Installation Operation Manual 30XA 252 1702

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Unit with options 23A, 258 and 279

Air-Cooled Screw Chillers

30XA “A”

Nominal cooling capacity: 267-1682 kW - 50Hz

Original document
1 - INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 - Installation safety considerations............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 - Equipment and components under pressure......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 - Maintenance safety considerations......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 - Repair safety considerations.................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 - PRELIMINARY CHECKS....................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 - Check equipment received....................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 - Moving and siting the unit........................................................................................................................................................ 8
3 - DIMENSIONS, CLEARANCES............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1 - 30XA 252-352 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 252-302 - Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)... 10
3.2 - 30XA 402-452-504 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 352-452 - Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255).......... 10
3.3 - 30XA 502 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 502 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)...............................11
3.4 - 30XA 602-802-854-904 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 602-702 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)............. 11
3.5 - 30XA 852-1004 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 752-852 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255).............12
3.6 - 30XA 1002 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 902-1002 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)...................12
3.7 - 30XA 1112, 1114, 1212, 1214, 1312, 1382 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1112, 1212, 1312, 1382 Cu/Al
heat exchanger (option 254/255)........................................................................................................................................... 13
3.8 - 30XA 1454 MCHE heat exchanger (standard)................................................................................................................... 13
3.9 - 30XA 1402-1502 module 1/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1402-1502 module 1/2 - Cu/Al heat
exchanger (option 254/255)...................................................................................................................................................................14
3.10 - 30XA 1402-1502 module 2/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1402-1502 module 2/2 - Cu/Al heat
exchanger (option 254/255).................................................................................................................................................................14
3.11 - 3 0XA 1702 module 1/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1702 module 1/2 - Cu/Al heat exchanger
(option 254/255).....................................................................................................................................................................................15
3.12 - 3 0XA 1702 module 2/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1702 module 2/2 - Cu/Al heat exchanger
(option 254/255).....................................................................................................................................................................................15
3.13 - Multiple chiller installation.................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.14 - Distance to the wall............................................................................................................................................................... 16
4 - PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL DATA FOR 30XA UNITS......................................................................................... 17
4.1 - Physical data 30XA 252-852 - standard units and units with option 119* ....................................................................... 17
4.1 - Physical data 30XA 904-1454 - standard units and units with option 119* (continued)................................................ 18
4.1 - Physical data 30XA 1102-1702 - standard units and units with option 119* (continued).............................................. 19
4.2 - Physical data 30XA 252-902 - units with option 254 and 255**........................................................................................ 20
4.2 - Physical data 30XA 1002-1702 - units with option 254 and 255** (continued)............................................................... 21
4.3 - Short-circuit stability current for all units............................................................................................................................ 21
4.4 - Electrical data.......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 - Electrical data (continued).................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.4 - Electrical data (continued).................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4 - Electrical data (continued) ................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.4 - Electrical data (continued) ................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.5 - Compressor electrical data..................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.6 - Compressor usage per circuit (A, B, C, D)........................................................................................................................... 27
4.7 - Electrical data, optional hydronic module..........................................................................................................................................29
5 - ELECTRICAL CONNECTION............................................................................................................................................. 30
5.1 - Power supply............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
5.2 - Voltage phase imbalance (%)................................................................................................................................................ 30
5.3 - Power connection/disconnect switch..................................................................................................................................... 30
5.4 - Recommended wire sections................................................................................................................................................. 30
5.5 - Power cable entry.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.6 - Field control wiring................................................................................................................................................................. 31
6 - APPLICATION DATA............................................................................................................................................................ 32
6.1 - Operating range....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.2 - Minimum chilled water flow (units without hydronic module)......................................................................................... 32
6.3 - Maximum chilled water flow (units without hydronic module)........................................................................................ 32
6.4 - Variable flow evaporator........................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.5 - System minimum water volume............................................................................................................................................ 33
6.6 - Maximum system water volume............................................................................................................................................ 33
6.7 - Evaporator water flow rate.................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.8 - Evaporator pressure drop curve............................................................................................................................................ 34

7 - WATER CONNECTIONS....................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.1 - Operating precautions............................................................................................................................................................ 35
7.2 - Victaulic water connections.................................................................................................................................................... 36
7.3 - Flow control............................................................................................................................................................................. 37
7.4 - Evaporator water box bolt tightening.................................................................................................................................. 37
7.5 - Frost protection....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.6 - O
 peration of two units in master/slave mode (option 58).................................................................................................. 37
7.7 - Pump characteristics............................................................................................................................................................... 38
8 - FREE-COOLING OPTION (OPTION 118A)..................................................................................................................... 39
8.1 - Physical data, 30XA units with free-cooling option (option 118A).................................................................................. 39
8.2 - Operating limits....................................................................................................................................................................... 39
8.3 - Operation................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
9 - HEAT RECLAIM CONDENSER OPTION (OPTION 50).............................................................................................. 40
9.1 - Physical data, 30XA units with heat reclaim condenser option......................................................................................... 40
9.2 - Dimensions, clearances........................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.3 - Condenser location................................................................................................................................................................. 44
9.4 - Condenser water connections................................................................................................................................................ 44
9.5 - Operating limits for stable operation (no mode changeover)........................................................................................... 44
9.6 - Operating limits for changeover between modes ............................................................................................................... 45
9.7 - Flow control............................................................................................................................................................................. 45
9.8 - Heat reclaim operation........................................................................................................................................................... 45
9.9 - Condenser pump selection..................................................................................................................................................... 45
9.10 - Frost protection..................................................................................................................................................................... 46
10 - FANS WITH AVAILABLE PRESSURE (OPTION 10).................................................................................................. 46
11 - MAJOR SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND OPERATION DATA.................................................................................... 46
11.1 - D
 irect-drive twin-screw compressor with variable capacity slide valve......................................................................... 46
11.2 - Pressure vessels..................................................................................................................................................................... 46
11.3 - High-pressure safety switch................................................................................................................................................. 47
11.4 - Condensers............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
11.5 - Fans......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
11.6 - Electronic expansion valve (EXV)..................................................................................................................................... 48
11.7 - Moisture indicator................................................................................................................................................................. 48
11.8 - Filter drier.............................................................................................................................................................................. 48
11.9 - Sensors.................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
11.10 - Service valve (option 92).................................................................................................................................................... 48
11.11 - P
 ower factor correction capacitors
(option 231).......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
12 - MAIN OPTIONS..................................................................................................................................................................... 50
13 - STANDARD MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................................................... 52
13.1 - Level 1 maintenance............................................................................................................................................................. 52
13.2 - Level 2 maintenance............................................................................................................................................................. 52
13.3 - Level 3 (or higher) maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 52
13.4 - Tightening torques for the main electrical connections.................................................................................................... 53
13.5 - Tightening torques for the main bolts and screws............................................................................................................. 53
13.6 - Condenser coil....................................................................................................................................................................... 53
13.7 - Evaporator maintenance...................................................................................................................................................... 55
13.8 - Compressor maintenance..................................................................................................................................................... 55
13.9 - Precaution for compressor power supply bus bar connection......................................................................................... 55
13.10 - Check of power factor correction capacitors................................................................................................................... 55
14 - START-UP CHECKLIST FOR 30XA LIQUID CHILLERS (USE FOR JOB FILE)................................................ 56

The illustrations on the front cover and inside this document are for illustrative purposes only and not part of any offer for
sale or contract.

1 - INTRODUCTION Safety is only guaranteed, if these instructions are carefully
followed. If this is not the case, there is a risk of material
The 30XA Aquaforce units are designed to cool water for deterioration and injuries to personnel.
the air conditioning of buildings and industrial processes. DO NOT COVER ANY PROTECTION DEVICES.
Prior to the initial start-up of the 30XA units, the people This applies to fuse plugs and relief valves (if used) in the
involved in the on-site installation, start-up, operation, and refrigerant or heat transfer medium circuits. Check if the
maintenance of this unit should be thoroughly familiar with original protection plugs are still present at the valve outlets.
these instructions and the specific project data for the These plugs are generally made of plastic and should not be
installation site. used. If they are still present, please remove them. Install
They are designed for an operating life of 15 years by devices at the valve outlets or drain piping that prevent the
assuming a 75% utilisation factor; that is approximately penetration of foreign bodies (dust, building debris, etc.)
100,000 operating hours. and atmospheric agents (water can form rust or ice). These
devices, as well as the drain piping, must not impair operation
The 30XA liquid chillers are designed to provide a very high and not lead to a pressure drop that is higher than 10% of
level of safety during installation, start-up, operation and the control pressure.
maintenance. They will provide safe and reliable service when
operated within their application range. Classification and control
This manual provides the necessary information to familiarize In accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive and
yourself with the control system before performing start-up national usage monitoring regulations in the European
procedures. The procedures in this manual are arranged in Union the protection devices for these machines are classified
the sequence required for machine installation, start-up, as follows:
operation and maintenance. Safety Over-pressure protection**
accessory* in case of an external fire
Always ensure that all required safety measures are followed, Refrigerant side
including those in this document, such as, wearing protective High-pressure switch x
clothing (gloves, ear defenders, safety glasses and shoes), using External relief valve*** x
Rupture disk x
appropriate tools, employing qualified and skilled technicians
Fuse plug x
(electricians, refrigeration engineers) and following local Heat transfer fluid side
regulations. External relief valve **** ****

To find out, if these products comply with European directives * Classified for protection in normal service situations.
** Classified for protection in abnormal service situations. These accessories are
(machine safety, low voltage, electromagnetic compatibility, sized for fires with a thermal flow of 10kW/m². No combustible matter should be
equipment under pressure etc.) check the declarations of placed within 6.5m of the unit.
*** The instantaneous over-pressure limited to 10% of the operating pressure does
conformity for these products. not apply to this abnormal service situation. The control pressure can be higher
than the service pressure. In this case either the design temperature or the
high-pressure switch ensures that the service pressure is not exceeded in normal
1.1 - Installation safety considerations service situations.
**** The selection of these discharge valves must be made by the personnel responsible
for completing the hydronic installation
Access to the unit must be reserved to authorised personnel,
qualified and trained in monitoring and maintenance. The Do not remove these valves and fuses, even if the fire risk is
access limitation device must be installed by the customer under control for a particular installation. There is no
(e.g. cut-off, enclosure). guarantee that the accessories are re-installed if the installation
is changed or for transport with a gas charge.
After the unit has been received, when it is ready to be installed
When the unit is subjected to fire, safety devices prevent rupture
or reinstalled, and before it is started up, it must be inspected
due to over-pressure by releasing the refrigerant. The fluid may
for damage. Check that the refrigerant circuit(s) is (are) intact,
then be decomposed into toxic residues when subjected to the
especially that no components or pipes have shifted (e.g.
following a shock). If in doubt, carry out a leak tightness check
-- Stay away from the unit.
and verify with the manufacturer that the circuit integrity has
-- Set up warnings and recommendations for personnel in
not been impaired. If damage is detected upon receipt,
charge to stop the fire.
immediately file a claim with the shipping company.
-- Fire extinguishers appropriate to the system and the
Carrier strongly recommends employing a specialised refrigerant type must be easily accessible
company to unload the machine. All factory-installed relief valves are lead-sealed to prevent
Do not remove the skid or the packaging until the unit is in any calibration change. If the relief valves are installed on
its final position. These units can be moved with a fork lift a change-over valve, this is equipped with a relief valve on
truck, as long as the forks are positioned in the right place each of the two outlets. Only one of the two relief valves is
and direction on the unit. in operation, the other one is isolated. Never leave the
change-over valve in the intermediate position, i.e. with both
The units can also be lifted with slings, using only the ways open (Bring the actuator in abutment, front or back
designated lifting points marked on the unit. according to the outlet to isolate).
These units are not designed to be lifted from above. Use If a relief valve is removed for checking or replacement
slings with the correct capacity, and always follow the lifting please ensure that there is always an active relief valve on
instructions on the certified drawings supplied with the unit. each of the change-over valves installed in the unit.

The external relief valves must always be connected to drain 1.3 - Maintenance safety considerations
pipes for units installed in a closed room. Refer to the
installation regulations, for example those of European Carrier recommends the following drafting for a logbook
standard EN 378 and EN 13136. (the table below should not be considered as reference and
These pipes must be installed in a way that ensures that does not involve Carrier responsibility):
people and property are not exposed to refrigerant leaks. As Intervention Name of the Applicable Verification
the fluids can be diffused in the air, ensure that the outlet is Date Nature (1)
commissioning national Organism
engineer regulations
far away from any building air intake, or that they are
discharged in a quantity that is appropriate for a suitably
absorbing environment.
Periodic check of the relief valves: See chapter 1.3 -
“Maintenance safety considerations”. (1) Maintenance, repairs, regular verifications (EN 378), leakage, etc.

Provide a drain in the drain pipe, close to each relief valve, Engineers working on the electric or refrigeration components
to avoid an accumulation of condensate or rain water. must be authorized, trained and fully qualified to do so.

All precautions concerning handling of refrigerant must be All refrigerant circuit repairs must be carried out by a trained
observed in accordance with local regulations. person, fully qualified to work on these units. He must have
been trained and be familiar with the equipment and the
Ensure good ventilation, as accumulation of refrigerant in installation. All welding operations must be carried out by
an enclosed space can displace oxygen and cause asphyxiation qualified specialists.
or explosions.
Any manipulation (opening or closing) of a shut-off valve
Inhalation of high concentrations of vapour is harmful and must be carried out by a qualified and authorised engineer.
may cause heart irregularities, unconsciousness, or death. These procedures must be carried out with the unit shut-down.
Vapour is heavier than air and reduces the amount of oxygen
available for breathing. These products cause eye and skin NOTE: The unit must never be left shut down with the liquid
irritation. Decomposition products are hazardous. line valve closed, as liquid refrigerant can be trapped between
this valve and the expansion device and lead to the risk of
1.2 - Equipment and components under pressure a pressure increase. This valve is situated on the liquid line
before the filter drier box.
These products incorporate equipment or components under During any handling, maintenance and service operations
pressure, manufactured by Carrier or other manufacturers. the engineers working on the unit must be equipped with
We recommend that you consult your appropriate national safety gloves, glasses, shoes and protective clothing.
trade association or the owner of the equipment or Never work on a unit that is still energized.
components under pressure (declaration, re-qualification,
retesting, etc.). The characteristics of this equipment/these Never work on any of the electrical components, until the
components are given on the nameplate or in the required general power supply to the unit has been cut using the
documentation, supplied with the products. disconnect switch(es) in the control box(es).
These units are intended to be stored and operated in an If any maintenance operations are carried out on the unit,
environment where the ambient temperature must be not lock the power supply circuit in the open position ahead of
less than the lowest allowable temperature indicated on the the machine.
nameplate. If the work is interrupted, always ensure that all circuits are
Do not introduce significant static or dynamic pressure with still deenergized before resuming the work.
regard to the operating pressures used during operation or ATTENTION: Even if the unit has been switched off, the
for tests in the refrigerant circuit or in the heat exchange power circuit remains energized, unless the unit or circuit
circuits. disconnect switch is open. Refer to the wiring diagram for
See section “11.2 - Pressure vessels”. further details. Attach appropriate safety labels.
Units with option 231 are equipped with capacitor batteries
with a discharge time of five (5) minutes after disconnecting
the power. After disconnecting the power to the control box,
wait five minutes before opening the control box. Before any
intervention, verify that there is no voltage present at any
accessible conducting parts of the power circuit.
Operating checks:
Important information regarding the refrigerant used:
-- This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gas covered
by the Kyoto protocol.
Fluid type: R134a
Global Warming Potential (GWP): 1430

CAUTION: The company or organisation that conducts a pressure switch
test must establish and implement detailed procedures for:
1. Any intervention on the refrigerant circuit of this product
should be performed in accordance with the applicable -- Safety measures
legislation. In the EU, the regulation is called F-Gas, -- Measuring equipment calibration
N°517/2014 -- Validating operation of protective devices
-- Test protocols
2. Ensure that the refrigerant is never released to the -- Recommissioning of the equipment.
atmosphere during installation, maintenance or
Consult Carrier Service for this type of test. Carrier mentions
equipment disposal.
here only the principle of a test without removing the pressure
3. The deliberate gas release into the atmosphere is not switch:
allowed. -- Verify and record the set-points of pressure switches and
4. If a refrigerant leak is detected, ensure that it is stopped relief devices (valves and possible rupture discs)
and repaired as quickly as possible. -- Be ready to switch-off the main disconnect switch of the
power supply if the pressure switch does not trigger
5. Only a qualified and certified personnel can perform (avoid over-pressure or excess gas in case of valves on
installation operations, maintenance, refrigerant circuit the high-pressure side with the recovery condensers)
leak test as well as the equipment disposal and the -- Connect a pressure gauge protected against pulsations
refrigerant recovering. (filled with oil with maximum pointer if mechanical),
6. The gas recovery for recycling, regeneration or preferably calibrated (the values displayed on the user
destruction is at customer charge. interface may be inaccurate in an instant reading because
of the scanning delay applied in the control)
7. Periodic leak tests have to be carried out by the customer -- Complete an HP Test as provided by the software (refer
or by third parties. The EU regulation set the periodicity to the Control IOM for details).
here after:
If the machine operates in a corrosive environment, inspect
System WITHOUT the protection devices more frequently.
No Check 12 Months 6 Months 3 Months
leakage detection
System WITH leakage Regularly carry out leak tests and immediately repair any
No Check 24 Months 12 Months 6 Months
Refrigerant charge/circuit 5 ≤ Charge 50 ≤ Charge Charge >
leaks. Ensure regularly that the vibration levels remain
< 5 Tons
(CO2 equivalent) < 50 Tons < 500 Tons 500 Tons* acceptable and close to those at the initial unit start-up.
R134A Charge 3.5 ≤ Charge 34.9 ≤ Charge Charge >
(GWP 1430) < 3.5 kg < 34.9 kg < 349.7 kg 349.7 kg Before opening a refrigerant circuit, purge and consult the
R407C Charge 2.8 ≤ Charge 28.2 ≤ Charge Charge > pressure gauges.
(GWP 1774) < 2.8 kg < 28.2 kg < 281.9 kg 281.9 kg
R410A Charge 2.4 ≤ Charge 23.9 ≤ Charge Charge > Change the refrigerant after an equipment failure, following
Circuit (kg)
(GWP 2088) < 2.4 kg < 23.9 kg < 239.5 kg 239.5 kg
a procedure such as the one described in NF E29-795 or
No requirement
R1234ze carry out a refrigerant analysis in a specialist laboratory.
* From 01/01/2017, units must be equipped with a leakage detection system
Plug all openings whenever the refrigerant circuit is opened
* From 01/01/2017, units must be equipped with a leakage detection system
for up to one day. For longer openings place a nitrogen
8. A logbook must be established for equipments subject charge in the circuit.
to periodic leak tests. It should contain the quantity
and the type of fluid present within the installation 1.4 - Repair safety considerations
(added and recovered), the quantity of recycled fluid,
regenerated or destroyed, the date and output of the
All installation parts must be maintained by the personnel in
leak test, the designation of the operator and its belonging
charge, in order to avoid material deterioration and injuries
company, etc.
to people. Faults and leaks must be repaired immediately.
9. Contact your local dealer or installer if you have any The authorized technician must have the responsibility to
questions. repair the fault immediately. After each repair of the unit,
The information on operating inspections given in annex C check the operation of the protection devices and create a
of standard EN 378 can be used if no similar criteria exist report of the parameter operation at 100%.
in the national regulations. Comply with the regulations and recommendations in unit
While working in the fan area, especially when grilles or and HVAC installation safety standards, such as: EN 378, ISO
casings are removed, disconnect the fan power supply to 5149, etc.
prevent their automatic restart.
If a leak occurs or if the refrigerant becomes contaminated
Protection device checks: (e.g. by a short circuit in a motor) remove the complete charge
-- If no national regulations exist, check the protection using a recovery unit and store the refrigerant in mobile
devices on site in accordance with standard EN 378: containers.
Once a year for the high-pressure switches, every five
Repair the leak detected and recharge the circuit with the
years for external relief valves.
total R-134a charge, as indicated on the unit name plate.
Certain parts of the circuit can be isolated. Only charge liquid
refrigerant R-134a at the liquid line.
Ensure that you are using the correct refrigerant type before
recharging the unit. Charging any refrigerant other than the

