Anand Vihar

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi


Proposed project is for "Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station” by Indian Railway
Station Development Corporation Limited, as a part of the continuous process of augmenting and
improving amenities keeping in view the World Class planning and targeting the year 2038.

Indian Railways have identified five major railway stations to be developed to World Class
standards, Anand Vihar Railway Station in East Delhi being one of them.

Anand Vihar Railway Station is going to be a big multi modal transit hub with the following 5
modes of transport culminating at a single location:

1. Indian Railways Station

2. Existing Delhi Metro Phase I station
3. Anand Vihar ISBT
4. Proposed Delhi Metro Phase III station
5. Proposed Delhi Meerut high speed Regional Rail Transit Corridor station.

The station has been planned for development in two phases. The horizon year for Phase -1 is
2025 and that for Phase - 2 is 2038. At present, the station is serving 76,100 passengers per day
which includes both long distance passengers as well as commuter passengers.

In the proposed phase I development, the number of platforms are proposed be increased to
seven in total and the terminal will have a capacity to handle over three lakh passengers and as
many as 270 trains daily and a new Passenger Reservation system (PRS) with world class
facility. Also, Anand Vihar makeover involves linking of this terminal with the original Anand
Vihar station (Station code: ANVR) which is a roadside station comprising two platforms
serviced by only sub-urban trains.

The total area available for the site development is 5,68,145.00 m2 (56.8 ha). The constraints
such as retaining of existing structure and yard have been considered while developing the
concept. The built up area is 4, 69,017.00 m2.

The development will be as per the master plan of Delhi. The Project is designated under
Category “B” and falls under Item 8(b) (Township and Area Development) of the Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification of September 14th, 2006 and its amendments.


The proposed project site is connected to Noida, Ghaziabad and other NCR regions. It is
surrounded by Patparganj, I.P. Extension, Dilshad Garden, Kaushamnbi, etc. residential areas

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi

within 5km radius area of the proposed project site. Site surroundings and Connectivity details of
the proposed project are given in Table-1.

Table-1: Site Surroundings and Connectivity Details

S. No. Connectivity & Site Surroundings

Description Distance and Direction
Nearest Railway
1. Anand Vihar railway station The project itself
Nearest Metro
2. Anand Vihar Metro Station Approx.170 m, E
Hindan Air Force Airbase Approx. 6.0 km, NE
3. Nearest Airport
Indira Gandhi International Airport Approx. 24 km, SW
Arya Nagar Approx. 100 m, W
Nearest Residential Madhu Vihar Approx. 150 m, S
Area Jaipuria Enclave Approx. 90 m, E
JJ Colony Approx. 110 m , N
5. State Boundary Delhi -UP state border Adjacent, E
Delhi-Haryana border Approx.15.50 km, S
6. Nearest Highway NH-58 Approx.9.50 km, ENE
and Roads NH-24 Approx.2 km, SE
NH-91 Approx.10 km, ENE
7. River Yamuna River Approx. 4 km, W
Government Sarvodaya Co Education Approx. 0.05 km, NNW
8. Nearest School Senior Secondary School
Vivekanand School Approx. 0.35 km ,NNW
9. Nearest Hospital Shanti Mukund Hospital approx. 0.5 km, NNW
Arya Marriage approx. 1.60km, WSW
10. Places of worship
Shivkala Temple approx. 2.5 km, NNW
11. Forest Nil Nil
12 Sanctuaries Okhla Bird Sanctuary approx. 8 km, S
Source: Google Earth
A Google Map of 500m buffer map showing the surrounding area of the proposed project is
shown in Figure-1.

The topographical map showing the surrounding area within 10 km radius is shown in the
Figure-2 and topographical map showing the eco-sensitive area within 15 km radius is shown in
the Figure-3.

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Proposed Redeevelopment of Anand
A Vihar Railway
R Station
n, Anand Viharr, East Delhi

Fiigure-1: Googlee Map of 500m radius showin

ng surroundingss of the area

nso Enviro Pvt. Ltd.
L Page 3 of 119
Proposed Redeevelopment of Anand
A Vihar Railway
R Station
n, Anand Viharr, East Delhi

Sourcce: Survey of In
Figure-2: Topographical
T map
m (Survey of India) of 10km
m radius showiing surroundin
ng area
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L Page 4 of 119
Proposed Redeevelopment of Anand
A Vihar Railway
R Station
n, Anand Viharr, East Delhi

Sourcee: Survey of Ind

Figure-3: Topographical
T map
m (Survey off India) of 15km
m radius showiing Eco-sensitivve area

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.


