One-on-One Adventures Compendium 1 PDF
One-on-One Adventures Compendium 1 PDF
One-on-One Adventures Compendium 1 PDF
A collection of Eleven Adventures Designed for 1 Gamemaster and 1 Player
Table of contents
1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler’s Quest...................................3 1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: The Pleasure Prison of the B’thuvian
1 on 1 Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor ............................25 Demon Whore ..................................................................135
1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills...........................47 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon ..........................161
1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier ..............................63 1 on 1 Adventures #8: Blood Brothers .................................181
1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher .........................93 1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness ..........................201
1 on 1 Adventures #6: The Shroud of Olindor ....................111 1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor....................221
Good Gaming,
Joe and Suzi
Expeditious Retreat Press
August 2009
One on one Adventures #1
Gambler’s Quest
by William l. Christensen
An adventure for one rogue levels 2-4
Something is amiss in the town of Rhiannon. Recently raided by a band of vile creatures, the citizens of Rhiannon were shocked
to find their lord at the root of the incident. And now Lord Kent is holding a competition for “all walks of life with a propensity
for the gambling arts.” Will the PC aid the citizens of Rhiannon and uncover the truth about the mysterious Lord Kent? Or will
the PC take this opportunity to line her own pockets?
Either way, the answers lie inside the walls of Lord Kent’s keep and the gamblers within.
such diversions), and asks her to infiltrate Lord Kent’s keep treasures. Meanwhile, Lord Kent keeps a watchful eye on the
under the guise of a legitimate contestant. Mayor Fellstone PC (having already recruited a contestant, Sariah Redshift, to
agrees to pay the contest entry fee of 100 gp and also offers act as a spy), to gauge her worth as a suitable recruit.
to outfit the character with some suitable gear, including the At the end of the competition, Lord Kent confronts the
following: a set of masterwork thieves’ tools, an arcane scroll PC, and admits that he has been tracking her progress with
inscribed with sleep (caster level 1st), and a potion of cure light interest. He asks the character to join his ranks, and help him
wounds. In addition, Mayor Fellstone offers the PC a reward recover the Moon Staff of Danu de Tuatha. Whether the PC
of 200 gp for learning Lord Kent’s motives, and an appropriate chooses to join Lord Kent or continue to aid Mayor Fellstone
gp reward for the return of each item stolen from Rhiannon. is up to the player. However, should the character refuse Lord
Kent’s offer, he attacks.
Several items were stolen from Rhiannon that the citizens character hooks
wish recovered. The following table details each item, If you do not wish to use the default character hook provided
its location in the keep, the item’s value, and the reward (being sent by Mayor Fellstone), you can simply have the
offered for its return. character hear of the tournament and arrive of her own volition
and discover that the keep is a grand place for exploration and
Treasure Location Value Reward looting (in between competition, of course).
If you do not wish to have the character participate in the
Diana statuette Area 15 100 gp 40 gp
gambling competition, you can easily change the adventure
Gem-studded longsword to accommodate your needs. Instead of having the character
Area 21 400 gp 100 gp arrive as a competitor, you can have her sent as a thief, spy,
or assassin (perhaps from a secret network or guild), with
Mayor Fellstone’s books, any number of goals. The guild could provide the PC with
Area 28 10 gp 50 gp
journals, and maps reconnaissance information about a secret entrance into the
Rune carved amulet (key to keep (see Area 27), and from there the character can work her
Area 28 100 gp 100 gp way through the castle to her ultimate goal.
the tomb of Kara-Duir)
Silver statuette of an elven
Area 10 20 gp 40 gp
maiden The Competition
Each of the characters gambles against six others, and since
RHIANNON Lord Kent is competing in the tournament as well, there is one
person that each character does not compete against. Assume
Small Town Conventional; AL NG that the PC is the one that does not compete against Lord Kent
GP Limit 800 gp; Assets 56,000 gp unless she is among the top gamblers on the final day. Each
day the PC is scheduled to gamble with two guest NPCs, thus
DEMOGRAPHICS competing against each of the six other guests over the course
Population 1,400 of the first three days, and with Lord Kent and the other top
Type mixed (human 42%, elf 35%, half-elf 15%, dwarf 3%, gambler on the final day.
halfling 3% half-orc 1%, gnome 1%) A good rule of thumb is to schedule the PC to compete at
noon and at eight, although you can hold the competitions at
AUTHORITY FIGURES any time you wish. At the scheduled times, the PC is expected
Mayor Fellstone, male human aristocrat 4 to meet in Area 12, the Grand Hall, to compete. Should the
PC not be in Area 12 at the proper time, Kara, Lord Kent’s
IMPORTANT CHARACTERS servant, seeks to fetch her. She first checks the PC’s room, then
Aerlyn Moon, LN female elf cleric 5; Randal Atwood, CG
the common areas, and finally the rest of the keep (those areas
male human expert 3 (innkeeper of The Dragon’s Roost);
that are locked and considered off limits). To help the PC keep
Mathias Black, LN male human expert 3 (blacksmith,
track of time, there is a clock-tower in the courtyard (Area 11)
weaponsmith, and armorer); Wallace Brookstone, CN
that chimes at each hour.
male human expert 2 (merchant); Gwynn Mabon, LG
The winner of the tournament (the character that wins
male half-elf warrior 4 (constable) the most games of Skulls), takes home 800 gp. To compete on
the final day of the tournament, the PC must be one of the top
OTHERS three competitors (a good rule of thumb is to rule the PC as one
Town Guards, warrior 2 (x15); Expert 3 (x10); Rogue 3 (x3);
of the top three if she beats four or more of the NPCs during
Ranger 2 (x2); Commoner 1 (x1,274)
the first three days). Assume that Lord Kent is one of the final
finishers. The other top competitor is at your discretion.
ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS To simulate the gambling tournament, you can play the
The gambling competition spans four days, and thus the PC original dice game Skulls, as described below. Note that you
has four days and three nights to complete her quest. Each do not need to actually play out every (or any for that matter)
day the PC must compete with two other guests, but the rest game of Skulls to run this adventure. You can just as easily run
of the day is free (allowing the character time to infiltrate the the tournament by having the PC and NPC roll opposed Bluff
castle during the day and night). During the competition the or Profession (Gambler) checks. Whoever rolls highest wins
PC must search the keep (overcoming obstacles such as locked the game. It all depends on you and your player’s interests
doors and attentive guards), discover Lord Kent’s motives for and preferred style of play.
attacking Rhiannon, and recover several of the citizen’s stolen
SKULLS The Keep of Lord Kent
Skulls is a popular game in the region and is frequently Within Lord Kent’s domain, keep in mind the following factors.
played by those of all walks of life. Playing Skulls involves
rolling 3d6 and tallying the results. Even numbers are desired, CASTLE CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION
particularly when more than one of the same number is rolled. Castle Features 3 ft. thick hewn stone; Hardness 8; hp 540;
When the same even number is rolled on two or all three of Break (DC 50); Climb (DC 20). The ceiling of each floor
the dice at once, tally the total rolled and then add half of that within the castle is 10 ft. high.
number to the total. For example, if you rolled a four on all Iron Doors 2 in. thick iron; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break (DC 28).
three dice, you would total the amount rolled (twelve in this Strong Wooden Doors 2 in. thick wood; Hardness 5; hp 20;
case), and add half of that total again to your final score (half Break (DC 23, DC 25 if locked); Note: The majority of
of twelve is six, twelve plus six is eighteen: your final score for the castle’s doors are wooden. Unless otherwise stated,
rolling four on all three dice is eighteen). Even numbers are the assume any door in question is wooden.
only ones that count in this manner. The odd numbers three
and five add only their face value, while ones (called skulls in
the game due to the skull design on the dice) subtract from WANDERING ENCOUNTERS IN THE KEEP
your final total. Let’s say you rolled two sixes, and a three. You You may wish to roll for Wandering Encounters while the
would add the two sixes (twelve points), and then add half of character explores the keep. The characters encountered need
that total again to that amount (half of twelve is six, twelve not always be hostile; their demeanor should be determined
plus six is eighteen). Finally, you would add the three to your by the location the PC encounters them in. For example,
total (for a final score of twenty-one). should the character encounter random characters in the
You can easily simulate a character’s gambling experience courtyard, they are unlikely to attack without provocation.
by adding in his Bluff or Profession (Gambling) skill points However, the same character, when encountered in the castle
and appropriate ability modifier to the roll’s total. Thus, if a dungeons, may pose a threat.
character’s roll was worth eighteen points, he has four ranks Consider rolling for wandering encounters when the PC
in Profession (Gambler), and a 14 Wis (a +2 modifier), his final spends a great amount of time in one area, or when it seems
total would be twenty-four. like the game could use more action. The hallways are good
places for wandering encounters (although they need not
be hostile, guards or other guests could sometimes taunt or
INTERVAL BETTING provoke the PC, making great role-playing diversions), and
A game of Skulls sometimes entails three rolls. Gaming tables other good places to roll for wandering encounters are noted in
often have three lined pockets on each side, and covers that each area’s respective text. If you wish wandering encounters
keep the player’s roll secretive. Each player rolls his dice, sees to be random, allow a 30% chance for a wandering encounter
his own total, and then makes a bet. One player bets first, the in each hallway and area that calls for such encounters. Then,
second matches and may raise, and the first player either roll on the table below to determine the characters present.
matches or yields (here is where the Bluff skill comes into
play). They then roll a second set of dice (in the table’s second D10 Creatures
pocket), and mentally tally that result to the first. After betting
a second time, the player’s roll their third set of dice in the last 1-2 1d3 orcs
pocket. They bet one last time and then show their results. The 3-4 1d2 gnolls
player with the highest total wins the game, and takes the pot.
You may wish to run the official tournament without interval 5 Kara
betting. That way, the character’s 100 gp entrance fee allows 6 Friendly or Neutral guest NPC
her to play every tournament game, whether she wins or loses 7 Sariah Redshift
previous games. However, interval betting could still be used
if the PC wishes to gamble “unofficially” with other guests. 8 Medifir Blacktooth
9 Uther
CHEATING 10 Lord Kent
Since players can cheat or bump the table and move their dice,
third-party moderators often oversee games and tally secret GETTING CAPTURED
totals after each roll (as is the case in this tournament). Note There are some things that are forbidden in the keep, such as
that characters caught cheating at this tournament must forfeit attacking castle denizens and exploring off-limits areas. That
to their opponent. Should they be caught cheating a second is not to say that the PC cannot do these things, nor even that
time, they forfeit their entry fee and are formally exiled from Lord Kent will be displeased by these actions. He means to
the keep. scrutinize the actions of the PC, to see if they are worthy of
To simulate cheating, allow characters a chance to reroll delving the tomb of Kara-Duir. Thus, he may watch the PC’s
each dice roll once if they so desire. To do so however, that progress with interest, while outwardly cursing her deeds and
character must make a Sleight of Hand check opposed by her seeking to strike the culprit down (he is testing the character,
opponent and any onlooker’s (usually only the moderator, and hopes to find a crafty recruit).
who suffers a –2 penalty due to her attentions being divided Should the PC get caught breaking the rules (and find
by several games) Perception checks. If the opponent’s that she cannot talk her way out of the situation), the guards
Perception roll is higher than the cheating character’s Sleight attempt to capture the character, and if successful, detain her
of Hand roll, the cheater is caught. in Area 23. Lord Kent may then approach the PC with his offer
(of joining his ranks to find the Moon Staff of Danu de Tuatha)
or he may just as likely wait to see if the character is capable of
escaping on her own, confronting her later.
Kara removes a torch from its sconce and beckons you to In the north wall of this chamber is a miniscule hole that can
follow her into the depths of the keep. The hallway turns be discovered by characters succeeding at a DC 20 Perception
eastward and continues past several doors before coming check. It is actually a small peephole, the other end in Area 6.
to a spiraling stone stairway. Characters looking through this hole cannot see any details of
“You are expected to compete twice a day, once at the chamber beyond, but can make a DC 15 Perception check
noon and again at eight in the grand hall, which lies east to realize that there is a room on the other side of the wall.
of the courtyard.” She says, looking back as she leads you Treasure: The backpack on the bed contains a bullseye
up the stairs. “The clocktower in the courtyard chimes on lantern, a tinderbox, flint and steel, 50 ft. of rope, a traveler’s
each hour, and can be heard throughout the entire keep, so outfit, a sunrod, 20 sp, and 5 gp.
you should have no trouble keeping track of time. If you Creatures: Sir Bredwir, a knight with a severe gambling
are not at the tournament at the scheduled time, I shall problem, calls this room his own during the tournament. Sir
fetch you. But please don’t make me…” Bredwir is a chronic gambler and never refuses a challenge.
The stairwell opens to another tapestry-lined His habit has proven disastrous, as he has recently lost his
hallway, and Kara leads you past several more doors entire family fortune. Now he means to use all that he has left
before stopping at one. She opens the door and hands you in hopes of winning back his losses.
the key. “This shall be your chamber during your stay at Despite his shortcomings, Sir Bredwir is a kind and fair
the castle. You are free to wander the grounds, although person, and lives up to his title. He helps out those in need,
there are some areas that are off limits. Such areas are and could prove to be a valuable ally for the PC if approached
locked, and if you have any questions as to where you and informed of Lord Kent’s recent raids.
are allowed, feel free to ask the guards. I don’t need to
tell you that you are expected to be on your best behavior SIR BREDWIR CR 1
during your stay at the castle. Lord Kent is not generally Male human fighter 1 400 XP
a patient man, and it is rare and quite generous of him to NG Medium Humanoid (human)
open his home to strangers.” Kara curtsies and turns to Init +2; Senses Perception -1
take her leave.
Kara (CR 2; hp 18; see Area 16.) can answer any questions the AC 16 , touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
PC may have before she leaves the corridor. Generally one can hp 12 (1d10+2)
find her in Area 12, moderating the tournament. Otherwise, Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
she can be found in her room (see Area 16), or wandering
about in the castle (see Wandering Encounters in the Keep). OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
Melee greatsword +6 (2d6+6/19-20)
1. PC’s Room
A large four-poster bed draped with red silk curtains
Before Combat If Sir Bredwir finds someone in his room, he
dominates this chamber. Besides the bed, the room boasts a
will be gruff but not outrightly aggressive.
fireplace, an armoire, and a small oaken table, atop which is
During Combat If aggressed upon, Sir Bredwir will defend
a tray of food and carafe of wine. Beside the fireplace in the
himself to the fullest.
south wall is a window that looks out upon the courtyard,
decorated with red curtains. A cool draft from the window STATISTICS
adds to the chill of the stone room. Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 12
There is enough wood stacked beside the fireplace for the PC Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
to keep a comfortable fire going for much of the tournament. Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
The armoire is empty save for an old blue traveler’s cloak. Skills Bluff +1, Climb +8, Profession (Gambler) +4.
Treasure: Characters making a successful DC 20 Languages Common
Perception check find a long forgotten panel in the stone above Gear chain shirt, greatsword
the fireplace. It conceals an ancient silver and moonstone
pendant worth 50 gp, a potion of cure light wounds, and a 3. sariah redshift’s chamber (EL 1-2)
stack of passionate love letters from days of old addressed to
“Aloria of the Emerald Eyes.” A single black tulip rests on the table of this bedroom.
Additionally, there is a silver poker near the fireplace, Other than that, there is no sign that this room, which is
which could be used as a weapon against Medifir (see Area 8) much like your own, has recently been occupied.
should the need arise. You may wish to allow the PC a DC 15
As in Sir Bredwir’s chamber, there is a miniscule hole in the
Intelligence check to remember the silver poker if your player
north wall that can be discovered by characters succeeding at
doesn’t make the connection. For battle purposes, treat the
a DC 20 Perception check. It is actually a small peephole, the
poker as a silver club. The poker is worth 20 gp.
other end being in Area 6. Characters looking through this
hole cannot see any details of the chamber beyond, but can
2. Sir Bredwir’s Chamber make a DC 15 Perception check to realize that there is a room
on the other side of the wall.
Much like your own room, this chamber boasts a four- Traps: Characters succeeding at a DC 10 Perception check
poster bed, armoire, table, fireplace, and window. Atop the find Sariah’s pack underneath the bed. The bag’s clasp is
table lie a deck of beat-up cards and several sets of dice. A trapped and any character opening the bag before disabling
large traveling pack lies on the bed, its contents carelessly the device is at risk.
spilt nearby.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger touch; Reset manual
Effect Atk +8 ranged (1 plus greenblood oil poison)
Type Poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 13
Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
Effect 1 Con damage; Cure 1 save
Treasure: Sariah’s bag contains is a vial of oil of taggit poison,
a vial of small centipede poison, and a 2 ft. long wooden box
containing a bundle of 12 black tulips.
Creatures: Sariah Redshift currently resides in this
chamber. Sariah is a halfling rogue that has already aligned
herself with Lord Kent (see the Adventure Synopsis at the
beginning of this adventure) and means to spy on the PC and
the other guests to determine who is a likely recruit and who
may need to be “dealt with.”
The black tulip is actually a deep purple color and is
Sariah’s hallmark. She places such a tulip at scenes where she
commits unscrupulous acts (acts of thievery and murder, among
her other crimes), and the practice has made her somewhat
notorious (although her true identity is not widely known, her
deeds have astutely been attributed to “The Black Tulip”).
Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
Melee heavy mace +1 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks channel positive energy, orisons
Spells Prepared (CL1)
1st—bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil*
0—detect magic, resistance, stabilize
Domain Powers (Chaos/Good)
Touch of chaos, touch of good
Before Combat If Brigit finds someone in her room, she will
be gruff but not outrightly aggressive.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 17, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness
Skills Bluff +2, Heal +7, Profession (Gambler) +7
Languages Common
Gear half-plate armor, heavy mace, heavy steel shield, potion
of cure light wounds
There are also two small holes in the south wall, one looking 8. Medifir Blacktooth’s Chamber
into Area 2, Sir Bredwir’s chamber, and the other looking into The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by
Area 3, Sariah Redshift’s chamber. characters succeeding at a DC 15 Disable Device check.
Treasure: The vials of liquids and powders on the table are
potions and poisons from long ago. Among them are 2 potions of The curtains around the bed of this room are black silk
cure light wounds, a potion of hide from undead, a vial of bloodroot and closed. The chamber is unusually cold, and smells
poison (powdered), and a vial of striped toadstool poison of a pungent odor. Atop the table are several bottles, the
(powdered). All of these are still carefully labeled in common. contents of which are bizarre and grotesque.
7. Jorgas’s Chamber Treasure: Hidden on the top shelf of the closet in Medifir’s
The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by chamber is an elixir of hiding. It can be found by characters
characters succeeding at a DC 15 Disable Device check. succeeding at a DC 10 Perception check.
Creatures: Medifir Blacktooth, a wererat, enjoys strange
A wave of heat, the product of a blazing fire, hits you when and grotesque things. The jars contain Medifir’s bizarre
you enter this chamber. A wolf pelt lies atop the bed, and a collections (containing insect specimens and animal parts).
satchel lies on the floor beside it. Otherwise, this chamber None of the jars contains anything of real value.
resembles your own. Medifir is a wererat who has come to the keep for
legitimate purposes (to gamble in the contest). However,
Treasure: Jorgas obtained the wolf pelt on his bed en-route to
Medifir is not a very good gambler (having no ranks in either
the tournament after the beast attacked him. It is worth 20 gp.
Bluff or Profession [Gambler]), and is more of a threat to the
Jorgas’s satchel contains a tanglefoot bag, a bottle of oil, and
safety of the other guests than anything.
a pouch of runestones (worth 10 gp) with which Jorgas often
For an interesting encounter, have Medifir roaming
attempts to divine the future.
around in the halls during the night, perhaps scratching at the
Creatures: Jorgas is a dwarven traveler with a love for
PCs door while she sleeps. Otherwise, you could have the PC
gambling. He has traveled far from his home in the northern
wake after hearing a scream in the hall. Upon investigating,
mountains to attend this tournament, hoping for the 800 gp
the PC discovers a fellow guest trapped in a corner by a giant
grand prize. However, unlike some other, more unscrupulous
rat (Medifir). It’s up to the PC to save the guest.
gamblers, Jorgas refuses to cheat, relying on his own luck and
skill. Jorgas plays by the rules in all endeavors, and thus if he
sees the PC doing things that are not allowed, he tries to “set MEDIFIR BLACKTOOTH CR 2
them straight,” and then warns Lord Kent of the character’s Male Wererat rogue 2 (human form) 600 XP
actions. He refuses to take part in any subterfuge against Lord LE Medium Humanoid (Human, shapechanger)
Kent, even if informed of the recent raids. Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
JORGAS BREDWIR CR 1 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
Male dwarf rogue 1 400 XP
hp 18 (2d8+6)
CN Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +5
Defensive Abilities evasion
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
Spd 30 ft.
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Melee rapier +3 (1d6+1/18-20)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
OFFENSE Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spd 20 ft.
Melee heavy mace +1 (1d8+1) TACTICS
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 Before Combat Medifir does not prefer to fight in human
form and will change forms if fighting a single opponent.
During Combat Jorgas positions himself to deal sneak attack STATISTICS
damage and relies on his heart consititution in combat. Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
STATISTICS Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 7 Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Intimidate +4,
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; ; CMD 13 (17 against bullruch and Knowledge (local) +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +7,
trip attempts while standing on ground) Swim +6
Feats Dodge Languages Common
Skills Appraise +4, Bluff +2, Climb +5, Disable Device +6, SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and dire rat; polymorph),
Profession (Gambler) +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +5 rogue talents (fast stealth), lycanthropic empathy (rats
Languages Common, Dwarven and dire rats), trapfinding
SQ dwarf traits, trapfinding Gear Buckler, leather armor, light crossbow, rapier, 30 gp
Gear Chain shirt, heavy mace, 20 gp
WERERAT (HYBRID FORM) The gnolls in this chamber are currently at rest. Allow
LE Medium Humanoid (Human, each of them a Perception check (opposed to the PC’s Stealth
shapechanger) check) to determine if they wake. Should they wake, they
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, scent; do not immediately attack, but rather question and attempt
Perception +6 to intimidate the PC, readying their black-lacquered flails in
a threatening manner. If the PC does not offer an adequate
DEFENSE explanation for her trespass, the gnolls attack.
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3
Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural) GNOLL (2) CR 1
hp 20 (2d8+8) CE Medium humanoid (gnoll) 400 XP
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +2
Defensive Abilities evasion; DR 10/silver
OFFENSE AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 natural, +2 shield)
Spd 30 ft. hp 11 (2d8+2)
Melee rapier +4 (1d6+2/18-20), bite Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
-1 (1d4+1 plus disease and curse of
lycanthropy; DC 14) OFFENSE
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19- Spd 30 ft.
20) Melee battleaxe +3 (1d8+2/x3)
Special Attack sneak attack +1d6 Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/x3)
During Combat Medifir prefers During Combat The gnolls first try to block the doors,
hand-to-hand combat and uses his cutting off any chances of escape. If the gnolls are on the
full attack to potentially spread his losing end of the battle, one retreats to warn Fangrid, the
condition to his opponents. Gnoll Sergeant in Area 10, of the PC’s presence.
Morale He will retreat if the tide of
combat turns against him. STATISTICS
STATISTICS Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Abilities Str 15, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8 Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16 Feats Power Attack
Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse Languages Gnoll
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +4, Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Gear battle axe, heavy steel shield, leather armor, shortbow,
Knowledge (local) +5, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +8, arrows (20)
Swim +7
Languages Common Traps: The demon gnoll god altar is a dangerous feature of
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and dire rat; polymorph), this chamber, imbued with a chill touch trap. Evil characters
rogue talents (fast stealth), lycanthropic empathy (rats have nothing to fear by touching the altar, but those of any
and dire rats), trapfinding good or neutral alignment that make physical contact with the
Gear Buckler, leather armor, light crossbow, rapier, 30 gp altar suffer its ill effects.
Disease (Ex): Filth fever; Bite—injury; save Fort DC 14; onset
1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and Type magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26
1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC
is Constitution-based.
Trigger touch; Reset automatic Bypass evil alignment
Effect spell effect (chill touch, 1st-level wizard, 1d6 points of
9. Gnoll Barracks negative energy damage, plus DC 11 Fortitude save or take
The doors to this chamber are locked, and can be opened
1 point of Str damage)
by characters succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check.
Hanging over this chamber is a filthy odor, reminiscent Treasure: The altar of the demon gnoll god has a hidden panel
of wet dog. Before you, a three-foot tall ebon statue carved that can be found by characters succeeding at DC 20 Perception
into the likeness of a hyena-headed monster stands atop checks. Inside the panel is a sack containing 55 gp and a
a dark altar, of which is inscribed with strange, runic masterwork short sword, etched with knotwork designs.
lettering and etched with scenes of battle. Besides the
statue, the chamber is filled with many dirty cots, two of
which are occupied by gnolls! 10. Gnoll Sergeant’s Chamber
The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by
Creatures: The 2 gnolls are members of the Clan of the Black characters succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check.
Flail, a gnoll clan showing unusual devotion to the demon
gnoll god (of which the altar is a representation of). Lord Kent This chamber reeks of death and decay and is decorated in a
has recently hired the gnolls to raid nearby villages in search horrid fashion. Impaled to the walls with large, metal spikes
of clues to the location of the tomb of Kara-Duir. are dozens of humanoid skulls. They are each painted with
strange, runic markings, no doubt curses from the evil ORC GUARDS (2) CR 1/3
being that murdered them. A dirty cot rests in one corner Male Orc warrior 1 135 XP
of the room, beside which is a large chest. CE Medium humanoid (orc)
From the shadows, a flicker of movement catches your Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1
eye. Glowing red eyes meet your own, and from the dark
recesses emerges a horrible fiend. Before you stands a gnoll DEFENSE
dressed in black chain, bearing an iron shield and a black AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
flail. He roars at you and attacks! hp 6 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1
Creatures: Fangrid, a sergeant of the Clan of the Black Flail, Defensive Abilities ferocity
attacks any characters that enter this chamber. If Fangrid
defeats the PC you may wish to have him take her prisoner OFFENSE
(rather than kill her), and continue play from Area 23. Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee halbred +4 (1d10+4/x3)
Male gnoll fighter 1 600 XP TACTICS
CE Medium Humanoid (gnoll) Morale If the orc guards percieve an enemy force to be
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +5 overwhelming, they will raise the alarm, alerting the
forces within the keep, and make a tactical retreat.
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 natural, +4 armor, +2 shield) STATISTICS
hp 20 (2d8+2 plus 1d10+1) Abilities Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 6
Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Alertness
OFFENSE Skills Intimidate +2, Sense Motive +1
Spd 30 ft. Languages Common, Orc
Melee heavy flail +5 (1d10+3/19-20) SQ light sensitivity
Gear chainmail, halberd, 7sp
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8 The ornate windows (in the southwest wing) lead to Area
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14 20, Lord Kent’s chamber. They do not, however, open, and
Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Heavy Flail) thus characters attempting to enter Area 20 via this route must
Skills Sense Motive +5 first break the windows.
Languages Common, Gnoll Also of interest in the courtyard is a secret panel hidden
Gear Chain shirt, heavy steel shield, heavy flail, 20 gp in the foundation beneath the brick design. Characters
succeeding at DC 20 Perception checks find several loose
Treasure: Beside the bed in this chamber is a large, locked bricks in the southeast area of the courtyard, beneath which
chest, which can be opened by characters succeeding at a DC lies a panel that opens to a stairwell. The stairwell descends to
20 Disable Device check. Opening the chest releases a foul Area 25 in the dungeons of the keep.
odor, as within are several decaying human heads, taken as
trophies by Fangrid. Besides the grotesque, the chest contains
7 pp and a silver statuette of a beautiful elven maiden (one of 12. Grand Hall
the items stolen from Rhiannon in the raids). This large chamber is the grand hall. Tapestries depicting
Lord Kent’s coat of arms, a rearing black dragon atop a
11. Courtyard blue backdrop, line the walls. Several tables, no doubt
usually reserved for banquets, now serve as areas for
Looming beside the keep’s main gates and dominating dicing. Along the eastern wall is a long table topped with
the courtyard is a large clock tower. It towers high above dozens of delicious-looking foods.
the castle’s walls and is capped by a pointed tiled roof.
Also towering above the castle’s walls are the north This is where the tournament takes place, and other guests can
and southwest wings. Elaborate stained glass windows be found in this room at almost any given time (even when
decorate the upper level of the southwest wing, while those the tournament is not in session). Kara may be found in this
in the north wing are more subdued in design. The ground chamber acting as moderator at most times during the day.
of the courtyard is laid with colored bricks, set to portray Likewise, Lord Kent can be found here often, participating
spiraling, knotted designs. The courtyard also contains a in the tournament. Guest NPCs may try to coax the PC into
stone well near the gate, and many doors. Two armored making a bet or two (when neither party is participating in the
sentries bearing halberds guard the gate. tournament), hoping to earn some extra gold.
If the tournament is not in session, you may wish to roll on the
Creatures: Guarding the courtyard are 2 orcs, although it table below to determine who is present when the PC enters
is difficult to tell due to their visored-helmets. Characters this chamber. Generally, you should roll twice on the table,
can notice that the guards are orcs by succeeding at DC 13 adding the results of the second roll to the first. For example,
Perception checks. There are always two orcs posted on the if you rolled a one on the first roll (Sir Bredwir), and an eight
other side of the gates as well. If fighting breaks out in this area, on the second (two guests), Sir Bredwir and two other guests
allow them DC 10 Perception checks. If they succeed, they enter (your choice) would be present in this room.
the courtyard on subsequent rounds to aid their companions.
D10 NPC’s in Grand Hall
1 Sir Bredwir
2 Brigit Snow
3 Sariah Redshift
4 Llewellyn Gillespie
5 Jorgas
6 Medifir Blacktooth
7 Lord Kent
8 2 guests present
9 3 guests present
10 No guests Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee morningstar +4 (1d8+3)
Treasure: There are seven silver candelabras in this
chamber, each worth 10 gp. TACTICS
During Combat If the PC opts to fight the orcs, they attempt
13. Kitchen to surround her, using their physical prowess to beat the
character into submission.
Set in the walls of this chamber are two massive hearths, Morale If the orcs are on the losing end of the battle, one
in the center of which are proportionately sized cauldrons. retreats from the fray to alert Grendel, the orc chieftain
Pots, pans and earthenware hang from hooks and rest on in Area 15.
shelves, and a large washbasin rests in the corner, filled
with a pile of dirty dishes. Barrels and sacks line the walls, STATISTICS
no doubt storing food. Abilities Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Kara also serves as the keep’s cook, and since the tournament Feats Alertness
begun, she has found herself performing double duties. Kara’s Skills Intimidate +2, Sense Motive +1
most recent meal creation, an elk meat and vegetable stew, is Languages Common, Orc
simmering in the cauldrons. This is a good place to roll for SQ light sensitivity
wandering encounters. Gear chainmail, morningstar, 10 sp
14. Orc Barracks Tactics: This can be a deadly battle for a single rogue PC to
The doors to this chamber are locked, and can be opened face on her own, and as such she may have to retreat. If the
by succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check. character falls in this battle, you can continue the adventure by
having her wake in Area 23 in a dungeon cell.
The reeking odor of many bodies long confined to one area Treasure: There is a small chest in the corner of the room,
assaults your senses as you open the door to this chamber. hidden under a bundle of foul, dirty clothes. The chest is
Set up at uneven intervals throughout the room are many locked and can be opened with a DC 20 Disable Device check.
dirty cots. As your eyes adjust to the room’s lighting, you It contains the communal treasure of the orcs, a total of 200 sp
realize that several of the cots are in use by orcs! and 50 gp, and a potion of cure light wounds. Each of the four
orcs also has a satchel containing 5 gp on his person.
Creatures: Lying at rest in this chamber are 3 orcs. Allow each
orc a Perception check opposed to the PC’s Stealth check to
determine if they wake. If the orcs wake and see the character,
15. Orc Chieftain’s Chamber (EL 2)
The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by
they pick up their weapons but do not immediately attack.
characters succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check.
Instead, they question the character (allowing the PC a chance
to talk her way out of the situation if she so chooses). If the PC This room smells nearly as foul as the last. A large, dirty
does not offer an adequate explanation for her behavior, the bed rests against the south wall, its sheets in a complete
orcs attack. state of disarray. In one place, the bed is cut wide open, and
the stuffing (a mix of down feathers and straw), lies strewn
ORC (4) CR 1/3 across the floor. Near the bed, a large muscular orc sits
Male Orc warrior 1 135 XP atop a wooden chest. He wears a suit of rusty chainmail,
CE Medium humanoid (orc) and sharpens a cruel falchion with a whetstone. He grins
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1 a toothy smile upon seeing you, and rises from the chest,
holding the sword before him.
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor) Creatures: Grendel is the chief of the orc band that Lord Kent
hp 6 (1d10+1) enlisted to raid Rhiannon and other nearby towns. He fights
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1 without fear of defeat, and is a formidable opponent for a
Defensive Abilities ferocity single character.
GRENDEL CR 2 Ranged hand crossbow +4 (1d4/19-20)
Male Orc fighter 2 600 XP Special Attacks rogue talent (bleeding attack), sneak attack +1d6
CE Medium humanoid (orc)
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +3 TACTICS
Before Combat If the PC breaks into the room while Kara is
DEFENSE here, she may attack, but is more likely to first question
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor) the PC, demanding an explanation for the character’s
hp 16 (2d10+2) affronting behavior.
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -1
Defensive Abilities bravery, ferocity STATISTICS
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14
OFFENSE Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.) Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow), Weapon
Melee falchion +6 (2d4+4/18-20) Finesse
Skills Bluff +7 , Climb +4 , Diplomacy +7, Disable Device
TACTICS +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (local) +5, Profession
During Combat Grendel will join combat in area 14 if one (Gambler) +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +6,
of the orcs alert him of the intruder. Otherwise, he will Steath +6
assume the orcs are fighting amongst themselves. Languages Common, Elven
SQ trapfinding
STATISTICS Gear Hand crossbow, 20 hand crossbow bolts, leather armor
Abilities Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 6 (not worn at night) 50 gp
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (falchion) Treasure: Characters searching the chamber and succeeding
Skills Intimidate +2, Sense Motive +0 at a DC 20 Perception check can find a loose flagstone in the
Languages Common, Orc floor beneath the table. Hidden within is a small, wooden box
SQ light sensitivity containing a 100 gp necklace of irregular pearls, a 50 gp silver
Gear chainmail, falchion, 20 gp ring set with a zircon, a set of castle keys (with a key for each
room in the castle, save for the dungeon areas), a potion of cure
Treasure: The chest is locked but can be opened by characters
light wounds, and an arcane scroll, inscribed with cat’s grace
succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check. The chest
(CL 3) and magic missile (CL 1).
contains 70 gp, a statue of Diana, the Goddess of the Hunt,
The items in the wooden box (save for the castle keys)
depicted riding an elk (one of the items stolen from Rhiannon
belonged to her mother, and Kara takes them out and looks
in the raids), a handy haversack, and a potion of bull’s strength.
through them every day (thus, should a character steal them,
Characters succeeding at a DC 15 Perception check of the
she discovers the theft shortly, and searches for clues leading
room can also find a small bag of three moonstones, each
to the culprit).
worth 50 gp, hidden in the stuffing of the bed.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 Type mechanical; Perception DC 21; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger location; Reset manual Trigger location; Reset automatic
Effect Atk +10 ranged (1d6 acid) Effect Atk +8 melee (1d8/x3)
without making a careful search for traps (and disabling the The two suits of full plate armor at the end of the chamber
trap), the statue spits a stream of caustic acid from its mouth. may appear suspicious as well, and with good reason. They
The tooth itself is worth little monetarily (perhaps a few are imbued with animate objects traps, and if not disabled
gold pieces), but can be used in conjunction with the dragon before touching the iron door, both sets of armor animate and
fountain in Area 25. attack. Touching the suits of armor themselves is harmless,
Treasure: Varsullicraxus is the primary topic of the and does not activate the trap. Closer inspection of the two
bookshelves’ tomes, although many are about Danu de Tuatha suits of armor (a successful DC 15 Perception check) reveals
and her adventures. There are nearly 50 volumes on the shelf, a hidden phrase written in Draconic and etched on each of
most of which are worth 1d6 gp each. One of the texts (a the suits: “Here Varsullicraxus is Queen.” Characters that
particularly rare volume named Mortis Varsullicraxus) is worth do not speak Draconic may make a DC 20 Linguistics check
30 gp. Characters succeeding at a DC 20 Perception check of to understand and mimic the strange writing. To disable the
the books can notice that the tome seems to “stand out” from trap, a character must repeat the phrase “Here Varsullicraxus
the others. is Queen,” in the Draconic tongue. This temporarily disables
the animate objects traps, allowing the character safe passage
through the iron door.
18. Armory (EL 7) If the PC can’t understand the writing, but is clever enough
The doors to this chamber are locked, and can be opened
to write it down and ask Llewellyn Gillespie, the gnome will
by characters succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check.
be happy to translate and explain a bit about Varsullicraxus as
well. He’ll also warn the PC that she should be careful before
Suits of full plate mail armor, each emblazoned with a
getting involved with anything associated with the name of
black dragon on a blue shield-shaped backdrop, stand in
the dragon. Which is, unusually for Llewellyn, good adivice.
two rows flanking this corridor. Each suit stands upright
as if it was being worn, holding a halberd before it. The
halberds are all slightly dipped to form a palisade through ANIMATE OBJECTS TRAP (2) CR 7
the walkway. Hanging on the walls behind the suits of Type magic; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31
plate mail are weapons, shields, and armors of all sorts.
Narrow walkways behind the suits of plate mail offer EFFECTS
access to these other weapons and armor. At the far end of Trigger touch (door); Reset automatic; Bypass command word
the corridor is a large iron door, flanked by two more suits
of full plate mail. Effect spell effect (animate objects, 11th-level cleric)
Spd 30 ft. Male human cleric 2 600 XP
Melee slam +5 (1d6+3) NE Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception + 4
During Combat The animated plate mail armor will fight to DEFENSE
the death unless the bypass phrase is spoken. AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 16 (2d8+4)
STATISTICS Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +7
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15 OFFENSE
SQ Metal Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
Melee morningstar +2 melee (1d8)
Treasure: The armor and weapons on the walls are mostly Special Attacks channel negative energy, orisons
mundane. They include a battleaxe, 4 daggers (one silver), Spells Prepared (CL2)
a flail, a greatsword, 2 heavy crossbows, 2 light crossbows, 1st—cure light wounds, doom (DC 15), shield of faith,
2 light maces, a longbow, a longspear, 2 longswords, a protection from good*
morningstar, 2 rapiers, a shortbow, 2 short swords, and a 0—detect magic, guidance, light, resistance
whip. Armor includes a breastplate, 2 chain shirts, 2 sets of Domain Powers (Evil/Luck)
chainmail, 2 sets of studded leather (one masterwork), 2 heavy Touch of evil, bit of luck
steel shields, and 2 light steel shields
Before Combat If the PC breaks into Uther’s chamber or
19. Unhallowed Chapel (EL 2) the Unhallowed Chapel while Uther is present, he
The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by immediately attacks.
characters succeeding at a DC 20 Disable Device check. During Combat Uther will cast shield of fath to increase his
If the PC has not already encountered Uther in his AC before entering combat. If tactically feasible, he will
chamber (see Area 17) or defeated him elsewhere, then he is also cast doom during the combat.
in this chamber, conducting a ritual dedicated to the dragon
Varsullicraxus. Read or paraphrase the text box below as the STATISTICS
PC enters this area. Abilities Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12
A thick cloud of red smoke hovers over this chamber, and Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (Morningstar)
the smell of incense burns your nostrils. Dominating the Skills Heal +9, Knowledge (History) +5, Spellcraft +5
chamber is a large, ebon altar of a rearing black dragon, its Languages Common
eyes gleaming red in the torchlight. Flanking the dragon Gear chainmail armor, morningstar, potions of cure light
altar are two large basins, carved from the same ebon stone wounds (x2)
as that of the altar. They each boil with some foul, red
liquid, perhaps blood, and contribute to the thick red cloud Treasure: Other than the goods on Uther, this chamber
of smoke that hangs overhead. A man wearing a helmet contains little of value, save the gems set in the Varsullicraxus
fashioned with ram’s horns whirls about to face you as you altar’s eyes. They are red spinels (worth 100 gp each) and can
enter. “Infidel! How dare you taint this unholy sanctum easily be pried from the altar.
with your presence? In death your body and blood shall
serve the will of Varsullicraxus!”
20. Lord Kent’s Chamber (EL 2-3) are here at night. If the PC breaks into the room while Lord
The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by Kent is present, he demands that the PC explain herself. If the
characters succeeding at a DC 25 Disable Device check. PC offends Lord Kent with her words, he attacks. However,
Creatures: There are always 2 gnolls stationed outside of if the PC proves to be a cunning and worthwhile recruit
the door to this chamber. If armed, they order the PC to throw (depending largely on her prior actions), Lord Kent explains
down her weapons. If she complies, they take her into custody the true purpose of the tournament (to find a suitable recruit
for Lord Kent to question. If the character instead opts to run to delve the tomb of Kara-Duir and retrieve the Moon Staff
or act in a threatening manner, the guards attack. of Danu de Tuatha), and asks her to join his ranks. If the PC
refuses, Lord Kent waits for an opportune moment (when the
PC is off her guard), and attacks.
GNOLL (2) CR 1
CE Medium humanoid (gnoll) 400 XP
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +2 LORD KENT CR 3
Male human wizard 3 800 XP
DEFENSE CE Medium Humanoid (human)
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 natural, +2 shield) Init +2; Senses Perception +4 (+6 when Pwyll is within arm’s
hp 11 (2d8+2) reach)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
OFFENSE AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
Spd 30 ft. hp 25 (3d6+12)
Melee battleaxe +3 (1d8+2/x3) Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/x3)
TACTICS Spd 30 ft.
During Combat The gnolls will attempt to block entry but Melee +1 rapier +4 (1d6/18-20)
if the tide of battle turns, 1 gnoll will retreat and alert Ranged masterwork heavy crossbow +4 (1d10/19-20)
others of the intruder. Special Attacks cantrips, school power (2)
Spells Prepared (CL3)
STATISTICS 2nd—acid arrow, mirror image
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 1st—mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13 0—acid splash, daze (DC 14), flare (DC 14), touch of fatigue (DC 14)
Feats Power Attack School Powers Hand of the Apprentice
Languages Gnoll
Gear battle axe, heavy steel shield, leather armor, shortbow, TACTICS
arrows (20) Before Combat If Lord Kent hears sounds of combat outside,
he will cast mage armor on himself pre-emptively.
Once the PC enters the room, read the following. During Combat If he has not already done so, Lord Kent will
first cast mage armor, then mirror image on himself. Then he
Colored light illuminates this luxurious chamber, focused will use his attack spells casting defensively from highest
through brilliant stained glass windows. A four-poster spell level to lowest. Only after his spells are exhausted
bed, its posts meticulously carved to portray fairy tale will he draw his rapier.
scenes, rests near a similarly detailed hearth. A fine, round
table stands near the center of the room, atop which is STATISTICS
an elaborately carved chess set. A leather-bound text lies Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 12
beside the set. Nearby, pushed against the wall, is a grand Base Atk +1; CMB +1
bookcase, its shelves filled with a vast array of volumes. Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Scribe ScrollB, Weapon Finesse
Adorning the walls are several tapestries of a Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +4, Knowledge
beautiful woman fighting a large black dragon. In many (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Linguistics +9 (Int),
she holds a blue staff topped with a silver crescent moon. Perception +3, Profession (Gambler) +7, Sense Motive +3
The staff emits a brilliant blue light that the dragon seems (+5 when Pwyll is within arm’s reach), Spellcraft +10
to be shying away from. Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll,
Infernal, Orc
Of interest in this chamber are two secret doors, one leading SQ Arcane Bond, scribe scroll
to Area 21, the Treasury, and the other to a spiraling stairway Gear +1 rapier, magic missile scroll (CL 3), masterwork heavy
that descends to Area 22, deep in the bowels of the castle. The crossbow, 100 gp
latter door can be found by characters succeeding at a DC 18 Spellbook spells prepared plus 0—Arcane Mark, Bleed,
Perception check, while the door leading to the treasury can be Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt
found only by those succeeding at a DC 23 Perception check. Undead, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending,
Creatures: During the day, Pwyll is resting in the chamber Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read
and there is a 20% chance that both Lord Kent and Pwyll are in Magic, Resistance; 1st—disguise self, feather fall, hypnotism,
this chamber during the day. There is a 90% chance that they summon monster I; 2nd—fox’s cunning, invisibility, web
CE Diminutive Animal 100 XP
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision. blindsense 20ft., Perception +8
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 Size)
hp 9 (3HD)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5
Spd 5 ft., fly 40ft. (good)
Melee bite +7 melee (1d2–5)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attack deliver touch spells
TACTICS Type mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable Device DC 16
Before Combat If Pwyll is alone in the chamber when the PC
enters, he will hide and not engage in combat. However, EFFECTS
he will alert Lord Kent through his empathetic link that
Trigger touch; Reset automatic
someone has entered.
Effect 5-ft. cold aura (3d6, cold nonlethal)
Abilities Str 1, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 4 Treasure: The treasury contains a gem studded masterwork
Base Atk +1; CMB -8 longsword (one of the items stolen from Rhiannon in the
Feats Alertness raids), 300 gp, 10 pp, a golden bracelet worth 50 gp, a silver
Skills Fly +11, Stealth+20 chalice worth 75 gp, an ancient stone-carved statuette worth
SQ empathic link, improved evasion, share spells; 50 gp, 5 lapis lazuli’s worth 10 gp each, a 50 gp piece of onyx,
a 50 gp piece of jasper, and a 100 gp piece of jade. In addition,
SPECIAL ABILITIES Lord Kent’s clothing is contained within the armoire, and is
Deliver Touch Spells (Su): If Lord Kent and Pwyll are in worth a total of 200 gp.
contact when Lord Kent casts a touch spell, Pwyll may
deliver that spell to another target just as Lord Kent could.
Empathic Link (Su): Pwyll may communicate with Lord Kent 22. Dungeon Stairwell
through an empathic link for distances up to 1 mile.
The stairs descend to a cold, subterranean chamber. Two
Share Spells: Lord Kent may cast a spell with a target of
columns, each carved into the form of a beautiful woman,
“You” on Pwyll (as a touch spell) instead of on himself.
stand before you, as if they were guardians of this dark
place. A large set of iron double doors are set into the far
Treasure: The bookcase contains dozens of volumes detailing
wall, each inlaid with what looks to be ivory, fashioned to
fairy tales and history, many of which focus primarily on Danu
resemble the same womanly forms as those of the columns.
de Tuatha and Varsullicraxus. Each book is worth 1d6 gp. The
To the west is a plain wooden door.
book on the table is titled The Moon Staff of Danu de Tuatha. It
details the life of the heroine, the legendary moon staff, and its
This is a good place to roll for wandering encounters. Other
origins, and is worth 50 gp to a sage or similar buyer. There are
than that, there is nothing of danger in this chamber, nor is
a total of eight tapestries adorning this chamber, each worth
there anything of particular interest to the PC. The double
100 gp. The chess set is masterfully carved, portraying Danu
doors lead to Area 24, the crypt, and the western door to Area
de Tuatha and Varsullicraxus as the queens of the opposing
23, the cell block. Characters succeeding at a DC 15 Perception
armies. The set is worth 75 gp.
check of this chamber can find a secret door that opens to a
hallway ultimately leading to Area 25.
21. Treasury (EL 2)
The door to this chamber is locked, and can be opened by
characters succeeding at a DC 25 Disable Device check.
23. Cell Block (EL 1/2)
Small chambers, secured with thick iron bars, line this
Platinum, gold, silver and gems lie in piles about this
hallway, acting no doubt as prison cells. Shackles, set into
chamber. Atop the piles are a number of oddities and works of
the stone, hang from the walls of each cell. One cell it seems
art. An ornately carved armoire stands against the near wall.
is in use, or at least was until recently. The lifeless husk
of a soul long condemned to these chambers lies in a fetal
Traps: Lord Kent has placed a box of brown mold with this
position on the floor. Maggots writhe in the rotting body,
chamber’s treasure, in hopes of incapacitating would-be
and its putrid stink causes your stomach to roil.
thieves. The box is small and ornately carved, and at a glance
appears valuable.
Each of the cells is locked and can be opened by characters GHOUL CR 1
succeeding at a DC 15 Disable Device check. Characters that CE Medium Undead 400 XP
are captured by Lord Kent wind up in one of these cells. The Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7
character’s possessions are taken away, and are stored in Area
21, the treasury. If captured, the PC may find a small bone DEFENSE
in a corner of the chamber, which may be fashioned into a AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
rudimentary lockpicking device. Opening a lock without hp 13 (2d8+4)
thieves’ tools incurs a –2 penalty to the check, but the bone Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
reduces this to -1 for two attempts after which, it breaks. Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, undead traits
Creatures: The corpse described above is in the north-
westernmost cell, and is in fact a zombie. The creature stirs OFFENSE
if physically disturbed in any way, and rises and attacks if a Spd 30 ft.
character opens the cell door. Melee bite +3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralusis) and 2 claws
+3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis)
Special Attack paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are
HUMAN COMMONER ZOMBIE CR 1/2 immune to this effect)
NE Medium Undead 200 XP
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0 TACTICS
During Combat The ghoul will fight to the death and tries to
DEFENSE position himself to full attack as much as possible with
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+2 natural) flanking bonuses from the skeletons.
hp 12 (2d8+3)
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3 STATISTICS
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
OFFENSE Feats Weapon Finesse
Spd 30 ft. (can’t run) Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +6, Stealth +7, Swim +3
Melee Slam +4 melee (1d6+4) Languages Common
During Combat The zombie fights to the death. Disease (Su): Ghoul Fever:Bite—injury, save Fort DC 12,
onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3
STATISTICS Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive days. The save DC is
Abilities Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 Charisma-based.
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14 A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul
Feats Toughtness at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul
SQ staggered in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in
life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but
Treasure: Characters looking at the zombie from outside the it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a
cell are allowed a DC 15 Perception check to see that the zombie normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice
is wearing a golden and gem-studded pendant worth 100 gp. or more rises as a ghast.
25. Courtyard Stairwell (EL 2) Behind you the chamber doors slam shut with an echoing
In the western wall of this chamber is a hidden door, which can boom. The air grows cold, and you can see your breath
be found by characters succeeding at a DC 15 Perception check. before you. Suddenly, you find yourself surrounded
Note that depending on which way the PC entered this area, she by dark figures in black robes, their voices sounding in
may have already discovered and used the secret door. Read or unison, chanting a dark hymn to some forgotten god. Each
paraphrase the following as the PC enters this chamber. holds a staff and a dagger, raising and lowering them in
ritual movements.
The spiraling stairwell of this chamber is narrow, and lined
with elaborate sconces, fashioned as dragons. Central to the Creatures: For the next two rounds, allow the character a DC
room is a fountain with three dragon heads, each set with 15 Perception check to notice that a ghostly form is coalescing
silver fangs. It looks as if the heads once spat water, but above the skeletal remains. If the PC fails both Perception
they appear to have gone dry long ago. A large set of iron checks, the ghost gets a surprise round before the PC can act.
double doors is set into the north wall, inlaid with black If the PC attacks immediately, the ghost should be considered
mosaic stones to depict a rearing dragon on each door. helpless until fully coalesced.
The chanting cultists are merely minor images (DC 13),
Traps: The iron doors are imbued with an inflict light wounds recreating the ritual atmosphere present when the unfortunate
trap, and lead to Area 26. They are locked, and can be opened victim (the ghost) was sacrificed. The illusions are of no
by succeeding at a DC 30 Disable Device check (not likely for real harm to the PC, although they can be unsettling. They
low level characters, but there is another way to open the dissipate if attacked, or once the ghost is defeated. Like the
doors; see below). illusions, the doors are not a problem as they are not locked,
just closed, and a PC can make a quick retreat through them.
INFLICT LIGHT WOUNDS TRAP CR 2 The Ghost will not leave the room containing her corpse.
Experience: The PC can earn a bit of extra experience by
laying the ghost to rest once and for all. She can accomplish
this task by sprinkling holy water on the skeletal remains.
Should the character tell Brigit of the ghostly presence and ask
for her help, she agrees to examine the chamber and remains,
and creates a vial of holy water (by casting bless water) to set
the ghost at rest. Award an extra CR 3 experience bonus to
characters that do so.
Treasure: The ritual dagger in the skeleton’s chest is
Littering the floor below the web are the skeletons of various If the character killed Lord Kent, in time the king sends
animals. From there a natural tunnel winds for several hundred a party to discover what happened to the young lord. If the
feet to the surface, where there is a small cave opening (on the PC was not careful, and if she cannot supply evidence of Lord
north side of the castle) hidden in an outcropping of boulders Kent’s raiding activities, she could become a fugitive with a
and trees. warrant out for her arrest.
Should the PC choose to join Lord Kent’s ranks, she cannot
easily collect all of her reward from Rhiannon, as Lord Kent is
28. Study (EL 0 or 3) loathe to part with the journals, maps and stolen treasures.
Bookshelves line the south and western walls of this She could however, still report Lord Kent’s activities to Mayor
chamber, complete with thick, musty tomes. A table in Fellstone, although this she must do secretly, as Lord Kent
the center of the room is covered in open texts, scrolls, would not take lightly such treason from a new companion.
and journals. Many maps, both ancient and modern, are Otherwise, unscrupulous PCs might opt to lie to Mayor
displayed on the walls. Fellstone, and still collect their reward.
However you end the adventure, you have a hook for the
This is where Lord Kent does much of his research and next, should you so desire. The Moon Staff of Danu de Tuatha
plotting. The books on the table are about the tomb of Kara- is an item of great power, and the PC may very well know
Duir, the final resting place of Danu de Tuatha. The journals the location of the Tomb of Kara-Duir. Other forces could be
on the table belong to Mayor Fellstone, and are opened to seeking the Moon Staff as well, and many of the characters
his self-penned exploits of the nearby forests, and detail the from this adventure could make good companions or enemies
ancient ruins and tombs he found there. Likewise, many of in the search for the staff.
the journals, books, and maps on the wall belong to Mayor
Fellstone, and were taken in the raid of Rhiannon. With the aid Pre-Generated Character
of these most recent research tools, Lord Kent has pinpointed
the location of Kara-Duir. Given a little time studying the KATRINA ARDON CR 3
materials and maps, the PC can herself learn the location of Female human rogue 3
the tomb (by succeeding at a DC 15 Intelligence check). CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Creatures: This area is a good place for a final encounter Init +7; Senses Perception +7
with Lord Kent (assuming he has not already confronted
the PC). Here he can explain his plans of raiding the Tomb DEFENSE
of Kara-Duir to the character, and ask her to join his ranks, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 enhancement,
making an offer in gold pieces for her services. If the character +3 Dex)
does not join Lord Kent, he attacks. hp 26 (3d8+9)
Lord Kent: CR 3; hp 25; see Area 20. Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Treasure: There are about 100 books on the shelves, Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1
each worth 1d6 gp. As mentioned above, Mayor Fellstone’s
journals and maps are in this chamber. Likewise, the rune OFFENSE
carved amulet (actually a key to the tomb of Kara-Duir), can be Spd 30 ft.
found atop one of the bookshelves by characters succeeding at Melee masterwork rapier +7 (1d6/18-20) or
DC 10 Perception checks. See Stolen Items at the beginning of Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/x3)
this adventure for the value and reward offered for the return Special Attacks rogue talent (bleeding attack), sneak attack
of these items. +2d6
Conclusion Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12.
You can conclude this adventure in several ways, Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
depending on the actions of the PC. Whether or not the PC Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
wins the competition is unimportant (although it may be (rapier)
monetarily advantageous to the character). After exploring Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +5, Bluff +6, Climb +5,
the castle, the PC may choose to join Lord Kent in raiding the Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +9, Disguise +5, Escape
tomb of Kara-Duir, or she may decide to search for the tomb Artist +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Linguistics
on her own. It is all up to the player. +5, Profession (Gambler) +6, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of
Should the character return to Mayor Fellstone with his Hand +8, Stealth +9, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +7
maps, journals, Rhiannon’s stolen treasures, and information Languages Common, Elven, Orc
on the activities and motives of Lord Kent’s raids, the mayor SQ trapfinding
and townsfolk praise the character and give her the agreed upon Gear arrows (20), cat’s grace potion, cure light wounds potion,
rewards. In addition, Mayor Fellstone allows the PC to keep any invisibility potion, rapier (masterwork), 10 rations, rope
items that he lent to her to aid the character on her quest. (silk), scroll of sleep (CL1), shortbow (masterwork), sleep
arrow (2), +1 studded leather armor, 5 sunrods, thieves’
tools (masterwork), 50 gp
10 9
16 8 7
18 Ground Floor
Upstairs (SW) 12
21 11
20 S
Clock Tower
S 26 Dungeon Level
23 25
One on one Adventures #2
the Star of Olindor
by Matthew J. HansoN
An adventure for one rogue levels 6-8
A terrible plague has swept through the city of Cairdus, and despite the local clergy’s best efforts, they have been unable
to control the spread of the disease. Even those who seem cured often contract the disease again. The only thing that is
making any headway are the special blessings given by the powerful Baron Velstaf, but he only grants these blessings for
a price that few can afford.
The Star of Olindor is an adventure designed for 7th-level rogue, or other character of similar abilities. The obstacles in the
adventure are set up to encourage the use of stealth and trickery, and many rely on classic rogue skills. The adventure
takes place in the city of Cairdus, the details of which have been intentionally left imprecise, so that it can be easily slipped
into an existing campaign, or better yet the adventure can be altered to take place in any existing city.
The Church of Nelleska Meeting father arden
If the character has not decided to take action on her own, or
if she is looking for assistance in obtaining the Star of Olindor, A middle-aged man with thinning brown hair introduces
she may be contacted by the Church of Nelleska. himself as Father Arden. He is dressed in a simple brown
The Church of Nelleska is a chaotic good church dedicated robe with the symbol of his order embroidered in green
to freedom, happiness, and safety for all living creatures. If on the chest. He smiles at you and say, “I’ve heard you
you have a similar deity already in place in your campaign feel are person of action, so I will be brief. You are no doubt
free to use that power instead. aware of the plague sweeping the city, and you may also
The church will probably send a messenger to find the be aware that the only cure seems to be a magic item in
PC first and ask that she come to the local temple of Nelleska the possession of Baron Velstaf, and he uses it only for a
alone at moonrise. If the PC is searching for aid, she might find price. Now, I don’t want to pass any judgments, but I’ve
herself at the temple already and be pulled aside. Whatever heard that you have certain... talents for procuring items.
the method, the PC will end up speaking to the highest- If the Star of Olindor were to come into our possession,
ranking priest in the temple, Father Arden. we would be greatly appreciative.”
Just one more thing. We are a peaceful order and are trying
to obtain the Star to save lives. Please remember that most
of the guards and other personnel are innocents just trying
to feed their families and try to minimize harm. If any
innocents die through your direct action, the deal is off.
Madle Relling
Madle Relling is a member of the kitchen staff at Whitehall
Manor and a devout follower of the church of Nelleska. The
PC might talk to her after being referred by Father Arden, or
as part of the character’s own investigations.
Madle Relling’s initial attitude is indifferent. She is a
first level commoner, with a Wisdom score of 11 (+0) and a
no ranks in Sense Motive. If she believes that the PC shares
her faith, the PC gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy WHITEHALL MANOR INFORMATION
Checks. If she is told that providing information could end the A character who makes a Knowledge (engineering) check may
plague the PC gains +2 circumstance bonus. Offering her a learn the following information about Whitehall manor.
bribe will grant a further +2 circumstance bonus.
If she remains indifferent, Madle will give only terse but DC 10: Based on the style of the house and exterior ornament,
polite responses. She will reveal mundane details about her it was probably built 100 to 150 years ago.
job, but will not offer anything that could potentially get her DC 15: The strong outer wall is a much more recent addition,
in trouble with her employers. probably built sometime within the last twenty years.
If her attitude is shifted to friendly, Madle will reveal DC 20: The servant’s entrances from houses of this period
what details she knows about the Manor and its operations. were typically easier to enter than the front entrance.
Her knowledge is limited to kitchen activities, but she has a DC 25: Houses of this style and time period often had secret
fairly accurate idea the way the guards operate at the gate, and passage either leading directly outside, or connecting the
on the first floor, and of the guard dogs outside. main house to the servant’s quarters.
If her attitude is shifted to helpful, Madle will offer to aid
the character in entering the house. If the character does not
come up with her own plan, Madle will suggest sneaking the 1. The Outer Wall
PC in as part of a food shipment hidden in a flour sack. She The grounds of the Whitehall estate are surround by 10-
will go along with any ideas the character has as long as they foot tall stonewall.
do not involve hurting people. She kept a letter of summons Outer Wall: 2 ft. thick; Hardness 8; hp 180 (per 10-foot-by-
that she received when she was first offered the job, but it does ten-foot section; Break DC 45; Climb DC 20.
not occur to her to show it to the PC unless prompted.
STATISTICS 4. The Main Hall
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip) This is the hallway that gives Whitehall Manor its name.
Feats Skill Focus (Perception) The floor is laid with stones of white marble, and the walls
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 jumping), Survival +1 (+5 scent are plastered white. White marble columns stand on
tracking) either side of the hall spaced every ten feet, each holding
an everburning torch. Instead of traditional portraits,
SPECIAL ABILITIES marble busts of the former occupants line the hall. The
Trip (Ex): A guard dog that hits with a bite attack can attempt ceiling stretches two stories, and a railed walkway on the
to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action upper story encircles this level. At the far end, two marble
without provoking an attack of opportunity if it hits with staircases lead up.
the specified attack. If the attempt fails, the dog is not
tripped in return. Creatures: There are two guards in the hall, one at each end
of the hall.
SERVANTS (3) CR 1/2 Guards (2): hp 27; see area 2
Human commoner 1 300 XP
N Medium humanoid (human) Treasure: There are a total of twelve everburning torches (25
Init +0; Senses Perception +5 gp), all of which are easy to remove. If the PC were able to
remove any of the marble busts, they would be worth 500 gp
DEFENSE to the right buyer.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1 5. Guard station
This is a plain octagonal room with a spiral stairwell in the
center, leading both up and down. To one side is a small
Spd 30 ft.
table surrounded by chairs.
Melee unarmed strike +0 (1d3 (nonlethal))
This large mostly octagonal room serves as waiting area for
STATISTICS guards who are on call. While on call they are allowed to
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 12 relax but are available to respond to any sign of danger at a
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10 moment’s notice. They also serve to prevent any unauthorized
Feats Skill Focus (appropriate Profession or Craft) personnel from going into area 6.
Skills Craft or Profession (appropriate to job) +8 The door to area 6 is kept locked at all times.
Language Common
Guards (4): hp 27; see area 2
Ad Hoc Experience: A PC who manages to enter the house,
whatever the means, should be awarded experience as if Treasure: This room contains a small weapons stockpile
overcoming a CR 3 creature. consisting of two masterwork longswords, five regular
longswords, two light crossbow, three bucklers, and 120
crossbow bolts.
6. dungeon enterance OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
This windowless room is lit by a single everburning torch. Melee broom handle (improvised weapon) –2 (1d6-1)
The only other feature is a staircase leading down and the
large metal trapdoor tethered against the wall. TACTICS
Eldra is a talker, not a fighter. If the PC becomes physically
The large trapdoor can be laid upon over the stairs to the aggressive, she will make as much noise for help while
dungeon in case of emergency, but it normally remains up. fighting back with her impromptu weapon.
The door leading into room 5 is always locked. The stairs lead
to room 33. STATISTICS
Iron Trap Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 10, hp 60; Break DC Abilities Str 9, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
28; Disable Device DC 30 Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Persuasive, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nobility]), Skill
Focus (profession), Toughness
7. Storage Skills Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (nobility) +7,
This large closet contains the basic supplies for cleaning Profession (servant) +10, Sense Motive +7
and maintaining the house, such as brooms, mops, and Language Common
washrags, as several boxes and crates.
This is a simple storage closet used by the house’s servant staff. 9. Kitchen
Creatures: Nobody inhabits this room on a long-term The room is filled with cooking paraphernalia, including a
basis but the house staff often pops in and out during the day. wood burning stove, an oven, and many utensils. In one
It is certain to be busy just after the main gates close (10 at corner there is a trap door in the floor.
night) and just before they open (6 in the morning).
The trapdoor does not lock. It is kept closed to prevent somebody
Servants: 6 hp; see area 3. from accidentally falling into the cellar during a culinary fervor.
Treasure: In addition to the many mundane items in the Creatures: It is busy from morning to night. Jalk, the head
room, this is where the much of the silver dinnerware is kept. chef begins preparing breakfast at seven o’clock every morning
In total the dinnerware collection is worth 600 gp. Though not and usually stays busy until after dinner is finished, around
all of the dinnerware is used for every meal, there is a chance eight at night. The cook is a snobbish man and a perfectionist
equal to the percent of dinnerware missing that a theft will be in the kitchen. He has difficulty tolerating those who are not
discovered any time the Baron dines (ten in the morning, two useful. He is usually assisted by two servants, one of who is
in the afternoon, or seven at night). Madle Relling. The two girls usually don’t arrive until around
nine o’clock, but they often stay as late as ten o’clock.
If Jalk’s attitude can be shifted to friendly (DC 15), he
8. servant area will share information as a standard servant would, plus his
suspicion that the cellar is haunted and that he often hears
The small room is simple and nearly bare. There are two
strange noises in that room
simple wooden tables in opposite corners, each surrounded
by a number of equally basic chairs.
This room is used by the servants, primarily in order to Male expert 5 800 XP
coordinate and organize, and also sometimes to relax when in LN Medium humanoid (human)
their scarce downtime. Init +0; Senses Perception +9
Creatures: During most daylight hours, from seven in the
morning until ten o’clock at night, the room is occupied by DEFENSE
several servants, including Eldra, the head servant. AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Eldra knows slightly more than a typical servant and is hp 36 (5d8+10)
aware of the secret door in area 28 and the secret room in area 29. Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6
She has discovered both secret doors but has not gotten up the
courage to go through the tunnel in area 31. She will share this OFFENSE
information if her attitude can be shifted to friendly (DC 15). Spd 30 ft.
Melee butcher knife (improvised weapon) –1 (1d6)
Female commoner 6 1,200 XP Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 9
CN Medium humanoid (human) Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 13
Init +0; Senses Perception +7 Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Profession),
DEFENSE Toughness
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Skills Heal +2, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local)
hp 35 (6d6+12) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8,
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Profession
(cook) +12, Sense Motive +9
Language Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orc
10. The Waiting Room Ad Hoc Experience Adjustment: Because Baron Velstaf’s
equipment is worth significantly more than the standard
This is a small room containing a small couch and a chair. NPC of his level, his CR has been increased.
Both are well cushioned and use elegant fabrics.
This is the room where aristocratic guests are typically asked BARON VELSTAF’S RING OF SECURITY
to wait if they have been invited to the Manor, and the Parlor Baron Velstaf had this ring specially crafted for him. He knew
is not ready. It is also where people seeking blessings to ward that his wealth and ability to make enemies might cause people
off the plague are asked to wait. Those seeking blessings to wish him harm. Since he was a relatively weak fighter, he
typically wait at least fifteen minutes in the room, more if had the ring crafted to keep him out of danger.
Baron Velstaf is busy. If the wielder desires, the ring may continually radiates
Creatures: The room is normally unoccupied, but warding field as per the alarm field, with the ring acting as the
if anybody is waiting there will be a guard from room 5 center of the emanation. The wearer may turn this ability on or
present. off as a standard action and may set whether the alarm should
be mental or audible each time he activates it.
The ring also allows the wearer to activate an alarm like
11. The Parlor effect at will. As a free action, he can create an audible sound
as the spell, or he can alert up to five creatures with mental
This is a large luxurious room. There are thick velvet-
alarms. The ring must be keyed to the five creatures ahead of
cushioned chairs, bright gold leaf inlaid on the walls, and a
time. They need to be willing and must be within 70 feet of
fireplace to one side of the room.
the caster at the time of being chosen. Once the ring has been
This room is primarily used for entertaining guests. It is also keyed, the chosen creatures will “hear” the mental alarm as
the location where Baron Velstaf administers his blessings. long as they are within one mile of the ring.
The door to room 12 is always locked. Baron is the only on Finally, once per week the ring can activate a panic mode
who has a key to the room. as a standard action. In panic mode, the wearer gains a +5
Traveling through the fireplace chimney is possible, but deflection bonus to armor class, a +5 enhancement bonus to
difficult, requiring an Escape Artist check (DC 30). From the natural armor, a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws, a +5
chimney, the PC can reach the roof, or area 21. luck bonus to saving throws, and resistance 30 to acid, cold,
Creatures: If he is giving a blessing or entertaining guests, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. These bonuses last up to
the Baron will be in this room, as will Azalor and a guard. fifteen rounds.
Guard: hp 27; see area 2 Strong Abjuration, CL 15th; Forge Ring, alarm, barkskin,
resistance, resist energy, shield of faith; Price: 16,000 gp.
Male aristocrat 6 2,400 XP AZALOR INFORMATION
LE Medium humanoid (human) A PC can gain the following information about Azalor on a
Init +4; Senses Perception +8 successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (local) check.
DEFENSE DC 15: Azalor is the Captain of the guards for Baron Velstaf. He
AC 16 (26 in panic mode), touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, is a powerful warrior who wields a double-bladed sword.
+2 enchatment) DC 20: Azalor is versed in dark clerical realms, making him
hp 36 (6d8+6) sometimes cruel and ruthless, which in turn has led him
Fort +2 (+12 in panic mode), Ref +2 (+12 in panic mode), Will to be not very popular.
+4 (+14 in panic mode) DC 25: Azalor is prefers to capture intruders alive, so that he
can interrogate and torture them afterwards.
OFFENSE DC 30: Azalor, said to worship a dark gods, is even rumored
Spd 30 ft. to have made a compact with one in exchange for power.
Melee +2 rapier +7 (1d6+2/18-20)
TACTICS Male human fighter 8/cleric 4 19,200 XP
During Combat If the oppentent(s) seem overwelming
LE Medium Humanoid (human)
powerful, Baron Velstaf will activate panic mode and
Init +4; Senses Perception + 6
sound the mental alarm via his ring of security while
defending himself with his rapier. DEFENSE
AC 22 touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 enhancement, +4 Dex)
STATISTICS hp 86 (8d10+16 plus 4d8+4)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 12
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will + 11 (+13 against fear)
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 14
Defensive Abilities armor training (2), bravery
Feats Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Run, Weapon Focus
(rapier) OFFENSE
Skills Appraise +10, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Handle Spd 30 ft.
Animal +8, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Melee +1 flaming adamantine two-bladed sword +16/+11/+6
Ride +6, Sense Motive +8 (1d8+7 plus 1d6 fire/19-20) plus cold iron two-bladed
Language Common, Infernal sword +15/+10/+5 melee (1d8+4/19-20) or
Gear +2 mithral chain shirt, +2 rapier, ring of security*, master Ranged composite longbow +15/+10/+5 (1d8+2/x3)
key, trap bypass key, 75 pp. *New magic; Velstaf has the
ring keyed to Azalor and the three lieutenants.
Sunder, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Two-
Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (two-bladed sword), Weapon
Specialization (two-bladed sword)
Skills Climb +9, Handle Animal +6, Heal +9, Intimidate +6,
Knowledge (religion) +7, Profession (soldier) +7, Ride +10,
Spellcraft +7, Survival +8, Swim +9
Languages Common, Infernal
Gear +2 mithral breastplate, +1 flaming adamantite/cold iron two-
bladed sword, gauntlets of ogre power, wand of cure light wounds (33
charges), composite longbow (+2 Str bonus), 30 arrows, dungeon
key, guard key, room key, 200 gp
N Medium Animal 200 XP
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Spd 40 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip)
Before Combat The guard dogs will bark and any noise made by the
dogs will cause the Lieutenant on duty to investigate.
During Combat The guard dogs bite and attempt to trip enemies
and only stop when commanded or severly beaten in combat.
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 jumping), Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking)
If the PC pays the money, she receives a blessing. The Secret Bookcase Door: 2 in think; hardness 5; hp 20; Break
blessing involves a lot of chanting, incense burning, and DC 25; Perception DC 25.
special gestures, all of which are intended for show. After
which she gains the protection granted by the Star of Olindor Creatures: Unless otherwise occupied, Velstaf can be assumed
(see area 39). to be in this room from the hours of 10 o’clock in the morning
If the character refuses to pay, Velstaf attitude immediately to 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and from 3 in the afternoon to
shifts down one down rating (default to unfriendly) and 7 in the evening. If Velstaf sees a PC in the room, he will
immediately asks the PC to leave, under Azalor’s escort. If immediately activate his ring of security and send the house
the character refuses, Azalor will try to literally throw the onto alert.
character out (treat as a bull rush). If the PC still resists, Azalor Baron Velstaf: hp 36; see area 11.
will attack the PC, using unarmed strikes to subdue her if the
PC is not wielding any sort of weapon, but he will not hesitate Treasure: If the PC searches the bookshelf and succeeds a
to use his sword if the PC is armed. Knowledge (history) check (DC 15) she will be able to identify
If the PC is knocked unconscious, she will be stabilized three rare first editions, worth 400 gp a piece.
and thrown into the dungeon. (See area 34).
13. The Secret Passage
12. The Study
The room is dry and lifeless. There are no furnishings, only
This is a well-decorated room, but not lavish. Bookcases line a ladder in the center of the western wall leading to below.
the inner walls, and a writing desk is set beneath a window.
Baron Velstaf and Azalor are the only two who uses this room.
This is Baron Velstaf’s private study. It is a room for business, Elskar knows of its existence, but she does not want Velstaf to
and it is where Baron Velstaf spends a good deal of his time. know she knows, so she avoids it.
The main contents of the room are Velstaf’s books and The secret door leading to room 12 is clearly visible from
records, most of which are quite boring. A search of the desk this side of the wall and has an obvious trigger switch. If Baron
(DC 20 Perception check) will reveal that one of the drawers Velstaf is currently in room 12, the PC will be able to detect
has a false bottom. Under the false bottom there are a number him with a successful hearing-based Perception Check (DC
of short and cryptic records. They each contain a date and a 20), if the PC does not attempt to listen, you may allow her to
gold piece amount, but the payee is identified only by initials, hear anyway, but assign a -5 penalty for being distracted.
and the reason is always “services rendered.” For example one The ladder leads down to room 30.
might read, “Oct 8, 1213 - To S.P., 50 gp, for services rendered.”
(Adjust the date so that it is current in your campaign.) Secret Bookcase Door (to room 12): 2 in thick; hardness 5; hp
If the PC examines the papers thoroughly, she may make 20; Break DC 25.
a Wisdom Check (DC 10) to notice that there was a cluster Secret Stone Door (to room 14): 4 in thick; hardness 8; hp 80;
of transactions approximately one week ago, and there have Break DC 28; Perception DC 30.
been a steady number of small transactions since. Before that Secret Stone Door: 1 foot thick; hardness 8; hp 90; Break DC
transactions were fairly sporadic. 35; Perception DC 30.
Both standard doors to this room are locked at all times; the
Baron is the only one with the key. There is also a secret door. 14. The Secret Ladder Room
The only real feature in this small room is the ladder that
leads to the levels directly above and below.
Trap: The rung of the ladder that is at the same levels as the floor
of this room is trapped so that a needle will fire from the wall
when the rung is stepped on. Baron Velstaf and Azalor simply
bypass the trap by stepping over the rung when they use the
ladder, and the PC can bypass it the same way if she desires.
15. Dining Room 18. Guest Bedroom
This is a large room with a massive oak table down the This is a comfortable room well decorated room. There is a
center, and chairs surrounding. Tapestries depicting well made bed in one corner, and fine table with two chairs.
glorious battles hang on the walls.
This is where visitors who do not have a residency in the city
Creatures: Unless dining out, Baron eats all his meals in this sleep. There room is currently unoccupied and has very little
room, usually eating breakfast from 10 to 11 in the morning, of interest.
lunch from 2 to 3 in the afternoon, and dinner from 7 to 8 at Treasure: On a successful Perception check (DC 25) the
night. Elskar often joins the Baron at her whim (50%), and the PC can discover a gold ring set with a red garnet, which was
Baron occasionally invites guests to dinner. accidentally left behind by a previous guest. Inside the ring,
Baron Velstaf: hp 36; see area 11. written in Elvish, is the phrase, “I shall return.” The ring has
Elskar: hp 61; see area 22 a market value of 225 gp, but if the PC can find the proper
owner (gathering information via Diplomacy check DC 20)
Treasure: There are four large tapestries in this room, each of the owner will offer a 500 gp reward, because the ring had
which is worth 300 gp. tremendous sentimental value.
