The Ann Arbor Criteria For Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results Obtained by Using The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
The Ann Arbor Criteria For Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results Obtained by Using The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
The Ann Arbor Criteria For Appropriate Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Medical Patients: Results Obtained by Using The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method
Interventions to reduce urinary catheter use involve lists of “ap- ing and catheter placement challenges. The panel rated 105
propriate” indications developed from limited evidence without Foley scenarios (43 appropriate, 48 inappropriate, 14 uncertain),
substantial multidisciplinary input. Implementing these lists, 97 ISC scenarios (15 appropriate, 66 inappropriate, 16 uncer-
however, is challenging given broad interpretation of indica- tain), and 97 external catheter scenarios (30 appropriate, 51 in-
tions, such as “critical illness.” To refine criteria for appropriate appropriate, 16 uncertain). The refined criteria clarify that Foley
catheter use— defined as use in which benefits outweigh risks— catheters are appropriate for measuring and collecting urine
the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied. After re- only when fluid status or urine cannot be assessed by other
viewing the literature, a 15-member multidisciplinary panel of means; specify that patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) need
physicians, nurses, and specialists in infection prevention rated specific medical indications for catheters because ICU location
scenarios for catheter use as appropriate, inappropriate, or of alone is not an appropriate indication; and recognize that Foley
uncertain appropriateness by using a standardized, multiround and external catheters may be pragmatically appropriate to
rating process. The appropriateness of Foley catheters, intermit- manage urinary incontinence in select patients. These new ap-
tent straight catheters (ISCs), and external condom catheters for propriateness criteria can inform large-scale collaborative and
hospitalized adults on medical services was assessed in 299 sce- bedside efforts to reduce inappropriate urinary catheter use.
narios, including urinary retention, incontinence, wounds, urine
volume measurement, urine sample collection, and comfort. The Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:S1-S34. doi:10.7326/M14-1304
scenarios included patient-specific issues, such as difficulty turn- For author affiliations, see end of text.
duce catheter use, implementation of appropriate and increased life expectancy, relief of pain, reduction in
inappropriate indication lists has been challenging for anxiety, improved functional capacity) exceeds the ex-
3 reasons: 1) broad interpretation of such indications as pected negative consequences (e.g., mortality, morbid-
“critical illness”; 2) bedside clinician concerns that prag- ity, anxiety, pain, time lost from work) by a sufficiently
matic patient-specific issues, such as incontinent pa- wide margin that the procedure is worth doing, exclu-
tients who are very difficult to turn for skin care, are not sive of cost” (12, 13). The goal of the method is to com-
addressed; and 3) the need for more specific guidance bine the best available scientific literature with the col-
on use of alternatives to indwelling catheters, such as lective judgment of experts to yield a statement on the
external condom catheters and intermittent straight appropriateness of a procedure with regard to specific
catheters (ISCs). patient characteristics, such as symptoms, medical his-
To address these concerns, we applied a well- tory, or test results. This list of indications may be used
established method for evaluating appropriateness of retrospectively to assess the appropriateness of proce-
medical technology—the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness dures received or prospectively as a clinical decision
Method—to more rigorously define the appropriateness aid for improving the use of the procedure.
of 3 types of urinary catheters (indwelling Foley cathe- As illustrated in Figure 1, the first step of the
ter, ISC, and external condom catheter). Our objective RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method is a literature re-
was to develop a list of catheter indications assessed as view to synthesize the latest available scientific evi-
appropriate, inappropriate, or of uncertain appropri- dence on the procedure to be rated. From the litera-
ateness for these urinary catheter types that can guide ture search, a list of specific clinical scenarios or
nurses and physicians considering catheters in hospi- indications is produced, from which a rating document
talized medical patients. We focused on indications for for assessing appropriateness is generated. A panel of
urinary catheters most commonly considered on med- experts is identified, often on the basis of participation
icine services and excluded perioperative care because in or recommendation by various relevant medical so-
we expected the literature review and clinical expertise cieties. In a modified Delphi process, the panelists as-
required for perioperative indications to be different. sess the benefit-to-harm ratio of the procedure for each
indication in the rating document on a 1 to 9 scale; 1
means the expected harm greatly exceeds the ex-
METHODS pected benefit, and 9 means the expected benefit
Overview of the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness greatly outweighs the expected harms. Panelists per-
Method form the first round of ratings independently without
The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was de- interaction with other panelists.
veloped to enable measuring the overuse of medical For the next round or rounds of rating, panelists
and surgical procedures in the RAND Corporation/Uni- meet at a conference led by a moderator experienced
versity of California, Los Angeles, Health Services Utili- in the method. During the conference the panelists dis-
zation Study (11). For procedures that may be over- cuss the ratings, focusing on areas of disagreement or
used, this method assesses the procedure as uncertainty, and have the opportunity to modify the in-
“appropriate” when the “expected health benefit (e.g., dication list as needed. No attempt is made to force
consensus. Following the discussion at the conference,
Figure 1. Overview of the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness the panelists individually re-rate the appropriateness of
the indications by using the same 1 to 9 scale. Each
indication's final assessment is classified by the RAND
/UCLA Appropriateness Method according to the pan-
Literature review and synthesis of the evidence el's median score and level of disagreement among
regarding urinary catheter use panelists. Disagreement represents a wide difference
of opinion by the panelists. For our panel of 15 mem-
bers, disagreement existed if at least 5 panelists rated
the appropriateness of an indication from 1 to 3 and at
Develop a list of potential indications least 5 panelists rated the appropriateness from 7 to 9.
with definitions If disagreement is found, those indications are consid-
ered to be of “uncertain” appropriateness. For indica-
tions without disagreement, median panel score
ranges are used to classify indications as follows: 1 to 3,
Expert panel rates the appropriateness of indications using rating
inappropriate; 4 to 6, uncertain appropriateness; and 7
tool in at least 2 rounds:
Round 1: panel members rate without interaction (by mail) to 9, appropriate.
Round 2: panel members rate after group discussion, clarifications
RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method Versus
the Method Used for the 2009 HICPAC CAUTI
Develop and share guidelines regarding Literature Search
appropriateness of urinary catheter use Similar to the method used to generate the 2009
HICPAC guideline, the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness
S2 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Strategy 1: Systematic review for quantitative evidence for urinary catheter risks/benefits by clinical indication
Records identified using PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, CINAHL, Embase (n = 340 000)
Records remaining after applications of inclusion criteria: human, adult, acute care hospital, and exclusion criteria:
perioperative setting, children, not involving urinary catheters (n = 13)
Because Strategy 1’s systemic search did not yield the quantitative data comparing risks and benefits of urinary catheters for
specific clinical indications, the literature search strategy was revised to be a comprehensive review of urinary catheter
indications cited in guidelines (Strategy 2) and intervention studies focused on prevention of CAUTI, as previously identified in
2 systematic reviews (Strategy 3)
b. Other clinical guidelines anticipated to contain guidance on use of No additional supporting references or new
urinary catheters in management of specific conditions: indications identified from these guidelines
• Pressure ulcers (20–23)
• Paralysis or neurogenic bladder (24, 25)
• Urologic diagnoses (26) or Incontinence (27–29)
Strategy 3: Review of intervention studies focused on reducing CAUTI or References reviewed from bibliographies,
urinary catheter use, anticipated to describe catheter indications as part cited for indication guidance*
of intervention
14 studies (56–58, 79–89) identified from systematic review (31) our 14, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 89–96
team performed in August 2008
16 studies (32, 33, 35–39, 97–105) identified in updated systematic 8, 17, 49, 59, 61, 62, 79, 106–108
review (30) our team performed in October 2012
APIC = Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology; CAUTI = catheter-associated urinary tract infection; CDC = Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention; HICPAC = Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee; IDSA = Infectious Diseases Society of
* Some references cited as references for indication lists and reviewed from bibliographies were noted to be guidelines or intervention articles
already reviewed.
S4 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S5
Instructions: Please circle your rating of the appropriateness of using an indwelling urinary catheter (Foley), an intermittent straight catheter (ISC), or an
external catheter (condom) for each scenario on a scale of 1 to 9. 1 = highly inappropriate; 5 = neutral or uncertain; 9 = highly appropriate.
