had previously prepared and executed for the
complainant. IcaHCS
"The proscription against representation of conflicting interests applies to a situation
where the opposing parties are present clients in the same action or in an unrelated By his acts, not only did Atty. Sabitsana agree to represent one client against another
action." 7 The prohibition also applies even if the "lawyer would not be called upon to client in the same action; he also accepted a new engagement that entailed him to
contend for one client that which the lawyer has to oppose for the other client, or that contend and oppose the interest of his other client in a property in which his legal
there would be no occasion to use the confidential information acquired from one to the services had been previously retained.
disadvantage of the other as the two actions are wholly unrelated." 8 To be held
To be sure, Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides
accountable under this rule, it is "enough that the opposing parties in one case, one of
an exception to the above prohibition. However, we find no reason to apply the
whom would lose the suit, are present clients and the nature or conditions of the
exception due to Atty. Sabitsana's failure to comply with the requirements set forth
lawyer's respective retainers with each of them would affect the performance of the
under the rule. Atty. Sabitsana did not make a full disclosure of facts to the complainant
duty of undivided fidelity to both clients." 9
and to Zenaida Cañete before he accepted the new engagement with Zenaida Cañete.
Jurisprudence has provided three tests in determining whether a violation of the above The records likewise show that although Atty. Sabitsana wrote a letter to the
rule is present in a given case. IEHSDA complainant informing her of Zenaida Cañete's adverse claim to the property covered
by the Deed of Sale and, urging her to settle the adverse claim;
One test is whether a lawyer is duty-bound to fight for an issue or Atty. Sabitsana however did not disclose to the complainant that he was also being
claim in behalf of one client and, at the same time, to oppose that engaged as counsel by Zenaida Cañete. 11 Moreover, the records show that
claim for the other client. Thus, if a lawyer's argument for one client Atty. Sabitsana failed to obtain the written consent of his two clients, as required by
has to be opposed by that same lawyer in arguing for the other Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
client, there is a violation of the rule.
Accordingly, we find — as the IBP Board of Governors did — Atty. Sabitsana guilty of
Another test of inconsistency of interests is whether the misconduct for representing conflicting interests. We likewise agree with the penalty of
acceptance of a new relation would prevent the full discharge suspension for one (1) year from the practice of law recommended by the IBP Board of
of the lawyer's duty of undivided fidelity and loyalty to the Governors. This penalty is consistent with existing jurisprudence on the administrative
client or invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double-dealing offense of representing conflicting interests. 12
in the performance of that duty. Still another test is whether the
lawyer would be called upon in the new relation to use against a We note that Atty. Sabitsana takes exception to the IBP recommendation on the ground
former client any confidential information acquired through their that the charge in the complaint was only for his alleged disclosure of confidential
connection or previous employment. 10 [emphasis ours] information, not for representation of conflicting interests. To Atty. Sabitsana, finding
him liable for the latter offense is a violation of his due process rights since he only
On the basis of the attendant facts of the case, we find substantial evidence to support answered the designated charge.
Atty. Sabitsana's violation of the above rule, as established by the following
circumstances on record: We find no violation of Atty. Sabitsana's due process rights. Although there was indeed
a specific charge in the complaint, we are not unmindful that the complaint itself
PALE Chap 4
contained allegations of acts sufficient to constitute a violation of the rule on the ||| (Aniñon v. Sabitsana, Jr., A.C. No. 5098, [April 11, 2012], 685 PHIL 322-331)
prohibition against representing conflicting interests. As stated in paragraph 8 of the
complaint: IDESTH
4. Santiago v. Fojas, 248 SCRA 68
Atty. Sabitsana, Jr. accepted the commission as a Lawyer of
ZENAIDA CANEJA, now Zenaida Cañete, to recover lands from
Complainant, including this land where lawyer Atty. Sabitsana, Jr.
has advised his client [complainant] to execute the second sale[.] [A.C. No. 4103. September 7, 1995.]
Interestingly, Atty. Sabitsana even admitted these allegations in his answer. 13 He also
6b. Because the defendant-to-be in the complaint (Civil Case No. NORDISTA, complainants, vs. ATTY. AMADO R.
B-1060) that he would file on behalf of Zenaida Caneja-Cañete FOJAS, respondent.
was his former client (herein complainant), respondent asked [the]
permission of Mrs. Cañete (which she granted) that he would first
write a letter (Annex "4") to the complainant proposing to settle the Amado R. Fojas for and in his own behalf.
case amicably between them but complainant ignored it. Neither
did she object to respondent's handling the case in behalf of Mrs.
Cañete on the ground she is now invoking in her instant complaint. SYLLABUS
So respondent felt free to file the complaint against her. 14
We have consistently held that the essence of due process is simply the opportunity to 1. LEGAL AND JUDICIAL ETHICS; ATTORNEYS; OWE FIDELITY TO CLIENT'S
be informed of the charge against oneself and to be heard or, as applied to CAUSE AND MUST BE MINDFUL OF THE TRUST AND CONFIDENCE REPOSED
administrative proceedings, the opportunity to explain one's side or the opportunity to IN THEM. — It is axiomatic that no lawyer is obliged to act either as adviser or advocate
seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained of. 15 These opportunities for every person who may wish to become his client. He has the right to decline
were all afforded to Atty. Sabitsana, as shown by the above circumstances. employment, subject, however, to Canon 14 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.
All told, disciplinary proceedings against lawyers are sui generis. 16 In the exercise of Once he agrees to take up the cause of a client, the lawyer owes fidelity to such cause
its disciplinary powers, the Court merely calls upon a member of the Bar to account for and must always be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. He must serve
his actuations as an officer of the Court with the end in view of preserving the purity of the client with competence and diligence, and champion the latter's cause with
the legal profession. We likewise aim to ensure the proper and honest administration wholehearted fidelity, care, and devotion. Elsewise stated, he owes entire devotion to
of justice by purging the profession of members who, by their misconduct, have proven the interest of the client, warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his client's rights,
themselves no longer worthy to be entrusted with the duties and responsibilities of an and the exertion of his utmost learning and ability to the end that nothing be taken or
attorney. 17 This is all that we did in this case. Significantly, we did this to a degree withheld from his client, save by the rules of law, legally applied. This simply means
very much lesser than what the powers of this Court allows it to do in terms of the that his client is entitled to the benefit of any and every remedy and defense that is
imposable penalty. In this sense, we have already been lenient towards respondent authorized by the law of the land and he may expect his lawyer to assert every such
lawyer. TDcEaH remedy or defense. If much is demanded from an attorney, it is because the entrusted
privilege to practice law carries with it the correlative duties not only to the client but
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court resolves to ADOPT the findings and also to the court, to the bar, and to the public. A lawyer who performs his duty with
recommendations of the Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the diligence and candor not only protects the interest of his client; he also serves the ends
Philippines. Atty. Clemencio C. Sabitsana, Jr. is found GUILTY of misconduct for of justice, does honor to the bar, and helps maintain the respect of the community to
representing conflicting interests in violation of Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of the legal profession.
