Usufruct Use of Rock
Usufruct Use of Rock
Usufruct Use of Rock
b. It is of temporary nature or duration This means that the usufructuary, not being the
landowner, is not entitled as owner, but is entitled as
c. Its purpose is to enjoy the benefits and derive the finder—to ½ of the treasure as a rule, unless there is a
advantages from the object as a consequence of normal contrary agreement—if he is really the finder
use or exploitation If somebody else is the finder, the usufructuary gets
2. Natural characteristics—obligation of conserving and Art. 567. Natural or industrial fruits growing at the
preserving the form and substance of the thing time the usufruct begins, belong to the usufructuary.
Those growing at the time the usufruct terminates,
3. Accidental characteristics—those which may be belong to the owner.
present or absent depending upon the stipulation of the In the preceding cases, the usufructuary, at the
parties beginning of the usufruct, has no obligation to
refund to the owner any expenses incurred; but the
OBJECT OF USUFRUCT owner shall be obliged to reimburse at the
termination of the usufruct, from the proceeds of the
1. May be real or personal property growing fruits, the ordinary expenses of cultivation,
2. May be sterile or productive for seed, and other similar expenses incurred by the
3. May be created over a right usufructuary.
Art. 563. Usufruct is constituted by law, by the will of The provisions of this article shall not prejudice the
private persons expressed in acts inter vivos or in a rights of third persons, acquired either at the
last will and testament, and by prescription. (468)
beginning or at the termination of he usufruct. (472)
Art. 572. The usufructuary may personally enjoy the RULES FOR THIS QUASI-USUFRUCT
thing in usufruct, lease it to another, or alienate his
right of usufruct, even by a gratuitous title; but all 1. The usufructuary can use them
the contracts he may enter into as such usufructuary 2. But at the end of the usufruct, he must
shall terminate upon the expiration of the usufruct, a. Pay the appraised value
saving leases of rural lands, which shall be b. Or if there was no appraisal, return the same kind,
considered as subsisting during the agricultural quality, or quantity OR pay the price current at the
year. (480) termination of the usufruct
Art. 575. The usufructuary of fruit-bearing trees and
RIGHTS WITH REFERENCE TO THE THING ITSELF shrubs may make use of the dead trunks, and even
1. He may personally enjoy the thing of those cut off or uprooted by accident, under the
2. He may lease the thing to another obligation to replace them with new plants. (483a)
Art. 576. If in consequence of a calamity or
RIGHTS WITH REFERENCE TO THE extraordinary event, the trees or shrubs shall have
USUFRUCTUARY RIGHT ITSELF disappeared in such considerable number that it
would not be possible or it would be too
1. He may alienate the usufructuary right burdensome to replace them, the usufructuary may
2. He may pledge or mortgage the usufructuary right but leave the dead, fallen or uprooted trunks at the
he cannot pledge or mortgage the thing itself because disposal of the owner, and demand that the latter
he doesn’t own the thing remove them and clear the land. (484a)
AMPIL QUESTION: CAN USUFRUCTUARY EXTEND A Art. 577. The usufructuary of woodland may enjoy all
CONTRACT AND NOT BE COTERMINOUS WITH THE the benefits which it may produce according to its
USUFRUCT? nature. If the woodland is a copse or consists of
timber for building, the usufructuary may do such
Art. 573. Whenever the usufruct includes things ordinary cutting or felling as the owner as in the
which, without being consumed, gradually habit of doing, and in default of this, he may do so in
deteriorate through wear and tear, the usufructuary
accordance with the custom of the place, as to the instead in the absence of contrary stipulation in favor of
manner, amount and season. the naked owner, otherwise, it is as if the usufructuary
would be entitled to a partial refund is case
In any case the felling or cutting of trees shall be
made in such manner as not to prejudice the
preservation of the land. n nurseries, the REQUISITES BEFORE A SET-OFF CAN BE MADE
usufructuary may make the necessary thinnings in 1. The damage must have been caused by the
order that the remaining trees may properly grow. ith usufructuary
the exception of the provisions of the preceding 2. The improvements must have augmented the value of
paragraphs, the usufructuary cannot cut down trees the property
unless it be to restore or improve some of the things
in usufruct, and in such case shall first inform the Art. 581. The owner of property the usufruct of which
owner of the necessity for the work. (485) is held by another, may alienate it, but he cannot
alter its form or substance, or do anything thereon
Art. 578. The usufructuary of an action to recover which may be prejudicial to the usufructuary. (489)
