Relation Between Weld Parameters and Weld Qualityin Ac Resistance Spot Welding Aluminium
Relation Between Weld Parameters and Weld Qualityin Ac Resistance Spot Welding Aluminium
Relation Between Weld Parameters and Weld Qualityin Ac Resistance Spot Welding Aluminium
A n d W e l d Q u a l i t y In A C R e s i s t a n c e
Spot Welding Aluminium,
M.Sc. Thesis
Cierick G o o s J u n e 1998
Examining board:
The two main areas of concern when resistance spot welding aluminium are the electrode
lifetime and inconsistent weld quality. During welding the electrodes deteriorate, they erode and
become rough. The weld quality is negatively affected by this deterioration. The welding
electrodes have to be replaced before welds are produced with insufficient quality.
The objective of this research project was to determine the important features of the welding
process and if these features couid be linked to weld quality, to gain insight into the relation
between welding parameters and weld quality. During welding a number of welding parameters
can be measured such as welding current, welding voltage, electrode displacement or electrode
force. Because of the importance of the dynamic resistance the electrical signals were selected
as the parameters to be monitored. Welding current and welding voltage were selected, also
because they are relatively easy to measure and it is clear which physical information they
These electrical welding signals are distorted by the high magnetic field caused by the high
welding current. A method was developed to clear the measured welding voltage signals of the
inductive components. A specially for this project designed data analysis program was used to
investigate the electrical welding signals. The signals from the first cycle of welding were found
to be most important. The quality could be linked to features of the signals from the very first
halfcycle of welding. This link between measured welding parameters and weld quality can be
the basis for an on-line quality control system. Such a system couid guarantee spot welds in
welded products to be 100% error free without the need for destructive tests.
It was found that both the level as weil as the form of the dynamic resistance curve for the
electrode to sheet interface is unaffected by the deterioration of the welding electrodes. At the
sheet to sheet interface the situation is reverse. The sheet surfaces are still the same (always
fresh surfaces) but the dynamic resistance curve of this interface changes. An altering situation
at the electrode-sheet contact (the electrode face becomes flat and rough) causes a change in
dynamic resistance at the faying interface.
A model is proposed to explain the random occurrence of interface failure welds at the end of
the electrode life. In this new model all welds beyond the electrode life are considered of low
quality and not only those who fail as interface failure in a destructive test. Weld quality should
thus not only be assessed on basis of a piug or an interface failure in tensile loading tests.
2.1. description of the welding process 3
2.2. dynamic resistance 4
2.3. electrode deterioration mechanism 5
2.3.1. mechanical contacts 5
2.3.2. electrical contacts 7
2.3.3. electrode deterioration 9
3.1. experimental background 11
3.2. experimental set-up 12
3.3. the compensation coil 14
4. RESULTS = —— 19
4.1. growth curve 19
4.2. the first test 21
4.3. the 5.5 mm welds 26
4.4. the 7.0 mm welds 29
5.1. electrode life & quality control 31
5.2. dynamic resistance 32
5.3. plug or interface failure 36
A.1. data analysis program 43
A.2. modelling the current 44
1. Introduction
Resistance spot weiding is stiii the method most widely used in joining sheet metai components
for the automotive industry. Thousands of spot welds are used to assemble an automobile. The
process is widely used because it has historically proven to be a reliable, cost-effective method
of joining. New materials (such as aluminium alloys) are being used, to help reduce vehicle
weight and improve corrosion resistance. These new materials are more difficult to resistance
spot weld than the conventional, (un)coated, low carbon steels they are replacing.
A rapid, low cost, reliable joining or assembly process is required to make aluminium an
acceptable material for construction. Although aluminium is more difficult to resistance spot-weld
it remains one of the more attractive assembly joining methods. This is because it is simple in
principle and it is a process currently in world-wide use by automobile manufactures.
Two areas of concern when resistance spot welding aluminium are the electrode lifetime and
inconsistent weld quality. During welding the electrodes deteriorate, they erode and become
rough. The weld quality is negatively affected by this deterioration. The welding electrodes have
to be replaced before welds are produced with substandard quality.
The objective of this research project was to gain insight into the relation between welding
parameters and weld quality. During welding a number of welding parameters can be measured,
for this project the welding voltage and current signals were selected. A relation between welding
parameters and weld quality can be the basis for an on-line quality monitoring system. So the
spot welds in welded products can be guaranteed 100% error free without the need for
destructive tests.
The experimental work for this project was carried out at the joining technology group of
Hoogovens Research & Development in co-operation with Delft University of Technology group
of Welding Technology & Non-Destructive Testing. The project was incorporated in the
Hoogovens Car=Lite programme which aims on reducing the weight of monocoque autocar
2. Theoretical background
A spot weld is produced between two sheets of material in contact by applying a force to the
sheets and passing a high electrical current through them for a short period of time. The widely
used and relatively simple single phase AC resistance spot welding machine is basically a large
transformer as shown in figure 2.1. Copper (or copper alloy) welding electrodes are used to
apply the force and current to the sheets. These electrodes are internally water cooled.
Figure 2.1: Typical single phase spot Figure 2.2: heat generation during spot
welding circuit [1]. Welding [2].
Resistance heating effects cause the metal to melt and form a molten nugget, figure 2.2. Upon
weld termination, the molten nugget cools down and solidifies into a fused, welded joint [3].
Figure 2.3 gives a schematic representation of a weld schedule. First the parts are firmly
pressed together in the squeeze period. Then in the welding period a high current is passed
through the sheets and a molten nugget is formed. When the current is shut off the holding
period starts and the nugget solidifies, thereafter the pressure is released to complete the cycle.
The welding current can be affected in two different ways: by changing the transformation ratio
of the transformer by a stepped switch; or by electronic governing of the ignition point in the
electronic contactor. Electronic governing (heat control) changes the shape of the current
waveform. At maximum heat input the waveform is sinusoidal, as shown in figure 2.4, while at
reduced heat input there is an interval between the individual halfwaves, as shown in figure 2.5.
Figure 2.4. Current waveform at
maximum heat input [5].
Figure 2.5. Current waveform at
reduced heat input [5].
The conduction time is the period in which current flows through the electrodes. Tests performed
by Spinella and Patrick [6, 7] indicate that the weld nugget quality and electrode life performance
substantially improves with increasing conduction time. Proper sizing of alternating current (AC)
resistance welding transformers can significantly extend electrode life performance.
