Legal Ethics - Canon 10-13, 14-21
Legal Ethics - Canon 10-13, 14-21
Legal Ethics - Canon 10-13, 14-21
The Lawyer and the Court c) Higher duty to the court: a lawyer’s duties to
a. Canons 10-13 the court are more significant than those
a.1 Candor, fairness, and good faith towards the which he owes his client.
courts d) Proper attitude [Canon 10]: “A lawyer owes
a.2 Respect for courts and judicial officers candor, fairness and good faith to the
a.3 Assistance in the speedy and efficient Court.”
administration of justice
a.4 Reliance on merits of his cause and avoidance III. Requirements of CANDOR:
of any impropriety which tends to influence or gives a) A lawyer shall not suppress material and
the appearance of influence upon the courts vital facts which bear on the merit or lack of
merit of complaint or petition.
4. The Lawyer and his Clients b) A lawyer shall volunteer to the court any
a. Canons 14-22 development of the case which has
a.1 Availability of service without discrimination rendered the issue raised moot and
a.2 Candor, fairness and loyalty to clients academic.
a.3 Client’s money and properties c) Disclosure to the court of any decision
a.4 Fidelity to client’s cause adverse to his position of which opposing
a.5 Competence and diligence counsel is apparently ignorant and which
a.6 Representation with zeal within legal bounds court should consider in deciding a case.
a.7 Attorney’s fees d) He shall not represent himself as a lawyer
a.8 Preservation of client’s confidences for a client, appear in court and present
a.9 Withdrawal of services pleadings in the latter’s behalf only to claim
later that he was not authorized to do so.
e) He shall not make a false order supposedly
3. THE LAWYER AND THE issued by a court.
COURT f) He shall not advise his clients to picket
before the courts, because those are
attempts to pressure or influence the courts
a. CANONS 10-13 of justice and constitute contempt of court.
RULE 12.06 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT 3. Exceptions to Rule 12.08. Matters to which a
MISREPRESENT HIMSELF OR TO a) On formal matters, such as the mailing,
authentication or custody of an instrument,
and the like, or
1. Sanctions to a lawyer who instructs a witness to b) On substantial matters, in cases where
perpetuate misrepresentation— Art. 184, Revised his testimony is essential250 to the ends
Penal Code provides: The lawyer who presented a of justice, in which event he must, during
witness knowing him to be a false witness is his testimony, entrust the trial of the case
criminally liable for “Offering False Testimony in to another counsel;
Evidence.” c) c. Acting as an Expert on his fee;
d) Acting as an Arbitrator; and
NB: The lawyer who is guilty of the above is both e) Deposition.
criminally and administratively liable.
2. Criminal liability of witness who commits
misrepresentation: The witness who commits the
misrepresentation is criminally liable for “False IMPROPRIETY WHICH TENDS TO
Testimony” either under Art. 181 [criminal cases— INFLUENCE OR GIVES THE
False testimony favorable to the defendants], 182 APPEARANCE OF INFLUENCE UPON
[False testimony in civil cases] or 183 [Art. 183.
False testimony in other cases and PERJURY in THE COURTS
solemn affirmation], Revised Penal Code,
depending upon the nature of the case. CANON 13 – A LAWYER SHALL RELY
RULE 12.08 – A LAWYER SHALL AVOID I. Two kinds of independence in relation to judges:
TESTIFYING IN BEHALF OF HIS CLIENT, a) Individual independence of Judges; free
EXCEPT (infra)
will to ascertain facts without external and
extraneous interference; not to give
1. (2001 Bar) Rationale: The function of a witness extraordinary attention to judge (EG:
is to tell the facts as he recalls them in answer to make him godfather of your child’s wedding)
questions. The function of an advocate is that of b) Institutional independence; freedom of
a partisan. It is difficult to distinguish between judges/courts from any influence from other
the zeal of an advocate and the fairness and branches of government; so they can try
impartiality of a disinterested witness.
issues impartially for a better administration
of justice; that cases are resolved by
2. (2005 Bar) Matters to which a lawyer CANNOT merit, not by influence.
testify on [TARCC]
a) When, as an attorney, he is to testify on II. Fiscal autonomy of courts: EG: PDAF case
the theory of the case;
b) When such would adversely affect any III. Rule on lawyers talking to a judge [according to
lawful interest of the client with respect to Justice M. Fernandez]:
which confidence has been reposed on a) GR: lawyer should not talk to the judge
him; privately;
c) Having accepted a retainer, he cannot be b) XPN: he can do it in the presence of other
a witness against his client; party/counsel.
d) He cannot serve conflicting interests;
IV. It is unethical for a lawyer to give an RULE 13.02 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT MAKE
appearance as if he is capable of influencing PUBLIC STATEMENTS IN THE MEDIA
judges and court personnel. Giving of gifts to the REGARDING A PENDING CASE TENDING TO
judges are discouraged as it tend to give an AROUSE PUBLIC OPINION FOR OR AGAINST A
appearance of influencing the conduct of judicial PARTY (2003 Bar)
function of breeding familiarity with judges
(Antiquiera, 1992). 1. Prejudicial Publicity: There must be an
allegation and proof that the judges have been
V. Related rules: unduly influenced, not simply that they might be,
a) Section 3, Canon 4 of the New Code of by barrage of publicity (CPR Annotated, PhilJA).
Judicial Conduct for the Philippine
Judiciary: “judges shall, in their personal NB: The restriction does not prohibit issuances of
relations with individual members of the statements by public officials charged with the
legal profession who practice regularly in duty of prosecuting or defending actions in
their courts, avoid situations which might court.
reasonably give rise to the suspicion or
appearance of favoritism or partiality.” 2. See notes on criticizing the courts, supra, under
NB: a judge cannot act as a prosecutor. Rule 11.04.
b) NB: There is no ethical constraint against RULE 13.03 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT BROOK
a lawyer appearing before a judge who is OR INVITE INTERFERENCE BY ANOTHER
a relative, compadre or former office BRANCH258 OR AGENCY OF THE
colleague as long as the lawyer avoids GOVERNMENT IN THE NORMAL COURSE OF
giving the impression that he can JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS
influence the judge. However, a judge is
required by the Code of Judicial Conduct 1. The reason for this rule is that such action will be
not to take part in any proceeding where contrary to the principle of separation of
his impartiality may be reasonably powers.
questioned (Rule 3.12 Code of Judicial
Conduct). Among the grounds for 2. The independence of the judiciary from
mandatory disqualification of the judge is interference is made to apply against all branches
if any of the lawyers is a relative by and agencies of the government (Funa, 2009).
consanguinity or affinity within the
fourth degree.