Professional Responsibility. He is hereby SUSPENDED for one (1) year from the
OF LEGAL WORK. — In his motion for reconsideration of the default order, the
Atty. Sabitsana is DIRECTED to inform the Court of the date of his receipt of this respondent explained his non-filing of the required answer by impliedly invoking
Decision so that we can determine the reckoning point when his suspension shall take forgetfulness occasioned by a large volume and pressure of legal work, while in his
effect. Comment in this case he attributes it to honest mistake and excusable neglect due to
his overzealousness to question the denial order of the trial court. Certainly,
SO ORDERED. "overzealousness" on the one hand and "volume and pressure of legal work" on the
PALE Chap 4
other are two distinct and separate causes or grounds. The first presupposes the In their letter of 8 September 1993, the complainants, former clients of the respondent,
respondent's full and continuing awareness of his duty to file an answer which, pray that the latter be disbarred for "malpractice, neglect and other offenses which may
nevertheless, he subordinated to his conviction that the trial court had committed a be discovered during the actual investigation of this complaint." They attached thereto
reversible error or grave abuse of discretion in issuing an order reconsidering its an Affidavit of Merit wherein they specifically allege:
previous order of dismissal of Salvador's complaint and in denying the motion to
reconsider the said order. The second ground is purely based on forgetfulness because 1. That we are Defendants-Appellates [sic] in the Court of Appeals
of his other commitments. Whether it be the first or the second ground, the fact remains Case No. CA-G.N. CV No. 38153 of which to our surprise
that the respondent did not comply with his duty to file an answer in Civil Case No. lost unnecessarily the aforesaid Petition [sic]. A close
3526-V-91. His lack of diligence was compounded by his erroneous belief that the trial perusal of the case reveals the serious misconduct of our
court committed such error or grave abuse of discretion and by his continued refusal to attorney on record, Atty. Amado Fojas tantamount to
file an answer even after he received the Court of Appeals' decision in malpractice and negligence in the performance of his
the certioraricase. There is no showing whatsoever that he further assailed the said duty and obligation to us, to defend us in the aforesaid
decision before this Court in a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court case. That the said attorney without informing us the
to prove his claim of overzealousness to challenge the trial court's order. Neither was reason why and riding high on the trust and confidence
it shown that he alleged in his motion to lift the order of default that the complainants we repose on him either abandoned, failed to act
had a meritorious defense. And, in his appeal from the judgment by default, he did not accordingly, or seriously neglected to answer the civil
even raise as one of the errors of the trial court either the impropriety of the order of complaint against us in the sala of Judge Teresita
default or the court's grave abuse of discretion in denying his motion to lift that order. Capulong, Case No. 3526-V-9, Val., Metro Manila, so that
Pressure and large volume of legal work provide no excuse for the respondent's inability we were deduced [sic] in default.
to exercise due diligence in the performance of his duty to file an answer. Every case 2. That under false pretenses Atty. Fojas assured us that
a lawyer accepts deserves his full attention, diligence, skill, and competence,
everything was in order. That he had already answered
regardless of its importance and whether he accepts it for a fee or for free. the complaint so that in spite of the incessant demand for
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; NOT EXCUSED BY THE FACT THAT THE CLIENT'S CAUSE IS A him to give us a copy he continued to deny same to us.
LOSING CAUSE. — The respondent's negligence is not excused by his claim that Civil Only to disclose later that he never answered it after all
Case No. 3526-V-91 was in fact a "losing cause" for the complainants since the claims because according to him he was a very busy man.
therein for damages were based on the final decision of the Med-Arbiter declaring the Please refer to Court of Appeals decision dated August
complainants' act of expelling Salvador from the union to be illegal. This claim is a mere 17, 1993.
afterthought which hardly persuades us. If indeed the respondent was so convinced of 3. That because of Atty. Amado Fojas' neglect and malpractice of
the futility of any defense therein, he should have seasonably informed the
law we lost the Judge Capulong case and our appeal to
complainants thereof. Rule 15.05, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional Responsibility the Court of Appeals. So that it is only proper that Atty.
expressly provides: A lawyer, when advising his client, shall give a candid and honest
Fojas be disciplined and disbarred in the practice of his
opinion on the merits and probable results of the client's case, neither overstating nor
profession. cdtai
understating the prospects of the case. Then, too, if he were unconvinced of any
defense, we are unable to understand why he took all the trouble of filing a motion to In his Comment, the respondent admits his "mistake" in failing to file the complainants'
dismiss on the grounds of res judicata and lack of jurisdiction and of questioning the answer in Civil Case No. 3526-V-91, but he alleges that it was cured by his filing of a
adverse ruling thereon initially with this Court and then with the Court of Appeals, motion for reconsideration, which was unfortunately denied by the court. He asserts
unless, of course, he meant all of these to simply delay the disposition of the civil that Civil Case No. 3526-V-91 was a "losing cause" for the complainants because it
case. cdasia was based on the expulsion of the plaintiff therein from the Far Eastern University
Faculty Association (FEUFA) which was declared unlawful in the final decision in NCR-
OD-M-90-10-050. Thus, "[t]he unfavorable judgment in the Regional Trial Court is not
imputable to [his] mistake but rather imputable to the merits of the case, i.e., the
DECISION decision in the Expulsion case wherein defendants (complainants herein) illegally
removed from the union (FEUFA) membership Mr. Paulino Salvador. . . ." He further
claims that the complainants filed this case to harass him because he refused to share
his attorney's fees in the main labor case he had handled for them. The respondent
DAVIDE, JR., J p: then prays for the dismissal of this complaint for utter lack of merit, since his failure to
file the answer was cured and, even granting for the sake of argument that such failure
PALE Chap 4
amounted to negligence, it cannot warrant his disbarment or suspension from the Thereafter, the trial court rendered a decision ordering the complainants herein to pay,
practice of the law profession. jointly and severally, plaintiff Salvador the amounts of P200,000.00 as moral damages;
P50,000.00 as exemplary damages or corrective damages; and P65,000.00 as
The complainants filed a Reply to the respondent's Comment. attorney's fees; plus cost of suit.
Issues having been joined, we required the parties to inform us whether they were The complainants, still assisted by the respondent, elevated the case to the Court of
willing to submit this case for decision on the basis of the pleadings they have filed. In Appeals, which, however, affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court.
their separate compliance, both manifested in the affirmative.
The respondent asserts that he was about to appeal the said decision to this Court, but
The facts in this case are not disputed. his services as counsel for the complainants and for the union were illegally and
unilaterally terminated by complainant Veronica Santiago.
Complainants Veronica Santiago, Benjamin Hontiveros, Ma. Socorro Manas, and
Trinidad Nordista were the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Auditor, The core issue that presents itself is whether the respondent committed culpable
respectively, of the FEUFA. They allegedly expelled from the union Paulino Salvador. negligence, as would warrant disciplinary action, in failing to file for the complainants
The latter then commenced with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) a an answer in Civil Case No. 3526-V-91 for which reason the latter were declared in
complaint (NCR-OD-M-90-10-050) to declare illegal his expulsion from the union. default and judgment was rendered against them on the basis of the plaintiff's evidence,
which was received ex-parte.
In his resolution of 22 November 1990, Med-Arbiter Tomas Falconitin declared illegal
Salvador's expulsion and directed the union and all its officers to reinstate Salvador's It is axiomatic that no lawyer is obliged to act either as adviser or advocate for every
name in the roll of union members with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto. person who may wish to become his client. He has the right to decline
This resolution was affirmed in toto by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. employment, 1 subject, however, to Canon 14 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. Once he agrees to take up the cause of a client, the lawyer owes fidelity
Subsequently, Paulino Salvador filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
to such cause and must always be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in
Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Branch 172, a complaint against the complainants herein for
actual, moral, and exemplary damages and attorney's fees, under Articles 19, 20, and him. 2 He must serve the client with competence and diligence, 3 and champion the
latter's cause with wholehearted fidelity, care, and devotion. 4 Elsewise stated, he
21 of the Civil Code. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 3526-V-91.
owes entire devotion to the interest of the client, warm zeal in the maintenance and
defense of his client's rights, and the exertion of his utmost learning and ability to the
end that nothing be taken or withheld from his client, save by the rules of law, legally
As the complainants' counsel, the respondent filed a motion to dismiss the said case applied. 5 This simply means that his client is entitled to the benefit of any and every
on grounds of (1) res judicata by virtue of the final decision of the Med-Arbiter in NCR- remedy and defense that is authorized by the law of the land and he may expect his
OD-M-90-10-050 and (2) lack of jurisdiction, since what was involved was an intra- lawyer to assert every such remedy or defense. 6 If much is demanded from an
union issue cognizable by the DOLE. Later, he filed a supplemental motion to dismiss. attorney, it is because the entrusted privilege to practice law carries with it the
correlative duties not only to the client but also to the court, to the bar, and to the public.
