Astm C138.C138M-16
Astm C138.C138M-16
Astm C138.C138M-16
Yf = volume of concrete produced per batch, m3 [ft3] requirements of Test Method C231, and shall be calibrated for
V = total absolute volume of the component ingredients in volume as described in Test Method C29/C29M. The top rim of
the batch, m3 [ft3] the air meter bowls shall be smooth and plane within 0.01 in.
Vm = volume of the measure, m3 [ft3] [0.3 mm] (see Note 6).
NOTE 2—The theoretical density is, customarily, a laboratory
determination, the value for which is assumed to remain constant for all NOTE 5—The metal should not be readily subject to attack by cement
batches made using identical component ingredients and proportions. paste. However, reactive materials such as aluminum alloys may be used
NOTE 3—The total mass of all materials batched is the sum of the in instances where as a consequence of an initial reaction, a surface film
is rapidly formed which protects the metal against further corrosion.
masses of the cement, the fine aggregate in the condition used, the coarse
aggregate in the condition used, the mixing water added to the batch, and NOTE 6—The top rim is satisfactorily plane if a 0.3-mm [0.01-in.] feeler
any other solid or liquid materials used. gage cannot be inserted between the rim and a piece of 6-mm [1⁄4-in.] or
thicker plate glass laid over the top of the measure.
4. Apparatus 4.5 Strike-Off Plate—A flat rectangular metal plate at least 6
4.1 Balance—A balance or scale accurate to 45 g [0.1 lb] or mm [1⁄4 in.] thick or a glass or acrylic plate at least 12 mm [1⁄2
to within 0.3 % of the test load, whichever is greater, at any in.] thick with a length and width at least 50 mm [2 in.] greater
point within the range of use. The range of use shall be than the diameter of the measure with which it is to be used.
considered to extend from the mass of the measure empty to The edges of the plate shall be straight and smooth within a
the mass of the measure plus its contents at 2600 kg/m3 [160 tolerance of 2 mm [1⁄16 in.].
lb/ft3]. 4.6 Mallet—A mallet (with a rubber or rawhide head)
4.2 Tamping Rod—A round, smooth, straight steel rod, with having a mass of 600 6 200 g [1.25 6 0.50 lb] for use with
a 16 mm [5⁄8 in.] 6 2 mm [1⁄16 in.] diameter. The length of the measures of 14 L [0.5 ft3] or smaller, and a mallet having a
tamping rod shall be at least 100 mm [4 in.] greater than the mass of 1000 6 200 g [2.25 6 0.50 lb] for use with measures
depth of the measure in which rodding is being performed, but larger than 14 L [0.5 ft3].
not greater than 600 mm [24 in.] in overall length (see Note 4). 4.7 Scoop—of a size large enough so each amount of
The rod shall have the tamping end or both ends rounded to a concrete obtained from the sampling receptacle is representa-
hemispherical tip of the same diameter as the rod. tive and small enough so it is not spilled during placement in
NOTE 4—A rod length of 400 mm [16 in.] to 600 mm [24 in.] meets the the measure.
requirements of the following: Practice C31/C31M, Test Method C138/
C138M, Test Method C143/C143M, Test Method C173/C173M and Test
Method C231.
5. Sample
4.3 Internal Vibrator—The vibrator frequency shall be at 5.1 Obtain the sample of freshly mixed concrete in accor-
least 9000 vibrations per minute [150 Hz] while the vibrator is dance with Practice C172.
operating in the concrete. The outside diameter or the side
dimension of the vibrating element shall be at least 19 mm 6. Procedure
[0.75 in.] and not greater than 38 mm [1.50 in.]. The combined 6.1 Base the selection of the method of consolidation on the
length of the vibrator shaft and vibrating element shall exceed slump, unless the method is stated in the specifications under
the depth of the section being vibrated by at least 75 mm [3 which the work is being performed. The methods of consoli-
in.]. dation are rodding and internal vibration. Rod concretes with a
4.4 Measure—A cylindrical container made of steel or other slump greater than 75 mm [3 in.]. Rod or vibrate concrete with
suitable metal (see Note 5). The minimum capacity of the a slump of 25 to 75 mm [1 to 3 in.]. Consolidate concretes with
measure shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 based on a slump less than 25 mm [1 in.] by vibration.
