One million electric vehicles on the road by 2020 – that is the bold aim of Ger-
many’s “National Electromobility Development Plan.” To date, the German
Federal Government has invested in the region of EUR 1.5 billion in electric
mobility development. Over the same period, the automotive industry has
ploughed EUR 17 billion into electric vehicle development. No other automo-
tive nation can boast a comparable range and diversity of vehicles: Seventeen
vehicle series launched by German automotive manufacturers were available
by 2014 (including BEV, PHEV and REEV models). A further 12 new model se-
ries are already foreseen for 2015, which will allow Germany to further consoli-
date its lead provider status.
New synergies are created for manufacturers, suppliers and service provid-
ers alike along a revitalized value chain (design, R&D, manufacturing, and
assembly) – the like of which no other country in Europe can boast. Compre-
hensive value chain presence ensures that new products, technologies and
related services are delivered to the very highest standards. The world’s one
billion motor vehicles account for almost one fifth of CO2 emissions. Making
the change to alternative fuel represents a significant contribution to climate
protection. Smart electric vehicles not only guarantee freedom of mobility for
future generations, but also provide a new model of renewable energy-based
power supply. Investors who wish to join us on the road to electric mobility
are most welcome and enjoy our full and unstinting support. We are commit-
ted to establishing Germany as the lead market for electric mobility as part
of our environmental and technology leadership vision. You can be a part of it.
1 million
electric vehicles
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
THE BATTERY – THE KEY According to the National Electric Mobility Platform’s key
performance battery parameters for the reference BEV
TO ELECTRIC MOBILITY city vehicle energy and power density levels will improve
by 2020, with marked improvements expected in terms of
The battery represents the key component in an electri- safety and service life. Developments made to date in first
fied drive train. The battery system (comprising the cells, and second-generation cells and battery systems have
battery management system including cell monitoring, helped create battery energy density levels of around
electrical and sensor systems, safety elements, cooling 160 Wh per liter at around EUR 300 per kWh.
periphery, and housing) determines vehicle efficiency
and counts as the single vehicle element with the great- LITHIUM-ION BATTERY TECHNOLOGY
est wealth creation share (direct share of value added
of up to 40 percent). As such, the battery is at the very At present, the automotive industry almost exclusively
heart of the electric mobility vision and the key to electric uses nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries for high
mobility. However, electric mobility requires affordable, performance applications (hybrid). Lithium-ion bat-
safe and efficient battery storage. teries however, have an energy density several times
higher than NiMH batteries at the system level. As such,
Developing affordable, efficient batteries capable of cov- lithium-ion battery technology is widely recognized as
ering greater driving distances is the challenge facing being the battery technology with the best long-term
all industrialized nations seeking to make the change prospects thanks to its low weight, high-energy density
to electric mobility. Intensified battery R&D is central to and long durability. For that reason, the industry is com-
establishing the proper market-competitive cell and bat- mitted to evolving lithium-ion technology in order to cre-
tery production conditions for electric mobility to become ate a number of electric vehicle mobility strategies (e.g.
a reality. Cell and battery production are an extremely BEV, REEV) to increase driving distance in all-electric
important part of an automotive industry value chain in mode. The amount of energy stored requires that electric
transformation. Third- and fourth-generation batteries vehicle cells and batteries satisfy strict safety require-
must sustain a longer life cycle whilst becoming more ments. There are already a number of cells, batteries
efficient, lighter and safer. and vehicles on the market which make use of lithium-ion
technology for hybrid applications.
Parallel to battery technology developments is the need
to ensure that the appropriate battery technology is op- Tremendous growth prospects exist in the lithium-ion
timally integrated into the vehicle. Battery integration market as battery manufacturers and suppliers strive
within the vehicle determines a number of essential ve- to provide the cheap, reliable and safe battery solutions
hicle characteristics, allowing for better product differ- with increased energy density which make hybrid and
entiation. For that reason, Germany is investing heavily electric vehicles a genuinely feasible consumer option.
in developing the appropriate R&D conditions and infra- Nevertheless, intensive R&D activity to evolve lithium-
structure for cell and battery production to flourish. The ion technology and develop post-lithium-ion technolo-
Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) gies is required. It is imperative that an understanding of
provides significant targeted funding and facilitates the mechanisms along the battery chain and production
knowledge transfer between science and industry. R&D of materials, cells, and battery components for first and
funding of around EUR 500 million has been made avail- second generation lithium-ion batteries is established in
able for battery, whole system energy management, and the short to mid-term. Moreover, a significant research
training and further education activities. As with all as- effort to evolve lithium-ion technology and identify post-
pects of electric mobility, it is important that standards lithium-ion battery technologies is required to establish
are observed: the market cannot develop without com- technology leadership on the road to industrialized pro-
mon norms and standards. Battery development and duction. Battery research in Germany extends across
production processes must also satisfy the principle of the entire battery production value chain: starting at the
resource sustainability for the recovery and recycling of identification of new materials to the development of indi-
materials used. vidual components, and cell and battery production.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
A battery electric vehicle (BEV), as The range-extended electric vehicle As the name implies, a hybrid electric
the name implies, uses chargeable (REEV) drives in electric mode but vehicle (HEV) combines a conven-
batteries to power electric motors makes use of a hybrid internal com- tional ICE propulsion system with an
and motor controllers for propulsion. bustion engine (ICE) to extend vehicle electric drive system. The presence
New battery technology advances driving range when batteries are low of an electric power train increases
(more specifically, lithium-ion bat- or in the absence of charging infra- fuel efficiency and performance lev-
teries) are making BEVs an increas- structure. As such, REEVs effectively els. HEVs produce fewer emissions
ingly attractive proposition as oil reverse the roles played by the elec- than conventional gasoline-run vehi-
prices continue to rise. BEVs are tric motor and combustion engine in cles thanks to a smaller and more fu-
currently best suited to the small car currently available hybrid vehicles. el-efficient ICE. HEVs come in a range
segment and shorter travel time and of shapes and guises and can be typi-
business models (e.g. car sharing). cally categorized by degree of hybrid-
ization and drive train structure.