Indian Railway Station Development Corporation Limited is going for “Redevelopment of
Anand Vihar Railway Station”on the total land area measuring 5,68,145 sq.m.

The coordinates of the project boundary along with the centre of the project site is given below
in the Table-2.

Table-2: Coordinates of the Project Boundary

Latitude Longitude
Centre of the Plot 28°38'43.30"N 77°18'38.30"E
Corner-I 28°39'13.73"N 77°19'8.89"E
Corner-II 28°38'27.73"N 77°18'10.53"E
Corner-III 28°38'19.86"N 77°18'16.88"E
Corner-IV 28°38'57.63"N 77°19'4.55"E

The project envisages redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station in form of construction /
redevelopment of Main station building with construction of facilities like Hotel, Station Retail
and Commercial Office. The parking shall be provisioned in basement and 34,000 m2 is to be
developed / maintained as garden and lawns. The area details are given in Table-3.

Table-3: Detailed Area Statement

S. No. Particulars Area in Sq.m.

1 Total Plot Area 5,68,145.00
2 Permissible FAR @ 1 of plot area 5,68,145.00
Proposed [email protected] of Plot area 2,66,771.00
 Commercial 1,70,010.00
 Station and other building 50,395.00
 Platforms existing + new 46,366.00
Total Basement Area 2,02,246.00
 Hotel 19,488.00
4  Station Retail 70,656.00
 Office 1,02,336.00
 Passenger & Operations 9,766.00
5 Built Up Area (Proposed FAR + Basement) 4,69,017.00
Landscape Area Proposed @ 6% of plot area 34,000.00
6  Lawns/Garden 15,467.00
 Green Belt 18,533.00

The Layout Plan of Existing Yard is attached as Annexure-I.

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.


The proposed redevelopment project involves construction / redevelopment of station building
with construction of hotel, station retail and commercial office.

The master plan approval for redevelopment project has been granted by Northern Railway. The
copy of the approval letter is attached as Annexure-II. Approval for the redevelopment project
has also been granted by Delhi Development Authority. The approval letter is attached as
Annexure-III. The redevelopment project does not fall under prohibited or regulated area. The
NOC for the same has been granted by Archaeological Survey of India and is attached as
Annexure-IV. The height clearance from Airport Authority of India is attached as Annexure-V.
The approval from DUAC is attached as Annexure-VI. The NOC from PWD is attached as
Annexure-VII. The project involves cutting of trees for which the application for the permission
of the same has been submitted to the North Forest Division, GNCTD. The copy of the receipt of
same is attached as Annexure-VIII.

Total population of the proposed redevelopment project will be 1,64,838 as per the projection for
the year 2038 which include the main passenger load per day, guests staying in hotel and staff.
Breakup of the population is given in Table-4.

Table-4: Calculation of Population

No of unit / Person Per
S. No. Types Population
Area in sq.m. Unit
1. Hotel Guest Rooms 200 nos. 2 400
Passenger load per
2. Projection for year 2038 1,11,575
3. Employees Projection for year 2038 12,896
4. Greeters / Meters Projection for year 2038 23,992
5. Retail Population Projection for year 2038 9,045
6. Office Population Projection for year 2038 6,930
Total Population 1,64,838
*Source- National Building Code, 2005

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

Parking Requirement at Railway Station

The station parking bays are calculated based on the traffic surveys and forecasts. Basement
parking of area 9,766 sq.m is proposed for station. The parking bays required for the station
is for 686 ECS and the proposed parking bays will be for 902 ECS.

Parking Requirement for Non-Railway Development

The parking requirement for the proposed non-railway development and the proposed is as
given in Table-5.

Table-5: Parking Propsoed for Non-Railway Development

Description FAR Required Parking @ Proposed Parking area
3 ECS/100 sqm FAR Parking basement @ 32
Office 69,850 2,096 3,198 1,02,336
Station Retail 91,940 2,758 2,208 70,656
Hotel 8,220 247 609 19,488
Total 5,101 6,015 192480


Increasing vegetation in the form of greenbelt is one of the preferred methods to mitigate air
pollution. Plants serve as a sink for pollutants, reduce the flow of dust and reduce noise
pollution. The green area to be developed / maintained is 6% of the total plot area i.e. 34,000
sq.m. Table-6 indicates various planned species to be used in greenbelt development.

