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Multifunction Generator Protection Relay

Protection Systems
SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000
7UM611/612 Generator Protection Relay

Generator Protection Relay Description 2 to 5

Firmwareversion 4.0 DIGSI 4 Operating program 6 and 7

Communication 8 and 9

Functions 10 to 13
Catalog SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000
Typical applications 14 to 17

Technical data 18 to 25

Selection and ordering data 26

~ Advantages to you
n Cost-effectiveness

Connection diagrams

28 and 29

n High degree of automation

n User-friendly operation Dimensions 30 and 31
n Low planning and engineering
n Fast, flexible mounting, reduced
n Simple, short commissioning
n Simple spare part stocking
n High flexibility
n High reliability and availability
n State-of-the-art technology

n Compliance with international
n Integration in a control system  Siemens AG 2000

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 1

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay

Application Protection functions Abbre- ANSI-Nº Basic Standard Full

The 7UM6 protection relays of viation
the SIPROTEC 4 range are Stator earth-fault protection V0>, 3I0> 59N, 64G X X X
compact multifunction units non-directional, directional Ë(V 0, 3I0) 67G
which have been developed Sensitive earth-fault protection IEE> 50/51GN X X X
for small to medium-sized (also rotor earth-fault protection) (64R)
power generation plants. They Stator overload protection It 49 X X X
incorporate all the necessary Definite time-overcurrent protection I> +V< 51 X X X
protective functions and are with undervoltage seal-in
especially suitable for the pro- Definite time-overcurrent protection, I>>, Direc. 50/51/67 X X X
tection of: directional
− Hydro and pumped-storage Inverse time-overcurrent protection t = f (I)+V< 51V X X X
generators Overvoltage protection V> 59 X X X
− Cogeneration stations Undervoltage protection V< 27 X X X
Frequency protection f<, f> 81 X X X
− Private power stations using
regenerative energy sources Reverse power protection –P 32R X X X
such as wind or biogases Overexcitation protection (Volt/Hertz) V/f 24 X X X
Fuse failure monitor V2/V1, I2/I1 60FL X X X
− Power generation with
diesel generators External trip coupling (7UM611/7UM612) Incoup. 2/4 2/4 2/4
Trip circuit supervision (7UM612) T.C.S. 74TC X X X
− Gas turbine power stations
Forward-power protection P>, P< 32F X X
− Industrial power stations Underexcitation protection 1/xd 40 X X
Negative sequence protection I2>, t =f(I2) 46 X X
− Conventional steam power Breaker failure protection Imin> 50BF X X
Inadvertent energization protection I>, V< 50/27 X
They can also be employed for 100%-stator-earth-fault protection V0(3rd harm) 59TN X
protection of motors and trans- with 3rd harmonics 27TN(3rd h.)
formers. Impedance protection with (I>+V<)-pick-up Z< 21 X
The numerous other additional
functions assist the user in en- Table 1
suring cost-effective system Function mix of the generator protection 7UM61
management and reliable
power supply. Measured val- Highly reliable Protection functions • Standard configuration
ues display current operating The 7UM6 hardware is based Numerous protection func- This function mix is recom-
conditions. Stored status indi- on 20 years of Siemens experi- tions are necessary for reliable mended for generator outputs
cations and fault recording pro- ence with numerical protection protection of electrical ma- exceeding 1 MVA.
vide assistance in fault diagno- equipment. State-of-the-art chines. Their extent and com- It is also suitable for protection
sis not only in the event of a technology and a high-effi- bination are determined by a of synchronous motors.
disturbance in generator oper- ciency 32-bit microprocessor variety of factors, such as ma- Another application is as back-
ation. are employed. Production is chine size, mode of operation, up protection for the larger
Combination of the units subject to exacting quality plant configuration, availability block units.
makes it possible to imple- standards. Special attention requirements, experience and
ment effective redundancy has been paid to electromag- design philosophy. • Full configuration
concepts. netic compatibility and the This leads of necessity to Here, all protection functions
number of electronic modules multifunctionality, which is im- are available and are recom-
has been drastically reduced plemented in outstanding mended from generator out-
Uniform design by the use of highly integrated fashion by numerical technol- puts exceeding 5 MVA.
The SIPROTEC 4 units have a circuits. ogy. Backup protection for the
uniform design and a degree The software design incorpo- larger block units is also a rec-
of functionality which repre- In order to satisfy differing re-
rates accumulated experience quirements, the combination ommended application.
sents a whole new quality in and the latest technical knowl-
protection and control. of functions is scalable (see
edge. Object orientation and Table 1). Selection is facilitated
Local operation has been de- high-level language
signed according to ergonomic by division into three groups.
programming, combined with
criteria. Large, easy-to-read the continuous quality assur-
displays were a major design ance system, ensure maxi- • Basic configuration
aim. The DIGSI 4 operating mized software reliability.
program considerably simpli- One application is concen-
fies planning and engineering trated on small generators or
and reduces commissioning Programmable logic as backup protection for larger
times. generators. The function mix is
The integrated programmable also an effective addition to
logic function allow the user to transformer differential protec-
implement his own functions tion with parallel-connected
for automation of switchgear transformers. The functions
(interlocking) via a graphic user are also suitable for system
interface. The user can also disconnection.
generate user defined mes-
sages. Adjustments can easily
be made to the varying power
station requirements.

2 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Measurement Operational indications
Based on years of experience, The SIPROTEC 4 units provide
high-efficiency protection algo- extensive data for fault analy-
rithms have been imple- sis, as well as control. All indi-
mented which are adapted es- cations listed below are pro-
pecially to generator behavior. tected against power supply
Thus, irrespective of the gen- failure.
erator frequency at the time, a
high degree of measurement
accuracy is achieved by virtue • Fault indications
of the sampling frequency cor- The last eight faults are
rection in the range of stored in the unit at all times.
11 to 69 Hz. Filter algorithms A fresh fault erases the old-
suppress the higher frequency est one. The fault indications
transient phenomena and possess a time resolution of
aperiodic DC components. 1 ms. They provide detailed
information on fault history. LSP2156f.tif
The buffer memory is de- Figure 1
Unit configuration signed for a total of 600 indi-
The units are available in 2 ver- cations. Fault recording up to 5 or 80 Freely assignable binary in-
sions – as the 7UM611 in seconds puts and outputs
/3 19-inch and the 7UM612 in
½ 19-inch width. The software • Operational indications An instantaneous value or Binary inputs, output relays
functions and subassembly All indications that are not di- RMS value recorder is pro- and the LEDs are assignable
breakdown are identical. The rectly associated with the vided. The firmware permits with indications, user-specifi-
7UM612 possesses more bi- fault (e.g. operating or storage of 8 fault recordings. cally and independently of one
nary inputs and outputs and is switching actions) are stored Triggering can be effected by another.
suitable for incorporation in in the status indication means of pickup, tripping, bi- The tripping matrix is imple-
older or more complex plants. buffer. The time resolution is nary input, the DIGSI 4 operat- mented by means of the firm-
1 ms, buffer size: 200 indica- ing program or by the control ware. It is simplicity itself to
tions. system. set the tripping programs. The
Communication In the case of the instanta- firmware assists primary test-
The SIPROTEC 4 units pos- neous value recording, the in- ing by functional suppression
sess up to three serial put variables (4 x u and 4 x i ) of the trip command.
interfaces: are recorded at increments of
− Front interface for connect- 1.25 ms at 50 Hz or 1.04 ms at
Continuous self-monitoring
ing a PC 60 Hz. The total duration is
5 seconds. If the time is ex- The hardware and software
− Service interface for con- ceeded, the oldest fault re- are continuously monitored. If
necting a PC via modem cording in each case is over- abnormal conditions are de-
− System interface for con- written. tected, the unit signal immedi-
necting to a control system If protection functions with ately. In this way, a great de-
via IEC 60870-5-103 or long delay times are activated, gree of safety, reliability and
PROFIBUS-DP; the RMS Value recording is availability is achived.
Modbus RTU recommended. Storage of rel-
and an input for evant calculated variables (V1, Reliable battery monitoring
− Time synchronization via VE, I1, I2, IEE, P, Q, f-fn) takes
IRIG B or DCF 77 place at increments of one cy- The battery buffers the indica-
tions and fault recordings in
cle. The total time is 80 sec- the event of power supply
Operational measured val- onds.
voltage failure. Its function is
ues checked at regular intervals by
In order to assist system man- Time synchronization the processor. If the capacity
agement and for commission- A battery-backed clock is a of the battery is found to be
ing purposes, all relevant mea- standard component and can declining, an alarm indication is
sured values are displayed as be synchronized via a synchro- generated.
primary and secondary values nization signal (DCF77; IRIG B All setting parameters are
with unit and values relating to via satellite receiver), binary in- stored in the Flash-EPROM
the object to be protected. put, system interface or which are not lost if the power
The measured values can also SCADA (e.g. SICAM). A date supply or battery fails. The
be transferred via the serial in- and time are assigned to every SIPROTEC 4 unit remains fully
terfaces. indication. functional.
In addition, the programmable
logic permits limit value scans
and status indications derived
Metered values are available in
the form of energy metered
values for the active and reac-
tive energy supplied and are
also provided by an
elapsed-hour meter.

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 3

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay

n Operation Local operation

All operator actions can be ex-
User-friendly local operation ecuted and information dis-
Many advantages are already played on an integrated user Figure 2
to be found on the clear and interface: SIPROTEC 4 7UM611
user-friendly front panel:
n Positioning and grouping of
the keys supports the natu-
ral operating process
n Large non-reflective back-lit

n Programmable (freely as-
signable) LEDs for impor- On the LCD display, process and device infor-
tant messages mation can be displayed as text in various
n Arrows arrangement of the lists. Frequently displayed information in-
keys for easy navigation in cludes protection information, metered val-
the function tree ues, protection information, general indica-
n Operator-friendly input of tions and alarms as well as binary information s
the setting values via the on inputs and outputs.
numeric keys or DIGSI 4
n Four programmable keys
for frequently used func-

tions >at the press of a but-
ton< Seven (fourteen for 7UM612) configurable
(parameterizable) LEDs are used to display
any process or device information. The LEDs
can be labeled based on user requirements.
An LED reset key resets the LEDs.