II. As officers of the court, counsels are under the I. Rationale: Intended to avoid confusion; it is for
obligation to advise their client against making the benefit of both the client and the lawyer (Funa,
untenable and inconsistent claims. Lawyers are not 2009). NB: The lawyer should inform the client
merely hired employees who must unquestionably when he is acting as a lawyer and when he is not,
do the bidding of the client, however unreasonably because certain ethical considerations governing
this may be when tested by their own expert the client-lawyer relationship may be operative in
appreciation of the facts and applicable law and one case and not in the other. (Report of the IBP
jurisprudence. COUNSEL MUST COUNSEL. Committee, p.84)
(Periquet v NLRC, G.R. No. 91298, June 22, 1990).
II. A party’s engagement of his counsel in another
RULE 15.06 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT STATE capacity concurrent with the practice of law is not
OR IMPLY THAT HE IS ABLE TO INFLUENCE prohibited, so long as the roles being assumed by
ANY PUBLIC OFFICIAL, TRIBUNAL OR such counsel is made clear to the client. (New
LEGISLATIVE BODY Sampaguita Builder Construction, Inc. v. Philippine
National Bank, G.R. No. 148753, July 30, 2004)
This rule is known as [PROHIBITION AGAINST]
INFLUENCE- PEDDLING. It is improper for a *A Lawyer is not barred from dealing with his client
lawyer to show in any way that he has connections but the business transaction must be characterized
and can influence any tribunal or public official, with the utmost honesty and good faith. Business
judges, prosecutors, congressmen and others, transactions between an attorney and a client are
especially so if the purpose is to enhance his legal disfavored and discouraged by policy of law
standing and to entrench the confidence of the because by virtue of a lawyer’s office, he is an easy
client that his case or cases are assured of victory. position to take advantage of the credulity and
ignorance of his client. Thus, there is no
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS presumption of innocence or improbability of wrong
doing in favor of lawyers. (Nakpil v. Valdez, A.C.
RULE 15.07 – A LAWYER SHALL IMPRESS No.2040, March 4, 1998)
LAWS AND PRINCIPLES OF FAIRNESS a.3 Client’s money and properties
I. Lawyers should not be permitted to resort to
unscrupulous practices for the protection of the CANON 16 – A LAWYER SHALL HOLD IN
supposed rights of their clients in order to defeat TRUST ALL MONEYS AND PROPERTIES OF
one of the purposes of the State: the administration HIS CLIENT THAT MAY COME INTO HIS
of justice. Why? They are first and foremost officers POSSESSION.
of the court.
I. Significance of the order of the rules on money
II. Related rule: RULE 19.01 – A LAWYER SHALL and properties of the client
EMPLOY ONLY FAIR AND HONEST MEANS306 a. When the lawyer receives money, his first
TO ATTAIN THE LAWFUL OBJECTIVES OF HIS duty is to account for it, not only to deliver
CLIENT AND SHALL NOT PRESENT, the same when due and when the client
i. It is the ACCOUNTING that is virtue of his profession. Fraud need not be proven.
immediate. Account, if possible, on the But the prohibition applies only if the
same day; if it’s for a specific purpose, sale/assignment take place during the pendency of
it should be used for that alone.307 the litigation.
ii. It requires FORMAL, not mere moral, a. GR: What are the elements of prohibition
ACCOUNTING. against the purchase of property in
b. When the lawyer has accounted for the litigation under Art. 1491 of the NCC?
money, the next step is to DEPOSIT/KEEP i. There is an attorney-client
it within SAFE means & methods. relationship;
i. Safest: bank deposit; in whose name? ii. The property is in litigation;
It can be in the name of the lawyer but iii. The attorney is the counsel of
he should NOT COMMINGLE the record in the case; and
same with his personal account. It iv. The attorney, by himself or
should be IN THE NAME OF the through an agent, purchases
client. (Note that even express such property during the
trustees hold properties in their name) pendency of said case.
ii. There should be SEPARATE b. XPNs: What are the instances where the
ACCOUNTS: the lawyer’s and his rule under Article 1491 of NCC is
clients’. inapplicable?
iii. To whom do interests earned belong? i. Where the property purchased
To the client, not the lawyer. by the lawyer was not involved
c. When is delivery of funds due? [Rule 16.03] in the litigation.
i. Upon demand; ii. Where the sale took place
ii. Upon WRITTEN contract executed before it became involved in the
between the lawyer and the client—it suit;
depends on their contract, say, return iii. Where the attorney at the time
the money after six months. of the purchase was not the
counsel in the case;
II. Money collected by the lawyer on a judgment iv. Where the purchaser of the
favorable to his client constitutes trust funds and property in litigation was a
should be immediately paid over to the client. corporation even though the
While Section 37, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court attorney was an officer thereof;
grants the lawyer a lien upon the funds, documents
and papers of his client, which have lawfully come v. Where the sale took place after
into his possession, such that he may retain the the termination of the litigation;
same until his lawful fees and disbursements have
been paid, and apply such funds to the satisfaction vi. A lawyer may accept an
thereof, the lawyer still has the responsibility to assignment from his client of a
promptly account to his client for such moneys money judgment rendered in the
received. Failure to do so constitutes professional latter’s favor in a case in which
misconduct. he was not counsel, in payment
of his professional services
NB: The lawyer’s failure to turn over such funds, performed in another case;
moneys, or properties to the client despite the vii. In a contract for attorney’s fees
latter’s demands give rise to the presumption that contingent upon the outcome of
the lawyer had converted the money for his the litigation (contingent fee
personal use and benefit. This failure also renders arrangement); and
the lawyer vulnerable to judicial contempt under viii. When any of the four elements
Section 25, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court. (CPR of Art. 1491 is missing.
Annotated, PhilJA) c. Q: What are the effects of violation of such
III. Related Rules: Art 1491 NCC: a lawyer cannot i. Malpractice on the part of the
acquire or purchase, even at public or judicial lawyer and may be disciplined
auction, either in person or through the mediation of for misconduct;
another the property and rights which may be the ii. Transaction is null and void.
object of any litigation in which he takes part by
IV. Other related Rules: liable if he fails in his obligation to make an
a. Canon 16: A LAWYER SHALL HOLD IN accounting of funds or property that may come to
TRUST ALL MONEYS AND his possession for a lawyer holds his client’s funds
PROPERTIES OF HIS CLIENT THAT or property in trust for his client.
