Key-Notes Pedagogy of English 1st Year D.el - Ed

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Unit 1

Teaching of English at the

Elementary Level

Perspectives of beginning of teaching

English at elementary level

● A Child learns English in

natural way through his mother tongue
● Opportunities should be provided by teacher
of writing and speaking
● Correct speech and writing of mother tongue
provides base of correct learning of new
● Teachers should use mother tongue to
introduce new language and system of new
● Classroom’s atmosphere should lead to learn
a new language
● The language of family or language of parents
are the source of learning mothertongue
● In India there are many states with their own
mother tongue so the pronunciation of
English differs from state to state or land to
Ways of encouraging children to learn a new
Children should be treated with love –
● To remove hesitation of children,
teachers should treat them with love and
● Love is the medicine for children
● If they find the teacher is interesting, they
will take interest.
Children should be encouraged
● Children should be encouraged for every
thing good they do with new language
● Should be treated very politely
● Good encouragement = greater interest
Value of English should be told
● Need of English must be cleared
● Knowing importance of English = greater
interest of learning English
Competition among the children
● Competitions of pronunciation for better
● Competition of meaning for better acquisition
● This competition will encourage children to
learn more and more
Children should be made active
● Take active part in learning
● They should not be just a listener
Teaching method of reading English for
Reading = most important basic skill in learning a
new language.

Teaching-Reading is a typical task.

Important methods for teaching reading elementary

or beginning stage :
1. Alphabetic method
2. Syllabic method
3. Phonetic method
4. The word method
5. The story method
6. The sentence method
7. Mixed method

1. Alphabetic method
Also known as ABC or spelling method
Unit of teaching = alphabets
● Each alphabet Taught one by one
● Combination of alphabet —> words
● Combinations of words —> Sentences
● Words are taught by spelling into letter
W - I - N -D - O - W ———>>

Steps of teaching of alphabetical method

1. Teacher make learn the names of letters of
2. 2 or more letters forms —> words
3. Many words combines to make sentences
Letters – words – phrases – sentences
Merits of alphabetical method
1. Correct identification of letters
2. Build up visual images of letters ands words
Demerits of alphabetical method
1. Tiring Lengthy drill
2. Sound of letter doesn’t match the
3. English alphabet don’t represent all 44
4. Limits eye span
5. Promote Craming

2. The syllabic method

● Syllables are use in place of letters
● Syllables – Compacts sound
● Unit of teaching – syllables
● *it’s a complex structure
Steps of syllabic method
1. Teacher starts teaching syllables instead of
2. Examples
terrible = ter + ri + ble
growing =grow + ing
3.Words are made by combining syllables

To sum up, a syllable:

is a unit of sound in language
joins vowels with consonants to create meaning
will always contain only one vowel sound

Merit of syllabic method –

helpful in reading many consonants with vowel
Increases the reading speed

Demerits of syllabic method

1. Difficult to read for kids and toddlers
2. Tedious method
3. Syllables don’t have any meanings

3. The phonetic method

Unit of teaching – sound of letters / Phonemes

Based on two assumptions

● Sound of letters produce words
● Sounds are combined into words and
Steps of teaching for Phonetic method
1. One or two sounds introduced daily
2. No use of alphabetical method
3. Common sounds are taught first
4. Dipthongs are introduced
5. The teachers represent the consonant’s
sound one by one.
6. Sounds —> words —> phrases —> sentences
7. Teacher use black board to teach words and
Merits of Phonetic method

● Economical
● Logical
● Scientific method
● It gives opportunities to practice each
● Helps in correct pronunciation of new

Demerits of phonetic method

1. Can’t use as exclusive method
2. Gives slow progress
3. laborious method
4. You will learn only words and letters not
group of words or sentences
5. Pupils get uncommon words
6. It results in poor spelling.