The stairs lead to a wide landing, in the center of which Treasure: Character’s looking behind the gray curtain
is five-foot wide, eight-foot high stained glass window (or succeeding a Perception check DC 5), find a number
featuring a knight in shining armor standing on the head of impressive looking weapons. These are trophies that
of a green dragon the knight presumable slew. Azalor has taken from defeated opponents. They include:
three masterwork daggers, a +1 dagger, a +1 greataxe, two
A successful Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (nobility) check masterwork longswords, a +1 longsword, a masterwork
(DC 25) will reveal that the knight portrayed in the window is nunchaku, and a masterwork rapier. The +1 longsword belongs
Sir Deldoron, the original owner of Whitehall Manor. to Iglestor (see area 33), who will recognize it immediately). If
Off of the landing there is a five-foot hallway, which the PC was taken prisoner as a result of fighting Azalor then
circles the entire floor and overlooks area 4. A wooden banister her best weapon will also be on the wall.
prevents anybody from accidentally falling off the ledge. When Azalor is asleep, he stores his two-bladed sword on
There are a total of five non-secret doors leading out of a rack directly above the head of his bed and stores the rest of
area 17. The doors to areas 18 and 20 are standard. Only Azalor his gear beneath his bed.
and Velstaf have a key to area 19, and only Elskar and Velstaf
have a key to area 22, but those doors are otherwise normal.
The doors to areas 19 and 22 are kept locked whenever they 20. Guard Tower
are unoccupied or when the occupier is sleeping. The door This is a utilitarian room containing a few chairs, two
leading to area 21 is locked at all times. Baron Velstaf is the desks and several larges stacks of paper. In the center is a
only one with a key. large circular stairwell leading both up and down.
Baron Velstaf, Azalor, and Elskar all know of the secret
door, though Elskar hides the fact, and nobody uses the door This room is the headquarters for the guard operations in of
anymore. Azalor convinced the Baron that it would be easier Whitehall Manor. The two doorways leading out are both
to simply trap the door than to seal it over. standard doors. Only Baron Velstaf and Azalor have keys to
Even at night this area is illuminated by the everburning area 19, and it is locked unless Azalor is inside and awake.
torches from area 4.
A search of this room (Perception check DC 10) will allow Velstaf’s Bedroom Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 5, hp 20; Break
the PC to find the general information about the guard details DC 25, Disable Device DC 30.
and a layout of the manor (excluding the secret passages). Iron Window Bars: 1 in. thick; hardness 10; hp 20, Break DC 26.
Any unauthorized people entering the guard tower will
be asked to leave immediately. Any resistance will be met Creatures: There is always at least one guard on duty outside
with force, first using non-lethal means, but they will reply in the door to Baron Velstaf’s bedroom, and there are two if Baron
kind if the PC uses lethal force. During the night this room is Velstaf is in his room.
lit by two everburning torches. Baron Velstaf typically sleeps from one in the morning to
Creatures: There is always at least one lieutenant and one nine o’clock. Anytime Velstaf is asleep, he activates the alarm
regular guard in the office at all times. Azalor often stops by function of his ring of security so that anyone entering the room
the office as well, normally just after meals but often dropping will set off a silent alarm (which wakes the baron). Velstaf is
in randomly as well (20% chance between noon and midnight, seldom in his room during the daytime.
or 1am and 4 am. Guards (1-2): hp 27; see area 2
Azalor: hp 86; see area 11. Baron Velstaf: hp 36, see area 11
Guard: hp 27; see area 2. Traps: The lock to the door to area 21 is trapped to activate
when anybody attempts to use the Open Lock Skill on the
LIEUTENANT CR 5 door. Inserting the key does not set it off. The door to area 24 is
Male human fighter 4/expert 2 1,600 XP trapped to attack anybody who opens the door.
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init -1; Senses Perception +8 (+10 opposing Disguise and BEDROOM DOOR POISON NEEDLE TRAP CR 6
Sleight of Hand checks) Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 27
AC 20 touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +2 shield, +1 Trigger touch; Reset manual
enhancement, -1 Dex)
Effect Atk +12 melee (1 plus purple worm poison)
hp 57 (4d10+16 plus 2d8+6)
Fort +7, Ref +0, Will + 6 (+8 against fear)
Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery
Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
Melee masterwork longsword +9 (1d8+4) or
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 16
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm,
Improved Trip, Suspicious*, Weapon Focus (longsword),
Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Skills Bluff +4, Climb -1, Diplomacy +4, Handle Animal +4,
Intimidate +4, Knowledge (engineering) +5, Linguistics
+5 (+7 to spot forgeries), Profession +6, Sense Motive +8
(+10 opposing Bluff Checks), Survival +6, and Swim -1
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
Gear masterwork longsword, +1 large steel shield, half plate,
light crossbow with 10 bolts, silvered dagger, cold iron
dagger, signal whistle, 159 gold
Spd 30 ft.
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 24 Melee quarterstaff +4 (1d8)
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Special Attacks cantrips, channel positive energy (7/day)
Effect 1d3 Str damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves Spells Prepared (CL9)
5th—lightning bolt (empowered) (DC 17), vampiric touch
Treasure: A successful Perception check (DC 15) finds a small (empowered)* (+4 melee touch attack)
chest stowed beneath the baron’s bed containing 140 pieces 4th—black tentacles, dimension door, scorching ray
of silver. If the PC empties the silver from the chest, she may (empowered) (+6 ranged touch), animate dead*
make a Perception check (DC 15) to notice that the inside of the 3rd—arcane sight, dispel magic, summon monster III, vampiric
chest is not as deep as the size suggests. A Perception check DC touch* (x2) (+4 melee touch attack)
20 reveals a false bottom to the chest (even if it has not been 2nd—acid arrow, flaming sphere (DC 16), spectral hand,
emptied). Underneath the false bottom is a sacred text to the invisibility, mage armor (extended), see invisibility,
dark god Gorzeria, (or other suitable evil god). A successful ghoul touch*
Knowledge (religion) or Intelligence check (DC 10) will allow 1st—burning hands (DC 15), feather fall, magic missile (x2),
the PC to immediately identify Gorzeria’s holy symbol on the shield, chill touch*
cover of the book. The text is written in Infernal, but even if the 0—detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read magic
PC cannot read that language, there are illustrations that make School Powers Power over undead, grave touch
it quite clear that this is an evil text.
While he is asleep, Baron Velstaf stores his positions listed TACTICS
on his person in a bureau next to his bed, except for his ring of Before Combat Elskar casts extended mage armor on herself at
security which he never removes. the beginning of each day. Her stats above reflect this.
During Combat Elskar perfers to stay out of melee combat,
Wooden Chest: 1-1/2 in. thick, hardness 5; hp 15, Break DC
casting spells from a safe distance or casting spectral hand
23, Disable Device DC 30.
and delivering her touch attacks from afar.
Gorzeria, the goddess of ruthless power, is Lawful evil. Her Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 8, Cha 13
titles include the Enslaver, and the Tyrant. Gorzeria instructs Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
her followers to gain as much power they can, regardless of Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item,
harm to others. Her definition of power is left fairly general Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Scribe ScrollB, Skill Focus
and can include military force, magic, wealth, or even political (spellcraft), Spell Penetration, Turn UndeadB
connections. Gorzeria’s followers can be from almost any walk Skills Appraise +14, Craft (alchemy) +14, Knowledge
of life, but fighters, blackguards, and wizards are common. (arcana) +15, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge
Her symbol is a snarling black dog, and her favored weapon (planes) +15, Linguistics +15, Spellcraft +18
is the longsword. Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven,
Elemental, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal, Sylvan
SQ Arcane Bond (ring), scribe scroll, half-elf traits
22. elskar’s chamber Gear Headband of vast intellect +2, ring of protection +1, hand of
the mage, potion of cure serious wounds, scroll of dimensional
The room is Spartan. The only furniture is plan wooden
anchor, scroll of protection from energy, wand of shocking
table, a single wooden chair, and a thinly padded cot in one
grasp (5th level) (26 charges), guard key, bedroom key,
corner. An everburning torch reveals articles of clothing,
dungeon key, quarterstaff, 280 gp and a closet full of
paper, and books messily placed about the room.
expensive clothing worth 300 gp
The door to the room is kept locked whenever Elskar is not Spellbook spells prepared plus 0—Acid Splash, Arcane Mark,
present or when she is asleep. The trapdoor at the top of Bleed, Dancing Lights, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare,
the ladder is protected with an arcane lock spell. There is no Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Ray of Frost,
physical lock that a PC could not pick if she wanted to. It leads Resistance, Touch of Fatigue; 1—alarm, protection from good,
to room 25. identify, ray of enfeeblement, expeditious retreat; 2—arcane
Trap door: 2 inches thick; harness 5; hp 20; Break DC 35. lock, command undead, web; 3—magic circle against evil, magic
Creatures: This room belongs the wizard Elskar. Of all circle against good, protection from energy; 4—dimensional
the inhabitants of the manor house, she has the most erratic anchor, fire trap; 5—dismissal, lesser planer binding.
schedule, although she typically sleeps in her room from
eleven at night until seven in the morning. At any other time ELSKAR INFORMATION
there is a 10% chance Elskar will be in her room. A character can learn about Elskar with a successful Diplomacy
or Knowledge (local) check.
Female half-elf wizard 9 6,400 XP DC 15: Elskar is a wizard currently under the employ of
CE Medium Humanoid (human) Baron Velstaf.
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +1 DC 20: There have occasionally been personal conflicts
between Elskar and the Baron, but they have never let it
DEFENSE effect their business arrangements.
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex) DC 25: Elskar is said to practice dark magics, such as
hp 61 (9d6+27) necromancy and demonology.
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 DC 30: Elskar recently purchased an arcane scroll of planer binding.
23. Secret Room 25. elskar’s laboratory
The only thing noteworthy about this room is the ladder
than leads down to area 14. Both the secret door and the trap This large octagonal room has bookshelves on
guarding it are obvious from this side and do not require a the southern and western walls. There
search check, but the trap will still be activated even if the door are a total of three tables in the
is opened from this side (unless disabled). room, strewn with magical
paraphernalia. If there
Secret Stone Door: 1 foot thick; hardness 8; hp 90; Break DC is any sort of
35; Perception DC 30. order, it is hard
to recognize.
Creatures: This is where
Type mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable Device DC 18 Elskar works on her magical creations and during the day
EFFECTS there is a 50% chance that she will be in the room.
Trigger trigger; Reset automatic Elskar: hp 61, see area 22
Effect Atk +20 melee (2d4+8/x4, scythe)
Treasure: Among the bookshelves are also Elskar’s diary and her
spell book, both of which can be found with successful Perception
24. The Treasure Room Checks, (DC 15 for the spell book, DC 20 for the diary).
At the top of the stairwell is a large oak door. This door is Elskar’s diary is a plain unmarked volume, and appears to
always locked and Baron Velstaf is the only one with a key. be written in gibberish, but is actually written using a simple
letter substitution cipher. A character that spends ten minute
Treasure Door: 2 in thick; hardness 5; hp 20; Break DC 25; studying it can make a Linguistic check (DC 25) to break
Disable Device DC 30 the code. Success indicates that the character has decoded
the cipher and can read from the book without making any
Traps: The door is guarded with both a magical and a additional checks, although it takes her twice as long to read
mechanical trap. The magical fire trap is keyed to allow only as it normally would.
Velstaf and Elskar to enter. Velstaf is the only one who has a In her most recent entry, Elskar mentions that she is
key to bypass the hail of needles trap. beginning to fear that the babau will soon break loose, and
that she is thinking about “taking it up on its offer,” although
FIRE TRAP CR 4 she does not elaborate what the offer is. Other recent entries
Type magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 29 discuss the summoning the demon, extracting its slime, and
using it to culture the hell’s lung plague. She first summoned
EFFECTS the demon a little over one week ago and has been making
Trigger touch; Reset —; Bypass keyed persons regular cultures of the plague ever since.
Effect spell effect (fire trap, 9th-level wizard, 1d4+9 fire, DC Elskar’s spell book contains all the spells listed in Elskar’s
21 Reflex save half damage) description (see area 22). The book can be sold for 4,900 gp.
There is also sufficient material in the room to provide for 3 spell
component pouches (15 gp) and one alchemist’s lab (500 gp).
Type mechanical; Perception DC 23; Disable Device DC 23 26. the cellar
The room is filled with many crates, and barrels. Much of
Trigger touch; Reset manual; Bypass hidden lock the area is filled with dried food goods, while other areas are
(Perception DC 25, Disable Device DC 30) filled with useful items such as ropes or gardening tools,
Effect Atk +20 ranged (2d4 plus poison) and bolts of cheap fabric.
27. Ventilation Tunnel Treasure: Each room has a stockpile of 3d6 silver pieces that
can be found with a successful search (Perception Check
The narrow tunnel is less than three feet in each direction. DC 15). In addition any guard who is sleeping will leave the
It is dry musty and filled with cobwebs. possessions indicated in his stat block on a stand near the bed.
28. Servants’ Quarters Lower Floor AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 4 (1d8)
The lower level of the servants’ quarters are divided into 23 Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
different five by five rooms, each designed to house a single DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits
guard. There is a ladder at the west end of the building to
allow access to the upper floor of the building. There is a secret OFFENSE
door at the east end of the building, which leads to a secret Spd 30 ft.
room. Both have the same statistics. Melee broken scimitar +0 (1d6), claw -3 (1d4+1) or 2 claws +2
Secret Stone Doors (2): 4 in thick; hardness 8; hp 60; Break
DC 28; Perception DC 20. TACTICS
During Combat The skeleton fights to the death.
Creatures: At any given time at least seven guards will be
sleeping in their rooms. Another seven guards each have STATISTICS
a fifty percent chance of being awake but in the building Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
(usually in their rooms). Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Improved InitiativeB
Guard: hp 27, see area 2. Gear broken chain shirt, broken scimitar
33. Dungeon entry way THERKA CR 4
Female dwarf expert 6 1,200 XP
The air is chillier in than it was above ground. At the LN Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
bottom of the staircase is a small landing and a thick Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception +0 (+2 to notice
wooden door. unusual stonework)
This room is lit by single everburning torch. The door in this DEFENSE
room is kept locked at all times. AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)
Creatures: There is always a guard present in this room. hp 54 (6d8+24)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +7 (+2 racial bonus on saving throws
Guard: hp 27, see area 2. against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
34. Dungeon Spd 20 ft.
This room is normally dark, but if the character possesses the Melee nonlethal unarmed strike +5 (1d3)
means to see, you may read the following.
The room is large and chilly. The walls are lined with small Before Combat If Therka escapes she is willing to participate
prison cells made of iron bars. There is a simple straw mat in some light combat but cares little for finding a magical
in each of the cells. In the northernmost part of the western bauble. Her only goal is to escape the house. Under no
wall there is a simple wooden door. In the middle of the east condition short of force of magic domination will Therka
wall, there is an imposing steel door. go into room 35
Meeting Azalor If she encounters Azalor, he will try to
This room is where Baron Velstaf holds his personal enemies
intimidate Therka into submission. In such a case, the
and other undesirables. Of the seven cells in the room, only two
PC makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check in opposition
are occupied. The cells are made from iron bars, with a door of
to Azalor’s Intimidate check. The winner of the checks
similar construction. If one bar were destroyed it would open
succeeds in influencing Therka’s actions.
a gap large enough for a medium or small creatures to squeeze
through with little trouble (Escape Artist DC 10). STATISTICS
If a character succeeds a sound-based Perception check Abilities Str 12, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 10
(DC 5), she will notice what sounds like distant screaming. Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 14 (18 vs. bullrush and trip
If she gets a 15 or higher on the check she can successfully while standing on ground)
make out the words, assuming she understands Abyssal. The Feats Skill Focus (Craft [armorsmithing]), Skill Focus (Craft
screams are a long series of threats and curses. [blacksmithing]), Skill Focus (Craft [weaponsmithing])
The door in from room 33 is a locked at all times. The door Skills Appraise +7, Craft (armorsmith) +13, Craft
into room 35 is quite a bit more formidable, and only Baron (blacksmithing) +13, Craft (weaponsmith) +13,
Velstaf, Azalor, and Elskar have a key to that door. It is kept Handle Animals +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10,
locked at all times. Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge (local) +10,
A successful Perception check (DC 20) will allow the Knowledge (religion) +10, Sense Motive +7
character to find the ventilation tunnel near the ceiling of Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome
northern wall. Entering the tunnel is a little tricky due to the SQ dwarven traits
iron grating and height of the tunnel. Fortunately the grating
is rusted and therefore not quite as strong as it was when it Therka has been held for over two years, and the imprisonment
was new. has taken a toll on her sanity. She is not completely gone, but
she is not mentally all-together either. She is easily scared and
Cell Iron Bars: 1 in. thick; hardness 10; hp 20; Break DC 35;
has a terrible fear of the door leading into area 35.
Escape Artist DC 30.
When the PC enters the room, Therka will quietly speak
Cell Doors: 1 in thick; hardness 10; hp 30; Break DC 28;
up begging to be rescued. Her initial attitude is indifferent,
Disable Device DC 25.
although it will automatically be shifted to friendly if the PC
Ventilation Tunnel Rusted Iron Grating: 1/2 in. thick,
offers to help her out of the cell and automatically shifted to
hardness 8, hp 12, Break DC 23.
helpful if the PC succeeds in freeing her.
Iron Door (to room 35): 2 in thick; hardness 10; hp 60; Break
Therka does not have a lot of knowledge that could prove
DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
useful, but she does what she can. She will make references to
Creatures: There are two prisoners currently being held in something terrible being on “the other side of the door” but
the jail. One is female dwarven weapon smith named Therka will not elaborate. She knows the schedule of the guards that
Hammer-Hand. Therka’s crime was being too skilled at her bring her food. If asked she will tell the story of how she came
trade and refusing to be co-opted by Baron Velstaf. The other to be here. She set up a small smithing shop in the city, which
is a male elven paladin named Iglestor. quickly became very popular do to the quality. Baron Velstaf
approached her, offering to hire her for his own business, but
she refused. That night, as she was returning home, she was
abducted by several men in black masks. If the PC has the
hidden documents from area 12 and compares them, she will
find that Velstaf made a payment for “services rendered” the
night that Therka was abducted.
IGLESTOR CR 6 at a Knowledge (religion) check (DC 15) will realize that
Male elf paladin 7 2,400 XP because he made the confession under extreme duress and
LG Medium Humanoid (elf) did not willingly cooperate he should he should not have lost
Init +0; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +5 his powers. The PC can convince him to try using his powers
by making a second Diplomacy Check (DC 25). If successful,
DEFENSE Iglestor will try to cast a spell, and find it successful.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 If the player character manages to shift Iglestor’s attitude
hp 64 (7d10+21) to helpful, he will ask to be freed so that he can aid the
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3 character. Iglestor will follow the character’s lead, although he
will not approve of killing innocents or other criminal acts. If
OFFENSE he is brought into area 36, he will lobby the character to slay
Spd 30 ft. the demon but will concede if the PC insist on another course
Melee nonlethal unarmed strike +8/+3 (1d3) or of action.
Melee +9/+4 longsword (1d8+1/19-20) or Treasure: There is no real treasure in the room, but if the
Melee nonlethal unarmed strike +8 (1d3) or PC is captured and searches the floor of her jail cell, she may
Melee +9 longsword (1d8+1/19-20) find (Perception DC 20) a few small animal bones which could
Special Attacks detect evil, smite evil 3/day, channel positive serve as makeshift lock picks (though the –2 circumstance
energy penalty for not having proper equipment still applies).
Spells Prepared (CL3) Development: If the PC is knocked unconscious while in
1st—bless weapon, cure light wounds the house or if she surrenders and is taken prisoner, she will
find herself locked in one of these cells. If she spends more than
STATISTICS six hours in the cell, she will be questioned by Azalor, who will
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 want to know why the PC was in the house and who sent her.
Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 18 Regardless of whether she cooperates, and despite promises he
Feats Alertness, Improved Turning, Toughness, Weapon may make, Azalor has no intention of freeing the PC.
Focus (longsword) Guards deliver food twice per day, once at eleven in the
Skills Diplomacy +11, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge afternoon and once at five at night. Guards have been instructed
(religion) +9, Sense Motive +14 not interact with the prisoners and are considered unfriendly
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin to them, but the character could attempt a rushed diplomacy
SQ elven traits, aura of good, divine grace, lay on hands, aura check (-10 penalty). If the guard’s attitude can be shifted to
of courage, divine health, divine bond, remove disease friendly (DC 25), the guard would be willing to take a message
to somebody on the outside world. If the guard’s attitude can
Iglestor has fallen into deep despair. He spends his days be shifted to helpful (DC 40) he might “accidentally” drop a
sulking to himself and will not reach out to anybody. He key within arms reach of the character’s cell.
will not even leave the cell if the door is opened, believing it If Father Arden gets word of the character’s imprisonment,
to impossible to escape. Iglestor believes that he has lost his he may try to smuggle a set of thieves’ tools into the character’s
paladin powers and become an ex-paladin, but this is a mental cell for her.
block from which he can be broken.
Iglestor’s initial attitude is unfriendly. If the PC has
recovered Iglestor’s sword from area 19 and presents it to 35. Torture Chamber
Iglestor, she gets a +2 circumstance bonus to any Diplomacy This room is also normally dark. If the character has a means
checks. If the character mentions the fact that she is trying of seeing, you may read the following.
to save innocent lives from a plague she gain another +2
The room is filed with gruesome instruments, whose sole
circumstance bonus.
purpose seems to be inflicting pain on intelligent beings.
If Iglestor’s attitude can be shifted to indifferent, he will
There are two large iron doors, one to the west, and one to
open up a little and share some information with the character,
the north. On the northern door there is what appears to be
although only if prompted. He will tell her that Azalor is an
a bloody handprint.
evil person in the service of the dark god Gorzeria (or similar
appropriate deity), and that he was imprisoned here after This is where Azalor takes his prisoners to be interrogated.
loosing to Azalor in armed combat. He has been tortured in The screams are louder in this room. It requires a sound-
room 35 and can provide rough details of it. He knows that based Perception Check DC 8 to make out the words (general
the screaming comes from another room enterable through cursing in Abyssal) and can only be missed if the PC massively
the torture chamber but has never been there. He also knows fails a DC-2 check.
that the screaming first began just over one week ago, and The two doors are kept locked at all times. Velstaf, Azalor
although he cannot understand it, he as a good feeling that the and Elskar are the only ones with keys.
language is abyssal.
If Iglestor’s attitude can be shifted to friendly he will be Iron Doors (2): 2 in thick; hardness 10; hp 60; Break DC 28;
willing to share more details. He will volunteer most of the Disable Device DC 28
information given above. If the PC is curious about Iglestor’s
Treasure: Among all the various implements of torture, there
imprisonment, Iglestor will also share some more details of
are a few useful items, including a whip, two daggers, and
his imprisonment. He will admit that after weeks of torture he
some metal spikes that could serve as makeshift thieves’ tools
finally betrayed his order and told Azalor who they were and
(thought the –2 circumstance penalty for not having proper
what they knew about him. It was after that confession that
tools still applies).
Iglestor believes that he lost his powers. A PC who succeed
Iron Door: 2 in thick; hardness 10; hp 60; Break DC 28;
Disable Device DC 28.
Stone Secret Door: 4 in thick; hardness 8; hp 60; Break DC 28;
Perception DC 20.
OFFENSE Traps: The door handle to the white (east) door is covered
Spd 40 ft. with a contact poison, which affects any who open the door.
Melee bite +5 (1d6+4)
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 19
Trigger touch; Reset manual
Effect poison (dragon bile)
Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 26
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect 1d3 Str damage
Stone Chest: 2 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 30; Break DC 25; STAR OF OLINDOR INFORMATION
Disable Device DC 30. A character may know some of the above information, or
she may be able to discover it by asking around. Knowledge
Traps: The stone chest is trapped to attack anybody who (arcana), or Diplomacy check will reveal information.
opens the chest with three blades: one from the pedestal and
one from each side. DC 15: The Star of Olindor is a power and ancient magical item
of great healing powers.
TRIPLE BLADE TRAP CR 8 DC 20: The character knows the myth and history of the Star
of Olindor, as described above.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 28 DC 25: The character to know the specific powers of the Star.
Trigger touch; Reset manual; Bypass hidden switch CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
(Perception DC 30, Disable Device DC 30) If the player character manages to successfully retrieve the
Effect Atk +8 melee (2d4+4/x4, 3 scythes) Star of Olindor, it will signal the beginning of the end for the
plague. If the Father Arden and the Church of Nelleska had
Treasure: Inside the chest is the Star of Olindor. not already contacted her, they will contact the character now
Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Successfully find the Star of and made an offer similar to the one described above (in The
Olindor and smuggling it out of the house should grant the PC Church of Nelleska). Any other good clergy would be happy
experience equal to defeating a CL 9 creature. to take the Star to begin the healing process. Father Arden will
give the character whatever reward they agreed upon, plus
THE STAR OF OLINDOR see that the character receives any healing she may need. If
The Star of Olindor was crafted centuries ago by a powerful the character agreed to retrieve the Star for no reward, Father
cleric in the now-ruined elven city of Olindor. According to Arden will not spontaneously give money (the church has its
legend, the Star of Olindor is part of a set of objects, each crafted own bills to pay), but the character will have earned the good
by a different hero of Olindor, and that the city would last as will of the church and a life-long ally.
long as all the treasure of Olindor remained together. Whether Freeing or slaying the babau Klextha will also cause the
the treasures being stolen lead to the downfall of Olindor or plague to end more quickly, because his acid coating was
they were looted in the aftermath is a subject of debate, but necessary for the propagation of the plague. If Klextha is
the facts remain that Olindor is now in ruin, and the treasures freed and allowed to live, Baron Velstaf will be found dead
have nearly all been lost. (The same legend says that gathering and mutilated several days later. If Klextha is attacked but
all the treasures together will signal Olindor’s return). manages to escape, he may seek revenge on the PC when she
The Star of Olindor is a glittering crystal hung from a thin least expects it.
mithral chain. When worn as a necklace, the Star of Olindor Note that the adventure assumes that the character does
grants its wearer immunity to all diseases (including magical not keep the Star of Olindor. If she decides to keep it or try to
diseases) and to all poisons, although poisons active when the sell it at fair market value, the amount of wealth gained by far
periapt is first donned still run their course. exceeds the amount of treasure appropriate for her expected
character level. If the PC does keep or sell the Star of Olindor,
you may need to relieve her of some excess wealth or reduce DEFENSE
the size of her rewards in the future. AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 22 (+3 armor, +2 deflection, +3
Possessions carried by Baron Velstaf, Azalor, and Elskar enhancement, +1 natural, +3 Dex)
also exceed the expected wealth amount and should be hp 60 (8d8+24)
monitored carefully. Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +2
If the player character learns the legend of the Olindor and Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap
its treasures, she might be tempted to seek out the remaining sense +2, uncanny dodge
pieces. Such a quest would be long and difficult, but has the
potential to result in great rewards. OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 keen rapier +11/+6 melee (1d6+2/16-20) or
SCALING THE ADVENTURE Ranged shortbow +9/+4 (1d6/x3)
The primary threat in Steal the Olindor is not creatures, but skill
Melee +1 keen rapier +11 (1d6+2/16-20) or
DCs, the most threatening of which are the DCs for traps. For
Ranged shortbow +9 (1d6/x3)
mechanical traps you may simply raise or lower these DCs by
Special Attacks bleeding attack, sneak attack +4d6
one per level that the player character is higher or lower than
7th. If the adventure is being played by a character without STATISTICS
the trapfinding ability (normally only rogues) you may wish Abilities Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
to reduce all the Perception DC for traps to 20 or lower. If Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 20
desired you may also raise or lower other DCs, such as for Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility,
Disable Device. Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse (rapier)B, Weapon Focus
For more or less advanced characters you may wish to raise (rapier)B
or lower the hit points of the guards. They are intended to be Skills Acrobatics +15, Appraise +10, Bluff +11, Climb +12,
just weak enough so that they can be taken out in one average Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +14, Escape Artist +14,
sneak attack. Changing their hit points can be done either by Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7,
changing their level, or modifying their Constitution score. Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +17, Swim +10,
You may also wish to add or subtract one opponent from Use Magic Device +11
each of the two undead encounters in the basement. Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin
SQ fast stealth, finesse rogue, trapfinding, weapon training
Pre-Generated Character Gear arrows (20), amulet of natural armor +1, backpack, boots
of elvenkind, cat’s grace potion, cloak of elvenkind, cure
serious wounds potion, glamered studded leather armor
+3, invisibility potion, +1 keen rapier, 2 rations, ring of
Female human rogue 8
protectecion +2, rope (silk), shortbow, 5 sunrods, thieves’
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
tools (masterwork), 50 gp
Init +7; Senses Perception +11
First Floor
14 13
9 15
8 12
3 6 4
7 11
10 3
1 2
26 38
19 39
21 27
24 34
One on one Adventures #3
The Forbidden Hills
by Suzi yee
An adventure for one barbarian or ranger levels 5-7
Starvation looms for the people of the Wolf tribe! The elk have all but disappeared and the risky move of the tribe
near the Bear clan territory has proved fruitless. An emergency council of the elders has declared that a single
hearty warrior must make the dangerous journey deeper into Bear territory to find a source of food. The council has
chosen you for this mission of great importance. It is your task to find out where the elk have gone and bring back
food for the winter or at least enact Wolf people retribution against the source of the oncoming famine!
Into The Forbidden Hills you must travel, heart full of hope and anger…
Adventure Synopsis After a few run-ins with the Bear tribe, the last costing
In The Forbidden Hills, the player character must investigate them one of their own, the gnolls have refused to hunt anymore
on behalf of his tribe the lack of elk in this year’s hunt. In elk, holing up in the temple until winter has passed. Nichel,
doing so, he will discover the ancient temple where the gnoll second in command and ill-equipped for controlling the unruly
war band have taken residence and the quasit behind the band, has not told Grachal yet, hoping he can stir or frighten the
gnoll warband’s hunt for elk. While taking care of the gnoll remaining gnolls into hunting before winter sets in.
warband and the quasit rids the area of an evil influence, it
does not solve the problem of feeding his tribe without any Beginning the Adventure
elk to hunt. If the PC restores the desecrated altar in ancient The player character is the member of the Wolf people, a small
worship hall (area 12), he will summon the spirit if the temple, tribe of 40 men and women and their young. Like many of
who will give the PC a boon for his service of clearing the evil the people in the area, the Wolf tribe are nomadic hunter and
from the fallen temple and give the PC an amulet to reveal the gatherers. Trained in the ways of the warrior and the hunter,
Tomb of the Ancients, where the PC can battle the spirit of the player character is apt for life in the outdoors, with skill
famine and finally restore the elk in the area. points in Stealth and Survival. This year’s annual autumn
hunt has not faired well; there is an alarming lack of elk for
Adventure Background the Wolf people to hunt and preserve for the coming winter
A gnoll warband arrived in the area six months ago when they as they have done in years past. Forced by necessity, the Wolf
stumbled upon an abandoned ancient temple. Leading their people have moved to different hunting ground, approaching
band is Grachal, a smart and tough gnoll who typically rules dangerously close to the Bear tribe’s territory. Much to their
with an iron fist. The temple is a long-time prison of a quasit dismay, they find no elk there either. The Wolf elders are in
named Ixl-Narwog that has been trapped for centuries by an counsel, and this is where the adventure begins.
ancient ritual. Sensing opportunity, the quasit offers Grachal
druidic training in exchange for sacrificial elks whose blood SURVIVAL CHECKS
will return the quasit to full power, or so he hopes. This adventure is designed for a hunter and fighter familiar
Grachal commanded the gnolls to hunt elk continuously, with outdoor living. The sample PCs in the back of the book
enticing the gnolls with access to the finest pieces of meat and are equipped with a few rations, but also have the skills for
all the elk they can eat, so long as they drain the blood from the living off the land. DC 10 Survival Check allows the PC to get
body first. The gnolls bring elk blood to Nichel, who in turn along in the wild, up to 1/2 speed while hunting and foraging
brings it to Grachal. Grachal pours the blood into a pool in the (no food or water supplies needed).
inner sanctum of the temple, an area only Grachal has seen.
Ixl-Narwog feeds and baths in the bloody pool, absorbing the
life force of the slaughtered elk.
Setting the Stage
The mood is tense in amongst the Wolf people. They have
The gnolls have been hunting elk with great zeal,
moved late in the season to different winter quarters, only to
nearly wiping out the population in the area and although
find there is no elk there as well. They are on the outer fringe
the quasit gains power from the animal’s stolen lifeforce,
of the Bear tribe, and while they have not had hostilities with
his long imprisonment still leaves him weaker than normal.
the Bear tribe, they have not spoken in many years.
Grachal has begun his training in druidic magic, and the hunt
After many hours of deliberation, the village elders, a
continues. But the more elk they slaughter, the farther they
counsel of 5 people including the player character’s father,
have to travel to find more elk to kill.
who is also the chief of the Wolf people, has come to a decision.
They call the PC into the chief’s tent to hear their decision.
The acrid smoke of the fire and pipes burn your nostrils STATISTICS
as you enter the dim light of the counsel’s tent. The five Abilities Str 19, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
sit around the fire, and conspicuously there is a spot open Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
among the ring. Your father motions you to join the circle Feats Endurance, Run
around the fire. Skills Climb +8, Swim +12
“The council has chosen you for a mission of great
importance. It is your task to find out where the elk have
gone and bring back food for the winter. There is another 2. Ruined Camp
place where there may be elk, but it is too far and too In a clearing off the path lays the remains of a makeshift
dangerous to relocate the entire tribe. In the northern camp. The fire has long been dead, and the tents are
stretches lie the forbidden hills. There may be some elk trashed beyond repair. The four human corpses bear deep
that roam there still. In your hunt, you may encounter gashes, but you can make out the Bear tribe emblem on
the Bear tribe. We have not spoken with the Bear tribe in their clothing and flesh. Among the human corpses lies a
many years, but if you should encounter them, you bear gnoll corpse.
our tribe’s emblem of peace.”
The pipe reaches you, and you inhale its sweet, moist This is the remains of a Bear tribe scouting expedition, raided
smoke, pledging your service to your tribe. by the gnoll band living in the temple. They have striped
the bodies of all their food, armor, weapons, and valuables,
Items: The PC gains the Wolf people tribal peace emblem. including their fallen gnoll companion. If the PC comes
within 5 feet of the gnoll corpse, it will reveal its true nature
1. Wandering Black Bear as a zombie and attack. There are clear gnoll footprints, some
which lead back to the temple environs (area 4) with a Survival
The wilderness opens in front of you with the crisp air of Check of DC 15. If the PC fails their Survival check, they go to
autumn on your breast. You head toward the forbidden area 3 before finding obivous tracks leading to area 4.
hills on the farthest edge of the Bear tribe’s territory when
you hear a rustling in the trees ahead. GNOLL ZOMBIE CR 1
This is a not-so random floating encounter that you can insert NE Medium Undead 400 XP
at any point of wandering the wilderness to emphasize why Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +0
the people of this area are called the Bear tribe. The black bear
begins indifferent to the PC so long as he doesn’t get too close
AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11 (-1 Dex, +2 natural)
(within 25 feet). Once a PC gets within 25 feet of the black bear,
hp 22 (4d8+4)
it will become unfriendly and attacks to defend its space. The
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4
black bear will also attack at the first sign of overt aggression
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits
on the PC’s part.
A PC with wild empathy can improve the black bear’s
attitude with a successful check (D20 + class level + Cha
Spd 30 ft.
modifier). Turning an unfriendly black bear to indifferent is
Melee slam +6 (1d6+4)
DC 15, to friendly DC 25, and to helpful DC 40. Turning an
indifferent black bear to friendly is DC 15 and to helpful is TACTICS
DC 30. Turning a friendly black bear to helpful is a DC 20. During Combat The gnoll zombie will fight to the death.
Offering the black bear honey, berries, or other yummy treats
adds +2 to the PC’s roll. STATISTICS
PCs who can communicate with animals can gather Abilities Str 17, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
information from the black bear. Indifferent black bears will Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 15
tell the PC that there are few to no elk in the area. A friendly Feats Toughness
black bear will tell the PC that hyena-headed men come SQ staggered
through these parts, and that they have been aggressively
hunting elk in the past few months. A helpful black bear will
warn the PC about the old rock temple, and if asked, will lead 3. Cave of Migratory Stirges
the PC to the area.
The cave is dark and cool. The small fire pit and refuse tell
of recent visitors. The cave extends further into another
BLACK BEAR CR 2 room beyond your vision.
N Medium Animal 600 XP
Init +1; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +5 This cave is a temporary campsite for the gnolls when they
are hunting or conducting raids. The cave is gnoll-free at
DEFENSE the moment, and a migratory flock of stirges are staying in
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) the room deeper in the cave. In the initial room, there is a
hp 19 (3d8+6) hidden stash within the refuse, no doubt left by a gnoll some
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 time ago. If the PC goes deeper into the cave, allow a sound-
based Perception check DC 10 (sight-based if the player has
OFFENSE adequate light) to detect the stirges hanging from the ceiling. If
Spd 40 ft. the PC has an animal companion with the scent ability, it will
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d4+4), bite +1 (1d6+4) be aware of the stirges within 30 feet. The stirges attack when
the PC or animal companion enters 10 feet into the room.
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +8, Stealth +16
SQ diseased
Attach (Ex): When a stirge hits with a touch attack, its barbed
legs latch onto the target, anchoring it in place. An
attached stirge is effectively grappling its prey. The stirge
loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and has an AC of 12, but
holds on with great tenacity and inserts its porboscis into
the grappled target’s flesh. A stirge has a +8 racial bonus
to maintain its grapple on a foe once it is attached. An
attached stirge can be stuck with a weapon or grappled
itself—if its prey manages to win a grapple check or
Escape Artist check against it, the stirge is removed.
Blood Drain (Ex): A stirge drains blood at the end of its turn
if it is attached to a foe, inflicting 1 point of Constitution
damage. Once a stirge has dealt 4 points of Constitution
damage, it detaches and flies off to digest the meal. If its
victim dies before the stirge’s appetite has been sated,
the stirge detaches and seeks a new target.
Diseased (Ex): Any creature subjected to a stirge’s blood
drain attack has a 10% chance of being exposed to filth
fever, blinding sickness, or a similar disease (Pathfinder
RPG Core Rulebook 557). Once this check is made, the
victim can no longer be infected by this particular stirge,
though attacks by different stirges are resolved normally
and may result in multiple illnesses.
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)
hp 18 (2d8+9)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1
Defensive Abilitites ferocity
Spd 40 ft.
Melee gore +4 (1d8+4)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Toughness
Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 5,400 gp; Weight —
This unremarkable eating utensil is typically fashioned from
horn. If the spoon is placed in an empty container—a bowl,
a cup, or a dish, for example—the vessel fills with a thick
pasty gruel. Although this substance has a flavor similar to
that of warm, wet cardboard, it is highly nourishing and
contains everything necessary to sustain any herbivorous,
omnivorous, or carnivorous creature. The spoon can produce
sufficient gruel each day to feed up to four humans.
Requirments Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water;
Cost 2,700 gp
6. Front Entryway
The internal passages are carved out of the stone, from the
smooth floors to the vaulted ceiling. Intermittent torches
in holders illuminate the passageway. Relief figures
indent the walls, depicting scenes of ancient life—men
hunting elk, the subsequent feasting, and the ceremony
of thanksgiving and sacrifice. The curved alcove at the
intersection features three kneeling statutes wearing elk
5: Western cave skulls over their faces.
You make your way into the cave. The air inside the cave The front entry way and the rooms to either side are unclean
is rank and stale. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you rooms, where people are cleaned and prepared themselves
hear snorting in front of you. for worship in the inner sanctuary. There are three exits from
This cave is a secondary entrance into the temple whose exit the entryway: the southern door leads to the outside environs
to the outside has been mostly covered by a large boulder. (area 4), the western door leads to the domain of the priests
The walls of the cave have hooks and pigeon holes and along and temple servants (area 7), and the eastern door leads to lay
the far wall is a door that leads into the larder, however preparation rooms (area 8).
there is a territorial boar in the middle of the room. The boar If the PC looks closer at the elk skulls, he notices that they
immediately attacks the first creature that comes through are tied to the statues with thread made from elk sinew. If the
either the door or the boulder-covered entrance. If the PC PC removes the elk skulls from the statues, he finds the faces
takes the time to look through the many small nooks and of the statues smashed and defaced.
crannies in the cave wall, he will find a few objects stashed
away with a successful search (Perception Check DC 10). The
door leads to area 9.
7. Ghost Priest room Skills Fly +9, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (religion)
+10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +9
The room is musty and there is an unlit brazier in the Language Common (cannot speak)
south east corner of the room. Throughout the 30x30 room SQ At-will: detect evil
are basins and drains, but the thick layer of dust attests
to how long it has been since this room saw water. The SPECIAL ABILITIES
walls are covered in more carvings and reliefs, this time Corrupting Touch (Su): By passing part of its incorporeal
depicting a ritual involving bodies of elk and a great pyre. body through a foe’s body as a standard action, the ghost
The priest is wearing the priestly robes and fetishes and inflicts 7d6 points of damage. This damage is not negative
throwing his hands in the air in supplication. The door to energy—it manifests in the form of physical wounds and
the northern passage is open, although piles of rubble fill aches from supernatural aging. Creatures immune to
the passage. magical aging are immune to this damage, but otherwise
the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction. A
This room was the first cleansing room for those who serve Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted.
the temple. Tied to this room is the ghost of Marthved, the Malevolence (Su): Once per round, the ghost can merge its
last defender of the temple before it fell. Upon the PC entering body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability
the room, Marthved casts detect evil. If the PC registers as evil, is similar to a magic jar spell (caster level 10th), except
Marthved attacks, although he cannot leave the preparation that it does not require a receptacle. To use this ability,
chamber. If the PC does not register as evil, Marthved will the ghost must be adjacent to the target. The target can
show himself next to the stone relief. resist the attack with a successful Will save. A creature
Marthved cannot speak but wishes to help non-evil that successfully saves is immune to that same ghost’s
people purge the temple of the evil within. The ghost will try malevolence for 24 hours.
to motion the PC toward the northeast corner of the room, Rejuvenation (Su): In most cases, it’s difficult to destroy a
pointing out a piece of the relief. If PCs push forcefully on ghost through simple combat: the “destroyed” spirit
the piece of relief, the adjacent piece of wall opens to reveal restores itself in 2d4 days. Even the most powerful spells
a hidden compartment. Otherwise, a DC 25 Perception check are usually only temporary solutions. The only way to
will also reveal the compartment. permanently destroy a shost is to determine the reason
If the PC ignores Marthved, the ghost becomes agitated for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from
and tried to get the PC’s attention while motioning to the resting in peace.
wall. If the PC attacks the ghost, Marthved will turn hostile,
regardless of the PC’s alignment. Secret Stash: Labeled in common, potion of cure light wounds (2).
The gnolls ignore this room after a few unfriendly
encounters with Marthved and will not enter, no matter
the circumstances. The northern hallway out of this room is 8. Room of Bones
blocked by rubble. If the PC makes a sound-based Perception
As you open the door, you notice the floor is covered in elk
check DC 10, he hears work on the other side of the rubble. If
bones, save a curved path cutting through the center of the
the PC makes a DC 15 and speaks Gnoll, he can hear someone
room. Along the northeastern walls are small alcoves and
complaining and cursing about Nichel, whoever that maybe.
hooks, while parts of basins, tubs, and nozzles lie mixed
with the bones. The walls are covered in stone relief with
MARTHVED CR 7 scenes of common people in daily worship. In the southwest
Human ghost 3,200 XP corner is an empty brazier, and the room lies in darkness
NG Medium Undead (aumented humanoid, incorporeal) except for the light you bring.
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +18
This 30 foot x 30 foot room contains the bones and dried
DEFENSE remains of many elk. There are two wooden doors leading
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 into the room: a door on the northern wall that leads to the
deflection) gnoll’s makeshift barracks (area 13) and a door on the western
hp 73 (7d8+42) wall that leads to the front entryway (area 6).
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +8 When the temple was an active place of worship, this
Defensive Abilities channel resistance+4, incorporeal, room was dedicated to cleansing lay worshippers. Washing
rejuvenation; Immune undead traits feet and hands of outside dirt was done here, as well as
restroom facilities. The toilets, now smashed and broken
OFFENSE among the bones, were along the southeast corner and
Spd Fly 30 ft. (perfect) southern wall. The floor of the southeast corner is worn thin
Melee corrupting touch +6 (7d6, Fort, DC 18 half) by use and time. If the PC ventures to the southeast corner of
Special Attacks malevolence (DC 18) the room (possibly to check the alcoves for possessions), he
must make a Reflex save DC 15 or fall into the ancient, dried-
TACTICS out cesspit. The cesspit is 15 ft. deep (2d6 falling damage), and
During Combat See area description. climbing out of the cesspit is a DC 15 Climb check.
If the PC checks the alcove for possessions, he will find
STATISTICS them empty and dusty. If the PC makes a Perception check DC
Abilities Str —, Dex —, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20 10, he will notice tracks running along the cleared path going
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 22 in both directions.
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning For PCs heading north to area 13, allow a sound-based
Reflexes, Toughness Perception Check DC 10 to hear the gnolls arguing in area 13.
9. Larder 10. Ancient Barracks
Empty shelves and old barrels line the ancient larder, This room holds the remains of overturned beds and
while upturned tables, smashed counters, and rummaged smashed chests. A thick coat of dust coveres the scene,
cupboards tell of ancient violence long since past. revealing gnoll footprints of recent investigation.
This 30 foot x 30 foot room was once the kitchen. There are This room was the sleeping chamber for the acolytes of the
two entrances to the kitchen: the thick wooden door on the temple. This room has been thoroughly picked over, both
southern wall (leading to area 11) and the hidden door on the by previous invaders and the gnolls. Any items of value that
northern wall leading to a cave that leads to the outside (area were in this room are now scattered among the gnolls and
5). PCs that make a DC 15 Perception check find the hidden their private stashes.
door on the northern wall. Among the barrels is a nest of dire
rats, which attack if the PCs or an animal companion disturb
the barrels.
11. Dining Area
If Grendel is still working on clearing the passage, read the
If the PC has not met Grendel and makes a DC 10 sound-
below passage to the PC.
based Perception check, he will hear noise coming from the
other side of the southern door. If he understands Gnoll,
Dust and particulate matter fly into the air as pieces of
he will hear foul cursing and continual complaints about
rubble and debris fly from the southern hallway. Five feet
someone called Nichel.
into the hallway, a dirty gnoll is working on the debris,
If the PC has not met Grendel and engages in combat, roll
cursing and muttering as he works.
a sound-based Perception check for Grendel (-3 circumstantial
modifier) DC 10. If Grendel does not hear the PC, he will Otherwise read the following passages to the PC.
continue his work and complaining. If Grendel hears the
PC, he takes another round listening to make sure he really Dust and dirt cover the floor while the tools and rubble
heard something (he’s rather bad of hearing) and then he’ll lying around the room attest to recent labor. The southern
finally open the door at the beginning of the third round. For door is open, and the first five feet of the hallway is clear
information on Grendel, see area 11. of rubble.
DIRE RAT (4) CR 1/3 This 30 foot x 30 foot room was the dining hall for the
N Small Animal 135 XP acolytes, but all the tables and chairs have either been moved
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4 or destroyed. In this room Grendel is clearing debris from
the blocked hallway. Grendel is a misfit gnoll, too smart for
DEFENSE his own good, too unwise to keep quiet about it, and highly
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size) offensive (even for a gnoll) when he is vocal. Grendel often
hp 5 (1d8+1) smarts off to Nichel, the lieutenant of the gnoll warband who
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 insisted that he alone have access to Grachal, leader of the
warband. The gnolls are tired of hunting and eating elk and
OFFENSE bored of the temple, but only Grendel has spoken up. Nichel’s
Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. reply is typically boxing Grendel’s ears and assigning him to a
Melee bite +1 (1d4 plus disease) mindless task. Grendel has been boxed so many times that he
is deaf in one ear (-5 to sound-based Perception checks). This
TACTICS time, Grendel is being punished for fighting with Cletus and
Before Combat A dire rat is feasting on the bounty and will Longinus (area 13).
attack a PC or animal companion that stands at the edge When Grendel meets the PC, he will beg for his life, still
of the pit for more than 2 rounds, taking a round to climb bearing the marks of his fight with the gnoll brothers. Unlike
out of the pit. many of the other gnolls, Grendel understands and speaks
Common, so if the PC spares Grendel’s life, he is willing to
STATISTICS share what little information he knows.
Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13,
Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD
12(16 vs. trip) • The gnoll warband arrived in the area six months
Feats Skill Focus (Perception) ago when they stumbled upon the ancient
Skills Climb +11, Stealth +11, temple.
Swim +11 • Leading their band is Grachal, a smart and tough
gnoll who typically rules with an iron hand.
SPECIAL ABILITIES • After they entered the temple, Grachal
Disease (Su): Filth Fever: commanded the gnolls to hunt elk
Bite—injury, save Fort DC continuously, enticing the gnolls with access
11, onset 1d3 days; frequency to the finest pieces of meat and all the elk they
1/day; effect 1d3 Con and can eat, so long as they drain the blood from the
1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 body first.
consecutive days. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
• They have had a few fights with the Bear tribe, There is another door directly opposite the one the PC
the last costing one of their own. enters and a small grate in the middle of the floor in the path
• The gnolls have refused to hunt anymore elk, to the opposite door. If the PC has an animal companion with
holing up in the temple until winter has passed. the scent ability or if the PC makes a DC 20 Survival check,
• The gnolls have not seen Grachal in weeks. He is the PC becomes aware that the water flowing under the grate
spending his time in the inner sanctum with a contains blood.
creature he calls the blood seeker. If the PC investigates the altar and succeeds on a DC 8
• Grendal has not seen the blood seeker, but he can Perception check, the PC notices an indention or crook in the
tell the PC about the lever in the wall (disguised stone, as if something fits into the altar. A thick layer of dust
as apart of the stone relief in area 12) that opens lays on the altar, and the absence of a thick layer of dust in
a secret door to Nichel’s quarters (area 15). the hole tells the PC that whatever fits in the crook has been
• There are 7 other gnolls besides Nichel, Grachal, recently removed.
and Grendel. Grachal is in the inner sanctum If the PC investigates the statue, he finds nothing of note,
most of the time, a place where no one else is except that the elk skull is attached by thread made from
allowed (area 16). Nichel is often in his quarters elk sinew. However, if the PC investigates the relief on the
(area 15). The other gnolls rotate guard duty in northern wall and succeeds on a DC 10 Perception check, the
the front and stay in area 13 and 14 most of the PC finds a lever disguised as a piece of stone relief. Pulling the
time. lever opens a hidden door behind the statue of the praying
man and leads to area 15.
Once Grendel has told the PC all he knows, he will leave by Depending on how the PC entered the area and which
the same path the PC entered the temple, either through area gnolls he has interacted with, roll the following sound-based
5 or out the front door. Perception checks when he approaches the door opposite to
the door he entered: DC 10 to hear Grendel working in area 11
GRENDEL CR 1 or DC 10 to hear Cletus and Longinus arguing/gambling in
CE Male Medium Humanoid (gnoll) 400 XP area 13.
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +4
DEFENSE The altar in the worship hall was desecrated when a piece
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 natural, +2 shield) of the altar was removed on accident by a curious gnoll
hp 11 (2d8+2) warband leader by the name of Grachal. While the piece has
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -1 little monetary value (a carved figurine in the shape of an elk),
removing the piece from the altar gave Ixl-Narwog a small
OFFENSE taste of freedom, allowing him to leave his 10ft x10ft prison
Spd 30 ft. (area 17) and enter area 16, where the demon and Grachal
Melee battleaxe +3 (1d8+2/x3) struck a deal. The demon keeps the stone figurine in his
Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/x3) former prison as a trophy, along with the goods he’s extorted
from the gnolls through Grachal.
STATISTICS Restoring the piece to the altar will have multiple
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 8 effects, even after all this time. A wave of energy will ripple
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13 throughout the temple, alerting any gnolls still around that
Feats Power Attack something has happened in the worship hall. Unless they
Skills Stealth +5, Survival +4 have been killed or left the temple, here is how the gnolls will
Language Common, Gnoll respond. Cletus and Longinus will run away through the front
Gear arrows (20), battleaxe, heavy steel shield, leather armor, entrance. The two gnolls guarding the front door will run
short bow, pearl earrings (100 gp), 35 gp away after they see Cletus and Longinus run away. Grendel,
fearful of entering area 12, will cower and hide in area 10 due
12: The worship hall to his previous injuries. The three sleeping guards will wake
up and investigate the disruption; however none of them want
The room is large, extending 40 feet to the north and 20 to open the door into the worship hall (clearly the center of the
feet to the south. Lit by a few torches resting in holders on disruption) and will be right outside the eastern door in the
either sides of the room, you can see overturned pews and hallway between areas 12 and 13.
battle scars on the walls and floor. Despite the desecration, Second, the restoration of the altar will put to rest the ghost
a stone altar remains at the northern end of the room, of Marthved in area 7. Lastly, it will summon the spirit of the
raised on a dais. The walls bear carvings and reliefs of temple. Taking the form of an elk-headed humanoid, the spirit
people in life and worship, and along the northern wall is a of the temple will thank the PC for ridding the temple of the
statue of a man kneeling and praying. The elk skull tied to quasit and the evil creatures that had recently taken residence.
his head is no doubt a recent addition. The spirit will heal the PC to full hit points and remove any
poisons or diseases the PC might have endured. The spirit will
This 70 feet x 30 feet room was the worship hall, where lay
identify any magic items the PC has acquired, and the spirit
people came to worship and give offerings, acolytes conducted
will give the PC two magical items: an amulet and a wafer of
regular prayers, and priests conducted rituals. Empty braziers
sustenance. The amulet shows him the path to the Tomb of the
run along the western and eastern wall, and a few lit torches
Ancients, opening the tomb of the avatar of famine.
are in the holders. If the PC enters the room in daylight, natural
light will flood the room through a hole in the ceiling.
The spirit of the temple suggests that defeating the avatar • The gnolls have not seen Grachal in weeks. He is
of famine will replenish the land of the elk. The spirit also spending his time in the inner sanctum with a
cautions the PC to eat the wafer only in times of hunger. creature he calls the blood seeker.
For more details about the tombs of the ancients and the • Nichel, the second in command comes by every
avatar of famine, see area 18. once in a while, but he has been absent since the
gnolls have refused to hunt elk.
• There are 6 other gnolls besides Cletus, Longinus,
Nichel, and Grachal. They don’t know how to
Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd get to the inner sanctum or Nichel’s quarters,
Slot none; Price 450 gp; Weight — but the other gnolls rotate guard duty in the
This thin, unassuming wafer heals all non-lethal damage Knowing trouble when they see it, Cletus and Longinus will
and fatigue caused by starvation. For imbibers who are not leave the temple if they can make off with a PC’s bribe, leaving
starving, it acts as a full day’s meal. It tastes like a simple the way the PC entered. Otherwise they will fight to the
table water cracker, and it’s wafer-thin. death. On a DC 10 sound-based Perception check, a PC at the
northern door can hear the snoring of the gnolls in area 14.
Requirments Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Cletus and Longinus: 11 hp, as gnoll guard except gear
Cost 225 gp (listed below) see area 14.
Gear arrows (20), battleaxe, heavy steel shield, leather armor,
13. Cletus and Longinus short bow, 10gp-gems (10), potion of cat’s grace (labeled
with a picture of a cat), 400 sp
You open the door and see two gnolls in the middle of the
room. Cards and silver coins are scattered on the floor as 14. Gnoll barracks
the two gnolls wrestle.
The loud snoring and rank smell intensify as you open
This room is 30 feet x 30 feet with three doors: the northern the door. Six beds line the wall, and thick slabs of dried
door leading to area 14, the southern door leading to area 8, elk meat hang in the far corner. The three beds along the
and the western door leading to area 12. This room and the eastern wall are occupied by sleeping gnolls.
room to the north are the makeshift barracks of the gnoll
warband. If the PC did not hear them upon entering the
room, an animal companion with the scent ability would have
CE Medium humanoid (gnoll) 400 XP
smelled the gnolls through the door.
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +2
Currently, there are two gnolls playing cards in the
recreation room, wrestling to decide the fate of the last hand. DEFENSE
Cletus and Longinus are brothers whose mother was actually AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 natural, +2 shield)
literate and named them after literary figures from an old hp 11 (2d8+2)
tome of adventure. Unfortunately, their mother’s intellect was Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
not inherited. These two fight incessantly, bicker non-stop,
and continually accuse one another of cheating while playing OFFENSE
games of chance. The gnolls sleeping in area 14 have learned Spd 30 ft.
to sleep through the noise and will not join any combat unless Melee battleaxe +3 (1d8+2/x3)
the northern door is opened and they are roused. Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/x3)
15. Nichel’s Quarters
Give Nichel a sound-based Perception check DC 10 (or an
opposed Stealth check) when the PC enters the area. If Nichel
is surprised, read the description below.
CE Male gnoll Ranger 1/Druid 1 800 XP Disease (Su): Filth Fever:Bite—injury, save Fort DC 11, onset
Medium Humanoid (gnoll) 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive days. The save DC is
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 natural, +2 shield) Once combat begins there is a percentage chance that Ixl-
hp 26 (3d8+3 plus 1d10+1) Narwog will appear from the basin of bloody water. On
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2 rounds 2-3 there is a 30% chance. Rounds 3-4 there is a 40%
chance. Round 5 there is a 50% chance. Round 6 there is a
OFFENSE 60% chance. Round 7 there is a 70% chance. Round 8 there is a
Spd 30 ft. 80% chance. Round 9 there is a 90% chance, and if he has not
Melee Masterwork battleaxe +7 (1d8+3/x3) arrived yet, Ixl-Narwog will arrive in area 16 from the basin of
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/x3) blood on round 10. When Ixl-Narwog enters the combat, read
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans), orisons the following description.
Spells Prepared (CL1)
1st—cure light wound, entangle (DC 12) The loud splash comes from the basin as a creature breaks
0—flare (DC11), resistance, stabilize the surface and flies in the air, exhaling loudly from his
submersion. Only a foot and a half tall, the tiny creature
TACTICS has vaguely humanoid features with bat-like wings. He
During Combat See area description. wears a helm made from elk bones that rattle as he cuts
through the air, dripping residual elk blood from its
STATISTICS leathery wings.
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 15 Ixl-Narwog is a quasit, a little demon with a big attitude. For
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe) ages, the quasit has been trapped in his prison (area 17), but
Skills Climb +6, Heal +5, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge when a curious Grachal pulled off a piece of the altar in area
(dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (nature) +8, Spellcraft 12, Ixl-Narwog received a small taste of freedom. He can leave
+5, Stealth +4, Survival +8, Swim +6 area 17 and enter area 16, but that is the limit of his mobility.
Language Common, Gnoll Ixl-Narwog has been gaining strength through the stolen life
SQ nature bond, nature sense, track, wild empathy force of the numerous elk, but due to Ixl-Narwog’s old age
Gear arrows (20), masterwork battleaxe, short bow, and imprisonment, he doesn’t have all of his normal demonic-
smokestick (3), +1 studded leather armor, 200 gp quasit powers. He is unable to poison, change shape, or use
his spell-like abilities, but he does have damage reduction, fast
SPECIAL ABILITIES healing, and some immunities. Ixl-Narwog has little interest
Nature Bond (Ex): Grachal has a dire rat as an animal in talking to the PC, considering his alliance with gnolls has
companion. The rat is a loyal companion that supplied him with ample elk blood up to now.
accompanies Grachal on adventures as appropriate for On a DC 10 Perception check, a PC standing at the edge
its kind. His abilities and characteristics are below. of the basin notices a slight curve at the bottom, perhaps a
passageway through the bloody water. The link between
DIRE RAT CR— area 16 and area 17 is a fluid-filled 40-foot-long tunnel
Animal Companion through the basin. It is wide enough for a medium creature
N Small Magical Beast to swim through.
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
DEFENSE CE Male ancient quasit Druid 1 800 XP
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
hp 5 (1d8+1)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
OFFENSE AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
Spd 40 ft.; climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
hp 21 (3d10 plus 1d8); fast healing 2
Melee bite +4 (1d4 plus disease)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6
Special Attacks disease
DR 5/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist
fire 10
Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4 OFFENSE
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12 (16 vs. trip) Spd 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception) Melee 2 claws +7 (1d3–1), bite +7 (1d4–1)
Skills Climb +11, Stealth +11, Swim +11 Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
SQ link, share spell, trick (fetch) Special Attacks orisons
Spells Prepared (CL1)
1st—cure light wound, magic fang
0—guidance, flare (DC11), resistance
TACTICS 18. Tomb of the ancients: the
During Combat See area description.
tomb of the avatar of famine
STATISTICS The tombs of the ancients house some of the most malevolent,
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11 wrathful creatures in legendary times past. The people who
Base Atk +3; CMB +0; CMD 12 carved the temple out of domed rock sealed all the tombs and
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse hid their doors with magic to prevent people from falling prey
Skills Bluff +6, Escape Artist +9, Fly +9, Diplomacy to these wrathful spirits. In some cases, they trapped malicious
+6, Disguise +6, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, creatures in these tombs, much like the quasit in the small
Knowledge (nature) +6, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +9, chamber hidden deep in the temple. Other times creatures
Survival +7 were bound to the tombs, already trapped by their devotion to
Language Abyssal, Common; telepathy (touch) evil pursuits, like the avatar of famine.
SQ nature bond, nature sense, track, wild empathy There are many tombs, but the amulet leads the PC to the
tomb of the avatar of famine. Wearing the amulet reveals a
SPECIAL ABILITIES hidden stone door on the northern side of the domed rock. The
Nature Bond (Ex): Ixi-Narwog has a dire rat as an animal magic in the amulet is spent after the PC opens the tomb’s door.
companion. The rat is the latest of many through the The avatar of famine is bound to the tomb to guard the
years, a loyal companion that accompanies Ixi-Narwog spear of fertility. Long ago, the cult of the god of famine came
while he was imprisoned. into possession of spear of fertility, and the tomb was created
to contain the powerful item. Being a follower of the god of
Dire Rat (Animal Companion): 5 hp, as Grachal’s animal famine comes at a high toll, especially for those who strive
companion. to be its avatar. In order to become an avatar of famine, a
tomb must be built and a large number of devotees sacrificed
17. ixl-narwog’s prison room in the tomb. Their lives are not taken by violence however.
The devotees are closed into the tomb and die one by one of
As you break the surface of the water and breathe deeply, starvation. The last devotee to die of starvation becomes the
the sharp smell of the small enclosed room is pungent and avatar of famine, bound to guard the spear of fertility (next
offensive to your nostrils. page) and prevent others from obtaining it.
Read the following text when the player enters the tomb.
This 10 foot by 10 foot room was the prison of Ixl-Narwog for
centuries until the curious gnoll warleader Grachal pulled off A chilling breeze blows past you as you open the door to the
a piece of the altar in area 12, granting Ixl-Narwog access to tomb. The room is 10 feet by 10 feet, and 10 ft tall, carved
area 16 through the watery tunnel linking the two rooms. from the very stone of the domed rock. There are deep ruts
There is not much in the room, except a small horde, on the back of the thick stone door, no doubt a vain attempt
mostly possessions extorted from the gnolls that have been at freedom for the avatar of famine. Beyond the chamber is
living in the temple the past six months. a long corridor, whose end you fail to see.
Treasure: fine pearl (100 gp), +3 mace, potion of cure
moderate wounds, stone figurine of the elk with a notch on the The antechamber is empty; the avatar of famine has long
bottom, 100 gp, 200 sp. given up scratching at the magically-enhanced door. There are
no torch holders or braziers, just the darkness and whatever
light the PC brings in with him. The 5 ft wide hallway runs
straight for 80 feet, opening up into a chamber 20 feet by 20
feet. Forty feet down the hallway, there is a trigger plate in the
floor which closes the door to the tomb. This is a magical trap
(DC 30) that magically seals the entrance, making it unable to
be opened by any means excepting another keyed
amulet or the death of the avatar of famine. Five
feet beyond the pressure plate, the floor is covered
in bones down the rest of the hallway.
Read the following text after the
player has triggered the plate.
avatar of famine, who has been trememdously bored for The avatar of famine can use this ability three
the past few hundred years. Once the PC starts walking on times a day, and it is immune to the effects of its
the bones (starting 45 feet down the hallway from the tomb own bonetangle. When the avatar of famine dies, the
entrance), the avatar of famine hears the sound of his new bonetangle ceases.
company. Hunger (Su): Every time the avatar of famine hits an
The avatar of famine stays out sight, hanging around opponent, it brings the victim to a more severe state
the corner waiting for his prey to come closer to the second of starvation. The first time the avatar of famine hits a
chamber. When the PC is 10 feet from the entrance, the avatar victim, they feel hungry, as if they had not eaten that
of famine activates his bonetangle and charges. Read the day or yesterday. The second time, the hunger becomes
following passage when the PC enters into combat. more acute. The third time, the victim takes 1d6 points
of non-lethal damage and becomes fatigued (cannot run
A sudden sound of giggling is quickly followed with howls or charge, -2 damage to Str and Dex). All subsequent
of entertainment. The bones on the floor writhe underneath attacks the avatar of famine makes on the same victim
you, grabbing at your legs and feet. A creature appears at after the third attack do 1d4-1 lethal and 1d6 non-lethal.
the chamber entrance, a gaunt figure whose flesh is tight The non-lethal damage is caused by starvation and
on its frame. It clicks its claws in delight as it charges at cannot be removed through magical healing (such as
you. You would call it a zombie if it wasn’t moving so potions of cure light wounds).
frighteningly fast. Turn the Blade (Ex): The avatar of famine has the
Read the following passage when the PC enters the extraordinary ability to deflect slashing weapons,
second chamber and has time to investigate. granting it a +10 armor bonus against any bladed
weapons. Any attack that would have hit without this
The room is bare, save the bones of countless bodies and the bonus fails to contact as the avatar of famine takes his
water dripping from the ceiling into a little pool in the corner hand and turns the blade away from his body.
of the room. In the center of the room is a platform on which
rests a spear. Along the shaft are groves and ruts carved into The avatar of famine is a gaunt zombie-like creature whose
the lacquered wood, and its point still looks sharp. flesh is tight on its bones. Those foolish enough to mistake
the avatar of famine for a mere zombie are soon corrected
AVATAR OF FAMINE CR 6 by its astonishing speed and sharpened claws. Although the
CE Medium Undead 2,400 XP damage from its claws is slight, the avatar of famine induces
Init +10; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 increasingly greater levels of hunger until victims are suffering
from starvation and weak from lack of nourishment.
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 10 (+10 Dex)
hp 60 (8d8 +24); fast healing 2 SPEAR OF FERTILITY
Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +6 Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th
Defensive Abilities turn the blade; DR 5/cold iron or good;
Immune poison, undead traits; Resist fire 10 Slot none; Weight 3 lbs.
OFFENSE This minor artifact is created by the goddess of fertility,
Spd 50 ft.
typically crafted out of lacquered hardwood with a carved
Melee claw +16 (1d4-1 plus hunger)
handle. The spear radiates a permanent plant growth
Special Attacks bonetangle, hunger
(enrichment). These spears have disappeared over time, but
STATISTICS were once a serious point of contention between the god of
Abilities Str 8, Dex 30, Con —, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 14 famine and the goddess of fertility. When used in combat, it
Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 25 functions as a +3 spear.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Weapon
Wrapping up the Adventure
SPECIAL ABILITIES There are a few places where the PC may call it quits. The first
Bonetangle (Su): Bonetangle functions like the spell entangle, is in the temple, especially if he kills some gnolls and never
except it doesn’t rely on vegetation but corpses. In an area makes it into the quasit’s prison to retrieve the stone figurine
with complete or partial corpses, the avatar of famine can of the elk. Even if he restores the altar in area 12 and speaks
activate its bonetangle ability, causing the hands, feet, to the spirit of the temple, he may decide that trying to kill the
and other body parts of the dead to writhe and grab at avatar of famine is a little too tough for him, and maybe rightly
creatures in and entering the area of effect. The victim so, because the avatar of famine is one tough fight!
can break free and move half his normal speed by using However, if the PC defeats the avatar of the famine, he
a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a will come into possession of the spear of fertility and finds a
DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a welcome site when he leaves the tomb: elk! Throughout the
Reflex save (DC 16) is not entangled but can still move at land (in a 50 mile radius) all the slain elk have been resurrected
only half speed through the area. and placed back into their normal environment: a gift from a
pleased god.
Pre-Generated Character Spells Prepared (CL3)
1st—longstrider, speak with animals
NG Male human barbarian 6 STATISTICS
Medium Humanoid (human) Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13
Init +1; Senses Perception +9 Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 21
Feats Endurance B, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-
DEFENSE Weapon Fighting B, Iron Will, Two-Weapon Fighting B,
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +1 enhancement, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Focus (shortsword)
+1 natural, +2 Dex) Skills Climb +10, Handle Animal +10, Heal +10, Knowledge
hp 62 (6d12 +18) (geography) +10, Knowledge (nature) +10, Perception
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 +10, Stealth +10, Survival +10, Swim +10
Defensive Abilities guarded stance, improved uncanny Language Common, Gnoll
dodge, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge SQ hunter’s bond, favored terrain (forest), track, wild
OFFENSE Gear amulet of natural armor +1, arrows (20), +1 arrows (10),
Spd 40 ft. sleep arrow, backpack, bedroll, dagger, elemental gem
Melee +1 greataxe +12/+7 (1d12+6/x3) or (light brown), flint, horn of fog, keen edge oil (2), longbow,
Ranged longbow +7/+2 (1d8/x3) +1 longsword, masterwork shortsword, potion of cure light
Special Attacks fast movement, rage wounds (4), potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of
darkvision, rations (4), ring of protection +1, rope (hemp),
STATISTICS studded leather armor +2, 4 torches
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 13
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 22
Hunter’s Bond (Ex): Kalenth has a wolf as an animal
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
companion. Hrothgar the Wolf is a loyal companion that
Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +11, Handle Animal +7,
accompanies Kalenth on adventures as appropriate for
Intimidate +7, Knowledge (nature) +9, Stealth +7,
its kind. His abilities and characteristics are below.
Survival +9, and Swim +9
Language Common, Gnoll
SQ rage powers low-light vision, moment of clarity HROTHGAR THE WOLF CR—
Gear amulet of natural armor +1, arrows (20), +1 arrows (10), Animal Companion
sleep arrow, backpack, bedroll, boots of elvenkind, cloak N Medium Magical Beast
of elvenkind, cure light wounds potions (4), cure moderate Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
wounds potions (2), cure serious wounds potion, dagger,
darkvision potion, elemental gem (light brown), flint, +1, DEFENSE
horn of fog, greataxe, longbow, rations (4), rope (hemp), AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 39 (6d8+12)
+1 studded leather armor, 4 torches
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3
Defensive Abilities devotion, evasion
9 14
7 6 8
The Ruined Temple
One on one Adventures #4
the Sixth cavalier
by patrick weekes
An adventure for one bard levels 9-11
Hubrimort is a small, respectable town whose only claim to fame is a local governmental position bestowed by five of the
king’s chosen officials, known as the Cavaliers. The position is given to the head of one of four noble families once each
decade. While competition for the mysterious position is always fierce, this year there are rumors of underhanded deals with
criminals, rigged tournaments, and a nasty case of blackmail.Which of the ancient families deserves ten years of power and
privilege? Only the Sixth Cavalier can help the five officials make the right choice!
The Sixth Cavalier is a single-session adventure designed for a 10th level bard, although a rogue or other skill-focused utility
character can also enjoy the scenario.
DC 25: As above, plus more salacious gossip, likely obtained or uses magic devices that use charm spells on what the GM
from merchants or traders in the back rooms, once the considers a regular basis, a Spellcraft check DC 25 would
Sixth ingratiates himself into their company. Young Lord reveal the same information. Also, a detect magic spell will also
Horin is said to have contacts with Hubrimort’s criminal reveal that many citizens are operating under the effect of an
background, and it is rumored that men acting in her enchantment.
name have vandalized the houses of men supporting The Sixth can, if the player considers the option, try
Lord Gatha and disrupted public appearances. It is also to determine why certain citizens are operating under the
whispered that some of Lord Gatha’s guards have been effect of an enchantment. Casually talking with multiple
found dead, killed by poison, although the matter has charmed citizens and then determining similarities in their
been hushed up. Also of interest is the fact that while attitudes and actions (a Diplomacy check DC 15 modified
four the Cavaliers are undecided, Cavalier Cestrin, by Intelligence rather than Charisma) will reveal that the
normally a quiet, open-minded arbiter, has been vocal charmed citizens all attended a speech given by Lord Gatha
and adamant in his support for Lord Gatha. and his unicorn, and that all the charmed citizens are vocal in
DC 30: As above, plus secret information that could only be their support for Lord Gatha.
obtained through a trusted network of contacts or the
use of trickery to get information from a secret source.
Cavalier Cestrin’s wife Jenya evidently disappeared
encounter order
Initially, with no immediate threat, the Sixth has the freedom
from her home one week ago, around the time Cavalier
to choose his next course of action. As such, the following
Cestrin began backing House Gatha. Cestrin has also
locations (Batarni’s Tavern, Lord Horin’s Estate, Lord
been receiving notes in the night. Those in the know also
Gatha’s Estate, The Burned Estates, The Five Cavaliers) can be
suggest that Lord Gatha’s unicorn, Astalia, may be using
visited in any order, but the Challenge of Arms and the final
some form of enchantment magic on the townsfolk, who
Appointment encounter are fixed.
are too unified and too fervent in their praise for her and
Lord Gatha
Batarni’s Tavern
After the Sixth has interacted with citizens of Hubrimort, The half-elf Batarni owns the largest tavern in town, and his
the GM should secretly roll a Sense Motive check DC 25 status as the man behind most criminal activity in Hubrimort
to discover that many citizens (but by no means all) are is an open secret among the people (Knowledge (local) or
operating under the effect of an Diplomacy check, DC 15). Even the upstanding members of
enchantment. Alternately, if the Hubrimort who know or suspect that Batarni is the ruler of
PC uses enchantment spells the thieves’ guild refuse to move against him, however. He
has too many ties to powerful merchants, and the crimes
committed under his orders are generally nonviolent, making
him better than whoever would move in to replace him should
he be arrested or killed.
Upon entering the tavern, you are struck by the
noise of the crowd, the rich smells of savory food
and drink, and the mixture of common townsfolk,
merchants, and minor nobles. Games of skill and
chance are played off towards one wall, and a pair of
athletic men are stripped to the waist and wrestling
in the middle of the room. A small stage marks the
spot where musical entertainers might perform, but
it is currently unoccupied.
Spd 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Skill Focus (appropriate Profession or Craft)
Skills Craft or Profession (appropriate to job) +8,
Knowledge (local) +4
Language Common
CN Male half-orc rogue 2 600 XP LN Male elf expert 4 800 XP
Medium Humanoid (half-orc) Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +6 Init +1; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor) AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +1
hp 18 (2d8+6) deflection)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1 hp 25 (4d8+4)
Defensive Abilities evasion Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
Spd 30 ft. Spd 30 ft.
Melee sap +3 (1d6+2) or Melee masterwork rapier +4 (1d6-1/18-20)
Melee greataxe +4 (1d12+2/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 STATISTICS
Abilities Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 14
TACTICS Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 13
During Combat The bouncer uses his sap to deal nonlethal Feats Persuasive, Weapon Finesse
damage when keeping the peace, but he keeps his Skills Appraise +9, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate
greataxe on him incase a tavern brawl turns into +11, Knowledge (local) +9, Sense Motive +8, Use Magic
something deadlier. Device +9
Language Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc
STATISTICS SQ elven traits
Abilities Str 15, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 Gear leather armor, +1 ring of protection, masterwork rapier,
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13 wand of sleep (15 charges), 150 gp
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Skills Appraise +4, Bluff +5, Disable Device +5, Intimidate Batarni’s tavern makes an excellent locale for gathering
+7, Knowledge (local) +4, Sense Motive +6 information (give the Sixth a +2 circumstance bonus to
Language Common, Orc Diplomacy checks while trying within the tavern). While the
SQ half-orc traits, trapfinding, weapon training Sixth could conceivably spend a great deal of time trying his
Gear greataxe, leather armor, sap, 5 gp luck at dice or wrestling, the GM should restrict such behavior
to a brief descriptive overview (“With your practical combat
DOWNSTAIRS GUARD (2) CR 4 experience, you easily trounce the two local wrestlers, and win
LN Male human rogue 2/fighter 2 1,200 XP a congratulatory drink from a few folks who made money off
Medium Humanoid (human) you in the betting…”) unless you want the game to run longer
Init +1; Senses Perception +9 than one session.
