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Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

Limbal Stem Cells in Review

Marzieh Ebrahimi, PhD; Ehsan Taghi-Abadi, MSc; Hossein Baharvand, PhD
Department of Stem Cells, Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran

The ocular surface consists of two distinct types of epithelial cells; conjunctival and
corneal. Although anatomically continuous, these epithelia comprise two distinct cell
populations. Corneal stem cells are located at the limbus. The microenvironment of the
limbus is important in maintaining “stemness” of the stem cells and also acts as a barrier
to conjunctival epithelial cells preventing them from migration onto the corneal surface.
Damage to the limbus results in varying degrees of limbal stem cell deficiency with
characteristic clinical features including conjunctivalization of the cornea. Regenerative
management of corneal conjunctivalization utilizing stem cells comprises of two
approaches; limbal auto- or allografts by using existing stem cells and induction and
regeneration of ocular tissues from embryonic stem cells. Herein, we review stem cells
and limbal stem cells in particular, types of epithelial cells in the cornea, markers of
corneal epithelial cells in different stages, as well as the current approach to corneal
epithelial regeneration.
Key words: Stem Cells; Limbus Corneae; Epithelium, Corneal
J Ophthalmic Vis Res 2009; 4 (1): 40-58.
Correspondence to: Marzieh Ebrahimi, PhD. Department of Stem Cells, Cell Science Research Center, Royan
Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran, PO Box 19395-4644, Tehran, Iran; e-mail:
Received: July 29, 2008 Accepted: October 11, 2008

INTRODUCTION The corneal surface is the most specialized

of the body surfaces and in a constant state
There are several examples in the animal king- of cell renewal and regeneration. Cells in the
dom of the ability to regenerate tissues follow- outermost layer of the corneal epithelium are
ing injury. The newt, with its remarkable capa- continuously desquamated and must be re-
city to regenerate whole limbs, is one of the placed by cell proliferation. There are 3 major
best illustrations. As humans we are unable to cell types in the cornea: epithelial cells, corneal
regenerate whole organs; however, we are able fibroblasts and endothelial cells.2
to replace certain tissues lost during normal Corneal epithelium is non-keratinized, stra-
wear and tear such as our hair and epidermis. tified and squamous, and of ectodermal origin.
We are also able to initiate a wound healing Together with the peripheral limbal epithelium
response following trauma and if the initial and conjunctival epithelium, it covers the ocu-
injury is not too severe, we can even replace lar surface. The main function of the corneal
parts of our liver, small intestine and blood epithelium is to serve as a protective barrier
cells. Our ability to replace these tissues is lar- against fluid loss and penetration of patho-
gely related to a small population of stem cells gens.3,4
that have the capacity to self-renew and diffe- The corneal stroma plays a major role in all
rentiate along specified molecular pathways main functions of the mature cornea: protect-
lifelong. Stem cells are the keys to the main- tion, and transmittance and refraction of light.
tenance of tissue integrity throughout the body, All these functions are related to the highly
including the eye and cornea.1 organized extracellular matrix which is formed


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

primarily by aligned bundles of collagen ter- below, enable stem cells to accomplish their
med lamellae which are stacked in an ortho- important task to maintain tissue integrity
gonal pattern.5 throughout the body.
The corneal endothelium functions to main- 1) Error-free proliferation: Error-free mito-
tain the stroma in a relatively dehydrated state. sis is essential since any genetic error at the
This function depends on the presence of a ba- level of the stem cell will continuously and
rrier formed by focal tight junctions preventing permanently pass on to the whole clone of cells,
fluid flow and on a pumping action provided resulting in abnormal differentiation and cellu-
by Na+/K+ ATPase and Mg++ dependent bicar- lar dysfunction. To minimize any error produ-
bonate enzymes present in the lateral mem- ced during stem cell mitosis, several protective
branes of the endothelial cells.6 mechanisms have been developed. First, stem
cells are relatively quiescent during the state of
CORNEAL ORGANOGENESIS IN HUMANS steady growth. They leave the job of active
DNA synthesis and cell number amplification
The development of cornea as a tissue initiates to transient amplifying cells (TACs). So that
by derivation from the ectoderm overlying the even if an error is made at the TAC level it will
crystalline lens as early as five weeks in the be self-limited because all cells except stem
human embryo. In brief, a primitive two-cell cells have a limited lifespan. In cell kinetic
layer thick epithelium is first apparent at about terms, stem cells have a longer cell cycle time
five weeks which is contiguous with the surface (180 vs 90 hours) and a shorter S-phase dura-
ectoderm. During the next one to two weeks, tion (2–3 vs 9–21 hours) as compared to TACs
the epithelium stratifies to 3 to 4 cell layers, the in the case of skin epidermis.9 Secondly, Potten
lens completes its formation and detaches from et al10 demonstrated that there is asymmetrical
the ectoderm, and the eyelids form and fuse. DNA segregation during stem cell mitosis,
Almost immediately after separation of the lens suggesting that stem cells retain their original
from the corneal epithelium, waves of neural genetic message during mitosis, passing only
crest cells migrate into the space between the the new copy onto TACs.
lens and epithelium. These cells become the cor- 2) Poor differentiation: It has been empha-
neal endothelium and the stromal keratocytes. sized that the concept of ‘‘stemness’’ excludes
Corneal development continues gradually until further differentiation as a necessary property.
the time of eyelid opening, which is associated Therefore, it has long been recognized that the
with major developmental changes.7 cytoplasm of stem cells appears primitive and
At the time of birth, approximately 20% of contains few, if any, differentiation products. If
epithelial and stromal cells and 12% of endo- differentiation is envisioned as reprogramming
thelial cells are actively progressing through of the genome, then the process of differen-
the cell cycle. By the time of eyelid opening, the tiation also means removal of cells from the
number of cells actively proliferating in both stem cell population. Therefore, a stem cell
the stroma and endothelium has decreased to having responded to a differentiation stimulus
nearly zero. This low level of proliferation will is out of the stem cell population. Two possible
be maintained throughout life. In contrast, the mechanisms can explain how a differentiation
level of proliferation increases noticeably in the event is induced. First, a full mitotic cell cycle is
corneal epithelium and peaks after eyelid needed to produce an asymmetrical cell divi-
opening with almost 75% of the basal cells sion into two different daughter cells. One will
actively proliferating. The burst of proliferation remain a stem cell (self-renewal), while the
correlates well with the stratification of the other is destined for cellular differentiation.
epithelium.8 Second, a full cell cycle may not occur; instead,
differentiation stimuli affect stem cells at the G0
STEM CELLS IN THE EYE state, in which most stem cells are during
steady state growth.10,11 Affected cells will be
Several unique inherent properties, discussed removed from the stem cell population by vir-


