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JAMA | Original Investigation

Association of Blood Transfusion From Female Donors

With and Without a History of Pregnancy With Mortality
Among Male and Female Transfusion Recipients
Camila Caram-Deelder, MSc; Aukje L. Kreuger, MD; Dorothea Evers, MD; Karen M. K. de Vooght, PhD;
Daan van de Kerkhof, PhD, MD; Otto Visser, PhD, MD; Nathalie C. V. Péquériaux, PhD; Francisca Hudig, PhD, MD;
Jaap Jan Zwaginga, PhD, MD; Johanna G. van der Bom, PhD, MD; Rutger A. Middelburg, PhD

Editorial page 1445

IMPORTANCE Transfusion of red blood cells from female donors has been associated with Animated Video Summary
increased mortality in male recipients.
Supplemental content

OBJECTIVE To quantify the association between red blood cell transfusion from female CME Quiz at
donors with and without a history of pregnancy and mortality of red blood cell recipients. jamanetwork.com/learning

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Retrospective cohort study of first-time transfusion

recipients at 6 major Dutch hospitals enrolled from May 30, 2005, to September 1, 2015; the
final follow-up date was September 1, 2015. The primary analysis was the no-donor-mixture
cohort (ie, either all red blood cell transfusions exclusively from male donors, or all exclusively
from female donors without a history of pregnancy, or all exclusively from female donors with
a history of pregnancy). The association between mortality and exposure to transfusions
from ever-pregnant or never-pregnant female donors was analyzed using life tables and
time-varying Cox proportional hazards models.

EXPOSURES Red blood cell transfusions from ever-pregnant or never-pregnant female

donors, compared with red blood cell transfusions from male donors.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES All-cause mortality during follow-up.

RESULTS The cohort for the primary analyses consisted of 31 118 patients (median age, 65
[interquartile range, 42-77] years; 52% female) who received 59 320 red blood cell
transfusions exclusively from 1 of 3 types of donors (88% male; 6% ever-pregnant female;
and 6% never-pregnant female). The number of deaths in this cohort was 3969 (13%
mortality). For male recipients of red blood cell transfusions, all-cause mortality rates after a
red blood cell transfusion from an ever-pregnant female donor vs male donor were 101 vs 80
deaths per 1000 person-years (time-dependent “per transfusion” hazard ratio [HR] for death,
1.13 [95% CI, 1.01-1.26]). For receipt of transfusion from a never-pregnant female donor vs
male donor, mortality rates were 78 vs 80 deaths per 1000 person-years (HR, 0.93 [95% CI,
0.81-1.06]). Among female recipients of red blood cell transfusions, mortality rates for an
ever-pregnant female donor vs male donor were 74 vs 62 per 1000 person-years (HR, 0.99
[95% CI, 0.87 to 1.13]); for a never-pregnant female donor vs male donor, mortality rates were
74 vs 62 per 1000 person-years (HR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.88-1.15]).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among patients who received red blood cell transfusions,
receipt of a transfusion from an ever-pregnant female donor, compared with a male donor,
was associated with increased all-cause mortality among male recipients but not among
female recipients. Transfusions from never-pregnant female donors were not associated with
increased mortality among male or female recipients. Further research is needed to replicate
these findings, determine their clinical significance, and identify the underlying mechanism.
Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Rutger A.
Middelburg, PhD, Plesmanlaan 1a,
2333 BZ Leiden, the Netherlands
JAMA. 2017;318(15):1471-1478. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.14825 ([email protected]).