A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle PHEVs have a greater fuel reduction A fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle
(PHEV) is a hybrid electric vehicle potential than current HEVs; the key (FCHEV) converts chemical energy
(HEV) which makes use of a recharge- difference being the electromotor (e.g. hydrogen) to mechanical en-
able high-capacity battery bank which that supplements the conventional ergy by burning in an ICE or reacting
can be directly charged from a normal internal combustion engine, en- with oxygen in a fuel cell to power an
household power current. PHEVs are abling electrical operation for short electric motor. FCHEVs are emission
similar to HEVs inasmuch that they periods of time. PHEVs enjoy greater free and climate neutral (producing
make use of an electric motor and an fuel reduction potential than existing only water as a by-product).
ICE. Like all-electric vehicles, PHEVs hybrid vehicles (thanks to periods of
have a plug which can “plug in” to the electrical only operation enabled by
power grid. PHEVs essentially oper- the internal combustion engine-sup-
ate as electric vehicles with an ICE plementary electromotor).
back-up facility.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Completely electric-driven vehicles Hybrid electric cars are the most The presence of a “range extending”
are widely considered as being best common form of HEV, supplemented combustion engine or fuel cell
used in urban environments. The by small commercial vehicles and equips REEVs for city driving in full-
comparatively limited range (100-200 buses. HEVs are already very much electric mode and longer journeys
km) and longer charging times (up to a reality, as they can be fueled using in range-extended mode. To that
several hours) of BEVs make them the existing gas station infrastructure end, and although having the exact
ideal small city car for short journeys. at significantly lower cost than con- same infrastructure requirements
Zero tailpipe emissions mean that ventional vehicles. HEVs will soon as BEVs, REEVs are very much the
BEVs are ideal for built-up urban be seen on the roads in ever larger small family car to the BEV’s city
conurbations. BEVs will also be able numbers. However, the fact that they runaround.
to operate virtually CO2-free subject are still fossil-fuel dependent means
to the primary source of energy used. that, in the long term, they may play
New transportation models such as a “bridging technology” role on the
car sharing are currently helping way to a market defined by BEV and
offset the comparatively prohibitive PHEV technologies.
buying price of new BEVs, allowing
the driving public to enjoy the benefits
of BEV mobility without the major
capital outlay required for purchase
(all the while owning a conventionally
driven or hybrid vehicle for long
distance travel purposes). Although
initially more expensive than hybrid
vehicles, BEVs enjoy lower fuel and
maintenance costs.
PHEVs represent a more economi- FCHEVs have a driving range and structure costs currently represent
cal option to BEVs and FCHEVs in the performance comparable to conven- around five percent of total cost of
short to medium term (most fore- tional ICE-driven vehicles. As such, FCHEV ownership). The absence of
casts expect electric vehicles to be they represent the lowest carbon hydrogen charging infrastructure
viable alternatives to ICE-based vehi- solution in the medium/ large vehicle in towns and cities currently acts a
cles by 2025). Like BEVs, PHEVs are and longer range segments. They further short-term block to FCHEV
particularly useful in urban environ- therefore provide the most effective market prospects. This said, FCHEV
ments where short, low-speed mo- emissions reduction strategy for a value in terms of total cost of own-
bility is predominant. PHEVs have a large share of vehicles on the road ership (TCO) and emission reduction
smaller battery capacity than BEVs, today. However, the FCHEV market levels is widely forecast to be posi-
providing an electric driving range is still beset by a number of research tive beyond 2030.
of 40-60 km. They can also reduce and development and infrastructure
CO2 emission levels (ICE comparison) challenges which adversely impact
considerably. on the cost of ownership (infra-
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
280 to 300 Wh/l
battery density volume
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
INNOVATION AND COMPETITIVENESS • Besides private transport, support will also be given to
schemes for introducing electromobility for commer-
• The aim in research is to interlink industry and science cial vehicles (e.g. urban delivery vehicles, local public
as closely as possible. Networking the motor-vehicle transport) and two-wheeled vehicles.
manufacturing, energy and information technology
sectors along new supply chains will then set an inno- MARKET ACCEPTANCE
vatory momentum in motion for electromobility.
• To do this, measures will be taken to step up research • To implement climate and economic policy goals, the
in all areas, network and extend research infrastruc- forthcoming changes must gain social approval.
tures and promote mutual exchange between re- • This is why the German Federal Government aims to
searchers from industry and science. ensure transparency and provide information on the
• Another concern is to ensure long-term excellence implementation of the Development Plan and engage
and innovative drive in electromobility. An initiative in broad dialogue.
will therefore be launched to train junior technical- • The opportunities, challenges and goals will be sub-
scientific personnel. jected to continual reappraisal in line with develop-
ments. The acceptance and market development of
NEW MOBILITY electromobility will be supported with a suitable regu-
latory framework and appropriate systems of incen-
• Electromobility is another step in the strategy of less- tives.
ening dependence on oil.