Table-6: List of Species for Greenbelt Development

Scientific Common
S.No. Girth Height Spread Details
Name Name

-Evergreen tree
Azadirachta -Medicinal value
1 Neem 1’-3’ 30’-40’ 20’ -Used as periphery

-Deciduous in dry
Bauhinia seasons
2. Kachnaar 1’-2’ 15’-20’ 15’ -Flowering plant with
bright pink flowers

-Deciduous in dry
Bauhinia Kachnaar
3. 1’-2’ 15’-20’ 15’ seasons
candida white -Flowering plant with

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

white flowers

-Deciduous in dry
4 Cassia fistula Amaltas 1’-2’ 20’-25’ 15’ -Summer flowering tree
with yellow flowers-

-Deciduous in dry
Cassia seasons
5. 1’-2’ 15’-25’ 20’ -Flowering tree with pink

-Leafless in winters
Chorisia Mexican
6 2’-3’ 20’-25’ 20’ -Winter flowering tree
speciosa silk cotton with pink flowers

-Fastigate tree
7. Kadamba 6”-1’ 10’-15’ 15’ -White-cream flowers in
us cadamba spring

Gardenia -Small tree with yellow

8 Gardenia 1’-2’ 10’-15’ 15’ fragrant flowers

Lagerstroemi -Flowering tree

9 Jarul 1’-2’ 15’-25’ 20’ -Drought tolerant tree
a flosreginae

Mangifera -Evergreen tree with

10 Mango 2’-3’ 20’-35’ 20’ edible fruit.

Manilkara -Evergreen medium sized

11 Chikoo 1’-2’ 15’-20’ 15’ tree with edible fruits

Psidium -Medium sized tree with

12 Guava 1’-2’ 15’-20’ 20’ edible fruits.

Mimusops -Small evergreen tree

13 Maulshri 6”-1’ 10’-15’ 15’ with white flowers

Syzygium -Tall tree fruit bearing

14 Jamun 6”-1’ 10’-15’ 15’ -Attracts birds

-Kusum is a beautiful
tree with a broad, shady
Schleichera crown, found widespread
15 Kusum 2’-3’ 20’-25’ 25’
oleosa in tropical himalayas

Source: Guidelines for development of greenbelt CPCB-2007

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.


Water Requirement for the proposed project is discussed below.

8.1 Water requirement during Construction phase

Water requirement during the Construction phase will be met by private water tanker or treated
water from CSTP.

8.2 Water requirement during operation phase

The current source of water supply for the Railway station is a Ranney well located at
Mandawali, which shall also cater for the water supply for the proposed redevelopment project.
The capacity of the ranney well is 7 MLD, which will be able to cater the demand for year 2025.
For the demand beyond 2025, another ranney well of 5.90 MLD will be required.

The total water requirement for the proposed project has been estimated to be 12 MLD. This
includes potable water requirement, flushing, landscaping, requirement for washing purposes.
The total fresh water requirement is 5.31 MLD. The water requirement for Flushing, washing
and landscaping will be met through treated water from STP and ETP.

Details of break-up of water requirement are given in Table-7.

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

Table 7: Details of Water Requirement

Unit Water Total Water Fresh Water Flushing Wastewater

Total Population /
Description Consumption Requirement Requirement Requirement Generation
Hotel Rooms 400 180 0.072 0.054 0.018 0.0612
Passengers 111575 15 1.673625 1.004175 0.66945 1.47279
Employees 12896 45 0.58032 0.19344 0.38688 0.541632
Greeters / Meeters 23992 5 0.11996 0.071976 0.047984 0.1055648
Retail Population 9045 45 0.407025 0.135675 0.27135 0.37989
Office Population 6930 45 0.31185 0.10395 0.2079 0.29106
Catering for 10% of total
11157 45 0.502065 0.33471 0.167355 0.435123
Landscaping 34,000.00 sq.m 3 liters/sqm 0.102 ..
Cleaning of trains 1,144 Coaches 500 liters/coach 0.572 .. 0.429
Apron Washing 23,604 sq.m 10 liters/sq.m 0.23604 0.17703
Platform Floor 86,361 sq.m 5 liters/sq.m 0.431805 0.32385375
Watering of trains on
1,144 Coaches 1350 liters/coach 1.5444 1.5444 ..
Rake washing of coaches of
520 3600 liters/coach 1.872 1.404
trains in washing lines
Rake Water filling 1,040 1800 liters/coach 1.872 1.872 ..
HVAC Cooling 170 ton 10/ltrs/hr/ton 0.0408
Fire Fighting (one time) -- 1.218452
11.556342 5.314326 1.768919 5.62114355
Total Say 12 Say 5.31 Say 1.76 Say 5.62

