Eliminate Your Blind Spots: Want Influence?
Eliminate Your Blind Spots: Want Influence?
Eliminate Your Blind Spots: Want Influence?
Most social change plans note the end goal, “To succeed, we will need to
influence x, y and z to do what we want.”
Unfortunately, they often stop there and fail to outline a plan for how
they will create that influence.
How will they convince more women to get regular check-ups? Why will their approach to getting
more workers to take public transportation actually lead to more workers boarding a bus or jumping a
train? What do they know about small businesses that they can use to get their backing for an important
initiative? Even organizations with highly sophisticated strategies often fail to consider how they will
actually influence the audiences they need to reach in order to create their desired change.
When an issue is straightforward, a detailed articulation about how influence will happen isn’t
necessary. For example, if parents of elementary school kids find out that their children’s school
is full of lead paint, they can pursue a straight-forward influence effort: Parents will bring evidence to
the principal, who will respond with a plan of action and a request for remediation from the school
board. The school board, afraid of lawsuits, will comply.
Other issues, however, can be far more challenging. Charting the influence that needs to happen is a trickier
proposition, and there are many challenges an organization must contend with to succeed. We dub these
“blind spots” and they can undermine a change strategy. This guide is meant to help nonprofits and foundations
successfully navigate a more difficult trail of influence by identifying—and eliminating—blind spots before they
sabotage their change strategies.
1. The West Wing is a television series created by Aaron Sorkin that originally ran on NBC from 1999 to 2006. The series focuses on events
happening in the West Wing of the White House during the fictional Democratic administration of Josiah Bartlet (played by Martin Sheen).
The Blind Spots
Many groups find themselves in Sam’s situation. They are trying to tackle difficult, complex issues, and they need
to use influence as effectively as possible. Even the most well-intentioned groups, who have smart people with the
knowledge needed to craft smart influence strategies, can end up with blind spots.
How do blind spots sneak into change strategies? Here are some top culprits:
1. THE FAST AND FURIOUS. Groups start fast and don’t do their homework. They don’t completely think through
the influence question, assuming they can safely figure it out as they go along, or “build the plane while flying it.”
The consequence of this approach is that these groups fail to take the time to understand upfront how decisions
will get made, and while they may get lucky, their efforts are inefficient and not as strong as they could be.
2. READY, FIRE, AIM. This is a close cousin to those in the fast and furious category. Here, groups handicap
their efforts by making strategic decisions out of order. For example, some groups form a coalition before they
identify which decision makers they need to influence or on what grounds they will make their case. Rather than
crafting a strategy based on the interests and passions of the decision maker and then picking the strongest
partners to bring that strategy to life, they are stuck developing an approach based on the assets and self-inter-
est of the partners already assembled.
3. THE UPSIDERS. This crew only sees the upside and approach influence with rose-colored glasses. They don’t
look at who stands to lose if their campaign is successful. The Upsiders don’t think about who is working against
their effort, publicly or behind the scenes. The consequence? By not seeing any downsides, the group leaves
itself vulnerable to opponents it doesn’t even realize it has.
4. THE OVER ESTIMATORS. These folks overestimate a decision maker’s willingness to step out on a difficult
issue. They overestimate what they have to work with, such as relationships or credibility. They overestimate the
simplicity of influence and as a consequence underestimate the difficulty of tasks necessary for their proposal
to get traction. They never stop to ask: “If this is such a no brainer, why hasn’t it happened yet?”
5. THE NARROW FIELD OF DREAMERS. These groups lack objectivity. They pick and choose which facts sup-
port the idea that influence is possible, but they dismiss any evidence to the contrary. Buoyed by selective facts
and a perceived urgency that may or may not be there, these groups end up with an effort based on fantasy
rather than reality.
6. THE GUT REACTORS. These organizations think the decision will get made for certain reasons (e.g., moral
imperative) when, actually, it will be based on something entirely different (e.g., job creation). They lament,
“Why do people act against their own self-interest?” The truth is the people in question are acting in their own
interest—it’s just not the interest the group thought it would be. If their gut is wrong, these groups will end up on
the sideline of an important debate rather than front and center.
