2003 Mathews Owners Manual

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Mathews Genesis™... the first compound

bow that covers all draw lengths (15" to 30")
Until now, one of the challenges of
introducing beginners to archery was
that bows were too user specific.
Genesis TechnologyTM changes that!

Everyone can shoot the same bow

• Kids can’t outgrow it – because there
is no specific draw length
• It’s simple to buy – no need to measure
or fit for draw length
• It’s easy to shoot – beginners won’t
develop bad habits because the draw
length is always right

“Zero let-off” means no specific

draw length
Because the Genesis SystemTM eliminates let-off
on light draw weight bows (where it’s unneces-
sary), there are no specific draw length
requirements. The result is a bow
that fits virtually everyone (15" to
30") and that a young person
Colors: Red
can’t outgrow. Cherry,
Key Lime, Lemon Yellow,
Performs like a bow with Blue Raspberry, Wild Berry
and Realtree X-tra camo
higher poundage
A GenesisTM bow, set at 20 lbs. ™
(it’s adjustable from 10 to 20
lbs.), stores and releases
energy comparable to
that of a 35 lb. recurve!
Plus, with zero let-off,
it has the “holding
weight” necessary to
“pull the string from your
fingers,” making it easy to shoot.
Ensure the future of archery
Join the Genesis Project!

Catch us if you can!
Owner’s Manual
919 River Road, P.O. Box 367, Sparta, Wisconsin 54656
(608) 269-2728 • Fax (608) 269-3120
’03 owner’s manual all 6/2/03 12:02 PM Page 1

Maintaining your Mathews™ SoloCam® bow... Like many of the world’s top competitive shooters,
you, too, can now say “I shoot a Mathews.” Congratulations!
Never dry fire your bow Your new Mathews bow features the latest design innovations and
the highest quality components. They team up to create a bow
Never shoot any bow without an arrow on the string. Without the arrow to absorb the energy, that’s fast, smooth, quiet and accurate. To ensure your bow’s peak
dryfiring can damage your bow and can cause personal injury. Damage to your bow due to performance, take a few moments to look over this owner’s manual.
dryfiring will not be covered under the warranty.
Good shooting and good hunting!
Periodically check strings and cables
Always inspect your bow for frayed strings and cables. Replace damaged strings and cables
immediately. Mathews strings can be waxed and maintained as any other fast-flight string.
Please make sure you are using the proper string for your bow.
Owner’s Manual
Setting up your new Mathews bow...
Bushings are self-lubricating As you probably know, once your Mathews bow is properly tuned, it will stay in
tune thanks to the single-cam design. However, initial setup of draw length, weight,
Your Mathews SoloCam bow requires no lubrication – all bushings are self-lubricating.
nock point, etc. is critical to maximize the performance of your new bow.