MAY COME INTO HIS POSSESSION. a. How to best word it: The Code of
b. Canon 17: A LAWYER OWES Professional Responsibility mandates every
FIDELITY310 TO THE CAUSE OF HIS lawyer to hold in trust all money and
CLIENT AND HE SHALL BE MINDFUL OF properties of his client that may come into
THE TRUST AND CONFIDENCE311 his possession. A lawyer’s failure to return
REPOSED IN HIM. upon demand the funds or property held by
c. Rule 1.01: A lawyer shall not engage in him on behalf of his client gives rise to the
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful presumption that he has appropriated the
conduct. same for his own use to the prejudice of,
and in violation of the trust reposed in him
FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIP by his client. Related Rule is 16.03.
b. What are the effects of lawyer’s failure to
RULE 16.01 – A LAWYER SHALL ACCOUNT return client’s money or property after
OR RECEIVED FOR OR FROM THE CLIENT i. There will be a presumption that
the lawyer misappropriated the
1. This rule refers to the FIDUCIARY same.
RELATIONSHIP between the client and the lawyer. ii. It will give rise to civil liability of the
Hence, a lawyer must be scrupulously careful in lawyer.
handling money entrusted to him in his professional iii. Criminal liability, infra.
capacity, because of the high degree of fidelity and iv. Administrative liability
good faith expected on his part. (Medina v. c. Q: What is the remedy of the client?
Bautista, A.C. No. 190, Sept. 26, 1964). Therefore, A: Recover property from lawyer, together
a lawyer’s inexcusable act of withholding the with its fruits, subject to client’s returning to
property of client and imposing unwarranted fees in his lawyer the purchase price thereof and
exchange for release of documents deserve the the legal interests thereon.
imposition of disciplinary action (Miranda v. Carpio,
A.C. No. 6281, September 26, 2011) 5. What are the requisites for the liability of a lawyer
for damages?
2. What is the nature of attorney-client relationship? a. Attorney-client relationship;
A: An attorney-client privilege is highly fiduciary as b. Want of reasonable care and diligence by
it is founded on trust and confidence where the lawyer; and
lawyer acts as the trustee and the client acting as c. Injury sustained by client as a proximate
trustor in regard to the matter subject of the result of the lawyer’s negligence.
professional engagement. (Antiquiera, 2007). See
more on A-C relationship under Practice of Law, 6. When will civil liability arise?
supra. a. Client is prejudiced by lawyer’s negligence
or misconduct;
3. What is fiduciary duty? b. Breach of fiduciary obligation;
A: The principle that an attorney derives no undue c. Civil liability to third persons;
advantage that may operate to the prejudice or d. Libelous words in pleadings;
cause an occasion for loss of a client. The e. Violation of communication privilege;
relationship between the lawyer and client is one of f. Liability for costs of suit (Treble Costs) –
mutual trust and confidence of the highest degree. when lawyer is made liable for insisting on
The relationship being highly fiduciary in nature, it client’s patently unmeritorious case or
requires utmost good faith, loyalty, fidelity and interposing appeal merely to delay litigation:
disinterestedness on the part of the attorney. Its Who is liable for the payment of costs of
fiduciary nature is intended for the protection of suits?
the client. i. GR: Losing client and not the lawyer
is liable for costs of suit in favor of
4. When will the liability of a lawyer for “breach of prevailing party, the lawyer not being
fiduciary obligation” arise? A: A lawyer may be held a party-litigant.
ii. XPN: Where the lawyer insisted on 9. Scenarios:
client’s patently unmeritorious case a. Money collected for the client should be
or interposed an appeal to delay reported and accounted for
litigation or thwart prompt promptly/immediately.
satisfaction of prevailing party’s just b. For misappropriating and failing to promptly
and valid claim, the court may report and deliver the money received on
adjudge lawyer to pay treble costs of behalf of the children of his clients, a lawyer
suit. may be disbarred or suspended for six
7. What are the kinds of damages that may be
awarded to the client?
a. Nominal – where client lost the litigation as
a consequence of lawyer’s gross omission RULE 16.02 – A LAWYER SHALL KEEP THE
or negligence;
b. Actual/Compensatory
c. Moral
d. Attorney’s fees
1. Failure of the lawyer to account all the funds and
*For b to d, there should be a showing that: property of his client which may come into his
i. The lawyer had exercised due diligence;
possession would amount to misappropriation
ii. His client would have succeeded in which may subject him to disbarment on the ground
recovering from adverse party. of grave misconduct or a criminal prosecution for
estafa under Art. 315, par. 1(b) of the RPC.
8. When will criminal liability exist?
A: A lawyer may be held criminally liable if he 2. Scenarios:
commits any of the following: a. In dealing with trust property, a lawyer
a. Causing prejudice to the client thru should be very scrupulous. Money or other
malicious breach of professional duty or thru trust property of the client coming into the
inexcusable negligence or ignorance;
possession of the lawyer should be reported
b. Revealing client’s secrets learned in by the latter and account any
lawyer’s professional capacity thru circumstances, and should not be
malicious breach of professional duty or commingled with his own or be used by him.
inexcusable negligence or ignorance;
b. Even if he intends to issue a personal check
c. A lawyer who has undertaken the defense later for his client, he should not deposit
of a client or has received confidential cash meant for the latter in his own bank
information from said client in a case may account.
be criminally liable for undertaking defense
of opposing party in same cause without DELIVERY OF FUNDS
consent of first client; (Art. 209,316 RPC:
Betrayal of trust by an attorney or solicitor.) RULE 16.03 – A LAWYER SHALL DELIVER THE
d. A lawyer who shall knowingly introduce in FUNDS AND PROPERTY OF HIS CLIENT WHEN
evidence in any judicial proceeding or to the DUE OR UPON DEMAND. HOWEVER, HE
damage of another or who, with intent to SHALL HAVE A LIEN OVER THE FUNDS AND
cause such damage, shall use any false MAY APPLY SO MUCH THEREOF AS MAY BE
document may be held criminally liable NECESSARY TO SATISFY HIS LAWFUL FEES
therefor; (Art. 172,317 RPC: Falsification by AND DISBURSEMENTS, GIVING NOTICE
private individual and use of falsified PROMPTLY THEREAFTER TO HIS CLIENT. HE
e. A lawyer who is appropriates his client’s EXTENT ON ALL JUDGEMENTS AND
funds may be held liable for estafa. (Art EXECUTIONS HE HAS SECURED FOR HIS
315) *NB: When a lawyer collects or CLIENT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE RULES OF
receives money from his client for a COURT
particular purpose, he should promptly
account to the client how the money was 1. Delivery of funds and property when due or upon
spent.318 demand is discussed under Rule 16.01, supra.