• Electromobility will help pave the way for a new cul-
ture of mobility and modern urban and development
• Measures will be taken to speed up the market intro-
duction of electric vehicles, particularly for short dis-
tance traffic: The German Federal Government has set
itself the ambitious target of putting one million elec-
tric vehicles on the road by 2020, possibly reaching
over five million by 2030. By 2050, most urban traffic
will be able to do without fossil fuels. This will also en-
tail installing suitable infrastructure for charging the
vehicles. The German Federal Government will sup-
port this with an appropriate enabling framework.
GERMANY: LEAD MARKET clusive approach which integrates all areas of the sup-
ply chain. This encompasses everything from materials
AND PROVIDER FOR ELECTRIC and raw materials for lithium-ion batteries and electric
MOBILITY – CHALLENGES motors to innovative new electric drive components and
overall energy management. Central to this challenge is
the need to create new vehicle concepts and energy sup-
ELECTRIC MOBILITY SUPPLY AND VALUE CHAIN ply systems and to build the power supply infrastructure
and business models required to make the transition to
Electromobility represents a significant new challenge electric mobility.
to the established automotive and energy supply order.
Germany’s stated ambition to become the lead market Electromobility also represents a major opportunity to
and provider for electric mobility adds a further dimen- manage power supply at source. Electric vehicle charging
sion to what is already a considerable endeavor. station infrastructure will allow power generation, grid
load and power consumption to be harmonized. Alterna-
Electromobility calls upon a cross-sectional industry tive energy sources (i.e. wind and solar power) can help
approach which involves new actors and modes of coop- reduce road traffic-generated greenhouse gas emission
eration. As such, it is imperative to move away from the levels significantly. Electric vehicle batteries can be fed
existing automotive model (which concentrates on single into the power supply for increased medium to long-term
components and subsectors in isolation) towards an in- grid stability.
Commodities / Material Cells / Modules Packaging / Management Integration / Vehicle Infrastructure / 2nd Life / Recycling
Business Model
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
• Charging station standardization. This also includes • Coordination and focus. Close cooperation between
suitable metering technologies and billing systems all relevant actors coordinated by the respective stan-
currently in development. Public charging points dards authority and steering group imperative in or-
should be available for use of all electricity suppliers der to eliminate duplication of work. Currently exist-
and vehicle types in wholly non-discriminatory fash- ing bodies should be further strengthened rather than
ion. Electricity generated by electric vehicles should creating new entities.
be delivered in competitive fashion as is the case with • Clear and unambiguous standards. Standards need
domestic household power supply. to be function related and performance based in or-
• Vehicle hardware and software architecture integra- der to encourage innovation. This said, a number of
tion. The interface between the charging station and specific technical solutions cases need to be defined
the energy storage unit is decisive to smart load man- in the realm of interface standards in order to ensure
agement and grid use/support. interoperability (e.g. between vehicles and network in-
• Standardized safety requirements. Crash test behavior; frastructure).
rescue and salvage. • International charging infrastructure (interoperabil-
• Business models. Appropriate business models ity). It is imperative that it is possible to charge electric
should also be subject to norms and standards in or- vehicles “everywhere, at all times.” Vehicle interoper-
der to reduce, for example, subsequent transaction ability with infrastructure must be guaranteed. Stan-
costs in contracts. Agreements must be standard- dardization of charging procedures and billing/pay-
ized in order to allocate and invoice services rendered ment systems must safeguard the development of a
whilst maintaining data protection and customer pri- charging interface that is user oriented, uniform in na-
vacy requirements. ture, and safe and easy to operate: user interest must
have priority over those of individual companies.
The German Standardization Road Map
for Electromobility SAFETY
The German Standardization Roadmap for Electromobil-
ity drawn up by the National Platform for Electric Mobil- Electric mobility brings with it a number of vehicle safety
ity reflects the mood of consensus among all actors in challenges. As well as questions of battery safety, smart
the electromobility sector (including automobile manu- vehicle electrical components require specific layout at-
facturers, the electrical industry, energy suppliers/grid tention for the eventuality of an accident. This means that
operators, technical associations, and public authorities) design and layout must ensure that passengers and res-
that a strategic approach to standardization of electro- cue workers are afforded the maximum amount of pro-
mobility is required. The National Platform for Electric tection possible in the event of a road safety accident. The
Mobility standardization recommendations can be sum- high voltage electric drive, for instance, requires suitable
marized as below: insulation, identification and defeat devices.
