About NITK National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
About NITK National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
About NITK National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Queen’s University Belfast with a PhD in Civil National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal is SURATHKAL, MANGALORE – 575025
Engineering in 2007 on development of a non- located in Mangalore (also called Mangaluru) City, Karnataka
destructive test for concrete in chloride State, India. NITK is a centrally funded technical institute and
environments. In 2008 he joined the School as a was established in the year 1960. NITK is a premier institution
lecturer and was instrumental in developing MSc in Durability engaged in imparting quality technical education and providing
of Structures and Course Whole Life Management of Structures. support to research and development activities. NITK is
He is currently a senior lecturer in the School of Natural and recognized as an institute of national importance by an act of
Built Environment. The in situ test he developed through his Indian parliament. NITK has carved a niche for itself among the
PhD for assessing chloride transport through concrete and the best technical institutions in India. NITK has been consistently A Five Day
instrument is commercialised through Amphora Non- ranked among the top ten technical institutions in the
Destructive Ltd., His recently completed EPSRC funded project country. Today, the institute offers 9 B.Tech, 27 post graduate
developed retrofit decision tool for converging energy and doctoral programmes in all its 14 Departments and is
efficiency measures, this simplified coding is licenced to making significant advances in R&D and outreach activities.
Energenius for integration with their Smart energy NITK is probably the only institution in the country which can
management system for social landlords. Through his research boast of its own beach. Course on
he maintains a balance between material technology, building
About the Department
performance and structural efficiency and to date has managed
The Department of Civil Engineering is the one of the oldest
Whole Life Management of Concrete
research income of over £1.9m. He is the immediate past
president of Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland
departments of this institute, which established in the year Structures-Theory to Practice
1960. The department presently offers one B.Tech, six post
and is a member of RILEM technical committees 230-PSC, 247-
graduate and doctoral programmes in various disciplines. The 10-14 September 2018
DTA and newly formed CIM.
department has well experienced faculty, skilled technical staff Call for Registration and Participation
Host Faculty/Course coordinator and well equipped laboratories. It is recognised QIP centre for
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Das is currently serving as training of faculty from other engineering colleges and Resource Person
polytechnics. The department has been always in the forefront
Assistant Professor at National Institute of Dr. Sree Nanukuttan
Technology Karnataka, Surathkal since May in taking up R&D initiatives and industrial consultancy
Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering,
2015. Prior, he was serving as a Senior Associate assignments.
School of Natural and Built Environment,
Professor and Centre Head at National Institute For more information: Queen’s University Belfast, BT9 5AG, UK
of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), Goa
campus. He has been working as a Post-Doctoral Research Course coordinator
Associate and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Das
Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Das
Engineering at Lawrence Technological University, Southfield,
Michigan, USA. His area of research includes project National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Organised by
management, green construction management, microstructure Surathkal, Mangalore – 575025, Karnataka, India.
characterization of materials, non-destructive testing of Phone no: +91-8050765791 (M), 0824-2473970 (L). Department of Civil Engineering
concrete structures, corrosion of reinforcement and durability E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal,
studies on concrete. Mangalore-575 025 Karnataka, India
Course Overview (4) concept of maintenance management of civil infrastructure Registration Process
and its importance in the sustainability of the construction
Historically, civil engineering structures were designed and Stage-1: Web Portal Registration: Visit
constructed with a view to minimise the initial construction http://www.gian.iitkgp.ac.in/GREGN/index and create login
costs. However, with increasing maintenance, repair and Intellectual Abilities to: (1) inspect/assess various types of User ID and Password. Fill up the blank registration form and do
rehabilitation costs of structures, it is now evident that material structures in an attempt to determine their existing condition web registration by paying Rs. 500/- online through Net
durability plays a vital role in the long term deterioration of and likely durability; (2) concepts, tools and techniques for Banking/Debit/Credit card. This provides the user with life time
structures and appropriate whole life management strategies whole life management and their application through case registration to enrol in any number of GIAN courses offered.
