Term I Nologies
Term I Nologies
Term I Nologies
There are three azimuth reference systems: True (Geographic North), Grid
North and Magnetic North.
Grid North: Grid north is an arbitrary direction and is always in the direction
of the positive ordinate axis of the specific grid used for a particular survey.
In oil wells, all surveys with ‘magnetic type’ tools are initially given an azimuth
reading referenced to Magnetic North. However, the final calculated
coordinates are always converted to either True North or Grid North.
Magnetic Declination: Magnetic north and true north do not coincide. The
divergence between true north and magnetic north is different for most points
on the earth’s surface, and in addition to this the magnetic north pole changes
its position very slightly each year.
The angle in degrees between true and magnetic north is called the declination
angle. The declination angle is negative if magnetic north lies to the west of
true north and is positive if the magnetic north lies to the east of true north
(refer figure below).
The angle of the well bore defined by a tangent line at any point of wellbore
and a vertical line is called the inclination. The vertical line is always parallel
to the direction of earth's gravity. By industry standard, 0 degree inclination
is vertical (downward pointing) and 90 degrees inclination is horizontal. An
inclination (angle) greater than 90 degrees coincides with the term "drilling
Measured in: degree
Measured Depth (MD): Measured depth (MD) is the distance measured along
the well path from one reference point to the survey point.
Measured in: Feet (ft) or metre (m)
True Vertical Depth: The vertical distance from a point in the well (usually the
current or final depth) to a point at the surface, usually the elevation of the
rotary kelly bushing (RKB) is called the true vertical depth (TVD) at that point.
Measured in: Feet (ft) or metre (m)
A projection of the borehole into a vertical plane parallel to the course bearing
and scaled with vertical depth.
Kick off Point (KOP): The kick off point is defined as the point below the
surface location from where the well is deflected from the vertical. The position
of the kick off depends on several parameters including: geological
considerations, geometry of well and proximity of other wells.
Build Up: It is the act of increasing the inclination of the drilled hole wrt
Build Section: That portion of the hole in which the inclination angle is
increased; rate of buildup is usually expressed as the angular increase per 100
feet of measured depth.
Drop off: It is the act of reducing the inclination of the drilled hole wrt vertical.
Drop Section: That portion of the hole in which the inclination angle is
decreased; rate of drop off is usually expressed as the angular increase per
100 feet of measured depth.
Drop off Rate: The rate of change of the inclination in the part of the wellbore
where the inclination angle is purposely returned toward vertical, usually
expressed in degrees per feet or course length.
Hold: The act of maintaining the inclination and azimuth of the wellbore to
remain constant as it is.
Tangent or Hold Section: The portion of hole in which the inclination and
azimuth is maintained the same throughout the section.
Polar coordinates can be derived from the rectangular coordinates. They are
expressed as a distance (departure) and as a direction (either Quadrant or
Polar coordinates are derived from the rectangular coordinates as follows:
Azimuth = tan-1 ((Δ E/W Coordinates)/( Δ N/S Coordinates))
Now let us try to solve a problem based on the above concept of Rectangular
and Polar coordinates.
We have been provided the grid coordinates of the surface and target location.
We need to find the Departure and Azimuth of the target from the surface
Grid Coordinates: Target 6,334,400.00 N (m) 200,600.00 E (m)
Grid Coordinates: Surface 6,335,000.00 N (m) 200,400.00 E (m)