the nominal size of aggregate in the concrete to be tested. All NOTE 7—Nonplastic concrete, such as is commonly used in the
measures, except for measuring bowls of air meters which are manufacture of pipe and unit masonry, is not covered by this test method.
also used for Test Method C138/C138M tests, shall conform to 6.2 Dampen the interior of the measure and remove any
the requirements of Test Method C29/C29M. When measuring standing water from the bottom. Determine the mass of the
bowls of air meters are used, they shall conform to the empty measure to an accuracy consistent with the requirements
of 4.1. Place the measure on a flat, level, firm surface. Place the
TABLE 1 Capacity of Measures
concrete in the measure using the scoop described in 4.7. Move
the scoop around the perimeter of the measure opening to
Nominal Maximum Size of Coarse
Capacity of MeasureA ensure an even distribution of the concrete with minimal
mm [in.] L [ft3] segregation. Fill the measure in the number of layers required
25.0 [1] 6 [0.2] by the consolidation method (6.3 or 6.4).
37.5 [11⁄2 ] 11 [0.4] 6.3 Rodding—Place the concrete in the measure in three
50 [2] 14 [0.5]
75 [3] 28 [1.0] layers of approximately equal volume. Rod each layer with 25
112 [41⁄2 ] 70 [2.5] strokes of the tamping rod when nominal 14-L [0.5-ft3] or
150 [6] 100 [3.5]
smaller measures are used, 50 strokes when nominal 28-L
[1-ft3] measures are used, and one stroke per 20 cm2 [3 in.2] of
The indicated size of measure shall be used to test concrete containing
aggregates of a nominal maximum size equal to or smaller than that listed. The
actual volume of the measure shall be at least 95 % of the nominal volume listed. surface for larger measures. Rod each layer uniformly over the
cross section with the rounded end of the rod using the required
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C138/C138M − 16a
number of strokes. Rod the bottom layer throughout its depth. 7. Calculation
In rodding this layer, use care not to damage the bottom of the 7.1 Density (Unit Weight)—Calculate the net mass of the
measure. For each upper layer, allow the rod to penetrate concrete in pounds or kilograms by subtracting the mass of the
through the layer being rodded and into the layer below measure, Mm, from the mass of the measure filled with
approximately 25 mm [1 in.]. After each layer is rodded, tap concrete, Mc. Calculate the density, D, kg/m3 [lb/ft3] , by
the sides of the measure 10 to 15 times with the appropriate dividing the net mass of concrete by the volume of the
mallet (see 4.6) using such force so as to close any voids left measure, Vm as follows:
by the tamping rod and to release any large bubbles of air that
D 5 ~ M c 2 M m! / V m (1)
may have been trapped. Add the final layer so as to avoid
overfilling. 7.2 Theoretical Density—Calculate the theoretical density
as follows:
6.4 Internal Vibration—Fill and vibrate the measure in two
approximately equal layers. Place all of the concrete for each T5M / V (2)
layer in the measure before starting vibration of that layer. 7.2.1 The absolute volume of each ingredient in cubic
Insert the vibrator at three different points for each layer. In meters is equal to the mass of the ingredient in kilograms
compacting the bottom layer, do not allow the vibrator to rest divided by 1000 times its relative density (specific gravity).
on or touch the bottom or sides of the measure. In compacting The absolute volume of each ingredient in cubic feet is equal
the final layer, the vibrator shall penetrate into the underlying to the quotient of the mass of that ingredient divided by the
layer approximately 25 mm [1 in.] . Take care that the vibrator product of its relative density times 62.4 lb/ft3. For the
is withdrawn in such a manner that no air pockets are left in the aggregate components, base the relative density and mass on
specimen. The duration of vibration required will depend upon the saturated, surface-dry condition. For cement, determine the
the workability of the concrete and the effectiveness of the actual relative density using Test Method C188. It is permitted
vibrator (see Note 8). Continue vibration only long enough to to use a value of 3.15 for the relative density of portland
achieve proper consolidation of the concrete (see Note 9). cements that conform to Specification C150/C150M. The
Observe a constant duration of vibration for the particular kind relative density used for other cements and supplementary
of concrete, vibrator, and measure involved. cementitous material shall be as determined by testing or as
supplied by the material’s manufacturer.
