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8th till 500, 7th till 300 then ran on 6th. 144⁄18 2825 (12m) 6th till 600, ran on 5th.
SHAKIN STEVENS Pn17 - 710⁄17 14910 (14m) 6th till bend, 7th till 450, 8th till 350, 9th till 200, ran on 10th. M17-18 - 152⁄18 1767
(12m) always in the middle bunch. 253⁄18 2516 (14m) 3rd till 600, 4th till 500, 5th till 300, ran on 6th. 154⁄18 2844 (20m) 2nd till 600,
3rd till 450, finished 4th. 294⁄18 3105 (14m) led till 400, 2nd till 200 then dropped back few places and ran on 5th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 113
(12m) led till last 50 and beaten then finished closed 3rd.
XOXO M17-18 - 2411⁄17 133 (14m) 2nd till 100m then beaten near post, finished closed 3rd. 1612⁄17 604 (16m) led till
200, 2nd till 150, 3rd till 100, finished 4th. 211⁄18 1338 (16m) led till 350 suddenly faded and dropped rapidly, ended 8th. 152⁄18 1764
(12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400 later finished 4th. 282⁄18 2085 (12m) 8th till bend, 7th till 450, 6th till 200 later ran on 5th. Pn18 - 267⁄18
152 (12m) chased the winner till post. finished 2nd.
MANZANITA M16-17 - 163⁄17 2212 (12m) 4th till 600, 3rd till 400 then finished 2nd. 24⁄17 2614 (12m) 5th till 600, finished 4th.
M17-18 - 1612⁄17 56 (12m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 500 then weakened and dropped back few places, ran on 8th. 111⁄18 1127 (12m) 4th
till bend, 5th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 7th. 182⁄18 1864 (14m) 2nd till 300, 3rd till 200 later finished 4th. 224⁄18 3007 (12m) 3rd till 500,
4th till 400, suddenly dropped back and ended last.
TALLY HO M17-18 - 152⁄18 1765 (12m) fought around 5th place all the way. 83⁄18 2143 (10m) 4th till 400 then finished 3rd.
1 ⁄18 263 (12m) No show. 144⁄18 2786 (12m) 4th till 600, 5th till 400, ran on 6th. 284⁄18 30910 (12m) always in the rear. Pn18 -
4 12
267⁄18 153 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, 4th till 200 then finished 3rd.
SUPER STRENGTH M17-18 - 181⁄18 12615 (10m) Never hopes in the race. 152⁄18 17710 (12m) never hopes in the race. 83⁄18 21211
(16m) always in the rear. 84⁄18 2727 (16m) led till 400, 2nd till 350 then lost the pace and dropped back, ran on 7th. 224⁄18 3006 (12m)
2nd till 400, 3rd till 300 then dropped back few places and ran on 6th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 813 (10m) 15th till bend, always in the rears.
ROYSTON ROCK M17-18 - 152⁄18 1779 (12m) led till 450, 2nd till 400 suddenly faded and dropped back rapidly, ended 9th.
8 ⁄18 215 (12m) 10th till bend, 9th till 400 ran on 8th. 253⁄18 2515 (14m) 9th till 600, 8th till 500, 7th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 5th.
3 8
284⁄18 3098 (12m) 4th till 600, 5th till 500, 6th till 400, 7th till 200 later ran on 8th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 515 (12m) never show in the race.
58⁄18 3010 (12m) 3rd till bend, 4th till 400 then weakened and dropped back few places ran on 10th.
DIVINE SPARK Pn17 - 268⁄17 685 (12m) hereabout all ways. 169⁄17 1133 (12m) 4th till bend, finished 3rd. M17-18 - 2212⁄17 734
(10m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, finished 4th. 282⁄18 2044 (12m) 3rd till 250 later finished 4th. 153⁄18 2257 (16m) 3rd till 600, 4th till 500,
5th till 300, 6th till 200 later ran on 7th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 112 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400 then fought and ridden well, finished late 2nd.
AQUARIUS M17-18 - 303⁄18 25611 (12m) 5th till 600, 6th till 500 then weakened and dropped back, ended 11th. 144⁄18 2785
(12m) 7th till 600, 6th till 400, ran on 5th. 224⁄18 3025 (14m) 2nd till 500, 3rd till 400, 4th till 200 later ran on 5th. 284⁄18 3094 (12m) 5th
till 400 then finished 4th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 114 (12m) 8th till bend, 7th till 400, 6th till 200, 5th till 100 later finished 4th. 48⁄18 285 (10m) 7th
til bend, 6th till 400, ran on 5th.
OUTSTANDING M17-18 - 32⁄18 15310 (10m) 4th till bend, 5th till 500, 6th till 400 later weakened and dropped back, ran on 10th.
232⁄18 1924 (10m) 8th till bend, 7th till 400, 6th till 300, 5th till 200, finished 4th. 303⁄18 2578 (12m) 7th till 600 ran on 8th. 214⁄18 2944
(10m) 5th till 500, later finished 4th. 294⁄18 31611 (10m) never hunt in the race. Pn18 - 207⁄18 812 (10m) 6th till bend, 7th till 500 then
lost the pace and dropped back, ended 12th.
