Seminar 2
Seminar 2
Seminar 2
Presented by,
Debopriya Roy Dipta
Roll : 1303016
Dept.: EEE
01. Abstract 02
Index Terms
MUSIC can be said to be built by the interplay of various instruments. A human can easily
identify what instruments are used in a music, but it is still a difficult task for a computer
to automatically recognize them. This is mainly because music in the real world is mostly
polyphonic, which makes the extraction of information from audio highly challenging.
Furthermore, instrument sounds in the real world vary in many ways such as for timbre,
quality, and playing style, which makes identification of the musical instrument even
harder. In the music information retrieval (MIR) field, it is highly desirable to know what
instruments are used in the music. First of all, instrument information per se is an
important and useful information for users, and it can be included in the audio tags. There
is a huge demand for music search owing to the increasing number of music files in digital
format. Unlike text search, it is difficult to search for music because input queries are
usually in text format. If an instrument information is included in the tags, it allows people
to search for music with the specific instrument they want. In addition, the obtained
instrument information can be used for various audio/music applications. For instance, it
can be used for a tailored instrument-specific audio equalization and a music
recommendation services. In addition, it can be used to enhance the performance of
other MIR tasks. For example, knowing the number and type of the instrument can
significantly improve the performance of audio source separation, automatic music
transcription, and genre classification. Instrument recognition can be performed in
various forms. Hence, the term “instrument recognition” or “instrument identification”
might indicate several different research topics. For instance, many of the related works
focus on studio-recorded isolated notes. To name a few, Eronen used cepstral coefficients
and temporal features to classify 30 orchestral instruments with several articulation styles
and achieved a classification accuracy of 95% for instrument family level and about 81%
for individual instruments [1]. Diment et al. used a modified group delay feature that
incorporates phase information together with mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
(MFCCs) and achieved a classification accuracy of about 71% for 22 instruments [2]. Yu et
al. applied sparse coding on cepstrum with temporal sum pooling and achieved an F-
measure of about 96% for classifying 50 instruments [3]. They also reported their
classification result on a multi-source database, which was about 66%. Some previous
works such as Krishna and Sreenivas [4] experimented with a classification for solo
phrases rather than for isolated notes. They proposed line spectral frequencies (LSF)
with a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and achieved an accuracy of about 77% for
instrument family and 84% for 14 individual instruments. In addition, Essid et al. [5]
reported that a solo phrase classification using MFCCs and GMM along with principal
components analysis (PCA) achieved an overall recognition accuracy of about 67% for five
instruments. More recent works deal with polyphonic sound, which is closer to real-world
music compare to monophonic sound. In the case of polyphonic sound, a number of
research studies used synthesized polyphonic audio from studio-recorded single tones.
Heittola et al. [6] used a non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)-based source-filter
model with MFCCs and GMM for synthesized polyphonic sound and achieved a
recognition rate of 59% for six polyphonic notes randomly generated from 19
instruments. Kitahara et al. [7] used various spectral, temporal, and modulation features
with PCA and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for classification. They reported that,
using feature weighting and musical context, recognition rates were about 84% for a duo,
78% for a trio, and 72% for a quartet. Duan et al. [8] proposed the uniform discrete
cepstrum (UDC) and mel-scale UDC (MUDC) as a spectral representation with a radial
basis function (RBF) kernel support vector machine (SVM) to classify 13 types of Western
instruments. The classification accuracy of randomly mixed chords of two and six
polyphonic notes, generated using isolated note samples from the RWC musical
instrument sound database [9], was around 37% for two polyphony notes and 25% for six
polyphony notes. As shown above, most of the previous works focus on the identification
of the instrument sounds in clean solo tones or phrases. More recent researches attempt
to solve instrument identification in a polyphonic situation, but artificially produced
polyphonic music is still far from professionally produced music. Real-world music has
many other factors that affect the recognition performance. For instance, it might have a
highly different timbre, depending on the genre and style of the performance. In addition,
an audio file might differ in quality to a great extent, depending on the recording and
production environments. In this paper, we investigate a method for predominant
instrument recognition in professionally produced Western music recordings. We utilize
convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) to learn the spectral characteristics of the
music recordings with 11 musical instruments and perform instrument identification on
polyphonic music excerpts. The major contributions of the work presented in this paper
are as follows.