1. Assume patients do not have any
other indication for requiring a urinary
catheter other than what is described
in the scenario. If Male Patient: Appropriateness
2. Assume patients would have no Appropriateness of Indwelling Appropriateness of Intermittent
Urinary Catheter (Foley) Use Straight Catheter (ISC) Use of External Catheter (Condom)
difficulty with catheter placement,
meaning that a nurse could place an
indwelling catheter, ISC, or external
catheter without difficulty in the
patient unless otherwise stated.
Acute urinary retention is defined as “the inability to urinate despite a full bladder. This is defined by clinical exam as ‘painful, palpable or
percussable bladder, when the patient is unable to pass any urine.’” (126).
A1. How appropriate is use of this Some causes of acute urinary retention include: medication adverse effects (anticholinergics, opioids,
catheter because a hospitalized patient paralytics), acute neurologic injuries or inflammatory conditions of the spinal cord (trauma, disc compres-
has acute urinary retention, without sions or transverse myelitis), and some cases of bladder infection. Also, acute urinary retention can occur
bladder outlet obstruction, for… as exacerbations of chronic conditions associated with difficulty emptying the bladder (addressed in
scenarios B1 and B2).
a. less than 24 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. 24–48 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. greater than 48 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A2. How appropriate is use of this Some conditions that cause acute urinary retention due to bladder outlet obstruction include:
catheter because a hospitalized patient acute prostatic hyperplasia, prostate inflammation/infection (e.g., prostatitis); newly diagnosed urethral
has acute urinary retention, due to stricture; urethrocele; newly diagnosed bladder stones; bladder or prostatic masses; and temporary
bladder outlet obstruction, for… obstruction, such as edema from a recent urologic procedure (addressed in scenarios B1 and B2).
a. less than 24 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
b. 24–48 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. greater than 48 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Scenarios B1 and B2, mentioned in figure, can be found in Supplement 3 (available at
Rating of the Urinary Catheter Indications The panel discussion for each catheter indication
To facilitate round 1 of the ratings, panelists were was moderated by a methods expert (S.J.B.) and a
mailed a packet of preconference materials in April CAUTI clinical content expert (J.M.). The catheter indi-
2013 (Supplement 1, available at, in- cation list and associated definitions were modified
cluding an introductory letter, an overview of the during the conference on the basis of discussion by
RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, a summary of using a standard method in the RAND/UCLA Appropri-
the literature review (including a review of urinary cath- ateness Method for annotating the revised indications
eter types), the 2009 HICPAC list of appropriate and and ratings. For example, when it became apparent
inappropriate indications for indwelling catheters, the that panelists had disagreed on an indication's appro-
Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk (112), priateness because they were considering 2 distinct pa-
and the round 1 rating document with instructions on tient populations, the clinical indication was revised to
how to complete it. Panelists' disclosures of interest are allow the panelists to assess appropriateness for pa-
available in Supplement 2 (available at www.annals tient population “X” (by marking an “X” on the rating for
.org). that population) and to separately assess appropriate-
The Ann Arbor Panel of Urinary Catheter Appropri- ness for patient population “O” (by marking an “O” on
ateness met on 18 and 19 June 2013. The 15 panelists the rating for that population).
were provided summary round 1 rating documents, in- For the round 2 ratings, panelists were asked to
cluding their own individual ratings from round 1 and re-rate the appropriateness of each catheter indication
the median ratings of the panel for each catheter indi- using the same 1 to 9 scale after discussing each cath-
cation. After panelist introductions, an overview of the eter indication. Because of the many modifications to
conference schedule was provided, along with a brief the catheter indications made during round 2, revised
clinical review of the function and infectious and nonin- rating documents incorporated the revised catheter in-
fectious risks of the 3 types of urinary catheters of dication text for panelists to use in a confirmatory
interest. Panelists were oriented to the round 2 rating round 3. During the round 3, panelists were simply led
document and reminded of the definition of appropri- by the moderator (J.M.) through a quick review of the
ateness; rating instructions were reviewed. catheter indications in order to confirm panelists' un-
S6 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appropriate indications
Acute urinary retention without bladder outlet obstruction
Example: medication-related urinary retention
Acute urinary retention with bladder outlet obstruction due to noninfectious, nontraumatic diagnosis
Example: exacerbation of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Caution: consider urology consultation for catheter type and/or placement for conditions, such as acute prostatitis and urethral trauma
Chronic urinary retention with bladder outlet obstruction†
Stage III or IV or unstageable pressure ulcers or similarly severe wounds of other types that cannot be kept clear of urinary incontinence despite wound
care and other urinary management strategies‡
Urinary incontinence in patients for whom nurses find it difficult to provide skin care despite other urinary management strategies‡ and available
resources, such as lift teams and mechanical lift devices
Examples: turning causes hemodynamic or respiratory instability, strict prolonged immobility (such as in unstable spine or pelvic fractures), strict
temporary immobility after a procedure (such as after vascular catheterization), or excess weight (>300 lb) from severe edema or obesity
Hourly measurement of urine volume required to provide treatment
Examples: management of hemodynamic instability, hourly titration of fluids, drips (e.g., vasopressors, inotropes), or life-supportive therapy
Daily (not hourly) measurement of urine volume that is required to provide treatment and cannot be assessed by other volume§ and urine collection
Examples: acute renal failure work-up, or acute IV or oral diuretic management, IV fluid management in respiratory or heart failure
Single 24-h urine sample for diagnostic test that cannot be obtained by other urine collection strategies
Reduce acute, severe pain with movement when other urine management strategies are difficult‡
Example: acute unrepaired fracture
Improvement in comfort when urine collection by catheter addresses patient and family goals in a dying patient
Management of gross hematuria with blood clots in urine
Clinical condition for which ISC or external catheter would be appropriate but placement by experienced nurse or physician was difficult or patient for
whom bladder emptying was inadequate with nonindwelling strategies during this admission
Inappropriate uses
Urinary incontinence when nurses can turn/provide skin care with available resources, including patients with intact skin, incontinence-associated
dermatitis, pressure ulcers stages I and II, and closed deep-tissue injury
Routine use of Foley catheter in ICU without an appropriate indication
Foley placement to reduce risk for falls by minimizing the need to get up to urinate
Post-void residual urine volume assessment
Random or 24-h urine sample collection for sterile or nonsterile specimens if possible by other collection strategies
Patient¶ or family request when no expected difficulties managing urine otherwise in nondying patient, including during patient transport
Patient ordered for “bed rest” without strict immobility requirement
Example: lower-extremity cellulitis
Preventing urinary tract infection in patient with fecal incontinence or diarrhea or management of frequent, painful urination in patients with urinary tract
ICU = intensive care unit; ISC = intermittent straight catheter; IV = intravenous.
* This table provides guidance for Foley catheter use in the medical patient, excluding both appropriate and inappropriate uses in the perioperative
† It is unclear whether a Foley catheter is appropriate for chronic urinary retention without bladder outlet obstruction (e.g., neurogenic bladder)
when an ISC is feasible and adequate; appropriateness may vary according to reason for urinary retention and level of difficulty or discomfort
inserting an ISC.
‡ Other urinary management strategies: barrier creams, absorbent pads, prompted toileting, nonindwelling catheters.
§ Other volume assessment strategies: physical examination, daily weighing.
Other urine collection strategies: urinal, bedside commode, bedpan, external catheter, ISC.