The trial court, per Judge Teresita Dizon-Capulong, granted the motion and ordered A lawyer who performs his duty with diligence and candor not only protects the interest
the dismissal of the case. Upon Salvador's motion for reconsideration, however, it of his client; he also serves the ends of justice, does honor to the bar, and helps
reconsidered the order of dismissal, reinstated the case, and required the complainants maintain the respect of the community to the legal profession. 7
herein to file their answer within a non-extendible period of fifteen days from notice.
The respondent admits that it was his duty to file an answer in Civil Case No. 3526-V-
Instead of filing an answer, the respondent filed a motion for reconsideration and 91. He justifies his failure to do so in this wise:
dismissal of the case. This motion having been denied, the respondent filed with this
Court a petition for certiorari, which was later referred to the Court of Appeals and [I]n his overzealousness to question the Denial Order of the trial
docketed therein as CA-G.R. SP No. 25834. court, 8 [he] instead, thru honest mistake and excusable neglect,
filed a PETITION FOR CERTIORARI with the Honorable Court,
Although that petition and his subsequent motion for reconsideration were both denied, docketed as G.R. No. 100983. . . .
the respondent still did not file the complainants' answer in Civil Case No. 3526-V-91.
Hence, upon plaintiff Salvador's motion, the complainants were declared in default, and And, when the Court of Appeals, to which G.R. No. 100983 was referred,
Salvador was authorized to present his evidence ex-parte. dismissed the petition, he again "inadvertently" failed to file an answer "[d]ue to
honest mistake and because of his overzealousness as stated earlier. . . ."
The respondent then filed a motion to set aside the order of default and to stop the ex-
parte reception of evidence before the Clerk of Court, but to no avail. In their Reply, the complainants allege that his failure to file an answer was not an
honest mistake but was "deliberate, malicious and calculated to place them on the legal
disadvantage, to their damage and prejudice" for, as admitted by him in his motion to
PALE Chap 4
set aside the order of default, his failure to do so was "due to volume and pressure of A lawyer, when advising his client, shall give a candid and honest
legal work." 9 In short, the complainants want to impress upon this Court that the opinion on the merits and probable results of the client's case,
respondent has given inconsistent reasons to justify his failure to file an answer. neither overstating nor understating the prospects of the case.
We agree with the complainants. In his motion for reconsideration of the default order, Then too, if he were unconvinced of any defense, we are unable to understand
the respondent explained his non-filing of the required answer by impliedly invoking why he took all the trouble of filing a motion to dismiss on the grounds of res
forgetfulness occasioned by a large volume and pressure of legal work, while in his judicata and lack of jurisdiction and of questioning the adverse ruling thereon
Comment in this case he attributes it to honest mistake and excusable neglect due to initially with this Court and then with the Court of Appeals, unless, of course, he
his overzealousness to question the denial order of the trial court. meant all of these to simply delay the disposition of the civil case. Finally, the
complainants were not entirely without any valid or justifiable defense. They could
Certainly, "overzealousness" on the one hand and "volume and pressure of legal work" prove that the plaintiff was not entitled to all the damages sought by him or that if
on the other are two distinct and separate causes or grounds. The first presupposes he were so, they could ask for a reduction of the amounts thereof.
the respondent's full and continuing awareness of his duty to file an answer which,
nevertheless, he subordinated to his conviction that the trial court had committed a We do not therefore hesitate to rule that the respondent is not free from any blame for
reversible error or grave abuse of discretion in issuing an order reconsidering its the sad fate of the complainants. He is liable for inexcusable negligence.
previous order of dismissal of Salvador's complaint and in denying the motion to
reconsider the said order. The second ground is purely based on forgetfulness because
ADMONISHED to be, henceforth, more careful in the performance of his duty to his
of his other commitments.
clients. cdlex
Whether it be the first or the second ground, the fact remains that the respondent did
not comply with his duty to file an answer in Civil Case No. 3526-V-91. His lack of
diligence was compounded by his erroneous belief that the trial court committed such ||| (Santiago v. Fojas, A.C. No. 4103, [September 7, 1995], 318 PHIL 79-90)
error or grave abuse of discretion and by his continued refusal to file an answer even
after he received the Court of Appeals' decision in the certiorari case. There is no
showing whatsoever that he further assailed the said decision before this Court in a
petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court to prove his claim of
5. Castro-Justo v. Galing, A.C. No. 6174, November 16, 2011
overzealousness to challenge the trial court's order. Neither was it shown that he
alleged in his motion to lift the order of default that the complainants had a meritorious
defense. 10 And, in his appeal from the judgment by default, he did not even raise as
one of the errors of the trial court either the impropriety of the order of default or the
[A.C. No. 6174. November 16, 2011.]
court's grave abuse of discretion in denying his motion to lift that order.
Pressure and large volume of legal work provide no excuse for the respondent's inability
to exercise due diligence in the performance of his duty to file an answer. Every case
GALING, respondent.
a lawyer accepts deserves his full attention, diligence, skill, and competence,
regardless of its importance and whether he accepts it for a fee or for free.
All told, the respondent committed a breach of Canon 18 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility which requires him to serve his clients, the complainants herein, with DECISION
diligence and, more specifically, Rule 18.03 thereof which provides: "A lawyer shall not
neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his negligence in connection therewith shall
render him liable."
The respondent's negligence is not excused by his claim that Civil Case No. 3526-V-
91 was in fact a "losing cause" for the complainants since the claims therein for Before us for consideration is Resolution No. XVIII-2007-196 1 of the
damages were based on the final decision of the Med-Arbiter declaring the Board of Governors, Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), relative to the
complainants' act of expelling Salvador from the union to be illegal. This claim is a mere complaint 2 for disbarment filed by Lydia Castro-Justo against Atty. Rodolfo T.
afterthought which hardly persuades us. If indeed the respondent was so convinced of Galing.
the futility of any defense therein, he should have seasonably informed the
complainants thereof. Rule 15.05, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional Responsibility Complainant Justo alleged that sometime in April 2003, she engaged the
expressly provides: services of respondent Atty. Galing in connection with dishonored checks issued
PALE Chap 4
by Manila City Councilor Arlene W. Koa (Ms. Koa). After she paid his professional This allegedly led her to vent her ire on respondent and file the instant
fees, the respondent drafted and sent a letter to Ms. Koa demanding payment of administrative case for conflict of interest.
the checks. 3 Respondent advised complainant to wait for the lapse of the period
In a resolution dated 19 October 2007, the Board of Governors of the IBP
indicated in the demand letter before filing her complaint.
adopted and approved with modification the findings of its Investigating
On 10 July 2003, complainant filed a criminal complaint against Ms. Koa Commissioner. They found respondent guilty of violating Canon 15, Rule 15.03 of
for estafa and violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 before the Office of the City the Code of Professional Responsibility by representing conflicting interests and
Prosecutor of Manila. 4 for his daring audacity and for the pronounced malignancy of his act. It was
recommended that he be suspended from the practice of law for one (1) year with
On 27 July 2003, she received a copy of a Motion for Consolidation 5 filed a warning that a repetition of the same or similar acts will be dealt with more
by respondent for and on behalf of Ms. Koa, the accused in the criminal cases, and severely. 8
the latter's daughter Karen Torralba (Ms. Torralba). Further, on 8 August 2003,
respondent appeared as counsel for Ms. Koa before the prosecutor of Manila. We agree with the Report and Recommendation of the Investigating
Commissioner, 9 as adopted by the Board of Governors of the IBP.