RS232 operator interface

Four configurable function keys permit the

user to execute frequently used actions fast
and simple. Typical applications include jumps
to certain points in the menu tree to display
the operational measured values or

Keys for navigation

4 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Connection techniques and
rack mounting case with nu-
merous advantages
The 7UM611 is configured in
/ 3 19 inch, and the 7UM612 in
½ 19 inch width. This means
that the units of previous mod-
els can be replaced.
The height throughout all case
width increments is 243 mm.
All wires are connected di-
rectly or by means of cable
ring lugs.
Alternatively, versions with
plug-in terminals are also avail-
able. These permit the use of
prefabricated cable harnesses.

In the case of surface panel

mounting, the connecting ter-
minals are in the form of

screw terminals at top and bot-
tom. The communication inter-
faces are also arranged on the
same sides.
Dimension drawings are
shown on pages 32 and 33.
Figure 3
7UM611 7UM612


Figure 4
Rear view with
screw terminal

Figure 5
Rear view with wiring
terminal safety cover and
serial interface

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 5

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
DIGSI 4 Operating program

DIGSI 4, the PC program for

operating protection relays
The PC operating program
DIGSI 4 is the interface be-
tween the user and the
SIPROTEC 4 units. It has a
modern, intuitive operator in-
terface. With DIGSI 4, the
SIPROTEC 4 units can be con-
figured and queried - it is a tai-
lored program for the energy
supply and manufacturing in-
The software runs under
Windows (Version 95 and
higher, as well as NT).

Figure 6
DIGSI 4, main menue

Simple protection setting

The protection functions re-
quired can be selected from
the wide range provided
(Fig. 7). This means that trans-
parency in subsequent menus
is enhanced.
The newly introduced primary
display (settings are related to
nominal values of the object to
be protected) permits stan-
dardization of the setting val-

ues. Pressing a button effects

conversion to secondary val-
ues and loading into the pro-
tection unit. Figure 7
DIGSI 4, some protection functions

DIGSI 4 matrix
The DIGSI 4 matrix allows the
user to see the overall view of
the unit configuration at a
glance. For example, you can
display all the LEDs that have
binary inputs or show any indi-
cation that are connected to
the relay. And with one click of
the button connections can be
By utilizing filter functions, only
allocated information is ren-
dered visible. In addition, it is
possible to alter the viewing
modes. In “Binary Output”
viewing mode (output relays),
the tripping matrix is clearly

Figure 8
DIGSI 4, allocation matrix

6 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

CFC: Reduced time and plan-
ning for programming logic
With the help of the CFC (Con-
tinuous Function Chart), you
can configure interlocks and
switching sequences simply
by drawing the logic se-
quences; no special knowl-
edge of software is required.
Logical elements, such as
AND, OR and time elements,
measured limit values, etc. are

Special attention has been
paid to commissioning. All bi-
nary inputs and outputs can be
read and set directly. This can
simplify the wire checking pro-
cess significantly for the user.
For primary testing, it is possi-
ble to activate a transmission
lockout to prevent any infor-

mation being transmitted via
the interface to the control
room. On the other hand, indi- Figure 9 CFC logic with module library
cations can be transmitted in-
tentionally for test purposes.

DIGRA 4: Universal program

for fault recording evalua-
Fault recordings stored in the
protection system can be visu-
ally displayed and evaluated in
clear form. It is readily possible
to calculate harmonics, to view
individual measuring points, to
display vector and locus dia-
grams etc.
The Comtrade format makes it
possible to analyze any desired
fault recordings.

Figure 10 Fault recording

ew D IGSI 4
~ T h e n
n Easy to matrix
la y o u t o f routing t
n Clear
d e r a n d equipmen
tion, fee
n Substa nagement
data ma on
s s w o r d protecti TIC
nP a
wit h th e
n Linked e environment
softw r a
ws stand
ards }
n Windo
Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 7
SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay

With respect to communica- IEC 60870-5-103

tion, particular emphasis IEC 60870-5-103 is an interna-
placed on high levels of flexibil- tionally standardized protocol
ity, data integrity and utilization for the efficient solving of
of standards common in en- communication problems in
ergy automation. The design the protected area.
of the communication mod- IEC 60870-5-103 is supported
ules permits interchangeability by a number of protection unit
on the one hand, and on the manufacturers and is used
other hand provides openness world-wide.
for future standards (for exam- The generator protection func-
ple, Industrial Ethernet). tions are stored in the private
part (published) of the proto-
Local PC interface col.
The PC interface accessible
from the front of the unit per- PROFIBUS-DP
mits quick access to all param- PROFIBUS is an internationally
eters and fault event data. Of standardized communication
particular advantage is the use system (EN 50170) for com- Figure 11
of the DIGSI 4 operating pro- munication problem solving. IEC 60870-5-103 star-type RS232 copper conductor
gram during commissioning. Profibus is supported interna- connection or fibre-optic connection
tionally by several hundred
Rear-mounted interfaces manufacturers and has to date
been used in more than
On the rear of the unit are lo- 1,000,000 applications all over
cated two communication the world.
modules which incorporate op-
tional equipment comple- With the Profibus-DP the pro-
ments and readily permit retro- tection can be directly con-
fitting. They assure the ability nected to a SIMATIC S5/S7.
to comply with the require- The transferred data are fault OLM1)
ments of different communi- data, measured values and in-
cation interfaces (electrical or formation from or to the logic
optical) and protocols (CFC).
The interfaces make provision MODBUS is also a widely uti-
for the following applications: lized communication standard
and is used in numerous auto-
• Service interface mation solutions.
In the RS485 Version, sev-
eral protection units can be Safe bus architecture
centrally operated with n RS485 bus
DIGSI4. On connection of a With this data transmission Figure 12
modem, remote control is PROFIBUS: Optical double ring circuit
via copper conductors elec-
possible. This provides ad- tromagnetic fault influ-
vantages in fault clearance, ences are largely elimi-
in particular in unmanned nated by the use of
power stations. twisted-pair conductor.
Upon failure of a unit, the
• System interface remaining system contin-
This is used to carry out ues to operate without any
communication with a con- faults.
trol or protection and control n Fiber-optic double ring
system and supports, de- circuit
pendent on the module con- The fiber-optic double ring
nected, a variety of commu- circuit is immune to electro-
nication protocols and inter- magnetic interference.
face designs. Upon failure of a section
between two units, the
communication system
continues to operate with-
out disturbance.
Figure 13
PROFIBUS: RS485 copper conductors

1) Optical Link Module

8 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

System solution
SIPROTEC 4 is tailor-made for
use in SIMATIC-based auto-
mation systems.
Via the PROFIBUS DP, indica-
tions (pickup and tripping) and
all relevant operational mea-
sured values are transmitted
from the protection device.
Via modem and service inter-

face, the protection engineer

has access to the protection
devices at all times. This per-
mits remote maintenance and
diagnosis (cyclic testing). Figure 14 Figure 15
Communication module, optical Communication module RS232, RS485
Parallel to this, local communi-
cation is possible, for example
during a major inspection.


Figure 16
Communication module, optical, double-ring

Figure 17
System solution: Communications

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 9

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay

Definite time-overcurrent Stator overload protection

protection (ANSI 49)
I>, I>> The task of the overload pro-
(ANSI 50, 51, 67) tection is to protect the stator
This protection function com- windings from high, continu-
prises the short-circuit protec- ous overload currents. All load
tion for the generator and also variations are evaluated by the
the back-up protection for up- mathematical model used. The
stream devices such as trans- thermal effect of the rms cur-
formers or power system pro- rent value forms the basis of
tection. the calculation. This conforms
An undervoltage stage at I> to IEC 60255-8. In dependency
maintains the pickup when of the current the cooling time
during the fault the current constant is automatically ex-
falls below the threshold. In tended. If the ambient temper-
the case of a voltage drop on ature or the temperature of the
the generator terminals, the coolant are injected via the
static excitation system can no PROFIBUS-DP, the model au- Figure 18
longer be sufficiently supplied. tomatically adapts to the Protection with current transformer on terminal side
This is one reason for the de- ambient conditions; otherwise
creasing of the short-circuit a constant ambient tempera-
current. ture is assumed.
The I>> stage can be imple-
mented as high-set instanta- Negative sequence
neous trip stage. With the inte- protection
grated directional function it (ANSI 46)
can be applied for generators Asymmetrical current loads in
without star point c.t. (see Fig- the three phases of a genera-
ure 18). tor cause a temperature rise in
the rotor because of the nega-
Inverse time-overcurrent tive sequence field produced.
protection (ANSI 51V) This protection detects an
This function also comprises asymmetrical load in three-
short-circuit and back-up pro- phase machines. It functions
tection and is used for power on the basis of symmetrical
components and evaluates the Figure 19
system protection with current Characteristic of negative sequence protection
dependent protection devices. negative sequence of the
phase currents. The thermal
IEC and ANSI characteristics processes are taken into ac-
can be selected (Table 2). count in the algorithm and
By evaluating the generator IEC-characteristic ANSI-characteristic
form the inverse characteristic.
terminal voltage, the current In addition, the negative Normal inverse Inverse
function can be controlled. sequence is evaluated by an 0.14  
t= ⋅ Tp  
independent stages (alarm and 0 , 02
t = + 0.17966 ⋅ D
The “controlled” version re-  I  8. 9341
trip) which are supplemented −1
leases the sensitive set cur-  Ip   2 . 0938