¶ It is unclear whether a Foley catheter is appropriate for a patient with long-term ISC use who requests a “break” from the ISC by using a Foley
catheter while admitted; transition to Foley catheter may lead to difficulties returning to an outpatient ISC regimen, but a patient's clinical capabil-
ities to perform self-catheterization may be reduced depending on the reason for admission. In addition, a patient with self-catheterization history
may prefer to avoid catheterization by others.
prostatitis can be a complication of catheterization. Al- that ISCs and Foley catheters were both appropriate for
though Foley catheter insertion and use may be appro- chronic urinary retention with bladder outlet obstruc-
priate for prostatitis with acute urinary retention, the tion but were uncertain by disagreement about the ap-
decision to use a catheter for prostatitis (or suspected propriateness of a Foley catheter for chronic retention
prostatitis) needs to be highly individualized for the pa- without bladder outlet obstruction when an ISC was
tient; consultation with a urologist should be consid- feasible; discussion focused on concerns for risks of
ered to guide catheter use (which may include a Foley long-term indwelling catheters and the potential dis-
catheter or suprapubic drainage). In addition, the deci- comfort or caregiver burden of long-term ISC use.
sion to place or remove urinary catheters for a patient
with urinary retention who has recently had a urologic
procedure or urethral trauma should be made only in Urinary Incontinence or Skin Issues
consultation with the urologist. Foley catheters can be The HICPAC guideline states that indwelling cath-
used therapeutically to address hematuria in patients eter use is appropriate to “assist in the healing of open
with urethral trauma (for example, due to accidental sacral or perineal wounds in incontinent patients” but is
removal of the Foley catheter with the balloon inflated), inappropriate “as a substitute for nursing care of the
yet replacement of a Foley catheter after urethral patient or resident with incontinence.” Panelists ex-
trauma may require expert placement. Panelists agreed pressed the challenges of balancing the risks of cathe-
S8 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appropriate indications†
Acute urinary retention without bladder outlet obstruction, if bladder can be emptied adequately by a maximum frequency of ISC every 4 h
Example: medication-related urinary retention
Acute urinary retention with bladder outlet obstruction due to noninfectious, nontraumatic diagnosis
Example: exacerbation of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Caution: consider urology consultation for catheter type and/or placement for such conditions as acute prostatitis or urethral trauma
Chronic urinary retention with or without bladder outlet obstruction
Stage III or IV or unstageable pressure ulcers or similarly severe wounds of other types that cannot be kept clear of urinary incontinence despite
wound care and other urinary management strategies‡ if ISC is adequate to manage the type of incontinence (i.e., overflow)
Urinary incontinence that is treated and can be managed by ISC (i.e., overflow incontinence)
Urine volume measurements (not hourly) or sample collections in patients using ISC for urinary retention/obstruction or overflow incontinence
Random urine sample collection for sterile or nonsterile specimens if impossible by other collection strategies§
Management of urine in patients with strict temporary immobility if ISC does not require excessive movement
Post-void residual urine volume assessment if bladder scanner is unavailable or inadequate and more detail than suprapubic fullness is needed
Inappropriate uses
Hourly measurement of urine volume required to provide treatment
Random urine sample collection for sterile or nonsterile samples if possible by other strategies‡
ISC = intermittent straight catheter.
* This table provides guidance for ISC use in the medical patient, excluding both appropriate and inappropriate uses in the perioperative setting.
† It is unclear whether ISC is an appropriate option for urinary management in distressed patients, such as those with dyspnea or those at the end
of life, because of concerns that potential discomfort from an ISC could add to distress.
‡ Other urinary management strategies: barrier creams, absorbent pads, prompted toileting, external catheters.
§ Other urine collection strategies: urinal, bedside commode, bedpan, external catheter.
Inappropriate uses
Any use in an uncooperative patient expected to frequently manipulate catheters because of such behavior issues as delirium and dementia
Any type of urinary retention (acute or chronic, with or without bladder outlet obstruction)
Hourly measurement of urine volume required to provide treatment
Urinary incontinence in patients with intact skin when nurses can turn/provide skin care with available resources when the patient has not requested
the external catheter
Routine use in ICU without an appropriate indication
External catheter placement to reduce risk for falls by minimizing the need to get up to urinate
Post-void residual urine volume assessment
24-h or random sample collection for sterile¶ or nonsterile specimens if possible by noncatheter collection strategies
Foley catheter placement for convenience of urinary management in patient during transport for tests and procedures
Patient or family request when there are no expected difficulties managing urine by commode, urinal, or bedpan in nondying patient
To prevent urinary tract infection in patient with fecal incontinence or diarrhea or to manage frequent, painful urination in patients with urinary tract
ICU = intensive care unit; IV = intravenous.
* At time of this publication, external catheters are primarily developed and used for male patients in the form of condom catheters. However, these
indications would also apply to female patients after development of external catheters appropriate and adequate for such patients.
† Other urinary management strategies: barrier creams, absorbent pads, prompted toileting.
‡ It is unclear whether external catheters are appropriate for early/mild incontinence-associated dermatitis or incontinence with early-stage pressure
ulcers (stage I or II ulcers or closed deep-tissue injury) because of the increased risk for infection even with external catheters and availability of
noncatheter strategies to manage urinary incontinence.
§ Other volume assessment strategies: physical examination, daily weighing.
Other urine collection strategies: urinal, bedside commode, bedpan.
¶ Sterile sample collection that involves external catheter is feasible and appropriate, but ability to perform depends on clinician experience. Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S9
Table 5. Summary for Most Common Uses of Foley Catheters, ISCs, and External Catheters
Is This Reason an Appropriate Clinical Foley Indwelling Urinary ISC External Condom Noncatheter Options
Indication for Catheter Use? Catheter Catheter
1. Patient cannot urinate due to urinary
Acute retention WITHOUT bladder outlet Yes Yes, if bladder can be No, cannot address urinary Bladder scanner, to avoid
obstruction emptied by 4- to 6-h retention catheterizing when no
Examples: medication-related (opioids, ISC or little urine seen in
anticholinergics, paralytics) bladder
Acute retention WITH bladder outlet Foley/ISC appropriateness vary by obstruction type No, cannot address urinary Bladder scanner, to avoid
obstruction Consider urology consultation for prostatitis, retention catheterizing when no
urethral trauma. or little urine seen in
Chronic urinary retention WITHOUT Uncertain* Yes No, cannot address urinary Bladder scanner, to avoid
bladder outlet obstruction retention catheterizing when no
or little urine seen in
Chronic urinary retention WITH bladder Yes Yes No, cannot address urinary Bladder scanner, to avoid
outlet obstruction retention catheterizing when no
or little urine seen in
S10 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Table 5—Continued
Is This Reason an Appropriate Clinical Foley Indwelling Urinary ISC External Condom Noncatheter Options
Indication for Catheter Use? Catheter Catheter
3. Clinician requests catheter to measure
urine volume†
Hourly urine volume is required to Yes No No No
provide treatment.
Example: manage hemodynamic
instability, hourly titrate IVF, drips
Daily (not hourly) urine volume required Yes, if cannot be Uncertain* Yes, if cannot assess Exam/daily weight, urinal,
to guide treatment. collected/assessed without catheter bedpan, etc.
Examples: acute renal failure work-up, without catheter
IVF or oral/IV bolus diuretics, fluid
management in respiratory failure
Post-void residual urine volume No Yes, if no bladder No Bladder scanner
ters with the desire to address how incontinence and by position changes. However, panelists also recog-
catheters affect patient dignity. The use of urinary cath- nized that because not all hospitals have these types of
eters to manage urinary incontinence when nurses had resources readily available, pragmatic challenges
difficulty turning a patient due to morbid obesity or se- should be acknowledged in providing incontinence
vere edema prompted much discussion. Panelists care for patients who are difficult to turn. Some panel-
agreed that ambulatory obese or edematous patients ists expressed concern that encouraging catheter use
who did not require catheters before hospitalization to manage incontinent obese patients could be harmful
should have noncatheter strategies prioritized. How- because patients with catheters may not have their po-
ever, the panelists recognized that the functional status sitions changed, which could place them at risk for
of patients can change when they are ill enough to be pressure ulcers. Other panelists, however, felt that in-
hospitalized, and they may not be able to assist with adequate management of incontinence in patients who
turning in bed or with noncatheter strategies. are difficult to turn can also be harmful as a risk factor
Different options or thresholds were proposed to for skin breakdown.
describe morbid obesity or edema severe enough to In conclusion, use of a Foley or external catheter
make turning too difficult; these options included body was assessed as appropriate to manage incontinence
mass index and different weight thresholds. In the end, in a patient difficult for nurses to turn with their avail-
panelists agreed that 300 pounds was a reasonable able resources because of morbid obesity or severe
weight threshold because this weight may increase the edema.
