Aqm Vector Op PDF
Aqm Vector Op PDF
Aqm Vector Op PDF
Physics 221A
Fall 2017
Notes 19
Irreducible Tensor Operators and the
Wigner-Eckart Theorem
1. Introduction
The Wigner-Eckart theorem concerns matrix elements of a type that is of frequent occurrence
in all areas of quantum physics, especially in perturbation theory and in the theory of the emis-
sion and absorption of radiation. This theorem allows one to determine very quickly the selection
rules for the matrix element that follow from rotational invariance. In addition, if matrix elements
must be calculated, the Wigner-Eckart theorem frequently offers a way of significantly reducing the
computational effort. We will make quite a few applications of the Wigner-Eckart theorem in this
course, including several in the second semester.
The Wigner-Eckart theorem is based on an analysis of how operators transform under rotations.
It turns out that operators of a certain type, the irreducible tensor operators, are associated with
angular momentum quantum numbers and have transformation properties similar to those of kets
with the same quantum numbers. An exploitation of these properties leads to the Wigner-Eckart
We consider a quantum mechanical system with a ket space upon which rotation operators U (R),
forming a representation of the classical rotation group SO(3), are defined. The representation will
be double-valued if the angular momentum of the system is a half-integer. In these notes we consider
only proper rotations R; improper rotations will be taken up later. The operators U (R) map kets
into new or rotated kets,
|ψ ′ i = U (R)|ψi, (1)
In the case of half-integer angular momenta, the mapping above is only determined to within a sign
by the classical rotation R.
Now if A is an operator, we define the rotated operator A′ by requiring that the expectation
value of the original operator with respect to the initial state be equal to the expectation value of
2 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
the rotated operator with respect to the rotated state, that is,
which is to hold for all initial states |ψi. But this implies
Notice that in the case of half-integer angular momenta the rotated operator is specified by the
SO(3) rotation matrix R alone, since the sign of U (R) cancels and the answer does not depend on
which of the two rotation operators is used on the right hand side. This is unlike the case of rotating
kets, where the sign does matter. Equation (7) defines the action of rotations on operators.
3. Scalar Operators
Now we classify operators by how they transform under rotations. First we define a scalar
operator K to be an operator that is invariant under rotations, that is, that satisfies
U (R) K U (R)† = K,
for all operators U (R). This terminology is obvious. Notice that it is equivalent to the statement
that a scalar operator commutes with all rotations,
[U (R), K] = 0. (9)
If an operator commutes with all rotations, then it commutes in particular with infinitesimal rota-
tions, and hence with the generators J. See Eq. (12.13). Conversely, if an operator commutes with
J (all three components), then it commutes with any function of J, such as the rotation operators.
Thus another equivalent definition of a scalar operator is one that satisfies
[J, K] = 0.
The most important example of a scalar operator is the Hamiltonian for an isolated system, not
interacting with any external fields. The consequences of this for the eigenvalues and eigenstates of
the Hamiltonian are discussed in Sec. 7 below.
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 3
4. Vector Operators
where V is the vector of operators that qualify as a genuine vector operator. In case the notation
in Eq. (11) is not clear, we write the same equation out in components,
hψ ′ |Vi |ψ ′ i = Rij hψ|Vj |ψi. (12)
Equation (11) or (12) is to hold for all |ψi, so by Eq. (1) they imply (after swapping R and R−1 )
or, in components,
U (R) Vi U (R)† = Vj Rji .
We will take Eq. (13) or (14) as the definition of vector operator.
In the case of a scalar operator, we had one definition (8) involving its properties under conjuga-
tion by rotations, and another (10) involving its commutation relations with the angular momentum
J. The latter is in effect a version of the former, when the rotation is infinitesimal. Similarly, for
vector operators there is a definition equivalent to Eq. (13) or (14) that involves commutation rela-
tions with J. To derive it we let U and R in Eq. (13) have axis-angle form with an angle θ ≪ 1, so
U (R) = 1 − θn̂ · J, (15)
R = I + θn̂ · J. (16)
Then the definition (13) becomes
i i
1 − θn̂ · J V 1 + θn̂ · J = (I − θn̂ · J)V, (17)
h̄ h̄
[n̂ · J, V] = −ih̄ n̂×V. (18)
4 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
Any vector operator satisfies this commutation relation with the angular momentum of the system.
The converse is also true; if Eq. (20) is satisfied, then V is a vector operator. This follows since
Eq. (20) implies Eq. (18) which implies Eq. (17), that is, it implies that the definition (13) is satisfied
for infinitesimal rotations. But it is easy to show that if Eq. (13) is true for two rotations R1 and
R2 , then it is true for the product R1 R2 . Therefore, since finite rotations can be built up as the
product of a large number of infinitesimal rotations (that is, as a limit), Eq. (20) implies Eq. (13)
for all rotations. Equations (13) and (20) are equivalent ways of defining a vector operator.
We have now defined scalar and vector operators. Combining them, we can prove various
theorems. For example, if V and W are vector operators, then V · W is a scalar operator, and
V×W is a vector operator. This is of course just as in vector algebra, except that we must remember
that operators do not commute, in general. For example, it is not generally true that V·W = W ·V,
or that V×W = −W×V.
If we wish to show that an operator is a scalar, we can compute its commutation relations with
the angular momentum, as in Eq. (10). However, it may be easier to consider what happens when
the operator is conjugated by rotations. For example, the central force Hamiltonian (16.1) is a scalar
because it is a function of the dot products p · p = p2 and x · x = r2 . See Sec. 16.2.
5. Tensor Operators
Finally we define a tensor operator as a tensor of operators with certain transformation prop-
erties that we will illustrate in the case of a rank-2 tensor. In this case we have a set of 9 operators
Tij , where i, j = 1, 2, 3, which can be thought of as a 3 × 3 matrix of operators. These are required
to transform under rotations according to
U (R) Tij U (R)† = Tkℓ Rki Rℓj , (21)
which is a generalization of Eq. (14) for vector operators. As with scalar and vector operators, a
definition equivalent to Eq. (21) may be given that involves the commutation relations of Tij with
the components of angular momentum.
As an example of a tensor operator, let V and W be vector operators, and write
Tij = Vi Wj . (22)
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 5
Then Tij is a tensor operator (it is the tensor product of V with W). This is just an example; in
general, a tensor operator cannot be written as the product of two vector operators as in Eq. (22).
Another example of a tensor operator is the quadrupole moment operator. In a system with a
collection of particles with positions xα and charges qα , where α indexes the particles, the quadrupole
moment operator is
Qij = qα (3xαi xαj − rα2 δij ). (23)
The quadrupole moment operator is especially important in nuclear physics, in which the particles
are the protons in a nucleus with charge q = e. Notice that the first term under the sum (23) is an
operator of the form (22), with V = W = xα .
Tensor operators of other ranks (besides 2) are possible; a scalar is considered a tensor operator
of rank 0, and a vector is considered a tensor of rank 1. In the case of tensors of arbitrary rank, the
transformation law involves one copy of the matrix R−1 = Rt for each index of the tensor.
Consider a system consisting of a single spinless particle moving in three-dimensional space, for
which the wave functions are ψ(x) and the angular momentum is L = x×p. To see whether x is a
vector operator (we expect it is), we compute the commutation relations with L, finding,
so that p is also a vector operator. Then x×p (see Sec. 4) must also be a vector operator, that is,
we must have
[Li , Lj ] = ih̄ ǫijk Lk . (27)
This last equation is of course just the angular momentum commutation relations, but here with a
new interpretation. More generally, by comparing the adjoint formula (13.89) with the commutation
relations (20), we see that the angular momentum J is always a vector operator.
In this section we explore the consequences of rotational invariance for the eigenstates, eigen-
values and degeneracies of a scalar operator. The most important scalar operator in practice is the
6 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
Hamiltonian for an isolated system, so concreteness we will speak of such a Hamiltonian, but the
following analysis applies to any scalar operator.