PADMAKOSA Pn17 - 268⁄17 6812 (12m) led till 400, 3rd till 300, suddenly faded and dropped back, ended 12th. 169⁄17 1188
(12m) 6th till bend, 7th till 400, ran on 8th. 1410⁄17 16710 (12m) 6th till bend, 7th till 450, 8th till 350, 9th till 200, ran on 10th. M17-18 -
1712⁄17 6211 (12m) led till 300, 2nd till 250 suddenly faded and dropped back rapidly then ended 11th. 32⁄18 1536 (10m) 3rd till bend,
4th till 400, 5th till 200 later ran on 6th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 87 (10m) 4th till bend, 5th till 400, 6th till 200 ran on 7th.
DIWALI LIGHTS M17-18 - 1712⁄17 6212 (12m) 8th till bend, 9th till 400 then dropped back to last. 181⁄18 1275 (14m) 3rd till bend,
4th till 400, later ran on5th. 182⁄18 18010 (14m) always in the rear. 153⁄18 2258 (16m) 7th till 600, ran on 8th. 303⁄18 2562 (12m) 9th till
600, 8th till 500 then improved in the straight and fought later finished good 2nd. Pn18 - 267⁄18 1112 (12m) never hunt in the race.
2nd Race The Nawab & Begum Faiyaz Husain Memorial Trophy Div - II Cl-3y., Maiden 1400 Mts.
7 7
BITCOIN Pn18 - 207⁄18 6 (10m) 8th till bend, ran on 7th. 58⁄18 31 (12m) 4th till bend, 5th till 400, 6th till 300, ran on 7th.
DANCING HOOVES M17-18 - 2812⁄17 875 (12m) 4th till bend, ran on last. Pn18 - 207⁄18 66 (10m) 5th till bend, ran on 6th.
FOUNTAINHEAD Pn18 - 277⁄18 2111 (14m) always a backmarker.
MASAR Pn17 - 2810⁄17 1833 (10m) 4th till bend, finished 3rd. M17-18 - 1712⁄17 633 (12m) fought around 3rd place all
the way. 251⁄18 1414 (12m) 3rd till bend, finished 4th.
NOTTING HILL M17-18 - 42⁄18 15911 (12m) Always a backmarker. 84⁄18 2734 (14m) 7th till 600, 6th till 400, 5th till 200 later
finished 4th. Pn18 - 27 ⁄18 214 (14m) 5th till bend, finished 4th.
3rd Race The Enlightenment Plate Cl-II, 60-86, (40 to 59 eligible). 1200 Mts.
EXCELLENT GOLD Pn17 - 1410⁄17 (166) (12m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400 then came up nicely and fought well till post, just won.
M17-18 - 17 ⁄17 (66) (12m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400 then came up nicely from outside and won easily. 3112⁄17 (95) (12m) 4th till bend,
3rd till 300 then came up and fought well till post, just won the race. 251⁄18 1444 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400 then finished 4th.
152⁄18 1723 (12m) 4th till bend later finished 3rd. Pn18 - 207⁄18 45 (12m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 400, 4th till 200, ran on 5th.
GAZINO M16-17 - 263⁄17 2472 (10m) 3rd till 600 then finished 2nd. Pn17 - 198⁄17 (52) (12m) 2nd till bend then took charge
and goes away the field, won notably. 99⁄17 (101) (12m) 3rd till bend, 2nd till 400 then came up well in the centre, won commandingly.
2910⁄17 1944 (14m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, finished 4th. M17-18 - 312⁄17 (31) (12m) 2nd till 400 then took charge and goes away the
field, won impressively. 211⁄18 1352 (12m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400, 3rd till 300 then hard ridden and fighting strides to stride till post,
finished closed 2nd.
PERFECT STAR BgS17 - 256⁄17 972 (16m) 7th till 800, 6th till 600, 4th till 200, finished a good 2nd. 167⁄17 1426 (20m) 10th till
800, 9th till 600, 10th till 400, 6th from 200mts. HyM17 - 49⁄17 1154 (16m) fought 4th place all the way. Pn17 - 1510⁄17 1764 (20m) 3rd
till 800 then took led at 600 till 300, 2nd till 200, 3rd till 150, finished 4th. M17-18 - 1712⁄17 673 (16m) 5th till bend, 4th till 450, finished
3rd. 42⁄18 16010 (24m) 7th till bend, 8th till 400, 9th till 200, ran on 10th.
GLYNDEBOURNE Pn17 - 58⁄17 212 (14m) 4th till 600, 3rd till 400, later finished 2nd. 278⁄17 763 (14m) 2nd till 600, finished 3rd.
810⁄17 158 (14m) 8th till bend, 7th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 5th. M17-18 - 1911⁄17 43 (14m) fought 3rd place all the way. 303⁄18 (254)
(14m) pillar to post easy victory. 84⁄18 (275) (12m) wire to wire easy victory.
STAR OF THEA M17-18 - 102⁄18 (169) (14m) start to finish won drawing away in the end. 282⁄18 (207) (14m) on a start to finish
mission easy victory. 153⁄18 2272 (14m) led till 250 later finished 2nd. 154⁄18 2852 (14m) fought 2nd place all the way. 294⁄18 (311)
(14m) on a start to finish mission won easily. Pn18 - 277⁄18 (18) (12m) on a start to finish easy victory.
HIGHLAND BREEZE M16-17 - 151⁄17 1183 (20m) led till 400, 2nd till 200 then finished 3rd. 52⁄17 15510 (24m) 12th till 600, 11th till
400, ran on 10th. Pn17 - 109⁄17 1107 (14m) always in the rear. 1410⁄17 1634 (20m) 5th till bend, fnished 4th. M17-18 - 1712⁄17 617 (20m)
always a backmarker. Pn18 - 267⁄18 139 (10m) never show in the race.