• Political engagement. Political activity at European Electrical components also have to comply with elec-
and international level for optimized research and tromagnetic compatibility requirements: safeguarding
development networking and regulatory and legisla- against a potential component overload and minimiz-
tive framework standardization. Standardization mea- ing potential interference between components in the
sures implemented by individual countries should not electric drive (and potential detrimental effect on health
adversely impact on harmonization efforts at interna- and the environment). Sensor-based and vehicle com-
tional level. munication active safety systems need to be developed
• Timely and international standardization. Swift imple- to prepare drivers and pedestrians alike for sound-free
mentation and authorization of standards at national electric mobility.
level for international standardization transfer. Con-
certed international efforts to develop unified norms
and standards necessary from the outset. This also
applies to the development of interfaces between
electric vehicles and infrastructure (V2G – “vehicle to
34 million ton
reduction in CO2 emissions by
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Drive Components c i
Battery Materials Veh
Systemic Services
Lightweight Design Intermodal Transport Services
Materials and Components Energy Industry Services
Lightweight Structures Mobility Services
Multi-Material Design Roaming
Systemic Lightweight Design
Manufacturing Processes
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
NATIONAL ELECTROMOBILITY Germany has set itself the ambitious target of achieving
a 40 percent reduction on 1990 CO2 emission levels by
DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020. At the start of 2012 there were already more than
400 German-produced vehicle models with emissions
The German Federal Government has set an ambitious
below the CO2 target level according to the German As-
goal of one million electric cars on German roads by 2020
sociation of the Automobile Industry (VDA).
as part of its “National Electromobility Development
Plan” drawn up by all relevant government ministries in
Major focal points of the development plan include in-
accordance with the Integrated Energy and Climate Pro-
creasing R&D funding and implementing market change
gramme (2007) of the German Government.
strategies to facilitate the future implementation of elec-
tric vehicles. The essential technologies required for
The National Electromobility Development Plan repre-
electric and hybrid drives, energy storage and grid infra-
sents a concerted effort by actors from science, indus-
structure have already been developed. Seventeen elec-
try and government. As such, it covers the entire supply
tric vehicle models produced by German car manufactur-
chain (from materials, components, cells and batteries
ers were available in 2014.
to the entire system and its application). It also makes
provision for the creation of a plan to integrate electro-
mobility power demand into the power grid in order to JOINT AGENCY FOR ELECTRIC
link this new demand to renewable energy sources to
contribute to grid-load management.
In February 2010 the Federal Ministry of Economics and
This will position Germany as a lead market and provider
Technology (BMWi) set up a dedicated electromobility co-
for electromobility and enhance the long-term competi-
ordination office with the Federal Ministry of Transport,
tiveness of the motor-vehicle manufacturing and parts
Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) in the guise of
supply sector as one of the major pillars of German in-
the Joint Agency for Electric Mobility (GGEMO). The agen-
dustry. The National Electromobility Development Plan
cy has been specially created to bundle and coordinate
initially set aside more than EUR 500 million in incentives
the Federal Government’s electromobility tasks. GGEMO
for the development of vehicles, energy storage devices
supports both the Federal Government and the National
and infrastructure. This figure was subsequently up-
Electric Mobility Platform to implement and further de-
wardly revised by a further EUR 1 billion to the end of the
velop the National Electromobility Development Plan.
last legislative period as part of the government‘s elec-
tromobility program. Two key areas of research support
are (i) the battery as the heart of future electric vehicles,
and (ii) the development of smart energy efficiency, safety
and reliability systems for electric vehicles. In addition,
research and development in the area of hydrogen and
fuel cell technologies will benefit from a total of EUR 500
million funding within the framework of a national inno-
vation program.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
2. Suspension of Restricted The European Union (EU) has set itself the goal of reduc-
Entry Access for Electric Vehicles ing CO2 emissions in road traffic by significantly reduc-
Delivery vehicles are ideal for electric drive systems. ing the fleet consumption limit level (fleet average to be
Restricted entry access will be relaxed or entirely sus- achieved by all new EU-registered passenger vehicles
pended for delivery vehicles. This includes, in particular, is 130g CO2 /km by 2015 rising to 95g CO2 /km by 2020).
time entry restrictions and access restrictions remitted The definition of Europe-wide CO2 target levels for new
to conventionally driven vehicles for noise limit reasons. vehicle fleets for cars and light commercial vehicles will
prove significant to electric vehicle adoption and recep-
Prioritization of loading and delivery traffic is already tiveness levels.
possible under law (e.g. in pedestrian zones according
to supplementary designation). Special prioritization By 2015, passenger vehicles with an output of less than
only for electric-powered vehicles would represent a 50g CO2 /km and light commercial vehicles (transport-
significant handicapping of normal loading and delivery ers) with a higher factor by 2017 will be included in the
vehicles. For that reason, an improvement for this reason fleet consumption calculation and will provide a bonus in
must be justified by environmental benefits. The federal terms of CO2 fleet targets. Germany will continue to work
government will work with the federal states and sepa- actively at the EU-level to ensure that multiple allowanc-
rate local authorities to further develop the existing envi- es for these vehicles are a reality by 2020.
ronmental law framework conditions.
Other Measures
3. Authorized Use of Bus Lanes for Electric Vehicles Low-interest KfW bank credit
Granting electric vehicles authorized use of bus lanes Interchangeable vehicle license plates
potentially represents an attractive additional incentive Public procurement plan
for electric vehicle purchase and use. For this purpose,
practical experiences obtained in the flagship and mod-
el regions will be assessed to determine the viability of
such a scheme and to minimize any possible adverse ef-
fect on bus traffic.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
The Joint Agency for Electric Mobility (GGEMO) was set
This was followed by talks with industry, research and up by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
policy stakeholders at the National Strategy Conference (BMWi) in February 2010 to coordinate all federal gov-
Electric Mobility in November 2008, which, in turn, paved ernment electromobility activities. The agency supports
the way forward for the creation of the National Electro- both the federal government and the National Electric
mobility Development Plan. Mobility Platform to implement and further develop the
National Electromobility Development Plan.