4. Word method
AKA - look and say method/ see and say method
Unit of teaching - WORDS

Steps of teaching of word method

1. Teacher show flash cards and objects with
name on it.
2. The teacher speaks word then write it on
black board.
3. Students repeat the word many times.
4. The taught word is used in simple sentences
5. Book reading is the way of practice.

Merits of word method

1. Word is most teachable part
2. It is convenient and simple method due to use
of visual aids
3. Principle of teaching – simple to complex –
concrete to abstract -from known to

Demerits of word method

1. All words can not be taught by this method
2. Individual meaning does not match the
3. Puts the stress or burden on the memory
4. Gives no importance to spelling

5. The story method

Unit of teaching – story
Number of sentence creates short story

Steps of story method

1. Teachers tell a story – students listen.
2. Teacher discusses about the story in same
3. Teacher writes story on blackboard
4. Teacher read the story from the black board-
and recognise each sentence
5. Teacher analyses each word of the sentence.
Merits of story method
1. Create interest among the students
2. Audiovisual aids makes learning easy
3. story gives a complete unit of thought
Demerits of a story method
1. The pupils have to rely upon in their memory
2. which unnecessary stress on memory
3. Encourages habit of guessing among students
4. It ignores accurate and complete reading to
some extent

6. The sentence method

Unit of teaching – sentence
Sentence – natural unit of thought and
It brings a complete idea of the whole
communication to the reader.

Steps of teaching of sentence method

1. The teacher put pictures on flannel
board of different objects
2. Teacher asks each student to identify
and say “ that is a ………”
3. Teacher put sentence card with object
4. Teacher reads the sentence and asks
to identify the sentence.
5. Teacher reads some lines breaks them
into words and the student repeats it.
6. Students read the sentence down.
7. The teacher plays all the sentence one
by one
8. The teacher removes the picture card
and jumbles the sentence card to
change sequence
9. The teacher writes many sentences on
a blackboard with serial numbers and
asks them to read by serial number.

Merits of sentence method

1.It’s a natural method , Because we think in a
whole sentence
2. Helps in speakingEnglish
3. Offers continue tea and context of meaning
4. Expands eye span.

Demerits of sentence method

1. Difficult method ; without knowing
words/letters sentence can not be
2. Only a completely trained teacher can
use this method.
3. Time consuming and an-economical.

7. The Mixed method

*the best method
Made by combining in sequence -
{phonetic+word+sentence} methods
Facilitates the learning of ENGLISH
The Teaching of Hand writing at
Elementary Stage

There are four basic skills of language learning

1. listening
2. speaking
3. reading
4. writing

Bacon says
"Reading makes a full man,
conference a readyman ,
and writing an exact man."

Writing enables man to communicate in many

different ways.

blackboard-works or writing in notebooks,

writing letters, novels, stories and plays and the
press report.

These abilities in language are made perfect in

There are three aspects of teaching hand writing-
(1) Print script to beginners.
(2) Transcription from a model.
(3) Transition to joined writing.

Qualities of a Good Hand writing

(1) Legibility-It should be easily readable.

(2) Fluency-It should be written with a good speed.
(3) Attractive-It should look beautiful or good
(3) Uniformity-The Letters should be uniform in
size and shape.
(5) Explicit-The letters and words should be
written distinctively.
(6) Correct spacing-Letters and words-inwardly
and outwardly should be equally spaced and the
lines of writing should be parallel to the top of the

Print script for beginners

→There can be several stages in teaching script to

(1) Writing with a finger in a tray of sand, use of

chalk to draw lines or curves of different sizes.
(2) Writing in the air with a finger.
(3) Pre-writing exercises or patterns on the paper.
(4) Letter-formation or writing.
Steps of Teaching print script to beginners

First Stage
● Letters should not be taught alphabetically in
teaching handwriting.
● Letters should be taught in groups of equal
● Letters can be grouped in three classes.

