Musical Instrumentclassification Using Mirtoolbox
Musical Instrumentclassification Using Mirtoolbox
Musical Instrumentclassification Using Mirtoolbox
In this paper, we propose the classification of produced some feature like as Timber, Tonality, Rhythm
instruments in continuous melody pieces or non- ,Pitch, Energy features are extracted from audio samples.
vocal sound pieces which may contain more kinds of In proposed framework we are working with three
instrument like flute in woodwind family, piano in different classifiers namely K-Nearest Neighbor
keyboard, guitar in string, drum in percussion, (KNN),Probabilistic neural network and k neural network
trumpet in brass family. to identify musical instrument. The purpose of proposed
The various sound of instrument is classified system is to achieve some objectives like: (A) identify
using MIR Toolbox which is music information musical instrument by extracting feature attributes from
retrieval toolbox. In this proposed system we use sound (B) Analyze feature extraction method and which
major features set like Tonality, Timber, Rhythm, classifier can gives better identification results.
Pitch, and Energy from MIR Toolbox useful for In proposed system for feature extraction we use
musical instrument. This system willextract the MIR Toolbox. MIR Toolbox consistsset of functions
features of musical instrument, and use it for training written in Matlab++. MIR toolbox is the software based
and testing purpose. In testing phase, the sample is toolbox the extraction of the audio files .This toolbox
compared by using suitable machine learning gives some strong method to extract variety of audio
algorithm KNN using Euclidean distance, and PNN attributes characteristics from an audio file. These
using probability distribution function. The class of attributes are called as Audio Descriptor [3].
instrument is declared in the GUI. The performance of
Instrument identification was checked using with II. LITERATURE SURVEY:
different feature selection and ranking classifier. For We studied different papers for instrument
the limited set of Musical Instrument types and identification as well as feature extraction strategies.
samples, the system works satisfactory. Musical instrument identification using svm and formal
KEYWORDS: MIR Toolbox, KNN, PNN, Feature concept analysis [S. Patil, T. Pattewar] this paper propose
extraction, Timber, Tonality, Rhythm, Pitch, GUI. system By using classifier and formal concept analysis.
This system can be less dependent on human supervision.
I. INTRODUCTION: Musical instrument can be classified using SVM as well as
Digital signal processing applications in the MLP classifier and analysis result of SVM classifier is
Sound, Music, and Voice these are very popular areas of greater than MLP classifier. [4].
research for applications field. In past four decades, MIR A novel technique suggested by [Dr. D. S.
research is very useful in the area of Musical Instrument Bormane] for the classification of musical instrument
Identification, Singer Identification, Speaker Recognition, based on wavelet packet transform. This technique
Music Melody Extraction, [1] represents global information bycomputing wavelet
Classification of the musical instrument is most coefficients at different frequency sub bands with
important application in the MIR Toolbox. The music different resolutions. Music instrument classification
instrument sound are available in different forms like Accuracy has been significantly improved Utilizing
monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic, etc. The wavelet packet transform (WPT) alongside advanced
monophonic sound consist only one instrument sound. machine learning method. [5]
The biphonic texture consists of two different Instrument classification in polyphonic music
instruments sounds played at the same time. In using timber analysis [Tong Zhang] presented technique
polyphonic sounds of different musical instruments are for classification purpose. In this system a sound signal
incorporate which are free from each other. The piece is segmented into notes by detecting note onsets. All
homophonic texture is in the western music. [2] Features are computed for each note separately, including
The proposed system works with the temporal features, spectral features and partial features.
classification of musical instrument sound from a A feature vector is then framed for each note which is to
monophonic audio sample, where just single instrument be sent to the classifier. A set of classification tools are
is played at once. This musical instrument system used toclassify onenote to one kind of instrument.[6].