NOTE 8—Usually, sufficient vibration has been applied as soon as the
surface of the concrete becomes relatively smooth. 7.3 Yield—Calculate the yield as follows:
NOTE 9—Overvibration may cause segregation and loss of appreciable Y ~ yd3 ! 5 M / ~ D 3 27! (3)
quantities of intentionally entrained air.
6.5 On completion of consolidation the measure must not
contain a substantial excess or deficiency of concrete. An Y ~ m 3! 5 M / D (4)
excess of concrete protruding approximately 3 mm [1⁄8 in.] 7.4 Relative Yield—Relative yield is the ratio of the actual
above the top of the mold is optimum. A small quantity of volume of concrete obtained to the volume as designed for the
concrete may be added to correct a deficiency. If the measure batch (see Note 10) calculated as follows:
contains a great excess of concrete at completion of
Ry 5 Y / Yd (5)
consolidation, remove a representative portion of the excess NOTE 10—A value for Ry greater than 1.00 indicates an excess of
concrete with a trowel or scoop immediately following concrete being produced whereas a value less than 1.00 indicates the batch
completion of consolidation and before the measure is struck- to be “short” of its designed volume. In the inch-pound system, a ratio of
off. yield in cubic feet per cubic yard of design concrete mixture is frequently
used, for example, 27.3 ft3/yd3.
6.6 Strike-Off—After consolidation, strike-off the top sur-
7.5 Cement Content—Calculate the actual cement content as
face of the concrete and finish it smoothly using the flat
strike-off plate so that the measure is level full. Strike-off the
measure by pressing the strike-off plate on the top surface of C 5 Cb / Y (6)
the measure to cover about two thirds of the surface and 7.6 Air Content—Calculate the air content as follows:
withdraw the plate with a sawing motion to finish only the area A 5 @ ~ T 2 D ! / T # 3 100 (7)
originally covered. Then place the plate on the top of the
measure to cover the original two thirds of the surface and or
advance it with a vertical pressure and a sawing motion to A 5 @ ~ Y 2 V ! / Y # 3 100 ~ SI units! (8)
cover the whole surface of the measure and continue to
advance it until it slides completely off the measure. Incline the or
plate and perform final strokes with the edge of the plate to A 5 @ ~ Y f 2 V ! / Y f # 3 100 @ inch 2 pound units# (9)
produce a smooth surface.
8. Report
6.7 Cleaning and Weighing—After strike-off, clean all ex-
cess concrete from the exterior of the measure and determine 8.1 Report the following information:
the mass of the concrete and measure to an accuracy consistent 8.1.1 Identification of concrete represented by the sample.
with the requirements of 4.1. 8.1.2 Date of test.
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C138/C138M − 16a
8.1.3 Volume of density measure to the nearest 0.01 L to 155 lb/ft3] and included air-entrained and non air-entrained
[0.001 ft3]. concrete. The study was conducted using 7-L [0.25 ft3] and
8.1.4 Density (unit weight) to the nearest 1.0 kg/m3 [0.1 14-L [0.5 ft3] measures.
lb/ft3]. 9.1.1 Single-Operator Precision—The single operator stan-
8.1.5 Theoretical density, when requested, to the nearest 1.0 dard deviation of density of freshly mixed concrete has been
kg/m3 [0.1 lb/ft3]. found to be 0.65 lb/ft3 [10.4 kg/m3] (1s). Therefore, results of
8.1.6 Yield, when requested, to the nearest 0.1 m3 [0.1 yd3]. two properly conducted by the same operator on the same
8.1.7 Relative yield, when requested, to the nearest 0.01. sample of concrete should not differ by more than 1.85 lb/ft3
8.1.8 Cement content, when requested, to the nearest 0.5 kg [29.6 kg/m3] (d2s).
[1.0 lb]. 9.1.2 Multi-Operator Precision—The multi-operator stan-
8.1.9 Air content, when requested, to the nearest 0.1 per- dard deviation of density of freshly mixed concrete has been
cent. found to be 13.1 kg/m3 [0.82 lb/ft3] (1s). Therefore, results of
9. Precision and Bias two properly conducted tests by the two operators on the same
sample of concrete should not differ by more than 37.0 kg/m3
9.1 The following estimates of precision for this test method [2.31 lb/ft 3] (d2s).
are based on a collection of data from various locations by the
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association.4 The data repre- 9.2 Bias—This test method has no bias since the density is
sent concrete mixtures with slump ranging from 75 to 150 mm defined only in terms of this test method.