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

tue of the change induced by the differentiation biochemical properties of conjunctiva-derived

process, and will not enter the stem cell mitotic corneal epithelium remain abnormal long after
cell cycle. completion of transdifferentiation.17 The con-
3) Long lifespan: The stem cell lifespan junctiva-derived corneal epithelium can res-
may be equivalent to the lifetime of the organ- pond to corneal vascularization by forming
ism in which they reside.12 goblet cells and by expressing immunoglobulin
4) Long cell cycle time or slow cycling: This A secretory component; two markers of normal
property indicates low mitotic activity. conjunctival epithelium.18 Although conjun-
Although stem cells are capable of high pro- ctiva-derived corneal epithelium appears nor-
liferative potential, under steady-state condi- mal on light microscopic studies, electron mic-
tions, they exhibit extremely low rates of pro- roscopic studies showed that the epithelium
liferation.12 has much wider intercellular spaces than the
5) Symmetric and asymmetric division: In corneal epithelium.9 It was also found that, in
terms of daughter cell fate, stem cell division is humans, the conjunctiva-derived corneal epi-
either symmetric or asymmetric. When cell di- thelium is frequently associated with persistent
vision is obligatorily asymmetric, one of the epithelial defects, recurrent erosions, stromal
daughter cells remains similar to its parent and vascularization, necrosis and slow healing
serves to replenish the stem cell pool, whereas rates.14
the other daughter cell is destined to divide Taken together, these data strongly suggest
and differentiate with acquisition of features that limbal-corneal epithelium and conjunctival
that characterize the specific tissue. Such a cell epithelium represent two separate sets of cell
is called a TAC and is less primitive than its lineage that are essentially different. These data
parent stem cell. On the other hand, the asy- also indicate that conjunctival transdifferen-
mmetry in division perhaps induces otherwise tiation does not represent a true conversion of a
similar daughter cells to behave differently. differentiated corneal phenotype but rather
Finally, all divisions of the stem cell may be describes an environmental modulation of the
symmetric, but are self-renewing only half of conjunctival epithelium.14
the time.13
Two opposing theories exist about the ori- CORNEAL STEM CELLS LOCALIZATION
gin of the corneal epithelium. One states that it
is derived from the adjacent conjunctiva by con- Due to the lack of a stem cell marker, the
junctival transdifferentiation while the other pro- localization of limbal stem cells has been based
poses that the origin of the corneal epithelium on clinical and laboratory evidence supporting
is corneal stem cells in the limbal basal epi- the location of corneal epithelial stem cells at
thelium. In the first theory, conjunctival epi- the limbal region. There are six sources of
thelial ingrowths into denuded cornea follo- evidence that identify the basal layer of limbal
wing large epithelial wounds14 differentiates epithelium as the one harboring stem cells for
into corneal epithelium; the process is des- the corneal epithelium:
cribed by the term ‘‘conjunctival transdifferen- 1) Pigment migration studies: In 1971, for
tiation’’.15 However, there are several pieces of the first time, it was proposed that the papillary
experimental evidence against the above men- structures (palisades of Vogt) at the basal layer
tioned assumption: Wei et al16 demonstrated in of the limbal epithelium are generative organs
culture media that corneal and limbal cells for corneal epithelial cells. They demonstrated
synthesize identical keratins, including large that in guinea pig eyes, where the basal layer of
amounts of K3 and K12 markers of corneal-type the limbal epithelium is pigmented, the cornea
differentiation. By contrast, the conjunctival healed with pigmented epithelium when the
epithelium produced another keratin pattern normally non-pigmented corneal epithelium
with large amounts of simple epithelial keratins was removed.19,20
but only minimal amounts of K3-K12 keratin, 2) Radiolabelled thymidine studies: Using
indeed, the glycogen content and several other this method in 1989, Cotsarelis and co-wor-