(A) Vertical position

(1) Assenders-b d h l k t f

(2) Descenders- gpqjy

(3) Middle Ones-


(B) Shape of the letters

(1) Curves- a, c e, o
(2) Straight lines-i, v, u
(3) Straight lines and curves. t, b, d, f

(C) Way of Formation of letter (number of efforts)

(1) One stroke- a, c, e, o, m, n, v ,u ,z

,w ,
(2) Two strokes- d, b , k, p q j, y, i

Second stage-

After giving example practice in letter formation

(print script) students should be given training in
word writing and then sentence writing.
They should also be taught punctuation marks.

Advantages of teaching print script or italic

Letters or words are written separately without
joining them together, as they are printed in
This kind of script has the following good qualities

(1) It is easy to learn.

(2) It is legible, and can be easily read.
(3) It is similar to the print of books and there
remains a similarity in reading and writing.

Transition to joint writing-

When students have mastered the italic print, then
the teacher teaches them joints.

(a) Diagonal gap.

(b) Horizontal gap.

(1) The joined handwriting is suitable for higher
(2) It increases speed.
(3) It is time saving for advanced learners.

{ Measures to improve Handwriting

Dr. A. R. Bist has suggested
"certain useful steps and methods which can help a
child improving his handwriting."

(1) Use of four lined note-books and writing with

pen and ink.
(2) Sitting in a proper posture and holding pen in a
proper way.
(3) Shaping model handwriting sometimes wrong
models create bad writing, mostly student imitate
models. }

सामान्य अंग्रेज़ी परीक्षण (अंग्रेज़ी वर्तनी लिखें )

1. क्यू (पंक्ति) Queue
2. वल ु न(ऊनी) Woollen
3. व्याकरण Grammar
4. बक ु े (पष्ु पगुच्छ) BOUQUET
5. डिस्पेयर(निराशा) DESPAIR
अंग्रेज़ी अनव ु ाद करें
6. आपका जन्म कब हुआ ?
7. यह कैसे करना चाहिये था ?

8. आपकी मदद के बिना यह नहीं किया जा सकता

था ?
9. आपकी मदद के बिना , मैं यह नहीं कर सकता
10. आप क्या करते हैं ?
Language Games For English Teaching at
Elementary Level

{Children differ enormously in their ability to

perform various types of mental tasks. Some have
much larger vocabulary and are ready to use
language skills sooner than other students.
Children who are weak in vocabulary need to be
provided with experience which may enable them to
enlarge their vocabulary. Language Games are the
oral or written exercises to help students enhance
their vocabulary or comprehension use of language
games. Games and competitions have their own

place in education. }
Games are a fun and enjoyment because
(1) The primary use of the language games is to
provide practice in pattern and lexis.
(2) They give variety to the day to day teaching.
(3) They encourage pupils to think.
(4) They develop their power of observation and
reorganisation of facts.
(5) Language games are used for concentration or
forcing our attention on the items. (6) They are
used to provide enormous motivation and
(7) They stimulate the imagination of the students.
(8) Language games throw challenges which he can
take up joyfully.
(9) Language games also manifest out of class-room
situations emphasise modern English use.
(10) They help deeper the student's insight into the
behaviour of the language.
(11) Language games can also enable a student to
inbibe. the useful habit and skill of casualizing
reference books and dictionaries.

The method of using a paragraph can be illustrated

by selecting an item from each column. Choose and
item from each variable and write them in a
sequence as the following and it will automatically
become a paragraph.

Example-If you go to see a fair. you will find many

shops there. You can see some people buying
things, magicians showing tricks and shopkeepers
selling toys. If you take money with you can buy
some cold drinks. You will surely enjoy yourself.
This is an example and technique of controlled
composition. You can change the variable to frame
other paragraph.

