Action Research Proposal "Effect of One-On-One Tutoring On Grade-9 Students' Achievement in Mathematics" Rationale

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A mathematics teacher aims to have students with at least 75% mastery of every subject matter
taught inside a classroom. But this remains as a dream because most students get below 75% correct
answers in summative tests and periodical tests. It is also evident in National Achievement Test Result of
2016 where the Mean Percentile Score (MPS) of most school particularly in Zambales were below 75.

One reason for this low achievement in mathematics is the number of students inside the
classroom. Normally, in a public high school, there are 50-60 students in one classroom who learn at
different paces. The individual needs of these students cannot be addressed properly within a one hour
period in mathematics.

This study attempts to improve the achievement of students in mathematics through a one-on-
one tutorial. According to, tutoring helps students discover their strengths and
encourages them to develop in areas that need improvement. In, it states that one-on-
one tutoring allows an individual to learn at his own pace.

One-on-one tutoring can be used as a form of remediation to help students learn more about
their least mastered skills.
Proposed Strategies

1. Administer a Pre-Test on Module III in Grade 9-A, Grade 9-B and Grade 9-C.
2. Select two sections from the said classes with students where their Pre-Test scores match.
3. The subject teacher and five students with good performance in mathematics will be the tutors.
4. Two students from the experimental group will be assigned to each student tutor. The remaining
members of the group will be tutored by the subject teacher.
5. A schedule of tutorial will be followed to ensure at least 90 minutes session per week.
6. A reviewer and activity worksheets will be prepared and discussed in advanced to student tutors
to ensure accurate and effective remediation for least mastered skills in Module III
7. Post-Test will be administered to the said two sections after all lessons were discussed in Module

Statement of the Problem

This action research aims to find out if one-on-one tutoring has significant effect on the
achievement of Grade-9 students in Mathematics.


Research Design: Experimental

Data Collection

Determine the MPS in the Pre-Test and Post-Test which will be administered to

Grade 9 –A, Grade 9-B and Grade 9-C.


1. Administer Pre-Test September 2017 MPS
2. Choose two sections with students September 2017 List of students for the
where their pre-test scores match. experimental and controlled
3. Assign two students for each student September 2017 List of students and their tutors
4. Prepare worksheets September-October 2017 Module III Activities
5. Prepare schedule for tutorials September 2017 List of students
6. Administer Post-Test October 2017 MPS

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