Let H be the Hamiltonian for an isolated system, and let E be the Hilbert space upon which
it acts. Since H is a scalar it commutes with J, and therefore with the commuting operators J 2
and J3 . Let us denote the simultaneous eigenspaces of J 2 and J3 with quantum numbers j and m
by Sjm , as illustrated in Fig. 13.5. It was shown in Notes 13 that for a given system, j takes on
certain values that must be either integers or half-integers. For example, in central force motion we
have only integer values of j (which is called ℓ in that context), while for the 57 Fe nucleus, which is
discussed in more detail in the next section, we have only half-integer values. For each value of j that
occurs there is a collection of 2j + 1 eigenspaces Sjm of J 2 and J3 , for m = −j, . . . , +j. These spaces
are mapped invertibly into one another by J+ and J− , as illustrated in Fig. 13.5, and if they are
finite-dimensional, then they all have the same dimension. As in Notes 13, we write Nj = dim Sjj ,
which we call the multiplicity of the given j value.
In Notes 13 we constructed a standard angular momentum basis by picking an arbitrary or-
thonormal basis in each stretched space Sjj , with the basis vectors labeled by γ as in Fig. 13.5, where
γ = 1, . . . , Nj . We denote these basis vectors in Sjj by |γjji. Then by applying lowering operators,
we construct an orthonormal basis in each of the other Sjm , for m running down to −j. In this
way we construct a standard angular momentum basis |γjmi on the whole Hilbert space E. In this
construction, it does not matter how the basis |γjji is chosen in Sjj , as long as it is orthonormal.
Now, however, we have a Hamiltonian, and we would like a simultaneous eigenbasis of H, J 2
and J3 . To construct this we restrict H to Sjj for some j (see Sec. 1.23 for the concept of the
restriction of an operator to a subspace, and how it is used in proving that commuting operators
possess a simultaneous eigenbasis). This restricted H is a Hermitian operator on Sjj so it possesses
an eigenbasis on that space. It is possible, depending on the system and the value of j, that H has
only a continuous spectrum on Sjj , but we wish to make statements about the bound states of H so
let us assume that H possesses at least one bound state |ψi on Sjj with corresponding eigenvalue
E. Then |ψi satisfies
J 2 |ψi = j(j + 1)h̄2 |ψi, J3 |ψi = jh̄ |ψi, H|ψi = E|ψi. (28)
so that J− |ψi is an eigenstate of H, lying in the space Sj,j−1 , with the same eigenvalue E as |ψi ∈ Sjj .
Continuing to apply lowering operators, we generate a set of 2j + 1 linearly independent eigenstates
of H with the same eigenvalue E, that is, E is independent of the quantum number m. These states
span an irreducible, invariant subspace of E.
There may be other irreducible subspaces with the same energy. This can occur in two ways.
It could happen that there is another energy eigenstate in Sjj , linearly independent of |ψi, with the
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 7
same energy E. That is, it is possible that E is a degenerate eigenvalue of H restricted to Sjj . In
general, every discrete eigenvalue E of H restricted to Sjj corresponds to an eigenspace, a subspace
of Sjj that may be multidimensional. Choosing an orthonormal basis in this subspace and applying
lowering operators, we obtain a set of orthogonal, irreducible subspaces of the same value of j, each
with 2j + 1 dimensions and all having the same energy.
It could also happen that there is another bound energy eigenstate, in a different space Sj ′ j ′ for
j 6= j, with the same energy E as |ψi ∈ Sjj . This would be a degeneracy of H that crosses j values.
If such a degeneracy exists, then we have at least two irreducible subspaces of the same energy, one
of dimension 2j + 1 and the other of dimension 2j ′ + 1. These facts that we have accumulated can
be summarized by a theorem:
Theorem 1. The discrete energy eigenspaces of an isolated system consist of one or more invariant,
irreducible subspaces under rotations. The different irreducible subspaces can be chosen to be
Let us see how this theorem works out in central force motion. The stretched subspace Sℓℓ
(we use ℓ instead of j in this example) consists of wave functions R(r)Yℓℓ (θ, φ), where R(r) is any
radial wave function. A bound energy eigenstate in this space is one for which R(r) is a bound
eigenfunction of the radial wave equation (16.7). This equation for the given value of ℓ may not
possess any bound radial eigenfunctions at all, but if it does, then, when multiplied by Yℓℓ (θ, φ),
the radial wave function gives the stretched member of an irreducible subspace of degenerate energy
Now we consider degeneracies. Is it possible, for a given value of ℓ in a central force problem,
that a bound energy eigenvalue can be degenerate? That is, can there be more than one linearly
independent bound energy eigenstate of a given energy in Sℓℓ ? As discussed in Sec. 16.4, the answer is
no, the boundary conditions on the radial wave functions guarantee that there can be no degeneracy
of this type. Then is it possible that there is a degeneracy for different values of ℓ? Again, as
discussed in Notes 16, the answer is that in general it is not very likely, since the different radial
equations for different values of ℓ are effectively different Schrödinger equations whose centrifugal
potentials are different.
The fact is that systematic degeneracies require a continuous, non-Abelian symmetry. We are
already taking into account the SO(3) symmetry of proper rotations, which explains the degeneracy
in the magnetic quantum number m, so any additional degeneracy will require a larger symmetry
group than SO(3). In the absence of such extra symmetry, degeneracies between different j values
can occur only by “accident,” that is, by fine tuning parameters in a Hamiltonian to force a degen-
eracy to happen. This is not likely in most practical situations. Therefore in central force problems
we do not normally expect degeneracies that cross subspaces of different values of ℓ.
As explained in Notes 17, however, the electrostatic model of hydrogen is a notable exception,
due to the symmetry group SO(4) possessed by this model, which is larger than the rotation group
8 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
SO(3). The extra symmetry in this model of hydrogen explains why the energy levels En = −1/2n2
(in the right units) are the same across the angular momentum values ℓ = 0, . . . , n − 1. The isotropic
harmonic oscillator in two or more dimensions is another example of a system with extra degeneracy;
such oscillators are approximate models for certain types of molecular vibrations.
For another example of how Theorem 1 works out in practice we examine some energy levels
of the nucleus 57 Fe, which is important in the Mössbauer effect. We use the opportunity to digress
into some of the interesting physics connected with this effect.
8. The Fe Nucleus and the Mössbauer Effect
The 57 Fe nucleus can be thought of as a bound state of a 57-particle system, one containing 26
protons and 31 neutrons. It will not be useful to try to write down an explicit Hamiltonian for this
nucleus, but if it helps to think about the problem we can imagine that there is some Hamiltonian
H that depends on positions xα , momenta pα and spins Sα for α = 1, . . . , 57. All we will actually
assume about this Hamiltonian is that it is invariant under rotations.
A basic theme in the Mössbauer effect is that when a system such as an atom or a nucleus
undergoes a transition by emitting a photon and dropping into a lower energy state, say B → A + γ
where EB > EA , then ideally the photon has exactly the right energy to induce the inverse reaction,
γ + A → B in a different atom or nucleus of the same type.
We say “ideally” because there are several complications in this basic picture. First of all, there
is some spread in the energy of the photon emitted, due to the natural line width of the transition.
In quantum mechanics energy is only precisely defined in a process that takes place over an infinite
amount of time. But the upper energy level B, which decays by photon emission, is unstable, and
has a finite lifetime τ . As a result, the energy of the state B is uncertain by an amount ∆E = h̄∆ω,
where ∆ω = 1/τ . In the Mössbauer effect the lower state A is stable and has an infinite lifetime,
so its energy is precisely defined. The quantity ∆E or ∆ω is called the natural line width of the
transition B → A + γ.
The Mössbauer effect involves a transition 57 Fe∗ → 57 Fe + γ between two energy levels of the
nucleus, where the simple notation 57 Fe (or A) refers to the ground state of the nucleus and 57 Fe∗
(or B) refers to an excited state. These states are illustrated in Fig. 1. The photon emitted has
energy 14.4 KeV, and the lifetime of the excited state 57 Fe∗ is τ = 9.8 × 10−8 sec. From these figures
we find ∆ω/ω = ∆E/E = 4.7 × 10−13 , where E and ω are the energy and frequency of the emitted
photon. The spread in the energy is very small compared to the energy.
