Schools of Thought
2. I believe people choose to live meaningful lives. I share many of the same
beliefs as Carl Rogers. Most important, I believe many people have the
ability to reach self-actualization. Who am I?
(A) Wertheimer
(B) Skinner
(C) Maslow
(D) Terman
(E) Seligman
5. Psychology is considered a science mainly because it relies on direct
observation. Which field of psychology supports this?
(A) Behaviorism
(B) Psychodynamic psychology
(C) Social psychology
(D) Cognitive psychology
(E) Structuralism
11. “Give me a dozen healthy infants and my own special world to bring
them up in, and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to
become any type of specialist, . . . lawyer, doctor . . .” What psychological
approach would support this statement?
(A) Cognitive
(B) Structural
(C) Functional
(D) Behavioral
(E) Psychoanalytic
15. Clients who work with their therapists to explore their past to discover the
source of their illness would be seeking what type of therapy?
(A) Psychoanalytic
(B) Humanist
(C) Cognitive
(D) Eclectic
(E) Behavioral