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Research Original Investigation Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality

ransfusion of red blood cells is among the most com-
monly performed procedures in hospitals.1 It has been Key Points
reported that mortality was increased after transfu-
Question Is there an association between red blood cell
sion of red blood cells from female donors compared with transfusion from female donors with and without a history of
male donors.2-7 The most common cause of transfusion- pregnancy and recipient mortality?
related mortality is transfusion-related acute lung injury
Findings In this cohort study that included 31 118 patients who
(TRALI), which has also been shown to be associated with
received red blood cell transfusions, receipt of a transfusion from
transfusions from female donors.8-10 Furthermore, TRALI is an ever-pregnant female donor was associated with a statistically
associated specifically with transfusions from female donors significant increase in all-cause mortality among male recipients of
with a history of pregnancy. 11,12 This raises the question red blood cell transfusions (hazard ratio, 1.13) but not among
whether the increased mortality after red blood cell transfu- female recipients (hazard ratio, 0.99).
sions could also depend on a history of pregnancy of the Meaning Receipt of red blood cell transfusion from female donors
donor. However, for TRALI it has been shown that only with a history of pregnancy was associated with increased
plasma-rich products confer a pregnancy-related antibody– mortality among male recipients; further research is needed to
mediated risk, whereas red blood cells do not. 10,11 The replicate these findings, determine their significance, and define
increased mortality in recipients of red blood cells from the underlying mechanism.
female donors may be related to either immunologic phe-
nomena or other mechanisms.
Any proposed immunologic mechanism is likely to be zero follow-up time and were not included in the denom-
dependent on a history of pregnancy of the donor. An inator. Similarly, a “single-transfusion” cohort also was
absence of association with pregnancy status of the donor selected, consisting of patients who received only a single
would suggest that other, nonimmunologic, mechanisms transfusion. Additionally, all analyses were repeated in the
are more likely. full cohort, to check whether any observed association
The aim of the current study was therefore to quantify the potentially depended on the selection of the no-donor-
association between red blood cell transfusion from female mixture cohort. The race/ethnicity of recipients and donors
blood donors, with and without a history of pregnancy, and was not recorded.
patient mortality in female and male transfusion recipients.
Recorded Data
Recipent Data
Information on transfusion recipients’ dates of birth, dates of
Methods death, and sex, as well as transfusion dates, product types,
Study Design and identification codes of transfused red blood cells, were
As previously described, a retrospective cohort of first- provided by the hospitals from electronic records of the
ever transfusion recipients, transfused from May 30, 2005, blood transfusion services. All transfusions, given for any
to September 1, 2015, in 6 major Dutch hospitals, was indication, were included. Mortality data were verified by the
established.13,14 All patients included in a previous study of hospitals until the date of data extraction. Mortality data
mortality after transfusion of red blood cells from female do- were considered complete because of the use of a nationally
nors were excluded from the current analyses to create an in- linked computer system and the legal requirement for report-
dependent cohort.2 ing all deaths to this system. The final follow-up date was
Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the in- September 1, 2015.
stitutional review board of the Leiden University Medical Cen-
ter and from local review boards of all participating centers. Donor and Blood Product Data
The review boards waived the need for informed consent, be- Information on donor dates of birth, sex, and pregnancy be-
cause only routinely collected data were processed after cod- fore donation (see the Supplement for details) were provided
ing to remove identifying information. by Sanquin (the national Dutch blood supply) and linked to re-
cipients’ data using the product identification codes of trans-
Population fused red blood cells. All blood products in the Netherlands
Primary analyses were performed in a “no-donor-mixture” are leukocyte-depleted by prestorage filtration, and nearly all
cohort, to avoid dilution of effects from mixing patients products are transfused ABO-RhD identically.
who received red blood cell transfusions from both male and
female donors. This cohort consisted of patients who Pregnancy of Female Blood Donors
received all their red blood cell transfusions exclusively from At their first donation, female blood donors self-reported
male donors, or all exclusively from female donors without any previous pregnancy. At all subsequent donations, they
a history of pregnancy (never-pregnant donors), or all exclu- reported whether they had been pregnant since the previ-
sively from female donors with a history of pregnancy ous donation. However, since some female donors had their
(ever-pregnant donors). Follow-up time was censored at the first-ever donation prior to the establishment of the current
time these inclusion criteria were violated. This censoring electronic recording system at the Sanquin blood bank, the
could occur at time 0, in which case recipients contributed answer to the question at first donation could be missing.