  −1
rent stage. by a time-delay element (see  II  
Figure 19). Very inverse  p 
With the “restraint” version
13.5 Moderately inverse
the pickup value of the current t= ⋅ Tp
 
 I  − 1
is lowered linearly with de-  
creasing voltage.  Ip  t=  0.0103
+ 0.0228 ⋅ D
 0 . 02

The fuse-failure-monitor pre- Extremely inverse   −1
 II  
vents unwanted operation. 80  p 
t= 2
⋅ Tp
Very inverse
 I  − 1
 Ip   
 
t=  3.922
+ 0. 0982  ⋅D
 2

 I  − 1
 
  I p  
Extremely inverse
 
 
t = + 0.02434 ⋅ D
5. 64
 2

 
  I I  −1 
 p 
Definite inverse
 
Table 2  
Inverse-time t=  0.4797
+ 0.21359 ⋅ D
characteristics  1. 5625

  −1
(IP - Pickup value;  II  
TP, D - Time dial)  p 

10 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Underexcitation protection Forward power protection
(ANSI 40) (ANSI 32F)
Derived from the generator Monitoring of the active power
terminal voltage and current, produced by a generator can
the complex admittance is cal- be useful for starting up and
culated and corresponds to the shutting down generators.
generator diagram scaled in One stage monitors threshold
per unit. This protection pre- beyond one limit value while
vents damage due to loss of another stage monitors
synchronism resulting from threshold below another limit
underexcitation. The protec- value. The power is calculated
tion function provides three using the positive-sequence
characteristics for monitoring component of current and volt-
static and dynamic stability. In age.
case of exciter failure, fast re-
sponse of the protection can
be ensured via binary input. Impedance protection
This input releases a timer (ANSI 21)
Figure 20
with a short time delay.. This fast short-circuit protec- Characteristic of underexitation protection
The straight-line characteristics tion protects the generator,
allow an optimum adaption of the generator transformer and
the protection of the generator is a backup protection for the
diagram (see Figure 20). The power system. This protection
per-unit-presentation of the di- has two settable impedance
agram allows direct read-out of stages; in addition, the first
the setting values. stage can be switched over via
binary input. With the circuit-
The positive sequence sys- breaker in “open” position
tems of current and voltage (see Figure 21) the impedance
are used to calculate the measuring range can be ex-
admittance. This ensures that tended. The overcurrent
the protection always operates pickup element with under-
correctly even with asymmet- voltage seal-in ensures a reli-
rical network conditions. able pickup and the loop selec-
In the case of a voltage devia- tion logic a reliable detection of
tion from the rated voltage, the the faulty loop. It makes also
admittance calculation has the possible a correct measuring Figure 21
advantage that the characteris- via the generator transformer. Grading of impedance protection
tics move in the same direc-
tion as the generator diagram.
Undervoltage protection
(ANSI 27)
Reverse power protection The undervoltage protection
(ANSI 32R) evaluates the positive-se-
The reverse power protection quence components of the
monitors the direction of ac- voltages and compares them
tive power flow and responds with the threshold values.
when the mechanical energy There are two stages available
fails because then the drive The undervoltage function is
energy is taken from the net- used for asynchronous motors
work. This function provided and pumped-storage stations
by the 7UM6 can be used for and prevents the volt-
operational shutdown of the age-related instability of such
generator but also prevents machines.
damage to the steam turbines.
The reverse power is calcu- The function can also be used
lated from the positive- for monitoring purposes.
sequence systems of current
and voltage. Asymmetrical
network faults therefore do
not cause reduced measuring
accuracy. The position of the
emergency trip valve is in-
jected as binary information
and is used to switch between
two switch-off command de-
lays. When applied for motor
protection, the sign of the ac-
tive power can be reversed via

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 11

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay

Overvoltage protection Stator earth-fault protection,

(ANSI 59) non-directional, directional
This protection prevents insu- (ANSI 59N, 64G, 67G)
lation faults that result when Earth faults manifest them-
the voltage is too high. selves in generators that are
Either the maximum operated in isolation by the
line-to-line voltages or the ocurance of a displacement
phase-to-earth voltages (for voltage. In case of unit connec-
low-voltage generators) can be tions, the displacement volt-
evaluated. The measuring re- age is an adequate, selective
sults of the line-to-line voltages criterion for protection.
are independent of the neutral For the selective earth-fault
point displacement caused by detection, the direction of the
earth-faults. This function is flowing earth-current has to be
implemented in two stages. evaluated too, if there is a
direct connection between
generator and busbar.
Frequency protection
(ANSI 81) The protection relay measures
the displacement voltage at a
The frequency protection pre- v.t. located at the transformer
vents an unpermissible stress star point or at the broken Figure 22
of the equipment (e.g. turbine) Logic diagram of breaker failure protection
delta-winding of a v.t. As an
in case of under- or over- option it is also possible to cal-
frequency. It also serves as an culate the zero-sequence volt-
monitoring and control ele- age from the phase-to-earth
ment. voltages. Depending on the
The function has four stages ; Sensitive earth-fault Depending on the connection
load resistor selection 90 to protection the protection must be set in
the stages can be imple- 95 % of the stator winding of a
mented either as under- (ANSI 50/51GN, 64R) either undervoltage or
generator can be protected. overvoltage form. It can also
frequency or over-frequency The sensitive earth current in-
protection. Each stage can be A sensitive current input is put can also be used as sepa- be delayed. So as to avoid
delayed separately. available for the earth current rate earth-fault protection. It is overfunction, the active power
Even in the case of voltage measurement. This input of two-stage form. Secondary and the positive sequence
distortion, the frequency mea- should be connected to a earth currents of 2 mA or voltage act as enabling criteria
suring algorithm reliably identi- core-balance current trans- higher can be reliably handled. The final protection setting can
fies the fundamental waves former. The fault direction is be made only by way of a pri-
deduced from the displace- Alternatively, this input is also
and determines the frequency suitable as rotor earth fault mary test with the generator.
extremely precisely. ment voltage and earth cur-
rent. The directional character- protection. A voltage with
Frequency measurement can rated frequency (50 or 60 Hz)
be blocked by using an un- istic (straight line) can be easily Breaker failure protection
adapted to the system condi- is connected in the rotor circuit (ANSI 50BF)
dervoltage stage. via the interface unit 7XR61. If
tions. Effective protection for In the event of scheduled
direct connection of a genera- a higher earth current is flow-
ing, a rotor earth fault has oc- downtimes or a fault in the
Overexcitation protection tor to a busbar can therefore generator, the generator can
Volt/Herz be created. During startup, it is curred. Measuring circuit mon-
itoring is provided for this ap- remain on line if the circuit-
(ANSI 24) possible to switch over from breaker is defective and could
plication (see Figure 26).
The overexcitation protection the directional to the suffer substantial damage.
serves for detection of an displacement voltage mea- Breaker failure protection eval-
unpermissible high induction surement via an externally in- 100%-stator earth-fault pro- uates a minimum current and
(proportional to V/f) in genera- jected signal. tection with 3 rd harmonic the circuit-breaker auxiliary
tors or transformers, which Depending on the protection (ANSI 59TN, 27TN (3 rdH.)) contact. It can be started by in-
leads to a thermal overloading. setting, various earth fault pro- Owing to the design, the gen- ternal protective tripping or ex-
This may occur when starting tection concepts can be imple- erator produces a 3rd har- ternally via binary input.
up, shutting down under full mented with this function (see monic that forms a zero sys- Two-channel activation avoids
load, with weak systems or Figs. 23 to 27). tem. It is verifiable by the pro- overfunction (see Figure 22).
under isolated operation. The tection on a broken delta wind-
inverse characteristic can be ing or on the neutral trans-
set via seven points derived former. The magnitude of the
from the manufacturer voltage amplitude depends on
data/curve. the generator and its opera-
In addition, an independent tion.
alarm stage and an In the event of an earth fault in
instantaneous stage can be the vicinity of the neutral point
used. there is a voltage displace-
For calculation of the V /f ratio, ment in the 3rd harmonic
frequency and also the highest (dropping in the neutral point
of the three line-to-line volt- and rising at the terminals).
ages are used. The frequency
range that can be monitored
comprises 11 to 69 Hz.

12 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Inadvertent energization Trip circuit supervision Lockout
protection (ANSI 74TC) (ANSI 86)
(ANSI 50, 27) One or two binary inputs can All binary outputs (alarm or trip
This protection has the func- be used for monitoring the cir- relays) can be stored like LEDs
tion of limiting the damage of cuit-breaker trip coil including and reset using the LED reset
the generator in the case of an its incoming cables. An alarm key. The lockout state is also
unintentional switch-on of the signal occurs whenever the cir- stored in the event of supply
circuit-breaker whether the cuit is interrupted. voltage failure. Reclosure can
generator is standing still or ro- only occur after the lockout
tating without being excited or state is reset.
synchronized. If the network Phase rotation reversal
voltage is connected the gen- In pumped-storage power sta-
erator starts as an asynchron- tions it is possible for a binary Fuse failure and other moni-
ous machine with a large slip input to perform matching to toring
and this leads to excessively the current phase rotation The relay comprises high-per-
high currents in the rotor. (generator / motor operation formance monitoring for the
A logic circuit consisting of via phase rotation reversal). hardware and software.
sensitive current measure- The measuring circuits, ana-
ment for each phase, mea- 2 predefinable parameter log-digital conversion, power
sured variable detector, time groups supply voltages, memories
control and blocking as of a and software sequence
minimum voltage, leads to an In the protection the setting (watchdog) are all monitored.
instantaneous trip command. values can be stored in two
datasets. In addition to the The fuse failure function de-
If the fuse failure monitor re- tects failure of the measuring
sponds, this function is inef- standard parameter group, the
second group is provided for voltage due to short-circuit or
fective. open circuit of the wiring or v.t.
certain operating conditions
(pumped-storage power sta- and avoids overfunction of the
External trip coupling tions). It can be activated via undervoltage elements in the
binary input, local control or protection functions.
For recording and processing
of external trip information DIGSI 4. The positive and nega-
there are 2 (for 7UM611) or tive-sequence system (voltage
4 (for 7UM612) binary inputs. and current) are evaluated.
They are provided for informa-
tion from the Buchholz relay or Filter time
generator-specific commands
and act like a protective func- All binary indications can be
tion. Each inputs opens a fault subjected to a filter time (indi-
event and can be individually cation suppression).
delayed by means of a timer.

