The Power of Social Innovation
The Power of Social Innovation
The Power of Social Innovation
48-3367 G155 2010-6652 CIP into it. The well-written book comprehensively explores and analyzes
Giants of tourism, ed. by Richard W. Butler and Roslyn A. Russell. ingredient branding and offers particularly valuable insight into how
CABI, 2010. 288p bibl index afp ISBN 1845936523, $115.00; ISBN marketers can make an ingredient branding strategy work to best
9781845936525, $115.00 advantage. Analyzing several classic examples of ingredient branding,
Giants of Tourism is a true curiosity. Like an architectural folly, it among them Intel, Splenda, Gore-Tex, Teflon, and Dolby, the authors
is a frill for the tourism savant interested in learning about some key make a strong case for promoting the components of a product and by
trailblazers behind today’s global tourism industry. The well-written so doing positioning them to achieve a significant competitive edge.
essays are grouped into sections that span the areas of hospitality, travel, The increasing importance of ingredient branding is evident from the
tourism activities, and destination development. This grouping of essays many final products that tout “what’s inside,” placing a premium on
speaks to the fact that the field of tourism is viewed far more seriously managing this element effectively. Following several detailed examples of
as an economic and social activity abroad than in the US (save for one InBranding, noted marketing experts Kotler and Pfoertsch conclude their
essay, all contributors are from institutions outside the US, and most are investigation by setting forth their principles of managing and evaluating
academicians). This collection is very well executed and will appeal to ingredient brands and what it takes to achieve success. Consumers want
readers interested in the specific faces of tourism innovation. Noting that to make informed decisions and will favor brands that deliver the greatest
“The development of tourism ... owes much to the efforts of individuals,” value. Marketers would do well to recognize that ingredient branding
this volume offers a portrait gallery of a small number of key figures in can play a big role in their quest for competitive advantage. Summing
tourism, examining the visions, skills, and other qualities that led to their Up: Highly recommended. HHH All readers, especially upper-division
success. The “giants” profiled include Karl Baedeker, Conrad Hilton, undergraduates and practitioners.—N. A. Govoni, Babson College
Thomas Cook, Freddie Laker, AJ Hackett, Walt Disney, and Kerry Packer.
48-3370 HD57 MARC
Summing Up: Recommended. HH Tourism studies collections at the
Liu, Lan. Conversations on leadership: wisdom from global man-
graduate and professional levels.—S. A. Schulman, CUNY Kingsborough
agement gurus. Jossey-Bass, 2010. 272p index ISBN 0470825693,
Community College
$29.95; ISBN 9780470825693, $29.95
48-3368 HM846 2009-49563 CIP This reviewer has had the good fortune to review some exceptional
Goldsmith, Stephen. The power of social innovation: how civic works on the critical topic of leadership. With the arrival of this volume,
entrepreneurs ignite community networks for good, by Stephen Liu (Peking Univ. and Beijing Peter F. Drucker Academy, China) raises
Goldsmith with Gigi Georges and Tim Glynn Burke. Jossey-Bass, 2010. the standard of excellence for the leadership literature. His objective is
274p bibl index ISBN 9780470576847, $35.00 to create a dialogue among the gurus on leadership, a worthy objective
Goldsmith (Harvard Univ. Kennedy School of Government) and his well accomplished in this presentation. Liu, who places himself in the
coauthors draw on their extensive public service experience and research to role of master of the dialogue, creates for the reader a great sense of the
present a guide to creating innovative practical programs that address today’s richness of the discussion on qualities of leadership and its study. The
need to solve socioeconomic problems. For civic and community leaders, questions presented to each contributor (e.g., Jim Kouzes, Warren Bennis,
the book is an inspiring, thought-provoking paradigm of social intervention Jerry Porras, John Kotter, Debashis Chatterjee) make the dialogue very
that empowers ordinary citizens to bring about transformational social lively. Certainly important to the dialogue is the well-placed discussion
change. The book’s seven well-written, easy-to-read chapters are divided of leadership in China and India. Few pieces of contemporary literature
into three sections: “Catalyzing Social Change,” “Market Maker as Civic on leadership present uniqueness and such profoundness of thought.
Entrepreneur,” and “Service Provider as Civic Entrepreneur.” Chapters Leadership is a key topic in every business/management curriculum,
highlight the successful integration of social entrepreneurship and change and this volume would be a great addition to academic and professional
while also acknowledging the unique challenges of transformative change libraries. Summing Up: Highly recommended. HHH Lower-division
through social partnerships. Case studies enhance the presentation. Six undergraduate through professional collections.—J. B. Kashner, emeritus,
guiding principles, e.g., “Innovation as Catalytic Ingredient,” “Trading College of the Southwest
Good Deeds for Measurable Results,” and “Turning Risk into Reward,”
48-3371 HF5387 2010-10913 CIP
provide a powerful and practical foundation for successful community-
Managerial ethics: managing the psychology of morality, ed. by
oriented partnerships that embrace the entrepreneurial spirit as the catalyst
Marshall Schminke. Routledge, 2010. 316p bibl indexes afp ISBN
of collaboration and social change. A companion Web site <http://
9781848728332, $49.95> provides additional references and
This excellent collection, an update of Managerial Ethics: Moral
resources. See related, Social Entrepreneurship, by David Bornstein and
Management of People and Processes (1998), contains all new essays
Susan Davis (CH, Oct’10, 48-0968). Summing Up: Recommended. HH
except for two reprinted ones. The collection is intended to serve as a
General readers; all levels of undergraduate students; professionals.—S. R.
reference for business ethics researchers and to stimulate interest in the
Kahn, University of Cincinnati
links between management and ethics among researchers. The volume
48-3369 HF5415 MARC is organized in three sections: “Ethics from the Top Down,” “Unethical
Kotler, Philip. Ingredient branding: making the invisible visible, by Behavior: Causes, Consequences, and Comebacks,” and “New Theoretical
Philip Kotler and Waldemar Pfoertsch. Springer, 2010. 393p bibl in- Perspectives.” Most of the contributors are college and university
dexes afp ISBN 9783642042133, $49.95 researchers associated with departments of business management. All
In recent years, producers of the components that go into final essays are scholarly, well written, and copiously referenced. Two minor
products have capitalized on the increasing sophistication of consumers criticisms: the book’s subtitle does not indicate much about the actual
who more than ever care about how a product is made and what goes content of most essays. And, strictly speaking, most of the essays are