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Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality Original Investigation Research

When the first donation was registered and the question were calculated according to standard formulas (additional
answered as never-pregnant, the pregnancy status was con- details reported in the Supplement).
sidered never-pregnant until the first subsequent donation
at which a pregnancy was reported. If the first donation was Time-Varying Cox Proportional Hazards Models
missing, the pregnancy status was considered unknown Cox proportional hazards models, including both time-
until the first subsequent donation at which a pregnancy varying and fixed variables, were fit to correct for potential
was reported. confounding. All confounding variables (ie, center [fixed],
recipients’ ABO-RhD blood group [fixed], age of the donor
Missing Data [time-varying], cumulative number of transfusions [time-
Information about donors’ pregnancy history was not varying], calendar year [time-varying], and an interaction
specifically recorded and was therefore missing for 44% term for center and number of transfusions [time-varying])
of donations from female donors (eTable 2 in the Supple- were included in the models as categorical variables, with as
ment). However, missingness depended solely on logistic many categories as there were exposure levels (details on
factors (ie, changes in the electronic recording of donor infor- potential confounders are reported in the Supplement).
mation over the years). These data were therefore expected For the time-varying analyses, values of variables could
to be “missing completely at random” (as also shown in change on each day with red blood cell transfusion. At
eTable 3 in the Supplement), allowing a valid “complete each day with red blood cell transfusion, the cumulative
case” analysis.15 We therefore selected only cases with com- number of red blood cell transfusions and of red blood
plete data available. cell transfusions from male, female never-pregnant, and
female ever-pregnant donors, up to and including that day,
Statistical Analyses were determined.
All statistical analyses were performed in Stata version 14.1.16 Exposures (ie, cumulative number of transfusions from
The only outcome assessed was all-cause mortality at any time never-pregnant or ever-pregnant female donors [time-
during follow-up, as specified per participating center (eTable varying]) were included in the models as continuous vari-
1 in the Supplement). ables. Consequently, hazard ratios (HRs) should be inter-
Survival analyses were performed with follow-up preted on a multiplicative scale. However, since the model
starting on the day of the first red blood cell transfusion. estimates the HR based on observed numbers of transfusions
Follow-up ended at death or on the reference day, only, the HRs should not be extrapolated beyond the ob-
determined for each hospital separately (eTable 1 in the served mean number of transfusions in each cohort (see eTable
Supplement). The reference 3 in the Supplement for an illustration of this interpretation).
day was the last day for The proportional hazards assumption was checked for all mod-

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provided data. Follow-up
els and no gross violations of this assumption were detected,
implying that the HR can be interpreted as a valid estimate of
time of rec ipients in the the average HR over the observed period.
d i f f e r e nt c o h o r t s w a s Separate models were run for the 2 different exposures
censored at the time the in- (ie, never-pregnant and ever-pregnant). For the no-donor-
c l u s i o n c r it e r i a f o r t h at mixture cohort, this meant exclusion of patients who
cohort were first violated. received any transfusions from the other exposure group,
To increase homogeneity, any transfusions with unknown pregnancy history, or a
Animated Summary Video
Mortality After Transfusion follow-up time of patients mixture of exposed (ie, ever-pregnant or never-pregnant,
From Female Blood Donors who received more than 15 depending on the analyses) and unexposed (ie, male) red
With and Without a History transfusions was censored at blood cell units. This way, the exposure group of interest
of Pregnancy
the time of the 16th transfu- was always compared directly with male donors, since all
sion. All analyses were strati- other units were excluded. For the full model, recipients of
fied by recipients’ sex. Trans- transfusions both from the exposure group of interest and
fusions of other blood products were ignored, because receipt from male donors were additionally included.
of these blood products was not correlated with sex and preg-
nancy history of the donor of red blood cells (eTable 3 in the Effect Measure Modification
Supplement). We previously reported effect measure modification by age
All reported P values are 2-sided, and P < .05 was consid- of the transfusion recipients.2 A primary objective of this
ered statistically significant. No adjustments for multiple com- study therefore was to repeat these analyses after stratifica-
parisons were performed. tion by age of the recipient for prespecified categories of age
(0-17, 18-50, 51-70, and ≥71 years). Effect-measure modifica-
Kaplan-Meier Analyses tion was formally quantified by adding interaction terms for
Kaplan-Meier curves were constructed for the single- age (P value for interaction trend across 4 categories, from
transfusion cohort. The analyses were limited to 3 years of a Z distribution using standard errors estimated from the
follow-up. At this time, differences in cumulative incidence observed information matrix) and sex of the recipient to
between different groups and 95% CIs for these differences the final model.