Advantages of Language Games-Advantages of

language games are as follows-(1) Provide
relaxation from the tire some work. (2) Teacher
feels relaxed after a hard work. (3) Help students in
increasing their word power. (4) Help students to
express themselves. (5) Help in organising group

Types of Language Games

There are three types of games for beginners at

elementary level(a) Oral games. (b) Reading games.
(c) Writing language games (a) Oral games-When
student have practised using so many words the
following games can be organised

1. Identification games-Identify the object and reply.

(1) Presenting an object-What is this/that/ it? (2)

Asking about a person-Who is he? (3) Asking
about hidden object or items. (4) Choose and guess

2. Spelling games-It is just like a game used in

Hindi. Start with a word and reply with saying the
last letter of the word.


This game can also be played round the class. A

word is spoken by one child. The next child has to
speak a word beginning with the last letter of the
word and so on.
(1) Which two birds can fly? (1).. What is alphabet
game? (2).. (2) Spell out five four letter words by
using S, O, T, P. (1) Stop (2)... (3)...


(3) Use all the letters in the following word to spell

three words-LEAP. (4) Why is 'Sunday' the
strongest day of the week? (b) Reading
games-Puzzles or comprehension puzzles are used
in read

ing games.

(i) What am I?

(1) I am round and often yellow. You can't eat or play

with me. I am not on the ground. I am up above it.
Some times you can't see me, but you can feel me. I
am very hot and very big but look very small. What
am I?
(i) Sun. (ii) Moon. (iii) Star.

Step-Write all possible answers on the black


Ask the class or write their answers on the black

board. Apply all the points mentioned in the puzzle.

1. I wear a cap but I am neither a man nor a boy. I

can write but I can't read. I drink but I don't eat.
People keep me in their pockets. But I am not
money. My friends are paper.
2. I have no legs but I can stand. You can put things
into me. I have no hands but I have handle. I also
have a lid. Often put hot water into me. It becomes
brown because there are many small leaves inside
me. Then I stand on the table.

(c) Writing language games

Vocabulary games

(1) Write a letter over each desk to make combined

letters spell. (i) Two countries. (ii) A city (iii) Afruit.

A A A A 1. A 2. 3 4. (2) Match words with the

colours. 1. Leaves white 2. Sky 3. Orange 4. Blood
red blue black yellow brown A A 5. Snow 6. Crow
7. Football green (3) Use the letters in AUTUMN
to spell. 1. A relative 2. A fruit 3. An insect 4.
Acolour 5. A fabric. (4) Try to spell out at least
seven words by using only six letters in the word

(a) (b). (c) (d) (g) .(e).... (f)

(5) Can you change one letter in the words given

here to spell three other objects which are asked in
the school? 1. plate 2. pan 3. nib

(6) Write one or more letters over each desk to

make the combined letters that spell five words
meaning to be happy.
1. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. (7) Write the names of seven
creatures hidden below as .LA EAR .YOU A. HEE

in cattle.

'cat' is hidden.

'The scouting boarder picked a fox glove'

(8) Write four letter word by using all letters in 'me


Word and Sentences Language Games

Letter Sentences-You are given a word and you

have to make up a sentence in which each word
begins with a letter of the word you have been
given e.g. you are given a word 'faces'. The sentence
might, therefore, be 'fat acrobets cannot expect

Now play letter sentences and write sentences in

which the word begin with the letter of these-

(1) Hit (2) Tap (3) Was (4) Might (5) Shall. Reading

Specific Teaching preparation-Word card or

clipboard-keep small word card in attached

Game Instructions-Put the word card under the
right sentences. Stiff. Card Word cards cut apart
It can talk It cannot talk father parrot train baby
doll man dick boat kitten rooster coat puppy
Vocabulary games of this type are suitable for
children of various age jaw boy children mother
chicken monkey rabbit dog ball ball box girl


B: Were you at the office? A 1: No, I wasn't etc. 1.

Where was I?-The guessing team is asked where
each of the members of the team was at a certain
time. For exampleA 1: Where was I yesterday at

2. Who has it ?-Arrange for the questioning team

to give some small object to one of its members
without the guessing team seeing it. Then each
member of the guessing team takes his turn in
guessing who has the object. For example

A1: Who has the button?

1. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. (7) Write the names of seven

creatures hidden below as .LA EAR .YOU A. HEE

in cattle.

'cat' is hidden.

'The scouting boarder picked a fox glove'

(8) Write four letter word by using all letters in 'me

Word and Sentences Language Games

Letter Sentences-You are given a word and you

have to make up a sentence in which each word
begins with a letter of the word you have been
given e.g. you are given a word 'faces'. The sentence
might, therefore, be 'fat acrobets cannot expect

Now play letter sentences and write sentences in

which the word begin with the letter of these-

(1) Hit (2) Tap (3) Was (4) Might (5) Shall. Reading

Specific Teaching preparation-Word card or

clipboard-keep small word card in attached


Game Instructions-Put the word card under the

right sentences. Stiff. Card Word cards cut apart
It can talk It cannot talk father parrot train baby
doll man dick boat kitten rooster coat puppy
Vocabulary games of this type are suitable for
children of various age jaw boy children mother
chicken monkey rabbit dog ball ball box girl

B: Were you at the office? A 1: No, I wasn't etc. 1.

Where was I?-The guessing team is asked where
each of the members of the team was at a certain
time. For exampleA 1: Where was I yesterday at

2. Who has it ?-Arrange for the questioning team

to give some small object to one of its members
without the guessing team seeing it. Then each
member of the guessing team takes his turn in
guessing who has the object. For example

A1: Who has the button?

B1: Tom has it. (or Has Tom got it?)

A 1: No. (or No, he hasn't) A2: Who has the


B2: You have it. (or Have you got it?) A 2: Yes, (or
Yes, I have) etc.

3. Who did it ?-Actions can also be elaborated into

a guessing game. Member of the questioning team
performs some action, without the guessing team
seeing him. The guessing team must find out who
did the action. For example

4. Let's Teil a story"-This is an attempt at

communal composition. Give the first sentence
yourself and let each person take his turn in adding
a new one. For example

Teacher: One day a small boy was going from his

house to the school. When one of the learners,
acting as Secretary, makes notes of what is said
and when the last sentences has been added, he
reads the entire story to the class.

Objectives of Teaching English at the

Elementary Level

categorised under two headings

Understanding the…..
1. language when spoken or writing.
2. expressions, thoughts, feelings and ideas of
speech as well as in writing.

The following abilities are

the fundamental aims of teaching a language
(1) Understanding the spoken language.
(2) Understanding the written language.
(3) Expressing the thoughts and ideas through
(4) Expressing the thoughts and ideas through

Four aims of teaching English at the school stage.

(1) to understand spoken
English. (listening)
● (2) to speak English
● (3) to read English
● (4) to write English

{But these aims must be relevant to the needs and

demands of the learners in all situations. Specific
activities are to be pursued for enabling the learner
to obtain the desired outcomes. If these aims are
not defined clearly the teaching of the language will

It is necessary for the learners to acquire a passive

knowledge of English so that they may understand
English. The general aim of teaching English would
therefore, for the moment, be none else than those
relating to the teaching of a language which has its
own practical value from social, political, cultural

and economic point of view. }

But a mere enumeration of the general aims of

teaching English would not be enough and
that from a practical point of view
it is necessary to examine each aim in terms of
These abilities are as under -
(1) To recognise the sounds.
(2) Ability to distinguish between
different sound units.
Proper training of the ears are
necessary for it.
(3) To enable them to speak with clear
pronunciation, articulation stress, pitch
intonation, accuracy and fluency.
(4) To enable them to read effectively,
properly and intelligently.
(5) To enable them to read with proper
pauses, pronunciation, intonation, loudly
or silently with comprehension.
(6) To build up good reading habits and
acquire a taste for reading.
(7) To enable the students to master the
mechanics of writing, formation of
letters, spelling and punctuation.
(8) To enable them to write neatly and
(9) To enable them to express freely,
their ideas, thoughts, feelings etc.
Thus to develop these abilities among the students
a teacher must keep in his mind the following points

(1) How and with what materials and tools he can

enable his students to acquire a particular ability?

