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Digraph sh Interactive


See Instructional Routines, pages 29–32, for additional lesson details and support.
IWB This icon indicates that the CD includes an interactive whiteboard version
of the activity that can be used for small-group or whole-class learning.

1 Introduce the Sound-Spelling: Tell children that when the letters s

and h appear together in a word, they usually stand for a new sound—the /sh/
sound. Write the letters sh on the board. Have children write the letters sh several
Build Words
times as they say /sh/.

2 Model Blending: Write the words hop, shop, sell, shell, dish, trash, and
splash on the board. Model blending the words sound by sound. Run your
finger under each letter as you say the sound. Emphasize the sound of sh in words
containing that digraph spelling. Have children repeat.

3 Blend Words: Use Blend Words: Digraph sh, page 242, to have children
chorally blend the words on each line. Model, as needed. Children can then
use the lists for further independent practice. Also encourage children to complete
Sound-Spelling Word Sort

the Do More! activities.

4 Build Words: Using the letter cards on Build Words: Digraph sh, page 243,
have children build the following words in sequence: hot, shot, shop, hop, hip,
ship, sip, sick, sock, shock, shack, back, bat, fat, fit, fish, wish, dish, dash, rash, rush. Spell Words
Then have children complete the activities on the page. IWB

5 Sort Words: Use Sound-Spelling Word Sort: Digraph sh, page 244, to have
children work with partners to sort the words by their sound-spellings. IWB

6 Spell Words: Use Spell Words: Digraph sh, page 245, to give children practice
spelling the letter-sounds in different picture names. (Answers: sh-i-p, f-i-sh,
sh-e-ll, b-r-u-sh, t-r-a-sh) Then have children spell the following words as you
Interactive Story

dictate each one: shop, wish, shed, fresh, and slash. Display the words and have
children self-correct their answers. IWB

7 Connect to Reading: Distribute copies of Interactive Story: At the Shop,

page 246. Read the story with children several times. Model blending, as
needed. Then have children independently complete the questions and prompts.
Build a Word
Have children reread the story multiple times for fluency. IWB

8 Build Fluency: Use Speed Drill: Digraph sh, page 247, for additional fluency
building. Begin by giving students two minutes to underline the sh digraph in each word.
Then have them practice reading the words independently to prepare for the one-minute speed drill.

9 Extend Phonics Knowledge: Use the following activities to extend

learning. (Specific teaching notes appear on these pages.)
• Learning Center: Build a Word, pages 248–249 IWB
• Independent Activity: Circle It, page 250

Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources 241

Digraph sh Blend Words
To the Teacher: Distribute a copy of the page to each child. Have children chorally blend
the words. Model, as needed.


Read the Words

hip ship sock shock shack
hot shot self shelf shut
hop shop sift shift shed
fish dish wish brush cash
flash fresh rush splash push

Step Into Longer Words

dish dishes brush brushing
ship shipwreck lash eyelash
shell eggshell trash trash can
shot snapshot brush hairbrush Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Do More!
 uild Reading Fluency: Read the word lists until you can read them
quickly and correctly. Practice reading the lists 3– 4 times each day.
 pell It: Have a friend say each word. Write the word on another
sheet of paper. Check your answers.
 rite About It: Use the words to create a story. Use as many
words as possible. Circle the words from the list that you use.
Build Words
To the Teacher: Distribute copies of the page and have children cut out the letter cards to do
Digraph sh
the first part of the activity. Then have them complete the rest of the page.


Fill in the blanks to make words using each spelling pattern.

__ash __ush __esh __ish

__ash __ush __esh __ish
sh __ sh __ sh __ sh __
Write sentences using the words you made above.
Use another sheet of paper, if needed.
Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Listen carefully.
Use the letter cards to make the words your teacher says.
Then use the cards to make as many words as possible.
Work with a friend.
Letter Cards

a i o u e t s p
h ck b f w d r 243
Digraph sh Sound-Spelling Word Sort
To the Teacher: Distribute copies of the page (enlarge, if desired), and have children cut out
the word cards, then work with partners to sort the words by their sound-spellings.


Read each word. Then sort the words.

sh__ __ sh

Word Cards

Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

shop crash shot dish shelf

ship trash brush wish shell
fresh shut fish shed splash
Spell Words
Digraph sh


Write each picture name.

Write the spelling for each sound in a separate box.
(Sh is one sound. Write it in one box.)



Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources



Digraph sh Interactive Story


Read the story. Then answer the questions.

At the Shop
Shelly has a big shop.
She sells lots of stuff.
She sells fresh fish.
She sells big and little dishes.
She sells brushes and toy ships.
She sells anything she wishes.

Shelly has a big shop.

Every shelf has lots of stuff.
But you better rush to Shelly’s shop.
Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

She shuts the shop at six!

1. Circle all the words with sh.
2. Draw a box around the words that rhyme with dish or dishes.
3. What does Shelly sell in her shop? Write about it.

Speed Drill
To the Teacher: Begin by giving children two minutes to underline the sh-digraph spelling in each
Digraph sh
word. Then have them practice reading the words independently to prepare for the one-minute
speed drill.


Read the words many times. Then have a friend time you.
Count how many words you can read in a minute.

ship shop shell shut she

shelf shift shock shack should
fish wish trash splash fresh
dish cash push wash brush
wish shift fish shut shop
shell she shack splash dish
brush trash ship fresh push
should shelf brush cash shock
Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

splash wash trash she shell

shop push should fish wash
1st Reading: words read in a minute
2nd Reading: words read in a minute
3rd Reading: words read in a minute
Digraph sh Learning Center
To the Teacher: Copy, cut out, and glue the directions to the front of a zipper storage bag. Also
make two copies of the Word-Building Card and record sheet. (Laminate the record sheets to
make them reusable). Place the game materials inside the bag along with two wipe-off markers.
Provide access to a timer.
Answer Key:
sh__: shack, shape, share, shelf, shell, shine, ship, shirt, shop, show
__sh: brush, crash, dish, fish, fresh, leash, smash, trash, wash, wish

Build a Word
(Players or Teams: 2)

1. Each player or team takes a word-building card and a record sheet. Then the timer
is set for three minutes. (Or ask someone to be a monitor to time the game.)

2. E
 ach player or team has three minutes to use the letters and word parts on the
word-building card to form as many words as possible that begin or end with sh.
The player or team writes the words in the correct column on the record sheet.

3. Players receive one point for each word formed. (Different players may form the
same words.) The player or team with the most points at the end of three minutes
wins the game.

Word-Building Card

lea fre ape ow wa
Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

ip irt ine are ack

cra op fi di elf
ell bru tra sma wi
Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Record Sheet
L earning Center


Digraph sh
Digraph sh Independent Activity


Circle It
Say the picture name.
Circle the word for the picture.
Write the word on the line.

stop sell trash

ship shell rash
shop shelf traps

fist disk bush

fits dash brush
fish dish bust

Teaching Phonics © 2011 by Wiley Blevins, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Write a sentence for each word.



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