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Research Original Investigation Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality

Table 1. Characteristics of Female and Male Transfusion Recipients and Red Blood Cell Transfusions in the Different Cohorts

No-Donor-Mixture Cohorta Single-Transfusion Cohortb Full Cohort

Male Female Male Female Male Female
Characteristics (n=14 995) (n=16 123) (n=8463) (n=8496) (n=20 217) (n=21 915)
Deaths, No. (%) 1982 (13) 1987 (12) 606 (7) 590 (7) 3597 (18) 3378 (15)
Follow-up, 144 (6-1041) 351 (14-1275) 15 (1-717) 22 (1-781) 274 (18-1106) 479 (44-1316)
median (IQR), d
Person-time, 24 339 31 637 10 266 10 971 35 281 45 904
sum in years
Age of patients, 65 (45-75) 66 (39-78) 63 (3-75) 64 (21-78) 66 (50-75) 66 (43-78)
median (IQR), y
0 to 17 2813 (19) 2303 (14) 2534 (30) 2085 (25) 2986 (15) 2439 (11)
18 to 50 1427 (10) 2873 (18) 603 (7) 1073 (13) 2140 (11) 4246 (19)
51 to 70 5244 (35) 4253 (26) 2406 (28) 1966 (23) 7460 (37) 6112 (28)
≥71 5511 (37) 6694 (42) 2920 (35) 3372 (40) 7631 (38) 9118 (42)
Blood group,
No. (%)
O Rh+ 5426 (36) 5812 (36) 2945 (35) 2854 (34) 7366 (36) 7874 (36)
O Rh− 932 (6) 1024 (6) 502 (6) 562 (7) 1279 (6) 1388 (6)
A Rh+ 4977 (33) 5416 (34) 2670 (32) 2699 (32) 6805 (34) 7479 (34)
A Rh− 930 (6) 1051 (7) 476 (6) 548 (6) 1286 (6) 1433 (7)
B Rh+ 1240 (8) 1361 (8) 700 (8) 751 (9) 1698 (8) 1952 (9)
B Rh− 185 (1) 220 (1) 99 (1) 110 (1) 250 (1) 318 (1)
AB Rh+ 433 (3) 452 (3) 249 (3) 251 (3) 611 (3) 647 (3)
AB Rh− 75 (1) 86 (1) 50 (1) 45 (1) 114 (1) 115 (1)
Not defined 797 (5) 701 (4) 772 (9) 676 (8) 808 (4) 709 (3)
Transfusions 2 (1-2) 2 (1-2) 1 (1-1) 1 (1-1) 2 (1-3) 2 (2-3)
of red blood cell units
per patient, median (IQR)
Units of red blood cells 28 663 30 657 8463 8496 52 637 54 004
transfused, No. (%)
From male donors 25 190 (88) 27 155 (89) 6189 (73) 6243 (73) 40 022 (76) 41 267 (76)
From female 1818 (6) 1810 (6) 1190 (14) 1160 (14) 6528 (12) 6454 (12)
ever-pregnant donors
From female 1655 (6) 1692 (6) 1084 (13) 1093 (13) 6087 (12) 6283 (12)
never-pregnant donors
Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range. Consists of patients with only a single red blood cell transfusion during the
Consists of all the follow-up time during which patients either received all their period in which they were followed up. Follow-up time was censored
red blood cell transfusions exclusively from male donors, or all exclusively at the time this inclusion criterion was violated.
from female donors without a history of pregnancy (never-pregnant donors),
or all exclusively from female donors with a history of pregnancy
(ever-pregnant donors).