PRICELESSGIRL M17-18 - 181⁄18 1264 (10m) 2nd till last 50m then finished 4th. 251⁄18 (146) (10m) on a start to finish mission
notable victory. 28 ⁄18 2056 (10m) 3rd till bend, 4th till 400, 5th till 200, ran on 6th. 153⁄18 (228) (10m) on a start to finish notable victory.
14⁄18 2626 (10m) led till 650, 2nd till 450 suddenly dropped back then ran on 6th. 154⁄18 (289) (10m) start to finish mission won in a
closed finish.
IN THE STARS Pn17 - 1510⁄17 (173) (12m) 4th till 400, came up well wide outside and won notably. M17-18 - 1911⁄17 44 (14m)
fought around 4th place all the way. 3112⁄17 (96) (12m) 4th till 500, 3rd till 400 then came up well and took charge at 200 and goes
away the field. 42⁄18 (161) (12m) Slow at the gate and 14th till bend then came up very powerful run from outside and pip the Gallant
Knight and just won.
QUEEN CREDIBLE M17-18 - 312⁄17 315 (12m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400, ran on 5th. 3112⁄17 953 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, 4th
till 200, finished 3rd. 21 ⁄18 1353 (12m) 9th till bend then came up strong run from outside and finished good 3rd. 32⁄18 1526 (14m) 11th
till bend, 10th till 500 then recovered few places in the straight later ran on 6th. 282⁄18 2068 (14m) always in the rear. Pn18 - 267⁄18 132
(10m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400 then gain a few places in the straight later finished 2nd.
LADY SERGEANT Pn17 - 278⁄17 755 (10m) 3rd till 600, 4th till 400, ran on 5th. 179⁄17 (127) (12m) chased the leader till 200 then
took charge and won notably. 810⁄17 1588 (14m) 12th till bend then recovered few places, ran on 8th. M17-18 - 1911⁄17 (6) (12m) 3rd
till 350 then came up nicely in the centre and goes away the field, won notably. 141⁄18 12114 (12m) 3rd till bend, 2nd till 350 suddenly
faded and dropped back rapidly, ended last. Pn18 - 277⁄18 189 (12m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 400 then weakened and dropped back, ended
4th Race The Nana Raghunath Trophy Cl-III-, 30-56 1200 Mts.
COLLEGIUM M17-18 - 42⁄18 16111 (12m) 4th till bend, 5th till 500, 6th till 400 then lost the pace and dropped back, ended
11th. 25 ⁄18 199 (14m) 4th till 400 then ran on 5th. 153⁄18 2293 (14m) took charge at 1200 till last 50m then beaten and later finished
2 5
3rd. 14⁄18 (263) (12m) 6th till 450, 5th till 400 then came up nicely in the centre and fought later won easy. 214⁄18 2952 (12m) 3rd till
600 then finished 2nd. Pn18 - 277⁄18 184 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400 later finished 4th.
MAKINO M17-18 - 3112⁄17 954 (12m) 5th till bend then finished 4th. 32⁄18 1527 (14m) 2nd till 400, 3rd till 350, 4th till 300
then lost the pace and dropped back few places, ran on 7th. 282⁄18 2066 (14m) 4th till bend, 5th till 450, ran on 6th. 153⁄18 2284 (10m)
5th till 600 then finished 4th. 84⁄18 2756 (12m) 5th till 500, ran on 6th. Pn18 - 277⁄18 188 (12m) 9th till bend, ran on 8th.
STALLONE Pn17 - 68⁄17 308 (12m) 6th till 600, 7th till 400, ran on 8th. 268⁄17 (65) (10m) 3rd till 400, 2nd till 200, came up
and fought well and won. M17-18 - 2611⁄17 (20) (10m) 5th till 400 then came up nicely from outside and goes away the field, won notably.
282⁄18 2054 (10m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400, 5th till 200 then finished 4th. 253⁄18 2498 (12m) 7th till 600, ran on 8th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 27
(10m) 10th till bend, 9th till 400, 8th till 200, ran on 7th.
ANGELS TOUCH M17-18 - 1911⁄17 45 (14m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400, ran on 5th. 312⁄17 352 (16m) 3rd till bend then took led till
150 then hard ridden till post then beaten, finished 2nd. 211⁄18 13710 (24m) always a backmarker. 153⁄18 2295 (14m) slow at the gate,
11th till 600 then recovered few places in the straight later finished 5th. 303⁄18 2525 (16m) fought 5th place all the way. Pn18 - 277⁄18
(17) (14m) nicely settle 2nd till 400 then took charge at 250 and goes away the field and won easily.
HEROINE BgS17 - 256⁄17 1003 (12m) 2nd, led till 200, 3rd. 237⁄17 (153) (11m) won from pillar to post easily. Pn17 -
19 ⁄17 49 (10m) 3rd till bend, later finished 2nd. M17-18 - 282⁄18 2057 (10m) 8th till bend, ran on 7th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 26 (10m) fought
8 2
the rear. 2412⁄17 815 (10m) 6th till bend, ran on 5th. 111⁄18 11312 (10m) always in the rera bunch. Pn18 - 58⁄18 349 (12m) 11th till bend,
10th till 450, ran on 9th.
