The Evolution of The Bicycle

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The evolution of the bicycle

(This case is based on work by the Open University/UMIST Design and Innovation

People began exploring the idea of the bicycle in the middle of the 19th century and a
huge variety of types emerged between 1860 and 1890. Various attempts were made
to establish a dominant design, but it was not until near the turn of the century that the
experiments with wheels, gears, seats, etc. converged to the now familiar 'diamond
frame'. This still forms the basis of most cycle design.

Manufacturers introduced all sorts of incremental improvements including new

materials (e.g. alloy steels for the frame), new components (e.g. gears), accessories
(e.g. lights), etc. By 1930 there were bicycles to suit different market segments,
ranging from dependable working cycles with 3 speed gears, lever operated brakes,
through to high performance racing and sports bikes made of lightweight materials
and incorporating advanced gear and braking technology. This phase was very much
about market segmentation - innovating to suit the needs of different user groups.

The post-war period in Europe led to an expansion in the demand for cycles as a
cheap mode of transport and this put emphasis on production to low cost and high
quality. For a long period innovation focused on process improvement to achieve
these goals and the product and market remained stable - essentially characteristic of
the mature phase in the product/technology life cycle.

This did not mean that more radical concepts were not being explored, simply that
they were not adopted widely. Innovation was still taking place in specialist niches p
for example, in racing bike technology where new materials played a role. But it was
not until the 1960s when Alex Moulton introduced his small wheel collapsible bike
that mainstream product innovation took place. His original design was for a bicycle
which could be folded up and carried on the train for commuters to use between the
office and the station; other variants included a small shopping bike.

Such models were not huge commercial successes but they demonstrated the potential
of the design in terms of efficiency and reliability - traditionally smaller wheels posed
problems with transmission and with shock absorption. The market where it really
had an impact was in 'fun bikes' for children; in particular manufacturers borrowed
from the idea of motorcycle cross country rallying to create the BMX - bicycle motor
cross - market. This opened up a new business and tapped into the increasingly
affluent markets of the 1970s.

Considerable product innovation followed this development, especially around

accessories, new lightweight materials, and cycle clothing (helmets, etc.). The leisure
cycle industry expanded further as the BMX kids grew up and began demanding adult
versions which could travel off-road; this led t the development of the mountain bike
and to a resurgence of interest in cycling as a leisure activity rather than as a mode of
For manufacturers this came at a good time since the rise of car ownership had
impacted heavily on traditional markets. It opened up a phase of product
differentiation - broadly into leisure and transport cycling but within these categories
into multiple variants. (We should not understimate the process innovation challenges
posed by trying to do this. For example, the National Bicycle Company of Japan now
offer 18 basic models, a choice of 19 colours and 6 different calligraphies - giving a
staggering potential choice of 11, 231, 862 variants!)

Innovation continues - for example, there is considerable interest in recumbent bicycle

where the rider lies down on a low level cycle which is more efficient in terms of
energy transmission and aerodynamics; the resulting design is capable of speeds in
excess of 40km/hour. Motorising cycles with various kinds of electric devices has
been tried, notably with the ill-fated Sinclair C5; although unsuccessful the concept of
electric motor assistance to pedal power has led to the relqatgi9vely successful Zeke
device. But the pattern appears to have stabilised again into a transitional/mature
phase with emphasis on product differentiation of an incremental nature in specialised
market niches, and in process innovation towards cost reduction.

Given the 150 year history of the bicycle, with its patterns of radical change followed
by convergence and consolidation it would be foolish to suggest that today's product
represents the end of the road for innovation in this sector.

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