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 13

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Connections/Typical applications

Direct generator-bus
Fig. 23 illustrates the recom-
mended standard connection
if several generators supply
one busbar. Phase-to-earth
faults are disconnected by em-
ploying the directional
earth-fault criterion. The
earth-fault current is driven
through the cables of the sys-
tem. If this is not sufficient, an
earthing transformer con-
nected to the busbar supplies
the necessary current (maxi-
mum approximately 10 A) and
permits a protection range of
up to 90 %. The earth-fault
current should be detected by
means of core-balance current
transformers in order to
achieve the necessary sensi-
tivity. The displacement volt-
age can be used as earth-fault
criterion during starting opera-
tions until synchronization is

Figure 23

Direct generator-bus con-

nection with low-resistance
If the generator neutral point
has low-resistance earthing,
the connection illustrated in
Fig. 24 is recommended. In
the case of several generators,
the resistance must be con-
nected to only one generator,
in order to prevent circulating
currents (3rd harmonic).
For selective earth-fault detec-
tion, the earth-current input
should be looped into the com-
mon return conductor of the
two current transformer sets
(differential connection). The
current transformers must be
earthed at only one point. The
displacement voltage VE is uti-
lized as additional enable crite-
Balanced DE current trans-
formers are desirable with this
form of connection. In the
case of higher generator
power (for example, IN approxi-
mately 2000 A), current trans-
formers with a secondary
nominal current of 5 A are rec-

Figure 24

14 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Direct generator-bus con-
nection with high-resistance
generator neutral earthing
With this system configura-
tion, selective earth-fault de-
tection is implemented on the
basis of the lower fault cur-
rents through the differential
connection of core-balance
current transformers (see
Figure 25). Secondary-side
earthing must be effected at
only one core-balance current
transformer. The displacement
voltage is to be utilized addi-
tionally as enable criterion.
The load resistor takes the
form either of primary or of
secondary resistor with neutral
transformer. In the case of
several generators connected
to the busbar, again only one
generator will be earthed via
the resistor.

Figure 25

Unit connection with iso-

lated star point
This configuration of unit con-
nection is a variant to be rec-
ommended (see Figure 26).
Earth-fault detection is ef-
fected by means of the dis-
placement voltage. In order to
prevent unwanted operation in
the event of earth faults in the
system, a load resistor must
be provided at the broken delta
winding. Depending on the
plant, a voltage transformer
with a high power (VA) may in
fact be sufficient. If not, an
earthing transformer should be
employed. The available mea-
suring winding can be used for
the purpose of voltage mea-
Rotor earth-fault protection
can be implemented with the
unassigned earth-fault current
input. The 7XR61 coupling unit
must be used for this purpose.

Figure 26

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 15

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Connections/Typical application

Unit connection with neutral

With this system configura-
tion, disturbance voltage re-
duction and damping in the
event of earth faults in the
generator area are effected by
a load resistor connected to
generator neutral point. The
maximum earth-fault current is
limited to approximately 10 A.
Configuration can take the
form of a primary or secondary
resistor with neutral trans-
former. In order to avoid low
secondary resistance, the
transformation ratio of the
neutral transformer should be
low. The higher secondary
voltage can be reduced by
means of a voltage divider.
Electrically, the circuit is identi-
cal to the above configuration
(Figure 26).

Figure 27

Connection with
low-voltage generators
As is generally known, the
low-voltage system is solidly
earthed, so that the generator
neutral point is connected to
earth (see Figure 28). With this
configuration, there is the risk
that, as a result of the 3rd har-
monics forming a zero
phase-sequence system, cir-
culating currents will flow via
the N-conductor. This must be
limited by the generator or sys-
tem configuration (reactor).
Otherwise, connection corre-
sponds to the customary stan-
dard. In the case of residual
current transformer design, it
is to be ensured that the ther-
mal current limit (1s) of the I EE
input is restricted to 300 A.

Figure 28

16 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Voltage transformer in
open delta connection
Protection can also be readily
implemented on voltage trans-
formers in open delta-connec-
tion. Fig. 29 shows the con-
nection involved. If necessary,
the operational measured val-
ues for the phase-to-earth volt-
ages can be slightly asymmet-
rical. If this is undesirable, the
neutral point (R16) can be con-
nected to earth via a capacitor.
In the case of open delta-con-
nection, it is not possible to
calculate the displacement Figure 29
voltage from the secondary
voltages. It must be passed to
the protection device along a
different path (for example,
voltage transformer at the gen-
erator neutral point or from the
earthing transformer).

Connection with two cur-

rent transformers
This configuration is to be
found in older systems with in-
sulated or high-resistance star
point. This connection is illus-
trated in Fig. 30 opposite. In
the protection unit, the sec- Figure 30
ondary currents are repre-
sented correctly and, in addi-
tion, the positive and the nega-
tive phase-sequence system
are correctly calculated. Limits
of application occur in the case
of low-resistance and solid

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 17

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Technical data

Analog input Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Rated current I N 1 or 5 A
Earth current, sensitive IEmax 1.6 A
Rated voltage VN 100 to 125 V
Power consumption
with I N = 1 A approx. 0.05 VA
with I N = 5 A approx. 0.3 VA
for sensitive earth current approx. 0.05 VA
voltage inputs (with 100 V) approx. 0.3 VA
Capability in CT circuits
thermal (rms values) 100 IN for 1 s
30 IN for 10 s
4 IN continuous

dynamic (peak) 250 IN (one half cycle)

Earth current, sensitive 300 A for 1 s
100 A for 10 s
15 A continuous
dynamic (peak) 750 A (one half cycle)
Capability in voltage paths 230 V continuous

Power supply Rated auxiliary voltage 24 to 48 V DC

60 to 125 V DC
110 to 250 V DC
and 115 V AC with 50/60 Hz
Permitted tolerance –20 to +20 %
Superimposed (peak to peak) ≤ 15 %
Power consumption
during normal operation 7UM611 approx. 4 W
7UM612 approx. 4.5 W
during pickup with all inputs and outputs activated
7UM611 approx. 9.5 W
7UM612 approx. 12.5 W
Bridging time during auxiliary voltage failure
at V aux = 48 V and V aux ≥ 110 V ≥ 50 ms
at V aux = 24 V and V aux = 60 V ≥ 20 ms

Binary inputs Number

7UM611 7
7UM612 15
2 pickup thresholds 14 to 19 V DC or 66 to 88 V DC
Range is selectable with jumpers
Maximum permissible voltage 300 V DC
Current consumption, energized approx. 1.8 mA

Output relays Number

7UM611 11 (1 NO))
7UM612 16 (1 NO); 1 (1 NC)
Switching capacity
make 1000 W / VA
break 30 VA
break (for resistive load) 40 W
break (for L/R ≤ 50 ms) 25 VA
Switching voltage 250 V
Permissible current 5 A continuous
30 A for 0.5 seconds

LED Number
RUN (green) 1
ERROR (red) 1
Assignable LED (red)
7UM611 7
7UM612 14

Mechanical construction 7XP20 housing For dimensions see dimension drawings

Degree of protection acc. to EN 60529
For surface-mounting housing IP 51
For flush-mounting housing
front IP 51
rear IP 50
For the terminals IP 2x with terminal cover put on
Flush mounting housing
7UM611 (1/3 x 19’‘ ) approx. 5.5 kg
7UM612 (1/2 x 19’‘l) approx. 7 kg
Surface mounting housing
7UM611 (1/3 x 19’‘) approx. 7.5 kg
7UM612 (1/2 x 19’‘) approx. 12 kg

18 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Serial interfaces

Operating interface Connection Non-isolated, RS232,

for DIGSI 4 front panel; 9-pin subminiature connector
Baud rate 4800 to 115200 Baud

Time synchronization Connection 9-pin subminiature connector, terminal with

IRIG B / DCF 77 signal surface-mounting case
Voltage levels selectable 5 V or 12 V or 24 V

Service/modem Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector

interface for DIGSI 4 / Test voltage 500 V / 50 Hz
Modem / Service Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m
Fiber-optic cable Integrated ST-connector
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm
Permissible path attenuation Max. 8 dB for glass-fiber 62.5/125 µm
Bridgeable distance Max. 1.5 km

System interface Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector

IEC 60870-5-103 Baud rate 4800 to 115200 Baud
PROFIBUS DP Test voltage 500 V / 50 Hz
MODBUS RTU Permissible distance for RS232 Max. 15 m
Permissible distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m
Test voltage 500 V / 50 Hz
Baud rate Max. 12 MBaud
Permissible distance 1000 m bei 93,75 kBaud; 100 m bei 12 MBaud
PROFIBUS fiber-optic cable Integrated ST-connector;
Single or double ring
Baud rate max. 1.5 MBaud
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm
Permissible path attenuation Max. 8 dB for glass-fiber 62.5/125 µm
Bridgeable distance max. 1.5 km

Electrical tests

Specifications Standards IEC 60255 (product standards)

ANSI/IEEE C37.90.0/.1/.2
UL 508
DIN 57435 part 303
For further standards see “Individual functions”