risk for injury to nurses trying to turn the patient. Such More discussion than was anticipated occurred for
resources as mechanical lifts and lift teams were noted use of catheters to address incontinence-associated
to be important resources in providing care to patients dermatitis, defined as “irritation and inflammation of
who are challenging to turn. These resources can, in the skin from prolonged exposure to urine or stool;
turn, facilitate skin care and reduce pressure ulcer risks skin erosion is common in this condition; this condition Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S11
is different than a pressure ulcer because it not related When the panel discussed use of catheters for re-
to pressure, but can increase a patient's risk for devel- peated daily urine volumes, it recommended that uri-
oping pressure ulcers” (27). Definitions of mild, moder- nary catheters should be considered only if the daily
ate, and severe dermatitis were provided verbally and urine volume (or patient's overall volume status) could
in the rating document. Panel discussion was led by not be assessed adequately by noncatheter methods,
nurses explaining that noncatheter strategies can be ef- such as daily weighing; physical examination; and urine
fective for prevention and management of incontinence- collection by urinal, bedpan, hat, or commode. Panel-
associated dermatitis. For patients with incontinence- ists also discussed examples of when it is clinically suf-
associated dermatitis, neither Foley catheters nor ISCs ficient to know that the patient is making large amounts
were assessed as appropriate to manage incontinence of urine (such as noted by incontinence with large
regardless of severity; panelists were uncertain by dis- amounts of urine) but the exact volume of urine is not
agreement about external catheters for mild dermatitis needed. Yet if these noncatheter methods to collect or
but assessed external catheters as appropriate for assess urine production do not address the need, both
moderate or severe dermatitis. Foley and external catheters were assessed as appro-
Pressure ulcer was defined as “a localized injury to priate; ISC appropriateness was uncertain by disagree-
the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony ment. Panelists expressed concerns that ISCs may be
prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in com- inadequate to assess an accurate daily urine volume in
bination with shear” (27). Definitions for pressure ulcers most patients in whom urine collection by other means
by stage as defined by the National Pressure Ulcer Ad- is difficult.
visory Panel were provided in the rating document Of note, panelists uniformly rated urinary catheters
(113). Routine tools for assessing pressure ulcer risk for urine volume monitoring simply because the patient
were also discussed, with a copy of the Braden Scale is located in an ICU as inappropriate (median score, 1);
provided as an example (112). Panelists rated all cath- even patients in an ICU require an appropriate medical
eter types as inappropriate (median scores, 1 to 2) for indication given the risks associated with any urinary
preventing pressure ulcer development in an inconti- catheter use.
nent patient for whom nurses had no difficulty turning
to provide skin care, regardless of the patient's as-
sessed risk for pressure ulcers by a risk-assessment
tool, such as the Braden Scale. Catheter appropriate- Urine Specimen Collection
ness for incontinent patients with pressure ulcers varied The HICPAC guideline states that indwelling cath-
by ulcer stage, as detailed in Tables 2 and 4. eter use is inappropriate “as a means of obtaining urine
for culture or other diagnostic tests when the patient
can voluntarily void.” Consistent with this guidance, as
summarized in Tables 2 to 4, panelists rated catheters
Measuring Urine Volume as inappropriate if urine could be obtained by other
The HICPAC guideline states that an appropriate means. However, they also rated scenarios providing
use of an indwelling catheter is “for accurate measure- guidance as to which catheter types may be appropri-
ments of urinary output in critically ill patients.” Our ate for specific urine sample types when urine collec-
panel assessed multiple scenarios to clarify when urine tion is difficult, based on the type of urine specimen
output volume measurement by a urinary catheter is needed (random versus 24-hour sample, sterile versus
appropriate to deliver care to ICU and non-ICU pa- nonsterile).
tients. As summarized in Tables 2 to 4, when hourly
urine volumes are required to provide treatment, the
Foley catheter is appropriate because it is the only
method that can provide hourly measurements. Of Urinary Catheter Use for Comfort
note, even among our panel of experienced clinicians, The HICPAC guideline states that indwelling cath-
not all recognized that external catheters cannot be eter use is appropriate “to improve comfort for end of
used to assess hourly urine production because this life care if needed.” Panelists agreed with this indica-
type of catheter simply collects urine that is spontane- tion, rating Foley and external catheters as appropriate
ously voided by the bladder. The panel discussed the when the catheter addressed the goals of the dying
following examples of scenarios requiring hourly urine patient and the family. Panelists noted that catheters
output: 1) management of hemodynamic instability re- can both address incontinence and preserve precious
quiring hourly titrations of medications, such as vaso- time that would be needed for incontinence care. How-
pressors, inotropes, diuretics, and intravenous fluid bo- ever, catheters may be uncomfortable, hazardous, and
luses; 2) acute respiratory failure requiring invasive embarrassing for patients and thus are not always help-
ventilation with hourly titrations of medical and respira- ful or desired.
tory therapies; and 3) hourly measurement for urine The panel addressed several scenarios of patient
studies or urine volumes to manage life-threatening and family requests for urinary catheters. In brief, all
laboratory abnormalities (for example, critical hypergly- catheters were assessed as inappropriate when re-
cemia or abnormal levels of electrolytes, such as cal- quested for a patient with no incontinence and no dif-
cium, potassium, and sodium). ficulties using the commode, urinal, or bedpan; in fact,
S12 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Is the Foley catheter still appropriate for your ICU patient? If your patient does not have one of the following criteria, remove Foley catheter.
1. Urine volume measurement:
a. Is HOURLY urine volume measurement being used to inform and provide treatment?
Examples: Hemodynamic instability requiring hourly or multiple daily titrations per day of ongoing bolus fluid resuscitation, vasopressors,
inotropes, or diuretics
Acute respiratory failure requiring invasive ventilation with hourly titrations of diuretics
Hourly measurement of urine studies or urine volumes to manage life-threatening laboratory abnormalities
b. Is DAILY urine volume measurement being used to provide treatment AND volume status CANNOT be adequately or reliably assessed without a
Foley catheter, such as by daily weight or urine collection by urinal, commode, bedpan, or external catheter?
Examples: Management of acute renal failure, IV fluids, or IV or oral bolus diuretics
Fluid management in acute respiratory failure requiring large volumes of oxygen (≥5 L/min or >50%)
2. Does patient have a urologic problem that is being treated with a Foley catheter?
Examples: Urinary retention that cannot be adequately monitored or addressed by bladder scanner or ISC
Urinary retention anticipated because of treatment with paralytic medications
Recent urologic or gynecologic evaluation or procedure with Foley catheter not recommended to be removed yet, such as:
− Acute urinary retention with bladder outlet obstruction due to acute prostatitis or urethral edema
− Gross hematuria with blood clots in the urine
− Hematuria suspected to be prostatic or urethral bleeding being managed with Foley catheter
3. Urine sample collection for a laboratory test when CANNOT be collected by non catheter method
What type of sample is needed? Use Foley Catheter? Use ISC? Use External Catheter?
Sterile sample for urine culture No Yes Yes, if staff trained for sterile application
Nonsterile random urine sample No Yes Yes
24-hour urine sample Yes If all urine can be collected by ISC Yes, preferred option in cooperative males
4. Does the patient have urinary incontinence that cannot be addressed by noncatheter methods (barrier creams, incontinence garments and absorbent
pads, prompted toileting, straight catheterization if overflow incontinence) because nurses cannot turn and provide skin care with specialty resources
(such as lift teams and lift machines) or transition to external catheter (for cooperative males)?
Examples: Turning causes hemodynamic or respiratory instability
Strict temporary immobility postprocedure, such as from a vascular procedure if patient cannot manage urine otherwise
Incontinence with open pressure ulcers (stage III or IV) or “unstageable” ulcers
5. Foley catheter is providing comfort from severe distress related to urinary management that cannot be addressed by noncatheter options, ISC, or
external catheter.