Resistance spot welding behaviour of aluminium is entirely different to that of steel. For steel
spot welding the high bulk resistivity is an important controlling factor, whereas for aluminium the
surface characteristics are far more important. Aluminium alloys have 2.5 to 3.5 times the
electrical and thermal conductivity of steel and less than half the melting temperature. A
threefold increase in welding current over that of steel at about one fourth to one third of the
welding time is required to achieve equivalent nugget sizes. In addition, the resultant nugget size
is greatly influenced by the magnitude of the interface resistances. If these interface resistances
are low, then for the same welding current less heat is generated, this can result in a smaller
nugget [9].
The resistance of the sheets between the electrodes is not constant throughout the welding
cycle but is dynamic in nature. An important difference between aluminium and steel welding
behaviour can best be illustrated by comparing the dynamic resistance curves shown in figure
2.6. Aluminium starts at a high initial resistance of greater than 150 \xn and quickly drops to
about 25 \iQ. as the molten nugget is formed in the first halfcycle of welding. Thereafter, the
resistance continues to decrease slightly with each halfcycle. Although the resistivity of molten
aluminium is 9 to 10 times that of aluminium at room temperature, the resistance continues to
decrease because of the increasing cross sectional area of the molten nugget. If sufficient
current is not available to form a molten nugget during the first halfcycle, additional welding time
will not produce nugget growth. For (un)coated steel after the initial drop in contact resistance,
the resistance continues to rise as the resistivity of the solid steel increases with increasing
temperature until the molten nugget begins to form at a much higher temperature than is the
case with aluminium. The resistance for steel then decreases with increased weld time as the
nugget begins to grow [8].
115 micro-ohms
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3
Weld Time (cycles) Weld tima (mllll-seconds)
Figure 2.6: Dynamic resistance curves of Figure 2.7: Dynamic resistance during
aluminium and steel [8]. first VA cycle of welding [9].
For aluminium the dynamic resistance curves are mainly determined by the dynamic
characteristics of the contact resistances, the resistances of the sheet-sheet and electrode-
sheet contacts. Contact resistance and thus dynamic resistance curves also depend on the
surface condition of the sheet as can be seen in figure 2.7. Contact resistances piay a major role
at the very beginning of the weld cycle, because 80% of the nugget growth occurs during the first
cycle of welding [9].
The load bearing area usually is much smaller than was supposed about seventy years ago. If,
for example, nominally plane bodies were placed on top of each other the whole covered area
was often called the contact surface. It Is more correct to call this the apparent contact area. The
load bearing area may be an order of magnitude smaller than the apparent contact area [10].
With increasing radius of cun/ature of two contact members the elastic contact area for a certain
load increases, and, theoretically, would finally elastically produce arbitrarily large contact areas.
Actually, a limit is reached because of the unevenness of the contact faces. When a contact is
made the asperities are hit first, and they may deform plastically and strain harden, while the
underlying metal may deform mainly elastically [10].
The remarl<able persistence of asperities during bulk deformation is shown in figure 2.8. The
material, copper, was initially annealed. The fact that nevertheless the asperities were not
obliterated is understandable if one considers that the asperities yield plastically with about the
same percentage of their height as the underlying plastically deforming material does with
respect to its thickness, which is much greater than the height of the asperities [10].
Figure 2.9: Profile of brinell impression in a gold block (most of the curvature
of the indentation has been cut out). The upper profile shows part of the
undeformed surface [11].
Another example, figure 2.9 shows a surface profile across a Brinell hardness indentation. The
apparent contact area, used to assess the hardness, is divided into a multitude of microcontacts.
It is doubtful whether there is any experimental evidence that the real area of contact is
proportional to the load, but rather good experimental evidence that the apparent area is
proportional to the load [11]. Contacts between nominally flat surfaces are l<nown to occur as a
number of clusters of microcontacts, the position of these clusters being determined by the large
scaie waviness of the surface, and the position of the microcontacts by the small scale surface
roughness [11].
• portions with metallic contact; through these areas the current passes without
perceptible transition resistance in the interface, just as it does between different
crystallites in a compact metal;
• quasi-metallic spots; these are film covered areas on which the films are
sufficiently thin to be easily permeable by the electron current by means of the
tunnel effect irrespective of the proper resistivity of the film material. Typical films
of this kind are the thin layers of physical or chemical bonded oxygen atoms which,
in air, are formed on any clean metal surface;
For resistance spot welding the contact area can be simplified by dividing it in only two types,
good conducting areas with metallic contact and non conducting areas (figure 2.10). It will be
convenient to have a short name for the conducting contact areas, and in the following they are
called a-spots, a widely accepted term [10].
The expression contact resistance is often used. This term was coined at a time when it was
believed that the metallic contact surface itself accounted for this observed transition resistance.
One may theoretically expect that the discontinuity of the crystal lattice order in perfectly clean
contacts will reflect electrons and produce a transition resistance. However, such resistances
are extremely small and have not been observed in contacts. Actually, what is measured as
contact resistance is the consequence of current flow being constricted through small
conducting spots, as shown in figure 2.11. The contact resistance always is or implies a
constriction resistance [10].
Summing up, it can be seen that not only the load bearing contact area is very small, but also
that only a fraction of it may be electrically conducting. In any case, the current flow lines are
bent together through narrow areas, causing an increase of resistance compared with the case
of a fully conducting, apparent contact surface [10].
Figure 2.10: Apparent contact surface, ioadbearing Figure 2.11: Lines of current fiow
contact area containing insulating spots (shaded) and equipotentiai surfaces of a
and conducting a-spofs (dotted) [10]. current constriction [10].
The constriction resistance wiii be partly determined by the number and size of the
microcontacts (a-spots) and partly by their grouping into clusters. The contact resistance is no
single valued function of the total electrical contact area, because its subdivided into small a-
spots of which the number, size and grouping into clusters is unknown. This is the reason why
the total conducting contact area can not be inferred with reasonable accuracy simply from a
resistance measurement [10]. It is impossible to deduce anything about the real area of contact
directly from measurements of the constriction resistance, except an upper limit; and the actual
value can be a small fraction of this [11].
