The Indian Institute of Bankers Diploma Examination - Rules/ Syllabus
The Indian Institute of Bankers Diploma Examination - Rules/ Syllabus
The Indian Institute of Bankers Diploma Examination - Rules/ Syllabus
The Indian Institute of Bankers which is professional body of banks and financial institutions in
India, was established on 30th April 1928 as a Limited Company under the Indian Companies Act,
1913 at the initiative of few eminent bankers, businessmen and industrialists of India.
The Mission of the Institute is to develop professionally qualified and competent bankers
and finance professionals primarily through a process of education, training, examinations,
consultancy/ counseling and continuing professional development programmes.
i) Designs, organise and conduct examinations to test the proficiency of bank / financial
sector employees in various finance related subjects
ii) Award certificates / diplomas to the successful candidates
iii) Provide necessary educational support services.
iv) Facilitate professional development on continuous basis
The Institute has been conducting two basic level examinations for bankers.
A. JAIIB Examination is expected to perform the role of leveler for all new entrants to the banking
profession because new entrant and recruits currently come from wide spectrum of educational
B. CAIIB Examination is envisaged to provide advanced knowledge necessary for better decision
making together with reasonable level of specialization in specific discipline.
General Examinations:
With the advent of market oriented approach, globalization, financial sector reforms and
competition in the financial sector, finance professional face the challenge to continuously innovate
and improve their products and services. The need for continuous improvement in the service
provided calls for excellence in the performance and specialization. The Institute has therefore
introduced the following diplomas to help the staff of financial institutions to acquire the required
The examination will be held normally twice a year in the month of June/July and Nov./Dec. i.e on
two Sundays (two papers on first Sunday and the remaining one on the next Sunday).The
examination will be held at all metropolitan centres, State Capitals.
The above examinations are open to the non-members as well as members of the Institute.
The candidates appearing for the Diploma Examinations will be allowed a time limit of 3 years
subject to maximum of six attempts to complete the said examination. If a candidate fails to clear
the examination within the stipulated time limit as mentioned above he/she may have to register
afresh for the examination.
Examination Application Forms will be available at the Institute’s offices including Corporate
Office. It will also be available on the Institute’s web site at “”.
The Institute will be issuing Examinations Admit Card, to members who apply for the Diploma
Examinations. This card will be valid for the period as mentioned on the card. The Admit Card
along with the Permanent Membership Identity Card should be produced to the examination
authority each time in the examination hall for identification. In absence of the Admit Card /
Permanent Membership Identity Card the candidate is liable to be denied permission in the
examination hall.
Members who have enrolled for the examination and having examination Identity Card issued to
them earlier will continue to appear for the examination based on examination Identity Card and
will not be issued any Membership Card or Admit Card. Permanent Membership Identity Card will
be issued by Zonal Offices in case any person is admitted as a member, he/ she renews his / her
membership or applies for the examination in future.
In case of candidates being Non-members, they will be issued an Identity Card. This card will be
valid for the period as mentioned on the card. Identity Card should be produced to the examination
authority each time in the examination hall for identification. In absence of the Identity Card the
candidate is liable to be denied permission in the examination hall.
No candidate shall be permitted to enter the examination hall after the expiry of 15 minutes from the
commencement of the examination and no candidate shall be permitted to leave the hall before the
expiry of one hour from the commencement of the examination. The candidates shall be at the
examination venue at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
Candidates should not possess and/or use books, notes, periodicals etc. in the examination hall at
the time of the examination /or use mathematical tables, slide rules, stencils etc. during the
examination except for the examination for which such use is expressly permitted. A candidate
found in possession of such unauthorised material during the examination is liable to be proceeded
against for adoption of unfair means in the examination in addition to reporting the matter to his/her
employer for disciplinary proceedings for the misconduct. They should hand them over to the Hall
Superintendent before the commencement of the examination.
Generally candidates will be permitted to use calculators while appearing for the diploma
examinations subject to the following:
Calculators which do not comply with the above conditions and found in possession of the
candidates during the examination will be confiscated by the Examination Supervisors and returned
to the candidates at the end of the examination. In case a candidate is found using the calculator not
complying with the above conditions in the course of the examination it would amount to adoption
of unfair practice at the examination by the candidate concerned and the Institute shall take such
action against the candidate as may be deemed appropriate.
Candidates are not permitted to carry mobile phone in the examination hall.
Communication of any sort between candidates or with outsiders is not permitted and complete
silence should be maintained during the examination.
Copying the answers from the answer books of other candidates or permitting others to copy from
one’s answer book will attract the rules relating to unfair practices in the examination.
No candidate should leave the examination hall without handing over the answer scripts to the Hall
Supervisor / Invigilator. Once the answer book is handed over to the Supervisor / Invigilator the
same cannot be taken back by the candidate.
No candidate shall impersonate others or allow others to impersonate himself at the examination.
If any candidate violates any of the above rules it will be considered to be an act of misconduct and
he/she will be liable for punishment mentioned herein under.
The Institute shall have the right to impose penalties on any member for committing an act of
misconduct/ unfair practice in respect of any matter affecting the Institute or at or in respect of any
examination conducted by the Institute or disqualifying any candidate who, they have reason to
believe has received or given unfair assistance at the examination and
a) to cancel the result of such candidate in all or any of the subjects of the
examination at which he/she may have appeared;
b) to exclude his/her from future examinations either permanently or for a specified number of
c) to report his/her name to his/her employer and;
d) to take such other action against him/her as the Institute shall in their sole discretion deem fit
and the decision of the Institute shall be final and binding on the candidates concerned.
The Institute shall also have a right to cancel the results of any subsequent examination at which the
candidate may have appeared if such examination falls within the exclusion period in the penalty, as
by reason of imposition of such a penalty of exclusion from the future examination, the candidates
would not have been eligible to appear at such subsequent examinations.
In case any member including former member, desires to institute any legal proceedings against the
Institute in respect of anything done or proposed to be done by the Institute in relation to him/her
such legal proceedings shall be instituted only in the courts AT Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi
and Mumbai in whose jurisdiction the application is submitted by him and not in any other
The results of the examination along with the marks secured for each subject of the examination
will be communicated to the candidates by letter.
The decision of the examiners with regard to marks shall in every case, be final and no request for
re-valuation of the candidate’s paper will be entertained. If, however, any candidate requires his/her
marks to be verified he/she may request the Chief executive Officer accordingly. Such verification
will cover the following:
The request for verification of marks must be received in the Institute’s Zonal office within one
month from the date of the declaration of the examination results. The members will have to pay a
sum of Rs.80/- and non-members Rs 100/- for the verification of marks for each subject of the
diploma examination. The payment should be made by means of MICR crossed Demand Draft
drawn in favour of “The Indian Institute Of Bankers” and made payable at the place of the Zonal
Office. The candidates should write their membership number/roll number on the reverse of the
Candidate’s who completes the Diploma Examination will receive the Diploma.