Do not alter your bow Draw Length

Any alterations to your Mathews SoloCam bow will void the warranty. Alteration could cause If your new Mathews SoloCam bow is equipped with a "StraightLine" MaxCam,
damage to the bow or personal injury. which is draw length specific, there is no adjustment on the cam. Other Mathews
cams are adjustable for draw length and come set at the longest draw length setting
unless your retailer has indicated otherwise. Mathews offers several cam sizes to
Use only a double-pull bow press help ensure optimum draw length and performance for your measurements and
Never use a single-pull bow press. We recommend a double-pull press to avoid damage to shooting style. The draw length on your bow is adjustable on the cam a maximum of
your riser or bow. Damage caused by a single-pull press will not be covered under warranty. one inch down from the peak draw length. This is accomplished by moving the
string loop to any of three adjustment posts on either side of the cam. The number
1 post would be the longest draw length for that particular cam. For example: to
Repairs and Shipment shorten the draw by 1/2 inch, the string would be moved to the number 2 post on
Visit your Mathews retailer for servicing and repairs. All bows and warranty parts returned both sides of the cam. The Mini MaxCam can be adjusted down from its peak draw
length, approximately 1/2". This is accomplished by moving the string loop to the
to the factory will require a Return Authorization (RA) number that your retailer can secure.
secondary post on the cam.
Your retailer will handle all warranty issues for you. The RA number must be clearly printed
on the outside of the box near the address label. If a package does not have an RA number, Draw Weight
our shipping department will refuse it.
Mathews SoloCam bows have a ten pound weight reduction range from your bow’s
peak weight (example: if your bow has a peak weight of 70 pounds, you can adjust it
Warranty information
as low as 60 pounds). Draw weight adjustments are made using either a 3/16" or 7/32"
Every Mathews SoloCam bow has a LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY. Warranty repairs are our top priority. Each bow has a
unique serial number, and warranty cards are not required to obtain warranty service. Should you ever need repairs, the Mathews Allen wrench. Turn the limb bolt clockwise to increase the draw weight and counter-
retailer from whom you purchased your bow is very knowledgeable about the bows and may be able to complete the work right in clockwise to decrease the weight. Each rotation is equivalent to three or four pounds
their shop. If the bow does need to be sent to us, we assure you that we do strive to do the warranty repairs and service work and
re-ship your bow within three working days from the time it arrives in our shop. of draw weight. It is very important to adjust the limb bolts equally but do not
exceed 5 full turns out from maximum draw weight. Your Mathews SoloCam bow
LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY will generally perform best at its designated peak weight.
Nock Point Installation
NUMBER WILL BE REFUSED. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, WRITTEN OR IMPLIED, ARE VOID WITH ANY There are many variables involved in determining where to install your nock point.
Honesty is the best policy...
These include: type of arrow rest, arrow spine, whether you use fingers or a release
aid, and your hand placement on the bow. As a general rule, the nock point should
Mathews bows are covered by one or more of the following patents, with other patents pending:
#5,368,006, #5,676,123, #5,752,496, #5,791,322, #5,809,982, #5,890,480, #5,996,567
be set perpendicular (90°) to your arrow rest or somewhere within 1/2" above the 90°
point. This guideline is a starting point – you may need to move your nocking point
as you fine-tune your Mathews SoloCam bow.
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The following is a breakdown of Mathews’ available cams

and how each is adjusted for draw length:

About the MaxCam™ on your bow

Mathews invented the perimeter-weighted cam, technology that creates a flywheel
effect which lengthens and strengthens the cam’s power stroke, dramatically
increasing arrow speed while also reducing recoil. We call our perimeter-weighted
cams "MaxCams". There are multiple different MaxCams:
Note: MaxCams are not compatible with any Mathews
non-MaxCam model. The use of a MaxCam™ on such models will void the
warranty of that bow.

High Performance (HP) Cam

The LEAST COMPLEX, MOST ADVANCED cam ever engineered, the
revolutionary HP Cam is superior to any cam (single cams, 11/2 cams, two cams)
we've ever tested! This smooth shooting, straight line, high let-off cam is smokin'
fast! And, it is available on the Mathews LX in either 80% or 65% let-off.

CAM LX Let-off RH or CAM LX Let-off RH or

SLHP-AR 30" 80% RH SLHP-AAR 30" 65% RH
SLHP-B.5R 29.5" 80% RH SLHP-AR 29.5" 65% RH
SLHP-BR 29" 80% RH SLHP-B.5R 29" 65% RH
SLHP-C.5R 28.5" 80% RH SLHP-BR 28.5" 65% RH
SLHP-CR 28" 80% RH SLHP-C.5R 28" 65% RH
SLHP-D.5R 27.5" 80% RH SLHP-CR 27.5" 65% RH
SLHP-DR 27" 80% RH SLHP-D.5R 27" 65% RH
SLHP-E.5R 26.5" 80% RH SLHP-DR 26.5" 65% RH
SLHP-ER 26" 80% RH SLHP-E.5R 26" 65% RH
SLHP-F.5R 25.5" 80% RH SLHP-ER 25.5" 65% RH
SLHP-FR 25" 80% RH SLHP-F.5R 25" 65% RH
SLHP-AL 30" 80% LH SLHP-AAL 30" 65% LH
SLHP-B.5L 29.5" 80% LH SLHP-AL 29.5" 65% LH
SLHP-BL 29" 80% LH SLHP-B.5L 29" 65% LH
SLHP-C.5L 28.5" 80% LH SLHP-BL 28.5" 65% LH
SLHP-CL 28" 80% LH SLHP-C.5L 28" 65% LH
SLHP-D.5L 27.5" 80% LH SLHP-CL 27.5" 65% LH
SLHP-DL 27" 80% LH SLHP-D.5L 27" 65% LH
SLHP-E.5L 26.5" 80% LH SLHP-DL 26.5" 65% LH
SLHP-EL 26" 80% LH SLHP-E.5L 26" 65% LH
SLHP-F.5L 25.5" 80% LH SLHP-EL 25.5" 65% LH
SLHP-FL 25" 80% LH SLHP-F.5L 25" 65% LH

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Black Max 2 Cam Chart

This is the cam that powers the Mathews Black Max 2, the fastest bow on the plan-
et! It delivers maximum speed with minimum kick and is available in either 80% or
60% let-off. Or, for maximum speed, in a Turbo Cam version which has 50% let-off.