The second floor includes several bedrooms for guests
DEFENSE seeking a little private entertainment. While the Sixth may
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 Dex) provoke a few angry and embarrassed responses, he will find
hp 33 (2d8+6 plus 2d10+4) little of consequence upstairs.
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 (+3 against fear) Most tavern employees have a default attitude of
Defensive Abilities bravery, evasion Indifferent; they will be friendly, polite, and efficient, but will
not go out of their way to help the Sixth. The bouncers have a
OFFENSE default attitude of unfriendly, as most traveling minstrels end
Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base) up causing trouble for the tavern. The guards at the doorway
Melee bastard sword +6 (1d10+2/19-20) leading downstairs have an attitude of unfriendly, and they
Special Attacks bleeding attack, sneak attack +1d6 try to intimidate anyone who might try to get past them before
entering combat. The floor-runner has an initial attitude of
TACTICS Unfriendly as well – he senses that the Sixth has a goal in
Before Combat The guards at the doorway leading mind, and he is concerned for his boss’s safety.
downstairs have an attitude of unfriendly, and they try If the Sixth wishes to speak with Batarni, a Diplomacy
to intimidate anyone who might try to get past them check that brings any of the above to Friendly will get them
before entering combat. to note that Batarni considers himself a connoisseur of the
arts, and will often bring talented artists downstairs after a
STATISTICS compelling performance.
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 8 If the guards or bouncers are brought to Friendly (or
Base Atk +3; CMB +5 successfully Intimidated), they will also helpfully note that
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Power anyone trying to sneak into the basement should be wary of
Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword) Batarni’s magical traps. He prizes his security and privacy,
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +4, Climb +7, Disable Device +6, and has the downstairs rooms warded against intrusion by
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Linguistics +6, teleport or similar spells – and those who try to simply sneak
Profession (guard) +7, Sense Motive +7, Survival +7 down must deal with defenses that make the guards cringe.
Language Common, Dwarven, Elven, Undercommon
SQ trapfinding
Gear bastard sword, scale mail, 10 gp
If brought to Helpful, the guards at the doorway will tell the
Sixth that Batarni has a horrific inhuman bodyguard hiding
behind an illusory wall in his office, and that you can walk
right through one of the walls at the end of the hallway as long
as you say a password first.
If the floor-runner is brought to Indifferent, he will
willingly let the Sixth play a few songs for the crowd. If
brought to Friendly, he will even get Batarni to pay attention
(a +2 circumstance bonus on the Sixth’s check to impress
Batarni with his performance). If brought to Helpful, the floor-
runner will warn the Sixth to be careful, as Batarni has several
summoned monsters downstairs. He will even helpfully note
that these monsters can be held at bay with a simple protection
from chaos spell. A Sleight of Hand check (DC 20) can relieve
the floor-runner of the key in his vest, which opens the chests
in the downstairs storage room. A detect thoughts spell or
successful Bluff (with a -10 penalty) can get the password 1: Emergency Supplies
to the magical traps downstairs from the floor-runner. The This room contains a number of locked chests. They are
password is “Caelspreth”. secured with obviously magical locks, and if the Sixth looks
If the Sixth is able to impress Batarni with a truly at the locks, a DC 18 Knowledge (arcana) check will reveal
remarkable performance (Perform check, DC 25), he will be that the locks will open when the correct musical sequence is
invited downstairs. The floor-runner will guide him downstairs played -- the key is purely ornamental, but has a permanent
and bring him safely to Batarni’s office, where Batarni will be ghost sound that will play the notes when inserted into the
waiting to offer the Sixth a drink and compliment him on his lock. A DC 20 Perception check allows the Sixth to glean
marvelous talent. (For more information on conversations sufficient clues from the locks to determine the proper song
with Batarni, see encounter area 4: Batami’s Quarters.) to play, and a Perform check of 25 or higher with any musical
instrument will open one of the locks (a separate Perform
OTHER OPTIONS IN BATARNI’S TAVERN check is necessary for each lock, but a single Perception check
If the Sixth fails to impress Batarni with his performance, or if will suffice for all four). If the Perform check fails by 1 to 4,
the Sixth does not wish to try this route, there are many other the Sixth can try again, but on a failure by 5 or more, or after
options for getting downstairs including: three consecutive failures, the lock recognizes that someone
is trying to tamper with it, and will become jammed. A knock
• Bluffing the guards or the floor-runner (although they will spell will open the locks without difficulty.
gain a +10 bonus to their Sense Motive check, since they
have been told not to let anyone come down without a First chest: Four +1 Merciful Saps.
reason) Second chest: Partially charged (20 + 1d20 charges apiece)
• Intimidating the guards or the floor-runner (although wands of charm person, sleep and magic missile.
they will gain a +4 bonus, since the floor-runner and the Third chest: Two scrolls apiece of stinking cloud, suggestion,
guards have been geased against voluntarily betraying and fireball, each at Caster Level 10.
their master) Fourth chest: Four potions of cure serious wounds (CL5), two
• Following the floor-runner downstairs stealthily, either potions of remove disease (CL5), two neutralize poison
while invisible or after casting a mind-affecting spell to potions (CL5), and two scrolls of restoration (CL7). These
prevent the guards from noticing potions and scrolls are all clearly labeled.
• Fighting past the guards (although this will alert the floor-
runner, who will promptly call for the town watch and, On shelves above the chests are a eight expensive crystal
if possible, grab emergency weaponry for the guards and glasses (250 gp each) and a small wine rack containing six fine
bouncers from downstairs) elven wines (25 gp each), two ancient dwarven spirits (100 gp
each), and even an expensive halfling ale (10 gp).
On a small fold-out cot in the corner of the room, a man If anyone walks through the wall without first saying the
who looks like Batarni lies sleeping with his back to you. password, “Caelspreth”, the chaos beast lurking in the alcove
behind the illusory wall will immediately lunge forward and
“Batarni” is actually a permanent image, as is the illumination attack. The DM should secretly roll a sound-based Perception
in this room. The Will Save to recognize the illusion for what check for the Sixth before the Sixth walks through the wall. A
it is (once it is interacted with) is DC 19. Because Batarni has check of 20 or higher is sufficient to detect something rustling
his entire office under the effects of a scrying spell, and because or slithering behind the wall and to the left.
of the alarm spell that alerted him to an unscheduled visitor,
Batarni will most likely be aware of the Sixth’s presence. He
is well-practiced at operating through his illusory self. He will
CN Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar) 3,200 XP
“wake up” if the Sixth calls to him or approaches normally,
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +11
but will otherwise let his illusion sleep and watch to see what
the Sixth does.
The desk contains several scrolls with what sound like
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural)
enticing veiled allusions to plots and schemes underway
hp 52 (8d10+8)
involving local nobles and figures of power, including the Five
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6
Cavaliers. However, a successful Sense Motive or Linguistics
Immune critical hits, transformation; SR 15
check DC 20 will reveal that these notes are nonsense.
If “Batarni” is awakened, he will hold a conversation OFFENSE
normally, although any remarks about finding his true lair or Spd 20 ft.
his true form will of course be omitted (see encounter area 5: Melee 2 claws +10 (1d4+2 plus corporeal instability)
Batami’s Quarters for Batarni’s conversational style). Special Attacks corporeal instability
If “Batarni” is attacked, he will plunge the room into
darkness (since the light is part of the illusion), and the choker STATISTICS
bodyguard who was hiding in a hidden compartment covered Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
by an illusion of the wall will drop down upon the Sixth to Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 21
attack in the darkness. Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack,
ADVANCED CHOKER BODYGUARD CR 4 Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +11, Climb +13, Escape Artist
CN Medium Aberration 1,200 XP +12, Stealth +12, Survival +11, Swim +13
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +7
DEFENSE Corporeal Instability (Su): A blow from a chaos beast against
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) a living creature can cause a terrible transformation. The
hp 45 (7d8+14) creature must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6 a spongy, amorphous mass. Unless the victim manages
to control the effect (see below), its shape melts, flows,
OFFENSE writhes, and boils. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Spd 30 ft., climb 15 ft. An affected creature is unable to hold or use any
Melee 2 tentacles +10 (1d6+5 plus grab) item. Clothing, armor, rings, and helmets become
Special Attacks constrict (1d4+5), strangle useless. Large items worn or carried—armor, backpacks,
even shirts—hamper more than help, reducing the
STATISTICS victim’s Dexterity score by 4. Soft or misshapen feet
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 7 and legs reduce speed to 10 feet or one-quarter normal,
Base Atk +5; CMB +10 (+14 to Grapple); CMD 21 whichever is less. Searing pain courses along the nerves,
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, so strong that the victim cannot act coherently. The
Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy victim cannot cast spells or use magic items, and it
Skills Climb +13, Escape Artist +3, Stealth +10 attacks blindly, unable to distinguish friend from foe (–4
Languages Undercommon penalty on attack rolls and a 50% miss chance, regardless
SQ quickness of the attack roll).
Each round the victim spends in an amorphous state
SPECIAL ABILITIES causes 1 point of Wisdom drain from mental shock. If the
Strangle (Ex): Chokers have an unerring talent for seizing victim’s Wisdom score falls to 0, it becomes a chaos beast.
their victims by the neck. A creature that is grappled A victim can regain its own shape by taking a
by a choker cannot speak or cast spells with verbal standard action to attempt a DC 15 Charisma check (this
components. check DC does not vary for a chaos beast with different Hit
Quickness (Su): A choker is supernaturally quick. It can take Dice or ability scores). A success reestablishes the creature’s
an extra move action during its turn each round. normal form for 1 minute. On a failure, the victim can still
repeat this check each round until successful.
3: End of Hallway: Illusory Wall Corporeal instability is not a disease or a curse and so
The hallway appears to dead-end, but the left-hand wall is is hard to remove. A shapechange or stoneskin spell does not
actually illusory. If the Sixth interacts with the wall (making cure an afflicted creature but fixes its form for the duration
Perception checks to look for hidden panels, for example), he can of the spell. A restoration, heal, or greater restoration spell
make a Will save (DC 19) to realize that the wall is a glamer. removes the affliction (a separate restoration is necessary to
restore any drained points of Wisdom).
Immunity to Transformation (Ex): No mortal magic can With a flicker of light, a half-elven man appears before
permanently affect or fix a chaos beast’s form. Effects you, standing on the water itself. He is plain in appearance,
such as polymorphing or petrification force the creature though he bears some resemblance to the idealized painting
into a new shape, but at the start of its next turn it of Batarni himself. “You’ve found me, then,” he says,
immediately returns to its mutable form as a free action. nodding in respect. “What can I do for you?”
corrupt, self-serving, and moderately power-hungry, but I well-trained to avoid mental domination. The skum serving
have never sensed that she would use her position for any him should primarily be used to grapple and pull the Sixth
evil except petty whims. I cannot say that she would be a into the water, where Batarni can attack.
true and just ruler, but I can say that she is not trying to Conclusion: If the Sixth leaves peacefully after a
use a monstrous creature to magically rig the appointment conversation with Batarni, Batarni will extend an open invitation
in her favor… well, except for me, of course.” to the Sixth -- he is free to visit Batarni at his convenience.
Opinions on the Challenge of Arms: “Armsmaster Trelik, Should Batarni be moved to Helpful, he will even offer to use
Lord Gatha’s man, will easily win, unless someone tilts his tavern as the Sixth’s base of operations, and will make his
things in favor of Lord Horin. A good fighter, Trelik, wands, scrolls, and potions available for use. If the Sixth has
from what I’ve seen. Tends to drink one cup too many if promised to investigate the monster pretending to be a unicorn,
someone else is buying, however, and I’ve heard rumors Batarni will offer the Sixth two valuable magical items: a dagger
of some indiscretion in his past that you could use taken from a man who tried to kill Batarni, which Batarni claims
against him… if you wished to…” will help defeat Astalia, and a blindfold that Batarni has had
His own nature: “Does it really matter, my dear minstrel? made specifically to deal with the creature.
Is not our conversation, your sense of my words,
enough for you to judge whether I am a threat to you? “The dagger will strike true against creatures with no
If I told you that I was a creature of hideous magic, an natural place in this world,” Batarni says. “The man who
abomination of nature, granted atonement and a chance brought it to me thought that I was one of those creatures...
to overcome my natural evil by a druid who spared my and perhaps he was right. But not today. As for the
life, would that help you decide whether or not to trust blindfold, put it on and speak the name of the druid who
me? You know what I am: I am the owner of a very helped me, Caelspreth, and you will see without seeing -- a
nice tavern, and I lead most of this town’s pickpockets valuable skill when fighting a creature with an evil gaze. It
and cutpurses. (Batarni will never reveal his true form, lasts a short time, however, and after the third use, it will
although if detected, he will admit that it is him.) lie spent until you let it soak in the rays of a full moon.
The creatures in the water: “While I am not a cruel or Take these tools and strike well, and they are yours to keep.
vindictive creature, and I no longer carry the grotesque I have no need of daggers, and if Astalia is dealt with, the
urges of my people, I am by no means a paladin. The blindfold is merely a trinket.”
creatures in the water are people who found their way
to my true lair and attempted to do me harm. They have
learned the error of their ways, and now approach life +1 DAGGER ABERRATION-BANE
from a somewhat more limited perspective. And so Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th
long as this conversation remains a polite exchange of
Slot none; Price 8,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
information, they need never concern you.”
The Five Cavaliers: “Good men, righteous and true and DESCRIPTION
proud and all that tiresome business. They have A long-bladed dagger whose silver and gold hilt is inlaid with
interviewed Gatha and Horin and seem... I know you obsidian and lapis lazuli to form the shape of foul, inhuman
associate with them, so please understand, dear minstrel, creatures with bizarre anatomies, spikes and tentacles. The
that I intend no offense... utterly out of their depth. eyes of these creatures are moonstones or tiny rubies.
The only one who has managed to form an opinion is
Cavalier Cestrin, and he seems somewhat too vociferous CONSTRUCTION
for one schooled in reason... almost as if he were being Requirments Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon
coerced, one might say? He is not being magically monster I, Cost 4,250 gp
compelled -- from what I understand, the Cavaliers have
magical protections against such compulsions. And I
have had no part in any coercion. Beyond that, I am BLINDFOLD OF BLINDSIGHT
afraid that my knowledge fails me.” Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Batarni may have other useful information as the GM determines Slot eyes; Price 1,400 gp; Weight —
necessary. On a less story-related note, he will praise the DESCRIPTION
Sixth’s musical performance, if applicable, and would greatly
This light blindfold is made of cloaker leather, though it is
enjoy making music with the Sixth, should time be available.
so light and supple that it feels like cloth. Upon uttering the
Batarni’s music -- singing without instrumental accompaniment
command word, it grants the wearer blindsight to a range
-- sounds a great deal like very melodic whalesongs, haunting
of 20 feet for a period of one hour. The blindfold must be
and pure but disconcerting in their inhuman tones.
worn to be activated, and if removed, the wearer loses the
Combat: Batarni is a deadly opponent for the Sixth, should
blindsight ability. The user may remove and then replace
the Sixth decide that combat is a promising idea in these
the blindfold to gain normal sight for a moment, but this
circumstances. Batarni should definitely warn the Sixth before
time still counts against the minute of use. After three uses,
striking back -- should the Sixth die, the king will investigate,
the blindfold must be recharged by letting it rest for a night
and Batarni is aware that this would bring consequences for
under the light of a full moon.
him -- but will, if necessary, return to his true form and use his
physical abilities to great effect. He will avoid enchantments CONSTRUCTION
and enslavement attempts, since he knows that the Sixth is Requirments Craft Wondrous Item; darkvision; Cost 700 gp
BATARNI CR 10 every 10 minutes. Remove disease and similar effects can
CN Aboleth bard 6 9,600 XP restore afflicted creatures to normal, but immunity to
Huge Aberration (Aquatic) disease offers no protection from this attack. The save
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception + 17 DC is Constitution-based.
Aura mucus cloud (5 feet)
If confronted with proof about any of the above, she will
insist that the ends justify the means in this instance, and that
defeating Lord Gatha is all that matters. If the Sixth implies
that Lord Gatha may not be responsible for his actions, and
may in fact be a good candidate if Astalia is eliminated, Horin
will insist that there is no magical aura of enchantment about
him, so he must be acting of his own free will. And even if
he was somehow coerced, she will argue, the fact that he
was weak-willed enough to fall for such a stratagem should
invalidate him as Keyholder.
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp 53 (3d8+3 plus 5d6+10)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 wounding short sword+7 (1d6+1/19-20)
Special Attacks cantrips, sneak attack +2d6, spells
Spells Prepared (CL5)
3rd— fireball (DC 16), hold person (DC 16), clairaudience/
unfair advantage in the appointment process. She mentions 2nd—detect thoughts (DC 15), invisibility, spider climb, see
his unicorn as being something other than what it seems, invisibility*
and possibly affecting the minds of people who see it, but is 1st—disguise self, magic missile, silent image, sleep (DC 14),
unsure of exactly how, since Astalia has managed to avoid any identify*
situations where Lord Horin is present. Horin also mentions 0—detect magic (2), light, read magic
that Cavalier Cestrin’s wife seems to have gone missing School Powers (opposition schools: conjuration, necromancy)
around the time that Cestrin developed a sudden liking for Forewarned, diviner’s fortune
Lord Gatha in the appointment process.
PLAYING LORD HORIN Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 16
As a Lawful Evil character, Lord Horin is not a devil-worshipping Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 15
monster with world domination as her ultimate goal. She is Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Scribe ScrollB,
ruthless, merciless, and utterly determined to succeed at all Silent Spell, Spring Attack, Still Spell, Weapon FinesseB
costs, but her ultimate goal is, she believes, for the good of the Skills Appraise +11, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Diplomacy +10,
people. She initially wanted the Keyholder position because of Disable Device +8, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +8,
the benefits it would bring her family, but after finding out more Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (local)
about Lord Gatha, she is convinced that the consequences of him +11, Knowledge (nobility) +11, Linguistics +10, Sense
becoming Keyholder would be disastrous. Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +8
With this in mind, the GM is advised to play Lord Horin Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant,
as clever, quick-witted, crafty, and mercurial in trivial matters, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan
but utterly driven in matters that directly affect her chances of SQ Arcane Bond (Horin crest ring), rogue talent (finesse
becoming Keyholder. She is willing to do whatever is necessary rogue), scribe scroll, trapfinding
to become Keyholder, certain that any actions she takes will be Gear +4 bracers of armor, Horin crest ring (bonded object),
less harmful than the result of Gatha’s rise to power. +1 ring of protection, +1 wounding short sword, 3 scrolls
of fireball, invisibility, and disguise self, thieves’ tools
(masterwork), wand of magic missile (CL9, 40 charges),
DEALING WITH LORD HORIN and 500 gp in gold and gems
If the Sixth agrees to work for Lord Horin, she immediately
puts him to work. She suggests that his skills might first be
put to work at Batarni’s Tavern in the evening, to gather Lord Gatha’s Estate
information that might help in the Challenge of Arms the next Lord Gatha’s estate is a palatial manor that is far too large to be
day. She freely admits to having Batarni’s men stage minor fully explored in a single session. The majority of the estate has
disruptions to interrupt Lord Gatha’s public appearances, but no bearing on the adventure, and can thus be handwaved with
she laughs off any suggestions of having ordered larger crimes, a brief explanation. Instead, the different areas of importance
like the burning of the other two estates or the kidnapping of are treated as separate encounters.
Cestrin’s wife, Jenya.
The guards at the gates of Lord Gatha’s estate are vigilant, minutes. The guards have little in the way of magical defenses,
given the attacks upon other houses, and will challenge anyone and a simple silence spell can negate the alarm bell. Note that
attempting to gain entrance. The two guards are well-armed if the guards are attacked by an obviously superior force (a
and accompanied by a pair of war hounds that have been character glowing with auras of power and casting spells, for
trained to growl at anyone who approaches while invisible example), their orders are to flee and raise the alarm.
(and attack if they can pinpoint an exact location). A bell
hanging next to the gate is sounded at the first sign of trouble, GATE GUARD (2) CR 4
calling for reinforcements and sounding a general alarm. (All Male human rogue 2/fighter 2 1,200 XP
this information can be obtained through a Diplomacy check, LN Medium Humanoid (human)
DC 20.) The Sixth can gain entrance in one of several ways: Init +1; Senses Perception +9
Stealth: If the Sixth can deal with the dogs, either
by putting them to sleep with a sleep spell, frightening or DEFENSE
confusing them with illusions, or subduing them with calm AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
emotions, an invisible PC can simply walk past the guards with hp 29 (2d6+4 plus 2d8+6)
a successful Stealth check. At his discretion, the GM may also Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 (+3 against fear)
have a legitimate visitor arrive and allow the invisible PC to Defensive Abilities bravery, evasion
follow, slipping inside while the guards try to determine why
their dogs are growling at the deputy mayor. If invisibility is OFFENSE
not an option, a compelling distraction (such as a fire across Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
the street or an illusion of people fighting) will distract the Melee longsword +5 (1d8+3/19-20)
guards sufficiently to allow a Stealth check, letting the Sixth Special Attacks bleeding attack, sneak attack +1d6
sneak through the shadows near the gate and quickly make
his way inside. STATISTICS
Social Skill: The guards have enough training to deal with Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 8
minor nobles and avoid being fooled by simple rogue’s tricks, Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16
but the Sixth can easily trick his way inside with skill or spells. Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Power Attack
A Bluff check can convince the guards that the Sixth has an Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +4, Climb +7, Diplomacy +4,
appointment with Lord Gatha, and Lord Gatha would be very Disable Device +6, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (local) +6,
angered at having the Sixth turned away, for example. While Linguistics +6, Profession (guard) +7, Ride +6, Sense
the guards are initially indifferent, they will simply allow the Motive +9, Stealth +6, Survival +4, Swim +7
Sixth entrance if a Diplomacy check turns them Helpful -- or if Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc
both of them fall victim to a charm or suggestion. Note that if SQ trapfinding
only one guard is successfully charmed, the other may become Gear Longsword, Breastplate, 10 gp
suspicious and sound the alarm. An Intimidate check will
convince the guards to let the Sixth inside, but they will sound GUARD DOG (2) CR 1/2
the alarm once the Sixth is gone unless they have a compelling N Medium Animal 200 XP
reason not to do so. Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
Strength: While not advisable, assaulting the guards can
indeed get the Sixth inside, although even success will result DEFENSE
in the unconscious (or dead) guards being found within 2d6 AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Spd 40 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 jumping), Survival +1 (+5
scent tracking)
Trip (Ex): A guard dog that hits with a bite attack
can attempt to trip the opponent
(+1 check modifier) as a free action
without provoking an attack of
opportunity if it hits with the
specified attack. If the attempt
fails, the dog is not tripped in
LORD GATHA’S ESTATE INFORMATION desperately looking for places to hide. He found a
DC 15: A general overview of the estate, including the woman chained to a rock beneath an oak tree -- the area
location of Lord Gatha’s study, his personal chambers, was warm and dry even though it was cold and rainy,
the training grounds, and the small park -- which is and though she tried to speak, she seemed unable to
described as being off-limits, as it is where Astalia rests make any kind of noise. Rather than risk his job, the
when she is not with Lord Gatha. servant has said nothing.
DC 20: More detailed information: (Dead guards) One of the servants claims to have
(Study) Lord Gatha’s study is locked by magic, and seen a creature near the compost heap. He described it as
only Lord Gatha himself has the key. looking like a great snake, and it was approaching one of
(Trelik) The Sixth can learn the location of the guards, who was staring at it with a vacant smile on
Armsmaster Trelik’s quarters, as well as his personal his face, as though he were looking at a beautiful woman.
habits -- he trains early in the day, then feasts and drinks The servant snuck off, and the guard was later found dead.
for much of the evening before retiring to bed late at night. Rather than risk his job, the servant has said nothing.
(Astalia) Some of the servants like to sneak over to the
garden to watch Astalia. They describe her as beautiful,
but they do not exhibit symptoms of being charmed.
If the Sixth’s entrance triggered an alarm, he is in for a difficult
(Dead guards) A few servants are willing to discuss
exploration. The GM should heroically describe the chase by
the deaths of the guards, most of which occurred in the
describing hiding and sneaking through corridors in abstract
yard behind the kitchen -- the guards were found dead
terms, encouraging the Sixth to choose the general means by
and partially eaten, with foul-looking bite marks on their
which he intends to avoid pursuit. Possible strategies include
legs and torsos.
magic (using decoy illusions while invisible, for example),
DC 25: Confidential information from servants impressed by
using Stealth checks to move through the estate covertly,
the Sixth’s manner:
donning a discarded servant’s uniform with a Disguise check
(Study) Lord Gatha’s key is not even a real key. It is
to blend in, or making a Bluff check to convince guards that
a magical item that activates the lock in the door, which
he is Lord Gatha’s invited guest, and the alarm must involve
is also a magical device that locks entirely by magic. (It
someone else. In any case, the DC of any skill check the Sixth
is thus possible for a Use Magical Device check to get the
attempts to use is 22, and should be made every hour. If the
Sixth inside.)
Sixth uses spells or other non-skill abilities, the GM should use
(Trelik) Armsmaster Trelik, while a powerful
Will saves in place of the skill check, with failure by the guards
warrior, is a heavy drinker. He has a stock of gnomish
indicating a success for the Sixth.
liqueurs set aside for him in the kitchen, and he takes a
As long as the Sixth is successful in his chosen check,
small bottle back to his quarters every night to drink.
he may investigate the grounds as he wishes. After three
(Astalia) Servants will hesitantly admit that while
successes, the Sixth is in the clear, and the alarm will die
Astalia is beautiful and wonderful, she occasionally
down. A failure indicates that the guards (typically a group
looks like an illusion when they see her roaming in the
of four) will attempt to take him prisoner and must be fought
garden -- and some servants claim to have seen her in
off or escaped from. Generally, getting around a corner with
the garden when she was supposedly with Lord Gatha
at least thirty feet between him and the nearest guard can be
in public at the same time.
considered an “escape”, although the Sixth will still need to
(Dead guards) Lord Gatha has become most
make checks to avoid detection in the next hour (with a -2
insistent about the cooks not using spoiled meat-he has
circumstance penalty because of his past failure). During the
ordered many stored meats that the cooks think are still
hour of a failure, no progress or exploration can be made, as
good to be disposed of by tossing it out onto the compost
the Sixth is concentrating on not being captured.
heap behind the kitchen. Some servants who tried to steal
In the event that the Sixth is captured, he is brought to Lord
the thrown-away meat to take home with them claimed
Gatha’s study in chains, stripped of all weapons, armor, and
that it had disappeared in the night. This is near the area
jewelry. For more information, see Conversation with Gatha.
where many of the dead guards have been found.
If the Sixth managed to get inside without raising the
DC 30: Information likely gleaned from a number of
alarm, servants and guards will assume that he has leave to
unsuspecting sources, since few in the household would
roam the estate (unless he attempts to hide immediately upon
voluntarily betray their lord:
seeing them or lunges in to attack, of course). A Diplomacy
(Study) The chief steward, who works from a small
check can easily give the Sixth a reasonable layout of the
office next to Lord Gatha’s study, has let slip that in
estate (with a +4 bonus for being inside the estate while asking
addition to the key, speaking a specific password will
directions and casually retrieving information).
also open Lord Gatha’s study door. He has not let slip
Note: If the Sixth restricts his questions to one of the
the exact password, although he did refer to a “foolish
major areas (Lord Gatha’s study, or Armsmaster Trelik, for
old dwarf with a flail”.
example), the GM may give a +5 circumstance bonus to the
(Trelik) Armsmaster Trelik’s drinking is attributed
Diplomacy check for the purposes of that area, while assessing
to a sad love affair with a young elven woman -- the
a -5 penalty to the check for purposes of the other areas -- the
servants are sketchy regarding the details, but it is
Sixth is focusing on one area and learning more about that
obviously a source of great shame, and Trelik (and his
than about anything else.
former love) would be devastated if the information
If the player seems more inclined to solve the problem
came to light.
through roleplaying than through skill use, the GM may have
(Astalia) One of the servants claims to have
this information come up in individual conversations, secretly
ventured into the garden one night after being scared
having the Sixth taking 10 on a Diplomacy or Bluff check to
by strange sounds coming from the compost heap.
determine what information a servant will volunteer. This
The servant ran into the garden, hoping Astalia would
should provide you a guideline in how much information to
protect him, and when he could not find her, he began
pass to the player in your roleplaying session.
Lord Gatha’s Study DC 15: A document hidden in the middle of the financial
Lord Gatha’s study is protected by a sturdy door fastened report that details Lord Horin’s candidate for the
with a lock whose keyhole glows and sparkles with obvious Challenge of Arms. Apparently a scouting report,
magical energy. The lock can be picked with a Disable Device the document concludes that Lord Gatha has nothing
check (DC 28), but most bards are unlikely to have sufficient to fear. The only odd note is that the final sentence,
ranks (if any) to bypass the lock this way. “Furthermore, Armsmaster Trelik is in fine form and is
If the Sixth has heard about the chief steward letting slip fully focused on victory, guaranteeing a good showing,”
a clue to the password, then a Knowledge (history) check DC glows red if read at the desk, indicating that the scout
20 reveals the answer to be “Drugar the Swift”, an ancient believed he was lying when he wrote the report.
dwarven warrior of legend who used a flail to trip a giant DC 20: A series of notes hidden in the very back of a small
chieftain and then bash out his brains. drawer. They detail an exchange between Lord Gatha
Regardless of whether the Sixth has heard about the true and a monastery devoted to mercy and redemption. The
nature of the keyhole, a close examination (Perception check, notes lay plain the fact that the father of Armsmaster
DC 20) will reveal that the “keyhole” doesn’t have any of the Trelik’s paramour, a high-ranking elven noble, sent
internal mechanisms that an actual keyhole would have. It’s his daughter to the monastery after discovering of her
simply a hole magically enspelled to open the door if the affair with Armsmaster Trelik. The letters from Lord
magical key is inserted. A Use Magic Device check (DC 25) Gatha express his apologies, as well as his determination
will activate the lock and open the door. (and Armsmaster Trelik’s) to keep the matter discreet.
If the player seems stumped, has failed the Knowledge A copy of Lord Gatha’s final note has him noting that
check, does not have the necessary ranks in Use Magic Device Armsmaster Trelik is determined to put the incident
to succeed in opening the lock, or has otherwise become behind him and has no thought of causing further
frustrated, the GM may have the chief steward himself come disruption. That line glows a telltale red.
to the study and open it by quietly speaking the password
-- and then making a disgusted note regarding the foolish PERCEPTION CHECK (SEARCH) OF THE CABINET
dwarf, as above. If the Sixth is hiding in the shadows nearby, a DC 10: A large collection of notes and letters detailing the
sound-based Perception check (DC 15) will allow him to hear current appointment process. Nothing incriminates Lord
the password being spoken. Gatha as evil or corrupt, but he is suspicious that Lord
Once inside Lord Gatha’s study read the following. Horin may have some criminal connections.
DC 15: A hastily bound bundle of notes from the steward
Spartan and immaculate, Lord Gatha’s study is a model and from several minor merchant families, indicating
of efficiency and taste. A few expensive-looking paintings concerns about Astalia’s behavior -- that several servants
hang on the walls, but the room is otherwise devoid of seem to be under the effects of enchantment magic,
decoration. A desk and cabinet occupy most of the room, and the merchant families claim that Astalia is not
and the window looks out upon a beautiful sunlit field, really a unicorn. The bundle includes copies of notes
despite the fact that it was raining when you came in. You sent back by Lord Gatha, indicating that Astalia is
can’t tell whether it is an illusion, or whether the window indeed a unicorn, and they must be mistaken about the
is magically looking out upon someplace far away. enchantments upon their servants, and that everything is
fine. These notes flicker with intermittent flashes of red if
Lord Gatha’s desk has a few neat stacks of paper and several held near the desk -- Lord Gatha himself seems unsure of
drawers of varying sizes. The cabinet is shut but has no whether or not he is lying.
obvious locks. Both are made of stained oak inlaid with tiny DC 20: Hidden under a false bottom is a copy of a note from
silver runes at the corners, as is the chair. Lord Gatha to Cavalier Cestrin, in which Lord Gatha
Both the chair and the cabinet radiate minor transmutation denies kidnapping Cestrin’s wife, and says that he has
magic, while the desk radiates moderate divination magic. no knowledge of her whereabouts. He adds that he
While the Sixth may suspect traps, in actuality these magics will be happy to covertly assist in inquiries regarding
are benign. The cabinet carries a permanent mending spell, Cestrin’s wife if Cestrin wishes, and that Gatha regrets
keeping papers from rotting or fading, while the chair that Cestrin is being forced to pick Gatha for fear of harm
provides a +4 enhancement bonus to the Wisdom of anyone coming to his wife. This notes reads as completely and
who sits in it, for as long as they sit in it, as per the owl’s wisdom totally true.
spell. The desk itself carries a permanent discern lies spell -- if a
document is placed on the desk, any lies will glow a bright and For each minute that the Sixth spends rifling through the
angry red unless the original writer succeeds at a Will save, contents of the study, there is a 10% chance that Lord Gatha
DC 16. The Sixth can identify these spells with a Knowledge himself comes into the study. He will be immediately Hostile
(arcana) check DC 20. upon seeing the Sixth (and there are no convenient hiding
places in the study), and will call for the guards unless the
PERCEPTION CHECK (SEARCH) OF THE DESK Sixth can successfully modify his attitude, either through
DC 10: Documents involving Lord Gatha’s planned magic or skills.
appearances, specifically noting times and places and
making notes about which appearances Astalia will LORD HOUSTUS GATHA CR 6
also be attending. Beyond that, the Sixth also finds the Male human aristocrat 4/monk 3 2,400 XP
financial reports for House Gatha, which shows nothing LN Medium Humanoid (human)
out of the ordinary except for a few financial items that Init +1; Senses Perception +9
glow red, marked in the margins by Lord Gatha as items
that he should bring to the steward’s attention.
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+3 armor, +2 deflection, +1
Dex, +3 Wis)
hp 53 (4d8+12 plus 3d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +10 (+12 against spells from school of
Defensive Abilities evasion, still mind
Spd 40 ft.
Melee unarmed +7 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks flurry of blows
Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge,
Endurance, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Leadership,
Stunning FistB, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate
+9, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +7,
Linguistics +7, Ride +9, Sense Motive +9
Languages Common Celestial, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan
SQ maneuver training
Gear +2 ring of protection, +3 bracers of armor, the Ring of the Vizier If Astalia is brought up, a Sense Motive check (DC 25) will
reveal that Lord Gatha is operating under the effect of some sort
of mind-affecting enchantment. However, he does not radiate
RING OF THE VIZIER magic -- in fact, he has no aura at all, and magical attempts
Aura very faint abjuration and enchantment (Perception to detect his alignment or any magic radiating from him will
cehck DC 15 to notice unless specifically detecting on find nothing whatsoever except for a very faint (Perception
the item) ; CL 12th check, DC 15, retryable each time the PC mentions trying to
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight — see something on Gatha) aura of abjuration and enchantment
magic on a dark sapphire ring he wears. (If the Sixth is not
DESCRIPTION detecting magic, the Perception check has a DC of 20, and is
This platinum ring is set with an extremely dark sapphire. If retryable each time the player indicates that he is looking for
worn, it protects the wearer from alignment-detecting spells anything out of the ordinary or wrong about Lord Gatha.)
exactly like a nondetection spell. However, the wearer suffers a If the ring is spotted, a Knowledge (history) or Knowledge
-10 competence penalty on all Sense Motive checks against the (arcana) check DC 20 reveals that the ring is actually a
one who gave him the ring, as well as a -5 competence penalty relatively famous cursed item known as the Ring of the Vizier,
on Will saves and opposed Charisma checks relating to mind- given to a foolish king by his corrupt vizier, who used the
affecting spells cast by that person. This includes saves and ring’s properties to his advantage.
checks to resist orders, as well as saves against new spells. Lord Gatha will not willingly part with the ring unless
Any charm, suggestion, or dominate spells affecting the wearer moved to Helpful or successfully bluffed or intimidated (+10
of the ring last as long as the ring is worn, rather than expiring to opposed rolls when removing the ring is concerned). A
at the end of their normal duration and are undetectable. Sleight of Hand check (DC 24, due to the fact that the ring is
CONSTRUCTION not merely on his person but wrapped around his finger at the
moment) or a successful grapple check can remove the ring. If
Requirments Forge Ring, mind fog, nondetection; Cost 5,000 gp
the ring is removed, see Freeing Gatha, below.
pride, my damnable assurance of superiority, convinced Armsmaster Trelik
me that it was only right and good that a creature of the Armsmaster Trelik can be found in his quarters (at night) or on
wilderness should come and live in my garden to serve my the training grounds (during the day). He will always be alone,
political goals. If this is all the willpower I possess, how can and can be approached easily. His initial attitude is indifferent
I claim myself worthy as Keyholder? I am a fraud, a sham, -- although he resents being interrupted (whether training in
and my guards and servants killed by her venom -- for it the yard during the day or drowning his sorrows at night), he
must have been her, whatever monster she is -- owe their assumes that anyone coming to see him is coming with Lord
deaths to me.” Gatha’s blessing, and maintains a minimal level of courtesy.
Generally, Trelik knows little of the events surrounding
Lord Gatha intends to withdraw his claim as Keyholder, the Appointment. He cares for combat, and for his lost love,
ceding the position to Lord Horin. If the Sixth wishes to the elven maiden now living in the monastery since her father
convince him to take some other course of action (admitting discovered their affair. He offers no new information to the
his error but continuing to run, continuing the sham with an Sixth on any other topics.
illusory Astalia, or offering his support to Lord Duralis, for
example), he must succeed at a DC 25 Diplomacy check (with
a +4 circumstance bonus if the Sixth offers evidence that Lord
Drugging: If the Sixth wishes to drug Trelik’s drink to hurt
Horin is ill-suited for the Keyholder position ).
his performance during the Challenge of Arms, a Sleight of
While Lord Gatha initially believes that Astalia lives
Hand check (opposed by a Perception check of 24 if performed
in the gardens, he will quickly put together the tattered
while Trelik is nearby) will administer an appropriate poison.
fragments of his memory and realize that whatever Astalia
Such poisons are easily obtained from the kitchen -- these are
she must live under the compost heap behind the kitchen.
not deadly poisons so much as common herbs administered
He will beg the Sixth for help, confessing that his guards will
in high doses.
likely be no match for her. If the Sixth agrees to fight Astalia,
Intimidation: The Sixth may simply try to intimidate
Lord Gatha will thank him sincerely and offer him the Gatha
Trelik into throwing the match. Ordinarily, because Trelik
family’s ancestral armor, the Armor of the Serpent, with the
is a paladin, he cannot be intimidated. However, if the Sixth
following: “As I trained in the ascetic path of the monastic, I
mentions Trelik’s love affair, and implies either that he might
considered such armor beneath me, and I believed its magics
harm the girl or make the love affair public knowledge, such
of trickery and disguise dishonorable. But you, who seem to
threats are sufficient to allow the Sixth to intimidate Trelik
make your way in the world through trickery, have saved me,
despite his Aura of Courage. Treat the Intidimidate check
and perhaps my house. This armor may benefit you more than
normally; if the Sixth succeeds, Trelik will reluctantly agree to
it could ever benefit my family.”
throw the match to House Horin. If the Sixth fails, Trelik will
In addition, Lord Gatha will take the Sixth to his
coldly dismiss him and threaten to inform the Cavaliers of this
emergency stockroom, where he will offer the Sixth three
attempt at deception (although he will actually not do so). If
potions of cure serious wounds, one potion of remove disease, and
the Sixth fails by 5 or more, Trelik will attack.
one potion of neutralize poison (CL 5 on all).
Offering to help: The Sixth has the ear of the
king and the Cavaliers, which gives the Sixth decent
ARMOR OF THE SERPENT political leverage. A Diplomacy check that includes
Aura faint illusion, transmutation, conjuration, and the Sixth offering to help with the situation (by
abjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 26,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
This suit of +3 Scale Mail is created from the multicolored hide
of some snakelike monster, so light and supple that it feels no
heavier than a thick cotton shirt. Speed while wearing the
Armor of the Serpent is 30 feet for Medium creatures or 20
feet for Small. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance
of 10%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, and no armor
check penalty. It is considered light armor and weighs 10
pounds. Anyone wearing the Armor of the Serpent gains a
+4 circumstance bonus on saves against poison and a +5
competence bonus to Climb, Escape Artist and Stealth checks.
On command, the wearer may order the armor to resemble a
normal traveling outfit, a fine performance ensemble, or any
other normal suit of clothing. No matter what its appearance,
a long flowing tail of scaled hide hangs back behind the
wearer as a cloak or cape as well -- no magical cloak or cape
may be used while this armor is worn.
Requirments Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft
Wondrous Item, disguise self, grease, invisibility, spider
climb; Cost 13,000 gp
putting pressure on the woman’s father to allow a public House Gatha’s Gardens
courtship, for example) grants the Sixth a +4 circumstance The gardens of House Gatha are guarded by a pair of
bonus on his Diplomacy check. If moved to Friendly, Trelik guardsmen. While they have been assigned and ordered to
will claim an irregularity in the match before it begins, using let no one enter the gardens, they are far from attentive. If
a dueling loophole to have the match ruled a draw. If moved the Sixth attempts to sneak past them with stealth or spells,
to Helpful, he will forfeit the match and leave Lord Gatha’s the guards suffer a -4 penalty on their Perception checks due
service (assuming that the Sixth can find him a new position to the fact that they are making conversation and trying to
elsewhere, one in which his lord and master does not dangle alleviate their boredom. The Sixth will have a harder time
the promise of helping his lady love as a reward for his combat talking his way past the guards, however. They will only
performance). let the Sixth pass if moved from Indifferent to Helpful via a
Bluffing: If the Sixth attempts to bluff Trelik into some Diplomacy check. The guards gain a +4 bonus on level checks
behavior that would cause him to forfeit or lose the match to counter an Intimidate attempt and a +10 bonus on Sense
(“They will kill her unless you lose!” or “She is being held in a Motive checks to counter Bluff attempts; they have been
cave three days’ ride from here, surrounded by zombies -- you explicitly warned not to let anyone into the gardens.
must go rescue her!”, for example), Trelik gains a +5 bonus Also note that the garden is by no means inaccessible.
on his Sense Motive check -- he and has lady love had a secret The main gate is merely the easiest way to get in. Scaling the
password, and the Sixth’s failure to provide it makes Trelik 10-foot wall surrounding the gardens requires a Climb check
more likely to suspect that this is a trick. DC 20, but there are no magical obstacles preventing the Sixth
Magic: Given the range of bardic magical abilities, the from entering the garden via such methods.
Sixth has a number of potential ways to remove Trelik as a
threat, all of which should be allowed to work if executed Lord Gatha’s gardens contain an assortment of marvelous
successfully. Examples include a planting a suggestion that plants and sculptures, with beautiful winding paths that
Trelik fumble his attack, killing or disabling Trelik and taking lead throughout the area. Though the garden is no more
his place with a disguise self spell, casting magic aura on than three acres, the winding paths and arrangements of
Trelik’s quarterstaff so that he is disqualified for attempting to trees and hedges make it seem much larger. Some of the
bring a magical weapon into the ring, or even casting modify statues are beautiful renditions of classic lovers, while
memory so that Trelik mistakenly rides out of town, thinking others are fearsome carvings of gargoyles and dragons.
that the challenge is located several miles away. Given Trelik’s
standoffish attitude, Lord Gatha and the servants are unlikely A sound-based Perception check DC 20 reveals to the Sixth
to suspect that anything is amiss if Trelik disappears. noticing an odd lack of sound coming from the northwestern
corner of the garden. If the Sixth has trained to improve his
hearing, he will notice the lack of echoes from the servants’
ARMSMASTER TRELIK CR 6 shouts, the wrongness of the sound of the wind, and other tiny
Male human monk 3/paladin 3 2,400 XP
indications that something is magically silencing that corner
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
of the gardens. When the Sixth approaches the tree in the
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
northwest corner, he sees the following.
DEFENSE As you approach, you realize that the placement of hedges
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +2 Wis) and hillocks made this area all but invisible from the
hp 48 (3d8+6 plus 3d10+9) main paths of the gardens. Now that you are closer to it,
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +8 (+10 against spells from school of however, you can clearly see that a woman of perhaps fifty
enchantment) years, dressed in a tattered dress that was once quite fine
Defensive Abilities divine grace, divine health, evasion, and suitable for a noblewoman. She is chained to the oak
still mind tree and appears to be struggling to move. A half-eaten
plate of food lies next to her.
Spd 40 ft. A sight-based Perception check (DC 15) will reveal that the
Melee masterwork quarterstaff +8 (1d6+3) or woman wears a ring emblazoned with Cavalier Cestrin’s
Melee masterwork quarterstaff +7/+7 (1d6+3) personal coat of arms, making it clear that she is Cestrin’s wife,
Special Attacks flurry of blows, smite evil 1/day Jenya. If Jenya sees the Sixth, she will frantically try to speak,
though the area around her is clearly silenced, preventing it. It
STATISTICS is at this time that Lek and Zirt make their arrival.
Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14 Lek and Zirt: A pair of gargoyles have been sent to guard
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 20 Jenya, Cavalier Cestrin’s missing wife, who is imprisoned
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved in the corner of the garden. They are bored and looking for
Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, sport, and have grown weary of simply slashing any intruders
Power Attack, Stunning FistB to ribbons. If they detect the Sixth near the tree, they will flit
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +8, Diplomacy +8, Heal +8, along the wall, hiding against the stonework to get as close
Intimidate +8, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Ride +9, Sense to the Sixth as possible. They will then fly in to attack, using
Motive +8, Spellcraft +8 single claw attacks and Flyby Attack to slowly slash the Sixth
Languages Common, Elven to ribbons while taunting the Sixth with crude insults.
SQ aura of courage, aura of good, detect evil, lay on hands, Lek and Zirt are neither clever nor tactically minded.
maneuver training, mercy (fatigued) They can easily be tricked into tactical mistakes with a Bluff
Gear Letter from his beloved, masterwork quarter-staff, 100 gp check (and the GM may assess a -4 penalty on their Sense
Motive checks against such bluffs if they have already
delivered damage to the Sixth, since they are feeling confident or fewer. At this point, they will flee, screeching that
and bloodthirsty). They also consider themselves clever in the mistress isn’t worth dying for as they sail over the
their taunts, and will divulge much more than they think they garden walls (possibly with one carrying the other).
are divulging if the Sixth manages to hold a conversation with
them during the combat. STATISTICS
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7
If the GM can manage a foul cockney accent, he is encouraged Feats Hover, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Fly)
to do so. Skills Fly +12, Stealth +11 (+17 in stony areas)
Languages Common, Terran
Lek: Our mistress said we could kill anything that came in SQ freeze
here. Too bad for you, little bleeder!
Zirt: You’re gonna scream good when we eat you! We’ll have to
Freeze (Ex): Lek and Zirt can hold themselves so still they
drag you to the tree, so the folks in the manor don’t hear...”
appear to be statutes. A gargoyle that uses freeze can
take 20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight as a
Lek: You’re not from the manor. Ain’t wearing the colors.
stone statue.
Zirt: Good thing we got to ‘im before the snake did.
Lek: Mistress said not to hurt the lady by the tree. She even LEK AND ZIRT: OTHER OPTIONS
makes us feed her. Been days since we’ve gotten to Lek and Zirt can be dealt with in ways beyond physical
torture anything... combat if the Sixth is not a powerful melee combatant. Possible
Zirt: Good thing this little songbird showed up, eh? solutions that should be treated as full successes include:
(If asked about their mistress) Using disguise self to assume Lord Horin’s form, if the
Lek: Big sorceress, our mistress. Bigger’n you. Be even more Sixth ascertains that she is actually their mistress. The
powerful, soon, and we’ll be guarding her right big gargoyles are scared enough of her that any Bluff check
house from enemies. in which the Sixth pretends to be Lord Horin gains a +4
Zirt: Bet she’s got lots of enemies... and that’s lots of fun for us... circumstance bonus.
Using illusions of bigger monsters to scare them away.
(If asked about “the snake”) Using invisibility to bypass them completely.
Lek: Oh, yeah, the naga that lives behind their kitchen. Lucky A Diplomacy check (with the usual -10 penalty for making
beast, she gets all the good cuts. And the fools think she’s the check as a full-round action instead of a one-minute
a unicorn ‘cause she knows a spell or two. action, unless the Sixth can somehow delay the gargoyles
Zirt: Hey, maybe we’re really pixies... (nasty laughter) Maybe long enough to make his point) to improve their attitude.
I’ll come sprinkle some pixie dust on you, then! (attacks) Lek and Zirt actually have an attitude of Indifferent;
they enjoy their work, and they enjoy hurting people,
(If asked about the woman) and this is the socially appropriate thing for them to
Lek: Clever little witch, our mistress. Snatched her right off do in this guardianship position. If moved to Friendly,
the street with her magics. they will accept a bribe of gemstones, gold (at least 100
Zirt: And then hides her where Lord Stuffy says his unicorn gp each), or a minor magical item to leave the Sixth
lives... (snicker) Anyone finds the woman, they blame alone. If brought to Helpful, they will voluntarily cease
Lord Stuffy. Right smart, our mistress. their attack, telling the Sixth, “Aw, you’re an okay sort,
Lek: Oh, Zirt, you’ve told him too much. Now we have to kill him. no harm done, right, mate? Guarding this biddy was
Zirt: Well, to be fair, we was gonna kill him anyway. getting dull, anyway,” and flying off to better and more
Lek: Point taken. (attacks) entertaining pursuits.
LG Female human aristocrat 3 400 XP
Init +0; Senses Perception +4
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 20 (3d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee unarmed +2 (1d3)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Animal Affinity, Great Fortitude, Persuasive
Skills Appraise +5, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +7,
Intimidate +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge
(nobility) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +4,
Ride +7, Sense Motive +4
Languages Common, Elven
ASTALIA CR 9 Skills Bluff +13, Escape Artist +13, Intimidate +9, Knowledge
Female spirit naga 6,400 XP (arcana) +14, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +15, Swim +12
CE Large Aberration Languages Abyssal, Common
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +22 Gear potion of spider climb; potion of truth; arcane scroll with
mage armor (CL1), detect thoughts (CL3), and sleep (CL1);
DEFENSE arcane scroll with spectral hand (CL5), acid arrow (CL3),
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 28 (+5 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size) and unseen servant (CL1); divine scroll with undetectable
hp 95 (10d8+50) alignment (CL3) and call lightning (CL5); silver circlet inlaid
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +10 with gold and red tiger’s eye stones (circlet of persuasion);
small jade statuette (195 gp), 1,117 sp, 847 gp, 56 pp
Spd 40 ft., swim 20 ft. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Space 10 ft. Reach 5 ft. Charming Gaze (Su): As charm person, 30 feet, Will DC 20
Melee bite +10 (2d6+6 plus poison) negates. The save DC is Charisma-based. If the Sixth is
Special Attacks Charming gaze engaged in combat with Astalia, he gains a +4 on his
Spells Known (CL 7) save against the Charming Gaze.
3rd (5/day)—displacement, fireball (DC 16) Poison (Ex): Bite—injury, save Fort DC 20; frequency 1/round
2nd (7/day)—cat’s grace, invisibility, summon swarm for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 1 save.
1st (7/day)—charm person (DC 14), cure light wounds, Spells: A spirit naga casts spells as a 7th-level sorcerer,
divine favor, magic missile, shield of faith and can cast spells from the cleric list as well as those
0 (6/day)—cure minor wounds, daze (DC 13), detect magic, normally available to the sorcerer. Cleric spells are
mage hand, open/close, ray of frost, read magic considered arcane spells for the spirit naga.
Astalia’s book proves to be a tome on the Keyholder which the fireball landed was in plain sight of several windows
position and the Appointment process. According to the and walkways, and the courtyard could not be seen from
book, the magical talisman protected by the Keyholder keeps outside or from nearby buildings; whoever started the fire had
a powerful demon imprisoned. Only a member of one of the to be in the courtyard or flying above it, and had to have some
four noble houses that can trace their ancestry back to the time way of not being seen by the servants or household members
of the demon’s imprisonment can wield this talisman and keep who were awake at the time the fire started.
the demon imprisoned. Judging by the pages where Astalia’s House Duralis, on the other hand, had their fire start in a
venom dripped heaviest onto the margins, she planned to get storage shed, where a number of flour casks being stored for
Lord Gatha into the Keyholder position and then use him to the winter served to create a good-sized explosion and fire.
free the demon. Anyone could easily set such a fire unobserved -- provided
Note: If the Sixth sits and waits long enough outside the that they could enter Lord Duralis’s estate, which is protected
kitchen, watching for a disturbance, he will see the garbage by wards against teleportation and entry via flight, and whose
rustle heavily in the early afternoon as Astalia invisibly makes entrance is guarded by soldiers with helms that let them see
her way from her lair to Lord Gatha, where she will assume invisible creatures. Lord Duralis, a cleric of the god of justice
her unicorn form. If the Sixth has cast see invisibility, he will be and righteousness, is justifiably proud of his defenses.
able to see Astalia in her true form as she leaves her burrow. If the Sixth visits the guards in question and tests out their
helms (there are only two, passed from guard to guard during
changes in shifts), the guards will be able to see him -- the
The Burned Estates helms are functioning normally. However, a detect magic spell
House Vyar and House Duralis, are the two families whose
will reveal that the helms still bear a faint residue of abjuration
estates have been badly damaged by fire. The members of the
magic, likely the result of multiple dispel magics being cast to
two households are both making the financial arrangements
temporarily neutralize the helms. (As a spellcaster, the Sixth
necessary to heal the wounded and rebuild sections damaged
will likely know this information easily, but the GM may wish
beyond repair. Neither house has a great deal of time to
to assign a Knowledge (Arcana) check or Spellcraft check DC
spend with a wandering minstrel (treat their initial attitudes
10 to be certain.)
as Unfriendly, although they are simply busy, tired, and
The guards, now extremely contrite, will talk readily with
distraught rather than actively rude to the Sixth).
the Sixth and with Lord Duralis, and will note that on the
Vyar and Durlais have both suffered grevious losses. The
night of the fire, there was only one visitor. A messenger from
fires destroyed most of their homes and fine goods, as well
Lord Horin delivered a short note, but did not come inside --
as killed several members of each household. Nonetheless,
the guards rang a bell to summon a servant, who opened the
these two lords are proud and strong, and know that they
gate, took the message, and brought it inside. The guards will
will eventually recover from this disaster and see justice done.
allow that someone might have entered invisibly while the
While not traditionally friendly, these events have made them
gate was open, although they are of course nervous and afraid
allies, uniquely understanding of each other’s pain.
of being fired for this turn of events. A modify memory spell will
Lord Vyar is a tall, regal woman with a sharp voice and
let either guard remember clearly that the gate squeaked open
an abrupt, businesslike manner. A classic aristocrat, she can be
farther than usual when they opened it for the servant, and
played as class-conscious and very tired but not evil or cruel.
the servant stumbled as though bumping into something he
She often makes references to the old days, when nobility and
did not see. Later, the gate opened of its own accord, though
courtliness really mattered, instead of the petty feuds that
the guards (who will not recall this incident unless specifically
settle matters today.
asked, or unless the modify memory spell is cast to help them
Lord Duralis is a cleric of the god of righteous justice, and
remember) thought that it was because the servant had not
he considers himself a man of the people. Like Lord Gatha,
latched the gate properly.
he was popular among the townsfolk, although the shiftier
If the player gathers this information but does not know
residents complained about his moralizing at times. With a
what to make of it, the GM may allow a Wisdom check
strong troop of warriors and the backing of the local temple
DC 15 to offer additional clues -- or simply offer the likely
-- in addition to his own magical prowess -- he was considered
answer, that the evidence points to Lord Horin or someone
a strong candidate for the Keyholder position until the fire
in her employ entering the grounds of each estate invisibly,
destroyed his home and killed several of his servants and
bypassing the guards at Lord Duralis’s estate by dispelling the
family members. He is polite, well-spoken, and well-versed in
magic of the helms temporarily, and then lighting the fire and
the ways of the court and the battlefield.
escaping undetected during the chaos of the fire.
Should the Sixth offer to help, either by using his
If the Sixth shares this information with either of the
magical abilities to assist healing or repairs or by using his
lords, they will be livid, but will confess that they cannot take
bardic music to support repair efforts (for example, using
the time to deal with that at the moment, given the state of
bardic performance to inspire competence among workers to
their wounded. They will ask, however, that the Sixth inform
accomplish their tasks more quickly), he will easily overcome
the Five Cavaliers, and will offer their thanks. Currently all
their initial mistrust (+5 on the Sixth’s Diplomacy check) and
that they have to express their generosity.
be welcomed into their ranks.
Unfortunately, neither house has complete information
about the attack. Members of House Vyar knew nothing LORD VYAR CR 3
about the attack until it was underway -- although they are LG Female human aristocrat 4 800 XP
certain it was an attack. The area where the fire started has a Init +2; Senses Perception +3
clear blast pattern that makes it almost certain that a fireball or
similar flame spell was used to start the blaze. If the Sixth visits
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
the area and makes a successful Perception check DC 22 (or
hp 33 (4d8+12)
Intelligence check DC 15), he may note that the courtyard in
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
OFFENSE Macorrin should be played as polite, reserved, and
Spd 30 ft. dignified -- a man of principle attempting to walk the line
Melee masterwork rapier +5 (1d6/18-20) between ethical ideals and political necessity. While he does
not approve of all aspects of the Appointment process, he is
STATISTICS determined to obey the rules laid out for him while choosing
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 10 the best possible candidate for the position.
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 14 Cavalier Cestrin: As mentioned above, Sir Cestrin has
Feats Alertness, Weapon Focus (rapier), Toughness been uncharacteristically partisan of late, backing Lord
Skills Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge Gatha and getting into loud public arguments when potential
(nobility) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Ride +7, Sense arguments in favor of Lord Horin are made. While he will
Motive +10 initially refuse to talk with the Sixth, mentioning his wife will
Languages Common quickly get him to listen.
Gear chain shirt, masterwork rapier, 100 gp Cestrin should be played as angry and partisan, with
a very faint tinge of desperation. Ordinarily a moral and
LORD DURALIS CR 7 conscientious man, he is trying to keep his vows while trying
LG Male human cleric 7 3,200 XP to satisfy his wife’s captors. He is still not sure how he will
Init +0; Senses Perception +3 vote, but the shame of what he is doing has temporarily
removed his paladinic abilities, and he alternates between
DEFENSE shame and anger at his god for this.
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor) Cavaliers Toris, Jalathi, and Dyrkin: The other three
hp 63 (7d8+28) Cavaliers are not interested in talking with a simple minstrel
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +10 about the Appointment process, fearful of gossip spreading
OFFENSE through a minstrel’s tunes. They are unlikely to spend any
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.) significant time talking with the Sixth.
Melee masterwork morningstar +7 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks channel positive energy, orisons Advice and Quests from the
Domain Powers (Good/Nobility)
Inspiring word, touch of good Cavaliers
Because Cavalier Macorrin knows the true identity of
STATISTICS the Sixth, he is initially Friendly and eager to offer assistance.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 14 Based on his own information, he will advise the Sixth to
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 16 investigate both lords and see if he can work his way into the
Feats Combat Expertise, Extra Turning, Iron Will, lower rooms of Batarni’s tavern as that is rumored to be the
Leadership, Persuasive source of most of the town’s criminal activity and may offer
Skills Diplomacy +13, Heal +11, Knowledge (history) +11, more information.
Knowledge (nobility) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Cavalier Cestrin, however, is initially Unfriendly.
Linguistics +11, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +12 His wife has been threatened, and he is afraid to talk to
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, anyone. Because of his unique situation, he is susceptible to
Giant, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan Intimidation despite his paladin class. A DC 20 Intimidate
Gear breast plate armor, masterwork morningstar, devine check (threatening to expose his situation to the public,
focus, 75 gp. resulting in shame and expulsion for him) or a DC 25
Diplomacy check (with a +5 bonus if the Sixth already knows
about Cestrin’s problem and offers to help find Cestrin’s wife)
The Five Cavaliers can move him to Friendly, at which point he will ask for any
The Five Cavaliers are staying in well-appointed guest
assistance the Sixth can provide. He only knows that his wife
quarters at the town hall as guests of the mayor. They
Jenya is gone, and that he has received a note with a lock of her
spend most of each day wandering the streets and talking
hair saying that she will be returned safely when Lord Gatha is
with merchants, skilled laborers, and the common folk to
appointed Keyholder.
get an impression of Houses Gatha and Horin. Each night,
On a failure, Cavalier Cestrin demands that the Sixth
after dining with the mayor, they return to their rooms and
leave -- he either does not trust the Sixth, or does not believe
discuss the Appointment among themselves. On rare nights,
that the Sixth can help without bringing harm to Jenya.
they will eat at Batarni’s Tavern, talking with the people and
occasionally letting slip their opinions as to which Lord is
currently favored to win. THE APPOINTMENT PROCESS
Cavalier Macorrin: As the First among the Cavaliers, From a gaming perspective, the appointment ultimately
Sir Macorrin holds no official power over the others, but comes down to chance. Currently, the Cavaliers are undecided
is recognized as the moderator during discussions and is between Lord Gatha and Lord Horin. If the Sixth takes no
responsible for reporting to the king and passing on news action whatsoever to alter their perceptions, they will, the
from the king to the Five. As the First, Sir Macorrin will be the morning after the Challenge of Arms, make their decision.
only cavalier aside from Cestrin who will be willing to talk at Lord Horin and Lord Gatha make opposed Diplomacy checks,
length with the Sixth. He has been informed that a Sixth will with the Five Cavaliers sitting in judgment on the final day.
be arriving to assist as necessary, and while he does not know The higher roll wins. Because the candidates have equal
the Sixth’s identity, he will quickly make the logical deduction Diplomacy checks, the GM can ignore their modifiers and
and listen to what the Sixth has to say. simply roll 1d20 for each of the candidates, plus any instance-
specific bonuses.
Astalia has been using mind-affecting magic to modify the
minds of townsfolk: “This is indeed a serious charge.
We shall investigate ourselves, and if true, would
strongly hurt Lord Gatha’s chance to become Keyholder.
You have done the king a great service with this
information.” -2 for Lord Gatha
Astalia is actually a naga who was attempting to get Lord
Gatha into the Keyholder position in order to free the
demon that the Keyholder’s artifact keeps imprisoned:
“By the Lord of Justice! And we almost appointed him
ourselves! I shall bring this information to the others,
and I am certain that unless Lord Horin has some truly
impressive skeletons in her closet, this will seal the
Appointment for us.” -4 for Lord Gatha
Astalia was controlling Lord Gatha with magic, and
used the Ring of the Vizier to make her tampering
undetectable. Lord Gatha was not in his right mind
for much of the Appointment process: “This is an
interesting revelation. While his failure to resist the
creature’s magic is a mark against him, we cannot hold
him fully responsible for the actions of this vile creature.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will not
wholly dismiss Lord Gatha from our thoughts, then.” +4
for Lord Gatha
Lord Horin has been disrupting Lord Gatha’s appearances
with acts of vandalism and petty crime: “Unfortunately,
this is hardly uncommon in today’s political contests.
While we suspected as much, we appreciate the
information.” -1 for Lord Horin
Lord Horin is responsible for the destruction of House Vyar
and House Duralis: “This is a bitter pill to swallow.
We had honestly hoped not to learn that one of the
candidates had ordered this atrocity. It will weigh
heavily against her.” -4 for Lord Horin
Lord Horin is working with Batarni, who controls the
If the Sixth brings information to Cavaliers Cestrin criminal activity of Hubrimort: “This goes against much
and Macorrin, however, he can alter the perceptions of the of what we look for in a Keyholder. While political savvy
Five Cavaliers and make the outcome more likely to favor is respectable, contacts with the underworld are not.” -2
one candidate or the other. See below for various pieces for Lord Horin
of information and the modifiers they will place upon the Batarni is some form of subterranean monster who rules
Diplomacy checks used to determine the next Keyholder. from under the tavern and believes that Lord Horin
Note: When this information is offered, Macorrin will would be the better Keyholder for him: “While our
ask for corroborating evidence and as a matter of course, charter does not include taking action against Batarni,
ask that the Sixth submit to a discern lies spell. He does not we will certainly pass this information on to the
require physical proof, given that the Sixth is an unofficial mayor. To deal with a thief is one thing. To deal with
representative of the king, but he must ensure that no one, an abomination such as you describe is... considerably
not even the king’s private operative, alters the result of the worse.” -4 for Lord Horin
Appointment without justification. The save DC against the Lord Horin has expressed anger at what she has had to do,
discern lies spell is 15. but believes that she must do what she must to prevent
Lord Gatha from coming to power (if the Sixth has
INFORMATION, RESPONSE, RESULT told the Cavaliers about Astalia using mind-affecting
The numerical results are cumulative. If the Sixth reports that magic, at a minimum): “While this does not excuse
Astalia is a naga who was charming the townsfolk as well as her actions, it certainly explains why she thought it
Lord Gatha to get him appointed as keyholder to free a demon, necessary. We would hope she would not always be
the net result for that combination of information is (-1 -2 ,-4, willing to make such unpleasant decisions, but cannot
+4) -3 -- still a penalty for Lord Gatha, but not as damning as wholly fault her.” +2 for Lord Horin (if she has penalties
presenting the evidence of Astalia without revealing that Lord for behavior so far)
Gatha was under the influence of her magic at the time. Cavalier Cestrin’s wife was found imprisoned in Lord
Gatha’s gardens: “Great heavens! Cestrin, why did
Astalia is not really a unicorn: “This is not the first time that you not tell me of this? Ah, they told you they would...
someone has misrepresented their followers in order to but of course. I understand. And your behavior makes
appear more righteous to the public. While not laudable, more sense now. My dear man, if I had been paying
it is hardly cause for great concern. Thank you for proper attention, I could have... but no matter. It is done.
bringing it to our attention, however.” -1 for Lord Gatha
She is safe. Thank you for your service. It shall not be Two Unsuitable Candidates
forgotten... and neither shall Lord Gatha’s attempts to If the Sixth gives the Cavaliers enough information for both
sway the Five Cavaliers.” -4 for Lord Gatha Lord Gatha and Lord Horin to take a penalty of -10 or worse
Although Cestrin’s wife was imprisoned on Lord Gatha’s on their Diplomacy checks, the Five Cavaliers will give voice
estate, the evidence indicates that it was actually Lord to despair.
Horin who kidnapped her, trusting that she would be
found before the appointment so as to discredit Lord “This is intolerable. How can we, who pride ourselves on
Gatha: “A diabolical scheme, indeed. One might find standards of justice and morality, judge which of these two
solace in the fact that Horin clearly wished for Lady candidates is less reprehensible than the other? We cannot!
Jenya to be rescued, the better to report her capture and No choice absolves my conscience! No choice lets me ride
time in Lord Gatha’s gardens... but this is cold comfort from this town with my head held high, meeting the gaze
indeed. And I suspect that once the others learn this of the townsfolk who entrusted their king, through us, with
information, Lord Horin will find that her little ploy has their care! We must choose, for there must be a Keyholder
turned against her.” -6 for Lord Horin (and removal of of the old blood, but how, damn it all?”
penalty to Lord Gatha for Jenya being imprisoned in his
gardens, if applicable) The Sixth can make several offers at this point:
The Challenge of Arms has occurred: No message is The Sixth may suggest one of the lords whose estate
necessary here. This bonus is applied to the candidate was destroyed. While ordinarily they would no longer be in
whose champion was victorious in the Challenge of Arms, contention, these special circumstances may justify a reward
assuming that the contest was decided (and not declared from the king sufficient to pay for repairs and restoration
invalid due to cheating). +5 for the victorious candidate of their manors. Either lord may be selected, although the
It is discovered (during the duel or after the fact) that one of Cavaliers will more easily accept Duralis as such a candidate.
the combatants was cheating in the Challenge of Arms, If this conversation occurs before the Challenge of Arms, the
either by using a magical device or by receiving outside Sixth may talk with the lord in question and serve as champion
assistance: “We had been assured that the contest was for that house.
being watched closely. How are we to make an informed The Sixth may attempt to use his unique, intuitive ability
judgment when such an open event can be won through with magical items to convince the Amulet of the Keyholder
trickery rather than skill? We have no choice but to that the Sixth actually carries the blood of one of the ancient
discard it from our minds, leaving only the knowledge noble houses. This requires a DC 25 Use Magic Device check
that Lord (appropriate name) cheated in order to win.” (to be handled after the Sixth is formally named Keyholder,
cancellation of victor’s bonus for winning the Challenge after a speech in which the Cavaliers denounce both nobles
of Arms, if victor was the one cheating, and a -2 penalty and strip them of their titles, ordering their heirs to live better
for the cheater lives). The Sixth gains a +4 bonus on such a check if he can
introduce blood from one of the noble families into his body,
either by drinking, putting a bloodied dagger to a cut on his
Influencing the Cavaliers arm, or some other method. (This need not involve killing the
Macorrin and Cestrin are sympathetic to the Sixth’s problems, victim -- many members of House Duralis and House Vyar
but they are honor-bound to obey the laws and only act in have bloody bandages that need changing.)
accordance with what they know. If asked to simply take the The Sixth can volunteer to capture one of the nobles,
Sixth’s word for it and pick a specific candidate, they respond convince them of the error of their ways, and order them
with the following. to seek Atonement to be forgiven by the gods. In the case of
Lord Gatha, his conversion will be simple, since he was under
“We understand your plight, comrade. You serve the king the influence of the naga’s compulsion spells. Lord Horin,
in your own fashion, under the rules he has given you. however, must be captured and faced with true knowledge
And we serve him in our own fashion, under the rules he of the consequences of her actions -- a DC 25 Diplomacy or
has given us. Bring us proof, bring us facts, and we will Intimidate check -- before she will realize the error of her ways
weigh them with all the other evidence we possess. Yes, and accept Atonement. Cavalier Macorrin will gladly perform
it is possible that information you yourself do not possess the ceremony (and pay the XP cost in Lord Horin’s case) if the
will cause us to decide that a candidate whose actions you Sixth can convince one of the lords to atone for their wrongs.
detest is preferable to another whose actions you applaud.
Neither candidate is perfect, not by any stretch of the
imagination. But only one of the four ancient houses can The Challenge of Arms
become Keyholder, and a Keyholder must be found. So we The Challenge of Arms is set to take place a few days after
serve as we must. Do what you can to work with us.” the Sixth arrives in a special dueling yard laid out in the town
square. All impediments are cleared, and a square measuring
That said, the Cavaliers are by no means immune to Bluff twenty feet on each side is roped off. The duel is set to take place
attempts. Amulets given to them by the king make them at noon, and by midmorning, there is a crowd three people deep
immune to mind-affecting spells, but they can be bluffed around the square, with the townsfolk eager to see the match.
like any person, and their innate trust of the Sixth gives him The northern edge of the square is occupied by a long table, at
a +5 bonus on Bluff attempts against them. Assume that the which sit Lords Horin and Gatha, the Five Cavaliers, and the
Cavaliers have a +10 Sense Motive and Diplomacy skills. dueling judge, a wizard who oversees the combat while using
Given that they should never become involved in combat with detect magic to ensure that no magical cheating occurs. Lord
the Sixth, they are not statted directly here. Gatha’s unicorn, Astalia, is notably absent.
CN Male half-orc warrior 3 600 XP
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 33 (3d10+12)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee masterwork longsword +6 (1d8+2/19-20) or
Melee masterwork longsword and shortsword +4/+3
(1d8+2/19-20 and 1d6+1/19-20)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Toughness, Two-weapon fighting
Skills Climb +6, Intimidate +9, Ride +6, Swim +6
Languages Common, Orc
SQ Half-orc traits
Gear master longsword, short sword, banded mail
LN Male human wizard 3 800 XP
Init +0; Senses Perception +0
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 19 (3d6+6)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
The rules of the Challenge of Arms are very simple. No
magical equipment is permitted, and the combatants may OFFENSE
not be under any sort of magical effect when the duel begins. Spd 30 ft.
Combatants are free to cast spells, but absolutely no magical Melee quarterstaff +0 (1d6-1) or
interference from outside the square is allowed. If a combatant Ranged touch +2
is found to have magic upon his person once he has entered Special Attacks cantrips
the square but before time has been called, that combatant’s Spells Prepared (CL3)
house is automatically disqualified for having cheated. 2nd—see invisibility
If Armsmaster Trelik has been disabled or otherwise 1st—identify (3)
removed, and Lord Gatha did not have advance knowledge 0—detect magic (2), read magic, light
of the situation, then there is an embarrassing pause while
everyone waits for Trelik to arrive. Eventually, the Cavaliers
Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 11
will note that because Trelik was selected several days ago,
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 10
and no last-minute change of champion was submitted, House
Feats Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Scribe ScrollB, Skill
Gatha must forfeit the match. Lord Gatha will stalk from the
Focus [Knowledge (arcana)]
square, fuming and shouting foul accusations at Lord Horin.
Skills Appraise +7, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge
Otherwise, Trelik appears, unarmored and bearing his
(history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature)
masterwork quarterstaff.
+5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +7, Spellcraft +5
The Sixth may decide to interfere in the Challenge of
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Goblin, Sylvan
Arms in a few ways. If he has convinced the Cavaliers that
SQ arcane bond (quarterstaff), hand of the apprentice
both Lord Horin and Lord Gatha are unsuitable candidates
Gear quarterstaff, potion of fox’s cunning, wand of dispel magic
and offers to serve as champion for Lord Duralis, the Sixth
(CL9, 45 charges), 15 gp
will fight the winner of the previous match, more than likly
Armsmaster Trelik.
If the Sixth has volunteered to fight for Lord Horin, then THE CHALLENGE INFORMATION
he is led into the square as their champion. Sage Harkin, the If the Sixth spends the morning before the Challenge asking
dueling judge, will carefully look at the Sixth’s equipment to around for information, he may gather the following with a
ensure that no magical equipment is brought into the ring. Diplomacy check.
Otherwise, Gervis is led in, wearing banded mail and using a DC 10: Learn common and easy information, such as the
longsword andshortsword. He appears visibly nervous as he location of the duel, the combatants expected to fight,
looks from side to side. and the normal rules. Sage Harkin, the dueling judge,
However the Sixth is of course free to assist Trelik in can see all magical activity that occurs within the square,
the fight should he believe that Lord Gatha is the superior and can also see invisible creatures.
DC 15: More detailed information about the dueling judge,
Sage Harkin. Harkin is apparently not much of a wizard,
but as the oldest and most respected learned man in
town, he was the first one approached for the position. A
vain man, Harkin hates to be seen as anything less than
regal. It is thus possible that if his concentration were
disrupted somehow, he would be too proud to cast detect
magic again and admit that he had lost the spell.
DC 20: Individual townsfolk provide bits and pieces of
information that provide useful tidbits about the town
square. One vendor who usually has a booth where the
square is now is concerned that the stakes he left in the
ground could trip an unwary combatant, while another
vendor complains about the glare from the temple dome
when standing in a specific spot.
DC 25: A playful group of children are planning to watch the
duel from above, and will share their information with
the Sixth in his guise as a friendly minstrel. From the
rooftop of the gem shop (which can be reached with a
Climb check, DC 15), the children can get within twenty
feet of the dueling square without being seen by their
parents. Anyone watching while crouched on the rooftop
can get extremely close to either the combatants or the
dueling judge with enough cover to allow a Stealth check.
The Combat
At noon, the Challenge is declared, and the two champions may
begin their combat. The combatants start at opposite edges of the
(which he will most likely fail). The judge will then simply
square, and neither combatant is considered flat-footed. From a
watch helplessly and pretend that he is still judging the fight,
rules standpoint, initiative may begin several rounds before the
while in reality the Sixth is now free to interfere as much as
start of the duel, allowing combatants to use Combat Expertise,
he thinks necessary. The Sixth will also hopefully note that
declare Dodge targets, or begin Raging, as applicable.
