Exercise Test Weight Reps Set Interval Tonnage Cutoff 1Rm 5Rm Squat Bench Row Press Deadlift Smallest Plates Available Match Prs in Week #

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Exercise Test Weight Reps Set Interval Tonnage Cutoff 1RM 5RM

Squat 235 3 12.5% 60.0% 249 221

Bench 120 5 12.5% 60.0% 135 120
Row 80 8 12.5% 60.0% 99 88
Press 70 5 12.5% 60.0% 79 70
Deadlift 245 5 12.5% 60.0% 276 245

Smallest Plates Available 2.5

Match PRs in Week # 4

Test Weight ..... The maximum weight you've lifted for the given exercise.
Reps ..... The number of reps you've completed at the test weight. Something close to 5 i
Set Interval ..... The size of the steps between your ramped sets. 12.5% is the program default.
values will make your initial sets heavier, and thus the program more difficult.
Tonnage Cutoff ..... The weight a set must be (as a percentage of your computed 1RM) before it wil
included in your relevant tonnage numbers. 60% is the program default. This va
for information purposes only and will not affect your program.
Smallest Plates Available ..... The weight of the smallest plate you have available. The program worksheet wi
all of your work weights according to this value.
Match PRs in Week # ..... The week in which you want to match your previous 5RMs. Week 4 is the progr
default. Use a higher value if you need extra recovery time. Do NOT use a lowe
value or you'll stall early on, lose motivation and then complain this program
doesn't work. Let it be easy for the first 3 weeks.
Starting Weight

est weight. Something close to 5 is ideal.

ets. 12.5% is the program default. Lower
thus the program more difficult.
your computed 1RM) before it will be
0% is the program default. This value is
ct your program.
ilable. The program worksheet will round

evious 5RMs. Week 4 is the program

ecovery time. Do NOT use a lower
nd then complain this program
4-Jul 11-Jul 18-Jul 25-Jul 1-Aug 8-Aug 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 5-Sep 12-Sep 19-Sep
Day Exercise Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 105 105 110 110 115 115 120 125 125 130 130 135 pullups 3x to fail
5 130 130 135 140 140 145 150 155 155 160 165 170 Farmer's walks 3x10
Squat 5 155 160 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 190 195 205 GHD 3-4x10
5 180 185 190 195 195 200 210 215 220 225 230 235 Leg raises 3-4x10
5 205 210 215 220 225 230 240 245 250 255 260 270
5 55 60 60 60 60 65 65 65 70 70 70 75
5 70 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90
Monday Bench 5 85 85 85 90 90 95 100 100 100 100 105 110
5 95 100 100 105 105 110 115 115 120 120 125 125
5 110 115 115 120 120 125 130 130 135 135 140 145
5 40 40 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 55
5 50 50 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 65 65 65
Row 5 60 60 65 65 70 70 70 70 70 75 75 80
5 70 70 75 75 80 80 85 85 85 90 90 90
5 80 80 85 85 90 90 95 95 95 100 100 105 Tuesday is cardio, abs, calves
5 105 105 110 110 115 115 120 125 125 130 130 135 Hip thrusters 3x12
5 130 130 135 140 140 145 150 155 155 160 165 170 pullups 3x to fail
5 155 160 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 190 195 205 Leg raises 3-4x10
5 155 160 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 190 195 205 Grip work
5 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 55 55
5 50 50 55 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 65 65
Wednesday Press
5 55 55 60 60 60 65 65 65 70 70 75 75 Thursday is normal upper day
5 65 65 70 70 70 75 75 75 80 80 85 85
5 145 145 150 155 160 165 165 170 175 180 185 190
5 175 175 180 190 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225
Deadlift 5 200 205 210 220 225 230 230 240 245 250 260 265
5 230 235 240 250 255 260 265 275 280 285 295 300
5 105 105 110 110 115 115 120 125 125 130 130 135 pullups 3x to fail
5 130 130 135 140 140 145 150 155 155 160 165 170 Farmer's walks 3x10
5 155 160 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 190 195 205 GHD 3-4x10
5 180 185 190 195 195 200 210 215 220 225 230 235 Leg raises 3-4x10
3 210 215 220 225 230 240 245 250 255 260 270 275
8 155 160 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 190 195 205
5 55 60 60 60 60 65 65 65 70 70 70 75
5 70 70 70 75 75 80 80 80 85 85 90 90
5 85 85 85 90 90 95 100 100 100 100 105 110
Friday Bench 5 95 100 100 105 105 110 115 115 120 120 125 125
3 115 115 120 120 125 130 130 135 135 140 145 150
8 85 85 85 90 90 95 100 100 100 100 105 110
5 40 40 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 55
5 50 50 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 65 65 65
5 60 60 65 65 70 70 70 70 70 75 75 80
Row 5 70 70 75 75 80 80 85 85 85 90 90 90
3 80 85 85 90 90 95 95 95 100 100 105 110
8 60 60 65 65 70 70 70 70 70 75 75 80
Predicted 1RMs