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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2017
Musical Instrument Classification utilizing Higher Order
Spectra[Bhalke D. G; Rama Rao C.B; Bormane D.S] This
paper presents classification and recognition of
instrument sounds using higher order spectra include
that Bispectrum and Trispectrum. Higher order spectra
based features increase the recognition accuracy, Musical
instrument classification and recognition has been
implemented using Higher Order Spectra and other
conventional features using Self Organizing Map
supervised neural network. The main reason for
improved result is due to its high signal to noise ratio
(SNR), elimination of Gaussian noise, and HOS has the
ability to differentiate various non-Gaussian signals for
more accurate identification.
3. MFCC:
MFCC means Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are
also based on the STFT. Taking the log-amplitude of the
magnitude spectrum, the FFT bins are grouped together
and smoothed according to the motivated Mel-frequency
scaling. Finally, resulting feature vectors a discrete cosine
transform is performed.
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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2017
information such as the regularity of the rhythm, beat,
4. ROLL OFF: tempo, and the time signature. Rhythm define the
Measure amount of high frequency energy in the sound characteristic of the sound signal because they follow a
signal by usingRoll off. It is calculated by finding the particular pattern. These features are rhythmical
frequency in the certain fraction of total energy is always structure and beat strength. For better classification
contained below that frequency. The ratio of total energy purposes it is more interesting to extract information
is 0.85 by default. Roll off is the frequency below 85% of about these features. The feature of rhythm representing
the amplitude distribution. Roll off is measures the rhythm structure is based on detecting the most salient
spectral shape. periodicities of the signal and it is usually extracted from
beat histogram
∑ M(n) = 0.85 × ∑ M(n)
n=0 n=0 E] PITCH:
Where M (n) is the magnitude of the Fourier The frequency of a sound wave is what ears
transform at frame tandfrequency bin. understand as pitch. A higher frequency sound has a
higher pitch and a lower frequency sound has a lower
pitch. The pitch frequency can be calculated by using auto
Regularity is the degree of variation of the sequential
correlation method in the tool box. The pitch periods of a
peaks of the spectrum. It is sum of square of the given music document is computed by finding the time
difference between amplitudes of neighboring partials. slack corresponds to the second biggest top from the
(∑N k=1(a K − a k+1 ) ) / ∑K=1 a k
2 N 2
central peak of autocorrelation arrangement. Then pitch
frequency is estimated from the pitch periods.[11]
There is another approach to find the Regularity.
It is calculated as the sum of amplitude minus mean of F] ENERGY
previous, same and next amplitude. 1. ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE ENERGY (R.M.S):
a k−1 + a k + a k+1 Root-Mean-Square is used to measure the power
∑ |ak − |
3 of a signal over a window. The global energy of a signal
The audio signals, which are inputted to system can be computed by taking the root average of the square
are of fixed duration and contain continuous amplitude of the amplitude (RMS)
throughout the signal. Hence, there is not much
significance in considering the attack time or attack slope
for feature extraction in our research[10]
Roughness, is, also known as sensory dissonance.
Centroidmoments use in statistics and obtained
Whenever a pair of sinusoids is close in frequency that
distribution shape. The first moment of centroid, is called
time occurs beating phenomenon, It is related to the
as mean, it’s geometric center (centroid) of the
roughness. Estimation of sensory dissonance depending
distribution and is a measure of centroid for the random
on the frequency ratio of each pair of sinusoids.
variable. [8]
μ1 = ∫ xf(x)dx V .CLASSIFIER:
In propose method use of two techniques for
classification of musical instrument.
A. K Nearest Neighbors
Chromogram is also called as Harmonic pitch class
B. Probabilistic Neural Network
profile. Chromogram shows distribution of energy along
the pitches or pitch classes. By applying log frequency
transformation then spectrum is converted from the
KNN means K-nearest neighbours classification
frequency domain to the pitch domain. The distribution of
technique its robust method has been applied in various
the energy alongside the pitches is called the
musical analysis problems. KNN is non parametric lazy
Chromagram. [3]
learning algorithm for classification and regression
purpose and it is one of the simplest method. KNN is
stores all available cases and classifies new cases based
Rhythmic features class is characterize the
on similarity function called as distance function. A
movement of music signals some time and contain some
49 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2017
distance measure is calculated between all the points in a
dataset using Euclidean distance. According to these
distances. A distance matrix is constructed between all
the possible pairings of points in dataset.