1) We present the ConvNet architecture for predominant musical instrument
identification where the training data are single labeled and the target data are multi-
labeled with an unknown number of classes existing in the data.
2) We introduce a normalized mean and max-pooling method for aggregation of multiple
outputs from short-time sliding windows to find the predominant instruments in a music
excerpt with variable length, where the conventional method of majority vote often fails.
3) We conduct an extensive experiment with various parameters to find an optimal
setting. Our analysis on the experiment found that the onset type of the instrument is a
critical factor for the identification threshold. The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. In Section II, we introduce emerging deep neural network techniques in the MIR
field. Next, the system architecture Section includes audio preprocessing, the proposed
network architecture with detailed training configuration, and an explanation of various
activation functions used for the experiment. Section IV, the evaluation section, contains
information about the dataset, testing configuration including aggregation strategy, and
our evaluation scheme. Then, we illustrate the performance of the proposed ConvNet in
Section V, the Results section, with an analysis of the effects of analysis window size,
aggregation strategy, activation function, and identification threshold. We also present
an instrument-wise analysis and single predominant instrument identification as well as
a qualitative analysis based on the visualization of the ConvNet’s intermediate outputs to
understand how the network captured the pattern from the input data. Finally, we
conclude the paper in Section VI.
The ability of traditional machine learning approaches was limited in terms of processing
input data in their raw form. Hence, usually the input for the learning system, typically a
classifier, has to be a hand-crafted feature representation, which requires extensive
domain knowledge and a careful engineering process. However, it is getting more
common to design the system to automatically discover the higher-level representation
from the raw data by stacking several layers of nonlinear modules, which is called deep
learning [10]. Recently, deep learning techniques have been widely used across a number
of domains owing to their superior performance. A basic architecture of deep learning is
called deep neural network (DNN), which is a feedforward network with multiple hidden
layers of artificial neurons. DNN-based approaches have outperformed previous state-of-
the-art methods in speech applications such as phone recognition, large-vocabulary
speech recognition, multi-lingual speech recognition, and noise-robust speech
recognition [11]. There are many variants and modified architectures of deep learning,
depending on the target task. Especially, recurrent neural networks and ConvNets have
recently shown remarkable results for various multimedia information retrieval tasks.
RNNs are highly powerful approaches for sequential inputs as their recurrent architecture
enables their hidden units to implicitly maintain the information about the past elements
of the sequence. Since languages natively contain sequential information, it is widely
applied to handle text characters or spoken language. It has been reported that RNNs
have shown a successful result on language modeling [12] and spoken language
understanding [13], [14]. On the other hand, ConvNet is useful for data with local groups
of values that are highly correlated, forming distinctive local characteristics that might
appear at different parts of the array [10]. It is one of the most popular approaches
recently in the image processing area such as handwritten digit recognition [15]–[17] for
the MNIST dataset and image tagging [18], [19] for the CIFAR-10 dataset. In addition, it
has been reported that it has outperformed state-of-the-art approaches for several
computer vision benchmark tasks such as object detection, semantic segmentation, and
category-level object recognition [11], and also for speech-recognition tasks [20]. The
time-frequency representation of a music signal is composed of harmonics from various
musical instruments and a human voice. Each musical instrument produces a unique
timbre with different playing styles, and this type of spectral characteristics in music signal
might appear in a different location in time and frequency as in the image. ConvNets are
usually composed of many convolutional layers, and inserting a pooling layer between
convolutional layers allows the network to work at different time scales and introduces
translation invariance with robustness against local distortions. These hierarchical
network structures of ConvNets are highly suitable for representing music audio, because
music tends to present a hierarchical structure in time and different features of the music
might be more salient at different time scales [21]. Hence, although ConvNets have been
a more commonly used technique in image processing, there are an increasing number
of attempts to apply ConvNets for music signal. It has been reported that ConvNet has
outperformed previous state-of-theart approaches for various MIR tasks such as onset
detection [22], automatic chord recognition [23], [24], and music structure/boundary
analysis [25], [26]. An attempt to apply ConvNets for musical instrument identification
can be found in the recent report from Park et al.[27] and Li et al. [28], although it is still
an ongoing work and is not a predominant instrument recognition method; hence, there
are no other instruments but only target instrument sounds exist. Our research differs
from [27] because we deal with polyphonic music, while their work is based on the studio
recording of single tones. In addition, our research also differs from [28] because we use
single-label data for training and estimate multi-label data, while they used multi-label
data from the training phase. Moreover, they focused on an end-to-end approach, which
is promising in that using raw audio signals makes the system rely less on domain
knowledge and preprocessing, but usually it shows a slightly lower performance than
using spectral input such as mel-spectrogram in recent papers [29], [30].
