Camper Chronicle: Math - Reading
Camper Chronicle: Math - Reading
Camper Chronicle: Math - Reading
Math– This week we reviewed place value and learned our x12 Unit 1.1 Red Kayak
facts. Next week we will be working on place value of whole numbers
Short Vowel Sounds
and decimals. VCCV, VCV
CCSS Language 2.e.
Reading–Our story next week is The Red Kayak. We will be work-
ing on plot and theme as well as point of view. Wednesday night will
1. distance
be a reading assignment on the skill and vocab for the week. Friday
2. method
will be the first reading test of the year.
3. anger
Grammar– Our grammar skill next week is identifying common 4. problem
and proper nouns. We will be reviewing how to identify a noun in a 5. butter
sentence and then classify it as either common or proper. 6. petals
Writing– This week we did a little bit of journaling on goals we 7. enjoy
have for the school year and steps to reach those goals. Next week 8. perhaps
we will take our beginning of the year benchmark assessment which is 9. figure
writing a narrative. We will also review how to write good paragraphs. 10. channel
Spelling- Our list focuses on words with a VCCV or VCV pattern.
11. admire
Students take their pretest on Tuesday and can be finished for the
12. comedy
week if they score an “A”. Visit to ac-
13. husband
cess the lists, games, and practice tests. Students are given a list to 14. tissue
go home each Friday and one to stay at school. There are lists every- 15. mustard
where to practice! 16. shuttle
17. advance
Social Studies– We have been reviewing the continents and
18. drummer
oceans of the world as well as map skills. Next week we will learn
19. regular
about the regions of the U.S. as well as landforms in the various re-
20. denim
gions of the United States.
Science-We did not do any Science this week. Challenge Words
21. avalanche
♥ 22. monopoly
23. reluctant
24. adequate
25. tangerine
Note From the Teacher:
I am sending home the first Scholastic book order next week. You can ac-
cess the book order at The class code is
GMMCB. Book orders and money are due by Friday, August 31.
Stay connected and follow our class on social media! We are on Twitter
(@classbrosman) , Instagram (classbrosman)., and a new Facebook class
page (@TESBrosman). Also, consider signing up for Remind to receive either
text messages or emails with important info. Directions on signing up was in
your parent packet.
Mrs. Brosman
*teacher’s blog
*contact the teacher
*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
*class photos