C1604C1604M PDF
C1604C1604M PDF
C1604C1604M PDF
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 1604/C 1604M – 05
planning the locations for obtaining shotcrete samples and in shotcrete is strong enough to permit sample removal without
interpreting strength test results. disturbing the bond between the mortar, coarse aggregate (see
4.5 Shotcrete is applied in single or multiple layers, as plain Note 3) and fiber-reinforcement. When preparing strength test
shotcrete, reinforced shotcrete, or fiber-reinforced shotcrete. specimens from samples of hardened shotcrete, samples that
Core samples containing wire-mesh and reinforcing bars shall have been damaged in the process of removal shall not be used.
not be used for compressive strength testing. Specimens of defective shotcrete that cannot be tested shall be
4.6 The strength of shotcrete is affected by moisture content, reported as such if the defects are representative of the in-place
the specified moisture conditioning procedure for cores is condition of the shotcrete (see ACI 506.4R).
intended to provide test specimens with reproducible moisture NOTE 3—It is not possible to specify a minimum age when shotcrete is
contents that minimize within-laboratory and between- strong enough to withstand damage during removal, because the strength
laboratory variations. at any age depends on the strength grade and curing of the shotcrete. If
4.7 Sample acquisition may require a combination of core- accelerating admixtures are used during shotcrete application, core speci-
drilling, sawing, and grinding that may have the potential to mens may be obtained for testing at approximately 6 h. If this is not
adversely affect the sample condition if care is not taken during practical, removal of shotcrete can proceed if cored or cut surfaces do not
sampling and testing. display erosion of the mortar and the exposed coarse aggregate particles
are embedded firmly in the mortar. Nondestructive test methods may be
4.8 A sampling plan shall be established that indicates the used to estimate level of in-place strength development prior to attempting
number of samples and their locations (see Note 1). The removal of shotcrete core samples (see ACI 506.4R).
acceptance criteria for shotcrete core strengths shall be estab-
lished by the specifier of tests (see Note 2). 6.1.4 Specimens containing embedded reinforcement shall
not be used for determining compressive or splitting tensile
NOTE 1—Practice C 823 provides guidance on the development of a strength.
sampling plan for concrete in constructions. A number of methods that
6.2 Core Drilling—Drill core specimens perpendicular to
supplement the examination of hardened shotcrete by means of represen-
tative core samples and testing are discussed in ACI 506.4R. the surface and avoid drilling near formed joints or edge
NOTE 2—The core strength acceptance criteria cited in ACI 318 are placement. Record the approximate angle between the drilled
based on a comparison of molded cylinder specimens and cores. Shotcrete core axis and the plane of the shotcrete as placed.
strengths are always based on core specimens, therefore the 85 % factor
used in core to cylinder comparisons is not relevant to the evaluation of 7. Measuring the Length of Drilled Cores
shotcrete core strengths. A typical shotcrete specification reflecting stan-
dard industry practice is contained in ACI 506.2. 7.1 Cores for determining the thickness of shotcrete layers
or other structural elements shall have a diameter of at least 3.0
5. Apparatus in.. [75 mm] when the lengths of such cores are to be measured
5.1 Core Drill, for obtaining cylindrical core specimens in accordance with Test Method C 174/C 174M.
with diamond impregnated bits attached to a core barrel. The 7.2 For cores that are not intended for determining structural
core drill shall have a rigid mounting base and be capable of dimensions, measure the longest and shortest lengths on the cut
being operated in any orientation normal to the shotcrete surface along lines parallel to the core axis. Record the average
structure that is being sampled. The core drill shall be free from length to the nearest 1⁄4 in. [5 mm].
excessive vibration when in operation and shall have sufficient
torque and consistent rotational speed to sustain uniform rates 8. Cores for Compressive Strength
of penetration of the core drill. The core barrel shall be cooled 8.1 Diameter—The diameter of core specimens for the
and core cuttings flushed with water during operation. determination of compressive strength in load bearing struc-
5.2 Saw, for cutting core specimens to size for compressive tural members shall be at least 3.0 in. [75 mm] (see Note 4).
strength. The saw shall have a diamond or silicon carbide Core diameters less than 3.0 in. [75 mm] shall be permitted as
cutting edge and shall be capable of cutting plain and rein- directed by the specifier of the tests.
forced specimens in a single pass that conform with the
prescribed dimensions, without excessive heating or shock. NOTE 4—The compressive strengths of 2-in [50-mm] diameter cores
are known to be somewhat lower and more variable than those of 3-in.