The Mössbauer effect makes use of a source containing iron nuclei in the excited state 57
Fe∗ ,
which emits photons, and a receiver containing iron nuclei in the ground state which may absorb
them by being lifted into the excited state 57 Fe∗ via the reverse reaction. A population of 57 Fe∗
excited states is maintained in the source as part of the decay chain of 57 Co, as shown in Fig. 1.
Co has a lifetime of 271 days, which is long enough to make it practical to use it as a source of
Fe∗ in a real experiment. As shown in the figure, 57 Co transforms into an excited state 57 Fe∗∗
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 9
β capture
Fe∗∗ ( 52 , −)
γ (122 KeV)
γ (136 KeV)
Fe∗ ( 23 , −)
γ (14.4 KeV)
Fe ( 21 , −)
Fig. 1. Energy level diagram relevant for the Mössbauer effect in 57 Fe. 57 Fe is the ground state, 57 Fe∗ is an excited
state, and 57 Fe∗∗ is a more highly excited state. Principal transitions via photon emission are shown.
carried out in 1959, in which the Mössbauer effect was used to make the first measurement of the
gravitational red shift. This is the red shift photons experience when climbing in a gravitational
field, in accordance with the 1911 prediction of Einstein. The gravitational red shift is one of the
physical cornerstones of general relativity.
To return to the subject of Hamiltonians and their energy levels in isolated systems, let us
draw attention to the three levels 57 Fe, 57 Fe∗ and 57 Fe∗∗ , in Fig. 1. These are energy levels of the
Hamiltonian for the 57 Fe nucleus, and, according to Theorem 1, each must consist of one or more
irreducible subspaces under rotations. In fact, they each consist of precisely one such irreducible
subspace, with a definite j value, which is indicated in the figure ( 12 for the ground state 57 Fe, and
2 and 5 for the two excited states 57 Fe∗ and 57 Fe∗∗ , respectively). Also indicated are the parities
of these states (all three have odd parity). The parity of energy eigenstates of isolated systems is
discussed in Sec. 20.8.
The nuclear energy eigenstates consist of a single irreducible subspace under rotations for the
same reasons discussed in connection with central force motion in Sec. 7. That is, extra degeneracy
requires extra symmetry or else an unlikely accident, and neither of these is to be expected in nuclei.
Therefore each energy level is characterized by a unique angular momentum value, as indicated in
the figure. With reference to the 57-particle model of the nucleus 57 Fe, this angular momentum is
actually the sum of the orbital and spin angular momenta of the 57 constituent particles. In the
case of nuclear eigenstates, it is customary to call this total angular momentum the “spin” of the
nucleus and to write s for its quantum number, rather than j. For example, we say that the ground
state 57 Fe has spin s = 21 .
We can summarize these accumulated facts by stating an addendum to Theorem 1.
Addendum to Theorem 1. With a few exceptions, notably the electrostatic model of hydrogen,
the bound state energy eigenspaces of isolated systems consist of a single invariant, irreducible
subspace under rotations. Thus, the energy eigenvalues are characterized by an angular momentum
quantum number, which is variously denoted ℓ, s, j, etc, depending on the system.
We can now understand why the Hilbert space for spins in magnetic fields consists of a single
irreducible subspace under rotations, a question that was raised in Notes 14. For example, if we
place the 57 Fe nucleus in a magnetic field that is strong by laboratory standards, say, 10T, then the
energy splitting between the two magnetic substates m = ± 21 will be of the order of 100 MHz in
frequency units, or about 4 × 10−7eV, or roughly 3 × 10−11 times smaller than the energy separation
from the first excited state 57 Fe∗ . Therefore it is an excellent approximation to ignore the state
Fe∗ and all other excited states of the 57
Fe nucleus, and to treat the Hilbert space of the nucleus
as if it were a single irreducible subspace with s = 12 , that is, the ground eigenspace. This in turn
explains why the magnetic moment is proportional to the spin [see Prob. 2(a)].
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 11
We return to our development of the properties of operators under rotations. We take up the
subject of the spherical basis, which is a basis of unit vectors in ordinary three-dimensional space that
is alternative to the usual Cartesian basis. Initially we just present the definition of the spherical basis
without motivation, and then we show how it can lead to some dramatic simplifications in certain
problems. Then we explain its deeper significance. The spherical basis will play an important role
in the development of later topics concerning operators and their transformation properties.
We denote the usual Cartesian basis by ĉi , i = 1, 2, 3, so that
We have previously denoted this basis by êi , but in these notes we reserve the symbol ê for the
spherical basis.
The spherical basis is defined by
x̂ + iŷ
ê1 = − √ ,
ê0 = ẑ,
x̂ − iŷ
ê−1 = √ . (31)
This is a complex basis, so vectors with real components with respect to the Cartesian basis have
complex components with respect to the spherical basis. We denote the spherical basis vectors
collectively by êq , q = 1, 0, −1.
The spherical basis vectors have the following properties. First, they are orthonormal, in the
sense that
ê∗q · êq′ = δqq′ . (32)
Next, an arbitrary vector X can be expanded as a linear combination of the vectors ê∗q ,
ê∗q Xq ,
X= (33)
ê∗q êq ,
I= (35)
in which the juxtaposition of the two vectors represents a tensor product or dyad notation.
You may wonder why we expand X as a linear combination of ê∗q , instead of êq . The latter
type of expansion is possible too, that is, any vector Y can be written
Y= êq Yq , (36)
12 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
Yq = ê∗q · Y. (37)
êq ê∗q .
I= (38)
The two types of expansion give the contravariant and covariant components of a vector with respect
to the spherical basis; in this course, however, we will only need the expansion indicated by Eq. (33).
To show some of the utility of the spherical basis, we consider the problem of dipole radiative
transitions in a single-electron atom such as hydrogen or an alkali. It is shown in Notes 41 that the
transition amplitude for the emission of a photon is proportional to matrix elements of the dipole
operator between the initial and final states. We use an electrostatic, spinless model for the atom,
as in Notes 16, and we consider the transition from initial energy level Enℓ to final level En′ ℓ′ . These
levels are degenerate, since the energy does not depend on the magnetic quantum number m or m′ .
The wave functions have the form,
as in Eq. (16.15).
The dipole operator is proportional to the position operator of the electron, so we must evaluate
matrix elements of the form,
hnℓm|x|n′ ℓ′ m′ i, (40)
where the initial state is on the left and the final one on the right. The position operator x has
three components, and the initial and final levels consist of 2ℓ + 1 and 2ℓ′ + 1 degenerate states,
respectively. Therefore if we wish to evaluate the intensity of a spectral line as it would be observed,
we really have to evaluate 3(2ℓ′ + 1)(2ℓ + 1) matrix elements, for example, 3 × 3 × 5 = 45 in a 3d → 2p
transition. This is actually an exaggeration, as we shall see, because many of the matrix elements
vanish, but there are still many nonvanishing matrix elements to be calculated.
A great simplification can be achieved by expressing the components of x, not with respect to
the Cartesian basis, but with respect to the spherical basis. First we define
xq = êq · x, (41)
exactly as in Eq.(34). Next, by inspecting a table of the Yℓm ’s (see Sec. 15.7), we find that for ℓ = 1
we have
r r
3 iφ 3 x + iy
rY11 (θ, φ) = −r sin θe = − √ ,
8π 4π 2
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 13
r r
3 3
rY10 (θ, φ) = r cos θ = (z),
4π 4π
r r
3 3 x − iy
rY1,−1 (θ, φ) = r sin θe−iφ = √ , (42)
8π 4π 2
where we have multiplied each Y1m by the radius r. On the right hand side we see the spherical
components xq of the position vector x, as follows from the definitions (31). The results can be
summarized by r
rY1q (θ, φ) = xq , (43)
for q = 1, 0, −1, where q appears explicitly as a magnetic quantum number. This equation reveals
a relationship between vector operators and the angular momentum value ℓ = 1, something we will
have more to say about presently.