GOLDEN ECLIPSE Pn17 - 249⁄17 1428 (12m) slow at the gate then gain a few places ahead, ran on 8th. M17-18 - 3112⁄17 966 (12m)
7th till bend, ran on 6th. 251⁄18 1467 (10m) 9th till bend, 8th till 400 later ran on 7th. 153⁄18 2307 (10m) 13th till 600, 12th till 500, 11th
till 400 later recovered few places and ran on 7th. 214⁄18 2966 (12m) 8th till 600, 7th till 400 ran on 6th. 284⁄18 (308) (14m) 4th till 500
then came up nicely from inside rails and fought till post then won easy.
ORION’S BELT M17-18 - 42⁄18 1618 (12m) 2nd till 400, 3rd till 300 later weakened and dropped back, ran on 8th. 252⁄18 1999
(14m) led till 400, 2nd till 350 later weakened and dropped back to 2ndlast. 84⁄18 2775 (14m) led till 450, 2nd till 400, 3rd till 300, 4th till
200 later ran on 5th. 294⁄18 3116 (14m) 3rd till 500, 4rth till 400, 5th till 200 then ran on 6th. Pn18 - 277⁄18 192 (14m) led till beaten near
post finished closed 2nd. 58⁄18 344 (12m) led till 250, 2nd till 200 then dropped back few places ran on 4th.
SAFDAR M17-18 - 32⁄18 1506 (18m) 7th till bend, ran on 6th. 282⁄18 20711 (14m) 9th till bend, 10th till 400 ran on 11th.
183⁄18 2359 (16m) never hunt in the race. 303⁄18 2558 (10m) never hunt in the race. 154⁄18 2909 (10m) never show in the race. Pn18
- 277⁄18 202 (12m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400 then came up and fought well till post later finished closed 2nd.
COOL EYES M16-17 - 1812⁄16 648 (12m) always a backmarker. Pn17 - 68⁄17 267 (12m) hereabout all the way. 198⁄17 525
(12m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400, ran on 5th. 710⁄17 1493 (14m) 9th till bend, 8th till 450, recovered good places n the straight, finished
3rd. 2910⁄17 1929 (16m) fought around 9th place all the way. M17-18 - 312⁄17 3510 (16m) 4th till bend, 5th till 500, suddenly faded and
dropped back, ended 2ndlast.
ROYAL MEWS M17-18 - 233⁄18 (243) (12m) 8th till 600, 7th till 500 then came up well from inside rails and made a notable
victory. 30 ⁄18 255 (10m) slow at the gate and last till 600 then gain a few places in the straight later ran on 5th. 214⁄18 2964 (12m)
3 5
3rd till 400 later finished 4th. 294⁄18 3142 (12m) 4th till 400, 3rd till 300 then fought and came up strongly from outside and finished
closed 2nd. Pn18 - 207⁄18 59 (12m) 11th till bend, 10th till 400 ran on 9th. 58⁄18 306 (12m) 5th till bend, finished 6th.
POCO AZUL M17-18 - 214⁄18 2916 (14m) always a backmarker.
ROSPOMARE M17-18 - 102⁄18 17013 (10m) always in the rear end. 84⁄18 27610 (10m) never show. 284⁄18 3038 (10m) always
in the rear. Pn18 - 20 ⁄18 511 (12m) 9th till bend, ran on 11th.
5th Race The Nawab & Begum Faiyaz Husain Memorial Trophy Div - I Cl-3y., Maiden 1400 Mts.
DEAN’S GOLD M17-18 - 74⁄18 267 (10m) 9th till 600, 8th till 400, ran on 7th. 284⁄18 3065 (10m) 3rd till 500, 4th till 300, ran on
5th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 9 (10m) 9th till bend, ran on 8th.
GREEK LEGEND M17-18 - 152⁄18 1745 (10m) 6th till bend, ran on 5th. 282⁄18 2024 (16m) always a backmarker. 83⁄18 2094 (14m)
5th till 400 later finished 4th. 144⁄18 2808 (10m) 9th till 600 ran on 8th. 294⁄18 31212 (14m) 6th till 500, 7th till 450, 8th till 400 then dropped
and ended 12th. Pn18 - 48⁄18 278 (14m) 6th till bend, 7th till 350, ran on 8th.
NAVIGATOR Pn18 - 207⁄18 65 (10m) 6th till bend, ran on 5th.
ORIANA M17-18 - 284⁄18 3068 (10m) never show in the race.
6th Race The Mayor Baburao Sanas Memorial Independence Million powered by SRS Group
Cl-IV-, 20-46, Foreign Jockeys Eligible, (0 to 19 eligible). 2000 Mts.
KIMBERELLA M17-18 - 2412⁄17 (80) (16m) 4th till 400 then came up nicely from outside and won notably. 141⁄18 1197 (20m)
2nd till 450, 3rd till 400, 4th till 300 then dropped back few places and ran on 7th. 252⁄18 1965 (16m) 6th till bend, ran on 5th. 233⁄18
2395 (14m) 7th till 600, 6th till 400 ran on 5th. 294⁄18 (313) (16m) 4th till 400 then came up well from outside and 2nd till 200 then took
led at 100 and won easily. Pn18 - 267⁄18 122 (18m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, 4th till 300 then fought and came up fast, finished 2nd.
