Effect of Engine Position (Full Paper)

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Proceedings of MUCEET2009

* **
Fuadi Noor Balia, Shahruddin bin Mahzan, *** Malaysian Technical Universities
*** Conference
Mohd Imran bin Ghazali, and Abas AB Wahab on Engineering and Technology
June 20-22, 2009, MS Garden,Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia




between injection parameter variation and block vibration
Abstract—In this paper, a programming of of the diesel engine (FIAT, 2000 cc). Brusa, et al [6],
dynamic system calculation is developed to investigated concerned with the effect of non-constant
moment of inertia of torsional vibration on the crankshaft
determine the body tilt angle in relation to
of 4-cylinder Lycoming O-360-A3A propeller engine.
minimize the shaking forces on the diesel engine’s Guzzomi, et al [7], conducted the study concerned with the
crankshaft. In this study, 1-cylinder diesel engine effect of the piston friction on the torsional natural
is taken as an example. Position, velocity, and frequency of crankshaft of a single cylinder reciprocating
acceleration of pins of the engine mechanism engine.
determined by using vector analysis. Masses and This research is a preliminary work on the diesel
mass moments of inertia of the linkage are used to engines area and its development to the biodiesel engine
purpose. This paper emphasize on the programming of a
generate the forces and moments. Cartesian
dynamic system on the diesel engines. Determining the
coordinate principle is used to form linear body tilt angle in relation to minimize the shaking forces
equations. These equations are solved by using on the diesel engine’s crankshaft is very important to
gauss elimination method to obtain the shaking reduce the shaking forces on the body. For illustration, 1-
forces on the crankshaft. Calculation result is cylinder diesel engine taken as an example.
validated by comparing it to the polygon method
and Newton principles. Based on the graphs, the
optimum tilt angle of the engine’s body had been In analyzing the shaking forces due to the combustion
process in the chamber on the engine’s crankshaft can be
obtained at   87.72 0 for minimum horizontal describe as follows:
shaking force R x  2.07 Newton.
Keyword: dynamic system, vector analysis, gauss 2.1 Kinematic Formulation
elimination, shaking forces, tilt angle. The calculation steps of an engine has to be started at the
kinematic formulation, to calculate the position, velocity,
I. INTRODUCTION and acceleration of pins and center of mass. Vector
Recently, researches of diesel engines become more analysis principles are used to calculate those parameters.
attractive because of its fuel has similar characteristic with The mechanism of engine shown below.
the environment-friendly fuel resources, such as biodiesel.
In the fact that, biodiesel can be used to replace the
conventional diesel fuel and it is made from the renewable
resources. Y

Biodiesel is a kind of environment-friendly resources of 3


fuel, clean, grown locally. Palm Oil Methyl Esters (POME)

is one of those. Researchs on this area had been carried out 
by researchers such as Agarwal [1], Ramadhas [2], and 2
Murugesan [3].
Researches on the vibration analysis on the diesel
engines had been carried out by researchers as follows: Figure 1, Mechanism of Engine
Geng, et al [4], carried out their research on the piston- Figure 1, shows a system of the engine mechanism, in
slap-induced vibration of 6-cylinder diesel engine. which the body tilt angle is included as a parameter that
Garlucci, at al [5], carried out the research on the relation can effect to minimize the shaking forces on the engine’s
crankshaft. Link 1 is cylinder block and journal bearing,
This work was supported in part by ANPCYT.

link 2 is crankshaft, link 3 is connecting rod, and link 4 is
F.N. Balia, PhD student at Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Faculty, UTHM. (corresponding author: e-mail: piston that can move freely on the cylinder (body) axis
[email protected]). direction.
S. Mahzan, Lecturer at Mech and Manufacturing Eng Faculty, Figure 2, shows the vector model of engine mechanism
M.I. Ghazali, Professor at Mech and Manufacturing Eng Faculty, for calculating the position, velocity, and acceleration of
UTHM. pins and center of mass of the linkages. In this modeling,
Abas AB Wahab, Professor at Mech and Manufacturing Eng Faculty, vector r2 represent the crankshaft, vector r3 represent the

connecting rod, and vector r4 represent the motion line of
piston.  2 is angle of r2 to x,  2 is angle of r2 to r4, 2.2 Dynamic Formulation
Calculation of shaking forces in any of pins and existing
 3 is angle of r3 to x,  is angle of r3 to r4,  is angle
forces at center of mass of linkage, can be modeled as
of r4 to x. figure 3 below [8].


r2 3 3 1

2 
X 

Figure 2, Kinematic Modeling of Engine Mechanism

Figure 3, Dynamic Modeling of Engine Mechanism
From figure 2, mathematical model can be governed as
a vector equation below, This model can be solved by using Cartesian coordinate
method (vector analysis for dynamic systems) [9]. This
r4  r2  r3 …….. (1) engine mechanism can be modeled separately as follows.