(80% let-off) (60% let-off) (50% let-off) Draw Length LH
BMX2HL-29.5R BMX2-29.5R TURBO-29.5R 29.5" RH
BMX2HL-29R BMX2-29R TURBO-29R 29" RH
BMX2HL-28.5R BMX2-28.5R TURBO-28.5R 28.5" RH
BMX2HL-28R BMX2-28R TURBO-28R 28" RH
BMX2HL-27.5R BMX2-27.5R TURBO-27.5R 27.5" RH
BMX2HL-27R BMX2-27R TURBO-27R 27" RH
BMX2HL-26.5R BMX2-26.5R TURBO-26.5R 26.5" RH
BMX2HL-26R BMX2-26R TURBO-26R 26" RH
BMX2HL-25.5R BMX2-25.5R TURBO-25.5R 25.5" RH
BMX2HL-25R BMX2-25R TURBO-25R 25" RH
BMX2HL-30L BMX2-30L TURBO-30L 30" LH
BMX2HL-29.5L BMX2-29.5L TURBO-29.5L 29.5" LH
BMX2HL-29L BMX2-29L TURBO-29L 29" LH
BMX2HL-28.5L BMX2-28.5L TURBO-28.5L 28.5" LH
BMX2HL-28L BMX2-28L TURBO-28L 28" LH
BMX2HL-27.5L BMX2-27.5L TURBO-27.5L 27.5" LH
BMX2HL-27L BMX2-27L TURBO-27L 27" LH
BMX2HL-26.5L BMX2-26.5L TURBO-26.5L 26.5" LH
BMX2HL-26L BMX2-26L TURBO-26L 26" LH
BMX2HL-25.5L BMX2-25.5L TURBO-25.5L 25.5" LH
BMX2HL-25L BMX2-25L TURBO-25L 25" LH

StraightLine MaxCam3™
The StraightLine MaxCam3 was designed specifically for the Mathews Legacy.
In conjunction with String Suppressors, Harmonic Damping and Parallel Limb
design, this perimeter-weighted MaxCam helps to virtually eliminate overall
recoil vibration.

Cam Mathews Let-off Right Cam Mathews Let-off Left

Legacy Hand Legacy Hand
SL3AR 30" 70% Right SL3AL 30" 70% Left
SL3B.5R 29.5" 70% Right SL3B.5L 29.5" 70% Left
SL3BR 29" 70% Right SL3BL 29" 70% Left
SL3C.5R 28.5" 70% Right SL3C.5L 28.5" 70% Left
SL3CR 28" 70% Right SL3CL 28" 70% Left
SL3D.5R 27.5" 70% Right SL3D.5L 27.5" 70% Left
SL3DR 27" 70% Right SL3DL 27" 70% Left
SL3ER 26" 70% Right SL3EL 26" 70% Left
SL3FR 25" 70% Right SL3FL 25" 70% Left
SL3GR 24" 70% Right SL3GL 24" 70% Left
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’03 owner’s manual all 6/2/03 12:02 PM Page 4