7. NO GPS CREW. Some efforts just get lost. Pick any mix of the culprits above, and you’ll find them present
and accounted for here. The group picked the wrong decision at the wrong time, misjudged how complicated it
would get, or chose the wrong grounds for arguing its case. Instead of stopping, taking stock and trying a new
direction, they keep plugging away. At best, these efforts are futile and waste valuable resources. At worst, they
end up alienating the very partners, champions and potential supporters that they will ultimately need to suc-
The Four Elements Needed to Eliminate Blind
1 2 3 4
A clear sense of An understanding An informed An understanding of how the
the decision(s) that of who makes the hypothesis about organization can influence
need to get made necessary how the decision(s) the decision-making process
decision(s) will get made and a gameplan for making
that happen.
To create a successful influence strategy, groups need to start by gathering the people in their organizations and in
their networks who have the knowledge to think through these four elements. Here are expanded explanations for
each element and some questions to explore and examples to consider to help think these through.
1 A
CLEAR SENSE OF THE DECISION(S) THAT NEED TO GET MADE. This could be a behavior change, such
as a person needing to decide to wear a seat belt or a bike helmet. It could be a policy change that a group
needs to build momentum for. It could be a business decision, such as a company opting to offer transit ben-
efits to employees, or a series of decisions, such as becoming a more sustainable company. Any successful
change effort must start with a clear sense of what decisions need to get made in order to create the desired
change. If it’s a set of decisions, what’s the sequence of events that will ensure one builds on the next? The
more complicated a situation, the more clearly a group needs to define necessary decisions.
I f an organization wants to protect endangered sea turtles from unnecessary slaughter in the next three years,
it can identify several potential decisions that prevent slaughters. The government can decide to issue a closure
of a known turtle nesting area for the three months the turtles are there. Fishermen can decide to use turtle-
friendly gear. Local residents can decide to help with enforcement by reporting violations of either fishing
restrictions or gear requirements. These are three distinct decisions that are necessary to help achieve its goal
of protecting more turtles. Each decision will be made by different people, based on different factors, and will
require different influence campaigns.
A group can consider the following questions to identify the decisions it wants made:
• Within what time parameter will the decisions happen, e.g., over one year, three years, five years?
• What are the key decisions that will realistically be made during this time period (because they are
already planned or because they can be forced/encouraged) that will make a significant difference?
• Has the organization considered all the options, e.g., policy change, citizen/consumer action,
corporate action?
• Does the organization have the capacity, resources and expertise to influence all of the decisions
identified, or does it want to prioritize some over others?
• Are the decisions likely to happen in a specific order, or does the group want the decisions made
in a certain order for strategic reasons?
Once a group determines what decision(s) must be made, it can identify the likely decision makers. As noted
above, sometimes this is an obvious choice, e.g., if an organization wants to get Apple to improve working
conditions in overseas factories, it can press the CEO to make that decision. However, sometimes an organiza-
tion may need to choose where to best focus its efforts. Going back to the turtles, if an organization wants the
government to enact a fishery closure for a three-month period while turtles are nesting, the organization may
choose to approach this federally through National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its
administrator, through state government via the head of the department of fisheries, or even by county if there
is an option to do so. An organization will need to research which option is most effective and viable, and may
even choose to pursue more than one to hedge its bets.
• Of the possible decision makers, which one(s) are the most promising in terms of making decisions that
benefit the organization’s change campaign? Find avenues that offer a glimmer of hope.
• If the organization has identified a large group (e.g., mothers, voters, educators), is there a way to hone
in on the true decision makers via polling data, leadership positions, etc.?
3 A
to understand how the decision(s) is likely to get made. On what grounds will it be decided? Who will be asked
to provide input? What pressure points are at play? When will the decision get made? This is an art—not a
science—but an organization needs a best guess hypothesis that will guide how the organization approaches
everything from establishing a timeline to defining partners to developing compelling talking points. This will
all be determined based on who is ultimately making the decision. It is critical for organization to have a clear
understanding of the decision maker’s values, allegiances, preconceptions and misconceptions. Without
knowing what the decision makers may bring to the table, the organization’s change campaign will likely fail.
