Fibromyalgia: by Tara E. Dymon, Pharm.D., BCACP
Fibromyalgia: by Tara E. Dymon, Pharm.D., BCACP
Fibromyalgia: by Tara E. Dymon, Pharm.D., BCACP
Additional Readings
The following free resources are available for readers wishing additional background information on this topic.
• Mayo Clinic. Framework for Fibromyalgia Management for Primary Care Providers.
• Boomershine CS. A comprehensive evaluation of standardized assessment tools in the diagnosis of
fibromyalgia and in the assessment of fibromyalgia severity. Pain Res Treat 2012; 2012: 653714.
Information from: Burckhardt CS, Goldberg D, Crofford L et al. Guideline for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome pain in adults and
children, APS Clinical Practice Guideline Series, No 4, 2005; Carville SF, Arendt-Nielsen S, Bliddal H, et al. EULAR evidence based recom-
mendations for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67:536-541; Winkelmann A, Häuser W, Friedel E, et al.
Physiotherapy and physical therapies for fibromyalgia syndrome. systematic review, meta-analysis and guideline. Schmerz 2012;26:276-86;
and Fitzcharles MA, Ste-Marie PA, Goldenberg DL, et al. 2012 Canadian guidelines for the diagnosis and management of fibromyalgia syn-
drome: executive summary. Pain Research&Management 2013;18:119-26.
Arnold LM, Hudson JI, Keck PE, et al. Comorbidity of Clauw DJ, Mease P, Palmer RH, et al. Milnacipran for the
fibromyalgia and psychiatric disorders. J Clin Psychiatry treatment of fibromyalgia in adults: a 15-week, multicenter,
2006;67:1219-25. randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple-dose
Arnold LM, Goldberg DL, Stanford SB, et al. Gabapentin in clinical trial. Clin Ther 2008;30:1988-2004.
the treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blind, Creamer P, Singh BB, Hochberg MC, et al. Sustained
placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. Arthritis Rheum improvement produced by nonpharmacologic intervention
2007;56:1336-44. in fibromyalgia: results of a pilot study. Arthritis Care Res
Fitzcharles MA, Ste-Marie PA, Goldenberg DL. 2012 Mease PJ, Clauw DJ, Gendreau RM, et al. The efficacy and
Canadian Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of safety of milnacipran for treatment of fibromyalgia: a ran-
fibromyalgia syndrome. Pain Res Manag 2013;18:119-26. domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Rheumatol
Fontaine KR, Conn L, Clauw DJ. Effects of lifestyle phys-
ical activity in adults with fibromyalgia. J Clin Rheumatol Nasser K, Kivitz AJ, Maricic MJ, et al. Twice daily versus once
2011;17:64-8. nightly dosing of pregabalin for fibromyalgia: a double-blind
randomized clinical trial of efficacy and safety. Arthritis Care
Garza-Villarreal E, Wilson AD, Vase L, et al. Music reduces Res 2014;66:293-300.
pain and increases functional mobility in fibromyalgia. Front
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therapy for fibromyalgia: a systematic review. J Rheumatol
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opioid treatment in fibromyalgia. Clin J Pain 2014; Epub ahead
Hauser W, Petzke F, Sommer C. Comparative efficacy and of print
harms of duloxetine, milnacipran, and pregabalin in fibromyal-
gia syndrome. J Pain 2010;6:505-21. Pioro-Boisset M, Esdaile, JM, Fitzcharles, MA. Alternative
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fibromyalgia treatment interventions. Ann Behav Med
Huynh CN, Yanni LM, Morgan LA. Fibromyalgia: diagno- 1999;21:180-91.
sis and management for the primary healthcare provider. J
Womens Health 2008;17:1379-87. Russell IJ, Kamin M, Bennett RM. Efficacy of trama-
dol in treatment of pain in fibromyalgia. J Clin Rheumatol
Jiao J, Vincent A, Cha SS, et al. Relation of age with symptom 2000;6:250-7.
severity and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Mayo
Clin Proc 2014;89:199-206. Russell IJ, Larson AA. Neurophysiopathogenesis of fibromy-
algia syndrome: a unified hypothesis. Rheum Dis Clin North
Jones J, Rutledge DN, Dupree Jones K, et al. Self-assessed Am 2009;35:421-35.
physical function levels of women with fibromyalgia. Womens
Health Issues 2008;18:406-12. Russell IJ, Mease PJ, Smith TR, et al. Efficacy and safety of
duloxetine for treatment of fibromyalgia in patients with or
Lauche R, Cramer H, Dobos G, et al. A systematic review and without major depressive disorder: results form a six-month,
meta-analysis of mindfulness-based stress reduction for the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose
fibromyalgia syndrome. J Psychosom Res 2013; Epub ahead of trial. Pain 2008;136:432-44.