Concentric SoloCam™
In an effort to squeeze every last ounce of consistency out of the Mathews Icon, we Tuning your Mathews™ SoloCam® bow...
developed the Concentric Solocam, a round, perimeter-weighted cam that mirrors
the round wheel on the opposite limb. This symmetry in shape and measurement Tiller
results in never-before achieved systematic consistency and ultimately, accuracy.
Setting the tiller on your Mathews SoloCam bow is easy. In fact, there’s no measur-
Cam Icon Let-off Right or Left Hand ing necessary. Starting from a point where both limbs are tightened completely,
simply back them off an equal number of turns.
CSL-AR 30" 70% Right
CL-B.5R 29.5" 70% Right Estimating Center Shot
CSL-BR 29" 70% Right Using the correct arrow size, position your arrow on the string at the nock point.
CSL-C.5R 28.5" 70% Right While holding the bow in front of you, visually align the bow string with the center
CSL-CR 28" 70% Right line of the grip. The string should run true down the center of your arrow shaft.
CSL-D.5R 27.5" 70% Right This is a good reference point to begin paper tuning. Note: A good starting point is
13/16" over from the riser to center of arrow shaft.
CSL-DR 27" 70% Right
CSL-ER 26" 70% Right The Importance of Paper Tuning and Tear Patterns
CSL-FR 25" 70% Right
With an improperly tuned bow, broadheads may shoot as much as 18" off center at
CSL-GR 24" 70% Right 20 yards (when compared to field tips). By tuning a bow to shoot a good hole in
CSL-AL 30" 70% Left paper, you will ensure the best possible broadhead flight.
CSL-B.5L 29.5" 70% Left
CSL-BL 29" 70% Left Before beginning, it’s important to know that perfect “bullet holes” are not always
CSL-C.5L 28.5" 70% Left possible with all shooters. Light tears are quite acceptable and will not deter accu-
racy. Fine tuning requires patience and consistent shooting form. Perfect results
CSL-CL 28" 70% Left
are only achieved with perfect form. Also, remember to always do your final sight-
CSL-D.5L 27.5" 70% Left ings with broadheads before hunting.
CSL-DL 27" 70% Left
CSL-EL 26" 70% Left To begin paper tuning, stand approximately eight feet from the paper (with a suit-
CSL-FL 25" 70% Left able backstop several feet behind the paper to allow complete arrow passage).
CSL-GL 24" 70% Left Check your tear pattern against the following boxes for further instruction.
If it’s a combination, such as up and to the left, both instructions will apply.

After the shot, push the paper back flat

Fin or Feather™ Cam and you will see a star shaped entry
hole where the tip went through.
Nock End Ripped High
Nock End Ripped Right
Arrow Spine Too Stiff
Nock End Ripped Left
Arrow Spine Too Limber
The Fin or Feather Cam is a low let-off cam that allows you to release an arrow any- Tip went
1. Lower the nocking point
2. Use a lighter arrow tip
1. Increase draw weight
1. Decrease draw weight
3. Use a more stiffer spined arrow
where along the draw cycle (full draw, 3/4 draw, 1/2 draw, etc.). This perimeter- thru here
Note: (same for left hand)
2. Move arrow rest to the left
3. Use heavier points
2. Move arrow rest to the right
3. Use lighter points
4. Use a lighter spined arrow 4. Use a stiffer spined arrow
weighted cam is designed specifically for the Mathews Sportsman, a bow for the Nock end
high Nock end high Tip went thru here
bowfisherman or upland bowhunter. With minimal let-off there is not the "bump" Nock end
associated with height let-off bows as you approach full draw and no real wall. went low
thru here
Tip went
thru here
Note: Because the Fin or Feather Cam fits everyone, there are only two cams-left SOLUTION:
Tip went thru here Nock end ripped left
5. Use longer arrows if possible 5. Use shorter arrows if possible
or right handed- and, therefore, there is no chart. Nock End Ripped Low
(Opposite for left hand)
6. Vanes or feathers may be striking
arrow rest. Try a different
1. Raise the nocking point
2. Use a heavier arrow tip NOTE: If lowering nocking point does not Note: Feathers or vanes may be hitting arrow rest.
3. Use a more limber spined arrow eliminate problem try a different kind of arrow rest. Try a different arrow rest.
Note: (same for left hand) arrow rest. (left hand only!) Note: (Opposite for left hand)

This is an example of a properly tuned bow.

Note that the point where the arrow tip went
through is centered in the middle of three very
comparable vane tears.
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Arrow selection... StraightLine MaxCam2 ™