In the first stage, the algorithm computes the distance,
d(x, VI), between x and each feature vector, VI= 1…. M, of
the training set, where M is the total number of training
samples. The most common choice of distance measure is
the Euclidean distance, which is calculated.
FIG 2 .Architecture of PNN
PNN is called as probabilistic neural network
which is feed forward neural network, and most useful in
classification and pattern recognition purpose.In PNN
algorithm, the probability distribution function (PDF) of
each class is approximated by utilizing a Parzen window
and a non-parametric function. Then, utilizing PDF of
each class, the class probability of a new input data is
estimated and Bayes’ rule is then employed to allocate the
class along with top most posterior probability to new
input data. By this method, the probability of mis-
classification is minimized. In the PNN there four layers
are used for classification purpose in that input layer, FIG 2.GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE
pattern layer, summation layer, output layer. Input layer I/P FEATURES CLASSIFIER
consist of multiple neurons represents a predictor F2 F3 F4 F6 F7 F8 KNN/PNN
variable. All Categorical variables are usedN-1 neurons Tone 1812 0.341 0.201 6.92 0.008 109 FLUTE
when there are N number of categories or classes. Input 1 5 0
neuron standardizes the values by subtracting the median Tone 3720 0.716 0.440 6.27 0.721 205 DRUM
2 5
and dividing by the inter quartile range. Then the input
Tone 7859 0.721 0.647 9.61 4.720 380 GUITAR
neurons feed the values to each of the neurons in the 3 2
hidden layer. Tone 1582 1.067 0.200 4.38 0.008 101 PIANO
Second layer is pattern layer consist one neuron 4 1
Tone 3807 0.889 0.464 1.42 0.006 194 TRUMPET
for each case in the training data set. In training data set,
5 7
stores the values of the predictor variables for the case Input file: Unknown tone(.WAV/.MP3) Extracted Feature values and
along with the target value. A hidden neuron use the classified
Euclidean distance of the test case from the neuron’s
center point and then applies the radial basis function The proposed system was implemented in MATLAB
kernel function using the sigma values. Third layer is the with MIR Toolbox This toolbox is widely used for musical
summation layer in this layer there is one pattern neuron feature extraction .The system has been tested using five
for each category of the target variable. The actual target musical instrument which are Flute, Piano, Drum, Guitar,
category of each training case is stored with each hidden Trumpet .The GUI is displayed in Fig. In GUI first select
neuron; the weighted value coming out of a hidden the musical instrument tune in database and all feature
neuron is fed only to the pattern neuron that corresponds extracted using feature extraction method and result will
to the hidden neuron’s category. The pattern neurons add be displayed on GUI .Using this feature extraction value
the values for the class they represent. The output layer classification of the musical instrument using KNN ,PNN
compares the weighted votes for each target category classifier classified which musical instrument was played
accumulated in the pattern layer and uses the largest vote and classified result displayed on GUI.
to predict the target category.
50 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 9, Sep. -2017
VI. CONCLUSION: 10) Kee Moe Han, Theingi Zin, Hla Myo Tun “ Extraction
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Tonality, Rhythm, Pitch, Statistic, Energy these feature ISSUE 06, JUNE 2016.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014
We are thankful to the Department of Electronics
and Telecommunication, Jayawantrao Sawant College of
Engineering for all the support it has provided us. We are
thankful to our Honorable Head of the department D.B
Salunkhe and project guide Prof. V.M. Sardar for
providing us all facilities and his constant support for this
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