Whenever there is a reasonably large number of not too small contacts the constriction
resistance is close to that observed if the entire area of the cluster were in electrical contact. If
an insulating film covers the mechanical area of contact, so that electrical contact occurs by a
large number of small cracks in the film, the resistance may be almost as low as with no film
When current is applied to a contact, it is heated by the current flowing through it. If the contact
is symmetrical and both contact members are of the same material the highest temperature is
localised in the contact surface. For such contacts an indirect method exist, to determine the
contact temperature from the contact voltage. This relationship uses the fact that the heat is
flowing along the same paths as the current. Because of the symmetry there is no reason for
heat transfer from one member to the other. The results of this relation are shown for copper in
table 1, note the rapid increase in contact temperature with contact voltage [10].
Table 1: Relation between potential drop across the contact
and contact temperature [10].
Softening melting
V(V) 0,03 0,12 0,3 0,43
Trc) 16 190 700 1065
During welding the current constricting a-spots are rapidly heated up, this causes the spots to
widen. At the beginning of welding the current conducting area grows very rapidly, this also
implies a fast decrease in the constriction resistance.
In the spot welding machine the welding electrodes contact the two overlapping sheets on the
outside surfaces and local plastic deformation of the bulk material occurs and also at the contact
surfaces of both sheets. In addition, there is also the chance of sliding between the two surfaces
in contact. This shows why metallic contact and therefore electrical conduction can be easily
realised through heavy contaminant layers [12].
On new electrodes there is a repeated action of "pickup" from the aluminium surface and an
erosive "puilout" of copper from the face of the electrodes. After 50-100 welds the whole contact
area of the electrodes is coated with aluminium. Hereafter the erosive process predominates
and there will be a steady loss of copper from the face of the electrodes [14, 5]. This electrode
deterioration process proposed by Patrick et al. [9] is graphically depicted in figure 2.13.
1. Before contact
2. Non-uniform fracture
3. Current constriction
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
4. E x c e s s heating — locai melting & alloying
3. Experimental procedure
As stated earlier 80% of the nugget growth occurs during the first cycle of welding [9]. In this first
cycle of welding the dynamic resistance of the aluminium decreases more than a decade in
value. The dynamic resistance falls a decade in value in less than 5 ms (less than VA cycle). This
is caused by the rapid growth of the conducting a-spots. Thus the first cycle of welding is very
important in resistance spot welding.
A monitoring system therefore should gather a lot of information especially during the first cycle
of welding. The entire waveform of a welding parameters should be measured and not just the
average value for the whole welding period. All this data should be processed to extract the
important features. Furthermore, the amount of data must be reduced without losing the
important information.
In this research project the objective was to find which are important features of the welding
process and whether these features could be linked to weld quality. During welding a number of
welding parameters can be measured such as welding current, welding voltage, electrode
displacement or electrode force. Mechanical parameters such as electrode displacement or
electrode force are strongly influenced by the welding machine itself (stiffness of the frame for
instance). These mechanical parameters can therefore never be machine independent.
Because of the importance of the dynamic resistance the electrical signals were selected as the
parameters to be measured. Welding current and welding voltage were selected, also because
they are relatively easy to measure and its clear which physical information they represent.
To link weld quality to features of the welding voltage and current signals, data of high and low
quaiity welds was needed. New electrodes normally produce "good" welds. When the electrodes
are worn they produce welds of lower quality. To get "good" and "bad" weld data with the same
welding electrodes, electrode life tests were done. During these tests data was gathered for
each individual weld. The tests were stopped when the electrodes were producing low quality
welds, beyond the standard life of the welding electrodes. With the same electrodes welds of
good quality (at the strart of the test) and of substandard quality (at the end of the test) were
3.2. Experimental set-up
For all welding experiments a single pliase alternating current (AC) pedestal type resistance
welding machine (315 kVA, 50 Hz) was used. The weld schedule consisted of the following
The electrode force was set at 1.8 kN, the electrodes used are shown in figure 3.1 and are
made of a class 2 CuCrlZr alloy (standardised classification, ISO 5182). The face of these
electrodes is rounded (R=40 mm).
I R°40 mm
16 mm
surface electrodes, is that of the material somewhere between electrode-sheet and sheet-sheet
interface (figure 3.2b).
The stored current and voltage waveforms were analysed off-line with a data analysis program.
The program code was developed by the author specially for this research project. The data
analysis program can extract a number of parameters from the stored current and voltage
waveforms such as the conduction time, RMS. voltage and RMS. current. For more details
about the data analysis program see appendix A1.
The weld tests were carried out according to the French AFNOR standard A87-001 (December
1994). Most welds were made on 50 mm wide strips, the welds were placed 30 mm apart (45
welds per strip). The welding speed was set at 30 welds per minute, this is as close as possible
to the welding speed in production schedules.
Figure 3.3: Schematic representation of the tool used for destructively testing
the welded strips.
The strips were destructively tested with the tool shown in figure 3.3, the spil<es of this tool force
the sheets apart and cause the welds to fail. Welds can fail in two different ways, figure 3.4. The
weld can tear a plug from the sheet, this is considered a good weld. Fracture can also occur
through the weld itself, this is called an interface failure and is considered a bad weld. The strips
are tested and judged on the appearance of the failed welds, plug or interface failure, good or
bad. Another destructive test is the cross tension test shown in figure 3.5. In this test the
specimen is tested in a tensile testing machine and the maximum load (cross tension strength)
of the weld is measured. If there is a plug pulled from the sheet the diameter of it is also
Figure 3.4: Two types of weld failure: Figure 3.5: Cross tension test,
interface failure (above) and
plug failure (beneath).
The high alternating current creates a weld but aiso causes a high magnetic field. When
electrical measurements are carried out during welding this magnetic field can cause distortion
of the electrical signals. The electrode to sheet contact and the sheet to sheet contact are
metallic contacts with a real resistance. Therefore the voltage signal over a weld should be in
phase with the current signal Therefore the real voltage signal looks like figure 3.6a. The
electromagnetic flux that is transmitted by the welding machine is picked up by the
measurement circuit and causes an additional voltage signal. This inductive signal is depicted in
figure 3.6b, this signal is in phase with dl/dt, it has a phaseshift of 90° prior to the current and
real voltage signals. The sum of these two signals is the measured signal, shown in figure 3.6c,
the signal is out of phase with the welding current. The amount of phaseshift is determined by
the amplitude of the inductive signal relative to the amplitude of the real signal.