Sage Harkin has the ability to see invisible creatures unless the
Sixth dispels his see invisibility spell. Possible tactics, and their
TACTICS ramifications, include:
Unless his behavior has been changed due to interference
from the Sixth, Armsmaster Trelik will start the combat with Bardic Performance: While bardic performance is fairly
Combat Expertise engaged, and will continue to use Combat obvious, most townsfolk will not differentiate between
Expertise for the first three rounds of combat. If, by the end actual magical music and a simple encouraging battle
of the third round, Trelik has not taken significant damage hymn. If Sage Harkin does not have his detect magic spell
(more than 10% of his total hit points), he will forgo Combat in place, the Sixth can get away with this interference
Expertise and begin Power Attacking. He will also start by with no trouble.
making single attacks, but will use Flurry of Blows with his Attack spells on Trelik: Spells like daze monster, suggestion,
quarterstaff if he is striking regularly. If Trelik has taken crushing despair, slow, or dominate person offer little in the
multiple hits that total more than a quarter of his hit points, he way of direct evidence, unless a viewer is using detect
will change tactics, and first attempt to disarm his opponent magic. While townsfolk may hear the Sixth chanting, it
(using Flurry of Blows, with the first strike to disarm and the is unlikely that they will connect the Sixth’s quiet chant
second strike to attack the fallen weapon, knocking it 4d6 feet with Trelik’s sudden fumbling or slowed reflexes. Unless
in a random direction). If that fails, he will drop his quarterstaff Lord Gatha or Lord Horin succeeds at a Perception check
and attempt to initiate a grapple to win the combat. (DC 25), neither will make a complaint or challenge to
Sage Harkin.
OPTIONS FOR THE SIXTH More obvious spells, such as grease, scare, hideous
If the Sixth is one of the combatants, he is free to use any laughter, or hold person, offer enough physical evidence
available option (including obvious magical powers, such as of magical tampering that the lords are more likely to
blink or offensive attack spells), provided that he does not use notice. They gain a +5 bonus on the Perception check.
magical items (or can successfully conceal the fact that he is Spells that the entire crowd is likely to notice, such as
doing so, either with Sleight of Hand checks or Bluff checks). sound burst or rainbow pattern, will automatically result in
If the Sixth is watching the combat, he may attempt to a challenge.
interfere, but if Sage Harkin detects magical activity around Beneficial spells on Gervis: Spells such as bull’s strength or
either of the combatants without seeing them casting a spell or cure serious wounds are only effective at touch range, so
calling upon their deity, he will stop the fight and use his wand unless the Sixth has some means of getting close to the
of dispel magic to remove any spells cast upon the combatants. combat (such as approaching invisibly), he will not be
Ideally, the Sixth will come up with a way to distract Harkin able to help in this way. However, spells such as good
such that the judge is forced to make a Spellcheck check hope and rage can be cast at range, and will not be noticed.
If the Sixth can approach invisibly to cast touch Unless Cavalier Macorrin has told the Sixth what the
spells, Trelik receives a sound-based Perception check decision is beforehand (which is unlikely, unless the Sixth
(DC 20) to pinpoint the location as within the square. has directly caused some special circumstance to occur),
If he does not beat DC 20, he cannot be certain that the there is no way for the Sixth to know the decision before it is
voice is coming from within the square, given the yelling announced. The Five Cavaliers are warded against scrying as
of the crowd during the fight. well as mental domination or eavesdropping. It will thus be as
Attacking Trelik: If the Sixth damages Trelik directly, either much a surprise to the Sixth as to everyone else.
by attacking while using greater invisibility or by using The GM should make the roll secretly and then read from
ranged attacks, Trelik will immediately step back and one of the following:
raise his weapon over his head, signifying that he wishes
to challenge the validity of the duel. “For centuries, the king has appointed a Keyholder for
this town, and one of Hubrimort’s number has always
Gatha and Horin will only challenge spells that they notice come forward to bear that burden. We are grateful to the
that are working against their combatant. If a challenge is town mayor and to all the residents of the town for their
made, have Sage Harkin and the challenger make opposed hospitality while we delivered the king’s decision in this
Diplomacy checks during a series of back and forth exchanges important but difficult matter...”
along the lines of:
For one of the two normal results (Gatha or Horin) read the
Gatha: Harkin, I saw that with my own eyes! How is it that following:
you did not!
Harkin: How dare you, sir! You impugn my honor as judge “This year has seen much turmoil, and you may all rest
of this duel! well assured that the king will keep a close eye on the
Gatha: I do indeed, if you are too daft to notice this obvious town of Hubrimort to ensure that this choice was indeed
interference! the right one. Be that as it may, in the name of the king,
Harkin: I warn you against breaking my concentration, lest we appoint Lord (appropriate name) as Keyholder for
you forfeit the duel! Hubrimort for a period not to exceed ten years...”
Gatha: This duel is already invalid, based on what I have seen! For an abnormal result read the below:
This exchange, which takes at least two rounds of combat time “The Keyholder must serve as a source of strength for
(during which both combatants will continue, unless they have a Hubrimort and for the king, and both candidates have
compelling reason to step back and try to stop the combat) gives demonstrated their power. But that strength must also be
the Sixth a chance to jump in, either shouting encouragement tempered by virtue -- that power must serve the king, and
one way or chiming in with a bardic performance to sway the people, and the forces of law. It is the judgment of the
the mood either for or against the challenge. If the challenge king that neither Lord Horin nor Lord Gatha may properly
succeeds, Harkin will grudgingly stop the duel and re-cast detect serve as Keyholder. Instead, we choose (appropriate name),
magic. If the challenge fails, Harkin will hush the challenger and whose actions have demonstrated the strength and virtue
call for the fight to continue. that the king requires for this position...”
The fight continues until one of the combatants surrenders Epilogue
or is reduced to -1 hit points or fewer. At this point, temple Cavalier Macorrin will gratfully thank The Sixth for all of
priests rush in to stabilize the fallen combatant. Trelik will his help in electing the new Keyholder and offer him a few
stop fighting once an opponent is unconscious, unless he has rounds of beer and some hours of conversation now that the
been previously tricked by Bluff checks that made him think appointment is over. Unless the Sixth has further business in
his opponent was unconscious, in which case he will strike Hubrimort, he can walk out quietly, just as he walked in, with
his fallen opponent for nonlethal damage. (Killing a fallen foe no one the wiser that he was there on the king’s business.
before the priests arrive is extremely poor form, but can be That’s the life for the Sixth Cavalier!
legally excused as occurring during the heat of battle.) Read the following text box to close the adventure:
If Armsmaster Trelik is victorious, Lord Gatha will nod The town appears to be settling back to normalcy. The
regally to Lord Horin and the judges and depart to the cheering scorchmarks and ropes have been cleared away from the
of the crowd. Lord Horin will stalk off with barely contained square, and merchants are doing business again. While
fury, refusing to acknowledge Gatha or anyone else. you hear some townsfolk discussing the Appointment,
If Gervis (or the Sixth) is victorious, Lord Horin will most are talking about the weather, the price of goods,
pointedly smirk and make cutting remarks about House and whether anyone will be performing at Batarni’s that
Gatha not being as mighty as they had believed. Lord Gatha evening. For all their excitement, for all the terror and
will remain icily polite and will depart with Trelik in tow. corruption you saw, the townsfolk seem content to let
matters rest now that it is over, confident that the nobles
The Appointment will take care of their own business.
On the day following the Challenge of Arms, the Five If only they knew...
Cavaliers will gather in the town square to announce the new
Keyholder. All five Cavaliers will attend the ceremony, as will Rewards
the four Lords of Hubrimort and a bevy of merchants, minor If the player intends to continue using the Sixth, the
town officials, and ordinary townsfolk. The Cavaliers sit in the GM may award XP as appropriate. The following list shows
judging stands, while Lord Gatha and Lord Horin stand in the possible rewards for different accomplishments outside of
center of the square. simply defeating opponents in combat.
Spells Known (daily casting 2/4/5/6) these checks, the attempt still counts against his daily
4th—greater invisibility, modify memory (DC 18) limit. Blind creatures are immune to bardic performances
3rd—charm monster (DC17), displacement, haste, see with visual components.
invisibility Cantrips (Sp): Rultha Balanda knows 6 cantrips. He can cast
2nd—cure moderate wounds, detect thoughts, heroism, silence, these spells at will as a spell-like ability. Cantrips are
tongues treated like any other spell cast by the bard in terms of
1st—alarm, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, grease duration and other variables based on level.
(DC 15), sleep Jack-of-All-Trades (Ex): Rultha Balanda can use any skill,
0—detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained.
prestidigitation Lore Master (Ex): Rultha Balanda becomes a master of lore
and can take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he
STATISTICS has ranks in. Rultha can choose not to take 10 and can
Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18 instead roll normally. In addition, once per day, Rultha
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 21 can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Toughness, Spring action. He can use this ability once per day.
Attack, Weapon Focus (rapier) Versatile Performance (Ex): Rultha can use his bonus in
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +8, Climb +11, Diplomacy Perform (comedy) in Bluff and Intimidate checks,
+10, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Perform (dance) in Acrobatics and Fly checks, and
Knowledge (history) +16, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Perform (string) in Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
Perform (comedy) +17, Perform (dance) +17, Perform Well-Versed (Ex): Rultha Balanda becomes resistant to the
(string) +17, Sense Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +10, bardic performance of others. Rultha gains a +4 bonus on
Spellcraft +13, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device +14 saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic,
Language Common, Dwarven, Elven and languagedependent effects.
SQ bardic knowledge, jack-of-all-trades, lore master 1/day,
versatile performance (Comedy, Dance, String) ERVAN FINDAL CR 10
Gear Amulet of natural armor +2, boots of elvenkind, cloak of NG male human rogue 10
elvenkind, dust of disappearance, glamered mithral shirt armor CG Medium Humanoid (human)
+3, potion of cat’s grace, 3 potions of cure serious wounds, 4 Init +3; Senses Perception +11
potions of cure moderate wounds, potion of invisibility, +2
rapier of frost, ring of protection +2, +1 shortbow, arrows DEFENSE
(20), backpack, bedroll, fine lute, 2 rations, rope (silk), 5 AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 22 (+2 natural, +4 armor, +3 Dex,
sunrods, 150 gp, five 10 gp gems +3 enhancement, +2 deflection)
hp 68 (10d8+20)
SPECIAL ABILITIES Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +5
Bardic Knowledge: Rultha gained 1 bonus skill point at first Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge,
level to place in Knowledge (history) and an additional slippery mind, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge
skill point every time he gains a level. In addition, Rultha
adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill OFFENSE
checks and may make such checks untrained. Spd 30 ft.
Bardic Performance: Up to 26 rounds per day, Rultha can Melee +2 rapier of frost +13/+8 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 cold/18-20) or
use his Perform skill to produce magical effects on those Ranged +2 shortbow +12/+7 (1d6+2/x3)
around him (usually including himself, if desired). Melee +2 rapier of frost +13 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 cold/18-20) or
Some abilities can only be used with a specific type Ranged +2 shortbow +12/ (1d6+2/x3)
of Perform. Starting a bardic performance effect is a Special Attacks bleeding attack, sneak attack +5d6
move action. but it can be maintained each round as a
free action. Changing a bardic performance from one
effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous
Abilities Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
preformance and start a new one as a move action. A
Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 21
bardic performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon
immediately if the bard is killed, paralyzed, stunned,
Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking
Skills Acrobatics +15, Appraise +10, Bluff +14, Climb +11,
a free action to maintain it each round. Rultha cannot have
Diplomacy +16, Disable Device +16, Disguise +9, Escape
more than one bardic performance in effect at one time.
Artist +14, Linguistics +8, Perform (singing) +10, Perform
Each bardic performance has audible components,
(acrobatics) +10, Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +11,
visual components, or both. If a bardic performance has
Stealth +15, Swim +9, and Use Magic Device +16
audible components, the targets must be able to hear
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan
the bard for the perfomance to have any effect, and
SQ fast stealth, quick disable, resiliency, rogue crawl,
such performances as lnaguage dependent. A deaf bard
has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic
Gear arrows (20), amulet of natural armor +2, backpack, boots of
performance using Perform (comedy or string).
elvenkind, cat’s grace potion, cloak of elvenkind, cure moderate
If a bardic performace has a visual component,
wounds poitions (4), cure serious wounds potion (3), glamered
the targets must have line of sight to the bard for the
mithral shirt armor +3, handy haversack, hat of disguice,
performance to have any effect. A blind bard has a
invisibility potion, +2 rapier of frost, 2 rations, ring of
50% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic
protection +2, rope (silk), +2 shortbow, 5 sunrods, thieves’
performance using Perform (dance). If he fails either of
tools (masterwork), 150 gp
Batarni’s Tavern Astalia’s Lair
5 T 4 Lower
The Challenge Arena
1 2
Lowest Level
T skum aboleth
Jenya’s Tree
Astalia’s Lair
One on One Adventures #5
Vale of the Sepulcher
by Suzi Yee
An Adventure for One Cleric level 9-11
Something is amiss in the remote mountain town of Zuria. The head priest has not filed a report in months, and traders
following the winding road into the high-altitude valley do not find their way back home. The Church of Palnor, benefactor and
watchers of the Tomb of Kings, are greatly concerned. Can the PC discover what has happened in this isolated mountain town
before events turn disasterous?
Father Nichols delved deeper into the sepulcher, fearing • Father Nichols, the head priest of the church in
he was trapped in the tomb. Fortunately, Harold the Addled Zuria, has not filed a report in months.
inadvertently left Father Nichols the path to the surface, • Recent supply trains headed toward Zuria have
bypassing the white crystal and all the wards. Now Father gone missing, and communications from Zuria
Nichols has a new mission. He wants to join the ebon crystal have ceased altogether.
and the white crystal in an unholy rite and turn the white
crystal into an ebon crystal, opening the gateway to the
abyssal graveyard and bringing life to unlife.
Traveling to Zuria
Assuming the PC is traveling by horse, it takes him six days
Zuria is home to 1,300 souls, and Father Nichols is
of travel to reach Zuria. If the PC does not have a steed of his
uncertain how many souls he needs to complete his unholy
own, the Church of Palnor will requisition a heavy horse for
ritual. He thought he would have enough when he loosed
him. If the PC decides to travel by foot, the journey will take
a barghest upon the unsuspecting populace. Unfortunately,
10 days. Much of mountain travel is navigating up and down
Father Nichols did not realize the barghest fed on souls, and
on curved switchbacks that wind and writhe along the rocky
all those souls did not enter the ebon crystal as he planned.
slopes. If the PC decides to use magic to expedite travel, keep
Having lost favor with the fallen father, the now greater
in mind the nature of the crystal and the lay of the terrain.
barghest is hiding in the city, fleeing the undead minions who
Although the area of magical interference is only a five mile
serve the ebon crystal and its new agent. After the barghest’s
radius from the crystal, that is roughly a day’s travel on foot to
slaughter, the undead in the city have regrouped in the eastern
leave the area of magical interference due to the terrain.
section, centered upon the Silvery Moon Inn. Father Nichols’
created undead have been keeping traders at bay and refugees
from informing the outside world. Ambush Outside of Zuria
Despite being short on souls, Father Nichols managed to When the PC is within a day’s travel from Zuria, he will be
capture a pure creature who will serve as the final sacrifice to ambushed. Father Nichols has been creating undead with the
the ebon crystal-a unicorn magically caged in the basement of aid of the ebon crystal’s negative energy. These undead have
the Silvery Moon Inn. Now all he needs is the instrument of been ambushing travelers heading out and toward Zuria for
sacrifice, the Dagger of Juren, buried deep in the sepulcher. sport with a little guidance from Father Nichols.
Upon investigation, Father Nichols now believes the dagger
is in Harold the Addled’s possession, but how do you steal a The winding road takes another curve, bringing you
dagger from a master thief, even if he is insane? higher up the mountain. You chance a look over the ledge
and see the patches of the sprawling landscape below
through the clouds and fog rising up from the valley. The
Background for the PC path ahead levels as you make your way around massive
The adventure begins in a village in the foothills of the mountains. rock, and your nostrils fill with the familiar stench of
Zuria is six days travel from the village, and the village is unnatural death.
equipped with basic supplies for travelers. Before embarking into
the mountains, the PC will have some background knowledge The PC can smell the ghasts from around the corner and is
concerning the Tomb of Kings and Zuria. therefore not considered surprised. The road is 10 feet wide.
To the left and right are cliffs requiring a DC 20 Climb Skill
• Zuria is a Small Town situated in a remote area check to scale. When the combat begins, the ghouls and ghasts
in the mountains. are 40 feet away from the PC. The ghouls are the first wave of
• The town of Zuria was founded by the Church of attackers, closely followed by the ghasts.
Palnor in one of its expansionistic phases.
• The Church of Palnor in Zuria sits on the Tomb
GHOUL (16) CR 1
of Kings, a vast sepulcher that was the root of an
CE Medium Undead 400 XP
undead infestation in the past.
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7
• There is a massive magical crystal around which
the church in Zuria was built. It radiates positive DEFENSE
energy and a soft white glow. AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
• Due to the massive size and magical nature, the hp 13 (2d8+4)
white crystal disrupts the normal functioning Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
of certain spells, especially higher level spells Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, undead traits
and spells that transport objects, people, and
information. Any spell 6th level of higher simply OFFENSE
does not function within five miles of the crystal. Spd 30 ft.
Any spell transporting knowledge, people, or Melee bite +3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralusis) and 2 claws
objects (dimension door, sending, teleport, etc.) +3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis)
does not function properly within five miles of Special Attack paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are
the crystal. If a caster tries to cast such spells immune to this effect)
within five miles of the crystal, the spell simply
fizzles and the spell slot is spent. Effects of such STATISTICS
spells stop working when the recipient of the Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14
spell enters within five miles of the white crystal Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
of Palnor. Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +6, Stealth +7, Swim +3
Languages Common
Disease (Su): Ghoul Fever:Bite—injury, save Fort DC 14,
onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3
Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive days. The save DC is
A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul
at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul
in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in
life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but
it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a
normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice
or more rises as a ghast.
Beyond the ambush point is the ghasts’ stash of treasures,
sundries the ghasts kept after the bodies of the newly dead
were delivered to Father Nichols. A DC 15 Perception check
draws the PC’s attention to an indention in the rock’s face
behind one the crates. Read the following text when the PC
rounds the corner of the ambush.
Zombies: 12 hp, AC 12; see Entering Zuria
Ghouls: 13hp, AC 14; see Ambush Outside of Zuria
Ghast: 17 hp, AC 18; see Ambush Outside of Zuria
Leather Head: 37 hp, AC 18; see Silvery Moon Inn
Black Skeleton: 39 hp, AC20; see Silvery Moon Inn
Kargol: 85 hp, AC 20; see Kargol, Greater Barghest
Harold the Addled: 112 hp, AC18; see Harold the Addled
The Church
Read the following text when the PC goes to the church.
wall, personal belongings in the closet and the chest at the foot
of the bed. Among the books on the nightstand is a journal,
mostly concerning personal reflection and daily minutia The
PC does realize that he is not the first person that has gone
through Father Nichols’ things, but Father Roman admits as
much in his journal of things that came after his discovery of
the abyssal wight.
If the PC looks in Father Roman’s room, he will find a
journal. The early entries detail mundane life at the church, but
looking through the later entries, the PC will find a description
of the abyssal wight as well as the fact that Father Roman
discovered the creature on the seventh level of the sepulcher.
Read the following text if the PC looks through Father
Roman’s journal.
the PC discovers that the dagger of Juren was the weapon of Domain Powers (Healing/Protection)
the last undead king laid to rest by the Church of Palnor in Rebuke death, resistant touch
the great cleansing. The ritual of creating the white crystal and
sealing the wards cursed the weapon, causing those that touch STATISTICS
or wield the weapon to go insane. After its role in the creation Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
of the white crystal, the dagger was hidden deep in the Tomb Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
of Kings. The PC also finds a drawing of the dagger. Feats Extra Turning, Lightening Reflexes
Besides the library, the PC may also decide to cast Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +6, Knowledge (religion) +4,
commune and ask his god for information. His deity knows any Spellcraft +4
of the information from the library, and any of the information Languages Common
known to Alia, Kargol, and Harold the Addled. He knows that Gear Bolts (20), chainmail (masterwork), cure light wounds
Father Nichols has been changed and no longer serves Palnor, potion, holy symbol, holy water, light crossbow, light
but he can be saved. He also knows that the abyssal wight is wooden shield, morningstar (masterwork), 3 10-gp gems,
not from the material plane. 15 gp, 30 sp, 50 cp
Back Door
Front Door
The circle is made of crushed pieces of the ebon crystal with Special Attacks frightful presence, strength damage (Fort DC
mercury-brushed runes. The circle imprisons the unicorn 15, affects good creatures)
as well as contains her magic circle against evil ability and
suppresses any teleportation magic. Pouring holy water on STATISTICS
the shards of the ebon crystal will break the circle in a veil of Abilities Str 11, Dex 19, Con —, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
smoke. The PC need not pour holy water around the entire Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 18
circle to break the effects. Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
The unicorn’s guards are heads of the dead brought back (short sword)
to life with the ebon crystal’s malignant power. Fully-intact Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +9, Escape Artist +10, Stealth +13
dead bodies are sometimes hard to come by, and the ebon Languages Common
crystal works with what it is given. The skin pulls over the Gear two shortswords; when they are killed, the malignant
bones as the flesh desiccates, and their eyes open, black as red pin-prick eyes lose their glow and become 2 rubies
night and sparkling with intelligence. Their ears extend from worth 1,000 gp each.
the side of their heads and flap furiously. Father Nichols has
taken to calling them “leather heads.” SPECIAL ABILITIES
If the PC frees the unicorn, she will help in the fight. Alia Frightful Presence (Ex): The mere presence of a black
will offer her services to the PC until the abominations are laid to skeleton is unsettling to foes, especially when the
rest. She can give the PC the following pieces of information. skeleton shrieks. Creatures within 60 feet and with less
HD than the black skeleton that hear it must succeed on
• Undead are coming to the surface through the a DC 15 Will save or become panicked for 4d6 rounds.
trapdoor. Creatures that successfully save are immune to the
• A male human covered in boils and scars frightful presence of the same black skeleton for one day.
captured her in the forest outside of Zuria and The save DC is Charisma-based.
bound her in the magic circle three months ago. Feats: Because of the black skeleton’s magical nature, its
• Alia knows that she was being kept alive as a Two-Weapon Fighting feat allows it to attack with both
final sacrifice for some master plan. weapons at no penalty.
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural) AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 12 (+6 Dex, +2 size)
hp 39 (6d8+12) hp 37 (5d8+15)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5 Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5
Defensive Abilities undead traits; DR 10/bludgeoning and Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, undead traits
OFFENSE Spd 40 ft. fly (perfect)
Spd 40 ft. Ranged touch Ray of ebon light +10 (1d4+2 negative energy)
Melee 2 short swords +8 (1d6, 19-20/x2 plus 1d3 Str damage) Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d4 plus 1d3 Str damage)
STATISTICS Kargol, Greater Barghest
Abilities Str 3, Dex 22, Con —, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 Kargol was captured long ago and placed into stasis as an
Base Atk +3; CMB -3; CMD 10 unwilling tomb guardian. For centuries, Kargol remained
Feats Alertness, Point Blank Shot tomb guardian until the abyssal-touched Father Nichols
Skills Escape Artist +11, Fly +14, Stealth +22 wandered deep into the sepulcher. Sensing opportunity,
Languages Abyssal, Common Father Nichols spoke with the barghest and struck a deal.
In exchange for killing the people of Zuria, Father Nichols
SPECIAL ABILITIES was supposed to send Kargol home. Although he did not kill
Ray of Ebon Light (Su): Leather heads attack by shooting everyone in Zuria, through his feasting Kargol is now a greater
rays of black light from their eyes. They do 1d4 +2 points barghest. Father Nichols was furious that Kargol devoured
of negative energy damage. Leather heads can also use the souls of his victim, and Kargol was equally upset when he
this attack to heal undead, but they must roll a hit. found out that Father Nichols does not have the ability to send
him back to the Infernal Planes.
Ghouls (12): 13hp, AC 14; see Ambush Outside of Zuria While Father Nichols has ordered his undead to kill the
Ghast (3): 17 hp, AC 18; see Ambush Outside of Zuria greater barghest, Kargol is hiding from Father Nichols and
his undead minions in a game of hide and seek. Kargol has
ALIA CR 3 deliberately stayed in Zuria and refrained from slaughtering
Female Unicorn 800 XP those in the church. In his new forms, he cannot infiltrate
CG Large Magical Beast another city, so he stays in Zuria, hoping to exchange
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; information (and his willing self-restraint) for a ticket home
Perception +10 from whomever the church ends up sending to take care of
Aura magic circle against evil (suppressed by the circle of this problem. Kargol and Harold the Addled have a tacit
ebon shards) agreement that the undead are a common enemy. They give
each other a wide breadth, but do not give each other away in
DEFENSE front of the undead.
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size; +2 While the PC is studying in the church library, read the
deflection vs. evil) following text.
hp 34 (4d10+12)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 resistance vs. evil A loud bellowing from outside disrupts your study. A
Immune charm, compulsion, poison fierce fight begins as you look out the nearby open window
to investigate. A whirl of claws and a snapping maw
OFFENSE break against a skeleton whose bones are polished black.
Spd 60 ft. Swarming through the streets are hoards of ghouls, drawn
Melee gore +8 (1d8+4) and 2 hooves +5 (1d3+2) by the sounds of combat. The strange goblin-wolf hybrid
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. turns to toward the church. His eyes glow burnt orange as
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 2d8+8) he stares up at you and gives a desperate yell in Common.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th) “Sanctuary!”
At will—detect evil (as a free action), light
3/day—cure light wounds Like Harold, Kargol hides in the streets of Zuria and knows
1/day—cure moderate wounds, greater teleport (within its of the PC’s entry, the first in months. Kargol is not pleased
forest territory), neutralize poison (DC 21) about being trapped on the Material Plane, and he is not fond
of Father Nichols for trying to use him as a tool for an Abyssal
STATISTICS crystal. Kargol heads to the church to work out a deal with
Abilities Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 21, Cha 24 the PC: information for a dismissal home. Unfortunately, he
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 22 (26 vs. trip) attracted a black skeleton and more undead minions are on
Feats Multiattack, Weapon Focus (horn) their way. Kargol will wait 3 rounds in combat for the PC to
Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8, Survival +7 (+10 in forests) respond, either by yelling back or attacking the undead. After
Languages Common, Sylvan that time, Kargol will shape change into a dire wolf and make
SQ magic strike, wild empathy +17 a run for it (base speed 50 ft.) casting his luck among the maze-
like streets.
SPECIAL ABILITIES If the PC decides to hunt down Kargol before investigating
Magic Circle against Evil (Su): This ability continuously at the church or try to capture Kargol after this encounter, the
duplicates the effect of the spell. A unicorn cannot greater barghest will try to bargain information for a dismissal
suppress this ability. home. If the PC does not spend a significant amount of time in
Magical Strike (Ex): A unicorn’s gore atack is treated as the library, he can also encounter Kargol on the streets of Zuria.
a magic good weapon for the purposes of damage If the PC does not look like he’s willing to make a deal, Kargol
reduction. will remind the PC that he could have entered the church and
Wild Empathy (Ex): This works like the druid’s wild slaughtered everyone at any time. He will also give a piece of
empathy class feature, except that a unicorn has a +6 information for free to entice the PC into making a deal.
racial bonus on the check. Here are the things the greater barghest knows:
SQ change shape (goblin or wolf, polymorph)
• There is a smuggler’s tunnel from the basement
of the Silvery Moon Inn that leads deep into the
Tomb of Kings.
• The undead are looking for Harold. He knows
it. “Scabby” is looking for him. Him and the
• “Scabby” leads the undead creatures. He goes
in and out through the smuggler’s tunnel. He’s
covered in boils and scars, and he gives Harold
the creeps. Scabby goes deep into the tombs and
talks to the black rock.
• Wolfie is the creature that killed all those people
in town, but now he is hiding from Scabby too. Gear Harold has few
Harold and Wolfie don’t get along, but they treasures left after years of
don’t give each other away to the undead. insanity. His dull copper-looking ring is actually a ring of
protection +4. His cloak and boots are a cloak of elvenkind
If the PC knows about the dagger of Juren and knows that it is and boots of elvenkind. He carries a set of masterwork
in Harold’s possession, he can try to persuade Harold to put thieves’ tools among the rags, as well as his prized
the dagger on the giant white crystal with a successful DC 20 possession, the dagger of Juren. Harold has little money
Diplomacy check, patiently explaining that the white crystal (usually less than 5 gp), and he also collects bits of useful
needs to “borrow” the dagger so it can fight the black rock that things, like pieces of string and needles.
is causing bad things to happen. If the PC fails in his attempt,
he can pursue the issue further, but the each time he tries to
persuade Harold, the DC increases by +1. If the PC brings DAGGER OF JUREN
Harold his lost possessions from the Juren’s tomb, he gets a +5 The dagger was the favored weapon of Juren, a great leader of
circumstantial bonus to his Diplomacy check. the ancient civilization that once ruled these mountains. Juren
was the last of the undead kings laid to rest by the Church of
Palnor in the great cleansing, and his dagger was part of the
HAROLD THE ADDLED ritual that created the white crystal and sealed the wards of the
CG male human rogue 15 upper levels of the sepulcher. The ritual of creating the white
Init +8; Senses Perception +15 crystal cursed the weapon, lest it be used to undo the Church
of Palnor’s good.
DEFENSE Gilded with gold, the dagger of Juren is a major artifact that
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 deflection) drives its wielder permanently insane (DC 25 Will Save). If the
hp 112 (15d8+45) wielder succeeds his Will Save, he must make subsequent
Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +7 Will Saves each day he is in contact with the dagger. If the
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved evasion, improved wielder fails his Will Save, he is struck with madness, making
uncanny dodge, slippery mind, trap sense +5, interaction and cooperation with the wielder difficult (if not
uncanny dodge impossible). If driven insane, the wielder immediately leaves
half his possessions and anything that has gold; the dagger
OFFENSE of Juren is jealous by nature and does not want to share the
Spd 30 ft. glitter of gold on his wielder’s person with any other objects.
Melee Dagger of Juren +22/+17/+12 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 In combat, the dagger of Juren acts like a +4 dagger of shock.
Special Attacks roge talents (bleeding attack, slow reactions),
sneak attack +8d6 Tomb of Kings
The main entrance to the Tomb of Kings is below the church
STATISTICS through the basement. The stairs between levels are warded,
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12 and they are the only method between the strata of the
Base Atk +11; CMB +12; CMD 26 sepulcher. The white crystal passes through the top seven
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Initiative, levels of the tomb, although the tomb extends well beyond
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Two-Weapon the light of the white crystal, eventually into the Abyssal
Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger) graveyard and ebon crystal.
Skills Acrobatics +20, Appraise +10, Bluff +15, Climb +15, As the PC enters the Tomb of the Kings, read the following.
Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +22, Disguise +14, Escape
Artist +17, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (dungeoneering) You approach the stairs leading to the Tomb of Kings.
+9, Knowledge (local) +9, Linguistics +9, Sense Motive The ward at the bottom of the stairs glows with a faint
(Wis)+14, Sleight of Hand +22, Stealth +22, Swim +9, and blue light, and as you turn the corner, a brief moment
Use Magic Device +19 of darkness comes over you until you step in deeper and
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, feel the light of Palnor emanating from the white crystal
Halfling, Orc amidst the musty smell of the tomb. The short hallway
SQ fast stealth, quick disable, resiliency, rogue crawl, stand opens into a large, cavernous room. The crystal’s radiant
up, trapfinding light exposes the walls, honeycombed with alcoves bearing
the dead.
Command Undead (Su): Skeletons that are commanded by a bone sovereign are
drawn towards the creature and permanently merged into its form when
they make contact. Other types of undead can’t be merged with it, but a
bone sovereign usually keeps commanded wraiths, shadows, ghouls,
and other lesser undead nearby for as long as possible. Because of the
desecration aura created by its presence, such beings frequently follow a
bone sovereign even after its domination has lapsed. In some cases, the
gruesome entourage that accompanies a bone sovereign can be more
dangerous than the bone sovereign itself.
Desecrate (Su): The bone sovereign benefits from all of the spell’s powers
(included in the statistics block), but undead allies do not gain desecrate’s
attack and damage bonuses.
Skeleton Merge (Su): When a bone sovereign comes into contact with an
animated skeleton under its control, it can merge the other monster into its
form as a free action, adding the normal skeleton’s Hit Dice to its own. For
example, a Large 6 HD bone sovereign that merges with a troll skeleton (6
HD) becomes a Huge 12 HD bone sovereign. The skeleton ceases to exist as
a separate entity and becomes part of the bone sovereign. 5-8 HD (Large);
9-12 HD ( Huge); 13-16 HD (Gargantuan); 17+ HD (Colossal)
Skeleton Spawn (Su): As a standard action, a bone sovereign can create any
number of skeletal monsters from its body. Skeletons spawned by the
bone sovereign are under its complete mental control. The Hit Dice of
the spawned creatures are deducted from the bone sovereign’s Hit
Dice, and return to the sovereign when it again merges with the spawn.
If a skeleton spawn is destroyed, it cannot be merged back into the
bone sovereign; its Hit Dice are lost. Spawned skeletons are treated
in all ways like standard skeletons, and can act as the remains of any
creature the sovereign desires. A bone sovereign can lose no
more than half its Hit Dice in one round, and cannot
reduce its Hit Dice to fewer than 4 through this process.
Spawned skeletons can be of any variety of types.
For example, a bone sovereign with 24 Hit Dice could
create any combination of skeletons which adds up to
12 Hit Dice or fewer. There is no limit to the number of
spawned skeletons a bone sovereign can control at once.
This level is mostly abandoned, treated as a buffer zone. This AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural)
level is also where the PC encounters the abyssal wight. The hp 90 (12d8+36)
abyssal wight is a creation of the ebon crystal, bearing the Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +9
features of an undead creature, but the traits of an outsider. Defensive Abilities undead traits; DR 5/magic, Resist cold
Due to his unique nature, the abyssal wight was able to pass 10, fire 10; SR 12
the final ward and enter the seventh level of the sepulcher. It
was here that he ambushed Father Nichols. Using his abyssal OFFENSE
touch ability, he changed Father Nichols’ alignment, aligning Spd 30 ft.
him with the ebon crystal. After this transformation, Father Melee Slam +15 (1d4+7 plus energy drain)
Nichols became the crystal’s agent. Special Attacks abyssal touch, create spawn, energy drain (1
Much to the wight’s surprise, he could no longer hurt level, Fort DC 18), smite good
Father Nichols as the fallen priest ran deeper into the tomb
beyond the final ward. He was even more surprised when he STATISTICS
discovered that he could not go beyond the final ward. After his Abilities Str 20, Dex 15, Con —, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
initial rage, he tried moving higher through the tomb, only to Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 26
get caught on the ward leading to the sixth level. So the abyssal Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
wight is trapped on level seven and is thoroughly pissed. Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
If the PC reads Father Roman’s journal (or specifically Skills Bluff +12, Diplomacy +11, Sense Motive +13, Stealth
asks his deity through commune), he will know the abyssal +23; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth
wight is on the seventh level. The abyssal wight will try to Language Abyssal
hide and ambush the PC.
SPECIAL ABILITIES end of the level are stairs leading down. Read the following
Abyssal Touch (Su): After the abyssal wight drains half text and start combat.
the creature’s original hit dice, the abyssal wight can
activate his abyssal touch ability in place of his energy In the tunnel you hear a glob from the darkness and
drain ability. Abyssal touch instantly and permanently the clatter of bones. From around the corner come four
changes the victim’s alignment to chaotic evil, aligning skeletons. Closely behind them writhes a large, viscous,
his soul with the abyss. The target gets a Will save to black mass headed your direction.
resist this metamorphosis (DC 18). The abyssal wight can
use this ability three times a day. UNDEAD OOZE CR 6
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by an abyssal wight CE huge undead (cold) 2,400 XP
becomes a wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the Init -1; Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Perception +9
command of the wight that created them and remain
enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the DEFENSE
abilities they had in life. AC 3, touch 3, flat-footed 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex)
Energy Drain (Su): When the abyssal wight drains a creature’s hp 39 (6d8+12)
energy, the victim feels more aligned with the abyss. Fort +2, Ref -3, Will +6
Smite Good (Su): Once per day the creature can make a Defensive Abilities undead traits; Immune cold,
normal melee attack to deal extra 12 points of damage polymorphing; Vulnerable fire
against a good foe.
Spd 20 ft.
LEVEL 8: BEYOND THE WHITE CRYSTAL’S LIGHT Melee Slam +4 (2d4+1 plus 1d6 cold)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
You approach the stairs leading beyond the seventh level
Special Attacks engulf, expel skeletons
of the Tomb of Kings. Aren the preserver and Nyril the
prophet straddle the stairs, their stony statues armed and
ready to defend the domain of Palnor. The final ward glows
Abilities Str 12, Dex 1, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
bright at the bottom of the stairs, leading beyond the white
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 12
crystal’s light.
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +13, Stealth +1, Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +8
The PC does not find any combatants on this level, but if he
has a light source, he will find a discarded holy symbol of
Language Abyssal
Palnor thrown on the floor. There are stairs
leading down at the end of the level.
Engulf (Ex): An undead ooze can simply move across any
LEVEL 9 Large or smaller creatures as a standard action. It
An undead ooze lurks in this the level of the cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it
sepulcher. When he hears the PCs approach, engulfs. The undead ooze merely has to move over the
he expels skeletons from his mass and opponents, affecting as many as it can cover.
engages in combat. Unlike most oozes, the Opponents can make attacks
undead ooze is intelligent and takes cover of opportunity against the
around a corner, waiting to get the jump on ooze, but if they do so, they
the PC. If the PC doesn’t detect him sooner, are not entitled to a saving
when the PC is within 30 feet of the undead throw. Those who do not
ooze, have him make a sound-based attempt attacks of opportunity
Perception check DC 15 to hear the ooze must succeed on a DC 15
expel the skeletons from his mass. If the Reflex save or be engulfed;
PC succeeds, he is not surprised. At the
on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s great cleansing. Those that created the white crystal and the
choice) as the ooze moves forward. Engulfed creatures protective wards used Juren’s surviving blade to plug the
are subject to the ooze’s cold and are considered to be entrance to the abyssal graveyard; the +4 dagger of frost was
grappled and trapped within its body. The save DC is lost to history. Beyond the stone door, they sealed the now-
Strength-based and includes a +1 racial bonus. cursed dagger of Juren, thinking it safe. And it was, until Harold
Expel skeletons (Su): As a full round action, an undead ooze the master thief sensed riches.
can expel the skeletons in its body. At any given time, With further study (Knowledge (religion) check DC
an undead ooze has 1d4 skeletons in its body. Expelled 18), the PC ascertains the pictures as an alternate method of
skeletons can act in the round they were expelled, making holy water. If the PC pours a vial of holy water in
and each skeleton can be of any size up to Large. Slain the basin, the stone door will roll away. A DC 12 Perception
skeletons can be engulfed by the undead ooze and then check reveals a small hole in the bottom of the basin where the
reanimated and expelled again in 1d2 hours when they holy water is slowly dripping out (10 minutes until the door
are returned to full strength. seals). The room behind the door is 10 feet by 10 feet with an
Amorphous (Ex): An undead ooze is not subject to critical empty stone platform where once the dagger of Juren lay. On
hits. It cannot be flanked. the floor in front of the platform is a +3 mithral chain shirt with
gold highlights, a +3 dagger with a gold pommel, a +2 dagger
LEVEL 10: FORK TO SMUGGLER’S TUNNEL with gold etchings on the blade, an amulet of natural armor
At the end of the level are stairs leading down, but unlike the +2 with gold leaf, and a pile of golden jewelry—roughly half
other levels, there is a tunnel jutting off from main chamber. If of Harold’s possessions. If the PC collects Harold’s things
the PC decides to investigate the tunnel, read the following. and brings them back to him, the PC gets a +5 circumstantial
bonus to his Diplomacy check when trying to convince Harold
The tunnel is significantly smaller than the other to give him the dagger.
passageways and rooms of the tomb. Merely 5 feet across
and 7 feet tall, the tunnel is crudely carved. As you LEVEL 12: EBON CRYSTAL ALTAR
examine the tunnel and stand very still, you can almost Like the other levels of the sepulcher, the stairs enter at a 90
sense a current of air pass you by. degree angle from the main cavern, giving the PC a chance to
inspect his surroundings. Read the following text when the PC
The tunnel ends at a hidden trapdoor in the Silvery Moon Inn’s enters the twelfth level.
basement. No one knows who made this tunnel or its original
purpose, but Harold the Addled used it for raiding tombs The room is large and cavernous, lit not by the light of
before his insanity set in. Even after his madness, Harold Palnor, but by a dark light emanating from the luster of the
would occasionally enter the tomb through the smuggler’s black slate in the center of the room. It looks to be an altar,
tunnel for some money; he never takes much, but when you but to what gods you do not know. To the side of the altar
need money stealing from the dead is better than stealing from is a stash of bodies, and a man in blackened armor stands
the living. That was Harold’s thinking. It was on one of these beside the altar. The body on the altar undergoes an instant
jaunts that Father Nichols discovered a way out of the tomb as transformation. The flesh melts from the body, exposing
Harold forgot to close the door. Ever since the undead came the bones that blacken and harden. As the undead creature
into the city, Harold has not entered the tunnel or the tomb. rises, you see the red pin-prick where his eyes should be.
He has been acquiring money from the newly dead on the
surface and does not care for undead and “Scabby,” his name This is where Father Nichols has set up shop since his
for Father Nichols in his changed state. transformation. The black crystal cleaved off part of itself, and
At the end of the tunnel is a ladder leading up to the Father Nichols brought the crystal to this level and created an
trapdoor on the floor of the basement of the Silvery Moon Inn. altar around the dark stone. Any dead body placed on the ebon
If the PC has not cleared out the Silvery Moon Inn’s basement, crystal altar rises as an undead. Father Nichols has been making
it he makes a DC 15 sound-based Perception check, he hears more complex and intelligent undead by casting animate dead as
the high buzz of small wings rapidly beating from the other part of the ritual. The sweepers bring bodies down, and Father
side of the door. Nichols sends them back to the surface, either with a mission or
to wait for instructions in the Silvery Moon Inn.
LEVEL 11: TOMB OF JUREN The altar is in the center of a cavernous room 30 feet by 50
Read the following text as the PC enters this level. feet. When the PC meets Father Nichols, there is also a leather
head flying about and a black skeleton that has just been
This level is a small 10 ft. by 15 ft. room with stairs leading created. Since Father Nichols is the chosen agent of the ebon
down and a sealed stone door to the side. The center of the crystal and he is in its presence (via the shard), he does not
circular door is a basin with pictures and an unfamiliar have to make a check to channel negative energy and control
script spiral outward. If you listen carefully, you can hear the undead. While the fallen priest has spent his 3rd level
the carvings hum. spells making intelligent undead, he will certainly make for a
tough fight.
This level is the tomb of Juren, the greatest of rulers from the If the PC casts atonement on Father Nichols, the fallen
ancient civilization that ruled these peaks before curiosity priest of Palnor will regain his original alignment (NG), but
in the dark arts and betrayal destroyed them. Juren trained he will be subject to damage from the undead minions he was
in martial and subtle arts, and his favored weapons were a once immune from. His spells would remain the same, but
+4 dagger of shock gilded with gold and a +4 dagger of frost he does regain the ability to turn undead. Keep in mind that
inlaid with pearl. By no coincidence, Juren was also the last casting time for atonement is 1 hour.
of the undead kings to fall to Palnor’s holy might in the
Gear two shortswords; when they are killed, the malignant
red pin-prick eyes lose their glow and become 2 rubies
worth 1,000 gp each.
Frightful Presence (Ex): The mere presence of a black
skeleton is unsettling to foes, especially when the
skeleton shrieks. Creatures within 60 feet and with less
HD than the black skeleton that hear it must succeed on
a DC 15 Will save or become panicked for 4d6 rounds.
Creatures that successfully save are immune to the
frightful presence of the same black skeleton for one day.
The save DC is Charisma-based.
Feats: Because of the black skeleton’s magical nature, its
Two-Weapon Fighting feat allows it to attack with both
weapons at no penalty.
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 12 (+6 Dex, +2 size)
hp 37 (5d8+15)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, undead traits
Spd 40 ft. fly (perfect)
Ranged touch Ray of ebon light +10 (1d4+2 negative energy)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Abilities Str 3, Dex 22, Con —, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB -3; CMD 10
Feats Alertness, Point Blank Shot
Skills Escape Artist +11, Fly +14, Stealth +22
Languages Abyssal, Common
BLACK SKELETON (2) CR 5 Ray of Ebon Light (Su): Leather heads attack by shooting
CE Medium Undead 1,600 XP
rays of black light from their eyes. They do 1d4 +2 points
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +9
of negative energy damage. Leather heads can also use
this attack to heal undead, but they must roll a hit.
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 39 (6d8+12) FATHER NICHOLS CR 5
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5 CE male human cleric 5 600 XP
Defensive Abilities undead traits; DR 10/bludgeoning and Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+9 armor, +1 deflection)
OFFENSE hp 41 (5d8+15)
Spd 40 ft.
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7
Melee 2 short swords +8 (1d6, 19-20/x2 plus 1d3 Str damage)
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d4 plus 1d3 Str damage) OFFENSE
Special Attacks frightful presence, strength damage (Fort DC Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
15, affects good creatures) Melee masterwork heavy mace +5 (1d8+1)
Special Attack Channel negative energy, orisons, spells
STATISTICS Spells Prepared (CL5)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 19, Con —, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14 2nd—bull’s strength, hold person, sound burst, death knell*
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 18 1st—bless, cure light wounds, protection from good, sanctuary,
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus obscuring mist*
(short sword) 0—create water, detect magic, light (x2)
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +9, Escape Artist +10, Stealth +13 Domain Powers (Darkness/Death)
Languages Common Bleeding touch, touch of darkness
Abilities Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14 JARVEL ELDOR CR 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 NG male human cleric 10
Feats Brew Potion, Extra Turning, Improved Turning, Spell Init +4; Senses Perception +10
Skills Diplomacy +8, Heal +8, Knowledge (religion) +6, DEFENSE
Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +8 AC 29, touch 12, flat-footed 29 (+9 armor, +2 enhancement, +2
Languages Common shield, +2 shield enhancement, +2 deflection, +2 natural)
Gear Full plate, masterwork heavy mace, ring of protection +1, hp 90 (10d8+40)
cure moderation wounds potion Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +13
Church of Palnor
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Tunnel Level 10
One on one Adventures #6
The Shroud of Olindor
by Matthew J. Hanson
An adventure for one rogue levels 7-9
Day 5 5:00 am Ravid Lurk discovers the body and “And now it’s the moment you’ve waited for,” the
flees the town. auctioneer announces. “The Shroud of Olindor. Let’s give
6:00 am A server at the Hunter’s Lodge a hand of thanks to our patron, Lord Dragle.” The audience
discovers Vancing’s body. applauds, and the lavishly dressed Lord Dragle begins to
Day 6 12:00 pm The duration of magic aura on the rise from his chair. He is a tall man who might have been
false shroud expires. muscled at one time; middle age has made him soft and
Day 7 2:40 am Quarillos finds Lord Dragle, tortures, doughy. For a moment Lord Dragle looses his balance, but
and kills him. is steadied by the well-muscled female half-orc beside him.
3:35 am Quarillos finishes placing Dragle on “Thank you,” Dragle says. “I am honored to...”
the auction hall. Dragle clears his throat and adjusts his collar. In the last
5:00 am Lord Dragle’s is discovered. few seconds the color has bled from his face, and sweat has
flooded his brow. “I am honored to receive such credit for my
humble...” Lord Dragle stumbles again and then collapses.
The following events are the natural flow of action should the The audience gasps and begins to murmur. The auctioneer
PC do nothing while in Kendleton. However, these events are announces that there will be a short pause, and he invites
mutable, and the PC may prevent or change the way these Belinal to perform onstage. Meanwhile Lord Dragle’s
events play out. bodyguard has whisked her master away.
After fifteen minutes, the auctioneer returns again to
ARRIVAL announce that auction will not proceed this evening. Along
If she is new to Kendleton, the player character should arrive with him is Constable Eldun. Eldun apologizes for the
in the early evening on the day before the auction. Allow her incontinence, but he needs to talk to each of the guests one at
the opportunity to get to know the town, select an inn, and a time. He has brought two advanced guards and six regular
possibly meet some of the personalities that will play major guards for crowd control.
roles in the adventure. The PC must wait in the main hall until finally it is her
time to speak to the constable. Constable Eldun asks a series
EVENT 1: AUCTION AT THE MEETING HOUSE of questions: who is the character, why is she interested in the
Time: Day 1, 7:00 pm auction, did she see anything unusual that evening, and where
Place: The meeting house she is staying in town. The constable’s attitude at this time
People: Belinal, Constable Eldun, Lord Dragle, Tasker, unfriendly, and he will not answer any questions, explaining
Quarillos Starwhisper, Vancing that there are a lot of other people he needs to talk to. If made
indifferent, he still will not answer questions, but recommends
The meeting house is crowded with an array of personalities, the character visit his office tomorrow. If made friendly or
many wear exotic dress. Belinal, Tasker, and Quarillos helpful, he will tell the character what he currently knows, that
Starwhisper are in attendances, as are many minor characters. Lord Dragle is dead, apparently from poison. Once the PC has
The only notable absence is Lord Dragle. Eight o’clock comes finished her questioning the constable allows her to leave.
and goes, but the auction does not start.
In the meantime, the player character has the opportunity EVENT 2: THE FUNERAL OF LORD DRAGLE
to talk to any of the NPCs attending the event. If the character Time: Day 2, 2:00 pm
does not approach any of the NPCs, Belinal approaches the Place: The church & the graveyard
character and initiates conversation. People: Belinal, Caspian Dragle, Constable Eldun, Leandra,
Belinal starts by makings small talk and speculating Lord Dragle, Marly, Mother Olannae, Tasker, Quarillos
that the auctioneer is holding the auction until Lord Dragle Starwhisper, Vancing, Worbs
arrives. She then steers the conversation towards the Shroud of
Olindor. Belinal tries to learn as much about the PC’s motives The funeral for Lord Dragle is held the following day. It is a
as possible. somber event, conducted in the traditional fashion. The funeral
Lord Dragle eventually slips into his private box nearly is held in the Church of Leolus and led by Mother Olannae.
half an hour after the auction was scheduled to begin. Not Lord Dragle’s casket is then taken to the graveyard, where it
coincidentally, the auction starts several minutes after Lord buried under the supervision of Worbs, the gravedigger.
Dragle arrives. After the funeral all those assembled return to the church
While the Shroud of Olindor is by far the most important and mill about in its meeting hall. Ostensibly it is time for
item to be auctioned that evening, there are several other people to share their memories of the deceased, but Lord
objects up for auctions. These include the Celestial Shield Dragle had few close friends. The crowd is more interested in
(winged shield), Sword of Destruction (+1 flaming shocking gossiping about the murder and determining the fate of the
longsword), Malikor’s Sceptor (rod of splendor), Candor’s Signet Shroud of Olindor. Give the player the opportunity to talk to
Ring (ring of protection +2) and the Steed of Sandgrino (bronze any of the other assembled guest.
griffon figurine of wondrous power). In addition to their magic At some point during the memorial, a disturbance breaks
properties, all of these objects have historical significance, out between Tasker and Caspian Dragle. Caspian has decided
which increases the finally auction price ten to fifty percent to delay auctioning the Shroud until the questions surrounding
over the prices given in the DMG. his father’s death have been answered. Tasker has other
After these items have been auctioned off, it is time for the business arrangements that require him to leave the following
main event. Read or paraphrase the following. afternoon. Tasker accuses Caspian of trying to force him out of
the auction as some sort of “elven plot.”
If the player does not intervene, Tasker implies, not so EVENT 4: DEAD BODY GUARD
subtly, that perhaps Caspian is responsible for his father’s Time: Day 5, occurs 1:00 am, noticed 6:00 am.
death. “From what I hear, you two weren’t fond of each other. Place: The Dragon Hunter’s Lodge
And who stands to profit from his death?” At this point Mother People: Constable Eldun, Vancing (deceased)
Olannae and Constable Eldun step in to separate Tasker from
Caspian. Olannae reminds everybody that this is a house of On the morning of the fifth day, one of the staff of the Dragon
worship and asks everybody to show some respect. Hunter’s Lodge discovers Vancing’s body in the kitchen.
After Tasker’s rant, the memorial continues with little She immediately goes to alert Ravid Lurk, but he cannot be
incident, and guests gradually file away. found (he has fled town), so she then rushes to the constable’s
office. Constable Eldun arrives on the scene at 6:40. He has
EVENT 3: THE MISSING UNDERTAKER his deputies close off the area to investigate the scene but will
Time: Occurs day 2, 11:00 pm. Noticed day 4, 7:30 am. allow the player character access if his attitude is (or can be
Place: The graveyard shifted to) friendly or better.
People: Lord Dragle, Marly, Mother Olannae (after the fact), The Scene: One of the windows has been smashed, and
Vancing, Worbs glass has fallen to the outside. A DC 15 Perception check or
Survival notices a series of bloody partial footprints that
This event is one of the quietest. Unless the PC attempts lead from near where Vancing fell to the fireplace, then
to meet Worbs soon after he goes missing, his loss is not to the window, and finally back out the front door. A DC
noticed for over twenty-four hours. At this point the Mother 30 Perception check discovers Lord Dragle’s hiding place,
Olannae notifies Constable Eldun and, if she knows the PC is detailed in the Dragon Hunter’s Lodge in Places.
investigating the murder, the player character. Alternatively, A character could track either Gurt or Sable leaving
if Eldun is friendly or helpful towards the PC, he will pass the through the front door, or Lord Dragle leaving through the
information on to her. window. A series of three DC 25 Survival checks follows Gurt
The Scene: If a character takes the time to examine the and Sable’s tracks back to Don’t Matter’s Tavern. Four DC 25
graveyard in detail (DC 25 Perception check or Survival Survival checks follow Lord Dragle’s path back to his house.
check), it reveals that the dirt on Lord Dragle’s grave has been The Body: If the player character has NOT defeated
disturbed even more recently than Dragle’s burial. Gurt and Sable (see Floating Event A or Don’t Matter’s Tavern
Exhuming the body reveals that it is Worbs (not Dragle) in Places), the body has several open wounds made by
who now occupies the coffin. A character who inspects piercing weapons. A DC 15 Heal or Craft (weaponsmithing)
the open grave and makes a DC 20 Perception check while check can tell they were made by rapiers. Similarly a DC 10
searching also finds a golden chain with a ruby pendant. This Heal check notices that several wounds are directly opposite
chain belonged to Marly, who lost it during the struggle with of each other.
Worbs. See Marly under People for more information. If the player character HAS defeated Gurt and Sable,
The Body: Worbs was obviously killed when his neck the body has a single wound in the back made by a piercing
was snapped. His body is in good condition and can describe weapon. A DC 15 Heal or Craft (weaponsmithing) check
what happened to him (see Adventure Synopsis) if a speak with determines that the blow was struck by a dagger. A DC 20
dead spell is cast upon him. Heal check discovers that it went directly into Vancing’s heart;
the killer obviously knew what he was doing.
Witnesses: The server who found the body did not Floating Events
see anything of the murder. However, if she is asked about The following events do not occur in any set order. Instead
Vancing, the server mentions that she saw the half-orc slip into they occur once the player has triggered certain events.
the kitchen after closing twice in the past few days.
Tasker snuck down during the night to acquire some
spirits, and he witnessed the whole event, but he is a coward
Trigger: Player character asks a lot of questions about
and will not share this knowledge unless he is made helpful.
Quarillos Starwhisper.
People: Gurt and Sable
EVENT 5: DEAD AGAIN Place: Any of the inns.
Time: Day 7, occurs 2:40 am, discovered 6:00 am.
Place: The meeting house It is quite likely that during the course of her investigation,
People: Constable Eldun, Lord Dragle (deceased) the player character will ask many questions about Quarillos
Starwhisper and his guild. When this happens Quarillos entrusts
The morning of the seventh day, the streets are alive with his top lieutenants Gurt and Sable to send the PC a message.
commotion. Any passerby in the street can tell the character Initially the Gurt and Sable approach the PC in a crowded
what’s going on: Lord Dragle’s body is hanging from the area (most likely a tavern or inn) and tell her that, “somebody
auction house. doesn’t like all the questions you’ve been asking,” and that,
When the PC arrives on the scene, she finds a crowd of “this is your only warning.” The two leave without offering
onlookers gawking at the grotesque sight. Lord Dragle has any further explanation. If the character attempts to follow the
been strung up and tied to the balcony of the auction house. A two, they lead her into the ambush described below.
black tattered cloth hangs from his neck. From the odd angles Assuming the player character does not give up her quest,
which they hang, it is obvious that his arms and legs have been Gurt and Sable’s next step is to ambush the character, preferably
broken. Blood drips from numerous wounds and puddles on at night is some deserted part of the city. Allow the player a
the cobble pavement below. Perception check opposed to by their Stealth check. If either or
Constable Eldun has recently arrived on the scene and has both thieves beat the PC, they get a surprise round to act.
ordered two of his deputies to free the body. The deputies are Creatures Gurt and Sable: ?? hp, AC ??; see listing in People.
in the process of finding a ladder while the constable attempts Tactics: Gurt and Sable work together well and try to
to control the crowd. continually flank the PC (using Acrobatics if necessary). If
If the character is on good terms with the constable, he either is reduced below 6 hit points, they both quaff their
allows her to investigate the scene and the body (once it is potions of invisibility and flee the scene. However they are
retrieved). If the Constable Eldun currently has an attitude of fiercely loyal to each other, and if one is dropped, the other
indifferent or worse, allow the PC one more attempt to modify will not abandon his or her companion.
the constable’s attitude.
The Body: If the character examines the body closely,
she discovers that the body is still slightly warm to the touch,
Trigger: Player character finds either Lord Dragle or the
indicating that the Lord Dragle was slain relatively recently. A
Shroud of Olindor.
DC 10 Heal check can pin down the time of death to roughly
People: Quarillos Starwhisper
three o’clock in the morning.
Place: The Dragon Hunter’s Lodge, The Catacombs
Examining the body in more detail can reveal even more
information. A DC 15 Heal check determines that the cause
After Quarillos Starwhisper fails to send the player character a
of dead was the slitting of Dragle’s throat and that most of
message in the above floating event, he decides that the player
the burns, breaks, and punctures occurred prior to death. The
may just be able to lead him to Lord Dragle, or the Shroud
exception is the heart, which was removed after death.
of Olindor. Quarillos takes personal interest in the case and
A character who succeeds a DC 17 Knowledge (arcane)
shadows the player character whenever possible. You may wish
check knows that this is a common means of foiling a raise
to allow the player a Perception check (opposed by Quarillos’s
dead spell. Dragle’s tongue has also been removed, which a
Stealth) occasionally to warn the character that she is being
DC 13 Knowledge (arcana) check knows to be a method of
watched, but the true encounter takes place either when the
foiling speak with dead. Finally, a DC 18 Heal check allows the
player discovers Lord Dragle or the Shroud of Olindor.
character to discover that Lord Dragle was given a triple dose
Tactics: As soon as the character finds the target, Quarillos
of giant wasp venom prior to his death.
begins to study the player character for the purpose of making
The tattered black cloth around Lord Dragle’s neck is the
a death attack (as per the assassin class feature). Allow the
false shroud that was stashed inside the church’s vault, and it
player to make three Perception checks to notice Quarillos (if
no longer radiates magic. A DC 15 Perception check locates a
possible Quarillos hides 30 feet away, imposing a -3 penalty
key bearing the symbol of Leolus. This is the key that leads to
to the PC’s Perception check). If the character succeeds
the crypt below church.
any Perception check, Quarillos immediately attacks. If the
Witnesses: The church acolyte who was on duty overnight
character misses all three Perception checks, Quarillos gains
thought she saw shadows moving through the darkness. She
a surprise round, which he uses to make a partial charge and
wisely informed Mother Olannae, who cast clairaudience/
uses his death attack against the player character.
clairvoyance and discovered Quarillos Starwhisper in the
Once combat has begun, Quarillos relies on his high Bluff
church vault. She noticed that he took nothing but the shroud.
skill and Improved Feint feat to get past an opponent’s guard.
If Quarillos is seriously injured he casts invisibility upon
himself and flees.
These are the locations where the player character may interact Read the following as the PC approaches the church.
with the cast of characters.
The steeple of this white stone building stretches higher
than any other building in Kendleton, and at the top a
KENDLETON large golden orb reflects the sunlight. The front entrance
Kendleton was founded over a hundred years ago by a
is a massive arch, engraved with the words “Peace to all
frontier man named Jack Kendle. For several generations,
who enter here.”
it was a sleepy farming village. About twenty years ago, an
alliance between the human nation where Kendleton resides Read the following when the PC enters the church.
and a nearby eleven kingdom led to several new trade routes,
and Kendleton found itself right at the crossroads. Since then A small entryway soon gives way to the massive inner
it has enjoyed tremendous growth and has a bustling energy sanctuary. Arched ceilings support the heavy stone
of an up and coming regional power. architecture without pillars. Rows of pews form a
Kendleton is governed by a town council of six members semicircle at the center of which is the raised platform from
who serve six-year terms. Most of the citizens are hard where sermons are delivered.
working and law abiding. They are used to travelers passing
through their town and view them as a source of profit. This is the church of Leolus, the Sun Lord and God of Life.
It is the largest religious institution in Kendleton, as well as
KENDLETON the main source of healing. The church is attended by Mother
Large Town Conventional; AL LN Olannae and three acolytes (Clerics 3,1,1,). At least one of
GP Limit 5,000 gp*; Assets 675,000 gp them is here at all times, and the clerics dwell in sparse living
*Because it caters to wealthy travelers, Kendleton has a higher chambers behind the church.
gp limit than normal. Further, any item between 5,001 and The current building was not the first temple on the
10,000 gp has a 50% chance of being available. current site. Even before Jack Kendle settled the town, it was
home to a monastery of Leolus. The monastery burned to
DEMOGRAPHICS the ground, but the catacombs below the monastery remain
Population 4,500 intact. These catacombs can only be accessed through a locked
Type mixed (human 79%, elf 9%, gnome 5%, halfling 3%, reinforced wooden door (2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 20; break
half-elf 1%, dwarf 1%, half-orc 1%) DC 25; Disable Device DC 25). Mother Olannae has a key to
the door, as does Lord Dragle (unbeknownst to her).
THE MEETINGHOUSE The church also hosts the largest and most secure vault in
Read the following text when the player character approaches the town (4 in thick, hardness 10; 180 hp; Break DC 35; Disable
the meeting house. Device DC 30). The vault requires two keys to open, Mother
Olannae posses one, while her third-level acolyte keeps a hold
This large wooden structure is at least two stories high and of the other.
has a sharply sloping shingled roof. Above the main double
doors, a sign proclaims it the “Meeting House.” To the left
of the doors, a small variable sign proclaims the events of
the week.
Read the following text when the player character enters the
meeting house.
People: Mother Olannae B. THE VAULT
Development: On day 3, Caspian decided to give the Read the following text when the PC enters the vault.
shroud to the church (in reality the false shroud). It is then
placed in the church’s vault. The stone door grinds as it opens and reveals a large square
room. The room is nearly empty except for a metal box in
THE CATACOMBS the corner.
Read the following text when the PC enters the catacombs.
This room was once the secret vault of the initial monastery,
These narrow passages are lined with the skeletal remains but it was constructed so long ago that all have forgotten
of ancient holy men. A layer of dust covers everything. No about it. As chance would have it, Lord Dragle rediscovered
spider webs block your view, as even spiders would be a the vault and has used it on rare occasions to store treasure
form of life, and these halls are the province of the dead. that he does not trust to keep in his own house.
Creatures: The room hosts three earth mephits. Unlike the
The catacombs are all that remains of the monastery built upon mephits outside, these attack as soon as the character enters
this site many years ago. While the catacombs are winding, the room and are nearly impossible to reason with.
they are not large, and a character who spends half an hour
exploring them can easily get a good feel for the layout. The EARTH MEPHIT (3) CR 3
most important feature of the catacombs is the secret vault. N small outsider (earth, extraplanar) 800 XP
Discovering its entrance requires a DC 26 Perception check. Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6
A character who searches the floor anywhere between
the secret door and the entrance can make a Perception check DEFENSE
to notice the dust has been disturbed, while a character may AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)
make a Survival check to follow the trail to the secret door. The hp 19 (3d10+3); fast healing 2 (while underground)
DC in either case is equal to 16 +1/day of the adventure. Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3
DR 5/magic
Read the following when the PC enters the secret entryway. OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
The room fans outwards, forming a trapezoid. Across Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+1)
the way is a strong stone door, and on either side a large Special Attacks breath weapon (15 ft. cone, 1d8 bludgeoning
pot of water in which a small winged semi-humanoid damage, Reflex DC 13 for half)
creature reclines. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th)
1/day—summon (level 2, 1 earth mephit 25%), change size
The door is locked and requires Lord Dragle’s key or a DC 30 (as enlarge person except only on the earth mephit)
Disable Device check.
Creatures: The creatures in the water basins are TACTIC
Auguando and Nizu, two water mephits that Lord Dragle During Combat The mephits start by using their breath
has forced to guard the true Shroud of Olindor. Their exact weapons but are not afraid of entering melee. If given
orders are to “Attack anybody other than [Lord Dragle] who the chance, they do everything they can to ensure that at
attempts to open the southern door.” As long as the character least two of the mephits are always flanking the PC.
does not attack or try to open the door, they are happy to
engage in conversation. The mephits warn the character not to STATISTICS
try to open the door. Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14
Neither mephit is happy about guard duty, and if the player Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15
character offers a way out, they will gladly take it. For example, Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
a character might obtain two scrolls of dismissal (the mephits will Skills Bluff +8, Fly +10, Stealth +12
intentionally fail their saving throws), or she might point out Languages Common, Terran
that Dragle’s command was only to attack anybody who tried
to open the door. It did not say they had to defeat the intruder SPECIAL ABILITIES
or prohibit running away once the attack had begun. Breath Weapon (Su): An earth mephit can unleash a 15-foot
For more information about the mephits, see Auguando cone of rocks every 4 rounds as a standard action. The
and Nizu in the People section. DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Water mephits (2): 19 hp, AC 16 see Auguando and Nizu.
Tactics: If the mephits are forced to attack, they prefer Treasure: The mithral box (1 in thick; hardness 15; 30 hp; break
to fight at a distance, using their breath weapon and spell- DC 28; Open Lock DC 30) contains the true Shroud of Olindor.
like abilities. When these abilities are exhausted or prove Ad Hoc Experience: For successfully discovering the
ineffective, they engage in melee. However, they attempt Shroud of Olindor reward the character experience as though
to remain in their basins if possible, as the basins not only she defeated a CR 9 challenge.
provide the mephitis cover, they also grant them use of their
fast healing. If seriously injured, they retreat to their basins,
and take the full defensive action in hopes that it buys them
time to heal. They do not flee unless the PC points that
possibility out as a loophole in their contraction.
The Shroud of Olindor is one of several famed treasures that
belonged to the ancient elven city of Olindor. During the life
of the city, the Shroud was used by a rogue who was renowned
for his ability to vanish without a trace.
The Shroud appears to be a frayed and tattered cloth, blacker
than the depth on any cavern. A character can tie the cloth
around her neck and wear it much like a cloak.
The Shroud of Olindor grants a +15 competence bonus
to Stealth, and it allows the wielder to hide even while
being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of some
sort of shadow, the wearer hides herself from view in the
open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot,
however, hide in her own shadow.
Further, 1/day the character can turn invisible as the
greater invisibility spell.
The Shroud is also very good at hiding itself. While it
radiates a magic aura when not worn, once donned it no
longer detects as magical. Further, the wielder may command
the shroud to physically alter itself into nearly any object that
would take up the cloak slot. In extreme circumstances, the
Shroud may transform into a tattoo on the wearer’s back, but
in this form it provides no magical abilities.
Strong illusion (see text); CL 12; Craft Wondrous Item, alter
self, greater invisibility, magic aura; Price; 96,000 Weight 1 lb.
In addition to all the standard items found in an inn’s kitchen, Read the following when the PC enters Lord Dragle’s House.
this room contains a secret door hidden in the side of the This house is a moderate size, but elegant design. It makes
fireplace, which can be located with a DC 25 Perception check. very effective use of arches and creates the illusion that it
Read the following text when the player character enters is larger than it is.
the secret chamber.
This is the former house of the late Lord Dragle. Now his son
This small room is barely large enough to contain a simple sorts through it, choosing which items to keep, which to sell,
cot and a chamberpot. Indeed that is what it contains. and which to give away. Most of the house is unremarkable,
but the study and the cellar are of particular interest.
In the past Rabid Lurk has used this chamber primarily to Most of the papers in the study detail mundane business
story valuables, but when Vancing offered him a tidy some of transactions, but DC 20 Perception check discovers that one
money to use the chamber, no questions asked, he was happy chair has a hollow leg and rolled inside are several documents
to take it. which chronicle the recent dealings between Dragle and
Creatures: This small cell hosts Lord Dragle (up until the Quarillos. Unfortunately the documents are written using a
point when Vancing is killed on the early morning of day 5). cipher devised by Dragle, and reading them requires a DC
Ad Hoc Experience: If player character manages to 18 Linguistics check. If a character successfully decodes the
find Lord Dragle before his death, award her experience as documents, they describe first how Dragle made a deal to sell
through she defeated a CR 7 challenge. the “Wren’s Cloak” to a customer called “The Black Rose,”
while another document indicates that he planned to sell the
THE GOLDEN BOUGH INN same cloak to a client called “The Spiked Viper.”
Read the following text when the player character approaches The cellar contains a secret door that leads to the Choker’s
the Golden Bough Inn. Hold. A DC 25 Perception check locates the door.
Development: After Vancing’s Murder on day 5 (event
The building stands three stories tall and is painted a 4), Lord Dragle returns home and hides in his treasure room,
warm yellow. In front stand several pillars carved to look until he is killed (along with the chokers) on day 7 (event 5).
like trees support an awning. Above the door hangs a sign
depicting a golden tree bearing a golden apple. THE SECRET ROOMS
Read the following text when the player character enters the A. THE CHOKER’S HOLD
Golden Bough Inn. Read the following text when the PC enters the choker’s hold.
A foul odor of rotten flesh spills from this room. The floor is
The large common room has several pillars that are carved covered with tattered cloths, animal bones, and other refuse.
to look like trees and covered in golden leaf. The ceiling is A hole in the eastern wall leads to an earthen tunnel.
at least fifteen feet high and is covered with an amazingly
lifelike image of the sky.
The Golden Bough is the most expensive inn in the town and is
rivaled in popularity only by the Dragon Hunter’s Lodge. It is
owned and operated by an elf named Leandra. She is a shrewd
business woman, who has a minor knack for illusions.
The image of the sky on the ceiling is actually a permanent
illusion that Leandra commissioned when the inn was first
built (it is beyond her ability to create). Most of the time it
automatically matches the sky outside, but Leandra can also
change it to suit her will, which she typically does for concerts
and other special occasions.
The Golden Bough provides good meals (5 sp) and
lodging (2 gp), and the bar has all but the rarest drinks.
People: Belinal, Caspian Dragle (evenings), Leandra
Read the following text when the PC enters the graveyard.
The tunnel winds through the ground and eventually GATHERING INFORMATION
emerges in a forest about two miles outside of town. There is Instead of simply revealing a line or two of information, a
also a secret door to the north. A DC 25 Perception check finds successful Diplomacy check to gather information might send
the keyhole to this door, while a DC 30 Disable Device check the player character to the NPC who can provide the answer.
(or Dragle’s secret key) is required to enter. For example a player charter who asks about poison might be
Creatures: This room houses Dragle’s two pet chokers, referred to Alhans.
Kip and Rak. They are hiding when the character enters the
room (using Stealth) and unless she is disguised as Dragle or THE TOWN GUARD
Vancing, they immediately attack. The town guard reports directly to constable Eldun. They
If the character manages to capture or befriend either of do not know much more than a typical citizen, but it is quite
the chokers see the entry for Kip and Rak under People. possible that the guards may come to the PC’s aid (or be forced
Chokers (2): 16 hp, AC 17; see Kip and Rak to attack). If guards are incapable of dealing with a situation,
Treasure: Kip and Rak covet treasure, but they have not they know enough to retreat and seek reinforcements.
quite grasped the idea of currency. Thus Dragle pays them
entirely in copper pieces. To date they have amassed 3,265
such coins. A DC 20 Perception check also discovers a single
TOWN GUARD (36) CR 1/2
LN male and female human warrior 1 200 XP
red garnet worth 120 gp.
Init -1; Senses Perception +4
This room is Dragle’s true treasure stash. Until very recently, AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield)
this is where he kept the Shroud of Olindor. hp 15 (1d10+5)
Treasure: Dragle keeps several magic items here including: Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +1
robe of bones, scroll of animate dead, wand of extend magic aura (ML
3rd, 23 charges), wand of protection from good (12 charges). OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
Melee longsword +2 (1d8+1/19-20) or
People Melee sap +2 (1d6+1 non-lethal)
This is the cast of characters which the player character may
interact with in the course of the adventure.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
MOST PEOPLE Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
Several thousand people live in the town of Kendleton. Feats Alertness, Toughness
Most know very little about the murder, but may provide Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Sense Motive +3
information about the town or its inhabitants. Most people Languages Common
can give a general overview of the major characters and Gear Chain shirt, heavy wooden shield, longsword, sap, 5 gp,
locations. They know that Constable Eldun is tough but fair, 10 sp, 20 cp
Mother Olannae is a caring healer, and Quarillos Starwhisper
is a respectable wine merchant.
ADVANCED GUARD (8) CR 3 (Helpful) “A few weeks before the Lord’s ‘death’ he sent
LN male and female human warrior 2/expert 2 800 XP his man over for a draught of Slumber Root Essence. A
Init +0; Senses Perception +8 wondrous little elixir that gives a body all the illusion of
death for a day or so, and then... I don’t know why he
DEFENSE wanted it. I don’t ask.”
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 30 (2d10+4 plus 2d8+2 plus 4) Poison
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +4 “This is a respectable establishment. We don’t sell that sort of
thing around here.” (Lie)
OFFENSE (Friendly) “I might know somebody who knows somebody
Spd 30 ft. who has what you are looking for.” (See Attitude
Melee masterwork longsword +5 (1d8+1/19-20) or Adjustment)
Melee sap +4 (1d6+1 non-lethal) (Helpful) “I think it’s possible we can come to an
arrangement.” (See Attitude Adjustment)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 Quarillos Starwhisper
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 (Indifferent) “The elf is quite popular. But then it’s easy to be
Feats Alertness, Persuasive, Toughness popular when you supply the wine”
Skills Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +4, (Friendly) “Yes, Quarillos has been in the shop a few times.
Handle Animal +3, Heal +5, Intimidate +6, Linguistics +4, Buying tindertwigs, sunrods and the like.” (Half true)
Profession (guard) +6, Ride +4, Sense Motive +8, Survival +5 (Helpful) “He’s a valuable customer, and occasionally buys
Languages Common, Elven a little something from my special inventory.” (See
Gear Breast plate, heavy steel shield, masterwork longsword, Attitude Adjustment)
sap, potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of see invisibility,
tanglefoot bag (3), 10gp, 25 sp, 50 cp What He Knows: Alhans has sold illegal materials to both
Lord Dragle and Quarillos Starwhisper (the latter by
Alhans way of Gurt and Sable).
The Apothecary (Indifferent) Places: The alchemist’s shop (not detailed)
CN male gnome expert 9
The Reluctant Guardians (Friendly) Breath Weapon (Su): An earth mephit can unleash a 15-foot
N Water mephits cone of acid every 4 rounds as a standard action. The DC
is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus
Until several days ago, Auguando and Nizu lived separate
uneventful lives on the elemental plane of water. Then, much
to their horror, the mephits were torn form their home and Belinal
bound by Lord Dragle to protect the Shroud of Olindor. They The Bastard Princess (Friendly)
are already bored beyond belief. To make matters worse, the CG female half-elf bard 4
two mephits can barely stand each other’s company (but they
will still unite against a common enemy). This woman is fair and slender. Her ears are pointed more
Roleplaying Tips: Auguando and Nizu are bored, sick of than a human’s but not quite as much as an elf’s. Her eyes
each other’s company, and bitterly resent Lord Dragle. They are blue, and her hair is platinum blond, except for a few
are eager to talk anybody else, and answer the character’s streaks that are dyed blue. She’s wears an elaborate dress
questions with little reserve. However they will undercut each containing every color of the rainbow.
other, and quibble over minor details (such as whether Lord
Dragle’s waistcoat was maroon or burgundy). Belinal was raised by her human mother, a traveling actress
who never seemed to have time for her daughter. Fortunately
she found friends and role models among the other members
WHAT THEY TELL of the troupe.