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

kers20 demonstrated that basal cells of the sub-population of the total tissue and have
limbal epithelium are normally slow cycling in been estimated to make up from 0.5% or less to
nature, but can be made to cycle much more 10% of the total cell population located in
rapidly when the central corneal epithelium is palisades of Vogt (Fig. 1).7,25,26
3) Immunohistochemical studies: Initial THE LIMBUS AS LIMBAL STEM CELL NICHE
immunohistochemical data suggested that lim-
bal basal cells have the lowest level of differen- What maintains the stemness of a stem cell is
tiation among all corneal epithelial cells. Kera- not well understood. In addition to charac-
tins are a group of water-insoluble cytoskeletal teristics inherent to stem cells, extrinsic influ-
proteins that form the desmosome-associated ences from surrounding microenvironment
10-nm intermediate filament in almost all epi- may also play a role.27 Schofield28 suggested for
thelia.21 Perhaps the most important keratin the first time that this property of stem cells is
type for ocular surface epithelia is the K3-K12 maintained by extrinsic factors in their mic-
pair, which is synthesized by corneal and some roenvironment. Upon stem cell division, one
oral mucosal epithelium but only in small daughter cell remains a stem cell and returns to
amounts in conjunctival epithelia.19,22 the niche to replenish the stem cell pool while
4) High proliferative capacity of limbal the other becomes a TAC that will eventually
epithelium in cultures: Limbal basal epithelial terminally differentiate.29 The microenviron-
cells have higher proliferative potential in cell ment of the limbus differs from that of the
cultures than central and peripheral corneal cornea; one of the most striking differences is
epithelial cells. Limbal basal cells respond to the presence of blood supply at the limbus. The
central corneal wounds and to tumor-promo- blood vessels form an undulating network in
ting agents by undergoing greater proliferation the palisades of Vogt. This arrangement allows
than central corneal epithelial cells, which ter- close approximation between blood vessels and
minate proliferation-initiating differentiation.14 the epithelium, potentially providing increased
5) Corneal conjunctivalization: When the levels of nutrients and blood-borne cytokines to
limbal epithelium is partially or completely re- the cells at the limbus.1
moved, a spectrum of corneal surface abnor- The limbal basement membrane differs
malities occur which are characterized by con- from that of the cornea in that it undulates with
junctival epithelial ingrowth (conjunctivaliza- pegs of stroma extending upward interconnec-
tion), vascularization, and chronic inflamma- ted with anchoring fibrils linked to the base-
tion, which can be explained by limbal stem cell ment membrane. This could provide resident
deficiency.23 stem cells with an adherence niche, protecting
6) Corneal epithelial neoplasm: The limbal them from injury and movement within their
location of corneal epithelial stem cells could microenvironment. Corneal basement mem-
account for the relative preponderance of lim- brane is composed of collagen type IV (α3,
bal neoplasms and the scarcity of corneal epi- α4, and α5 chains), collagen type VII, laminin
thelial tumors.3 (Ln-α1, Ln-α3, Ln-β1, Ln-β3, Ln-γ1 and Lnγ2
7) Corneal regeneration: A mathematical chains), fibronectin, and heparan sulfate pro-
analysis of the kinetics of maintenance of cor- teoglycans. Limbal basement membrane po-
neal epithelial mass confirms that the corneal ssesses additional laminin α2 and β2 chains
epithelium can be maintained by centripetal together with α1 and α2 chains of collagen type
migration of epithelial cells originating from IV but no collagen type XII and collagen type
the limbus without contribution by adjacent IV (α3, α4, and α5 chains). Although not pro-
conjunctiva.24 ven, the differences in the composition of the
The above sources of evidence point to the basement membrane in limbal and corneal epi-
1.5-2 mm wide area of basal layer in the limbal thelium might be at least partially responsible
epithelium as the region harboring stem cells for different cell phenotypes and proliferative
for corneal epithelium. These cells are a small behaviors of these two distinct cell poulations.29


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

Future studies are needed to clarify the role of Transient Amplifying Cells (TACs)
stromal microenvironment in the regulation of
stem cell function. It is most likely that limbal basal epithelium
Another difference between the limbus and consists not only of stem cells but also of TACs
the cornea is the expression of several proteins which are located in the basal layer of the
at higher concentrations in the basal cells limbus and peripheral corneal epithelium. They
of limbal epithelium as compared to central have an important role in wound healing.29
corneal epithelium, such as cytochrome oxi- TACs in the limbus and peripheral cornea
dase,30,31 Na+/K+ ATPase and carbonic anhyd- display some characteristics of stem cells such
rase.26 It is not clear whether any of these pro- as a long life, slow cycling with low mitotic
teins is involved in the maintenance and regu- activity, and less differentiation in the normal
lation of stem cells. There seem to be regional steady state. In contrast, TACs in the cornea
differences in the distribution and concentra- have a short lifespan, are rapid cycling, and can
tion of various regulatory factors, such as reti- amplify cell mass effectively through limited
noic acid in human limbal and corneal epithe- rounds of mitosis. At a critical point, TACs stop
lium, as well as in the underlying stroma and mitosis and differentiate into corneal supra-
fibroblasts26 which affect stemness properties. basal post-mitotic cells and terminally differen-
Other important differences include different tiated cells (TDCs).34,35 Although the exact me-
expressions of cytokines in the limbus and cor- chanism remains unknown, many studies have
nea. Three types of cytokines have been deter- indicated that the control of mitotic kinetics in
mined in limbus and cornea: TACs for limbal stem cells is different from that
• Type I cytokines: These include interleukin 1β, for corneal cells. The presence of TACs in the
which is produced by both limbal and corneal limbus and cornea provides advantages inclu-
fibroblasts and is increased following injury ding: (1) amplifying each stem cell division and
to the corneal epithelium. minimizing the need for stem cell proliferation
• Type II cytokines: Including transforming and conserving stem cell energy, (2) mini-
growth factor β1, produced by both limbal mizing the chance for introducing replicative
and corneal fibroblasts. DNA errors into the stem cell population, and
• Type III cytokines: Keratinocyte growth factor (3) providing new cells that are much closer to
(KGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) the terminally differentiated functional cellular
are released by fibroblasts. KGF, pre- compartment, for example, the epithelium that
dominantly produced by limbal fibroblast, covers the central cornea.12
causes proliferation of limbal epithelial cells
and HGF, produced by corneal fibroblast, Terminally Differentiated Cells (TDCs) and
causes migration of epithelial cells onto the Post-Mitotic Cells (PMCs)
corneal surface.32,33
The division of TACs results in non-dividing
TYPES AND FUNCTIONS OF CORNEAL PMCs, which differentiate and migrate toward
EPITHELIAL CELLS the central cornea and specifically take on
the final corneal cell phenotype as TDCs. These
Stem Cells cells have no capacity for self-renewal and
no proliferative potential. In normal healthy
Stem cells are few in number but have high tissues they are continuously being shed and
capacity for self-renewal and large proliferative replaced because of their limited lifespan. They
potential. In healthy tissues, they have a ten- are located in the superficial part of the central
dency to remain quiescent. They divide and cornea and have many tight junctions.29 Figure
undergo differentiation to form TACs when 2 demonstrates cell contents of the limbal stem
stimulated and are located in the basal layer of cell niche.
the limbal epithelium.29


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

Figure 1 The limbal palisades of Vogt.