Complainant submits that by representing conflicting interests,
respondent violated the Code of Professional Responsibility. CTcSIA It was established that in April 2003, respondent was approached by
complainant regarding the dishonored checks issued by Manila City Councilor
In his Comment, 6 respondent denied the allegations against him. He Koa.
admitted that he drafted a demand letter for complainant but argued that it was
made only in deference to their long standing friendship and not by reason of a It was also established that on 25 July 2003, a Motion for Consolidation
professional engagement as professed by complainant. He denied receiving any was filed by respondent in I.S. No. 03G-19484-86 entitled "Lydia Justo vs. Arlene
professional fee for the services he rendered. It was allegedly their understanding Koa" and I.S. No. 03G-19582-84 entitled "Lani C. Justo vs. Karen Torralba".
that complainant would have to retain the services of another lawyer. He alleged Respondent stated that the movants in these cases are mother and daughter while
that complainant, based on that agreement, engaged the services of Atty. Manuel complainants are likewise mother and daughter and that these cases arose out
A. Año. from the same transaction. Thus, movants and complainants will be adducing the
same sets of evidence and witnesses.
To bolster this claim, respondent pointed out that the complaint filed by
complainant against Ms. Koa for estafa and violation of B.P. Blg. 22 was based not Respondent argued that no lawyer-client relationship existed between
on the demand letter he drafted but on the demand letter prepared by Atty. Manuel him and complainant because there was no professional fee paid for the services
A. Año. he rendered. Moreover, he argued that he drafted the demand letter only as a
personal favor to complainant who is a close friend. cTIESa
Respondent contended that he is a close friend of the opposing parties in
the criminal cases. He further contended that complainant Justo and Ms. Koa are We are not persuaded. A lawyer-client relationship can exist
likewise long time friends, as in fact, they are "comares" for more than 30 years notwithstanding the close friendship between complainant and respondent. The
since complainant is the godmother of Ms. Torralba. 7Respondent claimed that it relationship was established the moment complainant sought legal advice from
is in this light that he accommodated Ms. Koa and her daughter's request that they respondent regarding the dishonored checks. By drafting the demand letter
be represented by him in the cases filed against them by complainant and respondent further affirmed such relationship. The fact that the demand letter was
complainant's daughter. He maintained that the filing of the Motion for not utilized in the criminal complaint filed and that respondent was not eventually
Consolidation which is a non-adversarial pleading does not evidence the existence engaged by complainant to represent her in the criminal cases is of no moment.
of a lawyer-client relationship between him and Ms. Koa and Ms. Torralba. As observed by the Investigating Commissioner, by referring to complainant Justo
Likewise, his appearance in the joint proceedings should only be construed as an as "my client" in the demand letter sent to the defaulting debtor, 10 respondent
effort on his part to assume the role of a moderator or arbiter of the parties. admitted the existence of the lawyer-client relationship. Such admission effectively
estopped him from claiming otherwise.
He insisted that his actions were merely motivated by an intention to help
the parties achieve an out of court settlement and possible reconciliation. He Likewise, the non-payment of professional fee will not exculpate
reported that his efforts proved fruitful insofar as he had caused Ms. Koa to pay respondent from liability. Absence of monetary consideration does not exempt
complainant the amount of P50,000.00 in settlement of one of the two checks lawyers from complying with the prohibition against pursuing cases with conflicting
subject of I.S. No. 03G-19484-86. interests. The prohibition attaches from the moment the attorney-client relationship
is established and extends beyond the duration of the professional
Respondent averred that the failure of Ms. Koa and Ms. Torralba to make relationship. 11 We held in Burbe v. Atty. Magulta 12that it is not necessary that
good the other checks caused a lot of consternation on the part of complainant. any retainer be paid, promised or charged; neither is it material that the attorney
PALE Chap 4
consulted did not afterward handle the case for which his service had been Considering that this is respondent's first infraction, the disbarment
sought. 13 sought in the complaint is deemed to be too severe. As recommended by the Board
of Governors of the IBP, the suspension from the practice of law for one (1) year
Under Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
is warranted.
"[a] lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by written consent of all
concerned given after a full disclosure of the facts." Respondent was therefore Accordingly, the Court resolved to SUSPEND Atty. Rodolfo T. Galing
bound to refrain from representing parties with conflicting interests in a from the practice of law for one (1) year, with a WARNINGthat a repetition of the
controversy. By doing so, without showing any proof that he had obtained the same or similar offense will warrant a more severe penalty. Let copies of this
written consent of the conflicting parties, respondent should be sanctioned. Decision be furnished all courts, the Office of the Bar Confidant and the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines for their information and guidance. The Office of the Bar
The prohibition against representing conflicting interest is founded on Confidant is directed to append a copy of this Decision to respondent's record as
principles of public policy and good taste. 14 In the course of the lawyer-client member of the Bar.
relationship, the lawyer learns of the facts connected with the client's case,
including the weak and strong points of the case. The nature of the relationship is, SO ORDERED.
therefore, one of trust and confidence of the highest degree. 15
||| (Castro-Justo v. Galing, A.C. No. 6174, [November 16, 2011], 676 PHIL 139-146)
It behooves lawyers not only to keep inviolate the client's confidence, but
also to avoid the appearance of treachery and double-dealing for only then can
litigants be encouraged to entrust their secrets to their lawyers, which is of 6. Jimenez v. Francisco, A.C. No. 10548, December 10, 2014
paramount importance in the administration of justice. 16
The case of Hornilla v. Atty. Salunat 17 is instructive on this concept,
[A.C. No. 10548. December 10, 2014.]
There is conflict of interest when a lawyer represents
inconsistent interests of two or more opposing parties. The test
is 'whether or not in behalf of one client, it is the lawyer's duty to CAROLINE CASTAÑEDA JIMENEZ, complainant, vs. ATTY.
fight for an issue or claim, but it is his duty to oppose it for the EDGAR B. FRANCISCO, respondent.
other client. In brief, if he argues for one client, this argument will
be opposed by him when he argues for the other client.' 18 This
rule covers not only cases in which confidential communications
have been confided, but also those in which no confidence has DECISION
been bestowed or will be used. 19 Also, there is conflict of
interests if the acceptance of the new retainer will require the
attorney to perform an act which will injuriously affect his first
client in any matter in which he represents him and also whether MENDOZA, J p:
he will be called upon in his new relation to use against his first
client any knowledge acquired through their This refers to the Resolutions of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Board of
connection. 20 Another test of the inconsistency of interests is Governors (IBP-BOG), dated January 3, 2013 1 and March 22, 2014, 2adopting and
whether the acceptance of a new relation will prevent an approving the findings of the Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) which found Atty.
attorney from the full discharge of his duty of undivided fidelity Edgar B. Francisco (Atty. Francisco) administratively liable for multiple violations of
and loyalty to his client or invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR) and recommended the penalty of
double dealing in the performance thereof. 21 suspension of one (1) year from the practice of law.