Now the matrix elements (40) become a product of a radial integral times an angular integral,
Z ∞
hnℓm|xq |n′ ℓ′ m′ i = ∗ (r)rR ′ ′ (r)
r2 dr Rnℓ n ℓ
r (44)
× ∗ (θ, φ)Y (θ, φ)Y ′ ′ (θ, φ).
dΩ Yℓm 1q ℓ m
We see that all the dependence on the three magnetic quantum numbers (m, q, m′ ) is contained in
the angular part of the integral. Moreover, the angular integral can be evaluated by the three-Yℓm
formula, Eq. (18.67), whereupon it becomes proportional to the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient,
The radial integral is independent of the three magnetic quantum numbers (m, q, m′ ), and the trick
we have just used does not help us to evaluate it. But it is only one integral, and after it has
been done, all the other integrals can be evaluated just by computing or looking up Clebsch-Gordan
The selection rule m = q + m′ in the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient (45) means that many of the
integrals vanish, so we have exaggerated the total number of integrals that need to be done. But had
we worked with the Cartesian components xi of x, this selection rule might not have been obvious.
In any case, even with the selection rule, there may still be many nonzero integrals to be done (nine,
in the case 3d → 2p).
The example we have just given of simplifying the calculation of matrix elements for a dipole
transition is really an application of the Wigner-Eckart theorem, which we take up later in these
The process we have just described is not just a computational trick, rather it has a physical
interpretation. The initial and final states of the atom are eigenstates of L2 and Lz , and the photon
is a particle of spin 1 (see Notes 40). Conservation of angular momentum requires that the angular
momentum of the initial state (the atom, with quantum numbers ℓ and m) should be the same as the
14 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
angular momentum of the final state (the atom, with quantum numbers ℓ′ and m′ , plus the photon
with spin 1). Thus, the selection rule m = m′ + q means that q is the z-component of the spin of
the emitted photon, so that the z-component of angular momentum is conserved in the emission
process. As for the selection rule ℓ ∈ {ℓ′ − 1, ℓ′ , ℓ′ + 1}, it means that the amplitude is zero unless the
possible total angular momentum quantum number of the final state, obtained by combining ℓ′ ⊗ 1,
is the total angular momentum quantum number of the initial state. This example shows the effect
of symmetries and conservation laws on the selection rules for matrix elements.
This is only an incomplete accounting of the symmetry principles at work in the matrix element
(40) or (44); as we will see in Notes 20, parity also plays an important role.
To understand the deeper significance of the spherical basis we examine Table 1. The first
row of this table summarizes the principal results obtained in Notes 13, in which we worked out
the matrix representations of angular momentum and rotation operators. To review those results,
we start with a ket space upon which proper rotations act by means of unitary operators U (R), as
indicated in the second column of the table. We refer only to proper rotations R ∈ SO(3), and
we note that the representation may be double-valued. The rotation operators have generators,
defined by Eq. (12.13), that is, that equation can be taken as the definition of J when the rotation
operators U (R) are given. [Equation (12.11) is equivalent.] The components of J satisfy the usual
commutation relations (12.24) since the operators U (R) form a representation of the rotation group.
Next, since J 2 and Jz commute, we construct their simultaneous eigenbasis, with an extra index γ
to resolve degeneracies. Also, we require states with different m but the same γ and j to be related
by raising and lowering operators. This creates the standard angular momentum basis (SAMB),
indicated in the fourth column. In the last column, we show how the vectors of the standard angular
momentum basis transform under rotations. A basis vector |γjmi, when rotated, produces a linear
combination of other basis vectors for the same values of γ and j but different values of m. This
implies that the space spanned by |γjmi for fixed γ and j, but for m = −j, . . . , +j is invariant under
rotations. This space has dimensionality 2j + 1. It is, in fact, an irreducible invariant space (more
on irreducible subspaces below). One of the results of the analysis of Notes 13 is that the matrices
Dm ′ m (U ) are universal matrices, dependent only on the angular momentum commutation relations
m ′
3D Space x 7→ Rx iJ êq Rêq = êq′ Dq1′ q
Operators A 7→ U AU †
... Tqk U Tqk U † = Tqk′ Dqk′ q
Table 1. The rows of the table indicate different vector spaces upon which rotations act by means of unitary operators.
The first row refers to a ket space (a Hilbert space of a quantum mechanical system), the second to ordinary three-
dimensional space (physical space), and the third to the space of operators. The operators in the third row are the
usual linear operators of quantum mechanics that act on the ket space, for example, the Hamiltonian. The first column
identifies the vector space. The second column shows how rotations R ∈ SO(3) act on the given space. The third column
shows the generators of the rotations, that is, the 3-vector of Hermitian operators that specify infinitesimal rotations.
The fourth column shows the standard angular momentum basis (SAMB), and the last column, the transformation law
of vectors of the standard angular momentum basis under rotations.
consists of just rotating vectors in the usual sense, as indicated in the second column.
The generators of rotations in this case must be a vector J of Hermitian operators, that is,
Hermitian matrices, that satisfy
U (n̂, θ) = 1 −
θn̂ · J, (46)
when θ is small. Here U really means the same thing as R, since we are speaking of the action
on three-dimensional space, and 1 means the same as the identity matrix I. We will modify this
definition of J slightly by writing J′ = J/h̄, thereby absorbing the h̄ into the definition of J and
making J′ dimensionless. This is appropriate when dealing with ordinary physical space, since it
has no necessary relation to quantum mechanics. (The spherical basis is also useful in classical
mechanics, for example.) Then we will drop the prime, and just remember that in the case of this
space, we will use dimensionless generators. Then we have
J = iJ, (49)
as indicated in the third column of Table 1. Writing out the matrices Ji explicitly, we have
0 0 0 0 0 i 0 −i 0
J1 = 0 0 −i , J2 = 0 0 0 , J3 = i 0 0. (50)
0 i 0 −i 0 0 0 0 0
These matrices are indeed Hermitian, and they satisfy the dimensionless commutation relations,
0 0 ∓1
J± = 0 0 −i . (53)
±1 i 0
We see that J 2 = 2I, which means that every vector in ordinary space is an eigenvector of J 2 with
eigenvalue j(j + 1) = 2, that is, with j = 1. An irreducible subspace with j = 1 in any vector space
must be 3-dimensional, but in this case the entire space is 3-dimensional, so the entire space consists
of a single irreducible subspace under rotations with j = 1.
The fact that physical space carries the angular momentum value j = 1 is closely related to the
fact that vector operators are irreducible tensor operators of order 1, as explained below. It is also
connected with the fact that the photon, which is represented classically by the vector field A(x)
(the vector potential), is a spin-1 particle.
Since every vector in three-dimensional space is an eigenvector of J 2 , the standard basis consists
of the eigenvectors of J3 , related by raising and lowering operators (this determines the phase
conventions of the vectors, relative to that of the stretched vector). But we can easily check that
the spherical unit vectors (31) are the eigenvectors of J3 , that is,
Furthermore, it is easy to check that these vectors are related by raising and lowering operators,
that is,
J± êq = (1 ∓ q)(1 ± q + 1) êq±1 , (55)
where J± is given by Eq. (53). Only the overall phase of the spherical basis vectors is not determined
by these relations. The overall phase chosen in the definitions (31) has the nice feature that ê0 = ẑ.
Since the spherical basis is a standard angular momentum basis, its vectors must transform
under rotations according to Eq. (13.85), apart from notation. Written in the notation appropriate
for three-dimensional space, that transformation law becomes
Rêq = êq′ Dq1′ q (R). (56)
We need not prove this as an independent result; it is just a special case of Eq. (13.85). This
transformation law is also shown in the final column of Table 1, in order to emphasize its similarity
to related transformation laws on other spaces.