original charge type (R-134a) will impair machine operation All these devices are provided with the units. Please refer to
and even destroy the compressors. The compressors operating the certified dimensional drawings for the units.
with this refrigerant type are lubricated with a synthetic Do not re-use disposable (non-returnable) cylinders or
polyolester oil. attempt to refill them. It is dangerous and illegal. When
cylinders are empty, evacuate the remaining gas pressure,
RISK OF EXPLOSION: and move the cylinders to a place designated for their recovery.
Never use air or a gas containing oxygen during leak tests Do not incinerate them.
to purge lines or to pressurise a machine. Pressurised air ATTENTION: Only use refrigerant R134a, in accordance
mixtures or gases containing oxygen can be the cause of an with 700 AHRI (Air conditioning, Heating and Refrigertion
explosion. Institute). The use of any other refrigerant may expose users
Only use dry nitrogen for leak tests, possibly with an and operators to unexpected risks.
appropriate tracer gas. Do not attempt to remove refrigerant circuit components or
If the recommendations above are not observed, this can fittings, while the machine is under pressure or while it is
have serious or even fatal consequences and damage the running. Be sure pressure is at 0 kPa and that the unit has
installation. been shut-down and de-energised before removing components
or opening a circuit.
Never exceed the specified maximum operating pressures.
Do not attempt to repair or recondition any safety devices
Verify the allowable maximum high- and low-side test
when corrosion or build-up of foreign material (rust, dirt,
pressures by checking the instructions in this manual and
scale, etc.) is found within the valve body or mechanism. If
the pressures given on the unit name plate.
necessary, replace the device. Do not install relief valves in
Do not unweld or flamecut the refrigerant lines or any series or backwards.
refrigerant circuit component until all refrigerant (liquid ATTENTION: No part of the unit must be used as a walk-way,
and vapour) as well as the oil have been removed from rack or support. Periodically check and repair or if necessary
chiller. Traces of vapour should be displaced with dry air replace any component or piping that shows signs of damage.
nitrogen. Refrigerant in contact with an open flame produces
The refrigerant lines can break under the weight and release
toxic gases.
refrigerant, causing personal injury.
The necessary protection equipment must be available, and Do not climb on a machine. Use a platform, or staging to
appropriate fire extinguishers for the system and the work at higher levels.
refrigerant type used must be within easy reach.
Use mechanical lifting equipment (crane, hoist, winch, etc.)
Do not siphon refrigerant. to lift or move heavy components. For lighter components,
use lifting equipment when there is a risk of slipping or
Avoid spilling liquid refrigerant on skin or splashing it into
losing your balance.
the eyes. Use safety goggles and safety gloves. Wash any
spills from the skin with soap and water. If liquid refrigerant Use only original replacement parts for any repair or
enters the eyes, immediately and abundantly flush the eyes component replacement. Consult the list of replacement
with water and consult a doctor. parts that corresponds to the specification of the original
The accidental releases of the refrigerant, due to small leaks
Do not drain water circuits containing industrial brines,
or significant discharges following the rupture of a pipe or
without informing the technical service department at the
an unexpected release from a safety valve, can cause frostbites
installation site or a competent body first.
and burns to personnel exposed. Do not ignore such injuries.
Installers, owners and especially service engineers for these Close the entering and leaving water shutoff valves and
units must: purge the unit water circuit, before working on the components
installed on the circuit (screen filter, pump, water flow switch,
-- Seek medical attention before treating such injuries.
-- Have access to a first-aid kit, especially for treating eye
injuries. Do not loosen the water box bolts until the water boxes have
been completely drained.
We recommend to apply standard EN 378-3 Annex 3.
Periodically inspect all valves, fittings and pipes of the
Never apply an open flame or live steam to a refrigerant refrigerant and hydronic circuits to ensure that they do not
container. Dangerous overpressure can result. If it is necessary show any corrosion or any signs of leaks.
to heat refrigerant, use only warm water.
It is recommended to wear ear defenders, when working near
During refrigerant removal and storage operations follow the unit and the unit is in operation.
applicable regulations. These regulations, permitting
conditioning and recovery of halogenated hydrocarbons under
optimum quality conditions for the products and optimum
safety conditions for people, property and the environment
are described in standard NF E29-795.
Any refrigerant transfer and recovery operations must be
carried out using a transfer unit. A 3/8” SAE connector on the
manual liquid line valve is supplied with all units for connection
to the transfer station. The units must never be modified to
add refrigerant and oil charging, removal and purging devices.

2 - PRELIMINARY CHECKS The unit must be checked periodically during its whole
operating life to ensure that no shocks (handling accessories,
2.1 - Check equipment received tools etc.) have damaged it. If necessary, damaged parts must
be repaired or replaced. See also chapter 13 - “Standard
•• Check that the unit has not been damaged during maintenance”.
transport and that no parts are missing. If the unit has
been damaged or the shipment is incomplete, send a 2.2 - Moving and siting the unit
claim to the shipping company.
•• Compare the name plate data with the order. The name
2.2.1 - Moving
plate is attached in two places to the unit:
-- On one of the unit sides on the outside, See chapter 1.1 “Installation safety considerations”.
-- On the control box door on the inside. In some cases vertical supports are added for the transport
•• The unit name plate must include the following and handling of the unit. These supports can be removed for
information: access or connection, if required.
-- Version number
-- Model number IMPORTANT: Follow the disassembly sequence shown in
-- CE marking the disassembly instruction notes.
-- Serial number NOTE:
•• Year of manufacture and test date -- Screw off item: 1
-- Fluid being transported -- Loosen screw item: 2
-- Refrigerant used and refrigerant class -- Raise and remove frame post item: 3
-- Refrigerant charge per circuit -- Screw off item: 4 and remove reinforcement plate item: 5
-- Containment fluid to be used
Keep the vertical supports after commissioning the units and
-- PS: Min./max. allowable pressure (high and low
re-insert them when the unit is moved.
pressure side)
-- TS: Min./max. allowable temperature (high and 2.2.2 - Siting the unit
low pressure side) The machine must be installed in a place that is not accessible
-- Pressure switch cut-out pressure to the public or protected against access by non-authorised
-- Unit leak test pressure persons.
In case of extra-high units the machine environment must
permit easy access for maintenance operations.
Always refer to the chapter 3 “Dimensions, clearances” to
confirm that there is adequate space for all connections and
service operations. For the centre of gravity coordinates, the
position of the unit mounting holes, and the weight
distribution points, refer to the certified dimensional drawing
supplied with the unit.
The support points under the chassis must have at least the
size of the chassis opening at the lifting point (minimum 220
x 180 mm) in order to prevent a deformation of the chassis.
Typical applications of these units are in refrigeration systems,
and they do not require earthquake resistance. Earthquake
resistance has not been verified.
CAUTION: Only use slings at the designated lifting points
which are marked on the unit.
Before siting the unit check that:
•• The permitted loading at the site is adequate or that
appropriate strenghtening measures have been taken.
•• The unit is installed level on an even surface (maximum
tolerance is 5 mm in both axes).
•• There is adequate space above the unit for air flow and
to ensure access to the components.
•• The number of support points is adequate and that they
are in the right places.
-- Voltage, frequency, number of phases
•• The location is not subject to flooding.
-- Maximum current drawn
•• For outdoor installations, where heavy snowfall is likely
-- Maximum power input
and long periods of sub-zero temperatures are normal,
-- Unit net weight
provision has to be made to prevent snow accumulating
•• Confirm that all accessories ordered for on-site installation
by raising the unit above the height of drifts normally
have been supplied, are complete and undamaged.
•• Baffles may be necessary to deflect strong winds. They
must not restrict air flow into the unit.
CAUTION: Before lifting the unit, check that all casing
panels are securely fixed in place. Lift and set down the unit
with great care. Tilting and jarring can damage the unit and
impair unit operation.
If 30XA units are hoisted with rigging, it is advisable to
protect coils against crushing while a unit is being moved.
Use struts or spreader bar to spread the slings above the unit.
Do not tilt a unit more than 15°.
WARNING: Never push or lever on any of the enclosure
panels of the unit. Only the base of the unit frame is designed
to withstand such stresses.
If a unit includes a hydronic module (options 116B, C, F,
G), the hydronic module and pump piping must be installed
in a way that does not submit it to any strain. The hydronic
module pipes must be fitted so that the pump does not support
the weight of the pipes.
2.2.3 - Checks before system start-up
Before the start-up of the refrigeration system, the complete
installation, including the refrigeration system must be verified
against the installation drawings, dimensional drawings, system
piping and instrumentation diagrams and the wiring diagrams.
For these checks national regulations must be followed. If
the national regulation does not specify any details, refer to
standard EN 378 as follows:
External visual installation checks:
•• Ensure that the machine is charged with refrigerant.
Verify on the unit nameplate that the ‘fluid transported’
is R134A and is not nitrogen.
•• Compare the complete installation with the refrigeration
system and power circuit diagrams.
•• Check that all components comply with the design
•• Check that all protection documents and equipment
provided by the manufacturer (dimensional drawings,
P&ID, declarations etc.) to comply with the regulations
are present.
•• Verify that the environmental safety and protection and
devices and arrangements provided by the manufacturer
to comply with the regulations are in place.
•• Verify that all documents for pressure containers,
certificates, name plates, files, instruction manuals
provided by the manufacturer to comply with the
regulations are present.
•• Verify the free passage of access and safety routes.
•• Check that ventilation in the plant room is adequate.
•• Check that refrigerant detectors are present.
•• Verify the instructions and directives to prevent the
deliberate removal of refrigerant gases that are harmful
to the environment.
•• Verify the installation of connections.
•• Verify the supports and fixing elements (materials, routing
and connection).
•• Verify the quality of welds and other joints.
•• Check the protection against mechanical damage.
•• Check the protection against heat.
•• Check the protection of moving parts.
•• Verify the accessibility for maintenance or repair and to
check the piping.
•• Verify the status of the valves.
•• Verify the quality of the thermal insulation and of the
vapour barriers.


3.1 - 30XA 252-352 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 252-302 - Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)

3.2 - 30XA 402-452-504 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 352-452 - Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)

Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit
-- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet for standard unit dimensional drawings.
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. -- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
Air outlet – do not obstruct is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.12 -
Power supply and control connection
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.13 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

3.3 - 30XA 502 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 502 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)

3.4 - 30XA 602-802-854-904 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 602-702 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)

Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit
-- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet for standard unit dimensional drawings.
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. -- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
Air outlet – do not obstruct is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.12 -
Power supply and control connection
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.13 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

3.5 - 30XA 852-1004 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 752-852 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)

3.6 - 30XA 1002 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 902-1002 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)

Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit
-- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet for standard unit dimensional drawings.
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. -- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
Air outlet – do not obstruct is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.12 -
Power supply and control connection
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.13 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

3.7 - 3
 0XA 1112, 1114, 1212, 1214, 1312, 1382 MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1112, 1212, 1312,
1382 Cu/Al heat exchanger (option 254/255)


419 X



1 2


30XA1114 : X = 9574
30XA1214 : X = 10770
30XA1112, 1212, 1312, 1382 : X = 11962

3.8 - 30XA 1454 MCHE heat exchanger (standard)

2297 HT


13156 419



Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit
-- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet for standard unit dimensional drawings.
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. -- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
Air outlet – do not obstruct is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.12 -
Power supply and control connection
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.13 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

3.9 - 3
 0XA 1402-1502 module 1/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1402-1502 module 1/2 - Cu/Al
heat exchanger (option 254/255)

To the water inlet of module 2

Module 2

3.10 - 3
 0XA 1402-1502 module 2/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1402-1502 module 2/2 - Cu/Al
heat exchanger (option 254/255)

Water inlet (to be connected to the water outlet of module 1)

Module 1

Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit
-- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet for standard unit dimensional drawings.
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. -- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
Air outlet – do not obstruct is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.12 -
Power supply and control connection
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.13 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

3.11 - 3
 0XA 1702 module 1/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1702 module 1/2 - Cu/Al heat
exchanger (option 254/255)

To the water inlet of module 2

Module 2

3.12 - 3
 0XA 1702 module 2/2 - MCHE heat exchanger (standard) and 30XA 1702 module 2/2 - Cu/Al heat
exchanger (option 254/255)

Water inlet (to be connected to the water outlet

of module 1)

Module 1

Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit
-- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet for standard unit dimensional drawings.
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. -- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
Air outlet – do not obstruct is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.12 -
Power supply and control connection
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.13 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

3.13 - Multiple chiller installation 3.14 - Distance to the wall

It is recommended to install multiple chillers in a single row, To ensure correct operation for most cases:
arranged as shown in the example below, to avoid recycling
If h < H (2.3 m), minimum S = 3 m
of warm air from one unit to another.
1.5 m
1.5 m 1.5 m
1,5 m If h > H or S < 3 m, contact your Carrier distributor to
mini mini
min. evaluate the various possible arrangements. In certain
situations an accessory (supplied loose at the time of
purchase) can be added.
If the situation at the site does not permit this arrangement,
contact your Carrier distributor to evaluate the various
possible arrangements. In certain situations an accessory
(supplied loose at the time of purchase) can be added.




4.1 - Physical data 30XA 252-852 - standard units and units with option 119*

30XA 252 302 352 402 452 504 502 602 702 752 802 854 852
Sound levels - Standard unit
Sound power level*** dB(A) 99 99 99 98 101 - 98 100 98 103 102 - 100
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 67 67 67 65 69 - 65 67 65 70 70 - 67
Standard unit + option 279*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 89 89 89 92 93 - 93 95 94 96 96 - 95
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 57 57 57 60 61 - 61 62 61 63 64 - 63
Standard unit + option 257*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 87 87 87 90 91 - 91 93 92 94 94 - 94
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 55 55 55 58 59 - 59 60 59 61 61 - 61
Standard unit + option 258*
Sound power level*** dB(A) - - - - 89 - 89 91 90 91 92 - 91
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) - - - - 57 - 56 58 57 59 59 - 59
Standard unit + option 119*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 100 100 100 100 102 100 100 102 100 104 104 102 102
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 68 68 68 68 70 68 68 69 68 71 71 70 69
Standard unit + option 119* + 279*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 94 94 95 96 96 96 96 98 97 98 99 98 98
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 62 62 63 64 64 64 64 66 64 65 66 65 65
Dimensions - standard unit
Length mm 3604 3604 3604 4798 4798 4798 5992 7186 7186 7186 7186 7186 8380
Width mm 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297
Operating weight**
Standard unit and unit + option 119* kg 3410 3450 3490 4313 4883 4903 4814 5707 5857 6157 6457 6495 6958
Compressors 06T semi-hermetic screw compressors, 50 r/s
Circuit A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant** -Standard unit R-134a
Circuit A kg 37 35 35 50,5 52 53,5 58,5 58 58 65 69 69 72
teqCO2 52,9 50,1 50,1 72,2 74,4 76,5 83,7 82,9 82,9 93,0 98,7 98,7 103,0
Circuit B kg 38,5 36 37 36,5 37 32,5 36 59 62 58 65 65 63
teqCO2 55,1 51,5 52,9 52,2 52,9 46,5 51,5 84,4 88,7 82,9 93,0 93,0 90,1
Oil charge
Circuit A l 20,8 20,8 20,8 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6
Circuit B l 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5
Capacity control Touch Pilot, electronic expansion valve (EXV)
Minimum capacity % 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Condensers All-aluminium microchannel heat exchanger (MCHE)
Fans - Standard unit Axial Flying Bird IV fans with rotating shroud
Quantity 6 6 6 8 8 - 9 11 12 12 12 - 14
Maximum total air flow l/s 20500 20500 20500 27333 27333 - 30750 37583 41000 41000 41000 - 47833
Maximum Rotation speed r/s 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 - 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 - 11,7
Standard unit + option 119*
Quantity 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 11 12 12 12 12 14
Maximum total air flow l/s 27083 27083 27083 36111 36111 36111 40625 49653 54167 54167 54167 54167 63194
Maximum Rotation speed r/s 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7
Evaporator Flooded multi-pipe type
Water content l 58 61 61 66 70 77 77 79 94 98 119 119 119
Without hydronic module
Water inlet/outlet connections Victaulic
Nominal diameter in 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6
Actual outside diameter mm 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3
Maximum water-side pressure† kPa 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
With hydronic module (option 116)
Water inlet/outlet connections Victaulic
Nominal diameter in 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 - - - - - -
Actual outside diameter mm 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 - 114,3 - - - - - -
Expansion tank valume l 50 50 50 50 50 - 80 - - - - - -
Maximum water-side pressure kPa 400 400 400 400 400 - 400 - - - - - -
Chassis paint colour Colour code: RAL7035

* Options: 119 = High energy efficiency, 257 = low noise level, 279 = compressor enclosure, 258,= very low sound level
** Weights are guidelines only. Refer to the unit nameplate.
*** in dB ref=10-12 W, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). Measured in
accordance with ISO 9614-1 and certified by Eurovent.
**** in dB ref 20µPa, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). For information,
calculated from the sound power level Lw(A).
† Max. water-side operating pressure without hydronic module.

Note: Unit sizes 30XA 1402 to 1702 are supplied in two field-assembled modules.