Lord Dragle: “That magma-filled son of efreeti bound us here
When she was twenty her mother passed away, and in
and ordered us to ‘Attack anybody other than him who
addition to a few boxes of stage jewelry, Belinal inherited
tries to open the door.’” (He’s worse than an efreeti. He’s
an ancient platinum ring, shaped like a feathered serpent,
more like the backside of a thoqqua.”)
whose eyes were set with sapphires. After months of research
The Shroud of Olindor: “The inky black cloth? The
Belinal discovered that the ring had been the symbol of the
insufferable salamander brought it with him through the
ruling family of Olindor. Belinal believes that one of her elven
door, but I don’t think he had it when he came out.” (“It
ancestors was the child of one of the last princes of Olindor
was more of a coal black.”)
and a human commoner from a nearby village.
The Door: “We haven’t been through, but the Azer’s toenail
Roleplaying Tips: Belinal is a people person. She enjoys
brought a trio of earth mephits through the door and left
networking and making new contacts. She is generally an
them there.”
excellent judge of character but tries to give everybody a
The Basins: “The little jars are about all we have to remind us
chance, even when she has misgivings. She treats everybody
of home.”
with decency and respect and believes even criminals should
Where are they from?: “We hail from the elemental plane of
be spared death whenever possible.
water, the greatest plane that there ever was. Not like
this speck of a dust.” (“I’d say it’s more of a dirt ball.”)
Place: The catacomb WHAT SHE SAYS
The Shroud of Olindor
“It’s one of the three legendary treasure from the city of
WATER MEPHIT (2) CR 3 Olindor, worn by a hero famous for his trickery and guile.”
N small outsider (extraplanar, water) 800 XP
(Helpful) “The hero that once owned the Shroud was a master
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6
of disguise. While it remains unworn, the Shroud radiates
DEFENSE magic, but when a person dons it, the aura disappears.”
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 size, +5 natural)
hp 19 (3d10+3); fast healing 2 (while underwater) Her Ring
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 “It is an ancient family heirloom, left to me by my mother
DR 5/magic before she passed beyond.”
(Helpful) “It is the symbol of the family that once ruled to
OFFENSE city of Olindor.”
Spd 30 ft.; fly 40 ft. (average); swim 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+1) Joining the Party: If her attitude is shifted to helpful, Belinal
Special Attacks breath weapon (15 ft. cone, 1d8 acid damage, offers to accompany the PC during her investigation. She will
Reflex DC 13 for half) almost always follow the character’s lead (unless it conflicts
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th) with her nature). She uses the aid another action to help the
1/day—summon (level 2, 1 water mephit 25%), stinking character’s skill checks, and in combat she uses her spells and
cloud (DC 15) bardic music to improve the player character’s abilities.
1/hour—acid arrow Places: Golden Bough Inn
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14 CG female half-elf bard 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15 Init +2; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +10
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Bluff +8, Fly +10, Stealth +12, Swim +9 ; Racial DEFENSE
Modifier +8 Swim AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 armor)
Languages Common, Aquan hp 25 (4d8+4)
Lord Dragle
The Finder of the Shroud (Indifferent)
CN male elite human aristocrat 4/expert 3
Feats Great Fortitude, Magic Aptitude, Persuasive, Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Appraise +9, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate
+12, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +8,
Knowledge (nobility) +8, Linguistics +9, Sense Motive
+10, Sleight of Hand +7, Use Magic Device +11
Language Common, Elven, Undercommon
Gear Masterwork rapier, ring of protection +1, scroll of hold
monster, wand of detect magic, wand of sleep, personal key,
crypt key, church key, jewelry worth 1,000 gp
Caspian Dragle
The Icy Child (Indifferent)
N male human aristocrat 2
OFFENSE (Friendly +) “There are rumors that he runs a side business
Spd 30 ft. dealing in poisons. I’m looking into it.”
Melee dagger +1 (1d4)
Caspian Dragle
STATISTICS (Friendly+) “Most murders are committed by people who
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8 knew the victim well. He had the motive.”
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (Sense Motive) Dragle’s Murder
Skills Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (engineering) +6, (Indifferent+): “The means of death seems to be poison.”
Knowledge (history) +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +11 (He’s not sure which kind.)
Language Common, Dwarven (Friendly+) “The list of suspects is pretty long. Dragle’s
Gear dagger, potion of cure light wounds, everburning torch, relationship with his son has always been icy, he’s never
light horse, riding saddle, 75 gp gotten along well with Leandra, and the fact that he died
just before the Shroud of Olindor went up for auction is
too convenient to ignore.”
Constable Eldun (Helpful) “I’ve got a hunch that Quarillos Starwhisper might
The Law (Indifferent) have something to do with it. No proof, but I trust my gut.”
LN male human urban ranger 6
Gurt and Sable
The man is of medium height with broad shoulders. His “Be careful around those two. They’re dangerous and
face is weathered, and he bears a large scar across his right slippery as eels.”
cheek. His brown hair is short if a little uneven, and his (Friendly+) “They work for Starwhisper as his top enforcers.
sideburns reach nearly down to his chin. On his left breast, If it wasn’t for his schemes the two would’ve seen the
he bears a golden shield, the sign of the law in these parts. gallows long ago.”
(Helpful) “They’re more than just business partners. They
Constable Eldun is the chief law enforcer in Kendleton. He claim to be married, but it’s not been consecrated by any
grew up nearby, but while he was still a teenager, war broke god I recognize.”
out, and Eldun enlisted. During the course of the war, he
served his kingdom nobly and earned several promotions. Leandra
After the war, he worked briefly as a mercenary before “She’s run the Golden Bough for almost nine years now, and
returning to his hometown. He easily landed a job as one of never caused any trouble.”
the constable’s deputies, and it soon became clear that he was (Friendly +) “Years ago she and Dragle had a pretty bad
more talented than the former constable. Thus few people spat. It’s been calm for a long time, but it might be worth
were disappointed when the old constable retired and Eldun taking a look.”
assumed the mantle.
As constable, Eldun has kept crime mostly under control Quarillos Starwhisper
in the city. The notable exception is Quarillos Starwhisper and “He’s a wine merchant. A lot of people like him. A lot of
his guild, which prove a constant thorn in Eldun’s side. people don’t.”
Roleplaying Tips: Constable Eldun is a gruff but (Friendly+) “Everybody with more than two rocks in their
professional man. He is often hard to warm up to, but once head knows that Starwhisper’s got his finger in every
he does, he is helpful and trustworthy. He is reluctant to ask dirty honey pot in town.”
the help of wandering adventurers, but not out of arrogance. (Helpful) “If any body ever had to put the elf down ‘in self
On several instances well meaning adventurers just got in his defense’ I’m not sure the investigation would last too long.”
way. If a character can prove her usefulness, Eldun is happy to
have assistance. Places: About town (days), his office (evenings, not detailed)
Attitude Adjustments: Any time the character comes to
Constable Eldun with a useful clue, allow the character to
make an automatic Diplomacy check to increase his attitude.
LN male human ranger 6 2,400 XP
Such checks should have a cumulative +2 bonus for every
Init +2; Senses Perception +11
clue that the player has found. A major breakthrough in the
case (such as a confession from Marly) should automatically DEFENSE
increase his attitude one level. AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +1
Joining the Party: For the most part, Constable Eldun enhancement, +1 deflection)
maintains a parallel investigation, occasionally exchanging hp 43 (6d10+6)
information. However if the player tells Eldun that she has Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
located either the Shroud or Lord Dragle, Eldun will want
to accompany the character to the scene. If his attitude is OFFENSE
indifferent or worse, he will attempt to go to the scene, and Spd 30 ft.
demand the character remain behind (for “safety” reasons). Melee masterwork quarterstaff+7/+2 (1d6+1) and
masterwork quarter staff +7/+2 (1d6) or
WHAT HE SAYS Melee masterwork quarterstaff +9/+4 (1d6+1)
Alhans Special Attack favored enemy (animal), favored enemy
(Indifferent+) “He’s our local alchemist, and he’s good at humanoid (human), hunter’s bond, spells
what he does. Even the constable’s office occasionally Spells Known (CL3)
buys supplies from him. 1st—delay poison, longstrider
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Endurance B, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved
Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting B, Two-Weapon
Fighting B, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff)
Skills Climb +10, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6,
Intimidate +9, Knowledge (local) +8, Ride +8, Stealth
+10, Sense Motive +8, Swim +10
Language Common, Dwarven, Elven
SQ favored terrain (urban), favored terrain (underground
(dungeons)), hunter’s bond (allies), track, wild empathy
Gear +1 chain shirt, masterwork quarterstaff, ring of protection
+1, cure light wound potion (x2), 35 gp
Gurt and Sable were both orphaned at an early age and grew
up in the slums of Kendleton. When they were in their early
teens the two met, fell in love, and have been inseparable ever GURT AND SABLE CR 5
since. Not long after, they joined Quarillos Starwhisper as he NE male and female human rogue 5 1,500 XP
established himself as the crime lord of the city. Their aid was Init +3; Senses Perception +9
instrumental, and they have been Quarillos’s top enforcers
and assassins ever since.
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 enhancement,
Roleplaying tips: Gurt and Sable are people of action
+3 Dex)
rather than words. When it comes time to talk, they keep it
hp 31 (5d8+5)
direct and to the point. They often finish each other’s sentences
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +2
or answer questions directed at the other. The two are fiercely
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
loyal to each other, and each would die to save the other (they
have killed to save the other, but they have killed for lots of OFFENSE
other reasons). They are moderately loyal to Quarillos. They Spd 30 ft.
won’t betray him, but are not afraid to skip town when the Melee masterwork rapier +8 (1d6+1/18-20) or
winds of change start blowing. Ranged masterwork hand crossbow +7 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks bleeding attack, sneak attack +3d6
Constable Eldun TACTICS
(Indifferent+) “He’s the local lawman.” During Combat Gurt and Sable move to continually flank the
(Friendly+) “If he wants to do good, why’s this town’s full of PC (using Acrobatics if necessary).
empty stomachs?” Morale If either is reduced below 6 hit points, they both quaff
their potions of invisibility and flee the scene. If one is
Lord Dragle’s Murder dropped, the other will not abandon his or her companion.
(Indifferent+) “So sad. Word is his kid did it.”
Quarillos Starwhisper Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
(Indifferent+): “He’s a good guy.” Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 17
(Friendly+): “Shoots us a job every now and then.” Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +10, Bluff +7, Climb +9,
What They Know: Gurt and Sable know of many criminal Disable Device +11, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +11,
enterprises, including Quarillos Starwhisper’s desire to kill Intimidate +7, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11
Lord Dragle, and the idea that Dragle might not be dead. Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
Places: Don’t Matter’s Tavern (days), about town SQ fast stealth, trapfinding
(nights). Gear +1 studded leather, masterwork rapier, masterwork hand
crossbow, 10 bolts, dust of tracelessness, potion of cure light
wounds, potion of cat’s grace, potion of invisibility, grappling
hook, masterwork thief’s tools, silk rope (50 feet) 175 gp
The Pet Chokers (hostile) Strangle (Ex): Chokers have an unerring talent for seizing
LE male and female chokers their victims by the neck. A creature that is grappled
by a choker cannot speak or cast spells with verbal
These two are fairly typical chokers, except that Lord Dragle components.
manages to control them as something between pets and Quickness (Su): A choker is supernaturally quick. It can take
employees. an extra move action during its turn each round.
Roleplaying Tips: Keep in mind that chokers have
very low Intelligence scores. They use improper grammar, Leandra
their vocabulary is limited, and they often refer to people by The Jealous Innkeeper (Friendly)
descriptions rather than name. NG female elf expert 6/wizard 3
WHAT THEY SAY This petite elven woman has fair skin, and fine golden hair
Dragle (aka Big Boss Man) pulled up into a topknot. On either side of her blue eyes are
(Indifferent+) “He tell us what to do. Not seen in days.” small tattoos that resemble small stylized crescent moons.
(They saw him last the morning of the auction.)
(Friendly+) “Boss man say we hurt people. Not know why. Leandra is a restless soul at heart. Every five to ten years she
Not care.” settles in a new territory and takes up a new profession. She
has been an artist, an animal trainer, and (for a very brief time)
Quarillos Starwhisper (aka Point Ear Mean Head) an adventurer. For the moment she is an innkeeper, but she
(Friendly+) “Boss say we kill Point Ear Mean Head one day. has been at the job for almost nine years, and will probably
But not yet.” move on before the year is out.
Not long after she first arrived in Kendleton, Leandra
Shroud of Olindor (aka Pretty Black Cloth) was romanced by Lord Dragle. While she developed genuine
(Friendly+) “Big Boss keep Black Pretty in wall for long time, feelings for the human, he was using her to secure resources
but last time we saw, he take cloth from wall.” for an important business transaction. When the deal was
complete Lord Dragle “decided he wanted to be friends.”
Place: Lord Dragle’s house (the secret room) Leandra soon realized her folly, which sparked a bitter feud
between the two of them. For about a year they fought, then
KIP AND RIP CR 2 both moved on with the rest of their lives. While they do not
CE small aberration 600 XP actively seek to harm each other, the also do whatever they
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60ft.; Perception +1 can to avoid each other.
During Combat Kip and Rip attack with their tentacles and “She visited here on several occasions. She is not the
use Improved Grab. Once an opponent is grabbed, they loquacious sort, but I feel she appreciated the
Constrict squeezing the life from their prey. There is a atmosphere.”
reason their kind are called chokers. (Friendly+) “To be honest I’m surprised she chose to reside at
the Lodge since Lord Dragle’s unfortunate demise.”
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 7 LANDRA CR 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4 (+8 grappling); CMD 16 NG female elf wizard 3/expert 6 4,800 XP
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Stealthy) Init +6; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +14
Skills Climb +16, Stealth +13
Languages Undercommon DEFENSE
SQ quickness AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural, +2 Dex)
Gear Kip and Rak covet treasure, but they have not quite hp 43 (3d6+3 plus 6d8)
grasped the idea of currency. Thus Dragle pays them Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +9; +2 racial bonus vs. enchantment
entirely in copper pieces. To date they have amassed Defensive Abilities immune to magic sleep effects
3,265 such coins. A DC 20 Perception check also
discovers a single red garnet worth 120 gp.
The Servant (Indifferent)
N male human commoner 2
MARLY CR 1 (Helpful) “I suspect there may be something more. Whoever
N male human commoner 2 400 XP killed him did not end up with the Shroud of Olindor.
Init +0; Senses Perception +7 Perhaps their plan failed, or perhaps there was another
plan all together.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Lord Dragle’s Murder (second time)
hp 13 (2d6+4) “The night of the murder one of the sisters informed me
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -1 that she thought she noticed somebody moving in the
shadows. I used a spell to observe and saw Quarillos
OFFENSE Starwhisper entering the church vault and removing the
Spd 30 ft. black cloth.”
Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d3+1 non-lethal)
(before death) “A quiet fellow. He’s a hard worker, but he
keeps mostly to himself.”
Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
(after death) “I can’t imagine who would want to kill him. He
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
did all he could to avoid trouble.”
Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (Profession [servant])
Skills Handle Animal +4, Profession (servant) +6 The Temple
Languages Common “It’s a beautiful structure. The building you see today is
Gear golden necklace with ruby pendant (800 gp, before less then twenty years old, but it was built upon the
Event 3), 1 gp, 5 sp, 15 cp foundation of a far older monastery.”
The Catacombs
Mother Olannae “A remnant of ages passed. Alas I know very little about
The Wise Priest (Friendly) them, save that they are the resting place of clergy who
NG female human cleric 8 once occupied a much older monastery built on this site.
This tall solid woman has long dark hair and a half The Shroud of Olindor
upturned smile, but her most striking feature is her “A wonderful reminder of ancient times, but I doubt it is
unnaturally violet eyes. She dresses in simple brown worth the price that some would pay for it.”
robes, and around her neck hangs an amulet depicting the
golden sun. Dragle’s Crypt Key
“That looks like a key to our catacombs. How did it find its
Mother Olannae showed that she was divinely blessed when way into your hands?”
she performed her first healing at the age of ten. Her parents,
being devout follower of the church of Leolus entrusted her Places: The Church
education to the local temple. Since reaching adulthood she has
traveled from temple to temple going “wherever she is needed.” MOTHER OLANNAE CR 8
She took over the church in Kendleton when the previous high NG female human cleric 8 4,800 XP
cleric passed away, and while she has only been there a few Init +0; Senses Perception +9
months, she has already befriended most of the populous.
Roleplaying Tips: Mother Olannae is a friendly priest DEFENSE
who tries to see the good in everyone, though she is far from AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 enhancement, +1
naive. While she is relatively young (27 years old) she has deflection)
wisdom beyond her years. Mother Olannae also has a thirst hp 55 (8d8+16)
for knowledge, and enjoys nothing more than an intellectual Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +10
debate, whether about religion and philosophy, or the best
recipe for apple pie. OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
WHAT SHE SAYS Melee +1 morningstar +7/+2 (1d8+3)
Constable Eldun Special Attack Channel positive energy, orisons, spells
“The constable is an expert of law and order, but I sometimes Spells Prepared (CL8)
fear that he will become so focused on the path that he 4th—discern lies, divination, tongues, cure critical wounds*
forgets where he is going.” 3rd—dispel magic, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse,
(Helpful) “He keeps a great pain buried within his soul. I remove disease, cure serious wounds*
have yet to tease it out.” 2nd—augery, calm emotions, delay poison, zone of truth, detect
Quarillos Starwhisper 1st—bless water, cure light wounds, divine favor, remove fear,
“He hides himself in layers of mystery. I do not know the sanctuary, comprehend languages*
true Starwhisper, and I’m sure he wants it that way.” 0—detect magic, light, mending, purify food and drink
Domain Powers (Healing/Knowledge)
Lord Dragle’s Murder (first one) lore keeper, remote viewing, rebuke death, healer’s blessing
“I am always saddened to see the depth humanity will sink
to for personal gain. If the Shroud is the motive then STATISTICS
anybody could be a suspect.” Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 13
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Gurt and Sable
Scroll (Indifferent+) “I’ve employed the two before, mostly for
Skills Diplomacy +9, Heal +11, Knowledge (arcana) manual labor or other menial tasks.” (Half-true)
+6, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, (Friendly+) “Those two are such a cute couple, madly in love
Knowledge (religion) +9, Knowledge (planes) +6, and fiercely loyal to each other.”
Linguistics +9, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +11
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic. Dwarven, Elven, The Shroud of Olindor
Gnome, Halfling (Indifferent+) “Yes I hoped to purchase the Shroud, as did
Gear +1 chain shirt, +1 morningstar, ring of protection +1, wand many people. I had nothing to do with his death if that’s
of cure light wounds, bird feather token, scroll of heal, crypt what you imply.”
key, church key, vault key, 10 gp, 30 sp, 50 cp (Friendly+) “Truth be told, I have a personal interest in the
Shroud. I’ve traced my linage and discovered one of my
ancestors survived the destruction of Olindor.”
Quarillos Starwhisper
The Lord of Crime (Unfriendly) His Ring
LE male elven rogue 5/assassin 3 (Indifferent+) “This is an old family heirloom passed down
through the generations.”
This elf is tall as elves go, and his build is lean, but (Friendly+) “This is a ring of Olindor, once worn by the
well-toned. His dark brown hair is pulled back in a ruling family of the city, and it proves that their blood
tight ponytail, and his hazel eyes twinkle. His clothes courses through my veins.
are of conservative style and color, but are of excellent
craftsmanship. Near the tip of his right ear he wears three Places: His house (not detailed, visitors not admitted unless
golden hoops. his attitude is friendly or better).
Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 dagger, ring of deception (see Development: After Vancing is killed on day 5 (event 4),
sidebar), potion of cure light wounds (x2), giant wasp Ravid Flees Kendleton and never returns.
poison (x3), masterwork thieves’ tools, 468 gp
N male human fighter 6/expert 1 2,400 XP
Init +0; Senses Perception +5
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 18
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 enhancement)
Effect 1d2 Dex damage; Cure 1 save hp 48 (6d10+6 plus 1d8)
Fort +5 , Ref +2, Will +5 (+6 against fear)
RING OF DECEPTION Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th OFFENSE
Slot ring; Price 3,750 gp; Weight — Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 longsword +12/+7 (1d8+7/19-20)
Special Attacks weapon training (blades)
This ring grants a +5 bonus to Bluff checks for the purposes
of feinting in combat. In addition, 3 times per day you may STATISTICS
feint as a swift action. Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 19
CONSTRUCTION Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great CleaveB, Mounted
Requirments Forge Ring, creator must have 5 ranks in Combat, Power AttackB, Ride by Attack, Run, Weapon
Bluff; Cost 1,8750 gp Focus (longsword)B, Weapon Specialization (longsword)B
Skills Climb +12, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal
Ravid Lurk +11, Intimidate +9, Profession (inn keeper) +5, Ride +9,
The Retired Adventurer (Indifferent) Sense Motive +5, Survival +8
N human fighter 6/expert 1 Languages Common, Dwarven
Gear +1 studded leather, +1 longsword, potion of cure moderate
This man’s nose is bent to the left, as though it were broken wounds, 30 gp
and never set properly. His top leftmost incisor has been
replaced with a gold one. His hair is dark brown cut to
ear length. He is dressed in studded leather armor, and he Tasker
carries a sword at his side. The Collector (Indifferent)
LN male dwarf aristocrat 7
Ravid Lurk is an ex-adventurer who gave up the trade after
his compatriots were slain. However during his career Ravid The dwarf has long black beard, but his head is devoid of
gained a small amount of prominence, and he decided to hair. Instead, the left side of his cranium is covered by large
capitalize on this when establishing his tavern. While he cloudlike birthmark the color of port wine. He wears a fine
can still pack a decent punch, his weapons and armor are chain shirt, a glowing axe strapped to his belt, and gold
primarily for show. jewelry studded with gems.
Since Dragle’s supposed death, Ravid has allowed Tasker was born into wealth, and his shrewd business sense
Vancing to use the secret store room in his kitchen. While he has only increased his personal holdings. Having far more
makes a point of not asking why she wants it, he has correctly money than he will ever need, Tasker turned his home into
concluded that Lord Dragle is living within. a small museum filled with valuable antiques. Tasker cares
Roleplaying Tips: Ravid Lurk is an overall friendly little for artistic beauty or historical significant. His primary
man who sometimes puts on a gruff attitude to maintain his motivator is to have the most expensive item possible.
adventuring appearances. He is always happy to tell a tale of Tasker never travels anywhere without his bodyguard,
his former glory days. Darlock (fighter 7/dwarven defender 2). He rarely speaks,
and if questioned he defers to Tasker.
WHAT HE SAYS Roleplaying Tips: Despite his enormous wealth, Tasker
Leandra eternally feels as though he is a victim. All those around him
“Ah the competition. She keeps me on my toes.” are jealous of his talent and hope to destroy his good fortune,
(Friendly+) “It’s probably nothing, but I hear she and Dragle fate conspires against him, and he only survives through
had a big fight a couple of years back. constant struggle and eternal vigilance.
Because he lacks true confidence, Tasker tries to fake it
Lord Dragle’s Murder by talking as loudly as he can about subject he knows nothing
“I’ve seen too much death in my time. It never gets easier.” about. He refuses to change his opinions, even in the face of
(Helpful) “If you need to get a message to him, let me know. overwhelming evidence.
I’ll see if I can pass it along.”
What he knows: For the most part, Tasker has no idea what
The Bodyguard (Unfriendly)
he is talking about. LE female half-orc monk 6
Development: Despite his claims of urgent business
elsewhere, Tasker remains in Kendleton for the whole This half-orc mass of muscle has a vaguely feminine
adventure. appearance. Her hair forms black dreadlocks. She is dressed
in loose fitting robes and a cloak, and a necklace of teeth
TASKER CR 6 dangles from her neck.
LN male dwarf aristocrat 7 2,400 XP
Vancing was abandoned as an infant on the steps of a
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +9
monastery. The monks took her in and trained her in their
arts, which focused more on the ways of combat than on
philosophical enlightenment. As she was the only half-orc in a
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 enhancement)
monastery primarily of humans, the other children tormented
hp 56 (7d8+21)
her, and she had no true friends.
Fort +6 , Ref +4, Will +6
Vancing left the monastery as soon as she reached
Defensive Abilities hearty, stability
adulthood and took up the life of a wondering mercenary.
OFFENSE Several years ago she arrived in Kendleton looking for work.
Spd 20 ft. As luck would have it she was hired by Lord Dragle and has
Melee +1 adamantine warhammer +7 (1d8+2) worked as his bodyguard ever since.
Roleplaying Tips: Despite her impressive martial
STATISTICS abilities, Vancing always thinks of herself as inferior to those
Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 6 around her. She is a person of few words. She prefers to follow
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 16 her instincts than listen to reason.
Feats Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
(appraise), Skill Focus (Knowledge [engineering]) WHAT SHE SAYS
Skills Appraise +12, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge Vancing does not even acknowledge the character’s presence
(engineering) +12, Knowledge (history) +9, Sense Motive +9 unless her attitude can be shifted to indifferent or better.
Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnome
SQ dwarven traits Lord Dragle’s Murder
Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 adamantine warhammer, 3,000 (Indifferent+) “I do not wish to speak of it.” (Hiding
gp worth of jewelry, 50 pp something)
(Helpful) “When I pledged my allegiance, I swore that he
would live as long as I did. I do not break my promises.”
Spd 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +7/+7 (1d8+2) or
Melee unarmed strike +8 (1d8+2) or
Ranged shuriken +5 ranged (1d2+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, ki pool (magic), maneuver
Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 19
Feats Deflect ArrowsB, Improved Grapple, Improved
Initiative, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Mobility,
Stunning FistB, Improved TripB, Weapon Focus (unarmed
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +11, Intimidate + 10
Languages Common, Orc
SQ half-orc traits, high jump, slow fall 30 ft., unarmed strike
Gear belt of resistance +1, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance
+1, ring of protection +1, elixir of love, potion of barkskin
(+2), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of haste, 50
shuriken, 54 gp
What she knows: Vancing knows almost every detail of Lord The Shroud and Wealth
Dragle’s plan. While she knows the “Shroud” to be auctioned The Shroud of Olindor puts the player character well above
is a fake, she does not know the location of the true Shroud. the standard wealth for a character of her level, however it
comes in handy in the next adventure in this trilogy (1 on 1
Adventures #10: The Vengeance of Olindor) when the player
VANCING CR 6 character will be stripped of most of her treasure gear.
LE female half-orc monk 6 2,400 XP If you are not running this adventure as part of the trilogy,
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception + 11 you may wish to find another way of disposing of the Shroud
such as auctioning it off, and donating the money to the poor.
In this case, the PC should receive at least a portion of these
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1
proceeds, in the neighborhood of 5,000 gp.
Alternatively you may weaken the Shroud by decreasing
hp 54 (6d8+24)
the skill bonuses and/or changing greater invisibility into
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +8 (+10 versus enchantments)
Defensive Abilities evasion, purity of body, still mind
Catacomb Dragon Hunter’s Lord Dragle’s
Vault Lodge Kitchen Cellar
One on one Adventures #6.66
the Pleasure Prison of the
B’thuvian Demon Whore
by Doug Douglason
An adventure for one barbarian levels 7-9
The Pleasure Prison of the B’thuvian Demon Whore: the adventure that is, quite frankly, too strong for the mere hobbyist gamer!
A desert caravan ambushed! An incognito Queen elfnapped and taken to some sandy hideaway! A hero of epic proportions!
Within these covers is the greatest adventure ever told. Will the dangerous renegade B’thuvian Demon Whore Alayshia have
her way with our hero or will he have her to his way? Which way will the having be? Only you, playing the role of Krunk
barbarian of the frozen wastes, will ever know…
This adventure is designed for Krunk, barbarian of the frozen wastes, a 7th-Level barbarian, but if you play it with anyone other
than Krunk, you’d best be a few levels higher. Krunk is a god among men.
Joseph Browning
Expeditious Retreat Press, 2006
Think, for a moment, about the power of the mind—the power of the pen. The power of the pen put to paper with some ink
and a force of personality. Think in that moment, the highest achievement possible: a new world! What you hold in your hands
is but a slice, a smidgen, a wafer-thin portion of a complex thematic tapestry created over decades of unceasing labor. And it is
this labor that you will see in every sentence of The Pleasure Prison—a labor of creative energy, a labor of mental acuity, a labor
of love.
And remember, Elite Game Masters don’t just create adventures, they become them! You must weave this adventure into
your existing campaign, reinforcing your multi-layered tapestry of themes and subject matter that is, quite frankly, simply too
strong for the “hobbyist gamer.”
Doug Douglason
Elite Gamemaster, 2006
*This adventure fueled by Moutain Dew and the entire re-mastered collection of Judas Priest albums. And their new one too for that matter, now that Rob’s back in the band. You should listen to it. It rawks!
Role-Play. This may be an obvious thing to many of you, but I never cease to be amazed at the lack of role-playing I see in
so many games. Take on the persona of the person or creature your PCs are encountering and make it your own. As Sir
Lawrence Olivier once told Dustin Hoffman during the filming of Marathon Man, “I’m an actor.” And you should take
such good advice in hand and move your encounters into the realm of acting based upon the written script before you.
Don’t be afraid to ad lib occasionally, but remember, the writer is as much an artist as you and solemnly consider his
efforts and work before making any substantial changes.
The 5 Senses. We’re sensual creatures, full of senses and sensations. Use this to your advantage! If your player enters a bright
cave after a long run underground, shine a flashlight in his eyes as you read the room’s description. If your player’s PC
is at an elven ball, throw on some Enya or Lorenna McKennit and bounce the night away in gay ministrations. After
discovering a new treasure map, place your handmade map in front of them as they debate if it’s real or merely a clever
ruse. During their discussions have your player’s taste the delicious pot roast served in the inn (don’t forget the rosemary)
and after a long fight with a pair of ogre blackguards, have your players dig through your unwashed laundry for the key
they need to open the next chest. Remember the fives sense and your role-playing will move to the next level.
The Adventure is the Process. Lao Tzu once said, “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” This is
perfect advice for the Elite Game Master! Lao Tzu could have easily said to a new game master, “An Elite Game Master
has no fixed plans and is not intent upon railroading his PCs into following every plot and theme nook-and-cranny
especially when the players would rather head off east for a bit until this whole thing settles down.” Remember, an
adventure is a guideline, a single plot, a background upon which the stars of the show prance and disembowel.
The Voice as Medium. The best weapon in any Elite Game Master’s arsenal is his voice. You should learn to rumble like
a rock giant, twitter like a grig, babble like a gibbering mouther, and lustfully seduce like the most brazen strumpet.
Immersive game play begins when you open your mouth, so be certain what comes out is guaranteed to evoke an
emotional response from your players. They want to be taken on a fantasy trip into realms of heroic and villainous deeds
so make sure your voice is ready for the journey! I recommend a steady stream of Mountain Dew to keep the palate alert
and ready for duty.
Adventure Background Krunk, of course, cannot resist the smell of adventure, and
Alayshia (a renegade B’thuvian demon whore) has he heads off to rescue the stolen Elf Queen. He approaches Uz-
stumbled upon the ritual for creating more demon whores. Kala, a slaver stronghold, but they claim to have done nothing
Unfortunately she hasn’t yet been successful and her attempts to the caravan in question. Krunk continues east along the
have only created the creatures she calls “the corrupted.” trade route until discovering the site of the battle. There he is
After additional research, Alayshia believes she needs a led south by kobold tracks to a mostly abandoned lair where
daughter of a noble family and three very powerful magic he finds some small sport before going further south to find
items as focuses during the ritual to guarantee success. For the location of the Elf Queen. He quickly finds the hidden
this she has targeted the traveling Elf Queen as a good source pleasure prison of the B’thuvian demon whore Alayshia.
of many noble daughters and Krunk, a young barbarian from Fighting his way through their defenses, he eventually
the frozen wastes. fights the last of the kobold tribe and rescues the Elf Queen
Alayshia eventually plans to create an army of demon who is so thankful she transports him to the Plane of Naughty
whores who are all bound to their masters but who are also to fight the two corrupted, a chocolate golem, and eventually
bound to one great controlling ring that can override the Alayshia herself.
lesser rings. Alayshia plans to use the simple gold ring that
once controlled her as the great ring. Once her demon whores Areas of Interest near the
have achieved courtesanships with all the major heads of
government, she plans to activate her ring and create a new City-State of Isfala
world order! The following entries provide you some background
In pursuit of her goals, Alayshia has solidified her hold information on the areas in which this adventure occurs.
over a small tribe of kobolds and overseen the construction Availability of goods is left entirely in your hands, but it is
of a proper ritual chamber. She has recruited the Elf Queen suggested that Krunk be allowed to purchase any services/
Arwewynnin and a prostitute familiar to Krunk. The Elf goods which have a reasonable chance of being found at
Queen sets her caravan up for an ambush along the great the location in question. Healing, magic, and other more
east-west caravan route, the prostitute tells Krunk of a good unique requests should be viewed from exactly that light,
business proposition, and the plan is in motion. Word of the but shouldn’t be entirely absent. If Krunk takes a beating and
deed will reach the ears of Krunk through the lovely courtesan wants to retreat, allow him to do so, but think of adding a few
familiar to his barbarian might and sense of adventure and additional difficulties to reflect on his actions.
coin. Alayshia longs for his arrival, looking forward to the
chaos and cleansing he’ll cause among her kobold tribe before THE CITY-STATE OF ISFALA: THE BIRTHPLACE OF QU’TUN
eventually succumbing to her terrible allures. And if he falls in At the mouth of the Baladeh River lies the city-state of Isfala
the process, he wasn’t the man she thought he was. But if he whose shell-encrusted towers and gleaming mother-of-peal
lasts until the final battle, his fall and enslavement will be ever twin fortresses shine in the reflected sunlight from Neytak Bay.
more the sweeter… Isfala is an old city, an old, old city with thousands of years of
Krunk is led to a mostly abandoned kobold lair to kill history and many more in legend. Isfala was the birth place of
most of the tribe (Alayshia tires of them and wants them the great prophet Qu’Tun and has played an important role in
gone), and then eventually to the pleasure prison where spreading his word through the radical clerics of Isfala.
the rest of the tribe is taken care of. There, Arwewynnin But don’t expect the birth-place of the great prophet to be
tricks Krunk and sends him to the Plane of Naughty where a holy city, far from it! It is a bustling cesspit of iniquity, where
Alayshia spends most of her time petulantly biting off bits from one side of the mouth holy chants are incanted and through
of her chocolate golem guardian and vainly trying to create the other wine, lotus powder and the reluctant kisses of slaves
more demon whores. In the plane of naughty, Krunk may fail pass. Isfala is a two-faced city at best, but truly it a multi-faced
and be beaten senseless by Alayshia’s staunchest defender, city willing to present whatever necessary to continue living in
her precious chocolate golem, or become food for K’thy and sin while commanding others not too. Anything a heart desires
Syndi, but more than likely, he will triumph over both those can be found in Isfala as it is the final stopping point of the vast
problems if he’s clever. east-west trade route moving weapons, armor, magic items,
slaves, horses, camels, and jewelry.
But the most valuable commodity in Isfala is knowledge.
Adventure Synopsis The great sage college of Isfala trains the world’s sages
The adventure finds Krunk, Barbarian of the Frozen Wastes
in knowledge ranging from the uses and meaning of the
lounging in a tavern in Anguran, the last stop on the grand
rudraksha bead to what blood is best for a gris-gris charm.
east-west trade route. After serving a year in the guards
Blue Domes, the local name of the sage college given by the
in Isfala, Krunk has mustered out and wandered towards
bright blue domed minarets lining the walls of the campus, is
Anguran to sell-sword his way to the exotic lands of the Far
the place to study for the 3rd sons across the civilized world.
East. But little does Krunk know that dark plans are being
But all of this focus on debauchery and knowledge has
hatched with each swill of date wine he takes and each illicit
resulted in diminishing military control for the city-state.
kiss “stolen” from barmaids all too willing.
Now, after years of inward-focusing thoughts and actions,
While drinking, Krunk is approached by a woman he
Isfala controls only the southernmost part of Neytak Bay and
has frequented before who informs him of a recent attack on
maintains its hold in the food producing lands solely out of a
a caravan. Although this is not too unusual, she tells him an
nigh-dormant sense of self-preservation. Isfala’s grasp reaches
Elf Queen was traveling incognito in the small caravan and
inland only to the oasis communities of Kojur and Anguran,
has been captured. Rescuing such a prize would certainly
where loyalty to Isfala is sworn and mostly followed. But
be worth a lot of coin and she’d only like 10% of the reward
beyond the walls of Kojur and Anguran, a vast empty no-mans
Krunk would receive. And perhaps another night’s pleasure
land stretches filled with slavers, traders, and humanoid tribes.
as well?
ISFALA Anguran Date Wine trade upriver from Anguran and
shipping it out across all of Neytak Bay. This trade, coupled
Metropolis Conventional amd Magical; AL
with the native pickled freshwater dogfish trade, means most
(see below)
goods are readily found at Kalik, as it is an important stop on
GP Limit 1,000,000 gp; Assets 239,500,273 gp
the vast east-west trade route.
Population 47,906
Type mixed (human 80%, half-elf 9%, elf 5%, Small City Conventional; AL (see below)
halfling 4%, half-orc 1%, other 1%) GP Limit 15,000 gp; Assets 5,077,500 gp
POWER CENTERS Population 6,776
Conventional City Council (LE),
Type mixed (human 85%, half-elf 4%, elf 4%, halfling 4%,
Conventional Grand Council (LN),
half-orc 2%, other 1%)
Conventional Merchants’ Guild (LE),
Magical Radical Clerics of Isfala (LN) POWER CENTERS
Conventional City Council (LN), Conventional Fishers’ Guild (NG)
human women huddled amongst the camel corpses DC 25: Krunk can identify several humanoid footprints
before being picked up like the chattel they are. (human and elf) going into the cave complex and then
DC 30: The elf woman tied the human females together. exiting heading south through the mountainous terrain.
Afterwards, among the carnage, the kobolds had a
small congratulatory meal composed of dried pickled LAIR TACTICS
freshwater dogfish. The lair will remain quiet and ready for Krunk, hoping that
DC 35: The elf woman is a noble with long gold-spun blonde he’ll fall victim to one of the traps in the first few areas. Ideally,
hair and a penchant for pomegranates. he’ll go east into areas 2 and 3 first before going into area 1. If
he triggers the trap in area 1, there is a 50% chance the kobolds
The Mostly Abandoned Kobold quietly waiting in area 7 won’t maintain discipline and bring
the fight to him via a quick flurry of missile weapons. Ikutu
Lair hopes Krunk goes through the centipedes first, and the reserve
The kobolds are expecting a response based upon Alayshia’s force he placed with the women and children weakening
notification. They have a small tunnel through which the Krunk before he shows up in front of the sub-chief.
smallest and stupidest kobold (named Gipper) watches the Of course, the kobolds are in for a nasty surprise as
long gully leading up to their lair’s entrance. Although Gipper Krunk’s prowess has been greatly downplayed by Alayshia.
is really a fool among kobolds, he is an excellent watchkobold, She’s planning for all of them to be slain. She’s tired of the
unable to be distracted in his retarded persistence of his task. kobolds and has set her sights higher, hoping to infiltrate Uz-
Gipper has a +10 to his Perception checks. If Krunk fails to sneak Kala once she has successfully summoned at least one demon
up on the lair (which is more than likely), Gipper will slide down whore under her complete control.
his tunnel and notify Ikutu (the sub-chief) of Krunk’s approach.
Spotting Gipper in his hidey-hole requires a DC 30 Perception
Check as it’s very well hidden. If combat starts, Gipper retreats 1. Entranceway
all the way up his hidey-hole where even he has to squeeze to Read the following when Krunk stands outside the entrance to
enter. He may be a fool, but he’s not suicidal. the mostly abandoned kobold lair.
any part of the bedding is touched without succeeding on a These kobolds have recently managed to almost tame a family
DC 20 Perception Check first, a pit opens beneath the bedding. of monstrous centipedes to use as a poison supply, a lair
And it’s a deep pit, a deep spiky pit. Any creature falling defense system, and a reserve food source. The kobolds have
down the pit triggers several tripwires that, thankfully, only built a small wall, roughly 21⁄2 feet tall surrounding this area
ring bells alerting the kobolds that dinner is served. Even if and have coated the wall with a rather obnoxious material
they have to drag it out of an 80 ft. deep pit first. (centipede dung, to be precise) which the centipedes avoid.
Passing through this area unharmed requires an application of
SPIKED PIT TRAP CR 5 dung (found in small pots in areas 5 and 6 and in the hallway
from area 1) around the legs which keeps one safe from
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 centipede attacks for 48 hours upon which a new application
EFFECTS is required.
Trigger location; Reset manual The centipedes are fed once a day from the hallway
leading to area 1. The kobolds usually feed them small
Effect 80 ft. deep pit (8d6 falling damage) plus 1d4 pit mammals, but sometimes a prisoner or two is feed to them on
spikes (atk +10 melee, dealing 1d4+5 damage) each; special holy occasions. After such a feast, they don’t have to be
DC 20 Reflex, Climb DC 15 to scale pit. fed for several days.
Crossing the wall is easily done and if opened, the ceramic
Treasure: At the bottom of the pit is a single ruby (500 gp) that
pot contains a noxious black paste (monstrous centipede
has been overlooked by the kobolds as it is lodged in a crack
dung) that’s also spread thinly along the inside walls of the
in the floor. A successful DC 25 Perception check will discover
corral. If Krunk approaches the wall and looks farther down
the lodged gem.
the corridor, read the following:
3. Poisoned treasure Looking past the small wall, you see several moving
shapes: monstrous centipedes! You count at least 5 of
This small cave is filled with rubbish. Shredded bedding the poisonous arthropods as they approach you slowly,
mats, bits of clothing, rotted leather, and broken equipment but without apparent aggression. Most of them are small,
are a testament to the kobold’s long inhabitance of the cave measuring five feet in length, but one, the largest, is over
complex. Worthless and discarded material possessions ten feet long. About twenty feet away the hallway tees with
from the kobold’s victims pile up along the walls leaving a a passageway leading north.
small path to the back of the cave where a small chest rests.
The chest looks well-used, and shows no signs of a lock. If Krunk spends more than a few rounds standing at the edge
of the corral the centipedes will wander off because if no
The kobolds mostly use this room as a rubbish heap, piling up food is coming there’s nothing interesting enough for them
the worthless bits and pieces they accumulate through normal to stay next to the smelly wall. However, a handful of small
everyday kobold life. monstrous centipedes will arrive from the northern area (the
The chest is filled with copper pieces (350 cp) which have corral section near area 6) looking for food. All in all, there are
been coated with a diluted and slow acting contact poison. 1 large monstrous centipede, 4 medium monstrous centipedes,
Unlike normal crawler brain juice, this diluted variety takes and 6 small monstrous centipedes in the corral. If Krunk enters
1d10 minutes to activate after initial exposure. This has more without applying centipede dung around his calves, he will be
than once resulted in an untimely paralysis and resultant attacked in two rounds.
death for an intruder in the lair.
POISONED COPPER COINS CR 3 N small vermin 100 XP
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 15 Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
Trigger touch; Reset manual AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
Effect poison hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
Immune mind-affecting effects
Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 13 OFFENSE
Frequency 1/round for 5 rounds Spd 30 ft., climb 40 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d4-3 plus poison)
Effect paralysis; Cure 1 save Special Attacks poison
Feats Weapon FinesseB
Skills Climb +12, Stealh +6
Poison (Ex): Bite —injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/round
for 6 rounds; effect 1d6 Dex damage; cure 1 save. The save
DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Over the small corral wall, the cave before you is empty
and dark as far south as you can see.
STATISTICS Skills Craft (trapmaking) +6, Stealth +6
Abilities Str 7, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 Languages Draconic
Base Atk +0; CMB -3; CMD 8 SQ crafty
Feats Alertness Gear Small light crossbow, 20 bolts, spear, leather armor,
Skills Sense Motive +1, Stealth +6 silver broach of Alayshia (10 gp), 5 gp
Languages Draconic
Gear Sling, 10 bullets, 5 cp Crafty (Ex): Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class
skills for a kobold
Crafty (Ex): Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class Treasure: If Krunk so wishes, there is enough (questionable!)
skills for a kobold. food here for several weeks worth of rations. However, it is
kobold food and would require a successful DC 8 Fort save to
consume without immediate regurgitation.
LE male small humanoid (reptilian) warrior 1 100 XP
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 7: Prepared Warriors
This area holds the most powerful wave of warriors Ikutu
DEFENSE is planning to use against the invading barbarian. Ikutu has
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +1 placed 4 footmen, 4 soldiers, 4 crossbowmen, and 2 elite
natural,+1 shield, +1 size) soldiers in this area. This area is populated with bedrolls and
hp 5 (1d10) is the main place where tribal interactions occur.
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1 Read the following when Krunk rounds the corner from
Weakness light sensitivity the passageway leading from area 1 to area 7.
LE male small humanoid (reptilian) warrior 1/fighter 2 600 XP LE male small humanoid (reptilian) warrior 1/fighter 3 800 XP
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge,
+1 natural, +1 shield, +1 size) +1 natural, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 25 (3d10+9) hp 33 (4d10+11)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will -1 (+0 against fear) Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0 (+1 against fear)
Defensive Abilities bravery Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery
Weakness light sensitivity Weakness light sensitivity
Spd 30 ft. Spd 30 ft.
Melee small masterwork longsword +7 (1d6+1/19-20) Melee +1 small longsword +8 (1d6+2/19-20)
Ranged small light crossbow +5 (1d6) Ranged small masterwork light crossbow +7 (1d6)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 14 Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Toughness, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Feats Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness,
Focus (longsword) Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Craft (trapmaking) +7, Intimidate +4, Stealth +7 Skills Craft (trapmaking) +7, Intimidate +7, Stealth +7
Languages Draconic Languages Common, Draconic
SQ crafty SQ crafty
Gear buckler, masterwork studded leather armor, small light Gear buckler, masterwork studded leather armor, small
crossbow, 20 bolts, small masterwork longsword, potion of masterwork crossbow, 20 bolts, +1 small longsword, potion of
cure light wounds, gold broach of Alayshia (150 gp), 30 gp cure light wounds, gold broach of Alayshia (250 gp), 100 gp
Tactics: The footmen and the soldiers will engage the barbarian
as soon as they can while ensuring the crossbowmen can keep
9: Treasure Chamber and Elite
plunking away at the towering human. The two elite soldiers Females
hang back ensuring the others don’t flee and will engage to This chamber is where Ikutu sleeps with his two females since
keep Krunk off of the crossbowmen or if they see an opening Krriptip and roughly half the tribes warriors have moved into
that must be taken advantage of. If Krunk retreats into the the pleasure prison. This room is also where part of the tribe’s
hallway, he’ll have a tactical advantage but the kobolds will treasure is kept in a large locked, but surprisingly untrapped,
press the fight regardless. chest. The women will fight until death. However, if captured,
If captured, all of these kobolds know of the location of they know the location of the pleasure prison and will try to
the pleasure prison and will attempt to bargain their life for bargain their life for the information.
the information.
Treasure: A hidden gem worth 150gp can be found Rounding the sharp corner, you’re surprised to see two
among the bedding (Perception check DC 12). female kobolds silently twirling slings in the far end of
the cave near a large, locked chest. As they see you, they
release, and pick up nearby spears.
8: Ikutu
Here Ikutu and his two guards wait for Krunk’s arrival. Ikutu KOBOLD ELITE WOMAN (2) CR 1/4
has decided this room, typically used as a sleeping quarter, LE female small humanoid (reptilian) 100 XP
will be the location of his last stand if possible. Gipper is also in Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
this room, but if Ikutu joins in combat, he’ll retreat; squeezing
his slight frame down the long tunnel to the lookout from DEFENSE
which he first spotted Krunk. Only small or smaller creatures AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +1 natural, +1 Dex)
can enter this tunnel and even then, it’s a tight fit. More than hp 4 (1d8)
likely, poor dumb Gipper will be the only kobold left of his Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -1
tribe by the time Krunk meets Alayshia, but don’t worry about Weakness light sensitivity
him, he’s a survivor and there are great things in the future for
the observant kobold… OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft.
Elite Kobold Soldier (2): 25 hp, AC 16, see area 7. Ranged sling +2 (1d6)
Melee spear +0 (1d6-1)
The ritual of creating/summoning a demon whore first
requires access to a rarely known plane called the Plane of
Naughty. It’s not quite evil, but it’s not quite good. And
forget about it being neutral—it has an agenda. The Plane of
Naughty is itself sentient, and it wants to get a bit bigger than
it currently is and is using the demon whores to further its
goals. In this way, a permanent portal to the Plane of Naughty
has been established in the pleasure prison and a small portion
of the plane set aside as residence for Alayshia, unwitting
champion to the Plane’s cause.
Unless otherwise specified the following holds true for
the interior of the Pleasure Prison of the Renegade B’thuvian
Demon Whore Alayshia: all stone doors (1 inch thick, 8
hardness, 60 hp, Break DC 28, unlocked); light is provided
by torches on wall hooks in every room occupied by living
creatures; area 1 is made of masonry while all other areas are
dug out of solid stone, all rooms in the pleasure prison are 10
feet tall to the ceiling.
1. Entrance Chamber
This roughly octagonal chamber is still unfurnished. When
completed it will be an antechamber where those allowed
entrance will wait for hours until Alayshia deems to see them
for 5 minutes. Read the following when Krunk opens the doors.
None of the kobolds in this fight will retreat. They’ve been
encouraged (or at least threatened) by their leader to stand
and fight and since Krriptip is in the rear, it may end up being
fatal to retreat anyway.
If Krunk slays all the kobolds here, read the following.
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +1 enhancement,
+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 39 (4d10+11 plus 1d8+2)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1 (+2 against fear)
When Krunk enters the area enough to see down the Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery
passageway read the following. Weakness light sensitivity
The terrible red ray hits your chest and runs to the mighty SPECIAL ABILITIES
Greatsword of Kvim-T’Shar vainly trying to pull the Crafty (Ex): Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class
puissant sword from your heavy hands. skills for a kobold.
OFFENSE door to area 5 opens and the ash guardian is tasked with
Spd 30 ft. attacking the creature holding the cube if it is not wearing a
Melee small masterwork heavy mace +4 (1d6) broach of Alayshia (any type).
Ranged small masterwork light crossbow +6 (1d6) Read the following when Krunk first sees the stone
Special Attack Channel negative energy, orisons, spells platform with the golden cube.
Spells Prepared (CL3)
2nd—hold person (DC 15), sound burst (DC 15) In a five by five alcove to the west, you see a stone platform
1st—bless, cure light wounds, doom (DC 14) upon which rests a small golden cube, no bigger than your
0—detect magic, read magic, resistance, stabilize thumbnail.
Domain Powers (Evil/Healing)
2nd—cure light wounds, protection from good If Krunk removes the cube from the platform, read below.
1st—rebuke death, touch of evil
You easily lift the small cube from the platform and it is
STATISTICS heavy for its size. In the distance you hear something open
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12 but suddenly, a secret door in the alcove right next to you
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13 opens and behind it you see a whirling mass of hot ash. In
Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting the whirl, two lines of black power stare fiercely out at you.
Skills Appraise +5, Diplomacy +5, Heal +7, Knowledge
The ash guardian will look Krunk over and attack if he is not
(religion) +5, Profession (healer) +7, Sense Motive +7,
wearing a broach of Alayshia. If Krunk is wearing a broach
Spellcraft +7 (+11 when defensive casting)
read the following.
Languages Common, Draconic
Gear small masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts, small
A voice like a thousand dead fires speaks to you from the
masterwork heavy mace, masterwork studded leather
whirling ash, “You have a mere five minutes to complete
armor, headdress made of human ears, potion of bull’s
the portal opening, mortal. If you do not do so, I will hunt
strength, potion of cure light wounds, lesser rod of disarming
you down and slay you unless you return the golden cube
gold broach of Alayshia (250 gp) 50 gp
to me peaceably.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES Area 5 proper is totally empty, covered with a thin layer of
Crafty (Ex): Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class
ash, and the stones weathered from the constant whirling of
skills for a kobold.
the ash guardian. The secret door into this area is well hidden
(DC 30 Perception Check) and it opens when the golden
ROD OF DISARMING cube is removed from its platform. Removing the cube also
Aura strong (no school); CL 17th causes the secret door in area 6 to open alerting Graluz of an
impending visitor. The secret door to area 6 closes when the
Slot none; Price 3,000 (lesser), 11,000 gp, 24,500 gp (greater); cube is replaced or after ten minutes have passed.
Weight — Treasure: Hidden under a pile of ash in the corner
DESCRIPTION (Perception DC 15 to find) is a potion of cure serious wounds.
This slick metal rod, covered with many small etchings of How it got here is a mystery. The golden cube is made of lead
weapons, is a bane to all melee combatants. It can emit a red washed with gold and is only worth 1 gp.
ray (range 50 ft.) as a ranged touch attack. If the ray hits its
target, the target must succeed on a DC 25 Reflex save or ASH GUARDIAN CR 3
have his weapon taken out of his hands, attached to the red N Medium Outsider (air, earth, fire, elemental, 800 XP
ray. The user of the rod must then move the weapon (as a extraplanar)
move action) to any location within 50 feet of the user or Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
the weapon simply falls to the ground in front of its former
wielder. For example, a target 50 feet in front of the user DEFENSE
fails his save and is disarmed. The user can then move the AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural)
disarmed weapon to the ground 50 feet behind him, putting hp 30 (4d10+8)
a total of 100 feet between the weapon and its former user. If Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +1
the user chooses not to move the weapon, it will drop in the Defensive Abilities air mastery; Immune elemental traits,
square directly in front of its former wielder. fire; Vulnerable cold
Requirments Craft Rod, Improved Disarm Feat; Cost
Spd Fly 100 ft. (perfect)
1,5000 gp (lesser), 5,500 go, 12,250 gp (greater)
Melee slam +9 (1d6+3)
Special Attack ash lash (DC 14), whirlwind (DC 14)
5. The Cube Guardian
When Krunk leaves area 4 via the south door, he’ll enter STATISTICS
a series of passageways. In the alcove near the secret door Abilities Str 14, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 11
leading to area 5, there is a stone platform upon which is a Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 21
small golden cube. This golden cube, when placed on the Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved InitiativeB, Weapon
cube-like indention on the floor in area 6 opens the portal FinesseB
to the Elf Queen’s bedroom, area 7. The cube is guarded Skills Acrobatics +11, Escape Artist +9, Fly +17, Knowledge
however; when it is lifted off of its stone platform, the secret (the Planes) +7, Stealth +10
Creatures one or more size categories smaller than
the ash guardian might take damage when caught in
the whirlwind (see the table for details) and may be
lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed
on a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the
whirlwind or take the indicated damage. It must also
succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily
and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically
taking the indicated damage each round. A creature that
can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the
whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave
if its save is successful. The DC for saves against the
whirlwind’s effects varies with the ash guardian’s size
(see the table). The save DC is Strength-based.
Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move
except to go where the ash guardian carries them or to
escape the whirlwind. Creatures caught in the whirlwind
can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a
Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty
to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The ash
guardian can have only as many creatures trapped
inside the whirlwind at one time as will fit inside the
whirlwind’s volume.
The ash guardian can eject any carried creatures
whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the
whirlwind happens to be. A summoned ash guardian
always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its
home plane.
If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it
creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered
on the ash guardian and has a diameter equal to half
the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision,
including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet
away have concealment, while those farther away have
Languages Auran, Ignan, Terran total concealment.
Environment Elemental Plane of Ash Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a
Advancement 5-7 HD (Medium); 8-15 HD (Large), 16-20 HD Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
(Huge) An ash guardian in whirlwind form cannot make
slam attacks and does not threaten the area around it.
Air Mastery (Ex): Airborn creatures take a -1 penalty on
attack and damage rolls against an ash guardian. Save
Elemental Height Weight Damage Height
Ash Lash (Su): An ash guardian can lash out once per DC
round as a full-round action with its deadly ash, filling Medium 8 ft. 25 lbs. 14 2d6 10-30 ft.
an adjacent 5 foot square with whipping hot ash. Any Large 16 ft. 50 lbs. 18 2d6 10-40 ft.
creatures in the affected area must succeed on a DC 14
Reflex save or take 1d6 points of slashing damage plus Huge 32 ft. 100 lbs. 21 2d8 10-50 ft.
1d6 points of fire damage. A successful save reduces the
damage in half. The save is Constitution-based. Ash guardians are a form of elemental from the Plane of Ash,
Whirlwind (Su): The ash guardian can transform itself into that intersection of earth, air, and fire. Guardians are usually
a whirlwind and remain in that form for up to 1 round summoned to guard valuables, and they enjoy their task as
for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the ash guardian can they were bred by the Ash Masters for just such purpose.
move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. In combat ash guardians attack either by slamming,
The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 whirlwinding, or ash lashing. The smaller guardians prefer
feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on ash lashes while the larger guardians prefer whirlwinding.
the ash guardian’s size. The ash guardian controls the
exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet tall. 6. The Gate Guardians
The ash guardian’s movement while in whirlwind This room creates the magical entryway to the Elf Queen’s
form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if the quarters. It is guarded by Graluz, a former servant of Yarbles,
ash guardian enters the space another creature occupies. the now-dead master of Alayshia. Graluz decided to stay
Another creature might be caught in the whirlwind if it with Alayshia instead of venturing off by himself as Alayshia
touches or enters the whirlwind, or if the ash guardian seemed to have a lot going for her; better to be with a winner
moves into or through the creature’s space. than alone in a unusual world.
Graluz has a twin brother, Grulaz. They are crystal twins Languages Common, Terran
born of the same parent crystal on the elemental plane of Gear Ring of energy resistance (minor, fire), silver broach of
earth. They remain in constant touch with each other, and Alayshia (10 gp), 5 gp
they summon each other whenever they need help or just
before ending of a day to talk and chat for a while before SPECIAL ABILITIES
either is pulled back to his respective plane. So far they’ve Breath Weapon (Su): A salt mephit can unleash a 15-foot
done well for each other as demonstrated by their paired rings cone of salt every 4 rounds as a standard action. The DC
of elemental resistance (minor, fire). is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
This unusual relationship means that Graluz has a 100% Dehydrate (Su): Once per day a salt mephit can draw the
chance of summoning his brother. And you better believe moisture from an area in a 20-foot radius centered on
that’s just what Graluz does when he sees Krunk. Use Graluz’s itself. Living creatures within range take 2d8 points of
stat block below for Grulaz. damage (Fortitude DC 14 half; CL 6th). This effect is
The secret door into this area from area 4 has a DC 20 especailly devastating to plant and aquatic creatures,
Perception check to find, but is easy to open when found (just which take a -2 penalty on their saving throws. This
press the right place on the wall next to it). This door also ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
opens when the golden cube in area 5 is removed from its
platform (see area 5 for more information). Tactics: If Krunk uses the cube to open the secret door, Graluz
Read the following if Krunk finds the door and opens it darts out, sees the carnage and immediately summons his
by himself without the cube. brother. If Krunk opens the door without the cube, Graluz will
have to spend a round summoning his brother. Either way,
The door opens smoothly. Before you is another roughly Krunk will quickly face two mephits. Both mephits will use
octagonal room, but this one has four pillars surrounding their moisture attack right away and then hit Krunk with their
a small raised piece of beautiful marble set in the floor. On breath weapons until he fails a save. They’ll then move in with
the marble a small, winged gray creature sits. It sees you their claws, trying to set up flanking attacks.
and starts muttering and moving its hands.
Read the following if Krunk opens the door by picking up the 7. The Elf Queen Arwewynnin
golden cube. Read the following when Krunk appears next to the southern wall.
Looking through the secret door, you see another roughly There’s a sudden flash of light coupled with a soft tinkling
octagonal room, but this one has four pillars surrounding of bells, and now you stand in a room with no apparent
a small raised piece of beautiful marble set in the floor. Two exits. But it could be much worse than it sounds for you
small, winged gray creatures fly over the marble. They have entered the bedchambers of the Elf Queen. She stands
wave their hands at you and you feel all the moisture in the before you and speaks, “Hold, Krunk, barbarian of the
area sucked out by their foul magic! Make two Fort saves! frozen waste! You shall pass no further!” Her gold-spun
blond hair spills past her alabaster shoulders like springs of
The marble slab in this room has a small indention exactly the honey mead. Her full, ample breasts are barely covered by
same size as the golden cube. Any creature placing the cube in a sheen of magical elven chainmail. Leather leggings hug
the slab is teleported to area 7, appearing next to the southern her butter-supple loins.
wall. The cube then teleports back to its platform near area 5.
Arwewynnin’s role in Krunk’s adventure is brief, but
important. She’s just finished linking herself to the Plane of
Naughty and can now travel back and forth (as can Alayshia)
N small outsider (earth, extraplanar) 800 XP
with an hour of concentration. Arwewynnin is the bait in
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6
Alayshia’s trap, and she’s willing to play her role to the
DEFENSE hilt. Her responsibilities are fairly easy: she must get Krunk
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size) to touch her bed which will then send Krunk to the Plane
hp 19 (3d10+3); fast healing 2 (while in arid environs) of Naughty. Neither Alayshia nor Arwewynnin expect any
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 difficulty in this matter. To do this, Arwewynnin has decided
DR 5/magic to play the role of the defiant, yet pliable, adversary. She’ll
make a ploy of appearing angry while still trying to send
OFFENSE signals to Krunk that any advances are welcomed. If Krunk
Spd 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) wishes to have sex with the Elf Queen, he’ll have to make the
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+1) normal roll to succeed, but regardless of his role, he’ll succeed
Special Attacks breath weapon (15 ft. cone, 1d4 slashing and the queen will lie upon the bed waiting for him to arrive.
damage plus sickened for 3 rounds, Reflex DC 13 for half As soon Krunk touches any part of the bed (which is not really
damage and negate sickened), dehydrate a bed at all, see Traps below) he’ll be transported to the Plane
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th) of Naughty.
1/hour—glitterduct While Krunk is a barbarian of action and not words,
there is the possibility that he will ask the Arwewynnin some
STATISTICS questions. In general, the Elf Queen will be vague, feign
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14 ignorance, or say whatever necessary to divert the attention
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15 away from words and toward the bed.
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Bluff +8, Fly +10, Stealth +12
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +2 flaming quarterstaff +5 (1d6 +2 plus 1d6 fire damage)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +3
Feats Alertness, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Perform[acting])
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate
+10, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +8,
Perform (acting) +12, Sense Motive +10
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
SQ elf traits
Gear Elven chain, +2 flaming quarterstaff, fine boots, jade comb
(125 gp), lion skin purse (100 gp)
Traps: Any creature touching the bed in this room that is not
linked to the Plane of Naughty is immediately transported
to area 8 in the Plane of Naughty. The bed is actually extra
dimensional pseudopodia of the plane with several unique
characteristics having a lot to do with pleasure. But now is not
the time for such matters for they are not to be! On with Krunk
to the Plane of Naughty!
As soon as Krunk travels more than 50 feet along the CHOCOLATE GOLEM CR 5
floating pathway read the following. N medium contruct 1,600 XP
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60ft., lowlight vision, Perception +0
As you proceed down the platform you detect motion in
the mists all around you. Suddenly the mist seems to thin DEFENSE
and behind it you see something unlike anything you’ve AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 natural)
ever seen before. It is as if the entire universe is being built hp 53 (6d10+20)
piece by piece in front of you. You hear voices calling your Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
name: the pleasured calls of all the women you’ve known, Defensive Abilities transferring gloss (DC 13)
the curses of the enemies slain at your feet, the sound of DR 5/magic; Immune construct traits, magic
your mother’s voice almost forgotten, and your own voice Weakness vulnerability fire
calling to you from the depths of your naming ceremony
when you were but a lad among your people. OFFENSE
Are these things coming from you and going out Spd 30 ft.
to it, or is it sending it back to you from some recorded Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8+3)
depth unknown? Special Attacks bane of acne (DC 13), death by chocolate (DC
The universe around you is arranging itself into 15), emulsifying touch (DC 13)
familiar rooms—rooms of pleasure, torture, food, bathing,
trading, and death. Each brick falls precisely into place
Abilities Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 11 Cha 1
with a clang not unlike the ring of a blacksmith’s hammer
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 19
on the anvil. Now you are completely surrounded by
Feats Ability Focus (death by chocolate)B
rooms built from nothingness yet still 300 feet from where
you stand on a floating passageway leading to a single SPECIAL ABILITIES
door. The door is set against a wall that stretches 35 feet. Bane of Acne (Su): When a chocolate golem succeeds on a
standard attack, it can choose to deal no bludgeoning
Anything dropped over the edge falls as if under normal damage and instead causes the target to succeed on a DC
gravity. However, when it is within 10 feet from one of 13 Fortitude save or suffer a -2 penalty on all rolls and a
the newly constructed rooms the object is incinerated in a -2 to AC, as painful acne bursts out, covering the target’s
massive blast of fiery energy that rocks the entire platform. body. A successful save reduces the effect to a -1 penalty
A successful DC 10 Reflex check is necessary to avoid falling to all rolls and a -1 to AC. The acne lasts for 10 rounds
prone onto the platform from the blast. Are the rooms real or and then subsides. The save DC is Constitution-based.
imaginary? Krunk could jump and try to find out, but that Death By Chocolate (Su): Referred to in the Black Wizard’s
wouldn’t be very prudent, now would it? native tongue as Tod durch Schokoladen, this is a
chocolate golem’s greatest weapon. Any living creature
8. The Sweet Guardian within 30 feet of a chocolate golem using this ability
This barren room holds Alayshia’s most trustworthy servant: must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or have
her chocolate golem. Another servitor from her old master delicious and aphrodisiacal pheromones flood their
Yarbles, the chocolate golem “attached” its service to her once systems. These pheromones cause the target to suffer a
its original master was dead. Unusual for a golem, but this -4 on all attacks and make them further susceptible to
is no mere golem, gentle reader! Alayshia and Arwewynnin another dose of death by chocolate the next round.
often commiserate together over some wine and small pieces For every failed DC 15 Fortitude save, the penalty
of chocolate taken from the trusty servant. increases by 1. For example, a target that has failed three
Read the following when Krunk opens the door to this area. sequential saves is at a -7 on all attacks. A successful
first save renders the target immune to further uses of
The heavy stone door before you opens easily to reveal this ability for one day. A successful save after the first
a large empty room. Empty of furniture, trappings, or save ends the penalty progression, but does not remove
anything indicating life, but not empty of magic! For in its effect. For example, a target that succeeds at the
the center of the room, standing still while assessing your 5th save is at a -8 on all attacks, but is now immune to
presence is the darkest, foulest, most evil creation ever any further effects for one day. Death by Chocolate is
spawned by the stygian minds of the Black Wizards of a supernatural ability that the golem can use as a free
the coastline on the Isle of Declining Fortune: a chocolate action every round (up to 2 hours per day) and that lasts
golem. To be slain by 300 pounds of the finest criollo as long as the chocolate golem isn’t destroyed and the
single-bean chocolate in the 371⁄2 kingdoms is a fate worthy target is within 1 mile of the chocolate golem. The save
of only mockery. DC is Constitution-based and increased by Ability Focus
The shiny golem makes its decision as its eyes flare (death by chocolate).
from underneath its giant cherry-topped head: “Death! Emulsifying Touch (Su): To use this ability, a chocolate
Death to the intruder!” golem must hit an opponent up to one size larger than
itself with its bane of acne attack. Regardless if the target
Tactics: The chocolate golem will activate his death by saves against the bane of acne attack, it suffers 1d4
chocolate ability first and then engage Krunk with an points of acid damage per round for the next 5 rounds,
emulsifying touch. After that, he will simply try to pound as the emulsifying agents in the chocolate golem attempt
Krunk to paste counting on his combat prowess and his bane to turn the target into a goo of remarkably smooth
of acne ability to win the combat. consistency. A successful DC 13 Fortitude save reduces
the acid damage to 1d2 per round for 5 rounds. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Most chocolate golems are hollow. This saves on
construction cost, but results in a weaker construct; however,
it does allow the creator to put a special surprise inside, like
the head of a lover who betrayed you for another man. The
few solid chocolate golems are advanced golems.
In combat chocolate golems attack by moving towards
their prey until the target is within their death by chocolate
special ability’s range. They then use a bane of acne attack
coupled with their emulsifying touch. After that they simply
pummel their foes, relying upon their transferring gloss ability
and damage reduction to see the combat through.
Construction: A chocolate golem’s body is created from
300 pounds of finest criollo bean chocolate. Special emulsifiers
and 200 gp worth of materials are used in the process.
Assembling the body requires a successful Craft (chocolate),
Profession (Candymaker), or Profession (Cook) check (DC 16).
Caster level 8th; Craft Construct, animate chocolate, geas/
quest; caster must be at least 8th level; Price 14,200 gp; Cost
7,200 gp +560 XP
9. The Failures
Alayshia keeps her two failures in this room, surrounded
by comfort, silks, and garish makeup. They make excellent
guardians and Alayshia knows they will never betray her
in the night, unlike just about everyone else given half a
chance. K’thy and Syndi spend their time babbling to each
other, putting on cosmetics and changing cloths: caught in
a madness of repetitive meaningless action interrupted only
when Alayshia brings something in for them to eat.
Read the following text when Krunk opens the door to
this area.
Again the heavy stone door opens easily, but this time
the large chamber before you is filled with the trappings
of life—rich trappings in fact, silks, fine woods, expensive
furniture and two very attractive wome..., not women on a
bed, most definitely not women on the bed. But even with
Transferring Gloss (Su): Any combatant that hits a chocolate skin similar to an alligator’s, eyes those of a cat, and long
golem with a melee weapon must succeed on a DC 13 nails hard as iron you find yourself strangely aroused yet
Reflex save or have their weapon coated with a shiny, utterly repelled at the same time.
soft gloss. This gloss reduces the weapon’s damage dice You have but a moment to assess the situation before
(2d6 becomes 2d4, 1d10 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d6, the two harridans pounce from their bed with foul and
etc.) as if the weapon had become one size smaller than it incomprehensible shrieks, their claws seeking out your
actually is. The gloss wears off after 10 rounds. The save sensitive places…
DC is Constitution-based.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A chocolate golem is immune to K’THY AND SYNDI, THE CORRUPTED CR 4
any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. CE medium outsider (chaotic, evil, native) 1,200 XP
In addition, certain spells and effects function differently Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception +13
against the creature, as noted below. A disintegrate spell
affects it normally. A munching mouth or animate chocolate DEFENSE
spell deals 1d8 points of damage to the chocolate golem AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +12 natural)
per three levels of the spell caster (e.g., a 6th-level hp 30 (4d10+8)
sorcerer deals 2d8 points of damage). A mending spell Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
heals the chocolate golem of 2d6 points of damage. Fire- DR 5/—; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 5, cold 5,
based effects and spells affect it as it is vulnerable. fire 5; SR 12
STATISTICS the three large rugs are worth 800 gp each, and hidden in a
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 3 rolled-up rug worth 400 gp under the bed is a small bone scroll
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 20 case worth 40 gp. In the case is a large pile of gems (all that
Feats Dodge, Mobility remains of Yarble’s hoard) worth 9,550 gp spread out over 20
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +8, Escape Artist +4, Stealth +7; different gem types and 80 individual gems.
Racial Modifiers +8 Perception
Languages Common
Gear 4 silk outfits (200 gp total), 2 lbs. of garish cosmetics (50 gp)
10. The Mistress
Alayshia wants Krunk to both fail and succeed. She’s torn
between the two outcomes and cannot win the fight with her
A corrupted is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs about 150
inner nature, both demon and woman. So she’s thrown the
pounds. Its measurements are typically 38C, 28, 36. A
decision to fate. It is this indecision that has caused all the
corrupted is utterly insane, mumbling only gutter rhymes and
death and bloodshed so far, and she’s still uncertain when
only enjoying the thrill of tearing screaming flesh from bone.
Krunk arrives. Should she try and snare him for herself and
However, a corrupted will not attack or injure the wearer of
use his muscle to reinforce her guile, or should she eliminate
its controlling ring or any non-living creature except in self-
him now and take what she needs? But he’s so pretty!
defense. Corrupted are fastidious of their appearance and wear
Read the following when Krunk opens the door to area 10.
only the finest clothing they can find (however, they ignore
bloodstains). Strangely enough, given their nature towards
Before you waits the mastermind behind your adventure:
others, corrupted will not attack other corrupted. Instead, they
Alayshia the renegade B’thuvian demon whore on her
spend all their time together grooming, muttering nonsense
throne carved from the very stuff of this strange realm. In
words back and forth as if they were some hidden meaning in
her eyes you see a longing greater than anything you’ve
their rambling, applying the most garish cosmetics possible,
seen in your life, but that longing is tempered by a ruthless
and putting on and taking off various outfits they possess.
streak wider than the hips of a Gundarmian Breeding
In combat a corrupted closes with her foe and attempts to
Marm. Surrounding her are items not unlike those
kill them with her claws. Usually, that’s enough. A corrupted’s
surrounding the two demon-women you encountered in
natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are
the previous room, but here the items are not so rich, but
treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the purpose of
obviously more used.
overcoming damage reduction.
Alayshia allows you a moment to survey your
surrounding and then she speaks, her voice the sound of
Treasure: Ironically, most of the valuable mundane materials in
falling rain, “Welcome Krunk, I had not expected you to
the pleasure prison are here with those who cannot appreciate
come so far, so fast, but yet I knew you must—for that is
them. The bed K’thy and Syndi share is worth 1,250 gp to the
your nature and that nature is what will eventually fulfill
right buyer and the divan, chairs, and tables are worth 1,800
my grand plans.”
gp together. All the silks piled in the corner are worth 500 gp,
She stands with a movement reminiscent of the Feats Augment SummoningB, Eschew MaterialsB, Dodge,
Dancing Girls of Arquillon and continues, “I offer you Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Improved
one choice, barbarian of the frozen wastes: surrender your Unarmed Strike, Stealthy
items of power and rule beside me over an empire spanning Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist
the length and breadth of the entire world, or suffer death, +18, Fly +9, Knowledge (arcane) +10, Knowledge (planes)
defeat, and despair.” +10, Knowledge (sexual pleasure) +11, Sense Motive +10,
Spellcraft +10, Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +15
What happens from here is solely up to Krunk. Does he join Language Abyssal, B’thuvian, Common, Elven
with Alayshia and hand over his items of power, or does SQ energy transference (Will DC 21), tongues
he distain her offer knowing that he will eventually have a Gear +4 bracers of armor, iron stone (dusty rose +1 insight
kingdom of his own making? If Krunk does hand over his bonus AC), ring of mind shielding, ring of controlling the
items of power, Alayshia smiles and offers herself as a treasure, corrupted K’thy, ring of controlling the corrupted Syndi,
knowing that he will fall to her powers and eventually rule arcane scroll of detect magic, obscuring mist and mage armor,
beside her, if she doesn’t become bored with him before then mithral binding ring (doesn’t work 1,000 gp), golden
and slits his throat in the night. yellow topaz (550gp); chrysoberyl (45gp); sard (55gp);
pink pearl (100gp); azurite (10gp); freshwater pearl
ALAYSHIA CR 9 (190gp); hematite (10gp); topaz (1,200gp); 2,345 cp, 1,256
B’thuvian demon whore sorcerer 7 6,400 XP sp, 956 gp, 121 pp.
CNaughty female medium outsider (chaotic, native, naughty)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +17 SPECIAL ABILITIES
Energy Transference Tie (Sp): Any creature that receives an
DEFENSE energy transference from Alayshia functions as if under
AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 24 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, a charm monster (as the spell, CL 12 except duration is 1
+1 insight, +9 natural) week) spell unless the creature succeeds a Will Save DC 21.
hp 51 (2d10+2 plus 7d6+14) Energy Transference (Su): Any creature engaging in sexual
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +10; +2 bonus vs. poison activities lasting longer than 10 minutes (hetero or homo)
Defensive Ability Bloodline (Abyssal) demon resistances; with Alayshia must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or gain
DR 5/magic; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 5, a positive level for 24 hours. This temporary positive
cold 5, and fire 5; SR 12 level bestows +1 on all skill checks and ability checks,
+1 on attack rolls and saving throws, +5 hit points, +1
OFFENSE effective level (whenever the target’s level is used in a
Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) die roll or calculation, increase it by one). If the target
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d8+1) casts spells, he gains access to additional spells as if
Special Attacks bloodline bonus spells, bloodline (claws), he was one level higher. During energy transference,
cantrips, energy transference tie (Will DC 21) Alayshia moans and squeals both from pain and
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th) pleasure. The save DC is Charisma-based.