The excuse proffered by respondent that it was not him but Atty. Año who On September 6, 2007, the CBD received a complaint, dated July 14, 2007, 3 filed by
was eventually engaged by complainant will not exonerate him from the clear Caroline Castañeda Jimenez (complainant) against Atty. Francisco for multiple
violation of Rule 15.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. The take-over violations of the CPR. On October 24, 2007, Atty. Francisco filed his Answer. 4 On June
of a client's cause of action by another lawyer does not give the former lawyer the 26, 2009, the mandatory conference was held and terminated. Only the counsel for
right to represent the opposing party. It is not only malpractice but also constitutes Atty. Francisco appeared. The notice of the said conference addressed to complainant
a violation of the confidence resulting from the attorney-client was returned with the notation "unknown at the given address." No new address was
relationship. aCSEcA
PALE Chap 4
provided by the complainant. Both parties were required to submit their respective On November 5, 2002, Jimenez transferred all his shares to complainant by another
position papers. For this purpose, Atty. Francisco adopted his Answer. HAaScT deed of assignment, making her the holder of Clarion shares amounting to
The Antecedents
According to Jimenez's complaint, while he was in prison in the United States in 2004,
Mario Crespo, otherwise known as Mark Jimenez (Jimenez), filed a complaint for estafa
he learned from Atty. Francisco that his son, Marcel Crespo (Marcel), approached the
against complainant, her sister Rosemarie Flaminiano, Marcel Crespo, Geraldine
complainant and threatened her, claiming that the United States Internal Revenue
Antonio, Brenda Heffron, Magdalena Cunanan, and Isabel Gonzalez. 5 The said
Service (IRS) was about to go after their properties. Marcel succeeded in persuading
complaint was docketed as IS No. 074314 with the Office of the City Prosecutor of
complainant to transfer her nominal shares in Clarion to Geraldine Antonio, through
Makati City. Jimenez alleged that he was the true and beneficial owner of the shares of
another deed of assignment. Again, this was reflected in Clarion's GIS for the year
stock in Clarion Realty and Development Corporation (Clarion), which was
2004. HcTSDa
incorporated specifically for the purpose of purchasing a residential house located in
Forbes Park, Makati City (Forbes property). The incorporators and original Thereafter, Jimenez was informed by Atty. Francisco that, through fraudulent means,
stockholders of Clarion were as follows: complainant and her co-respondents in the estafa case, put the Forbes property for
sale sometime in August 2004. The said property was eventually sold to Philmetro
Thomas K. Chua - P500,000.00
Southwest Enterprise, Inc. (Philmetro) for the amount of P118,000,000.00 without
Teresita C. Alsua - P500,000.00
Jimenez's knowledge. This sale was again undervalued at P78,000,000.00 per the
Myla Villanueva - P249,998.00
deed of sale. Atty. Francisco relayed to Jimenez that he was the one who received the
Edgar B. Francisco - P1.00
payment for the sale of the Forbes property and that he handed all the proceeds thereof
Soledad Gamat - P1.00
to Rosemarie Flaminiano in the presence of complainant.
Jimenez's complaint for estafa was based on complainant's alleged participation in the
Simultaneous with the drafting of Clarion's Articles of Incorporation, the above-named fraudulent means in selling the Forbes property which was acquired by Clarion with
stockholders, except for Myla Villanueva (Myla), executed a deed of assignment of their Jimenez's money. Complainant was duty-bound to remit all the proceeds of the sale to
respective shares in favor of complainant, who was then Jimenez's common-law Jimenez as the true and beneficial owner. Complainant and her co-respondents,
partner. Clarion's total capitalization was only P5,000,000.00. Thus, in order to achieve however, misappropriated and converted the funds for their personal use and benefit.
its purpose of purchasing the Forbes property, Clarion simulated a loan from the
complainant in the amount of P80,750,000.00. Thereafter, Clarion purchased the In support of Jimenez's complaint for estafa, Atty. Francisco executed an affidavit
Forbes property in the amount of P117,000,000.00 from Gerardo Contreras. To effect reiterating its factual averments. 6 A perusal of this affidavit likewise would show the
the sale, Myla handed a check in the said amount which was funded entirely by following claims and admissions, among other things, of Atty. Francisco:
Jimenez. The sale, however, was undervalued. In the deed of sale, it was made to
1. Sometime in August 2004, complainant called him, asking for
appear that the Forbes property was purchased for P78,000,000.00 only. Further, the
assistance in the documentation of the sale of the Forbes
money used as the purchase price was not reflected in the books of Clarion. CcHDaA
property owned by Clarion. Atty. Francisco asked her if
On July 19, 2001, Thomas Chua and Teresita Alsua assigned their shares in Clarion to she had secured permission from Mark Jimenez and
Jimenez by virtue of a deed of trust. On the other hand, Myla's 249,997 shares were complainant answered in the affirmative.
transferred to complainant based on a deed of assignment. The remaining one (1)
2. The Board of Directors of Clarion issued a resolution authorizing
share was transferred to Ma. Carolina C. Crespo. These transactions appeared in
him to negotiate the sale of the property. HSCATc
Clarion's General Information Sheet (GIS) filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). Resultantly, the subscribed shares of Clarion were as follows: 3. For purposes of the sale, he opened an account with Security
Bank, San Francisco Del Monte branch. When the cash
Mark Jimenez - P500,000.00
payment was deposited, he withdrew the amount and
Caroline Jimenez - P749,997.00
handed the same to Rosemarie Flaminiano in the
Ma. Carolina C. Crespo - P1.00
presence of complainant.
Edgar B. Francisco - P1.00
Soledad Gamat - P1.00 4. All transfers of shares were caused without any consideration.
The transfer taxes, however, were paid.
5. When Mark Jimenez returned to the Philippines, he was able to
confirm that the sale of the Forbes property was without
his knowledge and approval. The proceeds of the sale
PALE Chap 4
had already been farmed out to different corporations Francisco executed the affidavit narrating the facts and circumstances surrounding the
established by complainant and her sister. said transactions. DaHSIT
6. The frequent changes in stockholdings were premeditated in Atty. Francisco mainly argued that he violated neither the rule on disclosures of
order to steal the money of Mark Jimenez. privileged communication nor the proscription against representing conflicting interests,
on the ground that complainant was not his client. He was the lawyer of Jimenez and
The Complaint the legal counsel of Clarion, but never of the complainant. He might have assisted her
Complainant was shocked upon reading the allegations in the complaint for estafa filed in some matters, but these were all under the notion that Jimenez had given him
by Jimenez against her. She felt even more betrayed when she read the affidavit of authority to do so. Further, though he acted as legal counsel for Clarion, no attorney-
Atty. Francisco, on whom she relied as her personal lawyer and Clarion's corporate client relationship between him and complainant was formed, as a corporation has a
counsel and secretary of Clarion. This prompted her to file a disciplinary case against separate and distinct personality from its shareholders. While he admitted that the legal
Atty. Francisco for representing conflicting interests. According to her, she usually documentation for the transfer of shares and the sale of the Forbes property were
conferred with Atty. Francisco regarding the legal implications of Clarion's transactions. prepared by him and notarized by the members of his law firm, he averred that these
More significantly, the principal documents relative to the sale and transfer of Clarion's acts were performed in his capacity as the corporate secretary and legal counsel of
property were all prepared and drafted by Atty. Francisco or the members of his law Clarion, and not as a lawyer of complainant. Therefore, he served no conflicting
office. 7 Atty. Francisco was the one who actively participated in the transactions interests because it was not a "former client" and a "subsequent client" who were the
involving the sale of the Forbes property. Without admitting the truth of the allegations opposing parties in litigation.
in his affidavit, complainant argued that its execution clearly betrayed the trust and
He opined that assuming that complainant was indeed his client, the rule on privileged
confidence she reposed on him as a lawyer. For this reason, complainant prayed for
communication does not apply to his case. Here, complainant failed to allege, much
the disbarment of Atty. Francisco. STcAIa
less prove, the requisites for the application of the privilege. When Atty. Francisco
The Respondent's Position denied being her lawyer, the complainant should have established, by clear and
convincing evidence, that a lawyer-client relationship indeed existed between them.
In his Answer, 8 Atty. Francisco replied that Jimenez initially engaged his services in Complainant failed to do this.