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 17
Equation (56) has an interesting consequence, obtained by dotting both sides with ê∗q′ . We use
a round bracket notation for the dot product on the left hand side, and we use the orthogonality
relation (32) on the right hand side, which picks out one term from the sum. We find
ê∗ 1
q′ , Rêq = Dq′ q (R), (57)
which shows that Dq1′ q is just the matrix representing the rotation operator on three-dimensional
space with respect to the spherical basis. The usual rotation matrix contains the matrix elements
with respect to the Cartesian basis, that is,
ĉi , Rĉj = Rij . (58)
See Eq. (11.7). For a given rotation, matrices R and D1 are similar (they differ only by a change of
In the third row of Table 1 we consider the vector space of operators. The operators in question
are the operators that act on the ket space of our quantum mechanical system, that is, they are
the usual operators of quantum mechanics, for example, the Hamiltonian. Linear operators can
be added and multiplied by scalars, so they form a vector space in the mathematical sense, but of
course they also act on vectors (that is, kets). So the word “vector” is used in two different senses
here. Rotations act on operators according to our definition (6), also shown in the second column of
the table. Thus we have another example of a vector space upon which rotation operators act, and
we can expect that the entire construction of Notes 13 will go through again, apart from notation.
Rather than filling in the rest of the table, however, let us return to the definition of a vector
operator, Eq. (14), and interpret it in a different light. That definition concerns the three components
V1 , V2 and V3 of a vector operator, each of which is an operator itself, and it says that if we rotate
any one of these operators, we obtain a linear combination of the same three operators. Thus, any
linear combination of these three operators is mapped into another such linear combination by any
rotation, or, equivalently, the space of operators spanned by these three operators is invariant under
rotations. Thus we view the three components of V as a set of “basis operators” spanning this space,
which is a 3-dimensional subspace of the space of all operators. (We assume V 6= 0.) A general
element of this subspace of operators is an arbitrary linear combination of the three basis operators,
that is, it has the form
a1 V1 + a2 V2 + a3 V3 = a · V, (59)
a dot product of a vector of numbers a and a vector of operators V.
If a subspace of a vector space is invariant under rotations, then we may ask whether it contains
any smaller invariant subspaces. If not, we say it is irreducible. If so, it can be decomposed into
smaller invariant subspaces, and we say it is reducible. The invariant subspaces of a reducible space
may themselves be reducible or irreducible; if reducible, we decompose them further. We continue
18 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
until we have only irreducible subspaces. Thus, every invariant subspace can be decomposed into
irreducible subspaces, which in effect form the building blocks of any invariant subspace.
In the case of a ket space, the subspaces spanned by |γjmi for fixed γ and j but m = −j, . . . , +j
is, in fact, an irreducible subspace. The proof of this will not be important to us, but it is not
hard. What about the three-dimensional space of operators spanned by the components of a vector
operator? It turns out that it, too, is irreducible.
A simpler example of an irreducible subspace of operators is afforded by any scalar operator K.
If K 6= 0, K can be thought of as a basis operator in a one-dimensional space of operators, in which
the general element is aK, where a is a number (that is, the space contains all multiples of K). Since
K is invariant under rotations [see Eq. (8)], this space is invariant. It is also irreducible, because a
one-dimensional space contains no smaller subspace, so if invariant it is automatically irreducible.
We see that both scalar and vector operators are associated with irreducible subspaces of op-
erators. What about second rank tensor operators Tij ? Such an “operator” is really a tensor of
operators, that is, 9 operators that we can arrange in a 3 × 3 matrix. Assuming these operators are
linearly independent, they span a 9-dimensional subspace of operators that is invariant under rota-
tions, since according to Eq. (21) when we rotate any of these operators we get a linear combination
of the same operators. This space, however, is reducible.
To see this, let us take the example (22) of a tensor operator, that is, Tij = Vi Wj where V
and W are vector operators. This is not the most general form of a tensor operator, but it will
illustrate the points we wish to make. A particular operator in the space of operators spanned by
the components Tij is the trace of Tij , that is,
Being a dot product of two vectors, this is a scalar operator, and is invariant under rotations.
Therefore by itself it spans a 1-dimensional, irreducible subspace of the 9-dimensional space of
operators spanned by the components of Tij . The remaining (orthogonal) 8-dimensional subspace
can be reduced further, for it possesses a 3-dimensional invariant subspace spanned by the operators,
X3 = T12 − T21 = V1 W2 − V2 W1 ,
X1 = T23 − T32 = V2 W3 − V3 W2 ,
X2 = T31 − T13 = V3 W1 − V1 W3 , (61)
part of Tij ). The following five operators form a basis in this subspace:
S1 = T12 + T21 ,
S2 = T23 + T32 ,
S3 = T31 + T13 ,
S4 = T11 − T22 ,
S5 = T11 + T22 − 2T33 . (63)
The original tensor Tij breaks up in three irreducible subspaces, a 1-dimensional scalar (the
trace), a 3-dimensional vector (the antisymmetric part), and the 5-dimensional symmetric, traceless
part. Notice that these dimensionalities are in accordance with the Clebsch-Gordan decomposition,
1 ⊗ 1 = 0 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 2, (64)
3 × 3 = 1 + 3 + 5 = 9. (65)
This Clebsch-Gordan series arises because the vector operators V and W form two ℓ = 1 irreducible
subspaces of operators, and when we form T according to Tij = Vi Wj , we are effectively combining
angular momenta as indicated by Eq. (64). The only difference from our usual practice is that we
are forming products of vector spaces of operators, instead of tensor products of ket spaces.
We have examined this decomposition in the special case Tij = Vi Wj , but the decomposition
itself applies to any second rank tensor Tij . More generally, Cartesian tensors of any rank ≥ 2 are
It is possible that a given tensor Tij may have one or more of the three irreducible components
that vanish. The quadrupole moment tensor (23), for example, is already symmetric and traceless,
so its nine components are actually linear combinations of just five independent operators. For
another example, an antisymmetric tensor Tij = −Tji contains only the three-dimensional (vector)
For many purposes it is desirable to organize tensors into their irreducible subspaces. This
can be done by going over from the Cartesian to the spherical basis, and then constructing linear
combinations using Clebsch-Gordan coefficients to end up with tensors transforming according to
an irreducible representation of the rotations. We will say more about this process later.
So far we have said nothing about a standard angular momentum basis of operators. The
Cartesian components Vi of a vector operator do form a basis in a 3-dimensional, irreducible subspace
of operators, but they do not transform under rotations as a standard angular momentum basis. We
see this from the definition (14), which shows that if we rotate the basis operators Vi in this subspace,
20 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
the coefficients of the linear combinations of the basis operators we obtain are Cartesian components
of the rotation matrix R. When we rotate the basis vectors of a standard angular momentum basis,
the coefficients are components of the D-matrices, as we see in Eq. (13.85). We now define a class
of operators that do transform under rotations as a standard angular momentum basis.
We define an irreducible tensor operator of order k as a set of 2k + 1 operators Tqk , for q =
−k, . . . , +k, that satisfy
U Tqk U † = Tqk′ Dqk′ q (U ),
for all rotation operators U . We denote the irreducible tensor operator itself by T k , and its 2k + 1
components by Tqk . This definition is really a version of Eq. (13.85), applied to the space of operators.
It means that the components of an irreducible tensor operator are basis operators in a standard
angular momentum basis that spans an irreducible subspace of operators. Thus we place Tqk in the
SAMB column of the third row of Table 1, and the transformation law (66) in the last column. The
three transformation laws in the last column (for three different kinds of spaces) should be compared.
We see that the order k of an irreducible tensor operator behaves like an angular momentum quantum
number j, and q behaves like m.
However, unlike the standard angular momentum basis vectors in ket spaces, irreducible tensor
operators are restricted to integer values of angular momentum quantum number k. The physical
reason for this is that operators, which represent physically observable quantities, must be invariant
under a rotation of 2π; the mathematical reason is that our definition of a rotated operator, given by
Eq. (6), is quadratic U (R), so that the representation of rotations on the vector space of operators
is always a single-valued representation of SO(3).
Let us examine some examples of irreducible tensor operators. A scalar operator K is an
irreducible tensor operator of order 0, that is, it is an example of an irreducible tensor operator T00 .
This follows easily from the fact that K commutes with any rotation operator U , and from the fact
that the j = 0 rotation matrices are simply given by the 1 × 1 matrix (1) [see Eq. (13.68)].