At Will —detect good, detect evil, ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 Tongues (Su): Alayshia has a permanent tongues ability (as
pounds of objects only), polymorph (humanoid form the spell, caster level 12th). Demon whores usually use
only, no limit on duration). verbal communication with mortals.
Spells Known (CL 7th) Skills: Alayshia has a +8 racial bonus on Perception checks
3rd (6/day)—displacement, fireball (DC 21), rage and a +10 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks.
2nd (8/day)—alter self, bull’s strength, invisibility, summon *While using her polymorph ability,Alayshia gains a
swarm +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.
1st (8/day)—cause fear (DC19), charm person (DC19),
comprehend languages, magic missile, shield, ray of Alayshia, renegade B’thuvian demon whore is quite a piece of
enfeeblement (DC19) work. She’s immensely beautiful, immensely chaotic and quite
0—daze (DC 18), detect magic, mage hand, mending, ray of a powerful sorceress as well. She was bound to a fat, rich, and
frost (DC 18), read magic, stabilize depraved merchant named Yarbles when, on the dawning of a
new year, she discovered her binding ring no longer held her.
TACTICS Yarbles soon gave a healthy portion of his wealth to her trying
During Combat If Krunk decides to fight, Alayshia will do to keep her around as his lover, but she fled and explored
her best to destroy him, starting first with invisibility, and the world for the next 50 years. It was during this time that
following up with displacement and fireball. She’ll then she discovered the B’thuvian trade secret of summoning and
summon swarm to keep Krunk occupied while trying to binding demon whores.
avoid physical combat using combinations of invisibility Not long after she discovered this secret she took over
and then an attack spell. However, if it is obvious that control of a kobold tribe in the wastelands south of Isfala
she must fight melee, she will use her last spells to cast and slowly started building the proper buildings, gathering
bull’s strength and rage, attacking with her claws. the proper components, and collecting female slaves through
raiding as well as trade for the required vessels for the demon
STATISTICS whore ritual.
Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 26 After a few years, everything was finished, and the
Base Atk +5; CMB +6 (+8 vs. grappling); CMD 17 (19 vs. first ritual completed. It was an abject failure, resulting in a
grappling) demonically possessed female slave, not a demon whore. After
a few more failed attempts, Alayshia is reaching the unfortunate
conclusion that she may lack the magical skill and knowledge
to successfully follow the requirements of the summoning and
binding rituals as all her attempts up to this point have failed,
resulting in the creatures she terms “the Corrupted.” Needless
to say, she’s not happy with this, and she’s been taking out her
anger and peevishness on everything around her, increasing
the typical conflict level in her kobold tribe.
But Alayshia now has a new plan: capture a noble woman
and use three very powerful magic items as focuses for her
next summons attempt.
B’thuvia: the most decadent of the decadent southern
kingdoms—the heart of the Malibat coast, the serpent kingdom
that slithers along the northern edge of the dark continent. Its
cities like jewels, its people swarthy-skinned and swarthy-
hearted in their joys, lusts, and cruelties. Far B’thuvia: a flame
to the mercenary, the scoundrel, the rogue, the slaver. It is here,
millennia ago, that the first demon whores were summoned.
Even then, decadence was great in B’thuvia. Boredoms
deferred by pleasures of the flesh, lotus-dreams, power, and
gold would always arise again in the great merchant families.
Hundreds of years of wealth and debauchery eventually gave
way to demonic studies and pursuits of the darkest kind,
and the B’thuvians quickly became well-known as the best
scholars concerning demonic and infernal matters in the 371⁄2
kingdoms. It was during this initial stygian phase that, deep
beneath the stepped pyramids of Urlaktloc, the first demon
whores were summoned and forced to submit to the dark
lusts of those who summoned them. It was only a matter of
a few years before the B’thuvians mixed their two greatest
interests—debauchery and money— and began selling demon
whores (and their controlling rings) on the open market.
Slowly, they made their way across the 371⁄2 kingdoms and
even to the mighty Ghantes River, where the radical clerics
of Isfala outlawed their trade and insured that they would
infiltrate their kingdom like nothing before as a single demon
whore became worth its weight in gold overnight.
As one would expect given their names, B’thuvian demon
whores are demons trained in the arts of pleasure. Where
whores and eventually rule the world, although Krunk would
exactly they come from in the abyssal realm is unknown to
probably be an old man by the time Alayshia had everything
all but the elite B’thuvians who supply the trade with new
ready to activate. He could slay her out of frustration, anger,
product. The rituals used to bond new demon whores appear
or even justice if he wishes to rationalize his bloodlust.
to take several years and result in a demon whore tied to
More than likely, however, Alayshia will die by the
a ring, the wearer of which can command utter obedience
sword for all the hassle she’s put Krunk through. If Krunk
from the creature. However, over the hundreds of years of
kills Alayshia, he’s made a new, unique, and rather powerful
the industry, some few demon whores have managed to free
enemy: The Plane of Naughty. The plane’s put a lot of effort
themselves from their rings, and these renegades …enjoy their
into Alayshia and “her” plan. If she’s killed, the plane shifts
freedoms to the utmost of their considerable ability.
Krunk back to his native world with all his possessions, but
The radical clerics of Isfala speculate that the demon
hundreds perhaps even thousands of miles away from the
whores are a type of succubus twisted and weakened through
pleasure prison. The plane then proceeds to start the long and
the ages by the demon king Ziminiar. They believe they are
arduous process of recreating Alayshia (a demonic equivilant
created with a dark purpose: the total enslavement of the
of resurrection) but that will take several hundred years.
realms of man—their luscious bodies used to entrap the
If Krunk is more wily and attempts to subdue Alayshia,
mind and their controlling rings destined to fail. Thus spoke
he may succeed, but the instant she is rendered unconscious,
the great prophet Qu’Tun who foretold of a terrible time of
the Plane of Naughty intercedes and sends Krunk away as if
tribulation caused by the infiltration of demon whores in all
she was killed—but in this situation the plane will hold no real
the lands of the world.
animosity to the barbarian.
But regardless of how the last encounter plays out, Krunk’s
Ending the Adventure booted feet will eventually tread all the known world, kingdoms
There are many possible ways The Pleasure Prison of the B’thuvian will fall before his mighty sword, and a mind-bendingly long
Demon Whore can end. Krunk could join forces with Alayshia list of women will warm his bed! It’s his destiny…
and eventually be trapped by her energy transference tie, or If you’d like, read the following description when Krunk
he may even restrain himself enough to prevent such a fate. is transported away. It’s the end of this adventure, but it is also
He and Alayshia could then summon a following of demon the beginning of another adventure yet to be discovered.
THE END OR THE BEGINNING? After his manning, he left his village to seek adventure as
a mercenary in the decadent southern kingdoms, but his plans
You wake up in some steaming jungle hellhole and brush quickly went awry. In the warmer lands south of the frozen
the vermin off your legs. The last thing you remember is wastes, he encountered the first foe he couldn’t slay his way
your triumph over the demon whore and a bright flash of through: the feral giant prairie dog of The Pitted Plains. After
light. You know you must be hundreds, if not thousands, killing feral giant prairie dog after feral giant prairie dog, he
of miles away from Isfala and the desert sands. Gods! How retreated in a long run.
you tire of wizardry and foul magics! In the distance you Thankfully his hearty barbarian lungs and iron-thewed
hear ominous drumming… legs allowed him to avoid his pursuers for several days,
but they were relentless—relentlessly pursuing him in their
Pregenerated Character tunnels, their frothy maws popping up out of the pits like
an ocean’s wave. At last, nearly exhausted by two days of
KRUNK, BARBARIAN OF THE FROZEN WASTE CR 7 running, Krunk decided to make his last stand while he still
CN male human barbarian 7
had the strength to send dozens of barking feral giant prarie
Init +4; Senses Perception +18
dogs to meet the god of death. Finding a lonely rock outcrop,
he chose the only high ground available, and it was that wise
tactical choice which was to prove his savior. For the rocky
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +1 awesome)
outcrop was no natural feature, but a small mountain made
hp 119 (7d12+35)
from the stony bones of an ancient stone dragon slain by none
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +6
other that the three cousins of frozen waste barbarian legend:
Defensive Ability guarded stance, renewed vigor, improved
Dhavar-K’tlar, Dvim-T’Shar, and Dlock-G’zor.
uncanny dodge, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge; DR 1/—
Climbing to the top, the young barbarian’s legs failed him,
OFFENSE and he slipped into a crevice and fell deep into the remains.
Spd 40 ft. He landed in a small cave, and there were the corpses of the
Melee +2 keen greatsword of frost +14/+9 (2d6+8 plus 1d6 three barbarian legends, swallowed by the stone dragon. As
cold/17-20/x3) befitting such heroes, their death accompanied that of their
Ranged longbow +11/+6 (1d8/x3) slayer, for although three barbarians may make a great meal,
Special Attacks powerful blow, rage three barbarians of legend with sharp pointy metallic objects
should probably be frozen, not swallowed alive and kicking.
STATISTICS Realizing what he’d found, Krunk quickly stripped the
Abilities Str 19, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 22 corpses of their powerful magic items and used what little
Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 25 remained as a fire to sleep beside. After a good night’s rest,
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus he climbed back to the surface to continue his journey to
(greatsword) the decadent southern kingdoms with an all new wardrobe
Skills Acrobatics +18, Appraise +10, Climb +13, Handle of feral giant prairie dog pelts, and three relics from his
Animal +14, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (nature) +12, barbarian forefathers.
Sense Motive +9, Stealth +15, Survival +13, Swim +13
Language Common, Kobold, Orc, Dwarven, Elven KRUNK’S ITEMS OF LEGEND
SQ fast movement The Loincloth of Dhavar-K’tlar: This impressive loincloth
Gear The Loincloth of Dhavar-K’tlar, The Greatsword of Divim- belonged to the mighty barbarian Dhavar-K’tlar who
T’Shar, The Helm of Dlock-G’zor. boots of elvenkind, barkskin ruled the frozen wastes for 50 years before quitting his
potion, cloak of elvenkind, 4 cure light wounds potions, 3 cure furred throne and returning to the wilderness, never to
moderate wounds potions, 2 cure serious wounds potions, 1 be seen again. It provides a +6 armor bonus to AC and a
potion of cat’s grace, elemental gem (light brown), arrows +4 studly bonus to Charisma. Weight: 2 lbs.
(20), backpack, bedroll, dagger, flint, longbow, rations The Greatsword of Dvim-T’Shar: This weighty piece of steel
(4), rope (silk), 4 torches, light riding horse, tack and death belonged to Divim-T’shar, cousin of the great
harness, military saddle, saddlebags, 5 gems (550 gp, 400 Dhavar-K’tlar. It is supremely sharp and imbued with the
gp, 100 gp, and 55gp), 100gp powers of the frozen wastes. The Greatsword of Divim-
T’Shar is a +2 keen greatsword of frost. Weight: 10 lbs.
Krunk, barbarian of the frozen wastes, is an enigma. He is wise, The Helm of Dlock-G’zor: This artfully crafted helm
yet foolish; intelligent, yet stupid; charismatic, yet willing to belonged to Dlock-G’zor, cousin of the great Dhavar-
offend any and all within range. His strength is stuff of legend K’tlar. It served him well in battle against the feared
and his prowess, both in battle and in the boudoir, unequalled. X’itchl’vim’zir’ilong of the frozen wastes. The wearer
He was raised in one of the many scattered settlements in of The Helm of Dlock-G’zor is immune to mind-affecting
the frozen wastes—that land of death and danger where civilized effects and to gaze attacks. It also provides a +1 awesome
men fear to tread. His youth was hard, like all raised in the frozen bonus to AC and a +5 circumstance bonus to Perception
wastes, but filled with adventures that trained his skills and Checks. Weight: 4 lbs.
abilities, allowing him to master the requirements for survival
in his harsh native terrain. He killed a bear when he was only
three, and his first fight with a X’itchl’vim’zir’ilong ended with a
trophy he deeply cared for until his manning at age 16.
1 Hex = 1.0013 Miles
Uz-Kala X
Anguran Ambush
Zone Site
of Isfa
lian Cont
The Mostly
Abandoned Kobold
7 5
3 2 1
6 7
8 9 10
Adventure Background with fear, anger or delusions of grandeur. The keys to his release
Long ago, the Netherworld Prince Xyrix found a way into the were the very emeralds that held the life force of his binder.
world from the hellish planes beyond, seeking to dominate the Unfortunately, their protectors now believed that the true story
mortal realm. He brought pain, suffering and no small amount bordered more on myth and faerie tale. There in solitude, Xyrix
of death with him, reveling in the tears and souls he caused to waits until the day he can once again bring fire and havoc down
fall like rain. upon the mortal realm. That day is close is hand…
Little could be done under his tortuous yoke, until one day
a magnificent celestial gold dragon came from heaven with Adventure Overview
the first rays of the dawn. He made war against the minions Sacred relics of the monastery, the eyes of the dragon, are stolen
of Xyrix and none could withstand his holy wrath. He pressed from their rightful place in the eyes of the Ascendant Dragon
the dark followers until the dread tyrant himself arrived to statue. The elders choose one from among their ranks to go and
contest the righteous might of Zan-rei, the Ascendant Dragon. retrieve these two, fist-sized emeralds and bring them home.
The two fought like angry titans, laying waste to the land The visions of the elders direct the PC to the nearby pirate
around the demon lord’s largest temple. At length, Zan- port of Darmane. After an eye-opening and uncomfortable
rei was able to defeat Xyrix, but the cost was terribly high. urban experience in the seedy port, the PC finally catches the
For Zan-rei, the ultimate cost was the greater part of his life scent of the thief. He catches up to Aedon the Serpent, the foul
essence. Even then, Xyrix was not fully destroyed but merely culprit of the theft.
banished from the plane of men and locked in a dimensional Unfortunately, the thief has already handed the eyes over
prison. What remained of the Ascendant Dragon on this plane to his employer. The employer in question turns out to be
was far diminished and soon to fade into nothingness. He none other than a warlord that is looking to expand his own
cried to the heavens for succor in his final hours. personal power through the use of the eyes.
And then the Ascendant Dragon’s siblings, Celestial Crane Things become even more serious, however, when a trip
and Perfect Tiger, arrived to help their wounded brother. They to a musty library leads to a discovery that the eyes are actually
committed the remainder of his life force into two emeralds a key of sorts, able to free a powerful demon from his age-long
that would keep what remained of him preserved for eternity. prison. The warlord wishes to bind this demon to his will,
In time, they founded a monastery upon a lonely peak where forcing it to grant him enormous power. While this is a fool’s
mortal monks could learn of their wise brother’s teachings. errand, the warlord is dead set on carrying it through.
They also added their own philosophies so that each monk The PC must procure passage across the sea to the Desert
could choose to follow the Path of Dragon, Crane or Tiger. of Rakhan and then journey to a forgotten ruin where the
Then they departed back to the heavens, entrusting the Eyes of dark ritual is to take place. Once there, the PC deals with the
The Dragon to the care of their followers. warlord personally. With any luck, the PC will get there in
Ages passed and the stories became legendary. The time to stop the dark ritual. If the dark ritual is completed, the
monks of Greenspire mountain, known as the Monks of the Prince of the Netherworld will emerge, and the PC must face
Enlightened Way, protected the treasured artifacts, but after a the fiendish foe before he can return the eyes of the dragon to
great fire that consumed much of their archives, the reasons their rightful home.
why became unclear with the passing of years. The three
figures of Dragon, Crane and Tiger became more and more
abstract. While their respective Paths endured, they came to be Adapting This Adventure
believed less as actual beings and more as philosophical icons. This adventure can be easily modified to fit into an existing
What the monks could not have known was that Xyrix campaign or game setting. The Monks of the Enlightened
was still watchful of the outside world from the confines of his Way keep to themselves and are pretty self-sufficient, so there
prison. He could still affect the dreams of mortals, filling them is little need for them to leave the monastery proper. Thus,
they can be placed in just about any mountain chain that’s not DC 20 to notice that the beautifully carved wooden doors of
terribly far away from the sea. Similarly the action that takes the sanctuary stand slightly ajar. If the PC misses the check or
place in Darmane can be set in any seedy port. The desert of ignores the information, then Aedon may appear on the roof of
Rakhan can be changed to any desert or desolate area that’s the sanctuary (an opposed roll between the PC’s Perception and
off the beaten path. If the PC is not from the monastery, or Aedon’s Stealth skill). If the PC is alone, Adeon cannot resist
does not have strong ties to them, the GM should have the eyes taking a shot with his favorite light crossbow and poisoned
place a powerful geas spell upon him (after borrowing their barbed bolt. However, Aedon already has both eyes in his
strength in the final battle) to ensure their safe return. We are possession and will use his mask to teleport away if other monks
talking about two, fist-sized emeralds after all… arrive, seeking to remain unseen by most of the monastery.
This adventure can accommodate other martial types of If the PC investigates the sanctuary, either from a successful
characters other than a monk. If such is the case, The Monks Perception check or an instinct to protect the sacred places of the
of the Enlightened way can be modified where they are not monastery, he interrupts Aedon as he is stealing the eyes. The
martial but meditative in nature. The PC may have been thief will only have time to pry one loose before the PC enters
invited to visit the monastery while on his way to someplace the room. If Aedon makes a successful DC 15 sound-based
else, or the PC can merely be passing by. When the eyes are Perception Check, he will hear the PC make his approach over
stolen, the monks turn to the PC for help. The GM should the alarm and have 1 round to hide. Read the following.
modify the opening encounter sequence where appropriate.
As you enter the ancient sanctuary, feathery wisps of
incense spoke swirl ghostlike around the room. The statues
EYES OF THE DRAGON of the three patrons of the monastery stand before you. To
The Eyes of the Dragon contain the last vestiges of the Ascendant
your left is the graceful figure of Celestial Crane, to your
Dragon’s soul. They are both flawlessly cut emeralds the size
right is the fearsome image of Perfect Tiger. Directly in
of a human fist. They radiate strong magic fields and merely
front of you is the serpentine form of Ascendant Dragon.
having them on your person or possession is enough to give
the wielder a measure of power if they possess knowledge of A successful DC 17 Perception Check will reveal to the PC
the monk ways (i.e. monk levels). However, only those that that one of the eyes of the Ascendant Dragon is missing,
follow the true path of Zan-rei (monk AL LG) can achieve the and a successful opposed Perception check vs. Aedon’s
benefits of having both eyes. Stealth check will reveal Aedon’s presence. Aedon will wait
a moment to see what the PC does. Normally, it would be
Possession of one eye (must have monk levels): difficult to pry one of the Eyes from its stony socket (DC 19
• + 2 enlightened bonus to AC Strength Check). As he has monk levels, Aedon can use the
• Constant cat’s grace telekinesis ability, freeing the second eye from the stone fittings
• Fast healing 1 effortlessly. However, he wants to remain unseen and will not
• Fire & Electricity resistance 5 use that ability in the sight of the PC if avoidable. If the PC
• Critical reduction 25% for normal damage comes near the Ascendant Dragon Statue, Aedon will attack.
• Cast augury x 1 day Regardless of how the PC meets him, Aedon’s opening gambit
• Wielder is immune to Stun will be with his poisoned barbed crossbow bolt. Once the PC
• As a move equivalent action, the Wielder can call is aware of Aedon’s presence, read the following.
the other Eye of the Dragon (assuming it’s within
eye sight) to him via telekinesis. Staring down at you is a figure dressed in swirling dark
robes that seems poised and ready to strike like a cobra. He
Possession of both eyes (Must have monk levels and wears a hideous red and white mask made in the likeness
alignment Lawful Good): of a snarling demonic lion, whose mouth looks frozen in a
• Frightful Presence (DC is 10 + 1⁄2 wielder’s level + perpetual scream.
Cha Modifier)
If the PC proves resilient against the crossbow, Aedon will
• Constant owl’s wisdom
enter into melee range and use his formidable unarmed skills,
• Constant freedom of movement
which are made more dangerous with is possession of one eye
• Fast healing 2
of the dragon. If Aedon engages in unarmed combat, allow the
• Critical negation 50% for normal damage
PC a Wisdom Check (DC 10) to recognize that the mysterious
• Cast divination x 3 day
attacker is trained to fight in the Black Serpent way, a style
that emphasizes the use of deceit, deadly strikes and poison,
Scene 1: The Adventure Begins and ancient rivals of his Order. Aedon will seek to stun or
It is night, and the PC’s sleep is restless as visions of fire and incapacitate the PC so that he can procure the second eye and
torment cascade through his mind in a seemingly endless teleport away using his mask. If Aedon already possesses both
dreamscape of nightmare. A successful DC 15 sound-based gems, then he will engage the PC for a few rounds for sport,
Perception Check will awaken the PC. The PC will recognize but will teleport away if things start to get rough. If the PC is
the monastery’s alarm, realizing there is an intruder on the starting to get the better of Aedon, he will immediately use the
temple grounds! telekinesis power to call the other eye, and then teleport away.
If the PC fails his Perception check, a DC 12 sight-based After 1d6+1 rounds of combat, the other monks will arrive
Perception check awakens the PC as the glow of many paper on the scene. One round before the monks actually enter, allow
lanterns flitting back and forth like fireflies across his window Aedon a sound-based Perception check DC 10 to hear their
as the monks search for their unwelcome visitor. hurried footsteps outside the door and make his escape without
As the PC is looking around outside, everything is quiet being seen by the more monks. If Aedon is still engaged in
except for the quiet gurgle of the traditional watercourse and combat when the monks arrive, he will secure the second gem
the distant voices of the other monks. Allow a Perception check using the telekinesis power of the first and teleport away.
Once Aedon has left with both gems, the monks will Disable Device +12, Escape Artist +15, Intimidate +6,
question the PC on what has transpired and see to any Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +12, Sense Motive +8
wounds or ailments the PC might have incurred as a result Language Common
of the fight. The PC is encouraged to rest and contemplate the SQ augery/day, telekinesis to call other eye within eyesight,
evening’s events. rogue talent (fast stealth), trapfinding
Gear Backpack, bedroll, black serpent venom (x4), black
AEDON THE SERPENT CR 6 serpent venom anti-toxin, 20 barbed bolts, bracers of
LE male human monk 3/rogue 3 2,400 XP armor + 2, dust of disappearance, eye of the dragon (1),
Init +6; Senses Perception +8 grappling hook, lion mask, 2 masterwork daggers,
masterwork light crossbow, masterwork thief’s tools,
DEFENSE potion of neutralize poison, potion of cure moderate wounds
AC 22, touch 20, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +6 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 (x3), 50ft rope (silk), 1 gem (50gp), 390gp
hp 39 (3d8+3 plus 3d8+6) BLACK SERPENT VENOM
Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +6
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 16
Defensive Ability Evasion, still mind, trap sense +1, fast
healing 1, fire and electricity resistance 5, critical reduction Frequency 1/round for 3 rounds
25% chance for normal damage, immune to stun Initial Effect 1 Dex drain; Secondary Effect 1d2 Dex
damage; Cure 1 save
Spd 40 ft. Lion Mask: Lent to Aedon by the warlord Kharzon, Aedon
Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+2) or can teleport away once he has both eyes.
Melee flurry of blows +9/+9 (1d6+2) or Eye of the Dragon: If Aedon has one of the eyes, Aedon
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +11 (1d8/19-20) can call the other eye to him via telekinesis.
Special Attacks flurry of blows, maneuver training, sneak Notes: Aedon got his start in the Disciples of the Black
attack +2d6 Serpent, an underground order of evil monks that specialize
in deception, treachery and misdirection. Aedon became very
STATISTICS adept at their ways, but was never as serious about the art as his
Abilities Str 14, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11 brothers and sisters. Thus, he left their ranks and found a whole
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 22 world of vice and self-indulgence that his previous masters had
Feats Combat Reflexes, DodgeB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, strenuously kept from him. Greed filled the vacuum, made all
Quickdraw, Scorpion StyleB, Stunning FistB, Weapon the worse when he found that he could make a lucrative career
Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) as a thief and enforcer. He’s been “the serpent” for hire ever
Skills Acrobatics +15, Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Climb +11, since…with a long list of victims in his wake.
Shortly before dawn the next day, the PC receives a summons This amulet is made to resemble a golden sunburst. In the
to the main sanctuary to speak to the three Grand Masters of center of the sun is a realistically carved dragon’s face shown
the order. Read the following aloud. in profile. In the eye of this image is a faceted, thumb-nailed
sized emerald. This talisman is traditionally kept by the
As you enter the main sanctuary, the three Grand Masters Grandmaster of the Dragon Path, known as Grandfather
are assembled, waiting for you. Beneath the statue of the Dragon. It grants certain bonuses and abilities to the wearer.
Ascendant Dragon sits the venerable and wise form of When the PC dons the amulet he gains the following:
Grandfather Dragon who strokes his long silver mustache
in contemplation. To his left is Grandfather Crane, who • The wearer can sense the presence of the Eyes of the
sits placid and unmoving. Opposite him is Grandmother Dragon within 2 miles.
Tiger whose alert eyes seize you as you take your place • +2 enlightened bonus to the wearer’s Wisdom score
before them. Grandfather Dragon reaches into his robe • Cast divination x 1 day as the spell. Use the PC’s level
and produces the bolt that the attacker shot at you, his as the caster level.
keen eyes taking in every wicked barb and fletching. “I • + 2 misc. bonus to Acrobatics, Sense Motive and
have meditated through the night on the intruder, seeking Knowledge (religion) checks
why the eyes were stolen. Though the greed and vice of
the outside world do not find a home within these walls, Scene 3: The Winding Road
we know it drives the hearts of many men. And yet, I The PC should be allowed to gather his possessions and leave
feel that the true purpose behind this act of desecration as quickly as possible. When the PC finally leaves the temple
transcends mere avarice.” His eyes look suddenly distant grounds, read the following aloud.
for a moment, until they focus again on you.
“The Eyes of the Dragon have been in our keeping As you depart from the serenity of Greenspire Monastery,
since the founding of the order many centuries ago. We you find the entire Order has lined the walls of the gate,
know these sacred relics contain great magical power, chanting in sublime voices for your success and safe
but the nature of that power remains unknown. Seven return. Descending the mountain, you are struck by
generations ago a great fire in the monastery destroyed the awe-inspiring landscape - the craggy, snow-capped
many of our ancient scrolls, and sadly, much knowledge mountains, the brilliant green of the verdant valleys below
of the elder days was lost to us. Our legends of Ascendant and the feathery plume of water cascading high cliff face in
Dragon, Celestial Crane and Perfect Tiger are but a perfect waterfall. There is a magic to this place, as though
remnants of what once was.” A deep sense of sadness is the erhu and bawu instruments sing their melancholy
apparent in his voice. music in your heart. You know you must return to this
“During my contemplation, I was gifted with a vision place one day.
from the Ascendant Dragon. I beheld a distant place, older
than most realize, which I believe is the port of Darmane. It Typically a two week journey from the remote monastery
is there the intruder has fled with his prize. In this vision, to the city of Darmane, the PC travels swifter than most.
I was filled with the knowledge that forgotten lore of the However he is not immune to dangers on the road. There is a
eyes could be found there as well. In this I sense the hand of 50% chance of a random encounter the first half of his trip and
destiny in these events. 25% chance in the second half. Roll below to determine what
“We three Grandmasters have spoken, and we dangers the PC finds on the road.
agree that one must be charged with bringing the Eyes
of Dragon safely home where they belong. We believe this 1. MOUNTAIN CAT (2) CR 2
Chosen One should be you.” N medium animal 600 XP
You glance over his shoulder towards the vacant Init +4; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
statue of Ascendant Dragon, and your purpose becomes
crystal clear. Without you having to say a word, DEFENSE
Grandfather Dragon breaks into a rare smile. “I knew you AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +1 natural)
would accept.” He says proudly. “You will bring great hp 19 (3d8+6)
honor to your ancestors and name.” Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2
2. WILD DOGS (4) CR 1
N medium animal 400 XP
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Spd 50 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Alertness
Skills Stealth +6
N medium animal 400 XP
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d4-1 plus poison)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 2
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 11 (can’t be tripped) TRACKING DOWN AEDON
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB Allow the PC a Diplomacy check to gather informationto
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +9, Stealth +9, Swim +9 discover the following information. A successful DC 10 check
reveals a roguish fellow came to town a little over a week ago
SPECIAL ABILITIES that is spending lots of money at various gambling casinos and
Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round other establishments of questionable repute centered along
for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 1 save. the market district. The PC gets the vaguest of descriptions;
Aedon is average height and build and wears a cloak most of
the time. A successful DC 15 check informs the PC this same
Scene 4: The Port of Darmane fellow is causing trouble for the local Thieves Guild. The PC
Darmane is a city of 22,000 positioned on the coast with majestic
will get a more detailed description of Aedon at this point,
mountains to the east and fertile plains to the north. The main
particularly the black serpent tattoo along his neck.
entrance into the city is the northern gate, but the PC will be
If the PC makes inquiries into the shadier characters in
entering from the east. Entry into Darmane is easy; the road
town (anyone affiliated with the Thieves Guild or selling
past the eastern gate is mostly local traffic from the highlands
poisons), they will share information for a price (50 gp), but
and the guards don’t seem to be paying attention, filling their
the PC will only get information equivalent to a successful
time with drinking and playing dice. Upon entering Darmane,
DC 10 Diplomacy check. Showing the barbed crossbow to a
the PC will find the streets to be rowdy affairs with all sorts of
fletcher or guild affiliate will give the PC a +3 circumstantial
debauchery going on in the streets.
bonus to Diplomacy checks due to its distinctive design.
While the elders instructed the PC to go to Darmane, he
Wherever the PC goes in Darmane, the walls have ears.
does not sense the eyes of the dragon using the power of the
The more the PC asks about Aedon, the higher chances such
talisman. The PC enters from the eastern gate, and being a
inquiries will get back to the rogue himself. Despite his revelry,
bustling port, there is plenty to explore and trouble to be had.
Aedon is a paranoid sort and keeps his ear to the ground. Each
However, there are only a handful of locations of importance
time the PC makes inquiries about Aedon (successful or not),
in Darmane. If the PC is looking for lodging, the Lonesome
there is a cumulative 5% chance of Aedon discovering the PC
Mermaid Tavern comes highly recommended for wandering
is looking for him. After the first inquiry, add an additional
travelers low on coin. If the PC hunts for information about
2% each day the PC is in town (5% if he showed anyone the
the eyes of the dragon, he will find the Library of Amara, a font
crossbow bolt). No one in town knows anything about the
of knowledge long boarded up and rumored to hold dark
lion mask, but such a line if questioning will tip off Aedon
secrets. The government house is where the mayor and the
that someone is looking for him. If the PC mentioned the lion
key to the Library of Amara reside, and the market district
mask, add an additional 10% chance to discovery. If the Aedon
holds more than sellers and their wares.
hears of the PCs investigation, he will begin taking tabs on the “We’ve got get out of here. You don’t want to be around
PC and waiting for his chance to corner the PC in the winding when the guard tries to break this up. Trust me, it won’t be
narrow streets on the edge of the market district (see Location pretty. Come on, I know a place where we can go. Follow me!”
2: the Market District). The PC can gauge Kayla’s trustworthiness with a Sense Motive
check DC 10, and sense that she is honestly trying to help.
If the PC does follow Kayla, she will lead them out the
Location 1: The Lonesome Mermaid Tavern back way and through a series of winding back alleys. Once
The Lonesome Mermaid is a dive by all accounts. Its cheap
she is satisfied they weren’t followed, she’ll stop to speak to
beer and cheaper beds are ideal for PCs with little money, and
the PC. She thanks him for holding off the fray and shares her
the environment is ideal for finding those connected to less-
knowledge if the PC chooses to ask (see below).
reputable guilds.
If the PC doesn’t go with Kayla, then he will shortly be
The bartender is a scarred man with an eye-patch that will
facing down heavily armored town guards, who love to lock
overcharge the PCs for one of the remaining rooms at 5gp per
up disorderlies and make them pay money to get out of jail. If
night. That price includes a bowl of stew and mug of grog.
the PC is captured, he will spend the night in a very dirty cell
While in the common room, the PC will attract the
and be forced to pay 10 gold to get out in the morning.
attention of Kayla Keen, a charming rogue who is always
looking for new faces.
She works the Mermaid as a cutpurse, but finds violence
CN male human fighter 1 400 XP
extremely distasteful. If the PC is male, she will be quite
Init +1; Senses Perception +0
flirtatious so that she can get close to them. If the PC is female,
she will be overly friendly, or use the “oops I bumped into DEFENSE
you quite by accident” routine. In either case, she will try to AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
distract the PC enough to try to pick their pocket (opposed hp 16 (1d10+6)
PC’s Perception vs. Kayla’s Sleight of Hand for the PC to Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
discovery the thievery). While she has an eye for suckers,
Kayla is a decent sort and has a soft spot for “babes lost in the OFFENSE
woods,” especially in a rough pirate port like Darmane. If the Spd 30 ft.
PC is obviously out of place here, she will make an attempt, Melee unarmed +3 (1d4+2)
but will not carry through on her thievery. Read the following TACTICS
text when Kayla makes her approach. Morale These men are drunk, very drunk. It makes them
very difficult to negotiate with and they will fight until
The woman smiles coyly at you. “I can tell you’re not all of them are on the ground.
from around here, darlin’, I can spot an outlander from
a mile away, mainly by how clean they are,” her laugh STATISTICS
singing silvery. “Allow me to introduce myself stranger. Abilities Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
My name is—” Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
“KAYLA KEEN!” a booming voice comes from Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness
behind her. A large man in a dirty jerkin brandishes a Skills Climb +6, Survival +4, Swim +6
belaying pin menacingly in one hand. His breath reeks of Language Common
grog and rotten teeth, nearly watering your eyes. Next to Gear studded leather armor, 10 gp, 30 sp, 50 cp
him are nine other men in about the same state.
“I’ve been waiting to run into you again,” the man
slurs his speech.
CG female human rogue 5 1,500 XP
“Wish I could say the same,” the woman returns. The
Init +4; Senses Perception +8
man’s bloodshot eyes narrow dangerously.
“Get her, boys, and her friend, too!” DEFENSE
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
These men are all sailors on the ship Sun Dancer and are
hp 36 (5d8+10)
quite drunk. Even if the PC attempts to reason with them or
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +2
distances himself from Kayla, they will also attack the PC.
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Kayla will defend herself, preferring to avoid damage rather
than inflict it. If the PC shows martial prowess, however, they OFFENSE
will focus on him instead. If the PC takes care of the sailors, he Spd 30 ft.
will find Kayla a fount of information and very helpful. Melee masterwork shortsword +8 (1d6/19-20)
In general, patrons of the tavern stay clear of the fight, but Ranged light crossbow +7 (1d8/19-20)
the common room is only so large. Each round of combat, there Special Attacks sneak attack +3d6
is a 10% chance that one of the combatants (the PC, Kayla, or
the 5 drunken sailors) inadvertently spill the wrong person’s STATISTICS
beer or knock over a gambling table to reveal a cheating Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
player, causing the localized fighting to turn into a full bar Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 17
brawl. Such an escalation will have two effects: the ruckus will Feats Dodge, Mobility, Persuasive, Weapon Finesse
inevitably attract the attention of the town guards and Kayla Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +9, Climb +8,
will offer the PC a chance to slip away in the confusion before Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +12, Disguise +6, Escape
the guards show up. Artist +12, Intimidate +3, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of
Hand +12, Stealth +12, Swim +5
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling check (or talking to a helpful Kayla) and Aedon is unaware
SQ rogue talent (fast stealth), rogue talent (quick disable), of the PC is looking for him. If the PC approaches Aedon
trapfinding unaware, the thief will attempt to lure him into a back alley
Gear Bolts, dagger, elixir of hiding, elixir of love, elixir of (either through subterfuge or by simply running).
vision, grappling hook, handy haversack, light crossbow, If however Aedon has been tipped off, the PC will have
masterwork shortsword, masterwork studded leather enough time to wander the streets for a little while. Then allow
armor, masterwork thief’s tools, potion of cure moderate him a Perception check (DC 21). If successful, the PC will
wounds (2), 50ft rope (silk), 3 gems (3 50gp), 126 gp notice that he is being surreptitiously observed by a man in a
grey hooded cloak. This is, of course, Aedon who has caught
Notes: Kayla is rogue in good standing with the Thieves’ wind of the PC’s interest in him. Aedon attempt to cover
Guild in Darmane. Raised in her mother’s candle shop in the his actions by pretending to look at something else with a
edge of the market district, she soon took to more adventurous contested Bluff and Sense Motive check. If the PC ignores him,
employment. Kayla is an accomplished con-artist, as well as a Aedon will continue to follow him until he can get him away
great source of information about the comings and goings of from the crowd and make a move. Whatever his approach
the port. She is a competent combatant, but generally chooses he will attempt to use deception and trickery to maximum
to avoid combat than fight her way out. Ironically, she has tactical effect.
something of a soft spot for visitors to Darmane that are truly Read the following text when Aedon and the PC are about
out of place. Unlike many in the town, she has a conscience. to engage in combat.
life essence and encased them in gems of bright color.
Dominion over many lands was his for years numbering
eight and eighty.
The skies turned black and the heavens wept blood
at the innocence the world had lost. Lord Xyrix scoffed
at the many attempts to unseat his majesty, and gathered
together a host of dark minions to make war upon the lands
of men. The flames of war consumed his enemies and the
gold of a thousand great halls were his.
It was then that Xyrix gathered his host altogether in
the place of Zaaz, and there raised a mighty temple in his
name, glistening with the living soul stones of his enemies.
Rivers flowed like blood from his ritual chambers. From
that fell throne did Xyrix turn his greedy eyes towards the
seas and the lands beyond.
Then did the cries of the people reach heaven. In their
darkest hour did Zan-rei the Ascendant Dragon come
down and make war against Xyrix. His celestial form was
of the purest, shining gold and struck terrible fear into the
hearts of the wicked. The armies of the Netherworld Prince
were tossed aside by his furor as though nothing. Zan-rei
challenged Xyrix himself and their struggle laid waste to
the lush land of Zaaz. Zan-rei defeated the mighty Xyrix,
but at great cost as much of his life essence was consumed.
And even then, the dread sovereign was not destroyed, but
contained within a prison of the Dragon’s devising.
Zan-rei’s soul fire burned low, and lo, he lay upon the
battlefield slowly fading from this world. And in his final
hours, did the Ascendant Dragon call to the stars for aid
and comfort. And his plea was heard from on high.
Descending from heaven in forms of glory were the
Dragon’s siblings, Celestial Crane and Perfect Tiger.
And they lent their brother succor as his life waned. They
took all that was left of him and placed it into two shining
stones of emerald. Then, they hid the stones away before TOMB GUARDIAN CR 6
departing back to the afterworld with leaden hearts. NE medium outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar) 2,400 XP
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
The Book of Zaaz is a heavy iron-bound codex stashed DEFENSE
away amongst the dusty tombs. It’s a heretical work that AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+5 Dex, +7 natural)
details some of the dark rituals of the Cult of Xyrix, but it hp 45 (7d10+7)
also contains useful information about the location of the Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +2
Netherworld Prince’s ancient seat of power. Unlike the books Defensive Abilities air mastery; Immune elemental traits
around it, the dust has been disturbed and fresh scraps around
the lock reveal someone has recently read the book.
Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)
However, the PC’s must first deal with the protections
Melee wing buffet +12 (1d6+2) and 2 claws +10 (1d4+1)
laid on the book. The first is simply a physical lock. It’s not
Special Attacks smoke claws (DC 14), whirlwind (DC 15)
trapped, but is in good repair. It requires an Disable Device
check DC 20 to open, DC 14 Strength check to rip the lock off,
or simply destroyed (Hardness 15, 30 hit points). Once the
Abilities Str 14, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
book is open, the PC must contend with the tome guardian,
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 24
which appears as soon as the book is opened. When this
Feats Alertness, Multiattack, Weapon Finesse
happens, read the following text.
Skills Fly +23, Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +10 Fly
Languages: Auran, Infernal
Suddenly, a fierce wind kicks up, swirling papers and
SQ smoke form
books about. A column of dark smoke rises from the Book
of Zaaz, materializing into a nightmarish shape. Two
disembodied points of red light stare out at you through a
Air Mastery (Ex): Airborn creatures take a -1 penalty on
face that seems to take the form of a misshapen lion. Two
attack and damage rolls against a tomb guardian.
shadowy wings spread out from its wispy body and wicked
Smoke Claws (Ex): A tome guardian in smoke form (see
claws curl from its hands. It looks at you with eyes of
below) can engulf opponents by moving on top of them.
intense hate before lashing out.
It fills the air around one Medium or smaller opponent
without provoking an attack of opportunity. The target
must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or inhale part of
the creature. The save DC is Constitution-based. Smoke with visions, terrible visions, of his will. The second reign
inside the victim solidifies into a claw and begins to rip will be more glorious than the first! Yes, the return is nigh.
at the surrounding organs, dealing 3d4 points of damage Just as Zaaz was the place of his death, so shall it be the
per round. An affected creature can attempt another place of his rebirth! I will be among the first chosen when
Fortitude save each subsequent round to cough out the he returns, when black stars break open the heavens once
semivaporous menace. more and blood falls like rain!
Smoke Form (Su): Most of the time a Tome Guardian is more
or less solid, but at will it can assume smoke form. It can
switch forms once per round as a free action and can
Location 5: The Docks
The docks are along the southwest edge of the city and are
spend up to 20 rounds per day in smoke form. A tome
the rough part of Darmane by many accounts. The docks hold
guardian in smoke form can fly at a speed of 50 feet
nothing of interest to the PC until he is investigating Lord
(perfect). The ability is otherwise similar to a gaseous form
Kharzon’s exit from the city.
spell (caster level 7th).
With a successful Diplomacy check (DC 10), the PC
Once the Tome Guardian is defeated, the PC can look at the learns of a shipping route between Darmane and a small port
Book of Zaaz safely. The language is a slightly more archaic outside of the Rakhan Desert where desert people go to trade
version of Common, but understandable. In it are gruesome salt, spices, gold, ivory, and other wares. The PC can book
depictions of some of the blood rites enacted by Xyrix, as passage on a ship leaving in the morning for 70 gp, however
well as some of the potential gains from these ceremonies. if he mentions this to Kayla, she will be able to book the PC
It’s clear that the author was a member of the Cult of Xyrix, passage on the Sun Dancer (after smoothing things over with
and although sometimes his discourse descends into almost her captain) for the modest sum of 35 gp.
unintelligible ravings, the majority of the book is clear and Once the PC has had a chance to rest and buy any
concise. There is even a drawing of the Temple complex at additional equipment, he will get underway aboard ship.
Zaaz in its heyday. Carved into the mountain, the main temple Read the following aloud.
is vast. Beside the entrance to the main temple are two large
ziggurats skirting the tall mountain. There are some maps Your voyage aboard ship has left something to be desired.
of the Zaaz area included as well. Comparison to a modern Churning seas and a dubious crew have made your trip
map will reveal that the land of Zaaz lies in the middle of the quite tedious. While you have heard tales of great sea
modern day Rakhan Desert, with the temple sitting at the foot monsters and all manner of ocean peril, your trip passes
of the southernmost spur of the Shav Mountains. While the without incident.
desert is far away by overland, it can be easily reached by ship It promises to be another listless day, but then a shout
in a much shorter time. comes from the crow’s nest. “Land ahoy!” As the sun rises,
In the very back of the book are some scribbled notes. It’s you make out a harbor against the distant shifting sands
clear that these notes were by added by someone else studying of the Rakhan Desert. On the very edge of the horizon, you
the book much more recently. If the PC is in possession of the can see a range of imposing mountains on the far side of
letter Kharzon wrote to Aedon, a DC 15 Perception check the desert. Among the craggy peaks you see one mountain
reveals that Lord Kharzon is person who wrote the notes. in particular that dwarfs the others and comes to a near
perfect conical point.
ENTRY 1 A sinking feeling comes over you, but you manage to
I’ve found it! Why did I not see it before? A thousand suppress it. You know that you must go to that mountain
nights have I sought to (something blotted out for several and brave all the dangers found there. As the ship comes
lines). The prison is merely a host of specters playing their into harbor, you know your voyage is not over.
mad symphony alone.
It has taken many tries to get it just right. I’m not Scene 5: Journey into the
sure whether the (unintelligible) is framed in corroded
souls, or if the song is seen at odd angles. In either case, I Burning Plains
shall infuse myself by means of (blotted out) to achieve the The trade stop is called Balik by the locals, and it is far from
desired effect. the size and resources of Darmane. If the PC acquired the map
(or made a copy) from the library, he knows where to go, but
ENTRY 2 will find the locals hesitant to approach the great mountain.
The result has left me...more receptive to the outer A DC 13 Diplomacy check reveals that the locals consider it a
elements. I must probe deeper if the true nature is to be place of evil to be avoided. If the PC did not get a map from the
opened to me. There is a rare confluence of stars that might library, he discovers with a successful Diplomacy check (DC
aid in this. I must be prepared. I must know if the vessels 15) from the locals that a band of warriors went into the desert
of Zan-rei are the anchor, the barrier that keeps his dark toward the mountains weeks ago and have yet to return.
majesty from the world. The PC can acquire desert attire, food, water, and
necessities for desert travel, and he can travel with a merchant
ENTRY 3 caravan up to a certain point (20 gp), but they will not
No! Oh gods, he sees me! What horrors fill my mind and approach within three-day’s travel of the mountain. Unless
guide my hand under that dread scrutiny? He has shown proper measures are taken (head coverings, drinking extra
me the emerald way of his salvation, and I groan under water, etc.) the PC will need to make a Fortitude Save (DC
its terrible weight. Even in dreams do I see his will made 14) every few hours, or start to suffer the ill effects of heat
manifest in the world. He speaks to me as he does to all exhaustion and fatigue.
his favored in the dark corridors of sleep. He has gifted me
Navigation in this desert is not as big of a problem as Scene 7: The Warlord’s
usual: there is a clearly distinguishable landmark that he
needs to go towards. Consequently, it’s possible that PC Encampment
can travel at night. This, of course, can pose dangers if the Once the PC reaches to foothills of the mountains, the
PC cannot see well at night. Though the mountain would warlord’s encampment is nearby. As the PC arrives at the
be silhouetted against the night sky, the real danger is conical mountain, read the following text.
maintaining footing while keeping up a good travel speed.
This may require occasional Acrobatics checks (DC 16) to keep The mountain has grown steadily larger in your sight the
one’s balance and keep pace without incident. Once the PC is last few days, finally dominating the landscape before you.
within one day’s travel from the Kharzon’s Camp (see Scene You crest the next large sand dune when you finally catch
7: The Warlord’s Encampment), the PC can see the smoke rise site of the temple complex.
from camp fires at night. What should have been the pair of towering ziggurats
of carved yellow stone are now in utter ruin. The remains
are immense, hinting at just how pervasive the structures
Scene 6: Shadow on the Dunes must have been at their height. Great mounds of earth lay
Lone travelers make tasty snacks, and during the PC’s lonely beside the ruins, uncovering the enormous double doors
trek through the desert, the PC will have a run in with a large that lead into the heart of the complex, the Temple of Xyrix.
desert scorpion. The scorpion lies in hiding (opposed Stealth Two large lion statues guard the enormous double doors.
check against the PC’s Perception check), trying to surprise his About four hundred yards from the temple entrance is
prey. If the scorpion succeeds, read the following. a cluster of white tents. In the distance you also pockets of
infantry making patrols around the outer perimeter of the
The sands come alive around you, and through the dusky camp. All of them wear white tabards emblazoned with the
yellow you see a flash of something jet black. Lunging at image of a snarling black lion, a symbol that is also reflected
you with predatory intent is a scorpion, easily the size of a in the banners that flutter softly in the desert wind.
horse. Its claws click open and closed while its segmented As you are standing there, the talisman of the dragon
tail curls back like a serpent ready to strike… guide begins to glow a soft emerald green color and feels
warm to the touch.
N large vermin 800 XP The warlord’s encampment is home to several hundred people.
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.,tremorsense 60ft,; While only 50 of Lord Kharzon’s infantrymen traveled from
Perception +4 Darmane, the sinister desert people who revere the mountain
have joined the warlord’s cause. Fed by an artesian well, the
DEFENSE valley is relatively well watered, and the sand begrudgingly
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+7 natural, -1 size)
gives way to soil.
hp 37 (5d8+15)
If the PC lingers around the perimeter of the camp for
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +1
more than 10 or 15 minutes, the odds of encountering a patrol
Immune mind-affecting effects
(typically 3 infantry) goes up considerably. The PC may wish
OFFENSE to avoid the encampment entirely and head towards the
Spd 50 ft. temple gates (Scene 8: The Temple of Xyrix).
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d6+4 plus grab), sting +6 (1d6+4 plus If the PC wants to gain entrance into the camp without
poison) drawing attention, the PC can disguise himself either as a
Special Attacks (constrict 1d6+4) desert person or by wearing a tabard of Kharzon. If the PC
interacts with anyone, he must make a DC 15 Bluff check (DC
STATISTICS 10 if he is pretending to be a desert person to an infantrymen
Abilities Str 19, Dex 10, Con 16, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 2 or vice versa) or be discovered.
Base Atk +3; CMB +8 (+12 grappling); CMD 18 (30 vs. trip) While walking through the camp, the PC can gather snippets
Skills Climb + 8, Stealth +0 of conversation (DC 10 sound-based Perception check).
SPECIAL ABILITIES • “I’m telling you I saw them. They were moving and
Poison (Ex): Sting—injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/ walking around like men, but there was something
round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str damage; cure 1 save. very wrong about them. The boss seems okay with
The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 them, but I don’t want to go anywhere near them.”
racial bonus. • “Did you hear? They tried it again last night and nothing
happened. They say tonight is supposed to be
Treasure: After the next dune, the PC finds the remains of a different, what with the stars and such, but that’s
camel and a desert nomad, the last prey of the scorpion. In nothing new. Whatever it is, I hope it hurries up so
the saddle bags, the PC finds a masterwork scimitar (100gp of we can get out of this blasted place.”
gems embedded in the blade and sheath), two full water skins, • “How long are we gonna be out here? It’s bad enough
2 gems (400gp each), and 243gp. If there are any special pieces that we’re in the desert, but we’re just sitting
of equipment the PC might have missed, or the GM deems here! Where’s all that gold and treasure Kharzon
necessary, this is an ideal place to include them. promised us? I signed up for the bounty, not so I
could play soldier in the desert! Am I right? Who’s
with me?”
• “Don’t go anywhere near the Warlord’s tent. I saw him If the PC gains access to the tent, they will find it is richly
when he returned from the temple the other day, appointed with comfortable pillows, small pieces of stone
and something had sure set him off. And when he statuary and even a throne for greeting guests. As opulent as
gets angry, people start dying.” it seems, however, it seems as though it hasn’t been used for
several days.
Most of the camp is living quarters, but there are a few locations If the PC looks through the tent, allow a Perception check
of interest. On the edge of the camp are the latrines, should DC 15 to find the Warlord’s personal journal. In it, the Warlord
the PC be looking for an infantrymen off his guard. Near the spends pages and pages going on about his “destiny” to rule
center of the camp is a crude well guarded by 10 infantrymen. all the known lands and that the ritual is the key to his dreams
If the PC is dressed as a desert person, he will be given a becoming realized. They mention paying Aedon to steal the
half full waterskin and shooed away. If the PC is dressed as eyes, the arduous trek though the Rakhan Desert, establishing of
an infantrymen, there is a chance he will be discovered (a the camp, and the addition of the fierce peoples of the desert.
successful DC 15 Perception Check by an infantrymen). If he Once he notes that the camp was set up, however, Kharzon
is not discovered, the PC will be given a full waterskin. Next begins to note dissention in the camp. He makes mention to
to the well is a massive tent with makeshift tables and benches having to “make examples” of some to maintain order. He also
acting as the mess hall. On the other side of the mess hall is makes note that factions have begun to form, vestiges of the
the supply tent. Food, replacement weapons, ammunition, old rivalries and conflict between his infantry and the native
uniforms, and other supplies are guarded by 15 infantrymen, people. He also notes that supplies will begin to thin in the
however should the PC get into the tent, he will find there is next month if their business at Zaaz is not concluded. The PC
not much to guard. will begin to understand through reading this journal that the
Kharzon’s tent stands above all the other tents, both Warlord himself is an odd combination of military prowess
in height and girth. More like a pavilion, the tent is about and delusional self-indulgence. Towards the end of the text,
four times bigger than the other tents and has an ornately the Warlord begins to grow frustrated with the string of
embroidered white flag emblazoned with a snarling black failures to bring Xyrix into the World. The last passage reads:
lion. It is guarded by four infantrymen during the day and
two at night.
What am I missing? What critical element is absent to rob complacent. After all, they’ve been in the desert for several
me of my divine right? The Devoted themselves have risen weeks now and discipline is starting to break down. If the PC
of their own accord to assist me, but even their aid has yet has access to magical means to get past them, he then gains
to bring forth their master. This failure galls me, and is entry to the temple without incident.
nearly as intolerable as the desert sun itself. I know I am As the Warlord has been occupying the temple for a
close to something – I feel the strands of fate moving about couple of weeks, there are no traps that are currently armed
me. It is possible that the confluence of the planets and the or still functional within the temple. The rooms are lit with
invisible stars will prove a catalyst for the ritual itself. I torches and braziers, although many of the passageways are
must see this through to the end. blocked, destroyed, or caved-in.
It must be done. Tomorrow I will set up temporary
quarters inside the temple for myself and I won’t emerge ROOM 1: THE GALLERY
until Xyrix is finally made manifest in the world. By the dark Once inside the temple, the PC will find the interior deserted
light of Avenius, Zy’ll and Galshok, I will enter the Temple a and many passageways caved in. Read the following aloud as
mere Warlord, and emerge the Emperor of all Men! the PC enters the gallery.
Besides clothing and mundane personal possessions, the PC finds The chamber in front of you is littered with piles of rubble
a small chest hidden in Kharzon’s living area (DC 17 Perception and the broken pieces of hideously shaped statues. The
Check). It is locked (DC 15 Disable Device or DC 13 Strength walls are graven with testaments to the cruelty of the
check to bust the lock) and contains 120 pp, 2 rubies (worth 250 Netherworld Prince’s reign. The ceiling looks as though
gp each), 2 potions of cure serious wounds, and a wind fan. it was made to represent the night sky. In the middle of
the chamber is a fifteen foot statue made of black marble
STANDARD INFANTRY CR 2 that has fallen over on its side. It is of a menacing armored
NE male human fighter 2 600 XP form with a full enclosed helmet. The face plate is shaped
Init +1; Senses Perception +0 as a snarling lion, an all-too-familiar sight. The helmet is
carved to show a fiery crown sitting upon the statues head.
DEFENSE Amongst the quiet of the rubble, you sense something
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex) sinister sleeps, waiting to awaken. There are grand
hp 20 (2d10+9) archways on the northern and eastern wall.
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0 (+1 against fear)
Defensive Abilities bravery There are mounds of stone and debris from clearing the
passageways. The opening to the north leads to Room 4, while
OFFENSE the passageway to the east leads to Rooms 2 and 3.
Spd 30 ft.
Melee longsword + 5 (1d8+2/10-20)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
As the PC approaches the archway leading to this room, allow
STATISTICS him a Perception check (DC 16) to notice a red warning line
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 that has been drawn across the entry way. Unlike the musty
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15 ancient debris, the red paint looks recent. Effectively this is a
Feats Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Longsword) warning Kharzon has put in place so that his soldiers don’t
Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +5, Survival +5 enter the room and disturb the ancient followers of Xyrix
Language Common within. From the hallway, the PC sees the following.
Gear chain shirt, longsword, dagger, light crossbow, 20 bolts,
lion tabbard, 1 gem (50 gp), and 12gp The room is 25 feet wide and 35 feet deep. Illuminated by
an ornate brazier in the center of the room, you see a series
of raised stone slabs bearing stone sarcophaguses. You can
Scene 8: The Temple of Xyrix barely make out the carvings on the closest one, adorned
Once the PC gets to the temple doors, read the following. with nightmare-inducing carvings and screaming faces. In
the center of the room are the remains of a man, his black
The ruins of the temple complex loom before you. The and white tabard shredded to pieces.
giant stone double doors are ajar, carved with symbols of
torment and death. Standing in silent vigil over the door In total, there are 10 sarcophaguses. One of Kharzon’s
are two twenty-foot tall statues of hideous snarling lions. infantrymen discovered this room after the desert natives
From the rents and deep pits along their surface, they have cleared the passageway from the north, but found a nasty
fared only slightly better than the surrounding buildings. surprise once he entered the room. Kharzon quickly
The true sentries of the gate, however, consist of two interceded, but not before he lost a devoted of Xyrix and
infantrymen. From their stance and demeanor, they seem an infantryman. Soothed back into their resting places, the
bored but keep up their watch lest they evoke the ire of remaining 9 devoted of Xyrix lay waiting until someone
their master. disturbs their rest or Kharzon calls them to complete the ritual
to free Xyrix.
If the PC is wearing the tabard of Kharzon, he can pass If the PC actually sets foot inside the room, all but the
through the gates without difficultly. Otherwise the PC must nearest sarcophagus to the east burst open and dark figures
sneak past the guard post (DC 15 Stealth check). The guards will attack him.
are on duty (1 infantrymen at each post), but are somewhat
DEVOTED OF XYRIX (9) CR 1/2 If the PC enters in the evening, the ritual has already
CE medium undead 200 XP begun. With a successful DC 10 sound-based Perception
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0 check, the PC hears low-pitched chanting coming from room 5
while he is ten feet from the room’s entrance.
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+2 natural) Standard Infantry (2): 20 hp, AC 15; see scene 7 for more details.
hp 12 (2d8+3)
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3 ROOM 5: THE SANCTUARY
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits The sanctuary is a large room, 35 feet wide and 50 feet deep.
A few days prior, Kharzon and his 2 trusted infantrymen
OFFENSE started living in the northern portion of the room centered on
Spd 30 ft. (can’t run) a home-made fire pit. In the southern portion of the room are
Melee Slam +4 melee (1d6+4) the remains of altar of Xyrix, a black marble dais raised three
feet off the ground.
STATISTICS If the PC enters during the day, the ritual to awaken Xyrix
Abilities Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 has not begun, and the PC must only contend with Kharzon
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14 and his 2 trusted infantrymen. The warlord will attack any
Feats Toughtness intruder and order his men (if not previously dealt with in
SQ staggered room 4) to attack as well. If the PC defeats Kharzon, he finds
the eyes of the dragon in a container on the raised dais along
Notes: These followers of Xyrix were once mighty priests, with some notes and sketches of constellations.
wielding great power granted to them by the Netherworld However, if the PC enters during the evening, the warlord
Prince. Some could even use the Soul Gems to increase their is in the process of conducting the ritual that will awaken
abilities. But like their master, they have fallen a long way. Xyrix. Read the following text as the PC can see into the room.
Now they are merely animated corpses, and serve as an
extension of their master’s will. The chanting you hear grows louder as you approach.
Treasure: While Kharzon’s men were not able to get past Peering into the room you see an expansive chamber lit
the undead without evoking the warlord’s ire, the PC will find with numerous bronze candelabras. In contrast to the rest
a few treasures among the dead should he take the time to of the complex, the rubble has been cleared to the sides of
look. Each sarcophagus has a small embroidered pouch with this room. In the center of the room is a dais three feet off
10 gp next to where their right hand would lay, and a piece of the ground. Unlike the rest of the room, the dais is made
obsidian (10 gp) by their left hand, customary in the burial of of black marble and the silver motes in the stone seem to
high priests at that time. twinkle as though a reflection of the night sky.
Standing on the dais are three figures completely
ROOM 3: EMPTY MAUSOLEUM cloaked in black cloth. They have their arms raised in the
This room is identical to room 2 in construction, however there air towards the middle of the dais. They chant in a dark,
are no more devoted of Xyrix residing here. After finding resonant tongue that seems almost song-like in quality.
and clearing out the sanctuary (room 5), Kharzon has tried The very sound of it fills you with dread.
awakening the Prince of the Netherworld and failed, much to In the middle of the dais, an emerald glow seems to
his dismay. With each failure, the warlord expends what little emanate. Looking closely, you see the eyes of the dragon
power and life force left in the diminished devoted, and they glowing brightly in the center of the bizarre ritual. They sit
crumble into dust. There is nothing of value in this room, as in two depressions in the stone, their inner light swirling
the infantrymen cleared the sarcophagi of their valuables after about in wispy strands of light.
the undead were spent. Standing to one side of the dais is the proud form of
the one called Kharzon. He stands in full battle dress with
his arms crossed and impatience burning across his young
but determined face.
Once decorated with ornate carvings and fountains, this room
was once the antechamber for clerics of Xyrix. Although stately
Unless the PC has encountered them in room 4, the warlord
in its time, the room is mostly in ruins with pieces crumbling
may have one or two his most-trusted infantrymen with him
from the walls and rubble on the floor. The room is lit by a
as backup. The chanting figures upon the dais are nothing but
torch on the back wall. The passageway to the east is blocked
animated followers of Xyrix from the nearby mausoleum. Even
by debris. The passageway to the west is leads to room 5. The
if attacked, they will ignore this in favor of completing the ritual,
hallway is 40 feet long with vaulted ceilings. While there are
which will be completed in 1d6+1 rounds from the PCs entrance
no torches along the hallway, the PC can tell there is a light
into the room. (See Scene 9: Face of the Ancient Enemy).
source in the room at the end of the hall.
If the PC tries to grab the eyes and run, he will find that
The stench of human waste is strong, as Kharzon and his
they seem anchored and immovable from their sockets. The
2 most trusted infantrymen are using this room as a latrine.
PC may opt to use stealth to enter the room; however once his
There is a 25% chance that the PC walks in on one of the
presence is known, the warlord will attack. But not before he
infantrymen as he is taking care of business; however sounds
gets the final word.
of combat will surely draw the attention of Kharzon and
the other infantryman in room 5. Kharzon’s second trusted
The Warlord’s face twists into a cruel smile. “Those fools
infantryman will enter the room 2 rounds after being alerted
at the monastery – they sent you, didn’t they? Well, you
by sounds of combat (DC 10 sound-based Perception check).
have come all this way on a fool’s errand, my friend. There
is to be no last heroic stand here, no epic last battle for the
bards to sing of. Soon the ritual will be complete, and the Standard Infantry (2): 20 hp, AC 15; see scene 7 for more details.
day of my ascension is at hand! Once Xyrix is bound to my Devoted of Xyrix (3); hp 12; AC 12; see room 2 for more details.
will, the banner of the Black Lion will cast its shadow over
all lands. I have foreseen it. No force in this world or the
next can keep me from my destiny!”
Scene 9: Face of the Ancient
Killing all three devoted of Xyrix will end the ritual, however Whether the Warlord has the PC at sword point or the PC is
Kharzon is well aware of that fact and will position himself about to strike the finishing blow, read the following after the
(and infantrymen if present) between the PC and the dais. ritual is complete (1d6+1 rounds from the PC entrance.)
Should the PC manage to kill all three devoted before they
complete the ritual, the light emanating from the eyes will Suddenly, a burst of heat emanates from the center of the
fade, and he will find the eyes easily slip out from their sockets. dais. The swirling green energy turns a vengeful shade of
However, if the PC does not kill the devoted in time, he will red. The fire of the candelabras transforms into the glow of
soon see the face of Xyrix. crimson eldritch energy.
Stepping out of the light is a hulking figure in black
WARLORD KHARZON CR 6 armor, brandishing a flaming longsword. Points of red
LE male human ranger 2/fighter 4 2,400 XP balefire burn in the eyes of the helmet made to look like a
Init +3; Senses Perception +5 demonic lion. The dark presence seems to survey the room
before it turns to face Kharzon.
DEFENSE “Xyrix!” Kharzon cries, “Know that I possess the
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 enhancement, Eyes of the Dragon. I have freed you from your prison, but
+3 Dex, +1 deflection) mine is the power to send you back as I choose. Serve me
hp 53 (2d10+4 plus 4d10+12) well and you will be rewarded. I demand that you grant me
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +1 (+2 against fear) the power to crush my enemies and hold dominion over the
Defensive Abilities bravery lands of men!”
“Silence vermin!” a booming, supernatural voice
OFFENSE answers. Kharzon stammers in surprise and fear slowly
Spd 30 ft. fills his eyes.
Melee +1 longsword + 11/+6 (1d8+6/19-20) “It was I that sent dreams of conquest to you. I am the
Melee +1 longsword +9/+4 (1d8+6/19-20) and masterwork author of all your ambitions, but not even the eyes have the
shortsword +9 (1d6+1/19-20) power to enslave me fool!”
“But, but…my destiny...” Kharzon seems confused.
STATISTICS “Your destiny was of my invention, so that you
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 16 might free me from my eternal prison,” the ancient
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 22 voice spoke embodying hate and malice. “So now receive
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Two-Weapon your reward, you who would see Xyrix, Prince of the
FightingB, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Focus: Netherworld, as his slave.”
(shortsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword) Xyrix points a wickedly spiked gauntlet at Kharzon
Skills Climb +10, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +10, and the Warlord flies bodily towards the Netherworld
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge Prince, screaming and flailing ineffectually to escape
(engineering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, his fate. Xyrix touches him and the man immolates
Knowledge (nature) +5, Stealth +8, Survival +7 immediately into ash, but his soul remains for a moment,
Language Common shrieking before it too is consumed.
SQ favored enemy (humans), track, wild empathy
Gear arrows, backpack, bedroll, + 1 chain shirt, flint and At this point, Xyrix will do exactly the same to everyone
steel, longbow, +1 longsword, masterwork shortsword, 7 else that remains in the room except the PC. Finally, Xyrix
rations, ring of protection+1, and torches. will turn towards the PC. The Amulet of the Dragon Guide
flashes brilliantly as his dread gaze falls upon them. Read the
Notes: Kharzon began as a nomad, eking out a living in the following aloud.
harsh eastern wastes on the hinterlands of the Emperor’s “You! You defy my wrath somehow. It matters little, for
territory. His might and speed coupled with his charismatic though I am weakened now, I still possess strength enough
ways afforded him high regard amongst the simple wild folk. to sate my thirst with your blood!”
As his skills grew, so did his ambition. An outcast general Xyrix brings his longsword to bear upon you and
found him and began to give him formal military training advances. Yet in mid-step he freezes in place, along with
in how to lead men and build an army. Kharzon eventually the rest of the room. Even the dancing eldritch light is still.
repaid this gesture by killing his former mentor when he A beautiful emerald light seems to pour into the room from
saw in a dream that the general would one day betray him. the eyes. The bands of light coalesce in the air into the face
His dreams began to take on a prophetic aspect, showing of a magnificent golden dragon. His deep green eyes are
him visions of great battles that he would win and glory that filled with such righteousness and compassion. When he
would be heaped on his name. He began to believe in his own speaks his voice resonates with the wisdom of the ages that
destiny, and thus began rounding up gangs on the fringes of calms your fears and soothes your soul.
society and turning them into an army. In his dreams he saw “(Insert appropriate name here), my ancient enemy
the face of a black lion telling him of his greatness to come. He stands before you. Though he is but a shadow of himself, he
has since adopted that symbol as the standard of his army. is still a calamitous foe. I sense that you are a brave soul,
but bravery alone will not prevail here. And so, I commit to you what strength of mine that
remains that you might finally end this threat to the lands of mortals once and for all. Go now
and show the Prince of the Netherworld that the light of Zan-rei, the Ascendant Dragon,
still shines upon the world even now!
At this point, the encounter effectively resets. The PC is healed to maximum hit
points and any negative combat conditions (i.e. shaken or ability score damage,
etc.) is healed. Any daily use or point based items or abilities however, remain
unchanged. Additionally, the PC immediately gains the benefits of the following
(CL 10):
Concluding the Adventure OFFENSE
Once the PC has the eyes in his possession, his task is to Spd 50 ft.
return to the monastery. While the PC has a lion tabard on, Melee unarmed strike +11/+6 (2d6+1)
he can move through the warlord’s camp with ease. For all Melee flurry of blows +10/+10/+5/+5 (2d6+1)
intents and purposes, the adventure is over; however, another Ranged sling +10/+5 (1d4)
adventure may just be beginning. Special Attacks flurry of blows, Ki pool (magic), maneuver
As an optional reward for returning the eyes to their training, stunning fist (9/day, DC 19), unarmed strike
rightful home, Zan-rei permanently changes the PC’s eyes to
an emerald green and grants one of the following benefits. STATISTICS
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 12
• Increases the PCs wisdom statistic by 2 points (as though Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21
gained by level advancement). Feats Combat ReflexesB, Deflect ArrowsB, Dodge, Improved
• Fire resistance 5 DisarmB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Mobility, Stunning
• Divination x 1 day as a spell-like ability FistB, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
• 1 bonus feat from the General list Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +9, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist
+12, Knowledge (history) +8, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12
Language Common
Sample PC SQ high jump, ki pool-9 points, slow fall 40 ft.
ZHAO KAI “FLYING CRANE” CR 8 Gear amulet of natural armor +1, backpack, bedroll, belt of
LG male human monk 8 incredible dexterity +2, bracers of armor + 2, bullets
Init +4; Senses Perception +13 (20), caltrops (20), cloak of resistance + 1, flint & steel,
collapsible grappling hook, magic tattoos (see below),
DEFENSE monk’s robe, rations (5), ring of protection +1, 50 ft. rope
AC 26, touch 20, flat-footed 22 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 (silk), sling, torches (4), waterskin
deflection, +1 natural, +5 Wis,) Magic Tattoos: Flying Crane has three magical tattoos
hp 63 (8d8+24) that function similar to potions. The Tiger on his right
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +12 (+14 against enchantment) forearm can cast bull’s strength 2/day, the Dragon on
Defensive Abilities evasion, purity of body, still mind, his left forearm can cast heroism 1/day and cure serious
wholeness of body wounds 2/day. Finally, the Crane over his heart can cast
true strike 2/day and fly 1/day.
Port of Darmane
Northern Gate
3 Eastern Gate
1. Lonesome Mermaid
2. Market District
3. Government House
4. Library of Amara
5. The Docks
Temple of Xyrix
One on One Adventures #8
Blood Brothers
by Suzi Yee
An Adventure for One Paladin Level 7-9
Abilities Str 27, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21 (+9 armor, +2 shield)
Base Atk +5; CMB +15 (+19 grapple); CMD 26 (30 vr. trip) hp 30 (3d10+9)
Feats Run, Skill Focus (Peception), Skill Focus (Stealth) Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3
Skills Stealth +2 (+10 in water), Swim +12 Defensive Abilities aura of courage, divine grace, divine health
SQ hold breath
SPECIAL ABILITIES Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Death Roll (Ex): When grappling a foe of its size or smaller, Melee masterwork longsword +7 (1d8+2/19-20)
a giant crocodile can perfom a death roll upon making a Melee lance +5 (1d8+2/x3)
successful grapple check. As it clings to its foe, it tucks Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19-20)
in its legs and rolls rapidly, twisting and wrenching Special Attacks smite evil 1/day
its victim. The giant crocodile inflicts its bite damage
and knocks the creature prone. If sucessful, the giant STATISTICS
crocodile maintains its grapple. Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Hold Breath (Ex): A giant crocodile can hold its breath for a Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15
number of rounds equal to 4 time its Constitution score Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
before it risks drowning. Skills Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +5, Heal +5, Ride +0,
Sprint: Once per minute a giant crocodile may sprint, Sense Motive +5
increasing its land speed to 40 feet for 1 round. Languages Common
SQ aura of good, detect evil, lay on hands, mercy (fatigued)
Gear backpack, bedroll, bolts (20), flint and steel, full plate,
Outpost #1 heavy crossbow, heavy steel shield (masterwork), lance,
Once the PC arrives at outpost #1, he will find 10 men living longsword (masterwork), potions of cure light wounds
there, taking turns on circuit runs in groups of 4 or 5. They will (2) and cure moderate wounds, rations (5), rope (hemp),
offer the PC a place to stay for the night and limited provisions torches (5), waterskin, 30 gp, 50 sp, 70 cp
(rations, torches, stabling, etc.).
Upon talking with the men of outpost #1, the PC will find
out the following information. Outpost #1 patrols the area
LG male human paladin 2
north of the Parigo River, where a tribe of goblins known as
Init +0; Senses Perception +2
the blue hands are dominate. They dye their skin with a dye
extracted from a common swamp berry, and their fingers and
hands bear the stains of painting body art. Lately there has
AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21 (+9 armor, +2 shield)
been some fighting between the blue hands and other goblin
hp 21 (2d10+6)
tribes from the other side of the river, which has made circuit
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2
patrolling less predicable and consequently more dangerous.
Defensive Abilities divine grace
Ranged heavy crossbow +2 (1d10/19-20) If the PC investigates the surrounding area, he sees a
Special Attacks smite evil 1/day grotto nestled amongst some trees. Read the following text if
he decides to investigate the grotto.
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13 The smell of death hangs heavier in the air as you near the
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14 grotto. The ground is littered with broken tents, smashed
Feats Cleave, Power Attack containers, debris, and gore. In the corner is a pile of
Skills Handle Animal +5, Heal +5, Ride -2, Sense Motive +5 decaying flesh, no doubt the former owners of the heads that
Languages Common line the river bank. Low growls come from behind the heap
SQ aura of good, detect evil, lay on hands of bodies as a pack of wolves make their presence known.
Gear backpack, bedroll, bolts (20), flint and steel, full plate, Over the top of mound strides the leader of the pack, a sleek
heavy crossbow, heavy steel shield, lance, longsword black canine of extraordinary size and strength.
(masterwork), potion of cure light wounds, rations (5), rope
(hemp), torches (5), waterskin, 30 gp, 50 sp, 70 cp This was once an encampment for a band of blue hand goblins,
but it is now destroyed. A pack of wolves have stumbled upon
a feast that they are unwilling to relinquish. If the PC backs
BROTHERHOOD NEW RECRUIT (6) CR 1 away from the grotto, the wolves will stay their ground and
LG male human paladin 1
continue eating, although with one ear cautiously listening for
Init +0; Senses Perception +1
future interruptions. If the PC does not back down, the pack
will attack, led by their dire wolf leader using flanking tactics.
The pack will disperse if the leader of the pack or if over half
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +2 shield)
their number is slain.
hp 13 (1d10+3)
If the PC successfully drives the wolves away, he can
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1
investigate the grotto and the pile of bodies more thoroughly. He
OFFENSE will find bodies mostly striped of equipment and possessions.
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.) Most of the bodies have blue stained decoration on their skins
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+2/19-20) or but are missing their heads. He does find some bodies that still
Melee lance +3 (1d8+2/x3) or have their heads and are missing the characteristic blue tattoos
Ranged heavy crossbow +1 (1d10/19-20) of the blue hand goblins. These goblins all have pieces of bone
Special Attacks smite evil 1/day pierced along their brows and ears.
huge ears, an upturned snout, and a mouth full of razor-sharp missing bowstring]. A quiver, mostly chewed through, still
fangs. It sleeps on the second floor of the tower and uses the holds four shortbow arrows [5 cp each]. A signal whistle [8 sp]
open roof on the third floor to enter and leave the tower. The is clipped to the quiver.
mobat is nocturnal, and if the PC investigates at night, the
mobat will be out hunting, leaving an hour after sunset and
returning an hour before sunrise. If the PC enters the second
Outpost #3
Outpost #3 is geographically the farthest point from Fort
floor during the day, there is a 25% chance that the mobat will
Lanward. When the PC arrives, he will find 8 men at the
remain asleep, hanging from a beam on the second floor in
outpost. They will offer the PC a place to stay for the night and
bat fashion. Otherwise, the mobat will awaken and ready an
limited provisions (rations, torches, stabling, etc.).
attack when the PC enters the second floor.
The men of outpost #3 may supply the PC with the
While the mobat can forage for survival, it does enjoy a
following information about the area. The patrol area for
more combative meal every now and then. The goblins in the
outpost #3 is from the ruined tower to the southeast to the
area avoid the ruined tower; they are well acquainted with the
witch’s peak, a distinct rock formation to the southwest. A
mobat’s silhouette cast by the moon’s glow.
circuit patrol typically takes 3-5 days, but after week, a patrol
unit did not return from circuit duty. The outpost leader
MOBAT CR 3 reported the missing recruits and requested more manpower.
NE male large magical beast 800 XP The outpost has truncated circuit duty to day-long excursions,
Init +6; Senses Blindsense 120 ft.; Perception +6 shortening the scope of the patrolling while still covering the
DEFENSE immediate breadth of their area. In these truncated patrols, the
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+6 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size) men of outpost #3 have not seen any sign of missing recruits.
hp 34 (4d10+12) The dominant goblin tribe is the Crescent goblins, named
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +3 after the moon-shaped brand burned into their flesh, typically
on their left arm but sometimes on their thigh. They are
OFFENSE renowned for their aggression and fierce worg riders.