This equation can be derived to obtain the velocity of 2.2.1 Crankshaft Modeling
points along the line vector, such below

r4   2 xr2  3 xr3 …….. (2)

From this equation can be calculated the connecting

rod angular velocity such below, C m2c.a2c
 r2 x cos   r2 y sin   -W2c
3    2 …… (3) A m2a.a2a
 r sin   r cos   I2a 2
 3y 3x  F2
O2 -W2a p2a
Equation (2), can be derived to give the equation of 2 2, 2, 2
acceleration of points motion along the cylinder axis can be B m2b.a2b
written as below, I2b 2

 r2 y .2  r2 x . 2  r3 y .3  r3 x .3
2 2 p2b

r4  …
cos 

Calculation of angular acceleration of linkage 3 can Figure 4, Modeling of Crankshaft

be derived and the result as below,
Figure 4, shows a physical modeling of Crankshaft. In
A BC this modeling, the crankshaft is separated into two parts,
3   …………… (5) that are crank and balancer. Center of rotation assumed
D located at point A, therefore all of the moments refer to
that point.
where :
A   r2 x cos   r2 y sin  .2
I .
2 The inertia torque 2 a 2 that is generated by rotation
B  (r2 x sin   r2 y cos  ). 2 of the crank and located at point A. The inertia torque
C  (r sin   r cos  ).
3y 3 I 2 b .2
that is generated by rotation of balancer and
D  (r3 y sin   r3 x cos  )
located at point B. Reaction torque Ti is input moment to
Through equation (1) to equation (5), the position. the shaft due to the reaction of combustion and inertia
velocity (linear and angular) and acceleration (linear and loads.
angular) of pins and center of mass can be obtained.

The vector F2 is the reaction of the crankshaft to the
crank, while vector F3 is the reaction force of crankpin to
the crank. The mass m 2 a is of crank mass and generate F4

the inertia force of m 2 a .a 2 a and centered at point A.



The m 2 b is the mass of balancer and generate the inertia E


force of m 2 b .a 2b and centered at point B. The mass 1

-W4 F14

m 2 c is a half mass of crankpin to the crank, this mass 

generate a half of inertia force m 2 c .a 2 c and centered at

point C. In this modeling, the distributed weight of linkage
part are included. W2 is a half of weight of crankshaft. W2a
is the weight of crank, W2b is the weight balancer. W2c is a
half of the weight of crankpin Figure 6, Modeling of Piston

2.2.2 Connecting rod Modeling The vector F4 is the reaction force of connecting rod
to the pin of piston. The mass m 4 is the sum of piston’s
pin and piston mass itself and generated the inertia force
m 4 .a 4 and located at point E. The weight W4 is the sum
of pin and piston weight. The vector F14 is reaction force

p3 of cylinder to the piston and located at the length of vector

3 , 3, 3
z from the center of mass, and the vector Fc is a force as
m3.a3 a result of the combustion process in the cylinder to the
I3 3 3

2.3 Mathematical Equations


Mathematical modeling can be developed by using

vector analysis (Cartesian coordinate) method for engine

2.3.1 Equation for Crankshaft

Figure 5, Modeling of Connecting rod Crankshaft mechanism is modeled by assumed that the
center of rotation located on point A and mass of each of
crank part located at the center of each part.
Figure 5 shows a physical modeling of Connecting
rod. Center of rotation assumed to be located at point D.
Equation of the forces equilibrium vector of the
I  Crankshaft,
The inertia torque 3 3 is generated due to the
rotation of connecting rod. The mass m3 is the
F2  F3  m 2 a .a 2 a  m 2b .a 2b  m2 c .a 2 c …..
connecting rod mass and generate the inertia force
m3 .a 3 and centered at point D. The vector F3 is the
reaction force of crankpin to the connecting rod, while the Equation of moment equilibrium vector of the Crankshaft,
force of F4 is reaction of piston pin to the connecting rod.
The weight W3 is connecting rod weight and centered at q 2 a xF2  p 2 a xF3  Ti 
point D. E  F G H  I  J ……. (7)