real property or a real right, or any movable
property, has the right to bring the action and to
oblige the owner thereof to give him the authority for ALIENATION BY NAKED OWNER
this purpose and to furnish him whatever proof he Since the jus disponendi and the title reside with the
may have. If in consequence of the enforcement of naked owner, he retains the right to alienate the property
the action he acquires the thing claimed, the but
usufruct shall be limited to the fruits, the dominion o He cannot alter its form and substance
remaining with the owner. (486) o Or do anything prejudicial to the usufructuary
This special usufruct deals with the right to recover by CASE OF SUCCESSION
court action If the naked owner bequeathes or devises to another
1. Real property through a will, the legatee or devisee must respect the
2. Personal property usufruct
3. Real right over personal property or real property
The naked owner is ordinarily not allowed to sell the
1. Authority to bring the action
usufruct to another after having sold it first to the
2. Proofs needed for a recovery
usufructuary but if he does so, the rules on double sales
1. Its naked ownership belongs to the owner OTHER RIGHTS OF THE NAKED OWNER
2. Its usufruct belongs to him
Aside from the right of the naked owner to alienate the
Art. 579. The usufructuary may make on the property property, he may also—
held in usufruct such useful improvements or a. Construct any works
expenses for mere pleasure as he may deem proper, b. And make any improvements
provided he does not alter its form or substance; but c. Or make planting thereon if rural but always, such acts
he shall have no right to be indemnified therefor. He must not cause—
may, however, remove such improvements, should it i. Decrease in the value of the usufruct
be possible to do so without damage to the property. ii. Or prejudice the right of the usufructuary
Art. 582. The usufructuary of a part of a thing held in
common shall exercise all the rights pertaining to
USEFUL AND LUXURIOUS IMPROVEMENTS the owner thereof with respect to the administration
and the collection of fruits or interest. Should the co-
The usufructuary has the right to the following—
ownership cease by reason of the division of the
1. Useful improvements
thing held in common, the usufruct of the part
2. Luxurious improvements
allotted to the co-owner shall belong to the
But usufructuary. (490)
1. He must not alter the form or substance of the
property held in usufruct
2. He is not entitled to a refund but he may USUFRUCTUARY OF A PART OF COMMON
a. Either remove the improvements if no substantial PROPERTY
damage to the property in usufruct is caused
A co-owner may give the usufruct of his share to
b. Or set off the improvements against damages for
another, even without the consent of the others, unless
which he may be liable
personal considerations are present
Art. 580. The usufructuary may set off the The usufructuary in such a case takes the owner’s
improvements he may have made on the property place as to the administration and collection of fruits and
against any damage to the same. (488) interest
1. If damage exceeds the value of the improvements, 1. If there be a partition, the usufructuary continues to
usufructuary is still liable for the difference have the usufruct of the part allotted to the co-owner
2. If the value of the improvements exceeds the damage, concerned
the difference doesn’t go to the usufructuary but accrues 2. If the co-owners make a partition, without the
instruction of the usufructuary, this is all right, and the EFFECT IF NO ONE WILL BE INJURED
partition binds said
usufructuary The exemption being dependent on the naked owner
N.B In case the naked owner refuses to make the
1. The usufructuary can use entire property—no co- exemption, appeal may be made to the courts and the
owner owns or has a stake over a specific portion judge should consider all the circumstances in deciding
2. When usufructuary buys property, there would be whether or not to give the grant
extinguishment of usufruct since there would be a Art. 586. Should the usufructuary fail to give security
merger or confusion of rights in the cases in which he is bound to give it, the
owner may demand that the immovables be placed
OBLIGATIONS OF THE USUFRUCTUARY under administration, that the movables be sold, that
the public bonds, instruments of credit payable to
Art. 583. The usufructuary, before entering upon the
order or to bearer be converted into registered
enjoyment of the property, is obliged:
certificates or deposited in a bank or public
(1) To make, after notice to the owner or his
institution, and that the capital or sums in cash and
legitimate representative, an inventory of all the
the proceeds of the sale of the movable property be
property, which shall contain
invested in safe securities.