A. Audio Preprocessing
The convolutional neural network is one of the representation learning methods that
allow a machine to be fed with raw data and to automatically discover the
representations needed for classification or detection [10]. Although it aims to learn a
feature representation “automatically”, appropriate preprocessing of input data is a
crucial factor generating a good feature representation. In the first preprocessing step,
the stereo input audio is converted to mono by taking the mean of the left and right
channels, and then it is downsampled to 22,050 Hz from the original 44,100 Hz of
sampling frequency. This allows us to use frequencies up to 11,025 Hz, the Nyquist
frequency, which is sufficient to cover most of the harmonics generated by
musical instruments while removing noises possibly included in the frequencies above
this range. Secondly, all audios are normalized by dividing the time-domain signal with its
maximum value, and then it is converted to a time-frequency representation using short-
time Fourier transform (STFT) with 1024 samples for the window size (approx. 46 ms) and
512 samples of the hop size (approx. 23 ms). Next, the linear frequency scale-obtained
spectrogram is converted to a mel-scale. We use 128 for the number of melfrequency
bins, following the representation learning papers on music annotation by Nam et al. [31]
and Hamel et al. [21], which is a reasonable setting that sufficiently preserves the
harmonic characteristics of the music while greatly reducing the dimensionality of the
input data. Finally, the magnitude of the obtained mel-frequency spectrogram is
compressed with a natural logarithm.
B. Network Architecture
ConvNets can be seen as a combination of feature extractor and the classifier. Our
ConvNet architecture is inspired by a popular AlexNet [18] and VGGNet [32] structure,
which are very deep architecture using repeated several convolution layers
followed by max-pooling, as shown in Fig. 1. This method of using smaller receptive
window size and smaller stride for ConvNet is becoming highly common especially in the
computer vision field such as in the study from Zeiler and Fergus [33] and Sermanet et al.
[34], which has shown superior performance in ILSVRC-2013. Although the general
architecture style is similar to that of other successful ConvNets in the image processing
area, the proposed ConvNet is designed according to our input data. We use filters with
a very small 3 × 3 receptive field, with a fixed stride size of 1, and spatial abstraction is
done by max-pooling with a size of 3 × 3 and a stride size of 1. In Table I, we illustrate
the detailed ConvNet architecture with the input size in each layer and parameter values
except the zero-padding process. The input for each convolution layer is zero-padded with
1x1 to preserve the spatial resolution regardless of input window size, and we increase
the number of filters for the convolution layer by a factor of 2 after every two convolution
layers, starting from 32 up to 256. The last max-pooling layer prior to fully connected layer
is a global max-pooling layer which takes a maximum value from all neurons in each
channel. Recently, it has been reported that the use of global average pooling without a
fully connected layer before a classifier layer is less prone to overfitting and shows better
performance for image processing datasets such as CIFAR-10 and MNIST [35]. However,
our empirical experiment found that global average pooling slightly decreases the
performance and that global max-pooling followed by a fully connected layer works
better for our task. It is common to use a softmax function for the classification layer
when there is only one target label [18], [32], [35], but our system should be able to
handle multiple instruments present at the same time.
Fig.01: Schematic of the proposed ConvNet containing 4 times repeated double
convolution layers followed by max-pooling. The last max-pooling layer performs global
max-pooling, then it is fed to a fully connected layer followed by 11 sigmoid outputs.
C. Training Configuration
The training was done by optimizing the categorical cross entropy between predictions
and targets. We used Adam [36] as an optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001, and the
mini-batch size was set to 128. To accelerate the learning process with parallelization, we
used a GTX 970 GPU, which has 4GB of memory. The training was regularized using
dropout with a rate of 0.25 after each max-pooling layer. Dropout is a technique that
prevents the over fitting of units to the training data by randomly dropping some units
from the neural network during the training phase [37]. Dropout rate after a fully
connected layer was set to 0.5 because a fully connected layer easily suffers from
over fitting [38]. In addition, we conducted an experiment with various time resolutions
to find the optimal analysis size. As our training data were a fixed 3.0 s audio, we
performed the training with 3.0, 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5 s by dividing the training audio and used
the same label for each divided chunk. The audio was divided without overlap for training
as it affects the validation loss used for the early stopping. Fifteen percent of the training
data were randomly selected and used as a validation set, and the training was stopped
when the validation loss did not decrease for more than three epochs. The initialization
of the network weights is another important issue as it can lead to an unstable learning
process, especially for a very deep network. We used a uniform distribution with zero
biases for both convolutional and fully connected layers following Glorot and Bengio [39].