Eurovent certified values

4.1 - Physical data 30XA 904-1454 - standard units and units with option 119* (continued)

30XA 904 902 1004 1002 1114 1112 1214 1212 1312 1382 1454
Sound levels - Standard unit
Sound power level*** dB(A) - 104 - 101 - 103 - 102 104 104 -
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) - 71 - 68 - 70 - 69 71 71 -
Standard unit + option 279*
Sound power level*** dB(A) - 97 - 96 - 97 - 96 100 97 -
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) - 64 - 63 - 64 - 63 67 64 -
Standard unit + option 257*
Sound power level*** dB(A) - 95 - 94 - 94 - 94 99 95 -
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) - 62 - 61 - 61 - 61 66 62 -
Standard unit + option 258*
Sound power level*** dB(A) - 93 - 92 - 93 - 93 - 94 -
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) - 60 - 59 - 60 - 60 - 61 -
Standard unit + option 119*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 105 105 103 103 104 104 103 103 105 105 105
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 72 72 70 70 71 71 70 70 72 72 72
Standard unit + option 119* + 279*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 100 100 99 99 99 99 99 99 101 100 100
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 67 67 66 66 66 66 66 66 68 66 66
Dimensions - standard unit
Length mm 7186 8380 8380 9574 9574 11962 10770 11962 11962 11962 13157
Width mm 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297
Operating weight**
Standard unit + option 119* kg 7198 7258 6460 7836 7263 8210 7688 8590 9310 9390 9950
Compressors 06T semi-hermetic screw compressors, 50 r/s
Circuit A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit C - - - - - - - - - - -
Circuit D - - - - - - - - - - -
Refrigerant** -Standard unit R-134a
Circuit A kg 67 69 70,5 75 76 80 76 80 110 116 132
teqCO2 95,8 98,7 100,8 107,3 108,7 114,4 108,7 114,4 157,3 165,9 188,8
Circuit B kg 67 76 72 79 108 116 120 124 116 124 120
teqCO2 95,8 108,7 103,0 113,0 154,4 165,9 171,6 177,3 165,9 177,3 171,6
Circuit C kg - - - - - - - - - - -
teqCO2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Circuit D kg - - - - - - - - - - -
teqCO2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Oil charge R-134a
Circuit A l 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 36 36 36
Circuit B l 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Circuit C l - - - - - - - - - - -
Circuit D l - - - - - - - - - - -
Capacity control Touch Pilot, electronic expansion valve (EXV)
Minimum capacity % 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Condensers All-aluminium micro-channel heat exchanger
Fans - Standard unit Axial Flying Bird IV fans with rotating shroud
Quantity - 14 - 16 - 19 - 20 20 20 22
Total air flow l/s - 47833 - 54667 - 64917 - 68333 68333 68333 75166
Rotation speed r/s - 11,7 - 11,7 - 11,7 - 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7
Standard unit + option 119*
Quantity 12 14 14 16 16 19 18 20 20 20 22
Maximum Total air flow l/s 54167 63194 63194 72222 72222 85764 81250 90278 90278 90278 99306
Maximum Rotation speed r/s 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7
Evaporator Flooded shell-and-tube type
Water content l 130 130 140 140 164 164 174 174 180 189 189
Without hydronic module
Water inlet/outlet connections Victaulic
Nominal diameter‡ in 6 6 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Actual outside diameter‡ mm 168,3 168,3 219,1 219,1 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3
Maximum water-side pressure† kPa 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Chassis paint Colour Colour code: RAL7035

* Options: 119 = High energy efficiency, 257 = low noise level, 279 = compressor enclosure, 258,= very low sound level
** Weights are guidelines only. Refer to the unit nameplate.
*** in dB ref=10-12 W, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). Measured in
accordance with ISO 9614-1 and certified by Eurovent.
**** in dB ref 20µPa, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). For information,
calculated from the sound power level Lw(A).
† Max. water-side operating pressure without hydronic module.

Note: Unit sizes 30XA 1402 to 1702 are supplied in two field-assembled modules.

Eurovent certified values

4.1 - Physical data 30XA 1102-1702 - standard units and units with option 119* (continued)

30XA 1102 1202 1302 1352 1402 1502 1702

Sound levels - Standard unit
Sound power level*** dB(A) 102 103 102 104 103 104 103
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 69 70 69 71 69 70 69
Standard unit + option 279*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 96 96 96 97 97 97 97
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 63 63 63 64 64 64 64
Standard unit + option 257*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 95 95 95 96 96 96 96
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 61 61 61 63 62 62 62
Standard unit + option 258*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 92 - 92 93 93 93 93
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 59 - 59 60 60 60 60
Standard unit + option 119*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 104 105 104 105 105 105 105
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 71 72 71 72 72 72 71
Standard unit + option 119* + 279*
Sound power level*** dB(A) 99 99 99 99 101 101 101
Sound pressure level at 10 m**** dB(A) 66 66 66 66 68 68 67
Dimensions - standard unit
Length mm 11962 11962 11962 11962 9574/4798 9574/4798 8380/8380
Width mm 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297
Operating weight**
Standard unit + option 119* kg 9590 10020 10410 10770 3953/7776 3953/7926 6958/6958
Compressors 06T semi-hermetic screw compressors, 50 r/s
Circuit A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit D - - - - - - 1
Refrigerant** -Standard unit R-134a
Circuit A kg 64 69 70 83 84 85 72
teqCO2 91,5 98,7 100,1 118,7 120,1 121,6 103,0
Circuit B kg 52,0 52,0 59,0 69,0 78 88 63
teqCO2 74,4 74,4 84,4 98,7 111,5 125,8 90,1
Circuit C kg 80 80 80 81 80 80 72
teqCO2 114,4 114,4 114,4 115,8 114,4 114,4 103,0
Circuit D kg - - - - - - 63
teqCO2 - - - - - - 90,1
Oil charge R-134a
Circuit A l 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6
Circuit B l 23,5 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6 23,5
Circuit C l 23,5 23,5 23,5 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6
Circuit D l - - - - - - 23,5
Capacity control Touch Pilot, electronic expansion valve (EXV)
Minimum capacity % 10 10 10 10 10 10 8
Condensers All-aluminium micro-channel heat exchanger
Fans - Standard unit Axial Flying Bird IV fans with rotating shroud
Quantity 19 20 20 20 24 24 28
Total air flow l/s 64917 68333 68333 68333 82000 82000 95667
Rotation speed r/s 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7
Standard unit + option 119*
Quantity 19 20 20 20 24 24 28
Maximum Total air flow l/s 85764 90278 90278 90278 108333 108333 126389
Maximum Rotation speed r/s 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7
Evaporator Flooded shell-and-tube type
Water content l 168 182 203 224 230 240 240
Without hydronic module
Water inlet/outlet connections Victaulic
Nominal diameter‡ in 6 6 6 8-6 8/6 8/6 6
Actual outside diameter‡ mm 168,3 168,3 168,3 219.1- 168.3 219,1/168,3 219,1/168,3 168,3
Maximum water-side pressure† kPa 1000 1000 1000 - 1000 1000 1000
Chassis paint Colour Colour code: RAL7035

* Options: 119 = High energy efficiency, 257 = low noise level, 279 = compressor enclosure, 258,= very low sound level
** Weights are guidelines only. Refer to the unit nameplate.
*** in dB ref=10-12 W, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). Measured in
accordance with ISO 9614-1 and certified by Eurovent.
**** in dB ref 20µPa, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). For information,
calculated from the sound power level Lw(A).
† Max. water-side operating pressure without hydronic module.

Note: Unit sizes 30XA 1402 to 1702 are supplied in two field-assembled modules.

Eurovent certified values

4.2 - Physical data 30XA 252-902 - units with option 254 and 255**

30XA 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902
Operating weight* kg 3830 3860 4380 4830 4900 5470 6480 6640 7430 7750 7870 8620
Sound levels
Standard unit with options 254** or 255**
Sound power*** dB(A) 99 99 99 98 101 98 100 98 103 102 100 104
Sound pressure at 10 m **** dB(A) 67 67 68 65 69 65 67 65 70 70 67 71
High-energy efficiency unit with option 119** and option 254** or 255**
Sound power*** dB(A) 100 100 100 100 102 100 102 100 104 104 102 105
Sound pressure at 10 m **** dB(A) 68 68 68 68 70 68 69 68 71 71 69 72
Dimensions - standard unit + options 254/255**
Length mm 3604 3604 4798 4798 4798 5992 7186 7186 8380 8380 8380 9574
Width mm 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297
Refrigerant* R-134a
Circuit A kg 60 64 70 85 85 102 102 100 129 112 130 129
teqCO2 85,8 91,5 100,1 121,6 121,6 145,9 145,9 143,0 184,5 160,2 185,9 184,5
Circuit B kg 64 64 56 56 56 56 88 95 88 95 95 103
teqCO2 91,5 91,5 80,1 80,1 80,1 80,1 125,8 135,9 125,8 135,9 135,9 147,3
Compressors 06T semi-hermetic screw compressors, 50 r/s
Circuit A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Oil charge
Circuit A l 20,8 20,8 20,8 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,6
Circuit B l 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 27,6
Capacity control Touch Pilot, electronic expansion valve (EXV)
Minimum capacity % 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Condensers Copper/aluminium coil
Fans Axial Flying Bird IV fans with rotating shroud
Quantity 6 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 13 13 14 15
Maximum total air flow l/s 20500 20500 20500 27333 27333 30750 37583 41000 41000 41000 47833 47833
Maximum Rotation speed tr/s 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7
Evaporateur Flooded multi-pipe type
Water volume l 58 61 61 66 70 77 79 94 98 119 119 130
Maximum pressure† kPa 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

* Weights are guidelines only. For sizes 1402 to 1702 weight of modules 1 and 2. The refrigerant charge is given on the unit nameplate.
** Options: 119 = high energy efficiency, 254 = units with copper/aluminium coils, 255 = units with copper/aluminium coils without slots.
*** in dB ref=10-12 W, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). Measured in
accordance with ISO 9614-1 and certified by Eurovent.
**** in dB ref 20µPa, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). For information,
calculated from the sound power level Lw(A).
† Max. water-side operating pressure without hydronic module.

1. Unit sizes 30XA 1402 to 1702 are supplied in two field-assembled modules.
2. Option 119 (high energy efficiency) can be used together with options 254 and 255. Contact your Carrier representative to obtain the performances.

4.2 - Physical data 30XA 1002-1702 - units with option 254 and 255** (continued)

30XA 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902
Operating weight* kg 8870 10890 8920 11310 9330 11660 10050 12060 10140 4460 4460 7880
/8830 /8950 /7880
Sound levels
Standard unit with options 254** or 255**
Sound power*** dB(A) 101 102 103 103 102 102 104 104 104 103 104 103
Sound pressure at 10 m **** dB(A) 68 69 70 70 69 69 71 71 71 69 70 69
High-energy efficiency unit with option 119** and option 254** or 255**
Sound power*** dB(A) 103 104 104 105 103 104 105 105 105 105 105 105
Sound pressure at 10 m **** dB(A) 70 71 71 72 70 71 72 72 72 72 72 71
Dimensions - standard unit + options 254/255**
Length mm 9574 11962 11962 11962 11962 11962 11962 11962 11962 9574 9574 8380
/4798 /4798 /8380
Width mm 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297 2297
Circuit A kg 140 102 125 112 128 112 170 112 176 140 140 130
teqCO2 200,2 145,9 178,8 160,2 183,0 160,2 243,1 160,2 251,7 200,2 200,2 185,9
Circuit B kg 129 92 180 92 196 92 176 98 184 103 129 95
teqCO2 184,5 131,6 257,4 131,6 280,3 131,6 251,7 140,1 263,1 147,3 184,5 135,9
Circuit C kg 135 - 135 - 135 - 122 - 135 135 130
teqCO2 193,1 - 193,1 - 193,1 - 174,5 - 193,1 193,1 185,9
Circuit D kg - - - - - - 95
teqCO2 - - - - - - 66,4
Compressors 06T semi-hermetic screw compressors, 50 r/s
Circuit A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Circuit C 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1
Circuit D - - - - - - - - - - 1
Oil charge
Circuit A l 27,6 23,5 27,6 23,5 36 23,5 36 27,6 36 27,6 27,6 27,6
Circuit B l 27,6 23,5 36 27,6 36 27,6 36 27,6 36 27,6 27,6 23,5
Circuit C l 27,6 - 27,6 - 27,6 - 27,6 - 27,6 27,6 27,6
Circuit D l - - - - - - - - - - 23,5
Capacity control Touch Pilot, electronic expansion valve (EXV)
Minimum capacity % 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 10 8
Condensers Copper/aluminium coil
Fans Axial Flying Bird IV fans with rotating shroud
Quantity 16 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 28
Maximum total air flow l/s 54667 64917 64917 68333 68333 68333 68333 68333 68333 82000 82000 95667
Maximum Rotation speed tr/s 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7
Evaporator Flooded multi-pipe type
Water volume l 140 168 164 182 174 203 180 224 189 230 240 240
Maximum pressure† kPa 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

* Weights are guidelines only. For sizes 1402 to 1702 weight of modules 1 and 2. The refrigerant charge is given on the unit nameplate.
** Options: 119 = high energy efficiency, 254 = units with copper/aluminium coils, 255 = units with copper/aluminium coils without slots.
*** in dB ref=10-12 W, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). Measured in
accordance with ISO 9614-1 and certified by Eurovent.
**** in dB ref 20µPa, (A) weighting. Declared dualnumber noise emission values in accordance with ISO 4871 (with an associated uncertainty of +/-3dB(A)). For information,
calculated from the sound power level Lw(A).
† Max. water-side operating pressure without hydronic module.

1. Unit sizes 30XA 1402 to 1702 are supplied in two field-assembled modules.
2. Option 119 (high energy efficiency) can be used together with options 254 and 255. Contact your Carrier representative to obtain the performances.

4.3 - Short-circuit stability current for all units

30XA 252 302 352 402 452 504 502 602 702 752 802 854 852 904 902 1004
Short-circuit stability current (TN system)*
Circuits A + B** kA 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Circuits C + D** kA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Units with option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30XA 1002 1102 1114 1112 1202 1214 1212 1302 1312 1352 1382 1454 1402 1502 1702
Short-circuit stability current (TN system)*
Circuits A + B** kA 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Circuits C + D** kA - 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Units with option 81 A - 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 -
* Type of system earthing
** rms value

4.4 - Electrical data

30XA 252-1002 - standard units or units with option 81

30XA 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902 1002
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 269 269 287 402 505 505 574 606 773 803 805 893 941
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 245 245 262 378 480 480 536 562 735 759 761 845 865
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,86 0,86 0,87 0,86 0,87
Cosine Phi nominal † 0,85 0,85 0,84 0,84 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,83 0,84 0,84 0,85 0,85
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 121 131 141 165 185 204 247 267 293 312 343 359 420
Circuit 2** kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 151 167 184 210 242 268 325 352 408 433 453 508 548
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 198 215 233 270 303 335 404 436 492 522 572 611 707
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 231 A 182 196 211 242 272 305 364 397 448 479 531 855 662
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 208 232 251 290 326 360 435 469 529 561 615 657 760
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30XA 1102-1702 - standard units or units with option 81

30XA 1102 1112 1202 1212 1302 1312 1352 1382 1402 1502 1702
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 574 587 773 587 803 629 891 629 893 941 805
Circuit 2** A 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 587 805
Option 81 A 991 1046 1079 1083 1155 1085 1242 1120 1248 1294 -
Nominal start-up current**
Circuit 1** A 536 587 735 587 759 629 859 629 845 865 761
Circuit 2** A 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 587 761
Option 81 A 909 945 993 979 1036 985 1156 1016 1125 1143 -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,87 0,86 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,86 0,87 0,86 0,87 0,87
Cosine Phi nominal † 0,84 0,85 0,86 0,86 0,84 0,87 0,85 0,87 0,86 0,85 0,85
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 247 182 293 211 342 256 388 278 390 420 343
Circuit 2** kW 210 279 210 302 210 278 209 299 210 210 343
Option 81 kW 457 460 503 512 552 531 597 571 600 630 -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 322 258 401 274 445 340 560 356 530 556 452
Circuit 2** A 278 358 278 392 278 356 292 387 278 278 452
Option 81 A 600 616 679 666 723 696 852 743 808 834 -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 404 313 492 359 568 426 655 456 661 707 572
Circuit 2** A 354 459 354 496 354 456 352 491 354 354 572
Option 81 A 758 771 845 855 922 882 1007 947 1015 1061 -
Option 231 A - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 435 332 529 381 611 462 705 494 711 760 615
Circuit 2** A 380 497 380 527 380 494 378 522 380 380 615
Option 81 A 815 828 909 908 991 956 1083 1016 1091 1141 -
* Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
** 30XA1102, 1202, 1302, 1352, and 1402 to 1702 units: Circuit 1 supplies circuits A and B, circuit 2 supplies circuits C and D. 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312 and 1382
units: Circuit 1 supplies circuit A, circuit 2 supplies circuit B.
*** Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
**** Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
† Values obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
‡ Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input. Values given on the unit name plate.

1. Unit sizes 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312, 1382, 1402 to 1702 have two power connection points.

4.4 - Electrical data (continued)

30XA 252-852 - units with option 119 or units with option 119 and option 81
30XA 252 302 352 402 452 504 502 602 702 752 802 854 852
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 274 274 292 407 510 510 510 583 616 782 812 812 815
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 246 246 261 379 479 479 479 535 561 734 757 760 760
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86
Cosine Phi nominal † 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 126 136 147 172 192 211 212 257 278 304 323 353 356
Circuit 2** kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 151 167 182 210 239 267 267 324 349 409 430 446 446
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw‡
Circuit 1** A 208 226 243 284 316 347 350 423 457 512 542 590 596
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 231 A 192 207 221 256 285 317 320 383 418 468 499 549 555
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 219 243 262 305 340 373 376 455 491 551 583 634 640
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30XA 904-1454 - units with option 119 or units with option 119 and option 81
30XA 904 902 1004 1002 1114 1112 1214 1212 1312 1382 1454
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 902 905 951 954 587 587 587 587 629 629 629
Circuit 2** A - - - - 629 629 629 629 629 629 629
Option 81 A - - - - 1046 1054 1095 1095 1095 1130 1134
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 843 845 857 860 587 587 587 587 629 629 629
Circuit 2** A - - - - 629 629 629 629 629 629 629
Option 81 A - - - - 940 947 980 980 985 1015 1019
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,85 0,85 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 -
Cosine Phi nominal † 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,85 0,86 -
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 369 372 430 435 186 186 214 216 262 284 307
Circuit 2** kW - - - - 284 286 311 309 284 305 307
Option 81 kW - - - - 470 471 524 525 544 584 614
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 511 511 541 541 258 259 274 275 341 356 390
Circuit 2** A - - - - 358 360 392 393 356 386 390
Option 81 A - - - - 616 619 666 668 697 742 780
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 629 635 728 734 321 321 366 367 436 466 505
Circuit 2** A - - - - 466 470 507 508 466 501 505
Option 81 A - - - - 787 790 873 875 902 967 1010
Option 231 A 582 588 683 689 - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 677 683 781 790 339 340 389 389 472 504 536
Circuit 2** A - - - - 504 508 539 539 504 532 536
Option 81 A - - - - 844 847 928 928 976 1036 1072

* Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
** 30XA1102, 1202, 1302, 1352, and 1402 to 1702 units: Circuit 1 supplies circuits A and B, circuit 2 supplies circuits C and D. 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312 and 1382
units: Circuit 1 supplies circuit A, circuit 2 supplies circuit B.
*** Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
**** Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
† Values obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
‡ Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input. Values given on the unit name plate.

1. Unit sizes 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312, 1382, 1402 to 1702 have two power connection points.

4.4 - Electrical data (continued)

30XA 1102-1702 - units with option 119 or units with option 119 and option 81
30XA 1102 1202 1302 1352 1402 1502 1702
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 583 782 812 901 905 954 815
Circuit 2** A 587 587 587 587 587 587 815
Option 81 A 1010 1099 1175 1265 1275 1321 -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 535 734 757 846 845 860 760
Circuit 2** A 587 587 587 587 587 587 760
Option 81 A 907 991 1026 1124 1122 1133 -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,88 0,87 0,87 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,86
Cosine Phi nominal† 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 257 304 353 400 405 435 356
Circuit 2** kW 217 217 217 216 217 217 356
Option 81 kW 475 522 570 615 622 652 -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 323 400 435 529 527 546 446
Circuit 2** A 273 273 273 275 273 273 446
Option 81 A 596 673 708 804 800 820 -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 423 512 588 678 688 734 596
Circuit 2** A 367 367 367 364 367 367 596
Option 81 A 790 879 956 1041 1056 1102 -
Option 231 A - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 455 551 633 729 740 790 640
Circuit 2** A 395 395 395 391 395 395 640
Option 81 A 850 946 1028 1120 1135 1185 -

* Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
** 30XA1102, 1202, 1302, 1352, and 1402 to 1702 units: Circuit 1 supplies circuits A and B, circuit 2 supplies circuits C and D. 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312 and 1382
units: Circuit 1 supplies circuit A, circuit 2 supplies circuit B.
*** Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
**** Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
† Values obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
‡ Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input. Values given on the unit name plate.