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

8.3 Wastewater Generation

The total estimated quantity of wastewater to be generated from proposed project is 5.62 MLD.
Calculation of wastewater generation is shown below in Table-8.

Table-8: Calculation of Wastewater Generation

Details Water (MLD)
Water requirement for domestic purpose 1.89
Wastewater to be generated from domestic use (@ 80% of domestic 1.51
water requirement)
Water requirement for Flushing Purpose 1.76
Wastewater to be generated from Flushing (@ 100% of flushing 1.76
Wastewater to be generated from Washing 3.10
Wastewater to be generated from Washing (@ 75% of washing 2.32
water requirement)
Total Wastewater generated 5.62

Water balance diagram for Non-Monsoon is given in Figure-4 and for Monsoon is given in

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

All Figures in MLD

One time
Requirement =

Total fresh water 0.10 

Landscaping = 0.10
requirement = 5.31

Cleaning / Washing
Fire fighting Water refill of train Domestic Water Flushing water 1.76  1.23  of platform ,Apron
requirement (one time) coaches = 3.41 requirement = 1.89 requirement = 1.76 and floors = 1.23
= 1.21

1.87  Rake washing of

Wastewater generation Flushing Wasteweter coaches of trains in
(Domestic + washing area) generation @ 100 % = 1.76 washing lines = 1.87
= 3.86

0.04  HVAC Cooling =

Total Wastewater generation
3.86 + 1.76 = 5.62

One time Requirement

STP Capacity = 5.10 Recycled water
Fresh Water Requirement ETP Capacity =1.72 @ 90% = 5

Wastewater Generation

Treated Water
Zero Water Discharge

Figure-4: Water Balance Diagram for Non-Monsoon Season 

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

All Figures in MLD

One time
Requirement =

Total fresh water 00 

Landscaping = 00
requirement = 5.31

1.76  Cleaning / Washing

Fire fighting Water refill of train Domestic Water Flushing water 1.23  of platform ,Apron
requirement (one time) coaches = 3.41 requirement = 1.89 requirement = 1.76 and floors = 1.23
= 1.21

1.87  Rake washing of

Wastewater generation Flushing Wasteweter coaches of trains in
(Domestic + washing area) generation @ 100 % = 1.76 washing lines = 1.87
= 3.86

0.04  HVAC Cooling =

Total Wastewater generation
3.86 + 1.76 = 5.62
0.10  Discharge to sewer
= 0.10
One time Requirement
STP Capacity = 5.10 Recycled water
Fresh Water Requirement ETP Capacity =1.72 @ 90% = 5

Wastewater Generation

Figure-5: Water Balance Diagram for Monsoon Season

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

Reuse of Treated Water:

Total waste water generated is 5.62 MLD, which will be treated in the STP of capacity 5.1 MLD
and waste water generated from washing the platforms, aprons, coaches will be treated in the
ETP capacity of 1.72 MLD. The treated water available is 5.0 MLD (@ of 90%) and it will be
recycled and re-used for flushing, washing, cooling and landscaping. During the monsoon
season, as there will be no requirement of water for landscaping, the excess treated water i.e. 0.1
MLD will be discharged to sewer. The details of recycled water uses are provided in Table-9
Table-9 Recycled Water Uses
Cleaning / of Rake washing
Treated HVAC platforms, of coaches of Discharge
Flushing Landscaping
Water Cooling aprons and trains in to sewer
floors washing lines
Non-Monsoon 5.0 1.76
0.10 MLD 0.04 1.23 MLD 1.87 MLD 0
Monsoon 5.0 1.76 0.10
0 0.04 1.23 MLD 1.87 MLD

Wastewater Treatment Scheme

The waste water generated will be treated in the Sewage Treatment Plant capacity of 5.1 MLD,
and ETP of the capacity of 1.72 MLD.