an appraisal of the movables and a description of
the condition of the immovables; The interest on the proceeds of the sale of the
(2) To give security, binding himself to fulfill the movables and that on public securities and bonds,
obligations imposed upon him in accordance with and the proceeds of the property placed under
this Chapter. (491) administration, shall belong to the usufructuary.
Furthermore, the owner may, if he so prefers, until
OBLIGATION RE: INVENTORY AND THE SECURITY the usufructuary gives security or is excused from
so doing, retain in his possession the property in
They are not necessary before the right to the usufruct usufruct as administrator, subject to the obligation
begins to deliver to the usufructuary the net proceeds
They are merely necessary before physical thereof, after deducting the sums which may be
possession and enjoyment of property can be had, thus agreed upon or judicially allowed him for such
if the usufructuary fails to give security the usufruct still administration. (494)
begins but the naked owner will have the rights granted
There could be usufruct without physical possession RIGHTS OF THE NAKED OWNER
REQUIREMENTS FOR MAKING OF THE INVENTORY 1. He may deliver the property to the usufructuary
2. Or the naked owner may choose retention of the
1. The owner must be previously notified property as administrator
2. The condition of the immovables must be described 3. Or the naked owner may demand receivership or
3. The movables must be appraised administration of the real property, sale of movable,
4. As a rule, no form is required except where there are conversion or deposit of credit instruments, etc.
real properties
5. Expenses are to be borne by the usufructuary ON THE RIGHTS OF THE USUFRUCTUARY
6. Effect of not making inventory—same as when the
security isn’t given 1. The usufructuary cannot possess the property until he
7. When inventory not required gives the security
a. When no one will be injured thereby provided that the 2. The usufructuary cannot administer the property
naked owner consents hence he cannot a lease thereon
b. In case of waiver by the naked owner or the law or 3. The usufructuary cannot collect credits that have
where matured, nor invest them unless the Court or naked
there is stipulation in contract or will owner consents
4. But the usufructuary can alienate his right to the
He cannot alienate or lease the property for this CAN USUFRUCTUARY EXEMPT HIMSELF FROM THE
means he doesn’t need them DUTY TO MAKE OR PAY FOR THE NECESSARY
Art. 588. After the security has been given by the
usufructuary, he shall have a right to all the If he had no fault, yes, but he must surrender the fruits
proceeds and benefits from the day on which, in received
accordance with the title constituting the usufruct, If he was at fault, no
he should have commenced to receive them. (496)
Art. 589. The usufructuary shall take care of the If naked owner had demanded the repair, and the
things given in usufruct as a good father of a family. usufructuary still fails to do so, the owner may make
(497) them at the expense of the usufructuary
DUTY OF USUFRUCTUARY TO TAKE CARE OF Art. 593. Extraordinary repairs shall be at the
PROPERTY expense of the owner. The usufructuary is obliged to
notify the owner when the need for such repairs is
1. Usufruct is not terminated or extinguished by bad use urgent. (501)
2. The usufructuary is required to make ordinary repairs
in the exercise of prudent care and to notify the owner of IT IS THE DUTY OF THE NAKED OWNER TO MAKE
urgency of extraordinary repairs and of any acts which EXTRAORDINARY REPAIRS
may prove detrimental to ownership
Art. 594. If the owner should make the extraordinary
Art. 590. A usufructuary who alienates or leases his repairs, he shall have a right to demand of the