1998 for the incorporation of Clarion for the purpose of purchasing a residential house
in Forbes Park, where he intended to live with his long-time partner, the complainant; Arguing that the execution of his affidavit in the estafa case was but a truthful narration
that the original incorporators and stockholders of Clarion held their respective shares of facts by a witness, Atty. Francisco cited Gonzaga v. Cañete, 9where the Court ruled
in trust for Jimenez; that the subsequent changes in the ownership of Clarion that "the fact that one of the witnesses for the defendant had been formerly the lawyer
shareholdings were also pursuant to Jimenez's orders; and that as the corporate for the defendant in this suit was noground for rejecting his testimony." In this case, he
secretary and legal counsel of Clarion, he prepared all the legal documentation to give merely attested to the fraudulent acts of complainant, in the course of which, he
effect to the said transfers and, ultimately, to the purchase of the Forbes property. defended and served Jimenez as a client. This was likewise pursuant to the rule that
unlawful and illegal motives and purposes were not covered by the privilege. It was just
Atty. Francisco further stated that sometime in 2004, Jimenez was imprisoned in the unfortunate that he fell for the ploy of complainant. AHCTEa
United States for excessive contributions to the Democratic Party; that during this time,
Jimenez's son, Marcel, and the complainant, asked him again to change the ownership The Findings of the Investigating Commissioner
of Clarion shares in order to avoid the attachment of Jimenez's properties in a tax
In the Commissioner's Report, 10 dated November 7, 2011, the Investigating
evasion case; that he acceded to the request on the belief that this was in accordance
Commissioner, Atty. Jose I. dela Rama, Jr. (Investigating Commissioner), found Atty.
with Jimenez's wishes; and that as a result, almost 100% of Clarion's ownership was
Francisco guilty of violations of the CPR and recommended that he be suspended for
transferred in the name of Geraldine Antonio.
one (1) year from the practice of law.
Atty. Francisco also claimed that, thereafter, complainant tasked him to talk to
Initially, the Investigating Commissioner noted that the subsequent affidavit of
prospective buyers and to negotiate the sale of the Forbes property until it was sold for
desistance executed by Jimenez in the estafa case did not affect the investigation
P118,000,000.00; that Marcel and complainant led him to believe that Jimenez had
conducted by the CBD as it was not an ordinary court which accepted compromises or
knowledge of the sale as they were in constant communication with him; that all these
withdrawals of cases. After weighing on the claims of the parties, the Investigating
representations, however, turned out to be false when Jimenez returned to the
Commissioner concluded that nothing in the records would show that a lawyer-client
Philippines and discovered that the proceeds of the sale were coursed through other
relationship existed between Atty. Francisco and Jimenez. 11 The circumstances
corporations set up by complainant and her sister; that Jimenez likewise learned of the
would show that Atty. Francisco was an original incorporator and shareholder of
successive sale of his other properties, including Meridian Telekoms, Inc., by the
Clarion. He was also the legal counsel and corporate secretary of the said corporation,
members of his family; and that this led to the filing of the estafa case against the
the articles of incorporation of which did not include Jimenez as an original incorporator.
complainant and the others. As a witness to the fraud committed against Jimenez, Atty.
He became a stockholder only in 2001, when Jimenez acquired shares from Thomas
PALE Chap 4
Chua and Teresita Alsua. Jimenez's participation in Clarion affairs again stopped when asked Atty. Francisco to keep quiet about his children's betrayal and to wait until he
he assigned the entirety of his shares in favor of complainant. could go home. When he filed the criminal cases against his children and complainant,
the latter even filed a frivolous kidnapping case against Atty. Francisco. According to
Granting that Jimenez really owned 100% of Clarion as alluded to by Atty. Francisco, Jimenez, the people who committed crimes against him were now exhausting all
the report stated that it would appear that the latter permitted misrepresentations as to possible means to keep Atty. Francisco silent and to prevent the latter from performing
Clarion's ownership to be reported to the SEC through its GIS. The Investigating his duties as a lawyer. aCSTDc
Commissioner also pointed out Atty. Francisco's clear admission that the transfer of
shares within Clarion were "without any consideration," ran counter to the deeds of In its March 22, 2014 Resolution, 15 the IBP-BOG denied the respondent's motion for
assignment that he again admittedly executed as corporate counsel. Worse, Atty. reconsideration.
Francisco admitted to have simulated the loan and undervalued the consideration of
the effected sale of the Forbes property, which displayed his unlawful, dishonest, No petition for review was filed with the Court.
immoral, and deceitful conduct in violation of Canon 1 of the CPR. Further, when he
The Court's Ruling
executed the affidavit containing allegations against the interest of Clarion and
complainant, the Investigating Commissioner held that Atty. Francisco violated the rule Violations of Canons 1 and 10 of
on privileged communication and engaged in an act that constituted representation of the CPR and the Lawyer 's Oath
conflicting interests in violation of Canons 15 and 21 of the CPR. aDcEIH Canon 1 and Rule 1.01 of the CPR provide:
In its January 3, 2013 Resolution, 12 the IBP-BOG adopted and approved, in toto, the CANON 1 — A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE
findings and recommendation of the CBD against Atty. Francisco. CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE LAWS OF THE LAND AND
The respondent received a copy of the said resolution on March 26, 2013 and moved PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND LEGAL PROCESSES.
for its reconsideration. 13 Rule 1.0 — A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest,
Atty. Francisco appealed to the compassion of the IBP-BOG, reasoning out that the immoral or deceitful conduct.
penalty of suspension of one (1) year is too severe considering that in his more than Canon 1 clearly mandates the obedience of every lawyer to laws and legal processes.