BABY FACE Pn17 - 239⁄17 1352 (20m) 6th till bend, 5th till 450, 4th till 400 then gain a few places in the straight, finished
2nd. 1510⁄17 (171) (24m) 4th till bend, 3rd till 400 then came up nicely from outside and won easily. M17-18 - 2611⁄17 152 (18m) 3rd till
bend, 2nd till 400 then took charge till 50m later beaten, finished closed 2nd. 2412⁄17 785 (20m) led till 400, 2nd till 350 then dropped
back three places and ended 5th. 42⁄18 15710 (24m) Never hunt in the race. Pn18 - 277⁄18 1910 (14m) 5th till bend, 6th till 400 then
dropped back to last.
SMART N NOBLE Pn16 - 1610⁄16 1837 (20m) 9th till 600, 8th till 400, ran on 7th. M16-17 - 2011⁄16 72 (16m) fought around 2nd
place all the way. 4 ⁄16 335 (16m) 4th till bend, ran on 5th. Pn17 - 58⁄17 184 (14m) 5th till 600 then finished 4th. M17-18 - 284⁄18 30812
(14m) always a backmarker. Pn18 - 207⁄18 78 (16m) fought around 8th place all the way.
ASPEN Pn17 - 710⁄17 1464 (24m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, finished 4th. M17-18 - 2412⁄17 783 (20m) 5th till 300, 4th till
150, later finished 3rd. 41⁄18 1014 (24m) always a backmarker. 251⁄18 1395 (16m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400 then ran on 5th. 252⁄18 1975
(24m) fought around 5th place all the way. Pn18 - 207⁄18 711 (16m) never show in the race.
STAR BRIGHT M17-18 - 232⁄18 1917 (12m) 3rd till bend, 4th till 500, 5th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 7th. 303⁄18 (252) (16m) 4th
till 600, 3rd till 400 then took charge at 300 and made in a commanding victory.
SWIFTNESS M16-17 - 232⁄17 1837 (14m) 6th till 600, ran on last. 193⁄17 2306 (16m) led till 500, 2nd till 400, suddenly dropped
back, ended last. Pn17 - 58⁄17 214 (14m) 3rd till 600, later finished 4th. 29⁄17 802 (20m) 4th till 600, 3rd till 400, finished 2nd. 179⁄17
(122) (24m) wire to wire easy victory. M17-18 - 3112⁄17 946 (24m) led till 450 suddenly dropped back rapidly, ended last.
TAR HEEL M17-18 - 2411⁄17 129 (12m) 5th till turn,. 6th till 300 then last. 2212⁄17 777 (12m) 2nd till 600, 3rd till 500, 4th till
400, 5th till 300, 6th till 200 then ran on 7th. 181⁄18 1305 (14m) 10th till bend, 9th till 500, 8th till 400 then recovered few places and ran
on 5th. 232⁄18 (189) (16m) 6th till 400 then came up strong run from outside and 2nd/3rd till 200, took charge at 100 and won. 183⁄18
2352 (16m) 4th till 350, 3rd till 300 then hard ridden till post later finished 2nd. 74⁄18 2652 (20m) 5th till 500, 4th till 400, 3rd till 200 later
finished 2nd.
ARTUS Pn17 - 29⁄17 804 (20m) 5th till 600, finished 4th. 239⁄17 1354 (20m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 400, finished 4th. M17-18
- 2412⁄17 80 (16m) fought around 5th place all the way. 211⁄18 1384 (16m) 5th till bend later finished 4th. 32⁄18 (148) (18m) 2nd till 600
then came well and goes away the field and won notably. 113⁄18 2212 (20m) led till 150 then finished 2nd.
REDS REVENGE M17-18 - 2812⁄17 883 (16m) 7th till bend, 6th till 450 then came up fast from outside and finished closed 3rd.
14 ⁄18 (122) (14m) 10th till bend, 9th till 400 then came up with a powerful run from outside and fought till post and won easily. 42⁄18
1584 (16m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 400 later finished 4th. 252⁄18 1994 (14m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400 later finished 4th. 83⁄18 2126 (16m)
7th till 400 ran on 6th. 294⁄18 3154 (12m) 9th till 500, 8th till 450 then recovered few places in the straight and finished 4th.
PRICELESS ART M17-18 - 312⁄17 302 (10m) 3rd till bend then fought hard till post & finished closed 2nd. 2412⁄17 (83) (14m) 9th
till 400 then came up nicely from outside and fought well till post and won the race. 251⁄18 1456 (14m) 9th till bend, 8th till 400, 7th till
200, ran on 6th. 233⁄18 2427 (14m) fought around 7th place all the way. Pn18 - 207⁄18 74 (16m) 10th till bend, 9th till 500 then recovered
good ground in the straight, finished 4th.
TILL END OF TIME M17-18 - 1612⁄17 534 (12m) 9th till bend, 8th till 450, recovered good ground in the straight, finished 4th.
14 ⁄18 116 (10m) Came up well from 11th place at the bend, later finished closed 3rd. 182⁄18 (186) (14m) 8th till bend, 7th till 500 then
came up powerful run from outside and pip the leader at 50m, just won. 83⁄18 2125 (16m) 8th till bend, 7th till 400, 6th till 200 then ran
on 5th. 74⁄18 2654 (20m) led till 400, 2nd till 300, 3rd till 200 then finished 4th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 53 (12m) came up well from 12th place at
the bend and finished notably 3rd.