These recipients were followed up for a median of 245

Results days (IQR, 9-1172) and had a median age of 65 years (IQR,
42-77); 16 123 (52%) were female. The number of deaths
Population in the no-donor-mixture cohort was 3969 (13%). Table 1
A total of 42 132 patients received 106 641 units of red blood shows a comparison of recipient characteristics between the
cells (76% from male donors, 12% from ever-pregnant no-donor-mixture cohort, single-transfusion cohort, and full
donors, 12% from never-pregnant female donors). The cohort, stratified by recipient sex.
median number of transfused units per recipient was 2 (inter-
quartile range [IQR], 2-3). These recipients were followed up Donors’ Pregnancy History and Mortality After Red Blood
for a median of 380 days (IQR, 27-1217), had a median age of Cell Transfusions
66 years (IQR, 46-77), and 21 915 (52%) were female. The Primary Analyses: No-Donor-Mixture Cohort
number of deaths was 6975 (17%). Among this full cohort, The HR for death after 1 additional unit of red blood cells from
31 118 patients received 59 320 units of red blood cells exclu- a never-pregnant female donor, compared with a unit from a
sively from 1 of the 3 types of donor (ie, the no-donor- male donor, was 0.93 (95% CI, 0.81 to 1.06) for male recipi-
mixture cohort: either all units exclusively from male donors, ents and 1.01 (95% CI, 0.88 to 1.15) for female recipients
exclusively from female donors without a history of preg- (Table 2).
nancy [never-pregnant donors], or exclusively from female The HR for death after 1 additional unit of red blood cells
donors with a history of pregnancy [ever-pregnant donors]). from an ever-pregnant female donor, compared with a unit

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Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Mortality Hazard Ratio of Male and Female Transfusion Recipients Exposed to Red Blood Cell Transfusions From Female
(Never-Pregnant or Ever-Pregnant) Donors vs Male Donors in the No-Donor-Mixture, Single-Transfusion, and Full Cohortsa

Male Recipients Female Recipients

No. of Deaths No. of Deaths
Among Recipients/ Among Recipients/
Donor Category No. of Recipients HR (95% CI)b P Value No. of Recipients HR (95% CI)b P Value
No-Donor-Mixture Cohortc
Male 1722/12 212 1 [Reference] 1752/13 332 1 [Reference]
Ever-pregnant female 1873/13 669 1.13 (1.01-1.26) .03 1871/14 770 0.99 (0.87-1.13) .92
Never-pregnant female 1831/13 538 0.93 (0.81-1.06) .29 1868/14 685 1.01 (0.88-1.15) .92
Single-Transfusion Cohortd
Male 434/6189 1 [Reference] 433/6243 1 [Reference]
Ever-pregnant female 532/7379 1.23 (0.98-1.54) .08 517/7403 1.12 (0.88-1.42) .37
Never-pregnant female 508/7273 0.96 (0.74-1.25) .75 506/7336 1.00 (0.77-1.30) .99
Full Cohorte
Ever-pregnant analysis
Male 2538/15 304 1 [Reference] 2448/16 617 1 [Reference]
Ever-pregnant female 2689/16 338 1.08 (1.02-1.15) .02 2567/17 654 0.99 (0.93-1.07) .87
Never-pregnant analysis
Male 2521/15 163 1 [Reference] 2447/16 608 1 [Reference]
Never-pregnant female 2630/16 091 1.06 (0.99-1.14) .08 2563/17 593 0.96 (0.89-1.03) .23

Abbreviation: HR, hazard ratio. from female donors with a history of pregnancy (ever-pregnant donors).
a d
All models adjusted for calendar year, blood group (ABO-RhD), hospital, age of Consists of participants who received only a single red blood cell transfusion
donor, cumulative number of transfusions, and an interaction term for hospital during the period of follow-up. Follow-up time was censored at the time this
and cumulative number of transfusions. inclusion criterion was violated.
b e
Hazard ratios per transfused unit compared with receiving a unit from a male Recipients in the full cohort could receive mixed blood from never-pregnant
blood donor. and male donors (for the never-pregnant analysis) or from ever-pregnant and
Consists of all the follow-up time during which patients received all their red blood male donors (for the ever-pregnant analysis); therefore, the number of male
cell transfusions exclusively from male donors, or all exclusively from female do- recipients receiving blood from never-pregnant female donors differs from the
nors without a history of pregnancy (never-pregnant donors), or all exclusively number receiving blood from ever-pregnant female donors.