D. Activation Function
The activation function is followed by each convolutional layer and fully connected layer.
In this section, we introduce several activation functions used in the experiment for the
comparison. The traditional way to model the activation of a neuron is by using a
hyperbolic tangent (tanh) or sigmoid function. However, non-saturating nonlinearities
such as the rectified linear unit (ReLU) allow much faster learning than these saturating
nonlinearities, particularly for models that are trained on large datasets [18]. A number
of recent works have shown that the performance of ReLU is better than that of sigmoid
and tanh activation [40] and most of the modern studies on ConvNets use ReLU to model
the output of the neurons [28], [32]–[34]. ReLU was first introduced by Nair and Hinton
in their work on restricted Boltzmann machines [41]. The ReLU activation function is
defined as
𝑦𝑖 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥(0, 𝑧𝑖 ) (1)
ReLU simply suppresses the whole negative part to zero while retaining the positive
part. Recently, there have been several modified versions of ReLU introduced to improve
the performance further. LeakyReLU (LReLU), introduced by Mass et al. [42], compresses
the negative part rather than make it all zero, which might cause some initially inactive
units to remain inactive. It is defined as
𝑧𝑖 , 𝑧𝑖 ≥ 0
𝑦𝑖 = (2)
𝛼𝑧𝑖 , 𝑧𝑖 < 0
Where α is a parameter between 0 and 1 to give a small gradient in the negative part.
Another modified version of ReLU, parametric ReLU (PReLU), is introduced by He et al.
[43]. It is basically similar to LReLU, but it automatically learns the parameter for
the negative gradient which is an input parameter for LReLU. It is defined as
𝑧𝑖 , 𝑧𝑖 ≥ 0
𝑦𝑖 = (3)
𝛼𝑖 𝑧𝑖 , 𝑧𝑖 < 0
Where 𝛼𝑖 is the learned parameters for the ith channel. The choice of activation function
considerably influences the identification performance. It is difficult to say which specific
activation function always performs the best because it highly depends on the parameter
setting and the input data. For instance, an empirical evaluation of the ConvNet activation
functions from Xu et al. [44] reported that the performance of LReLU is better than those
of ReLU and PReLU, but sometimes it is worse than that of basic ReLU, depending on the
dataset and the value for α. Moreover, most of the works regarding activation function
are on the image classification task, not on the audio processing domain. Hence, we
empirically evaluated several activation functions explained above such as tanh, ReLU,
LReLU, and PReLU to find the most suitable activation function for our task. For LReLU,
very leaky ReLU (α = 0.33) and normal leaky ReLU (α = 0.01) were used, because it has
been reported that the performance of LReLU considerably differs depending on the
value and that very leaky ReLU works better [44].
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A. IRMAS Dataset
The IRMAS dataset includes musical audio excerpts with annotations of the predominant
instruments present and is intended to be used for the automatic identification of the
predominant instruments in the music. This dataset was used in the paper on
predominant instrument classification by Bosch et al. [45] and includes music from
various decades from the past century, hence differing in audio quality to a great extent.
In addition, the dataset covers a wide variability in musical instrument types,
articulations, recording and production styles, and performers. The dataset is divided into
training and testing data, and all audio files are in 16-bit stereo wave with 44,100 Hz of
sampling rate. The training data consisted of 6705 audio files with excerpts
of 3 s from more than 2000 distinct recordings. Two subjects were paid to obtain the data
for 11 pitched instruments from selected music tracks as shown in Table II with the
B. Testing Configuration
In the training phase, we used a fixed length window because the input data for ConvNet
should be in a specific fixed shape. However, our testing audios had variable lengths
between 5 s and 20 s, which were much longer than those of the training audio.