The four government departments responsible at this
time (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology; Fed- NATIONAL ELECTRIC MOBILITY PLATFORM (2010)
eral Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Develop-
ment; Federal Ministry of Education and Research; and In May 2010, the German Federal Government constitut-
the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Con- ed the National Electric Mobility Platform (NPE), consist-
servation and Nuclear Safety) gave their support to a ing of representatives from politics, industry, science,
comprehensive package of support measures. local authorities and consumers. The platform’s seven
working groups direct and shape the road map for the
ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE II (2009) realization of the objectives laid out in the National Elec-
tromobility Development Plan.
The Umweltprämie (“environmental premium” but more
commonly known as the “scrapping bonus”) was intro- GOVERNMENT PROGRAM ELECTROMOBILITY (2011)
duced in January 2009 to help promote demand for new
vehicles as part of the Konjunkturpaket II (“Economic In May 2011, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Tech-
Stimulus Package II”) to counter the global recession. nology (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry of Transport,
Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) adopted a
NATIONAL ELECTROMOBILITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2009) far-reaching R&D support program in response to the
findings of the second report of the National Platform for
The Economic Stimulus Package II also sets out a num- Electric Mobility.
ber of progress milestones on the route to Germany es-
tablishing itself as the lead market for electromobility. Ministry-supported R&D measures will be flagged by re-
These activities will be further developed and implement- gional showcase and technical flagship projects for the
ed within the framework of the National Electromobility creation of increased synergies within the electric mobil-
Development Plan. As well as this, existing government ity sector.
promotion instruments were adjusted to include electro-
mobility as part of their subsidy and support remit. ELECTRIC MOBILITY ACT (2014)
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
R&D LIGHTHOUSE PROJECTS The NPE has identified the following important goals
within the framework of current battery R&D activity:
Since 2012, the German Federal Government has estab- Charge cycle number: At least 1,200 cycles to be en-
lished 15 R&D lighthouse projects in six thematic appli-
cation areas. In line with NPE proposals, a number of Fast Charging Capacity: 80 percent charging achievable
technology research areas were consolidated into ex-
in less than 15 minutes.
isting projects to create the respective R&D lighthouse Battery materials should allow high-voltage spinels
to be deployed in future.
“Intelligent” cell chemistry: R&D activities to be direc-
ted in area of additive electrolytes, ionic solids, and
solid electrolytes.
The batteries R&D lighthouse project was created to help Cathodes: Development of low-temperature perfor-
Germany realize its stated aim of being a global leader in
mance materials with higher energy and performancy
cell and battery technology with an integrated domestic
density levels.
manufacturing capability by 2020. Germany has set itself Maintain safety and reliability of battery systems to
a battery density by volume level of 280 to 300 Wh/l by
high industry standards despite falling prices and
2025 as part of the technological development of third
rising energy density levels of lithium-ion batteries.
and fourth generation batteries. More than 20 consortia Exploration, optimization and safeguarding of recy-
have been formed. The consortia are made up of actors
cling processes for new cell and battery processes.
from industry and research communities.
Standardization of cell modules to be pursued as part
of activities of Association of the German Automotive
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Materials ALPHA-Lion Development of 3rd and 4th generation cells using high energy materials
Development & Lithium Metall Test facility for the preparation of coated lithium metal powders designed for optimum processability
Cell Technology E-Lab Electrolyte laboratory, high-throughput synthesis (automatic electrolyte analyser)
KoMBat Carbon materials for next-generation lithium batteries. Lab-scale materials
Innovative FutureBatt Research into next-generation battery systems (standard pouch cells)
Battery Designs Lithium/Luft-Bat. Development and production of a commercially viable lithium-air battery
KPPP Cost-effective product, process and production development of lithium energy storage devices
Safety & Testing SafeBatt Passive/active measures for creating safe long-life battery systems
BALSAC Battery laboratories with test facilities for the development and production of energy storage devices
K-LIB Research into test procedures and standards for safety assessment
Process Competence E Integrated “Research Factory” for future electrical energy storage devices and drive systems
Technologies PEB Development center for battery production technologies
for Mass SSLBa Core process development for cell production
Production π-Lion Processes and facilities for the production of thermodynamically stable thin film solid-state batteries
K-LIB High-performance manufacturing of lithium-ion cells
NP-LIB Facility for research into and optimization of lithium-ion cell manufacturing
CHaR-Li Test facility for high-performance battery materials
iFaaB Integrated manufacturing concept for advanced automotive batteries
+ – + –
R&D: € 167 million R&D process: € 92 million R&D pilot facilities: € 342 million
-Total: € 601 million (over 3 years) -
DRIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND VEHICLE INTEGRATION As well as the R&D areas listed, the drive technology
lighthouse project area is also concerned with the net-
NPE activities during the market start-up phase were working of electric vehicles within the transport and en-
largely concerned with industry research and develop- ergy systems. This should be achieved by, among other
ment as well as highly diverse joint funding projects with things, the creation of a common vehicle interface.
