Arbitration Process
Arbitration Process
Arbitration Process
Arbitration is the
procedure by which parties agree to submit their disputes to an independent neutral
third party, known as an arbitrator. Although there are several types of arbitration, labor
arbitration is the dispute resolution procedure used in labor relations. Mediation also
involves the active participation of a neutral third party whose role is to facilitate the
dispute resolution process and to suggest solutions to resolve disputes. The term
conciliation is often used interchangeably with mediation, but conciliation generally
refers to the third party who brings the disputing parties together. While the mediator
suggests possible solutions to the disputing parties, the arbitrator makes a final decision
on the labor dispute which is binding on the parties.
As a process, arbitration predates English common law and has been called the oldest
form of dispute settlement. King Solomon was an arbitrator and arbitration was used to
settle differences during the Greco-Roman period. George Washington was an advocate
of arbitration and, in his will, mandated using the process if disputes arose over his
estate. The use of arbitration in labor disputes was a common practice in the late 19th
century but developed more rapidly after World War II as a substitute for work
During World War II, the National War Labor Board gave great impetus to the use of
arbitration. The board heard over 20,000 labor disputes during the war and frequently
mandated that future cases employ arbitration. The president's National Labor-
Management Conference of 1945 also recommended the application of the arbitration
process to settle labor disputes.
In the collective bargaining process, labor arbitration is generally the final stage of
resolution. Labor unions and management develop a collective bargaining
agreement that details the rights of labor, the responsibilities of management, and the
ultimate relationship between the two. Nearly all (96 percent) of these collective
bargaining agreements provide for arbitration as the final step in dispute resolution.
Arbitration can represent either all employees covered by the agreement or a specific
individual on one side and management concerns on the other. Arbitration holds
advantages over both strikes and litigation as a means of resolving disputes. Even the
U.S. Supreme Court has determined that arbitration is the preferred method of
resolution in reaching a workable solution to labor problems. A major advantage to
arbitration is the cost, especially when compared to the expense of litigation.
There are, several organizations and agencies directly involved in arbitration and
arbitration issues including the National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA), the American
Arbitration Association (AAA), and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service (FMCS). The NAA was founded in 1947 as a nonprofit organization to foster
high standards for arbitration and arbitrators and to promote the process. Through
seminars, annual conferences, and educational programs, the NAA works to attain its
objectives. The AAA is also nonprofit and offers its services for voluntary arbitration to
meet its objective: promoting the use of arbitration in all fields. Meetings and
educational programs highlight AAA efforts, although the organization does not
arbitrate. The FMCS maintains a roster from which arbitrators can be selected and
suggests procedures and guidelines to enhance the arbitration process.
The labor arbitration process involves an arbitrator and representatives of both labor
and management. The arbitrator is either a permanent arbitrator, an independent
arbitrator selected by the two parties to resolve a particular grievance, or an arbitrator
selected through the procedures of the AAA or FMCS. A board of arbitrators can also be
used in a hearing. After selection, the arbitrator then hears from both sides of the issue
with testimony and evidence provided in much the same way as a court proceeding.
Upon completion of the arbitration hearing, the arbitrator reviews the evidence,
testimony, and the collective bargaining agreement, considers principles of arbitration,
and makes a decision. The arbitrator's decision is generally rendered within 60 days,
and, when all parties agree, is submitted for possible publication by one of several
commercial publishers, either the U.S. Bureau of National Affairs (Labor Arbitration
Reports), the Commerce Clearing House (Labor Arbitration Awards), or other sources.
Fewer than 10 percent of these decisions are published. While intended to be binding or
a final decision, arbitration findings can be appealed, but few are overturned.
Labor arbitration is used to describe the process briefly detailed above. There are several
additional types or forms of labor arbitration, briefly defined as follows:
• Compulsory arbitration is a dispute resolution that is required by law. Widely
accepted in Australia and New Zealand, compulsory arbitration was practiced by
the National War Labor Board during World War II. It is a binding process.