Developing a system that can handle variable length of input data is valuable because
music in real life varies in its length. We performed short-time analysis using overlapping
windows to obtain local instrument information in the audio excerpts. We
used the same window size from the training phase to analyze testing audios and the
analysis hop size was set to half of the window size. Because an annotation exists per
audio clip, we observed multiple sigmoid outputs and aggregated them to make a clip-
wise decision. First, we took an average of the sigmoid outputs class wise (i.e., instrument-
wise) over the whole input audio clip. Then, obtained values were normalized by dividing
them by the maximum value among classes such that the values were scaled to be placed
between zero and one. This method is based on the assumption that humans perceive
the “predominant” instrument in a relatively scaled sense such that the strongest
instrument is always detected and the existence of other instruments is judged by their
relative strength compared to the most activate instrument. In addition, we also
conducted an experiment with max pooling in the aggregation process. This method is
based on the assumption that averaging sigmoid output might suppress the activation of
instruments which appear only sporadically, but temporally local max-pooling could
reduce this effect. Sliding window was used to perform class-wise max-pooling prior to
averaging the sigmoid outputs. Majority vote, one of the most common choices for a
number of classification tasks, is not used in our system. Majority vote first predicts the
classes for each analysis frame and the one with more vote wins. However, using this
method for our task would result in disregarding accompaniment instruments, piano for
example, because a music signal is composed of various musical instruments and usually
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Fig. 2: Schematic of obtaining a multi-label output from a test audio signal.
Input audio was analyzed with sliding window, and these multiple sigmoid
outputs were aggregated using two different strategies, S1 and S2, to estimate
the predominant instrument for the testing audio excerpt
the sounds are overlapped in time domain, and a presence of accompaniments are usually
much weaker than that of voice or lead instruments. As our target is to identify an
arbitrary number of predominant instruments in testing data, instruments with
aggregated value over the threshold were all considered as predominant instruments.
Using a higher value for the identification threshold will lead to better precision, but it
will obviously decrease the recall.
On the other hand, a lower threshold will increase the recall, but will lower the precision.
Hence, we tried a range of values for the threshold to find the optimal value for the F1
measure, which is explained in the Section IV-C. We used values between 0.2 and 0.8 as
an identification threshold θ to find the optimal setting. This threshold range was
empirically chosen but set to be a wide enough range to find the best performance (i.e.,
highest F1 measure). The schematic of this aggregation process is illustrated in Fig. 2.
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C. Performance Evaluation
Following the evaluation method widely used in the instrument recognition task [45], [46], we
computed the precision and recall, which are defined as:
𝑃𝑙 = 𝑡 (4)
𝑝𝑙 +𝑓𝑝𝑙
𝑅𝑙 = 𝑡 (5)
𝑝𝑙 +𝑓𝑛𝑙
where 𝑡𝑝𝑙 is true positive, 𝑓𝑝𝑙 is false positive, and 𝑓𝑛𝑙 is false negative for each of the
labels l in L. Using more strict parameter setting will lead to a better precision with
decreased the recall. On the contrary, more looser parameter setting will result in a better
recall with lower precision. Hence, we used the F1 measure to calculate the overall
performance of the system, which is the harmonic mean of precision:
Since the number of annotations for each class (i.e., 11 musical instruments) was not
equal, we computed the precision, recall, and F1 measure for both the micro and the
macro averages. For the micro averages, we calculated the metrics globally regardless of
classes, thus giving more weight to the instrument with a higher number of appearances.
Micro precision and recall are defined as:
∑𝐿𝑙=1 𝑡𝑝
𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 = ∑𝐿 (7)
𝑙=1 𝑡𝑝𝑙 +𝑓𝑝𝑙
∑𝐿𝑙=1 𝑡𝑝
𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 = ∑𝐿 (8)
𝑙=1 𝑡𝑝𝑙 +𝑓𝑛𝑙
On the other hand, we calculated the metrics for each label and found their unweighted
average for the macro averages; hence, it is not related to the number of instances, but
represents the overall performance of all classes.
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Macro precision and recall are defined as:
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 = |𝐿| ∑𝐿𝑙=1 𝑃𝑙 (9)
𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 = |𝐿| ∑𝐿𝑙=1 𝑅𝑙 (10)
2𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜
𝐹1𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 = (11)
𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜 +𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜
2𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜
𝐹1𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 = 𝑃 (12)
𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 +𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜
We repeated each experiment three times and the mean value of them are
In this section, we first demonstrate the result with various analysis resolution by varying
the window size. Then, we observe the effect of adding max-pooling on the output
probabilities, also illustrate the effect of identification threshold and
activation functions. At the end of this section, we compare our result to existing
algorithms with optimal parameter settings found through the experiment.