from a male donor, was 1.13 (95% CI, 1.01 to 1.26) for male re- 18 through 50 years (Table 3). For female recipients, the HR
cipients and 0.99 (95% CI, 0.87 to 1.13) for female recipients for death after 1 additional unit of red blood cells from an ever-
(Table 2). pregnant female donor, compared with a male donor, was 0.99
The highest HRs for death after transfusion of red blood (95% CI, 0.93 to 1.07).
cells from ever-pregnant female donors were observed in male
recipients 50 years and younger (Table 3). Additional Results
Cumulative incidences of death, in the single-transfusion
Secondary Analyses 1: Single-Transfusion Cohort cohort, at different follow-up times, are reported in eFigure
The 3 years cumulative incidence of death among male recipi- 3 and eTable 5 in the Supplement. eTable 3 reports the dis-
ents was 13.5% after a transfusion from a male donor, 13.1% tribution of donor types according to recipient sex and
after a transfusion from a never-pregnant female donor (dif- plasma and platelets transfusions received. Data on num-
ference, 0.4% [95% CI, −3.8% to 3.0%]), and 16.9% after a trans- bers of recipients, transfusions, and deaths per subgroup—
fusion from an ever-pregnant female donor (difference, 3.5% also for all female donors combined, regardless of preg-
[95% CI, −0.3% to 7.2%]) (Figure). nancy history—are reported in eTable 2 and eTables 6-8 in
The cumulative incidence of death among female recipi- the Supplement. Results of analyses of red blood cells cor-
ents was 12.6% after a transfusion from a male donor, 12.0% rected for plasma and platelet transfusions are reported in
after a transfusion from a never-pregnant female donor (dif- eTables 9-10 in the Supplement. Results of analyses for
ference, 0.6% [95% CI, −3.7% to 2.6%]), and 15.9% after a trans- female donors with unknown pregnancy history are shown
fusion from an ever-pregnant female donor (difference, 3.3% in eTable 11 and eFigure 4 in the Supplement. A direct com-
[95% CI, −0.5% to 7.1%]) (Figure). parison between ever-pregnant and never-pregnant female
donors is reported in eTable 12 in the Supplement. Analyses
Secondary Analyses 2: Full Cohort of platelet transfusions are reported in eTables 13-14 in the
The HR for death after 1 additional unit of red blood cells from Supplement.
an ever-pregnant female donor, compared with a male do-
nor, was 1.08 (95% CI, 1.02 to 1.15) for all male recipients, 1.18 Effect Measure Modification
(95% CI, 0.82 to 1.69) for male recipients aged 0 through 17 The tests for interaction for the association between transfu-
years, and 1.43 (95% CI, 1.13 to 1.82) for male recipients aged sion of red blood cells from ever-pregnant donors vs male

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Research Original Investigation Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality

Table 3. Mortality Hazard Ratio of Male Transfusion Recipients Exposed to Red Blood Cell Transfusions From Female Ever-Pregnant Donors
vs Male Donors in the No-Donor-Mixture, Single-Transfusion, and Full Cohorts, Stratified by Patient Agea

No. of Deaths Among Recipients/No. of Recipients, by Recipient Age

P Value for
Donor Category 0-17 y 18-50 y 51-70 y ≥71 y Interactionb
No-Donor-Mixture Cohortc
Male (reference) 107/2251 84/1170 598/4292 933/4499
Ever-pregnant female 124/2556 94/1296 645/4775 1010/5042
HR (95% CI)d 1.63 (1.02-2.61) 1.50 (0.98-2.30) 1.10 (0.91-1.33) 1.06 (0.90-1.26) .10
P value .04 .06 .31 .47
Single-Transfusion Cohorte
Male (reference) 53/1993 16/411 129/1686 236/2099
Ever-pregnant female 70/2287 23/504 152/2049 287/2539
HR (95% CI)d 2.84 (1.58-5.12) 2.29 (0.89-5.93) 0.79 (0.50-1.25) 1.06 (0.78-1.46) <.001
P value .001 .09 .32 .71
Full Cohort
Male (reference) 124/2421 146/1565 922/5570 1346/5748
Ever-pregnant female 141/2645 156/1649 969/5917 1423/6127
HR (95% CI)d 1.18 (0.82-1.69) 1.43 (1.13-1.82) 1.01 (0.91-1.12) 1.02 (0.93-1.12) <.001
P value .37 .003 .85 .63