2. Attorney’s Lien is discussed under Canon 20, 1. Concept: The lawyer owes entire devotion to the
infra. interest of the client, warm zeal in the maintenance
and defense of his rights and the exertion of his
BORROWING OR LENDING utmost learning and ability, to the end that nothing
be taken or be withheld from him, save by the rules
RULE 16.04 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT BORROW of law, legally applied.
CLIENT’S INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED 2. NCC rules on unenforceable contracts are
BY THE NATURE OF THE CASE OR BY applicable to the Attorney-Client Relationship
LAWYER LEND MONEY TO A CLIENT EXCEPT, a. When the lawyer did not have authority to
WHEN IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE, HE HAS represent the client, the same can be
TO ADVANCE NECESSARY EXPENSES IN A RATIFIED by the client or it is susceptible to
LEGAL MATTER HE IS HANDLING FOR THE the application of the doctrine of
CLIENT ESTOPPEL (just like in corporation law,
ultra vires acts of a director can be ratified
1. LAWYER BORROWING: Is a lawyer allowed to by the corporation).
borrow money from his client? b. As to estoppel, is it applicable if there is
A: No, unless the client’s interests are fully estoppel on the part of the client? No,
protected by the nature of the case or by because it is expressly mandated that it
independent advice. should be a WRITTEN CONSENT.
NB: While the lawyer may borrow money from his 3. This Rule on fidelity & loyalty continues EVEN
client, where the client’s interests are fully protected UNTIL THE TERMINATION of the ACR, i.e., all
by the nature of the case he is handling for the secrets obtained in such ACR should be kept
client, or by independent advice from another secret. It is not a good practice for lawyers to fight
lawyer, he should not abuse the client’s confidence former clients.
by delaying payment. (Alindogan v. Geron, G.R. a. This is related to the fiduciary relationship
Admin. Case No. 221, May 21, 1958). NB: Not between the lawyer and his client. Hence,
prohibited: advances for necessary expenses. the client can dismiss the lawyer’s services
on the ground of loss of confidence in him.
2. LAWYER LENDING: Is a lawyer allowed to lend And if the dismissal is for a valid reason, the
money from his client? lawyer loses his right to claim attorney’s
A: No, except when in the interest of justice, he has fees.
to advance necessary expenses in a legal matter b. This fiduciary relationship and rule on
he is handling for the client. (Rule 16.04, Code of fidelity and loyalty is reposed on the law firm
Professional Responsibiility). managing the case, not on the individual
lawyer in the firm who handled the case.
NB: Prohibition from lending is intended to assure
the lawyer’s independent professional judgment, for 4. Scenarios:
if the lawyer acquires a financial interest in the a. The delay (lack of devotion with his work) of
outcome of the case the free exercise of his the lawyer in advising his client on the
judgment may be adversely affected. (Agpalo, barangay conciliation procedure turned him
2004; Comment of IBP Committee that drafted the from being a complainant to a defendant;
Code, p. 90) indolence on the part of the lawyer.
b. If a lawyer allowed his client to plead not-
a.4 Fidelity to client’s cause guilty without questioning an invalid arrest.
NB: The doctrine applies regardless of whether or a.6 Representation with Zeal within
not the lawyer actually communicated to the client
what he learned in his professional capacity, the
Legal Bounds
attorney and his client being one judicial person.
5. Is notice to counsel equivalent to notice to client? HIS CLIENT WITH ZEAL WITHIN THE
a. GR: Yes. The law requires that service of any BOUNDS OF THE LAW
notice upon a party who has appeared by
attorney shall be made upon his attorney. 1. Hierarchy of duties: Duty of respect to the
Notice sent to a party who has appeared by processes of the court prevail over duty to the
counsel is not notice in law, it being client. (2009 Bar) Examples:
immaterial that the client actually received a. The court issues a writ of execution
the notice or volunteered to get a copy already—the lawyer violates Canon 19 if
thereof. he still files a petition for certiorari under
b. XPN: Rule 65. Why? There is already a final &
i. Strict application might foster executory decision. The lawyer should
dangerous collusion to the detriment impress upon the client to obey court
of justice; processes. Litigation has to stop.
ii. Service of notice upon party instead
of upon his attorney is ordered by the b. When something is not correct, provide
court; the right doctrine.
iii. Notice of pre-trial is required to be c. Disregard evidence that is inadmissible.
served upon parties and their
respective lawyers; 2. What does a lawyer represent to a client when
iv. In appeal from the lower court to the he accepts a professional employment of his
RTC, upon docketing of appeal. services?
6. On the Plea of Guilty When a lawyer accepts a case, whether for a fee
or not, his acceptance is an implied
representation that he: (CASE)
ground, move for the dismissal of the
a. Will exercise reasonable and ordinary complaint; and
care and diligence in the pursuit or d. If unauthorized appearance is willful,
defense of the case; attorney may be cited for contempt as an
b. Will possess the requisite degree of officer of the court who has misbehaved
academic learning, skill and ability in the in his official transactions, and he may be
practice of his profession; disciplined for professional misconduct.
c. Will take steps as will adequately Note: Unauthorized appearance is a ground for
safeguard his client’s interests; and suspension or disbarment.
d. Will exert his best judgment in the 5. How can an unauthorized appearance be
prosecution or defense of the litigation ratified?
entrusted to him. (Islas v. Platon) a. Express – Categorized assertion by
client that he has authorized a lawyer or
His authority is up to his time of engagement, and that he confirms his authorization to
ends when revoked. Hence, a lawyer cannot actually represent him in the case.
volunteer without being accepted, otherwise, he will
be liable for contempt of court. b. Implied – Where party with knowledge of
fact that a lawyer has been representing
3. Authority to appear in court is presumed him in a case, accepts benefits of
representation or fails to promptly
GR: Is a lawyer required to show his authority to repudiate the assumed authority.
appear for or represent a client? No. An attorney is
presumed to be properly authorized to represent any What are the requisites of implied ratification by
cause in which he appears in all stages of the silence?
