1) What Is A Link?
1) What Is A Link?
1) What Is A Link?
A link refers to the connectivity between two devices. It includes the type of
cables and protocols used in order for one device to be able to
communicate with the other.
There are 7 OSI layers: Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer,
Transport Layer, Session Layer, Presentation Layer and Application Layer.
4) What is a LAN?
LAN is short for Local Area Network. It refers to the connection between
computers and other network devices that are located within a small
physical location.
5) What is a node?
A node refers to a point or joint where a connection takes place. It can be
computer or device that is part of a network. Two or more nodes are
needed in order to form a network connection.
Routers can connect two or more network segments. These are intelligent
network devices that store information in its routing table such as paths,
hops and bottlenecks. With this info, they are able to determine the best
path for data transfer. Routers operate at the OSI Network Layer.
15) What is the job of the Network Layer under the OSI
reference model?
The Network layer is responsible for data routing, packet switching and
control of network congestion. Routers operate under this layer.
16) How does a network topology affect your decision in
setting up a network?
RIP, short for Routing Information Protocol is used by routers to send data
from one network to another. It efficiently manages routing data by
broadcasting its routing table to all other routers within the network. It
determines the network distance in units of hops.
There are several ways to do this. Install reliable and updated anti-virus
program on all computers. Make sure firewalls are setup and configured
properly. User authentication will also help a lot. All of these combined
would make a highly secured network.
NIC is short for Network Interface Card. This is a peripheral card that is
attached to a PC in order to connect to a network. Every NIC has its own
MAC address that identifies the PC on the network.
The physical layer does the conversion from data bits to electrical signal,
and vice versa. This is where network devices and cable types are
considered and setup.
There are four layers: the Network Layer, Internet Layer, Transport Layer
and Application Layer.
This layer provides the protocols and means for two devices on the network
to communicate with each other by holding a session. This includes setting
up the session, managing information exchange during the session, and
tear-down process upon termination of the session.
The 10 refers to the data transfer rate, in this case is 10Mbps. The word
Base refers to base band, as oppose to broad band. T means twisted pair,
which is the cable used for that network.
The TCP/IP Application layer actually has three counterparts on the OSI
model: the Session layer, Presentation Layer and Application Layer.
OSPF, or Open Shortest Path First, is a link-state routing protocol that uses
routing tables to determine the best possible path for data exchange.
Star topology consists of a central hub that connects to nodes. This is one
of the easiest to setup and maintain.
One major disadvantage of star topology is that once the central hub or
switch get damaged, the entire network becomes unusable.
41) What is SLIP?
Tracert is a Windows utility program that can used to trace the route taken
by data from the router to the destination network. It also shows the
number of hops taken during the entire transmission route.
When you are accessing the resources that are shared by one of the
workstations on the network, that workstation takes a performance hit.
DHCP is short for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Its main task is to
automatically assign an IP address to devices across the network. It first
checks for the next available address not yet taken by any device, then
assigns this to a network device.
Routers have built in console that lets you configure different settings, like
security and data logging. You can assign restrictions to computers, such
as what resources it is allowed access, or what particular time of the day
they can browse the internet. You can even put restrictions on what
websites are not viewable across the entire network.
Default gateways provide means for the local networks to connect to the
external network. The default gateway for connecting to the external
network is usually the address of the external router port.
Good passwords are made up of not just letters, but by combining letters
and numbers. A password that combines uppercase and lowercase letters
is favorable than one that uses all upper case or all lower case letters.
Passwords must be not words that can easily be guessed by hackers, such
as dates, names, favorites, etc. Longer passwords are also better than
short ones.
The proper termination for unshielded twisted pair network cable is 100
57) What happens when you use cables longer than the
prescribed length?
Cables that are too long would result in signal loss. This means that data
transmission and reception would be affected, because the signal degrades
over length.
Peer to peer are networks that does not reply on a server. All PCs on this
network act as individual workstations.
DNS is Domain Name System. The main function of this network service is
to provide host names to TCP/IP address resolution.
For Class A, there are 126 possible networks and 16,777,214 hosts
For Class B, there are 16,384 possible networks and 65,534 hosts
For Class C, there are 2,097,152 possible networks and 254 hosts
The following are the protocols under TCP/IP Application layer: FTP, TFTP,
Telnet and SMTP.
Yes, you can connect two computers together using only one cable. A
crossover type cable can be use in this scenario. In this setup, the data
transmit pin of one cable is connected to the data receive pin of the other
cable, and vice versa.
74) When you move the NIC cards from one PC to another
PC, does the MAC address gets transferred as well?
Yes, that’s because MAC addresses are hard-wired into the NIC circuitry,
not the PC. This also means that a PC can have a different MAC address
when the NIC card was replace by another one.
SMTP is short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This protocol deals with all
Internal mail, and provides the necessary mail delivery services on the
TCP/IP protocol stack.
In the event that one link fails, there will always be another available. Mesh
topology is actually one of the most fault-tolerant network topology.
Profiles are the configuration settings made for each user. A profile may be
created that puts a user in a group, for example.
There are 4 protocols that are being managed by this layer. These are
95) When it comes to networking, what are rights?
[B] upto next intermediate node is allocated before the transmission of message begins
Answer Option A
Answer Option B
No explaination
Answer Option B
Packet switched networks allow different speed links. This network arranges all
transmitted data suitable sized block called packets.
Switching systems
Answer Option B
No explaination.
Which of the following requires that all channels in a message transmission path be of
the same speed ?
Answer Option B
Answer Option B
[B] 3
[C] 4
Answer Option A
Primary ring and secondary ring are the two fiber rings used in FDDI cabling.
Answer Option A
FDDI access mechanism is similar to that of IEEE 802.5 which is a standard of Token
ring network.
Answer Option C
Frame relay is a wide area network topology and it uses connection oriented packet
Answer Option A
In ethernet bus topology is used. In this topology all the nodes in the network are
connected to a single cable called bus.
The physical connection between an end point and a switch or between two switches is
Answer Option A
No explaination.
Answer Option C
SONET stands for Synchronous Optical Network. It is a high performance switching and
multiplexing technology.
[A] Modem
[C] Repeater
[D] Router
Answer Option B
[B] 64 Mbps
[C] 10 Kbps
[D] 10 Mbps
Answer Option D