Fly Ash Product Data Sheet PDF
Fly Ash Product Data Sheet PDF
Fly Ash Product Data Sheet PDF
Blue Circle®
Fly Ash
Product Data Sheet
Fly Ash is a pozzolan; a fine grey powder resembling Technical Features
The information stated herein and
all advice given should be taken
cement, which is low in lime content, and possesses in • Improved workability.
as a guide only. Both are given in itself little or no cementitious properties however, will, in
good faith and are to the best of • Improved pumpability.
our knowledge true and accurate
it’s finely divided form in the presence of moisture, react
• Reduction in heat of hydration.
and are intended to give a fair chemically with calcium hydroxide (e.g. from lime or
description of the product and
cement) at ordinary temperatures to form insoluble • Improved resistance to alkali aggregate reaction.
its capabilities under specific
test conditions. No guarantee of compounds possessing cementitious properties. • Resistance to sulphate attack.
the accuracy or completeness
• Reduction in permeability.
of the information is made and Uses
persons receiving the information • Reduction in drying shrinkage and creep.
should make their own tests to Fly Ash can be combined with other materials to produce
determine suitability thereof in • Good carbonation and corrosion protection with
all respects for their particular high quality and economical results for:
appropriate curing.
purpose. Revised: July 2010
• pre-mixed concrete.
Element Eraring Mt Piper Fly Ash products are delivered in bulk pressure tankers to
site, 1 tonne bulka bags, or 15 kg multi-walled paper sacks.
Al2O3 24.0% 23.8%
CaO 1.59% 0.31% Storage
Fe2O3 2.87% 1.72% The “shelf life” of Fly Ash is dependent on the storage
conditions, as contact with air and moisture will cause
K2O 1.44% 2.46%
deterioration in performance.
MgO 0.42% 0.27%
MnO 0.06% 0.03% Safe Handling
Na2O 0.49% 0.25% Avoid generating dust. Wash product off unprotected skin
P2O5 0.19% 0.11% immediately with water. The use of goggles, dust masks,
SiO2 65.9% 67.0% barrier creams and rubber gloves is recommended.
TiO2 0.915% 0.995% For further safety information consult the Material
LOI 1.53% 1.20% Safety Data Sheet for the product.
Fineness 87% 86%