COSIMO M17-18 - 41⁄18 1063 (14m) 2nd till 450 then took led at 400 till 200 later beaten and finished 3rd. 83⁄18 21511
(12m) 6th till bend, 7th till 450 then dropped back few places later ended 2ndlast. 14⁄18 2646 (14m) led till 400, 2nd till 300 then lost the
pace and dropped back few places, ran on 6th. 154⁄18 2866 (16m) 5th till 500, ran on 6th. 284⁄18 3082 (14m) 9th till 600, 8th till 400
then came up strongly from outside and finished good 2nd. Pn18 - 207⁄18 710 (16m) 4th till bend, 5th till 500 then lost the pace and
dropped back, ended 10th.
LUCKY LUCIANO M17-18 - 3011⁄17 2415 (14m) always a backmarker. 1412⁄17 443 (24m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400, finished 3rd.
14 ⁄18 119 (20m) Always in the rear. 14⁄18 2602 (20m) 4th till 600, 3rd till 400 then fought and finished 2nd. 154⁄18 (284) (20m) slow
1 10
at the gate, 3rd till 400, 2nd till 300 then took charge and goes away the filed, won in a stylish manners. Pn18 - 207⁄18 73 (16m) came
up well from 13th place at the bend and finished closed 3rd.
MOMENTUM M17-18 - 303⁄18 2526 (16m) 3rd till 600, 4th till 400, 5th till 200, ran on 6th. 294⁄18 3132 (16m) 5th till 600, 4th
till 400, 3rd till 200 then finished 2nd.
ASTRAL FLARE Pn17 - 249⁄17 1404 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, finished 4th. 1510⁄17 1734 (12m) 5th till bend, finished 4th.
M17-18 - 4 ⁄18 158 (16m) Led till 150 suddenly dropped back few places then ran on 6th. 232⁄18 1892 (16m) 5th till bend, 4th till 450,
2 6
3rd till 350 then took led at 300 and fought till post later finished 2nd. Pn18 - 207⁄18 52 (12m) 4th till bend then improved well and fought
till post later finished closed 2nd.
BAKHTAWAR Pn17 - 1510⁄17 17010 (14m) always a backmarker. M17-18 - 2812⁄17 888 (16m) Led till 300, 2nd till 250 suddenly
faded and dropped back rapidly, ended 8th. 233⁄18 2393 (14m) led till 400, 2nd till 300 later finished 3rd. 144⁄18 2835 (14m) 8th till 600,
7th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 5th. 284⁄18 30811 (14m) 6th till 600, 7th till 500, 8th till 400 then lost the pace and ended 2ndlast.
7th Race The Unforgettable You Plate Cl-V;, 4-30, 4 years old and over 1600 Mts.
ABERLOUR M17-18 - 102⁄18 166 (14m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, 4th till 200, finished 3rd. Pn18 - 207⁄18 111 (12m) 9th till
finished 3rd. 294⁄18 3135 (16m) 7th till 500, 6th till 300 later ran on 5th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 19 (12m) 11th till bend, 10th till 400, ran on 9th.
ROYAL ECLAIR M17-18 - 1612⁄17 599 (14m) 12th till bend, 11th till 400, 10th till 200, ran on 9th. 41⁄18 1064 (14m) 9th till bend,
8th till 500 later came up fast and finished closed 4th. 211⁄18 1332 (16m) 6th till bend, 5th till 500, 4th till 400 then recovered well ground
and finished 2nd. 84⁄18 2778 (14m) 7th till 500 ran on 8th. 294⁄18 3148 (12m) never hopes in the race. Pn18 - 277⁄18 229 (14m) always
in the rear.
SYLVESTER Pn17 - 249⁄17 1407 (12m) 11th till bend, 10th till 400 then recovered some ground and ran on 7th. M17-18 -
251⁄18 142 (18m) led till 450, 2nd till 400 suddenly faded and dropped back rapidly later ended. 182⁄18 1849 (20m) 2nd till 450, 3rd till
400 later faded and dropped back, ended 9th. 153⁄18 22911 (14m) 9th till 500, 10th till 300, ran on 11th.
CRISTO BOSS M17-18 - 2212⁄17 779 (12m) always in the rear bunch. 181⁄18 1306 (14m) 11th till 450, 10th till 400 then recovered
well ahead in the straight later ran on 6th. 232⁄18 1907 (14m) 4th till bend, 5th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 7th. 303⁄18 2524 (16m) led till
450, 2nd till 400, 3rd till 300 later finished 4th. 284⁄18 3045 (16m) 6th till 500 later ran on 5th. Pn18 - 207⁄18 72 (16m) 9th till bend, 8th
till 400 then came up powerful run from outside and finished closed 2nd.
KOTOR Pn17 - 2810⁄17 1867 (14m) fought around 7th place all the way. M17-18 - 1412⁄17 467 (14m) 4th till bend, 5th till
500, 6th till 350, ran on 7th. 181⁄18 1273 (14m) led till 300, 2nd till 100 later finished 3rd. 153⁄18 2265 (16m) 2nd till 450 then took charge
till 350, 2nd till 300, 3rd till 200, 4th till 100, ran on 5th. 303⁄18 2569 (12m) 4th till 600, 5th till 500, 6th till 400, 7th till 300, 8th till 200 ran
on 9th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 117 (12m) 5th till bend, 6th till 400, ran on 7th.
VITESSE M17-18 - 141⁄18 1238 (14m) Fought around 8th place all the way. 32⁄18 15411 (12m) never hopes in the race.