litigation and no written authority is required to
authorize him to appear. A mere denial by a party a. The party represented by the attorney is
that he has authorized an attorney to appear for him, of age or competent or if he suffers from
in the absence of a compelling reason, is insufficient any disability, he has a duly appointed
to overcome the presumption especially when the guardian or legal representative;
denial comes after the rendition of an adverse
judgment. b. The party or his guardian, as the case
may be, is aware of the attorney’s
XPN: The presiding judge may, on motion of either representation; and
party and on reasonable grounds therefore being c. He fails to promptly repudiate assumed
shown, require an attorney who assumes the right to authority.
appear in a case to produce or prove the authority
under which he appears, and to disclose, whenever USE OF FAIR AND HONEST MEANS
pertinent to any issue, the name of the person who
employed him, and may thereupon make such order RULE 19.01 – A LAWYER SHALL EMPLOY ONLY
as justice requires. (Sec. 21, Rule 138, RRC) FAIR AND HONEST MEANS TO ATTAIN THE
4. What are the effects of an unauthorized SHALL NOT PRESENT, PARTICIPATE IN
a. The party represented is not bound by UNFOUNDED CRIMINAL CHARGES TO OBTAIN
attorney’s appearance in the case neither AN IMPROPER ADVANTAGE IN ANY CASE OR
by the judgment rendered therein; PROCEEDING
b. Court does not acquire jurisdiction over 1. Rule 19.01 of the CPR obligates a lawyer, in
the person of the party represented; defending his client, to employ only such means
c. The adverse party who has been forced as are consistent with truth and honor. He should
to litigate as a defendant by the not prosecute patently frivolous and meritless
unauthorized action on the part of the appeals or institute clearly groundless actions.
attorney for the plaintiff may, on that
a. Under this rule, a lawyer should not file or a. THREAT: Lawyer threatened to file
threaten to file any unfounded or cases against his own client.
baseless criminal case or cases against b. The act of a lawyer in preventing the
the adversaries of his client designed to execution of the judgment against his
secure a leverage to compel the clients shows that he actually committed
adversaries to yield or withdraw their own what the above rule expressly prohibits.
cases against the lawyer’s client. (Pena (Que v. Revilla)
v. Atty. Aparicio) c. Use of force or violence in taking over
b. The lawyer must not present and offer [the] office is punishable as an
evidence any document, which he knows administrative offense (Rural Bank of
is false. Calape, Inc. Bohol vs. Atty. James
Benedict Florido)
2. Rationale: a lawyer’s duty is not to his client but
to the administration of justice. To that end, his CLIENT’S FRAUD
client’s success is wholly subordinate. His
conduct ought to and must always be RULE 19.02 – A LAWYER WHO HAS RECEIVED
scrupulously observant of the law and ethics. INFORMATION THAT HIS CLIENT HAS, IN THE
Any means not honorable, fair, and honest, COURSE OF THE REPRESENTATION,
which is resorted to by the lawyer, even in the PERPETRATED A FRAUD UPON A PERSON OR
pursuit of his devotion to his client’s cause, is TRIBUNAL, SHALL PROMPTLY CALL UPON THE
condemnable and unethical. (Ibid) CLIENT TO RECTIFY THE SAME, AND FAILING
3. How far can a lawyer go to defend his client RELATIONSHIP WITH SUCH CLIENT IN
without violating the ethics of the profession? A ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF COURT
lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means (2001 Bar)
to obtain the lawful objectives of his client. He
shall employ only such means as are consistent 1. The lawyer’s duty to his client does not mean
with truth and honor. He should not go beyond freedom to set up false or fraudulent claims
the bounds of the law or the ethics of his especially with respect to provisions of law or
profession. administrative rules and that while lawyers are
4. Related Rules: bound to exert utmost legal skill in prosecuting
a. The signature of a lawyer on the their client’s cause or defending it, their duty, first
pleadings constitutes a certificate by him and foremost, is to the administration of justice
that he has read the pleadings; that to the [his foremost duty is his duty to the court] (CPR
best of his knowledge, information, and Annotated, PhilJA)
belief, there is good ground to support the 2. Steps to take when the receives information that
arguments therein; and that the his client perpetrated fraud in the course of his
pleadings were not interposed for delay representation of him:
(Rules of Court, Rule 7, Sec. 3, par. 2).
a. Promptly call upon the client to rectify it;
b. His appearance in court should be b. If the client does not rectify the same, he
deemed equivalent to an assertion on his shall terminate the relationship i
honor that, in his opinion, his client’s case accordance with the Rules.
in one proper for judicial determination
(Canons of Professional Ethics, Canon 3. Related to: Privileged communication—right of a
30, par. 2, last sentence). lawyer and his legal staff not to be compelled to
c. Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or disclose information in the guise of prosecution
abet activities aimed at defiance of the of crimes: The same cannot cover information
law or at lessening confidence in the legal relating to FUTURE CRIMES, or in perpetuation
system. of a fraud. Why? It is not within the profession of
d. Lawyer’s Oath # 4. I will not wittingly or a lawyer to advise one to commit a crime or
willingly promote or sue any groundless, perpetrate fraud.
false or unlawful suit, nor give aid nor 4. Scenarios:
consent to the same. a. It is an unethical tactic for a lawyer to
offer monetary rewards to anyone who
5. Sample scenarios: could give him information against a
party so that he could have leverage make the necessary manifestation in
against all actions involving such party. court, with the client’s conformity, that he
(CPR Annotated, PhilJA) was withdrawing as counsel of record.
b. If what your client is asking you to do is (CPR Annotated, PhilJA)
unlawful, you may refuse to do it. 4. State the rule with respect to the authority of an
attorney to compromise his client’s case
c. A compromise agreement effected by a
client or by his attorney with special GR: The attorney has no authority to compromise his
authority from him has upon the parties client’s case. This is so because the client, even if
the effect of res judicata. He may collect represented by counsel, retains exclusive control
the necessary fees even if the client does over the subject matter of the litigation. The client
not honor the compromise agreement. can, of course, authorize his lawyer to compromise
his case, and the settlement made by the lawyer will
PROCEDURE IN HANDLING THE CASE bind his client. NB: Compromise is a contract
whereby the parties, by making reciprocal
RULE 19.03 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT ALLOW concessions, avoid litigation or put an end to one
HIS CLIENT TO DICTATE THE PROCEDURE ON already commenced. (Art. 2028, NCC)
1. What is the extent of a lawyer’s authority in the i. When the lawyer is confronted with an
conduct of litigation?Who has control? emergency where prompt and urgent action
is necessary to protect the interest of his
a. LAWYER: A lawyer has authority to bind client and there is no opportunity for
the client in all matters of ordinary judicial consultation with the latter.
ii. Settlement of monetary obligation to client is
Rationale: The basis of this rule is that the lawyer is full payment in cash.
better trained and skilled in law.