(2) A teacher should know in what respects the

different abilities are dependent upon each other
and how and in what order, they are to be
developed to avoid wastage of time?

Aims of Teaching English

Understanding (Receptive)

1. Spoken English
2. Written English
Passive command

Expression (Productive)
In speech
In writing
Active command

The aims of teaching English can be divided into

(1) General aims. (2) Particular or Specific aims.

1. General Aims
These are the long term aims of teaching English.
These aims are meant to be achieved during the
schooling period of the pupils.

The study of language has four aspects -

(1) The semantic aspect.
(2) The phonetic aspect.
(3) The graphic aspect.
(4) The phonetic-cum-graphic aspect.

1. The Semantic aspect-It means the

understanding of the meaning or to understand and
meaning of words and their relationship as used in a
sentence. It deals with comprehension.

2. The phonetic aspect-It deals with the spelling

and pronunciation of words.

3. The graphic aspect - It is the writing aspect

and deals with the written form of a language.

4. The phonetic cum graphic aspect-It deals with

the reading aspect.

There are two more aspects as described here


1. The literary aspect - It deals with ornamentation

of a language.
2. The linguistic aspect - It deals with the working
knowledge of language.
All these aspects of language work in coordination
with each other.

So according to these aspects there are four

general aims-
(1) To enable the students to hear and understand
spoken English.
(2) To help the pupils to acquire proficiency in
speaking English.
(3) To enable them to understand what they are
reading in English.
(4) To enable them to write correctly.

In this way the main task of an English teacher is to

train the hearing, reading, speaking and writing
abilities of his students.

The aims of teaching English are not only to make

pupil understand English when it is spoken or
written, but also that a student should be able to
speak and write it. So at least in the first three
years the study of English language must be
followed keeping these aims in mind.

2. Particular or Specific Aims

Besides these general aims, the teacher should
have definite, clear cut aims for each lesson.
These are called as 'Objectives' or short-term
These objectives should be precise, expressing and
These specific aims should be according to the
teaching points. and it is really necessary for a
teacher to know what he has to do and achieve
during a particular lesson.
These specific aims lay firm foundations for the
teacher's success.
The teacher may tell about his specific aims to the
students in advance so that they may know and fix
their minds on what they are going to learn. For
example -

(1) If the teacher desires that his students should

do written work, he should first give them oral
drills about the written work they have to do
subsequently. (2) If the teacher wants to improve
reading aloud by the students, he must perform a
model reading himself, which must be followed by
the silent reading by the students.

It can therefore be said that the specific aims direct

and guide the teacher to select his teaching
activities for controlling the activities of the pupils,
in order to attain the aims of teaching.

Definition of Objectives-According to Dr. B.S.

Bloom - "Educational objectives are the desired
goal or outcome at which instructions are aimed."
The objectives are the foundation stones for
providing a good and effective teaching by the
teachers. They are the goals of teaching.

Characteristics of Good Objectives-

Characteristics of good objectives are
(1) The objectives should be selected keeping
in mind the general aims of development of
knowledge among the students.
(2) They should be useful and helpful in
acquiring the aims of teaching.
(3) There should be only one objective in each
statement taught at a time.
(4) They should be helpful in modifying
student's behaviour.
(5) The objectives should be clear and well
defined in ordinary circumstances.

Written Exercises at the Early Stage

Exercises in written composition at the early stage

should be graded by the teacher as described here
1. Transcription note books-It enables the students
to fix firmly in

his own mind the sentence patterns and word

spellings. It is also helpful in acquiring a good hand

2. Dictation-Aims of dictation is to provide-(1)

Practice of writing correct spelling of words. (2)
Practice of oral comprehension. (3) Practice of
reproducing spoken language in the written form.
(4) Revision and reinforcement of structures and
vocabulary items already learnt.