Examples: Difficulty voiding due to severe dyspnea with position changes required for managing urine without an indwelling catheter
Address patient and family goals in a dying patient
Acute, severe pain upon movement (e.g., unrepaired fracture) WITH demonstrated difficulties using noncatheter options or external
ies by the reason for obstruction, such as prostatitis or ters, provides examples tailored to the ICU, and in-
urethral injury; other panelists agreed with this caution. cludes alternatives to consider, with the goal of de-
Given the persistently high rate of Foley catheter creasing the risk for infectious and noninfectious
use in the ICU, along with the growing hazard of complications of Foley catheters.
multidrug-resistant organisms in nosocomial urinary Our study has several limitations. Nine of our 15
tract infections and increasing rates and morbidity of experts came from the University of Michigan, Ann Ar-
Clostridium difficile infection, we hope our results will bor Veterans Affairs Medical Center, or both; 3 other
encourage decreased placement and earlier removal experts came from the Ann Arbor or Detroit area.
of Foley catheters in the ICU. Perhaps the simplest but Therefore the appropriateness ratings may better re-
potentially most powerful panel assessment was that flect institutional or regional views than national exper-
urinary catheters are inappropriate for monitoring urine
tise. Although we sought a broader representation of
solely because the patient is in an ICU; even ICU pa-
experts across the United States, our selection of pan-
tients should have an appropriate medical reason to
elists was limited by availability for a 2-day meeting
justify the risk for a urinary catheter.
We developed a daily checklist as a potential tool (which is easier to obtain for local panelists) and the
for reviewing Foley catheter appropriateness for ICU need to replace 2 nonlocal panelists with local panelists
patients (Figure 4). This checklist focuses on Foley cath- because of last-minute emergencies limiting their avail-
eter use rather than all catheters because Foley cathe- ability. Our panel was diverse, but we could not include
ters remain the most commonly used and pose the all specialists who use urinary catheters to manage
highest risk to ICU patients. Although this tool certainly medical patients. However, although the panel did not
cannot address all medical indications for Foley cathe- include nephrologists or bariatric specialists, it did in-
ters (and is undergoing refinement by clinical testing), it clude many clinicians who routinely evaluate and man-
focuses on the most common requests for Foley cathe- age acute renal insufficiency and obese patients.
S14 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
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S18 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S19
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Theme 1: Urinary retention and/or obstruction
Adams et al (32); additional references: (17, 106) Obstruction Original research report
Apisarnthanarak et al (79); additional references: (57, 59, 62, 90–92) Urinary retention due to obstructive uropathy or drugs Original research report
Obstruction to the urinary tract distal to the bladder
Bruminhent et al (33); additional references: (8, 17, 79) Urinary tract obstruction Original research report
Neurogenic bladder or urinary retention
Dumigan et al (81); additional reference: (93) Any patient with inability to void for relief of urinary Original research report
obstruction when intermittent catheterization is
Elpern et al (98) Urinary tract obstruction Original research report
Urinary retention
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Fakih et al (34, 82); additional reference: (14) Urinary tract obstruction Original research report
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Urinary retention
Fakih (115); additional references: (14, 17) In ED setting: Original research report
Neurogenic bladder
Urinary obstruction
Fuchs et al (35) Inability to void as documented by bladder scanning Original research report
Long-term catheterization (>28 d) has already been
Gardam et al (94); additional reference: (116) Obstruction of urinary tract distal to the bladder Original research report
Geng et al (19); additional references: (8, 18, 60, 63–78) Relief of acute or chronic retention Evidence-based
Long-term indwelling catheterization may be needed guidelines
for: 1) bladder outlet obstruction when unsuitable
for surgical relief, 2) chronic retention (often as a
result of neurologic injury or disease) where
intermittent catheterization is not possible
Bladder outlet obstruction, in patients who are
unsuitable for surgical relief
Gokula et al (59); additional references: (92, 93, 117) Obstruction of the urinary tract distal to the bladder Original research report
To permit urinary drainage in patients with neurogenic
bladder dysfunction and urinary retention
Gotelli et al (99) Relief of urinary retention not managed with Original research report
intermittent catheterization
Gould et al: 2009 Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Acute urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction Evidence-based
Committee Guideline to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary guidelines
Tract Infection (8); additional references: (14, 17, 40–58, 87, 118)
Hooton et al: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Clinically significant urinary retention if medical Evidence-based
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Adults: 2009 therapy is not effective and surgical correction is not guidelines
International Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Infectious indicated
Diseases Society of America (14); additional references:
(15, 61, 62)
Huang et al (57); additional reference: (62) Urinary retention that could not be relieved by Original research report
alternate measures
Jain et al (62) Managing urinary retention due to obstructive Original research report
uropathy or drugs
Knoll et al (36); additional reference: (61) Urinary retention Original research report
Lo et al: Strategies to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Acute urinary retention and urinary obstruction Evidence-based
Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (17); additional references: guidelines
(59, 60)
Loeb et al (84); additional references: (62, 91, 94) Urinary tract obstruction Original research report
Neurogenic bladder
Urinary retention
Reilly et al (86); additional references: (59, 60, 63) Acute neurogenic bladder Original research report
Inability to void
Robinson et al (100); additional references: (59, 61, 62, 107, 119) Provide relief of urinary tract obstruction not Original research report
manageable by other means
Permit drainage in patients with neurogenic bladder
dysfunction and urinary retention that is not
manageable by other means (with clean intermittent
Roser et al (37) Acute urinary retention or obstruction Original research report
Rothfeld and Stickley (38) Inability to void spontaneously (usually because of Original research report
Saint et al (56); additional references: (62, 95) Urinary retention Original research report
Titsworth et al (39); additional reference: (120) Neurogenic bladder or retention only if I&O Original research report
catheterization fails
Continued on following page
S20 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Topal et al (88); additional references: (14, 96) Bladder outlet obstruction Original research report
Acute urinary retention
Voss (104); additional references: (49, 108) Chronic history of prolonged catheterization or Original research report
suprapubic catheter
Weitzel (89) To relieve urinary tract obstruction, neurogenic Original research report
bladder, hydronephrosis, urinary retention that
cannot be drained by other means such as ISC
Wong: Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract To relieve urinary tract obstruction Evidence-based guideline
infections (14) To permit urinary drainage in patients with neurogenic
bladder dysfunction and urinary retention Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S21
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Jain et al (62) Close monitoring of urine output in the critically ill Original research report
patient needing intensive monitoring. The presence
of hypoxemia, hypotension, congestive heart failure,
and the need for inotropic support or repeated
administration of diuretics suggested the need for
close monitoring or urine output on an hourly basis.
Close monitoring of urine output in the patient no
longer critically ill and in whom hourly urine record
of urine output did not prompt any change in
therapy only when a reasonable record of urine
output could not be maintained due to urinary
incontinence or lack of patient cooperation
Knoll et al (36); additional reference: (61) Fluid challenge in acute renal insufficiency Original research report
Intake and output monitoring and patient critically ill
or unwilling/unable to collect urine
Lo et al: Strategies to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Urine output monitoring in critically ill Evidence-based
Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (17); additional references: guidelines
(59, 60)
Loeb et al (84); additional references: (62, 91, 94) Fluid challenge in patient with acute renal failure Original research report
Patrizzi et al (68) Hemodynamic instability Original research report
Reilly et al (86); additional references: (65, 60, 63) 24-h urine collection in an ICU Original research report
Hourly intake and output monitoring in an ICU
Hemodynamically unstable needing accurate I&O
monitoring in an ICU
Strict I&O monitoring required and patient incontinent
in an ICU
Robinson et al (100); additional references: (59, 60, 62, 107, 119) Obtain accurate intake and output in critically ill Original research report
Roser et al (37) Critically ill patient requiring strict output monitoring Original research report
Rothfeld and Stickley (38) Physician order for hourly urine output reporting Original research report
Saint et al (56); additional references: (62, 95) Very close monitoring of urine output and patient Original research report
unable to use urinal or bedpan
Titsworth et al (39); additional reference: (120) Urine output monitoring in critically ill patients for a Original research report
finite period
Topal et al (88); additional references: (14, 96) Urinary output monitoring if the patient was unable to Original research report
collect urine
Voss (110); additional references: (49, 108) Aggressive treatment with diuretic medications or Original research report
Weitzel (89) To measure accurate intake and output in critically ill Original research report
Wenger (105) The patient has received IV inotropic agents within the Original research report
last 24 h
There is an order for IV diuretics to be given every 6 or
fewer hours
The patient is undergoing ultrafiltration
Acute or worsening renal failure is evident (that is,
there has been a creatinine level increase of 1
mg/dL or more above the admission or baseline
Wong: Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract To obtain accurate measurements of urinary output in Evidence-based guideline
infections (14) critically ill patients
Theme 3: Peri-procedural
Adams (32); additional references: (17, 106) Urologic surgery Original research report
Apisarnthanarak et al (79); additional references: (57, 59, 62, 90–92) Patient at risk of contaminating the site of a recent Original research report
surgical procedure
Preoperative insertion for patients going direction to
the operation room
Bruminhent et al (33); additional references: (8, 17, 79) Urologic surgery or other surgery on contiguous Original research report
Continued on following page
S22 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Dumigan et al (81); additional reference: (93) Any patient undergoing a urologic procedure, until Original research report
blood clears from urine
Plastic surgery procedure for repair of pressure ulcer
until flap is healed
Any gynecologic procedure, usually for duration of
surgery but no more than 24 h postoperative (72 h if
vesicourethral suspension)
Patient with prolonged cardiac procedure anticipated
(e.g., complex angioplasty). Discontinue
immediately postoperative.