5. On Appearance
b. CLIENT: The cause of action, the claim a. What is appearance? It is the coming into
or demand sued upon and the subject court as a party either as a plaintiff or as
matter of the litigation are within the a defendant and asking relief therefrom.
exclusive control of the client. A client
may waive, surrender, dismiss, or b. What are the kinds of appearance?
compromise any of his rights involved in
litigation in favor of the other party even i. General appearance – When a
without or against the consent of his party comes to court either as
attorney. plaintiff or defendant and seeks
2. The Code enjoins a lawyer to employ only fair general reliefs from the court for
and honest means to attain the lawful objectives satisfaction of his claims or
of his client and warns him not to allow his client counterclaims respectively.
to dictate the procedure in handling the case. In
short, a lawyer is not a gun for hire. (Millare v. ii. Special appearance – When a
Atty. Montero) defendant appears in court solely
3. Is the lawyer confined entirely on the information for the purpose of objecting to the
his client gave? No jurisdiction of the court over his
a. The lawyer cannot entirely depend on the person.
information his client gave or the time his
client wished to give. The lawyer should Note: By virtue of Sec. 20, Rule 14 of the 1997 Rules
take more control over handling the case. of Civil Procedure, there is no more distinction
between general appearance and special
b. Where the client is based overseas, the appearance, in the sense that a defendant may file
lawyer should with more reason, have a motion to dismiss not only on the ground of lack of
moved to secure all the legal means jurisdiction over his person but also on some other
available to him either to continue grounds without waiving the jurisdiction of the court
representing his client effectively or to over his person.
c. What is the difference between entry of GR: written agreement
appearance and appearance of a
counsel? XPN: quantum meruit [Latin: as much amount as his
services are worth or what the lawyer deserves for
Entry of Appearance of a his services]. Related to this principle of law: no one
appearance counsel should be permitted to enrich himself to enrich
the written the verbal himself at the expense of another.
manifestation manifestation of the
submitted by the counsel in order for a. NO INTEREST: Imposition of interest in the
counsel of record to the court to payment of attorney’s fees is not justified
inform the court that recognize his Funa, 2009)
he will act as the presence during the b. There is no hard and fast rule in determining
counsel of a party hearing of the case. lawyer’s fees. These rules only serve as
made before the (Sec.21, Rule 138, guides.
date of the hearing Rules of Court).
2. Options available to lawyers:
a. Ordinary demand
b. If monetary judgment: move for charging
a.7 Attorney’s Fees lien;
c. If titles/properties in his possession:
CANON 20 – A LAWYER SHALL CHARGE retaining lien- retain until paid
3. Criteria for determination of fees? Schedule of
RULE 20.01 – A LAWYER SHALL BE GUIDED BY fees of IBP: but lawyer can collect more. See
HIS FEES: (2014 Bar)
Note: Entitlement to lawyer’s fees is presumed.
A) THE TIME SPENT AND THE EXTENT OF (Funa, 2009) Unless otherwise expressly stipulated,
THE SERVICES RENDERED OR rendition of professional services by a lawyer is for a
REQUIRED; fee or compensation and is not gratuitous.
B) THE NOVELTY AND DIFFICULTY OF THE (Research and Services Realty, Inc. v. CA)
C) THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT 4. On prohibition of sale of property to lawyer during
MATTER; litigation in NCC; but after final decision, the
D) THE SKILL DEMANDED; lawyer can purchase the property. See Canon 16
ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROFFERED 5. Who are entitled to attorney’s fees?
F) THE CUSTOMARY CHARGES FOR GR: Only lawyers are entitled to attorney’s fees. The
SIMILAR SERVICES AND THE same cannot be shared with a non-lawyer. It is
G) THE AMOUNT INVOLVED IN THE XPN: A lawyer may divide a fee for legal services
CONTROVERSY AND THE BENEFITS with persons not licensed to practice law: CPR
SERVICE; i. A lawyer undertakes to Complete the
H) THE CONTINGENCY OR CERTAINTY OF unfinished legal business of a deceased
EMPLOYMENT, WHETHER OCCASIONAL ii. There is a Pre-existing agreement with a
OR ESTABLISHED; AND partner or associate that, upon the latter’s
J) THE PROFESSIONAL STANDING OF THE death, money shall be paid over a
LAWYER. reasonable period of time to his estate or to
persons specified in the agreement;
1. Rule on Attorney’s Fees
his services although he may be paid a
iii. A lawyer or law firm includes non-lawyer nominal fee taken from a public fund
employees in Retirement plan, even if the appropriated for the purpose.
plan is based, in whole or in part, on a profit- e. Legal aid. The attorney renders legal
sharing agreement. (Rule 9.02, CPR). services for those who could not afford to
engage the services of paid counsel.
6. What are the requisites for the right to attorney’s f. Quantum meruit basis. If there is no
fees to accrue? specific contract between the lawyer and
a. Existence of attorney-client relationship; the client, the lawyer is paid on quantum
and meruit basis, that is, what the lawyer
b. Rendition by the lawyer of services to the deserves for his services.
9. More on RETAINER:
Note: A pauper, while exempted from payment of
legal fees is not exempted from payment of a. It may refer to two concepts:
attorney’s fees. (Cristobal v. Employees i. Act of a client by which he
Compensation Commission) engages the services of an
attorney to render legal advice or
7. Kinds of payments that may be stipulated on to defend or prosecute his cause
in court; or
a. Fixed or absolute fee that which is
payable regardless of the result of the ii. Fee which a client pays to the
case. attorney.
i. A fixed fee payable per
appearance i b. Kinds of retainer agreements on
ii. A fixed fee computed upon the attorney’s fees
number of hours spent i. General retainer or retaining fee –
iii. A fixed fee based on piece work It is the fee paid to a lawyer to
iv. Combination of any of the above secure his future services as
general counsel for any ordinary
b. Contingent fee – a fee that is conditioned legal problem that may arise in
on the securing of a favorable judgment the ordinary business of the client
and recovery of money or property and and referred to him for legal
the amount of which may be on a action. The client pays fixed
percentage basis. retainer fees, which could be
monthly or otherwise. The fees
8. Types of Fee Arrangements: What are the are paid whether or not there are
different types of fee arrangements upon which cases referred to the lawyer;
an attorney may receive compensation (Bar
1987)? Note: the general retainer contract may be
terminated, but it won’t affect the right of the lawyer
a. Retainer’s fee where the lawyer is paid to collect on fees for cases not covered by such
for services for an agreed amount for the agreement.