We used ReLU for the activation function, 1.0 s for the analysis window, aggregation
without max-pooling, and 0.55 for the identification threshold as default settings of the
experiment where possible. The experiment variables are listed in Table III and the effect
of each variable is separately demonstrated in following sections.
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Fig. 3. Micro and macro F 1 measure of an analysis window size of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0
sec according to the identification threshold.
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A. Effect of Analysis Window Size
We conducted an experiment with diverse analysis window sizes such as 3.0, 1.5, 1.0, and
0.5 s to find the optimal analysis resolution. Fig. 3 shows the micro and macro F1 measure
with various analysis frame sizes according to identification threshold. Although the
length of the original training data is 3.0 s, it can be observed that using full 3.0 s as a
window size clearly performed poorer than smaller windows regardless of identification
threshold. This result suggests that increasing the number of example by dividing training
data into smaller chunks is beneficial. However, shortening the analysis frame down to
0.5s decreased the overall performance again. Using a shorter analysis frame helped to
increase the temporal resolution, but 0.5 s was found to be too short a window size for
identifying the instrument. From this result, it can be seen that 1.0 s is the optimal analysis
window size for our task regardless of the identification threshold.
Fig.04: Micro and macro F1 measure of without max-pooling, max-pooling with 4 and
6s frame, and mean model ensemble cases according to the identification threshold.
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B. Effect of Max-pooling and Model Ensemble
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C. Effect of Activation Function
In the case of using rectified units as an activation function, it was possible to observe a
performance improvement compared to the tanh baseline as expected, as shown in Table
IV. However, unlike the results presented in the ImageNet classification work from He et
al. [43] and empirical evaluation work on ConvNet activation function from Xu et al. [44],
PRelu and LReLU did not show visible improvement from normal ReLU, but just
showed nearly matched or slightly decreased performance. To observe the statistical
significance of this result, we performed one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the
obtained F1-measures, under the standard 0.05 significance level. Because the analysis
requires multiple attempts for each member of the group, we used the result of three
individual models for each activation function, not the ensemble model. As a result, p-
value for the case of using all five activation function was 0.017 for micro and 0.029 for
macro F1-measure. This result rejects the null hypothesis which means that the
differences between some of the means are statistically significant. It is obvious that tanh
function is significantly worse than ReLU and its variations, we repeated the analysis again
excluding the result of tanh function. As a consequence, we obtained a p-value of 0.067
for micro and 0.440 for macro F1-measure. This result indicates that using modified
version of ReLU does not provide statistically significant improvement for this task, unlike
for computer vision tasks. Following this result, we decided to use normal ReLU as an
activation function for our final model.
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D. Comparison to Existing Algorithms
We could find the optimal setting for our ConvNet from the various experiments
demonstrated above. For analysis window and identification threshold θ, 1.0 s and 0.55
found to be an optimal value, respectively. We decided to use normal ReLU as an
activation function because we could not find statistically significant improvement from
variants of ReLU and class-wise max-pooling was applied on sigmoid outputs prior to
output aggregation. Using the best settings we found from experiments,
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Note that the result of proposed algorithm used half of the original test set, because
another half was used for the development. the proposed system achieved 0.619 for the
micro F1 measure and 0.513 for the macro F1 measure on the test set. It is very
close to the results obtained from the development set which are 0.629 and 0.517
respectively, and this result shows that our proposed method is less likely over-fitted to
the data, because development set and test set contains audio clips from different
songs which cover a wide variability in recording and production styles, also from various
decades. The existing algorithm from Fuhrmann and Herrera [46] used
typical hand-made timbral audio features with their frame-wise mean and variance
statistics to train SVMs, and Bosch et al. [45] improved this algorithm with source
separation called FASST (Flexible Audio Source Separation Framework) [48] in a
preprocessing step. As shown in Fig. 5, our proposed system marginally outperformed
existing algorithms. In terms of precision, Fuhrmann and Herrera’s algorithm showed the
best performance for both the micro and the macro measure. However, its recall was very
low, around 0.25, which resulted in a low F1 measure. From this result, it can be observed
that the learned feature from the input data that is classified through ConvNet works
better than the conventional hand-crafted features with SVMs.