Insulating tests Standards IEC 60255-5

Voltage test (100 % test) 2.5 kV (rms.), 50/60 Hz
All circuits except for auxiliary supply, binary inputs
communication and time synchronization interfaces
Voltage test (100 % test) 3.5 kV DC
Auxiliary voltage and binary inputs
Voltage test (100 % test) 500 V (rms value), 50/60 Hz
RS485/RS232 rear side communication interfaces
and time synchronization interface
Surge voltage test (type test) 5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 J;
All circuits except for communication interfaces 3 positive and 3 negative surges
and time synchronization interface, class III at intervals of 5 s

EMC tests for noise immunity Standards IEC 60255-6, IEC 60255-22 (product standards)
(type test) EN 50082-2 (generic standard)
DIN 57 435 part 303
High frequency test 2.5 kV (peak value), 1 MHz; τ = 15 ms
IEC 60255-22-1, class III 400 pulses per s; duration 2 s
and DIN 57435 part 303, class III
Discharge of static electricity 8 kV contact discharge; 15 kV air discharge;
IEC 60255-22-2 class IV both polarities; 150 pF; Ri = 330 Ω
EN 61000-4-2, class IV
Exposure to RF field, non-modulated 10 V/m; 27 to 500 MHz
IEC 60255-22-3 (report), class III
Exposure to RF field, amplitude-modulated 10 V/m; 80 to 1000 MHz; 80 % AM; 1 kHz
IEC 61000-4-3, class III
Exposure to RF field, pulse-modulated 10 V/m; 900 MHz; repetition frequency 200 Hz;
IEC 61000-4-3/ ENV 50204, class III duty cycle 50 %
Fast transient interference bursts 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz; burst length = 15 ms;
IEC 60255-22-4, IEC 61000-4-4, class IV repetition frequency 300 ms; both polarities;
Ri = 50 Ω; test duration 1 min

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 19

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Technical data

EMC tests for noise immunity High-energy surge voltages (SURGE), Impulse: 1.2/50 µs
(type tests) IEC 61000-4-5 installation class III
Auxiliary supply common (longitudinal) mode: 2 kV; 12 Ω, 9 µF
differential (transversal) mode:1 kV; 2 Ω, 18 µF

Measurement inputs, binary inputs common (longitudinal) mode: 2 kV; 42 Ω, 0.5 µF

and relay outputs differential (transversal) mode: 1 kV; 42 Ω, 0.5 µF
Conducted RF, amplitude-modulated 10 V; 150 kHz bis 80 MHz; 80 % AM; 1 kHz
IEC 61000-4-6, class III
Magnetic field with power frequency 30 A/m continuous;
IEC 61000-4-8, class IV; 300 A/m for 3 s; 50 Hz
IEC 60255-6 0.5 mT; 50 Hz
Oscillatory surge withstand capability 2.5 to 3 kV (peak); 1 to 1.5 MHz
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 damped wave; 50 surges per second;
Duration 2 s; Ri = 150 to 200 Ω
Fast transient surge withstand capability 4 to 5 kV; 10/150 ns; 50 impulses per second;
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 both polarities; Duration 2 s ; Ri = 80 Ω
Radiated electromagnetic interference 35 V/m; 25 to 1000 MHz
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.2
Damped oscillations 2.5 kV (peak value), polarity alternating 100 kHz,
IEC 60894, IEC 61000-4-12 1 MHz, 10 and 50 MHz, Ri = 200 Ω

EMC tests for interference Standard EN 50081-1 (Basic specification)

emission Radio interference voltage on lines 150 kHz to 30 MHz
(type tests) only auxiliary supply IEC-CISPR 22 class B
Interference field strength 30 to 1000 MHz
IEC-CISPR 22 class B

Mechanical dynamic tests

Vibration and shock stress

at stationary conditions
Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068
Vibration Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 10 to 60 Hz: ±0.075 mm amplitude;
IEC 60068-2-6 60 to 150 Hz: 1 g acceleration
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Shock Half-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 5 g, duration 11 ms,
IEC 60068-2-27 3 shocks each in both directions of the 3 axes
Vibration during earthquake Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 1 to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude (horizontal axis)
IEC 60068-3-3 1 to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude (vertical axis)
8 to 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration (horizontal axis)
8 to 35 Hz: 0,5 g acceleration (vertical axis)
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes

during transport Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068-2

Vibration Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 5 to 8 Hz: ±7,5 mm amplitude;
IEC 60068-2-6 8 to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Shock Half-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 15 g, duration 11 ms, 3 shocks
IEC 60068-2-27 each in both directions 3 axes
Continuous shock Half-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 10 g, duration 16 ms,
IEC 60068-2-29 1000 shocks in both directions of the 3 axes

20 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Climatic stress
Temperatures Standards IEC 60255-6
Recommended temperature during operation –5 to +55 °C 25 to 131 °F
Temporary permissible temperature limit during –20 to +70 °C -4 to 158 °F
operation (The legibility of the display may be affected
above 55 °C/131 °F)
Limit temperature during storage –25 to +55 °C -13 to 131 °F
Limit temperature during transport –25 to +70 °C -13 to 158 °F
Storage and transport with standard
factory packaging

Humidity Permissible humidity stress Annual average ≤ 75 % relative humidity; on 56

We recommend arranging the units in such a way days a year up to 93 % relative humidity; condensa-
that they are not exposed to direct sunlight or pronounced tion during operation is not permitted
temperature changes that could cause condensation


Common Frequency range 11 to 69 Hz

Definite time-overcurrent Setting ranges

protection, directional Overcurrent I>, I>> 0.1 to 8 A (steps 0.01 A); 5 times at I N= 5 A
ANSI 50, 51, 67 Time delay T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Undervoltage seal-in V< 10 to 125 V (steps 0.1 V)
Seal-in time of V< 0.1 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s)
Angle of the directional element (at I>) – 90 ° to + 90 ° (steps 1°)
Pickup time I>, I>>
at 2 times of set value approx. 35 ms
at 10 times of set value approx. 25 ms
Drop-off time I>, I>> approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio I>: 0.95; I>>: 0.9 to 0,99 (steps 0.01)
Drop-off ratio V< approx. 1.05
Current pickup (starting) I>, I>> 1 % of set value or 10/50 mA
Undervoltage seal-in V< 1 % of set value or 0.5 V
Angle of the directional element 1°
Time delays 1 % or 10 ms

Inverse time-overcurrent Setting ranges

protection Pickup overcurrent I P 0.1 to 4 A (steps 0.01 A); 5 times at I N = 5A
ANSI 51V Time multiplier IEC-characteristics T 0.05 to 3.2 s (steps 0,01 s) or indefinite
Time multiplier ANSI- characteristics D 0.5 to 15 (steps 0.01) or indefinite
Undervoltage release V< 10 to 125 V (steps 0.1 V)
Trip characteristics
IEC Normal inverse; very inverse; extremely inverse
ANSI Inverse; moderately inverse; very inverse;
extremely inverse; definite inverse
Pickup threshold approx. 1.1 IP
Drop-off threshold approx. 1.05 IP for IP/IN ≥ 0.3
Pickup threshold IP 1 % of set value 10/50 mA
Pickup threshold V< 1 % of set value or 0.5 V
Time for 2 ≤ I/IP ≤ 20 5 % of nominal value + 1 % current tolerance
or 40 ms

Stator overload Setting ranges

protection, thermal Factor k according to IEC 60255-8 0.5 to 2.5 (steps 0.01)
ANSI 49 Time constant 30 to 32000 s (steps 1 s)
Time delay factor at stand still 1 to 10 (steps 0.01)
Alarm overtemperature ΘAlarm /ΘTrip 70 to 100 % related to the trip temperature
(steps 1 %)
Overcurrent alarm stage IAlarm 0.1 to 4 A (steps 0.01 A); 5 times at I N = 5 A
Temperature at IN 40 to 200 °C (steps 1 °C)
or 104 to 392 °F (steps 1 °F)
Scaling temperature of cooling medium 40 to 300 °C (steps 1 °C)
or 104 to 572 °F (steps 1 °F)
Reset time at emergency start 20 to 150000 s (steps 1 s)
Drop-off ratio
Θ/ΘTrip Drop-off with ΘAlarrn
Θ/ΘAlarrm approx. 0.99
I/IAlarm approx. 0.95
regarding k x I P 2 % or 10/50 mA; class 2 % according to
IEC 60255-8
regarding trip time 3 % or 1 s: class 3 %
according to IEC 60255-8 for I/(k I N)>1.25

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 21

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Technical data

Negative sequence protection Setting ranges

ANSI 46 Permissible negative sequence I 2 perm. /IN 3 to 30 % (steps 1 %)
Definite time trip stage I 2 >>/IN 10 to 100 % (steps 1 %)
Time delays T Alarm; TI2>> 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Negative sequence factor K 2 to 40 s (steps 0.1 s)
Cooling down time T Cooling 0 to 50000 s (steps 1 s)
Pickup time (definite stage) approx. 50 ms
Drop-off time (definite stage) approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratios I2 perm.; I2 >> approx. 0.95
Drop-off ratio thermal stage Drop-off at fall below of I2 perm.
Pickup values I 2 perm.; I2 >> 3 % of set value or 0.3 % negative sequence
Time delays 1 % or 10 ms
Thermal characteristic 5 % of nominal value +1 % current tolerance
Time for 2 ≤ I2/I2 perm. ≤ 20 or 600 ms

Underexcitation protection Setting ranges

ANSI 40 Conductance thresholds 1/xd characteristic 0.25 to 3.0 (steps 0.01)
(3 characteristics)
Inclination angle α1, α2, α3 50 to 120 ° (steps 1 °)
Time delay T 0 to 50 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Stator criterion 1/xd characteristic; α approx. 60 ms
Undervoltage blocking approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio
Stator criterion 1/xd characteristic; α approx. 0.95
Undervoltage blocking approx. 1.1
Stator criterion 1/xd characteristic 3 % of set value
Stator criterion α 1 ° electrical
Undervoltage blocking 1 % or 0.5 V
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