23 ⁄18 190 (14m) 6th till bend, 7th till 400, 8th till 200, ran on 9th. 233⁄18 2396 (14m) 2nd till 600, 3rd till 500, 4th till 400, 5th till 200 ran
2 9
on 6th. 154⁄18 2884 (14m) 2nd till 500, 3rd till 200 later finished 4th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 154 (12m) 3rd till bend, finished 4th.
DAZZLING EYES Pn17 - 158⁄17 4512 (14m) 7th till bend, 8th till 400, later weakened and dropped back few places, ended 12th.
24 ⁄17 143 (18m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 400, 4th till 200, ran on 5th. M17-18 - 312⁄17 333 (18m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400, finished 3rd.
9 5
1412⁄17 445 (24m) led till 450 then lost the pace and dropped back rapidly, ended last. 32⁄18 1483 (18m) came up well from 12th place
at the bend then finished good 3rd. 83⁄18 2113 (20m) 4th till 500 then finished 3rd.
GRAPEVINE Pn17 - 2810⁄17 18612 (14m) never in the frame. M17-18 - 2412⁄17 8510 (16m) 4th till 500 suddenly faded and
dropped back rapidly, ended last. 181⁄18 1279 (14m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 500 then lost the pace and dropped back, ended 9th. 83⁄18
2117 (20m) led till 700, 2nd till 500, 3rd till 450 then dropped back few places, ended 2ndlast. 154⁄18 2888 (14m) never show in the
race. Pn18 - 58⁄18 3514 (18m) 5th till bend, 6th till 400 then weakened and dropped back few places, ended last.
WINDFALL M17-18 - 2212⁄17 7711 (12m) always a back marker. 251⁄18 14712 (14m) always a backmarker. 152⁄18 17610
(12m) always in the rear. 83⁄18 2168 (12m) always in the rear bunch. Pn18 - 207⁄18 115 (12m) always in the rear. 48⁄18 2810 (10m)
always in the rear.
RICARDUS Pn17 - 710⁄17 1453 (10m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400, 4th till 200, finished 3rd. M17-18 - 181⁄18 1246 (12m) 8th till
bend, 7th till 400, ran on 6th. 182⁄18 (180) (14m) 2nd till 350 then took charge and goes away the field and won notably. 153⁄18 22611
(16m) 5th till 600, 6th till 500, 7th till 400 then lost the pace and dropped back to 2ndlast 144⁄18 2783 (12m) fought around 3rd place all
the way. Pn18 - 277⁄18 226 (14m) 3rd till bend, 4th till 400, 5th till 200, ran on 6th.
HERMOSA M17-18 - 312⁄17 343 (12m) came up well from 9th place at the bend, finished good 3rd. 181⁄18 1295 (12m) 4th
till bend then finished 5th. 152⁄18 1766 (12m) 8th till bend,7th till 400 then ran on 6th. 303⁄18 2579 (12m) never hunt in the race.
284⁄18 3096 (12m) 7th till 600, ran on 6th. Pn18 - 277⁄18 165 (16m) led till 250, 2nd till 200, 3rd till 150, 4th till 100 then ran on 5th.
ANGEL COIN M17-18 - 181⁄18 1309 (14m) 7th till bend, 8th till 400, ran on 9th. 83⁄18 2146 (10m) 7th till bend, ran on 6th.
25 ⁄18 250 (14m) 7th till 600, ran on 8th. 154⁄18 2875 (14m) slow at the gate, 5th till 600, 4th till 400 later ran on closed 5th. 294⁄18
3 8
3102 (14m) 3rd till 200 later finished 2nd. Pn18 - 267⁄18 1110 (12m) 4th till bend, 5th till 400 later weakened and dropped back, ran on
WIZARD OF ODDS M17-18 - 312⁄17 336 (18m) 3rd till bend, 4th till 500, 5th till 400, ran on 6th. 1412⁄17 444 (24m) 3rd till bend, finished
4th. 232⁄18 192 (10m) 11th till bend, 10th till 450, later gain a few places ahead and finished 5th. 153⁄18 2255 (16m) 4th till 600 then
ran on 5th. 84⁄18 2722 (16m) 10th till 400 then fought and hard ridden till post and finished good 2nd. Pn18 - 277⁄18 167 (16m) 10th till
bend, 9th till 400, 8th till 200, ran on 7th.
8th Race The True Elegance Plate Div - I Cl-V’, 4-30, 4 years old and over 1200 Mts.
9 13
FABIO M17-18 - 1911⁄17 5 (10m) hearabout always. 1712⁄17 66 (12m) 2nd till bend, 3rd till 450 then weakened and
dropped back rapidly, ended 13th. 3112⁄17 963 (12m) led till 350, 2nd till 250 then finished 3rd. 251⁄18 1405 (10m) 4th till bend, ran on
5th . 83⁄18 2157 (12m) 3rd till bend, 4th till 500, 5th till 400, 6th till 200, ran on 7th. 294⁄18 3156 (12m) 7th till 500, ran on 6th.
LESREL M17-18 - 1612⁄17 537 (12m) led till 300, 2nd till 200 then dropped back few places, ran on 7th.
MY PRECIOUS Pn17 - 138⁄17 354 (14m) 2nd till 400, 3rd till 200, finished 4th. 2910⁄17 1952 (10m) 4th till bend, 3rd till 400 then
finished good 2nd. M17-18 - 2411⁄17 126 (12m) Fought around 6th place all the way. 251⁄18 1473 (14m) 2nd till 350 then took charge
at 300 till 100m later beaten and finished closed 3rd. 282⁄18 20710 (14m) 11th till bend, ran on 10th. 144⁄18 2838 (14m) 2nd till 800, 3rd
till 600, 4th till 400 then dropped back to last.