5.3 Grinding wheel, to trim and clean plain and fiber-
[75-mm] diameter cores. In addition, smaller diameter cores appear to be
reinforced shotcrete specimens that conform to prescribed more sensitive to the effect of the length-diameter ratio4.
tolerances without significantly disturbing the aggregates, ma-
trix or fiber-reinforcement. 8.2 Length—The preferred length of the capped or ground
specimen is nominally two times the diameter.
6. Sampling 8.2.1 If the ratio of the length to the diameter (L/D) of the
6.1 General: core exceeds 2.1, reduce the length of the core so that the ratio
6.1.1 Sampling shall be planned in accordance with the of the capped or ground specimen is between 1.9 and 2.1. Core
applicable provisions of Practice C 823. The number of specimens with length-diameter ratios equal to or less than
samples, sample locations and sampling procedures shall be 1.75 require corrections to the measured compressive strength
established in the plan. (see. 8.8.1). A strength correction factor is not required for L/D
6.1.2 Shotcrete samples obtained from test panels shall be in greater than 1.75. A core having a length of less than 95 % of
accordance with the applicable provisions of Practice C 1140. its diameter before capping or a length less than its diameter
6.1.3 Samples of hardened shotcrete for use in the prepara- after capping or end grinding shall not be tested unless so
tion of strength test specimens shall not be taken until the directed by the specifyer of the tests.
C 1604/C 1604M – 05
8.2.2 For non-load bearing structural members or when it is cores are capped in accordance with Practice C 617, the
impossible to obtain shotcrete cores with length-diameter ratio capping device shall accommodate actual core diameters and
(L/D) greater than or equal to 1.0, core specimens shall be produce caps that are concentric with the core ends. Measure
subject to the approval of the specifier of the tests. core lengths to the nearest 0.1 in. [2 mm] before capping.
8.3 Moisture Conditioning—The following procedure is Unbonded caps in accordance with Practice C 1231 are not
intended to preserve the moisture of the drilled core and to permitted.
provide a reproducible moisture condition that minimizes the NOTE 7—Before capping, the density of a core may be estimated by
effects of moisture gradients introduced by wetting during weighing it and dividing the mass by the volume calculated from the
drilling and specimen preparation. average diameter and length.
8.3.1 The following procedure is used to obtain cores 8.6 Measurement—Before testing, measure the length of the
having a moisture condition that is representative of the capped or ground specimen to the nearest 0.1 in. [2 mm] and
in-place shotcrete. After cores have been drilled, wipe off use this length to compute the length-diameter (L/D) ratio.
surface water on the drilled core with a dry cloth and allow Determine the average diameter by averaging two measure-
remaining surface moisture to evaporate. When surfaces ap- ments taken at right angles to each other at the mid-height of
pear dry, but not later than 1 h after drilling, place cores in the specimen. Measure core diameters to the nearest 0.01 in.
separate plastic bags or nonabsorbent containers and seal to [0.2 mm] when the difference in core diameters does not
prevent moisture loss. Maintain cores at ambient temperature, exceed 2 % of their average; otherwise, measure to the nearest
and protect cores from exposure to direct sunlight. Transport 0.1 in. [2 mm]. Do not test cores if the difference between the
the cores to the testing laboratory as soon as practicable. Keep largest and smallest diameter exceeds 5 % of their average.
cores in the sealed plastic bags or nonabsorbent containers at 8.7 Testing—Test the specimens in accordance with Test
all times except during end preparation and for a maximum Method C 39/C 39M. Test the specimens within 7 days after
time of 2 h to permit capping before testing. coring, unless so directed by the specifier of the tests.