Irreducible tensor operators of order 1 are constructed from vector operators by transforming
from the Cartesian basis to the spherical basis. If we let V be a vector operator as defined by
Eq. (13), and define its spherical components by
then we have
The electric quadrupole operator is given as a Cartesian tensor in Eq. (23). This Cartesian
tensor is symmetric and traceless, so it contains only 5 independent components, which span an
irreducible subspace of operators. In fact, this subspace is associated with angular momentum value
k = 2. It is possible to introduce a set of operators Tq2 , q = −2, . . . , +2 that form a standard angular
momentum basis in this space, that is, that form an order 2 irreducible tensor operator. These can
be regarded as the spherical components of the quadrupole moment tensor. We will explore this
subject in more detail later.
Above we presented two equivalent definitions of scalar and vector operators, one involving
transformation properties under rotations, and the other involving commutation relations with J. We
will now do the same with irreducible tensor operators. To this end, we substitute the infinitesimal
form (15) of the rotation operator U into both sides of the definition (66).
On the right we will need the D-matrix for an infinitesimal rotation. Since the D-matrix
contains just the matrix elements of U with respect to a standard angular momentum basis [this is
the definition of the D-matrices, see Eq. (13.56)], we require these matrix elements in the case of an
infinitesimal rotation. For θ ≪ 1, Eq. (13.56) becomes
j ′
i i
Dm ′ m (n̂, θ) = hjm | 1 − θn̂ · J |jmi = δm′ m − θhjm′ |n̂ · J|jmi. (69)
h̄ h̄
Changing notation (jm′ m) → (kq ′ q) and substituting this and Eq. (15) into the definition (66) of
an irreducible tensor operator, we obtain
i i X i
1 − θn̂ · J Tqk 1 + θn̂ · J = Tqk′ δq′ q − θhkq ′ |n̂ · J|kqi , (70)
h̄ h̄ h̄
′ q
This last equation specifies a complete set of commutation relations of the components of J
with the components of an irreducible tensor operator, but it is usually transformed into a different
form. First we take the z-component of both sides and use Jz |kqi = h̄q|kqi, so that
This is Eq. (13.47) with a change of notation. Then Eq. (71) becomes Eq. (79a) below. Next dot
both sides of Eq. (71) with x̂ ± iŷ, and use
J± |kqi = (k ∓ q)(k ± q + 1)h̄ |k, q ± 1i, (73)
hkq ′ |J± |kqi = (k ∓ q)(k ± q + 1)h̄ δq′ ,q±1 . (74)
22 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
This is Eq. (13.48b) with a change of notation. Then we obtain Eq. (79b) below. Finally, take the
i-th component of Eq. (71),
[Ji , Tqk ] = Tqk′ hkq ′ |Ji |kqi, (75)
where we have used Eq. (71) again to create a double sum. Finally summing both sides over i, we
[Ji , [Ji , Tqk ]] = Tqk′′ hkq ′′ |J 2 |kqi. (77)
i q′′
hkq ′′ |J 2 |kqi = k(k + 1)h̄2 δq′′ q , (78)
a version of Eq. (13.46), so we obtain Eq. (79c) below.
In summary, an irreducible tensor operator satisfies the following commutation relations with
the components of angular momentum:
[Jz , Tqk ] = h̄q Tqk , (79a)
p k
[J± , Tqk ] = h̄ (k ∓ q)(k ± q + 1) Tq±1 , (79b)
[Ji , [Ji , Tqk ]] = h̄2 k(k + 1) Tqk . (79c)
We see that forming the commutator with J± plays the role of a raising or lowering operator for the
components of an irreducible tensor operator. As we did with scalar and vector operators, we can
show that these angular momentum commutation relations are equivalent to the definition (66) of
an irreducible tensor operator. This is done by showing that Eqs. (79) are equivalent to Eq. (66) in
the case of infinitesimal rotations, and that if Eq. (66) is true for any two rotations, it is also true
for their product. Thus by building up finite rotations as products of infinitesimal ones we show
the equivalence of Eqs. (66) and (79). Many books take Eqs. (79) as the definition of an irreducible
tensor operator.
The Wigner-Eckart theorem is not difficult to remember and it is quite easy to use. In this
section we discuss the statement of the theorem and ways of thinking about it and its applications,
before turning to its proof.
The Wigner-Eckart theorem concerns matrix elements of an irreducible tensor operator with
respect to a standard angular momentum basis of kets, something we will write in a general notation
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 23
as hγ ′ j ′ m′ |Tqk |γjmi. As an example of such a matrix element, you may think of the dipole matrix
elements hn′ ℓ′ m′ |xq |nℓmi that we examined in Sec. 10. In that case the operator (the position or
dipole operator) is an irreducible tensor operator with k = 1.
The matrix element hγ ′ j ′ m′ |Tqk |γjmi depends on 8 indices, (γ ′ j ′ m′ ; γjm; kq), and in addition
it depends on the specific operator T in question. The Wigner-Eckart theorem concerns the de-
pendence of this matrix element on the three magnetic quantum numbers (m′ mq), and states that
that dependence is captured by a Clebsch-Gordan coefficient. More specifically, the Wigner-Eckart
theorem states that hγ ′ j ′ m′ |Tqk |γjmi is proportional to the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient hj ′ m′ |jkmqi,
with a proportionality factor that is independent of the magnetic quantum numbers. That propor-
tionality factor depends in general on everything else besides the magnetic quantum numbers, that
is, (γ ′ j ′ ; γj; k) and the operator in question. The standard notation for the proportionality factor is
hγ ′ j ′ ||T k ||γji, something that looks like the original matrix element except the magnetic quantum
numbers are omitted and a double bar is used. The quantity hγ ′ j ′ ||T k ||γji is called the reduced
matrix element. With this notation, the Wigner-Eckart theorem states
The reduced matrix element can be thought of as depending on the irreducible tensor operator T k
and the two irreducible subspaces (γ ′ j ′ ) and (γj) that it links. Some authors (for example, Sakurai)
include a factor of 1/ 2j + 1 on the right hand side of Eq. (80), but here that factor has been
absorbed into the definition of the reduced matrix element. The version (80) is easier to remember
and closer to the basic idea of the theorem.
To remember the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient it helps to suppress the bra hγ ′ j ′ m′ | from the
matrix element and think of the ket Tqk |γjmi, or, more precisely, the (2j + 1)(2k + 1) kets that
are produced by letting m and q vary over their respective ranges. This gives an example of an
operator with certain angular momentum indices multiplying a ket with certain angular momentum
indices. It turns out that such a product of an operator times a ket has much in common with the
product (i.e., the tensor product) of two kets, insofar as the transformation properties of the product
under rotations are concerned. That is, suppose we were multiplying a ket |kqi with the given
angular momentum quantum numbers times another ket |jmi with different angular momentum
quantum numbers. Then we could find the eigenstates of total angular momentum by combining
the constituent angular momenta according to k ⊗ j. Actually, in thinking of kets Tqk |jmi, it is
customary to think of the product of the angular momenta in the reverse order, that is, j ⊗ k. This
is an irritating convention because it makes the Wigner-Eckart theorem harder to remember, but I
suspect it is done this way because in practice k tends to be small and j large.
In any case, thinking of the product of kets, the product
contains various components of total J 2 and Jz , that is, it can be expanded as a linear combination
24 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
of eigenstates of total J 2 and J z , with expansion coefficients that are the Clebsch-Gordan coeffi-
cients. The coefficient with total angular momentum j ′ and z-component m′ is the Clebsch-Gordan
coefficient hj ′ m′ |jkmqi, precisely what appears in the Wigner-Eckart theorem (80).
Probably the most useful application of the Wigner-Eckart theorem is that it allows us to easily
write down selection rules for the given matrix element, based on the selection rules of the Clebsch-
Gordan coefficient occurring in Eq. (80). In general, a selection rule is a rule that tells us when a
matrix element must vanish on account of some symmetry consideration. The Wigner-Eckart the-
orem provides us with all the selection rules that follow from rotational symmetry; a given matrix
element may have other selection rules based on other symmetries (for example, parity). The selec-
tion rules that follow from the Wigner-Eckart theorem are that the matrix element hγj ′ m′ |Tqk |γjmi
vanishes unless m′ = m + q and j ′ takes on one of the values, |j − k|, |j − k| + 1, . . . , j + k.
