Spreadsheet For Calculating Wind

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Spreadsheet for calculating wind

Peak velocity pressure as well as wind pressure on eight types of structures, including: walls,
roofs and canopies. The spreadsheet is very, very powerful; with great functionality but its use is very
straightforward. All calculations are done automatically and more complex terms are explained with
pop-up diagrams making it easy to understand/carry out the analysis.

The spreadsheet offers wind pressure analysis per location based on simplified (for beginners or
conservative designers) or complex input like nearby buildings, nearby topography, structure
orientation. Is for buildings/structures up to 200m tall therefore can be used on both, large and small
scale projects.

Essential spreadsheet for every engineer.

Can be easily used by a civil engineer, structural engineer;

- Includes pop-up diagrams that explain more complex definitions (e.g. building effective height)
making it easy to use by a builder or a regular house owner;
- Covers eight types of structures: Free-standing walls, Vertical walls, Flat roofs; Monopitch roofs,
Duopitch roofs, Hipped roofs, Monopitch canopies, Duopitch canopies (single and multi bay);
- A clear and easy to read output: one sheet giving wind pressure (wind peak velocity pressure) based
on location and structure height etc; second sheet giving wind pressure for specific structure type;
- Can be used for simplified wind pressure analysis where orography, surrounding building etc are
- Offers option to carry out full wind pressure analysis including site topography (hills/ridges as well as
cliffs/escarpments), structure orientation, nearby obstructions;
- For sites inside town and in countryside;
- Results are plotted on easy to understand diagrams with wind pressures per zone of wall, roof etc;
- All calculations are automated where possible, this includes size factors; dynamic factors;
topography factors; turbulence factors; exposure factors;
- Site altitude, fundamental basic wind velocity (vb,map), distance to shoreline and distance inside
town are automatically inserted from a database based on site location;
- Includes a pop-up window with easy-to-select seasonal factors;
- Probability factor is automatically calculated based on structure's design life;
- Calculations for free-standing walls include option to input sheltering factor;
- Includes calculations of friction force on surfaces parallel to wind direction;
- Design is based on Eurocode (EN 1991-1-4: 2005);
- UK National Annex used.

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