The inductive component in the measured signal can be compensated for by placing a
compensation coil in the throat of the welding machine. The coil is placed close to the welding
electrodes. The signal from such a coil is depicted in figure 3.6d, this is a true inductive signal
and is thus proportional to the inductive component in the measured signal. By adjusting the
amplitude the coil signal can be scaled to exactly the same form as the inductive component in
the measured signal (figure 3.6e). It is identical to the inductive component in figure 3.6b.
Subtracting the scaled coil signal from the measured voltage signal leads to the compensated
signal in figure 3.6f, which is the same as the original real signal in figure 3.6a.
The idea to use a coil to compensate for the magnetic field during welding was published by
W.L. Roberts [15] back in 1951. He connected a compensation coil in series with one of the
voltage pick-up leads, thereby subtracting the coil signal from the measured signal. The scaling
of the coil signal was done by adjusting the orientation and position of the compensation coil. By
adjusting the coil in this way the inductive coupling between the welding circuit and the coil is
changed and thereby the amplitude of the coil signal can be manipulated.
Figure 3.6: Distortion of voitage signais and tfie compensation ttierefore;
a) real signal, b) inductive component, c) measured signal,
d) compensation coil signal, e) scaled coil signal and
f) compensated signal.
In this project a somewhat different approach was chosen. A simple coil (insulating wire and
tape) was attached to the bottom electrode holder. The coil was placed as close as possible to
the electrode. The electrical signal of this coil was measured and stored simultaneously with the
other signals. The stored signal was then used to compensate off-line. The scaling of the coil
signal and subtracting it from the measured voltage signals was done numerically after welding.
The algorithms needed for this off-line compensation were developed by the author and
incorporated in the data analysis program code. The advantage of this approach is that the coil
is now in a fixed position and the compensation is done separately for each weld.
The sheet surface and electrode voltage as well as the current waveforms are shown in figures
3.7 and 3.8, uncompensated and compensated for the magnetic field. In these figures as well as
in the tables 2 and 3 it can be seen that the inductive term severely distorts the signais, it even
dominates the curve for the sheet surface.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figuren 3.7: Current (above) and uncompensated voitage signais of electrode (thick line)
and sheet surface (thin line).
Table 2: Main output of data analysis program, without compensation (SI, weld 500)
half taan IRMS Vsh-rms Vel-rms Qsh Qel Ash Ael
cycle (ms) (kA) (V) (V) (J) (J) (VA) (VA)
1 8.7 17.8 313 857 33 126 15940 29217
2 9.4 21.4 240 644 27 125 14279 19072
3 9.3 21.3 227 580 23 110 14247 18816
4 9.4 21.6 222 550 20 104 14286 18972
5 9.4 21.4 215 532 18 99 14020 18799
6 9.4 21.7 212 525 18 99 13974 18748
7 9.4 21.4 211 524 17 97 13963 18702
8 9.4 21.7 211 526 16 99 13985 18642
Figure 3.8: Same as 3.7 but witti compensation of the inductive components in the
voitage signals.
Table 3: Same as tabie 2 but with compensation of the inductive components in the voltage
half taan IRMS Vsh-rms Vel-rms Qsh Qel Ash Ael
cycle (ms) (kA) (V) (V) (J) (J) (VA) (VA)
1 8.7 17.8 204 760 33 126 4646 14335
2 9.4 21.4 128 584 27 125 735 1225
3 9.3 21.3 105 514 22 110 401 571
4 9.4 21.6 93 481 20 104 379 646
5 9.4 21.4 85 460 18 99 106 463
6 9.4 21.7 80 453 17 99 42 388
7 9.4 21.4 77 ' 452 16 97 64 387
8 9.4 21.7 74 455 16 99 89 332
4. Results
In this research programme two different weld button sizes were used. A button with a diameter
of 5.5 mm and a larger one of 7.0 mm in diameter. The smaller diameter of 5.5 mm is based on
the rule that the diameter of the weld should be five times the root of the sheet thicl<ness, this
rule is often used when spot welding steel sheet. The larger weld button diameter of 7.0 mm was
used because this was the diameter used in earlier research [16]. For each weld parameter
setting three test runs were conducted (SI, S2, S3 with diameters of 5.5 mm and L l , L2, L3 with
the larger diameter of 7.0 mm)
To determine the appropriate welding settings for these button sizes a growth curve was
determined. In a growth curve the weld button size is plotted against the welding current (for a
given welding schedule). The growth curve for the used material and welding schedule is shown
in figure 4.1. For welding buttons with a 5.5 mm diameter an average current of 21 kA is needed
and for 7.0 mm welds a welding current of about 25 kA is needed.
3 -¬
2] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Figure 4.1: Growth curve, weld button diameter vs. welding current.
The welding tests for the growth curve were made on cross tension samples. Not only the
diameter of the plug but also its cross tension strength was measured. In figure 4.2 it can be
seen that this strength is proportional to the diameter of the plug. When a plug is pulled out of a
sheet, the area over which the material is sheered off is proportional to the thickness of the
sheet and the circumference of the plug. For a round plug the circumference is proportional to its
diameter and then so is its cross tension strength.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
D (mm)
Figure 4.2: Weld cross tension strength vs. weld button diameter.
A high heat control setting was used for the welding trials. A welding current of 21 kA was
achieved with the transformer set on tap 23 (out of 27) and the heat control on 775 (out of 1000),
for the welding current of 25 kA the transformer was set on tap 24 and the heat control on 800.
For more information about the welding current and machine characteristics see appendix A2.
4.2. The first test
For the first weiding test (S1) the weiding machine was set for weid buttons with a diameter of
5.5 mm. The test was ended when a totai number of 4500 weids was made. The weiding current
(IRMS) deviated very littie over the welding trial, the welding current was fairly constant for each
weld. For these experiments the welding machine can be considered a constant current source.
For this welding trial the welding voltage (VRMS) and the welding energy (Q) both of the first half
cycle of welding are plotted in the figures 4.3 and 4.4, both parameters were measured on the
electrodes as well as on the sheet surface. These curves all show the same trend. For the first
1250 welds (region 1) the signal is constant then it drops over the following 1000 welds (region II)
thereafter it again has a more or less constant value (region 111).