Furthermore, suppose we actually have to evaluate the matrix elements hγ ′ j ′ m′ |Tqk |γjmi for
all (2k + 1)(2j + 1) possibilities we get by varying q and m. We must do this, for example, in
computing atomic transition rates. (We need not vary m′ independently, since the selection rules
enforce m′ = m+q.) Then the Wigner-Eckart theorem tells us that we actually only have to do one of
these matrix elements (presumably, whichever is the easiest), because if we know the left hand side of
Eq. (80) for one set of magnetic quantum numbers, and if we know the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient on
the right-hand side, then we can determine the proportionality factor, that is, the reduced matrix
element. Then all the other matrix elements for other values of the magnetic quantum numbers
follow by computing (or looking up) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. This procedure requires that the
first matrix element we calculate be nonzero.
In some other cases, we have analytic formulas for the reduced matrix element. That was
the case of the application in Sec. 10, where the three-Yℓm formula allowed us to compute the
proportionality factor explicitly.
Let us consider a scalar operator for which k = q = 0, such as the Hamiltonian H for an isolated
system, that is, with T00 = H. In this case the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient is
Cγj ′ γ = hγ ′ j||H||γji. (84)
We write it this way because Cγj ′ γ can be seen as a set of matrices, labeled by j and indexed by (γ ′ γ).
The size of the j-th matrix is Nj , the multiplicity of the j value in the system under consideration.
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 25
In practice the multiplicity is often infinite. The problem of finding the energy eigenvalues of the
system amounts to diagonalizing each of the matrices Cγj ′ γ .
Consider the product of kets |jmi ⊗ |kqi = |jkmqi with the given angular momentum quantum
numbers, and consider the (2j + 1)(2k + 1)-dimensional product space spanned by such kets when we
allow the magnetic quantum numbers m and q to vary over their respective ranges. The eigenstates
|JM i of total J 2 and Jz in this space are given by the Clebsch-Gordan expansion,
|JM i = |jkmqihjkmq|JM i. (85)
Moreover, the states |JM i for fixed J and M = −J, . . . , +J form a standard angular momentum
basis in an invariant, irreducible subspace of dimension 2J +1 in the product space. This means that
the basis states |JM i are not only eigenstates of total J 2 and Jz , but they are also linked by raising
and lowering operators. Equivalently, the states |JM i transform as a standard angular momentum
basis under rotations,
U |JM i = |JM ′ iDM ′ M (U ). (86)
Now consider the (2j + 1)(2k + 1) kets Tqk |γjmi obtained by varying m and q. We construct
linear combinations of these with the same Clebsch-Gordan coefficients as in Eq. (85),
|X; JM i = Tqk |γjmihjkmq|JM i, (87)
and define the result to be the ket |X; JM i, as indicated. The indices JM in the ket |X; JM i
indicate that the left-hand side depends on these indices, because the right hand side does; initially
we assume nothing else about this notation. Similarly, X simply stands for everything else the
left-hand side depends on, that is, X is an abbreviation for the indices (γkj).
However, in view of the similarity between Eqs. (85) and (87), we can guess that |X; JM i is
actually an eigenstate of J 2 and Jz with quantum numbers J and M , and that the states |X; JM i
are related by raising and lowering operators. That is, we guess
exactly as in Eq. (86). Equations (88) and (89) are equivalent because Eq. (88) can be obtained
from Eq. (89) by specializing to infinitesimal rotations, while Eq. (89) can be obtained from Eq. (88)
by building up finite rotations out of infinitesimal ones.
In Sec. 18 below we will prove that these guesses are correct. For now we merely explore the
consequences. To begin, since |X; JM i is an eigenstate of J 2 and Jz with quantum numbers J and
M , it can be expanded as a linear combination of the standard basis kets |γjmi with the same values
j = J and m = M , but in general all possible values of γ. That is, we have an expansion of the
|X; JM i = |γ ′ JM i CγkJMj
′γ , (90)
Comparing this to Eq. (90), we see that the expansion coefficients are the same for all M values,
and thus independent of M . We will henceforth write simply CγkJj
′ γ for them.
Now we return to the definition (87) of the kets |X; JM i and use the orthogonality of the
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (18.50) to solve for the kets Tqk |γjmi. This gives
Tqk |γjmi = |X; JM ihJM |jkmqi = |γ ′′ JM i CγkJj
′′ γ hJM |jkmqi, (93)
JM γ ′′ JM
where we use Eq. (90), replacing γ ′ with γ ′′ . Now multiplying this by hγ ′ j ′ m′ | and using the
orthonormality of the basis |γjmi, we obtain
hγ ′ j ′ m′ |Tqk |γjmi = Cγkj′ γj hj ′ m′ |jkmqi, (94)
To complete the proof of the Wigner-Eckart theorem we must prove Eq. (89), that is, we
must show that the kets |X; JM i transform under rotations like the vectors of a standard angular
momentum basis. To do this we call on the definition of |X; JM i, Eq. (87), and apply U to both
U |X; JM i = U Tqk U † U |γjmihjkmq|JM i. (96)
Next we use the definition of an irreducible tensor operator (66) and the transformation law for
standard basis vectors under rotations, Eq. (13.85), to obtain
X j
U |X; JM i = Tqk′ |γjm′ i Dm k
′ m (U ) Dq ′ q (U ) hjkmq|JM i. (97)
m′ q ′
which expresses the product of D-matrices in Eq. (97) in terms of single D-matrices. When we
substitute Eq. (98) into Eq. (97), the m′ q ′ -sum is doable by the definition (87),
Tqk′ |γjm′ ihjkm′ q ′ |J ′ M ′ i = |X; J ′ M ′ i, (99)
m′ q ′
As we have seen, the idea behind the Wigner-Eckart theorem is that a product of an irreducible
tensor operator Tqk times a ket of the standard basis |γjmi transforms under rotations exactly as the
tensor product of two kets of standard bases with the same quantum numbers, |jmi⊗|kqi. Similarly,
28 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
it turns out that the product of two irreducible tensor operators, say, Xqk11 Yqk22 , transforms under
rotations exactly like the tensor product of kets with the same quantum numbers, |k1 q1 i ⊗ |k2 q2 i.
In particular, such a product of operators can be represented as a linear combination of irreducible
tensor operators with order k lying in the range |k1 − k2 |, . . . , k1 + k2 , with coefficients that are
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. That is, we can write
Xqk11 Yqk22 = Tqk hkq|k1 k2 q1 q2 i, (102)
which we must show is an irreducible tensor operator. To do this, we conjugate both sides of this
with a rotation operator U and use the fact that X and Y are irreducible tensor operators,
U Tqk U † = U Xqk11 U † U Yqk22 U † hk1 k2 q1 q2 |kqi
q1 q2
= Xqk′1 Yqk′ 2 Dqk′1q1 (U )Dqk′2q2 (U ) hk1 k2 q1 q2 |kqi. (104)
1 2 1 2
q1 q2
q1′ q2′
which we substitute into Eq. (104). Then the q1′ q2′ -sum is doable in terms of the expression (103)
for Tqk ,
Xqk′1 Yqk′ 2 hk1 k2 q1′ q2′ |KQ′ i = TQK′ , (106)
1 2
q1′ q2′
This will yield the same decomposition of a second rank tensor discussed in Sec. 12, where we found
a scalar (k = 0), a vector (k = 1), and a symmetric, traceless tensor (k = 2).
1. The following problem will help you understand irreducible tensor operators better. Let E be
a ket space for some system of interest, and let A be the space of linear operators that act on E.
For example, the ordinary Hamiltonian is contained in A, as are the components of the angular
momentum J, the rotation operators U (R), etc. The space A is a vector space in its own right,
just like E; operators can be added, multiplied by complex scalars, etc. Furthermore, we may be
interested in certain subspaces of A, such as the 3-dimensional space of operators spanned by the
components Vx , Vy , Vz of a vector operator V.