Any patient undergoing a prolonged (>2 h) surgical
procedure (e.g., vascular, cardiac, or extensive
bowel procedures). Orders for catheter
discontinuation should be written when orders are
written for the patient to be allowed out of bed.
Any obstetrics patient with postpartum vulvar edema
until resolution, or receiving magnesium sulfate for
Elpern et al (98) Patient to undergo prolonged (>2 h) procedure Original research report
Epidural catheter in place
Recently underwent surgical/invasive procedures
Urologic surgeries
Fakih et al (37, 82); additional reference: (14) Need to undergo urologic procedures, or urologic Original research report
surgery or surgery on contiguous structures
Fakih et al (115); additional references: (14, 17) In ED setting: Original research report
Emergent pelvic ultrasound
Acute hip fracture until surgical correction
Patients undergoing emergency surgery
Urologic procedures
Fuchs et al (35) Immobilization due to surgical procedure such as Original research report
pelvic/hip fracture necessitating immobilization
Pre- or postoperative order according to surgical
Long-term epidural catheter in place
Gardam et al (94); additional reference (116) Preoperative catheter insertion for patients going Original research report
directly to the operating room
Geng et al (19); additional references: (8, 18, 60, 63–78) Perioperative use for selected surgical procedures Evidence-based
Need for intraoperative monitoring or urinary output guidelines
Urologic surgery or other surgery on contiguous
structures of genitourinary tract
Anticipated prolonged duration of surgery
Gokula et al (59); additional references: (92, 93, 117) Preoperative catheter insertion for patients going Original research report
directly to the operating department
Gotelli et al (99) Catheter placed by urology for procedure/surgery Original research report
Gould et al: 2009 Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Patients undergoing urologic surgery or other surgery Evidence-based
Committee Guideline to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary on contiguous structures of genitourinary tract guidelines
Tract Infection (8); additional references: (14, 17, 40–58, 87, 118) Anticipated prolonged duration of surgery (catheters
inserted for this reason should be removed in the
Patients anticipated to receive large-volume infusions
or diuretics during surgery
Need for intraoperative monitoring or urinary output
Hooton et al: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Catheter- During prolonged surgical procedure with general or Evidence-based
Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Adults: 2009 International spinal anesthesia guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of Selected urologic and gynecologic procedures in the
America (15); additional references: (14, 61, 62) perioperative period
Huang et al (57); additional reference: (62) Recent abdominal or pelvic surgery Original research report
Knoll et al (37); additional reference: (61) Prolonged surgery with general or spinal anesthesia Original research report
Lo et al: Strategies to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Perioperative use for selected surgical procedures Evidence-based
Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (17); additional references: guidelines
(59, 60)
Loeb et al (84) ; additional references: (62, 91, 94) Urologic surgery Original research report
Reilly et al (86); additional references: (59, 60, 63) Gastric bypass surgery Original research report
Renal surgery
Crush injury
Pelvic fracture
Spine radiography not cleared
Epidural catheter
Continued on following page Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S23
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Robinson et al (100); additional references: (59, 61, 62, 107, 119) Within 48 h after surgery Original research report
Aid in urologic surgery or other surgery on contiguous
Roser et al (37) Selected surgeries: genitourinary tract, abdomen Original research report
Saint (56); additional references: (62, 95) Perioperative use recent surgery Original research report
Stéphan et al (87); additional references: (14, 92) Perioperative use for patients in OR getting total knee Original research report
replacement, if patient met at least 1 of following
conditions: 1) age >80 y; 2) obesity; 3) urinary
On the wards: catheter was removed on postoperative
day 1 (2nd day of catheterization) after total knee
Perioperative use in PACU: catheter could be placed
by the following criteria: 1) decision required clinical
judgment by a physician; 2) no routine use of
urination before discharge; 3) no routine
determination of bladder volume by ultrasound and
no decision for catheterization based on bladder
volume measurement; 4) urinary catheter inserted
because of long duration must be removed before
discharge from unit
Perioperative use for patients in OR getting total hip
replacement or related surgery if patient meets at
least one of following conditions: 1) age >75 y; 2)
ASA class ≥3; 3) obesity; 4) urinary incontinence
On the wards: catheter was removed on postoperative
day 2 (3rd day of catheterization) after total hip
replacement or related surgery
Perioperative use for patients in OR with interventions
with expected surgery duration >5 h
Note: urinary catheter placed because of
long-duration surgery must be removed before
discharge from the unit
Titsworth et al (39); additional reference: (120) Perioperative use for selected surgical procedures Original research report
>3 h
Topal et al (88); additional references: (14, 96) Postoperative requirements in specific urologic or Original research report
gynecologic procedures or on contiguous
structures of the genitourinary tract
Weitzel (89) To aid in urologic surgery or other surgery in Original research report
contiguous structures
For the first 48 h after surgery
Wenger (105) Surgery performed within last 24 h Original research report
Wong: Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract To aid in urologic surgery or other surgery on Evidence-based guideline
infections (14) contiguous structures
S24 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Wenger (105) A urologist is on the case; the catheter cannot be Original research report
removed without the urologist's approval
Weitzel (89) For special purpose or difficult insertion Original research report
To irrigate bladder or instill medication Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S25
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Saint et al (56); additional references: (62, 95) To assist in healing of open sacral or perineal wounds Original research report
in incontinent patients
Titsworth et al (39); additional reference: (120) Assistance in severe pressure ulcer healing (non Original research report
healing stage III or IV
Topal et al (88); additional references: (14, 96) Urinary incontinence with open sacral or perineal Original research report
Voss (104); additional references: (49, 108) Wound care management with incontinence Original research report
Weitzel (89) To manage incontinence in a patient with a stage III or Original research report
IV pressure ulcer
Wenger (105) A pressure ulcer might be soiled if the catheter is Original research report
removed and the patient is incontinent
S26 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Jain et al (62) Management of urinary incontinence at patient's Original research report
Management of urinary incontinence in terminally ill
Knoll et al (36); additional reference: (61) Palliative care for terminally ill Original research report
Lo et al: Strategies to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract As an exception, at patient request to improve comfort Evidence-based
Infections in Acute Care Hospitals (17); additional references: guidelines
(59, 60)
Knoll et al (36); additional reference: (61) Incontinence AND patient request Original research report
Comfort care for the terminally ill
Loeb et al (84); additional references: (62, 91, 94) Comfort care for urinary incontinence in terminal illness Original research report
Patrizzi et al (68) Deep sedation Original research report
Intubated and deeply sedated
Reilly et al (86); additional references: (59, 60, 63) Any patient who is chemically paralyzed and sedated Original research report
Neurological head injury
Robinson et al (100); additional references: (59, 61, 62, 107, 119) Comfort care in terminally ill patients Original research report
Roser et al (37) End-of-life care Original research report
Saint et al (56); additional references: (62, 95) Patient too ill or fatigued to use any other type of Original research report
urinary collection strategy
Management of urinary incontinence on patient
Titsworth et al (39); additional reference: (120) Comfort during end of life Original research report
Topal (88); additional references: (14, 96) End-of-life care Original research report
Voss (104); additional references: (49, 108) End-of-life care Original research report
Weitzel (89) To provide comfort care in terminally ill patients Original research report
Wenger (105) The patient is receiving palliative or hospice care Original research report
The patient is unresponsive or comatose
The patient has received IV sedation within the last
12 h Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S27
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Dumigan et al (81); additional reference: (93) Any incontinent patient if no other indications for Original research report
catheter are present.
