Chapter-2 Literature Review

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The document discusses various methods used to study traffic congestion such as speed and delay studies, quantification of congestion, modeling of congestion, etc. It also discusses factors like land use and road characteristics that influence road link efficiency. Origin-destination studies are conducted to plan road networks and transportation schedules based on commuter trip demand.

Some methods discussed to study traffic congestion include speed and delay studies, quantification of congestion using volume and operational characteristics, modeling of congestion, and duration modeling to estimate congestion length and probability of ending.

Factors that influence the operational efficiency of a road link include the number of access points, commercial/residential/industrial areas alongside the road, and utility characteristics like overlap size and trip intensity.




Traffic congestion is a temporal condition on networks that occurs

as utility increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip

times, and increased queuing. When volume of traffic is high and so

heterogeneous that the interaction between vehicles slows down the

speed of traffic, traffic congestion is the result. As demand

approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the

road), traffic congestion sets in. When vehicles are fully stopped for

the period of time, this is colloquially known as a traffic jam.


A simple model was developed by Jack Mallinckrodt, 2009 on

regional average congestion delay, in a closed-form, differentiable

function of regional transportation system with volume and capacity

data. This model can be used to reduce the risk generated due to

congestion [45].

Different views were studied by Robert A. Johnston, Jay R. Lund,

Paul P. Craig, 1995 on congestion generation and degeneration. Their

study revealed that, it is unlikely that roadway construction or vehicle

automation will be able to alleviate most major urban congestion in

the near future i.e. for another 5 –15 years. Traffic congestion occurs

when a volume of traffic or modal split generates demand for space

greater than the available road capacity. There are a number of

specific circumstances which cause or aggravate congestion; most of


them reduce the effective capacity of a road at a given point or over a

certain length, or increase the number of vehicles required for a given

volume of people or goods. Capacity allocation studies reveal that

approaches like laissez-faire allocation, allocation by passenger load,

ramp metering, road and parking pricing, allocation by trip purpose,

rationing, and mixed strategies can be used for reducing congestion


Quantification of congestion can be done by incorporating the

volume and operational characteristics of traffic movement. Bhargab

Maitra, P.K.Sikdar and S.L.Dhingra, 1999 conducted a study on

quantification of congestion. Quantified congestion level can be used

as a logical and improved measure of effectiveness to account for the

conceptual definition of level of service in a quantitative manner.

Modeling congestion has provided a quantitative basis for

understanding the contribution of different vehicle types in overall

congestion, and it is useful for evolving the policy for congestion

mitigation [13].

The principles of duration modeling can be used to find the extent

of congestion. An approach is found for estimating the duration of

congestion on a given road section and the probability that, given its

onset, congestion will end during the indentified time period. It was

studied by Anthony Stathopoulos and Mattew G.Karlaftis, 2001[6].

Evaluating the efficacy of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

technologies in reducing accidents that affect research development

of models (such as incident delay and congestion models) that can


accurately predict incident duration along with the magnitude of

nonrecurring congestion, have been reported by A.Garib, A.E.Radwan

& H.Al-Deek,1997 [7].

An analysis of freeway traffic flows under congestion was

conducted by Do.H.Nam and Donald R.Drew, 1998, based on the

principle of traffic dynamics, using the example of recurring

congestion [28]. Traditional incident-detection algorithms were

developed by Chien-Hua Hsiao, Ching-Teng Lin, Michael Cassidy,

2006 to distinguish between congested and uncongested operation by

comparing measured traffic-stream parameters with predefined

threshold values [17].

Risk management is a key issue in project management. The first

step of risk management is risk identification. It includes the

recognition of potential risk causative factors and the clarification of

risk. It was studied in detail by Ming-The Wang, Hui-yu Chou, 2006

[60]. Intelligent Transportation Systems are undergoing a transition

from demonstration projects to becoming part of the mainstream set of

options available to transportation planners. Hence, evaluation of it is

one of the most critical and important steps to be taken before any ITS

technique can be deployed. Safety has been recently emerging as an

area of increased concerns, attention and awareness within

transportation engineering [75]. Even though recent studies shed

some light on driving speed factors as well as on the direction of the

effects, knowledge is still insufficient to allow for specific


quantifications. It was studied by Kai-ran Zhang, Guo-fang


Congestion leads to risk and finally may lead to accidents where

urban accidents have the highest percentage impact (75%) over the

entirety of accidents; therefore they represent a crucial

event which potentially may lead to disastrous consequences.

Artificial Intelligence may be helpful for providing more powerful

techniques to understand the main causes of accidents and

congestion. Accident prediction models were developed by Rahim

F.Benekohal, Asma M.Hashmi, 1992. Accident prediction models or

the before-and-after study approach is commonly used to estimate the

reduction in number of accidents resulting from highway

improvements [68]. Bin Yuan and Wen-Hua Song, 2007 conducted a

study on exploring and accomplishing road traffic safety and rescue

system based on 3S technology, which will provide effective

instruction platform for traffic instruction department.