3. Writing words in sentences-The students are

asked to write another sentence, using, some other
word in place of the word which was rubbed off.

For instance

Kishore is playing. Kishore is

Kishore is sleeping.

4. Writing sentences-The students are asked to

use a particular word, phrase or an idiom in a

5. Composition work-The students are asked to

write a few connected sentences. The teacher
provides some key words one after the other and
the students write sentences. It is also called
guided composition. For Instance

Key words-Morning, School bag, Interval, Bus,


6. Guided composition-Waheeda goes to her

school in the morning. She takes her school bag
with her. In the interval Waheeda takes some light.
food with the friends. At the end of the day she
returns to her home by the school bus.

7. Picture description-The teacher shows pictures

to his pupils in which a number of things are shown.
The students are asked to describe in their own
words', the picture shown to them.

The teacher should be careful that every exercise

in first drilled orally. Only a limited amount of
written work should be given. The teacher should
try to become an ideal specimen before his students
as far as good clear hand writing is concerned.

The Place of English in Indian Society

Language is one of the most important and

characteristic forms of humun behaviour.
Language may be said to be a media of
expressing one's emotional and mental
concepts. Therefore, language is essential for
humun life.

Place of English Language before

India achieved independence in 1947. Before
independence, English occupied a privileged
place in India. It was the language of
administration, a compulsory subject at
school and college and a medium of
instruction of various subjects at the school
and the University level. Knowledge of
English was must to climb the social order.

Place of English after Independence-After

independence, it became necessary for us to
determine, what place should be assigned to
English in free India.

यूनिट 1 के बाकी नोट्स जल्दी

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Unit 2

Text-Book AND
Approaches of TEACHING

Approaches to Learning

approaches of learning or models of instruction

which are need to be discussed-
(1) Cognitive approach,
(2) Gestaltism approach,
(3) Behaviourism approach,
(4) Social cognitive approach.
(5) Humanism perspective.

The Cognitive Approach

reference with Gestalt psychology.
human behaviour can only be studied on the basis of
mental root system along with the insight system
as well.
● Cognitive psychology was known in the name
of 'White box theory' in reference with
cognitive revolution.

● In the straight light of behaviouristic concept,

it was known in the name of 'Black box
Under the fact of cognitive psychology in general
way, the study of human thinking, memory, language
development and various mental images is done
successively. Various types of mental activities
under cognitive psychology is performed
extensively which is completely related to all round
development of human being. For example, insight
facts, creativity and the problem solution etc. All
these activities have their own importance in human
life accordingly. Therefore,
} (not important)

When two children having similarity, behaving

differently, this is called individual differences.
Psychologists define it by the following ways

(1) Skinner has defined in two ways-"Today we

think of individual differences as including any
measurable aspect of the total personality." (2)
"Pupils in our schools differ widely in abilities and
interests, yet them as though they were all alike.
(3) According to Tyler, "Measurable differences
have been shown to exist in physical size and shape
physiological functions, motor capacities,
intelligence, achievement, knowledge, interest,
attitudes and personality traits."

Nature of Individual Differences

1. Physical differences—
● -Every individual has his own physique: size,
shape, height and weight of his body.
● It is because of physical differences, like one
individual is found to be of white complex and
black complex, fatty and and thin, more height
and short height.
● No two individuals are found to have equal
physical strengths.

2. Mental difference-
● There is individual difference in mental
● No two individuals are found to have same
level of reasoning capacity, intelligence,
interests, feelings, thinking power, creativity
capacity, imagination and perception power,
memory etc.
● No two individuals have equal level of
intelligence and interest on some subject.
● Individuals differ from one another to be more
intelligent, or to be less intelligent, more
thinking power, or less thinking power.
3. Social difference-
Individuals also differ socially.
qualities like cooperation, friendship, leadership,
sacrifice etc.
But, individuals differ from one to another in their
respective social qualities. Some individual is found
to have more leadership quality and another do not
have the same or less leadership quality. Someone
wants to lead a group life and another one want to
lead a lonely life. Some like to have friendship with
others but another one do not like the same. So
socially individuals differ from one to another.

