The Lucid Interval Associated With Epidural Bleeding: Evolving Understanding

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J Neurosurg 118:739–745, 2013

©AANS, 2013

The lucid interval associated with epidural bleeding:

evolving understanding

Historical vignette
Jeremy C. Ganz, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.C.S.
Ulverston, United Kingdom

The aim of this paper was to elucidate the evolution of our understanding of the term “lucid interval.” A num-
ber of texts were reviewed to assess their suitability for analysis. The primary requirement was that the text contain
detailed descriptions of a series of patients. Details of the clinical course, the findings and timing of surgery, and,
when relevant, the time of death and postmortem findings were required. Books written by Henri-François Le Dran,
Percival Pott, and James Hill fulfilled these criteria. Surgical findings included the presence and type of fractures,
changes in the bone, separation of periosteum, malodorous or purulent material, tense brain, and hematoma. Post-
mortem findings supplemented and/or complemented the surgical findings. The courses of the patients were then
tabulated, and the correlation between different clinical and operative findings was thereby determined.
Our understanding of a lucid interval began in the early 18th century with the work of Henri-François Le Dran
and Percival Pott in London. They did not, however, demonstrate an interval without symptoms between trauma and
deterioration in patients with epidural hematomas (EDHs). The interval they described was longer than usually ex-
pected with EDHs and occurred exclusively in patients who had a posttraumatic infection. In 1751, James Hill, from
Dumfries, Scotland, described the first hematoma-related lucid interval in a patient with a subdural hematoma. The
first case of a lucid interval associated with an EDH was described by John Abernethy. In the 19th century, Jonathan
Hutchinson and Walter Jacobson described the interval as it is known today, in cases of EDH. The most recent work
on the topic came from studies in Cincinnati and Oslo, where it was demonstrated that bleeding can separate dura
mater and that hemorrhage into the epidural space can be shunted out via the veins. This shunting could delay the
accumulation of a hematoma and thus the rise in intracranial pressure, which in turn would delay the development
of symptoms.
The lucid interval as previously conceived was not properly understood by the French school or by Percival Pott
and Benjamin Bell, who all described a symptom-free period prior to the development of infection. The first to have
a proper understanding of the interval in relation to an EDH was John Abernethy. The modern description and defini-
tion of the lucid interval was the work of Hutchinson and Jacobson in the latter half of the 19th century. Understand-
ing of the pathophysiology of the lucid interval has been advanced by the work of Ford and McLaurin in Cincinnati
and a group in Oslo, with the demonstration of what it takes to loosen dura and how an arteriovenous shunt slows
down for a while the accumulation of an EDH.

Key Words      •      lucid interval      •      Percival Pott      •      Henri-François Le Dran      •

John Abernethy      •      Jonathan Hutchinson      •      Walter Jacobson      •      history

he association between epidural bleeding and a lu- of post–head injury symptoms, so the progression of the
cid interval between trauma and deterioration is fa- understanding of these symptoms is also presented.
miliar. It is also generally believed that the concept
originated in the French school at the Académie Royale
de Chirurgie in Paris in the 1730s.19 However, on reading Before 1730
texts from that time it would seem that the lucid interval as In classical times, Celsus wrote, “We must enquire
we understand it today—as a period without symptoms, whether the patient has had bilious vomiting, whether
lasting from a few hours to a few days—was not what there has been obscurity of vision, whether he has be-
the earliest authors described. It would take more than come speechless, whether he has had bleeding from the
a century before a modern understanding was reached. nose or ears, whether he fell to the ground, whether he
The purpose of this paper was to trace the evolution of has lain senseless as if asleep; for such signs do not oc-
the understanding of the lucid interval. This conception cur unless with fractured bone.”6 Celsus also introduced
necessarily depends on an awareness of the mechanisms the notion that the relevant symptoms could be related to
torn meninges: “[I]n addition there is also stupor, if the
Abbreviation used in this paper: EDH = epidural hematoma. mind wanders, if either paralysis or spasm has followed,