> 600 --
- _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ — - — - ~ — •
> 400 +
Sheet surface
1 — H— 1 1
1000 2000 3000 4000
Weld number
Figure 4.3: Moving average and scatter of the RMS. Voltage for the first half cycle
of welding vs. the number of welds made (SI).
The same charts (VRMS and Q vs. weld number) for the second half cycle show more or less the
same trend but far less pronounced. On the charts for the third till eight half cycle the trend can
not be seen, the values of the signais in these charts are fairly constant during the whole test.
The first half cycle of welding contains the most information. It is the most important half cycle
when monitoring the welding process. This was expected because of the sharp decrease in
dynamic resistance when spot welding aluminium, within the first half cycle the resistance
decreases almost to a constant value.
100 +
50 +
Sheet surface
Weid number
Figure 4.4: iVloving average and scatter of the weiding energy for the first half cycle
of welding vs. the number of welds made (SI).
In figures 4.5 and 4.6 the voltage-current curves for the first cycle of welding are shown for a
typical region I weld and a typical region III. In a voltage-current diagram a constant resistance
gives a straight-line through the origin of the diagram, a higher resistance gives a steeper line.
The high initial resistance causes a steep start of the Vl-curve, the fall in dynamic resistance
causes the curve to bend. In these experiments the weld formation always starts in the first
quadrant of a Vl-diagram, welding voltage and current are both positive. The second half cycle
then is in the third quadrant where voltage and current are both negative. The welding signal
starts in the origin of a Vl-diagram then mai<e a loop (clockwise) in the first quadrant and return
in the origin; the loop is caused by the decrease in dynamic resistance.
Figure 4.5: Vl-Curves of tiie first cycie of Figure 4.6: Vl-Curves of ttie first cycle of
welding for a typical region-l weld welding for a typical region-Ill weld
(S1, weld 500). (S1, weld 3000).
In tlie figures 4.5 and 4.6 it can be seen tliat the Vl-loop for the first half cycle of welding (first
quadrant) is larger for the region-l weld, the region-Ill weld has a smaller loop. The area of this
loop (A) can be calculated by integrating Vdl over the first half cycle of welding. The values of
this loop area (A-values) are plotted in figure 4.7. The curves show the same trend as the
Weld number
Figure 4.7: Moving average and scatter of the loop area for the first half cycle of
welding vs. the number of welds made (S1).
voltage and energy cun/es but the trend is more pronounced in the ioop area. The welding
voltage and energy actually are functions of this ioop form, this is why ail these curves show the
same trend (more or iess pronounced). The actual value of the loop area (A) measured on the
sheet surface reaches a value (in region ill) of approximately zero, the sheet surface loop then
becomes a straight line (figure 4.6).
After welding the welds were destructively tested and examined for the presence of interface
failures. In figure 4.8 the individual values of the loop area (A) for the interface failures and the
trendline for all welds are plotted. As can be seen in this figure the interface failures mostiy occur
in the lower region of the scatter band, most interface failures have an A-value beneath the
trendline. But interface failures also occur in the higher regions of the scatter band and aiso not
aii welds with a low A-value are interface failures. Interface failures not oniy occur beneath some
threshold A-value, they occur in the whole scatter range. Interface failures and "good" welds
occur side by side on the welded strips.
è 10000
5000 -k O
1000 2000 3000
Weld number
Figure 4.8: Occurrence of interface failures, A-values of interface failures (SI).
The percentage of interface failures in a strip of 45 welds is plotted in figure 4.9. In region-Ill the
strips started to show interface failures at about 2300 welds. The percentage of interface failures
strongly fluctuates from almost no interface failure to almost no good weld in a strip, when
averaged over a larger sample the percentage of interface failures turns out to be about 30%. It
seems that interface failures occur randomly in region III. In this region there is a certain chance
a weld turns out to be a interface failure weld, in this case the chance is about 30%. An
important observation is that the interface failure welds were only found in region-Ill. In region-ll
al strips were free of interface failures. Although not al welds were examined (the first 1000
welds were not tested) it can safely be stated that in region I and II ai welds are 100% interface
failure free.
20000 • 100%
il III •
15000 -b -I- 75%
< • • 50% fl>
/ • •• • • .•
• •
5000 + 25%
J - • • ••
1000 2000 3000 4000
Weld number
Figure 4.9: Occurrence of interface failures, percentage interface failures
(dots and thick line) in strips with 45 welds (SI).
4.3. The 5.5 mm welds
The same settings as for the S1 experiment were used for S2 and S3 weiding tests. The resuits
of these three series of welding tests are plotted in figure 4.10. The curves of the SI and S3
experiments are very similar. Both trials have their first interface failure after approximately 2300
welds. The S2 curves are somewhat different, the curves diminish earlier and slower, region II
starts earlier and lasts longer. These differences are contributed to a diminishing welding force,
at the start of the experiment. The force was set at 1.8 kN, but during the experiment the force
decreased to 1.4 kN. This decrease in welding force was caused by a defect in the pressure
regulator. Precautions were taken to prevent the reoccurring of this defect.
>, 8000 --
6000 +
Table 4: Main output of data analysis program for a typical 5.5 mm region-l weld,
reprint of table 3 (S1, weld 500),
Half taan IRMS Vsh-rms Vel-mns Qsh Qel Ash Ael
Cycle (ms) (kA) (V) (V) (J) (J) (VA) (VA)
1 8.7 17.8 204 760 • 33 126 4646 14335
2 9.4 21.4 128 584 27 125 735 1225
3 9.3 21.3 105 514 22 110 401 571
4 9.4 21.6 93 481 20 104 379 646
5 9.4 21.4 85 460 18 99 106 463
6 9.4 21.7 80 453 17 99 42 388
7 9.4 21.4 77 452 16 97 64 387
8 9.4 21.7 74 455 16 99 89 332
Table 5: Main output of data analysis program for a typical 5.5 mm regiori-lll weld
(S1,weld 3000).
