mpm1d1 Course Overview 2018
mpm1d1 Course Overview 2018
mpm1d1 Course Overview 2018
Course Overview
This course enables students to develop generalizations of mathematical ideas through exploration of applications, the effective use
of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate relationships to develop equations of straight lines in analytic
geometry, explore relationships between volume and surface area of objects in measurement, and apply extended algebra skills in
problem solving. Students will engage in abstract extensions of core learning that will deepen their mathematical knowledge and
enrich their understanding. This course helps students to meet Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations by enabling each person to
become a reflective and creative thinker who evaluates situations and solves problems reflectively and creatively.
This course encourages the Catholic learner to develop his/her God-given gifts and abilities to promote growth toward personal
responsibility in preparation for a chosen career path. Throughout this course, emphasis should be placed on moral, ethical, and
realistic decision-making in an effort to build responsible citizenship. The classroom environment should instill a spirit of cooperation,
rather than competition amongst students, and foster a collaborative sense of community. This course provides many opportunities
for students to work effectively as interdependent team members and to acknowledge and respect others for their opinions. Please
see the Course Calendar / Agenda Book for a listing of the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations.
Students will be assessed using a variety of techniques including: unit tests, performance tasks, assignments, investigations, and a
final culminating activity.
Students are expected to complete and/or submit all assessment and evaluation activities on the date determined by the teacher.
The teacher (and/or principal when necessary) will decide if a late activity will be accepted for evaluation purposes or only for
formative assessment with no level/mark recorded for grading.
• Learning Skills: regular attendance, working independently, teamwork, organization, work habits, initiative, risk-taking, time-
management, perseverance, questioning, curiosity and a love of learning are all essential to success in this course.
• The administration of the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics will be held in January 2019 and June2019 over two days. Students
will respond to multiple choice and open response questions. Please visit the EQAO web site for more information.
• A scientific calculator, 3-ring binder, lined paper, and graph paper are required.
Students will be provided with graphing calculators and SMART Response remotes to be used at school only. In keeping with Board
Policy on Telecommunications: Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy the calculator or remote is prohibited and may result in
financial compensation and/or other disciplinary action consistent with the School Code of Behaviour, Board Policy and/or the
Education Act. Likewise, theft or loss, through negligence, of the calculator or remote will result in a cost replacement by the
student/parents of $150.00.
My signature below indicates that I have read and understood the course overview. I also understand the implications of the
technology agreement outlined above.