120+ Profit & Loss Questions With Solution: Daily Visit
120+ Profit & Loss Questions With Solution: Daily Visit
120+ Profit & Loss Questions With Solution: Daily Visit
1. A Shopkeeper buys two bicycles for Rs. and one apple cost Rs. 10. I bought 3
750. He sells first bicycle at a profit of 22% Mangoes, 3 grapes and 3 apples. How
and the second bicycle at a loss of 8%. much did I pay?
What is the SP of first bicycle if in the A) Rs15
whole transaction there is no profit no loss? B) Rs18
A) Rs506 C) Rs20
B) Rs244 D) Rs25
C) Rs185 E) None
D) Rs230
E) None View Answer
cost is equal to the selling price. 7. The percentage profit earned by selling an
150x + 150000 = 2,55,000 article for Rs. 2120 is equal to the
x = 700 percentage loss incurred by selling the
same article for Rs. 1520. At what price
5. A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and should the article be sold to make 25%
still makes a profit of 20%, when he further profit?
allows 16 articles to a dozen to a A) Rs2275
particularly sticky bargainer. How much B) Rs2100
per cent above the cost price were his C) Rs2650
wares listed ? D) Rs2400
A) 100% E) None
B) 80%
C) 75% View Answer
D) 85%
E) None Option A
View Answer The CP be
Option A 3640/2=1820.
Solution: SP=1820*125/100=1820*5/4
MP=120/(80/100)=150 =Rs2275
Now he is selling 16 goods to a dozen(ie
12), 8. A purchased a machine at Rs 13,000 , then
so his loss = {(16-12)/16} x100 = 25%. got it repaired at Rs 3500, they gave its
Then the actual MP 150/(75/100)=200 transportation charges Rs500. Then he sold
Hence, he has marked the MP 100% above it at 50% profit. At what price he actually
the CP. sold it?
A) Rs18500
6. Profit earned by an organisation is B) Rs25500
distributed among officers and clerks in the C) Rs22200
ratio of 5 : 3. If the number of officers is 55 D) Rs19600
and the number of clerks is 70 and the E) None
amount received by each officer is
Rs12,000, what was the total amount of View Answer
profit earned?
A) Rs11 Lakh Option B
B) Rs12.25Lakh Solution:
C) Rs10.56Lakh The CP is 13000+3500+500=17000
D) Rs16Lakh Then SP
E) None 100 17000
150 ? ==> 25500
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9. In a certain store, the profit is 270% of the
Option C cost. If the cost increases by 30% but the
Solution: selling price remains constant,
The total amount distributed among 55 approximately what %ge of the selling
officers = Rs.55×12000 = Rs.6,60,000. price is the profit.
Their ratio 5:3 A) 68%
Then 5 660000 B) 72%
3 ? 396000 C) 50%
Total profit = 6,60,000 + 396000 D) 65%
=Rs10,56,000. E) None
∴ Profit = 6800 – 6000 = 800 10. A reputed company sells a wrist watch to a
wholesaler making a profit of 10%. The
wholesaler, in turn, sells it to the retailer
8. A dealer allowed a discount of 25% on making a profit of 10%. A customer
marked price of Rs.20,000 on an article and purchases it by paying Rs. 990. Thus the
incurred a loss of 20%. What discount profit of retailer is 2(3/11)% What is the
should he allow on the marked price so that cost (in rupees) incurred by the the
he gains Rs.450 on the article? company to produce it?
A) 6.5% A) 600
B) 5% B) 700
C) 4.25% C) 800
D) 4% D) 900
E) None E) None
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5. Profit on selling 10 candles equals selling 7. A person sold an electronic watch at Rs.
price of 3 bulbs. While loss on selling 10 96 in such a way that his percentage profit
bulbs equals selling price of 4 candles. is same as the cost price of the watch . If he
Also profit percentage equals to the loss sells it at twice the percentage profit of its
percentage and cost of a candle is half of previous percentage then find the new
the cost of a bulb. What is the ratio of selling price.
selling price of candle to the selling price A) Rs.132
of a bulb? B) Rs.120
A) 2:1 C) Rs.123
B) 3:2 D) Rs.100
C)7:9 E) Rs.110
D) 5:3
E) 3:1
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Option B
Solution: 9. A firm of readymade garments makes both
CP ————-SP men’sand women’s shirts. Its average profit
240…..(- 14 2/7)……280 is 6% of the sales. Its profit in men’s shirts
Actual profit% = (40/240)*100 = 16.66% average 8% of the sales and women’s shirts
comprise 60% of the output. What is the
average profit per sales rupee in women’s price whereas Rajeev calculates his on the cost
shirts. price. They find that the difference of their
A) 0.1243 profits Rs.150. If the selling price of both the m
B) 0.5416 are the same and both of them get 50% profit.
C) 0.0466 Find their selling price.
D) 0.5247 A) Rs. 620
E) 0.2451 B) Rs. 900
C) Rs.870
D) Rs.750
View Answer E) Rs.550
Option C View Answer
Option B
Women’s shirts comprise = 60% Solution:
Men’s shirts comprise =40% selling price = [Diff. * 100 * (100 + 50)]/(50)^2
Average profit from men’s shirts = 8% of = [150 * 100 * 150 ]/ 2500 = 900
40 = 3.2 out of 40 A trader has 600kgs of rice , a part of which
Overall average profit = 6 out of 100 he sells at 15% profit and the remaining quantity
Average profit from women’s shirts = 2.8 at 20% loss. On the whole , he incurs an overall
out of 60 i.e. 0.0466 out of each shirt. loss of 6% .What is the quantity of rice he sold
at 20% loss?