8.3.2 If water is used during sawing or grinding of core 8.8 Calculation—Calculate the compressive strength of
ends, complete these operations as soon as practicable, but no each specimen using the computed cross-sectional area based
later than 2 days after drilling of cores. After completing end on the average diameter of the specimen.
preparation, use a dry cloth to remove surface moisture, allow 8.8.1 If the ratio of the core length to diameter (L/D) of the
the surfaces to dry, and place the cores in sealed plastic bags or specimen is 1.75 or less, correct the results obtained in 8.8 by
nonabsorbent containers. Minimize the duration of exposure to multiplying by the appropriate correction factor shown in the
water during end preparation. following table (see Note 8).
8.3.3 Allow cores aged 28 days or more to remain in the Ratio of Length to Strength Correction
sealed plastic bags or nonabsorbent containers for at least 5 Diameter (L/D) Factor
days after last being wetted and before testing (See Note 5).
1.75 0.98
For early strength testing of specimens aged 28 days or less, 1.50 0.96
test specimens as directed by the specifier of the tests. 1.25 0.93
1.00 0.87
NOTE 5—The waiting period of at least 5 days is intended to reduce
moisture gradients introduced when the core is drilled or wetted during Use interpolation to determine correction factors for L/D
sawing or grinding. values not given in the table.
8.3.4 When the specifier of the tests so directs, test cores in NOTE 8—Correction factors depend on various conditions such as
a moisture condition other than achieved by conditioning moisture condition, strength level, and elastic modulus. Average values are
according to 8.3.3. Report the alternative moisture condition- given in the table. These correction factors apply to normal density
shotcrete. They are applicable to both dry and wet shotcrete for nominal
ing procedure.
concrete strengths between 2000 psi and 6000 psi [14 MPa and 42 MPa].
8.4 Sawing of Ends—The ends of core specimens to be For strengths above 10 000 psi [70 MPa], test data on concrete cores
tested in compression shall be flat, and perpendicular to the show that the correction factors may be larger than the values listed
longitudinal axis. If necessary, saw the ends of cores that will above5.
be capped so that the following requirements are met: 8.9 Report—Report the results as required by Test Method
8.4.1 Projections, if any, shall not extend more than 0.2 in. C 39/C 39M with the addition of the following information:
[5 mm] above the end surfaces. 8.9.1 Length of core as drilled to the nearest 1⁄4 in. [5 mm],
8.4.2 The end surfaces shall not depart from perpendicular- 8.9.2 Length of test specimen before and after capping or
ity to the longitudinal axis by a slope of more than 1:8d [or end grinding to the nearest 0.1 in. [2 mm], and average
1:0.3d], where d is the average core diameter in inches [or diameter of core to the nearest 0.01 in. [0.2 mm] or 0.1 in. [2
mm]. mm],
NOTE 6—This limitation is intended to avoid cap thicknesses that 8.9.3 Compressive strength to the nearest 10 psi [0.1 MPa]
exceed the requirements of Practice C 617. when the diameter is measured to the nearest 0.01 in. [0.2 mm]
8.5 Capping—If the ends of the cores do not conform to the
perpendicularity and planeness requirements of Test Method 5
Bartlett, F.M. and MacGregor, J.G, “Effect of Core Length-to-Diameter Ratio
C 39/C 39M, they shall be sawn or ground to meet those on Concrete Core Strengths,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 91, No. 4, July-August
requirements or capped in accordance with Practice C 617. If 1994, pp. 339-348.
C 1604/C 1604M – 05
and to the nearest 50 psi [0.5 MPa] when the diameter is 9.3 Bearing Surfaces—The line of contact between the
measured to the nearest 0.1 in. [2 mm], after correction for specimen and each bearing strip shall be straight and free of
length-diameter ratio when required, any projections or depressions higher or deeper than 0.01 in.
8.9.4 Direction of application of the load on the specimen [0.2 mm]. When the line of contact is not straight or contains
with respect to the horizontal plane of the shotcrete as placed, projections or depressions having heights or depths greater
8.9.5 The moisture conditioning history: than 0.01 in [0.2 mm], grind or cap the specimen so as to The date and time core was obtained and first placed produce bearing lines meeting these requirements. Do not test
in sealed bag or nonabsorbent container; specimens with projections or depressions greater than 0.1 in. If water was used during end preparation, the date [2 mm]. When capping is employed, the caps shall be as thin
and time end preparation was completed and core placed in as practicable and shall be formed of high-strength gypsum
sealed bag or nonabsorbent container, cement.