Palisades of Vogt (arrow) are easily rec-
ognized in the human limbus (A). Such a
unique pigmented structure can be iden-
tified on the flat mount preparation of
dispase-isolated human limbal epithelial
sheets (B). In dark-skin donors, palisades
of Vogt are pigmented (C, arrow). Under
high magnification, these areas of limbus
appear undulated (D, stars). Hematoxylin
staining highlights higher stratification
and further undulation of the limbal
epithelium, and the underlying limbal
stroma demonstrates high cellularity
and vascularity (E, arrow shows blood
vessel). The bar represents 500 µm in A
and B, 200 µm in C and 50 µm in D.26

Figure 2 Hypothetical diagram of the limbal stem cell

niche. Limbal epithelial stem cells are located at the
basement membrane of the limbus. In this epithelial level,
there are several other cell types in the vicinity such as
the immediate progeny, i.e., early transient amplifying
cells (eTACs), melanocytes, and Langerhans’ cells. It
remains to be determined whether these cell types act as
niche cells. It is believed that eTACs are destined for
progeny production by differentiating into late TACs
located at the basement membrane of the cornea which
consecutively differentiate into suprabasal post-mitotic
cells, and finally into superficial terminally differentiated
cells. The limbal basement membrane separates the
epithelium from the underlying stroma. Limbal stroma
contains mesenchymal cells, which may also serve as
niche cells. Limbal stroma is highly innervated and
vascularized; however the role of nerves and blood
vessels in the niche remains to be defined.26

CORNEAL AND LIMBAL MARKERS in the epithelium but should also allow for iso-
lation, enrichment, and molecular characteriza-
The ideal stem cell marker should not only be tion of viable stem cells. To date several pu-
able to pinpoint the location of stem cells with- tative stem cell markers have been proposed,


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

although no single specific molecular marker almost at an undetectable level in quiescent

has been identified. This has significantly cells. They also detected increased concentra-
limited our capacity to study the characteristics tions of α-enolase in limbal epithelial cells and
and behavior of these cells. Continuous ad- proposed this as a potential marker for corneal
ministration of titrated thymidine (3H-TdR) for epithelial stem cells. Expression of α-enolase
a prolonged period labels all dividing cells. has been also reported to be elevated during
Slow cycling cells that remain labeled for a long corneal epithelial migration from the limbal
time are termed "label retaining cells" and are basal cell population after epithelial debride-
believed to be stem cells. Another characteristic ment.39 However, a more recent study using
of stem cells is their capacity to remain highly human corneas showed that α-enolase was not
proliferative in vitro. Table 1 summarizes some only expressed by basal epithelial cells but also
stem cell markers in human ocular surface by suprabasal epithelial cells at the limbus and
epithelia.36 occasionally by corneal basal epithelial cells.40
1) Glycolytic enzyme α-enolase is a mul- Other enzymes such as cytochrome oxidase,30,31
tifunctional protein, which may exert a variety Na+/K+ ATPase30,31 and carbonic anhydrase26
of cellular functions in addition to its primary which are associated with cellular metabolic
role in the glycolytic pathway.13,37 Zieske et al38 functions have also been found in higher con-
demonstrated that the expression of α-enolase centrations in the limbal basal epithelium than
increases in mitotically active cells, but remains in the central corneal basal epithelium.

Table 1 Semiquantitative immunohistochemical localization of putative

stem cell markers in human corneal and limbal epithelia
Limbal Epithelia Corneal Epithelia
Basal Suprabasal Basal Suprabasal
Cytokeratin K5/K14 +++ +++ ± -
Keratin K3/K12 - + +++ +++
Cytokeratin K19 +++ - - -
Vimentin +++ + - -
Enolase-α +++ + + -
Metalothionein + +++ - +++
P63 +++ + + -
Nestin - - +++ +++
Cell Surfaces
Connexin 43 - + + +++
E-Cadherin + +++ +++ +++
P-Cadherin ± - + -
β Catenin +++ +++ +++ +++
Integrin α2 ± + +++ +
Integrin α3 ± + +++ +
Integrin α6 ± + +++ +
Integrin β1 +++ + +++ +
Integrin β2 + + + +
Integrin β4 +++ + ± +
Integrin β5 + - + +
EGFR +++ + +++ ++
ABCG2 +++ - - -
Involucrin - +++ + +++
-, undetectable; ±, weak positivity; +, moderate positivity; +++, strong positivity.
EGFR, epithelial growth factor recptor; ABCG, ATP binding cassette G.

2) Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and major cytosolic proteins in the corneal epithe-
transketolase (TKT) have been identified as lium, but are completely absent (ALDH) or


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

only minimally expressed (TKT) in the murine known to be involved in tumor suppression
limbus.41,42 The corneal zone expresses a dram- and morphogenesis, and belongs to a family
atic accumulation of large quantities of globular that includes p53 and p73.55,56 P63 is consistent-
metabolic enzymes, in particular ALDH and ly expressed in basal cells of stratified epithelia
TKT.43 The expression of these enzymes may be on the nucleous, and is essential for epithelial
correlated with corneal transparency and its development and differentiation.57 Originally,
refractive properties. In the rabbit, the copious epithelial cells expressing p63 were found
expression of ALDH class 1 is limited to the specifically in the basal layer of the limbus but
corneal domain.44 The magnitude of changes not in the corneal epithelium in humans.55
in phenotype at the limbo-corneal demarcation 6) Cytokeratines (CK) together with micro-
has also been suggested to be due to differences filaments and microtubules form the cytoskele-
in shape, size and intracellular complexity of ton of all vertebrate cells.58 There are a total of
basal cells in both domains in rodents and approximately 30 keratins that can be divided
humans.45 into an acidic (type I) and neutral-to-basic (type
3) Lectin staining of corneal sections has II) subfamilies. It is notable that each basic
yielded unique insights to changes occurring keratin tends to co-express with a particular
within basal cells in their transition across the acidic keratin, forming a so-called keratin pair.
limbal-corneal margin in the rabbit.46,47 Limbal In addition, each keratin pair tends to be ex-
epithelial cells have been shown to express on pressed in a tissue-restricted and differentia-
their cell surface unsialylated galactose resi- tion-dependent fashion.16 Using a monoclonal
dues that are recognized by peanut lectin and antibody (AE5) it was demonstrated that K3 is
lack any sialic acid bound through α-2,3 bonds. expressed suprabasally in limbal epithelium
Differentiation of the cells causes sialylation of but uniformly in the central corneal epithelium
these residues and the appearance of α-2,3 sialic (Fig. 6). This finding implies that the K3-posi-
acid residues, suggest the expression or activa- tive basal cells in the central corneal epithelium
tion of α-2,3-sialyltransferase. may have attained a more advanced state of
4) Gap junctions are communicating cell- differentiation than the K3-negative basal cells
cell junctions consisting of six transmembrane of the limbal epithelium. Also, immunohisto-
proteins called connexins (Cx). The gap junc- chemistry has demonstrated that cytokeratine
tion channels allow diffusion of ions, low mo- CK3/12 identifies more differentiated cells in
lecular weight metabolites and second messen- the corneal epithelium. This CK dimmer is
gers between cells and thus, determine the ex- therefore absent in limbal stem cells and early
tent of cell metabolic synchrony or cooperation TACs in the limbal epithelium.19
within a population (Fig. 3 A, B).48-50 The pre- 7) PAX6 plays critical roles in mature
sence of Cx26, Cx30, Cx43 and Cx50 gap junc- tissue.59 In humans, heterozygous loss of PAX6
tions have been confirmed at the protein level function results in multiple ocular develop-
by immunohistology in the corneal epithelium mental defects, the major one being aniridia.7
of the human, rat and rabbit.51,52 Cx43 and Cx50 The corneal epithelium of PAX6 +/+/PAX6 -/-
are abundantly expressed in the corneal epi- mouse chimeras, exhibits a decrease in the ex-
thelium with Cx50 being expressed throughout pression of adherence proteins and keratin K12,
all layers and Cx43 being mainly confined to and shows conjunctival invasion consistent
the basal cell layer (Fig. 4).37,47 In contrast, both with limbal cell deficiency.60,61 Eventually,
connexins were absent at the limbal basal layer PAX6 -/- cells are excluded from the corneal
in human, mouse, chicken, and neonatal rabbit epithelium, pointing to the acute dependence
eyes, whereas suprabasal limbal cells showed of the phenotype on PAX6 expression.62 Basal
slightly positive membranous staining (Fig. 3 cells in the limbal epithelium of the rat eye
C).49,51,53,54 have been reported to express the transcription
5) P63, a transcription factor expressed in factor PAX6, which is present in the developing
the nucleus, has been suggested as a new mar- central nervous system and plays a central
ker for limbal stem cells (Fig. 5). This protein is role in eye development.63 PAX6 has also


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

been shown to be strongly expressed in the monkey eyes, and might be necessary for the
nuclei of all cells within the corneal, limbal, and maintenance or proliferation of corneal stem
conjunctival epithelia of adult mouse and cells.64


Tight Junction

Gap Junction


Hemidesmosome Basal Lamina

Mv, microvillus; TJ, tight junction; AJ, adherence junction; DS, desmosome.

Figure 3 Types of cell junctions (A), electron-microscopic location of cell junctions in cells (B),48-50 and immuno-
staining of connexin-43 in limbal stem cell culture (C).54

Figure 6 Immunostaining for cytokeratine 3 (K3) in the

center of the cornea (Ebrahimi et al 2006; unpublished).
K3 is expressed in the suprabasal (green) but not in the
basal layer of the limbus or cornea.

Figure 4 Immunofluorescent staining for con-

nexin 43 in the cornea and limbus (arrows)
(×100).37 8) Cadherins are a family of Ca++ depen-
dent transmembrane receptors that mediate
cell–cell adhesion.65 E-cadherin mediated cell–
A  B cell contacts result in cell activation and an
increase in key signaling molecules that are in-
volved in cell proliferation and survival.66 In
the rat cornea, E-cadherin was immunolocal-
ized to all cell layers of the corneal epithe-
lium.67 In human corneas, the expression pat-
tern of E-cadherin in corneal and limbal epi-
thelia (Fig. 7) resembled that of Cx43, with po-
Figure 5 Expression of p63 in the epithelium of rabbit
limbus (A) and cornea (B).56
sitive membrane staining in suprabasal layers
and negative staining in basal layers at the