1. Unit sizes 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312, 1382, 1402 to 1702 have two power connection points.

4.4 - Electrical data (continued)

30XA 252-1002 - units with options 254 and 255 or units with options 254 and 255 and option 81
30XA 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902 1002
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 269 269 287 402 505 505 574 606 773 805 805 893 941
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 245 245 262 378 480 480 536 562 735 761 761 845 865
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,88 0,88 0,87 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,86 0,86 0,87 0,86 0,87
Cosine Phi nominal † 0,85 0,85 0,84 0,84 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,83 0,84 0,84 0,85 0,85
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 121 131 142 165 185 204 247 267 294 313 343 360 420
Circuit 2** kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 151 167 186 210 242 268 325 352 412 437 453 512 552
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 198 215 235 270 303 335 404 436 494 524 572 613 707
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 231 A 182 196 213 242 272 305 364 397 450 481 531 855 660
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 208 232 253 290 326 360 435 469 531 563 615 659 760
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30XA 1102-1702 - units with options 254 and 255 or units with options 254 and 255 and option 81
30XA 1102 1112 1202 1212 1302 1312 1352 1382 1402 1502 1702
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 583 587 773 587 803 629 891 629 893 941 805
Circuit 2** A 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 587 805
Option 81 A 1010 1046 1079 1083 1155 1085 1242 1120 1248 1294 -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 535 587 735 587 759 629 859 629 845 865 761
Circuit 2** A 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 587 761
Option 81 A 907 945 993 979 1036 985 1156 1016 1125 1143 -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,88 0,86 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,86 0,87 0,86 0,87 0,87
Cosine Phi nominal† 0,84 0,85 0,86 0,86 0,84 0,87 0,85 0,87 0,86 0,85 0,85
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 257 182 293 211 342 256 388 278 390 420 343
Circuit 2** kW 217 279 210 302 210 278 209 299 210 210 343
Option 81 kW 475 460 503 512 552 531 597 571 600 630 -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 323 258 401 274 445 340 560 356 530 556 452
Circuit 2** A 273 358 278 392 278 356 292 387 278 278 452
Option 81 A 596 616 679 666 723 696 852 743 808 834 -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 423 313 492 359 568 426 655 456 661 707 572
Circuit 2** A 367 459 354 496 354 456 352 491 354 354 572
Option 81 A 790 771 845 855 922 882 1007 947 1015 1061 -
Option 231 A - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 455 332 529 381 611 462 705 494 711 760 615
Circuit 2** A 395 497 380 527 380 494 378 522 380 380 615
Option 81 A 850 828 909 908 991 956 1083 1016 1091 1141 -
* Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
** 30XA1102, 1202, 1302, 1352, and 1402 to 1702 units: Circuit 1 supplies circuits A and B, circuit 2 supplies circuits C and D. 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312 and 1382
units: Circuit 1 supplies circuit A, circuit 2 supplies circuit B.
*** Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
**** Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
† Values obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
‡ Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input. Values given on the unit name plate.

1. Unit sizes 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312, 1382, 1402 to 1702 have two power connection points.

4.4 - Electrical data (continued)

30XA 252-1002 - units with options 254 and 255 + option 119 or units with options 254 and 255 + option 119 + option 81
30XA 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902 1002
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 274 274 292 407 510 510 583 616 782 815 815 905 954
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 246 246 261 379 479 479 535 561 734 760 760 845 860
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,88 0,87 0,87 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,86 0,86 0,86 0,85 0,86
Cosine Phi nominal † 0,84 0,84 0,83 0,83 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,83 0,83 0,83 0,84 0,84
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 126 136 148 172 192 212 257 278 306 325 356 373 435
Circuit 2** kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 kW - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 151 167 185 210 239 267 324 349 411 432 446 513 541
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 208 226 247 284 316 350 423 457 516 546 596 639 734
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 231 A 192 207 225 256 285 320 383 418 472 503 555 855 687
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 219 243 266 305 340 376 455 491 555 587 640 687 790
Circuit 2** A - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Option 81 A - - - - - - - - - - - - -

30XA 1102-1702 - units with options 254 and 255 + option 119 or units with options 254 and 255 + option 119 + option 81
30XA 1102 1112 1202 1212 1302 1312 1352 1382 1402 1502 1702
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 ± 10%
Control circuit 24 V via internal transformer
Maximum start-up current*
Circuit 1** A 583 587 782 587 812 629 901 629 905 954 815
Circuit 2** A 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 587 815
Option 81 A 1010 1057 1099 1095 1175 1095 1265 1130 1275 1321 -
Nominal start-up current***
Circuit 1** A 535 587 734 587 757 629 846 629 845 860 760
Circuit 2** A 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 629 587 587 760
Option 81 A 907 947 991 980 1026 985 1124 1015 1122 1133 -
Cosine Phi maximum**** 0,88 0,86 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,87 0,86 0,87 0,86 0,86 0,86
Cosine Phi nominal † 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,84 0,85 0,84 0,86 0,84 0,84 0,84
Maximum power input‡
Circuit 1** kW 257 186 304 216 353 262 400 284 405 435 356
Circuit 2** kW 217 286 217 309 217 284 216 305 217 217 356
Option 81 kW 475 471 522 525 570 544 615 584 622 652 -
Nominal unit current draw†
Circuit 1** A 323 259 400 275 435 341 529 356 527 546 446
Circuit 2** A 273 360 273 393 273 356 275 386 273 273 446
Option 81 A 596 619 673 668 708 697 804 742 800 820 -
Maximum unit current draw (Un)‡
Circuit 1** A 423 321 512 367 588 436 678 466 688 734 596
Circuit 2** A 367 470 367 508 367 466 364 501 367 367 596
Option 81 A 790 790 879 875 956 902 1041 967 1056 1102 -
Option 231 A - - - - - - - - - - -
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)****
Circuit 1** A 455 340 551 389 633 472 729 504 740 790 640
Circuit 2** A 395 508 395 539 395 504 391 532 395 395 640
Option 81 A 850 847 946 928 1028 976 1120 1036 1135 1185 -
* Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
** 30XA1102, 1202, 1302, 1352, and 1402 to 1702 units: Circuit 1 supplies circuits A and B, circuit 2 supplies circuits C and D. 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312 and 1382
units: Circuit 1 supplies circuit A, circuit 2 supplies circuit B.
*** Instantaneous start-up current (operating current of the smallest compressor + fan current + locked rotor current in star connection of the largest compressor). Values
obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
**** Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input.
† Values obtained at standard Eurovent unit operating conditions: air 35 °C, water 12/7 °C
‡ Values obtained at operation with maximum unit power input. Values given on the unit name plate.

1. Unit sizes 30XA1114, 1214, 1112, 1212, 1312, 1382, 1402 to 1702 have two power connection points.

4.5 - Compressor electrical data

Compressor I Nom* I Max** MHA LRYA LRDA Cosine Cosine

Std/Option 119 (Un) (Un) (Un) Phi (max.)** Phi (nom.)*
06TSA155 69/64 86 96 170 530 0.90 0.87
06TSA186 87/80 108 120 170 530 0.89 0.86
06TTA266 128/117 158 176 303 945 0.90 0.86
06TTA301 145/132 177 188 388 1210 0.90 0.87
06TTA356 166/153 207 220 388 1210 0.90 0.87
06TUA483 240/225 292 311 587 1828 0.88 0.87
06TUA554 262/241 338 360 587 1828 0.89 0.88
06TVA680 320/302 400 436 629 1919 0.89 0.87
06TVA753 335/315 430 468 629 1919 0.89 0.88
06TVA819 367/347 465 496 629 1919 0.89 0.88
* Average value for the range (unit at Eurovent conditions)
** Value at maximum capacity and nominal voltage (400 V)

MHA - Maximum compressor operating current, limited by the unit (current given for maximum capacity at 360 V)
LRYA - Locked rotor current for star connection (connection during compressor start-up)
LRDA - Locked rotor current for delta connection

4.6 - Compressor usage per circuit (A, B, C, D)

Compressor 30XA
252 302 352 402 452 504 502 602 702 752 802 854 852 904 902 1004
06TSA155 AB B — B — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TSA186 — A AB — B B B — — — — — — — — —
06TTA266 — — — A — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TTA301 — — — — A — — B — B — — — — — —
06TTA356 — — — — — A A A AB — B B B — — —
06TUA483 — — — — — — — — — A A — — AB AB —
06TUA554 — — — — — — — — — — — A A — — AB
06TVA680 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TVA753 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TVA819 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Compressor 30XA
1002 1102 1114 1112 1202 1214 1212 1302 1312 1352 1382 1454 1402 1502 1702
06TSA155 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TSA186 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TTA266 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
06TTA301 — B — — B — — — — — — — — — —
06TTA356 — A — — — — — B — — — — — — BD
06TUA483 — — A A A — — — — B — — B — —
06TUA554 AB C — — C A A AC — AC — — AC ABC AC
06TVA680 — — — — — — — — A — — — — — —
06TVA753 — — B B — — — — B — A — — — —
06TVA819 — — — — — B B — — — B AB — — —

Electrical data notes and operating conditions for 30XA units: 4. Overcurrent protection of the power supply conductors is not provided with the
• 30XA 252-1004 units have a single power connection point; 30XA 1102 to 1702 unit.
units have two connection points. 5. The factory.installed disconnect switch(es)/circuit breaker(s) is (are) of a type
• The control box includes the following standard features: suitable for power interruption in accordance with EN 60947-3 (corresponds to
- One general disconnect switch per circuit IEC 60947-3).
- Starter and motor protection devices for each compressor, the fan(s) and 6. The units are designed for simplified connection on TN(s) networks (IEC 60364).
the pump For IT networks provide a local earth and consult competent local organisations
- Control devices to complete the electrical installation. Units delivered with variable frequency drive(s)
(options : 28, 17) are not compatible with IT network. 30XA units are designed to
Field connections: use for domestic / residential and industrial environments: Machines that are not
• All connections to the system and the electrical installations must be in full equipped with variable frequency drive(s) are in accordance with the codes :
accordance with all applicable local codes. - 61000-6-3: General standards - Standard emission for residential, commercial
• The Carrier 30XA units are designed and built to ensure conformance with these and light industry.
codes. The recommendations of European standard EN 60204-1 (corresponds - 61000-6-2: General standards - Immunity for industrial environments.
to IEC 60204-1) (machine safety - electrical machine compo-nents - part 1:
General regulations) are specifically taken into account, when designing the Machines that are equipped with variable frequency drive(s) (options : 28, 17) are in
electrical equipment. accordance with standard EN61800 - 3 electric power variable speed drives - art 3:
EMC requirements and specific test methods for the following classifications:
IMPORTANT: - Use in the first and second environments***.
• Generally the recommendations of IEC 60364 are accepted as compliance with - Category C2 applicable in the first environment, on stationary devices
the requirements of the installation regulations. designed to be installed and commissioned by a professional.
• Conformance with EN 60204 is the best means of ensuring compliance with the
Machines Directive ˜ 1.5.1. Warning: In a residential environment, this product may cause radio interference
Annex B of EN 60204-1 describes the electrical characteristics used for the in which case additional mitigation measures could be required.
operation of the machines.
1. Environment* . Environment as classified in EN 60364 (corresponds to IEC 60364): • Leakage currents: If protection by monitoring the leakage currents is necessary
- Outdoor installation* to ensure the safety of the installation, the presence of additional leakage currents
- Ambient temperature range: from -20°C to +55°C** introduced by the use of variable frequency drive(s) in the unit must be considered.
- Altitude less than or equal to 2000 m (for hydronic module, see paragraph In particular these protection devices shall be of reinforced immunity types and
4.7 in the IOM) have a threshold not lower than 150 mA.
- Presence of hard solids, class AE3 (no significant dust present)* • Capacitors that are integrated as part of the option 231 can generate electrical
- Presence of corrosive and polluting substances, class AF1 (negligible) disturbances in the installation the unit is connected to. Presence of these
- Competence of persons: BA4 (Persons wise); 30XA machines are not capacitors must be considered during the electrical study prior to the start-up.
intended to be installed in locations open to anyone, including people with NOTE: If particular aspects of an actual installation do not conform to the
disabilities and children. conditions described above, or if there are other conditions which should be
2. Compatibility for low-frequency conducted disturbances according to IEC61000- considered, always contact your local Carrier representative.
2-2 and to class 2 levels per IEC61000-2-4 standard:
- Power supply frequency variation : +-2Hz The required protection level for this class is IP43BW (according to reference document
- Phase imbalance : 2% IEC 60529). All 30XA units are protected to IP44CW and fulfil this protection condition.
- Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion (THDV) : 8%
3. The neutral (N) line must not be connected directly to the unit (if necessary use ** The maximum ambiant temperature allowed for machines equipped with option
a transformer). 231 is +40°C

4.7 - Electrical data, optional hydronic module

The pumps that are factory-installed in these units comply with the European Ecodesign directive ErP. The additional
electrical data required* is as follows:
Motors of single and dual low-pressure pumps for 30XA units (options 116F and116G)
No.** Description*** 30XA
252 302 352 402 452 502
1 Nominal efficiency at full load and nominal voltage % 86,7 86,7 87,2 88,1 89,4 89,4
1 Nominal efficiency at 75% rated load and nominal voltage % 87 87 86,9 88 88,9 88,9
1 Nominal efficiency at 50% rated load and nominal voltage % 85,5 85,5 84,5 86,1 86,7 86,7
2 Efficiency level IE3
3 Year of manufacture This information varies depending on the manufacturer and model at the time of
4 Manufacturer's name and trademark, commercial registration incorporation. Please refer to the motor name plates.
number and place of manufacturer
5 Product's model number
6 Number of motor poles 2
7-1 Rated shaft power output at full load and nominal voltage (400 V) kW 2.2 2.2 3 4 5.5 5.5
7-2 Maximum power input (400 V)**** kW 2,5 2,5 3,4 4,5 6,2 6,2
8 Rated input frequency Hz 50
9-1 Rated voltage V 3 x 400
9-2 Maximum current drawn at nominal voltage (400 V)† A 4,2 4,2 5,5 7,4 9,7 9,7
10 Rated speed r/s - rpm 48 - 2900 48 - 2900 49 - 2915 49 - 2915 49 - 2930 49 - 2930
11 Product disassembly, recycling or disposal at end of life Disassembly using standard tools. Disposal and recycling using an appropriate
12 Operating conditions for which the motor is specifically designed
I - Altitudes above sea level m < 1000††
II - Ambient air temperature °C < 40
III - Maximum air temperature °C Please refer to the operating conditions given in this manual or in the specific
conditions in the Carrier selection programs.
IV - Potentially explosive atmospheres Non-ATEX environment

Motors of single and dual high-pressure pumps for 30XA units (options 116B and116C)
No.** Description*** 30XA
252 302 352 402 452 502
1 Nominal efficiency at full load and nominal voltage % 88,1 89,4 89,4 90.1 91.3 91.3
1 Nominal efficiency at 75% rated load and nominal voltage % 88 88,9 88,9 89.7 91.4 91.4
1 Nominal efficiency at 50% rated load and nominal voltage % 86,1 86,7 86,7 87.9 90.3 90.3
2 Efficiency level IE3
3 Year of manufacture This information varies depending on the manufacturer and model at the time of
4 Manufacturer's name and trademark, commercial registration incorporation. Please refer to the motor name plates.
number and place of manufacturer
5 Product's model number
6 Number of motor poles 2
7-1 Rated shaft power output at full load and nominal voltage (400 V) kW 4.0 5.5 5.5 7.5 11.0 11.0
7-2 Maximum power input (400 V)**** kW 4,5 6,2 6,2 8.3 12.0 12.0
8 Rated input frequency Hz 50
9-1 Rated voltage V 3 x 400
9-2 Maximum current drawn at nominal voltage (400 V)† A 7,4 9,7 9,7 13.2 18.7 18.7
10 Rated speed r/s - rpm 49 - 2915 49 - 2930 49 - 2930 49 - 2935 49 - 2945 49 - 2945
11 Product disassembly, recycling or disposal at end of life Disassembly using standard tools. Disposal and recycling using an appropriate
12 Operating conditions for which the motor is specifically designed
I - Altitudes above sea level m < 1000††
II - Ambient air temperature °C < 40
IV - Maximum air temperature °C Please refer to the operating conditions given in this manual or in the specific
conditions in the Carrier selection programs.
V - Potentially explosive atmospheres Non-ATEX environment

* Required by regulation 640/2009 with regard to the application of directive 2009/125/EC on the eco-design requirements for electric motors
** Item number imposed by regulation 640/2009, annex I2b.
*** Description given by regulation 640/2009, annex I2b.
**** To obtain the maximum power input for a unit with hydronic module add the maximum unit power input from the electrical data table to the pump power input.
† To obtain the maximum unit operating current draw for a unit with hydronic module add the maximum unit current draw from the electrical data table to the pump current
†† Above 1000 m, a degradation of 3% for each 500 m should be taken into consideration.

5 - ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 5.4 - Recommended wire sections

Please refer to the certified dimensional drawings, supplied Wire sizing is the responsibility of the installer, and depends
with the unit. on the characteristics and regulations applicable to each
installation site. The following is only to be used as a guide-line,
5.1 - Power supply and does not make in any way liable. After wire sizing has
been completed, using the certified dimensional drawing, the
The power supply must conform to the specification on the installer must ensure easy connection and define any
chiller nameplate. The supply voltage must be within the modifications necessary on site.
range specified in the electrical data table. For connections The connections provided as standard for the field-supplied
refer to the wiring diagrams and the certified dimensional power entry cables to the general disconnect/isolator switch
drawings. are designed for the number and type of wires, listed in
WARNING: Operation of the chiller with an improper column 2 of the table on the next page.
supply voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes The calculations are based on the maximum machine current
abuse which will invalidate the Carrier warranty. If the (see electrical data tables).
phase imbalance exceeds 2% for voltage, or 10% for current,
The calculations for favourable and unfavourable cases are
contact your local electricity supply at once and ensure that
based on the maximum current for each unit (see electrical
the chiller is not switched on until corrective measures have
data tables). For the design the standardised installation
been taken.
methods in accordance with IEC 60364 are used: PVC
(70 °C) or XLPE (90 °C) insulated cables with copper core;
5.2 - Voltage phase imbalance (%) arrange-ment to comply with table 52c of the above standard.
The maximum temperature is 46 °C.The given maximum length
100 x max. deviation from average voltage is calculated to limit the voltage drop to 5%.
Average voltage IMPORTANT: Before connection of the main power cables
Example: (L1 - L2 - L3) on the terminal block, it is imperative to check
the correct order of the 3 phases before proceeding to the
On a 400 V - 3 ph - 50 Hz supply, the individual phase voltages connection on then terminal block or the main disconnect/
were measured to be: isolator switch.
AB = 406 V; BC = 399; AC = 394 V
Average voltage = (406 + 399 + 394)/3 = 1199/3 5.5 - Power cable entry
= 399.7 say 400 V
Calculate the maximum deviation from the 400 V average: The power cables can enter the 30XA control box from below
(AB) = 406 - 400 = 6 or from the unit side. For 30XA unit sizes 602 to 1702 the
control box that includes the power supply cable connec-tion
(BC) = 400 - 399 = 1
terminal is located in the lower part of the unit. In this case
(CA) = 400 - 394 = 6 the control box is raised by 120 mm compared to the lowest
point of the chassis.
The maximum deviation from the average is 6 V. The greatest The cable entry point depends on the unit configuration:
percentage deviation is: 100 x 6/400 = 1.5 % -- 1. Unit raised from the ground (e.g. installation on
This is less than the permissible 2% and therefore acceptable. sup-port rails): It is recommended to enter the power
cables from below the control box. A removable
aluminium plate below the control box allows introduction
5.3 - Power connection/disconnect switch
of the cables.
-- 2. Unit placed on the ground: For power cable entry
Units Connection points from below the control box ensure that the cable bend
30XA 0252-1002 1 per unit radius is compatible with the connection space available
30XA 1112, 1212, 1312, 1 for circuit 1 in the control box. If not, an aluminium plate on the
1382, 1454 1402 to 1 for circuit 2 control box face allows introduction of the cables.
1702 For units with three circuits with option 81 (single power
connection point) the connection must be made from below
the unit.
IMPORTANT: Check the cable bend radius for cable entry
into a control box, located in the lower part of the unit.
Refer to the certified dimensional drawing for the unit.