Reverse-power protection Setting ranges

ANSI 32 Reverse power P Rev.>/S N –0.5 to –30 % (steps 0.01 %)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Pickup time approx. 360 ms (50 Hz); approx. 300 ms (60 Hz)
Drop-off time approx. 360 ms (50 Hz); approx. 300 ms (60 Hz)
Drop-off ratio P Rev.> approx. 0.6
Reverse power PRev. > 0.25 % S N ± 3 % set value
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

Forward-power protection Setting ranges

ANSI 32F Forward power P Forw.</SN 0.5 to 120 % (steps 0.1 %)
Forward power P Forw.>/SN 1 to 120 % (steps 0.1 %
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Pick-up time (accurate measuring) approx. 360 ms (50 Hz); approx. 300 ms (60 Hz)
Pick-up time (fast measuring) approx. 60 ms (50 Hz); approx. 50 ms (60 Hz)
Drop-off time (accurate measuring) approx. 360 ms (50 Hz); approx. 300 ms (60 Hz)
Drop-off time (fast measuring) approx. 60 ms (50 Hz); approx. 50 ms (60 Hz)
Drop-off ratio P Forw.< 1.1 or 0.5 % of SN
Drop-off ratio P Forw.> approx. 0.9 or –0,5 % of S N
Active power PForw. <, P Forw.> 0.25 % S N ± 3 % of set value
at Q < 0.5 SN at accurate measuring
0.5 % S N ± 3 % of set value
at Q < 0.5 SN at fast measuring
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

22 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Impedance protection Setting ranges
ANSI 21 Overcurrent pickup I> 0.1 to 4 A (steps 0.01 A); 5 times at IN = 5A
Undervoltage seal-in V< 10 to 125 V (steps 0.1V)
Impedance Z1 (related to IN =1 A) 0.05 to 130 Ω (steps 0.01 Ω)
Impedance Z1B (related to IN =1 A) 0.05 to 65 Ω (steps 0.01 Ω)
Impedance Z2 (related to IN =1 A) 0.05 to 65 Ω (steps 0.01 Ω)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Shortest tripping time approx. 40 ms
Drop-off time approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio
Overcurrent pickup I> approx. 0.95
Undervoltage seal-in V< approx. 1.05
Overcurrent pickup I> 1 % of set value. 10/50 mA
Undervoltage seal-in V< 1 % of set value. or 0.5 V
Impedance measuring Z1, Z2 |∆Z/Z| ≤ 5 % for 30 ° ≤ ϕK ≤ 90 °
Time delays T 1% or 10 ms

Undervoltage protection Setting range

ANSI 27 Undervoltage pickup V<, V<< 10 to 125 V (steps 0.1 V)
(positive sequence as phase-to-phase values)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Pickup time V<, V<< approx. 50 ms
Drop-off time V<, V<< approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio V<, V<< 1.01 to 1.1 (steps 0.01)
Voltage limit values 1 % of set value or 0.5 V
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

Overvoltage protection Setting ranges

ANSI 59 Overvoltage pickup V>, V>> 30 to 170 V (steps 0.1 V)
(maximum phase-to-phase voltage or
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Pickup times V>, V>> approx. 50 ms
Drop-off times V>, V>> approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio V>, V>> 0.9 to 0.99 (steps 0.01)
Voltage limit value 1 % of set value 0.5 V
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

Frequency protection Setting ranges

ANSI 81 Steps; selectable f>, f< 4
Pickup values f>, f< 40 to 65 Hz (steps 0.01 Hz)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Undervoltage blocking V1< 10 to 125 V (steps 0.1 V)
Pickup times f>, f< approx. 100 ms
Drop-off times f>, f< approx. 100 ms
Drop-off difference ∆f approx. 20 mHz
Drop-off ratio V 1< approx. 1.05
Frequency 10 mHz (at V> 0.5 VN )
Undervoltage blocking 1 % of set value or 0.5 V
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

Overexcitation protection Setting ranges

(Volt/Hertz) Pickup threshold alarm stage 1 to 1.2 (steps 0.01)
ANSI 24 Pickup threshold V/f>>-stage 1 to 1.4 (steps 0.01)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Characteristic values of V/f 1.1/1.15/1.2/1.25/1.3/1.35/1.4
and assigned times t(V/f ) 0 to 20000 s (steps 1s)
Cooling down time T Cooling 0 to 20000 s (steps 1s)
Times (Alarm and V/f>>-stage)
Pickup times at 1.1 of set value approx. 60 ms
Drop-off times approx. 60 ms
Drop-off ratio (alarm, trip) 0.95
V/f-Pickup 3 % of set value
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms
Thermal characteristic (time) 5 % rated to V/f or 600 ms

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 23

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Technical data

Stator earth-fault Setting ranges

protection, non-directional, Displacement voltage V0 > 5 to 125 V (steps 0.1 V)
directional Earth current 3I 0> 2 to 1000 mA (steps 1 mA)
ANSI 59N, 64G, 67G Angle of direction element 0 to 360 ° (steps 1 °)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0,01 s) or indefinite
Pickup times V0>, 3I0> approx. 50 ms
Drop-off times V0>/ 3I0> approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio V 0>, 3I0> 0.7
Drop-off difference angle 10 ° directed to power system
Displacement voltage 1 % of set value or 0.5 V
Earth current 1 % of set value or 0.5 mA
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

Sensitive earth-fault protection Setting ranges

ANSI 50/51GN, 64R Earth current pickup IEE>, IEE>> 2 to 1000 mA (steps 1 mA)
Time delays T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Measuring circuit supervision IEE< 1.5 to 50 mA (steps 0.1 mA)
Pickup times approx. 50 ms
Drop-off times approx. 50 ms
Measuring circuit supervision approx. 50 ms
Drop-off ratio I EE>, I EE>> 0.95 or 1 mA
Drop-off ratio measuring circuit supervision I EE< approx. 1.1 or 1 mA
Earth current pickup 1 % of set value or 0.5 mA
Time delays T 1 % or 10 ms

100 % Stator earth-fault Setting ranges

protection with 3rd harmonics Displacement voltage V0 (3rd harm.)>, V 0 (3rd harm.)< 0.2 to 40 V (steps 0.1 V)
ANSI 59TN, 27TN (3rd H.) Time delay T 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Active power release 10 to 100 % (steps 1 %) or indefinite
Positive sequence voltage release 50 to 125 V (steps 0.1 V) or indefinite
Pickup time approx. 80 ms
Drop-off time approx. 80 ms
Drop-off ratio
Undervoltage stage V 0 (3rd harm.)< approx. 1.4
Overvoltage stage V 0 (3rd harm.)> approx. 0.6
Active power release approx. 0.9
Positive sequence voltage release approx. 0.95
Displacement voltage 3 % of set value or 0.1 V
Time delay T 1 % or 10 ms

Breaker-failure protection Setting ranges

ANSI 50BF Current thresholds I>BF 0.04 to 1 A (steps 0.01 A)
Time delay BF-T 0.06 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Pickup time approx. 50 ms
Drop-off time approx. 50 ms
Current threshold I>BF/IN 1 % of set value or 10/50 mA
Time delay T 1 % or 10 ms

Inadvertent energizing Setting ranges

protection Current pickup I>>> 0.1 to 20 A (steps 0.1 A); 5 times at I N= 5 A
ANSI 50, 27 Voltage release V 1< 10 to 125 V (steps 1 V)
Time delay 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Drop-off time 0 to 60 s (steps 0.01 s) or indefinite
Reaction time approx. 25 ms
Drop-off time approx. 35 ms
Drop-off ratio I>>> approx. 0.8
Drop-off ratio V 1< approx. 1.05
Current pickup 5 % of set value or 20/100 mA
Undervoltage seal-in V 1< 1 % of set value or 0.5 V
Time delay T 1 % or 10 ms

External trip coupling Number of external trip couplings 2 for 7UM611

4 for 7UM612

Trip circuit supervision Number of supervised trip circuits (only 7UM612) 1


24 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Operational measured values Description Primary; secondary or per unit (%)
Currents IPH1 ; I PH2; IPH3; I EE; I 1; I 2
Tolerance 0.2 % of measured values or ± 10 mA ± 1 digit
Voltages VPH1 ; V PH2; VPH3 ; V E; VPH12; VPH23; V PH31; V 1; V 2
Tolerance 0.2 % of measured values or ± 0,2 V ± 1 digit
Impedance R, X
Tolerance 1%
Power S; P; Q
Tolerance 1 % of measured values or ± 0.25 % SN
Phase angle ϕ
Tolerance <0.1 °
Power factor cos ϕ (p.f.)
Tolerance 1% ± 1 digit
Frequency f
Tolerance 10 mHz at V> 0.5 VN ; 40 Hz < f < 65 Hz)
Overexcitation V/f;
Tolerance 1%
Thermal measurement ΘPH1; ΘPH2, ΘPH3, Θ I2, ΘV/f,
Tolerance 5%

Min./max. memory Memory Measured values with date and time

Reset manual via binary input
via key pad
via communication
Positive sequence voltage V1
Positive sequence current I1
Active power P
Reactive power Q
Frequency f
Displacement voltage (3rd harmonics) VE(3rd harm.)