8.9.6 The date and time when tested, NOTE 9—Fig. 1 illustrates a device suitable for applying caps to the
8.9.7 Nominal maximum size of shotcrete aggregate, bearing surfaces of core specimens.
8.9.8 If determined, the estimated density,
8.9.9 If applicable, description of defects in cores that could 9.4 Testing—Test the specimens in accordance with Test
not be tested, and Method C 496/C 496M.
8.9.10 If any deviation from this test method was required, 9.5 Calculation and Report—Calculate the splitting tensile
describe the deviation and explain why it was necessary. strength and report the results as required in Test Method
8.10 Precision C 496/C 496M. When grinding or capping of the bearing
8.10.1 The precision of compressive strength of shotcrete surfaces is required, measure the diameter between the finished
cores measured by this test method has not been established, surfaces. Indicate that the specimen was a core and provide the
but is believed to be similar to that of concrete cores6. moisture conditioning history as in 8.9.5.
Therefore, the following provisional statements taken from the 9.6 Precision
Test Method C 42/C 42M are provided until an inter-laboratory 9.6.1 The precision of splitting tensile strength of shotcrete
study of shotcrete cores are completed. cores measured by this test method has not been established,
8.10.2 The single-operator coefficient of variation on con- but is believed to be similar to that of concrete cores8.
crete cores has been found to be 3.2 %7 for a range of Therefore, the following provisional statements taken from the
compressive strength between 4500 psi [32.0 MPa] and 7000 Test Method C 42/C 42M are provided until an inter-laboratory
psi [48.3 MPa]. Therefore, results of two properly conducted study of shotcrete cores is completed.
tests of single cores by the same operator on the same sample 9.6.2 The within-laboratory single operator coefficient of
of material should not differ from each other by more than 9 %7 variation for splitting tensile strength between 520 psi [3.6
of their average. MPa] and 590 psi [4.1 MPa] of cores has been found to be
8.10.3 The multi-laboratory coefficient of variation on cores 5.3 %9. Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by
has been found to be 4.7 %7 for a range of compressive the same operator in the same laboratory on the same sample
strength between 4500 psi [32.0 MPa] and 7000 psi [48.3 of material should not differ by more than 14.9 %9 of their
MPa]. Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests on average.
cores sampled from the same hardened concrete (where a 9.6.3 The multi-laboratory coefficient of variation for split-
single test is defined as the average of two observations (cores), ting tensile strength between 520 psi [3.6 MPa] and 590 psi
each made on separate adjacent drilled 4-in. [100-mm] diam- [4.1 MPa] of cores has been found to be 15 %.9 Therefore,
eter cores) and tested by two different laboratories should not results of two properly conducted tests on the same sample of
differ from each other by more than 13 %7 of their average. material of hardened concrete and tested by two different
8.11 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material laboratories should not differ from each other by more than
suitable for determining the bias for the procedure in this test 42.3 %9 of their average.
method, no statement on bias is being made. 9.7 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
suitable for determining the bias of the procedure in this test
9. Cores for Splitting Tensile Strength method, no statement on bias is being made.
9.1 Test Specimens—The specimens shall conform to the
dimensional requirements in 8.1, 8.2, 8.4.1, and 8.4.2. Ends are 10. Keywords
not to be capped. 10.1 compressive strength; core; shotcrete; splitting tensile
9.2 Moisture Conditioning—Condition the specimens as strength
described in 8.3, or as directed by the specifier of the tests.
6 8
Bollin, G.E. “Development of Precision and Bias Statements for Testing Steele, G.W. “Portland Cement Concrete Core Proficiency Sample Program.”
Drilled Cores in Accordance with ASTM C 42.” Journal of Cement. Concrete, and Strategic Highway Research Program, SHHP-P-636, National Research Council,
Aggregates, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1993. Washington D.C., 1993.
7 9
These numbers represent, respectively, the (1s %) and (d2s %) limits as These numbers represent, respectively, the (1s %) and (d2s %) limits a
described in ASTM Practice C 670. described in ASTM Practice C 670.
C 1604/C 1604M – 05
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