S least partially covered in feathers or fila- are regularly spaced about 4 mm apart. Topo-
mentous protofeathers (1). However, a graphically, these papillae correspond to the quill
complete understanding of feather distribution knobs in living birds. Given their spacing in
niles (6). This Velociraptor specimen indicates
this is not the case for at least one lineage of
dromaeosaurids. An examination of the living
among theropod dinosaurs is limited because IGM 100/981, we estimated that there is space families of birds shows a significant correlation
feathers are typically preserved only in lager- for eight additional secondary feathers. This between the absence of ulnar papillae and the
stätten like that of Solnhofen, Germany or suggests that 14 secondaries were present in loss and/or reduction in volancy, even though
Liaoning, China. Such deposits possess clear Velociraptor, which compares well with the 12 or some strong flyers lack papillae (7). This raises
taphonomic biases toward small-bodied animals, more secondaries in Archaeopteryx (3). About 18 the possibility that ulnar papillar reduction or
limiting our knowledge regarding feather pres- secondaries are suggested for the dromaeo- absence in large-bodied derived dromaeosaurids
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