right of usufruct shall answer for any damage which usufructuary the legal interest on the amount
the things in usufruct may suffer through the fault or expended for the time that the usufruct lasts. Should
negligence of the person who he not make them when they are indispensable for
substitutes him. (498) the preservation of the thing, the usufructuary may
make them; but he shall have a right to demand of
LIABILITY OF USUFRUCTUARY FOR ACTS OF THE the owner, at the termination of the usufruct, the
SUBSTITUTE increase in value which the immovable may have
acquired by reason of the repairs. (502a)
The usufructuary is made liable for the acts of the
Therefore, the substitute is liable to the usufructuary
while the usufructuary becomes liable to the owner 1. Those caused by natural use but not needed for
Even when there is sub-usufructuary, it is still the preservation
usufructuary who answers to the naked owner 2. Those caused by abnormal or exceptional
circumstances and needed for preservation
Art. 591. If the usufruct be constituted on a flock or
3. Those caused by abnormal or exceptional
herd of livestock, the usufructuary shall be obliged
circumstances but are not needed for preservation
to replace with the young thereof the animals that
die each year from natural causes, or are lost due to Art. 595. The owner may construct any works and
the rapacity of beasts of prey. If the animals on make any improvements of which the immovable in
which the usufruct is constituted should all perish, usufruct is susceptible, or make new plantings
without the fault of the usufructuary, on account of thereon if it be rural, provided that such acts do not
some contagious disease or any other uncommon cause a diminution in the value of the usufruct or
event, the usufructuary shall fulfill his obligation by prejudice the right of the usufructuary. (503)
delivering to the owner the remains which may have
been saved from the misfortune. Should the herd or
flock perish in part, also by accident and
without the fault of the usufructuary, the usufruct
shall continue on the part saved. Should the Provided that the value of the usufruct is not
usufruct be on sterile animals, it shall be considered, diminished OR the right of the usufructuary is not
with respect to its effects, as though constituted on prejudiced
fungible things. (499a)
Art. 596. The payment of annual charges and taxes
Art. 592. The usufructuary is obliged to make the and of those considered as a lien on the fruits, shall
ordinary repairs needed by the thing given in be at the expense of the usufructuary for all the time
usufruct. By ordinary repairs are understood such that the usufruct lasts. (504)
as are required by the wear and tear due to the
natural use of the thing and are indispensable for its
preservation. Should the usufructuary fail to make
The annual charges on the fruits may have knowledge, that may be prejudicial to the
The annual taxes on the fruits rights of ownership, and he shall be liable should he
Annual taxes on the land not do so, for damages, as if they had been caused
Art. 597. The taxes which, during the usufruct, may through his own fault. (511)
be imposed directly on the capital, shall be at the
expense of the owner. If the latter has paid them, the WHEN NOTIFICATION BY THE USUFRUCTUARY IS
usufructuary shall pay him the proper interest on the REQUIRED
sums which may have been paid in that character;
and, if the said sums have been advanced by the 1. If a third party commits acts prejudicial to the rights of
usufructuary, he shall recover the amount thereof at the ownership
the termination of the usufruct. (505) 2. If urgent repairs are needed
3. If an inventory is to be made
1. If paid by the naked owner, he can demand legal 1. The usufructuary is liable for damages, as if they had
interest on the sum paid been caused through his own fault.