Any patient with diarrhea if no other indications for
catheter are present.
The administration of a diuretic, as this does not
necessarily require strict monitoring of I&O
Catheters are inappropriate if used for any invasive
cardiac procedure anticipated to be of average
duration, such as elective or routine angioplasty or
intracoronary stent procedure
Any presence of a decubitus ulcer unless in immediate
postprocedure period of a surgically repaired site.
Diapers and routine care are adequate.
Elpern et al (98) Incontinence without any of the appropriate Original research report
As a substitute for nursing care of the incontinent
Incontinence without clinically significant loss of skin
ICU patients without sufficient justification; review and
define daily purpose for catheter continuation
Convenience of the personnel providing patient care
Frequent, but nonessential, determination of urinary
Nurse's concern about patient's discomfort
Diarrhea, without any of the appropriate indications
Patient's preference
Fakih et al (34, 82); additional reference: (14) Nonobstructive renal insufficiency Original research report
Transferred from intensive care
Patient request
Postoperative day 2 or later
Morbid obesity
Urine specimen collection when patient able to void
No clear reasons
Fakih et al (115); additional references: (14, 17) In ED setting: Original research report
No clear reason for urinary catheter
Oxygen supplementation <6 L/min
Urine specimen collection
Patient request
Output monitoring outside intensive care
Gardam et al (94); additional reference (116) New onset or worsening renal failure (unless Original research report
obstruction distal to the bladder)
Pelvic or hip fractures (unless stable fracture or pain
precludes use of diapers or bedpan)
Mild congestive heart failure, cerebral vascular
accidents or abdominal pain (unless other
appropriate indications are present)
Geng et al (19); additional references: (8, 18, 60, 63–78) To insert a catheter only for the comfort of the nursing Evidence-based
personnel is irresponsible guidelines
Avoid use of urinary catheters in patients and nursing
home residents for management of urinary
Contraindicated use of catheters: acute prostatitis,
suspicion of urethral trauma
Gould et al: 2009 Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory As a substitute for nursing care of patient or resident Evidence-based
Committee Guideline to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary with incontinence guidelines
Tract Infection (8); additional references: (14, 17, 40–58, 87, 118) As a means of obtaining urine for culture or other
diagnostic tests when patient can voluntarily void
For prolonged postoperative duration without
appropriate indications (e.g., structural repair of
urethra or contiguous structures, prolonged effect
of epidural anesthesia, etc.)
Hooton et al: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Catheter- Indwelling catheters should not be used for urinary Evidence-based
Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Adults: 2009 International incontinence except in exceptional cases when all guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society over approaches have not been effective and may
of America (15); additional references: (14, 61, 62) be considered at patient request
Continued on following page
S28 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Jain et al (62) Close monitoring of urine output when patient was no Original research report
longer critically ill and in whom the hourly record of
urine output did not prompt any change in the
therapy unless cannot obtain reasonable record of
urine output due to incontinence or lack of patient
Urinary incontinence without open sacral/perineal
wound, terminal illness, or patient request
Neurogenic bladder where intermittent
self-catheterization is possible
Nursing staff convenience is not an acceptable
Patrizzi et al (68) Convenience to avoid frequent transfers to a bedpan Original research report
or a bedside commode
Convenience to accurately measure a patient's urine
Robinson et al (100); additional references: (59, 61, 62, 107, 119) Those who cannot communicate their need to void Original research report
Those who are hemodynamically stable
Those who are incontinent
Those who have urinary retention that can be
managed by other means
Roser et al (37) Chronic Foley use Original research report
Topal et al (88); additional references: (14, 96) Order to maintain chronic catheter Original research report
Wong: Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract Should not be used solely for the convenience of Evidence-based guideline
infections (14) patient care personnel
Discouraged as a means of obtaining urine for culture
or certain diagnostic tests, such as urinary
electrolytes, when the patient can voluntarily void
van den Broek (103); additional references: (59, 62, 91, 94) Monitoring of urine production in patients who can Original research report
micturate on request
Incontinence of urine unless open perineal or sacral
wounds are present or patients are immobile with
enhanced risk of getting bed sores
Weitzel (89) Collecting output if patient capable of using bedpan, Original research report
commode, or toilet
Managing incontinence
Efficiency (such as urinalysis collection in emergency
Automatic use by diagnosis (such as always inserting
Foley for worsening heart failure)
Wenger (105) Convenience of either nurses or patients Original research report Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S29
Appendix Table—Continued
Reference: First Author: Title of Guideline, Other References If Indication for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use Type of Material Cited
Cited for Catheter Indications
Geng et al (19); additional references: (8, 18, 60, 63–78) Use of a male external catheter in cooperative male Evidence-based
patients without urinary retention or bladder guidelines
outlet obstruction
Intermittent catheterization is preferable in patients
with bladder emptying dysfunction
Suprapubic catheterization:
Acute and chronic urine retention that is not able to
be adequately drained with a urethral catheter
Preferred by patient due to patient needs (e.g.,
wheelchair user, sexual issues)
Acute prostatitis
Obstruction, stricture, abnormal urethral anatomy
Pelvic trauma
Complications of long-term urethral catheterization
When long-term catheterization is used to manage
Complex urethral or abdominal surgery
Fecally incontinent patients who are constantly
soiling urethral catheter
Contraindications suprapubic catheterization:
Known or suspected carcinoma of the bladder
Absolutely contraindicated in the absence of an
easily palpable or ultrasonographically localized
distended urinary bladder
Previous lower abdominal surgery
Coagulopathy (until the abnormality is corrected)
Prosthetic devices in lower abdomen (e.g., hernia
Gould et al: 2009 Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Consider using external catheters as an alternative to Evidence-based
Committee Guideline to Prevent Catheter-Associated Urinary indwelling urethral catheters in cooperative male guidelines
Tract Infection (8); additional references: (14, 17, 40–58, 87, 118) patients without urinary retention or bladder outlet
Consider alternatives to chronic indwelling catheters,
such as intermittent catheterization, in spinal cord
injury patients
ISCs are preferable to indwelling urethral or
suprapubic catheters in patients with bladder
emptying dysfunction
Consider ISCs in children with myelomeningocele and
neurogenic bladder, to reduce risk of urinary tract
Hooton et al: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of External catheters in cooperative male patients Evidence-based
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Adults: 2009 without urinary retention or bladder outlet guidelines
International Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Infectious obstruction
Diseases Society of America (15); additional references: (14, 61, ISCs as preferable to chronic indwelling, in spinal cord
62) injury patients
ISCs as preferable to chronic indwelling urethral or
suprapubic, in patients with bladder emptying
Mentions challenges of ISC in patients with upper
extremity weakness in cervical spinal cord or other
abnormality, obesity, spasticity, and discomfort in
sensate patients, and unwillingness of patients to
perform frequent ISC due to comorbid conditions
or urethral anatomy
Titsworth et al (39); additional reference: (120) Routine bladder scanning and I&O catheterization are Original research report
preferred over indwelling catheters for treatment of
failure to void due to lower UTI risk
Topal et al (88); additional references: (14, 96) Initiate straight catheterization if spontaneously voids Original research report
in 2–4 h and PVR >250 mL
Initiate straight catheterization if no void in 4-6 h and
total bladder volume is >400 mL
Wong: Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract Condom catheter drainage may be useful for Evidence-based guideline
infections (14) incontinent male patients without outlet obstruction
and with an intact voiding reflex
ISCs in patients with bladder emptying dysfunction,
such as those with spinal cord injuries
ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists; BP = blood pressure; ED = emergency department; I&O = in-and-out; ICU = intensive care unit;
ISC = intermittent straight catheter; IV = intravenous; OR = operating room; PACU = postanesthesia care unit; PVR = post-void residual; UTI =
urinary tract infection.