universities and research institutions. The publication
of the third NPE progress report in 2012 saw the begin- Historical, current and future activities support the
ning of the implementation of detailed technology road NPE’s lead provider target. A number of themes already
maps (high-integration drive technologies, E-machines, identified in the road map will be substantiated. New
and power electronics) within the drive technology light- R&D focal points for the technology cluster (Road Map
house projects. A number of shared research and de- 2.0) and interdisciplinary themes will also be identified
velopment activities funded by the federal government in the next phase of activity. Examples include the explo-
have been called into being on the basis of the road maps – ration of alternative materials and winding technologies
project results will be made public on project conclusion. for e-machine, optimal integration of power electronics,
and the ongoing development of charging technology (in-
The following research focal points have been identified ductive load) in vehicles. The drive technology targets
on the basis of the selected projects: set for 2020 remain unchanged.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Electric Motors Permanent • Electric motor designs optimized for automotive applications Alternative Innovative materials
Fe-based • Alternative magnet materials and recycling designs and and manufacturing
magnets and • Alternative electric motors materials processes Costs
Cu/Al coils reduced
by 2/3
Power Parts and • Integrated circuit packaging (1CP) modules and components Automotive Research into increasing
Electronics components from • Research into modularity and scalability standards achieved, functionality and reducing 5% more
non—automotive • Increased integration (electronics, mechatronics) standardized costs as market expands efficient
applications solutions available
Drive Systems Low level of • New topologies and highly-integrated approaches New system Modular electric Power
integration • Energy and thermal management designs powertrain kits optimized density
• Charging technologies and power grid integration for different requirements doubled
and suitable for large-
scale production
Production Low production • Automated production facilities for inverters and electric motors Automated manu- Development & 30%
Technology volumes • Concepts for moving from small to large-scale manufacturing facturing solutions optimization for more
capable of flexible large-scale production reliable
output levels (process engineering
and complete chain)
Production HeP-E Highly flexible production systems for enhanced-efficiency electric traction drive systems
Technology SerTest Production technology and testing techniques for power electronics production processes
SinTest Automated testing of silver sintering processes in mass production
Vehicle Integration/ BEREIT Family vehicle with range extender and/or plug-in hybrid
Systemic INEES Energy industry system services
Approach EM ELY Framework regulations on electromagnetic compatibility for electric and hybrid vehicles
€ 25 million € 3 million
Total project investment in the lightweight design lead technology area 35 projects 8 projects
€ 200 million € 100 million
* NPE estimate of total project investment assuming a government funding percentage of 40% based on
information provided by the relevant federal ministries regarding current funded projects in February 2012.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
These ambitious goals will only be achieved through cre- Different charging (normal, fast, and inductive) technolo-
ating new vehicle fuel efficiencies by developing sustain- gy progress to date can be tracked according to the NPE’s
able drive train alternatives. Electric vehicles have a ma- charging infrastructure technology roadmap.
jor role to play in safeguarding the environment. The NPE
concludes that recycling represents a strategic pillar in Common interoperable processes and standard solutions
the development of an environmentally, economically, are imperative to achieving acceptance within the driving
and socially sustainable electric mobility industry. public. Commercially viable fast-charging solutions
(including DC and AC-based systems) are being developed
The recycling R&D lighthouse project is made up of two by energy utilities, electrical engineering companies,
thematic areas: automotive and battery manufactures for introduction
within the showcase project regions. Fast chargers with
• Battery materials up to 100 kW capacity – which will significantly reduce
• Power train component materials charging times – are being put through their paces for
eventual implementation during the early mass-market
A number of new components and materials are entering phase.
the value chain mix as lithium-ion batteries and alterna-
tive power trains are further developed. This in turn calls The creation of common charging point and vehicle
upon the introduction of new or modified recycling pro- standards is essential to Germany’s 2020 objectives.
cesses. The NPE endorses the German-American developed
Combined Charging System (CCS) universal charging
A further overarching theme – besides key materials system.
recycling – is the safeguarding of raw material supply.
Germany’s raw materials strategy is helping industry to In order to create a charging infrastructure that is fully
secure raw material sources by establishing partnerships integrated into the power grid, smart charging (grid-to-
with a number of raw material-supplying countries. vehicle – G2V) and two-way power generation (V2G) mod-
els are being researched further, as are dynamic pay-
ICT-based energy and traffic system interfaces are being
The objective of the ICT and infrastructure R&D light- created along maximum process simplicity and trans-
house projects is the development of charging and vehi- parency lines to promote user acceptance and generate
cle-to-grid (V2G) technologies as well as related commu- appropriate business models. Research findings from
nications processes and transactions. the different model regions are being collated for further
development in the respective showcase regions.