[3 to 6 in.] and density ranging from 1842 to 2483 kg/m3 [115
10. Keywords
Mullings, G. M., NRMCA/NAA Joint Research Lab Study “Series D324 10.1 air content; cement content; concrete; relative yield;
Accuracy of Concrete Density Test,” Feb. 17, 2000. unit weight; yield
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Concrete Mix Data: first dividing the batch quantity of the aggregate by [1 + the
X1.1.1 The following quantities are batched for a designed moisture content (expressed as a decimal)] to determine the
10 m3 load: mass of the dry aggregate. Then multiply the mass of the dry
aggregate by [1 + the absorption (expressed as a decimal)] to
Cement 3560 kg
Coarse Aggregate 10 975 kg calculate the mass of the SSD aggregate.
Fine Aggregate 8070 kg Mass of dry coarse aggregate = 10 975 / 1.02 = 10 760 kg
Added Water 1216 kg Mass of coarse aggregate (SSD) = 10 760 × 1.008 = 10 846 kg
Total Mass of Materials Batched (M) 23 821 kg Mixing water contributed by coarse = (2.0 % – 0.8 %) = 1.2 % × 10 760 =
X1.1.2 The following are the properties of the aggregates: aggregate 129 kg
Coarse Aggregate (Moisture content = 2.0%; Absorption = 0.8%; Relative Mass of dry fine aggregate = 8070 / 1.04 = 7760 kg
Density (Specific Gravity) SSD = 2.72) Mass of fine aggregate (SSD) = 7760 × 1.011 = 7845 kg
Fine Aggregate (Moisture content = 4.0%; Absorption = 1.1%; Relative Mixing water contributed by fine = (4.0 % – 1.1%) = 2.9 % × 7760 =
Density (Specific Gravity) SSD = 2.63) aggregate 225 kg
X1.1.3 The following fresh concrete properties were mea- Total mixing water = batch water + water contributed by
sured at the job site: aggregates
Slump = 115 mm Total mixing water = 1216 + 225 + 129 = 1570 kg
Air content = 5.0 %
Density (unit weight) = 2335 kg/m3 X1.5 To obtain the calculated batch quantities per cubic
meter, divide the mixture proportions by the actual Yield (Y)
X1.2 Calculate the Yield (Y): (10.2 m3, in this case). Use the SSD basis for the aggregates
Y 5 M ⁄ D 5 ~ Total Mass of Materials Batched! ⁄ ~ Density of Concrete! and the total mixing water. The absolute volume of each
ingredient in cubic meters is equal to the mass of the ingredient
Y 5 23821 ⁄ 2355 5 10.2m 3 (X1.1)
in kilograms divided by 1000 times its relative density (specific
X1.3 Calculate the Relative Yield (RY): gravity).
Absolute Calculated Batch
Mass, kg
R y 5 Y ⁄ Y d 5 ~ Yield! ⁄ ~ Design Yield! Volume, m3 Quantity, kg/m3
Cement 3560 1.13 349
R y 5 10.2 ⁄ 10.0 5 1.02 (X1.2) Coarse Agg. (SSD) 10 846 3.99 1063
Fine Agg. (SSD) 7,845 2.983 769
X1.4 Convert the batch mixture proportions of the fine and Mixing Water 1570 1.57 154
coarse aggregates to a saturated-surface-dry (SSD) basis, by Total 23 821 9.673
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C138/C138M − 16a
X1.6 Calculate the Theoretical Density (T) on an air-free
A5 F~ T 2 D!
3 100 5 F
~ Theoretical Density 2 Density!
Theoretical Density
3 100 G
~ Total Mass of Materials Batched! A 5 @ ~ 2463 2 2335! ⁄ 2463# 3 100 5 5.2 % (X1.4)
T5M ⁄ V5
~ Absolute Volume of Mix Components!
T 5 23821 ⁄ 9.673 5 2463 kg/m3
(Nonmandatory Information)
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C138/C138M − 16a
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Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C138/C138M – 14) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Feb. 1, 2016.)
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