The results demonstrated above were focused on the overall identification performance.
In this section, we analyze and discuss the result instrument-wise (i.e., class-wise) to
observe the system performance in detail. As shown in Fig. 6, identification performance
varies to a great extent, depending on the instruments. It can be observed that the system
recognizes the voice in the music very well, showing an F1 measure of 0.821. On the other
hand, cello and clarinet showed relatively poor performance compared to other showing
an F1 measure of around 0.10.
Fig. 6. Precision, recall, and F1-measure of each instrument with the optimal parameters.
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One of the reasons for poor performance of cello and clarinet is highly likely the
insufficient number of testing audio samples. The dataset only has 111 and 62 test audio
samples for cello and clarinet, respectively, which are the first and second least number
of test audio, while it has 1044 audio samples for the human voice. Evaluating the system
on a small number of test data would make the result less reliable and less stable than
other identification results. Apart from the issue related to the number of testing audio,
high identification performance of the voice class is highly likely owing to its spectral
characteristic that is distinct from other musical instruments. The other instruments used
in the experiment usually produce relatively clear harmonic patterns;
however, the human voice produces highly unique spectral characteristics that contain
much more inharmonic spectrum with a natural vibrato. On the other hand, identification
performance for flute was moderate, although it also has relatively small testing
examples. It seems it is also due to highly sine-wave-like spectral characteristics of flute,
which clearly differs from other instruments. Although we use F1-measure as the main
performance measure, it is intriguing to observe the precision and recall for each
instrument. Instruments such as acoustic guitar, electric guitar, organ, and piano showed
higher precision compare to recall, while other instruments showed relatively higher
recall compare to precision. We found that instruments can be categorized
into two groups, which are instruments with the hard onset and soft onset. A hard onset
is accompanied by a sudden change, whereas a soft onset shows a relatively gradual
change in energy [49]. It was possible to observe that instruments with higher
precision are usually played with hard onset while with higher recall are played with soft
onset. Because we used the same threshold for all instruments, the result can be
understood to mean that our threshold was relatively strict for hard onset instruments
but loose for the instruments with soft onset. Hence, this result shows that there is
potential performance improvement by applying a different identification threshold
according to the type of onset. This result can be interpreted as spectral characteristics
of hard onset instruments at the exact onset moment was clearer than the one of soft
onset, hence the network could identify them easier. On the other hand, soft onset
instruments do not have strong energy on the onset moment, and it means that the
system identifies instruments mostly based on the sustain part of the sound. It implies
that onset is an important clue for judging predominant instrument in the audio clips.
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network. We divided the data into two chunks before slicing them into 1.0 s,
thus no music from training data was included in testing data. Because there were no
multiple instruments in this experiment, we simply took the instrument with the highest
probability as a predominant instrument. As a result, we obtained an average accuracy of
0.633, and the confusion matrix for 11 instruments was demonstrated Fig. 8.
Identification performances were relatively evenly spread over all classes compare to the
multiple predominant instrument case. For instance, performances of cello/clarinet and
voice were moderate while they showed a huge performance gap for multiple instrument
case. On the other hand, saxophone showed the worst accuracy while it showed the
second best performance for multiple instrument case. This result shows that the
performance for the single instrument case does not always match the performance for
multiple instruments case, because the sounds of several instruments are overlapped.
Also, it seems the aggregation process makes difference on the final performance. Note
that because we used only half of the training set for this analysis, the performance of the
actual model used for the multiple predominant instruments would be better than the
result demonstrated in this section to some extent.
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Fig. 7. Visualization of the t-SNE clustering result. It represents the clustering result for
each intermediate state of the proposed model. From left to right, the
first four plots are the clustering result of the activation at the end of each convolutional
block, and the last two plots are the clustering result of the activations of
the hidden dense layer and the final sigmoid output, respectively. The upper plots are
drawn from the sample used in the training, and the lower plots are from the
validation data samples
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With the visualization exploiting t-SNE, we could observe how each layer contributed to
the classification of the dataset. Reflecting a gradually changing inter-distance of data
points at each stage of the proposed model, four intermediate activations were extracted
at the end of each convolutional block and one from the hidden fully connected layer,
and another one from the final output layer. For the compression of dimensionality and
computational efficiency, we pooled the maximum values for activation matrices of each
unit. By this process, the dimensionality of each layer’s output could be diminished to
each layer’s unit size. We visualized on both randomly selected training and validation
data samples from the entire dataset to verify both how the model exactly works and how
it generalizes its classification capability. In Fig. 7, it is clearly shown that data samples
under the same class of instrument are well grouped and each group is separated farther,
with the level of encoding being higher, particularly on the training set. While the
clustering was not clearer than the former case, the tendency of clustering on the
validation set was also found to be similar to the training set condition.