The second report of the NPE identified four key thematic
research areas for the ICT and Infrastructure R&D
Region Priorities
Capital region Berlin-Brandenburg • Road transport (“zero emission” passenger and commercial transport)
• “Charge and park” (sustainable development of extant public charging infra-
Project Partners
• Storage (electric mobility as part of capital region “smart grid”)
• 257 partners • Networking (ICT, education and services/vocational training and CPD, elec-
• 2 local/regional authorities tric mobility districts)
• 107 large-scale enterprises • Public relations (hands-on experience of electric mobility in action, German
• 90 small and medium-sized enterprises innovation and technological know-how, electric mobility zones)
• 34 higher education and research institutes • Cooperation (local, national and international)
• 24 professional bodies, associations, networks and other institutions
Region Priorities
Hanover, Braunschweig, Göttingen and Wolfsburg • Vehicles (electric vehicles “Made in the Metropolitan Region”, battery
re-use and recycling)
• Energy and infrastructure (smart grid – examples of decentralized energy
Project Partners
generation and accessible electric mobility)
• Regional and local authorities (i.e. Braunschweig, Wolfsburg, Hildesheim) • Transport (vehicle fleet conversion, commuter incentives, electric car
• Large-scale enterprises (e.g., Bombardier, Continental, DB Rent, ÜSTRA, sharing)
Volkswagen AG)
• Small and medium-sized enterprises (e.g., Rangebike concept, Projektregion
Braunschweig, C4C Engineering)
• Higher education and research institutes (e.g., Works Council Electric Mobil-
ity Network, Braunschweig Chamber of Trade and Craft Industries, German
Red Cross)
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Region Priorities
Baden-Württemberg (esp. Stuttgart and Karlsruhe regions) • Intermodality
• Fleet operation
• Car sharing
Project Partners
• Commercial transport
• Local and regional authorities (i.e. Baden-Württemberg state government, • Transport planning
Stuttgart region, Karlsruhe, city of Stuttgart) • Public relations
• Large-scale enterprises (e.g., Audi AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG, IBM GmbH, • Vocational training and CPD
TÜV Süd, Renault AG)
• Small and medium-sized enterprises (e.g., Yellow Map AG, e-Wolf GmbH,
Huber Automotive GmbH)
• Higher education and research institutes (e.g. University of Stuttgart)
• Associations and professional bodies (e.g. IG Metall trade union, chambers
of commerce)
Region Priorities
Federal State of Bavaria • Long-distance transport (Munich-Leipzig A9 axis)
Federal State of Saxony • Urban transport (street parking)
• Rural transport (meeting transport needs of rural and sparsely populated
Project Partners
• International visibility and international long-distance transport (e.g. coop-
• Regional and local authorities (i.e. federal states, districts and towns and eration initiatives with Austria and Quebec)
cities including Dresden, Ingolstadt, Leipzig, and Nuremberg) • Vocational training and CPD (as cornerstone of forward-looking and growing
• Large-scale enterprises (e.g., Audi, BMW, E.ON, MAN, N-ERGIE) electric mobility system in Bavaria and Saxony)
• Wide variety of small and medium-sized enterprises in Bavaria and Saxony
• Numerous universities and other higher education and research institutes
(e.g., Augsburg, Deggendorf, Dresden, Landshut, Mittweida, and Munich)
• Associations and professional bodies (e.g., chambers of trade and craft
industries, chambers of commerce and trade associations in Bavaria and
PROJECTS – THE WINNERS a) Demonstration of electromobility in municipal and
business traffic: subprojects Metropol-E and Elmo –
Flagship projects are specifically targeted toward ad- Electromobile Urban Business Traffic
vancing the various technologies that are crucial for the (September 2011 to end August 2014)
development of electric mobility. Limited in number, the The project highlights the possibilities for new business
flagship projects focus on clear thematic priorities in- models with real users from the business traffic sector
cluding drive, production, battery, and information and and municipal applications. Important findings with rel-
communication technology. evance for the composition of charging infrastructure,
charging technologies, and fleet management are ex-
Within the flagships, outstanding projects were selected pected.
according to the thematic focal points mentioned. “Flag-
ship” status within the flagships is a seal of approval for b) Electromobility in heavy commercial vehicles for pro-
important innovations which make a significant contribu- tection of the environment in urban areas – ENUBA 2
tion to technological development and cost reductions in (April 2012 to end April 2014)
the field of electromobility. The project should lead to the creation of a system
for overhead contact wire electric operation of heavy
The following projects were awarded “flagship” project commercial vehicles and buses to be deployed in the
status by the federal government. Currently project eval- public transport space. R&D activities are concentrated in
uation is taking place. vehicle technology including current collector, overhead
contact wire system, and energy supply. Accompanying
1. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY research work concerns the analysis of all traffic and
energy-technology, environmental, economic and legal
econnect Germany factors relevant to later deployment in the public space.
(January 2012 to December 2014)
Development of sustainable mobility concepts in munici- 3. CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE AND NETWORK
pal environments (public utilities) where the focus is on INTEGRATION
the intelligent networking of energy and traffic systems
using ICT-based solutions. Demonstration of contactless static and dynamic loading
infrastructure with high performance. Subprojects:
Optimization of inductive energy transfer components
and system testing – Primove Rail, Primove Road and
Primove Braunschweig
(June 2011 to end February 2014)
Contact-free energy transfer by means of resonant in-
duction allows standing (stationary) and moving (dy-
namic) electric vehicles to be charged in safe and reli-
able fashion. Systems of this nature tested in day-to-day
operations during the course of the project. Major focus
is placed upon systems with high transfer performance
and efficiency levels in order to be able to efficiently pow-
er larger vehicles (e.g. buses and trucks) in contact-free
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
MODEL REGIONS FOR ELECTRIC MOBILITY 5. Energy Systems and Energy Storage
a) eProduction – Production research into high voltage
• Hamburg storage systems for electromobility
• Bremen/Oldenburg b) SafeBatt – Active and passive measures for intrinsi-
• Rhine-Ruhr (Aachen and Münster) cally safe lithium-ion batteries
• Rhine-Main
• Saxony (Dresden and Leipzig) 6. Drive Technologies and Lightweight Design
• Stuttgart a) e generation – Key technologies for the next generation
• Munich of electric vehicles
• Berlin-Potsdam b) VisioM – Visionary vehicle concept for urban electro-
• Internationales Schaufenster der Elektromobilität –
International Showcase of Electric Mobility (Berlin/ • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Brandenburg) Energy (BMWi)
• Unsere Pferdestärken werden elektrisch – Our Horse- • Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
power Turns Electric (Niedersachsen) • Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
• Living Lab BWe mobil (Baden-Württemberg) Infrastructure (BMVI)
• Elektromobilität verbindet – Electromobility Connects • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
(Bavaria/Saxony) Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
1. Information and Communication Technology • Joint Agency for Electric Mobility (GGEMO)
econnect Germany (January 2012 to December 2014) • National Electric Mobility Platform
2. Implementation of Proposed Legislative Package Pro-
NATIONAL ELECTRIC moting Electric Mobility
MOBILITY PLATFORM The proposed non-monetary measures are central build-
ing blocks for the development of the global lead mar-
PROGRESS REPORT (2014) ket and should enter into effect at the start of the mar-
ket ramp-up phase in early 2015. Alongside the directly
The Progress Report of the National Electric Mobility funded privileging of the introduction of electric vehicles,
Platform was published in December 2014. The Progress the proposed measures help remove existing obstacles
Report signifies the end of the market preparation phase in everyday life.