Traditional black-spot programs were developed by Tarek Sayed

and Walid Abdelwahab, 1997. They aim at improving highway safety

and locations, they identified as accident prone based on the total

number of accidents [84]. Incidents, defined as unplanned events that

temporarily reduce roadway capacity, contribute significantly to urban

freeway congestion. Transportation agencies have developed incident

management programs in order to support the effective identification

and response to incidents. It is expressed by Brian L.Smith, Ling Qin,

Ramkumar Venkatanarayana, 2003) [15].


Traffic research still cannot fully predict under which conditions a

"traffic jam" (as opposed to heavy, but smoothly flowing traffic) may

suddenly occur. Traffic congestion is a universal constant. Some cities

have managed to break free of their dependence of the automobile.

Many more haven’t, and have lost themselves to congestion. The

approach each city takes to the problem of urban congestion and

transport is an insight into their priorities and a gauge of how

successful their efforts will be. The urban growth and future trends in

urban development should be major factors in any urban congestion

and transport decision.

Now-a-days urban transport planning is not taking into account

the increasing number of motor vehicles, the growth of the city or the

environment. Given the enormous benefit to the health of every

citizen, in terms of cost and in terms the benefits arising from inner-

city accessibility one would think that network functionality and

successive planning of public transport would be one of the provincial

government’s primary areas of interest. The provincial government is

interested, and committees are being set up and meetings are held.

But these seek to “solve” congestion when, in reality, it can only be

dealt with and this approach to the issue, glaring oversights are


For the present study, risk analysis has been proposed to be

achieved through Principal component analysis followed by causal

techniques to identify the factors contributing to risk generation and

the major links which are leading to congestion.



GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that

exist and events that happen on earth. GIS technology integrates

common database operations such as query and statistical analysis

with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered

by maps. These abilities distinguish GIS from other information

systems and make it valuable to a wide range of public and private

enterprises for explaining events, predicting outcomes, and planning

strategies (Moses Santhakumar, 1998)[78]. GIS store information

about the world as collection of thematic layers which can be linked

together by geography. This is a simple but extremely powerful and

versatile concept has proven invaluable for solving many real-world

problems from tracking delivery vehicles, to recording details of

planning applications, to modeling global atmospheric circulation. GIS

allows us to bring all types of data together based on the geographic

and location component of the data. But unlike a static paper map,

GIS can display many layers of information that is useful to us

( Using this, one will be able to integrate, visualize,

manage, solve, and present the information in a new way.

Relationships between the data will become more apparent and the

data will become more valuable. GIS gives us the power to create

maps, integrate information, visualize scenarios, solve complicated

problems, present powerful ideas, and develop effective solutions like

never before.


As discussed in the previous chapters, to identify the exact

criterions and the links which lead to congestion and to study which

are the real factors of risk generation, certain criterions have been

identified. The broad criterions are categorized in four groups –

Geometric characteristics, Traffic characteristics, Land use or road

side characteristics and Utility characteristics. The attributes

considered under each criterion are as follows.

Geometric characteristics

Geometric characteristics represent the geometric features of the

roadway affecting the Level of service of the link. These are the static

characteristics of the road infrastructure.

1. Roadway width in meters (RW)

2. Carriageway width in meters (CW)

3. Stopping sight distance in meters (SSD)

4. Number of curves on the link (NC)

5. Pavement Condition index determined from the rating of the

pavement based on the pavement condition and riding comfort

experienced by the user on a scale of 1 to 5 , 5 being excellent

pavement and 0 being an impassable pavement (PCI). Pavement

condition index is quality and comfort promoted on a pavement

with defined mobility speed of 20 kmph. The pavement condition is

assessed with cumulative bumps occurred in the travel with bump

integrator machine. If the bump depth in a one km length is

between 0 to 50 mm it is ranked as 5 and beyond 250mm per km it


is ranked as 0. The transitional ranking of 4,3,2,1 is given in

proportion in the range of bump depth 50 and 250mm.

The geometrics of highway should be designed to provide optimum

efficiency in traffic operations with maximum safety at reasonable

cost. The overall design of geometrics of a highway is a function of the

design speed. Geometric attributes are studied from static data. They

are collected from satellite data by using GPS and GIS as supportive

tools and field survey data.

Traffic characteristics:

Traffic characteristics are the dynamic characteristics of the road

that influence the level of service of the link. They are

1. Headway in seconds (H)

2. V/C Ratio (VCR)

3. Intensity of Parking (PBE), business activities and road side

activities encroachments in a point scale.