2. If advanced by the usufructuary— 2. The usufructuary cannot even make the extraordinary
a. Should be reimbursed the amount paid but without the repairs needed
legal interest 3. The inventory can go on but the naked owner may
b. Is entitled to retention until paid later point out discrepancies and omissions in the
Art. 598. If the usufruct be constituted on the whole
of a patrimony, and if at the time of its constitution Art. 602. The expenses, costs and liabilities in suits
the owner has debts, the provisions of Articles 758 brought with regard to the usufruct shall be borne by
and 759 relating to donations shall be applied, both the usufructuary. (512)
with respect to the maintenance of the usufruct and
to the obligation of the usufructuary to pay such EXTINGUISHMENT OF USUFRUCT
debts. The same rule shall be applied in case the
owner is obliged, at the time the usufruct is Art. 603. Usufruct is extinguished:
constituted, to make periodical payments, even if (1) By the death of the usufructuary, unless a
there should be no known capital. (506) contrary intention clearly appears;
(2) By the expiration of the period for which it was
constituted, or by the fulfillment of any resolutory
WHEN USUFRUCTUARY HAS TO PAY FOR THE condition provided in the title creating the usufruct;
DEBTS OF THE NAKED OWNER (3) By merger of the usufruct and ownership in the
Art. 599. The usufructuary may claim any matured same person;
credits which form a part of the usufruct if he has (4) By renunciation of the usufructuary;
given or gives the proper security. If he has been (5) By the total loss of the thing in usufruct;
excused from giving security or has been able to (6) By the termination of the right of the person
give it, or if that given is not sufficient, he shall need constituting the usufruct;
the authorization of the owner, or of the court in (7) By prescription. (513a)
default thereof, to collect such credits. The
usufructuary who has given security may use the DEATH OF THE USUFRUCTUARY ENDS THE
capital he has collected in any manner he may deem USUFRUCT.
proper. The usufructuary who has not given security
shall invest the said capital at interest upon EXCEPTIONS:
agreement with the owner; in default of such 1. In the case of multiple usufructs
agreement, with 2. In case there is period fixed based on the number of
judicial authorization; and, in every case, with years that would elapse before a person would reach a
security sufficient to preserve the integrity of the certain age
capital in usufruct. (507) 3. In case the contrary intention clearly appears
Art. 604. If the thing given in usufruct should be lost
RULES ON USUFRUCT OF A MATURED CREDIT only in part, the right shall continue on the
remaining part. (514)
1. If usufructuary hasn’t given security, or when he is
exempted or where was only a caucion juratoria,
collection and investment can be done only with the EFFECT OF PARTIAL LOSS
approval of the court or of the naked owner Art. 605. Usufruct cannot be constituted in favor of a
2. If usufructuary has given security, collection and town, corporation, or association for more than fifty
investments can be done without the approval of the years. If it has been constituted, and before the
court or of the nsked owner expiration of such period the town is abandoned, or
Art. 600. The usufructuary of a mortgaged the corporation or association is dissolved, the
immovable shall not be obliged to pay the debt for usufruct shall be extinguished by reason thereof.
the security of which the mortgage was constituted. (515a)
Should the immovable be attached or sold judicially Art. 606. A usufruct granted for the time that may
for the payment of the debt, the owner shall be liable elapse before a third person attains a certain age,
to the usufructuary for whatever the latter may lose shall subsist for the number of years specified, even
by reason thereof. (509) if the third person should die before the period
expires, unless such usufruct has been expressly
USUFRUCT OF MORTGAGED IMMOVABLE granted only in consideration of the existence of
such person. (516)
Art. 601. The usufructuary shall be obliged to notify
the owner of any act of a third person, of which he
USUFRUCT FOR THE TIME THAT MAY ELAPSE a. If the owner constructs a new building, the usufruct
BEFORE A THIRD PERSON REACHES A CERTAIN continues on the new building
AGE b. If the owner doesn’t construct a new building or
rebuild, the naked owner gets the insurance indemnity
Art. 607. If the usufruct is constituted on immovable but should
property of which a building forms part, and the pay the interest thereon to the usufructuary
latter should be destroyed in any manner
whatsoever, the usufructuary shall have a right to 2. If the naked owner pays alone for the insurance and
make use of the land and the materials. the usufructuary has refused to share
The same rule shall be applied if the usufruct is a. The naked owner gets the whole indemnity
constituted on a building only and the same should be b. If usufruct was on the building and the land, the