S30 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015
Question 1: In this project, a multidisciplinary panel of experts rated the appropriateness of indwelling Foley cath-
eters for 105 clinical scenarios. Which of the following clinical indications were rated as appropriate uses for Foley
A: Post-void residual volume assessment
B: Collection of urinalysis sample to expedite work-up and treatment
C: Hourly measurement of urine volume is required to provide treatment
D: Foley placement to reduce risk for falls by minimizing the need to get up to urinate
E: Measurement of urine output in a patient after admission to the ICU
Question 2: In this project, a multidisciplinary panel of experts rated the appropriateness of external condom cath-
eters for 97 clinical scenarios. Which of the following clinical indications were rated as appropriate uses for external
A: Manage urinary incontinence in a delirious, uncooperative elderly male
B: Single 24-hour or random urine sample for diagnostic test when cannot be obtained by other urine collection
C: Chronic urinary retention without bladder outlet obstruction
D: External catheter placement to reduce risk for falls by minimizing the need to get up to urinate
E: Hourly measurement of urine volume is needed to provide treatment
Question 3: In this project, a multidisciplinary panel of experts rated the appropriateness of intermittent straight
catheterization (ISC) for 97 clinical scenarios. Which of the following clinical indications were rated as appropriate
uses for ISC?
A: Management of overflow urinary incontinence
B: Hourly measurement of urine volume is needed to provide treatment
C: Random urine sample collection for sterile or nonsterile samples if possible by other strategies
D: Acute urinary retention with bladder outlet obstruction due to acute bacterial prostatitis
E: Management of gross hematuria with blood clots in the urine
Question 4: Which of the following skin issues are appropriate uses for Foley catheters?
A: Management of incontinence-associated dermatitis
B: Stage II sacral pressure ulcer
C: Stage III, stage IV, or unstageable pressure ulcers or similarly severe wounds of other types that cannot be
kept clear of urinary incontinence despite other urinary management strategies
D: Prevention of pressure ulcer in patients assessed to be at high risk for pressure ulcers by the Braden Scale.
E: Prevention of incontinence-associated dermatitis in an elderly patient immobilized due to weakness
Question 5: Which of the following catheters increase a patient’s risk for urinary tract infection?
A: External condom catheter
B: Intermittent straight catheter
C: Suprapubic catheter
D: Foley catheter
E: All urinary catheters are associated with an increased risk for urinary tract infection
Question 6: Which of the following are infectious complications of Foley catheters?
A: Cystitis
B: Bacteremia
C: Septic arthritis
D: Clostridium difficile infection
E: All of the above are infectious complications that can occur due to urinary catheters Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S31
Question 7: What of the following conditions would be anticipated to cause acute urinary retention without bladder
outlet obstruction?
A: Exacerbation of benign prostatic hypertrophy
B: IV infusion with paralytic medication, such as cisatracurium, for patient on a mechanical ventilator
C: Inability to urinate after a urologic procedure
D: Bladder stones
E: Acute prostatitis
Question 8: What of the following are noninfectious complications of Foley catheters?
A: Accidental removal
B: Hematuria
C: Urethral stricture
D: False passage
E: All of the above are noninfectious complications that can occur with Foley catheters
Question 9: What is the relationship between incontinence-associated dermatitis and pressure ulcers?
A: Incontinence-associated dermatitis is a type of pressure ulcer
B: Incontinence-associated dermatitis that is considered moderate or severe has eroded skin, and thus is con-
sidered an open pressure ulcer
C: Incontinence-associated dermatitis can increase a patient’s risk for developing pressure ulcers
D: Incontinence-associated dermatitis in the sacrum is a “localized injury to the skin and/or tissue usually over a
body prominence”
E: Because a Foley catheter can prevent incontinence-associated dermatitis, Foley catheters are effective and
appropriate for prevention of pressure ulcers
Question 10: Which of the following statements are true regarding payment and/or public reporting for catheter-
associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs)?
A: U.S. hospitals receive a fine for each hospital-acquired CAUTI that occurs
B: Hospital rates of CAUTI that are reported on Medicare’s Hospital Compare Web site are from diagnoses
submitted by physicians for billing in administrative discharge data
C: Removal of payment for hospital-acquired CAUTI as a payable comorbidity in October 2008 resulted in large
reductions in hospital payment
D: Nonpayment and public reporting of CAUTIs has successfully eliminated CAUTI as an important patient safety
E: Hospital rates of CAUTI from the National Healthcare Safety Network are reported on Medicare’s Hospital
Compare Web site
Question 11: Which of the following is an appropriate indication for using a Foley catheter for a patient located in the
A: Monitoring of urine output because the patient was transferred to the ICU
B: Monitoring of hourly urine output is required to guide the titration of vasopressor intravenous medication for
a patient with sepsis
C: Prevention of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers because ICU patients are often at increased risk for pressure
D: All dying patients receiving “comfort care” need a Foley catheter
E: Convenience to manage urine during patient transport for tests
Question 12: Which of the following statements are true regarding catheter-associated complications?
A: Many noninfectious complications of short-term Foley catheterization are at least as common as clinically
significant urinary tract infections
B: CAUTIs are common but are easily treated with antibiotics
C: Dysuria in a catheterized patient is a symptom of urinary tract infection
D: External urinary catheters are not associated with any noninfectious complications
E: Patients with urinary catheters should be screened regularly with urine tests to detect and prompt early
treatment of CAUTI
Question 13: Which of the following is a strategy to reduce unnecessary placement of Foley catheters?
A: Nurse-empowered catheter removal protocols
B: Removing payment for placement of Foley catheters as a procedure
C: Restrict Foley catheter ordering by requiring physicians to identify the indication for placement from a list of
appropriate indications
D: Require documentation of the reason for Foley placement
E: Placing catheter orders in admission order sets for patients admitted to the ICU
S32 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015 S33
Question 20: A thin elderly man with dementia and dehydration is admitted to a non-ICU bed while awaiting
placement in a nursing home. He has urinary incontinence, and his nurses are frustrated because he keeps pulling
his IVs and is not the easiest person to turn for skin care because he is confused. Which urinary management strategy
is most appropriate?
A: Foley catheter
B: External catheter
C: Intermittent straight catheter
D: Noncatheter strategies, such as prompted toileting and incontinence garments or pads
Question 21: A patient is going to be transported to radiology for a chest CT scan, and the nurse requests a Foley
to prevent urinary incontinence while away from his room. Which of the following statements regarding urinary
management strategies is NOT appropriate to address the concern for urinary incontinence while transporting for a
radiology test?
A: Foley catheters are appropriate to improve convenience of the patient and/or transport staff when off the
floor for radiology tests, even when the patient does not require a Foley catheter while in their patient room
B: Incontinence garment or pads
C: Prompted toileting using urinal, bedpan, or commode
D: External catheter
Question 22: Mrs. Smith is admitted for a work-up for syncope. She assessed to be at increased risk for falls based
on unsteady gait and recent syncope. A Foley catheter is requested by her nursing team to reduce her risk for falls
by minimizing the need for the patient to get out of bed to urinate. Which of the following statements correctly
describe a potential risk and/or benefits of the Foley to the patient?
A: Foley catheter placement would be beneficial because patients with urinary catheters are less likely to fall
than patients without urinary catheters
B: Foley catheters are important patient safety devices because they keep patients in bed that should stay in bed
C: Foley catheters can increase the patient’s risk of falling (by tripping over the catheter), and other risks of
immobility, such as venous thromboembolism and pressure ulcers, because the catheter can serve as a
“one-point restraint”
D: Foley catheter–associated UTIs are not serious compared with the risk for a fall, so Foley catheter placement
is appropriate
E: Males are at increased risk from mechanical injury related to placement of a urinary catheter, unlike females
Question 23: Mr. Williams is admitted for sepsis, and is being treated with large quantities of IV fluids, vasopressors,
and antibiotics. He has not voided since admission and has no history of renal failure or anuria. Which of the
following are appropriate urinary management strategies?
A: External catheter
B: Intermittent straight catheter
C: Noncatheter strategies, such as urinals, bedside commodes, and prompted toileting
D: Foley catheter
Question 24: Which of the following is NOT a possible complication from use of an external urinary catheter?
A: Urinary tract infection
B: Skin irritation
C: Urethral stricture
D: Allergic reaction
E: Skin necrosis, penile strangulation, and urethrocutaneous fistula
S34 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 162 No. 9 (Supplement) • 5 May 2015