Singh BB, Berman BM, Creamer P. A pilot study of cognitive
Li Y, Wang F, Feng C,. et al. Massage therapy for fibromyalgia: behavioral therapy in fibromyalgia. Altern Ther Health Med
a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized con- 1998;4:67-70.
trolled trials. PLoS ONE 2014;9:e89304
Thieme K, Turk DC, Flor H. Comorbid depression and anxiety
Martin SA, Coon CD, McLeod LD. Evaluation of the fibromy- in fibromyalgia syndrome: relationship to somatic and psycho-
algia diagnostic screen in clinical practice. J Eval Clin Pract social variables. Psychsom Med 2004;66:837-44.
Tzellos TG, Toulis KA, Goulis DG, et al. Gabapentin and pre-
McInnis OA, Matheson K, Anisman H. Living with the unex- gabalin in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a systematic review
plained: coping, distress, and depression among women with and a meta-analysis. J Clin Pharm Ther 2010;35:639-56.
chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia compared to
an autoimmune disorder. Anxiety Stress Coping 2014; Epub Wang C, Schmid CH, Rones R. A randomized trial of tai chi
ahead of print for fibromyalgia. N Engl J Med 2010;363:743-54.
McVeigh JG, McGaughey H, Hall M, et al. The effectiveness of
hydrotherapy in the management of fibromyalgia syndrome: a Wepner F, Scheuer R, Schuetz-Wieser B. Effects of vitamin D
systematic review. Rheumatol Int 2008 Dec;29(2):119-30. on patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized place-
bo-controlled trial. Pain 2014;155:261-8.
3. A patient with fibromyalgia complains of decreased 6. Which one of the following is best to recommend for
sleep quality as her most bothersome symptom. She J.A.?
does not want to use duloxetine, milnacipran, or pre- A. Duloxetine.
gabalin based on the boxed warnings with each drug. B. Sertraline.
Which one of the following is best to recommend for C. Milnacipran.
this patient? D. Pregabalin.
A. Acupuncture.
B. Tai chi. 7. Which one of the following nonpharmacologic treat-
C. Amitriptyline. ments would be best to recommend for J.A.?
D. Pramipexole. A. Tai chi.
B. Massage therapy.
Questions 4 and 5 pertain to the following case. C. Aerobic and resistance exercise.
As the lead pharmacist in the AllFam family medicine D. Cognitive behavior therapy.
clinic, you and your team plan to offer educational sessions
for patients who are receiving a drug for fibromyalgia. 8. A 38-year-old woman who received a diagnosis of
fibromyalgia 1 year ago presents to your clinic. Her
4. Which one of the following best justifies establishing pain related to her fibromyalgia is well controlled on
this new service in the AllFam clinic? hydrocodone 10 mg/acetaminophen 325 mg 1 tablet
A. Education is recommended as part of a treatment every 6 hours. However, she has increasing concern
regimen for fibromyalgia. with her cognitive abilities and thinks she has “fibro
B. Education will ensure the patient’s safe use of the fog,” which she read about online. Which one of the
drug. following is best to recommend for this patient?
C. Education added to drugs has been shown to A. Discontinue hydrocodone/acetaminophen.
reduce symptoms and symptom intensity. B. Discontinue hydrocodone/acetaminophen and
D. Education may increase adherence to drugs. start milnacipran.
C. Discontinue hydrocodone/acetaminophen and
5. One year later, the AllFam clinic pharmacists have start duloxetine.
educated 35 patients with fibromyalgia. Of these D. Add either duloxetine or milnacipran.
patients, 60% noted significant improvements in their
Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire score, compared