5.6 - Field control wiring Refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot control manual
and the certified wiring diagram supplied with the unit for
IMPORTANT: Field connection of interface circuits may the field control wiring of the following features:
lead to safety risks: Any control box modification must •• Remote on/off switch
maintain equipment conformity with local regulations. •• Demand limit external switch
Precautions must be taken to prevent accidental electrical •• Remote dual set point
contact between circuits supplied by different sources: •• Alarm, alert and operation report
-- The routing selection and/or conductor insulation •• Evaporator pump control
characteristics must ensure dual electric insulation. •• Heat reclaim condenser pump control (option)
-- In case of accidental disconnection, conductor fixing •• Hot water valve control (option)
between different conductors and/or in the control box •• Set point reset via outside air temperature sensor reset
prevents any contact between the conductor ends and •• Various interlocks on the Energy ManagementModule
an active energised part. (EMM) board (option).

Selection of minimum and maximum wire sections for connection to 30XA units
30XA Max. Calculation favourable case: Calculation unfavourable case:
connectable Suspended aerial lines (standardised routing No. 17) Conductors in conduits or multi-conductor cables in
section* XLPE insulated cable closed conduit (standardised routing No. 41)
PVC insulated cable, if possible
Section Section** Max. length for Cable type Section** Max. length for Cable type***
voltage drop <5% voltage drop <5%
mm² (per phase) mm² (per phase) m mm² (per phase) m
252 2 x 185 1 x 95 190 XLPE Cu 2 x 95 450 PVC Cu
302 2 x 185 1 x 95 190 XLPE Cu 2 x 95 420 PVC Cu
352 2 x 185 1 x 120 197 XLPE Cu 2 x 95 390 PVC Cu
402 2 x 185 1 x 150 200 XLPE Cu 2 x 120 400 PVC Cu
452 2 x 185 1 x 185 205 XLPE Cu 2 x 150 420 PVC Cu
504 2 x 185 1 x 240 205 XLPE Cu 2 x 185 430 PVC Cu
502 2 x 185 1 x 240 205 XLPE Cu 2 x 185 430 PVC Cu
602 2 x 240 2 x 95 190 XLPE Cu 2 x 240 440 PVC Cu
702 2 x 240 2 x 120 198 XLPE Cu 2 x 185 330 XLPE Cu
752 2 x 240 2 x 120 198 XLPE Cu 2 x 240 370 XLPE Cu
802 2 x 240 2 x 150 200 XLPE Cu 2 x 240 330 XLPE Cu
854 2 x 240 2 x 150 200 XLPE Cu 2 x 240 320 XLPE Cu
852 2 x 240 2 x 150 200 XLPE Cu 2 x 240 320 XLPE Cu
904 2 x 240 2 x 185 205 XLPE Cu Not compatible - -
902 2 x 240 2 x 185 205 XLPE Cu Not compatible - -
1004 4 x 300 2 x 240 205 XLPE Cu 4 x 185 320 XLPE Cu
1002 4 x 300 2 x 240 205 XLPE Cu 4 x 185 320 XLPE Cu
Circuits A and B/C (common routing)
1102 2 x 300/2 x 240 2 x 120/1 x 240 270/310 XLPE Cu 2 x 240/2 x 150 450/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1114 2x240/3x240 1x185/2x120 291/240 XLPE Cu 2x240/3x240 600/530 PVC Cu/PVC Cu
1112 2x240/3x240 1x185/2x120 291/240 XLPE Cu 2x240/3x240 600/530 PVC Cu/PVC Cu
1202 2 x 300/2 x 240 2 x 150/1 x 240 260/310 XLPE Cu 2 x 300/2 x 150 380/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1214 2x240/3x240 1x240/2x150 310/270 XLPE Cu 2x150/2x240 380/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE/Cu
1212 2x240/3x240 1x240/2x150 310/270 XLPE Cu 2x150/2x240 380/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE/Cu
1302 2 x 300/2 x 240 2 x 185/1 x 240 270/310 XLPE Cu 2 x 300/2 x 150 380/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1312 2x240/3x240 2x120/2x120 260/240 XLPE Cu 2x240/2x240 420/400 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1352 2 x 300/2 x 240 2 x 240/1 x 240 280/310 XLPE Cu not compatible -
1382 2x240/3x240 2x120/2x150 240/270 XLPE Cu 2x240/2x240 400/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1454 2x240/3x240 2x120/2x150 240/270 XLPE Cu 2x240/2x240 400/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1402 2 x 240 /2 x 240 2 x 240 /1 x 240 280/310 XLPE Cu not compatible - -
1502 4 x 300 /2 x 240 2 x 300 /1 x 240 300/310 XLPE Cu 4 x 240 /2 x 150 400/380 XLPE Cu/XLPE Cu
1702 2 x 240 /2 x 240 2 x 185 /2 x 185 260/260 XLPE Cu not compatible - -
Option 81
1102; 1202; 1302; 8x240 - - - - - -
1352; 1402; 1502
1112; 1212; 1312; 5x240 - - - - - -
* Connection capacities actually available for each machine, defined according to the connection terminal size, the control box access opening size and the available space
inside the control box.
** Selection simultation result considering the hypothesis indicated.
*** If the maximum calculated section is for an XLPE cable type or specified “not compatible”, this means that it exists a risk to exceed the real connection capacity available.
Special attention must be given to the selection.
Note: The currents considered are given for a machine equipped with a hydronic kit operating at maximum current.

6 - APPLICATION DATA Evaporator water temperature
°C Minimum Maximum
Water entering temperature at start-up - 45*
6.1 - Operating range Water entering temperature during operation 6.8 21
Water leaving temperature during operation 3.3 15
30XA standard unit and 30XA0504, 854, 904, 1004, Note: If the leaving water temperature is below 4 °C, a glycol/water solution or the frost
1114, 1214, 1454 with option 119. protection option must be used.

Condenser air temperature

°C Minimum Maximum
Storage -20 68
Operation, standard unit and 30XA504, 854, 904 -10 55**
1004, 1114, 1214 with opt 119
With winter operation option (option 28) -20 55**
With high energy efficiency option (option 119)*** -10 55****

Note: If the air temperature is below 0 °C, a glycol/water solution or the frost protection
Entering air temperature, °C

option must be used.

* Based on the installation type and the air temperature

** Part load, based on the water temperature
*** Recommended for operation above 46 °C
**** Part-load operation

6.2 - M
 inimum chilled water flow (units without
hydronic module)

The minimum chilled water flow is shown in the table on the

next page. If the system flow is less than this, the evapo-rator
flow can be recirculated, as shown in the diagram.

For minimum chilled water flow rate

Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C 1

30XA unit with option 119

Entering air temperature, °C

1 Evaporator
2 Recirculation

6.3 - M
 aximum chilled water flow (units without
hydronic module)

The maximum chilled water flow is shown in the table on the

next page. If the system flow exceeds the maximum value, it
can be bypassed as shown in the diagram.

For maximum chilled water flow rate

Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C


Operating range, unit equipped with option 28 (winter operation).

Below 0 °C air temperature the unit must either be equipped with the
evaporator frost protection option (41A or 41B), or the water loop must be
protected against frost by using a frost protection solution (by the installer).
Part load average

ATTENTION: Option 28 (Winter operation)

If the outside temperature is below -10 °C and the unit has
been switched off for more than 4 hours, it is necessary to
wait 2 hours after the unit has been switched on again to 1 Evaporator
allow the frequency converter to warm up. 2 Bypass

6.4 - Variable flow evaporator 6.6 - Maximum system water volume

Variable evaporator flow can be used in standard 30XA Units with hydronic module incorporate an expansion tank
chillers. The chillers maintain a constant leaving water tem- that limits the water volume. The table below gives the
perature under all flow conditions. For this to happen, the maximum loop volume for pure water or ethylene glycol with
minimum flow rate must be higher than the minimum flow various system concentrations, as well as the static pressures.
given in the table of permissible flow rates and must not vary If the maximum volume is insufficient, compared to the
by more than 10% per minute. minimum system water loop volume, an additional expansion
tank must be added to the system.
If the flow rate changes more rapidly, the system should
contain a minimum of 6.5 litres of water per kW instead of 30XA 252-452 502
Static pressure kPa 100 200 250 100 200 250
3.25 l/kW. bar 1 2 2.5 1 2 2.5
Max. water loop volume l
6.5 - System minimum water volume Pure water 2400 1600 1200 3960 2640 1980
Ethylene glycol 10% 1800 1200 900 2940 1960 1470
Ethylene glycol 20% 1320 880 660 2100 1400 1050
Whichever the system, the water loop minimum capacity is Ethylene glycol 30% 1080 720 540 1740 1160 870
given by the formula: Ethylene glycol 40% 900 600 450 1500 1000 750

Capacity = Cap (kW) x N litres 6.7 - Evaporator water flow rate

Application N
Normal air conditioning 3.25 30XA Evaporator water flow rate, l/s*
Process type cooling 6.5 Min. flow rate Max. flow rate**
252 3,6 37,5
Where Cap is the nominal system cooling capacity (kW) at 302 4,0 40,5
the nominal operating conditions of the installation. 352 4,3 40,5
402 5,3 34,1
This volume is necessary for stable operation and accurate 452 6,0 36,9
temperature control. 502 - 504 6,7 42
602 8,1 45
It is often necessary to add a buffer water tank to the circuit 702 8,9 56,1
in order to achieve the required volume. The tank must itself 752 9,6 59,1
802 10,4 67,1
be internally baffled in order to ensure proper mixing of the
852 - 854 11,0 67,1
liquid (water or brine). Refer to the examples below. 902 - 904 11,8 73,9
1002 -1004 13,1 83,9
Connection to a buffer tank 1102 15,1 87,8
1112-1114 15,1 126,5
1202 16,4 92,9
1212-1214 16,4 132,1
1302 17,5 96,1
1312 17,5 118,5
Bad Good
1352 18,8 107,4
1382 -1454 18,8 131,1
1402 19,3 107,4
1502 19,9 109,4
1702 22,0 107,4
* Standard evaporators with water as the heat transfer fluid.
Bad Good ** The maximum water flow rate corresponds to a pressure drop of 100 kPa.

6.8 - Evaporator pressure drop curve

Sizes 252-602 1
10 4 5 2 6 7

1 252
2 302
3 352
4 402
5 452
6 504 - 502
7 602

Pressure drop, kPa






Water flow rate, l/s

Sizes 702-1702

10 100
100 8
1 2 4 5 6 9
100 10

7021 702
2 752
3 802
7524 854 - 852
5 904 - 902
8026 7 1004- 1002
1114 - 1112
8 1214- 1212
Pressure drop, kPa

9 1312
10 1382-1454
85211 1402
12 1502
13 1702




11 7

Water flow rate, l/s

7 - WATER CONNECTIONS Carrier recommendations on heat exchange fluids:
•• No NH4+ ammonium ions in the water, they are very
ATTENTION: Before carrying out any water connections detrimental for copper. This is one of the most important
install the water box purge plugs (one plug per water box factors for the operating life of copper piping. A content
in the lower section - supplied in the control box). of several tenths of mg/l will badly corrode the copper
For size and position of the heat exchanger water inlet and over time.
outlet connections refer to the certified dimensional drawings •• Cl- Chloride ions are detrimental for copper with a risk
supplied with the unit. of perforations by corrosion by puncture. If possible keep
below 125 mg/l.
The water pipes must not transmit any radial or axial force •• SO42- sulphate ions can cause perforating corrosion, if
to the heat exchangers nor any vibration. their content is above 30 mg/l.
The water supply must be analysed and appropriate filtering, •• No fluoride ions (<0.1 mg/l)
treatment, control devices, isolation and bleed valves and •• No Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions with non negligible levels of
circuits built in, to prevent corrosion, fouling and deterioration dissolved oxygen must be present. Dissolved iron
of the pump fittings. Consult either a water treatment < 5 mg/l with dissolved oxygen < 5 mg/l.
specialist or appropriate literature on the subject. •• Dissolved silicon: silicon is an acid element of water and
can also lead to corrosion risks. Content < 1 mg/l.
7.1 - Operating precautions •• Water hardness: > 0.5 mmol/l. Values between 1 and 2.5
can be recommended. This will facilitate scale deposit
that can limit corrosion of copper. Values that are too
The water circuit should be designed to have the least number
high can cause piping blockage over time. A total
of elbows and horizontal pipe runs at different levels. Below
alkalimetric titre (TAC) below 100 is desirable.
the main points to be checked for the connection:
•• Dissolved oxygen: Any sudden change in water
•• Comply with the water inlet and outlet connections oxygenation conditions must be avoided. It is as
shown on the unit. detrimental to deoxygenate the water by mixing it with
•• Install manual or automatic air purge valves at all high inert gas as it is to over-oxygenate it by mixing it with
points in the circuit(s). pure oxygen. The disturbance of the oxygenation
•• Use a pressure reducer to maintain pressure in the conditions encourages destabilisation of copper
circuit(s) and install a relief valve as well as an expansion hydroxides and enlargement of particles.
tank. •• Electric conductivity 10-600 μS/cm
•• Install thermometers in both the entering and leaving •• pH: Ideal case pH neutral at 20-25 °C
water connections. 7.5 < pH < 9.
•• Install drain connections at all low points to allow the
whole circuit to be drained. If the water circuit must be emptied for longer than one
•• Install stop valves, close to the entering and leaving water month, the complete circuit must be placed under nitrogen
connections. charge to avoid any risk of corrosion by differential aeration.
•• Use flexible connections to reduce the transmission of ATTENTION: Filling, completing and draining the water
vibrations. circuit charge must be done by qualified personnel, using the
•• Insulate all pipework, after testing for leaks, both to air purges and materials that are suitable for the products.
reduce heat gains and to prevent condensation.
Charging and removing heat exchange fluids should be done
•• Cover the insulation with a vapour barrier.
with devices that must be included on the water circuit by
•• Where there are particles in the fluid that could foul the
the installer. Never use the unit heat exchangers to add heat
heat exchanger, a screen filter should be installed ahead
exchange fluid.
of the pump. , or directly at the exchanger inlet in case
the pump is more than 20m away. The mesh size of the
filter must be 1.2 mm (see ‘Typical water circuit diagram’).
•• Before the system start-up verify that the water circuits
are connected to the appropriate heat exchangers (e.g.
no reversal between evaporator and condenser).
•• Do not introduce any significant static or dynamic
pressure into the heat exchange circuit (with regard to
the design operating pressures).
•• Before any start-up verify that the heat exchange fluid
is compatible with the materials and the water circuit
•• The use of different metals on hydraulic piping could
generate eletrolytic pairs and consequently corrosion.
Verify then, the need to install sacrificial anodes.
In case additives or other fluids than those recommended by
Carrier are used, ensure that the fluids are not considered as
a gas, and that they belong to class 2, as defined in directive

7.2 - Victaulic water connections

Inlet/outlet diameters without hydronic module

30XA 252 302 352 402 452 504 502 602 702 752 802 854 852 904 902 1004 1002 1114
Nominal diameter in 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 6
Actual outside diameter mm 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 219,1 219,1 168,3
Options 5, 6 and 100A
Nominal diameter in 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
Actual outside diameter mm 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 168,3 168,3 168,3
Option 100C*
Nominal diameter in 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 -
Actual outside diameter mm 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 219,1 219,1 -

30XA 1112 1202 1214 1212 1302 1312 1352 1382 1454 1402 1502 1702
Nominal diameter in 6 6 6 6 6 6 8/6 6 6 8/6 8/6 6
Actual outside diameter mm 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 219,1/168,3 168,3 168,3 219,1/168,3 219,1/168,3 168,3
Options 5, 6 and 100A
Nominal diameter in 6 5 6 6 6/5 6 8/5 6 6 8/5 8/5 6/6
Actual outside diameter mm 168,3 141,3 168,3 168,3 168.3/141.3 168,3 219.1/141.3 168,3 168,3 219.1/141.3 219.1/141.3 168.3/168.3
Option 100C*
Nominal diameter in - - - - - - - - - - - -
Actual outside diameter mm - - - - - - - - - - - -

* Option 100C is not available for sizes 1102 to 1702

Typical water circuit diagram

C D A 13
12 16 9 9
17 1
4 7
12 10

16 17 6


Legend Installation components

15 Air vent
Components of the unit and hydronic module 16 Flexible connection
A Pressure sensor (A-B = ΔP evaporator) 17 Shut-off valve
B Pressure sensor 18 Charge valve
C Pressure sensor (C-D = ΔP water fi lter)
D Pressure sensor --- Hydronic module (supplied as an option)
1 Victaulic screen fi lter
2 Expansion tank
3 Relief valve
4 Available pressure pump
5 Drain valve
6 Flow control valve
7 Evaporator
8 Evaporator defrost heater (option)
9 Hydronic module defrost heater (option)
10 Air vent (evaporator)
11 Water drain (evaporator)
12 Expansion compensator (fl exible connections)
13 Flow switch
14 Water temperature sensor

7.3 - Flow control IMPORTANT: Depending on the climatic conditions in
your area you must:
Evaporator flow switch and chilled water pump interlock -- Add ethylene glycol with an adequate concentration to protect
IMPORTANT: On 30XA units, the unit water flow switch the installation up to a temperature of 10 K below the lowest
must be energised. Failure to follow this instruction will temperature likely to occur at the installation site.
void the Carrier guarantee. -- If the unit is not used for an extended period, it is
recommended to drain it, and as a safety precaution
The water flow switch is installed on the evaporator water add ethylene glycol to the heat exchanger, using the
inlet and adjusted by the control, based on unit size and water entering purge valve connection (a purge connection
application. If adjustment is necessary, it must be carried out is available somewhere on the heat exchanger water
by qualified personnel trained by Carrier Service. box in case the machine is not perfectly level).
-- At the start of the next season, refill the unit with water
7.4 - Evaporator water box bolt tightening and add an inhibitor.
-- For the installation of auxiliary equipment, the instal-ler
The evaporator (and condenser) are of the shell and tube type must comply with basic regulations, especially for
with removable water boxes to facilitate cleaning. Re-tightening minimum and maximum flow rates, which must be
or tightening must be done in accordance with the illustration between the values listed in the operating limit table
below. (application data).