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it is probable that the cerebral membrane has also been John Bell. In a section subtitled “Concussion” in his book
lacerated.”6 Thus, the symptoms were variously attributed The Principles of Surgery, Bell quotes the postmortem
to damage to the bone or meninges. In addition to the findings of a case of John Abernethy’s. The patient had
above, Celsus was aware that bleeding could occur with- fallen from a height “of at least eighty feet.” There was
out a fracture: “Rarely, but now and then, it happens, how- no mark of trauma on his head. His clinical description
ever, that while the bone remains whole and sound, yet includes the following: “his fall broken by touching the
within the skull a blood-vessel in the cerebral membrane ground first with his wrist, which was dislocated and
has been ruptured by the blow and some blood has es- mangled; his forehead next struck the ground, and his
caped, and this having formed a clot, causes great pains, face was bruised, but his cranium was uninjured.”5 The
or sometimes obscures vision.”6 His writings had great patient died and underwent an autopsy, and part of the
authority right down to the 18th century, when his ideas report reads as follows:5
began to be challenged. The minute arteries of the pia mater were turgid with blood;
In more recent times the possibility that extravasa- in many places there was the appearance called blood-shot,
tion of blood could occur and be a danger with or without which was also to be seen in the lining of the ventricles. Dark-
a fracture was known to Richard Wiseman (1622–1676), colored, and in some places bloody, coagulable lymph filled all
surgeon to the Royalists in the British Civil War and later the recesses between the tunica arachnoidea and pia mater. On
dividing the substance of the brain, all its vessels appeared as if
surgeon to King Charles II.25 He stated, “Concussions of injected with blood.
the Brain . . . wherein symptoms arise to a great Height
without breaking either the Skin without, or Scull within This is obviously a condition we would consider more as
. . . if of the greater Sort with Rupture of the Vessels, and contusion than concussion, and the distinction needs to
extravasation of Blood, they produce Stupores, Vertigi- be born in mind. It should also be noted that the terms
nes, Deliria, and many like Symptoms, and are every whit “commotion” and “commotio cerebri” were used as alter-
as dangerous, nay often more dangerous than Fractures natives to “concussion.” The whole understanding of the
themselves.”25 Wiseman believed the brain to be “insensi- terminology is confusing when viewed from the point of
ble” because he observed that brain fragments in a wound view of the 21st century, and a more detailed analysis is
were not associated with any clinical disturbance. Thus, considered to be outside the range of the current paper.
he believed the aforementioned symptoms came from
meningeal damage in keeping with Celsus’ authority.
Daniel Turner (1667–1740) defined such symptoms as The clinical picture of rubor, calor, tumor, and do-
“conjectural . . . because it is very possible the same Symp- lor was familiar. The pathophysiology was not. Thus, the
toms may happen to supervene upon Concussion only of term “inflammation” may be used in an imprecise man-
the Brain, with Effusion of Blood upon its Substance, ner, and its interpretation needs care.
yet without a Fracture.”24 Samuel Sharp (c1700–1779) in
1733 wrote: “Fractures of the Scull are at all times very Matter
dangerous, not in consequence of the Injury done to the “Matter” refers to any abnormal material lying with-
Cranium itself, but as the Brain becomes affected either in a field of observation. One must be careful about as-
from the Pressure of the fractur’d Bone or that of the ex- suming that it is infected. However, if the word “putre-
travasated Blood and Matter. If then the Symptoms which faction” or “purulent” is used or reference is made to a
excited by a Fracture do sometimes follow from a mere malodorous material, it seems reasonable to believe that
Extravasation of Blood . . . it must likewise happen that the substance under advisement was infected.
a Rupture of the Vessels of this part, without a Fracture
will occasion the same disorders.”23 These distinguished
surgeons all understood an extravasation of blood could Académie Royale de Chirurgie
occur with or without a fracture and that such extravasa-
tions were dangerous. Nonetheless, their understanding The surgeons of the Académie Royale de Chirurgie,
was partial in that they did not realize the true origin of led by Jean Louis Petit, were the first to report the im-
the symptoms and left no record of successful therapy for portance of timing in the development of symptoms af-
such extravasations. The first advance in the 18th century ter head trauma. Petit’s work was first published in 1774,
was distinguishing the brain as the source of these rel- after his death, and these ideas were first made available
evant symptoms. However, before proceeding to the main to a wider audience by Henri-François Le Dran (1685–
1770). Le Dran was a close colleague of Petit, and his own
part of this paper, it is necessary to be clear about certain
work was published in English in 1740.19 Le Dran must
elements of terminology where 18th century usage differs
have greatly impressed the London medical and scientific
from our own.
milieu because he was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal
Society on January 10, 1745.22 The first crucial statement
concerned the source of the symptoms. He wrote,
18th Century Medical Usage
Must the Loss of Sense, which happened at the Moment
Concussion the Blow was given, be looked upon as a Symptom of the
Fracture? No because it continued only Half-a-quarter of an
The definition of “concussion” seems to have been hour, the Fracture remaining in the same Condition for the
applied to any degree of brain disturbance due to trauma. space of a whole Day, without being dressed. Is it a Symptom
A later example of this usage comes from the works of of the Dura Mater’s being lacerated? It is not, for the same