Day Exercise 1 2 3 4
Relevant 2,700 2,775 2,825 2,900
Squat 3,875 3,950 4,050 4,150
Relevant 1,450 1,500 1,500 1,575
Monday Bench 2,075 2,150 2,150 2,250
Relevant 1,050 1,050 1,125 1,125
Row 1,500 1,500 1,625 1,625
Relevant 1,550 1,600 1,600 1,650
Squat 2,725 2,775 2,825 2,900
Relevant 850 850 925 925
Wednesday Press 1,050 1,050 1,150 1,150
Relevant 3,025 3,075 3,150 3,300
Deadlift 3,750 3,800 3,900 4,075
Relevant 3,545 3,650 3,690 3,795
Squat 4,720 4,825 4,915 5,045
Relevant 1,925 1,950 1,965 2,055
Friday Bench 2,550 2,600 2,615 2,730
Relevant 1,370 1,385 1,475 1,490
Row 1,820 1,835 1,975 1,990
1RM 249 249 249 249
Squat Relevant 7,795 8,025 8,115 8,345
Total 11,320 11,550 11,790 12,095
1RM 135 135 135 135
Bench Relevant 3,375 3,450 3,465 3,630
Total 4,625 4,750 4,765 4,980
1RM 99 99 99 99
Row Relevant 2,420 2,435 2,600 2,615
Weekly Total 3,320 3,335 3,600 3,615
Totals 1RM 79 79 79 79
Press Relevant 850 850 925 925
Total 1,050 1,050 1,150 1,150
1RM 276 276 276 281
Deadlift Relevant 3,025 3,075 3,150 3,300
Total 3,750 3,800 3,900 4,075
Relevant 17,465 17,835 18,255 18,815
Total 24,065 24,485 25,205 25,915

Pagina 4
Predicted 1RMs

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2,950 3,025 3,150 3,225 3,300 3,350 3,425
4,225 4,325 4,500 4,625 4,700 4,800 4,900
1,575 1,650 1,725 1,725 1,775 1,775 1,850
2,250 2,375 2,450 2,450 2,550 2,550 2,650
1,200 1,200 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,325 1,325
1,700 1,700 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,900 1,900
1,700 1,750 1,800 1,850 1,900 1,900 1,950
2,975 3,050 3,150 3,250 3,300 3,350 3,425
925 975 975 975 1,050 1,050 1,125
1,150 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,300 1,300 1,400
3,350 3,425 3,475 3,600 3,675 3,750 3,875
4,150 4,250 4,300 4,450 4,550 4,650 4,800
3,875 3,995 4,125 4,230 4,335 4,375 4,495
5,150 5,295 5,475 5,630 5,735 5,825 5,970
2,070 2,175 2,265 2,280 2,305 2,320 2,425
2,745 2,900 2,990 3,005 3,080 3,095 3,225
1,580 1,595 1,620 1,620 1,635 1,725 1,740
2,080 2,095 2,170 2,170 2,185 2,300 2,315
253 259 270 276 281 287 293
8,525 8,770 9,075 9,305 9,535 9,625 9,870
12,350 12,670 13,125 13,505 13,735 13,975 14,295
135 141 146 146 152 152 158
3,645 3,825 3,990 4,005 4,080 4,095 4,275
4,995 5,275 5,440 5,455 5,630 5,645 5,875
101 101 107 107 107 113 113
2,780 2,795 2,870 2,870 2,885 3,050 3,065
3,780 3,795 3,970 3,970 3,985 4,200 4,215
79 84 84 84 90 90 96
925 975 975 975 1,050 1,050 1,125
1,150 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,300 1,300 1,400
287 293 298 309 315 321 332
3,350 3,425 3,475 3,600 3,675 3,750 3,875
4,150 4,250 4,300 4,450 4,550 4,650 4,800
19,225 19,790 20,385 20,755 21,225 21,570 22,210
26,425 27,190 28,035 28,580 29,200 29,770 30,585

Pagina 5
Predicted 1RMs


Pagina 6

Monday morning Madcow

evening yoga

Tuesday morning Swim

evening yoga

Wednesday morning Madcow

evening yoga

Thursday morning yoga

evening LISS run

Friday morning Madcow

evening yoga

Saturday morning yoga


Sunday morning yoga


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