Energy metering Meter of 4 quadrants WP+ ; W P–; WQ+; WQ–

Tolerance 1%

Fault records Number of fault records max. 8 fault records

Instantaneous values max. 5 s
Storage time depending on the actual frequency
Sampling interval (e. g. 1.25 ms at 50 Hz;
1.04 ms at 60 Hz)
Channels v PH1, vPH2, v PH3, v E; i PH1, i PH2, i PH3, i EE
RMS values
Storage period max. 80 s
Sampling interval fixed (20 ms at 50 Hz; 16.67 ms at 60 Hz)
Channels V1, VE, I 1, I 2, IEE, P, Q, ϕ, f-fn

Additional functions Fault event logging Storage of events of the last 8 faults
Puffer length 600
Time solution 1 ms
Operational indications max. 200 indications
time solution 1 ms
Elapsed-hour meter up to 6 digits
(criterion: current threshold)
Switching statistics Number of breaker operation
Phase summated tripping current

CE conformity The product meets the stipulations of the guideline of the This conformity is the result of a test that was
council of the European Communities for harmonization of performed by Siemens AG in accordance with Arti-
the legal requirements of the member states on elec- cle 10 of the directive in conformance with generic
tro-magnetic compatibility (EMC directive 89/336/EEC) and standards EN 50081-2 and EN 50082-2 for the
product use within certain voltage limits (low-voltage EMC directive and EN 60255-6 for the low-voltage
directive 73,23/EEC). directive.
The product conforms with the international standard of the
IEC 60255 series and the German national standard
DIN VDE 57 435,Part 303. The unit has been developed and
manufactured for use in industrial areas in accordance with
the EMC standard.

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 25

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No. Order Code

Multifunction generator protection SIPROTEC 4 7UM61¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨ A0 ¨¨¨

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Housing, binary inputs and binary outputs
Housing 1/3 19", 7 BI, 11 BO, 1 live status contact 1
Housing 1/2 19", 15 BI, 19 BO, 1 live status contact 2

Current transformer IN
1A 1
5A 5

Auxiliary voltage (power supply, indication voltage)

24 to 48 V DC, threshold binary input 17 V 2
60 to 125 V DC, threshold binary input 17 V 4
110 to 220 V DC, 115 V AC, threshold binary input 73 V 5

Surface-mounting housing 2 tier screw-type terminals top/bottom B
Flush-mounting housing, plug-in terminals (2-/3 pin connector) D
Flush-mounting housing, screw-type terminal E
(direct connection, ring-type cable lugs)

Re gion-specific default setting/function and

language settings
Region DE, 50 Hz, IEC characteristics, language: German,
(language can be adjusted) A
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI characteristics, language: English,
(language can be adjusted) B
Region US, 60 Hz, ANSI characteristics, language: American,
(language can be adjusted) C

System interface (rear of units)

No system interface 0
IEC protocol, electric RS232 1
IEC protocol, electric RS485 2
IEC protocol, optical 820 nm, ST-connector 3
PROFIBUS-FMS slave, electric RS485, upon request 4
PROFIBUS-FMS slave, optical, double ring, ST-connector, upon request 6
PROFIBUS-DP slave, electric RS485 9 L 0 A
PROFIBUS-DP slave, optical 820 nm, double ring, ST-connector 9 L 0 B
MODBUS, electric RS485 1) 9 L 0 D
MODBUS, optical 820 nm, ST-connector 9 L 0 E

DIGSI 4/Modem interface (rear of unit)

No interface 0
DIGSI 4, electric RS232 1
DIGSI 4, electric RS485 2
DIGSI 4, optical 820 nm, ST-connector 3

Measuring functions
without 0
min./max. values, energy metering 3

Basis A
Standard Basis + Forward power, underexcitation, negative sequence B
and breaker-failure protection
Full Standard + inadvertent energization, stator earth-fault (3rd harmonic) C
and impedance protection

1) Available as of next software release.

2) For more detailled information on the functions
see Table 1 on page 2.

26 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000



Fig. 32 Fig. 33
2-pin connector 3-pin connector

Fig. 31
Mounting rail
for 19" rack

Fig. 34 Fig. 35
Short-circuit link Short-circuit link
for current contacts for voltage contacts/
indications contacts

Description Order No. Size of Supplier Fig.


Connector 2-pin C73334-A1-C35-1 1 Siemens 32

3-pin C73334-A1-C36-1 1 Siemens 33
2 1)
Crimp CI2 0.5 to 1 mm 0-827039-1 4000 AMP
connector 0-827396-1 1 AMP
2 1)
CI2 1 to 2.5 mm 0-827040-1 4000 AMP
0-827397-1 1 AMP 1)
2 1)
Type III + 0.75 to 1.5 mm 0-163083-7 4000 AMP
0-163084-2 1 AMP 1)
Crimping for Typ III + 0-539635-1 1 AMP 1)
tool and matching female 0-539668-2 AMP 1)
for CI2 0-734372-1 1
and matching female 1-734387-1
19"-mounting rail C73165-A63-D200-1 1 Siemens 31
Short-circuit links for current terminals C73334-A1-C33-1 1 Siemens 34
for other terminals C73334-A1-C34-1 1 Siemens 35
Safety cover for terminals large C73334-A1-C31-1 1 Siemens
small C73334-A1-C32-1 1 Siemens
1) AMP Deutschland GmbH
Amperestr. 7–11
D-63225 Langen
Tel.: +49 6103 709-0
Fax +49 6103 709-223

Product description Variants Order No.

DIGSI 4 Basis 7XS5400-0AA00

Software for configuration and operation Full version with license for 10 computers, on CD-ROM
of Siemens protection units (authorization with license number).
MS Windows program, running under Additional: CD-ROM with DIGSI 3
MS Windows (version MS Windows 95 Demo 7XS5401-0AA00
and higher). Demo version on CD-ROM
Unit templates, COMTRADE Viewer, electronic Professional 7XS5402-0AA00
manual included
Complete version: Basis and all optional packages
Additional: CD-ROM with DIGSI 3

Connecting cable (copper) between PC and relay 7XV5100-4

(9-pin female connector to 9-pin male connector)
Coupling device for 7XR6100-0CA00
rotor earth-fault protection
Series resistor for 3PP1336-0DZ-013002
rotor earth-fault protection
Voltage devider (5:1, 5:2) 3PP1336-1CZ-013001
Instruction manual 7UM61; V4.0 C53000-G1100-C127-1
Advertising brochures German 7UM61/62 E50001-U321-A149
English 7UM61/62 E50001-U321-A149-X-7600

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 27

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Connection diagrams acc. to IEC

1) NC or NO with jumper
(under development).

Figure 36
7UM611 connection diagram (IEC standard)

28 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

1) NC or NO with jumper
(under development).

Figure 37
7UM612 connection diagram (IEC standard)

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 29

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Connection diagrams ANSI

1) NC or NO with jumper
(under development).

Figure 38
7UM611 connection diagram (ANSI standard)

30 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

1) NC or NO with jumper
(under development).

Figure 39
7UM612 connection diagram (ANSI standard)

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 31

SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612
Multifunction Generator Protection Relay
Dimension drawings

Mounting plate



RS232- Side view Rear view 1 Rear view 2

interface Unit with screw-type terminals Unit with plug-in terminals

Panel cutout

Figure 40
7UM611 in 1/3 flush-mounting
housing 7XP20 for
flush-mounting /

Cutout 25 x 105
(without paint)

Figure 41
7UM611 in 1/3 surface
mounting housing 7XP20 for
FO case panel surface mounting

Front view Side view

(without FO case)

32 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Mounting plate



RS232- Side view Rear view 1 Rear view 2

interface Unit with screw-type terminals Unit with plug-in terminals

Panel cutout

Figure 42
7UM612 in 1/2 flush
mounting housing 7XP20 for
mounting /

Figure 43
7UM612 in 1/2 surface
mounting housing 7XP20 for
panel surface mounting

Side view Front view (without FO case)

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 33


Catalog index of the Power Transmission and Distribution Group (Protection and Substation Control Systems Division)

Title Designation Order No.