Now let S be the space of linear operators that act on A. We call an element of S a “super”
operator because it acts on ordinary operators; ordinary operators in A act on kets in E. We will
denote super-operators with a hat, to distinguish them from ordinary operators. (This terminology
has nothing to do with supersymmetry.)
Given an ordinary operator A ∈ A, it is possible to associate it in several different ways with a
super-operator. For example, we can define a super operator ÂL , which acts by left multiplication:
where X is an arbitrary ordinary operator. This equation obviously defines a linear super-operator,
that is, ÂL (X + Y ) = ÂL X + ÂL Y , etc. Similarly, we can define a super-operator associated with
A by means of right multiplication, or by means of the forming of the commutator, as follows:
ÂR X = XA,
ÂC X = [A, X].
There are still other ways of associating an ordinary operator with a super-operator. Let R be a
classical rotation, and let U (R) be a representation of the rotations acting on the ket space E. Thus,
the operators U (R) belong to the space A. Now associate such a rotation operator U (R) in A with
a super-operator Û (R) in S, defined by
(a) Show that Û (R) forms a representation of the rotations, that is, that
This is easy.
30 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
(b) Now write out nine equations, specifying the action of the three super-operators Jˆi on the the
basis operators Vj . Write the answers as linear combinations of the Vj ’s. Then write out six more
equations, specifying the action of the super raising and lowering operators, Jˆ± , on the three Vj .
Now find the operator A that is annihilated by Jˆ+ . Do this by writing out the unknown operator
as a linear combination of the Vj ’s, in the form
A = ax Vx + ay Vy + az Vz , (115)
and then solving for the coefficients ai . Show that this operator is an eigenoperator of Jˆz with
eigenvalue +h̄. In view of these facts, the operator A must be a “stretched” operator for k = 1;
henceforth write T11 for it. This operator will have an arbitrary, complex multiplicative constant,
call it c. Now apply Jˆ− , and generate T01 and T−1
. Choose the constant c to make T01 look as simple
as possible. Then write
Tq1 = êq · V, (116)
and thereby “discover” the spherical basis.
2. This problem concerns quadrupole moments and spins. It provides some background for the
following problem.
(a) In the case of a nucleus, the spin Hilbert space Espin = span{|smi, m = −s, . . . , +s} is actually
the ground state of the nucleus. It is customary to denote the angular momentum j of the ground
state by s. This state is (2s+ 1)-fold degenerate. The nuclear spin operator S is really the restriction
of the total angular momentum of the nucleus J to this subspace of the (much larger) nuclear Hilbert
Let Akq and Bqk be two irreducible tensor operators on Espin . As explained in these notes, when
we say “irreducible tensor operator” we are really talking about the collection of 2k + 1 operators
obtained by setting q = −k, . . . , +k. Use the Wigner-Eckart theorem to explain why any two such
operators of the same order k are proportional to one another. This need not be a long answer.
Thus, all scalars are proportional to a standard scalar (1 is convenient), and all vector operators
(for example, the magnetic moment µ) are proportional to a standard vector (S is convenient), etc.
For a given s, what is the maximum value of k? What is the maximum order of an irreducible
tensor operator that can exist on space Espin for a proton (nucleus of ordinary hydrogen)? A deuteron
(heavy hydrogen)? An alpha particle (nucleus of helium)?
Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators 31
(b) Let A and B be two vector operators (on any Hilbert space, not necessarily Espin ), with spherical
components Aq , Bq , as in Eq. (67). As explained in the notes, Aq and Bq are k = 1 irreducible
tensor operators. As explained in Sec. 19, it is possible to construct irreducible tensor operators
Tqk for k = 0, 1, 2 out of the nine operators, {Aq Bq′ , q, q ′ = −1, 0, 1}. Write out the nine operators
T00 , T11 , T01 , T−1
, T22 , . . . , T−2
in terms of the Cartesian products Ai Bj . Just look up the Clebsch-
Gordan coefficients. Show that T00 is proportional to A · B, that Tq1 is proportional to the spherical
components of A×B, and that Tq2 specifies the components of the symmetric and traceless part of
the Cartesian tensor Ai Bj , which is
1 1
(Ai Bj + Aj Bi ) − (A · B)δij . (117)
2 3
(c ) In classical electrostatics, the quadrupole moment tensor Qij of a charge distribution ρ(x) is
defined by Z
Qij = d3 x ρ(x)[3xi xj − r2 δij ], (118)
where x is measured relative to some origin inside the charge distribution. The quadrupole mo-
ment tensor is a symmetric, traceless tensor. The quadrupole energy of interaction of the charge
distribution with an external electric field E = −∇φ is
1X ∂ 2 φ(0)
Equad = Qij . (119)
6 ij ∂xi ∂xj
This energy must be added to the monopole and dipole energies, plus the higher multipole energies.
In the case of a nucleus, we choose the origin to be the center of mass, whereupon the dipole
moment and energy vanish. The monopole energy is just the usual Coulomb energy qφ(0), where q
is the total charge of the nucleus. Thus, the quadrupole term is the first nonvanishing correction.
However, the energy must be understood in the quantum mechanical sense.
Let {xα , α = 1, . . . , Z} be the position operators for the protons in a nucleus. The neutrons are
neutral, and do not contribute to the electrostatic energy. The electric quadrupole moment operator
for the nucleus is defined by
Qij = e (3xαi xαj − rα2 δij ), (120)
where e is the charge of a single proton. In an external electric field, the nuclear Hamiltonian
contains a term Hquad , exactly in the form of Eq. (119), but now interpreted as an operator.
The operator Qij , being symmetric and traceless, constitutes the Cartesian specification of a
k = 2 irreducible tensor operator, that you could turn into standard form Tq2 , q = −2, . . . , +2 using
the method of part (b) if you wanted to. We’ll say with the Cartesian form here, however. When
the operator Qij is restricted to the ground state (really a manifold of 2s + 1 degenerate states), it
remains a k = 2 irreducible tensor operator. According to part (a), it must be proportional to some
standard irreducible tensor operator, for which 3Si Sj − S 2 δij is convenient. That is, we must be
able to write
Qij = a(3Si Sj − S 2 δij ), (121)
32 Notes 19: Irreducible Tensor Operators
where |ssi is the stretched state. Don’t confuse Qij , a tensor of operators, with Q, a single number.
The book, Modern Quantum Mechanics by J. J. Sakurai gives the interaction energy of a nucleus
in an external electric field as
eQ h ∂ 2 φ ∂2φ ∂2φ i
2 2
Hint = S x + S + S2 , (123)
2s(s − 1)h̄2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 y ∂z 2 z
where φ is the electrostatic potential for the external field satisfying the Laplace equation ∇2 φ = 0
and where the coordinate axes are chosen so that the off-diagonal elements of ∂ 2 φ/∂xi ∂xj vanish.
Here φ and its derivatives are evaluated at the center of mass of the nucleus and φ satisfies the
Laplace equation rather than the Poisson equation because the sources of the external electric field
are outside the nucleus.
Express the quantity a in Eq. (121) in terms of Q, and derive a version of Eq. (123). This
equation, copied out of the book, has an error in it; correct it.
3. This is Sakurai, problem 3.29, p. 247; or Sakurai and Napolitano, problem 3.33, p. 261.
A spin- 23 nucleus situated at the origin is subjected to an external inhomogeneous electric field.
The basic electric quadrupole interaction is given by Eq. (123) (but corrected), where as above φ
satisfies the Laplace equation and the off-diagonal components ∂ 2 φ/∂xi ∂xj vanish. Show that the
interaction energy can be written
A(3Sz2 − S 2 ) + B(S+
2 2
+ S− ), (124)
and express A and B in terms of the nonvanishing second derivatives of φ, evaluated at the origin.
Determine the energy eigenkets (in terms of |mi, where m = ± 23 , ± 21 ) and the corresponding energy
eigenvalues. Is there any degeneracy?