Spd 20 ft.; fly 40 ft. (good) The landscape around outpost #3 is significantly more
Melee bite +9 (1d8+4) solid than the swampy grounds previously experienced. The
Space 10 ft. Reach 5 ft. ground is hillier, even rocky toward the outskirts of the patrol
Special Attacks sonic screech (Will DC 15) area. Beyond the witch’s peak, the foothills of the rugged
STATISTICS mountains begin.
Abilities Str 17, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 24 Outpost Leader: 30 hp, AC 20; see Outpost #1
Feats Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse Brotherhood Recruit (3): 21 hp, AC 20; see Outpost #1
Skills Fly +14, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6; Racial Brotherhood Recruit (4): 13 hp, AC 19; see Outpost #1
Modifiers +4 racial bonus to Perception checks; bonus is
lost if blindsense is negated. Metg’s Ambush
When the PC is investigating the area beyond half-a-day’s
SPECIAL ABILITIES travel from outpost #3 in the general direction of the witch’s
Sonic Screech (Su): A mobat can screech once per round, peak, he will encounter an ambush from Crescent tribe. Led
as a standard action. All creatures within 20 feet must by the hobgoblin Metg the Cruel, this small warband is part of
succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be stunned for 1d3 a larger force that has set up an outpost and mining operation
rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect. Any near Witch’s Peak.
creature subjected to a mobat’s screech is immune When the ambush occurs, read the follow text.
to that mobat’s screech for 24 hours. The save DC is
Constitution-based. The meadow rolls under your steed as you leave the last
vestiges of the swamp. The rugged mountains in the
Treasure: A messy nest of sorts is piled against the far wall, distance rise and fall as you coast over the hills, when
made mostly of a huge pile of uncoiled and shredded hemp a goblin atop a worg skirts into your field of vision.
rope. Searching through it causes tiny fibers to fly into the air Surprised and flushed, the dirty scamp spurs his mount
making a choking dust. Poking out of the pile is a pair of small into the treeline.
morningstars sized for a goblin [8 gp each], one of which has
dried blood on its points. A suit of chainmail [masterwork, 300 The goblin and worg are bait to lure the PC into the wooded
gp], also sized for a goblin, lies buried under a pile of shredded area, where the rest of the ambush party awaits. If the PC does
and filthy blankets. The remains of a backpack are scattered not take the bait, the ambush party will follow the PC and
about. The pack itself is here in dozens of bits and pieces, but wait until nightfall to attack. If the PC falls unconscious, the
some of the items it carried are still in good shape. A small box ambush party will try to stabilize him and take him prisoner.
with flint and steel [1 gp] and a pair of torches [1 cp each] rest If the PC stabilizes, he will wake up in area 24 without his
in the pile, as does a crowbar [2 gp], a grappling hook [1 gp], possessions. If the PC vanquishes the ambush squad but tries
and a miner’s pick [3 gp]. Strewn throughout the pile are six to get information out the worgs or Metg, he will not get any
pitons [1 sp each] and a full bag of caltrops [1 gp]. Small piles information out of them. However, questioning the goblin
of coins exist in several places throughout the nest [61 gp, 183 warriors will reveal the location to their military outpost.
sp, 127 cp total]. Buried in the back corner are several bones, If the PC casts zone of truth and questions the goblin
which look to be from a goblin. One skeletal hand still wears a warriors, he can discover general numbers of creatures,
pair of rings [signet ring, 5 gp; silver and topaz ring, 500 gp]. assuming he asks the right questions. If the PC casts zone of truth
Another bony hand clutches a composite shortbow [75 gp, and questions the worgs, he discovers how many worgs are at
the outpost, the worg keeper, and the hobgoblin leadership WORG (2) CR 2
at the outpost. If the PC casts zone of truth and questions NE male medium magical beast 600 XP
Metg, he discovers more about the mining operation and the Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision, scent;
possibility of future collaboration with other goblinoids from Perception +11
the mountains. If Metg or one of his squad does not report to
the Crescent Outpost in the next 4 days, the hobgoblin leader DEFENSE
named Brilok will send a search party to investigate their AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
tardy report. hp 26 (4d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3
LE male hobgoblin fighter 3 1,200 XP OFFENSE
Medium humanoid (goblinoid) Spd 30 ft.
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +3 Melee bite +7 (1d6+4 plus trip)
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 10
+2 shield) Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
hp 28 (3d10+12) Feats Run, Sklll Focus (Perception)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 (+2 against fear) Skills Stealth +9, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2
Defensive Abilities armor training 1, bravery Perception, +2 Stealth, +2 Survival
Language Common, Goblin
Spd 30 ft. GOBLIN WARRIOR (10) CR 1
Melee +1 longsword +7 (1d8+3/19–20) NE male goblin warrior 2 400 XP
Ranged javelin +5 (1d6+2) Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception -1
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 DEFENSE
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield,
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon +1 size)
Focus (longsword) hp 13 (2d10+2)
Skills Intimidate +3, Stealth +8, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
+4 Stealth
Language Common, Goblin OFFENSE
Gear cure moderate wounds potion, javelins (3), +1 longsword, Spd 30 ft.
masterwork chain shirt, masterwork heavy shield, key to Melee morningstar +3 (1d6)
area 26, 20 gp, 50 sp, 20 cp Ranged javelin +5 (1d4)
STATISTICS the hallway of death (area 1), and the northern and southern
Abilities Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6 defense rooms (area 2 and 4). There will also be at least 1
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12 hobgoblin and 2 worgs in the common room (area 6). If the
Feats Improved Initiative outpost looses more than 50% of their combatants, they will
Skills Ride +10, Stealth +10 send word for reinforcements. For every 3 days after the
Language Common, Goblin initial attack and retreat, the outpost can receive 1d10 goblin
Gear backpack, bedroll, javelins (3), leather armor, light warriors, 1d3 worgs, and a 50% chance of a replacement
shield, morningstar, rations (3), waterskin hobgoblin lieutenant.
Crescent Outpost Treasure: One of the goblins has a stash of gems on his person
The outpost is relatively new, founded after the hobgoblins (6 10gp gems and 1 50gp gem). Behind the barricade are two
took over the crescent tribe’s leadership. They chose this lit torches and 6 flasks of oil.
location because of the iron ore found in the rock. They shaped
the natural caves to suit their purposes and recently started
a mining operation. Captured prisoners mine and break the 2. Northern Defense Room
ore, it undergoes refinement, and the blacksmith hammers Read the following text.
weapons, shields, and armor for an amassing goblin army.
The area is little more than a 5 foot wide tunnel. Broken
There are 2 guards posted outside the cave entrance, whose
javelins, trash, and long, narrow slits in the stone wall
main job is to deal with intruders and alert the rest of the
reveal this room’s defensive purpose.
outpost of problems.
If the PC eliminated Metg’s ambush squad, areas 12, 13,
This room is narrow and deep with foot-long slits along the
and 17 are empty and there are 2 less worgs in area 27. The
wall just wide enough to slip a javelin through. There are 5
rest of the warband assumes they are scouring the countryside
slits, roughly 5 feet apart from each other. The goblins rotate
and do not expect them back for another couple of days. If the
duty in the northern defense room. During the day there are 3
PC encountered Metg’s ambush squad, and survivors live to
to 4 goblins in this room and in the evening there is always 1
tell the tale of the PC, the outpost will be on alert, especially in
goblin on guard. During high alert periods, there are 5 goblins
the hallway of death (area 1), and the northern and southern
during the day and 3 goblins at night.
defense rooms (areas 2 and 4). There will also be at least 1
hobgoblin and 2 worgs in the common room (area 6). Goblin Warrior (varies): 13 hp, AC 16; see Metg’s Ambush.
If the PC fights his way into the outpost and retreats, the
outpost will respond according to the amount of damage it Treasure: 1 out of 10 goblin warriors has a potion of cure light
takes. If the outpost looses less than 25% of their combatants, wounds, 1 out of 6 goblin warriors has a valuable gem or pieces
they will send troops out to attack the PC under the leadership of jewelry (worth 50-100 gp), 1 out of 4 goblin warriors has a
of Wretig (area 16) or Brilok (area 15) with the worg keeper masterwork morningstar, and 1 out of 2 goblin warriors has a
(area 14) along for hunt. If the outpost looses more than 25% secret stash of coin (15 gp, 20 sp, 25 cp) or gems (3 10gp gems).
of their combatants, they will beef up defenses, especially in
3. Northwest Barracks Goblin Warrior (varies): 13 hp, AC 16; see Metg’s Ambush.
Read the following text.
Treasure: 1 out of 10 goblin warriors has a potion of cure light
The room is thick with the foul stench of too many goblins wounds, 1 out of 6 goblin warriors has a valuable gem or pieces
living in a small space. Makeshift cots and bunk beds line of jewelry (worth 50-100 gp), 1 out of 4 goblin warriors has a
the western and northern walls with a table in the corner. masterwork morningstar, and 1 out of 2 goblin warriors has a
secret stash of coin (15 gp, 20 sp, 25 cp) or gems (3 10gp gems).
While this room accommodates up to 10 goblin warriors, it is
currently home to 7 goblins. While some warriors mill about 5. Southwestern Barracks
the common room (area 6), some prefer to stay in their barracks Read the following text.
to pass the time between eating, sleeping, and guard duty.
The accommodations are crude at best with no real security This small room is heavy with the foul stench of goblins.
for one’s belongings. Most of the goblin warriors take their Along the western and southern walls makeshift cots and
possessions with them rather than leave them unattended in bunks haphazardly rest. In the corner is a crude table.
the barracks.
This room accommodates up to 10 goblin warriors. Currently
Goblin Warrior (varies): 13 hp, AC 16; see Metg’s Ambush. there are 7 goblins bedding in the crudely furnished area.
These 7 warriors can be found milling about the common
Treasure: 1 out of 10 goblin warriors has a potion of cure light room (area 6) or staying in their barracks passing time between
wounds, 1 out of 6 goblin warriors has a valuable gem or pieces sleeping, eating, and guard duty. There is no consideration
of jewelry (worth 50-100 gp), 1 out of 4 goblin warriors has a for the goblins’ belongings’ security, so most of the warriors
masterwork morningstar, and 1 out of 2 goblin warriors has a have their possessions on their person rather than leave them
secret stash of coin (15 gp, 20 sp, 25 cp) or gems (3 10gp gems). unattended in the barracks.
4. Southern Defense Room Goblin Warrior (varies): 13 hp, AC 16; see Metg’s Ambush.
Read the following text.
Treasure: 1 out of 10 goblin warriors has a potion of cure light
The area is little more than a 5 foot wide tunnel. Broken wounds, 1 out of 6 goblin warriors has a valuable gem or pieces
javelins, trash, and long, narrow slits in the stone wall of jewelry (worth 50-100 gp), 1 out of 4 goblin warriors has a
reveal this room’s defensive purpose. masterwork morningstar, and 1 out of 2 goblin warriors has a
secret stash of coin (15 gp, 20 sp, 25 cp) or gems (3 10gp gems).
This room is narrow and deep with foot-long slits along the
wall just wide enough to slip a javelin through. There are 5 6. Common Room
slits, roughly 5 feet apart from each other. The goblins rotate Read the following text.
duty in the southern defense room. During the day there are 3
to 4 goblins in this room and in the evening there is always 1 This room is a large natural cavern whose rough walls
goblin on guard. During high alert periods, there are 5 goblins slope gently to a 20-foot tall ceiling. A fire pit in the center
during the day and 3 goblins at night. of room provides warmth while hastily bound materials
and stones make table, chairs, and benches by the fire.
flat slab of stone supported by large pieces of rock. A
heap of potatoes and a dagger reveal its purpose, while
the murky water in a large cauldron beside it collects the
components of dinner.
Spd 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d3/19-20)
Special Attacks +1d6 sneak attack
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Alertness
Skills Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +6, Profession
(domestic servant) +4, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand
+6, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Language Common, Goblin
SQ rogue talent (minor magic-mending), trapfinding
Gear Milly does not have much in terms of material
possession on her person, especially after her “capture.”
She has a necklace with an amber amulet (5 gp) that
Grilock gave her and the dagger she uses to cook with.
8. Storage Room
Read the following text.
10. Acolyte Quarters
Read the following text.
Treasure: The only place in this room which looks as if it may 14. Worg Keeper’s Room
hold items of value is a large desk sitting in the corner [45 Read the following text.
gp]. Two columns of drawers nestle the center drawer. In the
center drawer are several sheets of plain paper [8 pages, 4 sp The room is simply furnished with a bed against the back
each]. Moving them aside reveals a deck of playing cards. The wall and a satchel neatly tucked away in the corner beside
cards are unique, each having a thin layer of gold leaf affixed the bed.
to the corners making the cards weighty and pricey [deck, 105
gp]. Beside the cards is a small blunt knife-shaped instrument This area is the sleeping quarters of the worg keeper. The worg
with a hematite blade and a platinum handle [letter opener, 55 keeper is a hobgoblin with an affinity for nature, and he prefers
pp]. On the left colum of drawers in the lowest one are seven the outdoors to the cave life. However, he is the keeper of the
dice which appear to be made of platinum. The cubes are very worgs, a vital component of victory in battle and securing
heavy, each weighing roughly a pound [7 platinum dice, 1 the hobgoblin hold over the goblin tribes of the borderlands.
inch square, 1 pound each; 51 pp each]. On the right side Given the chance, he volunteers for missions that get him out
lower drawer are a series of small ceramic bottles are carefully of the cave and into fresh air. If the outpost sends a party after
nestled in cloth (4 potions of cure light wounds, 1 potion of cure a retreating PC, the worg keeper will accompany the party and
moderate wounds). Tucked way in the back corner is a pouch [2 track down the fleeing intruder with his worgs.
sp] containing silvery coins in the back corner [70 pp, 47 sp].
12. Northeast Barracks LE male hobgoblin ranger 2 600 XP
Read the following text. Medium humanoid (hobgoblin)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
The room is thick with the foul stench of too many goblins
living in a small space. Makeshift cots and bunk beds line DEFENSE
the northern and eastern walls with a table in the corner. AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 19 (2d10+8)
While this room accommodates up to 10 goblin warriors, Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +0
it is currently home to 5 goblins. While some warriors mill
about the common room (area 6), some prefer to stay in their OFFENSE
barracks to pass the time between eating, sleeping, and guard Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
duty. This room is home to half of Metg’s ambush squad. This Ranged masterwork longbow +7 (1d8/x3)
room is empty if the PC dealt with the ambush squad before Ranged masterwork longbow +5/+5 (1d8/x3)
entering the outpost. If the outpost receives reinforcements, Melee longsword +3 (1d8+1/19-20)
half will be placed in this barrack. Special Attack favored enemy (humans), combat style (archery)
Special Attacks weapon training
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon
Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Skills Intimidate +6, Stealth +4, Survival +7; Racial Modifiers
+4 Stealth
Language Common, Goblin
Gear cure moderate wounds potion, full plate armor, javelins (3),
+1 longsword, masterwork heavy shield, ring of protection +1,
key to area 26, 1 50gp gem, 5 10gp gems, 20 gp, 30 sp, 50 cp
This area is the domain of Brilok, the leader of the outpost. At first waft, the smell of leather polish and oil affirm that
When he’s not inspecting the goblin warriors, worgs, or the a warrior inhabits the room. A glistening chain shirt and
mining operations, he is in his quarters (40%) or in the common weapons are perched on a rack beside a small table and
room (40%). If the PC investigates the room (Perception Check chair. The bed, covered with blankets and pillows, abuts
DC 12), he finds a hand drawn map of the area with notations the farthest wall, while furs cover the cold stone floor. A
and marks tucked under Brilock’s bed behind the screen. simple wooden chest sits at the end of the bed.
WRETIG CR 4 18. Blacksmith Apprentices’
LE female hobgoblin fighter 3 1,200 XP
Medium humanoid (goblinoid) Quarters
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +3 Read the following text.
DEFENSE The room before you is 15 feet long and 10 feet across.
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, Four unmade beds are toward the back of the room,
+2 shield) while the remains of dinner and the devices of games of
hp 18 (3d10+12) chance greet you at the door. The odor of stale spirits and
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 (+2 against fear) decaying scraps of food is strong, but not enough to erase
Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery the stench of goblin.
Metg the Cruel: 28 hp, AC 19; See Metg’s Ambush. This area is the living quarters of Krox the hobgoblin jailor
and his pet Squeaker, a dire rat that he raised to Medium size.
Treasure: Metg carries most of his wealth, having little care
During the day, Krox is in charge of the prisoners who spend
for pretties and bubbles in comparison to strong armor and
most of their time working in the mines (area 25). He gathers
a fine sword. There is a small cache of gems tucked under his
their food from the kitchen (area 7) and picks up some choice
mattress in a simple leather sack containing 1 50gp gem, 5
20gp gems, and 10 10gp gems.
morsels for Squeaker. Occasionally, he must discipline a willful
prisoner or two by keeping them chained in the mine through
the night without food or water, but he likes to think of himself
as a motivator, keeping the wheels of production well lubricated
with the sweat of prisoners. While Krox comes from a long line
of “enforcers,” he does not like to break out his father’s tools
(located in the chest) unless it is absolutely called for.
Squeaker truly lives a life of rodent luxury. With a soft
bed, water dish, and choice table and kitchen scraps, the dire
rat has gotten quite big. He is a docile and faithful pet to Krox,
who Squeaker has imprinted as a maternal figure, but his
demeanor quickly sours around others. As he is well fed, he
doesn’t attack creatures out of hunger, but when he attacks, it
is out of ferocious spite. Krox has been trying to train Squeaker,
but to little avail. During the day, Squeaker has a 50% chance of
accompanying Krox in the mines (area 25) on a leash or staying
in Krox’s quarters. In the evenings, Krox and pet spend their
evenings with dinner and a small fire in a brazier.
Krox holds the key to the prison (area 24), which he locks
up in the evening after he brings their evening meal, which
remains locked until the morning.
OFFENSE Treasure: Opening a large teak chest [45 gp], banded with
Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base) rusting strips of pig-iron, the PC discovers the tools of the
Melee masterwork longsword +6 (1d8+1/19–20) torturer’s trade arrayed neatly inside. The tools are wrapped
Ranged javelin +4 (1d6+1) individually in red and white checked cloths, but their purpose
is obvious from the bulges and deep brownish red stains
STATISTICS spotting the cloths. Two pair of thick copper thumbscrews
Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 [30 gp each] are wrapped in a single cloth, their circumference
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 15 decorated with sneering cherubs and howling angels. A
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (longsword) collapsible rattan cane [40 gp] is stored, neatly folded; it has a
Skills Intimidate +3, Stealth +1, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers piece of malachite on the pommel in the shape of a scurrying
+4 Stealth rat. When outstretched, the cane is as tall as a man. A blue
Language Common, Goblin satin pouch [10 gp] holds a fist-sized, pear-shaped contraption
Gear banded mail, heavy steel shield, 5 javelins, masterwork of iron and silver, opening like a flower when an intricately
longsword, potion of cure moderate wounds, key to area 26, machined hand crank is turned [120 gp]. Four herringbone
key to area 24, 10 gp, 30 sp, and 50 cp. flensing knives [15 gp each] with knobby bronze hilts are
wrapped in a single square of cloth. A green silk garrote with
SQUEAKER CR 1 gilded handles [108 gp] sits inside a walnut box. The garrote’s
N male dire rat 400 XP handles are carved in the shape of skeletons, which appear to
Medium animal be pulling the deadly cord with all their might. To the side, is a
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, scent; Perception +7 leather collar with the name “Squeaker” branded on the band.
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural) 21. Blacksmith’s Quarters
hp 22 (4d8+4) Read the following text.
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2
The room has humble furniture: a simple bed with rumpled
OFFENSE linens, a nightstand covered with books and crafted pieces,
Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. and a work table that doubles as a dining table. The bed and
Melee bite +6 (1d6 plus disease) table bear dark smudges, and a fine layer of charcoal dust
coats the floor beside discarded work clothes. Illuminated
STATISTICS by oil lamps, you see a fine lutes mounted on the wall by
Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 4 a series of hooks, one of the few things untouched by the
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16 sooty grim.
This area is the living quarters of the blacksmith, the skilled Blacksmith: 22 hp, AC 15; see Area 21.
hobgoblin that is crafting the weapons of war. While the Goblin Apprentices (4): as goblin warriors, 13 hp, AC 16, see
outpost finds his skills useful, he quickly tires of making Metg’s Ambush.
morningstar after morningstar. He doesn’t socialize much
with the other hobgoblins; a hobgoblin of his intelligence is Treasure: Besides the blacksmith tools, there is nothing of
no stranger to alienation amongst his warmongering kind. value in the smithy.
He takes his meals in his quarters and has various hobbies
to pass his off hours. He designs new tools or improvements
on old models, creates metallic ornamentations, and engages
23. Refinery
Read the following text.
in a little music on his lutes. During the day, he is typically
working in smithy (area 22) or checking on his apprentices The room is sweltering in the heat of the furnaces. Large
in the refinery (area 23). In the evening, he is usually in cauldrons purify the iron ore while other furnaces turn
his quarters (50% chance) or in the smithy working on an wood into charcoal. Although much of the copious smoke
auxiliary project (25% cheance). There is a 25% chance that escape through small ventilation holes in the ceiling, the
the blacksmith is visiting the worgs in area 27, who share an room is thick with sooty air and grime.
appreciation for the craftsmen’s music.
This area is where the ore is refined and where wood is
BLACKSMITH CR 3 turned into charcoal. Two to three goblin apprentices work
LN male hobgoblin expert 3 800 XP the refinery and keep the fires roaring. During the evening,
Medium humanoid (goblinoid) the four goblin apprentices take turns stoking the fires. The
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +8 ventilation holes feeds the smoke into another cave complex,
diffusing the smoke before it finds its way to the surface.
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +1 shield) Goblin Apprentices (4): as goblin warriors, 13 hp, AC 16, see
hp 22 (3d8+9) Metg’s Ambush.
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Treasure: Except for the ore and purified iron, there is nothing
OFFENSE of value.
Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
Melee morningstar +3 (1d8+1)
Ranged javelin +4 (1d6+1)
24. Prison
Read the following text.
The room is filthy, and the air is filled with the stench
Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
of coerced flesh. Shackles and metal rings bound into
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 14
the stone wall hold the prisoners. Two troughs sit in
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
the middle of the room: one filled with murky water and
Skills Appraise +6, Craft (armorsmithing) +7, Craft
another with dried crusts of the last meal that the prisoners
(weaponsmithing) +7, Knowledge (engineering) +6,
did not scrap up.
Profession (blacksmith) +6, Perform (lute) +5, Stealth +3,
Survival +6; Racial Modifers +4 Stealth
This area is where the prisoners are kept. There are two
Language Common, Dwarven, Goblin
entrances into the prison, and both are locked during the
Gear morningstar, studded leather armor, light steel shield,
evening. One door leads to the hallway while the other leads to
10 gp, 30 sp, 50 cp.
the mines. Krox the jailor has the only key to the prison doors.
While most of the prisoners are goblins, the 4 missing
Treasure: The bulk of the blacksmith’s valuables are quite
paladins are among the prisoners. The prisoners are bound
different from the other hobgoblins. Besides his blacksmithing
together by manacles in a chain gang, and whole strings of
tools (in area 22), he has a fine lute (150 gp), and some valuable
prisoners are bound to the walls in the evening. They are
tomes to the right buyer (5 books at 50 gp each).
given two meals of gruel, once in the morning and once in the
evening. In the morning, the jailor delivers the morning gruel
22. Smithy and refills the water trough. During the day the prisoners
Read the following text. work the mines (area 25). During the evening, they return to
more gruel and spend the night in the dark prison. Prisoners
The coals of the forge burn hot and glow in a fiery pit that act up are separated from the chain gang and kept in the
beside a trough of water. Tongs, hammers, and other mines overnight, where the other prisoners can hear the cries
smithing equipment sit on the worktable near the anvil. for water, food, and mercy.
A pile of charcoal sits in the corner waiting for their turn There are 15 goblins and 4 humans. Among the goblins
in the fires. is Grilock, the husband of Milly the cook (area 7). Among the
lot of goblins, he and two others from his tribe are the only
This area is where the blacksmith creates weapons and goblins that do not detect evil. If the PC shows Grilock Milly’s
armor during the day. He typically works with 1 or 2 of his necklace, he and the other two goblins will help the PC fight
apprentices while the remaining work in the refinery (area 23). their way out of the outpost if necessary. The four humans are
In the evening, there is a 25% chance that the blacksmith is still the missing members of the brotherhood, who will confirm
in the smithy, inventing new devices or making knick knacks. that they were ambushed on circuit. Knocked out and striped
of their equipment, they regained consciousness underground
and have been working in the mines since. They will also hallway leads deeper into the earth to a bulbous room where
inform the PC that Grilock and his two tribesmen are not evil the mining takes place. There is also an entrance from the
incase the PC did not check before slashing. prison to the mines, which is locked during the night. Krox
has been known to discipline willful prisoners by leaving them
GOBLIN WARRIOR (12) CR 1/3 chained in the mines through the night without water or food.
NE male goblin warrior 1 135 XP During the day, the prisoners are shackled to each other,
Small humanoid (goblinoid) and the chain gang is bound to the walls of the mining area.
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception -1 The picks and shovels are left in the mining area when the
prisoners left in the evening.
DEFENSE Treasure: Except for the picks, shovels, and ore, there is
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size) nothing of value.
hp 6 (1d10+1)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
26. Hobgoblin Storage Room
Read the following text.
Spd 30 ft.
Bags, barrels, and crates line the walls of this storage room.
The aroma of spices, spirits, oils, and leather fill the room
in an odd mix of culinary and craftsmen.
Abilities Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12
This area is where the hobgoblins store “the good stuff,”
Feats Improved Initiative
including barrels of spirits, spices, dried fruits and nuts,
Skills Ride +10, Stealth +10
jerked meat, stores of food stuffs, flasks of oil, finer tools
Language Goblin
and materials, and other things that the hobgoblins have
consigned for hobgoblin consumption. This room is locked
Grilock and 2 tribesmen (3): as goblin warrior 2 except
(Disable Device DC 20), and each of the hobgoblins has a key
alignment CN without armor and weapons, 13 hp, AC
to the room.
13, see Metg’s Ambush.
Treasure: On the floor are five twenty-five pound sacks [3
Brotherhood Recruit (1): 21 hp, AC 10; see Outpost #1
sp] labeled ‘flour’. Each is opened and has flour spilling out of
Brotherhood Recruit (3): 13 hp, AC 10; see Outpost #1
the top. Buried in the flour of three of the sacks are hundreds
of coins, in total 152 gp, 1125 sp, 3508 cp.
25. Mine
Read the following text.
27. Worg’s Room
Read the following text.
The darkness is pierced with interspersed torches mounted
on the walls of the mine, casting a foreboding shadow in
Beyond the double doors is a large cavern lit by a
the coldness of the cave. The light sparkles on pieces of iron
central fire pit. The back of the cave is 50 feet away, but
ore embedded in the stone walls.
constructed walls of stone and rubble toward the back of
the cave conceal the true breadth of the cave. There are
This area is where the prisoners extract the iron ore from
containers of water scattered about the room, and a canine
the stone. The front room is filled with crates of ore which
scent hangs heavy in the air.
the goblin apprentices take to the refinery (area 23). A long
This area is a large natural cavern known as the worg pen, STATISTICS
home to 8 worgs. Erected stone barriers toward the back of Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
the cave provide privacy when worgs require it, while the Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 21
entryway is open, spacious area for pack living. A fire pit Feats Cleave, Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Ride-By
keeps the cave warm and cheerful, while the worg keeper Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword)
tends to the worgs. The worg keeper is part caretaker and part Skills Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Heal +7,
concierge, both tending to the worgs needs and reinforcing ties Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Ride
between the worgs and the hobgoblins. The double doors to +4, Sense Motive +7
the worg pen are conventional doors, but their lower portion Languages Common
is double hinged, allowing the worgs free movement within SQ aura of good, detect evil, divine bond (heavy horse), lay on
the outpost. Two of the worgs are a part of Metg’s ambush. If hands, mercy (shakened, diseased)
they have been killed, there are two less worgs in the room. Gear amulet of natural armor +1, arrow (40), backpack, bed
roll, flint and steel, +2 full plate armor, headband of alluring
Worg (8): 26 hp, AC 14; see Metg’s Ambush.
charisma +2, +2 heavy shield, keen edge oil. +2 longsword,
Treasure: While each worg has a favored hiding place for their lance, potions of cure moderate wounds (3) and cure serious
shinys, if the PC spends the time to search the entire cavern, he wounds, rations (10), ring of protection +2, rope (silk), short
will find in total 250 gp, 500 sp, 1250 cp, 10 50gp gems, 50 10gp bow (masterwork), sunrod (10), torches (5), tindertwig
gems, a fine gold chain and charm (100 gp), and a silver tiara (10), waterskin, winter blanket, 50 gp, 75 sp, 100 cp
with set stones (150 gp).
Divine Bond: Once per day, as a full-round action, Walter
Wrapping up the Adventure may magically call his heavy horse to his side. This
Once the PC has located the missing brotherhood recruits ability is the equivalent of a level 2 spell. The mount
and returned them to their outpost, his mission has ended. immediately appears adjacent to the paladin and
However, the influence of hobgoblins on the otherwise- remains for 16 hours; it may be dismissed at any time as
unorganized goblin tribes and the introduction of worgs in the a free action. The heavy warhorse is the same creature
area will certainly be of interest to the Brotherhood’s regional each time it is summoned, though Walter may release a
director at Fort Lanward. The PC’s information will be all particular mount from service. Walter can use this ability
the more important if he discovered Brilok’s map detailing once per day.
the area being prepared for hobgoblin domination. If the PC Each time the heavy warhorse is called, it appears
aided Milly, Grilock, and their tribesmen in their escape from in full health, regardless of any damage it may have
the outpost, the brotherhood has extended their protection taken previously. The heavy horse also appears wearing
against a more dangerous common enemy. or carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed.
Calling the heavy warhorse is a conjuration (calling) effect.
Sample PC
N Large Animal
LG male human paladin 8
Init +1; Senses Low-light vision, scent, Perception +11
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+8 natural, +4 armor, +1 Dex,
AC 28, touch 12, flat-footed 28 (+9 armor, +2 enhancement,
-1 size)
+2 defleciton, +2 shield, +2 shield enhancement, +1
hp 52 (7d8+21)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3 (+7 morale against enchantments)
hp 80 (8d10+32)
Defensive Abilities evasion
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +5
Defensive Abilities aura of courage, aura of resolve, divine
grace, divine health
Spd 60 ft.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Melee 2 hooves +9 melee (1d6+4) and bite +4 melee (1d4+2)
Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Melee +2 longsword +14/+9 (1d8+5/19-20)
Melee lance +11 (1d8+3/x3)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 6
Ranged masterwork shortbow +9/+4 (1d6)
Base Atk +5; CMB +12
Special Attacks channel positive energy, smite evil 3/day,
Feats Endurance, Run, Weapon Focus (hoof), Weapon Focus
Spells Prepared (CL 4)
SQ link, share spells, war trained
2nd—bull’s strength, zone of truth
1st—divine favor, protection from evil
Southern Borderland Map
Fort Lanward
Outpost 2
Outpost 3
7 8 12
2 14 15 16
1 6
4 17 20
5 25
13 21 18 19
10 9
22 23
One on One Adventures #9
Legacy of Darkness
by Creighton Broadhurst
An Adventure for One Wizard Level 8-10
from downstairs wake the PC. If he investigates, he finds no a particularly alert PC may hear Sehvain softly walk past his
signs of wrongdoing. If questioned, Manator reveal that he has chamber door muttering to himself.
not heard such screaming before. Much later, a particularly Day 2: The PC is left to his own devices during the day
alert PC may hear someone softly walk past his chamber door but Gregor is always hovering nearby. He dismisses the PC’s
muttering to himself. (This is Sehvain returning to bed). questions about the strange sounds in the night, affirming
The next morning the PCs discovers that Morrim has left. that it was simply a mugging on the street outside (or some
Sehvain is again missing, embroiled in his research. Later in such event). In the afternoon, the PC hears muffled thuds and
the day, the PC hears muffled thuds and rumblings seemingly rumblings seemingly coming from underground. Sehvain
from underground. attends dinner but is uncommunicative and distant, excusing
Sehvain attends dinner on the second day of the PC’s himself early. That night, the PC hears Gregor creeping about
visit. He is uncommunicative and distant, excusing himself the house. If he follows the manservant, he discovers the secret
early. That night, the PC hears Gregor creeping about the door leading to the catacombs.
house. If he follows the manservant, he discovers the secret Troubleshooting: If the PC does not find the secret door to
door leading to the catacombs. Exploring the catacombs, the the catacombs, either by finding it himself or by seeing Gregor
PC battles a number of foul creatures, including skeletons use it, Manator finds it after dinner on day two who reveals
and a wight, and makes a number of disturbing discoveries his discovery to the PC. (If the PC is particularly unsuited for
before finally discovering Sehvain’s dark library. Beyond the combat, Manator accompanies him). Gregor overhears this
library, the PC discovers the oldest part of the catacombs and conversation and follows anyone descending the stairs. He
an ancient ceremonial prayer gate which Sehvain is trying awaits them on the stair, ambushing anyone emerging from
to reactivate. After defeating Sehvain and the gate’s final the catacombs.
guardians the PC can retrieve Sehvain’s notes and uncover his If the PC has to break off his exploration of the Dark
slow descent into madness and darkness. Crypts for more than three hours, but slew Gregor before
retiring, Sehvain discovers his manservant’s corpse and lays
a trap for the intruder. When the PC finally confronts him, he
CHARACTER HOOKS is fully prepared having cast all the spells listed in his Tactics
There are many reasons why a character could visit Sehvain’s
section (Before Combat) of his stat block.
townhouse. Central to the adventure plot, however, is that
Going to Town: This adventure takes place in a town
the character be able to spend several days poking around
and as such the PC can access more resources than if he was
Sehvain’s townhouse.
exploring a wilderness or dungeon area. In particular, he
The PC and Sehvain belong to the same wizard guild. Several can seek aid and healing from nearby temples. For example,
of the guild’s ruling council, old friends of Sehvain’s, a PC faring badly against the wight in area C3 of the Dark
have grown alarmed at his withdrawal from public Crypts who visits a nearby temple and reveals the presence
life. Thus, they have sent the PC to check on his general of the catacombs and the undead will be healed for free. (This
wellbeing and state of mind. includes a single casting of restoration to remove any negative
The PC could be delivering a letter or missive to the reclusive levels gained in battle against the wight). Do not allow the PC
wizard from one of his old childhood friends, Coralain, a to abuse this access; a single visit to the temple is fine but repeat
politically powerful elven wizard. Much of the letter, full visits after every battle quickly irks the incumbent priests.
of trivia and suchlike, is not important to the plot. What Gathering Information: A PC can learn more
is important, however, is that within the letter Coralain information about Sehvain by either asking about town to
asks to borrow several of Sehvain’s ancient texts. The PC gather information or by making a successful Knowledge
is charged with getting Sehvain’s agreement and then (arcana) check. Provide the PC with the information gained
transporting the books safely back to his patron. by the relevant check DC. A successful check also reveals all
The PC could be seeking some kind of information that knowledge revealed by a lesser check.
Sehvain, with his extensive library and knowledge, is
well placed to provide. The PC could be acting on his DC 15 Diplomacy or Knowledge (arcana): The reclusive
own behalf or for a client. Sehvain is well known as a purveyor of ancient and
The PC could be acting as a broker for a friend or client who esoteric texts. Primarily he sells unwanted items he
wishes to secure a certain rare magical item. found during his adventuring career. He has a network
of contacts in many far-off lands and for a fee uses them
to buy and sell other items.
TIMELINE DC 20 Diplomacy or Knowledge (arcana): Sehvain normally
This section presents a suggested timeline of events for deals in necromantic spellbooks and tomes of the
this adventure. Use these notes to guide play. PC action, or knowledge. He is a necromancer but is not evil. During
inaction, however, will likely modify the course of events. his adventuring career Sehvain used his powers to
Day 1: The PC arrives at Sehvain’s house and is admitted destroy, not to create or control, undead.
by Gregor. Gregor monitors the PC for the rest of the day, DC 30 Diplomacy or Knowledge (arcana): Sehvain has
making sure he does not enter the private areas of the house recently been making very discreet enquiries into the
and so on. The other guests may make an appearance if the early history of the town and in particularly the religious
GM deems appropriate. Sehvain joins his guests for dinner but practices at the time.
retires early, avoiding or deflecting questions of note. Morrim
enjoys dinner but Manator is obviously agitated and ill at ease. A PC can make these Knowledge (arcana) checks at any time
During the night, muffled screams from downstairs wake during the adventure, but if he wishes to gather information
the PC. If he investigates, he finds no signs of wrongdoing. about Sehvain, he must spend 1d4+1 hours in the local taverns
Manator also investigates and, if questioned, reveals that and hostelries and spend 5 gp on drinks and minor bribes.
has not have not heard such screaming before. Much later,
Sehvain’s townhouse stands adjacent to the street. At the rear,
a capacious walled garden provides leafy shade and areas
of cool relaxation. The townhouse has the following generic
features unless an encounter description specifies otherwise.
The first floor is a public area, while the guest bedrooms and
Gregor’s bedroom are on the second floor. The third floor is
ARRIVING AT SEHVAIN’S dedicated to Sehvain’s suite, while a modest attic houses the
When you and the player are ready, read: servants as well as extra storage.
Sehvain’s two-storey townhouse stands in the prosperous
part of town and is flanked by other houses of similar H1: HALLWAY
design and appearance. It is of sturdy stone construction
This wide, dark hallway has several doors opening off from
and has many windows, the shutters of which are thrown
it. A smaller corridor pierces the right-hand wall while
open to admit the soft afternoon light.
ahead of you a staircase rises to the next floor.
The road is shady – several large oaks provide shade
over much of the thoroughfare – and there is little traffic on The main staircase rises to the second floor. Natural light only
this quiet, cobblestone street. enters this area when the doors to the surrounding rooms are
open. Thus, it is almost always dark and shadowy here.
When the PC knocks on the door, he gets no response for
several minutes. Eventually, Gregor opens the door and in
lofty tones enquires as to the PC’s business. Initially, he is H2: RECEPTION ROOM
very standoffish and obstructive toward the PC. If the PC
This chamber is appointed with a number of divans and
persists, however, he eventually relents and allows the PC to
comfortable chairs arranged around a small fireplace.
enter. Once the PC explains his business with Sehvain, Gregor
Tapestries depicting a number of scenic and woodland
realizes that he will not be able to get rid of this (unwelcome)
scenes decorate the walls. A small cabinet holds a number
visitor without arousing suspicion. Thus, Gregor allows him
of bottles and small glasses.
to stay and wait with Sehvain’s other guests.
Gregor explains that Sehvain is engaged in some critical This chamber is normally used in the evenings after dinner.
research and that he cannot be disturbed at the moment. A small fire burns here at night and guests are allowed to
Additionally, several other guests have also arrived seeking help themselves to the contents of the drinks cabinet (Gregor
his wisdom and knowledge. He emphasizes that Sehvain prefers guests tired and sated so that he can go about his
often engages in long research and that two other petitioners night-time business with impunity).
have already arrived. A DC 20 Sense Motive check reveals that
Gregor is holding something back. RECEPTION ROOM FEATURES
Once Gregor has escorted the PC to his room on the The reception room has the following features of interest:
second floor, he leaves him alone claiming that he has many Fireplace: In the evenings, a small fire burns here. A number
chores to complete. The PC is free to wander about the public of mystical symbols have been carved into the mantel. A
parts of the house (in practice this means the first floor and the DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check identifies each one. The
garden). Gregor councils the PC to stay out of the garden after symbols represent: magic, death, life, undeath, rebirth,
dark as several guardians patrol the area at night. (Gregor and secrets.
does not tell the PC exactly what lurks in the garden; he enjoys Drinks Cabinet: The drinks cabinet contains a number of
keeping the PC in the dark). fine spirits – many cognacs and liquors – and a number
of small intricate glasses. If the PCs choose to use these The walls of this large, richly appointed chamber are
spirits as impromptu flaming missiles treat them as completely covered by floor to ceiling bookcases crammed
flaming lamp oil. There are 12 bottles here. with ledgers, tomes, pamphlets and all other conceivable
manner of books. Several large, comfortable chairs are
H3: DINING ROOM dotted around the area flanked by small, low tables. In
front of the windows in the south wall stands a long oaken
A long dining table surrounded by chairs stands in front of table. Several books lie open upon it.
an ornate fireplace. Three silver candelabra with trimmed
and ready candles stand on the table. A long serving LIBRARY FEATURES
sideboard stands against one wall. Cutlery and other The library has the following features of interest:
accoutrements lie atop it. Two large windows allow light Bookcases: Bookcases line the walls. Carefully organized
into this area and a long tapestry showing a woodland they contain many books on a wide range of subjects
scene covers the opposite wall. including architecture, history, nature, and so on.
Long Oaken Table: A number of books – Sehvain’s Book of the
It is here that Sehvain entertains his guests in the evenings
Dead, Forgotten Times, and the Chronicle of Death - lie open
(briefly) before ostensibly retiring to his chambers.
on the table in front of the windows.
Sehvain’s Book of the Dead: This book is an encyclopedic
DINING ROOM FEATURES listing of the undead, their forms, and abilities. If the
The dining room has the following features of interest:
PC spends two hours perusing it, he receives a +2
Illumination: During dinner, this area is lit by the candelabras
circumstance bonus to any Knowledge (religion) checks
on the dining table and a chandelier festooned with
made to identify undead or their weaknesses while in
candles hanging from the ceiling. The candelabras are
the Dark Crypts.
each worth 25 gp. The chandelier (hardness 1, hp 5)
Forgotten Times: This large tome is in a considerable state of
is worth considerably more (200 gp) but is extremely
disrepair. Its bindings are frayed and many of its pages
difficult to remove safely. The table and surrounding
are ripped, stained, or smudged. Some of the pages
chairs are brightly lit; the rest of the chamber gains
are stuck together by blood spatter and their contents
shadowy illumination from the fire set in the fireplace.
unreadable. One page is particularly creased and dog
Tapestry: The tapestry (hardness 2, hp 5 per 5 ft. section)
eared. It details the destruction of the evil necromancer
almost completely covers one wall. Characters hiding
Antharumer who was slain as he tried to attain lichdom.
behind it gain total concealment. It can be scaled with
The passage, an anonymous commentary by one of
a DC 10 Climb check. It depicts an idyllic sylvan scene.
those present at his destruction describes how while
A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check reveals that the
Antharumer could not be slain, his spirit was forced to
depicted trees are massive oak trees; far bigger than
flee its mortal shell. Scribbled in the margin someone
natural specimens. A subsequent DC 25 Knowledge
(Sehvain) has penned the following note: “Could it be
(planes) check identifies the scene as a stylized
he? Could he have survived through the long centuries
representation of the elven afterlife.
in such a form?”
Fireplace: This large, ornate fireplace has a wide mantelpiece
Chronicle of Death: This book is written in Infernal. A PC
above it. The mantel has an intricately carved battle
that does not speak Infernal but who succeeds on a DC
scene upon it wherein undead battle a small band of
20 Linguists check can translate some of the text. The
adventurer types. A DC 12 Knowledge (religion) check
books deals with the worship of the Death God. A PC
identifies a horde of skeletons led by a cloaked, skeletal
perusing the text for an hour gains a +2 circumstance
figure. A DC 21 Knowledge (religion) check identifies
check to identify practices and religious symbolism
this figure as a lich.
associated with the Death God. (This bonus applies to
The fireplace is 5 ft. deep and 15 ft. wide. The actual
the ruins in the garden, the items hidden in Gregor’s
fire is held in a central iron “basket” in the centre of the
chest, and the catacombs beneath the house).
fireplace. A secret door pierces the rear of the fireplace,
leading down to the Dark Crypts. A DC 20 Perception
Development: If after discovering the old ruins in the garden
check reveals the door and its opening mechanism, a
the PC returns here to learn more about their origins, a
slight indentation at ground level on the left-hand side of
DC 10 Perception check uncovers a small, leather-bound
the fireplace. (A similar mechanism opens the door from
book entitled Raesene’s Almanac of Ancient Sites. If the PC
the other side). Once activated, the door remains open
subsequently spends two hours perusing this work, he
for three rounds before closing again. For one hour after
discovers reference to a temple of Death God reviled for its
the door is opened a slight stench of fetid air hangs in the
direct link to their lord’s domain. The book describes how the
area immediately surrounding the fireplace.
black-hearted priests hurled living sacrifices directly into the
Table and Chairs: This large table has ornately carved
afterlife through an interplanar black gate, consigning them to
legs and is of sturdy construction. The chairs are of a
eternal damnation.
matching set. Characters leaping atop the table (DC 10
Acrobatics check) gain the benefit of higher ground (+1
on melee attacks against lower opponents). H5: KITCHEN
A large and deep fireplace dominates this chamber.
H4: LIBRARY ROOM Workbenches and several large tables take up more space.
This is Sehvain’s library. While it contains no spellbooks or The smell of cooking is heavy in the air. It is warm here and
other books of magical lore there are several items of interest the chamber’s windows have been thrown open to effect
here. some relief.
Modify the preceeding text depending on the time of day STAIRCASE FEATURES
at which the PC enters the kitchen. During the day, Ahlem The staircase has the following features of interest:
and Jorleen are often here preparing food or tidying up. At Steep Stair: Characters moving up these stairs must spend
night, the kitchen is unoccupied; the fire is banked and the 2 squares of movement to enter each square. Characters
workbenches and tables are cleaned down. running or charging down must succeed on a DC 10
Acrobatics check upon entering the first steep stair
H6: STOREROOM square. Characters who fail, stumble, and end their move
1d2x5 feet later. Characters that fail by 5 or more take
Boxes, barrels, and crates fill this small chamber. 1d6 points of damage, and fall prone in the square in
Groaning shelves, overloaded with foodstuffs, drinks, and which they end their movement. While on the stairs, a
miscellaneous cooking equipment line the walls. A small character gets a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against
trapdoor pierces the floor in one corner. creatures below him.
creased and thumbed tome. Written in Infernal a (DC 20 containing 35 gp in mixed coinage hidden at the bottom of
Linguistics check translates), the book is a travelogue of one of the chests. Beyond this, however, there is nothing of
sorts written long ago by a nameless priest of the Death interest here.
God. In it, he describes visiting a Temple of Death and
praying in front of “the portal to our Lord’s realm deep H 15: STORAGE AREAS
within the very bowels of the earth.” This is a reference
to the ceremonial gate found in area C6. Boxes, crates, sacks, and so on fill the attic. Dust and grime
cover everything.
There is nothing of interest here.
This plush and well appointed suite of rooms cluster about
a central hallway; a bedroom, study area and private THE DARK CRYPTS
sitting room are all evident. The furnishings here are of At some point, the PC discovers the secret door leading to the
better quality than elsewhere in the house and several catacombs below Sehvain’s house.
thick, patterned rugs adorn the floor. The light here is dim;
all the windows are shuttered. A flaming orb on the desk in FEATURES OF THE DARK CRYPTS
the study provides the only light. The tunnels beneath Sehvain’s townhouse have several generic
features. Use these features unless the text of an encounter
This is Sehvain’s private suite of rooms and only he normally
specifies otherwise. Remember, though, that the crypts are
comes here. Under no account does he ever invite a guest or
hundreds of years old. Thus mortar is crumbling, frescos are
patron to his private suite. Even his trusted servants are not
faded, and an aura of decay and death hangs over everything.
allowed to enter this area; Sehvain uses prestidigitation to keep
the suite clean. Supplies (such as firewood) and food are left Walls of Dressed Stone: The crypt’s walls (hardness 8, hp 90,
outside his door on the servant’s stair for him. Break DC 45, Climb DC 15) are of dressed stone. In many
places stones have fallen away from the wall and much
SUITE FEATURES of the mortar holding the walls together is crumbling.
Sehvain’s suite has the following features of interest: Flagstone Floor: Originally the floors of the crypt were of high
Locked Doors: Both wooden doors (hardness 5, hp 15, Break quality flagstone. Over the centuries, however, water
DC 26) leading to the suite are locked (DC 30 Disable seeping up from below and the occasional minor tremor
Device) and protected by an arcane lock spell. A PC have conspired to wreck the previously well-crafted floor.
casting detect magic and succeeding on a DC 17 Spellcraft Throughout most of the crypts this does not hamper
check identifies weak abjuration magic on the door. A movement but in some places the damage is more severe.
DC 22 Spellcraft check identifies the spell as arcane lock. Ceiling of Dressed Stone: Corridor ceilings arch to a
One door accesses the servant’s staircase and is rarely maximum height of 12 ft. In chambers, they reach 15
used. The other opens onto the main staircase. ft. high and are arched and buttressed. A DC 20 Climb
Illumination: Because the shutters are closed and barred, the check is required to move across a ceiling.
only illumination in the suite is from the flaming orb on Smell: The air in the crypts is fetid and rank.
Sehvain’s desk. A DC 22 Spellcraft check reveals the orb Unkeyed Areas: Several areas on the map are not described
to be nothing more than a glass orb with continual flame in the main adventure text. Use these notes to describe
cast upon it. such areas. Include minor encounters as you deem
Bed Chamber: The chamber has all the items common to appropriate (perhaps a rat swarm or a minor undead
bedrooms: a bed, chair, small table, chest, night stand dwells in a far chamber) but remember that additional
with chamber pot, and a wardrobe filled with clothes. combat encounters drain a wizard’s prepared spells and
Study Area: A small, cluttered desk and chair along with consumable magic items. Additionally, avoid placing
several small bookcases fill this area. Sehvain’s spellbook creatures with special abilities that have the potential to
(see stats block for details) is on the desk along with a end a fight with one failed saving throw from the PC,
set of keys for every lock in the house. The bookcases are such as, a ghoul. If you do not want to include additional
filled with scrolls and other missives from patrons and encounters simply block such areas off with cave-ins or
contacts. They detail Sehvain’s businesses and provide quickly describe them as a series of abandoned and empty
a picture of the kind of items he has been selling and the passageways and chambers. When describing such areas
kind of questions he has answered. consider their original purpose. Tombs will have open
Sitting Room: This small area is furnished with several sarcophagi or niches cut into the walls, while storage
divans and large, comfortable chairs. rooms or small chapels will have different features.
Dungeon Dressing: As the PC moves through the crypts, use
H14: SERVANTS’ QUARTERS the table below to randomly generate features of minor
interest. (Features can appear more than once). Make a
This spotlessly clean chamber is spartanly furnished with check on the table every time a PC enters a corridor for
a double bed and wardrobe. Several large chests stand the first time.
against the walls. The ceiling slopes downwards on one
side of the chamber. 1-2: Nothing of Interest: The PC does not discover
anything of interest.
This is Ahlem’s and Jorleen’s private chamber. Their meager 3: Small Pile of Rubble: Stones have fallen away
possessions – clothes and such like – fill the wardrobe and from the floor and ceiling, creating a small pile of
chests. A DC 20 Perception check reveals a small pouch rubble that partially blocks the passageway. The
rubble hampers movement (entering a square upon reaching the antechamber below wherein he nightly
with rubble costs two squares of movement). prays to his dark patron. Thus, he is distracted and likely
4: Graffiti: Long ago someone scratched some does not hear anyone following him unless they make an
graffiti into the wall. Most such writings are exceptional amount of noise or bring a lot of light with them.
venerations to the Reaper. Others call upon the
Black One to gather a particularly hated enemy STAIRCASE FEATURES
to his realm. All are scribed in Common. The staircase has the following features of interest:
5: Fetid Air: A pocket of particularly fetid and Steep Stair: Characters moving up the stairs must spend 2
noisome air assails the PC’s nostrils. The stench squares of movement to enter each square. Characters
of death and decay are so powerful that the running or charging downward must succeed on a DC
PC must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude saving 10 Acrobatics check upon entering the first steep stair
throw or be sickened (-2 on attacks, rolls, square. Characters who fail, stumble, and end their move
weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill 1d2x5 feet later. Characters that fail by 5 or more take
checks and ability checks) for 10 minutes. 1d6 points of damage, and fall prone in the square in
6: Small Pile of Bones: The PC comes upon a which they end their movement. While on the stairs, a
small pile of bones. Obviously old and from character gets a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls against
a humanoid, the exact race or cause of death creatures below him.
cannot be determined. (Sehvain dropped these Lurid Carvings: The carvings on the wall depict a soul’s
while bringing collecting the crypt’s occupants decent into the underworld. At the top of the stair
in his Dark Library (area C6). they show a dying man lying in his bed surrounded
by grieving relatives. As the stairs descend they show
C1: THE DARK STAIR the man’s soul sinking down through the earth and
journeying to the underworld. The carvings show a
A steep, narrow stair leads down into the darkness. mighty river, massive caverns thronged with the souls of
Obviously of great age the steps are worn as if trod by the dead, and finally a sinister figure clutching a scythe
countless feet. The dust of ages lies thickly here and and sitting atop a great stone throne judging the souls of
occasional torch sconces reminiscent of a bloody skeletal the departed.
hand pierce the walls to both left and right. Lurid carvings Torch Sconces: These iron scones (hardness 5, hp 20, Break
in the wall depict a soul’s descent to the underworld. DC 20) are reminiscent of a skeletal hand protruding
from the wall. A thick layer of rust gives them their
This stairway connects Sehvain’s townhouse with the remains blood-covered appearance. Some contain burnt out stubs
of the Death God’s temple buried far below. The staircase is of torch while others are empty.
deserted, unless the PCs are following Gregor who is intent Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet high.
These stairs lead down from the Chamber of Veneration (area per HD. Spawns are under the command of the wight
2). Much of this area is in ruins, but a few undead yet lurk that created them and remain enslaved until its death, at
here, sealed in behind the stone door. (Sehvain has not yet got which point they lose their spawn penalties and become
around to destroying them and Gregor is hoping to enlist them full-fledged and free-willed wights. They do not possess
as guardians to the temple when he does away with Sehvain). any of the abilities they had in life.
Like the corridor, the walls and ceiling of this entire area are Resurrection Vulnerability (Su) A raise dead or similar spell
decorated in bones set here to venerate the Death God. cast on a wight destroys it (Will negates). Using the spell
As soon as the undead become aware of an intruder, in this way does not require a material component.
they move to attack. The wight lurks in the darkness, or hides
around a corner, to evaluate its foe. It lets the skeletons wear HALLWAY FEATURES
down the interloper before entering battle at an opportune The crypts, and the corridor leading to them, have the
moment. The wight prefers to use its energy draining slam following features of interest:
attack over grappling. A DC 12 Knowledge (religion) check
identifies these creatures as skeletons. A DC 14 Knowledge Shallow Stairs: These stairs do not hinder movement. While
(religion) check identifies this creature as a wight. on the stairs, a character gets a +1 bonus on melee attack
rolls against creatures below him.
HUMAN SKELETON (6) CR 1/3 Stone Door: A closed stone door (hardness 8, hp 60, Break
NE Medium Undead 135 XP C 28) keeps the undead of this place trapped within.
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0 The door is wedged shut and requires a DC 20 Strength
check to open. The rune for death (DC 10 Knowledge
DEFENSE [religion] or Knowledge [arcana] check identifies) is
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural) carved into the centre of the door.
hp 4 (1d8) Bone Rubble: In places, bones have broken away from the
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 walls and floor filling some of the crypts with “rubble.”
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits This rubble hampers movement, forcing characters to
spend two squares of movement to enter a square filled
OFFENSE with such obstructions. Additionally, the bones increase
Spd 30 ft. the DC of Acrobatics checks by 2.
Melee 2 claws +2 (1d4+2) Walls: The walls of the crypts are covered in a decorative
coating of bones about one foot thick (hardness 5, hp
STATISTICS 15). While unnerving, the bones aid climbing; characters
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 require only a DC 10 Climb check to scale the walls.
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14 Ceiling: The ceilings are festooned with bones to a depth of
Feats Improved InitiativeB roughly one foot (hardness 5, hp 15).
Gates of Hell Carving: The main crypt has a faded
WIGHT CR 3 representation of the gates of hell carved into it: a river
LE medium undead 800 XP of fire flows through two huge imposing gates piercing
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 impossibly high cliffs of foreboding black rock. Sinister
figures crawl over the cliffs while the souls of the
damned throng at the base of the cliffs. The colors used
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
are faded but it is still an unsettling sight.
hp 26 (4d8+8)
Sarcophagi: Many sarcophagi litter this area. Some lie
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5
open and ransacked while others are as yet intact.
Defensive Abilities undead traits
Characters making a DC 10 Acrobatics check can leap
Weaknesses resurrection vulnerability
atop a sarcophagus; doing so, grants the character a +1
OFFENSE bonus on melee attacks against any creature below him.
Spd 30 ft. Opened sarcophagi contain little more than a jumble of
Melee slam +4 (1d4+1 plus energy drain) bones and scraps of burial clothes. Closed sarcophagi
Special Attack create spawn, energy drain (1 level, DC 14) contain intact skeletons clothed in the remnants of
ceremonial robes.
STATISTICS Treasure: Once the undead have been dispatched, the PC
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
can unearth several items of value from the sarcophagi
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 15
scattered about this area. Each of the four closed
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight
sarcophagi contains 50 gp worth of burial goods.
Skills Intimidate +9, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +8
Additionally, the largest and most ornate sarcophagus
Language Common
(the wight’s) contains three small white stones with
SQ create spawn
green flecks (moss agates each worth 10 gp), two larger
purple stones (amethysts worth 100 gp each), an ivory
bracelet with an elephant carving (worth 200 gp), a
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid creature that is slain by a
masterwork heavy mace with scenes of battle carved into
wight becomes a wight itself in 1d4 rounds. Spawns so
its haft (worth 312 gp), and a small metal vial containing
created are less powerful than typical wights, and suffer
an elixir of fire breath.
a -2 penalty on all d20 rolls and checks, as well as -2 hp
C4: INCARCERATION OF THE DAMNED Occupied Oubliettes: Each oubliette is 30 ft. deep. At the
Read the following if the PC enters area 4. top of the shaft it is 5 ft. wide but after 10 ft. it abruptly
widens into a 15 ft. square. A stout iron grill (hardness
A long, wide hallway stretches away into the gloom. 10, hp 25, Break DC 27) protected by a good lock (DC 30
In many places, 5 ft. wide holes pierce the floor. All are Disable Device) wards the prison. If unlocked, the grill
protected by a grill of stout iron bars. A line of pillars can be opened upwards. Scaling the walls requires a DC
running down the length of the hall support the ceiling. 20 Climb check but moving cross the overhang where
the shaft abruptly widens requires a DC 25 Climb check.
This hallway has many narrow, deep oubliettes hewn into its The bottom portion of the oubliettes walls are scratched
floor. In several, a lesser demon (a dretch) languishes, each and scarred by the dretch’s insane attempts to escape.
driven mad by its long incarceration There is nothing of interest in any of the oubliettes.
Four of the oubliettes contain trapped dretches. These Unoccupied Oubliettes: These have the same physical
demons were imprisoned during the temple’s heyday but characteristics as the occupied oubliettes but also contain
were forgotten when the temple fell. As outsiders do not the remains of imprisoned humanoids. The skeletons
need to eat or drink and the dretches cannot climb out of their bear no signs of physical violence implying that the
prison, they have remained trapped for centuries descending prisoners starved to death. These also contain nothing
even further into madness and delusion. else of interest.
Using their telepathic abilities, they become aware of
an intruder in the hallway above and immediately start C5: DARK LIBRARY
telepathically jabbering and such like (in Abyssal). If the PC Read the following after the PC has dealt with the trap and
speaks Abyssal he can try to communicate with them but their opens the stone door (see Library Features for more details).
long imprisonment has driven them mad. Their only care is
freedom and a chance to slay anyone they come across. The This cluttered chamber is a place of study or
incarcerated demons are no immediate threat to the PC. experimentation. Several bookcases, crammed with books,
scrolls and pamphlets obscure one of the walls while three
DRETCH (4) CR 2 workbenches piled high with odds and ends dominate the
CE small outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) 600 XP center of the chamber. In one corner, stands an imposing
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 stone desk. Behind it is a padded, comfortable chair besides
which stands a highly polished lectern bearing an open
DEFENSE book atop it. A large, silver mirror hangs nearby. A single
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 natural, +1 size) everburning torch clearly illuminates the area around the
hp 18 (2d10+7) desk; shadows cloak the remainder of the chamber. Several
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +3 stone doors pierce one wall.
DR 5/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist
acid 10, cold 10, fire 10 Sehvain has established a library deep underground to store
his most distasteful and secret discoveries. This area comprises
OFFENSE a library and study area, store rooms, and an experimentation
Spd 20 ft. room in which he researches the physiology of the undead.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d4+1), bite +4 (1d4+1) When the PC enters, the chamber is deserted.
Spell-Like Abilities (Cl 2nd) While searching this area, no creatures accost the PCs.
3/day—cause fear (DC 11), stinking cloud (DC 13), summon However, The Black Lexicon lies open on the reading stand
(Level 1, 1 dretch 35%) near the desk. Antharumer becomes aware of the PCs when
they set off the trap warding the chamber’s door or when they
TACTICS enter. Refer to The Black Lexicon and Antharumer for details on
During Combat If the PC attacks a dretch it creates a stinking how to play the PC’s interaction with Antharumer.
cloud above its prison and then tries to summon another
dretch to battle its tormenter. After that, it takes cover LIBRARY FEATURES
under the overhang, hoping that the PC descends into its This chamber has the following features of interest:
prison to do battle. Stone Door: The stone door (hardness 8, hp 60, Break DC
28) protecting this area is firmly shut. A fire trap spell
STATISTICS protects the door and activates if anyone but Sehvain
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 11
touches the door. (Because of this, Gregor does not know
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 12
exactly what lies beyond this door.) Refer to Fire Trap for
Feats Toughness
details of this trap.
Skills Escape Artist +5, Stealth +9
Language Abyssal (cannot speak); telepathy 100 ft. (limited
to Abyssal-speaking targets) FIRE TRAP CR 4
Type magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 29
This hallway has the following features of interest:
Slender Pillars: The slender pillars (provides +2 to AC and +1 Trigger touch; Reset —; Bypass key person (Sehvain)
on Reflex saves to characters in the same square, hardness Effect spell effect (fire trap, CL 7, 1d4+7 fire, DC 21 Reflex
8, hp 250, Climb DC 20) are carved to represent the Death save half damage)
God in his traditional image – a cowled man holding a
skull in one hand and a large scythe in the other.
Illumination: A single everburning torch set behind Sehvain’s clutter the centre of the chamber. Grave goods, scraps of
desk illuminates the chamber. It provides bright light material (burial shrouds), fragments of bone, and other
in a 20 ft. radius; the rest of the chamber has shadowy oddities cram these tables.
illumination. Side Chambers: Several small storage areas stand behind
Bookcases: Several sturdy bookcases line the walls here. unlocked stone doors (hardness 8, hp 60, Break DC 28).
Crammed with books, they are a riot of disorganization. These are similarly filled with bric-a-brac recovered from
Books lie on their sides, upright and even open, balanced the crypts. Nothing of value remains within.
precariously on the shelves. Secret Chamber: A secret door in the west wall (DC 20
Sehvain’s Desk: An imposing stone table (hardness 8, hp Perception check locates) provides access to a small
60) dominates one corner of the chamber. Its surface is chamber beyond. It is here that Sehvain, prompted by
scratched and pitted. Books, notes, and other research Antharumer, has been conducting research into the
paraphernalia lie scattered across it. The books cover a physiology of the undead. The dismembered skeletal
range of subjects including the undead, religion, ancient remains of those interred here long ago hang from hooks
architecture and the planes. His notes are a confused mix in the ceiling. Small bones and other detritus littered the
of doodles, notes and diagrams detailing the physiology floor. A scroll case also lies on the floor as if dropped
of the common forms of undead. One hastily penned accidentally, however it is trapped (see Exploding Scroll).
note refers to “the gate to beyond” and a “dark bridge of Exploding Scroll: This scroll contains nothing but gibberish
souls”. This refers to the ceremonial gate in area C6. and an explosive runes spell. Sehvain set it here to slay
Rather incongruously, a comfortable, stuffed any intruders discovering his macabre works. A PC
armchair (hardness 2, hp 10) stands at an angle behind casting detect magic and succeeding on a DC 18 Spellcraft
the desk, pushed aside as if someone had hastily arisen. discovers that the scroll radiates moderate abjuration. A
Reading Stand: A highly polished wooden lectern (hardness character reading the scroll triggers the explosive runes,
5, hp 10) stands next to Sehvain’s desk. Atop it lies The suffering 6d6 points of force damage (no save). Other
Black Lexicon. Refer to The Black Lexicon and Antharumer individuals within 10 ft. take half damage if they succeed
for more information. on a DC 14 Reflex save.
Large Silver Mirror: A 2 ft. by 4 ft. silver, highly polished
mirror hangs from one wall. A DC 20 Appraise check THE BLACK LEXICON AND ANTHARUMER
reveals it is worth roughly 1,000 gp. A DC 24 Spellcraft The PC can interact with Antharumer’s spirit. He tries to
or Knowledge (arcana) check reveals that the mirror is deflect the PC from exploring further and uses his powers
suitable for use with the scrying spell. to confuse and hamper the intruder. Essentially, this is a
Work Benches: Piled high with items recovered from the roleplaying encounter, as he has no means of slaying the PC.
crypts, rickety wooden work benches (hardness 5, hp 8)
The Black Lexicon/Antharumer: AL LE; Int 17, Wis 10, Cha C6: DARK GATE
17; Speech (Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal), telepathy,
120 ft. darkvision and hearing; Ego score 14; hardness 20; hp A large ceremonial prayer gate, hewn from the living
20; Break DC 30. rock, dominates this natural, narrow cavern. Thick stone
pillars depicting the writhing souls of the dead flank the
Appearance: A small book little more than 1 ft. high by 8 gate. A riot of wooden scaffolding obscures much of the
inches wide, The Black Lexicon is bound in sheets of gate but ornate carvings of fearsome devils are clearly
hardened and blackened steel and decorated with iron visible above the gate’s lintel. Atop the scaffold, facing
and silver glyphs and symbols. the gate stands Sehvain deep in scholarly thought. Several
Lesser Powers: Diplomacy +13, deathwatch continually active, obviously magical torches shed light over the gate and
detect magic at will. surrounding area but shadow and darkness cloaks the rest
Special Purpose: Antharumer wishes to complete his of the cavern.
transformation into a lich. See Personality and History
for more details. This chamber is the deepest part of the crypts and the most
Special Purpose Powers: song of discord (DC 18 Will). sacred to the followers of the Death God.
Strong enchantment and necromancy; CL 11th; Craft As soon as the PC enters the chamber or otherwise draws
Wondrous Items, song of discord; Price 120,000 gp. attention to himself, have Sehvain make a Perception check
opposed by the PC’s Stealth check. If he notices the PC, he
Personality and Goals: Antharumer’s goal is to escape his attacks at once, certain in the knowledge that the PC is here to
prison and to finally transform into a lich. However, his wrest control of the gate away from him. If he does not spot
previous researches have not revealed how to achieve this. the PC, he continues his work.
Antharumer has been feeding Sehvain’s interest in the undead Once battle breaks out, the gate’s ancient guardians
and other fell subjects in the hope that he will uncover the quickly awake. After the first round of combat, two animated
information for him. Thus far he has been unsuccessful and stone statues (crafted to appear like devils) detach themselves
has reached the conclusion that Sehvain does not possess the from the carvings above the gate and attack everyone in sight.
necessary skill to complete such a ritual. Therefore, when the
PC arrives Antharumer is not immediately hostile. Instead, he DEVIL STATUTE (ANIMATED) (2) CR 2
views the PC as a pawn, someone to help him flee Sehvain’s N Medium Construct 600 XP
clutches. To this end, he does almost anything if need be. Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception -5
Antharumer is a thoroughly reprehensible individual with
no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. If he eventually DEFENSE
manages to attain lichdom he wreaks his revenge on the AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural)
followers of the Sun God. hp 31 (2d10+20)
Role-playing Hooks: He speaks in a grating whisper; Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -5
ingratiating himself to appear weak and pliable.
History: The Black Lexicon contains the bound spirit OFFENSE
of Antharumer, a necromancer from an elder age. Slain Spd 40 ft.; faster
during the final moments of his transformation into a lich Melee slam +5 (1d6+3)
by followers of the Sun God, his spirit was able to flee to his
phylactery. There he languished for many centuries until
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Sehvain recovered the book. Since then, Antharumer has been
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 15
slowly corrupting Sehvain, whispering black dreams of power
Skills Climb +11; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb
and rightful destiny into the half-elf’s mind.
SQ stone (hardness 8)
Contents: The Black Lexicon is written in Draconic and
contains Antharumer research into lichdom. It contains the Sehvain: 45 hp, AC 11; see Dramantis Persona
complete process for making a lich’s phylactery and several
high-level necromantic spells as the GM deems appropriate. Refer to the Devil Carvings section for a description of
Additional Notes: Because it is a lich’s phylactery, The these statues. They detach themselves from the fresco above
Black Lexicon is preternaturally tough and resistant to damage the gate and climb down onto the scaffolding. One attacks
(hardness 20; hp 20; Break DC 30). Destroying the book finally Sehvain, while the other bypasses the necromancer to
slays Antharumer. If Antharumer is slain, and Sehvain survives concentrate on the PC. If faced with no opponent, they also
the adventure, his influence over the half-elf begins to wane. use attacks to break up parts of the scaffolding (the statues
Development: Although this area is unoccupied when were commanded to destroy anyone and anything close to the
the PC enters, it is possible that Sehvain may hear the gate). This potentially hampers movement on the scaffolding.
character poking about here, particularly if he sets off the fire A character must succeed on a DC 5 (or DC 10 if he cannot take
trap or explosive runes. If the PC does so, have Sehvain make a a run up) Acrobatics check to leap over a 5 ft. wide destroyed
sound-based Perception check modified by distance (-1 per 10 section of scaffolding.
ft. between him and the character) and distraction (-5). If he Development: Once the PC has dealt with the gate’s
hears the PC he begins to cast protective spells but stays on the guardians and Sehvain, they can examine the gate using
scaffolding, determined to defend “his” discovery. Linguistics, detect magic, and so on (see Ceremonial Gate).
He also finds Sehvain notebook that details his fall into evil,
Antharumer’s interest in the catacombs, Sehvain’s attempts to
understand and reenergize the gate. After the PC has perused
the text, impart to him any information from the Adventure
Background that he missed during play.
Antharumer: Once free of the crypts, Antharumer Gear masterwork kukri, +1 studded leather armor, 4 daggers,
assesses his new owner and begins the process of corruption potion of cure moderate wounds, silver holy symbol (grinning
anew. If he deems his new owner unsuitable (because he is not skull), spell component pouch, house keys, 50 gp
powerful enough) or too good-aligned he attempts to change
owners using any method the GM deems appropriate. Combat Preparations: Before combat Gregor casts protection
Followers of the Death God: If Gregor survives the from good (+2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to
PC’s investigations, he marks him for death. Soon after the saving throws, blocks posession and prevents bodily contact
conclusion of the adventure, the PC is subjected to a smear from summoned creatures) and aid (+1 morale bonus on attack
campaign, designed to besmirch his character, and the rolls and saving throws and gains 1d8+3 temporary hit points).
occasional assassination attempt. Eventually, Gregor reveals These figures are not included in his stat block. Note that
himself and the PC can finally slay his foe. Gregor only uses a scythe if he is fighting in the Dark Crypts.
Shutting Down the Ceremonial Gate: It is possible that Appearance: Completely bald, Gregor stands a little over
the PC will want to completely shut down the gate; there are 6 ft. in height. His eyes are light gray and his skin is very pale,
many inventive ways that this could be achieved. For example, as if he spends little time outside. He is well built but a broken
the PC could contact a local temple and arrange for them to cast nose and thick bushy unibrow gives him a sinister appearance.
hallow linked to a dispel magic in the chamber. Alternatively, he Personality and Goals: Gregor is a devout worshipper
could collapse the entire cavern, burying it forever. Judge each of the Death God. Several years ago, he discovered that
scheme on its merits, but reward inventive play. Sehvain’s house stood over the ruins of an old temple. He
Further Adventures: Further adventures could include murdered Sehvain’s previous assistant and since then has
helping a newly restored Sehvain to track down and finally subtly prodded Sehvain into exploring and clearing the crypts
destroy Antharumer or the final cleansing of newly discovered under the house. Gregor is utterly without mercy and very
portions of the Dark Crypts. cold and standoffish. Once Sehvain has reactivated the gate in
area C6, Gregor plans to murder him and set up a new temple
to his dark lord.
DRAMANTIS PERSONA Encounter Areas: During the day, Gregor attends to the
Such is the nature of this adventure that several of the NPCs needs of the house. Thus he can be encountered tidying up the
at Sehvain’s home can be encountered in many different areas. library, directing the other servants in their tasks, carrying out
Therefore, for your convenience, all such characters appear minor errands for Sehvain and so on. At night, he releases the
here with notes on where they can be encountered, their lions into the garden and sees to the needs of any guests. After
statistics, physical description, and personality and goals. they have all retired, he enters the Dark Crypts and prays at
the altar in area C2. He is very suspicious of Sehvain’s guests,
GREGOR, SEHVAIN’S MANSERVANT CR 5 constantly checking up on what they are doing while they
LE male human fighter 2/cleric 3 1,600 XP move around the house and gardens.
Init +0; Senses Perception +5
DEFENSE NE male half-elf wizard 7 3,200 XP
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 enhancement) Init +0; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +8
hp 32 (2d10+2 plus 3d8+6)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +6 (+7 against fear) DEFENSE
Defensive Abilities bravery AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 deflection)
hp 45 (7d6+21)
OFFENSE Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +7
Spd 30 ft.
Melee masterwork kukri +8 (1d4+2/18-20) OFFENSE
Melee scythe +6 (2d4+2/x4) Spd 30 ft.
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20) Melee masterwork dagger +4 (1d4/19-20) or
Special Attack Channel negative energy, orisons, spells Ranged Touch Attack ray +4 (varies by spell)
Spells Prepared (CL3) Special Attacks cantrips, necromancy specialist bonus
2nd—aid, silence, death knell* Spells Prepared (CL7)
1st—command (DC 14), cure light wounds, doom (DC 14), 4th—bestow curse (DC20), lesser globe of invulnerability,
protection from good* enervation*
0—detect magic, light, read magic, stabilize 3rd—dispel magic, lightning bolt (DC 17), ray of exhaustion,
Domain Powers (Death/Evil) vampiric touch*
Bleeding touch, touch of evil 2nd—cat’s grace, false life, scorching ray, spectral hand, ghoul
touch* (DC 18)
STATISTICS 1st—feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, ray of
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8 enfeeblement, shield, chill touch* (DC 17)
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 16 0—detect magic, light, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 16)
Feats Combat Casting, Far Shot, Lightning Reflexes, Point School Powers power over undead, grave touch
Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (kukri)
Skills Climb +7, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (religion) +7,
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12
Profession (servant) +9, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +7,
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 13
Survival +8
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Spell Focus
Languages Common, Draconic
(necromancy), Spell Focus (necromancy), Scribe ScrollB,
Skill Focus (Spellcraft)B, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray)
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) Skills Climb +5, Handle Animal +2, Profession (domestic
+10, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge servant) +4
(geography) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge Languages Common
(local)+9, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (nobility) Gear dagger, normal clothes, 10 sp
+8, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +8,
Linguistics +11, Spellcraft +18 Appearance: Middle aged humans, Ahlem and Jorleen are of
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, average appearance. Their eyes and hair are dark and they
Elemental, Elven, Giant, Infernal, Sylvan dress sensibly and a little prudishly.
SQ arcane bond (dagger), scribe scroll, half-elf traits Personality and Goals: Ahlem and Jorleen have served
Gear headband of vast intellect +2, masterwork dagger, potion of Sehvain for 20 years and are loyal to him. However, they
cure serious wounds, ring of protection +1, slippers of spider have grown concerned over his changed demeanor and do
climbing, spell component pouch, robes, 50 gp not like Gregor; they view him as authoritarian and strange.