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

limbus. In contrast, basal cells of human ocular some basal epithelial cells in the human
surface epithelia showed preferential mem- limbus.70,71
brane associated immunoreactivity for P-cad-
herin with small clusters of negative cells FACTORS REGULATING LIMBAL STEM
among positive cells in the limbal basal epi- CELL PROLIFERATION
thelium (Fig. 7). Beta-catenin is a central com-
ponent of the cadherin cell adhesion complex Many regulatory factors affect the proliferation
and, as an essential molecule in the Wnt sig- of limbal stem cells in both fetal and adult life.
naling pathway, a key regulator of epithelial 1) Growth factor receptors (GFRs): GFRs
differentiation and proliferation. Therefore, it consists of epithelial (EGFR), keratinocyte
has been shown to be essential for the main- (KGFR) and hepatocyte (HGFR) which prefer-
tenance of keratinocyte stem cells.68 In rat and entially localize to cell membranes of limbal
rabbit corneas, β-catenin was strongly positive basal cells. Undifferentiated cells in the limbal
in the basal layer of the limbal epithelium, but basal epithelium have been originally reported
relatively weakly positive in the basal layer of to contain higher levels of GFRs than supra-
the cornea.69 basal cells in the rat cornea (Fig. 9).9,72,73 Al-
9) Integrins: Immunohistochemical studies though a strong expression of GFRs in limbal
have identified several subunits of integrins, basal cells was also confirmed in human cor-
such as integrins α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, and αv as neas, there was no clear difference in staining
well as β1, β4, and β5 to be present in the intensity between the basal cells of the limbus,
human corneal epithelium, whereas integrins cornea, and conjunctiva.40,74 It has been sug-
α1 and β3 were not detected.35 Integrins β1, β4, gested that high levels of GFRs may inhibit
α2, α3, α6, and αv were mainly expressed in the differentiation by signaling the cells to main-
basal epithelial cell layer; integrins α6 and β4, tain their proliferation potential.73
as components of hemidesmosomes, were lo- 2) ABCG2 is a member of the ATP binding
calized specifically to the basal membrane of cassette (ABC) transporters, localizes predomi-
basal cells (Fig. 8). Some integrins have been nantly to the plasma membrane and has been
suggested to be markers for epidermal stem proposed as a universal and conserved marker
cells, such as integrins β1 and α6. Integrin β1 for stem cells from a wide variety of tissues.75,76
was abundantly expressed in corneal and lim- ABCG2, also known as breast cancer resistant
bal epithelia with a much higher levels of ex- protein 1 (BCRP1), causes resistance to certain
pression in limbal basal versus limbal supra- chemotherapeutic drugs. Immunolocalization
basal cells.70 These observations suggest that experiments have consistently demonstrated
limbal basal cells deficient in Cx43, P-cadherin, ABCG2-positive cells in basal77 and also fre-
and integrins α2, α3, α6, and β4 are thought to quently in suprabasal layers of the limbal epi-
represent corneal stem cells. The lack of inter- thelium,70 but not in the corneal epithelium
cellular communication (connexins) and adhe- (Fig. 9).
sion molecules (cadherins, integrins) may be an
inherent feature of limbal stem cells reflecting LIMBAL STEM CELL DEFICIENCY (LSCD)
their need for independence and the unique-
ness of their microenvironment. LSCD may occur due to a deficient stromal
10) Transferring receptors: Different ex- microenvironment supporting the stem cells,
pressions of the transferring receptor CD71 such as aniridia, congenital erythrokeratoder-
have been observed in limbal and corneal epi- mia, keratitis associated with multiple endo-
thelia. In contrast to basal cells in the corneal crine deficiencies, neurotrophic keratopathy
epithelium which stain intensely with an anti- and chronic limbitis; or more commonly follo-
CD71 antibody, the limbal basal cells are nega- wing external insults which destroy the limbal
tive.35 However, in a more recent study, anti- stem cells such as chemical or thermal injuries,
CD71 antibody stained not only the cell mem- Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), ocular cicat-
branes of most corneal epithelial cells but also ricial pemphigoid (OCP), multiple surgeries or


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

cryotherapies, contact lens wear, and severe Cornea Limbus

microbial infections (Table 2).78 Limbal stem
cell deficiency can be diffuse (total) or sectoral
(partial). In the latter case, conjunctivalization
of the cornea is limited to deficient areas (Fig.
10). In some patients, limbal deficiency may be
subclinical at the time of the insult, this may
eventually progress to overt deficiency as the
stem cell population further depletes over
Some conditions such as aniridia, keratitis
associated with multiple endocrine deficiencies,
neurotrophic keratopathy, and pterygium/pse-
Figure 8 Immunofluorescent staining for integrins ex-
udopterygium represent milder forms of sub- pression on frozen sections of the human limbus. The
total limbal stem cells deficiency in which arrows point to positively or negatively labeled basal
a gradual loss of stem cells, or poor TAC ge- cells at the limbus (×100).37
neration and amplification occurs. Such pa-
tients may experience severe photophobia,
pain, reduced vision, and even blindness.84-87
The common pathogenic features of this see-
mingly diverse group of diseases is depletion of
the stem cell population from the limbus88
which results in conjunctivalization or in-
growths of conjunctival elements onto the sur-
face of the cornea. These patients are generally
poor candidates for conventional corneal trans-
plantation for several reasons: (1) with this
technique only corneal TACs, not stem cells,
are transplanted, (2) pre-existing corneal vascu-
larization and inflammation increase the risk of
allograft rejection (3) these eyes tend to develop
recurrent conjunctivalization due to stem cell
EGF-R, epithelial growth factor receptor; HGF-R, hepatocyte growth
factor receptor; KGF-R, keratinocyte growth factor receptor; NGF-R,
nerve growth factor receptor; TGF-R, tumor growth factor receptor;
ABCG, ATP binding cassette G.