10. Of the two varieties of rice available, A) 300kg
variety A is bought at Rs.32 per kg and B) 410kg
variety B at Rs.80 per kg. Two varieties of C) 360kg
rice are mixed together in the respective D) 210kg
ratio of 8:5 and the mixture is sold at Rs.72 E) 500kg
per kg. What per cent of profit View Answer
approximately the seller receives ? Option C
A) 50% Solution:
B) 40% Quantity of rice sold at 20% loss = x kg (let)
C) 30% Quantity of rice sold at 15% gain = (600 – x )
D) 55% kg
E) 43% (600 – x) * (115/100) + (x*80)/100 = (600 *
=> x = 12600/35 = 360 kg
View Answer
A camel and a cart together cost Rs.
Option E 5000.If by selling the camel at a profit of 10%
Solution: and the cart at a loss of 10% a total profit of
Let 8 kg of first variety of rice and 5 kg of 2.5% is made ,then what is the cost price of the
second variety is mixed. camel ?
CP of 13 kg of rice = (8*32 + 5*32) = Rs. A) Rs.4500
656 B) Rs. 3125
SP of 13 kg of rice = 72*13 = Rs.936 C) Rs. 3000
Profit = 936 – 656 = Rs.280 D) Rs.2100
Profit% = (280/656)*100 = 43% E) Rs.3800
View Answer
Option B
Let the cp of the camel and the cart be x and
Raman calculates his profit % on the selling (8000-x) resp.
Option A CP…………SP
Solution: 20…………23
100 640……….736
. 115…………..125 M.P = 736+64 = 800
125 – 115 =10 Profit % = 160/640* 100 = 25%
10/125 * T = 4
T = 125 * 4/10 = 50 6. 6. A man gets a profit of 28% after
allowing discount of 11(1/9)%. Find how
much percent the cost price should be
4. An article is sold at 25% profit. Had it been increased to make this Mark Price?
sold at Rs30 less then there would have A) 40%
been a loss of 25%. What was the cost B) 45%
price (in Rupees)? C) 44%
A) 75 D) 46%
B) 45 E) 52%
C) 60
D) 90
E) 72 View Answer
Option C
View Answer Solution:
Gain – 28% CP………SP
Option C . 100………128
Solution: Discount 11(1/9)% = 1/9
Profit = 25% = 1/4 MP………..SP
CP………….SP 9…………….8
4………………5 Make SP same
Loss 25%= CP SP CP…………SP…………….MP
. 4…..3 100……….128……………144
In both SPs, difference = 5-3 = 2 MP – CP =44%
1=15 7. The sale price of an article including the
4=60 sales tax is Rs560. The rate of sales tax is
16(2/3)%. If the shopkeeper has made a
5. Even after reducing the marked price of a profit of 14(2/7)% then find the cost price
fan by Rs64, a shopkeeper makes a profit (in rupees)?
of 15%. If the cost price of fan is Rs640 A) 420
what percent of profit would have been B) 450
made if he had sold the fan at the market C) 500
price? D) 550
A) 20% E) 480
B) 25%
C) 30%
D) 40% View Answer
E) 34%
Option A
View Answer Sales tax = 16(2/3)% = 1/6
After sales tax………………SP
Option B . 7………………………..6
Solution: Gain = 14(2/7)% = 1/7
Profit = 15% = 3/20. So CP………….SP
7…………….8 D) 30%
Make SP same E) 55%
CP…………SP……….sales tax
420………………………560 View Answer
Option A . 4:1
Solution: . 100 : 25% profit on selling milk on
CP = 60+ 80/2= 70 CP but he sold it 20% gain
Profit = 80-70=10 So: 25+20+ (25*20)/100= 50% total
Profit % = 10/70 * 100= 14(2/7)%
5. The price of coal is increased by 20%. By
3. A businessman sells a commodity at 10% what percent a family should decrease its
profit. If he had bought it 10% less and sold consumption so that expenditure remains
it for rs2 less, then he would have gained same?
16(2/3)%. What is the cost price of the A) 25%
commodity? B) 14(2/7)%
A) 32 C) 16(2/3)%
B) 48 D) 20%
C) 36 E) 13(1/3)%
D) 40
E) 30
View Answer
Option B Option C
Solution: Solution:
. Horse 1 Horse 2 20% =1/5
CP 5*23=115 20*4=80 CP SP
SP 4*23=92 23*4=92 [to make 5 6
SP same] 5 6
CP= 115+80=195 = 39,000 5 6
=>1=200 =125 216
115=23000 *2=250 *2=432
80=16000 Ans=250
quantity equal) A) 15
hence Sp 3 3 B) 12
Total Cp of 6 toffee= 3 C) 20
Sp og 6 toffee=6 D) 16
hence %p=100% E) 13
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Option D
Use formula:
MP = (100+p%)/(100-d%) * CP
Profit%= 20% = 1/5 (profit = 1, CP = 5)
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View Answer
Option D
Option E Solution:
Solution: Loss = 20% = 1/5 (loss = 1, CP = 5)
CP of 1000 gm = SP of 800 gm CP – Loss = SP
So gain% = (1000-800)/800 * 100 = 25% 5 – 1 = 4……….(1)
Profit% = 10% = 1/10 (Profit = 1, CP = Rs
9. A trader sold his goods at 20% profit and 10)
along with this he used weights of 800 gm CP + P = SP
instead of 1 kg. Find his total profit%. 10 + 1 = 11 …….(2)
A) 40% Make CP same in both equations (1) and
B) 45% (2) by multiplying (1) by 2. SO
C) 50% 10 – 2 = 8
D) 55% And 10 + 1 = 11
E) 60% So first, SP was 8, now is 11
So (11-8) -> 240
3 -> 240
View Answer So 10 (CP) -> 240/3 * 10 = 800
So after 25% profit SP -> 1000