Water box tightening sequence 7.5.2 - Optional evaporator frost protection (30XA)
In cases where it is not possible to apply the recommendations
in paragraph 7.5.1, the units can be equipped with heaters to
protect the evaporator against frost (option 41A or 41B).

7.6 - O
 peration of two units in master/slave mode
(option 58)

NOTE: This operating mode is not available for 30XA 1702

The control of a master/slave assembly is in the entering water
Legend: and does not require any additional sensors (standard
1 Sequence 1: 1, 2, 3, 4 2 Tightening torque
Sequence 2: 5, 6, 7, 8 Bolt size M16 - 171 - 210 Nm
configuration). It can also be located in the leaving water. In
Sequence 3: 9, 10, 11, 12 this case two additional sensors must be added on the
Sequence 4: 13, 14, 15, 16 common piping.
NOTE: Before this operation we recommend draining the
All parameters, required for the master/slave function must
circuit and disconnecting the pipes to be sure that the bolts
be configured using the Service Configuration menu. All
are correctly and uniformly tightened.
remote controls of the master/slave assembly (start/stop, set
point, load shedding etc.) are controlled by the unit configured
7.5 - Frost protection as master and must only be applied to the master unit.

7.5.1 - Standard machine Each unit controls its own water pump. If there is only one
common pump, in cases with variable flow, isolation valves
If the chiller or the water piping is in an area where the
must be installed on each unit. They will be activated at the
ambient temperature can fall below 0 °C it is recommended
opening and closing by the control of each heat pump (in this
to add an antifreeze solution to protect the unit and the water
case the valves are controlled using the dedicated water pump
piping to a temperature of 10 K below the lowest temperature
outputs). Refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot control
likely to be reached at the installation site. Use only antifreeze
manual for a more detailed explanation.
solutions, approved for heat exchanger duty. If the system is
not protected by an antifreeze solution and will not be used
during the freezing weather conditions, draining of the cooler
and outdoor piping is mandatory. Damage due to freezing is
not covered by the warranty.

30XA with configuration: Leaving water control
1 Master unit
2 Slave unit

Control boxes of the master and slave units

Water inlet
Water outlet
Water pumps for each unit (included as standard for units with hydronic module)
Additional sensors for leaving water control, to be connected to channel 1 of
1 2 the slave boards of each master and slave unit
CCN communication bus
Connection of two additional sensors

7.7 - Pump characteristics

7.7.1 - Available external static pressure (hydronic module option)

Data applicable for:
- Fresh water 20 °C
- In case of use of the glycol, the maximum water flow is reduced.
- When the glycol is used, it’s limited to 40%.

Low-pressure pumps (options 116F/116G) High-pressure pumps (options 116B/116C)

175 400
Available static pressure, kPa

Available static pressure, kPa

150 452 350
125 300
402 275
250 252
100 402 452 502
352 225
75 200
302 175 352
50 150
252 125 302
25 100
0 50
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Water fl ow rate, l/s Water fl ow rate, l/s

7.7.2 - Net positive suction head (NPSH) required, hydronic module option
Size the hydronic circuit to ensure a net positive suction head that is higher than or equal to the required NPSH + 50 kPa.
Data applicable for:
- Fresh water 20 °C
- In case of use of the glycol, the maximum water flow is reduced.
- When the glycol is used, it’s limited to 40%.

Low-pressure pumps (options 116F/116G) High-pressure pumps (options 116B/116C)

80 120
Available static pressure, kPa

Available static pressure, kPa

70 452-502
80 402
40 60
30 352
40 252
20 302 - 352
10 252-302
0 0
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
Water fl ow rate, l/s Water fl ow rate, l/s


8.1 - Physical data, 30XA units with free-cooling option (option 118A)

30XA with Option 118A 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902 1002
Operating weight with option 279 or 257 kg 3740 3780 3820 4673 4743 5174 6097 6247 6547 6847 7308 7648 8226
Refrigerant charge kg
Circuit A 37 35 35 51.5 53.5 60.5 60 60 67 71 74 71 78
Circuit B 38.5 37.5 37.5 36.5 37 36 61 64 60 67 65 78 82
Refrigerant charge, option 254 kg
Circuit A 60 64 * 87 87 104 104 102 * * 133 * 143
Circuit B 64 64 * 56 56 56 90 97 * * 97 * 132
* Option 118A (free cooling) is not compatible with these unit sizes.

8.2 - Operating limits

Cooling mode The change-over between the cooling and free-cooling modes
Evaporator Minimum Maximum is automatically controlled (it is possible to block the change-over
Entering water temperature at start-up °C - 45
Entering water temperature during operation °C 6.8 21
to free-cooling by reconfiguring the machine - see Controls
Leaving water temperature during operation 3.3 15 IOM). The configurable parameters permitting change-over are
Condenser (air) the outside air temperature and the leaving water temperature
Outdoor ambient operating temperature °C -10 55* set-point. As soon as the temperature difference LWTstp - OAT
With winter operation option (option 28) °C -20 55*
Free-cooling mode
is above 8 K the current capacity in cooling mode is calculated
Evaporator Minimum Maximum and compared with the theo-retical free-cooling capacity. This
Entering water temperature at start-up °C - 45 comparison authorizes/stops the change-over to free-cooling.
Leaving water temperature during operation 3.3 26*
Condenser (air) Minimum Maximum After change-over to free-cooling all compressors are stopped,
Outdoor ambient operating temperature °C -10 20 the two (or four) two-way valves change to the free-cooling
With winter operation option (option 28) °C -20 20
position (the compressor functions are bypassed). As soon as
* Maximum configurable set-point the valves open, the free-cooling pump is started. This change-over
logic takes around 4 minutes. Taking this timing into consideration
8.3 - Operation two cooling - free-cooling change-overs are authorized per hour.
If the capacity supplied in the free-cooling mode is insufficient
(set-point not reached), the unit automatically changes over
to cooling mode.
To optimize operation in free-cooling mode we strongly
7 7 recommend to use the set-point offset function. This favours
the change-over to free-cooling and increases the capacity in
free-cooling mode.
5 5

8 8

4 4

9 9

6 6

3 3
2 2

1 Evaporator
2 Air condenser (coils)
3 Motorised two-way valve, discharge side
4 Compressor and oil separator
5 Principal electronic expansion valve (EXV)
6 Pressure and temperature measurement to calculate the sub-cooling upstream
of the pump
7 Motorised two-way bypass valve
8 Free-cooling expansion device (EXV)
9 Refrigerant pump


9.1 - Physical data, 30XA units with heat reclaim condenser option

30XA heat reclaim mode 252 302 352 402 452 502 602 702 752 802 852 902 1002
Operating weight* kg 3920 3960 3970 4930 5050 5550 6670 6730 7130 7350 7890 8340 8950
Condenser diameter in 10 10 10 12 14 14 12+12 12+12 14+12 14+12 14+12 14+14 14+14
Refrigerant charge
Circuit A kg 37 35 35 51 52 59 58 58 65 69 72 69 91
Circuit B kg 39 37 37 37 37 36 59 62 58 65 63 76 89
Heat reclaim condenser Flooded multi-pipe condenser
Water volume l 38 38 38 55 68 68 55 + 55 55 + 55 68 + 55 68+55 68+55 68 + 68 68 + 68
Water connections Victaulic
Nominal diameter in 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Actual outside diameter mm 88.9 88.9 88.9 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3

* Weights are for guidance only.

9.2 - Dimensions, clearances

9.2.1 - 30XA 252-352 - heat reclaim option

Legend NOTES:
All dimensions are given in mm. -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
1 Required clearances for maintenance (see note) -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
2 Recommended space for evaporator tube removal dimensional drawings, available on request.
Water inlet for standard unit -- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
Water outlet
dimensional drawings.
-- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified drawing.
is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.11 -
Air outlet – do not obstruct “Multiple chiller installation” and 3.12 - “Distance
to the wall” of this document to determine the space
Power supply and control connection
A Heat reclaim condenser

ATTENTION: The condenser connection sleeves are not

installed, but supplied with the unit. The sealing joints are
in the control box. The temperature sensors and the condenser
flow switch are wired and fixed in the machine. They must
be installed as described in the chapter “Condenser water

9.2.2 - 30XA 402-452 - heat reclaim option


All dimensions are given in mm.

1 Required clearances for maintenance (see note)
2 Recommended space for evaporator tube removal
Water inlet for standard unit
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified
Water outlet
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified
Air outlet – do not obstruct

Power supply and control connection

A Heat reclaim condenser

9.2.3 - 30XA 502 - heat reclaim option

ATTENTION: The condenser connection sleeves are not NOTES:

installed, but supplied with the unit. The sealing joints are -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
in the control box. The temperature sensors and the condenser -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
flow switch are wired and fixed in the machine. They must dimensional drawings, available on request.
be installed as described in the chapter “Condenser water -- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
connections”. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
dimensional drawings.
-- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.11 -
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.12 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

9.2.4 - 30XA 602-802 - heat reclaim option


All dimensions are given in mm.

1 Required clearances for maintenance (see note)
2 Recommended space for evaporator tube removal
Water inlet for standard unit
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified
Water outlet
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified
Air outlet – do not obstruct

Power supply and control connection

A Heat reclaim condenser

9.2.5 - 30XA 852-902 - heat reclaim option

ATTENTION: The condenser connection sleeves are not NOTES:

installed, but supplied with the unit. The sealing joints are -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
in the control box. The temperature sensors and the condenser -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
flow switch are wired and fixed in the machine. They must dimensional drawings, available on request.
be installed as described in the chapter “Condenser water -- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
connections”. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
dimensional drawings.
-- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.11 -
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.12 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

9.2.6 - 30XA 1002 - heat reclaim option


All dimensions are given in mm.

1 Required clearances for maintenance (see note)
2 Recommended space for evaporator tube removal
Water inlet for standard unit
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified
Water outlet
For options 5, 6, 100A, 100C, 107 refer to the certified
Air outlet – do not obstruct

Power supply and control connection

A Heat reclaim condenser

ATTENTION: The condenser connection sleeves are not NOTES:

installed, but supplied with the unit. The sealing joints are -- Drawings are not contractually binding.
in the control box. The temperature sensors and the condenser -- Before designing an installation, consult the certified
flow switch are wired and fixed in the machine. They must dimensional drawings, available on request.
be installed as described in the chapter “Condenser water -- For the positioning of the fixing points, weight distribution
connections”. and centre of gravity coordinates please refer to the
dimensional drawings.
-- If the installation includes several units or if this (these)
is (are) close to walls, please refer to chapters 3.11 -
“Multiple chiller installation” and 3.12 - “Distance to
the wall” of this document to determine the space required.

9.3 - Condenser location 9.5 - O
 perating limits for stable operation (no mode
All heat reclaim condensers are located between the air-cooled
condensers on the upper part of the chassis, support-ed by two 9.5.1 - Cooling only mode
cross rails. The water inlet and outlet are on the same side. Please refer to the earlier chapters in this manual:
6.1 - Unit operating range
9.4 - Condenser water connections
6.7 - Evaporator water flow rate
9.4.1 - Unit with one heat reclaim condenser (30XA 252-502)
9.5.2 - Heat reclaim mode
The water flow switch must be installed at the water inlet of
Condenser water temperature
the installation that arrives at the heat reclaim condenser. °C Minimum Maximum
Water entering temperature at start-up 12.5* 55
Water entering temperature during operation 20 55
Water leaving temperature during operation 25 60
Evaporator water temperature
°C Minimum Maximum
Water entering temperature at start-up - 45
Water entering temperature during operation 6.8 21
Water leaving temperature during operation 3.3 15

* The water entering temperature at start-up must not be lower than 12.5 °C. For
installations with a lower temperature a three-way valve must be used.
NOTE: If the temperature at the evaporator is below 4 °C, a glycol/water solution or
Legend the frost protection option must be used.
1 Heat reclaim condenser
2 Entering water temperature sensor (supplied) In part-load operation, the limitation of the condenser
3 Leaving water temperature sensor (supplied) leaving water temperature is due to the operating range of
4 Condenser water flow switch (supplied)
5 Three-way valve (not supplied)
the screw compressor. If the condenser leaving water
temperature is above the limit value given in the curves
9.4.2 - Unit with two heat reclaim condensers (30XA 602-1002) below, the unit will automatically change over to the mode
The two condensers must be installed in parallel in the water without heat recovery:
system of the installation. The water flow switch and the
entering/leaving water temperature sensors must be instal-led 65
in the line that is common to both heat reclaim circuits and
Condenser leaving water temperature, °C

as close as possible to the condensers. A T-piece must be

provided by the installer at the water inlet and outlet of the 55
condensers. 50
For units with two condensers the maximum cable length of 45
the temperature sensors and the flow switch (7.5 m) is 40
designed to allow connection to the common inlet or outlet
in a radius of 4.5 m after routing along the width of the unit.
0 5 10 15
Evaporator leaving water temperature, °C

Full load
Part load limit, approx. 60%
Minimum load limit, approx. 30%

Part load operating limits (evaporator leaving water

temperature = 7 °C)
Please refer to the legend in chapter 9.4.1 opposite, noting that items 2, 3 and 4 - 60
Maximum condenser leaving water

flow switch and sensors - are placed on the common sections.

9.4.3 - Three-way valves 55

temperature, °C

It is strongly recommended to install a three-way valve in

the system (not supplied with the unit). A 0-10 V output is 50
available on the unit electronic board to control this valve.
The valve allows bypassing of the heat reclaim condenser 45
entering/leaving circuit to ensure unit operation with heat
reclaim at low entering water temperature (< 12.5 °C). It also 40
ensures an optimal and controlled leaving water temperature. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
Unit load, %

9.6 - Operating limits for changeover between modes ATTENTION: Mode changes may lead to higher sound
levels than the levels at stable operation.
From cooling only to heat reclaim and vice versa.
Depending on the mode selected (heat reclaim or cooling),
Heat reclaim condenser water temperature the logic compares the water entering temperature required
°C Minimum Maximum
with the setpoint. Depending on this difference the unit
Water entering temperature 12.5 57.5
Ambient operating temperature -10* 45 circuits are either activated or deactivated in heat reclaim
mode (one or two together), as shown in the following
* -20 °C with winter operation option (option 28)
diagram and table.
9.7 - Flow control

The water flow switch supplied needs to be installed at the

Condenser water entering temperature

heat reclaim condenser water inlet and protects the conden-ser
loop against low water flow conditions. When the heat reclaim
mode is required, a signal from the additional board output
activates the system pump. Once the pump is started, flow
D D +1.25

detection takes place for one minute. If no flow is detected Setpoint, °C
by the end of this time: -1,25KK
1. Changeover to the heat reclaim mode is not permitted B B
2. Mode is changed to cooling only mode when the water
flow rate is low, accompanied by a water flow detection A A
alarm. T
The deadband of 5 K is controlled by default.
Case Selection of the Number of circuits Action
heat reclaim mode in heat reclaim mode
6 3 3 6 - NO 0 + 2 circuits in cooling mode
12 12
A YES Whatever the number + 2 circuits in heat reclaim
9 9 mode
7 10 10 7
B YES 0 + 1 circuit in heat reclaim
11 11 1 No change
2 No change
10 10 C YES Whatever the number No change
5 5
D YES 1 No change
4 4

2 - 1 circuit in heat reclaim

E YES Whatever the number - 2 circuits in heat reclaim

For more details on the heat reclaim operation logic please

1 refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot control manual,
Legend chapter 6.15 - “Optional heat reclaim module”.
1 Evaporator
2 Heat reclaim condenser
3 Air condenser (coils) 9.9 - Condenser pump selection
4 Compressor
5 Expansion device (EXV)
6 Motorised valve - heat reclaim mode Heat reclaim condenser water flow rate/pressure drop
7 Motorised valve - cooling only mode
8 Solenoid valve - charge recovery in heat reclaim mode
9 Solenoid valve - charge recovery in cooling only mode
10 Check valve Heat reclaim condenser pressure drop in water flow
11 Pressure and temperature measurement to calculate the liquid sub-cooling to rate function
optimise the charge recovery
12 Check valve with capillary 70

9.8 - Heat reclaim operation
Pressure drop, kPa

The heat reclaim condenser option is only available on units 40
with two circuits. It has been designed with one or two single
or two-circuit shell-and-tube heat exchangers, depending on
the unit size. 20

The two circuits are independently controlled. One circuit 10

can be in cooling only and the other in heat reclaim mode. 0

0 10 20 30 40
Changeover from one mode to the other (changeover from Water flow rate, l/s
heat exchange at the air condenser to heat exchange at the 1 Condenser 10" (water volume = 38 litres)
water condenser and vice versa) is ensured by motorised 2 Condenser 12" (water volume = 55 litres)
3 Condenser 14" (water volume = 68 litres)
two-way valves located upstream of the air and water
condensers. For units with a water condenser please refer to chapter 9.1 - “Technical
data, 30XA units with heat reclaim condenser option”.