destroyed. But in such a case, if the owner should wish usufruct continues on the land and the materials
to construct another building, he shall have a right to
occupy the land and to make use of the materials, being c. If usufruct was on the building alone the naked owner
obliged to pay to the usufructuary, during the may rebuild, with or without the approval of the
continuance of the usufruct, the interest upon the sum usufructuary, but he must pay interest on the value of
equivalent to the value of the land and of the materials. the land and the old materials that may have been used
(517) 3. If the naked owner alone paid for the insurance but
there is failure or omission
USUFRUCT ON A BUILDING AND/OR LAND a. The effect is the same as if there was sharing but the
CONCERNED THIS ARTICLE DISTINGUISHES usufructuary must reimburse the naked owner his share
BETWEEN: of the insurance premium
1. A usufruct constituted both on the building and on the 4. If the usufructuary alone pays the insurance premium
land a. The insurance indemnity goes to the usufructuary
2. And a usufruct constituted only on the building alone, with no obligation on his part to share the
indemnity with, nor give legal interest thereon to, the
RULES naked owner
b. The usufruct no doubt continues on the land for the
1. Usufruct on both the building and land but the building remaining period of the usufruct
is destroyed in any manner whatsoever before the c. The usufructuary has no obligation to construct an
expiration of the period of the usufruct new building or to rebuild
a. The usufruct on the building is ended, but the usufruct
on the land continues Art. 609. Should the thing in usufruct be
b. Therefore the usufructuary is still entitled to the use of expropriated for public use, the owner shall be
the land and the use of whatever materials of the house obliged either to replace it with another thing of the
remain same value and of similar conditions, or to pay the
c. Therefore, also, if the naked owner wants to rebuild usufructuary the legal interest on the amount of the
but the usufructuary refuses, it is the usufructuary who indemnity for the whole period of the usufruct. If the
prevails for the use of the land is still his for the owner chooses the latter alternative, he shall give
remainder of the period security for the payment of the interest. (519)
2. Usufruct on the building alone
a. The usufruct on the building ends, but the RULES IN CASE OF EXPROPRIATION
usufructuary can still make use of whatever materials on
the house remain 1. If naked owner alone was given the indemnity, he has
b. Also, the usufructuary is entitled to the use of the land the option
c. But precisely because there was no usufruct on the a. To replace with equivalent thing
land, the naked owner has preferential right to its use b. Or to pay to the usufructuary the legal interest on the
Art. 608. If the usufructuary shares with the owner 2. If both the naked owner and the usufructuary were
the insurance of the tenement given in usufruct, the separately given indemnity, each owns the indemnity
former shall, in case of loss, continue in the given to him, the usufruct is totally extinguished
enjoyment of the new building, should one be 3. If usufructuary alone was given the indemnity, he
constructed, or shall receive the interest on the must give it to the naked owner and compel the latter to
insurance indemnity if the owner does not wish to return either the interest or to replace the property
rebuild. Should the usufructuary have refused to
contribute to the insurance, the owner insuring the Art. 610. A usufruct is not extinguished by bad use
tenement alone, the latter shall receive the full of the thing in usufruct; but if the abuse should
amount of the insurance indemnity in case of loss, cause considerable injury to the owner, the latter
saving always the right granted to the usufructuary may demand that the thing be delivered to him,
in the preceding article. (518a) binding himself to pay annually to the usufructuary
the net proceeds of the same, after deducting the
expenses and the compensation which may be
PAYMENT OF INSURANCE ON THE TENEMENT allowed him for its administration. (520)
This article distinguishes between a case where both EFFECT OF BAD USE ON THE PROPERTY HELD IN
the usufructuary and the naked owner share in the USUFRUCT
payment of the insurance premium, and a case where it
is only the naked owner who pays because the 1. Bad use—which doesn’t cause considerable injury to
usufructuary refused the naked owner
2. Bad use—which causes considerable injury to the
naked owner
RULES: a. Usufruct continues but naked owner can demand
1. If the naked owner and the usufructuary share in the delivery to and administration by him but he will be
premiums—and the property is destroyed obliged to pay
net proceeds to usufructuary
Art. 611. A usufruct constituted in favor of several
persons living at the time of its constitution shall not
be extinguished until death of the last survivor. (521)