Albayrak 2016
Albayrak 2016
Albayrak 2016
Department of Urology, Bozok University, School of Medicine, Yozgat, Turkey
Department of Urology, Amasya Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu Education and Research Hospital,
Amasya, Turkey
KEYWORDS Abstract The aim of our study was to evaluate whether neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR)
Age; is a predictor of disease progression and recurrence in patients with primary non-muscle-
Bladder cancer; invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). This was a prospective study of 86 patients with newly diag-
Neutrophil-to- nosed NMIBC. The patients were classified by the number of points assigned by the European
lymphocyte ratio; Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer risk tables. The correlation between pro-
Progression; gression score, recurrence score, age, mean platelet volume, red blood cell distribution width
Recurrence and NLR was assessed statistically. The same parameters were compared between the risk
groups. A significant difference in NLR and age values was observed between recurrence and
progression risk score groups. The relationships between NLR and recurrence and progression
risk scores were no longer significant after correcting for the statistical effect of age on scores.
Age was significantly different between groups after adjusting for NLR. Our study revealed that
NLR and age were associated with patient age and bladder tumor progression and recurrence
risk scores. After correcting for age, the significant relationship with NLR was lost, in contrast
to some previous studies. We recommend that patient age should be corrected to avoid
misleading results in NLR studies.
Copyright ª 2016, Kaohsiung Medical University. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1607-551X/Copyright ª 2016, Kaohsiung Medical University. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
328 S. Albayrak et al.
Study population
Statistical analysis
This was a prospective study of 86 patients with newly
diagnosed NMIBC (72 men and 14 women) who presented ShapiroeWilk’s and Levene’s tests were used to test for
consecutively at the Urology Clinic of Bozok University normality and homogeneity of the data. Values are
Research Hospital, Yozgat, Turkey. We selected patients expressed as frequencies and percentages, mean -
using our laboratory information system database to standard deviation, or median and 25e75th percentiles.
retrieve data regarding NLR, RDW, hemoglobin, MPV, and Student t test and one way analysis of variance were used
age. Clinical and pathological data were recorded. The NLR to compare parametric continuous variables, and the
ratio was calculated using the neutrophil and lymphocyte ManneWhitney U test was used to compare nonparametric
values obtained from the complete blood counts. Patients continuous variables. Categorical data were compared
with newly diagnosed urothelial carcinoma underwent using the c2 distribution. Pearson’s test was used for the
TURBT at a single institute between 2010 and 2014. These correlation analysis. A multiple linear regression model was
Bladder cancer and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio 329
Figure 1. (A) Correlation between age and NLR. (B) Correlation between NLR and recurrence score. (C) Correlation between NLR
and progression score. (D) Correlation between age and recurrence score. (E) Correlation between age and progression score.
NLR Z neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio.
Bladder cancer and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio 331
Table 2 Comparison of NLR, MPV and RDW between groups of recurrence risk.
Variables Group 1 (Low risk; Group 2 (Intermediate risk; Group 3 (Intermediate risk; Group 4 (High risk; p*
Score 0; n Z 10) Score 1e4; n Z 24) Score 5e9; n Z 31) Score > 9; n Z 21)
NLR 1.93 0.3a 2.18 0.4b 2.68 0.5bc 3.17 0.5c 0.041
MPV (fL) 7.88 1.6a 7.97 1.6a 8.38 1a 8.56 1.17a 0.607
RDW (%) 15.6 1a 16.2 1.7a 15.5 1.7a 16.3 2.4a 0.517
Age (y) 45.2 8a 59.9 11ab 68.8 13b 69.9 15b 0.003
Values are expressed as mean standard deviation.
* Different subscripts letters in a row indicate statistically significant difference. Bold values indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05).
MPV Z mean platelet volume; NLR Z neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; RDW Z red blood cell distribution width.
Table 3 Comparison of NLR, MPV and RDW between groups of progression risk.