4. Emotional difference-There is also emotional

difference among the individuals. Though individuals
do not differ in kind, they greatly differ in degree as
regards to their emotional qualities like fear, anger,
selfesteem, sentiments, feelings, ego, tolerance
capacity etc. Some people are found to have great
control over their emotional expressions and some
do not have the same. Thus there are emotional
differences among individuals.

5. Attitudinal difference-Individuals differ in their

attitudes towards peoples, institutions, objects,
principles, rules and regulations. Therefore some
people are found to have good and positive attitude
towards the social customs and some people are
found to have negative and bad attitude towards
the same.

6. Interest difference-Individuals also differ in their

interests. Interest difference is found in man to
man, man to woman, adolescents to adults and
society to society. Each individual has his own
interest. Therefore we remark interest difference
in boys and girls in a particular activity. Boys and
girls differ in their interest while selecting books,
courses, games etc.

7. Personality difference-Individuals differ in their

personality factors. Some individuals are found to
be extroverts and some are found to be introverts
and some are found to be ambiverts..

8. Gender difference-Individual difference is also

found in men and women on ground of their gender
Biologically functional differences are found in men
and women. Men and women differ in their interest,
emotions, attitudes, strength of their body, feelings

9. Moral difference-Individuals also morally differ

from one to another. It is because of moral
differences, someone is found to be more
courageous and others are not found so, some are
found to have good character

Causes of Individual Differences

Individual differences are caused by heredity and

1. Heredity-
A child comes to this world with certain traits
which determine his individual capabilities and, thus,
he differs from others on account of heredity. B. N.
Jha said, "Heredity is the sum total of individual
traits." Biologically, it has been defined as "the sum
total of the traits potentially present in the
fertilized ovum." It is on account of this factor that
we say that 'like begets like.' The quantities
determine on heredity whether the child will be tall
or short, black or white, will have grey, black or
blue eyes. The children are not exactly like their
parents. They have differences of features, etc. It is
due to the fact the germ-cells of the parents have
genes which unite in various ways, and each
combination produces a different quality of
offspring. That is there will be as many variations
as there is possible combinations of genes.

2. Environment-Second cause of individual

differences is Environment. According to
Woodsworth, "The individual is a product of
heredity and environment." Environment means all
that is found around the individual. In fact,
environment constitutes all which is found in the
child's mental, moral and spiritual universe. The
environmental conditions influence the individual's
physical and psychological growth. An individual in
this world, lives and moves in certain surroundings,
which constantly influence and mould his behaviour.
The surroundings, the moral, physical and
intellectual factors, which exercise a shaping
influence on the life of an individual, constitute his
environment. The inborn traits give a distinctive
mark to an individual, but it is for the environment
to shape him in a proper form. So, we can say that
environment and heredity are complementary to
each other in moulding an individual in all the
fields-moral, or intellectual. Rather than these,
there are some other factors which cause individual

3.Age Change occurs in behaviour due to age.

Stages of development of age can be divided
into-(1) Infancy, (2) Childhood, (3) Adolescence, (4)
Adulthood. In every stage; development occurs on
account of physical, mental, emotional and
intellectual basis. There is great difference of
behaviour among children, in adolescence, young
and an old person. Due to growth in age differences
also increase.

4. Maturation-Maturation is related with age. We

see the people having enough age, although they
are not matured. They behave child like in
adulthood. By maturation is meant the development
or influencing of traits poten-tiality present in the
individual resulting from his hereditary endowment.
Maturity affects our behaviour and differences in
behaviour cause individual differences.

5. Family back ground of child-The atmosphere of

the family in which the child is born and brought up,
has a great bearing on his conduct.

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