Half taan IRMS Vsh-rms Vel-rms Qsh Qel Ash Ael
Cycle (ms) (kA) (V) (V) (J) (J) (VA) (VA)
1 8.8 18.5 95 614 17 109 72 9466
2 9.4 21.3 132 601 28 128 119 1886
3 9.4 21.2 109 534 23 113 613 1388
4 9.4 21.6 85 477 18 103 258 511
5 9.4 21.4 75 458 16 98 110 379
6 9.4 21.7 71 448 15 97 62 287
7 9.4 21.4 69 445 15 95 59 307
8 9.4 21.7 68 445 15 97 65 228
Samples of the welds made in the S1 and S3 welding trials were used to measure the
indentation of the sheet surface by the electrodes, the results are plotted in figure 4.11. New
electrodes have a rounded face, the impression therefore is also rounded and relatively deep.
During welding the electrodes erode and become flat, the indentation thus also flattens and
becomes less deep. The sheet indentation of welds made with new electrodes is about 8% of
the plate thicl<ness. Worn electrodes hardly create an impression, the indentation is virtually
zero. In figure 4.11 it can be seen that the sheet surface indentation gradual decreases from 8%
at the start of the welding trial to zero indentation in region-Ill.
Figure 4.11: Sheet surface indentation sheet surface A-values vs. the number
of welds made.
4.4. The 7.0 mm welds
Three welding trials were carried out with the settings for 7.0 mm welds (L1, L2 and L3). The A-
curves resulting from these tests are piotted in figure 4.12. The curves show some resemblance
with the curves of the 5.5 mm welds, but there are considerable differences between these tests.
In the welding tests with 7.0 mm welds the electrodes life was considerably shorter than in the
5.5 mm welding tests. The A-curves do not start with a constant region-l but immediately start to
diminish. The electrodes also had a greater tendency to stick to the material. This can be an
explanation why the curves are so different from the 5.5 mm curves.
Weld number
Figure 4.12: Moving average of the loop area values for ail welding trials with a weld
button diameter of 7.0 mm, the.markers indicate the first interface failure.
Table 6: Main output of data analysis program for a typical 7.0 mm region-l weld
(L2, weld 2 5 0 ) .
half taan IRMS Vsh-rms Vel-mis Qsh Qel Ash Ael
cycle (ms) (kA) (V) (V) (J) (J) (VA) (VA)
1 8.7 20.6 196 758 37 147 4562 14636
2 9.6 25.3 128 610 32 154 995 1610
3 9.7 25.1 98 536 25 135 305 52
4 9.7 25.5 88 492 22 125 205 107
5 9.7 25.3 79 467 20 118 174 47
6 9.7 25.6 70 447 18 114 100 517
7 9.7 25.3 68 437 17 110 110 83
8 9.7 25.6 69 440 18 112 78 273
Table 7: Main output of data analysis program for a typical 7.0 mm region-Ill weld
(L2, weld 1 8 0 0 ) .
half taan IRMS Vsh-rms Vel-rms Qsh Qel Ash Ael
cycle (ms) (kA) (V) (V) (J) (J) (VA) (VA)
1 8.7 20.9 149 660 31 132 430 11533
2 9.6 25.1 167 639 41 160 2095 4088
3 9.7 25.2 114 517 29 130 389 793
4 9.7 25.5 102 492 26 125 278 346
5 9.7 25.3 94 484 24 123 254 375
6 9.7 25.5 88 475 22 121 275 434
7 9.7 25.2 82 467 21 118 108 430
8 9.7 25.6 82 464 21 119 102 379
5. Discussion
An overview of tiie six eiectrode iife tests is given in table 8. Although the larger 7.0 mm welds
have a higher cross tension strength, the strength is increased 25% over that of a 5.5 mm weld,
the eiectrode life is dramatically reduced to about 50% of the electrode life for 5.5 mm welds.
In the welding tests with weld button diameters of 5.5 mm interface failure welds only occurred in
region-Ill, in this region the A-value (also weld energy Q and welding voltage VRMS) of the welds
is low. Also in the welding tests with 7.0 mm welds interface failures started to occur in the lower
regions of the A-vaiues. This drop in A-vaiues can be the basis for an on-line quaiity monitoring
Such a system needs a mathematical rule to distinguish between good and bad welds, the most
easy rule is a threshold, for instance a threshold sheet surface A-value of half the initial value.
For these welding trials this implicates a threshold sheet surface A-value of 2400 VA. The quality
control system can then monitor the sheet surface A-values and when the moving average of
these values is decreased to a value beneath this threshold value the welding process can be
stopped to change the welding electrodes.
Using the threshold of 2400 VA on the sheet surface A-value assures 100% error free welds
when welding 5.5 mm welds. The three welding trials ali started to show interface failures only
after this threshold, even the S2 trial where the welding force was not constant. Two of the three
welding trials with 7.0 mm welds comply with this quaiity control rule, the L3 trial started to show
interface failures before the threshold value of 2400 VA was reached.
A quality control rule based on the measurement of the sheet surface voltage needs two
additionai measuring electrodes alongside the welding electrodes. In an industrial environment
this is not very practical. A system based on eiectrode voltage is more robust (no measuring
electrodes which can easily be damaged). The final stationary level of the electrode A-value is
not zero as in tlie sheet surface A-vaiue. Both the starting ievei and the finai Ievei of the
electrode A-value are influenced by distance from the electrode face at which the voltage pickup
leads are attached. A quality control rule based on the electrode voltage can for instance be an
absolute drop of 2000 VA from the initial A-value. Again all three welding experiments with a
weld button diameter 5.5 mm comply with this rule. Aiso two of the three welding experiments
with a weld button diameter of 7.0 mm comply with the rule based on electrode voltage.
Although the cross tension strength of a 5.5 mm weld is 25% below that of a 7.0 mm weld the
eiectrode iife is doubled. Also the quaiity of the 5.5 mm welds is easier to monitor, the 5.5 mm
welds can be guarantied 100% error free without the need for destructive tests.
The dynamic resistance is the momentary resistance when welding, this resistance can be
calculated with Ohm's law (V=iR). The resistance at the faying interface (the sheet-sheet
interface) can be found with equation 1. If it is assumed that the resistance of the top and bottom
electrode-sheet interface are equal then this resistance can be calculated with equation 2.
R s . - s h ( t ) = ^ ^ (1)
Hel-sh(t)- 2.|(t)
The sheet to sheet resistance is the sum of the resistance of the faying interface and a part of
the aluminium sheet resistance itself. The electrode to sheet resistance is the sum of the
electrode to sheet interface resistance and a part contributed by the resistance of the aluminium
sheet and also a part of the electrode resistance (from the electrode face to the voltage pickup
leads). The calculated resistances are the sum of the interface and material resistances.