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The lucid interval with epidural bleeding

Reason. Therefore, this Symptom can only be attributed to a Celsus.”21 He goes on to state that these symptoms “can
Concussion of the Brain.19 only be the consequence of an affection of the brain as the
This is the first clear statement that posttraumatic symp- common sensorium. They may be produced by its having
toms came from damage to the brain. He was moreover been violently shaken, by a derangement of its medullary
at pains to demonstrate that the damage to the meninges structure, or by unnatural pressure made by a fluid ex-
could not be the cause of symptoms either: “Is it a Symp- travasated on its surface or within its ventricles.” He says
tom of the Dura Mater’s being lacerated? It is not, for the elsewhere that “[a] concussion and an extravasation are
same Reason.”19 very distinct causes of mischief, though not always distin-
The second contribution from the Paris school was guishable” and, later on the same page, that “[t]he loss of
their burgeoning understanding of the timing of the ap- sense which immediately follows the violence, say they,
pearance of symptoms. “Therefore, altho’ there had is most probably owing to the commotion; but that which
been no Interval between the Loss of Sense, which is comes on after an interval of time has past, is most prob-
the Symptom of a slender Concussion, and the Lethargy ably caused by extravasation.”21 This is unambiguous. It
or Coma, which properly belongs to an Extravasation in is followed by a repetition of Le Dran’s concerns that the
some Part or other, I believe they must be distinguished severity of a concussion or the speed of development of an
in the Imagination, tho’ they are often confounded; and extravasation may result in the two clinical disturbances
I dare venture to affirm, that was it possible an Accident merging into one another. Pott was aware that interpret-
of this Nature could happen without the least Concus- ing clinical findings was not a clear matter. He states,
sion, no sudden Loss of Sense would have ensued, and “We not only have no certain infallible rule, whereby to
the Lethargy would have followed some Minutes after the distinguish what the pressing fluid is or where it is situ-
Blow; that is to say, when the Dura Mater and the Brain ated, but we are in many instances absolutely incapable
suffered a Compression.”19 A little later Le Dran states of knowing whether the symptoms be occasioned by any
“that the Coma or Lethargy (the Consequence of an Ex- fluid at all; for a fragment of bone, broken off from the
travasation) so closely follows that of the Concussion, as internal table of the cranium, and making an equal degree
to make us confound one with the other.”19 There is thus of pressure, will produce exactly the same complaints.”21
an understanding that symptoms of concussion are imme- Thus, Pott had the same understanding of immediate
diate while those of compression come later, though the symptoms due to concussion and delayed symptoms due
two sets of symptoms can run into each other. However, to extravasation. However, like Le Dran he observed no
there is no clear statement that there was a proper lucid symptom-free lucid interval. There are 3 EDHs in Pott’s