E  ( p 2 b  q 2 a ) xm2b .a 2b
F  ( p 2 b  q 2 a ) xW2 b
G  q 2 a xW2
2.2.3 Piston Modeling
H  p 2 a xW2 c
I  p 2 a xm2 c .a 2 c
J  ( I  I )
2a 2b 2

Equation (6) can be developed to give the force

equations in x and y direction, it mean give two rows of

equation. Equation (7) give the moment equations to the III. METHOD OF SOLUTION
center of rotation, after developing it using vector analysis, This programming is divided in two category
this equation give a row of moment equation. calculation. Firstly, kinematic step and secondly, dynamic
From equation (6) and (7) can result three rows of linear system formulation. Compiler Visual C++ is used for
equation to form matrix. programming language [11].
Briefly, figure 7, shows a flow chart of programming.
2.3.2 Equation for Connecting rod

Equation of the forces equilibrium vector of Connecting START


F3  F4  m3 .a 3  W3
Kinematic steps:
…………….. (8) Vector model of
position, velocity, and
acceleration of pins and center of
mass of linkages
Equation of the moment equilibrium vector of Connecting

q 3 xF3  p 3 xF4  I 3 .3 …………….. (9)

Validation (compare
to polygon method)

Equation (8) is developed to give two rows of the OK

force equations in x and y direction, and equation (9) give
a row of moment equation. Dynamic steps:
Vector model of
From equation (8) and (9) can result three rows of linear Forces and Moments on the pins
and linkages
equation to form matrix.

2.3.3 Equation for Piston

Validation (compare No
to static balance)
Equation of forces equilibrium of piston,

F4  F14  m 4 .a 4  Fc …………… (10) OK

Equation of moments equilibrium,

zxF14  0 ………... ….. (11) Figure 7, Flow Chart of Programming

Equation (10) can be developed into two rows of the On the kinematic step, calculation of position, velocity,
force equation, in x and y direction, while equation (11) and acceleration of pins and center of mass of each link
can be developed to be a row of moment equation in x and were carried out. Vector of position was written as
y. equation (1). In this development vector r2 and r3
These equations give three rows of linear equation to
considered as the length of crank and connecting rod, the
form matrix.
values are constant. Vector r4 considered as the length of
2.3.4 Matrix Formation position between piston and the main bearing, this is an
unconstant variable. Equation (2) gives the linear velocity
The equation (6) to equation (11) that have nine of of piston motion along the cylinder axis. Rotation of the
linear equations and can be solved simultaneously by crank gives the angular velocity and acceleration of the
matrix formation, connecting rod,  3 and   , it can be seen in equation (3)
and (5). For this purpose, the main bearing is fixed, and
 A x   b ……………. (12) body tilt angle is included as a parameter to adjust the
position of axis of piston to x (same as engine’s body tilt
where,  A is a coefficient of symmetric matrix (9x9 angle axis). Through this development, the effect of body
matrix element),  x are the forces and torque parameter tilt angle  can be seen from the equation (3) to equation
(5). Equation (4) shows the linear acceleration of piston
to be solved (9x1 matrix element), while  b are the
motion along the cylinder axis.
effective inertia forces and moment (9x1 matrix element) Validation of kinematic calculations had been carried
due to the moment and forces of inertia. out by comparing it to the hand calculation of polygon
The forces and torque in matrix  x can be solved by method (see attachment-1 and attachment-2).
using Gauss-Jordan Elimination principle for solving On the dynamics step, calculation of forces and
Simultaneously Linear Equation [10]. moments started of physical modeling of the crank and
balancer, connecting rod, and piston. Figure 3 shows the
physical dynamics modeling of engine mechanism.