Numerical Protective Relaying

Numerical Protection Devices LSA 2.0.1 E50001-K5702-A011-A1-7600
Operation and Evaluation Software for Numerical Protection Devices LSA 2.0.2 E50001-K5702-A121-A1-7600
Relay Selection Guide LSA 2.0.3 E50001-K5702-A031-A2-7600
SIPROTEC 7SJ600 Overcurrent, Motor and Overload Protection LSA 2.1.15 E50001-K5712-A251-A2-7600
SIPROTEC 7SJ601 Overcurrent Protection LSA 2.1.16 E50001-K5712-A261-A1-7600
7SJ41 Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection Relay LSA 2.1.10 E50001-K5712-A201-A2-7600
7SJ511 Numerical Overcurrent-Time Protection (Version V3) LSA 2.1.3 E50001-K5712-A131-A2-7600
7SJ512 Numerical Overcurrent-Time Protection (Version V3) LSA 2.1.4 E50001-K5712-A141-A3-7600
7SJ512 Numerical Feeder Protection (Version V3.6) LSA 2.1.30 E50001-K5712-A411-A1-4A00
SIPROTEC 7SJ531 Numerical Line and Motor Protection with
Control Function LSA 2.1.9 E50001-K5712-A191-A4-7600
7SJ551 Multi-Function Protection Relay LSA 2.4.2 E50001-K5742-A121-A3-7600
SIPROTEC 4 7SJ61/62/63 6MD63 Multifunction Protection Relay
and Bay Controller SIP 3.1 E50001-K4403-A111-A1-4A00
SIPROTEC 7SJ602 Numerical Overcurrent, Motor and Overload
Protection Relay SIP 3.3 E50001-K4403-A131-A1-7600
SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.1.17 E50001-K5712-A271-A1-7600
SIPROTEC 7SA511 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.1.11 E50001-K5712-A211-A2-7600
7SA513 Line Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.1.12 E50001-K5712-A221-A1-7600
7SA518/519 Overhead Control-Line Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.1.14 E50001-K5712-A241-A2-7600
3VU13 Miniature Circuit-Breaker LSA 2.1.8 E50001-K5712-A181-A2-7600
7SD502 Line Differential Protection with Two Pilot Wires LSA 2.2.1 E50001-K5722-A111-A2-7600
7SD503 Line Differential Protection with Three Pilot Wires LSA 2.2.2 E50001-K5722-A121-A2-7600
7SD511/512 Current Comparison Protection Relay (Version V3)
for Overhead Lines and Cables LSA 2.2.3 E50001-K5722-A131-A2-7600
SIPRPOTEC 7SD60 Numerical Current Differential Protection Relay
for Two Pilot-Wire Link SIPROTEC 5.2 E50001-K4405-A121-A1-7600
7UT512/513 Differential Protection Relay (Version V3)
for Transformers, Generators and Motors LSA 2.2.4 E50001-K5722-A141-A2-7600
SIPROTEC 7SS50 Version V1.2 Busbar/Circuit-Breaker
Failure Protection Relay (Summation Current Transformer Version) SIPROTEC 5.1 E50001-K4405-A111-A1-7600
Auxiliary Current Transformers 4AM50, 4AM51, 4AM52
and Isolating Transformers 7XR95 LSA 2.2.6 E50001-K5722-A161-A1-7600
SIPROTEC 7SS52 Distributed Numerical Busbar and Circuit-Breaker
Failure Protection Relay LSA 2.2.7 E50001-K5722-A171-A1-7600
Introduction to Earth-Fault Detection LSA 2.3.1 E50001-K5732-A111-A2-7600
7SN71 Transient Earth-Fault Relay LSA 2.3.2 E50001-K5732-A121-A1-7600
7XR96 Toroidal Current Transformer LSA 2.3.3 E50001-K5732-A131-A1-7600
7VC1637 Earth-Leakage Monitor LSA 2.3.4 E50001-K5732-A141-A1-7600
7SK52 Motor Protection LSA 2.4.1 E50001-K5742-A111-A1-7600
Introduction to Generator Protection LSA 2.5.1 E50001-K5752-A111-A1-7600
7UM511 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.2 E50001-K5752-A121-A2-7600
7UM512 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.3 E50001-K5752-A131-A2-7600
7UM515 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.4 E50001-K5752-A141-A2-7600
7UM516 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) LSA 2.5.5 E50001-K5752-A151-A1-7600
SIPROTEC 4 7UM611/612 Multifunction Generator Protection Relay SIP 6.1 E50001-K4406-A111-A1-7600
7UW50 Tripping Matrix LSA 2.5.6 E50001-K5752-A161-A1-7600
7VE51 Synchronizing Unit LSA 2.5.7 E50001-K5752-A171-A1-7600
7VP151 Three-Phase Portable Test Set (Omicron CMC56) LSA 2.6.1 E50001-K5762-A111-A2-7600
7XV72 Test Switch LSA 2.6.2 E50001-K5762-A121-A1-7600
7SV50 Numerical Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay LSA 2.7.1 E50001-K5772-A111-A1-7600
7SV512 Numerical Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay LSA 2.7.2 E50001-K5772-A121-A1-7600
7VK512 Numerical Auto-Reclose/Check-Synchronism Relay LSA 2.7.3 E50001-K5772-A131-A1-7600
7SM70 Analog Output Unit LSA 2.7.5 E50001-K5772-A151-A1-7600
7SM71 Analog Output Unit LSA 2.7.6 E50001-K5772-A161-A1-7600
7SV7220 Power Supply Unit LSA 2.7.9 E50001-K5772-A191-A1-7600
SIPROTEC 7RW600 Numerical Voltage, Frequency and
Overexcitation Relay SIP 2.1 E50001-K4402-A111-A1-7600
Communication for Protection Devices
Centralized and Remote Control of Siemens Protection Relays (Overview) SIPROTEC 8.1 E50001-K4408-A111-A1-7600
DIGSI 4 - Software for Configuration and Operation of SIPROTEC 4 units SIP 8.2 E50001-K4408-A121-A1-7600
DIGRA 4 - Software for the Visualization and Analysis of Fault Records SIP 8.3 E50001-K4408-A131-A1-7600
Operating and Analysis Software DIGSI V3 LSA 2.8.2 E50001-K5782-A121-A1-7600
6MB252 Mini Bay Unit for Energy Automation with SICAM SIPROTEC 7.1 E50001-K4407-A111-A1-7600
Analog Protective Relaying
Static Analog Network Protection Relays R 1.1 E50001-K4501-A111-A1-7600
Static Analog Machine Protection Relays R 1.2 E50001-K4501-A121-A1-7600
Static Analog Ancillary Protection Equipment R 1.3 E50001-K4501-A131-A1-7600

34 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000

Catalog index

Title Designation Order No.

Energy Automation
Substation SICAM RTU System SICAM 2.1.1 E50001-K5602-A111-A1-7600
SICAM miniRTU 6MD202 SubRTU SICAM 2.2.1 E50001-K5602-A211-A1-7600
SICAM microRTU 6MD2030 Substation SICAM 2.3.1 E50001-K5602-A311-A1-7600
SICAM SAS Substation Automation System SICAM 3.1.1 E50001-K5603-A111-A1-7600
PS20A-6EP8090 Power Supply Module SICAM 5.1.1 E50001-K5605-A111-A1-7600
DI32-6MD1021 Digital Input Functional Module SICAM 5.2.1 E50001-K5605-A211-A1-7600
AI32-6MD1031 Analog Input Functional Module SICAM 5.2.2 E50001-K5605-A221-A1-7600
AI16-6MD1032 Analog Input Functional Module SICAM 5.2.3 E50001-K5605-A231-A1-7600
Visualization System for SICAM SAS: SICAM WinCC SICAM 6.1.1 E50001-K5606-A111-A1-7600
SICAM plusTOOLS Configuration System SICAM 6.2.1 E50001-K5606-A211-A1-7600
Power Quality
Fault and Digital Recorder SIMEAS R SR 10.1.1 E50001-K4011-A101-A1-7600
Central Fault Data Unit DAKON SR 10.1.2 see Intranet
OSCOP P The Program for Power Quality Recorders SR 10.1.3 E50001-K4013-A101-A1-7600
Power System Quality Analysis OSCILLOSTORE SR 10.2 E50001-K4020-A101-A1-7600
SIMEAS Q Quality Recorder SR 10.2.5 E50001-K4025-A101-A1-7600
SIMEAS P Power Meter SR 10.2.6 E50001-K4026-A101-A1-7600
SIMEAS T Transducers for Power Variables SR 10.4 E50001-K4040-A101-A1-7600
Active Filter and Power Conditioner for Distribution
Networks SIPCON P/S SR 10.5 E50001-K4050-A201-A1-7600
Low Voltage Capacitors and Power Factor Correction Units SIPCON T SR 10.6 E50001-K4060-A101-A1-7600
Substation Control and Protection
Input/Output Unit 6MB522 LSA 1.1.1 E50001-K5701-A111-A4-7600
Input/Output Unit 6MB523 LSA 1.1.2 E50001-K5701-A121-A2-7600
6MB511/6MB512 Substation Control Master Unit and
7SW511/7SW512 Relay Data Concentrator LSA 1.1.3 E50001-K5701-A131-A2-7600
6MB520/6MB521 Input/Output Units LSA 1.1.4 E50001-K5701-A141-A1-7600
6MB513/514 Compact Control Master Unit
and Relay Data Concentrator LSA 1.1.6 E50001-K5701-A161-A1-7600
6MB524 Bay Control Unit LSA 1.1.7 E50001-K5701-A171-A2-7600
6MB525 Mini Bay Unit (MBU) LSA 1.1.8 E50001-K5701-A181-A1-7600
6MB5510 Station Control Unit LSA 1.2.1 E50001-K5701-A211-A2-7600
6MB552 Compact Remote Terminal Unit LSA 1.2.2 E50001-K5701-A221-A1-7600
6MB5530-0 Minicompact Remote Terminal Unit LSA 1.2.3 E50001-K5701-A231-A1-7600
6MB5530-1 Minicompact Remote Terminal Unit for
Cable Shield Communication LSA 1.2.4 E50001-K5701-A241-A1-7600
6MB5540 SINAUT LSA COMPACT Remote Terminal Unit LSA 1.2.5 E50001-K5701-A251-A1-7600
6MB5515 Station Control Unit LSA 1.2.6 E50001-K5701-A261-A1-7600
Control in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection LSA 1.4.1 E50001-K5701-A411-A1-7600
Status Indications in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection LSA 1.4.2 E50001-K5701-A421-A1-7600
Analog Values in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection LSA 1.4.3 E50001-K5701-A431-A1-7600
Metering in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection LSA 1.4.4 E50001-K5701-A441-A1-7600
Voltage Control with Input/Output Units 6MB520/6MB521 LSA 1.4.5 E50001-K5701-A451-A1-7600
Network Synchronization with Input/Output Units 6MB520/521 LSA 1.4.6 E50001-K5701-A461-A1-7600
Operation with Two Control Master Units LSA 1.4.7 E50001-K5701-A471-A1-7600
Node Functions in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection LSA 1.4.8 E50001-K5701-A481-A1-7600
System Management with the SINAUT LSA Substation Control
and Protection System LSA 1.4.9 E50001-K5701-A491-A1-7600
LSADIAG - Testing and Diagnostics System for SINAUT LSA LSA 1.5.2 E50001-K5701-A521-A1-7600
Substation Control and Protection
LSACONTROL - Control and Monitoring LSA 1.5.3 E50001-K5701-A531-A1-7600
LSAPROCESS - Process Information Analysis LSA 1.5.5 E50001-K5701-A551-A1-7600
LSA 678 Standard Cubicle LSA 1.6.1 E50001-K5701-A611-A1-7600

Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 35

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Order No.: E50001-K4406-A111-A1-7600

36 Siemens SIP 6.1 ⋅ 2000 Printed in Germany
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DEUTSCHLAND Order No.: E50001-K4406-A111-A1-7600

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