We designed this cam exclusively for the SQ2, Q2 and Q2XL. It works in
Determining Proper Arrow Length conjunction with Mathews’ revolutionary Harmonic Damping System™ to reduce
The first step in selecting your arrows is to determine your arrow length. This is recoil vibration. Like the StraightLine MaxCam™, this perimeter-weighted cam
determined by several factors, including arm length and full-draw anchor position. gives you straight nock point travel, smooth shooting and great speed. Available in
If you are using an overdraw, you can mark the arrow just in front of the rest. The several draw length options.
distance from your mark to the string groove in the arrow nock will be your correct
arrow length. Your Mathews retailer can be an invaluable help in this process. Draw Lengths with 70% Let-off Right Hand Left Hand
Using the Easton Shaft Selection Chart (see pages 12 & 13) SQ2/Q2 Q2XL
30" 31" SL2AR SL2AL
After you’ve determined your arrow length, find its corresponding measure in the
length column. Move down this column until you reach the correct draw weight of
29.5" 30.5" SL2B.5R SL2B.5L
your bow. The correct spine for your arrow is found where your draw length and 29" 30" SL2BR SL2BL
weight intersect. Use the “hard cam” category on the chart for a Mathews 28.5" 29.5" SL2C.5R SL2C.5L
SoloCam bow. 28" 29" SL2CR SL2CL
27.5" 28.5" SL2D.5R SL2D.5L
String and cable lengths for each Mathews bow 27"
The Zebra ZS Twist bowstring is standard on all Mathews bows. It combines 26" 27" SL2ER SL2EL
bundles of low-stretch, multifilament strands counter-twisted to form a perfectly 25" 26" SL2FR SL2FL
balanced bowstring that does not rotate as the bow is drawn. Your peep comes to
perfect position every time – without the need for rubber tubing and other 24" 25" SL2GR SL2GL
alignment devices. Plus, peep installation is easier than ever. Following is a list of 23" 24" SL2HR SL2HL
the string and cable lengths required for each Mathews model:

Model String Length Cable Length The Original MaxCam™

LX 985/8" 375/8" The revolutionary perimeter-weighted cam that started it all, the Original MaxCam
is available on the Conquest 3, FX, and Ultra 2. It generates incredible arrow
Mathews Legacy 913/4" 361/4" speed while also remarkably reducing recoil, thanks to perimeter-weighting. The
Icon 9713/16" 395/8" Original MaxCam™ is available with 65% and 80% let-off.
SQ2 841/2" 3311/16"
SQ2 (291/2" OR 30" draw) 855/8" 333/4" Cam Conquest 3 FX Ultra 2 Let-off (%) RH or LH
Q2 901/4" 361/2"
Z-AAR-HL 32" 31" 30" 80 RH
Q2 (291/2", 30" draw) 915/16" 365/8"
Z-BBR-HL 31" 30" 29" 80 RH
Q2XL 973/4" 40 3/16"
Z-CCR-HL 30" 29" 28" 80 RH
Q2XL (301/2" or 31" draw) 991/8" 401/2"
Z-DDR-HL 29" 28" 27" 80 RH
Conquest 3 1031/4" 435/8""
Z-EER-HL 28" 27" 26" 80 RH
Conquest 3 (Mini Max) 9715/16" 423/4""
Z-AAL-HL 32" 31" 30" 80 LH
Ultra 2 931/8" 387/8"
Z-BBL-HL 31" 30" 29" 80 LH
Ultra 2 (Mini Max) 88" 377/8"
Z-CCL-HL 30" 29" 28" 80 LH
Black Max 2 927/8" 37"
Z-DDL-HL 29" 28" 27" 80 LH
FX 901/16" 371/4"
Z-EEL-HL 28" 27" 26" 80 LH
FX (Mini Max) 833/4" 357/8"
Z-AAR 32" 31" 30" 65 RH
Sportsman 901/16" 37"
Z-BBR 31" 30" 29" 65 RH
Z-CCR 30" 29" 28" 65 RH
Z-DDR 29" 28" 27" 65 RH
Z-EER 28" 27" 26" 65 RH
Z-AAL 32" 31" 30" 65 LH
Z-BBL 31" 30" 29" 65 LH
Z-CCL 30" 29" 28" 65 LH
Z-DDL 29" 28" 27" 65 LH
Z-EEL 28" 27" 26" 65 LH
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’03 owner’s manual all 6/2/03 12:02 PM Page 6

Mini MaxCam™
Now shorter-draw-length shooters can get all the advantages of perimeter
weighting. Available on Mathews FX, Ultra 2 and Conquest 3 models, this cam
2003 Bow Specifications Chart
Model IBO AMO Cam(s) Draw Draw Axle- Brace Riser Physical Let-
accommodates draw lengths as short as 22" with peak draw weights down to 35 Rating Rating Length Weight to-Axle Height Length Weight off
pounds. The Mini MaxCam™ is available only with 65% let-off and has (FPS) (FPS) Length (Approx.) (Approx.) (%)
(Approx.) (Approx.) (Approx.)
approximately a 1/2" adjustment range. Putting a Mini MaxCam on a bow reduces the
draw weight approximatly five pounds. LX* 315 238 High 25 - 30 40 - 70 35" 6 5/8" 24.5" 4.25 lbs. 80
Note: The Mini MaxCam requires a different idler wheel and string/cable lengths. Performance Half-Sizes
317 240 Cam 25.5 - 29.5 65**

