53 Tutorial Mouse en

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Using Siemens NX 11 Software

Surface Design - Mouse

Based on a YouTube NX tutorial1.


A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 1 Written by Christophe Leblanc
1 – Sketch A.

• Create a model file named mouse.prt and

save it into your local folder.
• In the XY-plane draw a sketch consisting
in a first circle of 100 mm in diameter
centred at the origin, and a second circle of
75 mm in diameter which centre is located
in the x-axis, 75 mm left wise from the
• Convert these circles as References by
right-clicking on each one and select
Convert to Reference in the menu.

• Add two points (as references) at the

intersections of the two circles.

• Click the Point button and select the

Intersection Point option in the Sketch
Point dialog box.
• Select the first circle and then the second
• Redo the above operations for the second
intersection point.
• Convert these to point to Reference Points
as done here above for the circles.

• Draw a reference line starting from one

intersection point and finishing at the

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 2 Written by Christophe Leblanc
• Draw a reference circle of 100 mm in
diameter and centred on the middle point
of the line.

• Using the Studio Spline button ,

draw approximately a 3-degree spline
curve interpolating four point as shown.
• Add a reference point on the intersection
between the left and centre circles with
positive y-coordinate.
• Constraint the second interpolated point
from the left of the spline to lie on the
above point.
• Add a reference point on the intersection
between the centre and right circles with
positive y-coordinate.
• Constraint the third interpolated point
from the left of the spline to lie on the
above point.

• Constraint the left starting spline point

(resp. right ending) to lie on the left (resp.
right) circle.
• Constraint the y-coordinate of the left
starting spline point (resp. right ending)
to be 15 mm (resp. 25 mm).
• Hide all the reference elements (ctrl+b)
and exit the sketch mode.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 3 Written by Christophe Leblanc
2 – Sketch B: offset, scale and projection.

• Select the spline curve in the visualization

window (or in the Part Navigator).
• In the Curve tab of the toolbar click on the

Offset Curve button .

• In the Offset Curve dialog box, select
Distance as Offset Type and use a distance
of 5 mm. Make sure the offset is oriented
as shown.
• Click OK to validate.

• Click on the Scale Curve button

• Select the above offset curve and choose a
non-uniform scale x=0.9, y=1, z=1.
• Hide the initial offset curve.

• Create a new datum plane by clicking the

Datum Plane button . We will

project the scaled curve on this plane.
• In the Datum Plane dialog box, select At
Distance as Type and select the XY plane
as Planar Object.
• Set the offset distance 35 mm to the left.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 4 Written by Christophe Leblanc
• Click on the Project Curve button ,
and project the scaled curve on the datum
plane you just created.
• Hide the scaled curve.

3 – Mirroring a curve.

• Click on MenuÆInsertÆAssociative
CopyÆMirror Geometry and select the
projected curve.
• In the Mirror Geometry dialog box,
select as Mirror Plane the XY-plane.

4 – Upper surface of the mouse.

• Click on the Through Curves button

• Select the projected (left) curve an click
on the Add New Set button .
• Select the middle curve and click the Add
New Set button again .
• Finally, select the last (mirrored) curve
and click OK.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 5 Written by Christophe Leblanc
5 – Moving the Datum Coordinate System.

• Select the Datum Coordinate System

(either in the visualization window or in
the Part Navigator) and click on the Edit

Parameters button .
• In the Datum CSYS dialog box, check if
the Type field is set to Dynamic.
• In the Y field, enter 60 (mm) and press
• Then, rotate the reference frame by
180 degrees around the YC axis and click

• Click on the Back view button.

• You should get the shown view.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 6 Written by Christophe Leblanc
7.a – Surface trimming (sketch).

• Create a new sketch in the XZ-plane of

the moved Datum Coordinate System.
You can notice that the sketch will now
be located above the mouse’s surface.
• Double-click on the orange arrow along
the local z-axis of the sketch reference
frame in order to orient it upwards.
• Draw a 3-point arc of 140 mm in radius
with starting (i.e. left) point coordinate
(18, 20) and ending (i.e. right) point
coordinate (80, 20).
• Create a symmetric arc w.r.t the x-axis.

• Click on the Bridge Curve button

• Select as Start Object the upper arc and
as End Object the lower arc.
• Click Apply to validate.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 7 Written by Christophe Leblanc
• Bridge the other side by selecting as Start
Object the lower arc and, as End Object
the upper arc.
• Set the Start and End options of the
Shape Control field to 1.5
• Note: if you do not manage to select the
arcs individually, check if the Curve Rule
filter is set to Single Curve.

7.b – Surface trimming.

We will now trim the mouse’s surface by

using the above sketch.