9.10 - Frost protection 11.2 - Pressure vessels

The heat reclaim condenser is equippped with electric heaters General

to protect the condenser against frost. These are activated if
Monitoring during operation, re-qualification, re-testing and
the condenser entering and leaving water tem-peratures are
re-testing dispensation:
below 3 °C and deactivated, if they are higher than 4.3 °C.
•• Follow the regulations on monitoring pressurised
10 - FANS WITH AVAILABLE PRESSURE (OPTION 10) •• It is normally required that the user or operator sets up
and maintains a monitoring and maintenance file.
If this option has been selected, the fans with available •• If there are no regulations or to complement them follow
pressure are equipped with discharge connection flanges to the control programmes of EN 378.
facilitate the duct connection. •• If they exist follow local professional recommendations.
NOTE: Each fan must be individually ducted. •• Regularly inspect the condition of the coating (paint)
to detect blistering resulting from corrosion. To do this,
check a non-insulated section of the container or the
11 - M
 AJOR SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND OPERATION rust formation at the insulation joints.
DATA •• Regularly check for possible presence of impurities (e.g.
silicon grains) in the heat exchange fluids. These
11.1 - D
 irect-drive twin-screw compressor with impurities maybe the cause of the wear or corrosion by
variable capacity slide valve puncture.
•• Filter the heat exchange fluid check and carry out internal
•• 30XA units use 06T geared twin-screw compressors inspections as described in EN 378.
equipped with a variable capacity slide valve for •• In case of re-testing please refer to the maximum
continuous control between 30% and 100% of full load. operating pressure given on the unit nameplate.
•• Nominal capacities range from 120 to 530 kW. The seven •• •The reports of periodical checks by the user or operator
models used in the 30XA range are economised. must be included in the supervision and maintenance
11.1.1 - Oil filter file.
The 06T screw compressor has an independent oil filter Repair
attached to the oil separator. This filter is field replaceable. Any repair or modification, including the replacement of
11.1.2 - Refrigerant moving parts:
The 30XA a water chiller operating only with refrigerant •• Must follow local regulations and be made by qualified
R-134a. operators and in accordance with qualified procedures,
including changing the heat exchanger tubes.
11.1.3 - Lubricant •• Must be made in accordance with the instructions of the
The 06T screw compressor is approved for use with the original manufacturer. Repair and modification that
following lubricants: necessitate permanent assembly (soldering, welding,
expanding etc.) must be made using the correct proce-
•• Castrol Icematic SW220 (Carrier specification PP47-32)
dures and by qualified operators.
•• Lubrizol Emkarate RL220H (Carrier specification PP47-13).
•• An indication of any modification or repair must be
11.1.4 - Oil supply solenoid valve shown in the monitoring and maintenance file.
An oil supply solenoid valve is installed on the oil return line Recycling
as standard to isolate the compressor from oil flow when the
The unit is wholly or partly recyclable. After use it contains
compressor is not operating. The oil solenoid valve is field
refrigerant vapours and oil residue. It is coated by paint.
Operating life
11.1.5 - Suction and economizer screens
This unit is designed for:
To increase the reliability of the compressor, a screen has
been incorporated as a standard feature into suction and •• Prolonged storage of 15 years under nitrogen charge
economizer inlets of the compressor. with a temperature difference of 20 K per day.
•• 452000 cycles (start-ups) with a maximum difference of
11.1.6 - Capacity control system 6 K between two neighbouring points in the vessel, based
The 06T screw compressor has an unloading system that is on 6 start-ups per hour over 15 years at a usage rate of
standard on all compressors. This unloading system consists 57%.
of slide valve that permits changing the length of the screw Corrosion allowances:
used for the refrigerant compression. This valve is controlled
by the action of a piston controlled by two solenoid valves Gas side: 0 mm
on the oil return line. Heat exchange fluid side: 1 mm for tubular plates in lightly
alloyed steels, 0 mm for stainless steel plates or plates with
copper-nickel or stainless steel protection.

11.2.1 - Evaporator 11.2.3 - Economiser function
30XA chillers use a flooded multi-tube evaporator. The water The economiser function includes a liquid line valve, a filter
circulates in the tubes and the refrigerant is on the outside drier, two EXVs, a plate heat exchanger as well as protection
in the shell. One vessel is used to serve both refrigerant devices (fuse or valve).
circuits. There is a centre tube sheet which separates the two
At the condenser outlet a part of the liquid is expanded via
refrigerant circuits. The tubes are 3/4” diameter copper with
the secondary EXV in one of the heat exchanger circuits and
an enhanced surface inside and out. There is just one water
then returns as gas at the compressor economiser. This
circuit, and depending on the size of the chiller, there may
expansion permits increase of the liquid sub-cooling of the
be one, two or three water passes.
rest of the flow that penetrates the evaporator via the prin-cipal
The units have three refrigerant circuits with two evaporators EXV. This permits increasing the cooling capacity of the
connected in series on the heat transfer fluid. system as well as its efficiency.
The evaporator has a thermal insulation of 19 mm thick
polyurethane foam, an aluminium sheet (option) and is 11.3 - High-pressure safety switch
equipped with a water drain and purge.
30XA units are equipped with high-pressure safety switches.
The water connection of the heat exchanger is a Victaulic
connection. As an option the evaporator is available with In accordance with the applicable code the high-pressure
frost protection (evaporator frost protection option). switches with manual reset, called PZH (former DBK), may
be backed up by high-pressure switches that require resett-
The products that may be added for thermal insulation of
ing with a tool. The high-pressure switches that require
the containers during the water piping connection procedure
resetting with a tool are called PZHH (former SDBK). If a
must be chemically neutral in relation to the materials and
PZHH cuts out, the corresponding PZH in the same com-
coatings to which they are applied. This is also the case for
pressor is faulty and must be replaced. The PZHH must be
the products originally supplied by Carrier.
reset with a blunt tool with a diameter of less than 6 mm.
11.2.2 - Oil separator Insert this tool into the opening on the pressure switch and
In these units, the oil separator is a pressure vessel that is push the reset button in this location.
mounted under the outside vertical condenser coils. Dis- These pressure switches are located at the discharge of each
charge gas at the compressor outlet is directed towards the compressor.
bottom of the oil separator ring and most of the oil separates
from the gas by strong deceleration and by gravity. The gas 11.4 - Condensers
then flows through a wire mesh screen where the remaining
oil is separated by coalescence and flows to the bottom of
30XA coils are all-aluminium micro-channel condensers.
the ring. The gas is now free from oil and leaves the ring at
Optional coils with internally grooved copper tubes with
the top towards the condenser.
aluminium fins are also available (options 254 and 255).
The oil separator is equipped with a trace heater regulated
by the control. 11.5 - Fans

The fans are axial Flying Bird fans equipped with rotating
shroud and made of composite recyclable material. Each
motor is fixed with transverse supports. The motors are three-
phase, with permanently lubricated bearings and insulation
class F (level IP55).

According to the Regulation No. 327/2011 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for
fans driven by motors with an electric input power between 125 W and 500 kW.
Product 30XA 30XA
Option Standard Option 119
Global fan efficiency % 35.5 39.3
Measurement category A A
Efficiency category static static
Energy efficiency target N(2015) N(2015) 40 N(2015) 40
Efficiency level at the optimal energy efficiency point 42.4 43.9
Variable frequency drive Optional Optional
Year of manufacture See label on unit See label on unit
Fan manufacturer Simonin Simonin
Motor manufacturer Leroy Somer Leroy Somer
Fan reference 00PSG000000100A 00PSG000000100A
Motor reference 00PPG000478500A 00PPG000478400A
Nominal motor capacity kW 0.83 1.85
Flow rate m3/s 3.12 4.28
Pressure at optimum energy efficiency Pa 95 170
Speed rpm 712 954
Specific ratio 1.002 1.002
Product disassembly, recycling or disposal at end of life See service manual See service manual
Information about minimising environmental impact See service manual See service manual

According to the Regulation No. 640/2009 and amendment 4/2014 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC with regard to ecodesign
requirements for electric motors.

Product 30XA
Option Standard option 119
Motor type Asynchronous Asynchronous
Number of poles 8 6
Nominal input frequency Hz 50 50
Nominal voltage V 400 400
Number of phases 3 3
Motor included in the application domain of the regulation 640/2009 and No No
amendment 4/2014
Sales leaflet for exemption °C Article 2.1 Article 2.1
Ambient air temperature for which the motor is specifically designed 70 70

11.6 - Electronic expansion valve (EXV)

Equal pressure
The EXV is equipped with a stepper motor (2785 to 3690
steps, depending on the model) that is controlled via the EXV
board. The EXV is also equipped with a sightglass that
permits verification of the mechanism movement and the
presence of the liquid gasket.

11.7 - Moisture indicator

Located on the EXV, permits control of the unit charge and

indicates moisture in the circuit. The presence of bubbles in
the sight-glass indicates an insufficient charge or non-con-
densables in the system. The presence of moisture changes
the colour of the indicator paper in the sight-glass.

11.8 - Filter drier 11.11 - Power factor correction capacitors

(option 231)
The role of the filter drier is to keep the circuit clean and
moisture-free. The moisture indicator shows, when it is They garantee a minimum power factor performance of 0.95
necessary to change the element. A difference in tempera- when unit operates at a condition that involves a power input
ture between the filter inlet and outlet shows that the element that exceeds the Eurovent standard condition.
is dirty.
A fix capacitor bank is switched at start of each compressor.
It provides individual power factor correction for each
11.9 - Sensors machine refrigerant circuit.

The units use thermistors to measure the temperature, and Capacitors are dry type : no risque of leakage or fire.
pressure transducers to control and regulate system opera-tion. The capacitors are selected for each compressor as per below
Refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot control manual table:
for a more detailed explanation.
Compressor Capacitor (kVAR) Ir (A)
06TSA155 15 22
11.10 - Service valve (option 92) 06TSA186 20 29
06TTA266 35 51
The unit can be equipped with optional service valves to 06TTA301 35 51
facilitate maintenance and repair operations. 06TTA356 35 51
06TUA483 45 65
If option 92 is ordered, each refrigerant circuit will be 06TUA554 45 65
supplied with shut-off valves on the compressor economiser,
discharge and suction lines. Caution: Operation of the unit without capacitors results
in current raising
ATTENTION: The compressor suction valve must be used
without pressure difference at the terminals. If there is a
pressure difference, leak-tightness at the valve may be lost
and the valve can even fail altogether.

30XA fan arrangement

30XA 252-352 30XA 902

1.1 2.3 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.7 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.2 1.3 2.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.6 2.5 2.4

30XA 352 (options 254/255) 30XA 902 (options 254/255)

1.1 1.2 2.2 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.3 1.4 2.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.7 2.6 2.5

30XA 402-452-504 30XA 1002

1.1 1.2 2.3 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.3 1.4 1.5 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5

30XA 502 30XA1114

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.4 1.5 1.6 2.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.6

30XA 602 30XA1214

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.4 1.5 1.6 2.5 2.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6

30XA 702-904 30XA 1112

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.5 2.5 2.4* 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.4 1.5 1.6 2.6 2.5 2.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6

30XA 752 - 802-854 30XA 1212

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.5 2.2 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.5 2.5 2.4* 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.4 2.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6

30XA 1312-1382

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.7 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5* 2.5* 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 1.6* 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6*

30XA 752-802 (options 254/255 ) -852 30XA 1454

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1
1.2 1.3 1.4 2.3 2.2 2.1

1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8** 2.6*** 2.5 2.4 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6

** not present on 802

*** not present on 752

NOTE: The values above do not correspond to the fan designation. The fan x = Circuit number
designation and position are given on the unit drawings and wiring diagrams y = Start-up order
supplied with the unit.

* These fans are also used to reduce the ventilation steps during change-over
of dual stages: They may stop and then restart depending on the stage


Options No. Description Advantages Use for 30XA range

Coil with anti-corrosion post 2B Factory application of Blygold Polual treatment on the Improved corrosion resistance, recommended for 252-1702 (Not available
treatment copper/aluminium coils industrial, rural and marine environments for the sizes ending with
C o r r o s i o n p r o t e c t i o n , 3A Fins made of pre-treated aluminium (polyurethane and Improved corrosion resistance, recommended for 252-1702 (Not available
traditional coils epoxy) moderate marine and urban environments for the sizes ending with
Medium-temperature brine 5 Implementation of new algorithms of control and Covers specific applications such as ice storage and 252-1702
solution evaporator redesign to allow chilled brine solution industrial processes
production down to -6°C when ethylene glycol is used
(-3°C with propylene glycol)
Low-temperature brine 6 Implementation of new algorithms of control and Covers specific applications such as ice storage and 252-1702
solution evaporator redesign to allow chilled brine solution industrial processes
production down to -12°C when ethylene glycol is used
(-8°C with propylene glycol)
U n i t e q u i p p e d fo r a i r 10 Fans equipped with discharge connection flanges - Facilitates connections to the discharge ducts 252-1702 (not available
discharge ducting maximum available pressure 60 Pa for the sizes ending with 4)
Variable speed fans 17 Unit equipped with variable speed fans Enhances the unit seasonal energy efficiency 252-1702 (not available
performance and reduces the noise emission thanks to for the sizes 1102, 1202,
a smooth fan speed variation. 1302, 1352, 1402, 1502)
IP54 control box 20A Increased leak tightness of the unit Protects the inside of the electrical box from dusts, water 252-1702
and sand. In general this option is recommended for
installations in polluted environments
Tro p i c a l i s a t i o n o f t h e 22 Electrical box equipped with an electrical heater and a Grant safe operation in typical "tropical" climate. This 252-1702
electrical box fan. Electrical connections on the compressors painted option is recommended for all applications where humidy
with a special varnish and covered with an anti- inside the electrical box can reach 80% at 40°C and unit
condensation foam. can remain in stand-by for a long time under this
G r i l l e s a n d e n c l o s u re 23 Metal grilles on the 4 unit sides, plus side enclosure Improves aesthetics, protection against intrusion to the 252-1702
panels panels at each end of the coil unit interior, coil and piping protection against impacts.
Enclosure panels 23A Side enclosure panels at each end of the coil Improves aesthetics, coil and piping protection against 252-1702
Winter operation down to 28 Fan speed control via frequency converter Stable unit operation for air temperature down to -20°C 252-1702
Water exchanger frost 41A Electric resistance heater on the water exchanger and water exchanger frost protection down to -20°C outside 252-1702
protection discharge valve temperature
Exchanger & hydraulic frost 41B Electric resistance heater on water exchanger, discharge Water exchanger and hydronic module frost protection 252-502
protection valve and hydronic module down to -20°C outside temperature
Total heat recovery 50 Unit equipped with additional heat exchanger in parallel Production of free hot-water simultaneously with chilled 252-1002 (Not available
with the condenser coils. water production for the sizes ending with 4)
Master/slave operation 58 Unit equipped with supplementary water outlet Optimised operation of two units connected in parrallele 252-1702
temperature sensor kit to be field-installed allowing operation with operating time equalisation
master/slave operation of two units connected in parallel
Single power connection 81 Unit power connection via one main supply connection Quick and easy installation 1112-1502
Service valve set 92 Liquid line valve (evaporator inlet), compressor suction Allow isolation of various refrigerant circuit components 252-1702
and discharge line valves and economiser line valve for simplified service and maintenance
Compressor discharge 93A Shut-off valve on the compressor discharge piping Simplified maintenance 252-1702
Evaporator with one pass 100A Evaporator with one pass more on the water side Optimise chiller operation when the chilled water circuit 252-1702
more is designed with low waterflows (high delta T evaporator
Evaporator with one pass 100C Evaporator with one pass on the water side. Evaporator Easy to install, depending on site. Reduced pressure 252-1002
less inlet and outlet on opposite sides. drops
21 bar evaporator 104 Reinforced evaporator for extension of the maximum Covers applications with a high water column evaporator 252-1702
water-side service pressure to 21 bar (standard 10 bar) side (typically high buildings)
Reversed evaporator water 107 Evaporator with reversed water inlet/outlet Easy installation on sites with specific requirements 252-1702
HP single-pump hydronic 116B Complete hydronic module equipped with water filter, Easy and fast installation (plug & play). 252-502 (Not available for
module expansion tank with relief valve, one high pressure pump, Increased system reliability the size 504)
drain valve and water flow control valve. For more details,
refer to the dedicated chapter
HP dual-pump hydronic 116C Complete hydronic module equipped with water filter, Easy and fast installation (plug & play). 252-502 (Not available for
module expansion tank with relief valve, two high pressure Increased system reliability the size 504)
pumps, drain valve and water flow control valve. For more
details, refer to the dedicated chapter
LP single-pump hydronic 116F Complete hydronic module equipped with water filter, Easy and fast installation (plug & play). 252-502 (Not available for
module expansion tank with relief valve, one low pressure pump, Increased system reliability the size 504)
drain valve and water flow control valve. For more details,
refer to the dedicated chapter
LP dual-pump hydronic 116G Complete hydronic module equipped with water filter, Easy and fast installation (plug & play). 252-502 (Not available for
module expansion tank with relief valve, two low pressure pumps, Increased system reliability the sizes 504)
drain valve and water flow control valve. For more details,
refer to the dedicated chapter
Dx Free Cooling system on 118A Patented Carrier free-cooling system with cooling micro- Energy savings for applications with cooling demand 252-1002 (Not available
two circuits pump on both refrigerant circuits. Operation without throughout the entire year for the sizes ending with 4)
glycol, no extra free-cooling coil. See Dx Free-cooling
option chapter
High energy efficiency 119 Higher air flow through the condenser coils improving Energy cost reduction and extended operating envelope 252-1702 (Mandatory for
heat exchange efficiency on the condenser (full load operation at higher air temperature) the sizes ending with 4)
J-Bus gateway 148B Two-directional communication board complying with Connects the unit by communication bus to a building 252-1702
JBus protocol management system
Lon gateway 148D Two-directional communication board complying with Connects the unit by communication bus to a building 252-1702
Lon Talk protocol management system
Bacnet over IP 149 Two-directional high-speed communication using Easy and high-speed connection by ethernet line to a 252-1702
BACnet protocol over Ethernet network (IP) building management system. Allows access to multiple
unit parameters
E n e r g y M a n a g e m e n t 156 EMM Control board with additional inputs/outputs. See Extended remote control capabilities (Set-point reset, 252-1702
Module Energy Management Module option chapter ice storage end, demand limits, boiler on/off command...)

Options No. Description Advantages Use for 30XA range
Touch Pilot control, 7" user 158A Touch Pilot control supplied with a 7 inch colour touch Enhanced ease of use. 252-1702
interface screen user interface
Leak detection 159 0-10 V signal to report any refrigerant leakage in the unit Immediate customer notification of refrigerant losses to 252-1702
directly on the controlller (the leak detector itself must the atmosphere, allowing timely corrective actions
be supplied by the customer)
Dual relief valves on 3-way 194 Three-way valve upstream of the relief valves on the Valve replacement and inspection facilitated without 252-1352 (Not available
valve evaporator and the oil separator refrigerant loss. Comforms to European standard EN378/ for the sizes 1112,
BGVD4 1212, 1312, 1114, 1214)
Compliance with Swiss 197 Additional tests on the water heat exchangers: supply Conformance with Swiss regulations 252-1702
regulations (additional of PED documents) supplementary
certificates and test certifications
Compliance with Russian 199 EAC certification Conformance with Russian regulations 252-1702
Compliance with Australian 200 Unit approved to Australian code Conformance with Australian regulations 252-1702
Power factor correction 231 Capacitors for automatic regulation of power factor (cos Reduction of the apparent electrical power, compliance 252-1002
phi) value to 0,95. with minimum power factor limit set by utilities
Traditional coils (Cu/Al) 254 Coils made of copper tubes with aluminium fins None 252-1702 (Not available
for the sizes ending with
Traditional coils (Cu/Al) 255 Coils made of copper tubes with aluminium fins without None 252-1702 (Not available
without slots slots for the sizes ending with
Insulation of the evap. in/out 256 Thermal insulation of the evaporator entering/leaving Prevents condensation on the evaporator entering/ 252-1702
ref.lines refrigerant lines with flexible, anti-UV insulant leaving refrigerant lines
Low noise level 257 Sound insulation of main noise sources (includes option 5 to 12 dB(A) quiter than standard unit (depending model 252-1702
Compressor enclousure) and size). Refer to the physical data table for detailed
Very low sound level 258 Enhanced sound insulation of main noise sources 2 to 3 dB(A) quiter than unit with option Low Noise. Refer 452-1702 (Not available
combined with fans speed management (includes option to the physical data table for detailed values for the sizes ending with
Compressor enclousure) 4)
Enviro-Shield anti-corrosion 262 Coating by conversion process which modifies the Improved corrosion resistance, recommended for use in 252-1702
protection surface of the aluminum producing a coating that is moderately corrosive environments
integral to the coil. Complete immersion in a bath to
ensure 100% coverage. No heat transfer variation, tested
4000 hours salt spray per ASTM B117
Super Enviro-Shield anti- 263 Extremely durable and flexible epoxy polymer coating Improved corrosion resistance, recommended for use in 252-1702
corrosion protection applied on micro channel heat exchangers by electro extremely corrosive environments
coating process, final UV protective topcoat. Minimal
heat transfer variation, tested 6000 hours constant
neutral salt spray per ASTM B117, superior impact
resistance per ASTM D2794
W e l d e d e v a p o r a t o r 266 Victaulic piping connections with welded joints Easy installation 252-1702
connection kit
Compressor enclousure 279 Compressor sound enclosure 4 to 10 dB(A) quiter than standard unit. Refer to the 252-1702
physical data table for detailed values
Evaporator with aluminium 281 Evaporator covered with an aluminium sheet for thermal Improved resistance to aggressive climate conditions 252-1702
jacket insulation protection
230V electrical plug 284 230V AC power supply source provided with plug socket Permits connection of a laptop or an electrical device 252-1702
and transformer (180 VA, 0,8 Amps) during unit commissioning or servicing
Carrier Connect link (only 298 3G router board NOTE 1: require option 149 Enabler for Carrier Connect service offer 252-1702
European distributor NOTE 2: when more than one machine is installed on
company) site, only one of them shall be equipped with option 298
while all of them must be equipped with option 149 NOTE
3: if the Carrier® PlantCTRL™ is on site, option 298
shall be integrated in the Carrier® PlantCTRL™ while
option 149 is still mandatory for each single unit.