interval in association with an EDH. In Le Dran’s series 43 cases. None of these 3 cases had a lucid interval. One
only 2 patients who underwent trepanning had a period patient (Case 34) was not surgically treated because there
of mental clarity in the first 24 hours. These patients were was no indication of where the trephine should be set
featured in Observations XVII and XXV. Both patients and the diagnosis was made postmortem. The patients
died of infection. Neither had an EDH. Observation XIX in the other 2 cases (Cases 35 and 36)21 both underwent
concerned a patient who successfully underwent surgery trepanning and both survived. One patient (Case 35) was
for an EDH. This patient had no lucid interval, and the surgically treated following persistent coma with the ap-
indication for surgery was persistent coma. pearance of a small swelling on the 5th day, which was
In conclusion, the Paris school understood that the considered a guide to the placement of the trephine. The
relevant symptoms came from damaged brain and that second patient (Case 36) was also surgically treated fol-
there could be an interval between trauma and the symp- lowing persistent coma again with the appearance of
toms of extravasation. However, there is no description of a swelling on the 4th day, indicating where to operate.
a period without symptoms during this interval. Rather Thus, it would seem for Pott as for Le Dran that compres-
there is a description of immediate symptoms running sion resulted in delayed deterioration, but there was no
into deteriorating symptoms. The importance of epidural real clear-cut description of a symptom-free interval fol-
bleeding was emphasized since hemorrhagic extravasa- lowed by deterioration associated with epidural bleeding.
tion between cranium and dura as the source of concern He emphasized that his concern for hemorrhagic ex-
is mentioned on 12 occasions, whereas subdural hemor- travasations was, in practice terms, limited to epidural
rhagic extravasation is mentioned only twice.19 Thus, Le bleeds, and here he was also concerned about the state
Dran clarified the difference between immediate and de- of the blood: “Extravasations of any kind . . . are very
layed symptoms, but he did not describe a lucid interval. hazardous . . . but considered relative to the art of surgery,
that which consists of merely fluid blood situated between
the cranium and the dura mater is certainly best, as it is
Percival Pott nearest the surface, and admits the greatest probability
of being relieved by perforation of the skull; grumous or
Sir Percival Pott (1714–1788) wrote with great clarity. coagulated blood, although in the same situation, by be-
Here is his expression of the relationship between brain ing most frequently adhering to the membrane, is not so
and symptoms: “What are the symptoms of a fractured readily discharged as the preceding, and therefore more
cranium? is often asked; and there is hardly any one who likely to prove destructive.”21
does not, from the authority of writers, both antient [sic], Nonetheless, for Pott there was a group of cases in
and modern, answer, vomiting, giddiness, loss of sense, which any initial cerebral disturbance was followed by
speech, and voluntary motion; . . . This is the doctrine of days of normality, which in turn were followed by dete-