Figure 9 Immunofluorescent staining for Growth factor

receptors on frozen sections of the human limbus. The
arrows point to positively or negatively labeled basal
cells at the limbus (×100).37



Limbal stem cell transplantation is the only

available treatment for LSCD. The success of
Figure 7 Immunofluorescent staining for E-cadherin this procedure depends on a variety of factors
and P-cadherin expression on frozen sections of the and may be adversely affected by concomitant
human limbus. The arrows point to positively or lid pathology, dry eye and uncontrolled sys-
negatively labeled basal cells at the limbus (×100).37 temic disease. Hence, the management of LSCD
necessitates addressing associated adnexal pro-


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

blems, management of dry eye and control of vested with a carrier which may be conjunctiva
systemic diseases.89 (conjunctival-limbal grafts) or cornea (Kerato-
Theoretically it is possible to restore stem limbal grafts)90 A variety of methods have been
cell function by expanding the stem cell popu- employed for preparing transplant sheets, e.g. a
lation through modulations in the microen- sheet of corneal epithelial cells alone, a sheet of
vironment, or by inducing TACs mitosis with corneal epithelial cells cultured on a polymer
the use of appropriate growth factors.79 Limbal substrate, collagen or fibrin,91 or on biomaterial
stem cells may be obtained from the fellow such as amniotic membrane.92,93 Surgical pro-
eye (autograft), a cadaver (allograft) or a living cedures used for treatment of partial or total
relative (allograft). Limbal stem cells are har- limbal stem cell deficiency are discussed below.

Table 2 Human conditions causing limbal stem cell deficiency

Category I: Destruction of limbal stem cell population
a. Chemical or thermal injuries
b. Multiple surgeries or cryotherapies of the limbus
c. Stevens–Johnson syndrome
d. Contact-lens-induced keratopathy
e. Severe microbial infection
Category II: Dysfunction of the stromal microenvironment of limbal stem cells
a. Aniridia (hereditary)
b. Keratitis associated with multiple endocrine deficiencies (hereditary)
c. Neurotrophic keratopathy (neuronal or ischemic)
d. Chronic limbitis or peripheral corneal inflammation and ulceration
e. Pterygium and pseudopterygium
f. Idiopathic keratopathy

Amniotic Membrane Transplantation surface in patients with severe dry eye caused
by OCP and SJS. It has been reported that AMT
The human amniotic membrane is the inner- alone is sufficient to restore the corneal surface
most layer of the placenta. Histologically the in eyes with partial LSCD, suggesting that
amnion is 0.02 mm to 0.5 mm in thickness, com- AMT may help expand the remaining limbal
posed of three basic layers; the epithelial mono- epithelial stem cells in vivo.99,100
layer, the thick basement membrane and the Studies have shown that the amniotic
avascular hypocellular stromal matrix.94 The membrane contains high levels of EGF, KGF,
structural integrity, transparency and elasticity HGF, TGF (tumor growth factor), and bFGF
of amniotic basement membrane make it cur- (basic fibroblast growth factor) which are po-
rently the most widely accepted tissue replace- tentially involved in epithelial–stromal inter-
ment for ocular surface reconstruction. Am- actions of the human ocular surface including
niotic membrane is known to promote epithe- epithelialization, and modulation of prolifera-
lial cell migration, adhesion and differentia- tion and differentiation of stromal fibroblasts.101
tion. It is an ideal substrate for supporting the Therefore the amniotic epithelium might pro-
growth of epithelial progenitor cells by pro- vide cytokines, which play a crucial role in the
longing their lifespan, maintaining their cloni- microenvironmental niche of limbal progenitor
genicity and preventing epithelial cell apop- cells. In addition, the basement membrane of
tosis (Table 3).95,96 the amniotic membrane contains types IV, V,
Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) and VII collagen, Ln1, Ln5, and fibronectin that
was initially reported for corneal surface recon- play an important role in corneal epithelial cell
struction in a rabbit model of total limbal de- adhesion and migration.94 The stromal matrix
ficiency.97 Tsubota et al98 have used this tech- also suppresses the expression of certain in-
nique, combined with allograft limbal trans- flammatory cytokines that originate from ocu-
plantation, to effectively reconstruct the corneal lar surface epithelia, including interleukin 1α


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

(IL-1α), IL-2, IL-8, interferon γ, tumor necrosis tory cells infiltrating the ocular surface and
factor-β, basic fibroblast growth factor, and contains various forms of protease inhibitors
platelet derived growth factor.102 The amniotic which explain some of its anti-inflammatory
membrane attracts and sequesters inflamma- properties.103

Table 3 Amniotic membrane (AM) characteristics mimicking stem cell niche and promoting stem cell expansion96
AM characteristics Potential mechanism for ex vivo expansion of limbal stem cells
Amniotic epithelium
Cytokines (major: EGF, KGF, HGF, Prevents early contact with ECM-components
bFGF, NGF, and minor: TGF-α,
TGF-β1, TGF,β2)
Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases Provides cytokines affecting the cell cycle and cell survival
Amniotic basement memrane
Collagens IV (α chain), and VII Facilitates cell migration and ECM adhesion
Laminin 1 and 5
Fibronectin Triggers signaling pathways through integrins
Amniotic stroma
Cytokines (major: NGF, HGF, KGF, and Provides a non-inflamed microenvironment
minor: TGF-α, TGF-β1+2, EGF, bFGF)
Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases Provides cytokines for major signaling pathways known to be
Thrombospondin-1 involved in stromal and limbal epithelial communication
EGF, epithelial growth factor; KGF, keratinocyte growth factor; HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; bFGF, basic fibroblast growth
factor; NGF, nerve growth factor; TGF, tumor growth factor; ECM, extracellular matrix.