13 - STANDARD MAINTENANCE Carry out all level 1 operations, then:
•• At least once a year tighten the power circuit electrical
Air conditioning equipment must be maintained by profes- connections (see table 13.4).
sional technicians, whilst routine checks can be carried out •• Check and re-tighten all control/command connections,
locally by specialised technicians. See the standard EN 378-4. if required (see table 13.4).
•• Check the differential switches for correct operation
Simple preventive maintenance will allow you to get the best
every 6 months (free-cooling option 118A).
performance from your HVAC unit:
•• Remove the dust and clean the interior of the control
•• Improved cooling performance boxes, if required.
•• Reduced power consumption •• Check the presence and the condition of the electrical
•• Prevention of accidental component failure protection devices.
•• Prevention of major time-consuming and costly inter- •• Check the correct operation of all heaters.
ventions •• Replace the fuses every 3 years or every 15000 hours
•• Protection of the environment. (age-hardening).
There are five maintenance levels for HVAC units, as defined •• Replace the control box cooling fans used with option
by the AFNOR X60-010 standard. 22 (with designation EF22_) every five years.
•• Check the height of the anti-vibration mountings (located
13.1 - Level 1 maintenance between the compressor rails and the unit chassis) after
5 years of operation, and then each year. When the total
See note “Any deviation or non-observation ...” in chapter minimum height of the mountings is less than 25 mm
13.3 - “Level 3 (or higher) maintenance”. Simple procedure replace the mountings.
can be carried out by the user: •• Check the water connections.
•• Purge the water circuit.
•• Visual inspection for oil traces (sign of a refrigerant
•• Clean the water filter.
•• Fully clean the condensers with a low-pressure jet and
•• Air heat exchanger (condenser) cleaning - see chapter
a bio-degradable cleaner (counter-current cleaning - see
13.6.1 - “Level 1”.
chapter 13.6.2 - “Level 2”).
•• Check for removed protection devices, and badly closed
•• Replace the stuffing box packing of the pump after 10000
hours of operation.
•• Check the unit alarm report when the unit does not
•• Check the unit operating parameters and compare them
work. Refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot
with previous values.
control manual for a more detailed explanation.
•• Keep and maintain a maintenance sheet, attached to
General visual inspection for any signs of deterioration. each HVAC unit.
•• Check the correct operation of the capacitor (power
13.2 - Level 2 maintenance factor correction option 231).
All these operations require strict observation of adequate
See note “Any deviation or non-observation ...” in the ext safety measures: Individual protection garments, compliance
column. This level requires specific know-how in the with all industry regulations, compliance with applicable local
electrical, hydronic and mechanical fields. It is possible that regulations and using common sense.
these skills are avail-able locally: Existence of a maintenance
service, industrial site, specialised subcontractor. In these 13.3 - Level 3 (or higher) maintenance
cases, the following maintenance operations are
recommended. NOTE: Any deviation or non-observation of these mainte-
nance criteria will render the guarantee conditions for the
HVAC unit null and void, and the manufacturer, Carrier
SCS will no longer be held responsible.
The maintenance at this level requires specific skills/approval/
tools and know-how and only the manufacturer, his
representative or authorised agent are permitted to carry
out these operations. These maintenance operations concern
for example:
•• A major component replacement (compressor, evapo-
•• Any intervention on the refrigerant circuit (handling
•• Changing of parameters set at the factory (application
•• Removal or dismantling of the HVAC unit
•• Any intervention due to a missed established mainte-
nance operation
•• Any intervention covered by the warranty.

13.4 - Tightening torques for the main electrical

13.4.1 - Tightening torques for the main electrical connections

Component Designation Value
in the unit (N·m)
Screw on bus bar, customer connection
M8 - 18
M10 L1/L2/L3 30
Soldered screw PE, customer connection (M12) PE 70
Tunnel terminal screw, compressor contactor
Contactor 3RT103_
Contactor 3RT104_ 5
Contactor 3RT105_ 11
Contactor 3RT106_ KM_ 21
Nut on compressor contactor deck
M8 for contactors 3RT105_ 18
1. Torque application to tighten the lug
M10 for contactors 3RT10_7 KM_ 30 2. Avoid contact between the two nuts
Tunnel terminal screw, current transformer 3. Lug tightening nut
Size 2 (3RB2956_) 11 4. Flat lug
Size 3 (3RB2966_) TI_ 21 5. Counter-nut
Nut on current transformer deck 6. Terminal tightening nut
M8 18 7. Isolator
M10 TI_ 30
Compressor earth terminal in the power wiring control box 13.5 - Tightening torques for the main bolts and screws
Terminal M8 Gnd 30
Compressor phase connection terminals
Screw type Used for Value
M12 25 (N·m)
M16 EC_ 30 Metal screw D = 4.8 Condensing module, housing supports 4.2
Compressor earth connection Gnd on EC_ 25 Screw H M8 Condensing module, compressor fixing 18
Tunnel terminal screw, disconnects 3RV1011_ QF_/QM_ 1 Taptite screw M10 Condensing module, chassis - structure fixing, control 30
Tunnel terminal screw, hydronic pump contactor box fixings, compressor fixings, oil separator fixing
Contactor 3RT101_ KM90_ 1 Taptite screw M6 Piping support, cowling 7
Contactor 3RT102_ 2.2 Screw H M8 Piping clip 12
Screw H M6 Piping clip 10
ATTENTION: The tightening of the connections at the Nut H M10 Compressor chassis 30
compressor terminals requires special precautions. Please Nut H M10 Hydronic pump chassis 30
refer to the chapter below. Screw H M8 Filter drier cover 35
Screw H M12 Economiser port flange 40
13.4.2 - Connection precautions for the compressor power Screw H M16 Oil separator flanges, suction flanges 110
terminals Screw H M16 Heat exchanger water boxes 190
Screw H M20 Suction flanges 190
These precautions must be applied during an intervention
Nut 5/8 ORFS Oil line 65
that requires the removal of the power conductors connected Nut 3/8 ORFS Oil line 26
to the compressor supply terminals. Nut H M12/M16 Victaulic collars on suction piping 60/130
Self-locking Nut M16 Compressor fixing 30
The tightening nut of terminal (6) supporting the isolator (7)
must never be loosened, as ist ensures terminal tightness and ATTENTION: The tightening of the connections at the
compressor leak tightness. compressor terminals requires special precautions. Please
refer to the chapter below.
The tightening of phase lug (4) must apply the torque between
counter nut (5) and tightening nut (3): During this operation
13.6 - Condenser coil
a counter-torque must be applied at counter nut (5). Counter-
nut (5) must not be in contact with the tightening nut of
terminal (6). We recommend, that coils are inspected regularly to check
the degree of fouling. This depends on the environment where
the unit is installed, and will be worse in urban and industrial
installations and near trees that shed their leaves.
For coil cleaning, two maintenance levels are used, based on
the AFNOR X60-010 standard:
13.6.1 - Level 1 - Recommendations for maintenance and cleaning
of round tube plate fin (RTPF) condenser coils
•• Regular cleaning of the coil surface is essential for correct
unit operation. Eliminating contamination and removal
of harmful residue will increase the operating life of the
coils and the unit.
•• The maintenance and cleaning procedures below are
part of the regular maintenance and will prolong the life
of the coils.

Removal of fibres that obstruct the surfaces •• Clean the condenser face by spraying the coil evenly
Fibres and dirt collected on the coil surface must be removed und in a stable manner from bottom to top, directing
with a vacuum cleaner. If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, the water jet at right angles to the coil. Do not exceed
a soft brush with non-metallic bristles can be used instead. 6200 kPa (62 bar) or an angle of 45° related to the coil.
In all cases cleaning must be done in the direction of the fins, as The diffuser must be at least 300 mm away from the coil
the coil surface is easily damaged. The fins bend easily and surface. It is essential to control the pressure and to be
damage the protective coating of the coil, if cleaning is done careful not to damage the fins.
at right angles to the fins. Clean against the air flow direction. ATTENTION: Excessive water pressure can break the weld
points between the fins and the flat MCHE microchannel
NOTE: Using a water jet from a spray hose on a polluted
surface will result in fibres and dirt becoming trapped in the coil,
making cleaning more difficult.All fibres and dirt must be removed 13.6.2 - Level 2
from the surface, before using a low-speed rinsing jet.
Clean the coil, using appropriate products. We recommend
Periodical cleaning with clean water: cleaning with clear water to remove pollutants. If the use of
For coils installed in a coastal or industrial environment cleaning products is necessary, we specify:
periodical cleaning by rinsing with water is beneficial. It is
•• pH between 7 and 8
however essential that rinsing is done with a low-speed
•• Absence of chlorine, sulphate, copper, iron, nickel or
water jet to avoid damaging the fins. Monthly cleaning as
described below is recommended.
•• Chemical compatibility with aluminium and copper.
For RTPF coils this process can either be carried out using a
-- Chemical cleaning agents, water containing bleach,
high-pressure spray gun in the low-pressure position. With
acidic or basic cleaning agents must never be used to
pressurised cleaning methods care should be taken not to
clean the coil exterior or interior. These cleaning agents
damage the coil fins.
may be difficult to rinse off and can accelerate corrosion
at the joint between tube and fins, where two different The spraying of the coil must be done:
materials come into contact. •• In the direction of the fins
-- High-speed water from a high-pressure cleaner, spray •• In the opposite direction of the air flow direction
hose or compressed air cleaner must never be used for •• With a large diffuser (25-30°)
coil cleaning. The force of the water or air jet will bend •• At a minimum distance of 300 mm from the coil.
the fins and increase the air-side pressure drop. This It is not necessary to rinse the coil, as the products used are
can result in reduced performance or nuisance shutdowns pH neutral. To ensure that the coil is perfectly clean, we
of the unit. recommend rinsing with a low water flow rate. - Recommendations for maintenance and cleaning For MCHE condenser coils refer to chapter under
of MCHE (microchannel) condenser coils level 1 maintenance for use of a high-presssure spray gun.
•• Regular cleaning of the coil surface is essential for correct
unit operation. Eliminating contamination and removal IMPORTANT:
of harmful residue will increase the operating life of the -- Never use pressurised water without a large diffuser.
coils and the unit. Do not use high-pressure cleaners for Cu/Cu and Cu/
•• The maintenance and cleaning procedures below are Al coils! High pressure cleaners are only permitted for
part of the regular maintenance and will prolong the life MCHE coils (maximum permitted pressure 6200 kPa
of the coils. (62 bar).
ATTENTION: Do not use chemical cleaners on MCHE -- Concentrated and/or rotating water jets are strictly
condenser coils. These cleaning agents can accelerate forbidden.
corrosion and damage the coils. -- Never use a fluid with a temperature above 45 °C to
clean the air heat exchangers.
•• Remove foreign objects and debris attached to the coil -- Correct and frequent cleaning (approximately every
surface or wedged between the chassis and the supports. three months) will prevent 2/3 of the corrosion problems.
•• Provide personal protection equipment including safety -- Protect the control box during cleaning operations.
glasses and/or a face mask, waterproof clothing and
safety gloves. It is recommended to wear clothing that
covers the whole body.
•• Start the high-pressure spray gun and remove any soap
or industrial cleaner from it before cleaning the condenser
coils. Only drinkable cleaning water is permitted to clean
the condenser coils.

13.7 - Evaporator maintenance The switch that has been selected for detecting reverse
rotation is Carrier part number HK01CB001. This switch
Check that: opens the contacts when the pressure falls below 7 kPa. The
switch is a manual reset type that can be reset after the
•• The insulating foam is intact and securely in place.
pressure has once again risen above 70 kPa. It is critical that
•• The cooler heaters are operating, secure and correctly
the switch be a manual reset type to preclude the compressor
from short cycling in the reverse direction.
•• The water-side connections are clean and show no sign
of leakage.
13.9 - Precaution for compressor power supply bus
13.8 - Compressor maintenance bar connection

13.8.1 - Oil separator This note applies to units using power supply bus bars with
Check the correct operation of the heaters and check that riveted contact block at the level of the connection cages in
they are well attached to the oil separator ring. the control box. During re-connection it is imperative to:
•• Engage each bus bar in the cage up to the stop
13.8.2 - Integral oil filter change •• Ensure visually that the bus bars have good contact at
As system cleanliness is critical to reliable system operation, the connection areas: There must not be any free move-
there is a filter in the oil line at the oil separator outlet. The ment between the bus bar and the connection area
oil filter is specified to provide a high level of filtration (5 µm) created by the fixing rivet of the contact block.
required for long bearing life.
The filter should be checked after the first 500 hours of Connection of the contactor or current transformer
operation, and every subsequent 2000 hours. The filter should 1
be replaced at any time when the pressure differential across
the filter exceeds 200 kPa (2 bar).
The pressure drop across the filter can be determined by
measuring the pressure at the filter service port and the oil 2
pressure port. The difference in these two pressures will be 2
1 Power supply bus bar with riveted contact block
the pressure drop across the filter, check valve, and solenoid 2 Contactor or current transformer connection zone
valve. The pressure drop across the check valve and solenoid
valve is approximately 40 kPa (0.4 bar), which should be
subtracted from the two oil pressure measurements to give 13.10 - Check of power factor correction capacitors
the oil filter pressure drop.
The verification consists in measuring input current of each
13.8.3 - Compressor rotation control
capacitor bank. Check shall be done using a true RMS meter
Correct compressor rotation is one of the most critical appli- reading:
cation considerations. Reverse rotation, even for a very short
duration, damages the compressor. Ensure that the current draw throught the capacitor is
between 0.8 and 1.3x Ir. A higher value may indicate heavy
The reverse rotation protection scheme must be able to presence of harmonics.
determine the direction of rotation and stop the compressor
within 300 ms. Reverse rotation is most likely to occur when- Absence of current despite capacitor is energized is an
ever the wiring to the compressor terminals is disturbed. indication that there is a defect. Confirmation shall be done
by removing the capacitors and checking the underside.
To minimize the opportunity for reverse rotation, the follow-ing
procedure must be applied. Rewire the power cables to the
compressor terminal pin as originally wired.
For replacement of the compressor, a low pressure switch is
included with the compressor. This low pressure switch should
be temporarily installed as a hard safety on the high pressure
part of the compressor. The purpose of this switch is to protect
the compressor against any wiring errors at the compressor
terminal pin. The electrical contact of the switch would be
wired in series with the high pressure switch. The switch will
remain in place until the compressor has been started and
direction of rotation has been verified; at this point, the switch
will be removed.

Defect Good


Preliminary information
Job name:................................................................................................................................................................................................
Installing contractor:.............................................................................................................................................................................


Circuit A Circuit B
Model number................................................................................ Model number............................................................................
Serial number................................................................................. Serial number.............................................................................
Motor number................................................................................ Motor number.............................................................................

Circuit C Circuit D
Model number................................................................................ Model number............................................................................
Serial number................................................................................. Serial number.............................................................................
Motor number................................................................................ Motor number.............................................................................

Model number................................................................................
Serial number.................................................................................

Model number................................................................................

Additional optional units and accessories..........................................................................................................................................


Preliminary equipment check

Is there any shipping damage?..................................................... If so, where?................................................................................
Will this damage prevent unit start-up?..............................................................................................................................................

Unit is level in its installation

Power supply agrees with the unit nameplate
Electrical circuit wiring has been sized and installed properly
Unit ground wire has been connected
Electrical circuit protection has been sized and installed properly
All terminals are tight
All chilled water valves are open
All chilled water piping is connected properly
All air has been vented from the chilled water circuit
Chilled water pump (CWP) is operating with the correct rotation. Check the phase sequence of the electrical connection.
If the unit is equipped with a hydronic module, use the pump test function. Refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot
control manual for a more detailed explanation.
Circulate chilled water in the water circuit for at least two hours, then remove, clean and replace the screen filter. After
the pump test has been completed, switch the unit off again.
Inlet piping to cooler includes a 20 mesh strainer with a mesh size of 1.2 mm.
The compressor flange has been removed.

Unit start-up
a. Oil heaters have been energized for at least 24 hours (30XA)
b. Oil level is correct
c. All discharge and liquid valves are open
d. All suction valves are open, if equipped
e. All oil line valves and economizer discharge bubbler valves (if equipped) are open
f. The contactor
g. Checks have been carried out for any possible leaks. Unit has been leak checked (including fittings)
g1 - on the whole unit
g2 - at all connections
Locate, repair, and report any refrigerant leaks.......................................................................................................................
h. Check voltage imbalance: AB......... AC.................. BC..................
Average voltage = ........................... V
Maximum deviation = ..................... V
Voltage imbalance = ........................ %
i. Voltage imbalance is less than 2%
WARNING: Operation of the chiller with an improper supply voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes abuse
and will invalidate the Carrier warranty. If the phase imbalance exceeds 2% for voltage, or 10% for current, contact your
local electricity supply at once and ensure that the chiller is not switched on until corrective measures have been taken.
Check cooler water loop
Water loop volume = ........................... litres
Calculated volume = ........................... litres
3.25 litres/nominal kW capacity for air conditioning
6.5 litres/nominal kW capacity for process cooling
Proper loop volume established
Proper loop corrosion inhibitor included..........litres of............................
Proper loop freeze protection included (if required)................. litres of...............................
Piping includes electric heater tape, if exposed to the outside
Inlet piping to cooler includes a 20 mesh strainer with a mesh size of 1.2 mm

Check pressure drop across the cooler

Entering cooler = ................................ kPa
Leaving cooler = .................................. kPa
Leaving - entering = ............................ kPa
WARNING: Plot cooler pressure drop on performance data chart (in product data literature) to determine total litres
per second (l/s) and find unit’s minimum flow rate.
Total = ................................................... l/s
Nominal kW = ..................................... l/s
Total l/s is greater than unit’s minimum flow rate
Total l/s meets job specified requirement of.......................................... l/s
WARNING: Once power is supplied to the unit, check for any alarms. Refer to the 30XA/30XAS/30XW Touch Pilot
control manual for the alarm menu.
Note all alarms:..................................................................................................................................................................




Order No: 13452, 12.2016 - Supersedes order No: 13452, 10.2016. Manufacturer: Carrier SCS, Montluel, France.
Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice. Printed in the European Union.

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