are vitally important for achieving a low whole life cost. This studies so that decision-making uncertainty can be reduced on
Stage-2: Course Registration: Login to the GIAN portal with the
course provides an overview of concrete as a major the basis of sound management principles; (3) make effective
user ID and Password already created in Step 1. Click on Course
construction material, the defects and natural and accelerated choice between competing alternatives based on whole life
ageing of concrete in the exposure environments and related management concept so that the whole life costs of structures Registration option at the top of Registration form. Select the
material deterioration are the core topics. Further topics can be reduced. Course titled “Concrete: Microstructure Characterisation” from
include, test methods for quantifying the ageing and the list and click on Save option. Confirm your registration by
Practical Skills to: (1) appreciate strengths and limitations of
deterioration, specification and service life planning for new clicking on Confirm Course.
different inspection techniques and test methods; (2) compare
infrastructure, life cycle costing, life cycle impact assessment, strengths and limitations of different repair strategies and Selection and Mode of Payment
maintenance management and longevity of structures and end methods of maintaining a structure under different exposure
of life management. Emphasis will be given on non-destructive On registration in the course, selected candidates will be
conditions; (3) appreciate the durability design principles and
methods for structural assessment including on site techniques intimated through e-mail. They have to remit the required
their role in reducing the whole life costs of structures; (4) carry
and sensor based measurements. The course will be equally course fee through DD drawn in favour of Director, NITK
out Service Life Predictions for concrete structures exposed to
beneficial to asset managers, concrete specifiers, consultants Surathkal, payable at Surathkal.
selected extreme environments.
and researchers. Several case studies will be discussed in order In addition to the above fee, one-time online fee of Rs. 500/- is
to relate the knowledge from this course to structures in The course will enhance the following transferable skills: (1)
to be paid for registration in the GIAN web portal. (See
service. International expert(s) with demonstrated credentials critically investigate mechanisms of deterioration of structures
registration process stage 1)
in teaching, research, consulting, and training will be part of the in service; (2) demonstrate the usefulness of service life
course to deliver lectures, and discuss various case studies and planning in achieving infrastructure sustainability; (3) the ability Registration/Course Fee (Non-refundable)
real life experience of modelling. The course will be planned and to apply whole life value concept to a civil engineering project.
Participants from abroad: US $ 100 (students), US $ 200 (others)
offered as per the norms set by NITK Surathkal. Topics to be covered Industry/ Research Organizations: Rs. 5000/-
Course Objectives Academic Institutions: Rs. ₹ 1500 (students), Rs. ₹ 3000 (others)
Introduction to the concept of Whole Life Management,
Methods used to repair and maintain concrete structures, Life Note: Maximum number of Participants: 50 (Participants will be
Successful completion of the course will lead to the following
Cycle Assessment Models & Calculations. selected on first-cum-first serve basis). The Registration fee
learning outcomes:
Who can participate? includes instructional materials and tutorials.
Knowledge and understanding of: (1) methods to investigate
the causes of deterioration and defects in concrete structures; Executives, engineers (government, PSU and Private) and Accommodation
(2) concept of whole life value and the benefit of whole life researchers from manufacturing, service and government
Out station participants can be provided accommodation in the
value based approach over conventional deemed-to-satisfy organizations including R&D laboratories.
Institute Guest Houses (limited accommodation on first-cum-
approach; (3) carry out service life planning and material and Students at all levels (B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech/Ph.D) or Faculty first serve basis) inside the campus on direct payment. The
environmental factors that influence the service life prediction; from academic institutions and technical institutions. Registration fee does not include lodging and boarding.
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
MHRD Scheme on Global Initiative for Academic Networks (GIAN)
Advance Level Course
“Whole Life Management of Concrete Structures-Theory to Practice”
Duration: 10-09-2018 to 14-09-2018
Registration Form
1. Name of applicant: ___________________________________________________________________
5. Email: ______________________________________________________________________________
6. Qualification: ________________________________________________________________________
I agree to abide by the rules and the regulations governing the GIAN–MHRD Course and I will attend
the course for entire duration.
Note:1. Filled registration form with Demand Draft should be send to the course coordinator.
2. Demand draft drawn in favour of Director, NITK Surathkal, payable at Surathkal