Concept of Cartesian coordinate is used in accordance with Programming of this engine mechanism gives a
the vector analysis of forces and moments. comparatively result, even for accuracy of calculation and
Crankshaft model, as showed at figure 4, can be derived in accordance with the engine’s body tilt angle, see figure
mathematically in accordance with d’Alembert principle of 8.
equilibrium. Equation (6) shows the vector for force This angle result gives the minimum shaking force in
equilibrium, while equation (7) for moment equilibrium. horizontal direction, Rx = 2.07 Newton, while for vertical
Connecting rod, as showed at figure 5, can be derived into direction, Ry = -11957.05 Newton. For diesel engine has
the forces and moments (equation (8) and (9)). Piston is pressure 3,5 MPa, so internal pressure force Fc = 18709.70
considered as the body motion along the cylinder axis. Newton, at 100 of crank angle. Rotation of engine is
Friction is neglected in this situation, because of the constant, n = 4500 rpm. This condition is very important
complexity of calculation. consideration for the human body comfort characteristic.
Matrix formation is used to collect the ninth of The human body characteristic can stand for up and down
equations had been developed from equation (6) to shaking motion, but for horizontal shake must be avoided
equation (11). For detail explanation, see section 2.3 for a long period. The optimum tilt angle of engine’s body
(Mathematical Equations) for every step of modeling. obtained   87.72 0 .
The data that are used for this solution is taken from Validation of kinematic calculation, a good result was
the size of diesel engine mechanism. Piston bore size d = reached. Calculation for n = 2000 rpm (   209.4
82.5 mm, stroke L = 92.5 mm, connecting rod length = 15
mm. Length of crank ra = 47 mm, balancer length rb = 78 rad/sec),   0 0 , gives angular velocity for Connecting
mm. The internal pressure force data delivered to the rod  3  61.98 rad/sec for calculation and  3  62.0
equation (10) depend on the crank angle of combustion rad/sec for polygon method. Angular acceleration
[12].  3  9936.41 rad/sec2 for calculation and  3  9940
Simultaneously linear equations in a matrix form can be
rad/sec2 for polygon method. Piston acceleration of
solved by using Gauss Elimination procedure, by inserting
pivot point algorithm. This solution gives the result of polygon method a  9290 ft/sec2 , for calculation
parameters that are considered as the reaction forces of the a  111435 .54 in/sec2 = 9286.3 ft/sec2 (see
pins. attachment-1 and attachment-2).
Validation of dynamics system had been carried out by For dynamics calculation, validation had been carried
comparing it to the static equilibrium, by eliminating the out with a good result. The effective force and moment
dynamic parameters, such the effective forces and must be eliminated (set to zero) to get static balance. For
moments of inertia (see attachment-3 and attachment-4). r2 = 10 cm, r3 = 20 cm,  2  30 0 gives the result for
Validation for mass of piston carried out by getting its
manual calculation, for Fc = 2500 N, obtained F14y = 645.5
weight. For connecting rod, the mass, centroid and mass
N, F2x = 2500 N, F2y = -645.5 N, Ti = -18090.19 N.cm. The
moment of inertia by calculation and getting its weight and
result of computer calculation, for Fc = 2500 N, obtained
compare it, the parts are modeled as a volume combination
F14y = 645.5 N, F2x = 2500 N, F2y = -645.5 N, Ti =
of the separately blocks. For crankshaft, calculation of
-18090.17 N.cm (see attachment-3 and attachment-4).
mass, centroid and mass moment of inertia carried out by
Validation for calculating the connecting rod mass and
modeling its volume as the combination of many blocks
centroid can be explained, total mass m = 0.79 kg,
(same procedure with connecting rod).
y  0.045 m, I zz  0.00314 kg-m2. By getting
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION weight procedure, it is obtained that mass m = 0.75 kg,
y  0.049 m. By this validation procedure, it can be
assumed that the calculation value of crankshaft can be
Body Tilt Angle
accepted. For crank: mass ma = 0.5867 kg, centroid
y  0.0272445 m, mass moment of inertia Izz =
0.000494 kg-m2 (one crank). For balancer: mass mb =
0.8829 kg, centroid y  0.03988 m, mass moment of
inertia Izz = 0.001028 kg-m2.
Force -4000 For revolution n = 4500 rpm, and maximum internal
-6000 100 pressure force Fc = 18709.70 N, at crank angle of 10 0, it is
-8000 90 obtained the minimum horizontal shaking force of Rx =
-10000 85 Tilt Angle 2.07 N, and the vertical force Ry = -11957.05 N. By this
calculation, the optimum body tilt angle can be adjusted to
Tilt Rx Ry be   87.72 0 .
This programming has reached a good accuracy for
calculating dynamic system of engine mechanism.
75 80 85 87.72 90 95 100

Figure 8, Graphic of Tilt Angle to Shaking Force


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Thanks to ANPCYT for supporting this event. Special
thanks to UTHM that has collaborated with UMP, UTeM,
and UniMAP.
Unforgettable special thanks to my colleagues,
Muhaimin Ismoen and Dr. Waluyo A.S, who have given
much support and the efforts for this research development.

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