Cam Ultra 2 FX Conquest 3 Let-off (%) RH or LH Mathews 308 235 Legacy 24 - 30 40 - 70 34" 71/2" 25" 4.35 lbs. 70**
Legacy* StraightLine Half-Sizes
MaxCam 3 27.5 - 29.5
MINIMAX-DDR 27" 28" 29" 65 RH
MINIMAX-EER 26" 27" 28" 65 RH Icon* 300 230 Concentric 24 - 30 40 - 70 37" 75/8" 25" 4.45 lbs. 70**
SoloCam Half-Sizes
MINIMAX-FFR 25" 26" 27" 65 RH 27.5 - 29.5

MINIMAX-GGR 24" 25" 26" 65 RH SQ2* 305 230 StraightLine 23 - 30 40 - 70 31" 81/2" 19 13/16" 3.7 lbs. 70**
MINIMAX-HHR 23" 24" 25" 65 RH MaxCam2™ Half-Sizes
26.5 - 29.5
MINIMAX-IIR 22" 23" 24" 65 RH
Q2* 308 235 StraightLine 23 - 30 40 - 70 34" 71/2" 23" 4 lbs. 70**
MINIMAX-DDL 27" 28" 29" 65 LH MaxCam2™ Half-Sizes
26.5 - 29.5
MINIMAX-EEL 26" 27" 28" 65 LH
MINIMAX-FFL 25" 26" 27" 65 LH Q2XL* 308 235 StraightLine 24 - 31 40 - 70 38" 71/2" 27" 4.3 lbs. 70**
MaxCam2™ Half-Sizes
MINIMAX-GGL 24" 25" 26" 65 LH 27.5 - 30.5
MINIMAX-HHL 23" 24" 25" 65 LH Conquest 3* 310 236 MaxCam 28 - 32 40 - 70 41" 7" 271/8" 4.4 lbs. 80
MINIMAX-IIL 22" 23" 24" 65 LH Mini MaxCam 24 - 29 65**
Super Soft 28 - 32 60**

Super-Soft Cam™ Ultra 2* 320+ 245 MaxCam 26 - 30 40 - 70 36" 61/8" 17 5/8" 3.7 lbs. 80
Mini MaxCam 22 - 27 65**

The Super-Soft Cam , designed especially for finger shooters, provides an
extremely smooth draw and a release that rolls from the fingertips. This special Black Max 2* 330+ 252 Black MaxCam 25 - 30 40 - 70 36" 51/2" 1713/16" 3.5 lbs. 80
330+ Black MaxCam Half-Sizes 65**
MaxCam™ is available on the Conquest 3, Ultra 2 and FX and only with 60% let-off. 340+ Turbo MaxCam 25.5 - 29.5 50**

FX 308 235 MaxCam 27 - 31 40 - 70 34" 71/2" 163/8" 3.3 lbs. 80

Cam Conquest 3 Ultra 2 FX Let-off (%) RH or LH Mini MaxCam 23 - 28 65**

SS-AR 32" 30" 31" 60 RH Sportsman Adequate Adequate Fin or Feather™ 20 - 32 40 - 70 34" 71/2" 163/8" 3.3 lbs. —
SS-BR 31" 29" 30" 60 RH Cam

SS-CR 30" 28" 29" 60 RH

All Mathews bows come with a weight adjustment range of 10 lbs. (down). All have standard burger
SS-DR 29" 27" 28" 60 RH button, sight, and stabilizer holes. The cable slider on each model is a special nonsqueak Teflon® com-
SS-ER 28" 26" 27" 60 RH posite. The limbs are SlimlineTM laminated and come with an original owner lifetime warranty. The
SS-AL 32" 30" 31" 60 LH machined aluminum limb cups totally contain the limb butts and pivot with the limbs, so no matter
SS-BL 31" 29" 30" 60 LH what the draw weight, the limbs are always firmly contained within the cup. High inertia limb cups
are also available at an additional charge.
SS-CL 30" 28" 29" 60 LH
SS-DL 29" 27" 28" 60 LH
SS-EL 28" 26" 27" 60 LH *Features Harmonic Damping System™

**These cams are all officially

Pope & Young Club legal

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