The existing storm water drainage network at the Anand Vihar railway station building collects
the storm water and discharges to the existing nallah to the south east of the station building. The
existing network which serves the station building only, comprises of a piped system of RCC
hume pipes with intermediate chambers.

A separate storm water drainage network apart from sewerage system is proposed in the
development area for the collection and safe disposal of storm water during rainfall. The design
criteria to be followed for design of Storm Water Drainage network would be broadly based on
the recommendations as laid down in the CPHEEO Manual of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment,
Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India and as per provisions laid down in the relevant
I.S. and IRC codes.


During the monsoon months, the storm water runoff could be stored and used for coach washing.
The proposed rainwater harvesting system would need to be based on environmental and
sustainable concepts.

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

The calculation of rainwater harvesting is shown below:

Roof area = 32,000 m2 (approx.)
Annual Rainfall = 800 mm
Max. Hourly rainfall = 90 mm/hour
= (23 mm/15 m)
Runoff Coefficient = 0.8

Avg. rainwater collection per 15 minute during peak rainfall =

= 32,000 x 0.8 x 0.023
= 589 m3/15 minutes
Annual Harvesting
= 32000x0.8x0.8
= 20,480 m3/annum

The harvested rain water will be used for train washing, platform wash down and other uses that
do not require potable quality water.

The calculation for number of rainwater harvesting pits required is shown below:

Size of each rainwater harvesting pit:

Desilting Tank – 6 x 3 x 2 m effective depth
- 36 m3
Recharge Pit – 3 x 2.5 x 2 m effective depth
- 15 m3
Total Capacity of one set – 51 m3

The average rainwater collection per 15 minutes (the retention period): 589 m3
The number of pits required: 589/51 = 11.54 ~ 12 pits
We are proposing 5 RWH pits.


The total electrical load demand has been estimated to be 34 MVA. 26 MVA for the commercial
area and 8 MVA for station. The possible sources of power are 66 kV grid substations at
Karkarduma and 220 kV substations at Mandawali.


The project will adopt a systematic approach for solid waste collection and disposal. Solid waste
generated from the project will be collected properly and will be managed as per Solid Waste
Management Rule, 2016.

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

It is estimated that maximum solid waste generation would be about 24,725.7 kg/day, and 4
Tonne of sludge (wet basis). Following are the solid waste generation rate has been considered as
given in Table-10.

Table-10: Proposed Solid Waste Generation Rate

S.No. Category of Solid Waste Generation Waste Generated
1 Commercial Refuse 1,64,838 24,725.7
Total 24,725.7 kg/day
* Source: Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management, published by Central Public Health and
Environmental Engineering Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.

The E-waste generated will be managed as per the E-waste management Rules 2016. The
detailed Solid Waste Generation Management Plan is provided in Figure-6 below:

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d Redevelop
pment of An
nand Vihar Railway Sttation, Anan
nd Vihar, E
East Delhi.

Figurre-6: Solid Waste

W Manaagement Plaan

13. FIRE
The Fire Fighting wiill be designed as per thee recommenndations of thhe National Building Coode of
India: Paart 4 Fire and
d Life safety
y: 1997.The firefighting
f ssystem has bbeen designeed considerinng the
following g codes, mannual and guidelines;

 National Bu
uilding Codee of India (N
 As per requ
uirement of fire
f officer/loocal fire appproving authoorities; and
 As per Indiaan Standard Code for Fire Protectionn (IS Codes))

List of bu
uilding mateerials being used
u at site:
1. Coarse saand
2. Fine sand
3. Stone agggregate
4. Stone for masonry wo

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Proposed Redevelopment of Anand Vihar Railway Station, Anand Vihar, East Delhi.

5. Cement
6. Reinforcement steel
7. Plywood & steel shuttering
8. Pipe scaffolding (cup lock system)
9. Bricks
10. Tiles
11. P.P.V.C. conduit
12. MCBs/DBs
13. PVC overhead water tanks
14. Wastewater lines
15. S.W. sewer line up to main sewer
16. PVC rain water down take
17. Stainless steel sink in kitchen

List of Machinery to be used during Construction is as follows:

1. Dumper : Shall be used for mud and material handling
2. Concrete mixer with hopper : for RCC work
3. JCB/Pock line : Shall be used for digging and earth work
4. Concrete Batching Plant : Will be used for concrete mixing
5. Road roller : For compacting the earth

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