Abbreviation: HR, hazard ratio. exclusively from female donors with a history of pregnancy (ever-pregnant
All models are adjusted for calendar year, blood group (ABO-RhD), hospital, donors).
age of donor, cumulative number of transfusions, and an interaction term for Hazard ratios per transfused unit compared with receiving a unit from a male
hospital and cumulative number of transfusions. blood donor.
b e
For the trend in interaction across the 4 presented categories of patient age. Consists of patients who received only a single red blood cell transfusion
Consists of all the follow-up time during which patients received all their red during the period of follow-up. Follow-up time was censored at the time this
blood cell transfusions exclusively from male donors, or all exclusively from inclusion criterion was violated.
female donors without a history of pregnancy (never-pregnant donors), or all

Figure. Cumulative Incidence of Death According to Sex of the Transfusion Recipient and Sex and Pregnancy History of the Donor
in the Single-Transfusion Cohort

Male recipients of red blood cell transfusions Female recipients of red blood cell transfusions
18 18

16 16

14 14
Cumulative Mortality, %

Cumulative Mortality, %

12 12

10 10

8 8
Blood donor group
6 Male 6
4 Ever pregnant 4

2 Never pregnant 2

0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Years Years
No. at risk by donor group
Male 6189 2408 2102 1833 1624 1421 1236 6243 2598 2296 1990 1726 1484 1278
Ever pregnant 1190 438 367 305 245 197 163 1160 456 371 303 243 197 166
Never pregnant 1084 393 331 279 225 177 146 1093 425 353 294 255 211 172

The single-transfusion cohort consists of all the follow-up time during which 1-567) days; and to female never-pregnant donors, 14 (IQR, 1-563) days. Median
patients had received only a single transfusion. Follow-up time was censored at follow-up for female recipients of red blood cell transfusions exposed to male
the time this inclusion criterion was violated. Median follow-up for male donors, 24 (IQR, 1-846) days; to female ever-pregnant donors, 21 (IQR, 1-584)
recipients of red blood cell transfusions exposed to male donors, 16 days; to female never-pregnant donors, 17 (IQR, 1-640) days.
(interquartile range [IQR], 1-780) days; to female ever-pregnant donors, 12 (IQR,

donors and mortality among male vs female recipients cohort, P = .54 for the single-transfusion cohort. and P = .58
regardless of recipient age did not meet statistical signifi- for the full cohort). The strength of the association between
cance (P = .30 for interaction for the no-donor-mixture transfusion of red blood cells from ever-pregnant donors and

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Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality Original Investigation Research