b. The lawyer agrees to be paid per court ii. Special retainer – It is a fee for a
appearance. specific or particular case or
c. Contingent fee where the lawyer is paid service rendered by the lawyer for
for his services depending on the a client.
success of the case. This applies usually
in civil suits for money or property where ACCEPTANCE FEES
the lawyer’s fee is taken from the award
granted by the court. What is an acceptance fee? It is an absolute fee
d. Attorney de officio. The attorney is arrangement which entitles a lawyer to get paid for
appointed by the court to defend the his efforts regardless of the outcome of the litigation.
indigent litigant in a criminal case. The (Funa, 2009)
client is not bound to pay the attorney for
contract) are permitted because they redound to
CONTINGENCY FEE ARRANGEMENT the benefit of the poor client and the lawyer
especially in cases where the client has
1. What is a contingent fee contract? Is it valid? A meritorious cause of action, but no means with
contingency contract is one, which stipulates that which to pay for the legal services unless he can,
the lawyer will be paid for his legal services only with the sanction of law, make a contract for a
if the suit or litigation ends favorably to the client. contingent fee to be paid out of the proceeds of
(Taganas vs. NLRC] the litigation (Francisco, Legal Ethics [1949])
Note: determine the role of the lawyer—if he is a 1. Define an attorney’s charging lien (1994 Bar) A
personal lawyer of an heir, he cannot retain the charging lien is the right of a lawyer to the extent
documents of the estate (from which the heir is of all his lawful fees and disbursements upon all
claiming) should he be replaced as counsel, as his judgments for the payment of money, and
retaining lien for his services to the heir. executions issued in pursuance of such
judgments which he has secured in a litigation of
4. Deliver or return first, then collect later. The his client, from and after the time when he shall
retaining lien cannot be automatically applied. It have caused a statement of his claim of such lien
should be done in conformity with the client. to be entered upon the records of the court
Hence, the lawyer’s first duty is to return the rendering such judgment, or issuing such
money. The lawyer’s right is to demand payment execution, and shall have caused written notice
of attorney’s fees as AGREED UPON in the thereof to be delivered to his client and to the
contract. adverse party; and he shall have the same right
a. May a counsel unilaterally retain or and power over such judgments and executions
appropriate funds of his client as his as his client would have to enforce his lien and
attorney’s lien? A: No. A counsel has no secure the payment of his fees and
right to retain or appropriate unilaterally disbursements. (Sec. 37, Rule 138, Revised
as lawyer’s lien any amount belonging to Rules of Court)
his client which may come into his a. SC has described it as an “equitable right
possession (Cabigao v. Rodrigo) to a charging lien” over money judgments
he has secured in litigation for his client.
b. While this rule provides that the lawyer
has the right to retain the funds of his 2. Is it applied only for money judgments?
client as may be necessary to satisfy his
lawful fees and disbursements known as GR: Yes. Hence, if it’s just a dismissal of the action
attorney’s lien and his lien to the same where there is no money judgment involved, no
extent on all judgments and executions charging lien can be applied.
he has secured for his client called
charging lien, he is still duty bound to XPN: if there is a contract or agreement. Hence, if
render an accounting of his client’s funds there is no contract, it is only on money judgments;
and property which may come into his the sheriff will collect for you.
possession in the course of his
professional employment. In the 3. What are the requisites in order for an attorney
application of attorney’s lien, a lawyer to be able to exercise his charging lien?
shall give notice to his client otherwise,
the same might be construed as a. Existence of attorney-client relationship;
misappropriation which may subject him
to disciplinary action. (Antiquiera, 2007) b. The attorney has rendered services;
5. HOW? EG: AA loaned 500K to BB. Lawyer c. Favorable money judgment secured by
demanded the payment. Before an answer was the counsel for his client;
filed, BB paid 500K to the lawyer. How does the
lawyer exercise the retaining lien? Make an Note: A charging lien, to be enforceable as a
accounting of the 500K. Make a demand for security for the payment of attorney’s fees, requires
payment of the lien, say, 100K. as a condition sine qua non a judgment for money
and execution in pursuance of such judgment
6. What if the client does not pay? File an ordinary secured in the main action by the attorney in favor of
civil action, based on the contract (after his client. There must be a final judgment, otherwise,
demand). If 200K or less, go to a Small Claims enforcement of the lien is premature. It has to be
Court. If he is a neighbor, undergo first a claimed before the full satisfaction of the judgment;
d. The attorney has a claim for attorney’s attorney by
fees or advances; and reason of his
e. A statement of the claim has been duly professional
recorded in the case with notice thereof employment
served upon the client and the adverse As to Effect As soon as As soon as the
the attorney claim for
gets attorney’s fees
possession had been
4. Usual steps: of papers, entered into the
documents, records of the
a. Receive a copy of the judgment; or property. case.
b. Make a Motion for Charging Lien; File it As to May be Generally,
during the hearing on the motion for Applicability exercised exercised only
execution (note that there is always a before when the
motion for execution, except for judgment or attorney had
compromise agreements); two possible execution or already secured
regardless a favorable
thereof. judgment for his
i. For execution; client.
ii. During the hearing of the execution of As to When When client
judgment; Note that the motion should be Extinguishment possession loses action, as
heard;394 otherwise, it is VOID. lawfully ends lien may only be
as when enforced against
Note: docket fees have to be paid for the court to lawyer judgment
acquire jurisdiction to enforce the charging lien. voluntarily awarded in favor
parts with of client,
c. Copy the adverse party (counsel of funds, proceeds
adverse party) and your client the Motion documents, thereof/executed
and papers of thereon.
(note that the client here becomes an
client or
adversary). offers them
d. The court records the attorney’s fee on as evidence.
the writ of execution—recorded by the
judge (no need to compel the sheriff)
CONCEPTS OF ATTORNEY’S FEES c. Court should explain the basis: factual &
legal (NCC).
GR: in the absence of stipulation, a winning party
may be awarded attorney's fees only in case
plaintiff's action or defendant's stand is so untenable ORDINARY CONCEPT OF ATTORNEY’S FEES
as to amount to gross and evident bad faith.