This is an area where nearly every group should spend more time. Some groups tend to assume that the prob-
lem is so obvious, all they need to do is point to the solution and the decision maker will automatically agree.
Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Sometimes a group tells a decision maker, “This is a problem.” And the
decision maker replies, “Says who?” The decision maker may have heard from others with contrary opinions, or
may hold values or perceptions that are counter to what the group wants.
big question to explore is whether the group will have the opportunity to set the agenda that could lead to
In some cases, a group may underestimate the powerful interests their influence needs to overcome. By miscalcu-
lating the power of counter-messages, groups end up knowing who they need to influence but fail to understand
the calculus of how the decision will get made. For example, a well-meaning nutrition group makes the case for
healthier school lunches. But a school isn’t just deciding what to serve based on calorie count; they also receive a
lot of money from vending-machine companies selling soda and snacks, and they have large, lucrative contracts
with food service suppliers for the cafeterias. When a school considers a change, these interests use their own
influence to pursue their own agendas. The group working for better nutrition needs to know this, anticipate the
pressure the school decision makers will feel, and develop a plan to out-maneuver the opposition.
There are many books and experts that offer insights about how people will respond to appeals for change and
how to navigate the labyrinths of the human mind in a way that builds the support needed. In Immunity to Change,
by Professors Kegan and Lahey,2 the authors explore why people often don’t embrace change, even when it is
in their self interest. It isn’t because people are lazy or unconcerned; rather, it is usually for compelling, well-
intentioned reasons that are rooted in strong beliefs and values. So when groups don’t understand why their target
decision makers aren’t willing to change, they find it nearly impossible to communicate in a way that will convince
decision makers to do what needs to be done.
Dan Kahan, a professor at Yale University and member of the Cultural Cognition Project,3 warns that people
interpret information and facts in a way that reinforces their cultural identity. They engage in motivated reason-
ing. To successfully engage their audiences, organizations need to find ways to reinforce the cultural values these
audiences hold most dear—not challenge or threaten these images and beliefs. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely4
writes about how people are “predictably irrational,” and he offers insights into why people make the decisions
they do. (For a list of additional gurus to turn to for insights, see appendix A.) To succeed, organizations need to
factor these types of scientific insights into their influence efforts.
2. Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey, Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
(Leadership for the Common Good) (Harvard Business School 2009)
3. Cultural Cognition Project at Yale University, http://www.culturalcognition.net/
4. Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (Harper Perennial, 2010).
Questions to ask to understand how a decision will get made:
4 A
PROCESS AND A GAME PLAN FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN. With a clear understanding of how the decision
will get made, the group needs to honestly assess its strengths, networks, reputation and reach to decide if
and how it can influence the decision-making process. For example, if a group that is trying to get more people
to take public transportation has extensive reach among young urbanites, it should leverage that influence.
If it doesn’t have reach among this audience, it will need to partner with organizations that do.
Once an organization knows how a decision will likely be made, it can figure out how it can use influence—posi-
tive or negative—to get the decision it wants. At this point, organizations need to identify pressure points it can
credibly weigh in on.
Here are questions to consider in order to identify pressure points an organization
If an organization is not able to answer, “Yes” to most of the questions above, it needs to reconsider whether this is
a decision it can realistically influence, or whether there is a different way to go about securing the change that will
allow it to use influence more successfully.
Taken together, these four elements give an organization its best chance of success. As organizations work to
create a pathway to influence, they are likely to discover more than one path forward. Groups need to explore op-
tions. They might decide to hedge their bets and have several strategies working at the same time. Other times,
they might pick the most promising path. The important thing is to make deliberate decisions. When considering
options, groups must pick the ones that appear most viable, make the best use of organizational assets, and don’t
require concessions that compromise their missions.
Certainly, organizations can make headway without a clear understanding of where influence is possible, but they
greatly diminish their chances of success with that approach. Instead, organizations that take the time to approach
the process in a disciplined way will make far stronger strategic assessments and will enjoy a greater chance of
success. Making influence an explicit part of strategies will help more groups create change they seek.