BLITZKRIEG M17-18 - 251⁄18 1469 (10m) 5th till bend, 6th till 400 then lost the pace and dropped back, ended 9th. 83⁄18 2154
(12m) 5th till 400 later finished 4th. 303⁄18 2556 (10m) led till 350, 2nd till 300 then weakened and dropped back, ran on 6th. 154⁄18
2905 (10m) 6th till 600, ran on 5th. 294⁄18 3159 (12m) 4th till 500, 5th till 400 later dropped back to last. Pn18 - 267⁄18 147 (10m) 2nd
till bend, 3rd till 400 then weakened and dropped back, ran on 7th.
BRAVE M17-18 - 182⁄18 1857 (10m) 12th till bend, 11th till 500, 10th till 400 later recovered three places, ran on 7th.
83⁄18 216 (12m) 6th till bend, 5th till 400 later finished 4th. 154⁄18 2908 (10m) 5th till 600, 6th till 400, 7th till 200 ran on 8th. Pn18 -
277⁄18 222 (14m) led till beaten at the post, finished closed 2nd.
YUTAKA M17-18 - 1712⁄17 (68) (12m) 4th till 400 then came up nicely from outside and made a commanding victory.
4 ⁄18 156 (10m) 7th till bend, 6th till 400 then ran on 5th. 83⁄18 2155 (12m) 8th till bend, 7th till 400, 6th till 200 later ran 5th. 84⁄18 2765
2 5
(10m) 7th till 500, 6th till 300, ran on 5th. 294⁄18 3147 (12m) led till 450, 2nd till 400 suddenly faded and dropped back to 7th. Pn18 -
267⁄18 143 (10m) 4th till bend, finished 2nd.
GOLDEN HORDE Pn17 - 29⁄17 834 (10m) fought around 4th place all the way. M17-18 - 181⁄18 1247 (12m) 3rd till bend, 4th till
450, 5th till 350, 6th till 200, ran on 7th. 152⁄18 1784 (12m) 2nd till 300, 3rd till 200 later finished 4th. 282⁄18 (204) (12m) 5th till 400, 4th
till 350 then came up nicely from outside and took charge at 250 and won the race. 233⁄18 2438 (12m) 5th till 600, 6th till 400, 7th till
200 ran on 8th. Pn18 - 277⁄18 204 (12m) 8th till bend, 7th till 500, 6th till 400, 5th till 200 later finished 4th.
OSPREY ARROW Pn17 - 239⁄17 1347 (10m) fought around 7th place all the way. M17-18 - 211⁄18 1369 (12m) 8th till bend, ran on
9th. 102⁄18 169 (14m) 2nd till 400 later finished 3rd. Pn18 - 267⁄18 94 (10m) always hearabout.
KISS FROM A ROSE Pn17 - 29⁄17 8612 (14m) 6th till 600, 8th till 400, dropped back few places, ended 12th. 1510⁄17 17810 (14m) 6th
till bend, 7th till 450, 8th till 400, 9th till 200, ran on 10th. M17-18 - 1412⁄17 5110 (14m) always a backmarker. 111⁄18 11111 (16m) 12th
till bend, ran on 11th. 251⁄18 1478 (14m) 4th till bend, 5th till 450, 6th till 400, 7th till 200, ran on 8th. 182⁄18 18611 (14m) 6th till bend,
7th till 500, 8th till 450, 9th till 250 ran on 11th.
DOUBLEDOWN M16-17 - 164⁄17 2915 (12m) 7th till 600, 6th till 400, ran on 5th. Pn17 - 277⁄17 69 (10m) 10th till bend, ran on 9th.
158⁄17 42 (10m) 5th till bend, ran on 6th. M17-18 - 2411⁄17 87 (12m) Always rear bunch, ended last. 41⁄18 1077 (10m) 9th till bend, 8th
till 400, ran on 7th. 253⁄18 2517 (14m) 6th till 600, ran on 7th.
EMOTIONLESS Pn17 - 198⁄17 478 (14m) 5th till bend, 6th till 400, 7th till 200, ended last. 39⁄17 945 (12m) 3rd till 600, 4th till 400,
ran on 5th. 7 ⁄17 149 (14m) 10th till bend, 9th till 400, 8th till 200, ran on 7th. 2810⁄17 1812 (10m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400, 3rd till 200,
10 7
finished 2nd. M17-18 - 2212⁄17 749 (14m) 2nd till bend then ran very wide from outside railing then ended last. Pn18 - 207⁄18 112 (12m)
8th till bend, 9th till 400 then dropped back few places, ended 12th.
BAY OF LOVE M17-18 - 181⁄18 1303 (14m) 5th till bend, 4th till 400 then finished 3rd. 182⁄18 1867 (14m) 9th till bend, 8th till
400, ran on 7th. 153⁄18 2268 (16m) 10th till 600, 9th till 400, ran on 8th. 303⁄18 2577 (12m) 10th till 600, 9th till 400, 8th till 200 ran on
7th. 154⁄18 2874 (14m) led till 400, 2nd till 350, 3rd till 200 finished 4th. Pn18 - 267⁄18 116 (12m) 7th till bend, ran on 6th.