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rioration. However, this picture was not related to extrava- (1774–1842). Benjamin Bell and John Bell found them-
sation but to infection. The patients in 14 of his cases died selves on opposite sides of a local medical political di-
of infection. In this situation he is very precise about two vide in Edinburgh. Benjamin Bell’s textbook System of
things. The clinical picture was quite different from that Surgery3 was influential and a commercial success. He
in concussion/extravasation. The symptoms were “all of has been credited with advancing the concept of the lucid
the febrile kind; and never, at first, imply any unnatural interval, although this is, in fact, not the case.7 He just
pressure: such as pain in the head, restlessness, want of describes again the delayed infection that is seen in the
sleep, frequent and hard pulse, hot and dry skin, flushed work of both Pott and Le Dran. There is nothing in his
countenance, inflamed eyes, nausea, vomiting, rigor; and System of Surgery to show he understood the time ele-
toward the end convulsion and delirium. And none of ment separating concussion and compression. Moreover,
these appear at first; that is, immediately after the acci- there is absolutely no mention of a symptom-free lucid
dent; seldom until some days have past . . . and seldom af- interval between injury and deterioration. Indeed, a major
fect the organs of sense until the latter end of the disease; weakness of his work is the absence of any of the sort of
that is, until a considerable quantity of matter is formed, case histories that illustrate and illuminate so much of the
which matter must press like any other fluid.”21 In Pott’s writings of his predecessors.
cases there are repeated descriptions of putrefaction and
malodorous fluids and materials, indicating that these
were infected cases. A more detailed account of the clini- John Abernethy
cal course and outcome in these patients can be found
elsewhere.10 Thus, while the symptoms developed after a John Abernethy (1764–1831) described 3 cases of
symptom-free lucid interval, they are not relevant to the epidural bleeding. Abernethy, the son of a well-to-do cler-
current purpose. gyman, was of Scottish Irish ancestry. He was initially
In summary, Pott was very clear that brain damage, trained by an incompetent surgeon called Sir Charles
whether from concussion or compression, was the source Blicks. Thereafter, he was influenced by Sir William
of symptoms after a head injury. He was aware of the Blizzard at the London Hospital, to whom he dedicated
potential significance of a delay in deterioration as an in- his book in which the 3 cases are described. He was one
dicator of extravasation rather than concussion but found of the distinguished London surgeons later influenced by
it could all too easily merge with concussion symptoms. another expatriate Scotsman: John Hunter.9 Abernethy
The extravasations that interested him were like those described a series of 17 cases of head injury. Case VII
of Le Dran’s epidural bleeding. He made no attempt to was a man knocked down by the hook of a crane. He was
quantify the relevant duration of the interval, and he ex- stunned but then got up and walked home and put him-
perienced no EDH with a symptom-free lucid interval. self to bed. Later that same day a surgeon was called,
as the man was unconscious. He was surgically treated,
and a large EDH was found; after removal of the EDH,
James Hill the brain did not reexpand and the patient died. This is a
description of a genuine lucid interval. The patients in the
James Hill (1703–1763) recorded the first mention of other 2 cases did not wake up after the trauma. Abernethy
a genuine lucid interval in the fourth case in Chapter 2 maintains the view that “[i]t seems then that extravasa-
of his book Cases in Surgery.15 The injury occurred in tion between the dura mater and the cranium is almost
1750 and concerned a girl who fell off her horse and then the only case which admits of being remedied by the use
walked home. She suffered subsequent amnesia and was of the trephine.”1 He had little faith in the possibility of
then better for a couple of days. She was troubled with treating subdural hematomas. Comments following the
progressive headache and vomiting, which progressed in case reports of epidural bleeding include, “But if the frac-
intensity, but her parents refused surgery. Finally, after 5 ture happens in the track of the principal artery of the
weeks she insisted on an operation. At trepanation, there dura mater, if the trunk or even a considerable branch of
was no EDH, but there was partly coagulated black liquid that vessel be torn, the haemorrhage will be profuse, and
blood under the dura. Her recovery began immediately the operation of the trephine become immediately neces-
after surgery. Thus, the first recorded case of a proper sary to preserve the life of the patient.”1 It is implied but
symptom-free lucid interval was associated with a subdu- not stated that this bleed is ongoing with a posttraumatic
ral hematoma and not an EDH. increase in hematoma volume. This is the likely interpre-
tation since the first patient had a lucid interval.

Benjamin Bell
Charles Bell and John Abernethy
Benjamin Bell (1749–1806) hailed from Dumfries,
where his early training was undertaken by the same Abernethy and Charles Bell (1774–1842) became
James Hill mentioned above. He was to progress in involved in a passionate debate about the pathophysi-
Edinburgh and be influenced by some of the most cel- ological background of the lucid interval. Bell was the
ebrated medical men of his day.20 He was a controversial fourth son of an Episcopalian minister in Edinburgh.18
figure not least because of criticism from his namesake He claimed he received all his basic education from his
(although no relative) John Bell (1763–1820), the can- mother.12 His surgical education he received largely from
tankerous elder brother of the more famous Charles Bell his elder brother John.18 However, George Bell, who was

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The lucid interval with epidural bleeding

older than Charles but younger than John, advised him to ernethy as regards the mechanism underlying the lucid
travel to London, as John’s quarrelsome nature had made interval.
him sufficiently unpopular that it could have affected
Charles’ career in Edinburgh.12 Thus, Charles became yet
another Scot to have a profound effect on the develop-
Walter Hamilton Acland Jacobson
ment of medical science in the English capital. Bell would Walter Jacobson (1847–1924) was the son of a priest
not accept Abernethy’s implied contention that ongoing in Oxford who became Professor of Divinity and ulti-
bleeding from a middle meningeal artery could lead to mately Bishop of Chester. He was educated at Winchester
an increase in hematoma volume. He begins by stating and Corpus Christi College Oxford, graduating with first
of Abernethy, “It will appear no doubt remarkable that he class honors in 1869, as recorded in his obituary.2 No-
should display on many occasions such vigour of intellect where in this obituary is his unique contribution to neu-
and close reasoning, which have been attended with great rosurgery mentioned. He wrote a monograph on epidural
improvements, and on this take so much for granted, and bleeding entitled “On Middle Meningeal Haemorrhage”
convey an advice so full of danger.”4 He continues a little in Guy’s Hospital Reports.17 This monumental mono-
later, “I might say it is extraordinary that any one who graph cataloged all current knowledge of and therapeutic
had ever raised the skull-cap in dissection, and felt the endeavors for this potentially treatable bleed. He recorded
strength of the universal adhesions of the dura mater to the results for 70 patients, of whom 13 survived. (He does
the lower surface of the bone, could for an instant believe not include the patient of Le Dran who was surgically
that the arteria meningea media has power of throwing treated in 1708 and survived.19) He found that the earliest
out its blood, to the effect of tearing up these adhesions successfully treated cases were those handled by James
from the entire half of the cranium!”4 Bell then recounts Hill in Dumfries. The patients were surgically treated in
an elegant experiment in which he struck a head with a 1751 and documented in 1771 with a long follow-up and
mallet. He then injected size (a fluid wax that sets once high-quality survival. These cases occurred more than 60
cooled) up the arteries of the head demonstrating a “clot” years before any other successful report featured in Ja-
of size under the location of the blow. He deduces not cobson’s paper.
unreasonably that the blow has separated the dura from Jacobson described the clinical picture in detail, but
the bone and concludes that “the extravasation of blood is he paid special attention to the lucid interval. He stated
a consequence and not the cause of the separation.”4 He that “[i]t will be seen that out of sixty-three cases of
concludes with the vital remark, “It proves also that the middle meningeal haemorrhage in which the interval of
advice is wrong which would hurry the young surgeon lucidity is mentioned – In 32 it was well marked. In 10 it
to trepan the skull immediately, to preserve the life of was but little marked and might have been overlooked.
the patient, and to prevent the haemorrhage from being In 21 it was absent.”17 With regard to the duration of the
profuse.”4 It may be mentioned in conclusion that Bell’s interval, in Jacobson’s material it lasted from a few min-
experiment also demonstrated how an EDH can develop utes to several hours. However, there is a footnote refer-
without a fracture. ring to an article by a Dr. P. Wiesman of Zurich whose
paper contained 278 cases and a lucid interval that varied
from 15 minutes to 4 days. Jacobson also seems to ac-
Jonathan Hutchinson cept Abernethy’s mechanism for the lucid interval while
understanding the importance of Bell’s explanation of
Jonathan Hutchinson (1828–1913) finally described dural separation. He states, “The duration must depend
the lucid interval in terms that are familiar today: “The upon the size and number of the branches of the middle
importance of an interval of immunity between the acci- meningeal which are opened, it making all the differ-
dent and the occurrence of symptoms has long been rec- ence whether one or two large branches are opened by
ognized as the chief indication of a ruptured meningeal the fracture, or by a number of minute ones torn by the
artery; and it is to this, almost exclusively, that we must violence which separates the dura from the bone. The rate
give attention, if we wish to diagnose these cases.”16 He at which blood is poured out, as well as its amount, will
later makes the crucial quantitative contribution: also influence the duration of the interval.”17 Jacobson
The period at which the haemorrhage occurs may vary in these also emphasized that when the lucid interval was absent,
cases, just as it may after wound of an artery in one of the it might well be due to the mechanism previously men-
limbs. It is rarely profuse at first enough to cause symptoms. tioned: “The concussion . . . passed straight into the com-
It may increase in the course of a few hours, or it may burst pression.” However, he also mentions for the first time the
out suddenly, as a sort of secondary haemorrhage, at the end importance of drunkenness in obscuring the lucidity. He
of one or two days afterwards. In rare instances it may even be
delayed for a week.16 thinks it is especially important given the frequency of
He notes that the results of surgery for EDH are dismal, In conclusion, Jacobson had come as far as he could
“[y]et it is a remarkable fact that the modern annals of with the information available to him, and his clinical
surgery do not, as far as I am aware, contain any cases in analysis and explanations have remained mostly accepted
which life has been saved by trephining for such a state up to the present day. The modern definition and char-
of things.”16 acteristics of the lucid interval were established. Further
In conclusion, Hutchinson summates the experience developments in the understanding of the mechanism be-
of the previous century with a modern clear definition of hind the lucid interval would have to wait until after the
the lucid interval. He appears to have agreed with Ab- Second World War.

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Pathophysiology of the Lucid Interval of the lucid interval was the work of Hutchinson and Ja-
cobson in the latter half of the 19th century. Understand-
Secondary Dural Stripping After the Initial Trauma ing of the pathophysiology of the lucid interval has been
The initial crucial finding concerning dural stripping advanced by the work of Ford and McLaurin in Cincin-
came from the work of Ford and McClaurin in 1963.8 nati and by a group in Oslo, with the demonstration of
They conducted experimental work in dogs, and while the the mechanism by which dura is loosened and how an
findings cannot be uncritically transferred to humans, the arteriovenous shunt slows down for a while the accumula-
principles should hold good. The key findings were that tion of an EDH.
if an adequate area of dura is separated from the skull
(in dogs, only an area 6–8 mm in diameter), then the ar- Disclosure
terial pressure from a ruptured middle meningeal artery The author reports no conflict of interest concerning the mate-
has adequate force to effect further loosening of the dura rials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this
from the skull. Thus, Abernethy was right. Since a certain paper.
amount of dura must be loosened before further loosening
can occur, Bell was also right. It would appear to be very Acknowledgment
unlikely that bleeding into the epidural space from a vein
can produce any further stripping of dura, since venous The author thanks Professor Ian MacIntyre of Edinburgh for his
many helpful suggestions, his careful reading of the manuscript, and
bleeding could never generate enough force to strip dura his lucid analysis of its contents.
from the skull. This finding is still not fully appreciated,
with authors of some recently published articles believing
a venous tear can cause an EDH.11 The more probable re- References
ality is that in nonsurgically treated cases, bleeding from  1. Abernethy J: Section II. Injuries of the head attended with
a torn vein may well fill a cavity produced by loosening extravasation of blood upon the dura mater, in Surgical and
the dura but cannot expand the volume. Alternatively, in Physiological Essays. Part III. London: Cadell and Davies,
surgically treated cases, further bleeding may occur from 1979, p 31–32
a torn vein or sinus at surgery. This may well be due to the  2. Anonymous: Obituary: W. H. A. Jacobsen, M.Ch.Oxon.,
F.R.C.S, consulting surgeon to Guy’s Hospital. Br Med J 2:
ability of torn veins to bleed once the rigid container of 691–692, 1924
the skull has been opened and resistance to bleeding has   3.  Bell B: A System of Surgery, ed 7. Edinburgh: Bell and Bad-
been thereby reduced. fute, 1801
  4.  Bell C: Of fractures of the skull and the counterfissure, in
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