three decades of practice, he had never been involved in any act that would warrant To the best of his ability, a lawyer is expected to respect and abide by the law and,
the imposition of disciplinary action upon him. It was only in 2007, when his client, thus, avoid any act or omission that is contrary thereto. A lawyer's personal deference
Jimenez, experienced a difficult crisis involving his children and common-law partner to the law not only speaks of his character but it also inspires respect and obedience to
that he experienced a major upheaval in his professional life. He apologized for his not the law, on the part of the public. Rule 1.0, on the other hand, states the norm of conduct
being too circumspect in dealing with the relatives of Jimenez. to be observed by all lawyers. ACaTIc
As to the charges against him, Atty. Francisco reiterated that his participation in the Any act or omission that is contrary to, or prohibited or unauthorized by, or in defiance
execution of the documents pertaining to the sale of the Forbes property were all of, disobedient to, or disregards the law is "unlawful." "Unlawful" conduct does not
connected to his capacity as Clarion's corporate secretary and legal counsel, not to necessarily imply the element of criminality although the concept is broad enough to
mention his ties with his client and friend, Jimenez. He admitted that he owed fidelity to include such element. 16 To be "dishonest" means the disposition to lie, cheat, deceive,
Clarion and Jimenez, but denied that this duty extended to the incorporators and defraud or betray; be unworthy; lacking in integrity, honesty, probity, integrity in
shareholders of Clarion. Thus, when complainant sought advice in her capacity as a principle, fairness and straightforwardness 17 while conduct that is "deceitful" means
shareholder in Clarion, no fiduciary duty arose on his part. In his own words, Atty. the proclivity for fraudulent and deceptive misrepresentation, artifice or device that is
Francisco insisted that "Carol is not Clarion and vice versa." 14 used upon another who is ignorant of the true facts, to the prejudice and damage of the
Attached to Atty. Francisco's motion for reconsideration was an affidavit executed by party imposed upon. 18
Jimenez, stating that he had retained the legal services of Atty. Francisco since 1999. Membership in the legal profession is bestowed upon individuals who are not only
Espousing Atty. Francisco's defenses, Jimenez asserted that Atty. Francisco's law firm learned in law, but also known to possess good moral character. Lawyers should act
was in charge of all the companies he owned in the Philippines. He directed Atty. and comport themselves with honesty and integrity in a manner beyond reproach, in
Francisco to execute all the documentation to show his ownership of these companies, order to promote the public's faith in the legal profession. 19 "To say that lawyers must
including Clarion. These documents were in the possession of complainant for at all times uphold and respect the law is to state the obvious, but such statement can
safekeeping. When Jimenez ran for Congress in 2001, Atty. Francisco personally never be overemphasized. Considering that, of all classes and professions, [lawyers
assisted him in the filing of his certificate of candidacy and the proceedings before the are] most sacredly bound to uphold the law, it is imperative that they live by the law." 20
electoral tribunals. While he was in prison in the United States, it was Atty. Francisco
who visited and told him that his children, Myla and Marcel, were then facilitating the
sale of one of his companies, Meridian Telekoms, Inc., without his knowledge. He
PALE Chap 4
When Atty. Francisco was admitted to the Bar, he also took an oath to "obey the laws," system, protecting and upholding truth and the rule of law. They are expected to act
"do no falsehood," and conduct himself as a lawyer according to the best of his with honesty in all their dealings, especially with the court. 23
knowledge and discretion. 21 TCacIE
From the foregoing, Atty. Francisco clearly violated his duties as a lawyer embodied in
In the facts obtaining in this case, Atty. Francisco clearly violated the canons and his the CPR, namely, to avoid dishonest and deceitful conduct, (Rule 1.01, Canon 1) and
sworn duty. He is guilty of engaging in dishonest and deceitful conduct when he to act with candor, fairness and good faith (Rule 10.01, Canon 10). Also, Atty. Francisco
admitted to having allowed his corporate client, Clarion, to actively misrepresent to the desecrated his solemn oath not to do any falsehood nor consent to the doing of the
SEC, the significant matters regarding its corporate purpose and subsequently, its same. HEcTAI
corporate shareholdings. In the documents submitted to the SEC, such as the deeds
of assignment and the GIS, Atty. Francisco, in his professional capacity, feigned the Rule on Conflicting Interests and
validity of these transfers of shares, making it appear that these were done for Disclosure of Privileged
consideration when, in fact, the said transactions were fictitious, albeit upon the alleged Communication
orders of Jimenez. The Investigating Commissioner was correct in pointing out that this With respect to Atty. Francisco's alleged representation of conflicting interests and
ran counter to the deeds of assignment which he executed as corporate counsel. In his disclosure of privileged communication, the Court deviates from the findings of the IBP-
long practice as corporate counsel, it is indeed safe to assume that Atty. Francisco is BOG.
knowledgeable in the law on contracts, corporation law and the rules enforced by the
SEC. As corporate secretary of Clarion, it was his duty and obligation to register valid Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the CPR provides that, "[a] lawyer shall not represent
transfers of stocks. Nonetheless, he chose to advance the interests of his clientele with conflicting interests except by written consent of all concerned given after a full
patent disregard of his duties as a lawyer. Worse, Atty. Francisco admitted to have disclosure of the facts." 24 "The relationship between a lawyer and his/her client should
simulated the loan entered into by Clarion and to have undervalued the consideration ideally be imbued with the highest level of trust and confidence. This is the standard of
of the effected sale of the Forbes property. He permitted this fraudulent ruse to cheat confidentiality that must prevail to promote a full disclosure of the client's most
the government of taxes. Unquestionably, therefore, Atty. Francisco participated in a confidential information to his/her lawyer for an unhampered exchange of information
series of grave legal infractions and was content to have granted the requests of the between them. Needless to state, a client can only entrust confidential information to
persons involved. his/her lawyer based on an expectation from the lawyer of utmost secrecy and
discretion; the lawyer, for his part, is duty-bound to observe candor, fairness and loyalty
Despite assertions that these were in accordance to Jimenez's wishes, or pursuant to in all his dealings and transactions with the client. Part of the lawyer's duty in this regard
complainant's misrepresentations, the Court cannot turn a blind eye on Atty. is to avoid representing conflicting interests. . ." 25 Thus, even if lucrative fees offered
Francisco's act of drafting, or at the very least, permitting untruthful statements to be by prospective clients are at stake, a lawyer must decline professional employment if
embodied in public documents. If the Court allows this highly irregular practice for the the same would trigger a violation of the prohibition against conflict of interest.
specious reason that lawyers are constrained to obey their clients' flawed scheming
and machinations, the Court would, in effect, sanction wrongdoing and falsity. This In Quiambao v. Bamba, 26 the Court discussed the application of the rule on conflict of
would undermine the role of lawyers as officers of the court. EHTISC interest in this wise:
Time and again, the Court has reminded lawyers that their support for the cause of their In broad terms, lawyers are deemed to represent conflicting
clients should never be attained at the expense of truth and justice. While a lawyer interests when, in behalf of one client, it is their duty to contend for
owes absolute fidelity to the cause of his client, full devotion to his genuine interest, and that which duty to another client requires them to oppose.
warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his rights, as well as the exertion of his Developments in jurisprudence have particularized various tests to
utmost learning and ability, he must do so only within the bounds of the law. It needs to determine whether a lawyer's conduct lies within this proscription.
be emphasized that the lawyer's fidelity to his client must not be pursued at the expense One test is whether a lawyer is duty-bound to fight for an issue or
of truth and justice, and must be held within the bounds of reason and common sense. claim in behalf of one client and, at the same time, to oppose that
His responsibility to protect and advance the interests of his client does not warrant a claim for the other client. Thus, if a lawyer's argument for one client
course of action propelled by ill motives and malicious intentions. 22 has to be opposed by that same lawyer in arguing for the other
client, there is a violation of the rule. DaEATc
In the same vein, Atty. Francisco's admissions show that he lacks candor regarding his
dealings. Canon 10 of the CPR provides that, "[a] lawyer owes candor, fairness and Another test of inconsistency of interests is whether the
good faith to the court." Corollary thereto, Rule 10.0 of the CPR provides that "a lawyer acceptance of a new relation would prevent the full discharge of
shall do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in Court, nor shall he mislead or the lawyer's duty of undivided fidelity and loyalty to the client or
allow the Court to be misled by an artifice." Lawyers are officers of the court, called invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double-dealing in the
upon to assist in the administration of justice. They act as vanguards of our legal performance of that duty. Still another test is whether the lawyer
would be called upon in the new relation to use against a former
PALE Chap 4
client any confidential information acquired through their In suspension or disbarment proceedings, lawyers enjoy the presumption of innocence,
connection or previous employment. and the burden of proof rests upon the complainant to clearly prove the allegations in
the complaint by preponderant evidence. Preponderance of evidence means that the
The proscription against representation of conflicting interest evidence adduced by one side is, as a whole, superior to or has greater weight than
applies to a situation where the opposing parties are present that of the other. It means evidence which is more convincing to the court as worthy of
clients in the same action or in an unrelated action. It is belief than that which is offered in opposition thereto. Under Section 1 of Rule 133, in
of no moment that the lawyer would not be called upon to contend determining whether or not there is preponderance of evidence, the court may consider
for one client that which the lawyer has to oppose for the other the following: (a) all the facts and circumstances of the case; (b) the witnesses' manner
client, or that there would be no occasion to use the confidential of testifying, their intelligence, their means and opportunity of knowing the facts to which
information acquired from one to the disadvantage of the other as they are testifying, the nature of the facts to which they testify, the probability or
the two actions are wholly unrelated. It is enough that the opposing improbability of their testimony; (c) the witnesses' interest or want of interest, and also
parties in one case, one of whom would lose the suit, are present their personal credibility so far as the same may ultimately appear in the trial; and (d)
clients and the nature or conditions of the lawyer's respective the number of witnesses, although it does not mean that preponderance is necessarily
retainers with each of them would affect the performance of the with the greater number. 27 SaIEcA
duty of undivided fidelity to both clients.