The dynamic resistance curves for a typical region-l weld are piotted in figure 5.1. The dynamic
resistance of the eiectrode to sheet interface is about twice that of the sheet to sheet interface
resistance. The resistance falls a decade in value in less than 5 ms (iess than VA period). This is
caused by the rapid growth of the conducting a-spots. After this initial fall the dynamic resistance
still decreases but only slightly.
For a typical region-Ill weld the dynamic resistance curves are shown in figure 5.2. Although the
welding electrodes are worn, the eiectrode face has become flat and rough, the electrode to
sheet dynamic resistance curve remains the same. Both the level as well as the form of the
dynamic resistance cun/e for the electrode to sheet interface are unaffected by the deterioration
of the welding electrodes.
At the sheet to sheet interface the situation is different, the sheet surfaces are still the same
(always fresh surfaces) but the dynamic resistance curve has changed. The initiai sheet surface
resistance of the region-Ill weld is much lower than for the region-l weld, although the surface
state of the aluminium is still the same. An altered situation at the electrode-sheet contact (the
electrode face has become fiat and rough) causes a change in dynamic resistance at the faying
The altering dynamic resistance cun/e of the sheet-sheet interface is the cause of the
diminishing of the loop area for the first half cycie of welding and thus also for the decreasing
values for the welding voltage (VRMS) and welding energy (Q) in the first half cycle of welding.
The surprising observation that the dynamic resistance curve of electrode to sheet interface is
unaffected by the deterioration of the electrode can also be seen in one of the earlier figures. In
the figure in which the voitage for the first half cycle of welding is plotted, the drop in voltage
from the level of region-l to the level of region-Ill has about the same value for both the electrode
voltage as for the sheet surface voltage. The drop in voltage measured on the electrode is
entirely caused by the drop in sheet surface voltage (faying interface voltage). The electrode to
sheet voltage is not affected by the deterioration of the electrodes, only the sheet surface
voltage is affected. A satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon has not been found.
The decrease in welding energy affects the geometry of the welds, this can be seen in the
figures 5.3 and 5.4. A typical region-l weld is shown in figure 5.3, the impression is rounded as
are new welding electrodes. The typical region-Ill weld in figure 5.4 has no impression, the
welding electrodes are flattened by the erosive deterioration. Both welds are about 5.5 mm in
diameter (both were welded with a current of 21 l<A), also both welds are porous. This porosity
can also be seen on X-ray photographs made of weld samples (not included here). Internal
defects tend to play a relatively insignificant role in the fracture initiation process, since the
critical stress concentration is located on the weld periphery [17].
The difference between the two welds is their size, the width (diameter) is about the same but
the height of the region-l weld is much greater. The weld pool of the region-l weld is larger, it has
penetrated the aluminium sheet deeper than the region-Ill weld. The sheet penetration of the
region-l weld is about 85% whereas the penetration of the region-Ill weld is about 65%.
Figure 5.3: Cross section of a typical region-l weld (5.5 mm weld button diameter).
Figure 5.4: Cross section of a typical region-Ill weld (5.5 mm weld button diameter).
5.3. Plug or Interface failure
When spot welded sheets are pulled from each other the welds can basically fail in two different
manners or modes. The plate can be sheered off round the weld, leaving a plug and hole
(mode-p), in this case the weld is stronger than the sheet. The force needed to pull a plug is
proportional to the sheet thickness and the weld
diameter, because the weld diameter doesn't drift
during a welding trial the mode-p strength is fairly
constant. The other mode of failure occurs when a weld
fractures along its faying surface (mode-i), this is called
Mode i
an interface failure. The strength of a interface failure is
determined by the strength of the weld itself.
Weld number
Figure 5.6: Generalised trend seen in different welding parameters.
The trend shown in figure 5.6 is obsen/ed for a iot of parameters (VRMS. Q , A), suppose that this
trend is also present in the strength of the weld itself. Assume that the strength of the weld itself,
the mode-i strength shows the trend depicted in figure 5.6. The cross tension strength of a weld
is fairiy constant over the eiectrode life this is caused by the fairiy constant diameter of the
welds, thus the mode-p strength is constant (with some scatter) over the electrode life. Suppose
the weld has a certain strength and a certain scatter in this strength as depicted in figure 5.7.
This wouid explain why in region 1 and II al welds fail in mode-p (pull a plug) and why in region-Ill
the welds fail both in mode-p as in mode-i.
1 li lli
Weld number
Figure 5.7: Proposed diagram forthe strength of the two weld failure modes.
In region-l the strength of the welds is on a high level, the sheer strength of the sheet is far less
than the strength of the welds itself. In region-ll the weld strength starts to diminish but this
strength is still higher than the mode-p strength. Thus in a destructive test the welds still fail in
mode-p and pull plugs. When region-Ill is achieved the mode-i strength is decreased to the level
of the mode-p strength and the scatter bands of both modi overlap and the situation becomes
critical. This overlap causes the welds to have a certain chance on either failure mode, for
instance if the weld strength is on the low side and the sheet strength is rather high the weld will
fail as an interface failure.
In this new approach all welds in region-Ill are considered of low quality and not only those who
failed as interface failure in a destructive test. It would be advantageous to measure the weld
strength directly. This requires a test method in which the weld can only fail in mode-l (across Its
interface). Good candidates for such a test method should be sheer tests and torsion tests.
Impact tests and other mechanical properties should also be considered when measuring weld
quality. Weld quality, as far as strength is concerned, should not only be assessed on basis of a
plug or a interface failure in tensile loading tests. For fatigue behaviour a further and in-depth
investigation should be carried out.
6. Conclusions
• For the experiments carried out the welding machine can be considered a
constant current source. This is caused by a relatively high intemal resistance of
the welding machine (combined with a constant mains voltage).
• The first half cycle of welding contains the most information about the welding
process, it is the most important half cycle during welding. This is because of the
sharp decrease in dynamic resistance when spot welding aluminium, within the
first half cycle the resistance decreases almost to its finai level.