(2010-2014). At the end of 2014, there were already 17
electric vehicle models produced by German manufac- 3. Strengthening of Investment Partnerships for Con-
turers on the market, with manufacturers set to extend struction of Publicly Available Charging Infrastructure
their product portfolios in the coming years. Twelve new The NPE is committed to the goal of nationwide expan-
vehicle models are expected to be launched in 2015. The sion of publicly accessible charging infrastructure. This
concentration of funding for research and development, should grow in needs-based fashion according to the ac-
standards and standardization as well as training and ed- celeration of electric vehicles. According to the current
ucation is also proven in international comparison. The technological level, and based on the goal of one million
collaboration between lead industries and science along electric vehicles by 2020, financing in the region of around
the electric mobility value chain has also been estab- EUR 550 million is required up to 2020. This amount is
lished. The task is now to realize the potential of the Ger- expected to decrease as unit numbers increase, thereby
man industry in terms of higher market share in order to reducing production costs from year to year which should
attain lead provider status. Electric vehicles have to prove be checked regularly.
themselves in competition with other drive concepts, par-
ticularly in terms of price and range. Pre-competitive re- 4. Implement EU Guideline for Alternative Fuels in-
search and development at a high level is still required in cluding Deployment of Charging Infrastructure in ac-
this respect. The NPE has identified overall research and cordance with the Recommendations of the Standards
development project volume of around EUR 2 billion to the Road Map Version 3.0
end of the market start-up phase in order to drive the in- The Combined Charging System (CCS) must establish it-
novation process forward. The NPE recommends a cost- self in the future as a globally binding charging system
neutral extension of the showcase projects by one year to for normal and fast charging. This has been specified by
2016. THE NPE will continue its monitoring duties during guideline in Europe since 2014, which will also be estab-
the market start-up phase until the end of 2017. The Ger- lished in the USA. Negotiations with China, Japan and
man Federal Government will host a National Electromo- other partner countries to join CCS are currently taking
bility Conference in Berlin in the summer of 2015. place at the time of writing. Based on the unity and in-
vestment security created, the NPE does not recommend
RECOMMENDATIONS investment in other solutions outwith the CCS Road Map.
The infrastructure can quickly be expanded nationally for
1. Introduction of Special Depreciation Allowance for CCS compatibility.
Commercial Vehicles
Financial incentives are recommended in order to real- 5. Implement Private and Public Procurement Initiatives
ize the stated objective of 1 million vehicles on German Procurement of electric vehicles to date has only been
roads by 2020. According to the NPE, particular emphasis worthwhile for a few individual user groups – most par-
should be placed on the introduction of a special depreci- ticularly commercial fleets. These also play an important
ation allowance for commercial vehicles, which, accord- role for the penetration of the used car market. For that
ing to forecasts, has proven to be a very effective mea- reason, both private and public procurement initiatives
sure. Subject to the number of new vehicle registrations, should be initiated and implemented. The NPE believes
implementation of a special allowance for commercial that, for a longer stroke and better visibility, special de-
vehicles should result in annual tax revenue losses in the preciation allowance rules will support faster market
EUR 0.2 billion region. In the proposed first year of 2015, start-up.
the forecast loss in tax revenue would be around EUR 30
million, rising to a maximum of EUR 290 million in 2019.
Electromobility in Germany: Vision 2020 and Beyond www.gtai.com
BIBLIOGRAPHY National Electric Mobility Platform. Interim Report of the
National Platform for Electric Mobility, 2010.
Bain & Company. Zum E-Auto gibt es keine Alternative,
National Electric Mobility Platform. Zweiter Bericht der
Nationalen Plattform Elektromobilität, 2011.
European Commission Information Society and Media
National Electric Mobility Platform. Dritter Bericht der
Directorate General. ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicle: Re-
Nationalen Plattform Elektromobilität, 2012.
search Needs and Challenges Ahead, 2010.
National Electric Mobility Platform. Fortschrittsbericht
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Federal
2014 – Bilanz der Marktvorbereitung, 2014.
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and
Nuclear Safety and Federal Ministry of Education and
Oliver Wyman. Automotivemanager I/2010, 2010. Verband
Research. National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology In-
der Automobilindustrie (VDA), Wissmann: German auto-
novation Programme, 2006.
motive industry leads in CO2 reduction, 2011.
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Energy
Concept for an Environmentally Sound, Reliable and Afford-
able Energy Supply, 2010.
Germany Trade and Invest
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Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward in-
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