4. Speed in kmph (V)

5. Delay in seconds (D)

The traffic characteristics are quite complex with various types of

road users in the roads moving with different motives. Study of

vehicular characteristics is an essential part. Apart from these, the

various studies to be carried on the actual traffic include traffic flow


Traffic studies

Traffic studies or surveys are carried out to analyze the traffic

characteristics. These studies help in deciding the geometric design

features and traffic control for safe and efficient traffic movements.

The traffic surveys for collecting traffic data are also called traffic


The various traffic studies generally carried out are

• Traffic volume study

• Speed Studies

• Traffic flow characteristics

• Traffic capacity study

• Parking study

• Head way study

Traffic Volume Study

One of the fundamental measures of traffic on a road system is the

volume of traffic using the road in a given interval of time. It is also

termed as flow and it is expressed in vehicles per hour or vehicles per

day. When the traffic is composed of a number of types of vehicles, it

is the normal practice to convert the flow in to equivalent passenger

car unit (PCUs) by using certain equivalency factors. The flow is then

expressed as PCUs per hour or PCUs per day.

Manual methods use field personnel to count and classify traffic

flowing past a fixed point. Some of the advantages of manual methods

and situations where these are to be preferred are


• Details such as vehicle classification and number of occupants

can be easily obtained.

• The data can be collected giving the breakdown of traffic in each

direction of travel.

It is more desirable to record the traffic in both the directions of

travel separately and post separate observations for each direction.

For all day counts, work in three shifts of 8 hours each could be

organized. A separate observer is needed if the occupancy count is to

be made.

Parking Usage Survey

The purpose of usage survey is to obtain data on the extent of

usage of parking spaces. The survey will include counts of parked

vehicles at regular intervals through a period, covering both morning

and evening peak period, and the parking accumulation and turn


Speed Survey

Speed is one of the most important characteristics of traffic and its

measurements are a frequent necessity. All vehicles do not travel at

the same speed at a location along a road. The amount of speed

dispersion or the spread from the average speed affects both capacity

and safety. Actual speed of a vehicle over a particular route may be

fluctuating widely depending on several factors such as geometric

features, traffic conditions, time, place, environment and driver. Speed

studies carried out occasionally give the general trend in speeds.


Speed and Delay Study

The speed and delay studies give the running speeds, overall

speeds, fluctuations in speeds and the delay between two stations of a

road spaced far apart. They also give the information such as the

amount, location, duration frequency and causes of the delay in the

traffic stream. The results of the speed and delay studies are useful in

determining the spots of congestion, the cause and in arriving at a

suitable remedial measure.

Delay Studies

Delay studies along routes are best done by the moving observer

method described earlier. The delays occurring due to stopping can be

conveniently recorded by separate stop watch. Special watches which

can accumulate the delay time as the observer operates buttons will

be found convenient for this purpose. The delays that can be

measured thus are stopped delays or fixed delays which occur at

intersections, railway crossing and stop signs.

Land use or Road side Characteristics

These are also the static elements of the link which influence the

operational efficiency of the link. They are:

1. Number of access points on the link (NA)

2. Commercial area along the road side of the link in sq .km (CA)

3. Residential area along the road side of the link in (RA)

4. Semi Residential area along the road side of the link in sq .km


5. Industrial area along the road side of the link in sq .km (IA)

These are static elements of the link which influence the

operational efficiency of the link. The data is collected from satellite,

field and from municipality authorities.

Utility characteristics

Utility characteristics are the characteristics of the link indicating

the degree of utility of the link with reference to the static analysis and

dynamic analysis.

1. Overlap size of the link from static analysis (OS)

2. Trip intensity on the link (TI) in trips / day

Utility characteristics of the link indicate the degree of utility of the

link with reference to the static and dynamic analysis. Utility

characteristics are collected from field and OD survey.

Origin and Destination Studies

The origin and destination (O & D) study is carried out mainly to

plan the road network and other facilities for vehicular traffic and plan

the schedule of different modes of transportation for the trip demand

of commuters. The present study is proposed to adopt Road side

interview method for collecting the origin and destination data.

Road side interview survey is one of the methods of carrying out a

screen – line or cordon survey. The road side interview survey can be

done by directly interviewing drivers of the vehicles at selected survey

points. For dual carriageway or roads with very little traffic, the traffic

in both the directions is dealt with simultaneously. In other cases the

traffic in two directions will be monitored at different times.


It is impractical to stop and interview all the vehicles. Sampling is

therefore necessary. The number of samples depends on the number

of interviewers and the traffic using the road. The analysis of the data

by computers will be easy. Since the interview is done by sampling

basis, expansion factors are needed to calculate the total number of

trips. These expansion factors will be calculated separately for each

class of vehicle and for different time periods (half – hour etc). Road

side interview is an economic method of survey and yields accurate

and reliable data.

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