(3) It was found that it is difficult to strongly declare each subpart of the proposed model
that detects a specific musical articulation or expression. However, in an inductive
manner, we could see that some units indicate that they can be understood
as a sub-function of such musical expression detector
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Fig. 9. Mel-spectrogram of two input signals and their respective deconvoluted results.
The left two columns and right two columns of the image, denoted as (a) and (b),
respectively, were calculated from two independent music signals. Both signals were a 3s
polyphonic music segment that was randomly cropped from the original music.
Moreover, both signals (a) and (b) consist mainly of the voice and the acoustic guitar
sound. However, the dominant instrument of (a) is labeled as the voice, while (b) is
labeled as the acoustic guitar. Each row of images represents a deconvoluted signal
overlaid on the original signal. We extracted these results from four intermediate stages
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of the proposed model. Deconvolution outputs were extracted from the end of each
convolutional block. For both target signals, the two highest activated units of each point
were chosen and deconvoluted to be visualized. From left to right, images are arranged
in order of decreasing absolute unit activation. The green and navy color indicate the
positive and negative part of the result, respectively. The remaining area is where the
magnitude of activation is relatively lower than in those regions. The range of activation
result is normalized for the purpose of clear visualization.
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that the system can handle music excerpts with various lengths. Then, we normalized and
threshold them to find predominant instruments. We conducted an extensive experiment
with various analysis window sizes and identification thresholds. For the result, 1.0 s was
found to be the optimal window size and a threshold value of 0.55 showed the best
performance. Also, we conducted an experiment with applying max-pooling on the
output aggregation process. By applying max-pooling, it was possible to help the
instrument with sporadic activation not to be suppressed by the audio clip-wise averaging
process, hence the performance is improved further. We also conducted several
experiments with various activation functions for ConvNet. Results confirmed that ReLU
worked reasonably well, which is a de facto standard in recent ConvNet studies. However,
we could not find statistically significant improvement by replacing it to LReLU or PReLU.
Using the optimal parameters we found, we achieved 0.619 for micro and 0.513 for macro
F1- measure which outperforms existing algorithm on predominant instrument
identification task. In addition, we demonstrated several extra experiments for analyzing
obtained results. Our analysis on the instrument-wise identification result found that
identification performance for each instrument varies to a great extent. Cello and clarinet
showed very low identification result while the voice is well recognized. Also, we found
that the network usually showed high precision with low recall for hard onset
instruments, high recall with low precision for soft onset instruments. Visualization of the
intermediate outputs using t-SNE showed that the feature representation became clearer
each time the input data were passed through the convolutional blocks. Moreover,
visualization using deconvolution showed that the lower layer tended to capture the
horizontal and vertical edges, and that the higher layer tended to seek the combination
of these edges to describe the spectral characteristics of the instruments. Our study
shows that many recent advances in a neural network in the image processing area are
transferable to the audio processing domain. However, audio signal processing, especially
music signal processing, has many different aspects compared to the image processing
area where ConvNets are most extensively used. For example, spectral characteristics are
usually overlapped in both time and frequency unlike the objects in an image, which
makes the detection difficult. Moreover, music signals are much more repetitive and
continuous compared to natural images and are present in various lengths. Hence, we
believe that applying musical domain knowledge on the system is highly important. For
example, we found that hard onset instruments usually showed high precision compare
to recall, and the soft onset instruments showed high recall compare to precision. We are
planning to apply a different threshold depending on onset type of the instrument, and
such domain knowledge is highly helpful to improve the performance further.
Furthermore, it is recently reported that deep neural networks are vulnerable to
adversarial examples [52]. This means that the network can misclassify examples that are
only slightly modified, even the differences are indistinguishable to the human eye. We
believe that it would be beneficial to train our model on a mixture of adversarial and clean
examples in the future, for the better regularization.
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