Markedly, Atty. Francisco could have prevented his entanglement with this fiasco
From the foregoing, it is obvious that the rule on conflict of interests presupposes a among the members of Jimenez's family by taking an upfront and candid stance in
lawyer-client relationship. The purpose of the rule is precisely to protect the fiduciary dealing with Jimenez's children and complainant. He could have been staunch in
nature of the ties between an attorney and his client. Conversely, a lawyer may not be reminding the latter that his tasks were performed in his capacity as legal counsel for
precluded from accepting and representing other clients on the ground of conflict of Clarion and Jimenez. Be that as it may, Atty. Francisco's indiscretion does not detract
interests, if the lawyer-client relationship does not exist in favor of a party in the first the Court from finding that the totality of evidence presented by the complainant
place. miserably failed to discharge the burden of proving that Atty. Francisco was her lawyer.
At most, he served as the legal counsel of Clarion and, based on the affirmation
In determining whether or not Atty. Francisco violated the rule on conflict of interests, a
presented, of Jimenez. Suffice it to say, complainant failed to establish that Atty.
scrutiny of the parties' submissions with the IBP reveals that the complainant failed to
Francisco committed a violation of the rule on conflict of interests.
establish that she was a client of Atty. Francisco.
Consequently, the rule on lawyer-client privilege does not apply. In Mercado v.
First, complainant's claim of being Atty. Francisco's client remains unsubstantiated,
Vitriolo, 28 the Court elucidated on the factors essential to establish the existence of
considering its detailed refutation. All that the complaint alleged was that Atty. Francisco
was Clarion's legal counsel and that complainant sought advice and requested the said privilege, viz.:
documentation of several transfers of shares and the sale of the Forbes property. This In fine, the factors are as follows:
was only successful in showing that Atty. Francisco, indeed, drafted the documents
pertaining to the transaction and that he was retained as legal counsel of Clarion. There (1) There exists an attorney-client relationship, or a
was no detailed explanation as to how she supposedly engaged the services of Atty. prospective attorney-client relationship, and it is by reason of
Francisco as her personal counsel and as to what and how she communicated with the this relationship that the client made the communication.
latter anent the dealings she had entered into. With the complaint lacking in this regard,
the unrebutted answer made by Atty. Francisco, accompanied with a detailed narrative Matters disclosed by a prospective client to a lawyer are protected
of his engagement as counsel of Jimenez and Clarion, would have to prevail. IESTcD by the rule on privileged communication even if the prospective
client does not thereafter retain the lawyer or the latter declines the
Second, there is a stark disparity in the amount of narrative details presented by the employment. The reason for this is to make the prospective client
parties. Atty. Francisco's claim that he was the counsel of Clarion and Jimenez, and free to discuss whatever he wishes with the lawyer without fear
not of the complainant, was clearly established in a sworn statement executed by that what he tells the lawyer will be divulged or used against him,
Jimenez himself. Complainant's evidence pales in comparison with her claims of being and for the lawyer to be equally tree to obtain information from the
the client of Atty. Francisco couched in general terms that lacked particularity of prospective client. DcIHSa
xxx xxx xxx
Third, noteworthy is the fact that complainant opted not to file a reply to Atty. Francisco's
answer. This could have given her opportunity to present evidence showing their (2) The client made the communication in confidence.
professional relationship. She also failed to appear during the mandatory conference
with the IBP-CBD without even updating her residential address on record. Her
participation in the investigation of the case apparently ended at its filing.
PALE Chap 4
The mere relation of attorney and client does not raise a The Penalty
presumption of confidentiality. The client must intend the
A member of the Bar may be penalized, even disbarred or suspended from his office
communication to be confidential.
as an attorney, for violating of the lawyer's oath and/or for breaching the ethics of the
A confidential communication refers to information transmitted by legal profession as embodied in the CPR, 31 for the practice of law is a profession, a
voluntary act of disclosure between attorney and client in form of public trust, the performance of which is entrusted to those who are qualified
confidence and by means which, so far as the client is aware, and who possess good moral character. 32 The appropriate penalty on an errant
discloses the information to no third person other than one lawyer depends on the exercise of sound judicial discretion based on the surrounding
reasonably necessary for the transmission of the information or the facts. 33
accomplishment of the purpose for which it was given.
Under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court, a member of the Bar may
Our jurisprudence on the matter rests on quiescent ground. Thus, be disbarred or suspended on any of the following grounds: (1) deceit; (2) malpractice
a compromise agreement prepared by a lawyer pursuant to the or other gross misconduct in office; (3) grossly immoral conduct; (4) conviction of a
instruction of his client and delivered to the opposing party, an offer crime involving moral turpitude; (5) violation of the lawyer's oath; (6) willful disobedience
and counter-offer for settlement, or a document given by a client of any lawful order of a superior court; and (7) willful appearance as an attorney for a
to his counsel not in his professional capacity, are not privileged party without authority. A lawyer may be disbarred or suspended for misconduct,
communications, the element of confidentiality not being present. whether in his professional or private capacity, which shows him to be wanting in moral
character, honesty, probity and good demeanor, or unworthy to continue as an officer
(3) The legal advice must be sought from the attorney in his of the court.
professional capacity.
While the Court finds no violation of the rule on conflict of interests and disclosure of
The communication made by a client to his attorney must not be privileged communication, the acts of Atty. Francisco, in actively and passively allowing
intended for mere information, but for the purpose of seeking legal Clarion to make untruthful representations to the SEC and in other public documents,
advice from his attorney as to his rights or obligations. The still constitute malpractice and gross misconduct in his office as attorney, for which a
communication must have been transmitted by a client to his suspension from the practice of law for six (6) months is warranted. SCaITA
attorney for the purpose of seeking legal advice.
WHEREFORE, the Court finds Atty. Edgar B. Francisco GUILTY of violation of Canons
If the client seeks an accounting service, or business or personal 1 and 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility for which he is SUSPENDED from
assistance, and not legal advice, the privilege does not attach to the practice of law for a period of six (6) months, effective upon receipt of this Decision,
a communication disclosed for such purpose. with a STERN WARNING that a commission of the same or similar offense in the future
will result in the imposition of a more severe penalty.
[Emphases supplied]
Let a copy of this Decision be entered into the records of Atty. Edgar B. Francisco and
Considering these factors in the case at bench, the Court holds that the evidence on furnished to the Office of the Clerk of Court, the Office of the Bar Confidant, the
record fails to demonstrate the claims of complainant. As discussed, the complainant Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and all courts in the Philippines, for their information
failed to establish the professional relationship between her and Atty. Francisco. The and guidance.
records are further bereft of any indication that the "advice" regarding the sale of the
Forbes property was given to Atty. Francisco in confidence. Neither was there a Atty. Francisco is DIRECTED to inform the Court of the date of his receipt of this
demonstration of what she had communicated to Atty. Francisco nor a recital of Decision so that the Court can determine the reckoning point when his suspension shall
circumstances under which the confidential communication was relayed. All that take effect.
complaint alleged in her complainant was that "she sought legal advice from
respondent in various occasions." 29 Considering that complainant failed to attend the SO ORDERED.
hearings at the IBP, there was no testimony as to the specific confidential information
||| (Jimenez v. Francisco, A.C. No. 10548, [December 10, 2014])
allegedly divulged by Atty. Francisco without her consent. It is, therefore, difficult, if not
impossible, to determine if there was any violation of the rule on privileged
communication. As held in Mercado, such confidential information is a crucial link in
establishing a breach of the rule on privileged communication between attorney and
client. It is not enough to merely assert the attorney-client privilege. 30 It cannot be
gainsaid then that complainant, who has the burden of proving that the privilege applies,
failed in this regard. AcaEDC