According to a 1994 study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management,
88 percent of unionized firms had used arbitration to settle disputes, but fewer than 8
percent of nonunionized companies surveyed used arbitration as a general rule. Of the
firms that had used the arbitration process, more than half had concluded that
arbitration reduced legal fees. In addition, many companies (40 percent) said attorney
fees and settlement costs had been reduced. Other survey findings included that larger
companies were more likely to have used arbitration than smaller firms. Employees had
input into the design of the arbitration system in 11 percent of the surveyed companies,
while 55 percent of the companies reported that arbitration design was included in their
collective bargaining agreements. Nonbinding arbitration was used only 8.3 percent of
the time in union settings but was more widely used in nonunionized firms (30 percent).
The selection of an arbitrator generally involved use of a roster maintained by the AAA,
but other methods included an in-house arbitrator and the use of an in-house panel
selected by the union and management.
Like arbitration, mediation is deeply rooted in history. English essayist and scientist
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) advocated the mediation of disputes. Since the essence of
mediation is compromise, it could be said that much of American history is the history
of mediating disputes. As a process in labor disputes, mediation is a basic tenet of the
development of American society in the 20th century. Congress created the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service in 1947 to cut down on strikes and ease tension in
labor disputes. Over the last 15 years, the popularity of mediation as a means of dispute
resolution has grown enormously, with mediation increasingly being used to resolve
problems other than labor disputes. In 1980, for example, the state of California
adopted mediation in child custody and visitation conflicts. A disagreement over a
proposed flood control dam in the state of Washington was addressed by mediation in
1983. More than 160 environmental disputes before 1985 involved the use of mediators.
The obvious success of the concept has been cited as the best hope for eliminating racial
violence and lesser crimes. Many police departments and law enforcement agencies now
employ mediators as a regular means of solving disputes. Many attorneys see mediation
as having unlimited potential in what has become a litigious society. Although
mediation's critics have been quick to level sharp barbs at its weaknesses, the process
may well shape the future of conflict resolution on all fronts.
In labor disputes, the terms grievance mediation and preventive mediation are
commonly used. Grievance mediation is an attempt to ward off arbitration generally; it
involves fact finding with the objective of promoting dialogue. Preventive mediation
dates to the Taft-Hartley Act (1947) and is an FMCS program intended to avoid
deeper divisions between labor and management over labor issues. Also termed
"technical assistance," preventive mediation encompasses training, education,
consultation, and analysis of union-management disputes.
In the long and often bitter history of labor disputes in the United States, arbitration
and mediation have been widely used as means of dispute resolution. Unions and
companies hoping to avoid a legal resolution to a labor dispute generally resort to one of
these methods. The processes are now integral parts of the U.S. business environment
and in use far more commonly than the general public realizes.
Other than labor arbitration, there are two other types of arbitration. These are
commercial arbitration, which is used as a substitute for litigation in the settlement of
disputes between businesspeople or businesses, and international arbitration, which
involves the resolution of differences between nations—disputes which, if left unsolved,
could lead to war. Historically, commercial arbitration developed as an alternative to a
court settlement while labor arbitration was used to avoid strikes or work stoppages. In
recent years, international commercial arbitration has become a popular means of
settling disputes between businesses internationally.
[ Boyd Childress ]
Dunlop, John T. Mediation and Arbitration of Employment Disputes. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1997.
Elkouri, Frank, and Edna Asper. How Arbitration Works. 5th ed. Washington: BNA
Books, 1997.
Kagel, Sam, and Kathy Kelly. The Anatomy of Mediation: What Makes It Work. Bureau
of National Affairs, 1989. McDermott, E. Patrick. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the
Workplace: Concepts and Techniques for Human Resource Executives and Their
Counsel. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1996.
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At its core, arbitration is a form of dispute resolution. Arbitration is the private, judicial determination
of a dispute, by an independent third party. An arbitration hearing may involve the use of an
individual arbitrator or a tribunal. A tribunal may consist of any number of arbitrators though some
legal systems insist on an odd number for obvious reasons of wishing to avoid a tie. One and three
are the most common numbers of arbitrators. The disputing parties hand over their power to decide
the dispute to the arbitrator(s). Arbitration is an alternative to court action (litigation), and generally,
just as final and binding (unlike mediation, negotiation and conciliation which are non-binding).