Variables Group 1 (Low risk; Group 2 (Intermediate risk; Group 3 (High risk; Group 4 (High risk; p*
Score 0; n Z 14) Score 2e6; n Z 21) Score 7e13; n Z 27) Score > 13; n Z 24)
NLR 2.12 0.4a 2.23 0.4a 2.63 0.5ab 3.25 0.6b 0.019
MPV (fL) 7.68 0.7a 7.95 0.9a 8.24 1.3a 8.67 1.7a 0.186
RDW (%) 17.1 1.8a 15.3 1a 15.8 1.6a 15.7 2.5a 0.171
Age (y) 55.8 9a 62.9 12a,b 68.6 13b 71.7 15b 0.001
Values are expressed as mean standard deviation.
*Different subscripts letters in a row indicate statistically significant difference. Bold value indicates statistically significant (p < 0.05).
MPV Z mean platelet volume; NLR Z neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; RDW Z red blood cell distribution width.
Table 4 Independent predictors of recurrence risk scores patients undergoing radical cystectomy is associated with
by multiple linear regression analysis. cancer-specific and all-cause mortality [12]. Higher pre-NLR
Factors B S.E. b t p* is an independent risk factor of disease recurrence and
NLR 0.094 0.039 0.301 2.413 0.064 cancer-specific mortality in patients with upper tract uro-
MPV (fL) 0.057 0.393 0.020 0.144 0.886 thelial carcinoma treated with radical nephroureter-
RDW (%) 0.400 0.293 0.208 1.366 0.178 ectomy. In addition, an elevated pre-NLR is significantly
Age (y) 1.544 0.510 0.439 3.029 0.004 associated with worse pathological features and patient
age [31]. According to Li et al [32], the eldest age group has
* Bold value indicates statistically significant (p < 0.05).
the highest NLR, and the youngest age group possesses the
B Z unstandardized coefficients; b Z standardized coefficients;
lowest NLR. Healthy elderly people have a high NLR [32]. In
MPV Z mean platelet volume; NLR Z neutrophil-to-lymphocyte
ratio; RDW Z red blood cell distribution width; SE Z standard our study, we evaluated patient age, NLR, RDW, and MPV
error. according to the EORTC risk score. Patient age and NLR
were correlated with recurrence risk score and each other.
Patient age and NLR may be related to the recurrence risk
score. Additionally, NLR and age increased significantly
Table 5 Independent predictors of progression risk scores according to recurrence risk group. NLR was no different
by multiple linear regression analysis. between the risk score groups after adjusting for age.
Factors B S.E. b t p* However, age was significantly different in the recurrence
risk score groups after adjusting for NLR. Our results show
NLR 2.366 0.821 0.396 2.883 0.064 that recurrence risk was affected by age, in contrast to NLR
MPV (fL) 0.697 0.633 0.141 1.100 0.276 in other studies [12,30,31]. Studies that evaluate recur-
RDW (%) 0.663 0.471 0.204 1.407 0.166 rence risk in patients with BC should consider age as a
Age (y) 0.204 0.063 0.386 3.268 0.002 factor.
* Bold value indicates statistically significant (p < 0.05). Tumor size, hydronephrosis, and hemoglobin levels in
B Z unstandardized coefficients; b Z standardized coefficients; patients with BC are the most important preoperative
MPV Z mean platelet volume; NLR Z neutrophil-to-lymphocyte prognostic factors [33]. Hilmy et al [34] advised that the
ratio; RDW Z red blood cell distribution width; SE Z standard preoperative systemic inflammatory response is more
nearly related to outcome in patients with BC treated
with radical cystectomy and reported the usefulness of
CRP as an important prognostic factor for disease-specific
progression and recurrence in patients with NMIBC [30]. survival. A previous study reported that patients with a
Elevated preoperative NLR is associated with increased higher NLR display relative lymphocytopenia and may
risks of extravesical tumor extension and disease recur- show a poorer lymphocyte-mediated immune response to
rence. Furthermore, a higher preoperative NLR among malignancy; thus, deteriorating their prognosis and
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