[Napocor v. Philipp Brothers, Inc] 1. Ordinary attorney’s fee – The reasonable
compensation paid to a lawyer by his client for
the legal services he has rendered to the latter. XPN: unless they have agreed that the award
(Pineda, 2009) shall pertain to the lawyer as additional
2. The basis for this compensation is the fact of his compensation or as part thereof.
employment by and his agreement with the
client. 3. Rule on attorney’s fees being awarded as
3. Scenarios: damages and its exceptions.
a. lawyers cannot claim additional payment
for legal services rendered in the same GR: Attorney’s fees as damages are not
case. They could not charge a fee based recoverable. An adverse decision does not ipso
on percentage, absent an express facto justify their award in favor of the winning party.
agreement to that effect. Payments in
cash, checks, free products and services XPN: Attorney’s fees in the concept of damages may
from the client’s business may suffice. be awarded in any of the following circumstances:
Art. 2208. In the absence of stipulation, attorney's
b. Rationale: The practice of law is a decent fees and expenses of litigation, other than judicial
profession and not a money- making costs, cannot be recovered, except:
trade. Compensation should be but a
mere incident. 1) When exemplary damages are awarded;
c. court should explain the basis: factual & legal 9) In a separate civil action to recover civil liability
(NCC). arising from a crime
10) When at least double judicial costs are awarded;
2. The “attorney’s fees” found in the decisions of
courts belongs to the ‘extraordinary concept’, 11) In any other case where the court deems it just
that is, it’s in the nature of indemnity for and equitable that attorney's fees and expenses
damages; hence: of litigation should be recovered. In all cases, the
attorney's fees and expenses of litigation must
GR: it belongs to the client, not to the lawyer [do be reasonable.
not be deceived by the term “attorney’s fees”; 12) not in NCC: When there is an agreement;
a. By causing damage to his client, either by: RULE 21.07 – A LAWYER SHALL NOT REVEAL
i. any malicious breach of professional PARTICULAR CASE EXCEPT TO AVOID
ii. inexcusable negligence or ignorance
b. By revealing any of the secrets of his clients RULE 21.04 – A LAWYER MAY DISCLOSE THE
learned by him in his professional capacity. AFFAIRS OF A CLIENT OF THE FIRM TO
c. By undertaking the defense of the opposing UNLESS PROHIBITED BY THE CLIENT
party in the same case, without the consent
of his first client, after having undertaken the GR: a lawyer may disclose the affairs of a client of
defense of said first client or after having the firm to partners or associates thereof. The
received confidential information from said employment of a member of a firm is generally
client. considered as employment of the firm itself.
Note: Hot Potato Rule: the principle that a lawyer Note: In the cases above, the lawyer must file a
may not unreasonably withdraw from representing a written motion with an express consent of his client
client. and the court shall determine whether he ought to be
allowed to retire. He may also retire at any time from
XPN: The right of a lawyer to retire from the case an action or special proceeding without the consent
before its final adjudication, which arises only from: of his client, should the court, on notice to the client
and attorney, and on hearing, determine that he
i. The client’s written consent; ought to be allowed to retire. (Sec. 26, Rule 138,
Note: this one does not require approval of the court,
especially if accompanied by the appearance of a f. When the lawyer is elected or appointed to
new counsel. public office; and
ii. or by permission of the court after due
notice and hearing. g. Other similar cases.
iii. Under Canon 22: only for good cause and
upon notice appropriate under the The following are not in Rule 22.01
h. When the client deliberately fails to pay the
Note: an admission of guilt by the client is not a valid fees for the services or fails to comply with
cause of withdrawal. the retainer agreement;
Note: the lawyer is still considered the counsel of i. When the lawyer finds out that he might be
record until his withdrawal of appearance has been appearing for a conflicting interest.
actually filed and granted.
4. What is the procedure when withdrawal is
3. Rule 22.01 - A lawyer may withdraw his services without client’s consent?
in any of the following cases:
a. File a petition for withdrawal in court.
a. When the client pursues an illegal or immoral
course of conduct in connection with the b. Serve a copy of this petition upon his client
matter he is handling; and the adverse party at least 3 days
before the date set for hearing.
b. When the client insists that the lawyer pursue
conduct violative of these canons and rules; i. He should present his petition well
in advance of the trial of the action
EG: a lawyer can withdraw if a client insists to enable the client to secure the
on presenting lying witnesses services of another lawyer.
c. When his inability to work with co-counsel will ii. If the application is filed under
not promote the best interest of the client; circumstances that do not afford a
substitute counsel sufficient time
d. When the mental or physical condition of the to prepare for trial or that work
lawyer renders it difficult for him to carry out prejudice to the client’s cause, the
the employment effectively; court may deny his application and
require him to conduct the trial.
Note: heavy workload is not a sufficient reason for a
counsel to withdraw. iii. A lawyer should not presume that
the court will grant his petition for
e. When the client deliberately fails to pay the withdrawal. Until his withdrawal
fees for the services or fails to comply with shall have been [ap]proved, the
the retainer agreement; lawyer remains counsel of record
who is expected by his client as Note: A lawyer should question his discharge
well as by the court to do what the otherwise he will only be allowed to recover on
interests of his client require. quantum meruit basis.
Client discharging the services of his lawyer 3. What are the limitations on client’s right to
discharge the services of his lawyer?
1. Right of the client to dismiss the lawyer (1988,
1998 Bar): A client has the right to dismiss his a. When made with justifiable cause, it shall
lawyer at any time, with or without just cause. negate the attorney’s right to full payment
The existence or non-existence of just cause is of compensation.
material only for determining the right of the
lawyer to compensation for services rendered. b. The attorney may, in the discretion of the
The client's right to terminate the lawyer's court, intervene in the case to protect his
services springs from the strictly personal and right to fees.
highly confidential nature of the relationship
between the lawyer and the client. Once the c. A client may not be permitted to abuse
client loses confidence in his lawyer, he has the his right to discharge his counsel as an
right to dismiss him. excuse to secure repeated extensions of
time to file a pleading or to indefinitely
2. Can a client discharge the services of his lawyer avoid a trial.
without a cause? (1994, 1997, 1998 Bar
Question) 4. Is notice of discharge necessary? It is not
necessary between client and attorney. But
Yes. A client has the right to discharge his insofar as the court and the adverse party is
attorney at any time with or without a cause concerned, the severance of the relation of
or even against his consent. attorney and client is not effective until: