Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: A 50-Year Experience at Baylor University Medical Center
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: A 50-Year Experience at Baylor University Medical Center
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: A 50-Year Experience at Baylor University Medical Center
horacic outlet syndrome (TOS) refers to compression of terest in the diagnosis and treatment of TOS while he played
one or more of the neurovascular structures traversing college football at Princeton from 1947 to 1951. Recruited
the superior aperture of the chest. Previously, the name from Ohio, where he was all-state, to play blocking back in
was designated according to the etiologies of compres- Charles Caldwell’s single-wing formation, he noticed that when
sion, such as scalenus anticus, costoclavicular, hyperabduction, his neck was knocked to the right, his arm would be paralyzed
cervical rib, or first rib syndromes. Peet (1) coined the term for 2 days. He was sent to Johns Hopkins Hospital to see Dr.
“thoracic outlet syndrome” in 1956 to designate compression George Bennett, who had just operated on Joe DiMaggio’s knee.
at the neurovascular bundle at the thoracic outlet. After the examination, Dr. Bennett said, “Urschel, you have an
Most compressive factors operate against the first rib and extra (cervical) rib for which I can either operate or build you a
produce a variety of symptoms, depending on which neurovas- brace.” Realizing early that “surgery was for others,” he elected
cular structures are compressed. The functional anatomy and the brace. They forged a piece of steel to his shoulder pad and
pathophysiology of compression in the thoracic outlet and the covered it with leather. It was excellent and highly successful in
symptomatology of each of the specific structures compressed alleviating his symptoms. However, because players didn’t wear
are summarized in Figure 1. face masks, occasionally the steel brace would take a nose off. It
This article discusses the changes in the diagnosis and man- was prohibited at the end of the year, and Urschel was given the
agement of TOS at Baylor University Medical Center. From
1947 through 2005, in our group practice of six surgeons and
From the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Baylor University
three physiatrists, more than 20,000 patients were evaluated Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
for TOS. Of these, 5102 underwent primary neurovascular Corresponding author: Harold C. Urschel, Jr., MD, Chair of Cardiovascular and
decompression procedures and 2305 (most of whom were from Thoracic Surgical Research, Education, and Clinical Excellence, Baylor University
other centers) had second procedures for recurrent symptoms. Medical Center, 3600 Gaston Avenue, Suite 1201, Dallas, Texas 75246 (e-mail:
Evaluation of these patients provides the basis for this report. [email protected]).
Until 1927 the cervical rib was commonly thought to be the
cause of symptoms of TOS. Galen and Vesalius first described
the presence of a cervical rib (2). Hunauld, who published an
article in 1742, is credited by Keen (3) as being the first to de-
scribe the importance of the cervical rib in causing symptoms.
In 1818, Cooper treated symptoms of cervical rib with some
success (4), and in 1861, Coote (5) performed the first cervical
rib removal. Sir James Paget (6), in 1875 in London, and von
Schroetter (7), in 1884 in Vienna, described the syndrome of
thrombosis of the axillary-subclavian vein (Paget-Schroetter Figure 2. Neurovascular structures traversing the thoracic outlet. Netter
syndrome [PSS]). Halsted (8) stimulated interest in dilatation illustration used with permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
of the subclavian artery distal to cervical ribs, and Law (9)
reported the role of adventitious ligaments in the cervical rib (30–32) stressed the merits of appropriate physical therapy and
syndrome. Naffziger and Grant (10) and Ochsner and associates recognition of associated distal entrapment neuropathies in the
(11) popularized section of the scalenus anticus muscle. Falconer management of the patient with TOS.
and Weddell (12) and Brintnall and associates (13) incriminated
the costoclavicular membrane in the production of neurovas- SURGICAL ANATOMY
cular compression. Wright (14) described the hyperabduction At the superior aperture of the thorax, the subclavian vessels
syndrome with compression in the costoclavicular area by the and the brachial plexus traverse the cervicoaxillary canal to reach
tendon of the pectoralis minor. the upper extremity (Figure 2) (33). The cervicoaxillary canal is
Rosati and Lord (15) added claviculectomy to anterior ex- divided by the first rib into two sections: the proximal one, com-
ploration, scalenotomy, resection of the cervical rib (when one posed of the scalene triangle and the costoclavicular space (the
was present), and section of the pectoralis minor and subclavian space bounded by the clavicle and the first rib), and the distal
muscles as well as of the costoclavicular membrane. The role of one, composed of the axilla. The proximal division is the more
the first rib in causing symptoms of neurovascular compression critical for neurovascular compression. It is bounded superiorly
was recognized by Bramwell (16) in 1903. Murphy (17) is cred- by the clavicle, inferiorly by the first rib, anteromedially by the
ited with the first resection of the first rib and in 1916 provided a costoclavicular ligament, and posterolaterally by the scalenus
collective review of 112 articles related to compression from the medius muscle and the long thoracic nerve. The scalenus an-
cervical ribs. Brinckner and Milch (18), Brinckner (19), Telford ticus muscle, which inserts on the scalene tubercle of the first
and Stopford (20), and Telford and Mottershead (21) suggested rib, divides the costoclavicular space into two compartments:
that the first rib was the culprit. Clagett (22) emphasized the the anteromedial compartment, which contains the subclavian
first rib and its resection through the posterior thoracoplasty vein, and the scalene triangle, which is bounded by the scalenus
approach to relieve neurovascular compression. Falconer and anticus anteriorly, the scalenus medius posteriorly, and the first
Li (23) reported the anterior approach for first rib resection, rib inferiorly and contains the subclavian artery and brachial
whereas Roos (24) introduced the transaxillary route for first plexus. This region of neurovascular compression is in anatomi-
rib resection and extirpation. Krusen (25) and Caldwell and co- cal reality the thoracic inlet and not the thoracic outlet (34).
workers (26) introduced the measurement of motor conduction Cervical ribs narrow the space more (Figure 3).
velocities across the thoracic outlet in diagnosing TOS. Urschel Compression may occur at several different sites: the cervical
and associates (27) popularized reoperation for recurrent TOS disc, the thoracic outlet, the cubital tunnel, median nerve com-
and thrombolysis with prompt transaxillary rib resection for pression in the forearm, the carpal tunnel, and Guyon’s canal.
PSS (28). Wilbourn (29) emphasized the controversial nature of There may be multiple points of compression of the peripheral
neurogenic TOS without intrinsic muscle wasting. Mackinnon nerves between the cervical spine and hand, in addition to the
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Volume 20, Number 2
proach, 310 did well in the short term. However, the long-term
outcomes were not as satisfactory. At 5 years, 150 of 336 patients
had improvement of their symptoms, but at 20 years only 31 did
(with 20 patients lost to follow-up). Because of these results and
the 1962 presentation by Clagett (22), the posterior approach
was used for resection of the first rib, the common denominator
for thoracic outlet compression forces. Subsequently, the initial
procedure was usually performed through the transaxillary ap-
proach because no muscle division was required and morbidity
rates were lower. The supraclavicular or infraclavicular approach
Online distribution of illustration is prohibited. See printed journal. or the combined approach was used for arterial lesions. The
posterior approach is now reserved for reoperative procedures
in patients with recurrent TOS symptoms for removal of rib
remnants and regenerated fibrocartilage with neurolysis of C7,
C8, and T1 nerve roots and the brachial plexus.
The symptoms of nerve compression most frequently ob-
served are pain and paresthesias (present in approximately 95%
of patients) and motor weakness (<10%). Pain and paresthesias
are segmental in 75% of cases, 90% involving the ulnar nerve
distribution (35). TOS can occur in older patients (the oldest
reported has been 87 years). However, when nerve compres-
sion symptoms occur in patients older than 60, causes such as
degenerative or traumatic cervical spine, cardiac, or pulmonary
Figure 3. Cervical ribs and related anomalies. Netter illustration used with pathologies should be suspected and ruled out.
permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
thoracic outlet. When there are multiple compression sites, less A careful history and physical examination are critical for
pressure is required at each site to produce symptoms. Thus, a accurate diagnosis. Several tests are used in the diagnosis, in-
patient may have concomitant TOS, ulnar nerve compression cluding nerve conduction velocity (NCV), electromyography,
at the elbow, and carpal tunnel syndrome. This phenomenon and radiographic studies of the chest and cervical spine (radio-
has been called the “multiple crush” syndrome. graphs, computed tomography scans, and magnetic resonance
TOS is commonly caused by repetitive motion, particularly images). Consultations with specialists in neurology, physical
in the shoulder and hand. Numerous baseball pitchers, for ex- medicine, cardiology, and angiography may also be appropriate.
ample, have had TOS, including “Whitey” The multiple physical signs of thoracic out-
Ford of the Yankees, who had dorsal sym- let compression and the classic diagnostic
pathectomy; J. R. Richards of the Astros, tests have been thoroughly reviewed (36).
who had a stroke; “Oil Can” Boyd of the Other causes of TOS-like symptoms, such
Red Sox, who had PSS; and David Cone of as cardiac or pulmonary disease, must be
the Yankees, who had an aneurysm resec- ruled out. The electromyogram should be
tion. Clavicular trauma is another cause of normal, eliminating other neuromuscular
TOS. Contributing factors include poor disorders.
posture, polio, and pregnancy. Another The primary objective test for tho-
contributing factor is hypertrophy or sur- racic outlet peripheral nerve compres-
gery of the breast, including both implants sion in our clinic is the NCV (Figure 4).
and radical mastectomy. Extreme opening This test was improved and popularized
of the median sternotomy retractor may at Baylor University Medical Center by
produce TOS as well. Krusen, Caldwell, and Crane. Reduction
in NCV to <85 m/s of either the ulnar or
NERVE COMPRESSION median nerves across the thoracic outlet
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the corroborates the clinical diagnosis. More
surgical procedure of choice in our prac- than 8000 NCV studies were performed
tice was the supraclavicular scalenectomy: annually at our medical center for many
partial scalenectomy with neurolysis of the years, with approximately 3200 patients
brachial plexus when indicated combined Figure 4. Nerve conduction velocity measurement per year demonstrating TOS (38%) (37).
with resection of a cervical rib if present. technique. There is a “blip” on the oscilloscope Initially, most patients, except those
Of our 336 patients treated with this ap- when the electric current hits the electrode. with vascular and motor nerve problems,
April 2007 Thoracic outlet syndrome: a 50-year experience at Baylor University Medical Center 127
Table 1. Indications for surgery in thoracic outlet syndrome
Area of
compression Symptoms indicating the need for surgery
Sensory: Persistent symptoms in spite of physical therapy
Motor: Weakness or atrophy
Artery Aneurysm or symptomatic insufficiency
Vein Occlusion (Paget-Schroetter syndrome)
Multiple Therapeutic trial
were treated conservatively with physical therapy. Patients with Figure 6. Urschel first rib rongeur.
an NCV exceeding 60 m/s were especially likely to benefit
from this approach. Excellent principles of conservative man- ure 6). The first rib with the compressive elements may also be
agement have been outlined by Mackinnon and Novak (30) removed using the supraclavicular approach (39). This approach,
and Caldwell, Crane, and Krusen (26). The primary goals of however, requires working through and retracting the brachial
physical therapy are to open up the space between the clavicle plexus and produces a visible scar in women (the preponder-
and first rib, improve posture, strengthen the shoulder girdle, ant gender with TOS). The posterior thoracoplasty approach
and loosen the neck muscles. These goals are accomplished for first rib resection may be used for initial therapy, but in our
by exercises that stretch the pectoralis muscles, exercises that clinic it is reserved for a second procedure and neurolysis of the
strengthen the muscles between the shoulder blades, and neck brachial plexus (40, 41). Cervical ribs may be removed using any
exercises, including chin tuck, flexion, rotation, lateral bending, of the approaches described. Dorsal sympathectomy may also
and circumduction. In addition, patients’ work habits and sleep be performed with neurovascular decompression through any of
positions occasionally need to be modified, and some patients the above incisions for sympathetic maintained pain syndrome
can benefit from weight loss. (SMPS), reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia, and Raynaud’s
The usual indications for surgery are failure of appropriate phenomenon and disease (42). Table 2 summarizes the surgical
conservative therapy in a patient with a significantly reduced approaches that are employed at BUMC.
NCV (<60 m/s; normal is 85 m/s) and the elimination of other
possible etiologies for the symptoms (Table 1). UPPER PLEXUS VS LOWER PLEXUS
Initial surgical therapy involves complete first rib resection, Most cases of neurologic TOS requiring surgery have been
anterior scalenectomy, resection of the costoclavicular ligament, successfully managed with transaxillary resection of the first
and neurolysis of C7, C8, and T1 nerve roots and the brachial rib. However, for upper plexus (median nerve) compression,
plexus through a transaxillary approach (38) (Figure 5). Various Stoney et al (43) and Urschel and Razzuk (44) wrote that trans-
instruments have been developed to expedite the procedure (Fig- axillary rib resection alone was not enough and that it should
c e
b d f
Figure 5. Transaxillary first rib resection. (a) Division of the scalenus anticus muscle. (b) Division of the first rib and anterior resection. (c) Posterior resection of the
first rib. (d) Resection of head and neck of rib. (e) Identification of the dorsal sympathetic chain. (f) Division through the lower stellate ganglion above T1 and below
T3 ganglia. V indicates subclavian vein; SA, scalenus anticus muscle; A, subclavian artery; BP, brachial plexus; SM, sternocleido-mastoid muscle.
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Volume 20, Number 2
dian and ulnar nerves or the combination of the upper plexus
Table 2. Surgical approaches for thoracic outlet syndrome used and lower plexus by symptoms, signs, and NCVs; and 1058
at Baylor University Medical Center were performed for symptoms, signs, and NCVs demonstrating
predominantly ulnar nerve or lower plexus compression. This
Type of problem Surgical approach
study showed that transaxillary first rib resection with anterior
Nerve compression Transaxillary
scalenectomy relieved symptoms of upper plexus (96%) and
Arterial compression Supra- and infraclavicular combined upper and lower plexus (95%) compression as well
Venous compression Transaxillary as it did for lower plexus compression (95%). Patients were
Recurrent TOS Posterior high thoracoplasty followed at 3 weeks and 3 months, and yearly contacts were
TOS indicates thoracic outlet syndrome. made by phone. Wood, Ellison, and Sanders (46) independently
corroborated these findings.
April 2007 Thoracic outlet syndrome: a 50-year experience at Baylor University Medical Center 129
generally relieves most symp-
toms after the initial procedure
(49, 50). It is rarely necessary
to perform a sympathectomy
unless Raynaud’s phenome-
non is severe, in which case a
dorsal sympathectomy is per-
formed with first rib resection.
The only contraindication to
a b c dorsal sympathectomy is ve-
Figure 8. Examples of arterial compression resulting from thoracic outlet compression. (a) Poststenotic dilatation of nous obstruction (PSS; effort
the axillary-subclavian artery. (b) Sacular aneurysm of the axillary-subclavian artery. (c) Total occlusion of the axillary- thrombosis of the axillary-
subclavian artery. subclavian vein).
pathectomy was performed when indicated. In the occlusion Surgical approaches for dorsal sympathectomy
group were 62 bypass grafts: 58 were successful; 3 occluded, re- Historically, the anterior cervical approach to the cervical
quiring a second surgical procedure; and one could not prevent sympathetic chain has been used for dorsal sympathectomy (51).
amputation because of the delay before the patient presented The stellate ganglion lies on the transverse process of C6, and
for therapy. No cerebrovascular accidents occurred. this approach is used primarily by neurosurgeons and vascular
surgeons. For hypertension, Smithwick and Urschel popularized
SYMPATHETIC NERVE COMPRESSION the posterior approach, with a longitudinal paraspinal incision
Compression of the sympathetic nerves in the thoracic out- with the patient in the prone position (52). Small pieces of the
let may occur alone or in combination with peripheral nerve and second ribs are removed, and the sympathetic chain is identi-
blood vessels. The sympathetics are intimately attached to the fied in the usual position. This approach has the advantage of
artery as well as adjacent to the bone. They may be compressed allowing bilateral procedures to be performed at the same time
or irritated in primary or recurrent TOS. Atypical chest pain without changing the patient’s position. The most common
(pseudoangina) simulates cardiac pain (48). current approach is the transaxillary, transthoracic approach,
Many arterial compressions result in more severe symptoms which is performed through the second interspace with a trans-
because of the additive or synergistic sympathetic stimulation. verse subhairline incision (53). This is more painful than the
Trauma frequently is associated with SMPS or reflex sympa- other approaches, but with video-assisted thoracoscopy it can
thetic dystrophy. be performed with minimal discomfort (50).
For uncomplicated, nontraumatic TOS symptoms, usu- The approach most frequently used for TOS and dorsal sym-
ally first rib resection alone with neurovascular decompression pathectomy is the transaxillary approach, for first rib resection.
relieves the sympathetic symptoms; dorsal sympathectomy is This causes minimal pain and combines two procedures with
not required. However, if trauma is significant in the etiology, a low morbidity rate. Video assistance is also used frequently
causalgia or SMPS is often present and concomitant dorsal sym- with this approach.
pathectomy is routinely required to ameliorate the symptoms. Dorsal sympathectomy has been performed in 5147 ex-
Also, if surgery is required for recurrent TOS symptoms, the tremities; 2602 of these were associated with neurologic TOS,
relief of accompanying causalgia usually requires dorsal sym- causalgia, and SMPS, and 240 were associated with arterial
pathectomy. Initially, dorsal sympathectomies were performed complications of TOS. In the patients with neurologic TOS,
at an interval after procedures for traumatic or recurrent TOS, 2305 dorsal sympathectomies were related to recurrent disease,
if necessary. However, because they were necessary in so many and most were referred from elsewhere.
cases and because of the inconvenience of a second procedure, If symptoms recur, they happen, on average, in 3 years
dorsal sympathectomy is now routinely combined with the (range, 6 months to 25 years). In 46 patients, symptoms of sym-
initial TOS procedure for either trauma or recurrence cases pathetic activity were apparent in <6 months. These symptoms
(40, 41). are probably related to sprouting, or failure to strip the artery
Major indications for dorsal sympathectomy include hyper- of its sympathetic nerves. This complication seems to occur
hidrosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon or disease, causalgia, SMPS, less often if the bed of the sympathetic chain is cauterized after
reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and vascular insufficiency of the dorsal sympathectomy. It can also be explained by high circu-
upper extremity. Except for hyperhidrosis, most indications for lating concentrations of catecholamines. The postsympathetic
sympathectomy require the usual diagnostic techniques, includ- syndrome was observed in 39 extremities. This complication
ing cervical sympathetic block, to assess the relief of symptoms involves excessive postsurgical pain (as long as 6 months) in
with temporary sympathetic blockade. When Raynaud’s phe- several nerve root distributions of the involved extremity and
nomenon of a minor to moderate degree is associated with TOS, may be the result of injury to the somatic nerve. Unexpected
the simple removal of the first rib with any cervical rib, in ad- Horner’s syndrome was noted in 27 cases; 21 of these were
dition to stripping the axillary subclavian artery (neurectomy), transient and gradually resolved.
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Volume 20, Number 2
The pain of pseudoangina
is frequently insidious in onset,
commonly involving the neck,
shoulder, arm, and hand. In
some patients, the pain is atypi-
cal, involving the anterior chest
wall and parascapular area, and
is termed pseudoangina because
it simulates angina pectoris. Late
symptoms of pseudoangina can a b
include paresthesias of the arms Figure 9. Paget-Schroetter syndrome. (a) Occlusion of the axillary-subclavian vein. (b) Swollen right hand.
and hands. Laboratory tests are
used to differentiate pseudoangina from angina pectoris. In of this problem and exacerbate its symptoms on a long-term
patients with pseudoangina, the results of electrocardiography, basis (54, 55). The diagnosis—suspected after a careful history,
exercise stress testing, and coronary angiography are normal, physical examination, and Doppler studies—is confirmed with
whereas NCV is abnormal. A group of 320 patients with chest venography (Figure 9).
pain simulating angina pectoris, but with normal coronary an- The major pathophysiological cause of PSS is congenital ab-
giograms, were evaluated in 1973. When either medical therapy erration of the costoclavicular ligament, which inserts far lateral
(194 patients) or surgical therapy (98 patients) of TOS relieved to its usual insertion on the first rib. If the scalenus anticus muscle
the symptoms of pseudoangina, the diagnosis was considered hypertrophies, the vein is then compressed and occludes.
confirmed (48). Intermittent or partial obstruction should be treated by first
To explain chest pain from TOS compression, it is impor- rib removal through the transaxillary approach, with resection
tant to remember there are at least two types of pain pathways of the costoclavicular ligament medially, the first rib inferiorly,
in the arm: the commonly acknowledged (C5 to T1) somatic and the scalenus anticus muscle laterally. The clavicle is left in
fibers, which transmit more superficial pain, and the afferent place. The vein is decompressed, and all the bands and adhe-
sympathetic nerve fibers, which transmit deeper painful stimuli. sions are removed.
The cell bodies of the two types of neurons are situated in the For many years, complete thrombosis of the axillary-subcla-
dorsal root ganglia of the corresponding spinal segments. They vian vein (PSS) was treated by elevation of the arm and the use
synapse in the dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord, and the of anticoagulants, with subsequent return to work. If symptoms
axons of the second-order neurons ascend in the spinal cord up recurred, a first rib resection, with or without thrombectomy,
to the brain. Compression of the superficial C8 to T1 cutaneous was considered, as well as resection of the scalenus anticus
afferent fibers elicits stimuli that are transmitted to the brain muscle and removal of any other compressive element in the
and are recognized as integumentary pain or paresthesias in thoracic outlet, such as the costoclavicular ligament, cervical rib,
the ulnar nerve distribution. In contrast, compression of the or abnormal bands (55). Of 36 patients treated by this approach,
predominantly deeper sensory fibers elicits impulses that are only 10 (28%) had a good to excellent result.
appreciated by the brain as deep pain originating in the arm The availability of thrombolytic agents, combined with
or the chest wall, even if the source of the impulses is cardiac prompt surgical decompression of the neurovascular compres-
(referred pain). sive elements in the thoracic outlet, has reduced the morbidity
rate and the need for thrombectomy and has produced substan-
VENOUS COMPRESSION tially improved clinical results, including the ability to return to
Effort thrombosis of the axillary-subclavian vein (PSS) is work (28). Through an antecubital indwelling venous catheter,
usually secondary to unusual, repetitive use of the arm, in ad- venography is performed and thrombolytic therapy is initiated.
dition to the presence of one or more compressive elements in After lysis of the clot, prompt first rib resection with removal
the thoracic outlet. Sir James Paget (6) in 1875 in London and of compressive elements is performed. No postoperative anti-
Von Schroetter (7) in 1884 in Vienna independently described coagulants are necessary.
this syndrome of thrombosis of the axillary-subclavian vein. The Of the 625 patients treated for PSS, 581 underwent this
word “effort” was added to thrombosis because of the frequent newer technique. Thrombectomy was necessary in only four
association with exertion producing either direct or indirect extremities. The long-term results indicate that 554 patients had
compression of the vein. Phlegmasia cerulea dolens, or blue good results (the patient returned to work without symptoms),
phlebitis, may occur in the arm. The thrombosis is caused by 25 patients had fair results (intermittent swelling but able to
trauma or repetitive muscular activity, often occupational (e.g., work), and 2 patients had poor results (chronic swelling). Seven
professional athletes, linotype operators, painters, and cosme- of the poor results occurred in the 35 patients initially seen
tologists). Cold and traumatic factors, such as carrying skis over more than 3 months after the thrombotic episode. No patient
the shoulder, tend to increase the proclivity for thrombosis. Ele- had phlegmasia cerulea dolens. There were no deaths. These
ments of increased thrombogenicity also increase the incidence results were in marked contrast to those of 35 patients treated
April 2007 Thoracic outlet syndrome: a 50-year experience at Baylor University Medical Center 131
a b c
Figure 10. Inappropriate treatment of Paget-Schroetter syndrome. (a) Pericutaneous balloon dilatation. (b) Venous recoil after balloon deflation. (c) Deleterious
stent insertion.
with only anticoagulants: 10 good results, 16 fair results, and rib with a cervical rib left in place (11 patients), resection of a
9 poor results. Delay in initiating thrombolytic therapy or the cervical rib with an abnormal first rib remaining (8 patients),
prolonged use of warfarin or heparin is contraindicated. There and resection of a second rib with a rudimentary first rib left (2
were no obvious complications of thrombolytic therapy. With a patients). True recurrences occurred in 2305 extremities; some
prolonged interval between venous occlusion and diagnosis (>3 of these patients had relief of symptoms after the initial proce-
months), the same management produced less favorable results. dure, but the symptoms recurred 4 months to 18 years later.
Attempts to open the occluded vein mechanically with the use The diagnosis and differential diagnosis for recurrence are
of laser or bypass grafts have uniformly been unsatisfactory. similar to those for the original procedure. However, the indica-
Claviculectomy is occasionally used for decompression, tions for a second procedure are more stringent in that longer
particularly if a fracture of the clavicle has occurred secondary periods of conservative therapy are usually involved.
to trauma (56, 57). In the group needing a second procedure, a substantial pos-
Many interventional radiologists or cardiologists respond to terior stump (>1 cm) of the first rib remained in 2106 patients
venous constriction as if it were arterial stenosis secondary to a (all referred from outside physicians). Complete resection of the
plaque. They perform a percutaneous transluminal angiography first rib at the initial procedure was observed in 199 patients
and when the constriction appears to recoil after the balloon is who had recurrent symptoms associated with excessive scar
deflated, they insert a stent “to hold it open.” This reaction shows formation on the brachial plexus. We performed the original
poor understanding of the underlying pathophysiology, which is procedure on 98 of these patients, for a reoperation rate of 2.5%
the external constriction by the congenitally abnormal lateral in- (3914 primary procedures). Even though some of our patients
sertion of the costoclavicular ligament. The stent always occludes, did not return to us for recurrent symptoms, this rate is much
making further treatment difficult (58) (Figure 10). The ideal lower than in most series.
management of PSS consists of an accurate diagnosis, expeditious The preferred technique for reoperation is the posterior, high
thrombolytic therapy, and prompt first rib resection. thoracoplasty, muscle-splitting incision with removal of first
rib stumps, neurolysis of C7, C8, and T1 nerve roots and the
RECURRENT THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME brachial plexus, and a dorsal sympathectomy (Figure 11).
Recurrent symptoms, primarily neurogenic, should be docu- Few other surgeons remove the rib completely at the initial
mented by objective NCVs. When NCVs are depressed in a pa- procedure for fear of injuring T1 or C8 nerve roots. Some cover
tient whose symptoms are unrelieved by prolonged conservative the end of the rib at the transverse process of the vertebra with
therapy, a posterior procedure should be considered. Removal scalenus medius muscle.
of any rib remnants or regenerated fibrocartilage and neuroly- Results of 2305 procedures showed a moderately good early
sis of C7, C8, and T1 nerve roots and the brachial plexus are effect of a second procedure: 1729 patients had significant im-
performed (27). Dorsal sympathectomy is added to minimize provement (75%), 369 related fair improvement, and only 207
the contribution of causalgia to symptoms. Methylprednisolone did not feel better (Table 3). Late results (5-year follow-up) in
acetate and hyaluronic acid are employed to minimize recurrent 528 extremities that underwent a second procedure revealed 396
scarring (40). (75%) with good results and 132 (25%) with fair to poor recov-
Two distinct groups of patients require a second procedure: ery; 48 patients (3.1%) required a third surgical procedure.
those with pseudorecurrence and those with true recurrence. The primary technical factor involved in recurrence seems to
Pseudorecurrences were observed in 43 patients, all referred be incomplete extirpation of the rib during the first procedure.
from other surgeons; these patients were never completely re- If a rib remnant is left (as most surgeons outside of our group
lieved of their symptoms after the initial procedure. They were do), osteocytes, chondrocytes, and fibrocytes grow from the end
separated into the following etiologies: mistaken resection of the of the bone and produce fibrocartilage and regenerated bone
second rib instead of the first (22 patients), resection of the first that compress the nerves. The risk of fibrosis may be higher in
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Volume 20, Number 2
no significant arterial injuries, and
c there was only one case of venous
bleeding after surgery that required
thoracotomy and repair. Venous
injuries usually “suck” air. PSS is
usually associated with severe in-
flammation, obliterating the vein
and removing the identifying blue
color. The axillary structures are
usually plastered firmly to the
chest wall, making the procedure
technically difficult.
Significant nerve injuries of
the brachial plexus with residual
signs occurred in four patients;
b in none of these could prolonged
e stretching, inappropriate retrac-
tion, or direct surgical injury be
identified. Two cases occurred in
f patients with diabetes and two
Figure 11. Posterior reoperation for recurrent thoracic outlet syndrome. (a) Muscle-splitting incision. (b) Removal of in older patients with markedly
rib remnant and neurolysis of C8, T1 nerve roots. (c–e) Neurolysis of nerve roots and posterior dorsal sympathectomy. prolonged NCVs, suggesting an
(f) Posterior dorsal sympathectomy. increased sensitivity to “nerve
pressure” similar to that observed
patients who produce keloids, patients in whom hematomas are in persons with diabetes. Morbidity and mortality for our series
not drained, or patients who undergo early excessive physical are summarized in Table 4.
therapy after the first surgical procedure. Occasionally other Dale’s review (60) of morbidity rates in 881 patients re-
approaches have been used for a second procedure (59). vealed significant bleeding in 11 (1.4%) and nerve injury of
the brachial plexus in 13 (1.5%), the phrenic in 39 (4.9%),
Recurrent Arterial Abnormalities the long thoracic in 3 (0.1 %), and the recurrent laryngeal in
Five patients referred from other physicians (two with false 6 (0.2%). In another 168 patients reported (43), the phrenic
aneurysms, one with a mycotic aneurysm allegedly secondary
to trauma at the initial procedure, and two with obstructive
arterial changes at the thoracic outlet) underwent successful Table 3. Reoperation results for 2305 patients with recurrent
second procedures. We performed vascular reconstructive pro- thoracic outlet syndrome
cedures. In each patient, a saphenous vein bypass graft from
Outcome Symptom Recreation Number of
the innominate or carotid artery proximally was connected to category relief Employment limitation patients (%)
the brachial artery distally. In the patient with the mycotic an- Good Complete Full None 1729 (75%)
eurysm, the graft was placed first and the vessels on each side
Fair Partial Limitation Moderate 369 (16%)
of the aneurysm were ligated. The aneurysm was resected at an
interval procedure. Poor None No return Severe 207 (9%)
There were no deaths in our series of 5102 primary and
2305 repeat TOS decompressive procedures. The major com- Table 4. Mortality and morbidity associated with surgery for
plication resulted from a rib remnant left by the initial surgeon thoracic outlet syndrome in 7407 patients
that regenerated fibrocartilage and new bone, producing a high
Complication Patients
incidence of recurrence. More retractor help (two-arm hold-
Death 0
ers) and increased light improved the technique and facilitated
Infection 22
the initial procedure. This minimized the time of anesthesia,
Bleeding 4
surgery, retractor use, and arm holding.
Nerve injury 4
The pleura is opened during most procedures (with the ex-
Arterial injury 0
ception of pleurodesis) to provide drainage of blood and fluids,
reducing recurrence. Bleeding requiring a second procedure Venous injury 1
occurred after only 4 of 7407 procedures. Significant infection Horner’s syndrome 6
requiring drainage occurred after nine procedures. There were
April 2007 Thoracic outlet syndrome: a 50-year experience at Baylor University Medical Center 133
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