Amniotic membrane stroma contains high Complications of AMT

amounts of nerve growth factor which plays a
key role in epithelial integrity and stem cell AMT does not entail major complications, how-
survival. When rabbit corneas were covered by ever minor events may follow surgery. In the
a layer of human amniotic membrane after immediate postoperative period a hematoma
excimer laser ablation, the acute inflammatory may form under the membrane.105 This blood
reaction was markedly reduced, evidenced by usually absorbs, but if excessive may need
rapid apoptosis of polymorphonuclear neutro- drainage by a small incision in the graft. Occa-
phils. This finding was also supported in hu- sionally, a residual subepithelial membrane
man patients with acute burns where lympho- persists and opacifies the visual axis. The in-
cytes were trapped by amniotic membrane and cidence of post-AMT microbial infections is as
exhibited apoptosis. When alkali burns are low as 1.6%.106 This figure is much lower than
created in rabbit corneas, amniotic membrane the 8% rate reported with the use of fresh
transplantation used as a temporary patch amniotic membrane; gram-positive organisms
reduces acute and severe inflammation evi- are the most frequent isolates.107 Gabler et al108
denced by a smaller amount of infiltration reported a case of sterile hypopyon after repeat
by polymorphonuclear neutrophils. These anti- AMT. Calcification occurs in about 12.8%
inflammatory properties help explain how a of cases and white plaques of ciprofloxacin
non-inflamed stroma created by AMT is a pre- deposits may occur. The key to reducing post-
requisite for successful limbal stem cell trans- operative complications is meticulous selection
plantation and survival. The above mentioned of donors and recipients and maintaining high
biological effects of amniotic membrane may standards of quality.109
explain how it facilitates preservation of the
normal phenotypes of human conjunctival and Limbal Auto-/Allograft Transplantation
corneal epithelial cells in culture, and provides
an ideal stromal niche for stem cell expan- In total LSCD, autologous or allogeneic limbal
sion.104 epithelial stem cells need to be transplanted.


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

This technique was first introduced by Kenyon substrate for cultivating limbal epithelium and
and Tseng in 1989, and subsequently by many the third combines the mentioned methods.
others for treating patients with focal or uni- The original method of culturing limbal
lateral LSCD in different clinical settings. epithelium on amniotic membrane involves
Donor tissue can be harvested from the heal- taking a small limbal biopsy (approximately 1
thy fellow eye (conjunctival limbal autograft), mm) or explants, and culturing it in the center
from a living related donor (conjunctival limbal of the amniotic membrane (Fig. 11). The ex vivo
allograft) or from a cadaver eye (keratolimbal expanded limbal epithelium grows out from
allograft).110-112 the explant onto the amniotic membrane. When
Limbal grafting involves transplantation of the amniotic membrane is sufficiently covered
large pieces of healthy limbus from the donor. by ex vivo expanded limbal cells, it is trans-
Each of the varieties of the technique has draw- planted to the eye with LSCD (Fig. 12).117 Am-
backs; in the case of autografting and allo- niotic membrane promotes epithelialization,118
grafting from living related donors, there is a reduces inflammation and scarring,119 pre-
limit to the amount of limbal tissue that can be serves and maintains existing limbal stem cells,
harvested, due to the risk of producing iatro- and serves as a natural substrate on which
genic LSCD in the donor eye.23 Allografts from limbal stem cells can grow and proliferate. It
living related or cadaveric donors entail the also enables easier handling of the cultured
risk of tissue rejection and their survival de- limbal stem cells. It is believed that the am-
pends on aggressive systemic immunosupp- niotic membrane may act as a barrier to im-
ression113,114 which is associated with signi- mune cells, diminishing the immune response
ficant morbidity and reduction in quality of life. by inhibiting IL-1β and IL8 expression, and
may also produce anti-angiogenic proteins.119
Ex Vivo Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation Fibrin substrate has also been used to
culture limbal stem cells.91 The culture system
Recently, with the increased knowledge on may be maintained for 14-28 days and either
stem cell biology, techniques have been deve- transferred to the recipient bed or subjected to
loped to expand small biopsies of limbal tissue air-lifting in order to promote epithelial tight
in culture for subsequent transplantation, this junction formation and stratification.120
overcomes some of the main hurdles entailed
by whole limbal tissue transplants.115 The con- CONCLUSION
cept of culturing stem cells was derived from
the use of cultured human epidermal cells as The concept of limbal stem cells has greatly im-
autologous grafts in patients with burns and in proved our understanding of corneal epithelial
plastic and reconstructive surgery.116 Currently, proliferation, migration, and regeneration. This
culturing corneal epithelial stem cells is the has also contributed directly to improved me-
most exciting and promising technique in lim- dical and surgical management of a wide range
bal transplantation. It is possible to culture of ocular surface disorders. Many questions
stem cells using a small amount of tissue there- however remain. Clinically, the most important
by minimizing damage to the donor and dep- is the issue of limbal allograft rejection and the
letion of its stem cell reserve. With this tech- long term survival of limbal transplants and
nique only epithelial cells (not Langerhans’ that of improving immunosuppressive regi-
cells and blood vessels) are transplanted, mens. In terms of stem cell biology, unans-
therefore theoretically reducing the possibility wered questions include: How is “stemness” of
of rejection. stem cells maintained? Which factors regulate
There are 3 main techniques for culturing the asymmetric division of stem cells? What are
limbal epithelium. The first involves the co- the external and internal modulators influ-
culture of limbal epithelium with mitotically in- encing stem cells? What is the role of the
activated 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, the second en- microenvironment in stem cell function and
tails the use of human amniotic membrane as a regulation?


Limbal Stem Cells; Ebrahimi et al

Figure 10 Appearance of the human ocular surface in a

healthy (A & B) eye and in limbal stem cell deficiency
(C & D). Anterior view (A) and side view (B) of the
anterior segment of the human eye. Clinical signs of Figure 11 Technique for limbal epithelial culture using
limbal stem cell deficiency (C), and delayed epithelial limbal explants on denuded amniotic membrane.116
staining and areas of epithelial defects (D).

Figure 12 Transplantation of cultured limbal cells onto

rabbit corneas with limbal stem cell deficiency. The
conjunctival overgrowth was removed by scraping 5 mm
beyond the limbus. Human amniotic membrane (HAM)
carrying cultured human limbal cells on the basement
membrane surface (colored) are sutured on the denuded
region and covered by a second HAM with the basement
membrane surface oriented toward the cornea. Orientation
of the HAM basement membrane is shown by arrows.

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