mortality of male recipients was different for recipients of naturally occurring variation, quality control standards allow
different ages, as indicated by the P value for interaction up to 5 million leukocytes in a small percentage of products.
trend (Table 3). These could include both antigen-specific lymphocytes or
Similarly, the differences between male and female recipi- regulatory T cells.
ents in the strength of association of transfusions from ever- Some differences exist between results reported from stud-
pregnant donors with mortality of recipients 50 years and ies on the association between donor sex and recipient
younger were statistically significant (P = .03 for interaction mortality.2-6 These differences could, in the light of the cur-
for the no-donor-mixture cohort, P = .01 for the single- rent results, potentially be explained by a combination of dif-
transfusion cohort, and P = .01 for the full cohort). ferences in prevalence of a history of pregnancy among do-
nors and differences in age distribution of recipients.
This study has several strengths. The large size of the
cohort allowed selection of the no-donor-mixture cohort and
Discussion enabled study of patients who received blood transfusions
The results from this large retrospective cohort study suggest from only 1 type of donor (ie, male vs previously pregnant
that the association of transfusions of red blood cells from female vs never pregnant female). However, the selection of
female donors with increased mortality among male recipi- a no-donor-mixture cohort could limit generalizability. The
ents was related to the pregnancy history of female donors recipients in the no-donor-mixture cohort receive fewer
and the age of the patient. Male recipients who received a transfusions, since the probability of receiving mixed trans-
transfusion from an ever-pregnant female donor had a statis- fusions increases with the total number of transfusions. Simi-
tically significant increase in mortality compared with those larly, the censoring of recipients who received 16 or more
who received a transfusion from a male donor or from a transfusions could limit generalizability to this group.
female donor without a history of pregnancy. There was no This study also has limitations. First, the difference in ef-
significant association between pregnancy status of female fect size and direction between male and female recipients was
donors of red blood cells and mortality among female recipi- not significant among recipients of all ages, only among those
ents of red blood cell transfusions. 50 years and younger. This makes the findings very tentative,
The association of increased mortality among male and they require validation in other studies. Second, this study
patients who received transfusions from ever-pregnant was retrospective, and data were recorded for routine clinical
donors suggests a possible mechanism based on immuno- practice and not specifically for this study. This could cause
logic changes occurring during pregnancy. Of all changes both inaccuracy of data and unavailability of data. Third, there
occurring during pregnancy, the immunologic ones are the were missing data, particularly regarding pregnancy status for
most enduring. An alternative explanation could be a differ- the women donating red blood cells. Fourth, information on
ence in iron status between ever-pregnant female and male cause of death was not available. Fifth, there may have been
donors. Iron deficiency in donors has recently been shown to residual confounding or confounding by an unidentified vari-
be associated with worse recovery of red blood cells after able. Sixth, the analysis included a large number of compari-
transfusion in a murine model.17 Some studies also report sons, but there was no adjustment for multiple comparisons.
differences in red blood cell physiology between the
sexes.13-17 Results from studies on the association of donor
sex and recipient mortality, including the current study, tend
to be consistent in showing associations for male recipients
but not for female recipients.2-6 This specificity for male Among patients who received red blood cell transfusions, re-
recipients seems difficult to explain based on differences in ceipt of a transfusion from an ever-pregnant female donor,
red blood cell physiology, supporting a possible role for a sex- compared with a male donor, was associated with increased
specific immunologic mechanism. It is difficult to predict all-cause mortality among male recipients but not among fe-
whether the small amount of plasma in red blood cell trans- male recipients. Transfusions from never-pregnant female do-
fusions contains enough antibodies to confer an increased nors were not associated with increased mortality among male
risk of mortality, but it cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, or female recipients. Further research is needed to replicate
leukocyte-depleted red blood cell transfusions routinely con- these findings, determine their clinical significance, and iden-
tain fewer than 1 million leukocytes. However, to allow for tify the underlying mechanism.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Hospital, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Accepted for Publication: September 8, 2017. the Netherlands (Evers, Zwaginga); Department of (Péquériaux); LabWest, Haga Teaching Hospital,
Clinical Chemistry and Haematology, University The Hague, the Netherlands (Hudig).
Author Affiliations: Center for Clinical Transfusion Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Research, Sanquin Research, Leiden, the Author Contributions: Ms Caram-Deelder and
(de Vooght); Department of Clinical Chemistry Dr Middelburg had full access to all of the data in
Netherlands (Caram-Deelder, Kreuger, Evers, and Haematology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven,
Zwaginga, van der Bom, Middelburg); Department the study and take responsibility for the integrity of
the Netherlands (van de Kerkhof); Department the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
of Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical of Haematology, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Center, Leiden, the Netherlands (Caram-Deelder, Concept and design: Caram-Deelder, Zwaginga,
the Netherlands (Visser); Department of Clinical van der Bom, Middelburg.
Kreuger, van der Bom, Middelburg); Department of Chemistry and Haematology, Jeroen Bosch
Immunohaematology and Blood Transfusion,

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Research Original Investigation Association of Female-Donor Blood Transfusion and Recpient Mortality

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