• In the Home tab of the toolbar, click on

the Trim Sheet button ,

under the More button of the

Feature field.
• In the Trim Sheet dialog box, select as
Target the mouse’s surface.
• Select as Boundary the above sketch.
• Select as Projection Direction option
Along Vector and select as projection
vector the –YC axis.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 8 Written by Christophe Leblanc
8 – Surface extrusion.

• Click on the Extrude button and

extrude the above trimmed surface
contour by 25 mm along the –YC axis.
• In the Settings field, set the Body Type
option to Sheet.

9 – Drafting a surface.

• Hide temporarily the (upper) mouse’s

surface and click on the Draft button
• In the Draft dialog box, select Edge as
Type and the –YC direction.
• Select the upper edges of the last
extrusion and use an angle of 15 degrees.
• Make visible the mouse’s surface.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 9 Written by Christophe Leblanc
10 – Trimming the (drafted) extrusion.

• Create a datum plane parallel to the ZX-

plane and located 38 mm below it.
• Click on the Trim Body button
• Select the (drafted) extrusion as Target.
• In the Tool field, select the above datum
• Note: if needed, click on the Reverse
Direction button in order to keep
the right part of the extrusion.

11 – Edge blending.

• Before blending edges, it is a good

practice to Sew (i.e. connect) their
corresponding surfaces.
• Click on
• Select as Target the (upper) mouse’s
surface and as Tool the (drafted and
trimmed) extrusion.

• Click on the Edge Blend button

and select the edge connecting the
mouse’s surface with the extrusion.
• Enter a blend radius of 3 mm.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 10 Written by Christophe Leblanc
12.a – Mouse buttons (sketch).

• Create a new sketch in the ZX-plane of

the Datum Coordinate System. Do not
forget to set the z-axis of the sketch’s
coordinate system to point upwards.

• Draw an ellipse (Ellipse button ) of

major radius 16 mm, minor radius 7 mm
and rotation angle of 0 degrees.
• Constraint the ellipse’s centre to be
located along the y-axis and lie 10 mm
from the x-axis.
• Construct a symmetric ellipse w.r.t. the
x-axis and exit sketch mode.

12.b – Mouse buttons.

The (upper) mouse’s surface will be

deformed within the regions defined by the
two above ellipses for figuring the mouse

• Click on MenuÆEditÆSurfaceÆGlobal
• In the Global Shaping dialog box, select
the (upper) mouse’s surface as Sheet to
• Select as Region to Deform a first ellipse.
• In the Target Point field, select a 1 mm
Offset and use the –YC axis as Projection
• Click Apply and redo the above
operations for the second ellipse.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 11 Written by Christophe Leblanc
13 – Closing the mouse bottom.

• Click on the Bounded Plane button.

• Select the bottom curves of the mouse in
order to close its bottom.
• Sew (MenuÆInsertÆCombineÆSew)
this new plane with the remaining of the
• Add an edge blend of 1 mm between this
plane and the remaining of the mouse.
• Finally, hide all the sketches.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 12 Written by Christophe Leblanc
14 – Designing the mouse’s wheel.

• In the XY-plane, draw a circle centred at

coordinates (5, -38) and of 42 mm in
• Extrude the circle by 2 mm from either
side of the curve in order to obtain a
cylinder (check if the Body Type option
is set to Solid and the Boolean option to

• Apply an edge blend of 1.5 mm

on both edges of the cylinder.
• Trim the cylinder by the bottom of the
mouse using the Trim Body button
• Finally, unite the trimmed
cylinder with the mouse.

15 – Hole around mouse’s wheel.

• In the Curve tab of the toolbar, click on

the Offset Curve in Face button
• In the Offset Curve in Face dialog box,
set the Type option to Constant and select
the intersection curve between the
mouse’s wheel and its upper face. Set the
Offset option to 0.5 mm.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 13 Written by Christophe Leblanc
• Divide the upper face of the mouse into
two parts using the offset curve as
boundary. For this, click on the
“MenuÆInsertÆTrimÆDivide face
button .
• Click on the Pull Face button
located under the Home tab
of the toolbar, under the More button of
synchronous Modelling.
• In the Pull Face dialog box, select the
small face surrounding the mouse’s
• Specify the –YC vector and a Distance of
0.5 mm.

• Apply an edge blend of 0.25 mm

on the shown edge.
• Finally, hide any visible sketch.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 14 Written by Christophe Leblanc
16 – Materials and visualization.

• Select the Assign Material button

located in
MenuÆToolsÆMaterials and select
Polycarbonate as material.

• In the Render tab of the toolbar, click on

the True Shading button .

• Select all the mouse surfaces but the

external (visible) faces of the wheel.
• Click on the Object Materials button

and select the Blue Glossy

Plastic button.

• Eventually, hide the Datum Coordinate

• You should obtain an object as shown at
the beginning of this tutorial.

A&M – CAD in mechanical engineering 15 Written by Christophe Leblanc

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