Spellbook (Opposition Schools: enchantment, illusion): They have heard him moving about the house at night but do
0—acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, detect not know of the secret passage or the crypts below the house.
poison, disrupt undead, flare, mage hand, mending, message, They are worried about the change in their master over the
open/close, ray of frost, resistance, touch of fatigue; 1st— chill last few years and help anyone trying to find out what has
touch, comprehend languages, feather fall, mage armor, befallen Sehvain without putting themselves in physical
magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield; 2nd—arcane lock, danger. They believe that “evil spirits” or entities from the
blindness/deafness, cat’s grace, darkvision, false life, ghoul “eternal blackness” have descended on the house to wreak
touch, scorching ray, spectral hand; 3rd—blink, daylight, their revenge on Sehvain for all the undead he destroyed in his
dispel magic, halt undead, lightning bolt, nondetection, ray of youth. They tell the PC this if asked about Sehvain’s behavior
exhaustion, vampiric touch; 4th—animate dead, bestow curse, and beg the PCs to save his soul for he was once a good man.
enervation, lesser globe of invulnerability, scrying, stone shape Encounter Areas: During the day, they spend much of
their time preparing food in the kitchen, tending the gardens
Combat Preparation: Before he enters the crypts each night, or tidying the house. At night, after serving dinner and then
Sehvain casts mage armor (+4 armor bonus) and false life tidying up, they retire to their room in the attic. They do not
(gaining 1d10+7 temporary hit points). These figures are not emerge until dawn.
included in his stat block. If he hears the PC approaching he
casts cat’s grace (+4 Dexterity) and spectral hand. When the PC MANATOR (GUEST) CR 3
first appears, he immediately casts lesser globe of invulnerability. CG male human ranger 3 800 XP
Appearance: Short and gaunt, Sehvain is an elderly half-elf. Init +2; Senses Perception +7
He has graying shoulder length hair and pale skin. His eyes are
green and he often squints when reading or studying. His hands DEFENSE
uncontrollably shake when he is nervous or tired. He normally AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
wears old, but serviceable scholarly robes in earthy hues. hp 22 (3d10+6)
Personality and Goals: Exhausted and unhinged from his Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
long battles against the undead, and influenced by Antharumer
bound spirit, Sehvain has unknowingly slid into evil (original OFFENSE
alignment CG). He is now obsessed with reactivating the Spd 30 ft.
ceremonial gate in area C6. He only has time for guests who Melee masterwork longsword +4 (1d8+2/19-20) and
offer him substantial pay or books of arcane knowledge for masterwork short sword +4 (1d6+1/19-20)
his services. Otherwise he is abrupt and dismissive, seeking to Melee masterwork longsword +6 (1d8+2/19-20),
end any conversation as quickly as possible. masterwork short sword +6 (1d6+1/19-20)
Encounter Areas: During the day, Sehvain either rests in Special Attacks favored enemy (orc)
his suite of rooms or (rarely) spends time in the garden resting
in the leafy shade of the trees. At night he descends into the STATISTICS
crypts to continue his research. Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
AHLEM & JORLEEN (OTHER STAFF) CR 1 Feats Alertness, EnduranceB, Iron Will, Two-Weapon
LN male human commoner 2 400 XP Defense, Two-Weapon FightingB
Init +0; Senses Perception +4 Skills Climb +8, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Stealth +8,
Survival +7
DEFENSE Languages Common
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 SQ favored terrain (forest), track, wild empathy
hp 14 (2d6+7) Gear masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 longsword, masterwork short sword, potion of cure
moderate wounds, travellers outfit, miscellaneous
OFFENSE adventuring gear, 50 gp
Spd 30 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) Appearance: Tall, slim and heavily sunburnt, Manator has
long black hair and deep brown eyes. His face is wrinkled and
STATISTICS leathery, a legacy of countless days spent in the wilderness.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 His hands are heavily scarred. He radiates restlessness and
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12 fidgets constantly.
Feats Iron Will, Toughness
Personality and Goals: Manator is friendly but slightly Sample Character
dim. He much prefers to spend time in the wilderness and
does not enjoy being cooped up in town. Here at the behest
NG male elf wizard 9
of a group of druids hoping to gain Sehvain’s assistance with
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9
a problem involving a corrupted treant he is growing more
frustrated at the half-elf’s reluctance to grant him a meeting.
Encounter Areas: During the day, Manator spends much
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +2
of his time in the gardens or out on business in the town and
deflection, +4 armor)
surrounding area. He has noticed the lion tracks in the garden
hp 61 (9d6+27)
and has correctly identified them. If the garden is mentioned
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +8 (+10 against enchantments)
in conversation, he mentions the lions’ presence and councils
the PC from going into the garden after dark. After dinner, OFFENSE
Manator normally retires early. Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine longsword +5 (1d8+1/19-20) or
MORRIM GLANTEN (GUEST) CR 4 Ranged masterwork shortbow +7 (1d6/x3)
LN female dwarf figher 2/rogue 2 1,200 XP Special Attacks cantrips, conjuration specialist bonus
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Spells Prepared (CL9)
5th—extended fire shield, prying eyes, summon monster V*
DEFENSE 4th—empowered scorching ray (DC 20), shout (DC 20),
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, stoneskin, black tentacles*
+1 shield) 3rd—dispel magic, fireball (DC 19), heroism, keen edge, sleet
hp 30 (2d10+6 plus 2d8+4) storm*
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; +2 racial bonus vs. poison, spells, 2nd—acid arrow, false life, extended mage armor, scorching
spell-like abilities; +2 vs. fear ray, spider climb, web*
Defensive Abilities bravery, evasion, stability 1st—detect secret doors, expeditious retreat, mage armor,
magic missile (2), shield, grease*
OFFENSE 0—acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead, read magic
Spd 20 ft. School Powers summoner’s charm, acid dart, dimensional steps
Melee masterwork cold iron battleaxe +7 (1d8+3/x3)
Ranged masterwork heavy crossbow +6 (1d10/19-20) STATISTICS
Special Attacks rogur talent (bleeding attack), sneak attack +1d6 Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 17
STATISTICS Feats Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Scribe
Abilities Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 ScrollB, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation),
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 Spell Mastery (mage armor, spider climb, dispel magic, fly,
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus stoneskin)
(battleaxe) Skills Appraise +13, Fly +11, Knowledge (arcana) +16,
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +5, Climb +7, Diplomacy +4, Knowledge (geography) +13, Knowledge (history) +13,
Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Sense Motive +6, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (religion) +13,
Stealth +7, Survival +6 Knowledge (planes) +13, Linguistics +13, Spellcraft +20
Languages Common, Dwarven Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elemental,
SQ dwarf traits, trapfinding Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, Infernal, Sylvan,
Gear masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork buckler, Undercommon
masterwork cold iron battleaxe, masterwork heavy SQ arcane bond (longsword), scribe scroll, elf traits
crossbow with 10 bolts, masterwork thieves tools, potion of Gear +1 adamantine longsword (sheds bright light 20 ft. radius,
cure moderate wounds, potion of invisibility, potion of flying 40 ft. shadowy illumination), masterwork shortbow with
10 arrows, 5 cold iron arrows and 5 silver arrows, belt of
Appearance: Short and doughty, Morrim always wears mighty constitution +2, headband of vast intellect +2, cloak of
her armor, even at dinner and in bed. Black hair and black resistence +1, ring of protection +2, amulet of natural armor
eyes, along with an intense gaze make her seem slightly +1, wand of detect magic (20 charges), wand of magic missile
intimidating. (CL 7, 15 charges), pearl of power (1st-level), pearl of power
Personality and Goals: Morrim is here to try and learn (2nd-level), eyes of the eagle, boots of elvenkind, potion of
the location of a long-lost dwarven hold said to lie in a nearby cure moderate wounds (2), scroll of knock, scroll of teleport,
mountain range. She arrived the day before the PC and is so spell component pouch
far enjoying Sehvain’s food and drink. Gregarious and loud, Spellbook (opposition schools—enchantment, illusion):
she enjoys fine food and drink and the swapping of legends 0—all; 1st— detect undead, detect secret doors, expeditious
and tall tales. retreat, grease, magic missile,mage armor, protection from
Encounter Areas: During the day, Morrim enjoys perusing evil, ray of enfeeblement, shield, true strike; 2nd—acid arrow,
Sehvain’s library searching for information about legendary darkvision, false life, knock, scorching ray, see invisibility,
treasure hoards, the location of several lost dwarven holds, spider climb, web; 3rd—clairvoyance/clairaudience, dispel
and other information of interest to the typically inquisitive magic, fireball, fly, heroism, keen edge, protection from energy,
adventurer. At dinner, she eats heartily before retiring to the tongues; 4th—arcane eye, detect scrying, ice storm, remove
withdrawing room to gaze into the fire and sip a large quantity curse, shout, stoneskin; 5th— cone of cold, contact other plane,
of Sehvain’s brandy. extended fire shield, prying eyes, telekinesis.
Map of Sevhain’s Townhouse Each square equals 5 feet.
2 5 11 11 12
8 6 8 11
11 10
3 11 11 11
Third Floor
9 13 13 13
Legend 7
Door 7
Tree Lions’
Barred Gate
Map of Dark Crypts
Each Square equals 10 feet.
Slender Pillar
Rubble or Difficult Flooring
One on One Adventures #10
Vengeance of Olindor
by Matthew J. Hanson
An Adventure for One Rogue Level 8-10
Adventure Contents
Adventure Background...........................................................222 The Ambush..............................................................234
Prologue: Imprisoned..............................................................222 The Consequences....................................................234
The Judge ..........................................................................222 Entering the Ruins ...........................................................234
Other Way onto the Island .............................................223 Part II: The Ancient Ground...................................................236
Part I: Granite’s End ................................................................223 The Vault of the Sword ...................................................236
Defenses.............................................................................224 V1. Entrance ..............................................................236
Inhabitants of Granite’s End...........................................224 The Long Staircase ...................................................236
The Factions ..............................................................226 V2. Hall of Ups and Downs....................................236
The Feral Kin.............................................................226 V3. Ant Hill Entrance ..............................................237
Hammers and Bows ................................................227 V4. Hall of Fire and Ice............................................237
Independents ....................................................................231 V5. The Trapped Hallway.......................................238
Claud Deshar ............................................................231 V6. The False Sword ................................................238
Caiph Pherod ............................................................231 V7. The Pit .................................................................239
Murdon the One-Handed .......................................232 V8. The Keeper of the Sword..................................239
Encounters at Granite’s End...........................................232 Escape ................................................................................241
Finding Thail.............................................................233 Concluding the Adventure.....................................................242
Joining a Faction...............................................................234 Epilogue: Return of Olindor...................................................242
The Conversation .....................................................234 The Fountain of Olindor .................................................242
The Test ....................................................................234 The Vengeance of Olindor ......................................................242
Pre-Generated Character ........................................................242
Thail Donnodol, an eleven scholar, has been imprisoned for There are several ways to access the Feral Kin’s base,
crimes he did not commit. The law is no refuge. Only by including stealth and force. However the PC manages, she
breaking into the fortress prison of Granite’s End can the finds her way through the ruins to the vault. Here she must
player character save Thail from a lifetime of misery. There’s navigate deadly traps and fierce guardians, including a dark
only one problem: Thail Donnodol does not want to be saved. naga who guards a false sword. The true sword is hidden
At least not until he finds the Vengeance of Olindor. behind a secret passage branching off of a pit trap. It is here that
The Vengeance of Olindor is an adventure designed for one the Keeper of Vengeance resides with the Vengeance of Olindor
player and one GM. It was created with a single 8-10th level bound inside her. Through words, force, or a combination of
rogue, but can be easily adapted to larger parties or other the two the PC can win the sword from its keeper, then find a
characters who enjoy problem solving. way out of Granite’s End.
Magistrate Templus’s attitude is initially indifferent Part I: Granite’s End
unless the PC broke into his house or took other provocative Granite’s End is a built on a small island several miles off
measures, in which case he is unfriendly. If his attitude can be the mainland coast. The island is almost completely barren
shifted to friendly, he admits that he was bribed to send Thail rock; nearly all materials are brought from the mainland. In
to prison, by none other than Thail himself. He did not ask addition to the prison, a small hamlet exists outside its walls.
why, and he does not care. The hamlet is little more than a bar, a temple, and housing for
If the PC wants to follow in Thail’s footsteps, Magistrate the support staff needed to run the prison.
Templus can arrange a stint in Granite’s End in exchange for a The prison is ringed by a double set of walls with a spike-
500 gp bribe. filled pit between them (see defenses), and guard towers
placed intermittently around the walls. At the northern end of
Other Way onto the Island the compound, a stone complex serves as the headquarters for
If the PC does not wish to bribe a magistrate to send her to the warden and his guards. When it was first built Granite’s
Granite’s End, there are other ways to reach the prison. End contained basic wooden structures that served to house
the prisoners at various points within the large courtyard. Over
STOWAWAY the years these buildings have fallen into disrepair, and have
One option for the PC is to stowaway in one the weekly mostly been torn down and rebuilt by the prison population.
shipments of food and other necessities that travel to Granite’s
End. The shipments are thoroughly searched (guards take 20), GRANITE’S END OVERVIEW
but the PC may be able to remain hidden if she succeeds a DC A. Entrance & Guard Compounds
28 Stealth check. If successful in stowing away, she ends up in B. Guard Towers: One guard each.
the storage facility, area A8 of the guard compound. C. Feral Kin territory
D. The Wolf’s Den
JOIN THEM E. Hammer and Bow territory
Guard duty at Granite’s End is far from glamorous, and the F. The Forge
high burnout rate means Warden Zarial is always looking for G. Shadow Striker territory
new guards. Applicants are put through a series of tests, which H. Dark Halls
may be simulated by DC 20 sight-based Perception, sound- I. No Man’s Land
based Perception, and Sense Motive checks. If two out of three J. Claud Deshar’s Shop
of theses succeed, the PC must interview with warden Zarial, K. Murdon’s tower
and pass a DC 18 Bluff check to hide her true intentions.
1 square = approximately 15 feet
Defenses Inhabitants of Granite’s End
Granite’s End has a number of defenses, both mundane and Granite’s End is run under the powerful hand of an aasimar
magical that prevent prisoners from escaping. diviner named Zarial. While he generally upholds the
principles that are considered “good,” he is decidedly not
WALLS “nice.” Zarial is shrewd, cold, and calculating. He believes
A double wall structure surrounds the prison of Granite’s End. that the ends justify the means, and has no problem using
Each wall has an inward facing overhang, making it still more deceit and manipulation. Nor is he above allowing innocents
difficult to climb. Halfway up the inner wall is a permanent die, provided it saves more lives in the end.
alarm spell that alerts guards of any climb attempt. Guards Zarial maintains a large force of veteran guards, who are
posted on the towers have orders to shoot to kill any prisoner primarily used to monitor the prisoners and occasionally to
scaling the walls. The outer wall has a catwalk that connects put down rebellions. There is also an elite squad of six highly
the guard towers. Any character who falls between the walls trained guards who deal with the most powerful of prisoners.
takes typically falling damage (1d6 per 10 feet), and is attacked The primary method of controlling the prison population is by
by 1d4 spikes (Atk +10 melee for 1d4+5 each). playing the prisoners against each other.
Zarial and his guards spend most of their time in the
Inner Wall (Superior Masonry): 3 ft thick, 40 ft high; hardness guard complex at the northern end of the prison, though
8; hp 270; Break DC 45; Climb DC 25 (35 overhang). during their off hours guards often leave the complex to drink
Outer Wall (Reinforced Masonry): 5 ft thick, 60 ft high; hardness at the tavern or visit their family in the hamlet nearby.
8; hp 900; Break DC 65; Climb DC 15 (25 overhang).
MAGICAL WARDS Unless otherwise noted, all walls are reinforced masonry, and
Granite’s End is protected by several magical wards. The most all doors are strong wooden doors with good locks (Disable
important is a permanent effect similar to dimensional anchor Device DC 30).
that prevents teleportation or dimensional travel into or out
A1. Outer Gate: Iron portcullis and strong wooden door with
of the prison.
good lock (DC 30). Two guards posted outside.
These wards are not actually created by the latest
A2. Gate Courtyard
residents of Granite’s End, but remain from the days when
A3. Inner Gate: Iron portcullis and strong wooden door. Two
Olindor maintained a prison on the island.
guards posted on prison side.
Any inmate of Granite’s End who is capable of casting
A4. Barracks: Twelve guards resting at any time (each room).
spells or using powerful spell-like abilities is fitted with a
A5. Break Room: Six guards on call.
special bracelet, which prevents its wearer from using magic.
A6. Guard Mess: Guards eat meals in three one-hour shifts.
They are forged of adamantine and magically sealed in order
A7. Check station
to prevent removal. (Minor spell-like abilities, such as the
A8. General Storage
gnome’s racial abilities generally do not require bracelets.)
A9. Kitchen: Four cooks (human commoner 1) during daytime.
Bracelet: 1/2 in. thick; hardness 22; 22 hp; break DC 35. Any A10. Prisoner Mess: Outdoors beneath tents. Prisoners eat
attempt to damage the bracelet also damages the wearer. in three shifts by faction, supervised by elite guard and
three guards.
First Floor 7 8
17 2
5 6
3 9
11 11
14 15
Second Floor
A11. Stairs to Outer Wall Catwalk wound (42 charges), scroll of neutralize poison, scroll of heal,
A12. Armory true seeing ointment (2)
A13. Courtyard Balcony Spellbook: Spells prepared plus 0—all; 1st— alarm, detect
A14. Zarial’s Office: Door arcane locked. Iron safe (hardness secret doors, identify, truestrike; 2nd—arcane lock, locate
10; 90 hp; break DC 30; Disable Device DC 40) with spell object, see invisibility; 3rd—arcane sight, true seeing;
book and 1,200 gp. Zarial during daytime. 4th—scrying, wall of ice; 5th—permanency, sending, teleport;
A15. Zarial’s Quarters: Door arcane locked. Zarial during 6th—analyze dweomer, legend lore; 7th—greater scrying
A16. Elite guards quarters: Two elite guards resting. ELITE GUARD CR 9
A17. Commode LN male and female human rogue 5/fighter 4 6,400 XP
Init +3; Senses Perception +12
LN male aasimar wizard 13 38,400 XP
AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 22 (+9 armor, +1 enhancement, -1
Medium outsider (native)
Dex, +2 shield, +1 shield enhancement)
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception + 10
hp 75 (5d8+15 plus 4d10+16)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +4 (+5 against fear)
Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery, evasion, rogue
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (-1 Dex, +4 armor, +2 deflection,
talent (stand up), trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
+1 dodge)
hp 71 (13d6+26) OFFENSE
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +13 Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)
Resist acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5 Melee +1 longsword +11/+5 (1d8+5/19-20)
Ranged masterwork mighty composite longbow +8/+3
OFFENSE (1d8+2/x3)
Spd 30 ft.; fly 40 ft. Special Attacks bleeding attack, sneak attack +3d6
Melee greater magic weapon masterwork quarterstaff +9/+4
melee (1d6+3) STATISTICS
Special Attacks cantrips, daylight (1/day, CL 13) Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
Spells Prepared (CL13) Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 18
7th—greater arcane sight Feats Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,
6th—greater dispel magic, quickened mirror image, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Weapon
quickened scorching ray Focus (longbow), Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon
5th—silent dimension door overland flight, prying eyes, Specialization (longsword)
quickened shield Skills Bluff +9, Climb +13, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +13,
4th—silent still invisibility, charm monster (DC 20), greater Linguistics +8, Sense Motive +12, Survival +9, Use Magic
invisibility, locate creature, rainbow pattern (DC 20) Device +12
3rd—dispel magic, fireball (DC 19), heroism, keen edge Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Orc
2nd—acid arrow, false life, extended mage armor, scorching SQ trapfinding
ray, spider climb Gear +1 full plate, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 longsword,
1st—animate rope, burning hands (DC17), feather fall, mage masterwork mighty composite longbow (+2 Str), 20
armor; magic missile (2) arrows, wand of cure light wounds (25 charges), wand of
0—detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic detect magic (10 charges), wand of deep slumber (25 charges)
Gear Breast plate, heavy steel shield, masterwork longsword,
sap, potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of see invisibility,
tanglefoot bag (3), 10gp, 25 sp, 50 cp 1
The Factions 4 3
Zarial became the new warden of Granite’s End after a
particularly violent uprising. He realized that the key to 1 2
quashing the impulse to rebel was to keep the prisoners busy
fighting amongst each other. Thus he chose three prisoners 5
that he thought up to the task, and granted each of them
special privileges provided that they work to maintain order 5
amongst the rest of the prison population. These privileged 8 7 6 1
prisoners soon became leaders of the three powerful factions 6
within the prison, and it was not long before these factions
began battling against each other to control territory and other
resources within the prison. Over the years, new leaders have
come and gone by the principle remains the same. 9
Due in large part to Zarial’s manipulations, none of these
factions ever gains a permanent upper hand against any other.
As soon as one begins to gain power, the other two form a
temporary alliance to bring down the more powerful leader. D7. Grissarrk’s Quarters: Door locked (Disable Device DC
20). Grissarrk during late night and morning.
A NOTE ON CR D8. Red Fang’s Quarters: Door locked (Disable Device DC
Most of the inmates of Granite’s End are deprived of 20) Red Fang during late night and morning.
equipment they would normally possess, and thus their CR D9. Entrance to Ruins: Door boarded over. DC 20 Disable
is lowered by 1. On a similar note, the PC may be deprived Device to remove, or bash as strong wooden door
of her usual equipment for much of this adventure, and will (hardness 5, 20 hp Break DC 23).
find it more difficult to face challenges that she could have
previously handled. GRISSARRK THE QUICK CR 8
NE male hobgoblin rogue 8 4,800 XP
Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
The Feral Kin Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +9
The Feral Kin faction is made primarily of the so called
“savage humanoids,” such as orcs, half-orcs, goblinoids and
gnolls, though a fair number of humans exist among their
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 enchantment, +4
ranks. This faction has some of the strongest melee combatants
Dex, +1 dodge, +1 shield)
within the prison.
hp 60 (8d8+24)
The Feral Kin are lead by a hobgoblin named Grissarrk
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +1
the Quick. He is a cold effective leader, who slew the previous
Defensive Abilities evasion, uncanny doedge, improved
leader of the Feral Kin while barely receiving a scratch. Despite
uncanny dodge, trap sense +2
his martial abilities, Grissarrk prefers for his minions to do his
dirty work. His chief enforcer is a savage gnoll known as Red OFFENSE
Fang, who has a tendency of consuming fallen foes. Spd 30 ft.
The Feral Kin lay claim to the southern part of the Melee +1 short sword +10/+5 (1d6+3/19-20) and +1 short
compound, and they are based in the Wolf’s Nest. The Wolf’s sword +10 (1d6+2/19-20)
nest is a sprawling building cobbled together from scraps of Melee +1 short sword +12/+7 (1d6+3/19-20)
other buildings. Special Attacks rogue talent (bleeding attack, finesse rogue,
While not fighting turf wars, the Feral Kin often compete weapon training), sneak attack +4d6
in (usually) non-lethal battles in their fighting pit. Betting
among combatants and spectators is common. The Feral Kin STATISTICS
currently control the entrance to the ancient ruins. Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 22
WOLF’S NEST OVERVIEW Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-
Unless otherwise noted walls are wooden, and doors are Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (short sword), Weapon
unlocked, simple, and wooden. Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +11, Climb +11, Disable Device
D1. Entrances: Two Feral Kin thugs. +14, Intimidate +11, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +17, Sleight
D2. Great Hall: Grissarrk and Red Fang during afternoon of Hand +13; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth
and evening. 1d6 Feral Kin thugs and 2d6 orcs at any Language Common, Goblin
time. SQ trapfinding, hobgoblin traits
D3. Fighting Pit: 5-feet bellow floor level of great hall. Gear +1 chain shirt, +1 short sword (2), gloves of dexterity +2,
D4. Barracks: Sixteen Feral Kin Thugs resting at any time. potion of cure moderate wounds (2), thieves’ tools, silk rope
D5. General Storage (50 ft.), 40 gp
D6. Weapon Storage
RED FANG CR 6 Orcs: as Bestiary with clubs and no armor, 6 hp, AC 10,
CE male gnoll barbarian 5 2,400 XP Clubs +4 melee (1d6+3)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +7
Abilities Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 4 5
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Cleave, Power Attack 8
Skills Climb +11, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) +4, Sense 2
Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Survival +7, Stealth +6
Language Common, Orc
SQ trapfinding, half-orc traits 1 3
Gear Quarterstaff, leather armor 2
Rage: While raging Feral Kin Thugs have the following
changes to their stats: hp 40; AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 6 7
11; CMB +9; quarterstaff +7 (1d6+14) [2-point Power
Attack]; SV Fort +7, Will +3; Str 22, Con 18
F8. Iskal Bloodhamer’s Quarters: Door locked (DC 20). Iskal NE female elf rogue 1/wizard 5 2,400 XP
during night. Init +1; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +7
F9. Larison Larossil’s Quarters: Door Locked (DC 20).
Larison late night through morning. DEFENSE
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 deflection)
ISKAL BLOODHAMMER CR 8 hp 26 (1d8 plus 5d6+5)
LE male dwarf fighter 8 4,800 XP Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6; +2 racial bonus vs. enchantment
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +3 Immune magical sleep
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+9 armor, +1 enhancement, Spd 30 ft.
+1 Dex, +1 deflection, +1 dodge) Melee masterwork longsword +2 (1d8-1/19-20)
hp 84 (8d10+32) Ranged masterwork lowbow +4 (1d8/x3)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 racial bonus vs. poison, spells, Special Attacks cantrips, spells, sneak attack +1d6, +2 to
spell-like abilities; +2 vs. fear caster level check to overcome spell resistance
Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery, hearty, stability Spells Prepared (CL5)
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, empowered shocking grasp
OFFENSE 2nd—false life, invisibility (2)
Spd 20 ft. 1st—mage armor (2); shocking grasp (2)
Melee +1 halberd +15/+10 (1d10+8/x3) 0—prestidigitation (2), read magic (2)
Special Attacks weapon training (polearms)
STATISTICS Before Combat Larison has mage armor and false life (additonal
Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 6 10 temporary hit points) already cast on herself.
Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 22
Feats Dodge, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Greater Weapon STATISTICS
Focus (halberd), Improved Trip, Mobility, Spring Abilities Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14
Attack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (halberd), Weapon Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12
Specialization (halberd) Feats Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Scribe ScrollB, Spell
Skills Appraise +6, Intimidate +6, Craft (armorsmithing) +7, Mastery (2)
Craft (weaponsmithing) +7 Skills Appraise +11 (+13 on finding properties of magic
Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc items), Bluff +6, Climb +3, Disable Device +5, Diplomacy
SQ dwarf traits +6, Escape Artist +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcane)
Gear +1 full plate, +1 halberd, +1 ring of protection, potion of +11, Knowledge (local) +11, Linguistics +11, Perception
bull’s strength, potion of bear’s endurance, potion of cure +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Spellcraft +11
serious wounds (2) Stealth +5, Swim +3
Languages Common, Dwarven, Draconic, Elemental, Elven,
Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
Light Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Type
Ranged Weapon Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Increment Weight Type
Chain, Light: A light chain is a short length of chain designed to look like nothing more than industrial chain. However
they are properly balanced with weighted ends to be used in combat.
With a light chain, you get a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an enemy (including the roll to
avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails). You can also use this weapon to make trip attacks. If you are tripped
during your own trip attempt, you can drop the flail to avoid being tripped.
Handbow: A handbow is small bow that sacrifices power and range for concealability.
You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use a handbow while mounted. If you
have a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when you use a shortbow.
You received a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a handbow that is unstrung as well as handbow
arrows. Stringing a handbow is a move action.
SQ arcane bond (unsummoned familiar), elf traits, trapfinding THAIL DONNODOL CR 6
Gear masterwork longsword, masterwork longbow, 20 NG male elf expert 9 2,400 XP
arrows, mithral buckler, wand of magic missile (22 Init +1; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +18
charges), cloak or resistance +1, ring of protection +1, potion
of cure moderate wounds. DEFENSE
Spellbook: Larison does not have access to a spellbook, and AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
can only prepare the spells she has mastered via the spell hp 49 (9d8+9)
mastery feat (and read magic). Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +8; +2 racial bonus vs. enchantment
Spells Mastered: clairaudience/clairvoyance, invisibility, false Immune magical sleep
life, mage armor, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
ELF THUG CR 3 Spd 30 ft.
CE male and female elf ranger 4 800 XP Melee club +5/+0 (1d4–1)
Init +4; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +10
DEFENSE Abilities Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex) Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 15
hp 30 (4d10+8) Feats Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Run, Skill
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. enchantment Focus (Knowledge [history])
Immune magical sleep Skills Appraise +15, Bluff +13, Diplomacy +15, Intimidate
+15, Knowledge (geography) +15, Knowledge (history)
OFFENSE +18, Linguistics +15, Sense Motive +16
Spd 30 ft. Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elemental,
Ranged handbow +6/+6 (1d4/x3) Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal,
Ranged handbow +8 (1d4/x3) Orc, Sylvan
Melee club +5 (1d6+1) SQ arcane bond (unsummoned familiar), elf traits
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans), spells Gear Club, hemp rope (50 ft.)
Spells Prepared (CL2)
1st—cure light wounds
Shadow Strikers
STATISTICS The Shadow Strikers are a faction lead by halflings and
Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 gnomes, though they also have a large number of humans
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19 among them. Of the three factions, they are the stealthiest,
Feats EnduranceB, Percise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid ShotB relying heavily on subterfuge and trickery.
Skills Climb +8, Heal +8, Intimidate +6, Stealth +11, Survival +8 The faction is lead by a secretive halfling known only as
Languages Common, Elven Mistress Shadow. Mistress Shadow appears patient, speaking
SQ elf traits, favored terrain (urban), hunter’s bond, track, little but always listening. She is truly ruthless, and rumors
wild empathy abound that she murdered her own child. Her top assassin
Gear Leather armor, club, handbow, 20 arrows is a gnome called Gort Firewater who has a passion for both
alcohol and poison.
DWARF THUG CR 3 The Shadow Strikers claim the western part of the
LE male and female dwarf fighter 4 800 XP compound as their territory, and make their lair in a trap-strewn
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +3 set of building called the Dark Halls, all connected by a network
of tunnels. In their off time, the Shadow Strikers like to bet on
DEFENSE games of skill and chance, particularly throwing daggers.
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge,
+1 shield) Dark Halls Overview
hp 38 (4d10+16) Unless otherwise noted walls are wooden, and doors
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. poison, spells, (including trap doors) are average, wooden, and unlocked.
spell-like abilities; +2 vs. fear Tunnels between buildings are proper size for a Small
Defensive Abilities armor training, bravery, hearty, stability creature, but a Medium creature must squeeze.
OFFENSE H1. Gambling Hall: Door locked (DC 30), opens for secret
Spd 20 ft. knock that changes weekly. 1d6 Shadow Striker thugs,
Melee light chain +8 (1d6+5) 2d6 halflings; 30% chance of Mistress Shadow; 40%
STATISTICS chance of Gort Firewater.
Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 6 H2. General Storage
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 18 H3. Weapon Storage
Feats Athletic, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (light chain), H4. Meeting Room: 30% chance of Mistress Shadow with 1d4
Weapon Specialization (light chain) Shadow Striker thugs. 20% chance of Gort Firewater.
Skills Climb +6, Survival +6, Swim +6 H5. Quarters: Any non-trapped room has of 20% chance of a
Languages Common, Dwarven Shadow Striker Thug.
SQ dwarf traits H6. Mistress Shadow’s Quarters: 30% chance of Mistress
Gear Hide armor, light chain, light wooden shield Shadow.
H7: Gort Firewater’s Quarters: 30% chance of Gort Firewater
hp 52 (8d8+16)
Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. fear
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap
sense +2, uncanny dodge
2 3 4 Spd 20 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +12/+7 (1d4+2/18-20)
Ranged masterwork dagger +12/+7 (1d3+1/19-20)
Special Attack sneak attack +4d6, finesse rogue
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 20
SB Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Toughness, Weapon
6 Skills Acrobatics +18, Appraise +10, Bluff +10, Climb +11,
1 Diplomacy +13, Disable Device +13, Escape Artist +13,
Knowledge (local) +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of
7 Hand +12, Stealth +20
SB Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Gnome
SQ halfling traits, rogue talent (fast stealth, quick disable, rogue
crawl), trapfinding
Gear +1 mithral shirt, +1 rapier, masterwork daggers (3), boots
of elven kind, cloak of elven kind, masterwork thieves’ tools,
PA silk rope (50 feet) grappling hook.
PA 5 NE male gnome rogue 5/assassin 1 2,400 XP
PA Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
SB. Stone Blocks from Ceiling Trap: see below hp 44 (6d8+17)
PA. Poisoned Arrow Trap: see below Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. illusion
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
Spd 20 ft.
EFFECTS Melee masterwork short sword +8 (1d4/19-20)
Trigger touch (open trap door); Reset repair Ranged +1 shortbow +8 (1d4+1/x3) plus giant wasp poison on
first three attacks
Effect Atk +8 melee (4d6)
Special Attack sneak attack +4d6, bleeding attack, death attack
(Fort save DC 12)
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 15 Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
EFFECTS Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15
Trigger touch (door opening); Reset manual Feats Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +7, Climb +8, Craft (poison)
Effect Atk +12 ranged (1d8 plus scorpion venom) +11, Escape Artist +11, Linguistics +5, Sense Motive +8,
Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +19, Use Magic Device +9
LARGE SCORPION VENOM Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Silven
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 18 SQ gnome traits, poison use, rogue talents (fast stealth),
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds trapfinding
Gear masterwork studded leather, +1 shortbow, 20 arrows, 3
Effect 1d2 Str damage; Cure 1 save arrows coated in giant wasp poison, masterwork short
sword, cloak of elven kind, wand of cure light wounds (11
NE female halfling rogue 8 4,800 XP
Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +12 GIANT WASP POISON
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 18
DEFENSE Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 enchantment,
+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size) Effect 1d2 Dex damage; Cure 1 save
Familiar Faces
If you play this adventure as a sequel to The Star of Olindor and/or The Shroud of Olindor, the player character may
encounter some familiar faces, as the villains of those adventures may have been sent to Granite’s End.
Any of the foes may return to make the PCs life difficult. The more martial enemies may attack the PC directly, but
that is not the only possibility. An old foe may oppose the character when she attempts to join a faction, or may explain
that the PC is not the criminal she pretends. These complications are completely optional, and omitting some or all of
them bears no effect on the adventure’s outcome.
Baron Velstaf and Azalor join the Feral Kin. While Velstaf has little to contribute deprived of his fortune, Azalor
retains his extraordinary combat skills and hopes to erode Grissarrk’s support to gain control of the faction. Elskar
meanwhile joins Hammer and Bow, but deprived of her magic, her threat level is greatly reduced.
Lord Dragle joins the Shadow Strikers, and attempts to assist by providing clever schemes. Quarillos Starwhisper, as
well as Gurt and Sable, joins the Hammer and Bow. Quarillos is setting up plans to gain control of the faction when the
current leaders are found with their slit throats in the night.
SHADOW STRIKER THUG CR 3 grants a +5 bonus to later Diplomacy checks with Claud).
NE male and female halfling rogue 4 800 XP Claud is paranoid that Warden Zarial will discover his
Small humanoid (halfling) activities and shut him down. He initially denies any rumor
Init +4; Senses Perception +9 that the character might have heard and will only deal with
the character if she can shift his attitude to at least friendly (he
DEFENSE is initially unfriendly).
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size) Even then the character must have something to offer in
hp 26 (4d8+8) exchange. Gold will do, but trade is a more common option.
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. fear Further more, metal is in short supply and high demand
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge within Granite’s End. As a result metal weapons and armor
OFFENSE sell or trade at a rate roughly three times the listed values.
Spd 20 ft. Unbeknownst to Claud, Zarial knows of the smith’s
Melee dagger +8 (1d3/19-20) or activities, and consciously turns a blind eye to the activities, as
Ranged dagger +8 (1d3/19-20) long as Claud keeps the three factions at a balance.
Special Attack sneak attack +2d6, bleeding attack
Caiph Pherod
STATISTICS Granite’s End is full of inmates who claim to be innocent, but
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
only for a few is this claim true. One such unfortunate soul is
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 16
Caiph Pherod, a small town cleric accused of murdering his
Feats Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse
superior. (In reality the superior was killed by an evil cultist
Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +7, Climb +9, Diplomacy +7,
who framed Caiph).
Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +11, Sense Motive +7,
At some point early on Caiph may approach the PC, sensing
Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11
a kindred spirit. Unless the PC does anything to betray Caiph’s
Languages Common, Halfling, Gnome
trust, he does what he can to answer any of the PCs questions.
SQ halfling traits, rogue talent (fast stealth), trapfinding
Caiph initial attitude is friendly. If converted to helpful he offers
Gear daggers (2), leather armor
to accompany the player character on her quest.
Halfling: Warrior 1 with clubs and no armor; hp 5, AC 12,
Clubs +2 melee (1d4). CAIPH PHEROD CR 4
NG male small humanoid (halfling) cleric 5 1,200 XP
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
In addition to the three powerful factions, there are a number DEFENSE
of independents who pledge allegiance to none of the factions. AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
For the most part, these have little power and must struggle to hp 27 (5d8+5)
eek out an existence. Much more rarely, independents find a Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8; +2 racial bonus vs. fear
middle ground and manage to gain the respect of all factions.
Claud Deshar Spd 20 ft.
Claud Deshar is one of the few independents who holds the Melee club +3 (1d6-1)
respect from all factions, because he provides something that Ranged sling +6 (1d2-1)
they all want: weapons. Claud runs a combination of small Special Attacks channel positive energy, orisons, spells
crafting shop and illegal smuggling operation to provide Spells Prepared (CL5)
weapons for each of the factions. 3rd—daylight, magic vestment, dispel magic*
The player character may also wish to contact Claud to 2nd—bull’s strength, calm emotions (DC 15), make whole,
obtain something stronger than an unarmed strike, however magic mouth*
this is not an easy task. Characters asking about weapons may 1st—bless, magic stone; obscuring mists, sanctuary (DC 14),
be directed to Claud after a DC 20 Diplomacy check (a result identify*
of 30 or greater give the character a recommendation, which 0—create water, detect magic, light, read magic
Domain Powers (Healing/Magic) rebuke death, hand of the acolyte Ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks cantrips, conjuration specialist bonus, spells
TACTICS Spells Prepared (CL7)
In Combat Caiph prays for spells every day, but is unable to 4th—summon monster IV (x2)*
use them while wearing his armband and within the area 3rd—fireball (2), stinking cloud, summon monster III*
of Granite’s End. 2nd—acid arrow (x2)*, darkvision, extended mage armor, see
STATISTICS 1st—grease, mage armor, magic missile (2), shield, unseen
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 13 servant*
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 13 0—detect magic, prestidigitation (2), read magic
Feats Alertness, Extend Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft) School Powers summoner’s charm, acid dart
Skills Diplomacy +7, Heal +9, Knowledge (religion) +8,
Knowledge (planes) +8, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +9 STATISTICS
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10
Gear Padded armor, sling (rocks readily available), club, Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 13
crude (but functional) wooden holy symbol. Feats Augment Summoning, Eschew Material Components,
Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus (conjuration) Scribe
Murdon the One-Handed ScrollB, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Murdon the One-Handed is something of a legend in Granite’s Skills Appraise +11, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge
End. Rumors abound about the bloody murders he committed (nature) +11, Knowledge (planes) +11, Linguistics +12,
before landing in Granite’s End and about the secrets that are Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +12
hidden in his “tower”—little more than an elevated shack. But Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven,
the favorite story is the one that gave Murdon his name: the Elemental, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Infernal
story of how he severed his own hand to remove the bracelet SQ arcane bond (familiar) unsummoned, scribe scroll
that prevents spell casting. Gear masterwork light crossbow (20 bolts), masterwork
Unfortunately, most of these rumors are true. Murdon dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of feather fall, scroll of
is unredeemably evil. And when he severed his hand he did teleport, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of fox’s cunning
not realize that the additional wards prevented teleportation Spellbook (Opposition Schools: enchantment, illusion): all
and calling summoned creatures (his favorite tactic). Thus spells prepared and school power spells, plus fire trap,
Murdon remains prisoner in Granite’s End, spending his days alarm, arcane lock, dimension door and all 0 levels spells
searching for a way out, studying his prized possession: a
scroll of teleport.
The player character may seek Murdon’s aid, most likely
Encounters at Granite’s End
as a means to escape the prison after locating the Vengeance Entering the Prison
of Olindor. Doing so is not easy, as Murdon has little time for Assuming the player character enters Granite’s End as an
strangers. His “tower” has only one door, which is protected inmate, she is brought to the island by boat. Because trips are
by alarm, arcane lock, and fire trap. He responds to knocks, but infrequent, she is berthed with other future inmates. This may
is initially unfriendly, and will not listen long to strangers be a good opportunity to instill some basic information about
(Diplomacy checks must be rushed, imposing a –10 penalty). Granite’s End as another prisoner strikes up a conversation
If his attitude can be altered to at least indifferent, he will listen with the PC.
longer. If the PC promises a means of escape, she may make a Once she reaches land, the PC is transferred to the local
second Diplomacy check with no penalty. guard, brought through the first gate to the check-in station.
If Murdon’s attitude is ever shifted to friendly, he will Here an elite guard searches the player thoroughly (taking
agree to teleport (along with the PC and up to two more 20 on her Perception check, so the player must beat a DC 32
Medium creatures) after the path has been cleared. If he can Sleight of Hand check to sneak in any items. The guard then
be made helpful, he agrees to accompany the PC into the ruins uses her wand of detect magic, summoning Zarial if any auras
below even while they remain dangerous. are presents.
The PC may also seek more basic spellcasting from After the prisoner is guaranteed safe, she is led to the
Murdon. To do so he need only be made indifferent, but in this courtyard between gates. Here she waits with other assembled
case the second Diplomacy check is not allowed. Murdon is prisoners until all of the day’s arrivals have been processed
willing to cast any spell in his spellbook, but charges double the (and often longer to accommodate Zarial’s schedule). When
prices (either in coin or trade). they have waited long enough, Zarial enters.
A man with long white hair and silver pupilless eyes steps
MURDON THE ONE-HANDED CR 7 onto a balcony overlooking the courtyard. He is dressed
CE male human wizard 7 3,200 XP in a white robes. “Welcome to Granite’s End,” the man
Init +1; Senses Perception +6 says. His voice is smooth and melodious, but commands
respect and reverberates off the prison walls. “I am Zarial,
DEFENSE and hopefully you will never see me again. If you do, it is
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural)
very bad for you. Not that life at Granite’s End is pleasant
hp 45 (7d6+21)
under any conditions. You are here to be punished, and
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6
more importantly, you are here because you are too
dangerous to be any place else.
Spd 30 ft.
Melee masterwork dagger +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
“As you may have surmised, I am the Warden at impact the course of this adventure. After the speech, Zarial
Granite’s End. Rest assured I know everything that cast his silent, stilled invisibility on himself and continues to
happens here.” As Zarial speaks, a few of the inmates watch the prisoners file away.
snicker, causing Zarial to pause. “Do you find something Treasure: The three stones formerly belonging to Norbert
amusing?” His eyes seem to look at everyone and no one fell on the ground after he regurgitated them and are close
at once. “Do you find something amusing Norbert, or…” enough to the PC to pick up in passing. Locating the stones
Zarial sneers, “Blackdog as you call yourself. Norbort who requires a DC 20 Perception check, and picking them up
was committed to this institution after murdering Regland without the guards noticing requires a DC 18 Sleight of Hand
the Blacksmith and his wife. Convicted only after getting check. (Zarial may notice, but he will not stop the PC.) Each of
away with several other crimes. these three stones is a piece of amethyst worth 75 gp.
“Perhaps you laugh because I say I know everything
that goes on in Granite’s End, but you know I am wrong.
You know, that I do not know, about the three precious
Finding Thail
One of the first tasks that the player character is likely to
stones you swallowed, in hopes that you could use them
undertake is to locate Thail Donnodol. Because few aged elves
for trade after they passed. Sometime, Norbert, I choose to
have recently been incarcerated at Granite’s End, the PC can
reward ingenuity. But I do not like being laughed at. So
find Thail with a DC 15 Diplomacy check. If she makes a point
not today.” Zarial points his finger at one of the prisoners
of asking elves or other members of Hammer and Bow the PC
and utters a string of arcane words. The prisoner eyes
gains a +2 bonus to this check.
shrink in terror as he regurgitates the contents of his
Once the PC has determined that Thail is staying within
last meal. Two guards lead the terrified prisoner away.
the Hammer and Bow compound, there are several ways to
“Are there any others who doubt my omniscience?” The
contact him. If the PC is an elf, half-elf, dwarf, or human,
remaining prisoners are silent. “Good.
she may join the faction and then has free access to Thail.
“One final word. You may notice several corpses
Alternatively the character my use stealth to infiltrate the
hanging around the outer wall of your new home. This is
compound (see Hammer and Bow), or she may try to send a
not because I have a particularly morbid sense of design.
message through one of the member of the faction.
It is warning: do not attempt to escape. If you are not shot
Sending a message requires that the player character
by the guards, you will fall on the spikes. If you somehow
shift the subjects attitude to friendly. Members are typically
manage to escape the walls… there is one inmate, before
unfriendly to members of other factions, and indifferent to
my time, who managed to get over the outer wall of
unaffiliated. If the player manages to send a message to Thail,
Granite’s End. His skeleton is the one that appears to have
the scholar sends a message in return agreeing to meet the PC
been eaten alive by giant ants. Because he was eaten alive
near Claud Deshar’s shop in No Man’s Land.
by giants ants. This warning is entirely for your benefit. I
Once the player contacts Thail, he explains that he
do not care if you try to escape, because I do not care if you
had himself intentionally imprisoned in order to locate the
live or if you die.
Vengeance of Olindor and reveals most of the information
“Welcome to Granite’s End.”
described in the Adventure Background section, except that
As he says this, the main gate to the prison yard
he does not know that the sword if physically bound to the
opens, and Zarial disappears.
Keeper. Thail ends his discussion with a plea to the PC to help
This text assumes no interruption from the PC. If she speaks enter the Wolf’s Nest and then journey through the ancient
up, she should receive a dressing down from Zarial similar ruins below the prison to find the Vengeance of Olindor. Ever
to what he used against Norbert “Black Dog.” If that is not the intrepid scholar, Thail desires to accompany the PC into
successful, Zarial uses magic to subdue the PC, possibly the elven ruins. While he can aid battle, or help notice clues the
deadly magic. PC might miss, he can also be something of a liability. If the
Just prior to the speech, Zarial case detect thoughts on player character convinces Thail to remain behind, Thail offers
himself, and used it to scan the thoughts of the prisoners. At his rope to the PC.
some point during the speech you may have the PC roll a Will Ad Hoc XP: When the character contacts Thail, reward
save to resist this spell. Any thoughts gleamed will not greatly her as though she defeated a CR 4 encounter.
Joining a Faction If the player character succeeded in making all three
It is quite likely that the PC will want to join one of the factions. checks during the Conversation, the faction leader sends two
Doing so grants the PC added security, allies, and a source for of the appropriate thugs to assist the attack. If the PC fails all
equipment. Before she can join a faction however, she must be three checks, she is sent with four thugs, but these thugs are
of the proper race. Elves and dwarves may only join Hammer ordered to immediately turn on the PC after the rival faction
and Bow. Halflings and gnomes may only join the Shadow is defeated (in this case allow the PC a Sense Motive check
Strikers. Half-orcs (and savage humanoids such as bugbears opposed by the leader’s Bluff check to realize the truth).
and kobolds) can only join the Feral Kin. Humans, and other At the end of the assignment, the faction leader stresses
races can join any of the factions. that he or she knows there to be exactly ten potions in this
Once the player character has contacted the proper shipment, and he or she will know if the PC has taken any
faction, she must undergo an interview with the faction head, for herself. This is actually a bluff (and can be detected by an
followed by test of ability against an opposing faction. opposed Sense Motive check). The leader is well aware that
there are twelve potions in the shipment and part of the test is
seeing what become of the extra potions.
The Conversation
When the PC makes it known that she seeks to join a faction, she
is escorted to the faction headquarters and presented before the The Ambush
faction’s leader. The second in command, will also be present, The character has received accurate information about the
as will four thugs, just incase the PC should try anything. potion shipment. It takes place in the prisoner’s mess area, and
The interview starts with a few basic questions, like who the after the transaction the thugs take a circuitous route back to
character is, and why she has been sent to Granites End. After their headquarters. The PC is free to attack at any point along
this brief introduction the player is asked three questions. the route.
After each of these three questions the PC should make Creatures: The potion shipment is escorted by two thugs
either a DC 25 Bluff or Diplomacy check (whichever is higher). from a rival faction.
Depending on the answers she gives, the character may apply Feral kin thug (2): 32 hp, AC 13; see The Feral Kin for
a bonus or penalty of up to 5 to this check. Examples of good more information OR
and bad answers (that should receive bonuses or penalties) are Shadow striker thug (2): 26 hp, AC 17; see Shadow
provided with each question. Strikers for more information OR
Elf thug and dwarf thug: Elf Thug: 30 hp, AC 16;
Why do you want to join our faction? Good answers to Dwarf Thug: 38 hp, AC 15;see Hammers and Bows
this question flatter the faction and its commander. for more information
Complementing the faction’s strengths (brute force Treasure: Instead of the ten potions the player character
of Feral Kin, tactics of Hammer and Bow, stealth for was told of, there are actually twelve potions of cure moderate
Shadow Strikers) works especially well. Bad answers wounds. (In addition to the slight gear carried by the thugs.)
include obtaining specific goals such as talking to Thail
or getting access to the elven ruins. The Consequences
What can you do for us? Good answers include After the PC returns and presents the potions to the faction
demonstrations of the character’s abilities, such leader, she is accepted into the faction. Whether or not the PC
as defeating a thug in (non-lethal) combat, or returns all twelve potions or only ten does not change this. It
demonstrating the powers of the Shroud of Olindor. Bad is simply a way for to help the leader understand how the PC’s
examples include skills not useful to life inside the prison mind works, and how closely she will need to be watched. If
walls, such as using the Perform skill. the character is does not return all the potions, she is deemed
How can we trust you? Good answers are practical responses Suspect, which may have consequences later in adventure. If
that acknowledge the harsh realties of prison. For she returns all of the potions, she is rewarded by being given
example, because the PC will be killed if she betrays one potion of cure moderate wounds by the faction leader.
the faction, or because her race means this is the only Once the PC has been accepted, she is afforded free access
faction she can join. Bad answers include claims of the to the lair, including a bunk and three meals per day. She also
character’s general trustworthiness or appeals to ones receives a suit of leather armor and may trade her current
better nature. weapon for any simple weapon. Each faction also has a store
of basic equipment, and the PC may trade for any item (except
The Test a spyglass) listed in the Adventuring Gear, though metal items
While the conversation is an important prelude to being cost three times their normal price.
accepted by any of the factions, words are not enough. The The PC also gains a +2 bonus to Charisma based skills
gang leaders all demand action. Before being fully accepted, and checks when dealing with members of her faction, but
the PC must perform a favor. takes a -5 penalty to such skills when dealing with other
Regardless of which faction the PC attempts to join, the factions. She is expected to do her part to defend and expand
favor is the same: tomorrow night one of the rival faction her faction’s territory.
will receive a covert shipment of healing potions by way of
one of the (supposedly) corrupt guards. The PC’s mission Entering the Ruins
is to intercept the shipment and divert the potions to the In order to obtain the Vengeance of Olindor, the Player Character
sponsoring faction. If the PC does not already have a weapon, must at some point make her way through the Wolf’s Den to
she is offered a melee weapon appropriate to the faction access the entrance to the ruins. There is a variety of ways
(whatever the thugs use). that the PC can accomplish this, including stealth, assault, or
asking permission.
2 3 5 6
4 7
Main Level
8 7
Hidden Level
3 4 5 6
Vault Cross Section
There are a good number of bones close enough to the V3. Ant Hill Entrance
entrance that the player character can examine them without
triggering the room’s trap. A DC 10 Heal check indicates The walls of this chamber are a sharp contrast to the rest
that bones suffer damage consistent with falling, while a of the vault. Rather than worked stone, this area seems to
DC 15 check notices that all the bones suffered at least two have been exuviated by some kind of tunneling animal.
impacts in opposing directions. A character who succeeds a
DC 15 Perception notices, on the far side of the room, bits of This area was in fact carved out by a colony of giant ants,
a chitinous exoskeleton that seems to have come from a giant who tunneled into this vault purely by accident. When they
insect (similar to the ants described in area V3). encountered a few of the vault’s many traps, they soon learned
When the designers of the vault need to cross safely, they to stay away.
attached each end of a rope to the metal loops above the doors, While the ant colony provides little useful to find
and then harness themselves to the rope to prevent a fall. The the Vengeance of Olindor. It is a possible escape route from
PC may attempt a similar method (securing a grappling hook Granite’s End.
the opposite loop requires a DC 18 Acrobatics or Sleight of Creatures: Though the ants never venture into the vault,
Hand check). they do have guards nearby. While not afraid to die, these
Traps: This room contains a reverse gravity trap that warrior ants would rather scare enemies away and will start
triggers when any creature crosses halfway across the room. It the encounter by bearing their mandibles and making a loud
first send the victims slamming to the ceiling, the a round later clicking. They might enter the vault to combat a foe with
drops them back to the ground. ranged weapons, but will not pursue a fleeing character.
Azer (2): 13 hp, AC 23; melee warhammer +3 (1d8+1/x3)
plus 1 fire; immune fire, vulnerability to cold.
Darkala (2): 13 hp, AC 23; treat as azer but replace instances Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 22
of fire with cold and cold with fire. EFFECTS
Tactics: The azer and darkala make a point of standing only Trigger location; Reset automatic; Bypass hidden switch
on squares that deal damage they are immune to. While each (DC 25 Perception)
coordinates with the other of its race, they do not communicate
Effect walls move together (12d6, crush); multiple targets (all
across species.
targets in the hallway); never miss; onset delay (4 rounds)
Traps: The majority of the tiles on the floor contain a
magical trap that blasts everybody in the area of the tile with
either magical cold (blue squares) or magical fire (red squares). SPIKED PIT TRAP CR 6
The only squares not trapped are those which are part of the Type location; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
in the “safe path,” as indicated on the map. The blast effect in
each square must be found and disabled separately, but for EFFECTS
experience purposes, this room counts as one trap. Trigger location; Reset manual
After the trap is first triggered, the trap must wait one Effect 10d6 falling damage (100 ft. deep) plus pit spikes atk
round before activating again, at which point all creatures on
+10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for 1d4+5 damage per
an unsafe square feel the effect of a blast.
spike; DC 20 Reflex save avoids.
Type magic; Perception DC 27; Disable Device DC 27 V6. The False Sword
EFFECTS In the center of this circular room stands an ornate
Trigger touch; Reset automatic hemisphere of stone, inlaid with gold and silver runes.
Embedded within the stone is a sword. Judging by the hilt
Effect area effect (all standing on magic square) spell-like and few inches of the blade visible, the craftsmanship seems
affect (4d6 fire or cold, DC 16 Reflex for half) of a caliber not seen in a thousand years.
V5. The Trapped Hallway This chamber is designed to trick raiders into believing that
This hallway is fairly nondescript. Its purpose is to instill a sense they had successfully discovered the Vengeance of Olindor,
of paranoia into the PC so that she passes over the final pit trap, but it is only part of an elaborate ruse. The real Vengeance is
which is actually the correct way to the Vengeance of Olindor. elsewhere in the complex.
Traps: Every five feat of this hallway contains different The runes around the base of the sword are in old elven
traps, which occur in the order presented her. The final trap and say “Here rests the heart of homeland, guarded until our
(the spiked pit trap) is detailed further in area 7. greatest hour of need. The pure of heart may speak my name
to set me free.”
POISON ARROW TRAP CR 3 The stone containing the sword is a special magic item
whose only purpose is to hold the sword. A good-aligned
Type mechanical; Perception DC 19; Disable Device DC 15
character who says the elven word for “vengeance” may freely
EFFECTS draw the sword. Otherwise a character may remove the sword
Trigger location; Reset manual; Bypass lock (DC 30 Disable by making a DC 25 Strength check, or by dispelling the stone
Device) (CL 12).
Creatures: This chamber is guarded by dark naga named
Effect Atk +12 ranged (1d8 plus giant wasp venom)
Vissil. She has protected this place for thousands of years, and
thanks to the deadly traps that precede her in this complex,
she has yet to have a single visitor. Unfortunately this
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 18 loneliness has done nothing to improve her mood, and she
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds attacks intruders on sight.
If the PC manages to talk to Vissil, she finds the naga to
Effect 1d2 Dex damage; Cure 1 save
be of very little help. Vissil has never ventured outside the
WALL SCYTHE TRAP CR 4 room she guards. She believes the sword within to truly be the
Vengeance of Olindor, and herself to be the Keeper of Vengeance.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 21; Disable Device DC 18
EFFECTS Vissil, Dark Naga: 85 hp, AC 22; as in Pathfinder Bestiary
except replace Typical Sorcerer Spells Known: lightning
Trigger location; Reset automatic
bolt with summon monster III.
Effect Atk +20 melee (2d4+8/×4)
Tactics: As combat begins, Vissil casts invisibility on herself.
FIREBALL TRAP CR 7 She then casts summon monster III twice, preferring to summon
Type magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 28 various sizes of fiendish snakes. While the PC combats the
summoned monsters, she casts her defensive spells (displacement,
EFFECTS shield, and cat’s grace), after which she begins to cast offensive
Trigger touch; Reset automatic spells, such as scorching ray, and magic missile. As her summoned
Effect spell effect (fireball, 6d6 fire damage, DC 21 Reflex for creatures are destroyed she conjures new ones, hoping to keep
half damage); multiple targets (all targets in a 20-ft.- at least two between her and the PC at all times.
radius burst)
victim to her doom. A successful DC 20 Reflex Save allows the
PC to catch hold to the floor of the hall, after which she must
pull herself up (DC 15 Climb check). She has three rounds to
do so, before the secret door automatically closes, leaving her
with no handholds. If the character succeeds her Reflex save
by 5 or more, she manages to leap fully into the secret tunnel.
Type mechanical and magic; Perception DC 20; Disable
Device DC 22
Trigger touch (opening secret door); Reset automatic;
Bypass hidden switch (DC 25 Perception)
Effect 5d6 falling damage (from height of secret door) plus
Treasure: The sword embedded in stone is actually a pit spikes atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for
+1 longsword. A character examines the sword can make a 1d4+5 damage per spike; DC 20 Reflex save avoids;
DC 25 Appraisal or Knowledge (arcana or history) check to multiple targets (any within pit)
identify the sword as a fake. Using detect magic to identify the
strength of the sword’s aura gain a +10 bonus to this check. V8. The Keeper of the Sword
Thail Donnodol automatically identifies this as a false sword.
Development: If Vissil merely knocks the PC unconscious, At the end of this hall is a small square room. Unlike the
she does not immediate kill the player character. Instead she halls above, the walls are simple and roughly cut. In one
enjoys watching the PC slowly starve to death or forces her to corner sits a cross-legged elf, ancient beyond reckoning. Her
battle summoned monsters. clothes are in tatters, and her only other possessions seem
to be two crystal stones orbiting her head. As you enter, she
V7. The Pit opens her eyes to look at you. “Visitors,” she whispers with
Initially, this pit is meant to appear to be nothing more than a a voice rasping from centuries of neglect. “Intriguing.”
simple trap, so do not read the boxed text until the player has This room is the final resting place of the Vengeance of Olindor,
already decided to investigate the pit. though the sword is not easily apparent. When the ancient
This pit drops nearly 100 feet until at last ending in bed wizards of Olindor sought to hide the Vengeance they placed it
of spikes. These walls are perfectly round, but not entirely within the elf now dwelling here: the Keeper of Vengeance.
vertical. As they slope down, the walls angle slightly Creatures: The sole inhabitant of this room is the Keeper
outwards, such that the entire pit is narrow cone, with the of Vengeance. Once a promising apprentice wizard during
opening at its tip. the fading days of Olindor. She volunteered to become the
Keeper knowing full well the life of solitude that was her
This room is the true path to the Vengeance of Olindor. The destiny. Though she was formerly a mortal elf, the long time
walls are virtually impossible to climb, requiring a DC 50 having the Vengeance embedded within her body and soul has
Climb check to scale. Halfway (50-feet) down the pit, is a changed her into a unique creature.
well-hidden secret door, requiring a DC 25 Perception check The Keeper is quite willing to converse with the player
to discover. character. She answers all questions truthfully, if sometimes
Traps: The secret door in the tunnel is protected by a cryptically. At some point the Keeper will ask the PC why
trap designed to take advantage of the pit trap where that she has ventured into the vault. The following are some likely
any intruders are dangling. As soon as the character opens the questions with sample answers. Some lines of discussion may
door, a long blade crosses the entire top of the tunnel, while grant Conversation Points. Keep track of these as they have an
a zone of anti-magic prevents flying, thus plummeting the effect on how willing the Keeper is to turn over the sword.
Actually, Olindor’s been destroyed for a few millennia.
“Gone. But… you lie! No, I can see in your heart you speak
the truth. Then all this time… were all my struggles…
for nothing?
Who is “they?”
“Those who guided us, the wisest of the sages, the Arcane
Council of Olindor.”
The Keeper of What? I also have this Ring of Olindor./What about this ring that
“I keep many things: memories, stories, love, fear, joy, and has the Olindor symbol on it?
sorrow. Most of all, I keep Vengeance.” “The ring of royalty. How did it come to you?”
(Showing or describing the Ring of Olindor [worn
Do you mean the Vengeance of Olindor? I’m looking for that! by both Belinal and Quarillos Starwhisper in The Shroud
“I know the Vengeance of Olindor… better than any has a right of Olindor] grants the PC a Conversation Point)
to. I know where it is now, and I may tell you. But I am
not ready yet. Characters who attempt to adjust the Keeper’s attitude with
the Diplomacy still can also gain conversation points. The
Why was it hidden?/How can I convince you to tell me Keeper is initially indifferent. Shifting her attitude to friendly
where it is? earns one Conversation Point, while shifting it to helpful
“The Vengeance of Olindor was hidden someplace that very grants two Conversation Points.
few people will even think to look. It will return in our Other actions taken by the player character to convince
hour of greatest need to crush our enemies. It will found the Keeper that the PC is an alley of Olindor may be worth
rivers of Kredukaar blood and send the Sasspanari to the additional Conversation Points at the GM’s discretion.
new eternal darkness. Even Azkadell the Eastern Pyre
shall fear its name.” EFFECTS OF THE CONVERSATION
(A DC 30 Knowledge [history] check reveals At some point the conversation with the Keeper must come to
that the Kredukaar and Sasspanari were civilizations an end, and she must decide how to grant the PC the sword.
of hobgoblins and drow, respectively, who also This depends on how many Conversation Points the player
disappeared around the time of Olindor. Askadell was character obtained.
an ancient red wyrm who was slain not long thereafter.)
0-2 Points: The Keeper in unconvinced of the character’s
You have nothing to fear, all your old enemies are gone. motives. She is able to draw upon the full power of the
“We have triumphed, and without our greatest weapon. But sword. In addition to the stats listed below, she gains
our darkest hour has not yet come. There must be other a +2 luck bonus to all her attacks, saves, checks, and to
dangers of which I dare not know.” the DCs of her spells-like abilities. She can also cast cure
moderate wounds (2d8+10) on herself as a free action 3/
day. She does not yield, or accept surrender. (This level Death Blast (Su): If the keeper is slain in combat, she
applies if the PC attacks the Keeper without parlaying.) explodes in a burst of magical energy, dealing 5d6 points
3-4 Points: The Keeper trusts the PC’s motives, but wants of damage to any creature within 30 feet. A successful
to test her ability. The Keeper challenges the PC to DC 20 Reflex save reduces this damage by half).
honorable combat. She does not gain the bonuses above. Arm of Vengeance (Su): As a free action, the Keeper can
If brought down to 12 hit points, she offers to surrender. transform her right arm into a sword that functions for
If the player character accepts, the Keeper recognizes her all purposes as a +2 cold iron longsword. Her hand can
as a true champion of Olindor, and grants her permission also resume its shape as a free action.
to take the sword as described in the next section.
5+ Points: The Keeper recognizes the character as a true Ad Hoc Experience: In addition to getting full experience for
champion of Olindor. She says she will show the PC the Keeper of Vengeance, the PC should receive experience
where the Vengeance of Olindor is, and offers the PC her as though she defeated a CR 9 creature for obtaining the
hand. When the player character accepts, the Keeper’s Vengeance of Olindor.
hand transformers into the blade of a sword. The rest of
the Keeper’s physical form scatters like dust in the wind,
leaving only the Vengeance of Olindor (and the Keeper’s
Once the player character has located the Vengeance of Olindor,
ioun stones).
only one task remains: to find a way out of Granite’s End and
return to the mainland. There are several means of escaping
THE KEEPER OF VENGEANCE CR 9 Granite’s End, many provided by the ruins below. Because the
NG female medium outsider (native, elf) 6,400 XP PC has reached the climax of the adventure, do not throw up too
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 120ft. true seeing; Perception +13 many obstacles at this point, and try to support the PCs plans.
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural) MAGIC
hp 52 (8d10+8) One method to escape is through magic. If the PC has found
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +8 the scroll of dimension door located in room V3, she may able to
use it to escape from the either by casting it directly, or using
OFFENSE the Use Magic Device skill. If the player character cannot use
Spd 40 ft. the scroll herself, she may receive aid from an NPC such Caiph
Melee Vengeance of Olindor +12/+7 (1d8+3/19-20) Pherod, or Murdon the One-Handed.
Special Attacks death blast, spells, Vengeance powers, If the PC chooses to trust Murdon, she may be in for an
scholarly abilities unfortunate surprise. He uses his scroll of teleport, to transport
Spell Like Abilities (CL 10th) everybody to an old hideout, where two howlers (see MM)
3/day—lightning bolt (DC 19), quickened magic missile, loyal to Murdon live. He then turns on the PC to prevent any
quickened shield witness of his escape.
At-will—magic missile, mage armor
STATISTICS The ants that broke into area V3 also provide a means of escape
Abilities Str 12, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 22, Wis 14, Cha 13 by traveling through their colony. Allow the character to make
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 24 a DC 15 Survival check every fifteen minutes that she moves
Feats Quicken Spell-Like Ability (magic missile), Quicken through the hill. Success indicates that she is making progress
Spell-Like Ability (shield), Spell Penetration, Weapon towards escape, and three total (not necessarily consecutive)
Focus (longsword) checks indicate that she finds an exit.
Skills Diplomacy +12, Fly +15, Knowledge (arcana) Every 15 minutes, also roll for a random encounter 1%-
+17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge 50% indicates no encounter; 51%-80% indicates 1d6 worker
(engineering) +16, Knowledge (geography) +16, ants; 81%-99% indicates 1d4 soldier ants; and 100 indicates the
Knowledge (history) +16, Knowledge (nature) +16, queen plus 1d6 workers plus 1d4 soliders.
Knowledge (nobility) +16, Knowledge (planes) +16,
Knowledge (religion) +16, Linguistics +17, Sense Motive FRONT ESCAPE
+13, Spellcraft +17 The PC may attempt to leave through the prison complex, as
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elemental, difficult as that task is. Use the information provided in the
Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, description of Granite’s End to conduct such an escape.
Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ arm of Vengeance
Gear clear spindle ioun stone (sustains without food or
Even when the PC manages to escape the prison, she still
water), and an iridescent spindle ioun stone (sustains
has to cross three miles of water to return to the mainland.
without air)
She may tray to stow-away (similar to stowing away to enter
SPECIAL ABILITIES the prison), or she may “borrow” a rowboat from one of the
Scholarly Abilities: Because her spell-like abilities are inhabitants of the nearby hamlet. She may even attempt to
vestiges of her wizard training, the Keeper uses her swim, though doing so require a DC 15 check, and a creature
Intelligence score rather than her Charisma score to with a speed of 30 takes two hours to cross).
calculate save DCs. Inventive characters may find other means, for example
those who have befriended Caiph Pherod could have the cleric
caster water walk.
Concluding the Adventure The Vengeance of Olindor is a sword of unsurpassed
Once the PC has escaped Granite’s End with Thail Donnodol craftsmanship. The blade always remains sharp and polished
and the Vengeance of Olindor, she may safely return to Servian regardless of the circumstances. The grip is wrapped in blue
Donnodol, who is overjoyed to see his father. The younger elf leather, and pommel set with an enormous sapphire, engraved
offers his mother’s pendant whether he promised it or not (an with the symbol of Olindor.
offer that could be interpreted as a proposal).
If you are playing this adventure as the final installment Vengeance of Olindor: +2 cold iron longsword; AL NG; Int
of the Olindor Trilogy, you may wish to run the epilogue to 10, Wis 17, Cha 17; Common; Speech, Telepathy, 120 ft.
provide a final sense of closure. darkvision and hearing; Ego Score 17
Lesser powers: 10 Ranks in Sense Motive (+13 modifier), cure
moderate wounds (2d8+10) on wielder 3/day, 1/day fly on
Epilogue: Return of Olindor the wielder.
While Thail Donnodol wishes to study the Vengeance of Olindor, Dedicated Power: Wielder gets +2 luck bonus on attacks, saves,
and many champions (possibly including the player character) and checks.
hope to wield it in battle, the sword has other ideas. Special Purpose: Defend the city of Olindor
The Vengeance asks the PC to bring into the heart of an Strong Evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
overgrown forest that has long been abandoned by civilized cure moderate wounds, divine favor, fly; Price: 116,215 gp;
people. If the PC declines, the sword refuses to manifest its Cost: 59,265 gp + 4,556 XP
magical abilities for the PC, and it uses its ego to either force the
player character to go, or turn it over to somebody who will.
In the heart of the forest are ancient stones, long ago Pre-Generated Character
covered with moss and weeds. These, of course, are the ruins
of the city of Olindor. But more surprising than finding the AGATHA WHITLEY CR 9
city are the people who now inhabit it. Female human rogue 9
Dozens of tents are pitched in the heart of the city, CG Medium Humanoid (human)
gathered around a white marble fountain whose appearance Init +7; Senses Perception +12
seems to defy its age. While they are predominantly humans
and elves, a sizeable minority of these tent dwellers are DEFENSE
dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and even half-orcs. The only thing AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 24 (+3 armor, +3 enhancement,
they have in common is tale of how they were drawn to the +2 natural, +4 Dex, +2 deflection)
place by dreams and whispers that no one else could hear. hp 76 (9d8+36)
Among the gathered are familiar faces. Father Arden has Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +3
brought the Star of Olindor (from the adventure of the same Defensive Abilities evasion, uncanny dodge, improved
name), and half-elf bard Belinal (Shroud of Olindor) has felt uncanny dodge, trap sense +3
compelled to gather as well (she brings the Shroud if the PC no
longer possess it). OFFENSE
At this point the Vengeance of Olindor instructs the player Spd 30 ft.
character to place it, along with the Shroud and the Star upon Melee +1 keen rapier +12/+7 melee (1d6+2/16-20)
the fountain. As soon as the PC does so the fountain springs Ranged shortbow +10/+5 (1d6/x3)
to life, providing fresh, clean water. For those few among the Special Attacks rogue talent (bleeding attack), sneak attack
gathered who are not yet convinced, this is the final sign they +5d6
need. They will remain here to return Olindor to his former
glory, but now not just as a home to the elves, but a city united
Abilities Str 12, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
by all free peoples of the world.
Base Atk +6; CMB +7
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility,
THE FOUNTAIN OF OLINDOR Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Finesse (rapier)B,
The white marble fountain is in fact an artifact that maintains Weapon Focus (rapier)B
the same level of water, no mater how much is taken away. Skills Acrobatics +16, Appraise +10, Bluff +12, Climb +13,
Further any who drinks from the fountain receives the Diplomacy +11, Disable Device +16, Escape Artist +16,
beneficial effects of consuming a heroes’ feast (CL 20). If water is Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7,
bottled and removed from the fountain to be consumed later, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +19, Swim +11,
it remains potable, but does not grant the effects of the heroes’ Use Magic Device +12
feast. The fountain only functions as long as all three Treasure Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin
of Olindor remain in contact with the fountain. SQ rogue talent (fast stealth, finesse rogue, weapon training),
THE VENGEANCE OF OLINDOR Gear arrows (20), amulet of natural armor +2, backpack, belt of
The Vengeance of Olindor is the third, and some say the greatest, incredible dexterity +2, boots of elvenkind, cat’s grace potion,
of the legendary treasures of Olindor. While the Star of Olindor cloak of elvenkind, cure serious wounds potion, eyes of the
was made to heal, and the Shroud of Olindor was meant to eagle, glamered studded leather armor +3, invisibility potion,
provide stealth, the Vengeance of Olindor was designed to +1 keen rapier, 2 rations, ring of protection +2, rope (silk),
destroy enemies of the ancient city. It is also unique in that it shortbow, 5 sunrods, thieves’ tools (masterwork), 50 gp
was given an intelligence of its own to prevent it from being
used buy enemies of its creators.
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15.COPYRIGHT NOTICE 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon Copyright
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of 2007, Expeditious Retreat Press; Author Matthew Carson
the Coast, Inc. Monster Geographica: Hill & Mountain Copyright
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards 2005, Expedtious Retreat Press
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Mobat from the Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002,
Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Necromancer Games, Inc. Author Scott Greene and Clark
Dave Arneson. Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo The Mother of All Treasure Tables Copyright 2006,
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material Necromancer Games, Inc.; Designed by Daniel Brakhage,
by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Vicki Potter and the Tabletop Adventures crew including
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Christopher A. Field, K. H. Keeler, Rodney Lucas, John
Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Walsh, Steve Honeywell, Martin Ralya, Deborah Balsam
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer and Darren Pearce; Tabletop Adventures can be found at
Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson,
Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance 1 on 1 Adventures #6: Blood Brothers, Copyright 2007,
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Expeditious Retreat Press; Author Suzi Yee
Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. 1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness, Copyright
One on One Adventures #1: Gambler’s Quest, 2007, Expeditious Retreat Press; Author Creighton
Copyright 2004, Expeditious Retreat Press, Author William Broadhurst
L. Christensen 1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor,
One on One Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor, Copyright 2008, Expeditious Retreat Press; Author
Copyright 2005, Expeditious Retreat Press, Author Mathew Matthew J. Hanson
J. Hanson One on One Adventures Compendium, Copyright
One on One Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills, 2009 Expeditious Retreat Press
Copyright 2006, Expeditious Retreat Press, Author: Suzi
Yee Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing,
One on One Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Copyright 2006, Expeditious Retreat Press, Author Peter Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are
Weekes trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under
Character Portraits: Fantasy Heroes copyright 2003, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License.
Mongoose Publishing See for
Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004, Necromancer more information on the compatibility license.
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene; Additional Authors:
Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim All text in this document is open game content except
Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis the company name, the line name, the name of the work,
Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan the names of contributors, registered trademarks of
Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook. Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the following text used with
Undead Ooze from Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, permission from Ryan Wood of YNG Turk Films.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Sword & Sorcery Studios. • “Pleasure Prison of the B’thuvian Demon Whore,”
Monster Geographica: Underground, Copyright 2004, “Krunk,” “Doug Douglason,”and “Elite GameMaster.”
Expeditious Retreat Press • “Kobold with the headress made of human ears”
Minions v3.5 Copyright 2003, Bastion Press, Inc • “You have entered the bedchambers of the Elf Queen.
1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher, Copyright She stands before you and speaks, ‘Hold, Krunk, barbarian
2006, Expeditious Retreat Press; Author Suzi Yee. of the frozen waste. You shall pass no further,’” “Her gold-
Swords of Our Fathers Copyright 2003, The Game spun blond hair spills past her alabaster shoulders like
Mechanics. springs of honey mead. Her full, ample breasts are barely
Mutants and Masterminds Copyright 2002, Green covered by a sheen of magical elven chainmail. Leather
Ronin Publishing. leggings hug her butter-supple loins.”
Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004, Wizards of the • “The last of the kobold tribe has no time to scream as
Coast, Inc.; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, the force of your blow reduces it to a pink mist! The once-
Rich Redman. proud kobold tribe now lies in diminutive severed limbs
1 on 1 Adventures #6: Shroud of Olindor Copyright at your feet. Carnage drips victoriously from the ripples of
2006, Expeditious Retreat Press; Author Matthew J. your tanned and enormously muscular chest!”
Hanson • “Remember, Elite GameMasters don’t just create
One on One Adventures #6.66: The Pleasure Prison of adventures, they become them! You must weave this
the B’thuvian Demon Whore, Copyright 2006, Expeditious adventure into your existing campaign, reinforcing your
Retreat Press, Author Joseph Browning multi-layered tapestry of themes and subject matter that is,
quite frankly, simply too strong for the ‘hobbyist gamer.’”