• The welding voltage (VRMS) and the welding energy (Q) curves all show the same
trend. For the first welds (region 1) the signal is constant, after which it drops over
the following welds (region II) after this it again has a more or less constant value
(region lli).
• Both the level and the form of the dynamic resistance curve for the electrode to
sheet interface are unaffected by the deterioration of the welding electrodes. At the
sheet to sheet interface the situation is reversed, the sheet surfaces are still the
same (always fresh surfaces) but the dynamic resistance curve changes. An
altered situation at the electrode-sheet contact (the electrode face has become flat
and rough) causes a change in dynamic resistance at the faying interface. A
satisfactory explanation for this phenomena has not been found.
• Interface failure welds were only found in region-Ill. In this region the interface
failures seem to occur randomly, in region-Ill there is a certain change a weld turns
out to be an interface failure.
• In region-Ill the A-value and also the weld energy Q and the welding voltage VRMS
of the welds is low. This drop in A-values can be the basis for an on-line quaiity
monitoring system.
• Although the cross tension strength of a 5.5 mm weld is 25% below that of a 7.0
mm weld the electrode life is doubled. Also the quality of the 5.5 mm welds is
easier to monitor, the 5.5 mm welds can be guaranteed 100% error free without
the need for destructive testing.
• Welds that fail as interface failures are considered to be bad welds, they have a
low quality. When welds pull a plug they are considered good welds, even in
region-Ill. Thus even as the neighbouring welds fail as interface failures the welds
that pull a plug are considered to be good welds. In the proposed modei ail welds
in region-Ill are considered of low quality and not only those who fail as interface
failure in a destructive test.
It would be advantageous to measure the weld strength directly, this requires a
test method wherein the weld can only fail in mode-l. Good candidates for such a
test method should be sheer tests and torsion tests. Impact tests and other
mechanical properties (such as fatigue strength) shouid also be considered when
measuring weld quality. Weld quality, as far as strength is concerned, should not
only be assessed on basis of a piug or a interface failure in tensile loading tests.
Contact resistance of 2036-T4 aluminium and its effect on resistance spot welding
[5] E. 0stgaard
[10] R. Holm
[11] J.A.Greenwood
Autotech '89, Int. bus, truck and car product and manufact. (1989)
The welding trials generated a lot of data. A weld data analysis program was used to cope with
these massive data sets. The program code was developed by the author specially for this
research project. The data analysis program can extract a number of parameters from the
stored current and voltage waveforms The program consists of the following basic steps:
• Read data: The current, electrode and sheet surface voltage waveforms as well as
the signal from the compensation coil are read from disk and stored in memory for
further processing.
• Find current wave tops: The maxima in the absolute vaiue of the current signai are
found for each half cycle, this results in 8 current wave tops.
• Find on-off: The start and end time of each halfcycle is determined. When the
current is shut on or off the second derivative of the current has sharp peaks, this
is used to determine the start and end of the halfcycles.
• Determine A-values: Now the start and end of each half cycie is known and the
voltage signals are cleaned from their inductive components, other parameters
can be calculated. The values for the loop areas (A-values) are found by
integrating Vdl over each half cycle.
• Determine other values: The other parameters can now also easily be calculated.
True RMS. (root mean squired) values are calculated for each half cycle of
current, sheet surface and electrode voltage. The generated energy is calculated
by integrating (V«l)dt over each half cycle. Voltage wave tops are also determined
again for each half cycle.
These steps are repeated until the data of all welds is processed.
A.2. Modelling the current
A spot welding macfiine consist of a few basic elements, there is a transformer, a thyrystor (for
heat control) and there is the throat of the machine. The transformer is a kind of AC power
source, the thyristor is a special sort of switch and the throat is a sort of coil thus an inductance
and all these parts have a resistance.
A circuit of the kind shown in figure A2.1 should be able to model the welding current, this circuit
consists of:
In these equations co is the angular velocity of the alternating power source (co=1007t rad/s) this is
equivalent with the frequency of the source (f=50 Hz). When the switch is open there can not
fiow a current through the circuit but when the switch is closed then the following equation is
Vsource = VR + VL (A2.1)
this leads to the differential equations A2.2.
EQ sin((öt) = Rl + L— (A2.2)
Rewriting this equation leads to the following differential equation (with starting value):
^ = ^sin((Dt)-^l(t), I(t3,3rt) = 0 (A2.3)
As can be seen the problem is not described by four parameters (Eo, R, L and tsiart) but with one
less. The problem can be described with three parameters (here EQ/L, R/L and tstan). The
parameters Eo, R and L are characteristics of the welding machine, tstan is set by the heat control
The differential equation A2.3 can be solved, the following equation is a solution of the
differential equation.
l(t) = f ( t ) - e - ^ " - ^ f ( t 3 , 3 , )
f(t): -sin((öt) - (öcos(cot)
This solution consists of a long and short term part, The long term part is the f(t) part, the rest is
the short term part. The short time is an exponential function which decays rapidly in time, the
function of this part of the equation is to satisfy the starting condition. The longer term is the
solution of the problem for larger times, this long term predominates the solution after the first
Heat control opens the circuit when the current is zero again (after the first half cycle) and re
closes the circuit after a little while. For the current waveform when welding with heat control
only the first half cycle of the solution is of importance. The heat control can adjust the current
waveform by adjusting the ignition point (tstran) for each half cycle.
The dynamic welding machine parameters can be extracted from the current waveforms, R/Eo
and L/Eo were extracted. The open voltage of the welding machine (Vopen) is determined by the
transformer tap setting. For both used transformer tap settings this open voltage was measured
(see table). The open voltage is an RMS. voltage, Eo is the amplitude of this voltage and can
now be calculated (Eo=Vopen W2).
Transformer tap 23 24
The dynamic parameters of the welding machine (R and L) can now also be calculated.
In this calculation it is assumed that the resistance (R) is constant but the resistance of the
aluminium during welding is dynamic in nature. This is not a problem because the internal
resistance of the machine is greater than the resistance of the aiuminium, the fall in dynamic
resistance during welding has only a small effect on the total resistance. The relatively high
internal resistance prohibits the current to be affected by a change in the external resistance.
The inductance (L) may also be considered a constant and because the mains power voltage
was relatively constant Eo may also be considered constant. Thus a relatively high internal
resistance (combined with a constant mains voltage) causes the welding machine to behave as
a constant current source.